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2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA

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2nd Annual Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit, USA, San Diego Power into Commercial CPV…Your Roadmap to opportunities, finance and projects! Your opportunity to meet the key people who can take your CPV business to the next level and give you all the information you need to seize market opportunities in 2010. Hot topics being discussed include What is the present state of CPV? Where will it be tomorrow? How will utilities engage with CPV? How can you get public and private finance? Answers to these questions and more will be given through a selection of high-level presentations, panel debates and roundtables featuring the cream of the Concentrated Photovoltaic community, this event will revolutionize your approach to CPV commercialization. With speakers across the CPV community including US Department of Energy, NREL, Sandia National Laboratories , Concentrix, American Electric Power, CPV Consortium, SolFocus, Nth Power, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and many of the leading companies in the field. Connect and meet CPV experts for 48hours! For more info visit http://www.cpvtoday.com/usa
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Are you serious about CPV? …the biggest and best CPV event of the year… simply unmissable! 1. Over 300 CPV industry experts set to attend 2. Two tracks – commercial and technical so that you can tailor your own conference experience 3. Bigger and better Exhibition Hall for 2010 4. Over 20 hours of networking and business building opportunities 5. Top case studies on CPV installations 6. Panel sessions, working discussion groups, key note speakers and much more! CUT CPV COSTS AND BOOST MARGINS - Understand what more you can do to make your offering the most competitive and cost effective option CPV FINANCE FIXES - Hear the best strategies to secure public and private funding and how you can make your project a sure thing for investors TOP TECHNOLOGY TIPS - Leading CPV players from around the world detail their innovative technology solutions from temperature control to ‘efficiency versus concentration’ UTILITIES AND CPV - Hear directly from utility companies on how they plan to work with CPV companies, gain unique insight into PPAs and understand how to power into utility-scale production SET UP FOR CPV STANDARDS - Find out how to hit IEC and UL standards and realize automation so that you can ramp up volume and enter the market fast and problem free! 6 excellent reasons why you must attend this event! IndusTry lEadErs sPEakIng FebruAry 2-3, The uS GrAnT, SAn DieGo Open now For The Full summit Program! THE mOsT ImPOrTanT CPV EVEnT In nOrTH amErICa THIs yEar! ConCenTrATeD PhoToVolTAiC SummiT 2 nd Annual Power into commercial CPV – your roadmap to opportunities, finance and projects Save $300! Register Today! USA Edward Etzkorn Department of Energy Robert P. Powers American Electric Power Mark Crowley SolFocus Inc. Hansjoerg Lerchenmueller Concentrix Tim Woodward Nth Power Jeffery Nelson Sandia National Laboratories Carl Osterwald NREL Pedro Banda ISFOC Media Partners Lanyard Sponsor: Our Expert Speakers Include: Silver Sponsor: Official Partner: USB Sponsor: 10x Technology Sponsors:
Page 1: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA

Are you serious about CPV?

…the biggest and best CPV event of the year… simply unmissable!

1. Over300CPVindustryexpertssettoattend

2. Twotracks–commercialandtechnicalsothatyoucantailoryourownconferenceexperience

3. BiggerandbetterExhibitionHallfor2010

4. Over20hoursofnetworkingandbusinessbuildingopportunities

5. TopcasestudiesonCPVinstallations

6. Panelsessions,workingdiscussiongroups,keynotespeakersandmuchmore!

CUT CPV COSTS AND BOOST MARGINS • -Understandwhatmoreyoucandotomakeyourofferingthemostcompetitiveandcosteffectiveoption

CPV FINANCE FIXES • -Hearthebeststrategiestosecurepublicandprivatefundingandhowyoucanmakeyourprojectasurethingforinvestors

TOP TECHNOLOGY TIPS• -LeadingCPVplayersfromaroundtheworlddetailtheirinnovativetechnologysolutionsfromtemperaturecontrolto‘efficiencyversusconcentration’

UTILITIES AND CPV • -HeardirectlyfromutilitycompaniesonhowtheyplantoworkwithCPVcompanies,gainuniqueinsightintoPPAsandunderstandhowtopowerintoutility-scaleproduction

SET UP FOR CPV STANDARDS - • FindouthowtohitIECandULstandardsandrealizeautomationsothatyoucanrampupvolumeandenterthemarketfastandproblemfree!



FebruAry 2-3, The uS GrAnT, SAn DieGo



ConCenTrATeD PhoToVolTAiC SummiT

2nd Annual

Power into commercial CPV – your roadmap to opportunities, finance and projects

Save $300!

Register Today!


Edward Etzkorn Department of Energy

Robert P. Powers American Electric Power

Mark Crowley SolFocus Inc.

Hansjoerg Lerchenmueller Concentrix

Tim Woodward Nth Power

Jeffery Nelson Sandia National Laboratories

Carl Osterwald NREL

Pedro Banda ISFOC







10x Technology


Page 2: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA


book now for the event that shows you - step by step how to launch into commercial CPV!

PLUS – Exclusively hear from the leaders in the industry SolFocus and Concentrix about their experience in installing systems, the challengesthey faced and key lessons learned. Providing you with a detailed battle plan so that you are only making commercially viable decisions!

New for 2010-wehaveaddressedallyourbusinessneedsandyouwillbehearingfromglobalexpertsaboutyourmostpressingcommercialandtechnicalissues.Youwillhavetheabilitytocustomizeyourconferenceexperienceandwalkawaywiththeknowledgeyoucamehungryfor,throughourcommercialandtechnical track.Evenbetterbringyourteamalongtogetanswersfortheirchallengesandgainaforwardthinkingandsynchronizedapproach.

But it’s not all about information, it’s about making contacts and forging relationships too. Over 300 senior level executives across the industry such as investors and utilities will be at the event for you to do business with. Hear what they have to say about CPV as you could be their client!

“Nth Power sees great potential from the cost leverage associated with the

improved performance of triple junction, high efficiency cells and we believe

several leading solar companies will be formed in the CPV sector”

TimWoodward,Nth Power

“We see CPV technologies having the potential to make substantial

contributions to the utility portfolio, and are eager to help accelerate the technology to achieve that potential”

ObadiahBartholomy,Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

If you are serious about succeeding in CPV you have to attend this event - there is simply no other way you can meet more CPV insiders and hear more business intelligence in two days and at such low cost.



[email protected]

Secure your future in CPV - get the answers you need to guarantee your business beats your competitors by attending the 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit



• Spectrolab’snewworldrecordforcellefficiencysettinganewbenchmarkforCPV,raisingthebartoanimpressive41.6%

• TheSouthwestoftheUSAbecomingahotbedofactivitywithAmonix’sNevadainstallations,Solfocus’spartnershipwiththeCityofMesaandConcentrix’sincreasedpresenceinCalifornia

• TheDepartmentofEnergyallocated$117.6milliontoacceleratesolarenergycommercializationacrossAmericaanddesignedaCPVroadmapsothatcostsareataleveltodisplacetraditionalenergysources



• OncecommercializedCPVwillbethelowestcostandmostefficientsolartechnologyinthemarket-commercializationwillbethesparkthatignitestheexplosivegrowthofthisindustry

• TheCPVmarketwillhit6GWby2020,accountingfor2percentofthesolarmarket

• CumulativeinvestmentinCPVis$1billion

CPV’s potential is undeniable - but to ensure your business taps into this incredible opportunity there are challenges that need to be met and solutions that need to be hammered out NOW.



Lower CPV costs.Theonlywinnersinthisindustrywillbethecompaniesthatlowercoststhefastest.HearfromleadingCPVsuppliersCyriumandSunTrackonhowtheyareworkingtowardsthisgoalthatwillequipyouwiththeultimatecostreductionstrategy.

Secure critical finance.CPVworksbutintoday’srecessioninvestorsarequestioningthebankabilityofallemergingtechnologiesanddoingeverythingtheycantolowertheirrisks.DiscoverwhatyoucandotomakeyourprojectasappealingaspossiblefromTheDOE,Nth Power,Good Energies,US Venture Partners,Hudson Clean Energy Partners,Draper Fisher JurvetsonandSgurrEnergy Ltd

Compete with other solar technologies.TherecentdropinsiliconpriceshastakentheedgeoffCPV’scompetitiveadvantageandCPVnowfacesafightforsurvivalagainstCSP,ThinFilmandPV.FindoutfromAmerican Electric Power,Sacramento Municipal Utilities DistrictandSan Francisco Public Utilities Commission Power Enterprisehowyoucanbethenumberoneutilitychoiceoveryourcompetitors.Plus-gainfirst-handresultsofrecentreportsonhowCPVcansuccessfullycompetebytheCPV ConsortiumandtheUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas

Improve CPV efficiency and reliability.CPVtechnologyneedstohittheHolyGrailstandardofa25yearlifeinthesunwarranty.Atthesummitleadingexpertsfromaroundtheworldareonhandtodiscusswhatyouneedtodotomakethishappen,includingNational Renewable Energy Lab,Sandia National Laboratories,ISFOC,TUV Rheinland PTL,IBM,National Pingtung University - Taiwan,University of California,Merced,Ioffe Physico-Technical InstituteandLPI LLC

Scale Up CPV into mass production.Makesureyouenterthemarketeasilyandquickly,withoutrunningtheriskofunderminingyourproduct.Hearfrom10x Technologyaboutthelatestmanufacturingadvancementsthatwilllaunchyourproductintocommercialization.

Predict and comply with future CPV industry standards.NowCPVhasbeenproventowork,babystepsofIECandULcertificationdonotaddressthetechnicalandexpenseissues.HearfromtheSolar America Board for Codes and StandardsaboutfuturestandardsforallCPVproductssoyoucanmaketherightbusinessdecisionsnowandstayaheadofthecompetition.

Page 3: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA

Get unique insights From leading CPV Companies

ToP SPeAKerS From ArounD The Globe


US Department of Energy, John Bartlett

US Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Edward Etzkorn

American Electric Power, Robert P Powers

NREL, Carl Osterwald

Sandia National Laboratories, Jeff Nelson

ISFOC, Pedro Banda Concentrix, Hansjoerg Lerchenmueller Cyrium, Harry R. Rozakis

SolFocus, Mark Crowley

CPV Consortium, Nancy Hartsoch

Austin Energy, Mark Kapner

California Strategies and Former California Energy Commission Commissioner, BB Blevins

University of California Berkeley, Dan Kammen

Sacramento Muncipal Utilities District, Obadiah Bartholomy

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Power Enterprise, John Doyle

Nth Power, Tim Woodward

US Venture Partners, Winston Fu

Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Courtney McColgan

Good Energies, Sean Petersen

Hudson Clean Energy Partners, Terry Jester

TÜV Rheinland PTL LLC, Bill Shisler

IBM, Supratik Guha

The Boeing Company, Adam Plesniak

Solar America Board for Codes and Standards, Suzanne Borek

Center for Energy Research, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Robert Boehmn

Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia, Valery Rumyantsev

JX Crystals, Lewis Fraas

Cannon Power Group, Dwain Boettcher

National Pingtung University, Taiwan, John Lee

Quantasol, Tom Tibbits

Silicon CPV plc, Professor Humayun Mughal

LPI LLC Juan Carlos Miñano

University of California, Merced Roland Winston

Navigant Consulting, Paula Mints

10x Technology, Robert Pricone

Renewable Analytics LLC, Dirk Morbitzer

SgurrEnergy Ltd, Geoff Hoffheniz


CuTTinG eDGe SeSSionS you neeD To ATTenD

CPV suPer Panels – Where is CPV today and Where Will it be tomorroW?

Case studies from key Players on CPV Plant installations – lessons learned and ComPeting With other solar teChnology

in dePth look into What CPV testing reVeals - What lessons haVe been learned?

hoW Will Costs Come doWn and hoW Will this imPaCt your ProjeCt suCCess?

global teChnologiCal adVanCements that Will boost your CPV system effiCienCy & reliability!

netWorking drinks Party

end of ConferenCe



daTE mOrnIng aFTErnOOn EVEnIng

oPPortunities for CPV from the dePartment of energy, PriVate inVestors and utilities!

“The CPV summit (in Madrid) was the starting gun in the race for CPV”Antonio Luque, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

“Excellent conference from a networking perspective”Jim Weldon, Solar Junction

“I thoroughly enjoyed the conference experience and profited greatly both from listening to the presentations and from interacting with other conference attendees via the networking opportunities”

James W Garland, EPIR Technologies, INC.

“Despite the uncertain economic and regulatory climate, I came away with a lot of hope for the success of CPV in the future. As a vendor who is part of the supply chain, we still see attractive

opportunities for us in the future! Great networking opportunities”

Michelle Velderrain, NuSil Technology

“Last year’s conference (CPV Summit EU) was very productive as in just 3 days I could contact key decision makers of all players in the CPV value chain. Great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in technical ground as well as regulatory standards.

looking forward to the next event”

Josep Ros, Dupont

“I was very happy with the event, thanks for championing CPV, it will help get the industry off the ground”

Simon Fafard, Cyrium

“I came to the conference to learn about the technology of CPV and assess the market opportunities. I was able to achieve all my

objectives - a great conference”Alison Mason, ReflecTech Inc.

Technical Track

commercial Track

Page 4: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA

DAy 1 - FebruAry 2, 2010 - PlenAry SeSSionS: CPV in 2010 AnD beyonD


neTworKinG DrinKS PArTy




Strategies to Secure Private Investment for CPV in a Risk Adverse Climate

Give your CPV project the best chance of •continued financial backing by finding out where best to target your financing campaign Hear direct from the horse’s mouth what figures •and statistics investors use to define and evaluate new investments and how to use this information to make your pitch in the right way and instill confidence in your product Drill deep down into the key areas covered •during technical due diligence and understand all you can do to make your project as low-risk as possible

Terry Jester, Entrepreneur in Residence, Hudson Clean Energy PartnersCourtney McColgan, Associate, Draper Fisher JurvetsonTim Woodward, Managing Director, Nth PowerWinston Fu, General Partner, US Venture Partners

Geoff Hoffheniz, Solar Team Leader / Senior Renewable Energy Consultant, SgurrEnergy Ltd

How To Understand and Win Public Investment For CPV Projects

The million dollar question for CPV right now •- how is the stimulus going to help CPV power forward? Find out what you can do to boost your chances of application approval and seize this opportunity while most of the funding is still up for grabs What does the 30% tax rebate in manufacturing •mean for you? Find out how the $2.3 million tax credit can save you money , strengthen your manufacturing capacity and provide a boost for your business

John Bartlett, Financial Analyst, Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Program / New West TechnologiesEdward Etzkorn, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technologies Program

CPV Real World Results - the Latest Facts Laid Bare From International CPV Testing Institutions

Gain a valuable insight from ISFOC based on the •real world results from CPV installations to date, equipping you with knowledge of the practical challenges you will face moving outside the lab and what you can do to improve your system in the field Field tests vs Lab tests - take a look at the •differences between the two and hear the latest revealing results from NREL and Sandia National Laboratories - exactly what you need to help you devise technical solutions to overcome testing!

Carl Osterwald, Principal Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Jeffery Nelson, Solar Technologies Manager, Sandia National Laboratories Pedro Banda, General Director, ISFOC

Utility Scale Solar – The Way Forward For CPV

Find out which utilities are excited to work •with CPV and get the latest on how they will be pushing forward with installation projects

Meet their needs - understand what utilities want •most from their CPV partners so that you can build long term winning relationships and position your CPV business for future success

PPAs = guaranteed growth for your business. •Discuss how to best work towards a power purchase agreement in partnership with a utility

Robert P Powers, President - AEP Utilities, American Electric Power

Obadiah Bartholomy, Project Manager, Advanced Renewables & Distributed Generation Technologies, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

John Doyle, Infrastructure Development Manager, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Power Enterprise

Keynote Roundtables

CPV leaders will be gathered in San Diego to work together to power into commercial CPV…fast!

This year CPV Today have organized formal working group discussions moderated by industry leaders as we combine our collective thinking to address the challenges your business faces.

Innovate, collaborate, and dominate!You’ll be expected to get involved and put forward your opinions in these vitally important discussions that will form the basis of feedback sessions and post Summit papers.

Be part of the CPV revolution! Register your place today and help drive the agenda on topics including:

Roundtable discussion:• How do I reduce my costs? Where are the areas of cost reduction when making my CPV module? How fast till CPV delivers the most competitive LCOE?Roundtable discussion:• How do I align the energy generation capability and related performance metrics of CPV with other technologies such as silicon PV and thin films?Roundtable discussion: • What is realistic for CPV in 2010? Where will the industry be in 5 years? What needs to be done today to make sure we reach the CPV dream?

Commercialization of CPV in 2010: The First 100 MW

Assess the state of the industry as •commercialization moves into its second year launches into large-scale solar deployments, both distributed generation and utility scaleWhat will it take for the industry to reach the first •100 MW milestone, and how will industry leaders address both the thriving opportunities and the significant challenges which abound?

Mark Crowley, CEO and President, SolFocus, Inc

CPV Super Panel: The CPV Landscape - Today’s Numbers and Tomorrow’s Expectations

Will the CPV industry meet the anticipated level •of deployment in the next few years? Take a hard look at the numbers and find out how many CPV installations and MW are in the field and expected in the near future The economic crisis, the Spanish feed-in tariff •cap and the drop in silicon prices have all hit CPV recently - but this industry is still moving forward. Fully understand the long term effects these changes will have on your CPV business and profitabilityWhat’s your long term goal for CPV? Benefit from •the super panel’s expert opinions and make sure you are positioning your business to be competitive and win big when this industry hits critical mass

Hansjoerg Lerchenmueller, CEO, ConcentrixNancy Hartsoch, Director, CPV Consortium Mark Kapner, Senior Strategy Engineer, Austin EnergyBB Blevins, Partner, California Strategies & Former California Energy Commission CommissionerDan Kammen, Professor, University of California Berkeley

Tips and Strategies from Regulators, Utilities and Financiers

The Department of Energy talks CPV - discover •the ins and outs of their approach and attitude towards the CPV industry and how companies can best work with state and federal bodies to ensure expectations are metHear a first hand account of a utility’s path to •CPV installation and understand their plans to incorporate CPV into their portfolio‘Banking’ on CPV – why struggle convincing •worried investors? Hear from the financial backers that believe in the promise that CPV will provide ROI, and how to mitigate risks to get funded

Edward Etzkorn, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technologies Program Robert P Powers, President AEP Utilities, American Electric Power Tim Woodward, Managing Director, Nth Power Obadiah Bartholomy, Project Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utilities DistrictDwain Boettcher, VP Business & Transmission Planning, Cannon Power GroupPaula Mints, Principal Analyst PV Services Program, Navigant Consulting




Page 5: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA

DAy 2 - FebruAry 3, 2010


Exclusive Insight Into Expert CPV Testing Knowledge - Concentrator Performance Measurements at NREL

Hear test results and unique analysis from NREL •- the only laboratory in the United States with the capability to get primary reference cell calibrations traceable to the World Radiometric Reference What do the results show in efficiency versus •concentration measurements of multijunction cells and outdoor performance of concentrator modules? Master the challenge of measuring the •performance of multijunction PV devices; uncover the problems, discover the capabilities and understand what you can to do to get more accurate results

Carl Osterwald, Principal Engineer, National Renewable Energy Lab

CPV Qualification Testing Standards – Lessons Learned To Date

Accelerate your CPV development through valuable •insider knowledge from the major contributor to IEEE 1513 and IEC 62108 CPV standardsChallenges abound in qualification testing and •there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Benefit from the real lessons learned in the lab so you can develop systems that meet the standards right out the gate

Bill Shisler, Head of Quality, TUV Rheinland PTL

Taking CPV From Pilot to Production Check your manufacturing model against the •industry’s best and find out how to make your systems deliver high quality, reliable output – ensuring you can satisfy the user and offer a 20 years in the sun guarantee!Continuous process technology - what you need •to know. Discover how developments being made now will enable the manufacture of CPV concentrators with high efficiency and low cost

Robert M Pricone, CEO, 10X Technology

Maximize Your Efficiency/Cost Ratio by Boosting The Tolerance Budget of Your Fresnel System

Discover the most vital manufacturing and •assembly tips to reduce loss from your multi junction cells and capitalize on their high conversion efficiency Higher precision without a price hike - uncover •the holy grail of CPV manufacturing by achieving a robust design with adequate tolerance levels

Juan Carlos Miñano, Associate Scientist, LPI LLC

Thermal Management for CPV at >2000 sun

Find out about the developments made for thermal •packages on a >2000 sun concentrator system so that you can replicate these strategies and make your system successful when tested at >2000 suns

Supratik Guha, Senior Manager Semiconductor Materials and Devices, IBM

Boosting Optics Capability For Increased CPV Efficiency

Non-tracking quantum dot based solar •concentrators - understand the details of their design and development and find out how your system can benefit from emitted photons that can be matched at or near the band gap of the recipient solar cell Understand how optimizing the concentration •efficiency is predicted to increase the efficiency of the cells and what the research into thermodynamic modeling will mean for your CPV project

Roland Winston, Director California Advanced Solar Technologies Institute, University of California, Merced

Enhancing The Potential Of The CPV Cell

Discover how to improve your CPV system •using non-metamorphic technology and band gap engineeringTake an in-depth look at the cost of ownership - •lifetime value, cost to buy and cell power harvest efficiency Find out how cell manufacturers are building •strong relationships with EPI supply houses across the globe and developing vital connections into the far East to provide a cost effective triple junction cell for your system

Tom Tibbits, Product Engineering Director, Quantasol

HPCV Developments Using Fresnel Lenses

Find out how improvements made in HCPV •modules with Fresnel lenses and III-V multijunction cells will benefit the efficiency of your CPV systemUncover the secrets to achieving high lens UV •stability, better resistance to thermal shocks and temperatures and learn about recent progress in the development of much needed protective technology for solar cells

Valery D Rumyantsev, Chief Scientist of the Photovoltaic Lab, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute

Highest Effective Use Of Trackers for CPV

Gain a comprehensive overview of the sun •tracking system field and the more significant proposals for closed-loop and open-loop tracking systems that will facilitate higher accuracy in your projects Benefiting from solar position estimating - hear •lessons learned to date and explore how the relationship between the comparative output voltage of each solar cell and the determination of the solar position can benefit your system!

John Lee, Associate Professor, National Pingtung University, Taiwan



CPV at the Module Level – Exclusive Case Studies

Real life case studies, hear from those who have •done it! Understand what they would have done better, where the great successes were and how these lessons impact plans for upcoming deploymentsDebate and discuss how projected spends and high •expectations marry with the reality of costs and results on the ground. Come away with the ultimate A-Z guide for navigating unseen hurdles when preparing your installations

Adam Plesniak, Engineering Design Lead, Boeing Solar Energy Technology Program, The Boeing Company

CPV - Competing and Beating Other Solar Technologies

CPV vs CSP, Thin Film and PV - understand the •strengths and weaknesses of each technology so you know how to leverage CPV’s main selling points and give your product a competitive edgeDiscover from experiences gathered in research and testing •the key operational features that can help boost your efficiency and profitability & take your product to the next level

Robert Boehm, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Energy Research Centre, University of Nevada Las Vegas

Critical Cost Reductions in CPV Systems – The Triple Junction Cell

Get a real understanding of how cell manufacturers can •work with CPV manufacturers to cut costs and how this relationship is key to improving your bottom line!The latest on cell efficiency and how it translates to lower •cost - get your primer on the most up to date developments and decide if these will be enough to justify the initial cash investment Find out how cell manufacturers are preparing to scale •up alongside CPV installations - so you can benefit from identifying key issues early on & ensure a smooth transition!

Harry R Rozakis, CEO, Cyrium Technologies

CPV System Cost Reductions – Trackers and Optics

Be a part of a high level discussion that tackles whether CPV •costs have come down enough to be realistically competitive and what areas can be improved next to push closer to the holy grail of price parity with traditional energy sources!Hear face to face from the top experts in optics and trackers •- discover progress made to date and the pros and cons of various component options that can help you build a profitable CPV solution

Market Insight Into LCPV Where is the market niche for LCPV, and what are the •projected predictions for growth?Understand the challenges being faced as LCPV powers •into the market, and identify who is showing interest and be part of the collaboration which will propel forward the industry’s successDebate the benefits of LCPV compared to other solar •technology, get a run-down of the latest advancements and challenges faced and come away ready to implement the next steps to project success!

Humayun Mughal, CEO, Silicon CPV




Page 6: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA

who ATTenDeD CPV SummiT uS lAST yeAr?

3MAbengoa SolarAxtBoeingConcentrix SolarCPV ConsortiumCyriumEmcoreEnergy InnovationsEverphotonEvonik CyroIberdrola RenewablesISFOCIsofotónJP Morgan Capital CorporationMorgan SolarNRELPacific Gas & ElectricSan Diego Gas and Electric

SenerSol3gSolar JunctionSolFocusSoliant EnergySouthern California EdisonSpectrolabSpire SemiconductorSuntrackTitan TrackerVeecoWhitfield SolarArch Solar CommandBayer Material ScienceCenter for Energy Research/UNLVChromasun Boschman TechnologiesBratton CorporationDanfoss Bauer

DecafunDraper Fisher JurvetsonDundurn Capital PartnersEnco Utility ServicesGreenvoltsHitachi High Technologies AmericaKPCBMacquaire CapitalMicrosharp Morgan SolarNaRECPatriot SolarSigma Energy SolutionsStrata Equity SunFlakeUniversity of DelawareUniversity of LisbonWorldWater & Solar Technologies

WSUXandexUS Coast GuardUS DigitalSV SolarSylarus technologiesSynovaTadpole Ventures/Babson CollegeTetra Tech ECSHL- Solar Hydrogen LinkSigma Energy SolutionsSilvey EnterprisesSirculorSnowPeak EnergySoftBank China Venture CapitalMoorilup Energy ResearchInnolumeIntensity Solar

Interplex Engineered Products


Greystone Renewable Energy

Guardian Industries

Huettinger Electronic


EV Group

DynTest Technologies


Edison Mission Energy

Deposition Sciences (DSI)

Bullen Semiconductor

Frye General Contracting

Palensolutions Consulting

Passport Capital


Below is a sample list of the more than 250 companies that attended our Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit US in San Diego last year.

For information on who you could meet at the 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit US, see the website at www.cpvtoday.com/usa




last year the exhibition SolD ouT!


The 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit US offers an excellent range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities to suit every need and budget. We can literally tailor make a sponsorship package to your needs meaning that you speak, build your brand or organize meetings with the leading figures in the CPV space.

Do not miss out on this unrivalled opportunity to do business and secure sales from the CPV industry!

Opportunities available include• 1to1meetingswithkey

decision makers

• Takeaspeakingslotandaddress 300 industry leaders

• Showoffyourlatestproductsand services in the exhibition hall

• Buildyourbrandwithexclusivepromotional opportunities

• Hostinteractiveworkshopswithcore clients and prospects

And much more!

Limited Opportunities! Secure your space today to ensure you fill your sales book for the next 18 months!

Where can I find new customers for my CPV products and services?

Which emerging challenges will offer my business lucrative opportunities going forward?

Which partnerships will allow me to take my solutions into new markets and add significantly to my bottom line?

Well, ask no more! Secure a sponsorship or exhibition package at the 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit US and you’ll get be guaranteed to meet and do business with over 300 CPV industry leaders who need your solutions and services!

Solution and service providers…ever find yourself asking these questions?

Dear Industry Colleague,

The 2nd Annual CPV Summit US is the place where new and existing CPV projects “come to life” and the products and services driving those projects get seen and sold.

In no other environment do so many CPV decision makers all come together under one roof to discuss the latest challenges in the industry. With this environment of over 300 delegates we’ve got the perfect venue for you to show why your product or service is best in the industry.

Looking for visibility or thought leadership?

We can put you in front of this entire audience or even an invited key few to help facilitate your CPV objectives moving forward.

• MeetTopLevelDelegates – The CPV Summit US will substantially grow this year, and is now THE meeting place for buyers and sellers from the entire CPV supply chain. No other event will provide you with as many business development opportunities

• IntroduceNewProductsintotheCPVMarket– The CPV Summit 2010 is the only event that specifically zones in on very latest technologies that are making headlines in the industry

• BuildNewRelationships- At the CPV Summit 2010 you will finally meet the hard to find ‘senior level’ business executive. This will allow you to benefit from valuable customer feedback on your products and services that can help speed up the sales process for your company.

This summit is the perfect chance for you to launch that new product or service, meet potential new customers, and strengthen existing customer relationships.

Please give me a call on 1800 814 3459 ext 7523 or drop me an email on [email protected] to discuss how our event can help you achieve your 2010 objectives.

All the best,

Jim Cohen, Business Development Director, North America

Page 7: 2nd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA


date&VenueFeb 2-3, US Grant, San Diego

HoteldiscountsCPV Today has negotiated a special rate for summit delegates. Full details will be sent to you upon registration

groupdiscountsTake advantage of CPV Today’s unique group discounts. The more people you bring, the more money your company saves!

Contact the CPV Today team on 1800 814 3459 ext 7206 or email [email protected] for more details.

Choose one of the following payment options:

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(payable to First Conferences Ltd)

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Edward Etzkorn Department of Energy

Robert P. Powers American Electric Power

Mark Crowley SolFocus Inc.

Hansjoerg Lerchenmueller Concentrix

Tim Woodward Nth Power

Jeffery Nelson Sandia National Laboratories

Carl Osterwald NREL

Pedro Banda ISFOC







10x Technology

