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24 Common Mistakes Anxiety Sufferers Make

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Copyright © 2009 http://www.RejectAnxiety.com All rights reserved worldwide.

Table of Contents

Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer: ........................................................................ 2

READ THIS - IMPORTANT! .............................................................................................. 3

Mistake # 1 – Creating A False Reality ........................................................................... 6

Mistake # 2 – Just Accept It ........................................................................................... 6

Mistake # 3 - Searching For The Root Cause ................................................................. 7

Mistake # 4 – Dwelling! .................................................................................................. 7

Mistake # 5 - Over Pleasing ............................................................................................ 8

Mistake # 6 - What Happens To Others Will Happen To Me ......................................... 9

Mistake # 7 – Assuming/Guessing What Others Think About You ................................ 9

Mistake # 8 – Can’t Break The "Negative Thought Loop" ........................................... 10

Mistake # 9 - Fear Of Going Insane .............................................................................. 10

Mistake # 10 - Thinking About Breathing .................................................................... 11

Mistake # 11 – I Can't Concentrate! ............................................................................ 11

Mistake # 12 - I Don't Fit In! ......................................................................................... 12

Mistake # 13 – Being Too Hard On Yourself ................................................................ 12

Mistake # 14 – Unable To Manage Everyday Stress .................................................... 12

Mistake # 15 - Using Marijuana And Other "Light Drugs" To Reach Deep Relaxation 13

Mistake # 16 – Constant Worries ................................................................................ 13

Mistake # 17 – Unable To Control The Fear Of The Unknown .................................... 14

Mistake # 18 – My Anxiety Is Getting Worse With Time ............................................. 14

Mistake # 19 – Constantly Checking On Your Overall General Feeling ....................... 14

Mistake # 20 – Constantly Looking For Positive Feedback From People Around You 15

Mistake # 21 - Unable To Distinguish Right From Wrong ............................................ 15

Mistake # 22 – Let Them Come To Me ........................................................................ 16

Mistake # 23 – Can't Finish Things ............................................................................... 16

Mistake # 24 - Inability To Pass On Good Vibes .......................................................... 16

Here Is How You Will Enjoy Life Once Completing "The Reject Anxiety Course"........ 17

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Copyright, Legal Notice and


This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and

all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all

rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to

give or sell this Guide to anyone else. If you received this publication

from anyone other than RejectAnxiety.com, you've received a pirated

copy. Please contact us via e-mail at support at RejectAnxiety.com

and notify us of the situation.

Please note that much of this publication is based on personal

experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author, publisher

and contributors have made every reasonable attempt to achieve

complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no

responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this

information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular

situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here;

and you should adjust your use of the information and

recommendations accordingly.

Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features

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used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use

one of these terms.

Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace

common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is

meant to inform and educate the reader. So enjoy The 24 Common

Mistakes Anxiety Sufferers Make, and get better soon.

Copyright © 2009 Reject Anxiety. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Hello and Welcome!

My name is Yoel and I'm the author of this book. I wrote this

book to help, educate and inform anyone who sufferers from

anxiety, Panic attacks OCD, PTSD and Social Anxiety.

As an Ex Anxiety sufferer I know how disturbing these disorders

are and how they prevent us from living the life we should be

living. I suffered for over 7 years while the first 4 years I didn't

even know that I had anxiety. I just thought that I am different

than others and quite frankly I was very shy to visit a therapist

and talk about my feelings. My Feelings and Thoughts were

VERY disturbing. It all began from a horrible panic attack that I

had at a friend's place. Without going to deep into my story I

just want to let you know that my panic attack was so bad that

eventually I asked my friends to drive me to the hospital,

because I felt like I was about to die. My hands were shaking,

my heart was beating fast I couldn't focus and scaring everyone

around me. It was something that I will never forget and I didn't

understand how it began.

I arrived at the hospital and called up my parents they were

there in a few minutes and was still panicking. The panic attack

lasted for about 45 minutes. My older brother somehow

relaxed me by yelling at me (not recommended – but for some

reason it worked). Eventually I left the hospital without

consulting a doctor or explaining my condition and my attacks

got worse.

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I was very stubborn and ashamed to speak about my situation

with my family, and my panic attacks became milder, but my

anxiety levels got worse. For years I was trapped in worrying

feelings and thoughts. I constantly thought people were

following me and I was terrified. My anxiety lead to occasional

agoraphobia and sometimes I was so confused and worried

that I would touch all the objects that were on the table

checking If they were mine, Yes, I know, that's very strange. I

was always a friendly person and I would always have friends

around me, but they disappeared.

I became partially reclusive and decided to attend therapy. I

was diagnosed with agoraphobia and panic disorder and was

"on the fence" of OCD. The medication therapy began.

I felt a bit more relaxed but couldn't bear the thought that I

would need to live like this for the rest of my life. I decided to

make a change. I used to be free and new that I will be free

once again.

I searched everything! I always loved studying and new that I

would find the trail of life that I lost somewhere along the way.

I spend thousands of dollars seeking a solution and I found it. I

found it within me. I contacted several people who had similar

situations to me and I found mutual problems. After doing so I

felt better but it wasn't enough. Something was missing. Two

more years passed in and out of the "loop" – "the fear cycle".

One day I took all the methods I developed and changed them

a bit. I changed them in a way that I would be able to reject any

negative thought ahead of time. I developed a breathing

technique that not only organized my breathing but it also

relaxed my brain within seconds of any panic attack beginning

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the techniques were planted in to subconscious and I was

better again. I was FREE!!!

I approached people without any fear. If a negative thought

would arrive a positive one would beat it in a matter of micro

seconds. I was more energetic than ever and people would

smile to me sometimes when waking on the street. I was so

pleased that after all the years in anxiety I was not insane – far

from it! I was thinking straight.

I used to see faces around me always happy today I can

honestly say that I am smiling with them, people have a lot of

confidence in me and ask my advice. I automatically think

positive and live the life I want to. I am free and you can be too!

You don't need to re invent the wheel. This book is here to

show you just a few of the mistakes I made and most likely you

are also making them.

I wrote down these mistakes to help understand the things you

are doing wrong and by understanding what's wrong the right

path would be easier to find.

I hope you find this report helpful. Feel free to contact me with

any questions, concern, comments and testimonials.

[email protected]

Sincerely Yours, Yoel Cohen

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Mistake # 1 – Creating A False Reality

This is perhaps the biggest and most common mistakes of all!

Constantly drifting away in your thoughts and "forecasting" the

future. Obviously, you have no control over the future. The

typical problem is a "What If" thought. This is when you might

be in your car on the way to meet friends, an interview, a date,

any sort of meeting or even when you are planning on staying

at home. A "What If" thought is the thought where you start

creating a reality, or series of events that will take place in the

future when in fact you have no Idea what will happen.

The reason a "what if" causes anxiety is: when the future

arrives and the reality you've created in your mind doesn't

happen, you become confused. Confusion leads to fear and

fear is Anxiety's best friend.

Mistake # 2 – Just Accept It

Everyone knows, including Anxiety sufferers, that they need to

think positive in order to get better, that's no secret. But, for

some crazy reason many think that if I just accept this anxiety it

will eventually pass. Hmmm, BIG MISTAKE – and here's why!

To make you understand my angle I want you to think of a

person that's over weight and wants to get thinner. If he truly

wants to get thinner he must change his way of life "his

lifestyle". Keeping on eating the cakes, fat, fast food, not

exercising, and so on is what made him gain weight in the first

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place. Just saying to himself over and over again "I guess I'm

just fat and that's who I am" won't make him any thinner you

just can't say I accept being fat and by accepting it I'll get

thinner. Anxiety is in the brain - if you accept it you like it!

Mistake # 3 - Searching For The Root


Yes! Life is good! It used to be better though! Many sufferers

think that life was always bad! But that's a big lie! When you

were young I mean really young, a child around 2 – 6 years old,

life was sweet and you were free. You had nothing to worry

from because you trusted your instincts. Somewhere along the

lines you lost that trust.

Some people are stuck in anxiety for over 30 years and one of

the reason's they are still stuck is because they constantly

search their brain for answers, such as: Why? When did this

start? How did I get into this in the first place? There is no why,

when or how! You don't need to find the root cause in order to

"solve your problem".

Mistake # 4 – Dwelling!

This might come across as a shocker to you, but, dwelling on

bad or good periods in your life, creates anxiety. Why? Simply,

because it adds anxiety to "the fear cycle".

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It's understood that dwelling on bad past experienced or

periods of life creates anxiety – that’s common sense.

Therefore, we will cover - why dwelling on good experiences or

periods in your past is bad for you.

Dwelling on good past experiences is bad because you aren't

living in the current - the present. You are physically here, but

your mind is somewhere else. And you are expecting certain

things to happen which won't, and can't really happen anymore

because they belong to the past! Now, I'm not saying to forget

about the good times or experiences. You can always have fun

about them tell your friends – Just don't get stuck!

Mistake # 5 - Over Pleasing

There is nothing wrong with being a kind and decent person. As

a matter of fact I think the world needs more honest direct and

kind people these days. However, the act of trying to be "super

kind" or pleasing people to an extent where you forget what

you really believe in causes anxiety. It causes anxiety because

not always do other people (the people who you over please)

respond accordingly. Once you over please and don't get

proper feedback, time after time, you find yourself out of

energy and confused, thinking "I give and I give, but I get

nothing in return". This thought alone causes anxiety. You see,

not everyone sees things from your eyes and understands

where your kindness comes from. You end up caught up with

the thought of "Everybody walks all over me", which eventually

leads to Agoraphobia "Social Phobia".

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Mistake # 6 - What Happens To

Others Will Happen To Me

If you are not new to Anxiety, Panic Attacks, OCD, GAD or

Agoraphobia, you probably already know that these disorders

are all symptoms of fear. Fear is not how we should live life.

When you fear you are a slave and you will never be free.

Caution is good but fear isn't. Here is a case study that you will

surely understand even if it doesn't concern you.

I had a few personal coaching sessions with one of my clients

who had terrible panic attacks. She would have 2 – 3 panic

attacks per day! She would get them at work, while sleeping

and even when she was at home taking care of the her

children. After a few sessions she felt really opened with me

and eventually I discovered that her deceased Grandmother

and Mother died from heart attacks, both at a relatively young

age. My client was living a life full with fear with the constant

thought that "It will happen to me too. I know it will - it's just a

matter of time".

Mistake # 7 – Assuming/Guessing

What Others Think About You

Did you ever hear the phrase "The image you project is the way

you feel"? Well it's true! Anxiety sufferers tend to have the

think of what others are thinking of them. You are in a group of

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people, they can be new friends, your close friends or family

and suddenly you begin thinking: "This person hates my guts, I

know it" or "She thinks I'm ugly", "I just said something so

stupid and they know it!" By thinking these thoughts they

actually manifest. Not only do they manifest but you may carry

these thoughts for days or even weeks later!

Mistake # 8 – Can’t Break The

"Negative Thought Loop"

Positive thinking is great – we all know that! When you think

positive you feel good – you feel neutral "aligned with the

world". Your going through your day the world is OK today!

Yay! Then it hits you! The negative loop - begins once again. "I

don't believe I can't get this right", "Everything I touch turns

into dust". Just forget about it. OK…feeling better now…"I

forgot to do _______", "I'm always behind time"…"Oh my god

here it starts again!", "Stop, I command myself to stop thinking

of this bullshit", "Get out of my head you are not me".

Mistake # 9 - Fear Of Going Insane

"Why is this happening to me"? "I was just fine a few minutes

ago". "I will never be well again and I guess that this is the way I

am". "I should have never done _______ (fill in the blank)",

"That's the reason I am not normal" "Where is the life I used to

have". "Am I really crazy? Or is it just my imagination?" "Who

am I trying to fool? I will just need to be this way, YES! I guess

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I'm crazy at least now I know". THAT’S ALL ONE BIG LIE YOU



Mistake # 10 - Thinking About


Many if not ALL anxiety sufferers think about the right time to

breath. You obviously know that breathing is crucial and that

more oxygen relaxes the brain. Most times when having a

conversation with others or even when you're alone. You might

drift away and think "OH…I just forgot to breath, let me quickly

adjust my breathing cycle." In a matter of minutes or seconds

after this thought "Arrives automatically" your level of anxiety

rises once again and you become a victim to your subconscious


Mistake # 11 – I Can't Concentrate!

Trying too hard to concentrate on what others are saying or

what's happening around you. You constantly find yourself

drifting away in your thoughts (which are negative) and losing

concentration and interest fairly quickly. You might be sitting in

front of the computer, at work, with friends, with your loved

ones, reading a book and even watching a movie. You just can't

understand what's going on!

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Mistake # 12 - I Don't Fit In!

This is a mistake all anxiety sufferers make. They think that they

are one of a kind and won't fit in when socializing. Most often

they select 2 – 3 friends that they trust, but even though they

trust the 2 or 3 "friends" they feel that they really aren't so

close to them.

Mistake # 13 – Being Too Hard On


Setting up early deadlines or expecting more from you in a

short period of time. Focusing your energy on being perfect and

doing things in a specific way is what also generates more

anxiety. Thinking that other people are getting ahead in life

while you are being left behind. Expecting to accomplish and

gain recognition quickly whether at a new work place, at home,

and amongst friends or family.

Mistake # 14 – Unable To Manage

Everyday Stress

We all know that stress isn't healthy for you. With the way

things are moving in the 21st century stress becomes part of

everyone's life. Being incapable of managing the stress life

brings, creates more stress and more anxiety. As a result

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everything you build upon explodes in your face and you drown

in depression.

Mistake # 15 - Using Marijuana And

Other "Light Drugs" To Reach Deep


Many anxiety sufferers who want to get better will do almost

anything it takes to reach their goal. It first stops with using the

drugs that they were given by their therapist. They want to

stop their addiction to the chemicals and live a better life. With

the idea in mind of stopping the chemicals from controlling

their life they turn to an alternative which is very often

marijuana. During the first few times they use it, they feel more

relaxed and calm but with time they find themselves paranoid

and even more unbalanced. Obviously this isn't the results you

are looking for from a natural remedy.

Mistake # 16 – Constant Worries

All anxiety sufferers worry about one of the following at least:

Health, Money, Love, Family, Friends, Work, Business, Sex,

Adventure or Travel. They worry and can't find themselves

relaxed when the thought crosses their mind. You know that

others around you are thinking of the same things but they can

keep themselves relaxed and worriless while a similar thought

is tearing you apart.

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Mistake # 17 – Unable To Control The

Fear Of The Unknown

No one knows what will happen in 2 minutes from now, but for

some reason you can't control the fear that arrives with the

thought while others can easily enjoy it! You may feel left out

while everyone around you is enjoying their life. You think 10

times before saying anything and eventually when you decide

to say something you feel like everyone around you is looking

at you with a puzzled face.

Mistake # 18 – My Anxiety Is Getting

Worse With Time

Regardless of the time that you are spending in anxiety and

familiarizing yourself with your condition, you are feeling worse

with time. As if there is no solution and today your condition is

worse than what it used to be a few months ago year ago.

Mistake # 19 – Constantly Checking

On Your Overall General Feeling

Focusing too often on your body's sensations or and self

analyzing when alone or amongst others. Whether you feel

good or bad you constantly think to yourself: "I shouldn't be

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sitting this way" or "I think I'm feeling good now", "I'm feeling

the nausea coming again", "Oh my god! I touched that and It's

filled with germs" etc'

Mistake # 20 – Constantly Looking

For Positive Feedback From People

Around You

It can be your family or close friends who you engage with

socially and because anxiety is part of your life you feel the

need to speak about it. After a while you expect others to

"treat you differently" because you have a "special condition".

Although others care about you they act naturally and can't

always give you the attention needed, which can often lead to

depression, a panic attack, triggering your OCD symptom (e.g.

washing your hands, organizing the coat hangers, overeating,

deleting your files on the computer) and creating more anxiety.

Mistake # 21 - Unable To Distinguish

Right From Wrong

You might be in a conversation at home alone, driving a car or

almost in any case where you have to make a decision of what's

right vs. what's wrong and often you get confused between the

two, you simply can't find the right route to take. Who's side to

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take? Or where should you put the object you have in your


Mistake # 22 – Let Them Come To Me

This is a mistake that many people with social anxiety have.

However, you may not be diagnosed with social anxiety and

just suffer from panic attacks or OCD and still make this mistake

repetitively. It is simply expecting others to approach you. You

have trouble getting your message across and usually hinting at

what you want to say. You are hinting because you are worried

of the reactions might be.

Mistake # 23 – Can't Finish Things

Whether you have a job to get done, a movie you're watching,

a conversation you are in, doing the dishes or even smoking a

cigarette (not recommended) you simply can't or are too lazy of

finishing your "task". While you are doing whatever it is you are

doing you suddenly find yourself engaging in a different activity

and leaving the prior one undone.

Mistake # 24 - Inability To Pass On

Good Vibes

Constantly feeling that you’re breaking the mood or passing

around negativity. You try so hard to pass on good vibes but

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you just can't get it right. After a while you wear yourself out

and you find yourself dwelling on anxious thoughts which

create even more anxiety and a negative mood.

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Here Is How You Will Enjoy Life Once

Completing "The Reject Anxiety


Enjoy holidays, travel and adventure without fear of


Leave your house on your own and not being afraid of

being alone.

You will trust your body and never fear it again.

No need to "bail out" of a social meeting half way through

Do your daily routines without any fearful or anxious


Speak in public or make a presentation without the fear of

a panic attack.

Your relationships will improve without having to fear


You will be relaxed while flying and driving without any

intimidating thoughts.

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Preventing yourself from waking up at night with sudden


Engage in any activity want to without any panic or

anxiety attacks.

Boost yourself self confidence and turn anxiety in to


Enjoy peaceful thinking without ANY anxiety

Wake up in the morning with positive thoughts and not

thinking if anxiety is there

Enjoy the looks on people faces when you speak with

them and observe how you become an energy magnet

Live without fear – can you imagine a life without fear?

That's how you will live.

You will be able to see others in anxiety and easily

encourage them!

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