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26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe...

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anuahy 26, 39g8 On Tuuday, Januahy 26, 398b, the lCim6ut.t Bomd 06 Mayoh and Atdamen me2 i n t h e Town HaeR {oh ,if"' hegulah monthly Bomd meeting. Mayoh Lo6ty c&ed the meefing ;to ohdm and asked doh a n0l.t caU and a heading 06 the phevioud minuha. Thone phu ent wme: Mayoh 1o6ty, Vice-Mayoh Reynotcb , Atdman-'Cootey, Atdeman Pavh, ARdman Paqne and AR;tohney Condna. The minufes wme head and Mayok Lo&tg made the mofion they be apphoved ab head. A t d m a n Oav& second-';the rnoson. ALC voted aye. Mayoh Lodtg n M e d he had had a m e d n g uli;th Mh. L i m e with Kentucky F&ied Ckichen i n hegahh to ;th& bign. Mh. L.itXte naid thehe had been a miAundmZandc"ng abou.2 t h e bign; ;they wodd be changing Ahe dign an noon a~ weatha pmni;tRed. Mayoh Lo6ty made t h e mo.tion t o b d d a new bLLieding bekind t h e Ambulance and Fhe Ha. Kelly &oh. wodd be do2ng t h e wotrk doh wags andcont 06 ;the maXetLicu2.not ;to exceed $7500. Vice Maqoh Reynotch necond ;the mo;tian. kee voted aye. Mayoh Lodty nltated the Fhe Pept. um checking on a uned Rnuck. The $tuck they ahe looking aR would cant the Town apphoxhatcty $75,500. The Rnuck nhould me& the npeci6icatioa t-hted i n the LeLtwt da;ted Janumy 79 dhom Ah. Gunn. The Fhe Pept. & t o check on t h e gua&ntee an dm an the pan.& and taboh am concettned. They would poa~i6Rymake a $500. deponLt d h the money ;to be he;twtvied i d we decided not to fake the Z~~uck. Mayoh LodAy abkdd doh t h e Police hepoht. T t wa given by Ckied ffmgh acl 6oUows: Them had been 34 a/rhail;tb; 350 complain&; dine money cok2ected wa~ 1662.75; fi;tiga.tion money wab 752.25; m&c. Police hep0h& wah 76.00; pmking ;ticket 7 0.00; community centett nerd wa?l 7 0.00 ' and gmbage b e u cot-tec;ted was 9.0( Tki6 made a gnand toM ofi dine and mhc. mania $1922.00.
Page 1: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

anuahy 2 6 , 3 9 g 8

On Tuuday, Januahy 2 6 , 3 9 8 b , t h e lCim6ut.t Bomd 0 6 Mayoh and Atdamen

m e 2 i n t h e Town HaeR {oh ,if"' hegulah monthly Bomd meeting. Mayoh Lo6ty

c&ed t h e meefing ;to ohdm and asked doh a n0l.t caU and a heading 0 6 t h e

phevioud minuha. Thon e p h u en t wme: Mayoh 1 o6ty, Vice-Mayoh Reynotcb ,

Atdman-'Cootey, Atdeman Pavh , ARdman Paqne and AR;tohney Condna. The

minufes wme head and Mayok Lo&tg made t h e mofion they be apphoved ab head.

A t d m a n Oav& second-';the rnoson. ALC voted aye.

Mayoh Lodtg n M e d he had had a m e d n g uli;th Mh. L i m e with Kentucky

F&ied Ckichen i n hegahh t o ;th& bign. Mh. L.itXte n a i d thehe had been a

miAundmZandc"ng abou.2 t h e bign; ;they wodd be changing Ahe dign an noon a~

weatha pmni;tRed.

Mayoh Lo6ty made t h e mo.tion t o b d d a new bLLieding bekind t h e Ambulance

and Fhe H a . K e l l y &oh. w o d d be do2ng t h e wotrk doh wags andcont 06 ;the

maXetLicu2.not ;to exceed $ 7 5 0 0 . Vice Maqoh Reynotch necond ;the mo;tian. kee voted aye.

Mayoh Lodty nltated t h e F h e Pept. um checking on a uned Rnuck. The $tuck

they ahe looking aR would cant t h e Town apphoxhatcty $ 7 5 , 5 0 0 . The Rnuck

nhould me& t h e npeci6icat ioa t-hted i n t he LeLtwt da;ted Janumy 7 9 dhom

Ah. Gunn. The F h e Pept. & t o check on t h e gua&ntee an dm an t h e pan.&

and taboh a m concettned. They would poa~i6Ry make a $ 5 0 0 . deponLt d h t h e

money ;to be he;twtvied i d we decided not t o fake t h e Z ~ ~ u c k .

Mayoh LodAy abkdd doh t h e Police hepoht. T t w a given by Ckied ffmgh

acl 6oUows: Them had been 34 a/rhail;tb; 350 complain&; dine money cok2ected

w a ~ 1 6 6 2 . 7 5 ; fi;tiga.tion money wab 7 5 2 . 2 5 ; m&c. Police hep0h& wah 76.00;

pmking ;ticket 7 0.00; community centett nerd wa?l 7 0.00 ' and gmbage b e u cot-tec;ted was 9 . 0 (

Tki6 made a gnand toM ofi dine and m h c . m a n i a $ 1 9 2 2 . 0 0 .

Page 2: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

Maqoh L odty an ked don fhe ? h e ttepokt. I=t wan given by M d m a n CooCeq

as OMO OW: Y'em ending Januatry 7 , 79bb, K h 6 u . U had a~nwmed 30

TkitrAeen C73C 06 t h e &kes wme ocl;taide t h e C a y ; Seventeen ( 1 7 ) w e m i ~ i d e t h e

Caq; Five 15) 0 4 t h e i a i d e C a y wme blthucAuhe & i h e ~ .

T h e e dhes w e m an&umed don t h e p a s t month. A U thhee 13) wene mutual a i d .

The &uch w e m nJtiee i n t h e ahape as Lant month. S e v a d Rhuchn had been

Looked a.t dong w&th p d c u 06 eqdpment t o g o on t h e ;trurch.

M d m a n Paw& aaid t h e noa& wme i n phettq good 6 hape. S a i d

maybe aome needed f a tie patched.

W a h no o t h a buninesn t o be &cwsed, Mayoh LoQty made t h e m o ~ o n fhe

meeting be adjowtned. k e d m a n n a v h nczcond The mo.tion. A U voted aye.

'X IdLo&tq, May h'

Page 3: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Tuesday, Pebhumy 2 3 , 1 9 b b , t h e K h 6 u l - t Bomd 0 6 Mayoh and A l d m e n met

i n t h e Town ff& doh the,& h e g d m montkey E o m d meeang. Mayoh Lodty cd.led

t h e metang t o ondm and asked doh a hol2 ca l l and a heading 06 t h e pheviouA

rninuW. Those phuent wmc: Mayoh Lo , j t y , Vice-Mayoh Reyno.t?rln, Aldehman #

Coobey, kedeman Pavh and AaXohney Con*. The minuta wme head and Mayotl : *

Lodty made t h e motion they 6e apphoved ab: tead. Atde/unan PavA second Ahe rnoaon.

Dunlap Robemon 32gn Company had su6mi;tted an* appl5Lca;tion 604 a "Red Food"

nign Ro be placed at t h e e ~ d ad $he hopping cenAeh n e m t h e 1nte.utate.

A l d m a n Cookey made t h e mo;tion ;ta hejeck t h e p m L t becaune 06 non-comp&znce

ULitCL OWL 6 ign ohCLinancu COhanancu 59 601 . The heLghA dhom t h e ghound

t o t h e bottom 06 t h e bxgn has t o 6e 20' . T k i s 6ign d i d not meet t h e hecjuihemenx2.

Mayoh Lo&ty aecond t h e moltion. A l l voted aye.

Mayoh Lodty made t h e mo;tion ure 6uq a 7 9 6 8 Fohd ffahn Pumpetr --S&& # C60BU462009--

6hbm Mh. Ennut G . Gun. The cost woutd be $ 1 5 , 5 0 0 . We w e m t o pay $10,000.00

upon heceipt 0 6 t h e h c k and t h e balance due i n 30 dayn. Aldeman Cooley

aecond t h e mo;t;ion. A& voRed aye.

Mayoh Lo,jtq asked doh t h e Police hep0h.t. T t wacl given by Ckied HmgA

u 6o.Uou : Them had been 3ti me~.i%; 4 2 5 complain&; dine money catlected

wm 7281.00; CiaXga;tion money coflected w a ~ 115.50; m d c . Police heporn WUA 40.00;

pmking ;ticlie& ura 40.00; comu&y centeh herd w a 15.00 and gmbage deeA WUA

90.00. Tki6 made a ghand Itow 0 6 dine and m h c . monieA $75L31.50.

Mayon Lad@ asked doh t h e f h e hepoa . TA wan given by Akdehman cooley

a doLtow: Them had been 4 2 i n s ide t h e c a y and 2 mu$ud d i d . On

Janumy t h e 2 9 , Rhe h o ~ e ula6 f u z e d and 100' did not pan; Lt W ~ A fiea%ed.

The ' 6 8 pumpen u u ge-fting a n w Rank. Evehytking e l s e a eemed t o be 0 . K .

All t h e o t h m Rhuch6 wme i n good shape. The equipment t h d had been ohdehed

had now- been hecdwed. The hadlo R . 1. PavA had had WUA put i n t h e tankeh .

Page 4: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

Cued ElanhenbGlip had t h e hadio out 04 t h e t a n k a i n kin Rtruck. he /radio

a Regency--SetuLd 747-603730. Ke aebo han t h e whip antenna.

ULth no o t h a 6 u - i n a n , Mayoh Lodty made t h e motion t h e meeting be

adjowmed. M d m a n VavA becond t h e mocon. Ace voted aye.

Page 5: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

March 22, 1988

On Tuesday, March 22, 1988, the Kimball Board of Mayor and adermen met

i n the Town Hall f o r t h e i r regular monthly Board meeting. Mayor Lofty cal led

the meeting t o order and asked fo r a r o l l all and a reading of the previous

minuter. Those present were: Mayor Lofty, Vice-Mayor Reynolds, Alderman

Cooley, Alderman Payne and Attorney Condra. The minutes were read and Mayor

Lofty made the motion they be approved a s read. Vice-Mayor Reynolds second

the motion.

The permit f o r the Red Food Sign on the lower end of the shopping center

by Wal-Mart was tabled f o r lack of information.

Mayor Lofty made the motion t o ask Charles Jenkins t o be the City Judge

f o r maybe $50. a month. Vice-Mayor Reynolds second the motion. A l l voted aye.

Mayor Lofty s ta ted we had finished paying f o r the F i r e truck March 21, 1988.

The t o t a l cost w e had paid M r . Ernest G. Gun was $14,348.92.

Mayor Lofty s ta ted South Pit tsburg Board of Water and Sewer wanted t o

charge the Kimball City users $1.20 per thousand gal. This doesn't

along with our o r ig ina l contract. Mayor Lofty made the motion t o ask

Attorney Condra t o persue lega l avenues a s may be needed. Vice-Mayor

Reynolds second the motion. A l l voted aye.

Mayor Lofty s ta ted we now have i n the neighborhood of $15,000 i n the

Building Fund.

Mayor Lofty asked f o r the F i re report . It was given by Chief Blankenship

a s follows: They had responded to 14 f i r e s during the month.; 9 ins ide the City

and 5 Mutual Aid. Eight of the f i r e s were brush, grass o r woods. The Ford

Truck is i n service a t t h i s time; the old Ford truck is working ok; they were

going t o start checking on the pump now. The tanker was ok. The bumper f o r the

Page 6: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

March 22 , 1988 cont.

new truck was i n the shop and would be returned i n approximately 2 weeks.

Mayor Lofty gave the F i r e Dept. permission to spend msybe $4 ,000 . on more

equipment. H e sa id the men needed t o get with Alderman Cooley before ordering.

Mayor Lofty asked f o r the Police report. It was given by Chief Hargis

a s follows: There had bean 37 a r r e s t s ; 400 complaints; Fine money col lected was

2049.75; Li t iga t ion money collected was 194.25; Misc. Police reports and

parking t i c k e t s was 87.50. This made a grand t o t a l of Fine and Misc, monies


With no other business t o diacues, Mayor Lofty made the motion

the meeting be adjourned. Vice-Mayor Reynolds second the motion. A l l voted aye.

Page 7: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Tumfay, AptLie 2 6 , 79bb t h e Khb& Boahd ad Mayoh and ARdetunen

met i n t h e Town H d l doh the ih hegutah monthey Bomd meeting. Mayon

Lodty c&ed t h e meeting t o ohdm and a k e d doh a"hol.4 cu l t and a

heading 0 6 t h e phevioun minuta . Those phaenf wetre: Mayoh Lodty,

Vice-Mayoh ReynoL& , Atdehman Cooley, ARdehman o a v h and A;t.tohney

Concha. The minu;tes wetre head and Mayoh Lo@y made t h e mo;tion they be

apphoved as. head. ARdetunan Cootey second f ie mofion.

Mayoh Lodty b-tated Du&p Robemon LOan having some i n t m n d phob.eems

and t h a t they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& t o ge t theirt

hign i n compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin s ign h t h e big Red

Food e tc . a;t Xhe Rowetr end 0 6 t h e Khb& Shopping Centetr. 1 The Boatrd

said we would give them t h e e x a a f i e - .

Mayoh Lo&tq s M e d t h e RawsLciR. w d h Soath Pi.tt66uhg coma up May 7 2.

Aaohney Condm would ahgue t h e rnofion doh t h e Town 06 KhbdP_. He

anked t h e Boahd t o &y t o aLtend i d possible.

Mayoh Lodtq stated C h d a J e n k i ~ n had said he would he t h e Town

Judge doh $75.00 a month. Mayoh Lodty asked doh a mofion t o pay kim

t h e $75.00. A l d m a n Paw& made the mo;tian and Aidman Cooley second.

Mayan Lodty s-tated James and Co. had said they would do o m audi;t

;tkin yeah doh $2500.00. Mayoh Lo@y made t h e motion we Ret them do it and

Vice-Mayoh ReynoRch second t h e mo;tion. AkY voted aye.

HmoRd Peep and Mancy Holland dhom ;the Johnson MemW HeaLth Centm

wme h m e t o ; ta lk about t h e Centetr and t e l l about the.& wvhk i n t k i n mea .

They wn ted t h e Bomd Ra &y t o covdideh a donafion doh them i n ouh

7988-89 budget.

Page 8: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

Mayoh Lodtq ntated we wwe get;ting heady t o do dome hoad paving.

He made t h e motLon doh C a y Recohdeh Nancy S tephea ,to nun an ad i n t h e

Local! p a p m dta;ting we wodd be acceptLng bids on Rkin wohk. Tkin

would be done on .the Ton huh p u t i n place by KhbaU'n dpecb. B i h

wodd be opened May 11th , 7988 a t 4 : 0 0 P.M. kedetunan V a v h decond t h e moltion.

Maqoh Lodty bh.Xed t h e County had M k e d w a h kim about UA hdping

on paving t h e Lowa parr;t ad Kingabmy VtL.ive. M d m n Davd made .the

mo;tion we pay doh t h e Laboh and a p h d t o d y drrorn t h e 900 ' &eva;tion

back t o t h e exiS.;t.i.ig mad . Vice-Mayoh ReynoLd~ bexond t h e mo;tion.

Mayoh Lo&ty aclked ban ;the Potice hepoa . I t ~ a c l given by Vice-Mayoh

ReyttoLch u doflow6: Thehe had been 5 5 m e h a % ; 4 0 0 compLainXb;

Fine tnoneq coEtected w u 2083.75; Liltigaltion money 163.75; MAC.

PoLLce heporn and puking ;tic kea% w a 7 6 6 . 0 0 . Tkin made a gmnd 2o;tde

0 6 Tihe and MA-c. moni'eh 2433 .50 .

h@ph Lo&tq anked doh .the F h e hepo/r;t. I t wa?l given by Ckie6

I3eankenskip u (o.Uou~: Them had been tic 6 i . h ~ t h h month. , One

i n t h e C d y and 2 o ~ i d e t h e C a y . The ~ u c k s wme i n good ahape.

They wehe having a LLtXte R/roubLe ulCth t h e b u e m d i o . Clued BLanken?lhip

d a i d ;the pageu wme i n . The $ 1 0 0 0 . g m n t doh t h e F h e Vept. had

been accepted---they j u t need c o p i a 06 o m canc&ed c h e c k and p a i d

invoiced. He d o n;tated t h e Fhe DepA. had necehed $ 2 5 0 . dhom t h e

?unlap F&e V e p t . on dome eyukpment they had bougld Ahom U A . Nith no o A h a businan to dincusn, Mayoh Lodty made t h e moltion

t h e


rneelting be

voRed aye.

Vic e- Mayoh Reynoldj,decond t h e moa%n. \

Page 9: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

May 24, 79ti t i

On T u e ~ h y , May 2 4 , 7 4 8 8 , t h e Khb& Soahd od Mayoh and Abrlehmen met

i n t h e Town HdL doh t h e i h hegdah monXh9y Boahd meet&. Mayoh Lodty

c&ed t h e meeang t o ohdw and a k e d don a hoLt c& and a heading 0 6 Xhe

pheviauA minuteA. Than e phu enA: wwe: Mauoh Lo d t y , Vice-Mauoh Rey not&,

Atdemnan Coobey, ALdehman Pavd , Mdeman Payne and A;t;Cohney Condtra. The minuteh

w e m head and Mayoh Lodty made t h e motion they be apphoved a6 h a d . Atdenman

n a v d necond t h e motion.

Mayon Lodty ntated Acme B o o t had applied doh a sign p m a . Mayoh Lo&@

made t h e motion i.t be appoved and Aldeman Davh necond t h e mo.tion UA tong

an Lt did not Mock anothm b ~ i n u n . ALL voted aye.

In hegun& t o t h e Laursde d h South Pim b u g , AR;tohney Condha

a;tcrted t h e Judge gave ub 30 dayn t o neM;ee t k i n wLtkin o u m e L v e ~ .

Mayoh Lo&ty made t h e moLion doh AaXohney Concha t o wtLite a t e t t e h 20 t h e C i t y oh

South PiYA~bwrg i n hegahch t o them puffing a pump on t h e Khb& bewehP-.ine o h

-tapping onto o u pon2;ion 0 6 t h e f i n u i n ;the Sowth PiLt~bwrg C a y thia.

A t d m a n 9 a v h necond t h e mokLon.

Mayoh Lodty n h t e d we had heceived b i & on t h e mad wonk bhom Thoman

6hOb. Con~;Druct io~ doh $ 3 8 . 5 0 peh Ton; JWT, lnc . was $37.35 p a Ton and

W. N . Lodty Gmding and Paving WUA $ 3 5 . 0 0 p a Ton. W . N . Lodty t h e

bow bid. He aJt&ed t h e wohk on May 2 4 , 1 9 8 8 .

Mayoh Lodty ntated bi& on a new poyice cah weAe $ I ~ , ~ O C , boh G~?ll fJ~y'6,

$ 1 3, b b 0 @om Monn Motoh, and $ 7 2 , 7 1 1 . 6 3 doh Mtn. V i e w Fohd. A b d m a n

Payne made t12e mofion we buy t h e Fohd Ahom Mtn. Viw Fohd. A b d m a n Pavb

necond t h e motion. ALt voted aye.

Page 10: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

May 2 4 , 1 9 8 8 cont.

The F h e hepoM u m given by Chic6 Blankenbhip 6oUow :

Thme had been 3 6 h e . 4 L a t month; 2 w e m ivuide $he C a y and one um

i n Yw Hope: The h c h n wehe i n daih nhape. ALL Rhe e q ~ p m e n t Rhat had

been ohdmed on t h e huchn-- - in amvice . The Low band babe w i n t h e

nhop. The hepainman um h y i n g ;to g d pah;t6 Soh a. The Police hepoht was given by Chied H a q h a @Lf?owb: Total amem2

wan 32; T O M compLain& w a 400; Pmking ;tichea2 w a 10; Fine money

coUecRed w a 7 bti3.75; LiaXgaZLon mo neg w u 7 3 7 . 2 5; MAC. nepom2 and pa.daing

;ticheAb wu 50.00; Tkid made a gmnd Xox3-l 06 $ 2 0 6 5 . 0 0 .

WLth no o;theh budine.4~ Ro be dincun&ed, Mayoh LobRy made t h e rnofion

.the memXng be adjowrned. Vice-Mayoh Regno&& necond Rhe motion. A l l

voted aye.

Page 11: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Tuesday , June 28, 7 9 8 8 , f i e K h h d R 8oahd 06 Mayoh and Atdemen

m e 2 i n Ahe Town yaU doh Ah& h q u t a h monthly Soahd mee;ting. Mayoh

LoQty c d t e d t h e meeting 20 ohdetr and a b e d doh a hoP1 cu l t and a

heading 06 t h e phevious m i n u f a . Thane phenent wehe-: Mayoh LodAy,

Vice--Mayoh Re-ynotd~, A t d m a n Cooley, Atdewan ? a v d , APdeman

Payne and AaYohney Conch. The minu ta wehe head and Mayotr Lodty

made t h e mo;tion Rhey he apphoved ah head. Vice-Mayoh Reyno,kb

necond $he mofian. ACL voted aye.

Ronnie Huhon uLCth Huhon P h o p o A a u k e d t h e 3oatrd doh KimbulL Ao pay

$7500 Ro g o towahd paving Ahe hoacC6 i n t h e new Cedm P o i n t Subdiv&ion.

Vice-Mayoh Reynotd~ made Rhe mofion Ro give kim $1000. Alrleman

9 a v h aecond Rhe mo;tion. A!? voRed aye.

Mayoh Lodty n;tated ;the Somd 0 6 Educaltion wanted the C L t d t o amend

Rhe S d u Tax Sinking Fund Agheemenf. ?he amended p i n t woi~td Rhen he.ad:

Tke June 7 0 , 19S7, aghUJ!ne& he;tween fhe pan;tie6 & amended Ao d~,!?ete Rhe

he.paymen? hequiAment b d tiohd?h i h Ijirhauhaph 4 and ah 6uhAhe.h n e t 604th

i n Scheduk A, 1, dnd 'by 6utr;the.h heducing Rhe amounR t o be hetwrned

To t h e ?epatLfmenR 0 6 Educa;tion by Rhe nun od Two Hundhed Seup_nRu-Uine

Thouand ( 2 7 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ) moP-Pa~ no Rhat ;the 64utre due Ahe %pahtme.nt

06 Educafian on t h e ctoiing 0 6 t h e 3ond and Sinking Fund ah n e t dohth

i n P& 11 a h d L be &educed ;to Rhe bum oh EahR trundtred NineRy-Eight

Thousand Twenty and 50/100.($898,020.50) DotPam.

By heduCing Rhe amount due Rhe 9epahtmenR 06 Educa&on by R U hum,

Lt would avoid Rhe necjuittemen2 604 a pmpenAy f a x incneahe t o c o v m t h e

hin;DLibu;tion. Th& Amendtnent would i n no way e66ecR any o2he.h ahpeca

o Q t h e Saten Tax agheement. The AgheemenX woutd continue ;ta he i n didL4.a.

dunce and e66ecX, nubject o n l y t o Xh.h h e v h i o n hda;tiue t o a

Page 12: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

June 2 8 , 7 9 8 8 c o d .

hepayment hecjuihemenz and t o t he @nd d i n W 6 ~ o n ;ta 6e made t o t h e

M d o n County Pepamhen2 06 Educa.tion. Mayoh Lodty anked i d he h m d a

mo;tion t o a g u e t o t h e amendment. Vice-hiayotr Reynotch made t h e mofion

and Atdeman Pavh Second t h e moaXon. Mdcwnan CooLey agheed and Atdcman Payne

w oppoaed.

Mayon. Lodty nfated we had a n 4 n p m L t appLLca-tion 604 t h e lFnekee

Nohman Conrn&La i n t h e KhbaU Chonning Shopping Cevctm. The n 4 n w o u l d

be on t h e dnon 06 t h e 6LLieding ;to ide.n;tidy t h e buninan. A1dman CooLeq

made t h e mo-tion we accept t h e p m L t and Vice=Mayotr RZynoLds neco nd t h e

mo-tion. AYR vo2ed aye.

Mayoh Lodty ntated t h e Sou% Pi~Y~bwrg Jaycea wavcted t o aelL dhwohhn

UOgOdb 6mm McOondd'~ on t h e Hwgley pop&+y t h e weekend 0 6 J U y 4th.

Mayoh Lad@ anjed ud he heand a moZLon we l e t them a& t h e dhwohkn .

Vice-Mayoh ReynoRch made t h e moZLon we Let them neb! b u t n a i d ;they wodd

need a dihe ex;tingu.dha on hand even i d we had fa loan them one. ALdetunan

Payne necond ;the moZLon. kee voted aye.

Mayoh. Lo&ty 4ta;ted Ponnie Shoemaken W ~ Y I Taco Rancho had not p a i d

h& n w m ;tap de.e., h h buninan tax oh kin pkopehty t a x . He made t h e mofion

t o Let ALtohney Condha ~e.nd Ma. Shoemaken a lef.tut hequining the^ e t o be p a i d

p t u n any penalties and i n t e n a t . k e d m a n Pavh second t h e mofion. ALL

vo2ed aye.

Ann G u y ~ L t h t h e M d o n County Oddice 0 6 PPanning and nevetopment

w a ~ h m e ka dincub zoning i n KhnbdPR. She n d i d bhe would ;thy t o ge t an

adequet map 06 Khb& doh a. The Boahd a e t a npecial meeting on zoning doh

Thwrdsay J u l y 7.1%~ 7:00 P.M. i n $he Town H a l l .

Mayoh Lodty ata;ted t h e Dhivem Licenne people would no 1onge.h be

coming ;to Khnb&. They had chaw ed R h e h nchedLLee t o be a t Japm evehq

ThwLcsday. Tkis went i n t o ebdect J u l y 1 , 7 9 S S

Page 13: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

June 2 8 , 1 9 8 8 c o d .

The R o a d wried Rhe 6otLouLing benebih doh t h e Town Employes:

POLTCE nEPT; 5% haine

Any coLvtt dcLte t h a t they have t o t o t o when they 'he not on dutq, they wiU be p a i d one ( I ) hom ;tima t h e h body hate .

Sick dayb--one [ 1 ) day p e h month---can accum&a;te up Ao ninty ('90 day^

Tnnmance---Leave Like Lt .i~

VacaRion---One .to dive. ( 1 - 5 ) y e w 06 navice---one ( 7 ) week o v a 5 YW----IUJU ( 2 ) week4 T h A k n e t up on a weekly b u h ( n o t t h e 2% Like now) Can fabx a week 0 6 6 on a we-eb pay whicheveh ;they chaone.

Holiday Pau---Five 1 5 ) dagn b u e d on e ight ( 8 ) h o w a day ;t;ima R h e h pau hate. T h h h t o be paid The 6 h . t pay p&od i n necembeh.

P a i d HoLidayn---Five - - -baed on e i g h t h o w a day ;time?, th& houtLey ha&

Vacation ---One t o d ive y e m 06 ~ehV ice - - l week Ovm 5 yeam oh nehvice---2 weeh

Sick leave---one day pen month---Can accumLLeate up t o 90 dayn

Pnswuznce---Same a now


GARBAGF QEPARTMENT- They wodd have a 4 0 h o w wohb week. at $ 6 . 0 0 peh horn

Vaca2ion---One ;to dive yea& 06 behvice---one week O v a 5 y w 06 nav ice- - -2 weeh

HoLidayn--Five(S) hued on e ight ( 8 ) houh dau--af hegdah body haAe Ro be given the. 6 h t pug pedod iM 9ecembeh.

Sick Pay---One ( 1 ) day nick pay peh month- -can accumutat e up f o 90 dayn . &d

De.u;th- --ALOO dayb- --immediaA.e 6amiXy Tnbuhance- --Stayn t h e name

Page 14: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

June 2 8

City ~ e c o h d a : 5% ttaide

One ( 7 ) day s ick leave p a mon;th; can accumulate. up ;ta nin ty (90) days

Vacafion--One t o dive yeam ad aemice---one ( 1 1 week Ove4 dive ( 5 ) yeam ad aehvice---2 weeb

P a i d Hot2daqs---llaudLy hued on daya South PLtfibutg and o t h a C i t y H a l % atle d o s ed.

Peath---2 days ---immediate damay

A l d m a n 9av& made t h e mofion 20 app4ove the employee bened& and k e d m a n

Payne ae.cond the mofion. AU voted aye.

May04 Lodtq asked don a confinuation Re.bolufion don t h e 1 9 8 7 - 8 8 Budget

doh anothm 30 days. Vice-May04 ReynoLh made t h e motion LX be gltanted and

APdetunan Payne a eco nd t h e -motion. A4.t voted aye.

Tke F h e RepohA WUA given hy W e d B a t n h e ~ k i p an daL.?.orn: Them had

heen d o w ~ d h e ~ ; one w a Mutual A i d and th4ee wme i n t h e C a y . AU 0 6 t h e

;tnuchn w a e i n wohkin 0 4 d a . The / radio had been dixed and waa now i n aehvice. 06 $ 2 5 . 0 0

The VuR:LLae A i d duadwem due at t h e next meefing. A & W a n Cooley a k e d t h e

Roand i d t h e F h e Depart;tment could o n d a 7 , 0 0 0 d t . ad hoae. The coat would

6e ab0u.t $ 2 , 0 0 0 . Vice Mayon Reynolck made $he mofion they could buy t h e hose

and A l d m a n Pavh aecond t h e motion. ALC voted aye. kedeman Cooley a;tated

t h e F h e Pepanhekt had phe~ented Wat-Makt a plaque i n apphecia;tion 404 & ; theh

help and auppont t o t h e F h e Dept . Tfie Po!ice Repoh$ wab give.n by Chied Hatrgih a6 doUows: Thehe had been 4 5

antru; t~; 3 50 complainAn . Fine ma ney c0llrzcAe.d w u S 7 744.7 5 , Lif igafion money

cotdecfed wan 7 5 2 .2 5 and MAC. Police m p o m and pmhing ;ticke;tn w a ~ 7 24 .00 .

T h h made a ;toAal 06 dine and m.inceLtaneou m a n i a $ 2 0 2 7 . 0 0 .

Page 15: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

June 2 8 , 1 9 8 8 cant.

Chied t l a ~ h ~ ta ; t ed Jackie Manhenship had gone t o wotrh 6 0 4 t h e

Ch;rA;tanooga A&poh;t AU;thotLi;ty. Juniok Lehn had been h h e d and h


Mauatr Lo&ty bakted t h e Town had had tkg3.,jomnaP, dedica;tion 0 6 ;the

wdking R/rach on Sa;twlday t h e 25th. The money wan dkom t h e Homecoming ' 8 6

Buncfion ?he Town had and donaltiom tacat buninas . (Wde-Maht donaXed

S soo. 001 . WLth MO oRha b u i n a ~ .to dbcunb, Vice-May04 Reynolds mad Ahe mo;tion t h e

meeting be adjowlned. Alde4man Pavd aecond ,the mot.ion. A l l voted age.

Page 16: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On T h w d a y July 7 , 7966 t h e K i m S a e P , Soat~d 06 J4ayon and kedehmen met i n

t h e Twon K& doh a npeciat caLted meeting kegahding zoning i n Kimbah?.

Mayon Lo6Q catP.ed $he mee;ting $0 o h d a and ah-ed don a hot!. CULL. Thane

p t m enA wene: Mauon Lobtq, Vice-Mayotl Reynold , ARdehman Cooley ,

A t d m a n Payne and Attorney Condha.

Ann Gmy cm%h ;the- Makion County Oddice 06 Planning and UeveXopmen;t WUA

hehe Rb d h c w a zoning, d e d i n U o v k l , zoning rtin;thic& e t c . A&ten: much

dhcunsion, t h e 3oahd asked Ann i d nhe could ponnihty g e t bom4 mapn ad t h e

Toum Anawn up don un . She a a i d nhe wod-d ge t wLth nome ptLinkehh and 6 ee what ahe

could h.ave 604 un a$ t h e next meeting. XLth no rno-tiovkl made, Vice-gay04

Reynotdh made ;the mofion we adjauln. kedeman Cookg second Ahe mofion.

k e l voted aye.

Page 17: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

J U L Y 2 6 , 7 9 b b

ON Tuuday JuRy 2 6 , 7988 th.e Khbat.t 8omd 06 May04 and A t d m e n met

i n t h e Town H&& 604 Jth& 4egu.h~~ montkey Boahd mee,fing. Vice-Mayoh Reqnolcb

conductkd lthe meeting i n Mayon Lo,$ty'n ahaence. He a k e d don a 4 o U cake and

a rreacting 0 6 t h e pheviou6 minu;tes. Those p4enen.t wehe: Vice-Maya4 Reyno.t&,

A l d m a n Cooley, Aldetuna~ S a v d , ARdetonan Payme, and AR;tahneq Clondka. The

minu;tu wehe mad and t h e fjoLlowing cotr/recttou wme noted: ( 7 ) The. Bomd

voted t o g ive Ronnine ffuddon 06 Huhon Phopeht ie~, $1000 .00 towahd t h e conA,iod

paving t h e a&ec?a3 i n Cedm Point Si tbdivhion, au6 jec t t o t h e a;trree& being

dedicated ;ta ;the Town. ( 2 1 A l d ~ n Jehe Davh made t h e mo;tion t h e tjuAwre

Bomd m e b n g a be held i n Rhe Community Cente4; Atdmnan Cooley aecond t h e

motion. A& voted aye. A 6 t e h t h e c o m e c t i o ~ wme made, kedetonan Davh made

fhe moltion t h e minu;tu be apptwved. ALdman CooCey aecond t h e mo;tibn. ALL

voted aye.

A t d ~ n Payne made t h e moltion we accept healed b i h on t h e whecked-Vti2

Oodge Po e ice C m - V T N #2E3826N tiCR7452 79-The hick weke t o be opened A u g u ~ t 2 3 ,

7 9 b b a2 7: 00 p.m. The Town 0 6 K ~ b ~ wadd have X/ie &LghZ ka accept 0 4 ke jec f

any on a&! b2&~. An ad wm t o he m n ;tO lfuh addect. Miletonan Pavh necodd

t h e mouon. keP_ voted aye.

M d e t i c n T a v h made t h e motion we puhchabe an new John Peem hiding Lawn

mowur 51?oni RobcaA 06 ChaaZxnooga, S d d # 4 5 9 0 4 , TP #M00240A475904; t h e codt

would be $3000 .00 . TR: would have a one yeah w ~ n ; t y oh 7000 houhn-paha and

in-Cioube Labon. ACdetunan CooCey aecond t h e wioAAbn. ACL voted aye.

M d m n CoaLe.y made. .the motLon we junk t h e old hiding mawe&. ALdenman

Payvre ~ Q C C M ~ .the nio;Lic~v.. AQ VO:?QC! aye.

Vice-kayo4 ReynoLh aXated Police Chic6 John f f a t ~ g h had moved d4om t h e

houe he.xT do04 t o ;the Police. Dept. LThh hose h owned by &he Town) . ff e

n a i d a e v a :R eopLe hadwunted ;to know i 6 we wem going .to henA Lt again.

Page 18: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

PAGE 2 O F .JULY 2 6 , 1 9 8 8

Adteh name c t i 6 c ~ n i o n , ALdenman Payne made t h e mofion not ;to continue hen;ting

. fl e made t h e mo;tion we accept 6 d e d bid6 on t h e hemoval 0 6 t h e houne. I t

m u t be dearted down t o Xhe 6ounda;tian. kee d e b d munt be hemoved dh0m t h e

a.i;te. The buym would have 90 day4 @.om pwchuq. date. t o have eve.hytCiing com-

p l e t d y dkanecl up, C P M ad would be nun t o tm addect. I Aldeman Pavd necond

t h e motion. AU voted aye.

ALdman Cooley n W e d t h e F h e Dept. had ohdehed a $350 .00 hadio d o h ;the

b a e n;tation. T t wodd Rake 5-6 weeb t o heceLve t h e 0rrynXuL5. He naid they

needed ;tinu doh t h e new shuck; h a i d they wodd cont apphoxha.t&y $700.00 each.

The F h e Repon;t doh t h e month wacl a dol2own: Thehe had been 3 c&. (11

The Low band m d i o had caught on d h e and buhned. I t could not be hepahed.

The Rhucb wme i n t h e name nhape. The new hone had been loaded and wan i n

hetrvice. The Rank on t h e tankeh wcu Leaking but had been plugged tmpohaniey.

Five ( 5 ) he& 0 6 ;twrn out geah had been donded a t no cont t o ;the c a y . 16

bought, thebe wodd have cont apphoxha.t&g $500 . each. A l d m a n Cooley tuhned

dn $ 7 0 0 0 . d h ~ m t h e Foh~~rDry Ghunt t o t h e F h e Dept. and then anofheh $ 6 9 0 .

2n MAC. donation^.

PoUce Chied John f f a h g d gave t h e Police RepohA as dotlawn: ~ h m e had

been 32 ahha&, 325 complac"n;ts; Fine money co.Uec:ted w a $1444.00; L&galtion

money coltected ~ o a s $136.50; MAC. Police Repohtn ~ a c l $ 4 6 . 0 0 . Tki6 madd a

gmnd to;tat 0 6 Fine and Mhc. moniu $762 t i . 50 .

Vice-Mayon Reqnol& asked doh a 30 day exkev&on on t h e '87- t i t i Budgd.

Aedetunan Dava made t h e mofion we extend t h e budget. Aedeman CooXey necond

t h e mokion. AH voted aye.

Due t o t h e Length 06 t h e meP;ting, A t d m a n Davd made fhe moXian t h e

meeting be hecuned ;:un;tiR T h w d a q night, July ? t i , 19%t i , 7 : 0 0 P.M.. A t Aha2

Page 19: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

PAGE 3"OF I I I L Y 2 6 , 7 9 g b

;time we would have the & i h A heading 0 6 lthe phep0sed Ohdinance #67 i n tregahdn

t o zoning .in K h 6 u - U . Aldehmun Paqne second Rhe rnofion. A l l voted aye.

Page 20: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

JULY 2 8 , 7 9 8 8

On T h w d a y , JuRy 2 8 , 1 9 8 8 , t h e K h b u l . 4 Bead 06 Mayoh and Atdehmen

me.$ i n t he Town tr& t o continue R h h monthLy B a u d MeeA;ing RhaZ was he-

caned on Tuaday, J u l y 2 6 , 1 9 8 t i . Mayon Lotjty called t h e meeang Ro o h d a

and mhed 6on a noRR c&. Thane pkehent wehe: Mayoh L o d t y , Vice-Mayoh

Reynotcb, k e d ~ n Cooleq, Aldetunan Pavh , Aldernun Payne, and Attohney Condha

ALdehman Uavh made t h e moaon t o p a d on the F . h A: Reading accohding Ro

phoponed &dh.ance #61 and mapn negatrding zoning i n K ~ b ~ . Vice-Mayoh

ReynoP-& necond t h e moltian. A t t voted aye. Mayoh Lo&ty nAated we woutd have

6 speciae caPP-ed meeang $on t h e Second Reacting on Juuday, August 76, 798l3,

a t 7 : O O P.M. Jhme wou ld be a PubGc H e d n g on Augunt 23, 79 t i8 , a t 6:00 P.M.

and then t h e Jhhd and F ind Reurling a t t h e hegutah. monthly Boahd Meefing

a t 7:00 P.M.

ULth no o f h m 6uine4n t o be a c u s n e d , Aldehman DavA made Rhe mo;tion

Rhe meeeng tie adjowtned. Atdenman CooRey decond ;the moaon. A l l voted aye.

Page 21: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

4, Augwt 1 6 , 7988, t h e Khb& Boahd 06 Mayoh and Aldehmen

me2 i n t h e Town f f d C doh a S p e c i d C&ed Zoning Meeting. Mayoh Lo6ty catled

$he me&ng Zo ohdm and u k e d doh a &Re ca l l . Thohe phedent wme: Mayoh

Lodtq, Vice-Mayoh ReynolQ, and Aldeman Cooley.

Vice-Mayoh ReynoLQ made Rhe moZLon t o accept Second Reading 06 phopobed

Ohdinance 6 7 and zoning mapn . Aldetrman CooCey aecond t h e motion. ACC voted


Mayoh Lodty announced thehe would be a Pubfic HeatLing 06 O h h i ~ a n ~ e 6 7

a.t 6:00 P.M. i n t h e Town H& on A u g u b t 2 3 , 19bg. The Th&d and F ind Reading

would be heEd a t 7:00 P.M. aR Rhe heguRm monthty Boahd Medng on Augu~A 2 3 , 1988.

WLth no o t h a b ~ i n u d ;ta be &caned, Vice-Mayoh Reynold~ made Ahe

mo2;ii7n The mee-ling be adjowned. A l d m a n Cooley h'econd Rhe mo;tion. AM

voted aye.

Page 22: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

and ACdekmen

Mayoh LodRy

c&ed Rhe mee;ting t o ohdeh and a k e d doh a hate cap.! and a heading 0 6 ;the

ptreviow minu fa . Thod e phen enf wehe: Mayoh Lo dRy, Vice-Mayoh Reynold,

A t d m a n Oavh and ACdeman Payne. A.f!dman Cooley w a on vacakion and

ARRohney Condrra umfilt h a e due Ao ncheldLLeing condficRd.

The minu;ta w a e head and Vice Mayoh ReynoLch made Rhe mo;tion Rhey be

apphoved an head. A t d m a n Pa& becond $he motion. ket voted aye.

Mayoh Lo@y a-ed we needed t o make nome Cine changa i n om 7987-titi

EudgeZ. They w a e : Unda Revenua: Local S d a TUX-$ 7 84,300.00; MAceCCaniaun

monia-$20,0fl0.00; SXkee-2 Paving-$60,000.00; BLLieding Fund- 70,000.00; Police

Pep$. ~ehic te -$13 , 000.00; F h e UepR. ~eckicCe-$14,500.00. Vice-Mayoh ReynoCck

made Rhe mo;tion we make lthe changa. Atdenman Davh second f i e mo;tion. A L t

voted aye.

Mayon Lo6ty opened t h e b i d on t h e 1 9 8 2 9odge Pofice cart. Jim Uoh.man

06 l a n p a &42-35361 had bid $300 .00 , and Ado Tech. i n KhbaU had h i d $ 6 8 5 . 0 0 .

V2ce-Mayok Reynolds made ;the mo;tion we accept A& Techln bid 06 $ 6 t i 5 .00 .

A t d m a n Payne aecond Rhe moaon. AkY vofed aye.

The R o m d dincunned Police Chie6 John f f ahgd ' a d m y dince he h a moved

6hom Rhe howe owned by .the Town. Vice-Mayoh ReynoCcb made ;the motion we

pay Ckied H a q h Rhe dame a South P ~ b w ~ g ' d Chied and we con;tinue ;to pay

him unGt he .icl able ;to he.tan ko wotlk. (IQhied ffaq.icl pheAenfly i n ;the

h o ~ p h h t ] . ACdeman Davh decond Ahe motion. AM voRed aye.

The Boatrd um Ro hold a Public ff eakLng a t 6 : 00 P.M. hegahding zoning i n

Kimb&. Since no Kim6d.t h a i d e n a came then, t h e Boatrd held a Public Hean-

in9 a;t tkis time. A 6 A m dome chcunaion, Vice-Mayoh Reynotch made ;the mofion

Page 23: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

PAGE 2 OF AUGUST 2 3 , 1 9 b b

Rhe. PubQc kka/ti,ng 6-e d ~ 4 e d . A l d m a n T a p e d econd &e mo;tion. A& voRed . . \ - - - % -


Mayoh Lo6@ asked i d ke h e a d a mortion Ro pas on Thhd and F i d Reading

Ondinances #61 and m p h kegahding zoning i n Kim6d.t. Vice-Mayon Reynold

made Rhe mo;tion and Redman Davh sexand. A l l voted aye.

Hayotr Lo&ty and R k lioatrd treviwed ;the pmponed 19 b b- b9 Budgef Son Rhe

Town. A6Re~t a 6w changa wehe made, Vice-Mayoh Reynold made Rhe mo;tian we

p a n t h e 798t i -89 Budget on F h R Reading. A l d m a n Pavh second Xhe motion.

A U voted aye.

Mayan Lo6Q sRated OWL 6ee uti;th Rhe M d o n CounRy 066ice 06 Planning

and pevelopmen-t woutd be inc t rmed Ro $ 5 , 0 0 0 . a n n u a y , oh $7,250. quatr;tdy

doh a ~ u R e - L h e can;tstact. Vice-Mayoh Roynoldcl made Xhe mo;tian we inctude

Rhd i n OWL 3988-89 BuclgeR. Udehnan V a v h second Rhe motion. A l t yoxed


Fihe Chie6 Jackie Blankemhip gave ;the hihe hep0h.t ah dollows: Thehe

had been two d h e ~ . One WM mLLtual aid i n Sou.& P L t A b u h g and one wb a can

6.ihe i n f i e C a y X i m i & . The pumpm had been putled i n 6mm Sou;th PLCt~b~urg

L a t night. Hobat had hepahd Lt today. The ;tanka had a bad Lwh i n Rhe

s ide 06 Rhe ;tank. The o l d Fohd Pump@ wan i n daitr shape.

V2ce-Mayoh Reynolds gave Rhe Po.Gce Repolr;e 6olCows: Them had been

b L ~ q o n e 375 compldna; ?2ne monq coReecfed wan 2 1 7 b . 00; L.itiga;tion

money coEected W ~ A 7 89.00; P d i r z g dinen col!lec;ted WM $ 2 0 . 0 0 , and m b ceX-

laneoun Potice hepaha W ~ A $40.00. T h h made a gmnd &;tat 06 Fine and MAC.

movcicu $2367.00.

Mayotl Lo6;tg aakted ;that Jackie and Jane B l a n h e ~ k i p had $he k4g h bid

Cand only bid) on t h e Town'h houne nex-t dooh t o Rhe Police VepR. The bid NM

Page 24: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

PAGE 3 OF AUGUST 23, 19 t i t i

ted Augwt 7 2 , 1 9 8 8 . The wohk w a ~ ;to be deahed by Novembe& 7 0 ,

7 9 8 8 190 days) . ALdeman Payne made ithe motion ;th& be accepted and Vice-

flayoh ReynoLdh second $he mofion. ALL voted aye.

~~ no othen b w i n e ~ s t o be cihcunhed, Vice-Mayoh ReynoXdn made ;the

mo;tion $he meeting be adjouhned. A L d e ~ n Davh second t h e mo;tion. AIL vexed


Page 25: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Tuesday, September 27, 1988, the Kimball Board of Mayor and Aldermen

net in the Tom Hall for their regular monthly Board meeting. Mayor Lofty

called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call and a reading of the

previous minutes. Those present were: Mayor Lofty, Vice-Mayor Reynolds,

Alderman Cooley, Alderman Davis, Alderman Payne and Attorney Condra. The

minutes were read and Alderman Cooley made the motion they be approved as

read. Vice-Elayor Reynolds second the motion. All voted aye.

Mayor Lofty stated we needed to have a Dedication of the roads in the

Cedar Points Subdivision. After some discussion regarding the water and gas

lines being installed, Alderman Payne made the motion the dedication be

tabled until the next Board meeting. Alderman Cooley second the motion. All

voted aye.

Mayor Lofty asked if he heard a motion to pass the 1988-89 Budget on

Second Reading. Vice-Mayor Reynolds made the motion it be passed. Alderman

Davis second the motion. All voted aye. Mayor Lofty stated we would have

a Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. on October 25, 1988 before our regular monthly

Board meeting. Then at 7:00 p.m., we would have the Third and Final Reading

of the Budget.

Mayor Lofty stated we needed an Acting Police Chief until John (~argis)

was able to return. This wauld be on a temporary basis. Vice-Mayor Reynolds

made the motion we hire someone temporay basis. Alderman Cooley second the

motion. All voted aye.

Mayor Lofty said the Police Dept. needed a new Docket Book. The cost

would be around $300.00. He asked if he heard a motion it be ordered.

Alderman Davis made the motion. Alderman Cooley second the motion. All

voted aye.

Page 26: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

Tuesday, September 27, 1985 cont.

Alderman Cooley gave the F i re Report a s follows: There had been one f i r e i n

the City. (At the Shel l Station.) The tanker was i n the shop ge t t ing

another tank. The 701 Ford fue l system'had been clea.2ed out ; the 702 was o.k

The new radio should be here any day.

Tne Police Reprt was given by Vice-M,syor Reynolds a s follows: There

had &en 45 a r r e s t s ; 1100 complaints. Fine money col lected was $2200.50;

Li t igat ion money col lected was $168.00; misc. money col lected was $122.00.

This made a grand t o t a l of Fine and misc. monies $2490.50.

With no other business t o be discussed, Alderman Davis made the motion

the meeting be adjourned. Alderman Payne s w ~ n d the motion. A l l voted aye.

Page 27: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Tuaday, 0c;foheh 2 5 , 1 9 8 8 , Ahe KLmhaPP 3omd 06 Mayoh and AOdemne-n

mef i n Ahe Town HaPR doh f h & treguP_m rnon2hPu 4omd Meefing. Mayoh LodRy

c d t e d $he meeting ;to otrdeh and an hed dotr a h a l t c u l t and a heading 06 ?he

p h e v i o ~ m i n u t ~ . 'Thane pha en< wene: Mayoh Ladty, Ifice-hkLy~h Reyno e&, Atdenman C o o t e ~ , Atdehman n a u h , ACdemnan Payne, and AA;tohney Concha. The

Minutu w e m tread and ACdman Pavd made Rhe motion Ahat they he apptrovesi

an tread; Vice-Mayon Reynaf.& aecond t h e mo;tion; voAed aye.

Pad Joh~~clon, w d h Jama E Company Accounting F h m , wan aA khe meeting

t o d b c u n t h e au&;t doh yea& ending June 3 0 , 7 9 bti . He aaid euehq;tking

loolied 4 e d t y good dotr t h e Town. He a a i d he wanxed Ro congtruRuLaAe a t e 0 6

;the B o m d doh helping ;the Town gtrow.

Vice-Mayoh Reunolch awoke i n Pon C U dn OWL n w Popice Chie-6. The

Vice-Mauok &a ptruen-ted Tam Wehh wi$h a pcacjue doh h d Ahhieen yeam 0 6

dedicated a etrvice. ;ta Ahe KhbaU PoLice fkpaha3nen.t.

Mauoh Lodtq anhed i d he heatrd a motion Aa accept ;the de.dica;tion ad $he-

a2xee-h i n t h e Cedm Poina2 Suhdivhion. ARdman n a v h made Ahe. mo;tion Ahe

dedicafion be accepAecl. Ifice-Mayah Reyno ti& a econd Rh e mo;tion; a![ vo.te.d aye.

Mayon Lo6ty azated we had heceived a hign pivunirt appficaLLon. He ahhed

i d he. heahd a motion t h a t Rhe applXcation be accepted. Vice-Mayoh Re-ynotck

made t h e motLon it be accepted. Aldeman Pavh a econd ;the motion; ate vo.ted


Mayon Lodty ahhed i d he heand a motion Ao paan on Ahe T h h d and F ind

Reading 0 6 t h e 19titi-ti9 Budget 604 Rhe Town. Vice-Mayoh ReynoCd made khe

motion Lt pann on Tkiftd and Find heading; Atdeman OavA neconde.d Rhe motion;

aLt voted aye.

Mayoh La6Ry a ked i d he hemd a mo;tion ;to ;take the de.nce down atround

Page 28: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

OCTOBER 2 5 , 7988, Page 2

Rhe b u h e R b d t goal2 i n t h e pa&. Vice-Mayan Reynolh made Rhe motion it be

;taken down. A l d m a n Baud seconded t h e motion. A l t voted aye.

The Police Repant wan given 6 y CGtied C W an do l lom : To-taP, A U a ; l - n

35, Ra;tae complains 350. Fine money coUe.cted WUA 16tili.50; t i t i g a t i o n

money cotlecRed wm 7 57.50; and m h c . monies colte.cRed w m 42.00. Th& made

a ghand t o t a l 0 6 Fine and MAC. Mania ltititi.00. F h e Chied Blanke~nhip gave-

t h e d h e hepoht an 6oP-lam; Thehe had be-en 1 d h e , i n t h e ci-ty; Lt ~ a c l a

ghans d h e . The hood w u leaking w h a e ,the h e a t a had been in!daUed. The

Rankm wan i n t h e shop. A U - t h e a t h a ;trrucb w e m O K .

Mayoh Lodty UA hed Rhe Roahd ;to be thinking 06 a zoning commi;tRee.

With no o t h a buninan t o he d i m m e d , Mayoh Lodty acjked i 6 he heand t h e

motion t h e meeting be adjouhned. Vice-Mayoh Reynolch made t h e mofion, and

Cooley seconded Lt; A l l voted

Page 29: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Tueclday, Novmbeh 2 2 , 7488, t h e K&b& Boahd 06 Mayoh and kedettman

met i n t h e Town H& botr th& k e g d m rnon;tGzty Boatrd Meefing. Mayoh Lodty

called t h e mee;ting t o ohdetr and a k e d doh a hoU c a l l and a heading 0 6 t h e

pheviou minu ta . Thod e y~tru en2 arme: Mayoh Lo dty , Vice-Mayoh ReynoLch ,

Aidman CooLey, kedeman Pavh , Aldeman Payne, and A;ttohney Condrra. The

minu;tu wme head and kedeman DavA made t h e mo;tion t hey be appmved an

tread. kedenman Cooky necond t h e moLion--M voted Aye.

Mayoh Lodty nAated he ~ u u t d f ihe ;ta k v e an audi t a t t h e end 0 6 kin

t e r n an 8ayotr. He naid Pad S o h o n , wi%i 3ama E Company, had naid t hey

could do t h e audiA on Feti. f 3, 748Q. Mayoh Lofjty anked i d he. hamd a modion

t h e sum 6e done on th& date. Aldetunan Pavd made t h e motLon, and Vice-

Mayoh Reqnalch neconded--A,@ voted Aye.

Mayoh Lo@y had a Uquoh applica.tion phaented t o kim by Amanda P .

Q o g e u . No scan WIB taken 6ikce Maym Lo@q n;ta;ted LU. Rogeu needed a

p U o n ULLtCi 2 5 negdtelred v o t e a ',aZgna;tu.ta, and then t h e m would have

t o be a he$ettendum on It&.

Mayoh Lo$ty ntated we wehe tooking in& ged3ing new medicat i~nuhance

ion: t h e Town employee^ . Y e had beu& compania g a n g tratecl Soh un.

Hank Pa;tnick and one atheh company had t h e dame ha& W.i;th The PkLncipcxR Co.

Atdenman CooXey maile t h e mo;tion we naky LUi;th Hank nince he a h a had otheh

inhukance ion t h e Town. Aldehrnan Davh necond t h e motLon--A.U voted Aye.

Mayoh Lodty atated we had &uo new b u n i n u n a corning t o KhbdL--;they

wehe Long John S.iXvehln and Cone. 0 2 Co. Long John S&vetrld wulLed phobahly

aAclnA: t h e h ghound wotrh W.i;tkin t h e next ACztree weeka, bu;t Cone O i l wodd

wai2 unZX t h e $&;t 0 2 4 ;the yeah.

Mayoh Lo@y n a i d we had had comptainh abouA Khb y Vacuum Cfeaneh S a h -

men i n t h e .atrea. AdZen aome d h c ~ n i o n , t h e B u m d anked ;tha;t a LeLtetr be

Page 30: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

NOVEflEER 2 2 , 1 9 8 8 , PAGE 2

wtLi;t;ten ;ta t he Kaby Ub,$& h"n CLeveRand, TN. XeUing them the& money would

not be heaunded and a h them noZ Xo come t o ouh U h a again.

PoUce Ckied Don C u m 2 gave ;the Police RepotL;t brl ~ o t t o m : Thehe had

been 3 2 ma&,; Fine money co.Uected wan 1329.50; .Wga; t ion ;tax wan 736.50;

MAC. Pofice Repom2 wan 88 .00 . Tot& money collected wan 7 5 5 4 . 0 0 .

The FntLe Repohit was given by Ckied BLanke~hLp brl doUow~: Thehe had

been a AoAzLe 06 3 @mti; one wan a bhohen gah Line a t Acme. Boot; fi cah &he

clA 124 , and a mu'rLLat n i d O'te .in Si;oqu*zfch.~e. Tkey hxd had a conkrroLled buhn

on Sa;tWLdau, Nov. 1 9 , a t !ha. Wkitcheh'6 howe. 8hea f h e Depth. t h a t helped

w a e : Sey . J b r l p a , dnd Wki;lwetR. The F&e Pep$ had a doad biM @om

McPonaXd'n don 25 .05 , whae doad was pmclzaned doh t h e dimmen thaA wonhed

t h e burn. They atno had a bite doh 5.00 doh d i e ~ e l u e d i n aAatr;ting Rhe

&he. Wd-Mad had donated 3 watm juga and cup& doh d u n b t o t h e

dep;t. The The 701 had a p a g e Z h t w n ' t wohking tLigh2; had now been

heplaced. The 702 u m n ' t wan;ting t o Zdee; t h e 7 0 3 h n k a w a ~ 6,tiX-t i n ;the

hop. The hadio boa ;the 707 WUA i n thejhop but nholLed be hefuhned anyLime.

The 6 h e h@ w a .in qood dhape; Rhe Leah i n ;the naod.had been hepahed.

Them had been 3 n u @amen .ta join t k i n mon;th. One huvrdhed he& 0 6 2%"

and d o n e t o 6 5 0 ' od 1%" hone had b u n donated ;to t he Dept.

WiAh no o;thm bclniviehb t o be dincmaed, Vice-Mayotr Reynolrb made ;the

mo;tion t h e meefing 6e adiowmed. A ~ d m a n n a v h ~ e c o n d e d t h e mofion--

M l voted Aye.

Page 31: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

On Monday, Decm6etr 2 6 , 1488 , t h e K&6& Bead 06 Mayan and Aldehmen

met i n t h e Town Hdeg doh th& hegdah monthly Boahd Meeang. Mayoh fod ty

caLted t h e meding t o ohdeh and anked 604 a m u c d ! and a neading 06 t h e

phevioun minu;te.h. Those pheAent wme: Mayon Lodty, Vice-Mayon Reynold ,

A l d m a n Cooley, Atdehman Davd, and kedehman Payne. The minuteh w a e

mad , and A l d m a n Davh made t h e mo;E;ion they be apphoved dil head. Vice-Mayoh

Reynol& seconded t h e mo;tion--AH voted Aye.

Adtm heahing some p h o h t m a6au;t OWL Beetr Ohd. [Ohd. # 2 1 , t h e R o m d

anked doh ALtahney Condha t o update ouh Ohd. kegahding ageh on a ehving

and chinking beeh i n ouh Town. [ I - 1 7 3? 1

Mayon Lodty s t d e d we had treceived apyJRica;tiaa dolr s i gn pemnLtx , - . -

dmm Cone O i l and F u k i o n ~ UnLhLted. Cone O i l wodd 6e doh a hi -k ine

hign and headehbomd; F u k i o ~ n UnRimiA:ed would have t h e name on t h e dhont

06 th& building only. A k d m a n Davd made ;the mofion they be apphoved.

A l d m a n Payne seconded f ie mo;tion--AU voted Aye.

The Roahd dincunsed bunine~seh having a pmhtem uuXh t h e height 0 6 a

headehboahd i n Ohd. 6 0 . A l d m a n ??avh made t h e moaon we a k A;tty. Condtra

;to amend Ohd. 6 0 t o head thehe be 7 2 ' dmrn t h e ghound ;to f i e 6o;t;tom 0 6 .the

headmboahd. Thehe wodd sXiP? need ;ta be 20' t o t h e 6oMam o 6 fhe. s ign

.i;tn ekd . [ the one above t h e headeh6oatrdI . Aldeman Payne a econrled t h e moLLon--

kee voted Aye.

Mayoh f u & t y s z d e d we had heceived a s ign p m L t applica;tion 6hom

Mh. Cot-tum at V&ey T h e hecjueAfing a s ign neah t h e l n t m 2 a e and one dil

you go inZo Sweeden's Vove. Aldehman Davd made t h e mofion we ghant t h e

p e h n i t neah t h e Tntea;ta;te, but t h a t Mh. ColYum would need t o 6oUow t h e

Sa3x.Z~ L w hegatrding X U . ARdman Payne seconded t h e mo2Lon--AU voted Aye.

The penmil doh t h e Sweeden'a Cove aign m &bled doh l ack od indomafion

aboult t h e s ign.

Page 32: 26, 39g8 26, 398b, the 06 Mayoh and Atdamen · and that they had hequested we give them 2-3 mahe wee& to get theirt hign in compLiance with outi: Ondinanca 59 E 60. [Tkin sign h the

Page 3 06 Decemba 2 6 , 7 9 8 8

May04 Lo@y sh;ted we had heceived a Beeh A p p f i c d o n doh Cone OX

Company. T h A would be 604 0 6 6 p4mhe~ o d y . Mdeman Davh made ;the

mo;tiun ;the applica&ton be apptroved. ALdeman Cooley seconded ;the motLon.

kee vo;ted Aye.

Mayoh 1od;ty ~Xu-ted we had heceived indomation on ;the Tennunee

Comofidated Re,tihment SynAem. Aldehman Davh made ;the mofion we adopt

;the ReAoCuLLon kegahding ;the Re;titrmen;t Syntem. A&dman Payne se-co nded

Rhe mo;tion- -W- volted Aye.

Th.e Police RepohX wan given by Potice Chiii.6 Pan C u h t i n ah @llown:

Thehe had been 32 ameMx; dine money coLtec;ted WUA $1,334.50; ~ ~ g a ~ i o n

money cottecked wacl $726.00; d c . Police hCy.XVUh and pahkLng 2ickeIx wah

7 58 .00 . T k i n made a gmnd ;taW 06 dine and mhcellaneoun moniu $ 7 , 6 7 8 . 5 0 .

Ckied C u h ; t i n naid 6eginning i n Jlanumy, C o w woLLed be held ALLLice a mon2.h.

Judge I e n k i m had a b e d doh I d dee Xo be inckeaned by $ 2 5 . 0 0 mahe on ;the

mon;th. k e d m a n V a v h made t h e mon=ion we give kim .the ex;ttra $25 .00 .

Aldetunan Cooley necond~d ;the rnoaon. AD? vo;ted Aye.

Aldetrman Cooley gave ;the fi&L RepofLt. f f e said evekq;tking neemed ;to

be wohking okay.

Atdeman Caoley made t h e motiun we pwrchue a WUWL coateh don ;the

Po&ce Dept. tl e naid Rhey had checked on one a;t Southehn W h o L u d e m , 7nc.

and nevebd ofhe4 placu,. The. W h o l a d e & , Tnc. coo&eh wan going -to coax

$ 3 4 6 . 7 7 . Alderonan DavA seconded t h e mofLon we pwrchane t h e cooteh. A l l

vo;ted Aye.

U k k no o;theh b u ~ i n e ~ n ;to be dincwsed, Mdetunan PavA made ;the mo;t.ion A

;the mee;ting be adjomned. Vice-Mayoh Re

voRerl Aye.
