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2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus

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  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    State of the Chamber

    A Strong Voice or Business


    For more than a century, the LansingRegional Chamber o Commerce(LRCC) has served as the voice o pro-business ideals in the Greater Lansingregion. Through the years, LRCC hasworked with public and private sectorpartners to promote a avorable climate

    or economic growth and job creationin our community.

    In the annals o Chamber history, 2011may be remembered as the year inwhich LRCC was able to successullyengage its membership and thebroader community in a collaborativeeort to change the nature o the publicdiscussion and outcome o criticalissues that aect our region.

    It was evident in our discussions withnumerous partners throughout theregion that a small minority o electedocials were having a disproportionate negativeimpact and promoting policies that hinder jobgrowth and investment, said LRCC presidentand CEO Tim Daman. We knew that things hadto change and that was going to require a newapproach with a higher level o involvement rom

    individual Chamber members and many otherorganizations across the region.

    What resulted was an issue advocacy campaignknown as Greater Lansing Progress (GLP), abroad-based community coalition that representeda rst o its kind eort to uniy the communityaround a common vision o greatness. GLPwas designed in part to promote a communityconversation to dene and work towards progress

    in the region. The group also intended to work toidentiy and support elected ocials who shared itsvision or the community.

    Working with GLP and the Lansing RegionalChamber Political Action Committee (LRC-PAC),the Chamber was successul in backing severalcandidates or oce, including Lansing City Counciland the Lansing School Board. The outcome o the2011 election was much more than who won andwho lost, but also a clear signal that the businesscommunity intends to have a greater impact onthe local election scene in coming years. For theLansing Regional Chamber, 2011 represented thecontinuation o a series o election successes inrecent years.

    LRC-PAC endorsed candidates have beensuccessul in 38 o 45 elections over the pastthree years, said Kristin Beltzer, LRCC senior vice

    president or government relations and public aairs.We are making a dierence, and recognizing thatlocal elected ocials are seeking out our opinionand expressing a greater willingness to work withus on important issues.

    Supporting Regional Initiatives

    Another important development in the past year has

    been the growing trend among local governmentto support a more regional approach to publicservices, which LRCC has been a leader inadvocating or several years. The Chamber, LEAPand Michigan State University are strong supporterso a regional Emergency Services Study. The study,

    which is expected to be completed inApril 2012, will seek to identiy urtherconsolidation opportunities or emergencyservices delivery involving Lansing, EastLansing and our townships.

    Two recent regionalism developmentsthat were applauded by LRCC were the

    decisions to name a joint re chie or theLansing/East Lansing re departments,and the creation o the Looking GlassRegional Fire Authority consolidating reand ambulance services between Delta,Watertown and Eagle Townships.

    International ProgramContinues Growth

    2011 also marked the continued growtho the Chambers international businessservices initiative, which is helping

    regional businesses identiy and secure new globalmarket opportunities.

    The rst substantial international shipments omaterials were recorded through Port Lansingdirectly utilizing the Foreign Trade Zone program at

    Capital Region International Airport.

    LRCC was also named one o just ourorganizations in Michigan to help lead a statewideinitiative to help Michigan businesses signicantlyincrease exports around the world. The MichiganEconomic Development Corporation (MEDC) haslaunched the statewide eort, called Pure MichiganState Trade and Export Program, which is intendedto assist companies start or improve exporting

    activities.The other exciting development that shouldencourage growth occurred late in 2011 whenThe Capital Region International Airports PortLansing Global Logistics Centre was granted NextMichigan status by the Michigan Strategic Fund.The Next Michigan designation provides access tosignicant state economic incentive opportunitiesto assist the Capital Region Airport Authority inrecruiting businesses that create new jobs in theMid-Michigan area.

    The word is spreading, said Brent Case, LRCCvice president o international business. Our regionhas all the tools needed to support substantialgrowth in international trade.

    The Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce team, seated (l-r); Cynthia

    Eiseler, Jason Green, Michelle Rahl, Kristin Beltzer and Brent Case. Backrow, (l-r): Tony DeLuca, Martha Howley, Kari Smith, Tim Daman, HannaVon Achen, Peggy Luckhurst and Maeve MacDonald.

    2011 ma be remembered as the

    ear in which LRCC was able to

    successfull engage its membership

    and the broader communit in a

    collaborative effort to change the

    nature of the public discussion and

    outcome of critical issues that affect

    our region.

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    Tim DamanPresident and CEO

    Lansing Regional

    Chamber o Commerce

    I my pc 2011 w

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    This month we are departing rom our usual ormat or FOCUS mag-

    azine so we could take advantage o the visibility o the magazine to

    present our members with our Annual Report. Our team elt that the

    State o the Chamber as you will read in the pages o FOCUS was

    the best way to update our members on our priority programs and

    initiatives, as well as the numerous events we produce annually.

    In many respects 2011 was a continuation o our ambitious eortso the past 36 months in which we have realigned the Chambers

    programs and services to better meet the needs o our members and

    the Greater Lansing region.

    I could not be more pleased with the progress your Chamber has

    made in the last three years. Weve created an exciting international

    services division which is leading regional businesses into the new

    rontiers o the global marketplace. Our government relations team

    has taken our advocacy eorts to an entirely new level with both

    state and local governments. Our events team is producing close to60 high quality programs or our members each year, including the

    Economic Club which is setting attendance records, Annual Dinner,

    Lansing Open, the Healthcare Forum, Chamber 360 and our popu-

    lar monthly member mixers.

    It is also our intention to keep the momentum going. Governor Sny-

    der has our state moving in a positive direction and has an ambi-

    tious agenda to keep us moving orward. Locally, the Chamber will

    be heavily involved in promoting international trade, continued re-

    gional consolidation and sharing o government services, the 2012state and local elections, and a host o other important initiatives.

    I encourage you to read through the pages o FOCUS this month

    to learn more. This is our Annual Report Card. I hope youll agree

    that the Chamber and our region have earned good grades and are

    moving in a positive direction.

    A MessageFrom The President


    Our Annual Report Card2012

    Board o Directors


    Nanc McKeagueMichigan Hospital Association

    PAST CHAIRRon Simon

    Auto-Owners Insurance

    CHAIR ELECTPaula Cunningham

    Capitol National Bank


    Hicks & Mullett, PLLC

    TREASURERJeff Fineis

    Andrews Hooper and Pavlik

    PRESIDENTTim Daman

    Lansing Regional Chamber

    Diision DirectorsINTL BUSINESS SERvICES

    Jean SchtokalFoster, Swift, Collins and Smith, P.C.

    GOvERNmENT RELATIONSKevin McKinneMcKinney & Associates


    Netvantage Marketing

    mEmBERSHIP SERvICESDeb Muchmore

    Marketing Resource Group



    Ross Woodstock

    PRINTINGSpartan Printing, Inc.

    mAILINGHot Prospects Direct

    COvER PHOTOCourtes of

    Trumpie Photograph

    Lon BohannonNeogen

    Patrick DeanDean Transportation

    Pat GillespieGillespie Group

    Heather Shawa-DeCookDemmer Corporation

    J. Peter LarkLansing Board of Water and Light

    Dennis SwanSparrow Health Systems (2007)

    John BrownJackson National Life Insurance

    Bill KimbleC2AE

    Sean KirkEmergent Biosolutions

    Dave MulderMeijer, Inc.

    Tim SalisburPNC Bank

    Ran VartoogianSpartan Internet Consulting

    David BakerFarm Bureau Insurance

    Melanie BergeronTwo Men & A Truck

    Leslie BroganComcast

    Mark BurnhamMichigan State University

    Steve RenoldsAccident Fund Insurance Co.

    Jason SandersFifth Third Bank

    Accident Fund ......................................10

    Blue Cross Blue Shield ..........................16

    C2AE ......................................................15

    Capital Area Michigan Works ...............5

    Granger ...................................................7

    LSJ Media ..............................................11

    M3 Group ..............................................10

    MSUFCU ...................................................9

    PHP .........................................................13

    Sparrow ..................................................14


  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    Tuesday, april 10 MeMber MIxer, 5 - 7p.m., Logicalis, 2469 Woodlake Circle, Ste. 100,Okemos, MI 48864. $10 member, $30 non-member. Includes hors doeuvres.

    Wednesday, april 11 DeLta GovernMentreLatIons CoMMIttee, 8 9 a.m. DeltaTownship District Library, 5130 Davenport Drive,

    Lansing, MI 48917. The Delta GovernmentRelations Committee meets the rst Wednesdayo each month to provide a orum or businessleaders to discuss important issues aectingDelta Township. To ensure adequate seating,please RSVP to Jason Green at [email protected].

    Wednesday, april 18 east LansInG/MerIDIan GovernMent reLatIons CoMMIttee,

    8 9 a.m. East Lansing Technology InnovationCenter (TIC), 325 E. Grand River, Suite 300, EastLansing, MI 48823 The East Lansing/ MeridianGovernment Relations Committee meets the thirdWednesday o each month to provide a orumor business leaders to discuss important issuesaecting East Lansing/Meridian Township. Toensure adequate seating, please RSVP to JasonGreen at [email protected].

    Thursday, april 19eConoMIC CLub, 11:30a.m. 1:30 p.m., Kellogg Hotel & ConerenceCenter, East Lansing. Speaker: Howdy S. Holmes,President and CEO, Chelsea Milling Co. (JiyMix). Program begins at noon; please arriveearly or registration & networking. Single tickets$40, or tables o 8 $300 (includes lunch). Pre-registration is required. To register or this event

    please visit www.lansingchamber.org.

    Wednesday, May 2 DeLta GovernMent

    reLatIons CoMMIttee, 8 9 a.m. LexingtonLansing Hotel, 925 S. Creyts Rd., Lansing,MI 48917. The Delta Government RelationsCommittee meets the rst Wednesday o eachmonth to provide a orum or business leaders todiscuss important issues aecting Delta Township.To ensure adequate seating, please RSVP to Jason

    Green at [email protected].

    Tuesday, May 8MeMber MIxer, 5 - 7 p.m.,Lexington Lansing Hotel, 925 S. Creyts Rd.,Lansing, MI 48917. $10 member, $30 non-member. Includes hors doeuvres.

    Thursday, May 10 eConoMIC CLub, 11:30a.m. 1:30 p.m., Kellogg Hotel & Conerence

    Center, East Lansing. Regional Discussion,Education. Sponsored by: Fahey, Schultz, Burzych,Rhodes. Program begins at noon; please arriveearly or registration & networking. Single tickets$40, or tables o 8 $300 (includes lunch). Pre-registration is required. To register or this eventplease visit www.lansingchamber.org.

    Wednesday, May 16east LansInG / MerIDIanGovernMent reLatIons CoMMIttee, 8 9a.m. Hampton Inn & Suites, 2200 HamptonPlace, Okemos, MI 48864 The East Lansing/Meridian Government Relations Committee meetsthe third Wednesday o each month to provide aorum or business leaders to discuss importantissues aecting East Lansing/Meridian Township.To ensure adequate seating, please RSVP to JasonGreen at [email protected].

    Eent cost is coplientary or these enhanced ebership leels:

    Bronze Gold Silver Platinum Wednesday, June 13, 2012Eastwood Towne Center

    5 p.m. 8p.m.

    Pre-sale: $20 per person/2or $35

    Night of: $25 per person/2or $40

    Tickets available at:


    Eastwood Towne CenterOfce

    News &Events


  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus




    2012 Goals

    The Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce(LRCC), working in partnership with Capital

    Region Airport Authority enjoyed the dividendso a multi-year eort to develop an internationalcargo program in the region. The rst internationalshipments o materials through Port Lansingand the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) located atCapital Region International Airport occurred inSeptember.


    Lansing region

    Promote the Next Michigan Development District/

    commercial park.

    Promote the new warehouse facility and secure



    subzone projects.


    orwarders, port ocials, customs brokers, etc. inconjunction with STEP/LRCC mission.


    regional business leaders.

    2011 Highlights

    The seal is broken on the rst international shipment o materials received through Port Lansing and the Foreign

    Trade Zone.

    The General Purpose Zone, located at the airport,was activated in December 2012 and is now being

    utilized and nearing capacity. The GPZ allows ormultiple companies to more quickly and easilyaccess the benets o the Foreign Trade Zone.

    The Capital Region Airport Authority took additionalsteps to boost the international program byapproving construction o a new warehouse atthe Airport, which has already attracted a great

    deal o interest among companies involved ininternational shipments. The warehouse willinclude the GPZ, import/export incubator space,and an export consolidation center.

    Closely tied to the development Port Lansing/

    FTZ was the ability o the region to win theNext Michigan designation rom the MichiganEconomic Development Corporation (MEDC). TheMEDC program will allow economic incentivesto corporations locating in the designated areanear the Airport. A collaboration between theAirport, City o Lansing, and DeWitt Township,inconjunction with LRCC, LEAP and the MEDCwill market the program nationally and globally toattract new international businesses to the region.

    The Chambers International Services programwas urther strengthened in 2011 as a result othe opportunity or LRCC to help lead a statewideexporting initiative. The Pure Michigan STEP(State Trade & Export Program) is providesnancial assistance to companies seeking entryand expansion into oreign markets. MEDC hashired a ull-time international trade manager towork with LRCC to oversee the STEP initiative. In

    early 2012, Bekum America o Williamston wasthe rst company in the region to take advantageo the STEP opportunity. Bekum secured a grant tohelp und a trip to India to attend PLASTINDIA, thethird largest plastics show in the world, openingthe door to a promising new trade relationship.

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus


    2012 Goals

    Increase member participation and savings in Chamber benets


    Complete membership research project and begin to implement


    Continue developing membership investment and sponsorship

    packages that deliver maximum value and return to members. Successfullyrecruit240newChambermembers.

    Increase membership retention levels to 90 percent by improving

    membership relations and educating members on maximizing memberbenets and investment.

    The Chamber places a premium on providing services that deliver value to our

    members. As a Chamber member, your organization is entitled to participate

    in any o our special benets programs that oer savings on valued programs

    and services.

    The Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce welcomed 176 businesses

    to our growing membership base and nished 2011 with 1,147 members.

    Retention levels topped 81 percent, demonstrating the high return on

    investment the Chamber is delivering to our members.

    Hundreds o our member organizations have taken advantage o the

    outstanding health insurance coverage oered through the Chamber by Blue

    Cross Blue Shield o Michigan. Your group contract in the Chamber program

    includes ree direct billing and administration assistance.

    Chamber members that participated in the Accident Fund Insurance Company

    o Americas workers compensation coverage were able to share $171,171

    in dividend payouts in 2011. The dividends averaged $740 and were paid

    out to 162 participants. The LRCC/Accident Fund program allows participating

    members a 5 percent up-ront premium savings in addition to a dividend

    when the group perorms well.

    2011 Highlights





    1 - 5 emp

    6 - 15 emp

    16 - 50 emp

    51 - 100 emp> 100 emp

    Mmhip Dmgphic



  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus




    2011 Highlights

    The year began with optimism surrounding the new administration in Lansing.Governor Rick Snyders administration immediately proposed aggressivenew tax, regulatory and budget reorms designed to encourage a long-term,sustainable climate or economic growth. The Lansing Regional Chamber oCommerce (LRCC) endorsed the Governors tax plan, which was eventuallypassed by the legislature.

    The issue o unding or the Facility or Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) plannedat Michigan State University was a topic o concern throughout the year. InFebruary, members o the Capital Caucus, in attendance at the Chambers Mid-

    Michigan Delegation Breakast assured Chamber members they are committedto securing needed state support or FRIB.

    The Chambers most challenging battles came as the result o troublingattempts by some local ocials to orce the adoption o public policies thathinder job growth and investment. Ingham County adopted a so-calledPollution Prevention ordinance that imposes costly and duplicative regulationson businesses that handle household materials. The Chamber was successulin working with the County Commission to soten some provisions o theordinance prior to nal adoption.

    Lansing City Council drew widespread condemnation or a series o anti-growthpolicy votes. A survey o Lansing voters sponsored by the Chamber showedthat voters gave the Council a D+ or its handling o issues voters consideredimportant.

    LRCC combined with the grass roots organization, Greater Lansing Progress tosupport candidates or City Council in an attempt to end the history o inghtingand bickering. Though City Council incumbents Carol Wood and DerrickQuinney won reelection to oce, newcomers Rory Neuner and Thomas Stewartmade extremely strong showings at the polls, which refected a level o voterunrest with politics as usual in Lansing City Hall.

    Following the election Chamber ocials expressed a desire to join together withLansing City Council and Mayor Bernero and begin a new era o cooperation.

    We should all recognize that this election has changed the dialogue in Lansingand everyone involved needs to approach the uture with a willingness to putthe interests o the region rst and end the negative partisan bickering, saidKristin Beltzer, LRCC senior vice president or government relations and publicpolicy.

    Lawmakers at the Mid-Michigan Delegation Breakast in unanimous support or FRIB unding, l-r: Rep. Joan Bauer, Sen. Judy Emmons, Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Rick Jones, Rep.

    Paul Opsommer, Rep. Deb Shaughnessy, Sen. Joe Hune and moderator Kevin McKinney.

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus


    2012 Goals

    In partnership with LRC-PAC, recruit and support candidates that

    share the Chambers principles o economic growth, job creation, probusiness philosophy and regulatory climate. Races o emphasis:- Townships (Delta, Meridian, Delhi, Lansing)- County Commissions (Ingham, Eaton, Clinton)- State Legislature



    Governmental Benchmarking Studies.

    Communicate and continue development of positive working

    relationships with all elected ocials.



    MonitorandassesstheeconomicimpacttoChambermembersonpublic policy issues at the local, state and ederal levels.

    The Chamber government relations team was

    also activel involved in supporting several other

    critical issues at the local, state and federal levels










    LRCC also worked in opposition to:









  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus


    WelcomeNew Members

    Thank YouRenewing Members


    Please remember to use the member login portion o the Chamber website to keep your contact inormation up-to-date.

    This will ensure that you receive all Chamber communications in a timely manner. Contact us at 517.487.6340 i you have

    any questions or are not receiving our communications.

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    Bagger Daves Legendary Burger Tavern

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    Food Express Market

    Grandair AviationVictory Liquor

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    Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project, Inc.

    Soapy Joes Auto Wash

    Spare Time Family Entertainment Center

    Superior Services RSH Inc.

    Thats How We Roll Tobacco Shop

    Union National Mortgage

    Capitol National Bank

    The Greater Lansing Business Monthly

    Marketing Resource Group, Inc.

    Mid-Michigan BuildingOwners & Managers Assoc. Inc.

    Patterson Veterinary Hospital, LLP

    Great Lakes Christian Homes

    Lansing Transmission Co.


    Boji GroupMichigan Gastroenterology Institute

    Matrix Consulting Engineers, Inc.

    Polack Corporation (The)

    Hot Traxx Entertainment

    Verizon Wireless

    Dowding Industries

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    advertising | marketing | public relations | product placement | aha moments

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



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    Wed like to oer a special salute to these

    great organizations that reached milestoneanniversaries as Chamber members this

    month. Thank you or your continued

    support through the years!

    Capitol National Bank30 years

    The Greater LansingBusiness Monthl

    25 years

    Marketing Resource

    Group, Inc.20 years

    Mid-Michigan Building Owners &

    Managers Assoc.20 years

    Patterson Veterinar Hospital20 years

    Great Lakes Christian Homes20 years

    Lansing Transmission Co.15 years

    Firstbank15 years

    Boji Group15 years

    Michigan Gastroenterolog Institute5 years

    Matrix Consulting Engineers5 years

    The Polack Corporation5 years

    Hot Traxx Entertainment5 years

    Verizon Wireless

    5 years

    Dowding Industries5 years

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    Eventsand Programming


    2011 Highlights

    2012 Goals


    ACCOMPLISHED!!! Thank you to our great Chamber members or a wonderul evening).



    Consistently execute the nest quality events throughoutthe year includingthe business

    networking and education programs throughout the year, Celebration o Regional Growth,Lansing Open, Member Mixers, Healthcare Symposium, ATHENA Luncheon, and Chamber360.

    The Lansing Regional Chamber Economic Club scored a major coupin March when Governor Rick Snyder agreed to speak beore a recordturnout o more than 800 at the Lansing Center. Powered by a dynamicroster o speakers, the Economic Club enjoyed its strongest attendanceever in 2011. Among the many highlights was the decision to incorporatethe sixth annual Celebration o Regional Growth awards into theNovember Economic Club orum, to great success. Four organizationswere recognized or their investment in the region: Dowding Industries,Biggby Coee, Gillespie Group and Air Lit Company (International TradeAward).

    The Lansing Regional Chamber celebrated its 99th Annual Dinner inFebruary with more than 700 people in attendance at the Kellogg Hoteland Conerence Center. Honorees included: Lupe Izzo (CommunityService Award), Integrated Strategies (Outstanding Small BusinessAward) and Kositcheks (Legacy award).

    The LRCC once again partnered with the Grand River Connection torecognize the regions top young proessionals at the annual Ten

    Over the Next Ten awardsin September. Honoreesincluded: Michael Ciranna(Work Squared), DiontraeHayes (state legislature),Ryan Doom (Web Ascender),Tim Bograkos (MSU),Benjamin Bakken (AmericanEagle Superstore), KristinBellar (Clark Hill, PLC), EvanPinsonnault (WLNS-TV),Brittney Hoszkiw (Old TownCommercial Association),Marc Merritt (Merrill Lynch)and Joe Ford (NetvantageMarketing).

    Nancy McKeague o theMichigan Health andHospital Association wasrecognized as the 2011ATHENA Award recipient.Heidi Brumbach o TechnischCreative was selected as the2011 ATHENAPowerlinkrecipient.

    The Lansing RegionalChamber o Commercetouched more than 7,000members through our eventsand programs in 2011.Thank you or your support!

    Celebration o Regional Growth recipients, l-r: Je Metts (Dowding Industries),

    Kevin Mehigh (Air Lit Company), Rachel Michaud (Gillespie Group), and Bob

    Fish (Biggby Coee).

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    Businesses in Ingham and Eaton Counties workingthrough the Procurement Technical Assistance Center(PTAC) at the Lansing Regional Chamber o Commerce(LRCC) successully won government contractstotaling more than $25.2 million dollars in 2011. Thegovernment contracts awarded locally are credited withcreating or retaining 504 jobs in the region.

    The PTACs o Michigan are not-or-prot organizations established as aneducational resource or businesses interested in becoming governmentvendors. The PTAC Center at LRCC is a satellite oce o the PTAC o

    South Central Michigan oce which is aliated with the Enterprise Groupo Jackson. The PTAC o South Central Michigan encompasses sevencounties, also including Jackson, Branch, Hillsdale and Lenawee.

    PTAC Program Helps Land $25 Million

    in New Contracts or Regional

    Businesses During 2011


    Revenue Reclassifcation o

    Temporarily Restricted Assets


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  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus




    The Michig C Gw acii haspresented D and t Wd o Wood andSons Corn Bin, LLC with a Friend o Corn awardto honor them or supporting the states cornindustry.

    Plicm, Ic., a ull-service marketing andpublic relations rm, has hired ady Hll, aveteran Michigan journalist and media director,

    to be the companys director o public relations.Publicom has promoted its longtime design chie,L shh, to the position o vice president,creative director.

    Clk Cci has announced the ollowingsta additions: Jim si will serve as project

    manager; McJck will serve as aproject engineer; MikMill has been hired as aCQC manager; has beenhired as a site saety &health ocer (SSHO).

    F tilcckattorneyand managing directoro Fraser Consulting,Dil Chi has beenappointed to serve onthe board o directors orthe Detroit Jewish NewsFoundation.

    thm M. Cly Lw

    schl proessor anddirector o the schoolsgraduate degree programin Corporate Law andFinance, e. ChiphJh J. has been

    selected as one o thenations most infuentialblack attorneys in the

    Pipeline Builder category by On Being A BlackLawyer Media Company (OBABL). Johnsonsselection will place him on OBABLs inauguralPower 100 Special Edition list.

    tLC eyc & L

    C would liketo congratulate D.Cmli Gd on 10years o excellence. Dr.Gordon, a VitreoretinalSpecialist, has beenproudly serving patients atthe Lansing and JacksonTLC oces.

    Clk Cci announces the hiring otwo sta members to assist in the companysprojects: Jh Pijh will serve as a projectsuperintendent. ady rich has been hired as aproject engineer.

    M Hffm, a partnerat F tilccks

    Lansing oce recentlyparticipated as part o apanel o experts at the18th Annual Health LawInstitute sponsored bythe Institute o ContinuingLegal Education.

    Jh Clk, BoardChairman o ClkCci, has beenselected to receiveMichigan State Universitys(MSU) 2012 OutstandingAlumnus Award rom theMSU College o Agricultureand Natural ResourcesAlumni Association.

    C Q Lig

    C has announcedtmik og as thenew executive director oits Jackson campus.

    Jh Cly, regional executive ocer o the

    Central and Northern Michigan Region o theAmerican rd C, announced the selectionor Wy as the executive director o theLivingston County Chapter.

    shkig hd wih t Wd i Jff sd,

    MCGa Pid. D & t Wd picd

    h c i h ck. Courtesy Photo.

    ady Hll L shh

    Jim si

    Mik Mill

    Dil Chi

    M Hffm

    Jh Clk

    tmik og

    e. Chiph

    Jh, J.

    D. Cmli Gd

    Mc Jck

    Jh Pijh ady rich

    MembersOn The Move


    Send our news to Maeve

    MacDonald at mmacdonald@


  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    MembersOn The Move


    Michig s uiiy Fdl Cdi ui has updated their onlinebanking platorm, ComputerLine. The updated system includes an easier touse menu layout, more transaction history available, simplied navigation,the option to add notes and categorize transactions and several othereatures.

    tw M d tck, Lig, has been awarded the prestigious2011 Angies List Super Service Award, an honor bestowed annually onapproximately 5 percent o all the businesses rated on the nations leadingprovider o consumer reviews on local service companies.

    th Mid-Michig aDDY awd recognized The Power of Michigan, avideo produced by MgMk as part o Michigans 2011 inaugurationcelebrations, with an award or creative excellence.

    M Ci, mid-Michigans leading provider o accounting, tax andtechnology services, has been recognized by Accounting Today as a 2011

    Technology Pacesetter.Cldwll bk Hll biWd has been named to theprestigious Coldwell Banker Chairmans Circle. Coldwell BankerHubbell BriarWood is one o only 48 Coldwell Banker companiesthroughout the world to receive this distinguished award.

    edg Phip recently earned recognition as a DiversityBusiness.com 2012 Top Business. DiversityBusiness.com recognizes leadingentrepreneurs in the country and strives to stimulate economic growth inAmerica.

    th Michig Cllg f opmy/C f Clli Hlh

    edci Fi s uiiy (FSU) has received LEED Gold certicationrom the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Clk Cci servedas the Construction Manager or this $22 million acility.

    F tilcck, one o the largest law rms in Lansing, is pleased toannounce its sponsorship o the inaugural Lansing Marathon, which will berun the morning o Sunday, April 22.

    Msu Fdl Cdi ui has opened a new branch oce at 4825 E.

    Mount Hope Road in East Lansing. The branch, located at the corner oMount Hope Road and Farm Lane, replaces the Credit Unions nearbyCrescent Branch at 600 E. Crescent Road. The Crescent Branch has closed,but drive-up ATMs at that location remain open.

    At PHP, we know not all health plans are created equal. Having the

    right health plan isnt about copays and deductibles its about

    having the freedom to choose whats right for you. Find your

    plan of choice. PlanOfChoice.com

    Success always startswith a good plan.

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    An affiliate of Sparrow.

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    2011 Sponsors

    or Chamber


    Art Crat


    Auto-Owners Insurance

    Blue Cross Blue Shield


    Brogan, Reed, Van Gorder

    & Associates

    Board o Water & Light

    Capitol National BankComcast


    Cooley Law School

    Dean Transportation

    Demmer Corporation

    Fahey Schultz Burzych


    Farm Bureau Insurance

    Fith Third Bank


    Foster Swit

    Good Fruit


    Hyundai o Lansing

    Jackson National Lie

    Kellogg Hotel & Conerence






    LSJ Media

    McKinney & Associates


    Michigan State University



    Michigan Chamber o


    MSMS (Michigan StateMedical Society)


    Northwood University

    Physicians Health Plan

    Plant Proessionals

    Pension Trend


    Port Lansing



    Spartan Printing

    Technisch Creative

    TDSTruscott Rossman

    Two Men & a Truck

    West Michigan Chamber

    Wharton Center

    thk y g p i 2011. Y w igp f cc!

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  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus



    www.c2ae.com I 866.454.3923

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    ChamberIn Action


    Cut The Ribbon!

    a: th m Dki Dgh c h i hi w

    lcd 3415. e. sgiw s i Lig. bck w lf igh- timtyl- s Mg, am Wllc- shif Ld, b Cwll (cpid

    cm- Cw p), a Mzi- Diic Mg. F w lf

    igh- K Fick-C-ow, nlly Mzi- Dki Fid, bi Gi-

    shif Ld, Chi Kl- C-ow.

    a righ: th m azzi Jwl cl hi gd pig

    3007 e sgiw s i Lig Ch twhip. Clig

    l-: ti bd (amd), al, slly, Jck (s Mg), n,

    ry, smi, smi (eli azzi mm), eli azzi (w), ty D Lc

    (LrCC ff), Mli ny (amd), Mk Ppid (amd),

    d shy Cmpll (amd).

    righ: spgl Chcl & Ic Cm Cmpy cly cld

    h gd pig f i w lcd 16800 Chdl rd, si

    103 i e Lig.

  • 8/2/2019 2306 Lrcc April 2012 Focus


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    PERMIT NO. 622

    The Stadium District

    500 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 200

    Lansing, MI 48912

    Ph. 517.487.6340

    lansingchamber.orgAddress Correction Requested
