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21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 · 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 ......

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© Heide Museum of Modern Art 2015 21st Century Heide - Learning Materials Page 1 of 15 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 About this education resource This resource has been designed by Heide Education to complement the Visual Arts curriculum for middle to senior secondary years. The lesson plans included are structured to support: The Australian Curriculum; The Arts, and the Victorian Certificate of Education; Art, Studio Art and Visual Communication Design. It has relevance to content descriptions in the Making and Responding strands that emphasise consideration of the broader contexts of artworks, such as the social, cultural and historical contexts and the role of the artist and audience. It presents a range of contemporary artworks that can be explored through applying the skills of analysis and aesthetic understanding. © 2015 Heide Museum of Modern Art. This material may be downloaded, copied, used and communicated free of charge for non-commercial educational purposes provided all acknowledgements are retained. Year levels: 7 to 12 Topics: Contemporary Art, Sculpture, Photography Teachers are encouraged to use this resource as a guide and adapt material as necessary to suit their individual students learning requirements. The 21st Century Heide PowerPoint slides include images and key information for display on an interactive whiteboard or via a laptop and data projector. In the notes section you will find information that provides background and greater context to support your teaching and for student learning in relation to the exhibition 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000. Table of Contents Contemporary Photography 2 Exploring Contemporary Sculpture 6 Look at the sculpture I found! 8 Installing Contemporary Art: Callum Morton 10 Heide Education Programs 15

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21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 About this education resource This resource has been designed by Heide Education to complement the Visual Arts curriculum for middle to senior secondary years. The lesson plans included are structured to support: The Australian Curriculum; The Arts, and the Victorian Certificate of Education; Art, Studio Art and Visual Communication Design. It has relevance to content descriptions in the Making and Responding strands that emphasise consideration of the broader contexts of artworks, such as the social, cultural and historical contexts and the role of the artist and audience. It presents a range of contemporary artworks that can be explored through applying the skills of analysis and aesthetic understanding. © 2015 Heide Museum of Modern Art. This material may be downloaded, copied, used and communicated free of charge for non-commercial educational purposes provided all acknowledgements are retained. Year levels: 7 to 12 Topics: Contemporary Art, Sculpture, Photography Teachers are encouraged to use this resource as a guide and adapt material as necessary to suit their individual students learning requirements. The 21st Century Heide PowerPoint slides include images and key information for display on an interactive whiteboard or via a laptop and data projector. In the notes section you will find information that provides background and greater context to support your teaching and for student learning in relation to the exhibition 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000.

Table of Contents

Contemporary Photography 2

Exploring Contemporary Sculpture 6

Look at the sculpture I found! 8

Installing Contemporary Art: Callum Morton 10

Heide Education Programs 15

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Contemporary Photography Recommended for: Students undertaking Photography or Photo media units Curriculum Links: Australian Curriculum: Visual Arts Years 9 and 10

Students build on their awareness of how and why artists, craftspeople and designers realise their ideas through different visual representations, practices, processes and viewpoints.

VCE Art Unit 1 Area of Study 1: Art and Meaning Students analyse and interpret artworks using Analytical Frameworks. Students learn that the analysis of an artwork’s formal qualities using the Formal Framework can enhance their understanding and interpretation of artworks. VCE Studio Arts Unit 2 Area of Study 2: Ideas and styles in artworks Students analyse artworks from different times and cultures in order to understand how art elements and principles are used to communicate artists’ ideas, and create aesthetic qualities and identifiable styles.

Exhibition link: 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 Saturday 28 March to Sunday 14 June 2015

Curators: Linda Michael, Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan Heide I, II and III, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne

Take 5 minutes to closely and carefully look at each photograph. Record your initial response, What meanings and ideas does each artwork suggest to you? What questions does each photograph raise in your mind? If you are exploring the exhibition 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 don’t forget to use a pencil in the galleries. You can take your own photographs of the exhibition without flash.

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Daniel Crooks Portrait #2 (Chris) 2007 digital lambda print 102 x 102 cm Purchased with funds from the Robert Salzer Foundation and the Truby and Florence Williams Charitable Trust, ANZ Trustees 2012

Jacky Redgate Light Throw (Mirrors) #2 2009 chromogenic print 126 x 158 cm Purchased with funds from the Robert Salzer Foundation and the Truby and Florence Williams Charitable Trust, ANZ Trustees 2013 David Thomas Semi-transparent Monochrome in Time and Space 2005 enamel on photograph on dibond 100 x 150 cm Gift of David Thomas 2014

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Visual Analysis

Daniel Crooks Jacky Redgate David Thomas

Title: Year:

Media: Dimensions:


What can you see? Describe the subject matter.

Where does your eye settle when first looking at the photograph? Why? Where does your eye move next?

What are the planes/regions of the photograph (i.e. dividing, horizontal or vertical lines)?

What first attracts your attention in this artwork?

What has the artist emphasised visually?

Which of the art elements and principles best describe this work?


Lighting can contribute to the mood and dramatic effect of an image, as well as make it visible in the first place. Draw a tonal thumbnail sketch of the photograph illustrating where the areas of lightness and darkness are.

How does the photograph make use of light? Did the photographer use natural, available, or artificial light?

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Does the photographer's use of light or shadow create or add meaning in the image? Does lighting help achieve the overall effect in the photograph?

Think about why the photographer might have used light or shadow in a particular way. What is significant about what is light in the photograph? What is significant about what is dark in the photograph? How do these light values draw attention to details in the photograph? How do they obscure details?

Focus and Depth of Field

Observe the composition of each photograph. What is in the foreground of the photograph? What is in the background of the photograph? What is sharply in focus? What is blurry or out of focus? What details are emphasised or obscured by these techniques?

Framing and Cropping

What framing devices, compositional devices and visual techniques have been used to create balance and interest in the work? Consider vantage point, distance from subject, close up, middle distance and long distance views, the central placement of an image or object, use of space, and use of the picture plane.

Is the photograph an open or closed composition?

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Exploring Contemporary Sculpture Recommended for: Students undertaking Visual Arts and Sculpture units Curriculum Links: Australian Curriculum: Visual Arts Years 7 and 8

Students extend their thinking, understanding and use of perceptual and conceptual skills. They continue to use and apply appropriate visual language and visual conventions with increasing complexity. Students consider the qualities and sustainable properties of materials, techniques, technologies and processes and combine these to create and produce solutions to their artworks.

Teachers can adapt these learning activities to engage Years 5 to 6 or 9 to 10

Exhibition link: 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 Saturday 28 March to Sunday 14 June 2015

Curators: Linda Michael, Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan Heide I, II and III, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne

To complete this research assignment, find a sculpture that you find interesting and unique. It might be an artwork that confuses you or that you find challenging to understand. At Heide Explore the exhibition 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000. Select a sculpture to research and makes some notes from your initial observations.

Don’t forget to use a pencil in the galleries

You can take your own photographs of the exhibition without flash

At School Look through the 21st Century Heide PowerPoint presentation to choose your sculpture.

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Jan Nelson Listening to Music Played Backwards (Hazelwood) 2006 alpha system, oil paint, polyurethane, vinyl 75 x 210 cm Gift of Jan Nelson 2012

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Look at the sculpture I found!

Research your chosen artwork and artist to answer the following questions in complete sentences. Create a poster in your visual diary to present the information about the sculpture that you have found.

Remember questions worth more marks mean more detailed answers (approximately 1 mark = 1 sentence)

Title: Artist: Year: Media: Dimensions:

Questions Marks


Introduce your chosen artwork. Give the title, date it was completed, media, size and the collection it is in. You will usually find this information in small writing near the artwork or an image of your selected artwork. /2

Identify how the sculpture was made – cast, constructed, modelled etc. Is it free standing, site-specific, a kinetic sculpture? /5

Describe the sculpture in detail. What is the subject matter? In other words what is it about? Describe all the things that can be seen and where they are located in the work. How have the materials been used? Which areas in the sculpture are connected? /8

What do you see first when you look at the sculpture? What do you think the main focal point is? What makes it stand out? It could be the material, the size, the colour – What leads your eye to this part of the sculpture? /3

Describe the mood or feeling that the artwork creates for you. At Heide spend 2 minutes silently looking at your sculpture At School have a close look at the dimensions of the sculpture and try to imagine standing next to it Does the sculpture have colours that make you feel happy? Does it incorporate wires that create a tense atmosphere? Remember there is no right or wrong answer, it is subjective. /8


Give the name of the artist and some background information. (Briefly mention some important details about their life eg: when they lived, art training, major exhibitions or prizes, the type of work they did – did they just make sculptures? Or did they work in other media as well?) To be written in your own words. /8

In your opinion what do you think was the artist’s intention in creating this artwork? In other words what do think the artist was trying to say or express in this artwork? /3

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Complete a detailed drawing of your sculpture. /3

Finally, why did you choose this particular artwork? Did you like a particular element, did something about it appeal to you? Give three reasons why you chose this sculpture to research. /3

Bibliography, make a list of resources that you used to complete this task /2

Presentation. Your Look at the sculpture I found…! research task is complete, including

All questions are completed in full sentences.

All work is neatly written or printed out and stuck in your visual diary.

You have included a hand drawn image of your sculpture /5

Self-evaluation What was the most interesting thing that you learnt whilst completing this task? What would you like your teacher to notice about your work?


Teacher’s comments

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Installing Contemporary Art: Callum Morton Recommended for: VCE Studio Arts students Curriculum Links: Studio Arts Unit 4 Outcome 3: Art Industry Contexts

Students examine and explain the preparation and presentation of artworks in different exhibition spaces, and discuss the various roles, processes and methods involved in the exhibition of artworks.

Exhibition link: 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 Saturday 28 March to Sunday 14 June 2015

Curators: Linda Michael, Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan Heide I, II and III, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne

Callum Morton

One to One 2011 polystyrene, epoxy resin, steel, sand, wood, synthetic polymer paint, sound, light

335 x 256 x 132 cm Gift of Callum Morton 2013

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Callum Morton created the sculpture One to One for his retrospective exhibition Callum Morton: In Memoriam at Heide Museum of Modern Art in 2011. In 2015, the artwork is being presented as part of the exhibition 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000. This sculpture is identical to the fireplace in John and Sunday Reed’s home Heide II, to the north of this gallery, where they lived from 1967 to 1980. Designed by architect David McGlashan, this house connects to a stream of architectural modernity that is reworked across Morton’s oeuvre. With the appearance of a tomb and the function of a crematorium, it is one of a family of monuments by the artist—monuments to various outmoded or ignored urban structures, to personal losses, or to the death of capital or modernist ideals. In this work the sound emanates from the fireplace at the heart of Heide II, often referred to as the ‘conversation pit’. This particular soundtrack has been extracted from an interview with John and Sunday Reed in the last year they lived in the house, a year before their deaths in 1981. The artist donated this artwork to the museum after his retrospective exhibition. Heide MoMA is a public art museum that operates as a not-for profit institution. The museum primarily acquires artworks for the collection through grant applications, funding from state and federal government bodies and from donations including gifts of artworks from artists. One to One 2011 entered the Heide collection in 2013. Heide’s collection of artworks and archives is housed at the museum as well as at an off-site storage facility. Just like the regulated environmental conditions of the gallery space, storage spaces for artworks must have controlled lighting, temperature and humidity for conservation. Contemporary artworks, such as Callum Morton’s One to One pose challenges for how the museum can store and care for large-scale artworks. For the 2011 retrospective exhibition, the sculpture One to One was installed in the gallery space where the artist built the artwork. At the end of the exhibition the Callum Morton was involved in dismantling his artwork so that it could be stored. When the curators decided to exhibit this sculpture as a part of 21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 the museum contacted the artist to ensure he was available to re-install the artwork. THINK ABOUT What does the museum need to consider when preparing and presenting an artwork such as Callum Morton’s One to One? Annotate the photographs documenting Callum Morton installing his artwork with your observations.

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21st Century Heide: The Collection Since 2000 2015 installation view

Heide III, Heide Museum of Modern Art Photograph: Christian Capurro

Callum Morton

One to One 2011 polystyrene, epoxy resin, steel, sand,

wood, synthetic polymer paint, sound, light 335 x 256 x 132 cm

Gift of Callum Morton 2013

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Heide Education Programs Student programs Heide’s offers a range of education programs that draw on its unique mix of exhibitions, architecture and landscape to provide a rich learning experience that goes beyond the classroom. A visit to Heide:

provides a stimulating environment which helps to put learning into context, and promotes an understanding and appreciation of our rich, cultural heritage

encourages motivation, by stirring curiosity and developing an intrinsic fascination for art that can only be satisfied by firsthand experience

supports students to make cross-curricular links between different subject areas

greatly benefits students who learn best through kinaesthetic activities

nurtures creativity and enables social learning

provides learning through experience and interaction which encourages students to build on prior expectations and beliefs to create new realities

is a cultural experience that all pupils can enjoy Looking at original works of art with a suitably trained educator encourages the development of the following skills:

literacy: by encouraging discussion and extending vocabulary

observation: by focusing concentration on detail

critical thinking: by demanding questions and informed conclusions

reflection: by considering rationales behind thinking processes All education programming and resources at Heide align with the Australian Curriculum, AusVELS curriculum frameworks and VCE Study Designs.

Bookings Bookings are essential for all programs. For more information or a booking form visit heide.com.au/education/school-visits/or contact Heide Education: (03) 9850 1500 [email protected] Keep up to date with the latest Heide Education news and special offers by subscribing to the Heide Education e-bulletin at heide.com.au/subscribe

Heide Museum of Modern Art 7 Templestowe Road

Bulleen VIC 3105 T 03 9850 1500

heide.com.au Open daily 10am–5pm

Closed Mondays (except public holidays)

Teacher Professional Development Heide offers a range of professional development programs for teachers of all year levels, including lectures, guided tours and workshops. Programs are designed to meet the VIT Standards of Professional Practice and Principles for Effective Professional Learning.
