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3 Minute Meditations · 2015. 4. 3. · The Meditation Timer To Get 30 Part 3: The 28 Day Challenge...

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Table Of Contents Part 1: Introduction !

* Meditation Is A Game-Changer 4 ! * Meditation Is The Greatest Gift 5 !

* Repetition Of The Fundamentals 6 !* I Don’t Claim To Be An Expert 8 !* Become A Conscious Co-Creator 8 !

Part 2: The Art and Science of Meditation

* What Is Meditation? 10 !* 4 Types of Brainwaves 14 !* Meditation. The Ultimate Anti-Aging Tool 16 !* Effects of Meditation 18 !* 3 Different Categories of Meditation 19

!Part 2A: The Practice

* Why 3 Minutes? 23 !* How The 3 Minutes Are Broken Down 23 !* What To Do Now…3 Keys To Success 26 !* The Meditation Timer To Get 30 !

Part 3: The 28 Day Challenge 32 !Congratulations!!! Now What? 51 !


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Part 1: Introduction !

Meditation is a Game-Changer !!

Before you read another word, please watch this Welcome Video… https://youtu.be/6QESUc3VO24

!Whether you are aware of it or not, you have been given a great gift. You are living biology with reflective consciousness. That is, you are alive…you have a body that breathes, a heart that beats, lungs that extract oxygen, AND you get to think about what you think about. No other life form has the latter blessing. !Having said this, sadly in today’s society, few people actually tap into this ability. Most human beings run on autopilot, playing tapes from the past that have been inherited or programed into us through parents, friends, school, media, government and religion. !At a time in human history when things often feel crazed and out of control, the practice of meditation is a tool that allows you to slow down and chill out the mind so that you can put things in their proper perspective. Please understand that meditation isn’t a magic wand that eliminates challenges and difficulties in life. Rather it is a tool to help us interpret them through a new lens. One that softens the harshness or angularity of experiences and allows you to stop in the midst of “seeming chaos” and respond from even-mindedness rather than reacting from ego. Meditation allows you to more calmly navigate the waters of the often turbulent seas of life. It affords you the opportunity to slow your brain waves down (more on this later) to a point where you actually begin, perhaps for the first time, to


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exercise your free-will and choice-ability in any and every situation you encounter. !I want you to know, and I bet you already get this, that it’s not by accident that you are reading this book. It’s not by accident that you got my email or my Facebook post that led you here. This is exactly where you are supposed to be and this is exactly what you are supposed to be doing and this is exactly what you are supposed to be reading.

!Meditation Is The Greatest Gift I’ve Ever Given Myself

!Simply put, meditation has been the greatest gift I have ever given myself. In short, it was a serious Game-Changer. It found it’s way into my life back in 2003 at a time when I desperately needed to find solid ground in my life. I’ll save the gory details for another time, but please know that my life was chock full of deep confusion and anxiety. I was lost and feeling like I was totally out of control. My teacher Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director of The Agape International Center in Culver City, CA has said that impetus for profound change comes about either through being pushed by pain or being pulled by a vision. For me, it was definitely the former. !Through dedicated, disciplined practice, meditation became a healing balm for my mind, heart and soul. At the start of my practice, my life was centered on all things external, and I fit meditation in when I could. But over the last 3 years or so, meditation has become the center of my life and everything else revolves around it and the side effects have been profoundly transformational: peace of mind, clarity of thought, greater joy & creativity & productivity, loads of natural energy, improved relationships and a deeper understanding of the inter-connectivity of all of life. !


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I'm pretty confident in saying that the benefits I just mentioned would be things that just about anyone would like to have more of in their life. However, I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say that they want to start meditating but don't know how, or can't fit it in to their super busy schedule or that their mind is just too busy to sit still for extended periods of time. !My reason for writing this book: to demystify a practice that for many has seemed reserved for mystics and monks and to make it as simple and accessible to as many people as possible. That means YOU!!! !Additionally, my hope with this book is to show you that the secret to meaningful meditation is the INTENTION behind it, not necessarily the length or the type. To that end, it is not necessary to sit for extended periods of time, multiple times a day to feel the effects (while this can most certainly be beneficial). Over time, perhaps that is something that may and probably will organically happen. But the key is to get started somewhere…to get you in the game. It is often said that it is the starts that stop people. My intention is to help make your entry point into this magical and mystical practice as welcoming as possible. !Everything about this book will be short and simple. Think of it as in introduction to the practice. The length, the descriptions/explanations, the directions, and the sittings. Nothing will be overly-complicated or confusing in any way. I will strip away all the fat and we will very quickly get to heart of the matter and get you off the starting line and moving forward.

!Repetition Of The Fundamentals

!As with most things, what matters most in the development of a habit is consistency of action. If I aspire to one day be a masterful guitar player, I must first learn the basic foundational chords. I must memorize and look at


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where my fingers go on the strings. I must practice them over and over again to build a “muscle memory” of sorts. At first it’s challenging and uncomfortable and the sounds that come from the guitar more closely resemble “noise” than “music”. However, these stages of creating this “noise” are essential in the development of the skill sets necessary to get to a point where one day you will forget about your fingers and play from your heart and soul and create music that moves, inspires and captures the imagination of others. !As much as meditation is an art and a science it is also a skill. And to get to a place where you make sweet, soulful “music” through your meditation, where it becomes a part of you, where you do it without even really thinking about it and you actually look forward to “sitting”, you’re gonna want to make it a habit and practice your “chords”. The simplest way to build any habit is through daily repetition and practice. Yep, you heard it, DAILY practice. If you want your Soul to shine, and peace of mind to descend upon you, you’re gonna mediate daily. Period. It’s really quite simple, repetition of the fundamentals on a daily basis is where mastery lies. !Now to that end, when you’re first getting started, if I was to ask you to sit in stillness and quietude for 10 or even 20 minutes a day, you might feel a lot of resistance to this. As we move into this ancient yet timely practice, one of my goals is to do what I can to help remove as much resistance to the process as possible so that you can be open and available to the journey. Therefore, the time you will be asked to sit still will only be 3 minutes in duration. That’s it. I want to help you, in the simplest way possible, build the “muscle memory” for the foundational pillars of meditation…gratitude/intention, breathing and just being.



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I Don’t Claim To Be An Expert !

I don’t pretend to be an expert in the subject of meditation, rather I Am someone who hopes to share with you what I have learned over the last 12 years of meditating. It is my hope that I inspire you in such a way that you become my teacher…having your own experiences that are unique to you and that are game-changing in your life, and that you can share them with me. !I want to establish up front that I have no religious affiliation. My beliefs are trans-denominational. That is, they integrate ideas from many religions yet they transcend religiosity and are wholly spiritual and inclusive in nature. !As it relates to meditation, I began this practice 12 years ago, spending the first 7 of those learning the scientific meditation technique of Kriya Yoga from Paramahansa Yogananda, Goswami Kriyananda and Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath. The last 5 have been a deep dive into the New Thought/Ageless Wisdom teachings as taught by Dr. Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith. I bow to all of my teachers and am deeply humbled to have had the opportunity to learn from them.

!Become A Conscious Co-Creator

!It’s time for you to take back the power in your life! It’s time for you to truly think for yourself …to be a Conscious Co-Creator in the game of YOUR life. I am certain that meditation is the gateway for this to occur. !Please know that through 3 Minute Meditations (3MM), we are just scratching the surface of what is possible through a devoted, intentional meditation practice. It is my sincere hope that through your commitment to regular 3 minute meditations you experience profound affirmative shifts in


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yourself and your life, in such a way that you actually look forward to sitting still and want to keep practicing, growing and learning more about meditation. If you do, I’ll be there for you. !Thank you for placing your trust in me. I am humbled and honored to have this opportunity to be your guide. So if you’re ready, let’s get this party started!

!Wishing You Abundant Health & Happiness,

I Am Adam Michael Brewer




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Part 2: The Art And Science of Meditation !

What is Meditation? !

By definition to meditate is to fix the mind upon; think about continuously; contemplate; to engage in continuous and contemplated thought; dwell mentally on anything; ruminate and cogitate. !Scientifically and physiologically speaking, meditation is the practice of slowing down our brain waves by way of slowing down our breathing. This in turn, rewires our brain so as to bring about a greater sense of peace and calm in our lives. !Practically speaking, with regular practice of meditation we develop the “muscle of the mind” in such a way that we get to consciously push the “pause button” when life presents us with situations that would typically elicit unconscious, patterned “knee jerk” reactions. In short, we are developing conscious self awareness. You will become more aware, more mindful of how your thoughts, words and actions are not only directly affecting you but also everyone around you. !In this gap created by the pause we take, we have the opportunity to become more thoughtfully and factually responsive. In effect we are learning to “quiet” the external noise in our lives so that we can see things as the actually are and not as we emotionally interpret them to be. !Spiritually speaking, meditation is concentration on God (some might refer to this as Spirit, or Divine Intelligence, or Higher Power, or Source Energy). It is a deep soulful listening for the Still Small Voice within. It is a sitting with an intention to cultivate conscious communion with the Divine within


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oneself. According to Christian Mystic, Joel S. Goldsmith, in the spiritual tongue, meditation is prayer. Goldsmith explains “true prayer or meditation is not a thinking about ourselves or our problems, but rather the contemplation of God and God-activities, the nature of God, and the nature of the world that God has created.” !Regardless of how you choose to view meditation, through regular practice we develop the ability and power to focus the mind on one thing...that initially is the breath. In a sense we are re-training the “skill” of concentration. !You see, we are living in a time in human history when our ability to focus our mind has become hijacked. With the advent of modern technological advancements, daily we are inundated with external stimulus by way of smart phones, tv, the internet, etc. Just about everywhere we turn, there is something that is snagging our attention and this has left most of us feeling like our minds are going a mile a minute. A side effect of this is that a state of low level anxiety has become the norm for most. !With consistent practice of harnessing the attention on the breath, we can tame the mind’s "distract-ability' and make it more laser-like. As we become more and more efficient and effective at attending to the breath for short periods, we can use that enhanced concentration to then maintain focus on another specific energy/idea within and without the meditation. !Picture this if you will, think of a wild stallion that has just been caught and brought into a coral. At first it is agitated, running wildly, breathing heavily, and jumping…seemingly untamable. Anytime anyone tries to get near it, it flees and acts out. !Then one day, a trainer enters the picture and finds a way to put a harness over it’s head. The stallion continues to resist and fight to be free. This


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continues for sometime, yet the trainer returns day after day and does this “dance” with the stallion. Taking the stallion through a series of repeated actions designed to help it relax. !Over time, the stallion slowly but surely begins to develop a familiarity, a comfort level with the trainer and the discipline of the movements that it is led through. All of this ultimately allows the stallion to feel safe. Before you know it, the “wild” stallion is at ease and allows the trainer and others to ride on it’s back. !The practice of meditation and the focus on our breathing is very much like the scenario above. Our mind is the wild stallion and our sitting still is like the harness being place over the horses head. Like the stallion, at first we resist…the mind continues to “fight” these first attempts to control it….racing to and fro, doing everything it can to get you out of your seat. !Yet, like the trainer taking the stallion through it’s paces daily to get it to eventually relax, we return to our meditation focusing on slowing our breathing, and soon enough our mind also becomes tamed. Then over time, as a natural extension of this habitual taming of the mind, your entire life will become a "moving meditation”. !

Breath control leads to Mind control !

I often hear people say, “meditating isn’t for me, because my mind goes a mile a minute and I can’t quiet my thoughts.” I would suggest that with intentional practice just about anyone will learn to quiet there mind, but it begins with focusing on your breath. Why? Because slowing down our breathing changes our brain wave activity. !


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It has been proposed that most humans beings only access about 3-10 percent of their brain power. That is pretty astonishing when you think about it. Now here’s the thing, it’s not that we don’t have access to it, we just aren’t living in a way that makes it available to us. You see there are yogis who share a school of thought which proposes that for the brain to function properly it needs a healthy dose of oxygen and if it isn’t supplied, it’s gonna hibernate like a bear. The shallow, frequent breathing patterns which have become the norm in our hyper-stimulated, high-tech, low-touch modern day lives, won’t provide the brain with enough oxygen to wake it up and have kept most of the brain sleeping. !A big part of what we’re gonna do with our practice is learn to slow down and deepen our breathing, thus oxygenating the brain in ways that heretofore haven’t been done before and by doing so, gain access to parts of the brain that up to this point have been unknown to us…we will enter the realm of the Other 90%. !As an aside, I find it pretty darn cool to see how this mirrors what has happened at the level of our Cosmos. Scientific exploration has shown that when the Big Bang occurred, only about 10% percent of the energy that came from it was made perceptible to the senses in the way of planets, stars, quarks, etc. The Other 90% remained and remains imperceptible to our senses. In other words, that which we see and experience through our senses is just the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of what is Reality, remains below the surface so to speak. To gain access to it, we must begin within. Just something for you to chew on :)



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4 Types of Brain Waves !

1. Beta. Where the brain waves are at their highest, most rapid levels. This is the brain wave activity that most of us experience everyday if we don’t “mind” our mind and control our breath. While this is what gets us through the day and allows us to be a human doing, Beta is often associated with anxiety, disharmony, and unease.

!2. Alpha. A slower level of brainwave activity. This is when we make the

switch from living as a human doing to becoming human being. In the alpha state, one is open to suggestion, available to more adaptability, and the conscious logical mind is subdued. When one relaxes and clears his/her mind of wandering thoughts or simply chooses to ignore them, our brains generate alpha waves.

!3. Theta. Even slower still brainwave activity. It is here that mental activity

such as daydreaming, fantasy, imagination, ideas, inspirational thinking occurs…At this level, one is able to experience astral travel and psychic communication, achieve enlightenment, and enter into other dimensions.

!4. Delta. Slowest brainwaves. This is the brainwave that is associated

with being asleep yet not dreaming !

During meditation, there is a marked decrease in Beta Wave activity and our brains stop processing information as actively as they normally would as we move to the slower waves of Alpha/Theta. This is the case even if we’ve never meditated before. Pretty awesome if you ask me! !At a beginner stages of practice, even as we move into the alpha states from the beta frequency, understand that you will still be keenly aware of thoughts, sensations and emotions. Yet because of the decrease in brain


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activity, you will feel a greater sense of impulse control related to a need for reaction to them. !Eventually as you move toward the slower Theta state of mind, this is where you will perhaps experience sense withdrawal and feelings of being “out of your body” !The image below shows the dramatic difference in the beta waves prior to (bright colors on the left) and post meditation (on the right).



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Meditation. The Ultimate Anti-Aging Tool !I don't know about you, but it appears to me that we are living during a time when people are seriously concerned, if not obsessed, about the idea of looking and staying young.

!People are spending fortunes on face-lifts, chin and tummy tucks, anti-wrinkle creams, and/or buying youthful looking clothes. All so they can "look" younger. Unfortunately none of these things addresses the one thing that ages us more than anything.

!Can you guess what that is? STRESS.

!And it'll probably come as no surprise to you that over half of working American adults are seriously concerned about their stress levels and yet aren't doing anything about it. While everything I mentioned above that MOST people are doing to look younger (but not you) might temporarily work on the outside, this big thing called STRESS is aging us beyond our imagination on the inside.

!Now, as it relates to age, we have both a chronological age and a biological age. Our chronological age moves forward by 1, every 12 months, regardless of how much stress is present. However, what is affected by STRESS is our biological age...that which is happening internally at a cellular level. This "Biological Age" moves forward or backward based on the amount of stress we have in our lives and is often measured by things like skin elasticity, blood pressure, vision and hearing.



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Many argue that your biological age is actually a 'truer" measure of your age than the date of your birth.

!So what can we do about all this STRESS in our lives so that we don't prematurely age on the inside?

!Meditate. Meditate. Meditate!

!By this point you are probably well aware that study after study will support the fact that meditation reduces stress, decreases the likelihood of depression and/or anxiety, and lowers blood pressure. But did you know that in a ground-breaking study done by Dr. Robert Keith Wallace on the affect of meditation on aging, (published in the International Journal of Neuroscience in 1982) he found that among subjects with average chronological age of 50 years, those practicing meditation for over five years had a biological age 12 years younger than their chronological age. In other words, a 50-year old meditator had the physiology of a 38 year old.

!Wow...to me this sounds like meditation could quite possibly be the ultimate Anti-Aging tool.

!But here's the deal, this is all well and good to know, but if we don't practice, we don't get the results. This is true with just about anything...not just meditation. And the more consistently we can practice the better.



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-Effects of Meditation !

The myriad benefits of meditation are (in no particular order): 1. Clarity of thought 2. Peace of mind 3. Reduced anxiety 4. More vitality and longevity 5. Increased focus and brain growth 6. Lasting happiness 7. Realizations of Truth 8. Lower blood pressure 9. Improved relationships (Personal, Professional and Romantic) 10. Greater productivity, creativity, joy 11. Deeper understanding/knowing of the inter-connectivity of all of Life 12. Authentic compassion and patience And the list goes on!!! !!For more information on the science and research behind this 2500 year old practice, here is the link to an amazing article recently published in Newsweek entitled… !“The Neuroscience of Meditation, and the Virtues of Shutting Up”


being-quiet-359641.html !!


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3 Different Categories of Meditation !While there are umpteen different styles of meditation (i.e.Transcendental, Vipassana, Kriya Yoga, Zazen, Mindfulness, Kundalini, Qi Gong, Guided Visualizations, Trance Based Practices, Heart-Rhythm Meditations etc), as I learned from my teacher, Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, for the most part they can lumped into 3 different categories:

!1. Contemplative: This is where you take a work of art, whether it is a

sculpture, a song, a work of literature, or a picture and you go beyond what you read, hear or see and contemplate the deeper meaning of the work.

2. Existential: Where the intent of the meditations is to get to the meaning of life. You ask yourself the 4 Ws…Who am I, Why am I here, What am I, and Where am I?

3. Spiritual: The focus here is to have a conscious realization of your oneness with all of Life. To have an intimate at-onement with Source Energy, Divine Intelligence, Love, God or whatever you want to call it. To “see” Life as it really is, not what you perceive it to be.

!The practice that I presently utilize (and I will introduce to you) would most certainly be in the Spiritual category, as this is where it all began for me 12 years ago. Having said this, when it comes to the first step of the 3 Minute Meditations which will be setting your intention (I teach you this a few pages down the line), if you don’t feel comfortable making it a spiritual intention, by all means you can substitute in an Existential one, or even a Contemplative one. Make it work for you. !Your own practice will evolve just as mine did. Over time, you will be led to teachers that speak to you. Regardless of what I or any teacher tells you, the key is for YOU to run the experiment for yourself. When it comes to


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meditation, many roads lead to Rome…that is, they are all work. However, they only work to get results, if you work them. !Regardless of the style, almost all will include paying attention to your breathing. The reason why is that your breath is a vehicle/mechanism to bring you to the present moment. As my teacher Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith has said, you can’t breathe in the past or in the future, only in the present. By the way, there are many, many breathing techniques but we will keep it really simple for this go-around. Additionally, as I already alluded to, the breath is the key to slowing your brainwaves to levels where receptivity and availability reign supreme. !Lastly, we will be pretty much be doing the same thing every day, with minor tweaks. Why? Because it has been said that to know the essence of one thing is to know the essence of all things.


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3 Additional Things To Be Aware Of Related To The Practice Of Meditation !

1. It’s not about perfection. So often when people begin meditating, they think if they’re unable to still or quiet their mind, they’re not doing it right. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You’re mind is gonna do it’s thing. The trick is to be aware of the thoughts, embrace them but become less reactive to them. Realize you have thoughts but you are not your thoughts. They are just doing what they do…running through your mind. Over time, as you allow them to be and just notice them, they lose their power and are softened if not diminished in their effect on you (this is called the Observer Effect). Again, as they arise, acknowledge them but just keep bringing yourself back to your breath and your intention for sitting.

!2. The real benefits of sitting are often revealed when you’re not

sitting. While having a blissed-out moment sitting in meditation where your mind is still and you feel totally connected to all of life, can be a wonderful feeling, the real benefits are seen and felt in your day to day life. By consistently sitting, pretty quickly you’ll notice you’re not as agitated by things that used to get your blood boiling, you’ve become more patient with yourself and others, you’re less reactive and more responsive in almost all situations, and perhaps your friends will mention that you seem calmer yet more joyful and pleasant to be around. This is what it’s really about my friends.

!3. It’s all GOOD when it comes to meditation. You see, we are a

society that like to put a label on everything. We like to separate things and place them in either a good or bad category. When we start meditating, it’s easy to fall into this trap. People will say, “I had a really good meditation today” or “today’s meditation was lousy.” But you see, meditation is a Non-Dual experience. At the end of the day, it’s all


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GOOD (beneficial). And those days when you find yourself having a hard time quieting your mind or stilling your body can be some of the juiciest days of meditation. Meditation will bring to the surface stuff that needs a voice and that “agitation” is actually a release and a chemicalization of emotional content that needs resolution, allowing for it’s dissolution, which in turn becomes the stair-step to your evolution.



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Part 2A: The Practice !Why 3 Minutes? !

1. All things are thrice compounded. At the mystical level, if we can harmonize our Thoughts, Words and Actions in the direction of our intention, there is a far greater likely chance for Manifestation in our experience.

!2. Very simply, I like the number 3 and most people can handle doing just

about anything for 3 minutes. !3. It represents the Body, Mind & Spirit trinity and from a spiritual

perspective it is a representation of the Mother, Father, God trinity !

How the 3 Minutes Are Broken Up !

1. Set Your Intention…1 minute 2. Harness Your Attention…1 minute 3. Simply Just Be…1 minute !1. 1st Minute: Step 1…Establish Your Intention. At this stage you are

establishing YOUR purpose for sitting still. You are anchoring yourself in your reason. This might go like this. Begin with a nice relaxing exhale as you gently close your eyes. Then internally/silently say to yourself… “I sit with the Intention to have a conscious realization of my Oneness with all of Life (or to have a conscious realization of the Truth of Life), perhaps it might be to cultivate more peace in your life…if you choose an Existential approach, it might be…”I sit to have an inner awareness of why I exist”. Step 2: Be Grateful. Spend the remainder of the minute silently listing off all the things you have to be grateful for. It has been


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said that a consciousness of Gratitude is the gateway to experiencing plentitude in every area of your life.

!Q. During the first minute, should the intention be the same every day or can we change it? !A. My answer is this...it pretty much depends on the category of meditation

you're sitting from. If you're sitting with a slant toward the Contemplative, Existential (detailed in book) or even just a general feeling/quality take ( i.e To bring more balance into my life), mixing it up daily is fine, or perhaps spend a week on one theme then switch to another the next week. However, if you're sitting is Spiritual meditation (i.e. To have a conscious realization of the Truth, to know your life as Divine Intelligence/God or whatever you may call it), then that is your intention everyday, even though you may word it slightly different each day. As I mentioned in my video, this is my focus each and every day, no deviation whatsoever. I hope that is helpful. Remember, many roads lead to Rome:)

!2. 2nd Minute: Harness You Attention…At this stage you are creating

singularity of focus on something that is present moment. We do this by focusing on our breathing. Your breathing is most certainly present moment…you can’t breathe in the past or in the future. I must add that this is a very important step. Your goal here is to really lengthen both your inhales and exhales. Attempt to match the length of the inhale with the length of the exhale (i.e. 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale). Begin by exhaling all the air out of your lungs. Now, with eyes closed see a bright white at your the point between your eyebrows. As you take a deep inhale, see the soothing light moving to the back of your head then all the way down your spine to the base of your tailbone. On the Exhale see the light rising back up your spine all the way back up to the point between your eyebrows. Continue for 1 MINUTE


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!3. 3rd Minute: Simply Just Be…do no-thing. Relax your breathing and be

still, listen and feel for 1 MINUTE. As thoughts, sensations, and/or emotions arise, just be a silent witness to it all and remain unattached and non-reactive to any of it. In doing so, like clouds passing through the sky, they too will move on and dissolve. This is referred to as the Observer Effect. In scientific experiments, it has been discovered that simply by observing anything, at a subatomic level, that which is being observed changes. We are learning to be aware of distractions but to not be distracted by them. We are cultivating a field of surrender and acceptance…pushing nothing away while we remain pen to everything…trusting that all that we are experiencing is exactly as it is meant to be at that moment.

End by saying… “I Am grateful for having had this opportunity to still and just be. I Am (Affirmative Declaration for that day)…i.e. Love. I am Love, I am Love”

!!!!For More Clarification of the what each of the 3 minutes are all about, watch these videos…!!!

Video Explanation of Minute One:!https://youtu.be/YNZyiSeMfpc!


Video Explanation Of Minute Two:!https://youtu.be/x2fUujaZn8I!


Video Explanation of Minute Three:!https://youtu.be/EAQnO9pKpEM!


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What To Do Now !!Preparation is the key to a successful start. You are going to be faced with plenty of challenges throughout the program. That's life. You are going to be changing habits, habits that you probably have had for years and years. In order to be successful, you need to make sure that you don't sabotage yourself. !Let's face it- you will be influenced, enticed, and challenged by plenty of your old bad habits, especially when you least expect them. Family and friends will unknowingly make suggestions or offer advice that may not be in line with your new goals, and perhaps detrimental to your efforts. That is why proper preparation is essential. So before you begin Day One, make sure to follow the following 3 Keys to Success.

!3 Keys To Success

!1. Make An Appointment

!Just like you make an appointment with the doctor, you should make an appointment to meditate. Pick a set time for each day. While you can meditate at any time throughout the day and perhaps someday you may even live you life as moving meditation, when you are just beginning, I highly recommend you pick the same time each day to sit. If possible, do this first thing in the morning, before the pressures and demands of life take over. It can be a powerful statement to life, to begin the day in stillness. You get the opportunity to set your intention for the day. So often we move out into the world without first checking in with ourselves. Without arming ourselves for the “battle” we are often left at the mercy of the collective race consciousness of the now moment. At this time, this collective consciousness is not at a very high level and the group energy can be very


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powerful. So going within first thing is very important to ground yourself in goodness.

!2. Find Your Happy Place !Hopefully through the practice of meditation, we’ll find our internal happy place. But to assist in the process, we want to first find our external Happy Place…where we will sit. Find a spot in your home (if possible) that feels quiet and calm to you. This is going to be your spot for being still so take a moment to really assess this. The trick when you first get started is to make sure you’re COMFORTABLE wherever you chose. At first you want to find a place/way to sit where the body is not a distraction to the process. In other words if you’re not comfortable sitting cross-legged, don’t. !Once you find it, you’re next going to choose what you’ll sit on. While many who have been meditating for years will sit crossed legged on a cushion, when you’re first getting started, you may find it more comfortable to sit in a chair, preferably one without arms so you don’t feel closed in. Ideally find one that allows you to sit upright. !When I began meditating, I sat in a chair like the one you see below. These days I sit on the meditation cushions you see below as well…they allow me to sit cross-legged with spine erect while providing a little lift for my butt to be above my feet, thus allowing space for my hips to relax. In Meditation we want to sit at attention without tension. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears, relax your jaw and facial muscles. place your hands comfortably on top of your legs, palms facing up as a gesture of receptivity. I often get asked if it is ok to lie down. The answer is yes but I wouldn’t recommend this to someone who is just starting meditation practice. When we lie down, the body releases chemicals that tell it that it’s time to sleep and often this is what happens. When we sit upright, different chemicals are released that keep us more alert.


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!Here’s the great thing about this though, it can be done absolutely anywhere or anytime (probably not while driving however!). When you’re home it’s great to have your sacred spot, but the reality is that this is also kind of like meditation on the go. That is, if you’re at work and things get crazy, shut the door or step outside, take some deep breaths and sit for 3 minutes. It’s a great practice to put into your daily life whenever you need to push the reset button. I not only sit in meditation at the start and end of my day, but regularly I sit just after my morning sessions to reset before I continue on with the rest of what the day holds.

!3. Prepare to “Win” !1. Mute you phone so as to not be distracted 2. Find a comfortable place to sit. Choose a chair without arms or a cushion to sit on. 3. Set you interval timer on your phone for 3 minutes.


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4. Sit up with a long spine, at attention without tension, hands placed on top of you legs. 5. Start your countdown clock 5. Close the windows of your eyes and relax your body.

!!!Bonus Key: Use your Joyful Living Journal !The day before you start the challenge, I would write down your present state of mind, and what it is that has brought you to the point that you want to sit to meditate. Are there certain things about yourself that you would like to see changed, softened through the practice? There is no right or wrong here. This is simply for you. !Each day write down when you meditated (time of day) and state of mind before you sat, how it felt to sit, what you felt after and anything else you feel like putting down. !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Meditation Timer App For 3MM For iPhone !

It should go without saying that if you’re doing a timed meditation, you’re going to need a timing device. For 3 Minute Meditations, you’ll want something that gives you notifications every 60 seconds as you move through the 3 phases of the mediation. The one that I recommend you get (if you have an iPhone) is Meditation Timer (FREE) from Maxwell Software (see picture below). There are a variety of great meditation timers out there, some actual physical clocks and some that you download to your phone. But for our purposes, this FREE downloadable one is all you need for now. You download it to your phone from the app store and it simply allows you to pick a meditation duration and set intervals. In addition you can pick the notification tone of choice. I chose the Bell. When your meditation is complete, it also gives you the option of posting it to twitter or Facebook. Kind of fun to do over the course of the 28 days :)


Watch this video for a brief overview of the Timer… https://vimeo.com/123053334


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Meditation Timer App For Android The timer app I recommend if you have an Android is the Meditation Helper from Multiordinal Limited (see picture below). Just like the one for the iPhone, this one is simple to understand, easy to use and FREE. !



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Part 3: The 28 Day Challenge !

Welcome to perhaps the most important 28 days of your life! I’m going to recommend you start the 28 days on a Sunday. From that point, we sit one day at a time, for 3 minutes, for 4 weeks. !Option A…Self-Guided Meditations. Over the course of the 28 days, you do the challenge simply using the Spiritual/Intentional meditation method I shared with you, on your own, using the Meditation Timer you downloaded. If you choose this option, you will be using the same method all 28 days. !Option B…Guided Audio Meditations. All you have to do is follow along with the guided audio meditation for that day. You’ll find the 28 day breakdown below. I’ve provided you with guided audio meditations for each, download them…push play and go with the flow. You can listen on your computer, smart phone or in your car. !

28 Day Overview of Guided Audio Meditations

!As you can see above, the primary 3 minute meditation that will be used throughout the first 4 weeks will be the Spiritual/Intentional Meditation


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Week 1

Intentional Oneness Contemplative Existential OM Forgiveness Awareness

Week 2

Heart Healing Intentional Oneness Contemplative Existential OM

Week 3

Forgiveness Awareness Heart Healing Intentional Oneness Contemplative

Week 4

Existential OM Forgiveness Awareness Heart Healing Intentional

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you learned about earlier. It will be utilized 4 times throughout the 28 days as opposed to 3 times for all the other meditations. !It will begin and end the 28 day challenge. This and the Oneness Meditation have been the backbone of how I have predominantly practiced over the last 12 years. In total, 9 different meditations will be used over the 28 days of the program. !I’m going to highly recommend you do this first thing in the morning before you do anything else. The longer you put it off in your day, the more easily you will come up with excuses for not getting it in. The great mystic Rumi said, “The morning breeze has secrets to tell. Do not go back to sleep.” !

GROWTH WORK Each of the 28 days will have some Growth Work that accompanies the meditation process. We will have an Affirmative Thought, an “I Am” statement unifying yourself with an Eternal Quality (i.e. Love, Peace, Harmonizing Prosperity etc) which will be our focus for that day. I’m asking you to repeat it aloud to yourself sporadically throughout the day. !Your goal is to say them aloud to yourself at least 3 separate times during this day. If you think you might have a hard time doing this you might attach a trigger to it...as an example, every morning when I get in my car, my putting the key in the ignition is the trigger that I use to begin my affirmations, I have about 6 of them that I presently work with. Throughout my day, whenever I start my car, it is a reminder to once again give voice to these affirmations and remind me of my truth. !The first time I’m going to ask you to do this is just after you do your 3 minute meditation and at some point I want you to say it to yourself 3 times in front of a mirror looking into your own eyes :)


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Positive Affirmations can be used to manifest your needs and bring positive and permanent change to your life. !"Every thought you think every word you say is an affirmation. All of our self-talk or inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating our life experience in every moment. Our beliefs are just learned thought patterns that we have developed since childhood, many of these work well for us, but others may now be working against us, they are dysfunctional and may be sabotaging us from achieving what we believe we want. Every affirmation we think or say is a reflection of our inner truth or beliefs. It is important to realize that many of these "inner truths" may not actually be true for us now or may be based on invalid or inappropriate impressions we constructed as children, which if examined as an adult can be exposed as inappropriate. !You can use "Positive Affirmations", which are usually short positive statements targeted at a specific subconscious set of beliefs, to challenge and undermine negative beliefs and to replace them with positive self-nurturing beliefs. It is a kind of "brainwashing" only you get to choose which negative beliefs to wash away." (from VitalAffirmations.com) !Affirmations can relate to just about any area of your life...health, abundance, love, romance, weight loss, self esteem, peace and harmony, joy and happiness and the list goes on. !On the next page you’ll find a contract that I ask you to sign for yourself. You might even consider putting it where you’ll see it. It’s a way to show yourself you mean business and to hold yourself accountable. Following that you’ll see a breakdown of the 28 days, with each one having an area to mark whether you did your meditation and your growth work for that day. It’s that simple my friend!


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The 3 Minute Meditations “Contract” !The next 28 days of your life could be the most important. This is your opportunity to reinvent yourself. If you are going to go through with this, don't do it half way! Really go after it. Listen, we can condition ourselves to do just about anything. Challenge yourself to stay the course for the entire 28 days. Show yourself and everyone you love you can and will commit to improving the quality of your life. !Remember, you get more of what you focus on in life. If you look for the ugliness in life, you'll find it. If you focus on the goodness in life, you'll find it. Try this, for the next 28 days, surround yourself with positive stimulus- books, friends, silence. In the grand scheme of things, 28 days is nothing. You can do this! !Over the next 28 days: Release Fear; Release Judgement; Release Projection. See challenges as teachers, an opportunity to LEARN and GROW from the experience !

1. I have read 3-Minute Meditations front to back and am ready to begin !

2. I have downloaded the FREE Meditation Timer !3. I have created my external Happy Place where I will sit !4. I have decided that for the next 28 Days I will commit to 3 minutes of

meditation and perhaps journalling (see below) throughout the experience. Over the next 28 days, I will come from a place of gratitude Over the next 28 days, I will add value to the lives of others Over the next 28 days, I will dig my heals in and stick to 3MM. ! ______________________________________________________ Your Signature Here Date ______________________________________________________ Witness Date


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What You Can Expect To Experience Over The Next 28 Days !

Days 1-7 Curious yet cautious Days 8-14 Hopeful yet uncertain Days 15-21 Optimistic and More Energetic Days 22-28 Committed, Encouraged and Enthusiastic!

!This Is Just The Beginning!

I have full faith and confidence that when you complete these first 28 days and you feel and “taste” the difference in your “way of being” on the planet,

you will have an insatiable appetite for this juicy practice. Prepare to fly high my friend. Ever higher!!! !

It’s time to begin…


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Day 1 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Intentional Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Love !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Love, I Am Love, I Am Love !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 2 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Oneness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Peace !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Peace, I Am Peace, I Am Peace !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 3 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Contemplative Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Harmonizing Prosperity !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Harmonizing Prosperity, I Am Harmony Prosperity, I Am Harmony Prosperity !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 4 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Existential Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Joy !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Joy, I Am Joy, I Am Joy !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 5 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in OM Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Wholeness !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Wholeness, I Am Wholeness, I Am Wholeness !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 6 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Forgiveness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Poise !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Poise, I Am Poise, I Am Poise !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 7 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Awareness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Elegance !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Elegance, I Am Elegance, I Am Elegance !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 8 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Heart Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Serenity !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Serenity, I Am Serenity, I Am Serenity !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 9 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Healing Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Bliss !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Bliss, I Am Bliss, I Am Bliss !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 10 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Intentional Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Forgiveness !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Forgiveness, I Am Forgiveness, I Am Forgiveness !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 11 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Oneness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Generosity !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Generosity, I Am Generosity, I Am Generosity !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 12 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Contemplative Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Infinite !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Infinite, I Am Infinite, I Am Infinite !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 13 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Existential Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Power !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Power, I Am Power, I Am Power !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 14 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in OM Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Civility !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Civility, I Am Civility, I Am Civility !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 15 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Forgiveness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Wisdom !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Wisdom, I Am Wisdom, I Am Wisdom !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 16 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Awareness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Grace !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Grace, I Am Grace, I Am Grace !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 17 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Heart Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Clarity !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Clarity, I Am Clarity, I Am Clarity !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 18 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Healing Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Kindness !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Kindness, I Am Kindness, I Am Kindness !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 19 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Intentional Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Beauty !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Beauty, I Am Beauty, I Am Beauty !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 20 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Oneness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Refinement !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Refinement, I Am Refinement, I Am Refinement !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 21 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Contemplative Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Balance !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Balance, I Am Balance, I Am Balance !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 22 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Existential Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Enthusiasm !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Enthusiasm, I Am Enthusiasm, I Am Enthusiasm !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 23 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in OM Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Hope !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Hope, I Am Hope, I Am Hope !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 24 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Forgiveness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Awareness !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Awareness I Am Awareness, I Am Awareness !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Day 25 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Awareness Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Ever-Evolving !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Ever-Evolving, I Am Ever-Evolving, I Am Ever-Evolving !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 26 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Heart Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Truth !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Truth, I Am Truth, I Am Truth !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


Page 50: 3 Minute Meditations · 2015. 4. 3. · The Meditation Timer To Get 30 Part 3: The 28 Day Challenge ... has said that impetus for profound change comes about either through being

Day 27 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Healing Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Pure Potential !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Pure Potential, I Am Pure Potential, I Am Pure Potential !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___ !

Day 28 !Challenge: Sit for 3 Minutes in Intentional Meditation !Affirmative Declaration: I Am Life !Growth Work: Throughout the course of your day, I want you to pause, take a deep breath and speak aloud the Affirmative Declaration at least 3 times. The more times you can stop and do this the better. At least once say it in front of the mirror !I Am Life, I Am Life, I Am Life !Today I did my 3 Minutes of Meditation Yes___ No ___ !Today I did my Affirmative Declarations Yes___ No ___


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Congratulations!!! Now What? !

You did it. Your first 28 days of daily meditation practice are in the book. This in itself is quite an accomplishment my friend :) !At this point, you may find yourself asking,“Now what?” The answer is…”Keep Going!” !Use the momentum you have just created to stabilize your practice. You now have a transformational tool you can use for the rest of your life. And one of the coolest things is that this specific one will only take 3 minutes out of your day. As you keep practicing, I would encourage you to spend even more time sitting in stillness and quietude. Extend the last step, where you are Simply Just Being. These could and probably will become some of the most precious moments of your day. !It is my bet that at some point during these 28 days, you heard or felt the Truth about yourself. That you are a beautiful and unique expression of the totality of life. You are here to deliver your special gifts to the world in a way that ONLY YOU can do. And to paraphrase the Buddha…”once you hear the Truth, it won’t rest until it becomes fully available in your awareness.” You are not here to be a sleep-walking imitator but rather a conscious co-creator. !Your personal practice of meditation is and will be an ever-evolving, always unfolding process. I would encourage you to stay open and available to new teachers and practices coming into your life for your continued evolution. You will draw them to yourself. !Finally, as it relates to meditation, there will be times along the way where you find it harder than others to sit, and there will be times when it feels like it is as easy as breathing. Just know that it’s always there for you waiting to provide you with the keys to your own peace of mind and lasting joy and happiness. !

Much Love, I Am Adam Michael Brewer


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!For more information about Adam Michael Brewer, please visit

BrewerWellness.com !

