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3039992 Sales Force Campaign Implementation Guide

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8/8/2019 3039992 Sales Force Campaign Implementation Guide http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/3039992-sales-force-campaign-implementation-guide 1/28 Campaign Management Implementation Guide and Best Practices Salesforce Winter 06  © Copyright 2000-2006 salesforce.com, inc. All rights reserved. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.
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Campaign ManagementImplementation Guide and

Best Practices

Salesforce Winter 06

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Various trademarks held by their respective owners.

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Campaign Management Implementation Guide and Best Practices Campaign Manage

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This guide outlines the necessary steps to set up and use Campaign Managementguide is divided into the following major sections:

.: Campaign Preparation

Review the marketing business review questions to ensure you have the

information you need to set up and use Campaign Management.

.: Campaign Setup

Configure Salesforce to begin using Campaign Management.

.: Campaign Workflow 

Review the recommended steps to plan, execute, and analyze your campa

.: Example Campaign

Step-by-step example of how to run a sample campaign using the recommecampaign workflow process.

.: FAQs

Answers to commonly asked questions about Campaign Management.

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Before implementing Campaign Management, we recommend that you review themarketing business review questions in this section to ensure that you have all ofinformation you need to set up and use Campaign Management.

The business review questions are divided into the following sections:

.: Define the Goal of Campaigns

Analyze your campaign goals.

.: Categorize Campaigns

Categorize your campaigns so that you will have the relevant data for futucampaign analysis.

.: Determine How to Target Campaigns

Analyze who you want to target with your campaigns.

.: Determine Types of Campaign ResponsesDetermine the different channels by which prospects will respond to yourcampaigns.

.: Define Campaign Access

Decide who in your organization should have access to campaigns.

Define the Goal of Campaigns

 What are your campaign goals?

Campaigns usually have one of the following primary goals:

• Lead generation 

Lead generation campaigns include direct mail, email blasts, web semiconferences, and trade shows. These types of campaigns directly gennew prospects. In Salesforce, you can easily track the effectiveness ofcampaign in terms of the amount of new business generated.

• Brand building Brand building campaigns include print advertisements, billboards, andadvertisements. These types of campaigns may not generate directresponses, so the calculation of campaign ROI may not be asstraightforward.

If you want to analyze your marketing budget by campaign goal, we recommend you add a custom campaign field called Campaign Goal to track the primary goal each campaign. This field should be a picklist with values of "Brand building," "Leageneration," and any other campaign goals your organization might have.

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Categorize Campaigns

As you plan how to categorize campaigns, consider how you want to analyze and ron your campaigns. One of the key benefits of Campaign Management is that youuse reports to analyze statistics based on the types of campaigns you run. For exam

you can analyze whether web seminars or trade shows are a better use of yourmarketing dollars. Using custom campaign fields, you can categorize your campaig

that you can easily compare and report on which types of campaigns are the mos


Many of the recommended custom fields do not apply to alltypes of campaigns, and therefore, you would not want tomake them required fields within the campaigns page layoutof Salesforce.

 What specific types of campaigns do you run?

The Type field of campaigns defines the general types of campaigns you might ru

Standard values include: Advertising, Direct Mail, Email, Telemarketing, Banner ASeminar/Conference, Public Relations, Partners, Referral Program, and Other.

Make a list of the types of campaigns your organization runs. You can modify the

picklist to include only the values you need.

It is a good idea to define general types of campaigns rather than specific types, fexample, "Advertising" instead of "Print Advertisement" and "Billboard AdvertisemYou can then create campaign reports and subtotal based on "Advertising" to deterthe overall effectiveness of all advertisements rather than one particular sub-cate

Do some campaigns target a specific product or service?

If some campaigns focus on different aspects of your business, you can create a cu

campaign picklist called Product or Focus Area to categorize your campaigns b

on their focus. This allows you to track the marketing programs for a particular proor service.

 What types of advertisements do you run?

If your organization runs different types of advertisements, you can track which ty

are the most effective.

You can create a custom campaign picklist called Ad Type with values of "Magazi

"Newspaper," "Online," "Billboard," etc.

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Do you rent or buy lists of names from other companies?

You can create a custom campaign picklist called List Source to track which

company supplied the list of target names for a particular campaign. Be sure to inthe value "Salesforce" for lists your team generates using Salesforce reports. Repoon this field can help you analyze the effectiveness of different list sources.

Do you do any partner marketing?

If your organization runs marketing campaigns with your partners, you can track wpartner was involved in a particular campaign.

We recommend you create two custom campaign picklists for partners:

• Partner Type - Include values for the types of partners your organizhas, e.g., "Service Partner," "Technology Partner."

• Partner Name - Include the names of all of your partners.

Determine How to Target Campaigns

 To whom do you typically market your products and services?

In general, there are two main groups to whom you can market:

.: Existing customers

You can use Salesforce contact reports to create target lists of customers direct mail, email blasts, or other types of campaigns.

.: Prospects

This group can be divided into the following groups:

• Existing leads - These are individuals that have already been entereleads in Salesforce. You can use Salesforce lead reports to create targeof existing leads for a campaign.

• Purchased and Rented Names - For names that your organization purchased or rented, you can simply use the names for your target list. prospects have responded, you can use the Campaign Lead Import Wto import the names as leads into Salesforce and directly associate thwith a particular campaign.

 What information do you use for creating target lists?

When marketing to existing contacts or leads, you can use Salesforce reports to cyour target lists. You should determine what criteria you typically use to segment target lists. Common criteria include:

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• Geography

• Title (e.g., CFO, Director of Sales)

• Industry

• Company size

• Installed products/services

• Previous campaign and response history

If the lead or contact pages do not currently include the type of information you necreate targeted lists, you can create custom lead or contact fields to record this


You should also be familiar with how to create lead or contact reports that segmenames according to your criteria.

Determine Types of Campaign Responses

 What channels do customers and prospects use to respond to a campaign?

Some common response channels include:

• Phone

• Email

• Web form

• Registration/attendance for a conference, trade show, or web seminar

 What types of responses do your campaigns elicit?

Every campaign normally includes a "call to action" for the customer or prospect, "Call our sales team at 1-800-DIAL-US." The type of call to action determines how

customers and prospects respond, and in addition, it determines how you track thresponses.

The types of responses can be divided into the following groups based on the resptracking mechanism:

.:  Web Site Response

Customers and prospects respond by filling in a form on your web site.campaigns that might elicit this type of response include:

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• Conference or web seminar with online registration

• Any campaign that directs individuals to a form on your web site

To track these types of responses, you can use Salesforce’s Web-to-Leadfunctionality to set up a jump page or microsite for each campaign. You willto include the Campaign and Member Status fields when generating the in the Web-to-Lead setup.

.: Manual Update

Customers and prospects respond via phone or mail. Typically, responses cin one-by-one rather than in bulk. Common responses of this type include

• A call to your sales team or other department

• A card that customers and prospects mail to your office

To track these types of non-automated responses, a sales or marketing temember can manually update the Campaign History for the lead or contaSalesforce.

.: Mass Update/Offline Responses

The third type of response is any response that you track in an offline list

Common examples include:

• Trade show attendance tracked in an Excel spreadsheet

• Email responses that have been collated into a list by your email agen

The names contained in these offline lists can be imported into Salesforce vcampaign Member Import option. With the campaign import wizards, yodirectly associate a lead or a contact with a particular campaign, and spectheir individual responses to each campaign.

Define Campaign Access

 Which groups of users should have access to campaigns?

Before beginning the Campaign Management setup, you need to determine who shhave access to campaigns. Only designated Marketing Users can manage campaigTo designate someone as a Marketing User, you first need to purchase Marketing

licenses. Then your administrator must select the Marketing User checkbox on

user’s personal information page.

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• Marketing Users can create, edit, and delete campaigns, configure advacampaign setup, manage letterheads, manage HTML email templates,manage public documents, and run campaign reports.

• In order to use the campaign import wizards, Marketing Users must ahave the Marketing User profile (or the "Import leads" permission inEnterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Edition organizations).

• Users that do not have the Marketing User checkbox selected only access to view campaigns and advanced campaign setup, edit the Cam

History for a single lead or contact, and run campaign reports.

Please contact Salesforce to purchase Marketing User licenses.

 What access should your Marketing team have to leads, accounts, contactsopportunities?

In Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Edition organizations if you want to restriaccess to leads, accounts, contacts, or opportunities for your Marketing team, youdefine field-level security and page layouts for the Marketing User profile. You can

certain fields or make them read only.

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Follow the steps below to set up and configure Campaign Management for yourorganization. Your answers to the business review questions in the section on pashould guide your setup choices.

If you do not have access to perform this setup, please ask your administrator to

these changes.

Campaign Management setup involves the following steps:

.: Modify Campaign Picklists

Add or delete values from the standard campaign picklists.

.: Create Custom Fields

Create any necessary custom fields.

.: Set Field-Level Security (Enterprise and Unlimited Editions)

Modify field-level security to show or hide campaign fields.

.: Modify Page Layouts

Modify layouts to organize campaign fields and related lists on detail and pages.

.: Create or Modify Profiles (Enterprise and Unlimited Editions)

Modify user profiles to control users’ access to campaigns.

.: Customize Campaign List Views

Modify the campaign list views to show any custom information you need


If you have Enterprise or Unlimited Edition, you can create acomplete single copy of your organization in a separateenvironment to test your customizations to make sure theyfunction the way you expect before implementing them inyour Salesforce organization. For details, see "Creating aSalesforce Sandbox" in the online help.

Modify Campaign Picklists

If necessary, you can modify the values of the standard campaign picklists. In

particular, you should modify the Type picklist to include only the values your

organization needs (see What specific types of campaigns do you run? on page 4)

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Create Custom Fields

Based on your answers to the questions in the section on page 3, you can createcustom campaign fields.

Set F ield-Level Security (Enterprise and Unlimited Editions)

Based on your answers to the questions in the section on page 8, you can set fielevel security to restrict users’ access to view and edit specific fields on detail andpages and in list views, reports, Offline Edition, search results, and when synchrondata. Field-level security is set separately for each profile.

Field-level security is available in Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Editions on



1 Within Salesforce, click Setup | Customize | Campaigns |Fields.

2 Click Edit next to the picklist you want to modify.

3 Modify the values as necessary.



1 Within Salesforce, click Setup | Customize | Campaigns |Fields.

2 Click New in the Custom Fields section of the page.

3 Follow the wizard to create custom fields.



1 Within Salesforce, click Setup | Manage Users | Profiles .

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Modify Page Layouts

Based on your answers to the questions in the section on page 8, you can modify

campaign page layouts to organize fields on the page and control which campaign users see on campaign detail and edit pages. Professional Edition organizations haonly one campaign page layout so any modifications will affect all users. EnterprisUnlimited, and Developer Edition organizations can have a different campaign pag

layout for each type of user (i.e., for each profile).

2 Select a profile to change the field access for users with thatprofile.For example, you could select the Marketing User profile toset all campaign fields to editable for those users. You couldthen alter other profiles to make certain campaign fieldshidden or read only for users who are not on the Marketingteam.

Users who do not have the Marketing User checkboxselected on their personal information page have access toview, but not edit, campaigns, so you may want to hide anysensitive fields.

3 In the Field-Level Security section, click Edit next to the typeof record you want to modify.

4 Specify which fields should be visible, hidden, read only, oreditable for all users with this profile.Note that these field access settings apply throughoutSalesforce. The settings also override any less-restrictivefield settings on the page layouts.

• Use Ctrl+click to select multiple fields individually.

• Use Shift+click to select multiple fields as a group.

5 Click Save.




1 Within Salesforce, click Setup | Customize | Campaigns |

Page Layouts.In Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Editions, you canchoose the name of an existing page layout to modify, orclick New to create a new page layout.In addition, you may also want to create a unique campaignpage layout specifically for users with the Marketing Userprofile.

2 Click Edit to modify the page layout.

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You also need to modify the contact and lead page layouts to display the CampaigHistory related list and the campaign fields, and modify the opportunity page layoudisplay the campaign fields as well.

Create or Modify Profiles (Enterprise and Unlimited Editions)

Based on your answers to the questions in the section on page 8, you can modifywhich page layouts apply to users with the Marketing User profile. You can also mother profiles to restrict campaign access.

The ability to modify and create profiles is available in Enterprise, Unlimited, andDeveloper Editions only.

3 To arrange fields, custom links, and related lists on thelayout, select one or more items and drag them to thedesired location.

• Use Ctrl+click to select multiple fields individually.

• Use Shift+click to select multiple fields as a group.

4 To set which fields are required and read only, select one ormore fields and click Edit Field Properties.In Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Editions, field-levelsecurity settings override any field access properties you sethere if the field-level security is more restrictive than thepage layout setting.

5 To organize the page using sections, click Edit next to anexisting page section, or click Create New Section to createa new page section.

6 Click Preview to view how the detail and edit pages will lookfor the page layout.

7 Click Save to finish.



1 Within Salesforce, click Setup | Customize.

2 Select the Leads, Contacts, or Opportunities link.

3 Click the Page Layouts link.

4 Modify the contact, lead, and opportunity page layouts asneeded.


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Customize Campaign List Views

You can create customized list views to provide quick access to campaigns based specific criteria. For example, you might create a list view to show all direct mailcampaigns. You might also want to modify the standard list views to include someyour custom fields.



1 Within Salesforce, click Setup | Manage Users | Profiles.

2 Click the name of an existing profile to modify it, or clickNew to create a new profile.

3 For each profile, select a campaigns page layout to determinehow the campaign pages will display for users with thatprofile.

4 For each custom profile, determine whether to show or hidethe campaigns tab. The tab settings for the standard profilescannot be changed.

5 For each custom profile, select which permissions to enable.The permission settings for the standard profiles cannot bechanged.

6 Click Save to finish.



1 Navigate to the Campaigns tab in Salesforce.

2 Click Create New View to create a new list view, or selectan existing list view and click Edit to modify it.

3 Give the list view a name.

4 Set the visibility to "Everyone in my organization" to makethe list view public.

5 Select "All campaigns" to search all campaigns, or "Mycampaigns" to restrict the list to campaigns owned by theuser viewing the list.

6 Set the criteria for the list view. For example, you would set"Type equals Direct Mail" to create a list view of all direct mailcampaigns.

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7 Select the fields to display in the list view. You can chooseany standard or custom campaign fields.

8 Click Save to finish.


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Managing campaigns involves the five major steps listed in this section. For eachcampaign, we recommend that you follow these steps to make your marketingprograms and post-campaign analysis more effective.

.: Create Campaign (Strategy & Planning)

Create the campaign in Salesforce.

.: Create Target List

Create the list of individuals you will target with the campaign.

.: Execute Campaign

Run the campaign - either online or offline.

.: Track Responses

Record the individual responses to the campaign.

.: Analyze Campaign Effectiveness

Create reports and calculate statistics to analyze the campaign.

Create Campaign (Strategy & Planning)

After determining your marketing strategy, the first step is to create a campaign iSalesforce. Select Campaign from the Create New drop-down list in the sidebar.

Within the campaign record, make sure to select or enter values for all of the stanand custom fields that apply to the type of campaign you are creating. The informyou record is vital for post-campaign analysis of which types of campaigns are the effective.

Create Target List

The next step is to define who you want to target with the campaign. It is importacreate a focused target list that has been segmented according to criteria that will

the most high-quality prospects.

The method used to create a target list depends on who the campaign will be targ

.: Rented or Purchased Names

We recommend that you do not import these names into Salesforce at this You can simply use the list of names as your target list.

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.: Existing contacts or leads

To target existing leads or contacts, you can use Salesforce reports to gena list of names.

Execute Campaign

All campaign execution occurs outside of Salesforce. Campaign execution can be o

or offline, for example:

.: Online

• Send email using an email execution vendor

Salesforce.com has partnered with a number of email execution vendthat can link directly with Campaign Management. Contact Salesforcemore information. You can also use your existing email vendor.



1 Create a custom lead or contact report.

2 In the "Select Columns" step of the report wizard, select theContact ID or Lead ID field.The ID field is a unique Salesforce identifier for a record. It isimportant to include this field so that you can later updatethe lead or contact with the individual campaign response.

3 In the "Select Criteria" step, enter up to three criteria tosegment the report data. For example, to target all CFOs atHealthcare and Insurance companies with an annual revenuegreater than $1 billion, you would enter this criteria:

• "Title equals CFO"

• "Industry equals Healthcare, Insurance" [Commaindicates OR]

• "Annual Revenue greater than 1B" [’B’ indicatesbillion]

4 Run the report and export it to Excel.

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.: Offline

• Plan and host a conference or trade show

• Run print or radio advertisements

• Send direct mail pieces

• Host a web seminar

Track Responses

After execution, you need to track the responses to the campaign. The types of responses can be divided into the following groups based on the response trackinmechanism:

.:  Web Site Response

Customers and prospects respond by filling in a form on your web site, e.web seminar registration or a special promotion jump page.To track these types of responses, use Web-to-Lead to set up a jump pagmicrosite for the campaign. Make sure to include the Campaign field whegenerating the HTML for the Web-to-Lead form. All responses are createdleads in Salesforce, and if the form includes the Campaign field value, the are directly associated to the campaign.

In addition, you can include the Member Status field in the Web-to-Lead fThis field is "hidden" in the form (that is, it is not visible to campaignrespondents), and it specifies the member status value to apply to all leadsrespond via the web form. If you do not include this field in the web formnew leads are assigned to the "default" member status specified in the camsetup.

.: Manual UpdateCustomers and prospects respond via phone or mail, e.g., a call to the salteam or a mail response card.To track these types of non-automated responses, a sales or marketing temember can manually update the Campaign History for the lead or contaSalesforce.

.: Mass Update/Offline Response

The third type of response is any response that you track in an offline list,trade show attendance or email responses from your email vendor.Import the offline list into Salesforce via the campaign Member Import opUsing the campaign import wizards, you can directly associate a lead or a co

with the campaign.

In order to use the campaign import wizards, users musthave the   Marketing Usercheckbox selected on theirpersonal information. They must also have the MarketingUser profile (or the "Import Leads" permission in Enterprise,Unlimited, and Developer Editions).

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Analyze Campaign Effectiveness

The final step is to analyze the effectiveness of the campaign using reports andcampaign statistics.

You can track information such as the number of leads generated, the amount of opportunities tied to the campaign, the amount of business generated from the

campaign, and more. In addition, you can track campaign statistics over time, for

example, the number of times a particular contact has responded to campaigns, tROI for all types of advertisements, and more.

.: Review Campaign Statistics

Campaign statistics on the campaign detail are automatically recalculated etime a campaign is saved. Some campaign statistics include Total leads, TResponses, Number of Total opportunities, and Amount of Won opportunit

.: Run Campaign Reports

From the Reports tab, you can run campaign reports:

•Use the Campaign Leads or Campaign Contacts reports to list the leadthe contacts associated with your campaigns.

• Use the Campaign Call Down report to show information about the leadcontacts on a specific campaign.

• Run the Campaign Member Analysis report to summarize information awho has responded to campaigns.

• Use the Campaign Revenue Report report to analyze which opportunithave resulted from your campaigns. You can also analyze products anrevenue schedules in this report.

• The Campaign ROI Analysis Report calculates the ROI and average cos

your campaigns. The ROI is calculated as the net gain (Total Value - Actual Cost) divided by the Actual Cost. The ROI result is expreas a percentage.

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Campaign Management Implementation Guide and Best Practices Example Cam

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In this example, MarySue Harris and her Marketing team at Acme.com are conductweb seminar to promote the new Enterprise Edition of their software. They will usSalesforce for the entire process, from the initial campaign planning to the finalanalysis.

Briefly, the steps are:

.: Create Campaign (Strategy & Planning)

Create a campaign record for the web seminar.

.: Create Target List

Use reports to create a list of customers and prospects to invite.

.: Execute Campaign

Host the web seminar outside of Salesforce.

.: Track ResponsesUse the Campaign Update Wizard to upload the list of attendees.

.: Analyze Campaign

Run campaign reports to analyze the campaign and its campaign statistics

Create Campaign (Strategy & Planning)

MarySue first creates the campaign in Salesforce. The web seminar introduces theEnterprise Edition, so she sets the Focus Area custom field to "Enterprise." The

Campaign Goal is "Lead Generation," and the target List Source is "Salesforc

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Create the campaign and fill in all relevant fields, including any custom fields you have defined tcategorize and analyze campaigns.

The Acme.com Marketing team uses the Campaign related lists to track activities materials related to the campaign.

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Use the related lists to manage campaign-related activities, attach relevant files for future referenand view all opportunities that have resulted from the campaign.

Create Target List

The web seminar will target existing customers and prospects who are CFOs atcompanies with annual revenues greater than $1 billion. MarySue creates the targeusing a custom Salesforce contact report and a custom lead report. She includes Contact ID and Lead ID fields in the reports, as those fields uniquely identify earecord and will be used to update responses later.

MarySue clicks the Add to Campaign button to add the target list to her campaigShe assigns them the appropriate status, such as "Invited," to indicate that thesecontacts should be sent email invitations to the web seminar.

MarySue then exports the two contact and lead reports to Excel and collates them

one list to give to the company hosting the web seminar. That company will then able to use the Excel spreadsheet to add each individual’s final response.

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Create your target list using salesforce.com reports, such as the Contact Mailing List report.

Execute Campaign

MarySue provides the target list to the web seminar hosting company. That compsends email invitations to all of the names on the target list. After the web semina

seminar hosting company updates the target list with the seminar attendees. The attendees is then provided to the Marketing team so they can track responses.

Track Responses

Using the Campaign Update Wizard, MarySue uploads the list of web seminar attenso her team can later analyze the effectiveness of the seminar. The list of attende

based on the original target list, and it includes the Salesforce Contact ID and L

ID fields. These fields are unique identifiers within Salesforce, and they ensure tha

correct contact or lead record is updated via the Campaign Update Wizard.

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The Campaign Update Wizard is available via the Manage Members button on thcampaign page. From the Manage Members page, MarySue uses the Update StaImport File link to launch the Campaign Update wizard.

Access the Update Campaign History wizard from the Manage Members page.

The Campaign Update Wizard can import both leads and contacts from the same im

file. Using the Contact ID and Lead ID fields, the wizard can update the camp

responses for existing leads and contacts without creating duplicates.

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Track Campaign Responses - Import offline responses with the Campaign Update Wizard.

After the attendee list is imported, the Marketing or Sales team can view the indivcampaign history for any contact or lead. The Campaign History related list of a coor lead shows all associated campaigns.

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The Campaign History of a contact or lead shows every associated campaign and the individual’sresponse history.

Analyze Campaign

MarySue now runs campaign reports to analyze the effectiveness of the campaign

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Access campaign reports in the Campaign Reports folder on the Reports tab.

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Campaign Management Implementation Guide and Best Practices


 Why shouldn’t I import rented names into Salesforce?

In general, rented names are not owned by your organization until the prospectsrespond to your campaign. After prospects respond, you can import their informa

into Salesforce as leads. If you imported all of the names first, you would have to dany leads that did not respond to your campaign, because your organization doesown those names.

 What is the difference between the Import Leads Wizard and the CampaigUpdate Wizard?

.: Import Leads Wizard

Use this wizard to import new names into Salesforce as leads and directlyassociate them with a campaign. This is only for new prospects.

.: Campaign Update Wizard

Use this wizard to update the campaign response for existing Salesforce leor contacts. Typically, you will use this wizard to track campaign responses created your target list using a Salesforce contact or lead report.
