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5-4 ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa · In all, the Ensiles won nine out of ,3K "team" places cho.sen by a...

Date post: 03-Aug-2020
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;viil^Jl.j^v*'.V'*»I^"iiv»"ii-.i-^>--'*-'S'*i -* Is*- 5-4 An Iiulepcrnlcnl Weekly Ncwspappr ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa Our Tp.lcpliono Numbers E(lilorial:IIOI)ail7-r)811 Vol. X — No. 3 Piililiili'il Weflly hy Fitf Pteu Piilit,c.itioiiv. Iiu. Yt.iily SiitiUrilUinn ^3.50 >.ASf 1 lAVr.N, CONNI-'.C'lMCin-. Tl IUl<Si:).'\^', M.AKCl-l 31. iMij. COPY 8 CF.NTS M'OIIC ' roin V'A^ ssion lM;i av ()j)j)Oiicnls Silent At Hearing On Finance Bd. Hill j 1 lAUTl-'OItn Noi one woiil wiis ; un(M(M1 in f^iipnsitInn In » pro- \cti llfinnl of Fimmcr A(M tit a l('j;islniiv(' l\oiiilnK 'Pucsdny nfift- V 1 w* few ^ ! V ,1 , :S.' r ^f' A* S^ loti \I Stiiflio T i n s IS a scene (rorn ihe Piission Piny wliicli will open will) the first of three performances riidiiy c\eiiint; in the I I ')i Suhool aiirhtoriiim The production singed e ich vmr b> Drama Guild of the Old Stone Chinch w i l l l i t . p u i t i i l i d a t 8 uiln k 1 ri d a y a n d Snturd^y evenings and at four o c l o c k S u n d i y afternoon No admission m clinrged Benefits To Survivors Of Town Employes 'Woefully Inadequate' Ecnnfils lo sui\i\ois of mtuilcl pul cmplo\)_ts who (lie hifoit ic iiifniont ufi «i( wotfullv Inntio f|Ua(o uncloi the tt-tms of Uie nuin uii)il iiiiuinrni fund to ulncli < niplojLi.'^ mu\ Mil)^Lnb(. 1 Iml 11 t h e rencial tn llnj:, i iiioiif, lown Officiali. and at loasl sonic of the tnunicipnl (.mpIo>(os Uionisplvfs As n icsull the llm nations ^)f Iho lUiitment fund as 1 nioa^iuit of sfcuiit> foi sui \Kois arc espcLLed lo he r(.\l(\v lit hy officials and poisonnol M uU Proniiiunt U> Diatli Jill pioblcni of inadoqUnlt bone fn..s ijttume piominoiit. followlnj, I'lo reccnl death of Assisiiint. Police Cliicf B. Wesley Slopp. " Under Ihe terms of the rotirc- mont act his widow will reooivo. only that amount which hnd been contributed by the late ^police of- ficer lo the retirement fund since the Town camo under .its provi- sions hi ,1051. AS o result Mrs. Stepp, who has s\iff('rod from serious eye ailments - she liad a cataract removed from ino e>( and is shutd It und(if,n anothti smiilii and t\pinsi\i ip (lation m the nc ii futuic - VMII iecci\o an amount ttlculilfd n he less thin one tlious md duUius Some (stmuitis fo a<; low as ibO'i >70n lllSI < UK I UUMK llh Mis Stepp ftit-nds Mi> is \n a \t.ii inset UK llnancial posiiiOn be cause ot liet nerd foi nudicil nul and he( nusc of hei poor healili As an assistance tlic I ast Ilavea Police n(ne\olont Assotlation ic centli \ot(.d lo pitscnt tlu \^ido\^ with a one hundrc'ii dollar check, according'to Wullei- HccU; presi- dent; In addition, rirst Selectman, Kranlt. Clancy;,had . the.- Board, of Finance approve Iho payment o' on,extra semi-monthly paycheck to Mrs. Stepp. . . . . ; . Frank Backus, president of tlic lornl police union,- said this week that the union was; ^esploring means ofassistinR Mrs., Stepp. He said tliat i.s wmild welcome nny Subscription Drive Gets Off To Bang-Up Start In First Week nv VVIM-IAM NIMMO All around. Hamden, East, Ilavea and Dranford Inizzed with excite- ment the pa.st wcok a.s the Rreat- eiit prize giving event nf oil wn.'i announced In the imfies of Ihl.'s imper. Hundreds of iienple looked lorward lo seeing the iirst prize rord 'Tairlane" which will he on di.-nilay at the Bradtord Mqtnrs Inc. nf Hamden, showroom soon. A numlier of conteslanls came In und entered tlie conlesi and more will he Interviewed llils and next week and entered In the.,.great. "Everyhody Wln-s!' conlcsl. Many more conteslanls '.are still needed lo properly cover'^Ihc lerrllory In ilie shorl time alloted to the con- test. Tn addition tojlhis Ford Fa|r- liine, worth i'lA'MM. lliqre ,tre three second grand'awards of .$D0O 111 cash, one for eaeji of the towns (it Hamden, Kast Haven and Bran- ford and four hlg cash '.bonus awards. In addition Uo this every active particlpani will receive a weekly commission Vlieelt for^ 20 per cent (or $1.00 all Of, evet.v, Sn.nn cnllecieiD of hW or licr^syli-^ .scrlption .sale. \ Therefore there can lie no lo.<ers, as evpryone.jWlit» wnriM Ki'tH paid. This conlesi is ,nol;U .gueii.sliig j;ame_ a puz'/Ie solver or a"draw- Ing" and requires no inveslment nf any kind on tlie part of Ihe Con- leslaiits, now or later. Entries will not he asked to answer some "jack- pot" .qvicEtlon, write o letter on vug(,i sllgn^ 01 itsslstaiiif fiomout idi j^ioups till Ki-iK'al Ihouj 111 Is III salil 111 II a s\Mfm lit annual hem fits shiiiilcl he |iio\id(il Uii siiiMMiis of muiluipal eniplovies I In nniiid or publK Safi tj 11 isptikd also to lake up ihe mat- li 1 at a special meeting \shliii.uill 111 held on Monilav ii Iiusdiiv The meetini. Is hi Ins held fui Dlhei business as well Offieei Backus said that I le im- mediate task he foi e the union was to pio\ide'somi niians of asisl- Ing Mis Steppe in hei finamiul plight.'The long range goal would ho, sald^- tn ntitain a satlsfnc- Idry system,of survivors insurance for police and other employees registered under the retirement act- which Is flnniiced partly and malnlained :by the .stale. "why I Like this Newspaper", or put a 'lucky ticket' in a bowl., No, there are ' not "catches" .or hldden pbrase.s In Ihi.'i conlesi. I t is purely und simply a contest based on effort alone and the .participant who earns the most votes oii the sole of subscriptions-to this news- paper will win the Grand Prize Award. II -is-as simple-as-thai, - • Now, let's be brief and tell you what to do. The contest office is located In the office of The Ilam-- den Chronicle al Hni'riden. The pliorie number is AT 8-lCO]. You can also got Infnrnifttlon at The Branford .Review office at Brail-- ford or Tho.Ea.st,HaveH News off- Ice Main St. I-last, Hnvpn. If- yon would like to liike.adva'nlage of this llbei-al and altogetlier •atiritc- tive-offer, simply drop into the contest, office or give'us ii flng on the.ph.one. .-.-"' A representative of the Liner. Circidalion,Service liffs .been enr gaged to liiindle.'.tlils ponles't anil hero,- lo explain the enilrelpro, position in :Iuli -and any" and 'all Who care lo learn, whellier or not you enter the contest. After you have heard-the-de- lalls.you will be handed an entry blank. If you-think the deal is a good one you may si^n the entry blank and obtain a subscription receipt book. From then on you are a representative of this*news- paper for Hie duralloii or until (Coatlimca on I'aue Elglit) Oanddaughlcr Ot Former Firsl Scleclman Dies T u n i i a l SI i \ i i e s w o i e h d d rue'- day afternoon foi Claudia DaCosta the-\eji old dnughui pf Mi and Ml-. Aithui 13iiCns|n of Sfl F i a n n s KM and 11 inildauf,lii 'i of Si'lcrt- maii riank Baikn ,in<l 'Vlis Paik- 11 Miss UaCiist I dud Siluidu aft- eiiioon whlli she was boliii i uslied to the hospital She had lieeii sltU Willi mea'^les luiii had tiiiitiiuleil inieuiiionia Senlpes «eie held In the W S Clonn runeinl Home in T isl H a - ven IheEev Jt>nn if r.lasse inter- im pastor of the Old Slone Church, officiated. Bui-ial was In East Lawn Cenielory. ' - '.; , In addition' lo her parentV, the child is survived by two hrolliers, Arthur Vincent DaCiista', ,Ir., three, ami Frank Barker DiiCiista, Ihreo montlis. OjiiKini'iils of the liiil wore on liMinl. all ilglil. since.the hearing was we'll-atti'iuled by parly offi- i-i.'ils on liolli sides nf the fence, liiii when Uepresentntlve Albert '. Siiyiler nf Middlelown. I louse i-linliinan of the ,lolnl Comnilltee nn C'iiies anil lloroughs, asked for 'ilmse opimseil" after hearing "tlHwe In f-ivor" there was a I uisi \ latal pause llinpi winl thefavil 1 hi heal nil on Housi Dili No l.'O'i co- 1 pniisiuid h\ UepiiseiilallMs Adelhit C Mnuili and ril/abilh ( iiHinii\ of 1 1st lln\i a v\as I losi d Olipasid HIM 1 list Sileillnau Fiank CI i n n Willi wllh iilhei nuinlKis of Ihe 1 list liaMii llnaiil rtf rinatiie lias opposiil ihi hill 11 H e a l e d UI the loiildiii ehagilited Wllh lilm «iio riid Wnlfi LI silo liedfleia and Tiihn Mulheiii of the finance lioai d Ihtie llio> muUid ovei Iheli iihliitloiis In thi pioposed legis- lailiin Willi 11 llie> uiianlmously I iiidimii'd as iilailnr the Mimnee hnaid at thi niniv ot thi iwo- 1 i i t \ town eoniinillci s Ml MauIlL and Mis Ciounie> wiie till riisl 10 speiiK foi the iijislatlon I he> told Iho li Rls- lallM lommlltee Ihal the hill was tliiiwii up 111 a confemice of He* pulliuins and Denionals and en- iloi ert h\ both Hefoi e the pios and eons woie hull il niehaid llclllj town eouiisel slopped up In piesenl a siihslltule bill wlile'li he said lO- iinned some of the dubious woirt- iin, in the nilglnal bill In Seel Ion 1 ho piilnlod l< ehangos making 11 Impossible lo ghe ellhei pai ty a innjoiliy In •<;|iiinp(^s inaittng l| impossible to I III »i*^<;^ a vacancy ocLtii-t*'bo 'iiwteu (•^UjoiitT 'rha^Qft^P? WA' Expressway Threatens Industrial Property Sites, Officials Claim Inlor'un Appolnlttwnts To Finance Bd. Seen l*rohl(>ni wiillcn '•in llirtl an 'ind^'pnidont nilgl)! he seleeied ' 'I think they should have a shot at II/ Mi Rellh lold Ihe enminllleo ^(l l'art> Iti spaasllillllj / nepiesenilillve Padula ol Nili- walk lifted off his glasses when Kelllj menlloned the ban against gKlug either ^laiiv a majorllv and aski d You do not belli ve in piiiiy icsponslhllHs " Mi Htllly iiplUil that he was no! jirepaied to ilisiuss Ihe nil Ills of the hill mi ailing Ihal In w a s iiol appiiii- ini, foi 01 against 11 Kepuhllean Town Chaliman Miitliew Aaaslaslo Ihe piimo foiii In the moveitnnt lo main Ihi ]3oard of Finance an ileitlve followed IJellly He told the com- mittee that aftti 10 scales some changes were noeded-|n iFie Board ol' Finance Act enacted la 1(115. He lold the board that Ihe "people have lieen clamoring fnr chunges In the act." He said that the flrsl selectman of recent times liad disregarded Ihe reenmmenda- (Oiiilthiuoil an rage Might) niflleultles are iiiiili'lpiueil In siiuilni' leplaieimints foi \iieiui ills thai mn\ de\ilop on Ihi Boind of llnanie belweiii now and ni \l Oeloliei when an eniiii l\ iKw lionid wnuld iie 'iliflul II a lilll ie\isln« the lioiitd pits iliinitgh Iho Leglsiatuio At least one vneitniy will iiriui on 01 bifnie lulv 10 when Ihi III I sent leim of 1 osllo UedrUld a senloi ntenibei nf tlie linaiil I lids Ml Itorifleld Indicated Piles- day thai ho will he ninvlni! lo r.ullfoid und will not be ellullile foi I e-aiipoinlineiit ^esttrtlav Mi Clano\ icvealcd that Ml Ucdriold hart hUlmillled a Ullei nf loslRnnllnn but Ihal it was not liilng meoploil 'lit this lime ItudkolliiK KlarlN iViiK> I Woik on Ihe Towns annual budget must liogln August t, ami with Ml llodfield gone, a leplaci- menl must be olitnlncil Ml Ilod- fleld who has iici\od oh the lioatd foi about olfilit yeais Is consid- ered an expo) I on the budgel anrt his lea\lnB Is consldeied a s d - hacli foi the liouid Andthei mtmbei of the boaid I'oti 1 Wehor liaTs b e e n ill nlid has Vicen unable to attend meetings tf the lilll inaklng t1ic boaid elective goes Ihinugh, apy hilnlm iippnlnlnK nts will seive tor a few months 'I'hei wlirhilV *" ""'vi wlLlinul eompetiBntlon since ihi $lfi pet dicni Bllpcnd oas a VStm \rm tttfy mejnjiut:^ . A.^^^, Wllh tlio jJnnrft^t rinance hav- ing iKiId nuiflOKiUj opuolal sessions wllh the Uompnlnry Sclinol BulUI- lug Commltloo Uip mnxlmum al- lowance is used up about thin time of the jeai, Mc Claniy said If the act iiinondmoni I"! passi ti the fiist solnctman suggested It would he I tisloi on llie new fin- ance boaid membe|s If they took offlie sivoial months lain Otiui wise Ihev will start cold on dullis wlilih iii|ulie a lot of kllnw-hln^ ahoiil lown fisiat opi iiitliiils Miiil To Mayor OvorMlit'lmiiij>ly For Kluoridation Appioslmalih lOn postal iiiids Ihe va-si inajoillv nf Ihem lavni- luf fluiiildatlnn have beta le- eilved in tin fiisl seleclmnns nf f Ici (wtot I he pnM hi vi i al weeks Ml Clnney Mild Ihal wllh an oienslonal oxcepllon and so\eini lettcts n|i|inslng fluntldallnn, nil Ihe loiitspondonee has been foi riiloildnllon He Is tinning ovei the mriespondence lo Dt Ilocco Hftve Iowa lionltli (ifClcoi Di Bove Is a ineniliei of a Ni w llavni aiea cnmmllloi of niedlcnl piisonnel lni|Uliln|| Inin the ad- vlsahilllj of (liioildallnif tin pul)- lie walti suppihs Wcinslciri & Tiinm Named Again As Town Aiulitoih The auditing flim nf Wilnsttia & ibnin of is:: Cnuuh St Now Haven was i(-appolnled as aud llnis of the Iiiwii ti) the Boaid of Finnnee at Us meeting Inst week Ihls will lie (he Ifilh con- seeulive jeri In whlth (he film will solve In (ills capacity II was leilorled l|iut llie Board rtlsotljM,'' btletly A nt<w8pniioi od- llo'itnl lre"nllnff wntTi'tlio" deslliliill- lly of changing nurtitois Argu- mo/its ngnlnKt M-n|ipolnllii>; Ihi fltni were dismissed, ,,11 was said, pnrilculnily In view nf fului'e ehfingos In 'tlid mnke-up of Ihe Uoiitd f)f rinnnce I'llDMO IIICAMII'NllItSINR llie legiilai incillncof lliu Pub- lie Health Nuising Assoilation of last Haven will lie In Id Monday ivonlni III H o i l m k In I hi l"iiwii Hall Frontage Reduction Asked For New lloine Develop't In Foxon W) Piotcst Road Encroaclnncnl On Imluslrial Lots 111 visions In eonneetoi loads foi till C.uenwlch-Kllllngly I^xpioss- wii\ ma> lUpilve Fast Ilnvcn ol a lati'i poiilnn ol lis besi land available foi Induslij 11 Is l e - lioiled I'own officials licndoil liy riist Soloiilniun I'lanU Clancy will tnitl Monday mnining In Ilart- foid wllh Novvmnn Aiginvcs Slate Highway Commlsslrtnei to lodge an official protest. The lo^s of potential tiix revciiuos lias been est I milted as high WOOWJ riie Town nion In question lies on elthci sUlo nf the western end of Sniloiislall Pkwy, In Ihls vl- oltilly the Lxprossvvay will iio conuocled with Ttnuto One as it tuns Into, and lliraugll, New Haven Ale>> Doian, clialimnn ot Hie llcdov elojiineiit Accncyi (ilid clioli- innn of n Clmml)or of Commerce conimllleo lianrtllnB negotiations for Bdeiirlng inoic Induilry Mr Cast Haven said Hint the high- way changes poscil a thi eat to niiu ot biggest ItidUstllal ptlzcD the Town has had In n long llnnu Plans have been Uiifloi vViiy fdi Iho location of an "oil lank fill i n " on property nortli of llie tnllinad tiacics tn alt aicn dislg- nolpd foi light lndiisj,ry, Mi IDoi- an said tliiit llio Highway Di- partnrtonfli plwiu "doflnjldly Itln- rtorcd" i(li|{cil|(v(lQHi, lo 6ociii(; the lanU flli'm. vy|l|n]t,v(roiild(neld a Rbonhlo amoiinl lo Hip ^owii lax- uiile Brand list,. Mr Durnn VllCalso ullend t,lie pioieiit cbhfounco."'- AnflihCf piaj)«ily ownei affect- ed by t(il> chilngo Iji rt-poilod lo •1)0 F i a h k ^ j * SulllVtttI Wjlio |Owjis pioperty neni Ihe Cannn Clcclile Coinpanj Mi Clancy snlti that the highway vvoi|id cut into Mr Sullivan « ilhopt rty ' also reduelni! Il In sl/e, atld rtilucing lit, value foi Induhliial fiuiposes The flisl BDloclman pointed out llilU the iiiopeilles nffeiled liy lilll highvvay wote choice Indus- lilal lols blie'ilust' I hey nie lo- laltd clone' to itnulo One ami tn I he talltoDil tinclts While liie pinpeitleH uie pil- valely iiwiiert, lliolr value lo the town would be greatly cnhanecd If usid foi Industrial sites The potential In lax levenues Is con- sidered In lie a sizeahle nhiount. Basketball And Swimming Teams To Be Honored - Plans are under way al Eusl Ifaveii High' .School for n town- wide -dinner for' the' selVooI's championship basketball 'and svylmming teams. - . The dinner Will be held In the schoof ciifeleria al 0:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, 'April i;i, under sponsor- ship hy the bigh school. The com- mittee in charge consists of Carl 11. Giirvin,-' principal; Thomas Murray, assistant principal; Coach i~rarik 'Crlsati, and Mrs. AJvin Tii'ompsein of the principal's office. ^Invitations were sent out yos- 'terday 16 sportswrllers and to llari-y Burke of the 'Yale Alhleiie A.ssoejutlon. -Tom Cagilardi, weil- kiibwn toastmasler, will serve a.s master of cereinonies. The idlnner .which will coiisisl | of-roa.st tiirki-y', with all the fl.x- Ings; Will be served by the .si-liool's e^ifelQiia slaff. * . TickeiR are being .sold, and townspeople may-gel them at 111'- liigh-.scliodl office from Mrs. Al- vln Tluimp.son. Tli" number of lic- l(ols-wlll he limited lo 250. The bnskelbair^ team brotij^hi fame,,10^ feast Haven again Ihi;- -Sfiiispn t w h e n the - team reiiiiin-il 'the' Cla.ss ,M title' wlih a Sltli Jilfajglil" win ' ill llie slate finals KTarcli 12 in I'ayneWhiliiey gyin- iiasium. The swimming team fared well tliiH,season;^caiiluring the dlsiriei 'championship by healing Hillhotisc for-lho -first time la the Fust Haven team's hLslorj'. Stage Reciuitmcnl Display Special Choir Rehearsal There ; Will \ie M special and "very important" rehoHrsnl of all choirs of the Old Stone Cluircli on Sunday morning a t 9 o'clock. .Syrotiak Studio Air Force Sgt. Jolin Moore poses willi .Armand Williams, proprietor of East Haven Custom Cleaners on Main St., who has donated use of hiit.window for a recruiting diapjny for the Air Force. Recruits nre being sought in Enst Haven und Bianford.to uerve together in the Air Force. ' lleporis of a new housing di've't- opiiiiMlt ill the J-oxon area aiiiiinil '1 iioiiip.siiii .Slret't. were ciiilliriiu'., this week by .lei-iime (jriitly, cliuir- inuii ot the Planning and ^^iiniiig Commission, Deiails on the development were not available hut It would eon- sisi of possibly 'llKI homes on a plot of land of uuoul 70 acres pre.senlly owaed hy Leo and Loul-, Charlies of FoXQil Hill lid. '1 lie plot fulls wlll'iln Ihe H-'l section on ihe new wning map and bor- ders on Thompson SI, Mr. G r a d y :-ftl»p confirmed re- ports Ihal the' Zoning Cummlssloii has been aslicd to permit o tweii- ly per cenl reduction In the nilnl- louiii lot frontage. Under ' thu> new -/.oning map, lot sizes must be a minimum average sUo of 25,000 square feet with a minimum ave- rage' frontage of 12S foot. Mr. Crady liidlealpd that lieeau.se of "liaril.slilp" elulms on u part ol the in-esenl owner, he Is favorably disposed towuri) ((ranting the 20 percent allowance Jn /oeiulreinenls liermilled for r9^(|||.^nd sidewalks Under Ihls redijiitjon the avei- age size of l o t s '^yd^Jljl bo 100 foot frontage with' »' >'miOlmum urea of 20,000 squai'i)-feet b'r "Jilst iiiidei half an (icrq". -^^ No Other 0(iilcesi|loiis The Joining boaril chairman sulil that the reduction In the lot sl-/es will be the only change or con- cession permitted by the board. "Aiisolutely no concessions regard- ing sidewalks, curbs,'ijr roads or anything ulse.wilj be nj»'le," Mr. Grady sald^ ;. ' ' • r^., The Zoi^lt)^, Cominllii)li)n may lake the rAilllor ;'up nli'cjts next meeting on Wednesday evening. The iipurU'will have, anolheiv pe- lillon for a reduplioii of reipiire- ments before It, , This latter Is a potllion by James J. Canna, local coillrnclor, who Is reiiuesllng o wnlvor of »li|ewalU one! curbs requlronionls In a de- ^ velopment he Is building In Foxpn lihlive I'lilge Hill Acres. Thi' Liisl Haven Chumber ot Commerce lit its hist monthly iiieellng unanimously voted Ibrougi, a resolution urging the Zoning Coinmlsslon to stand hy the new zoning rciiulroments und to enforce them without dovlallon. iMeiliiini - I'riei'd The consliuellon firm vvhie-h has negotiated for puictiase of the land from Ihe Chaines family Is reported to he a company new to East Haven. The dwellings lo be constlucled arc leporled In be nf I he "split-level" type and In a medium price culegnry, The Cliarnes family recently .sold a right of may for It to the New Haven Wan r rnmpany for water pipe linos wlilch will tia- veifce the propel I y Gripes Procedure Approved For Police Deparlmenl A code of pioeeduie for hand- ling police ijoihonnol grievances was lecolvod Tuesday nlglil liy Ihe Doaid of FUilIc .Safety. The pioceilure was piesenled by a dol- CBallnn from the Police Union and apfiiovcd by Ihe lioard Officer Frank liacUus described Its seveial steps Ihls way: 3) The gilevance will hu bcouglU, up nn Hie' floor al a union'- meeting for ihe-atlentlon of Hie union gilov ance commlllee. 2! The grievance committee will dl«cus.s Iho grievance. If the com- mittee thinks,|L Is a valid griev- ance the eommllteo will reiiuobt II meet lag wllh Hie police chief. ;t) The meeting will draw Up a list of •grievances discussed and consldcrod worthy of consldei- allon The police chief will, wllli- in .seven-days lime, announce by (Oaiitlnued on Vags Ulglit) Cancer Fund Campaign Opens Here This Week The 1055 Cancer Funil Cam- ' pnign which opens tills week will 'lie conducled undev the super- vision nf Mr. and Mci. Thoma.s. Webster, and the quota for East Haven has boon set at $2,100. A Tug Day will be held by" the Fast Haven Woman's Club under the chairmanship of Mrs. Ann Follens, and coin collection boxes are being placed In stores ihi'oughoul lown, by the Auxiliary I'ollce heurted li'y I'resUlcnt 'Don Thomas. The manager' of Iho.Caplloi Theuler Is cooperating by run- ning a niio-mlnuie shorl featuro, on cancer. ','^ The main fund-ialslng effort will come through a house-to-' house canvass thiougiinui ' the lown during the monlli ot Apill. Captain'i wlio will bead the var- ious disliict.s Inchulo Mrs. 'i'liomas Websler, Center DIstrlel; Mrs, George Be'lty, West ICml; Mom- uugulii, Mrs. Alvin Thopmsnn: Short Beach, Mrs. Raymond Fre«<| and Mis. Itudolph llllg; llign Ridge, .lolm Wcdcmeyer; River- dale, Mis. M017 Nunzlanio; .Maplevalc, Jdlin McMnhon; Glen- moor, Mrs. Anthony MaicuccI ond Lynvvood, Anthony DeMayo. CnptahiB are bcltie sought for the Foxon Pork and Morgan Folni aioiis. Anyone wlslilng to eonlilbutc Ills services IH asked to call HO 7-7833. As u result of the cdilcntionui campaign being conducted liatlon- wlde, the public is bcqomlng en- lightened on the symptoms ot cancer, and the fact timl cancer can be' cured If caught In > Its early stages. Funds collectcil dur- ing April will go for further cd- ucatlonul' programs und oxtenslvo researcli on cancer cure and pro- venllon. Biiy Easter Seals J «^ If.
Page 1: 5-4 ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa · In all, the Ensiles won nine out of ,3K "team" places cho.sen by a conference of conches In New Haven Friday. Mike Brerelon, clinmplon New I'lngland diver,

;viil^Jl.j^v*'.V'*»I^"iiv»"ii-.i-^>--'*-'S'*i -*


l.o^ion junior Hiflc Cltil)

Rainy Weather Foils Practice For FJIIIS Baseball Team; 50 Sign Up

! T h u „ „ M a r c h 2 4 , 1 9 5 5 . B r a n f o r d R e v i e w - E a s l H a v e n N e w . 8 | ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ j - ^ ^ p ' ^ , " ' ' " - " ' " ' "' " '

Tlio first s t e p toward inimcdiiilp benef i t s and u l t ima te success Is to clip, t he lEn t ry B l a n k and F r e e Votis Coupon oppea r lng in the low­e r p o r t of t h e official nnnnunce-m e n t In t h i s issue.

T h e n by us ing the " E a r l y Effor t" Coupon a p p e a r i n g on the front p a g e (good on ly d u r i n g F I R S T week of con tes t ) which Is w o r t h 100,000 p re ­m i u m votes for p rompt act ion when accompan ied by tiie very first subseript io | i you ob ta in—new o r r e ­n e w a l — y o u ' r e off to a flying s t a r ! w i t h a rea l ty s u b s t a n t i a l n u m b e r of votes towafd winn ing one nr m o r e of the b ig pr izes offered.

H e r e ' s o w o r d ol advice to those w h o w a n t io m a k e the most of thi.s unusua l qppp r tun l iy . Al though the contes t docs not offlulally s t a r t un- ' til n e x t T h u r s d a y morn ing , Itierc's n o t h i n g to p r e v e n t ambi t ious .ones s t a r t i n g c u t ftlCIIT N O W ga the r ­ing the ea r ly , ob t a inab le subscr ip­t ions- f ron t a m o n g friends, ne igh­b o r s and Kcqualnlances while the. "golhg ' Is good." A word to . Ilie wise should be sufficient,

(^Ivc I i i farnia t tan Afislstunce i I n o r d e r to g ive eve ry conte.sl-

nn t Ihe filllest coopera t ion possible, a con te s t d e p o r l m e n t has been op ­ened up a t the office of The I l a n i -den Chronicle ,- 3013 Dixvvoll Ave., w h c f e t he con tes t ed i tor will help you in every l e g i t i m a t e w a y wllli advice and sugges t ions iTgard lng how; Ijest to go a b o u t winn ing ' h e prize you mos t desi re .

C o n t e s t a n t s res id ing a n y w h e r e In H a m d e n , Brnnforrt o r I3u.st r i a -von h a v e an equa l oppcir tunity in t h e b ig r ace for t he g r a n d a w a r d s and for a quick s l a r i .

F o r comple te Informnllnn on t h e contes t , contaci" t he contrs l m a n ­age r by call ing A l w a l e r 8-IG6), nr be t t o r .si111, s l op In at the con-PSt h e a d q u a r t e r s .

T t M K ra LIAr iTED, ACT T O -


— S j r i i l i il SUi t l io

M e m l i e i i i (if l l io I.CKiim . jun io r R i f l e (.l i i l j llinl p . \ r lu- i | i i i l i : i l

ill t h e s l i i lc m u t c h e s S a t u r d a y ; ( b y r o w a n d lefl In r i ^ h l ) ;

L y n n C h n p m m i , K a r e n , C a m p , f i o n n i c l.iiilc a n d Pi i l P l e l -

l e r ; I l e i i ry M a c D o n n l d , B e r n a r d S n n r s k i , CjoorRe N n r o i i i n ,

n d Shi p J o h n s o n K u s s II Sv\ u i n i V\ TI k i i i n , i n d I I.Mold C l . i i k , I 'xinim- . ' u i i l l i .

J o h n C l i i d s e y , A U n n R i c h a r d s a n d Cefir(.;e B e h l o i . N u t s h o w n n r e D o n ; i l d J e n s e n a n d R o h c r l G u i u l i i R n o , l e n n i

Mi l 1) 111 M i h e r l iT Ami--.'., D.il

m c m l i c r s ,

5 Martlett Post; Tea sns Qiialij'y Solidly III/State :R^

Five l e a m j . u l ; liny.s.and , girls ' lilckod fi'6in,.tl\e',,liii,il(|i'.t(l.fleCl,u'l> of t he i r a v r y I t n o r t j c t t Pos t sa , AmericnnLLcglnn, quiiiil'led Kiilldly for i-ltlo'awiii-ds in .ttie-2,'Uli' unii-, unl giilleiy,- m a l c h ' of tiie Coiinec,-t l cu t St t i te Ulffe :ana 'Uovi) lycr 'As ' -

liii the larisij.sl Ip tiie. Wnriil; saw n tdtiii ill -I'.iirii i cnu io ' s . i i i '•.all'.Hgi' 'cnl.OKOi'le.'i.ciin.ip'etInt! In , a ' t l i reo- ' day lyjnloli at llio Wliielie.slnr Club 111 New l lnven. " li'our sub-Jiiiiidr li.'Mitis und„oiie

jun ior tonin w e r e i e n t e r e d iiy t he snciatioii ,in •I'tiiiuielil'loii'.Siitirril.iiy,-.I;Iu,r,ry Bar t l e l t I 'osl. SMii-Jiinlijr a f t e rnoon . ; , , -..i- ".: ; :. '^ :\'-' •

All four - memliera ' r in eni'li iif (ho rive t e a m s qiuiliried for m a r k s -mnnshlp .awft rds ,of 50 per , cen t or. b e t t e r . In mUUtlon. 'a suh - i tmlo r leant of four gir ls : 1 s . ' hopo tu l / of c a p t u r i n g second place Iri :ll8 ca to- ; gory of conipetlt lon. ' • : ' , , . . :

T h e gal lery match , repor ted ,10


SAVE $10 on a CRIB




W^ilh all the lllgh-PrlceJ


Priced to save $10,00 • Flncit Hardwood construclioat

• Both lid^s raise and lowed

• Safety plaitic tcellilnj tallil

• Metil ilabllliing baiil

> Coloied balli that Iwlill "

• 4-poiltlon adji^ilable ipt l i i j l

i^o liner crib for

the world's Jineu baby

Thli cilb enaclly ai edveil i i td In



Hamilton Shops 36 - 38 Eades Sil.

Branford, Conn.

tea'ni!^ a ro ' coiiii)ii.sod or elillilreii i^elwceiv the ' iiges lit, iilne anil 1<l. iiuhlor-, t e ams a r e coiiiposetl - of niointioi's Uii to 38 years ; -' .,*,' TiUl 'Tei l tn

' I 'he . - i iUhyunlor MMH' t e a m which Is ,hopeful of a top place ciiisiWs of 5tour girls. T h e i r nanie:;, a g o s ' a n d ..scores . f o l l o w M t o p : pos­sible fndlyiduni -score is 200); Bijii-, n | e . i j i i k , ; 11 yea r s , 17.1 points ; iI<i|i'on-'Canip, 11, l a i i Ijynn Ci ia i^ mnn, 13,, 168; Pa t r l ch i I Id le r , 1'2, IS'I; teapi .score, 670.' ' : •

' ' ( 'he o the r suh-Junlor . t eams fol­l o w : : ' ,

Harold Clark , U , 158; W a l l e r Aipes,-12, 175; Ru.ssell SwDnsgn, 13, 175; i l obc r t GuaUagno, 13, 1G8; teom. 'score, 070.

Ileni-y MiieDonald, 11, 170 ; ,Da le Kliigi I'l, 185; . Dona ld - Jensen , 13, 121; Haro ld Levine, 12, 182; t e a m score, B64.

P e r n u r d SnurskI , 13, 179; Mich­ael Maher , 13, ISO; Oeorgo M o r -nian, 1.1, 180; Shepai 'd Johnson, 12, It'll; t eam score; GflU.

.luiilor Teiini The Junior t ea ip scored as fol­

lows: Bonnie Smi th , l-l 'l; Ceofgo Bohliir, 164; J o h n Ghidscy,; 132; Allen l i l chan ls , 1-13; leiiiii score, !>a'i. . •,

Arne O. n e l l a n d , . c h u i i m n i ' i of the J u n i o r l i l f l e ' Cluli, sold, ; iha.t this was the first compet i t ive ma tch of this m a g n i t u d e t h a t l l i e t eam meml ie r s par t ic ipa ted i n . H o described the teams ' showings a s S'ery iinpi'e.ssivi.v r , , . . . . . , Mr. Heliaml siild lli'at each con­

test ant .had t o .shoot' a n nveriiKe of 50 out of a possllije ,10U points to qiialify for a i r award . All t e a m m e m b e r s exceeded litis i icrconlage by apprec iab le marg ln . s : ' ; I ' l l lgh m a n " li) each t e a m is ni.so eligible for an :awarri, he siiid.' • .

tbcal lUflc Oil!) in Existence Only Two'Years'7-

T h e slibwlh); iif five t e a m s se­lected finiiv Ihii J u n i o r RH'le Club

till? H a r r y Ba r l l e t t Post ' on S a t u r d a y Is , viewed a.s "very Im-|ii'e.s.slve"' since llii-i c lub has a c ­tual ly been In exls lanci r only two years .

.'Phe American Ijnyion,-Jo.sl set s e i . U p the ' r i f l e club oh F e b r u a r y

1933 vvhen 107 -boy.s, and glris i ietween ' the ages of nine and ' '1 w e r e enrolled for m a r k s m a n s h i p courKes. ,Tho courses wore con­ducted h y ' a Rrnup:ofpo .s l . m e m ­bers seleclod for t he purpose. , . Af te r affiliation wl lh tiie Nu-liohal nif le Association, t he club en l i s ted . t h e " n l d of two exper t sho t s : Alfred I l a / a rd , of I3ran-ford, aiid 'Mm\ Uicy , of New H a v e n . In a mon th ' s l ime the . club w a s able ;lo a.s.semble a team for the 22nd a n n u a l Rallery slioot. .

As an a d u l t , s u p e r v i s o r of Ihe club commented : "All we gained in t he malehes w a s good exper­ience and a knowledge of good s j ior tsmanship." .

'I 'he in!i3 season ended la May iby. which l ime t he c lub had ex-ipended .7,000 ,1-ound.s of a innu in-lllnn In the four -month iieiiiid. •Seventy-eight Na t iona l iilfle nmrksn iaush lp a w a r d s wer i . made.

, Menihersliip KvpaiiirlN i n ' t l i e ' O c l o l i c r ' f o i i o w i i i g w h e n

Ihe c lub re-nponed i ts uctlvll les It added a n o t h e r lu indred meni-hers who received n ine weeks of t r a in ing In small r a m s use, spni-t.s-maiisiilp nnif. t e a m ' w o r k , ' .""

.Withoul sufficient tHcllilies -Ihe fclbl) has beei i 'u i i lhg the New i i a v e n Armiy-y i 'uiHje,on,a iimlteil

sclii ' iluie.. •• the uildltloniil niem? hei'.shlp iiad .Ip hi' dnippiid Io 'lip [ili'kV'd up only as .tlie oi'.'tiiiial inemhrji-s lefl. , ' ' O n . A p r i l ' 2 7 , K m Ihe ]irogi'ess riie d u b " i i a d ' ' m a d e , wiis liiiliciii.eil w'iieir !I2 .N.R.'A. ajvai-ds raii'gliU'. f r o m / p ' ref inarksmatt Iii' sluirp-slipAter we're . 'presei i t i ' i l , , ' ' •'

isiitee" iliiit. '•October (ilie i-liih suspends ' ' act ivi t ies dur ing ihe siiinmei.') Ihe J u n i o r J i l t l e " Club has lieeh m e e t i n g • ' r e g u l a r l y W e d n e s d a y , n igh ts a t t he I'list rooms, l=^rom:.lliero ; It li'-cives,-l'>y hits- at- G;'iri. fiir Ihe Mi'vy l layen Arjnory. Wlillo .there, • ineinfiiM's' activit ies ' a r e .closely Khiieryiseii. T h e y r e t u r n a t i.eii o'clock. ', , Foui ' N.R.A. iii.strueior's,,.lneb'id-

I n g ' C l i a l r m n n Ai-nle I lel land, =are , ^j,, f.,,, . , . „ „ , , „ „ , , , i,-,nn,nno,-crei ed w th h e - s u c c e s s of, lie ,,.„• ' , ,- ,- , , , ' eluh. ''l>hey a r e JohiV Campi BUI I " " " I ' " " " ' ' ; ; "I food last year , e-Miiher, and W a l l e r - Link. Allan I " ' " 'Kl ' ' " " " " f'"''""! " ' " " ' '•»"<•'"• r<nlghl a.s.slsls t he f lub lit jjonoral i ,i"S . r i 'onKNewiiorl , . K. i., to l^aill-act ivl t les . . . . .' . j i ' i w c , Md. , , .

l,ioiis To Stage -7-(Colitliilieil I'^i'iim . I'.iigo' Olie)

Inng- t lmi ' ' i-'esldenl i i f Momai iguln . Till ' eiiril i i a r ly . will; b e ' h e l d al

8, (i'eloi.-k h r llie .'I'n'wn Hull. i,;eoi-t;i., Kii'.ipli'r'.and l lalpli Anialu a'l.-e I'o-i-lirilrmeii.. fiir " I,Fie card Iiarly. 'i 'lu-y will l ie , assisleil 'liy ihPHc • Lliiiis: . S u l , T i n a r i . door prizes; t l a r r y Morgan, , l lcUets; Bill ••"rleWd,- Iiilile, piiV.es; 'I 'ony IBruiio, i-i'ti'i'.slimeiifs. ,

.'I'ielceLs f u r - I h e benef i t can be hnii/jhl f rom a n y m e m b e r of Ihe

Ills Clulv o r froiii P a l Florlo lit Ihe Ciiiiiilry House in Fuxon i'ni-k, l i p ' 7-(l23:i.

rtnlny w e a t h e r marked the opi-ning of S p r i n g and delayed Ihe .Hiail of prac l lce for Ihe Kast Haven HIRII baseliall team this wedi . Coach F r a n k Crisiifi was 'iij|ii-ful Ihnl an ea r ly b reak In

IK- w e a t h e r would i iermll the illaniimd Io d r y ou t .so t h a t Ihe • 'e l l i iw-Jaekots could s la r l w a r n i -iiig u|i In prepai-nllim for their 'ipenliiK g a m e wllli Seymour High 111 April m .

This yea r ' s leani Is being cnp-Uiiiii'd liy MlUe I'aolllio, a senior, Willi has Just completed a season Willi Ihe va r s i ty baskelbal l learn. /like Is one of fourteen ve te ran

inenilier ' jnf ihn hnc-bnii t e a m who 1 lend the w a y In the I ry -ou ls .

V e t e r a n s A m o n g t h e s e ve t e r ans a r e a l i -

-ii-iiiiiid p laye r s like Ted Sull ivan, who cap ta ined the chump bn.sUet-luill t e a m ; H a n k Luzzi, J i m Nnr -rai-i'l, l lalpli .Streelo, ,Tnei Gu.siaf-;nii, J o e Mellilo, Sal S to ro ami

nil Miuil le, w h o also tu rn froiii he (-nun to the d iamond.

Then, t h e r e a re 'I^oiii Man t l e . I,f-niln|-d Orifice, w h o with Al VIi-llllo and l,u-/.zi played oul.stand-ingly In football last .season. Al.so, Williani l . awler , J o e Smi th and Kii-liard C h a m p a g n e who have l iai l leipated in o the r spor t s like Avhnmlng.

The t r y - o u t s ros i e r sliowed a 'i':l of m o r e t h a n 50 boys. H e r e Is 'low the,v lined lip according to i-las.s: SKNIOIlSr-Paol l I ln , M a u l l e , Nal racc i , SIreel.o, Lawlei', I.uzzI, 'ii-lfiee and Wlll laiu Fru ln .

.IIIN10R.S: - , Clustnf.soii, Mal t l ie lmonte. Mal l ' Clisaiik, .Storo, Nick Vegl lenly , ,Tohn T h o m a s , Toin l lai ' sehe, .foe MellUo and Al Mel-111(1.

.SOPHOMORRS: - .toe ,Sm!l.h, .lames R o m a n o , Loren Lalne , Mike Powell, Donald W y n s c h e n k , Bob :ils(m, A n t h o n y Panagro.ssi , John Viinstaslo, Al G r a n n t a , Mike -Cr i s --Molri.. R o b e r t C h a m p a g n e . Alber t Kolsllnen. Sal San toen ima . Rob­er t Wai 'dle . Edwin T:l!akeslpe, '.illy Br is to l . Ra lph Scl i lo t tman, lolin A n d r e a , I'^raiik Fe r ra lo l a , Howie Slswlck, Nell Longobardl and Mnr i ln DeP*dlce.

F R E S H M E N : - J o h n Gi-ieeo. Bill HuVder; Jolin -Fitzgerald, Bill Miller, ^IJJll Porfo , Ju l ie DclCuld-Ice, ,Iiihii F r a e n z a , Sal I 'ascare l la , Anthony , lV l l eg r lno , -Frank Bruno Jr . , a n d - ' R o h e r l Velroi ie .

In all, t he Ensi les won nine out of ,3K " t e a m " places cho.sen by a conference of conches In New Haven Fr iday .

Mike Brere lon , clinmplon New I'lngland diver , won a " f i r s t - t e a m " place for t he dive and i n o l h e r wl lh Jiweph Smi th in tii'c IBO-yord free style relay. F r a n k Keefe. who« placed high In the New Eng land compet i t ion , won a "flrsl t e a m " b e r t h In Ihe 100-yard backs t roke .

On Ihe second All-Dli^lrlet t e a m were Mike Powell and Calv|n O'hldy in the 200-ynrd free s tyle , Bob Gllson in" t he -lO-yard" free ?tyle, Richard Car lson In the 100-yard re lay and Powell, won an ­o t h e r place on th is second t e a m In tlie IBO-yard free style.

T h e dis tr ict Is Composed of H a m d e n High, W i l b u r Cross, Hlli house and FJast Haven. T h e local high school is the only one in the Class "M." ca tegory . T h e o t h e r t h r e e schools a r e in ;Cln.ss "A.','.;


Swimming Team Wins Ninc>All District' Spots

Members of Ihe Eas t Haven High s w i m m i n g t e a m won four places on t h e "All Dis l r i c t " first team and five m o r e places on the siocoud t e am, annou i i cemen t was made today.

I'lvcryboily \yin'S — (Cnii l lnned F r n n i I 'ugn One) P lease unde r s t and t h a t this Is

n e i t h e r a "iucity drawing", nor .something for not l i ing affair . In­stead , it Is a business proposi t ion pu re and s imple . l i s oiiject, '-very f rankly . Is to f u r t h e r expand our g r o w i n g li.st of sul iscr ibers and ,|n open Ihe w a y for o u r f r iends lihd r e a d e r s to profit mlghl l ly t h r o u g h w h a t e v e r spare t ime they may have du r ing the nex t few weeks . .So II Is a plan t h a t wori is Io Ihe un l l -m n l e benefit of all coiicerried.,

Kasy T o .Sell One of the easiest t h i n g s ;to .sell

In t h i s a rea a t the p resen t t inie is a subscr ip t ion to I his new.'ipapei'. S ince Its Inception th is progres.sive n e w s p a p e r has been a fac tor In t h e growl h a n i l d e v e l o p m e n t of tills h i is l l ing and rapidly e x p a n d i n g ter­r i t o ry . W e h a v e a l w a y s served t h e . best in te res t of liil.s a r e a and the paper is favorably received by eve ryone . Cons lan t ly \ i i t ip roved n e w s and p i c t u r e c o v e r a g e and ^ e w s pre.sent'atlon / t o g e t h e r , with c l ea r cut , . r e p r e s e n t a t i v e •Qdverils-ing display have enhanced o u r po­sit ion as (ho lead ing woeUly-puhll-ealloii In th is ar(?a,and ha.s.created a l ively interosl. on t h e , p a r t of the

,$40 Aid B i l l -(bont lnne i l F r o m P a g e O n e )

any .solution adopled Is going to cost money . " P e o p l e oppo.se a n In­crease In tlie c i g a r e t t e t ax .or In the sa les t ax , bu t in o r d e r to get special benefits, , somebody .'has got to pay f p r . t h e m , " site wa rned . •

. P r e s e n t ; a t , t he . mee t ing . - waJs Boui-d. of .."Education' . C h a i r m a n V^'alsii,, and. , .a r r iv ing in .tiitic' .fqr Ihe social • h o u r was, ' f5)l i5tr ' ,oT Schools Hfiy.s, w h o ii'ad attendijd two meeting.'! d u r i n g tl ie 'e 'yenliii ; .

FRANK W. SMITH 5 ; : H O M E Ji'U,RNT,BTTTN;G:S ;>:;,:•:

M a d U o n C e n t e r . . ; . : J . .

N O W . S H O W I N G -^ One of the finest coUoelions.of Sl ipcover . . , . , and D r a p e r y Fab r i c s a t the lowest pr ices pos.silile for qual i ty ' ; j and designs. Al.so: Cur ta ins , Bed.'ipread.s, WlndrtW Slfiides, ' .. Bnlnboo and Vene t i an Hiii ids, S h o w e r Shee t s . :

Clo.s'ed All Day Wednesday — .Store H o u r s : n::in to 5:.10 ' I ' d e p h o n e : Madison (Ci rc le ) 5-9B29

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ihAVE >;W; 6)(tRA.'K6

'Z'Z'i Muiii St., Kii^t llavi ' i i

l i i c l e r son A i i t d A c c e s j i o t i e s

• • • FIcViers for Spring EftSTER . . . APRIL lOlh

The colors and ihe ic^i^l of .Sprins's heauly will flood y(ji.i.' liomes.

J. A. Dodge Ave., East Haven HO 7-6318

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S A L E — Oiean, Reconditicned Used Gars Quaranteed

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WILSON AUTO SALES Co., INC AuUwrizcd Ford Dealer

147 Montowese St., Branfprd HU8-2546



An Iiulepcrnlcnl

Weekly Ncwspappr ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa Our Tp.lcpliono Numbers


Vol. X — No. 3 Piililiili'il Weflly hy Fitf Pteu Piilit,c.itioiiv. Iiu. Yt.iily SiitiUrilUinn ^3.50

>.ASf 1 lAVr.N, CONNI-'.C'lMCin-. Tl IUl<Si:).'\^', M.AKCl-l 31. iMij. COPY 8 CF.NTS

M'OIIC ' roin V'A^ ssion lM;i av ()j)j)Oiicnls Silent At Hearing On Finance Bd. Hill

j 1 lAUTl-'OItn Noi one woiil wiis ; un(M(M1 in f^iipnsitInn In » pro-

\ct i llfinnl of F immcr A(M tit a l('j;islniiv(' l\oiiilnK 'Pucsdny nf i f t -

V 1

w* few ^

! V , 1 ,


r ^f' A*

— S^ l o t i \I Stiiflio

T i n s IS a s c e n e ( r o r n i h e P i i s s ion P i n y wli icl i wil l o p e n will) t h e f i r s t of t h r e e p e r f o r m a n c e s r i i d i i y c \ e i i i n t ; in the I I ')i S u h o o l

a i i r h t o r i i i m The p r o d u c t i o n s i n g e d e i c h v m r b> D r a m a G u i l d of t h e O l d S t o n e C h i n c h wi l l lit. p u i t i i l i d a t 8 u i l n k 1 ri

d a y a n d S n t u r d ^ y e v e n i n g s a n d a t f o u r o c l o c k S u n d i y a f t e r n o o n N o a d m i s s i o n m c l i n r g e d

Benefits To Survivors Of Town Employes 'Woefully Inadequate'

Ecnnfi ls lo s u i \ i \ o i s of mtuilcl pul cmplo\)_ts w h o (lie h i fo i t i c ii ifniont ufi «i( wotfullv Inntio f|Ua(o uncloi the t t- tms of Uie nuin u i i ) i l i i i i u i n r n i fund to u lnc l i < niplojLi.'^ m u \ Mil)^Lnb(.

1 Iml 11 t he r e n c i a l tn llnj:, i iiioiif, lown Officiali. and at loasl sonic of the tnunicipnl (.mpIo>(os Uionisplvfs As n icsull the llm na t ions )f Iho l U i i t m e n t fund as 1 nioa^iuit of sfcuiit> foi sui \ K o i s a rc espcLLed lo he r(.\l(\v lit hy officials and poisonnol

M uU P r o n i i i u n t U> D i a t l i J i l l pioblcni of inadoqUnlt bone

fn..s i j t t u m e p iominoi i t . followlnj, I'lo reccnl dea th of Assisiiint. Police Cliicf B. Wesley Slopp. "

Under Ihe t e r m s of t he rot i rc-mont act his widow will reooivo. only t ha t amount which hnd been contr ibuted by the late ^police of­ficer lo the re t i rement fund since the Town camo under . i ts provi­sions hi ,1051.

AS o resu l t Mrs . Stepp, w h o has s\iff('rod from serious eye a i lments - she liad a catarac t removed from

ino e>( and is s h u t d I t und(if ,n a n o t h t i smiil i i and t \ p i n s i \ i ip ( l a t i o n m the nc ii futuic - VMII i e cc i \o an amount t t l c u l i l f d n he less t h i n one tlious md duUius Some ( s t m u i t i s f o a<; low as ibO'i

>70n lllSI < UK I UUMK l l h

M i s Stepp ftit-nds Mi> is \n a \ t . i i inset UK l lnancial posiiiOn be cause ot liet ne rd foi n u d i c i l nul and he( nusc of hei poor healili

As an assistance tlic I ast I l avea Pol ice n ( n e \ o l o n t Assot lat ion i c cent l i \ot(.d lo p i t s c n t t lu \^ido\^ with a one hundrc'ii dol lar check, a c c o r d i n g ' t o Wullei- HccU; presi­dent; In addition, r i r s t Selectman, Kranl t . Clancy; ,had . the.- Board , of F inance approve Iho payment o ' o n , e x t r a s emi -mon th ly paycheck to Mrs. Stepp. . . • . . ;

. F r a n k Backus, president of tlic lornl police union,- said th is week that t he union w a s ; ^esp lor ing m e a n s ofass i s t inR Mrs., S tepp . He said tliat i.s wmild welcome nny

Subscription Drive Gets Off To Bang-Up Start In First Week


All a round. Hamden, East, I l avea and Dranford Inizzed wi th exci te­m e n t the pa.st wcok a.s t he Rreat-eiit prize giving event nf oil wn.'i announced In t h e imfies of Ihl.'s imper. H u n d r e d s of iienple looked lo rward lo seeing the i i rs t prize r o r d ' T a i r l a n e " which will he on di.-nilay a t the Bradtord Mqtnrs Inc . nf Hamden , showroom soon.

A numlier of con tes lan l s c a m e In und en t e r ed tlie conlesi and more will he Interviewed llils and next week and en te red In the. , .great . "Everyhody Wln-s!' conlcsl . Many more con tes l an l s '.are still needed lo proper ly cover'^Ihc l e r r l l o ry In ilie shorl t i m e alloted t o the con­tes t . Tn addit ion toj lhis F o r d F a | r -liine, w o r t h i'lA'MM. l l iqre , tre t h r e e second g r a n d ' a w a r d s of .$D0O 111 cash, one for eaeji of t h e towns (it Hamden , Kast Haven and Bran-ford and four hlg cash '.bonus a w a r d s . In addit ion Uo this every ac t ive par t ic lpani will rece ive a weekly commission Vlieelt for^ 20 pe r cent (o r $1.00 a l l Of, evet.v, Sn.nn cnllecieiD of hW or licr^syli-^ .scrlption .sale. \

There fo re t h e r e can lie no lo.<ers, a s evpryone.jWlit» wnriM Ki'tH paid.

Th is conlesi is ,nol;U .gueii.sliig j;ame_ a puz'/Ie solver or a " d r a w -Ing" and requi res no inves lment nf any kind on tl ie par t of Ihe Con-les la i i t s , n o w or later . En t r i e s will not he asked to a n s w e r some " jack­p o t " .qvicEtlon, w r i t e o l e t t e r on

vug(,i sllgn^ 01 itsslstaiiif f i o m o u t idi j^ioups

till Ki-iK'al Ihouj 111 Is III salil 111 II a s \Mfm lit annua l hem fits shiiiilcl he | i io \ id( i l Uii siiiMMiis of mui lu ipa l en ip lovies

I In nnii id or publK Safi t j 11 i s p t i k d also to lake up ihe m a t -li 1 at a special mee t ing \ sh l i i i .u i l l 111 held on Monilav ii I iusdiiv The meet in i . Is hi Ins held fui Dlhei business a s well

Offieei B a c k u s said that I le im­media te task he foi e the union was to p i o \ i d e ' s o m i n i i a n s of asisl-Ing Mis Steppe in hei finamiul p l i g h t . ' T h e long range goal would ho, h« sald^- tn ntitain a satlsfnc-Idry sys tem,of survivors insurance for police and o ther employees registered u n d e r the re t i rement act- which Is flnniiced par t ly and maln l a ined :by the .stale.

" w h y I Like this Newspape r " , o r put a 'lucky t icke t ' in a bowl. ,

No, t he re a r e ' not " ca t ches" .or hldden pbrase.s In Ihi.'i conles i . I t is pure ly und simply a contest based on effort alone and the .part icipant who earns the most votes oii t he sole of subscr ip t ions- to th is news­pape r will win the G r a n d Pr ize Award . II -is-as s i m p l e - a s - t h a i , - •

Now, let 's be brief and tell you what to do. T h e contes t office is located In the office of T h e I l a m - -den Chronicle al Hni'riden. T h e pliorie number is A T 8-lCO]. You can also got Infnrnifttlon a t T h e Branford .Review office at Brail--ford o r Tho.Ea.s t ,HaveH News off-Ice Main St. I-last, Hnvpn. If- yon would like to l i i ke . adva 'n l age of this llbei-al and a l toget l ier •at ir i tc-t i v e - o f f e r , s imply drop in to t he contes t , office o r g ive 'u s ii f lng on the.ph.one. . - . - " ' • A represen ta t ive of t he Liner. C i r c i d a l i o n , S e r v i c e liffs .been enr gaged to liiindle.'.tlils ponles't anil hero,- lo explain t he e n i l r e l p r o , position in :Iuli -and any" and 'a l l Who care lo learn, whel l ier or not you en te r t he contes t .

Af te r you have h e a r d - t h e - d e -l a l l s . y o u will be handed an e n t r y b lank . If y o u - t h i n k the deal is a good one you m a y si^n t he e n t r y b l ank and obtain a subscript ion receipt book. F r o m then on you a r e a represen ta t ive of this*news­pape r for Hie dural loi i or unt i l

(Coat l imca on I ' a u e Elgl i t )

Oanddaughlcr Ot Former Firsl Scleclman Dies T u n i i a l SI i \ i i e s w o i e h d d r u e ' -

day af ternoon foi Claudia DaCosta

t h e - \ e j i old d n u g h u i pf Mi and

Ml-. A i thu i 13iiCns|n of Sfl F i a n n s

KM and 11 inildauf,lii 'i of Si ' lcr t-

maii r i a n k B a i k n ,in<l 'Vlis P a i k -


Miss UaCiist I d u d S i l u i d u af t -eiiioon whlli she was boliii i uslied to the hospital She had lieeii sltU Willi mea'^les luiii had ti i i i t i iulei l inieuiiionia

S e n l p e s « e i e held In the W S C l o n n r u n e i n l Home in T isl H a ­ven I h e E e v Jt>nn if r.lasse in te r ­im pas to r of t he Old S lone Church , officiated. Bui-ial was In E a s t Lawn Cenielory. ' - • ' . ; ,

In addi t ion ' lo he r parentV, the child is survived by two hroll iers, A r t h u r Vincent DaCiista', ,Ir., th ree , ami F r a n k B a r k e r DiiCiista, Ih reo montlis.

OjiiKini'iils of the liiil wore on liMinl. all ilglil . s i n c e . t h e hear ing w a s we'll-atti'iuled by par ly offi-i-i.'ils on liolli sides nf the fence, liiii when Uepresentnt lve Albert

'. Siiyiler nf Middlelown. I louse i-linliinan of the ,lolnl Comnil l tee nn C'iiies anil l lo roughs , asked for ' i lmse opimseil" a f te r hear ing "tlHwe In f-ivor" the re was a I uisi \ latal pause

l l i n p i win l t h e f a v i l 1 hi heal nil on Housi Dili No l.'O'i co-

1 pni is iuid h\ Uep i i s e i i l a l lMs Adelhi t C Mnui l i and r i l / a b i l h ( i iHinii \ of 1 1st l l n \ i a v\as I losi d

Olipasid HIM 1 list S i l e i l l nau F i a n k CI i n n

Willi wllh iilhei n u i n l K i s of Ihe 1 list l i aMi i l lnaiil rtf r i n a t i i e lias opposii l ihi hill 11 Hea led UI the loi i ld i i i ehagil i ted Wllh lilm « i i o r i i d Wnlfi L I silo liedfleia and Tiihn Mulhei i i of the finance lioai d

I h t i e llio> muUid ovei Iheli i ihl i i t loi is In thi pioposed legis-lailiin Willi 11 llie> ui ianlmously I i i id imi i 'd as i i l a i ln r the Mimnee hna id at thi n i n i v o t thi i w o -1 i i t \ town eoniinillci s

Ml MauIlL and Mis Ciounie> w i i e till riisl 10 speiiK foi the i i j i s la t lon I he> told Iho li Rls-lallM l o m m l l t e e Ihal the hill was tliiiwii up 111 a c o n f e m i c e of He* p u l l i u i n s and D e n i o n a l s and en -iloi ert h\ both

Hefoi e the pios and eons w o i e h u l l il n i e h a i d l lcl l l j town eouiisel slopped up In piesenl a siihsl l tule bill wlile'li he said lO-i inned some of the dubious woirt-iin, in the n i lg lnal bill

In Seel Ion 1 ho piilnlod l< ehangos m a k i n g 11 Impossible lo g h e ellhei pai ty a i n n j o i l i y In •<;|iiinp(^s inaittng l | impossible to I III »i*^<;^ a v a c a n c y ocLtii-t*'bo

' i i w t e u (•^UjoiitT ' r h a ^ Q f t ^ P ? WA'

Expressway Threatens Industrial Property Sites, Officials Claim Inlor'un Appolnlttwnts To

Finance Bd. Seen l*rohl(>ni

w i i l l c n '•in llirtl an ' ind^ 'pnidont nilgl)! he seleeied ' 'I th ink t h e y should have a shot a t I I / Mi Rel lh lold Ihe enminl l leo

^( l l 'art> Iti spaasllillllj / nep iesen i l i l lve Padu la ol Ni l i -

walk lifted off his glasses when Kelll j menl loned t he ban against gKlug e i the r ^laiiv a major l lv and aski d You do not belli ve in pii i iy icsponslhllHs " Mi Htl l ly i ip lUi l that he was no! j i repaied to ilisiuss Ihe nil I l ls of the hill mi ailing Ihal In w a s iiol a p p i i i i -ini, foi 01 against 11

Kepuhllean Town C h a l i m a n Miitliew Aaaslas lo Ihe p i imo foi i i In the move i tnn t lo main Ihi ]3oard of Finance an i l e i t l v e followed IJellly He told the c o m ­mi t t ee t ha t a f t t i 10 scales some changes were noeded- | n iFie Board ol' F inance Act enacted la 1(115.

He lold t he board tha t Ihe "people have lieen c lamor ing fnr chunges In the act ." He said t h a t t he flrsl se lec tman of recent t imes liad d is regarded Ihe r eenmmenda-

(Oiiilthiuoil an r a g e Might)

nif l leul t les a r e iiiiili'lpiueil In s i i u i l n i ' l ep la ie imin ts foi \iieiui i l l s tha i mn \ d e \ i l o p on Ihi Boind of l l n a n i e be lwei i i now and ni \ l Oeloliei when an eni i i i l\ iKw lionid wnuld iie ' i l i f l u l

II a lilll i e \ i s l n « the lioiitd p i t s i l i ini tgh Iho Legls ia tu io

At least one vnei tniy will i i r iui on 01 b i fn ie lu lv 10 when Ihi III I sent l e i m of 1 osllo UedrUld a senloi ntenibei nf tlie linaiil I lids Ml Itorifleld Indicated Piles-day thai ho will he ninvlni! lo r .ul l foid und will not be ellullile foi I e-aiipoinlineiit

^ e s t t r t l a v Mi Clano\ icvea lcd t ha t Ml Ucdriold hart hUlmillled a Ul le i nf loslRnnllnn bu t Ihal it was not l i i lng meoploil 'lit this l ime

ItudkolliiK KlarlN iViiK> I W o i k on Ihe T o w n s annua l

budget must liogln August t, ami w i t h Ml llodfield gone, a l e p l a c i -menl must be olitnlncil Ml I lod-fleld who has iici\od oh the lioatd foi about olfilit y e a i s Is consid­ered an expo) I on the budgel anrt h is lea \ lnB Is consldeied a s d -hacli foi the liouid

Andthei m t m b e i of t he boaid I 'oti 1 Wehor liaTs been ill nlid has Vicen unable to a t t end meet ings

tf the lilll i nak lng t1ic boa id elect ive goes Ih inugh , apy h i l n l m iippnlnlnK n t s will se ive tor a few m o n t h s 'I 'hei w l i r h i l V *" "" ' v i wlLlinul eompetiBntlon since ihi $lfi pet dicni Bllpcnd oas a VStm \rm tttfy mejnjiut:^ . A.^^^ ,

W l l h tlio j J n n r f t ^ t r i n a n c e hav­ing iKiId nuiflOKiUj opuolal sessions w l l h the U o m p n l n r y Sclinol BulUI-lug Commlt loo Uip m n x l m u m a l ­lowance is used up about thin time of the j e a i , Mc C l a n i y said

If the act ii inondmoni I"! passi ti the fiist solnctman suggested It would he I tisloi on llie new fin­ance boaid m e m b e | s If they took offlie s ivo ia l m o n t h s l a i n O t i u i wise Ihev will s t a r t cold on d u l l i s wlil ih i i i | u l i e a lot of kllnw-hln^ ahoiil l own fisiat opi iiitliiils

Miiil To Mayor OvorMlit'lmiiij>ly For Kluoridation

A p p i o s l m a l i h lOn postal i i i ids Ihe va-si inajoillv nf Ihem l a v n i -luf fluiiildatlnn have b e t a l e -eilved in tin fiisl s e l e c l m n n s nf f Ici (wtot I he pnM hi vi i al weeks

Ml Clnney Mild Ihal wl lh an oienslonal oxcepllon and so \e in i l e t t c t s n|i | inslng fluntldallnn, nil Ihe l o i i t s p o n d o n e e h a s been foi riiloildnllon He Is t i n n i n g ovei the m r i e s p o n d e n c e lo Dt Ilocco Hftve Iowa lionltli (ifClcoi

Di Bove Is a ineniliei of a Ni w l l a v n i a i e a cnmmll lo i of niedlcnl p i i sonne l lni |Uli ln | | Inin t he ad -vlsahilllj of (liioildallnif tin pul)-lie w a l t i s u p p i h s

Wcinslciri & Tiinm Named Again As Town Aiulitoih

T h e audi t ing flim nf W i l n s t t i a & i b n i n of is : : C n u u h St Now Haven w a s i ( - appo ln l ed as aud llnis of the Iiiwii ti) the Boa id of F innnee at Us mee t ing Inst week Ih l s will lie (he Ifilh con-seeulive j e r i In w h l t h (he film will so lve In (ills capaci ty

II w a s le i lor led l|iut llie Board rtlsotljM,'' b t l e t l y A nt<w8pniioi od-llo'itnl lre"nllnff wntTi'tlio" deslliliill-lly of chang ing nurti tois Argu -mo/its ngnlnKt M-n|ipolnllii>; Ihi fltni were dismissed, ,,11 was said, pnr i lcu ln i ly In view nf fului 'e ehfingos In ' t l id m n k e - u p of Ihe Uoiitd f)f r i n n n c e

I ' l l D M O I I I C A M I I ' N l l I t S I N R l l i e legiilai i n c i l l n c o f lliu P u b -

lie Hea l th N u i s i n g Assoilat ion of l a s t Haven will lie In Id Monday ivonlni III H o i l m k In I hi l"iiwii Hall

Frontage Reduction Asked For New lloine Develop't In Foxon

W) Piotcst Road Encroaclnncnl On Imluslrial Lots

111 visions In eonneetoi l o a d s foi till C .uenwlch-Kl l l lng ly I^xpioss-wii\ ma> lUpilve Fast I lnvcn ol a lat i ' i poi i lnn ol lis besi land available foi Indus l i j 11 Is l e -lioiled

I'own officials licndoil liy r i i s t Soloiilniun I ' lanU Clancy will t n i t l Monday m n i n i n g In I l a r t -foid wllh Novvmnn A i g i n v c s S la te Highway Commlsslrtnei to lodge an official p ro tes t . T h e lo^s of po ten t i a l tiix revciiuos l ias been est I milted as high n» WOOWJ

r i i e T o w n nion In ques t ion l ies on e l thc i sUlo nf the w e s t e r n e n d of Sniloiislall Pkwy, I n Ihls v l -oltilly t he Lxprossvvay will iio conuocled wi th Ttnuto One as it tuns Into, and l l i raugl l , New Haven

Ale>> Doian , c l ia l imnn ot Hie llcdov elojiineiit Accncyi (ilid c l io l i -innn of n Clmml)or of Commerce conimll leo lianrtllnB negot ia t ions for Bdeiirlng inoic Indu i l ry M r Cast Haven said Hint t he high­way changes poscil a th i e a t t o niiu ot biggest ItidUstllal ptlzcD the T o w n has had In n long llnnu

P l a n s have been Uiifloi vViiy fdi Iho location of an "oil l a n k fill in" on proper ty nort l i of l l ie tn l l inad tiacics tn alt a i c n d i s l g -nolpd foi light lndiisj,ry, Mi IDoi-an said tliiit llio H i g h w a y D i -partnrtonfli plwiu "doflnjldly Itln-rtorcd" i(li|{cil|(v(lQHi, lo 6ociii(; t he lanU flli'm. vy|l|n]t,v(roiild(neld a Rbonhlo amoiinl lo Hip ^ o w i i l a x -uiile Brand list,.

M r Durnn V l l C a l s o u l l end t,lie pioieiit cbhfounco." ' -

AnflihCf piaj)«ily ownei affect­ed by t(il> chilngo Iji rt-poilod lo •1)0 F i a h k ^ j * SulllVtttI Wjlio |Owjis p i o p e r t y neni Ihe C a n n n Clcc l i l e Co inpan j Mi Clancy snlti t h a t the h ighway vvoi|id cut into M r Sull ivan « ilhopt r t y ' also reduelni ! Il In sl /e , atld r t i luc ing lit, value foi Induhli ial fiuiposes

T h e f l i s l BDloclman pointed ou t llilU t he i i iopeil les nffei led liy lilll highvvay wo te choice Indus-l i la l lols blie'ilust' I hey n i e lo-l a l t d clone' to i tnulo One ami tn I he talltoDil t incl ts

W h i l e liie pinpeitleH u i e p i l -valely iiwiiert, l l iolr va lue lo the t o w n would be grea t ly cnhanecd If u s i d foi Industr ial s i t e s T h e potent ia l In lax l evenues Is con­sidered In lie a sizeahle nh ioun t .

Basketball And Swimming Teams To Be Honored - P lans a r e under way al Eusl Ifaveii High' .School for n town-wide -d inner f o r ' the' selVooI's championship basketball ' a n d svylmming t eams . - .

The d inner Wil l be held In the schoof ciifeleria al 0:30 p.m. Wed­nesday, 'April i;i, u n d e r sponsor­ship hy the b igh school. T h e com­mit tee in cha rge consists of Carl 11. Giirvin,-' pr incipal ; T h o m a s M u r r a y , ass is tant pr incipal ; Coach i~rarik 'Crlsati, and Mrs. AJvin Tii'ompsein of the principal 's office.

^ Invi ta t ions were sent out yos-' terday 16 spor t swr l l e r s and to llari-y Burke of the 'Yale Alhle i ie A.ssoejutlon. -Tom Cagi lardi , weil-kiibwn toas tmas le r , will s e rve a.s m a s t e r of cereinonies .

The id lnner .which will coiisisl | of-roa.st tiirki-y', wi th all the fl.x-Ings; Will be served by the .si-liool's e^ifelQiia slaff. *

. TickeiR a r e being .sold, and townspeople m a y - g e l them at 111'-liigh-.scliodl office from Mrs. Al-vln Tluimp.son. T l i " n u m b e r of lic-l(ols-wlll he limited lo 250.

T h e bnskelbai r^ t e a m brotij^hi fame,,10^ feast Haven aga in Ihi;--Sfiiispn twhen the - t eam reiiiiin-il

' t h e ' Cla.ss ,M title' wlih a Sltli Jilfajglil" win ' ill llie s l a t e finals KTarcli 12 in I ' a y n e W h i l i i e y gyin-iiasium. •

T h e sw imming t e a m fared well t l i iH,season;^cai i lur ing the dlsiriei ' championship by hea l ing Hillhotisc f o r - l h o -first t ime la t he Fust Haven t eam ' s hLslorj'.

Stage Reciuitmcnl Display

Special Choir Rehearsal T h e r e ; Will \ie M special and

"very i m p o r t a n t " rehoHrsnl of all choirs of t h e Old S tone Cluircli on Sunday m o r n i n g a t 9 o'clock.

— .Syro t i ak S t u d i o

A i r F o r c e S g t . J o l i n M o o r e p o s e s wil l i . A r m a n d W i l l i a m s ,

p r o p r i e t o r of E a s t H a v e n C u s t o m C l e a n e r s o n M a i n S t . ,

w h o h a s d o n a t e d u s e of h i i t . w i n d o w for a r e c r u i t i n g d i a p j n y

for t h e A i r F o r c e . R e c r u i t s n r e b e i n g s o u g h t in E n s t H a v e n

u n d B i a n f o r d . t o u e r v e t o g e t h e r in t h e A i r F o r c e . '

l lepor i s of a new housing di've't-opiiiiMlt ill the J-oxon a r e a aiiiiinil '1 iioiiip.siiii .Slret't. were ciiilliriiu'., this week by .lei-iime (jriitly, cliuir-inuii ot the P lann ing and ^^iiniiig Commission,

Deiails on t h e development were not available hut It would eon-sisi of possibly 'llKI homes on a plot of land of uuoul 70 acres pre.senlly owaed hy Leo and Loul-, Charl ies of FoXQil Hill l id. '1 lie plot fulls wlll'iln Ihe H-'l section on ihe new w n i n g map and bor­ders on Thompson SI,

Mr. Grady :-ftl»p confirmed r e ­por t s Ihal t h e ' Zoning Cummlssloii has been aslicd to pe rmi t o tweii-ly per cenl reduct ion In the nilnl-louiii lot f rontage . Under ' thu> new -/.oning map, lot sizes must be a m i n i m u m a v e r a g e sUo of 25,000 square feet wi th a m i n i m u m ave­rage' f rontage of 12S foot.

Mr. Crady liidlealpd t h a t lieeau.se of "liaril.slilp" elulms on u pa r t ol the in-esenl owner , he Is favorably disposed towuri) ( ( rant ing t he 20 percent a l lowance Jn /oe iu l re inen l s l iermil led for r9^(| | | .^nd s idewalks

Under Ihls redijiitjon t he a v e i -age size of lots ' yd^Jljl bo 100 foot f rontage with' »' >'miOlmum urea of 20,000 squai ' i ) - feet b'r "Jilst iiiidei half an (icrq". -^^

No O t h e r 0(iilcesi|loiis T h e Joining boaril c h a i r m a n sulil

that the reduct ion In the lot sl-/es will be the only c h a n g e or con­cession pe rmi t t ed by t h e board. "Aiisolutely no concessions r ega rd ­ing sidewalks, cu rbs , ' i j r roads or a n y t h i n g u l s e . w i l j be nj»'le," Mr. Grady sald^ ;. ' ' • r^ . ,

T h e Zoi^lt)^, Cominllii)li)n m a y l a k e t he rAilllor ;'up nli 'cjts next mee t ing on Wednesday evening. T h e iipurU'will have, anolheiv pe -li l lon for a reduplioii of re ip i i re -men t s before It, ,

This l a t t e r Is a potllion by J a m e s J. Canna, local coi l l rnclor , w h o Is rei iuesl lng o wnlvor of »li|ewalU one! curbs requl ron ion ls In a de-

^ ve lopment he Is bui lding In Foxpn

lihlive I'lilge Hill Acres. Th i ' Liisl Haven Chumber ot

Commerce lit its hist mon th ly iiieellng unanimously voted Ibrougi , a resolution urg ing the Zoning Coinmlsslon to s tand hy the new zoning rc i iu l roments und to enforce them wi thout dovlallon.

iMeiliiini - I'riei'd T h e cons l iue l lon firm vvhie-h has

negot ia ted for puict iase of t he land from Ihe C h a i n e s family Is repor ted to he a company new to East Haven. T h e dwellings lo be cons t luc l ed a r c lepor led In be nf I he "sp l i t - leve l" type and In a medium price culegnry,

T h e Cliarnes family recent ly .sold a right of may for It to the New Haven W a n r rnmpany for w a t e r pipe linos wlilch will t i a -veifce t he propel I y

Gripes Procedure Approved For Police Deparlmenl

A code of p ioeedu ie for hand­l ing police ijoihonnol g r ievances was lecolvod Tuesday nlglil liy Ihe Doaid of FUilIc .Safety. T h e piocei lure was p iesenled by a dol-CBallnn from the Police Union and apfiiovcd by Ihe lioard

Officer F r a n k liacUus described Its seve ia l s teps Ihls way : 3) T h e g i l evance will hu bcouglU, up nn Hie' floor al a union'- m e e t i n g for i h e - a t l e n t l o n of Hie union gilov ance comml l l ee .

2! The gr ievance commi t t ee will dl«cus.s Iho gr ievance . If the c o m ­mi t t ee th inks , |L Is a valid g r i ev ­ance t he eommll teo will reiiuobt II meet lag wl lh Hie police chief.

;t) T h e mee t ing will d r a w Up a list of •gr ievances discussed and consldcrod w o r t h y of cons lde i -a l lon T h e police chief will , wlll i-in .seven-days l ime , announce by

(Oaiitlnued on V a g s Ulglit)

Cancer Fund Campaign Opens Here This Week

T h e 1055 Cancer Funi l C a m - ' pnign which opens tills week will 'lie conducled u n d e v t he supe r ­vision nf Mr. and Mci. Thoma.s. Webster , and the quota for E a s t Haven has boon set a t $2,100.

A Tug Day will be held by" t he F a s t Haven Woman ' s Club u n d e r the cha i rmanship of M r s . A n n Follens, and coin collection boxes a r e being placed In s to res ihi 'oughoul lown, by t he Auxi l ia ry I 'ollce heurted li'y I'resUlcnt 'Don T h o m a s .

T h e m a n a g e r ' of I h o . C a p l l o i T h e u l e r Is coopera t ing by r u n ­ning a ni io-mlnuie shor l f e a t u r o , on cancer . ' , ' ^

T h e main fund- ia l s lng effort will come th rough a h o u s e - t o - ' house canvass t h i o u g i i n u i ' t he lown dur ing the monll i ot Api l l . Captain ' i wlio will bead t he v a r ­ious disliict.s Inchulo Mrs . ' i ' l iomas Websler , Cen te r DIs t r le l ; Mrs , George Be ' l ty , West ICml; Mom-uuguli i , Mrs. Alvin T h o p m s n n : Shor t Beach, Mrs. R a y m o n d Fre«<| and Mis . I tudolph l l l lg; l l i gn Ridge, .lolm W c d c m e y e r ; River-dale , Mis . M017 N u n z l a n i o ; .Maplevalc, Jdlin McMnhon; Glen-moor , Mrs. An thony MaicuccI ond Lynvvood, Anthony DeMayo.

CnptahiB a r e bcl t ie s o u g h t for the Foxon P o r k and Morgan F o l n i aioiis. Anyone wlsl i lng to e o n l i l b u t c Ills services IH asked to call HO 7-7833.

As u resul t of the cdilcntionui c ampa ign being conducted l ia t lon-wlde, the public is bcqomlng en ­l ightened on t he s y m p t o m s o t cancer , and the fac t t i m l cance r can b e ' cured If c a u g h t In > Its e a r l y s tages . F u n d s collectcil du r ­ing April will go for f u r t h e r cd -uca t l onu l ' p r o g r a m s u n d oxtenslvo researcl i on cancer c u r e and p r o -ven l lon .

Biiy Easter Seals J



Page 2: 5-4 ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa · In all, the Ensiles won nine out of ,3K "team" places cho.sen by a conference of conches In New Haven Friday. Mike Brerelon, clinmplon New I'lngland diver,


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NOW SHOWTNf! One of !hP finest onllpcllnns nf Rltpwv^r and Drnppry Ftibrlos nt Ihn lowest prices )in,ssll)lp fnp ii«.MHy and desluna. Also; Cuilnlns, Hoilsprnnrts, Window Sh»dWi, Barnhoo nnd Vonnlinn HHnil«, Shower Shnels,

.Closed All »ny Wcilnmilny Store Uniir.i! Or.lfl to 5;Sfl Ti'lophonn; Mnillson (Clrele) ."i-flfiSn

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Toss a ItTw of lliese ilecnralor styteil pillows^oa nitai anU (.hairs . . , %vf how they add color and comfoii lo your honie. COVERS ZIP OT'f lor easy cleaning and setisonal color changes. Wide variety uf sizes, shapes, tnod^rn colors and luxurious fabrics.

YOUR CHOICE OF FILLING mcU«d foam rubbtr iruihsd duck fanlhari Sturi.x^N in^ buur'nt for life- Sot'i «iid luxurioui...ltiitb*r U(ht timi of uie . . . (.•iinut pack.,, alwiy* . . , ihr triditioail cboUc vlwayi luoLi atut ior fiat pillowi tvmTy-wbttt

from $().25 from $4.95

t h e HAMILTON SHOPS 36 - 38 Kades Si. liranford, Conn.


meet the


EASTEB BUNNY in person....

•^t- Nwfdlh pjfWKoJT Athletic

«JllNWw« oA »»*•» wSKteS waion. SiK«tJ)ii<'n w*t i&w«,w«<l with plaiw ifw f«<m«>j; » ««»nt Tti? ni«etlni! v.mi. rm^h »n tl>* »lhl*Hc tWlU on

\mmtti' iS !f!)if 50«ti!», BnuUOra • NoiiMord

1^')^' -vfnftiOTJvt a siKWKslful paper •ih'k'f iW, >iw St«<»» Wntvl*;* o».Sun» iJIKti '?>/0i! »f po^tr W(fr» bundled uiiO r;*«}:j {<;)> t»,» mmu Residents •It: 'rlif SlW.'fliii tM.lttU-t wlU b* glv-iit, >it: </if»<.'ttu»J»y to co-oswrat" 1/1 i. Ui/?^« diiJiv.,

. iWrriABflt ;)f s».. Ausustine'ji par-ici) !)ifii/l :», s't.7i» ptttty In St. Moiii-.•a'i Cdajift on. Tu<rtday evening. \/.v.. atUjcidis* .MguJTtf, .Mi». Edward !.'uJ? Mcs, IfxfvJ: Aujjvir *>wl Mrs. J1v.i SiiLicdi irry*<i on the com-

I\(.-ii<t Gr-jin^e Xo. 83 hai again | <\-<^c\^>Ky^ th^'local Cancer Drive. .-\ri-hur R Maynard \» ehalfmnn of th>- Comniuniiy Project Conimll-\ff of ihe Orange. The drive g,-(t iindfr way on Saturday when Mrs.

1 R. Karle Beer^ opened her home i for a tea (or those worklnB for

the drive. Mrs. Arthur Maynnrd, rhairman of the drive In the First District, and Mrs. John Cirlson, chairman of the drive In ihe Sec-ond DIsirlct, presided nt the tea table nnd ^werp as.slsted by Mrs, Harry .luniver, Worthy Master of Tolnket Grange.

Mrs. Florence .1 o It n s o n of Wesivllle, campaign . co-nrdlnntni for Ihe iMii Cancer Crinade In Ihe Neiv llnven area, was the speaker, Giii'sl.s ul the lea were Ihe more that -10 volunteer oflnvassers who will cnrrj' out Ihe drive. ,

The North Branford Board of Zoning Appeals heard the requests of Ihe owners ot.Cediir Lake Acre.i that certain varlaticca be allowed In Ihe plannlhg of building lots in

that development. The Board re­served decision until an Inspection QI the property could he rnddewllh tK<? plot plan available.

Michael Dumbrnwiikl, president 0( the Cedar Lake Con.<lrucllnM Co., which will erecl the hnu.ses, said that as pre.venlly laid out In .section one of Cednr Lake Acres, there are 51 building lots. A sec« ond section will be laid out In Ihn future and will contain another 90 to 100 lots'with the majority of them lr\ Norlh Branford, Ap­proximately 15 lots In the nrenwill be located In nrnnford.

Ten house models .including sev­en ranch-lype, two Cape Cod nnd one spill-level type, will he avail­able to respective buyffrs, Koch house will Itave bench nnd Inke right.s, according to plnns, with n 'leach to be put In along Cednr Ijike. 11 Is reported thai ench of (he lols will conlnin an,Of)(l .<-quurp feet nr more and the homes will .sell for nppro.\lnintcly Sl.l.nfin to ipin,nno, .

Members of the Foxon, Nortli-MrH and Norlh Guilford Congregii-liohal Churches were Invllcd to en-Joy the concert of nrgiin music al I lie Norlh Branford C'nngrcgnMon-nl Church on Sunday evening. Miss Cherle VVel.ss of NnugutucU was Ihe nrfrsl.

A graduate of N.'iuga'uck High School, Miss Weiss studied piano for five years nnd organ for three years under Charles D. McClenry and Robert A. Hequa. At the Wesl-mlnsler Choir College In I'rinceInn, N. .1., she studied organ under I lie direction nf Donald McDonald,

Ml.ss Wel.ss arranged her pro­gram .so thai the first half Includ­ed selections from the works of llaydn, Handel, Bllgood, Clolteyi and Benoll. Lenten and Easier music made up the second half n£

her program. At the recent meeting of the

Board of Education It was voted to Increase the snlory sehedule of Ihe teachers by $200 In keeping with Iheir request. This places the local teachers in a position favor­able In the majority nf leflchers In this area. The Increase goes Into effect in .Seplember lfl!)5. The schedule will then have $.1,900.(ui a minimum and .$5,000 as a maitl-mum. Those figures ore based on a four-year training period.

The Board of Education »iso a-greed'lo co-operlite In Ihe Snik polio vaccine program. The vac­cine will be given lo Ihe lir.sl and .second graders only, with the con-.senl of the parents. The Board will .send out questionnaires to all parents of children in these grades.

Ani. Legion Initiates Meniber.shipDiiveHcre

Corcornn-Sundqiilsl Post No. S.I, Amerlenn Legion, Is now con­ducting n membership drlvi' whieh will end May 15. iTnines Dnodyi senior vice 'commander. Is chair­man of Ihe drive nnd Is being n.sBl5led by Charles BedienI, ,lo-sepii Donadio, Fred Cnrstcns, ,Tohn Ahem, Steven, Bombollski, Louis Lavassa, ,Iohn Roykn, osepb Pnm-pn, kennelh Swanfelder, Walter ZlelinskI and Daniel Uannlli.

'I'iie membership rnmmlttee ex­plains that, "now, more than ever befoi;e, all Americans ni'e needed to .stnnd up and he eounted in , litis cold war agahtst C^iirintun- I ism." "Fllglhlp veterans cntt de­clare Ihelr slattd, fot- a more pos­itive Aitieric'.'itil.sivi ity Joining lite American I.egloit," Ihe group con-linue.s; ,

Listed by lite clinlrman as .some of the Legion's functions arp the uld and prnieclion furnished <lls-uiiloil veterans nnd Iheir depend­ents; an active child welfare iiro-grdm; and tiie support of 'Amei-Icn's principles.

Palm Siintlay. Holy Week Servicess Are Set.For St, Mary's

Itcv. Edmund A. Colter, pastor, and Rev. William VVIhbey. a.sslst-ant, of SI. Mary's R.C. Church have announced the schedule for services for Palm Sunday nnd Holy Week.

Ma.«ses will be at 7, 8, 0, 10 and U'o'clock on Palm Sunday. Palms will be blessed before the 7 o'clock Mass nnd will be distributed at the remaining services, l.enten Devn-lions will be held oh Palm Sunday at 4 p.m.

Services during iloly Week nre as follows:

Tuesday, Lenlen ricvnilons at 7:.'10 p.m., with Rev. ,Teremlah O'Keefe, .S,J,, as speaker,

Wednesday, confessions will be heard from 4 until 5:30 and from 7:,10 until 8:30 p,m.

Holy Thursday, Communitm at 6, 7 nnd 7;.H0 a.m. High Mas.s with procession Is scheduled for 8 a.m. Adoration will take place through­out the day with n Holy Hour from 7:,'10 to 8:30 p.m.

Good Friday, Mass of the Pre-.sanctifled at 8 a.m., with Stations of the Cro.ss .scheduled tor ,1 and 7:30 p.m.

Ilnly Saturday, Blessing of Ea.s-ter water and Easter candle, 7 a.m,, and High i\ln,ss al a:.30. Confes.slons will he heard from 10:30 to 11;.10, ,1:30 in 5;,30, and 7:30 to 9 p.m.

Easter Sunday Ma.sses will be held at 7, 8, fl, 10 and 11 a.m.

Young G.O.P. Meeting The annual meeting of Bran-

ford's Young- Republican Club Is scheduled for Tuesday at 7 p.m.. nt Republicon Headquarters on iMaIn St,' Election of new officers will follow a buffel suppjr,

MiTs, Macgregor, Kllpatrick, Mrs. Thomas Murpity ond Mrs, Robert Sehroedei', ,lr„ tnake up Ihe sup­per commiilee. Members planning' to attend have been requested to notify one of the committee mem­bers. ' 'niMI

Thurs.. Mnrch 31. 1955. Branford Review-East Haven News 2


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A reputation for be-IjL^slov, to pay bills hiJilsyou . . . lei us help you protect your credit rating.

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SERVING Connecticut's Finest Lobsters and Steaks

More Steaks and Lobsters Served Than in Any Other Restaurant of Satne Size in

%^j^ Connecticut.

SIRLOIN STEAK Why not try one of our famous thick steaks prepared with a special sauce—heaping full of musbrnoms, seasoned with the finest nf sherry wines S3.00

FOR LOBSTER LOVERS The specialty of the house . . . Broiled live Maine lobster— prepaied whit a fine dressing full of chttnky pieces of fresh loiister .meni SIM

A D A M HOUS 369 Main Street # Ample Pnrlilng •

Open Dally 1 2 - 9 p.m.

East Haven HO 7-1798

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THE BRANFORD TRUST CO. 119 Monlowesfi Street

Phone TIU 8-2501

Qomplete Banking Services

At One Loeatisn

Banking Hsufs 9 to 3 Daily

Fridays 6:30 to 8 PM

Old Stone Church Passion Play Opening Friday. Marks 25 Years

When the Pa.sslon Play, from Manger Friday night Higii Sciiool.

Old Stone Church ••The Life nf Christ lo Throne," open.s

In Ihe East Unven 11 will mark the

Hotchkiss Grove

fun for the

kiddies, fret

Easter eggs

,!i /

i; >

Tht Easter Bunny will be at the start:

last Haven Fri,4/1 2- 4pm

Sat.4/2 3- 5pm

Sat. 4/9 10^12 am



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new-car valu

\Arhen you compai-e automobile values, one plain ahti easily proved truth becprpes evident—'Ponijoc gives you more for your money than any other car • in America! •

Keeping in mind that Pontiac is priced within the reach of any new-cai* buyer, consider these three very important facts:

Pontiac is a big carl Pontiac's 122" or 124' wheelbase is 6>^ to S]/^ inches longer than any of the "low-priced thi'ee". It 's the biggeat car at its price.-

Pontiac is more powerful! Model for model, its big Strato-Streak V-8 delivers more'power per dollar than any car in its field with or without the 4-barrel carburetor—a low-cost option that puts a full 200 H,P. under Pontiac's hood.

Pontiac is the most distinctively beautiful car at any price! No other car can match the individ­uality of Twin-Streak styling and Vogue Two-Tone colors.

Right there are three big reasons why Pontiac sales are at an all-time high. Come in and get all the facts-^and get behind the wheel for final proof.'


5;.M ^




64 Main street Branfsrii

2r)th year thai this re-creation of Bllilicai .scenes of nearly SOOO years ago has been siiowti in the greater New, Haven drea.

Raymtihd Lynwpod Clarke, wrote the orlglhal verslbn, gornered from bible (luotallohs,: which has ,Mnce seen many'nllhnr revisions all de­signed lo ..hrinS continuity and greater di-amallc Impact to the play. : ,. , } : ,

Ksipftrt Mnlte-I)p Ba'ckstage"^Wll he a bu.istJe of

activity .•starting at'G o'clock as. an !'as.seinbly.-llne'' hi?:' aCtorf wall their' turn^frtr make-Up, ippUca-l l t tns. , Interesting-to n6tVls the fact each^'grotip.lids Its own spe­cial ".shade." Under the direction of IrVlng . Sla'phard, •.•Mr.';, Elyle Russell and her assl.Mahis will, tip-ply liii> flrtful touches tiial take the audleiicp lidt-k centiiries.

"We believe'this'will be the rtio.st successful year yet," LeRoy. ,lor-dan, president of the Drama Oulld promises, "Rehearsals have been Well-attended,- and everyone has been most cn-operailv'e.".

Ttie colorful • costuities which were created by the women par­ishioners when the play came to East .Haven six years ago are car-.'ed f o r ' a n d dl.'itrlbuled by Mra. Margaret Dover and her assistants. Ralfth Walker Is In charge of ihe countless details thai are listed as "property "

Takes Christ Oilld I'arl In addition to the mimy prom­

inent aduli acini s theie nre a number (If ehildren in Ihe ea.sl The most piomlnent one, of course, IS the Child lesus who Is pnrtiay-t>d by Douglas LIhslej 'We haVe been frlUhaie in selectinij Just the ilRht boy foi lite pan , ' Mis fcle-anor 'Johnson, secretary of.V.the Dtama^GilIld, lemarked. "Ilbw-ever, Vl yi>ui old buys have a way of'-sbonling up nnd ouifiowhig I hell pan "

Olhei^ (Children appear in vail ous scenes in ihe Na\lvlly Stehe ynung shepheiilfe liovei in ihe bacltground Onf» of tht m Lurrie-) a •young lamb who Is invsterlously taught tu ' iiua" on rue

Children tindei 12 ,will^ not be admitted ib the high stHool audl-torluni unless:''ac'cotnt)a'hled by an adult this year Slnci the seating tapaclty Is limited and the play must be pe;,formed In an alnios-pheie of' reverence, fhe Guild has reluctantly adopted litis lUling in Older to insure a ^'di'-ciplined au dience ^ , ^ ^

' 'Ifiree JHerlornuiiieeb . T'ertoltilphc^ will oe held ul S ocloi,k nif frlday and Safurdoy ol this v/eiki'and on tiupday ullet noon a.C't \i m ,^ome 3000 tickets have befm'ilisirtbuted foi ihe tliiei. pei'formu'nues Periops without ilc kt'ts will be admtlted up'to the ca papily of the auditorium

Ihe Pas^luil Play has bien a .non-profit •.prriductlon; with dona­tions helpg used to meet the cosl.s of costume and scenery mainten­ance. •

Please l*hone items For This I'liltintn Til Mrs. .Innles KitiK, S-'i(Wl

III. tie||»hbors. The REVIEW'S subsorlption

coniest is a sure-fire iltinR lit the Grove. The results will mean a great Increase in renders niul, \ye itope, Itv news source.s.

We'd like lo remind ynu that our weekly column Is edited Ml the REVIEW office; the lesponsl-billly for'^iiny deletion lieiiij! that of Ihe edilnr. , |

The heavy wintisilitl some tintti-oge here but tiiostly sliliii.'ies. We .see that, Ed .flri-en has liiul to do a reshlrigte Job.

We h(>ar.lhni Alex KotiikoWsUI Is now training with Ihe iuill club In Florida. , • ,

Waller King is now Itelug nibri-Ically dlscii'nrgeil from Ihe Air Force. Seem."! as if Utal arm Won't pa.ss the medlcai board In.Texas, He Is blileriy disappointed as he enjoyed; .ills hiini training, Orig-Inally tlamntieti • In a camp accl-| dent, liie arm Was broken Ihreti times laler. We are sorry but win he Blaii In' have Itim iioniii again, 'i'his hou.se is so quiet wit it-out him. It i s .a 'bore , His mnnj' friends will al.so bi» ^bid lo itave him Itntiie.;'

,Seetns ; Mr. tuiii Mrs. .Wllliant Larklii .spent Inst week^iiit In New York. Blil'lli certainly n busy chap these day's. ;' , ., '

Mrs. Alfred I' niileiln Is eonva-le.scing afti'r a trip to New llnven Hospital''•' . ,- :

This Sitiiiilay niBitt , Is' the tlmd for • lbe;;':m'eU to .coiled..for tht* Cancer Drive, rso .be prepnred. At the meelln'i' at Howie's Resln'd-I'anl on 'MofUiny there was some conslernntlnn iibottt nut hiiving enough men nnd we wore posit Ivc-ly .smug' because we nre covered entirely liy men In liic (ilruve.

We lidded Stan 11 nil and Dick i.iiw'is to the group. Tiiet'i' nre four report centers. Mrs. Snl Mi-licl on Senvlew Ave., Mrs. Alien ilnmsey tin Fifth Ave., Mrs. Wal­ter Otiffen on Sixth Ave,, and Mrs, ,liimes King, Dudley Ave. The Indies will do nil the cnll-biicks where people nre not at liome. If the getdlemen will be kitiil enough lo list Ihem.

Next week Is Iloly Week liml many services will be held in nc-cnrdance with lite lirnctlce of vor-ious dennntlnatlons. Wliy not plan lo make some special sacrifice.

nur Lady of Kallma Club met Wedni?.sday at Ihe' liomi? of Art Penney on Fifth Avenue.' , 1'lte llrnnfnrd Wnmen'.s Club will sitoqsor a hriilge on May IS with our Mrs, Nathan Zatfitt iiml Mrs. Louis De.sl as co-chairmen. IJnder.slnnd that Mrs, Allen Ram­sey nitrt Mrs. Art Penney are in eiihl'ge of refreshments.

Thai new girl lit the diuisstm'e nf the Theatre Dulldini; Is Sandy Frank, one of the glamour girls

nf I lie' Grove. Ill browsing ai'nutid. we under­

stand t'hnt The REVlliWIng Stand Is ope Of the MiOsl pcipulnr fenlures of nui' newspaper. Men readei's ,si'l>m to prefer the Tte-metnlier cuiumn. ' i

We ktinvy a Serviceman nnd his wife Willi tw'o small clilldren wjio Wnvild like a reni near, the cetin>r of town. If you' know of one, pli>nse cotilnci biii,

V('onicii''s Chil) To Hear Miss Sluiri*,, HoviiMvcr

Miss llnrbnrn Wnrren Sltiire, drnmnllc .reviewer, has been <i\i-inlned as prograiit speaker lor lite Mondny ineetiiiK nf .llie Ut-anrord Woitien's Club which will he lielil al a:l.'i In'Feilmvsbip Hail nf the First Cinigiegnllunnl Cliiirch.

Miss Sliure was 1 rained at the Atiiericnn . Aondetiiy of Drnnialic] An mid the Vale Drama SclKtnl. 'i'lie speaker, who will lie Itilrnduc-eii iiy Mrs. Tliotmis Murphy, litis appeared In all britlicbes iif Iheiit-rlcal entertabinieni .Including llie New York singe, summer slock, radio and television. Her ability lo transform herself from player lo plnyer ns she inlei'lirpts ittul drnm-atl7.es llie"iills" of IIIL season has dellBlited n number of nudlences.

nrs., Mftich )1, I'JS'i. Branford Revieiv-r.ast Havisn NWa 3

WHAT IS A "CLUB?" A "c lub" of siihsciiptionH in tlie "l-'.vei'ylintly WII IH"

Prize conleHt is any gniiip tif Hitliscripliiina lolnlinu 'f 17,1)1),

I'or fxiiiiiiil«, 5 yeiirly stiliKcrlplinns Hi lite regiilivr ralK of .$3.50 woiilil ciniKliliiie ii .'til?,00 "cliili", — iiti viliich 50 ,000 F . X T U A voleii a re given loWnrtJ,•winning lli" big prizes in niiclilion'lo llie rpgiilnr aclieilil' each individiml siibscrii^lion,

. oi votcH cm

, Another example, two 3-yeni' siiliHCriptinni) ninnitnt lo an even $17 .00 ami ciiuni 50,000 E X T R A vulei* —-also in ncltlitiiin Ui ihe re.gitlnr sclieclitlfi'of. vnlcN,

riiom? wlio itiitltii il llu-ir iiiio lo iiljiliin " T W O i a t iny" will itntloiilileilly l.e iitiniit^j ilie \\'inii«ra of the iiiu geal nnd besl pri'/(!H. ,, , One Garment Saved from Molht Can Pay for a LANK

Eust Haveh, Conn.^ Phone HO 7-S918 B(iy Easter Seals

Young easier p araders are ahiMiys corr^ectly

Outfitted at Johnson ^s

Mo matter 'vyhelher tlie boy is short or tall, thin or hefty . . •, when yoii are looking for a better selection of colors and. sizes in Yoiing Men's and Boy'.s" clothing the store lo vi.sit is J. Johhsori & Sons. For Johnson buyers have the reputation and "kno'w-how" when it comes to getting nev/ styles in clothes that impress boys and parents alike.







226 MAIN STREET • EAST HAVEN This is an advertisement for the New Haven Railroad

Page 3: 5-4 ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa · In all, the Ensiles won nine out of ,3K "team" places cho.sen by a conference of conches In New Haven Friday. Mike Brerelon, clinmplon New I'lngland diver,


11 TliurBM.MnrcK,31,19^5.. Rvanfoi'tl Review-East Haven. News 4 .

• ; ^


fUjt €aflt Haunt Nrmt I'Tim.isiiKn r.vF.itv nuiiiHH/iv


tsim mssM mmmism^'m, • IlMCOlU'OItATKn

SOW nixwplli Avpiiiic, llnniili'it, Coiin. i IONATHAN (V/All, K D I T O n

ilninc^H llrPiinaii , AdvcrtlHlnir IMaiiiiRKr TI IK KAS'r HAVEN N K W S

£31) Main Str<-H, T H . 110 l-DRI I llnx 2 in Kiwt lluvc^ii

Krnnted to iill those who hnve business before ihe Plnnning nhd Zoning Commission.

Next, lie sinted thai "v/e're goin^ to fix Rock Rd, in litis development, regnrdleW no • tlinl this nction is not liriked vitlt the petition. I

Mr. Cnnnn emphnsizes thnl "it is not n 1 denl" nnd ihnt his plnns to fix Roel< Rd. "ore nol contingent' upon nny deciiiion of thf Plnnning nnd Zoning Commiasion" with re-j "."'jn i's's, ••|,;;;;,/,[,,„,l, „r ,,,^1^

Town Topics

Our ,dc.epi'Sl sympal l iy lo Mv-I and Mi-.s. Ariliui- DaCoMn, of 86

A n W - l l T O I N O rtATKS ON A P P M O A T I O N ItiiHiiifSH 'IVIcplionn ATwBlor K-lltOI

SUnii lCniT'TION i $3.00 pi-r yciir pnyrilili' In iidviini>A

SINOI.K C n i ' V ««

Enlercrt ns serotid cinis mftllnr on May LI, 1052, nl, Now I lnvon, Oonnir l lo i i l , in idrr IIH> nnl "f M a i d '

a, 1R71).

A Clai'ificalion T h e Mi i rc i i i 7 i s s n e of t h e N E W S c a r r i e d

n n ed l to r j i i l t i l l e d ' ' M r . t T o n n n ' s O f f e r " . It r e f e r r e d t o ' n p q t i t i o n b y J n m c s J . C i inn ; i , l o c a l con t rn ( t to r> ' for n w o i v e r of Z o n i n g B o n r d . r e -q u i r n m e n t s for s i d e w a l k s n n d c u r b s in n F o x o n p l o t b e i n g d e v e l o p e d b y l i im .

T h e e d i t o r i n i a l s o r e f e r r e d l o M r . C n n n ' s v 6 l i | n l e e r i n K (o r e s u r f a c e l l in t p o r t i o n of R o c k R d , w h i c h l i es w l l h i n t h e l imi t s of t h e d e v e l o p -

a p c c l t o h i s p e t i t i o n . T h e e d i t o r w o u l d l i k e l o e x p l a i n t h a t t h e

o r i g i n a l e d i t o r i a l w a s n o l i n t e n d e d in a n y w a y t o r e f l e c t u n f n v o r n b l y o n Mi-. C n n n a ' s a c t i o n . T h e e d i t o r i a l ' s m a i n p i i r p o s e w a s t o d r a w nt-l e n t i o n t o t w o t h i n g s ! t h e c o n t r a c t o r ' s o b l i g n -l i o n s t o t h e T o W n u n d e r i h e n e w z o n i n g c o d e s a n d t h e T o w n ' s o b l i g a t i o n t o n c o n t r a c t o r b u i l d i n g o n n T o w n - o w n e d r o n d ,

T h e - e d i t o r fel t , n n d stil l fee ls , t h a t t h e s e o b l i g a t i o n s a r e s e p a r a t e . T h e e d i t o r t h i n k s iViat it is r e g r e t t a b l e t h n l M r . C n n n a m u s t e x ­p e n d m o n e y in o r d e r \o t n k e c a r e of w h n t is c l e a r l y a T o w n o b l i g a t i o n , a l t h o u g h M r . C a n n a ' s v o l u n t e e r i n g t o d o s o is n g e n e r o u s a c l i o n ,

T h e e d i t o r n l s o s l i c k s l o h i s o r i g i n a l feel­i n g s n b o u t M r . C a n n a ' s p e t i t i o n . A l ine h a s b e e n d r a w n , l o o l a t e n l m o s l , r e g a r d i n g t h e qi in l i ly of h ° n i e d e v e l o p m e n t in E a s t H a v e n . If t h e Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n m a k e s a n y m o r e e x c e p t i o n s , i t m a y w e l l f i n d i tself w i t h o u t a z o n i n g m a p a t n i l .

Messrs. W.&T.


W e i n s t e i n a n d T i m m , of J ^ e w I l n v e n , h a v e

rj i ' ' 1 • I 1- - .ui .1 1- •, . . . b e e n n p p o i n t d n s T o w n a u d i t o r s for t h e s ix-R d . w h i c h l i es w i l h n t h e h m i l s o t h e d e v e l o p - _ ., ' . , . ^ -r-i n j r r .

. T-i J - , • I . I J .1 • . . l e e n l 1 c o n s e c u l v e y e a r . I h e u o n r d of h u i a n c e m e n t . T h e e d i l o n n l t r e a t e d t h i s n c t i o n a s a n j . j i • ti j u • i i . L ^ " p f f e r " b y M r . O m n a n d s t a t e d : "His i d e a is d ' « " ' » « « d ' " ' ^ f ' y ">'f « d l ' ° r m l p r o p o s a l i h n t n t h a if h e ' t r e a t s i h e T o w n r l g h l ' , i h e T o w n ' ' ^ l ' " ! ' " " " ' , " " d ' t - ' f « 1"= m a d e a n d d e c i d e d

. • . .. • a g a i n s t , n c n n n g e . L i k e t h e r e s t of u s , t h e n ; t h e B o a r d of F i ­

n a n c e is n c r e a t u r e of h a b i t . It h a s t a k e n t h e e a s y Vfily o u t . A h d w h y s h o u l d n ' t i t> It was: p o i n t e d b u t : ^ V b o , b e s i d e s t h e N E W S , w a s n g i n f e - n p p o i h t i n g i h e a u d i t o r s ) N o b o d y . T h e r e w a s n o p o p u l a r c l a m o r . N o t o n s u c h a spih l l i ss i ie t\8 th i s .

' A t a n y r a l e i t h e a p p o i n t i n e n t , n g n i n of M e s s r s . W e i n s t e i n & T i m r r ) is riot n b n d o n e . T h e a u d i t i n g f i rm h a s d o ' ^ e a g o q d j o b in t h e p a s t , a n d i h u r c is n o o t h e r n h i e c t i o p t o Ihc i r v o n l i n u i n g e x c e p t i h c i d e a t ha t n n o i n i s i o n n l

wi l l [ r e n t h i n i r i g h t . " . v M r . C n n p i i : ' h a s n a k e d n s t o c l a r i f y t h i s p o i n t

in o ^ d e r t o d i s p e l t h p u n f o r t u n a t e i m p l i c a t i o n i h n t . h e h n s a c U i n l l y o f f e r e d l o fix t h e r o a d in r e l u n i for a g r n n l i n g of t h e w a i v e r . T h e N E W S n g r e c a t h a t s u c h im i n t e r p r c t n l i o h w o u l d b e " u n f a i r " a n d of fe r s t h e f o l l o w i n g c l a r i f i c a t i o n of M r . C a n n a ' s p o s i t i o n a s p r e ­s e n t e d b y h imse l f . , .

F i r s t . M f . C a n n a s t a t e s t h a t t h e r e w a s " a o spec i f i c o f f e r o r c o n d i t i o n u p o n o u r p e t i t i o n for n . w a i v e r of i h e s i d e w a l k s a n d c u r b s r e ­q u i r e m e n t I le e x p l a i n e d t h a t h r is s u b m i t

J . . - iU.K ..>.Dir.,,nfirv n r iv i l eu i T u i r e r n 6 n t , " H e e x p l a i n e d t h a t h e i s ' s u n m i i - ^.iMi^ii.»...n -l ing i h c p e l i l i o n u n d e r t h e c u s l o m n r y p r i M h g c i h a n g c m i g h l b e h e a l t h i e r

Report On School Need h Atom ic Jack - In - Tho - Box

dnuRhlcr , Claudia , nnd lo t h e grnndpa ren l s , Snk'clmiin and Mr.i. Krank t a l k e r .

Don'l ml.sB llio Old Stone C h u r c h Passion I'liiy openlnB l o i n n n o w In Ihe lilBh .School, 11 ymi've n e v e r seen II, ,

i» « e It *

Predic t ions from n DemocrnI t l inl Ihe 1)111 to amend ilie Board of F inance Acl nnd innUe Ihal bna id elective will nol RCI ihrnURli 16 the General Assembly and h a d not In its present form.

, ."Since k inde rga r t en rcgls l rnt lon w a s eonipleteri on Fr iday Willi o to ta l of .121 clilldren, t e n more have heen nilded lo the rolls, Miss RIcnnor l .enry, nsslstnni to Ihe .superintendent of .schools, an­nounces .

< • • * * *

Donald Bnr l l e l l , mcntlonei l p rominen t ly nf; a possilile cand i ­da t e for Ihe nomlnnlTon ' for fir.st se lec tman on t he GOP t lekel , has removed him.sell from the ll.st of avai lable candida tes . T h e reasnii.s o re personol.

• ip « ft * *

T h e qiiiet Cl inmher of C o m m e r c e pres iden t said t h a i he migh t be avai lable In fu tu re yea r s . Bui nol tills t ime. ' In the i nean l lme two m o r e cand ida tes tor t he lop .spol h o v e declared themselves In G O P r a n k s 11 has been repor lcd . T h e i r n a m e s have no t been revea led .

e. fl o « fl,

Vincen t Cusano , fo rmer m e m b e r oC (he Board of Kducat lon and fo rmer assessor, .is expec led lo he a eiuidldale for a spni on the tick­et . , - S la r l inB Apri l 11 Ihe i ax col­lec tor ' s office will he open cven-Ing.s, from , 7 . lo -fl p. ,m . for t he convenience of ' t axpaye r s , Sal

1( you've ' ever "wal led o u l " a t i t le search and spen t hou r s In Clark , Hall and T e d : s i sn lng all those papers lo gel a deed to your p roper ty , you'll p robably ngree t h a t " T h i n g s were eas ie r In t h e old days ."

P u r c h a s e nt o 10 x 13 mile t r a d of lond wh ich Included t h e Foxon a r e a was completed on December l l l h , 1638, w h e n the F o u n d i n g F a t h e r s ogrecd on n deal wi th Monlowese, son of the Great .Sn-(5hem n l Mnltaboseck ' n o w known ns MIddlclown.) And t h e p r i ce? l l epu tcd to he 13 cos t s !

Sir S l o r k s lopped off ul High Uldge iosi week and left a .son nl the home of Mr. ond Mrs. Char les .1. Brophy at 10 Knren Way , and n d a u g h t e r lo Mr. (Uid Mrs . Fd -ward S l iumans of' -1.1 Uel ls i rnm

Itond. * • * * »

. P rom t h e r e he circled a round lo Laure l SI . nnd lofl a ll l l le girl ni t h e h o m e of Mr . and Mrs . An­thony DelVecchIo, 18.1 Laure l St .

* a rt « »

Oh, hoy! And just wall un t i l A r t h u r l load s t a r t s popping! Did ' ja ever .slop lo wonder II Ihe cows a r e keep ing up wllh Ihe hu-muns lo supply all tliat f o r m u l a ?

One of F.lI . l l .S. 's fnvor i le rtaut'blers was placed on t h e dean'.s list nl Bryan t Collefie of nus incss Adnilni.slralion in Prov i ­dence . She 's Dorothy KhiRsford, one of our D.A.n. girls.

w • * » ,*

A s u m m e r wedding Is plnnncil for Mi.ss Mary Flizahelli Clancey, dauRliler of Mr. and M rs . T h o m a s Clancey of 120 I ju i rc l St . H e r ongagonienl lo n o i n a r d SInron of Br idgepor t has jilsl been a n n o u n c ­ed. .

« A i|> 4 4

See whei 'e Dr. H e n r y GemskI Is on t h e c o m m i t t e e p l ann ing t he 25lh reunion of the cln.ss of 1030 at l l i l lhouse . So T I l A ' r ' g w h e r e he l ea rned those b ig Wprds!

and Mrs. E d w a r d Lcwandosk l . | Lillian belonged to tho .\olinson

Symphony Orches t ra and Ihe SI. Ambrose C lub ; sings like n Ulilc

blond l a rk , t oo .

• # * * • -Happy T w e U l h Blnl idni j c o m ­

ing up for P c i e r Bar l le of Nicho­las Dr.. Even t h o u g h hU foot's sllU In n cast , he's able t o a t tend .school. In the mcnnt l rne , Pe te r ' s " p a r t n e r " Ls t a k i n g c a i e of Ihe paper rou te . One never knows

•hat mn lhe rhood will br ing , does one?

• * * * » ' Anyone want a ihi rd- lumd set of meosies? OrlElnally t r ied on for size by Beth Mitchel l , they 've been handed down lo her sister . lean. Seems ns though Mnrgo has had "spol.s" In from of her eyes for some t ime now.

• » • * * With permission slips signed by

flrsl and second grade p a r e n t s th is week . East H a v e n Is Rolling geared up tor vacc laa l lons wl lh t he Snlk vaccine. W o r k i n g wl lh Hcall i i Officer Dr. Rocco Bove will be our Mother s 'March cha i r ­man, Mrs . Ela ine H o m e r Mc-Mahoa , of Grannlss St .

W h o b e l t e r coiiiri you find lo do t h e Job? Jus i wish Uindergar lnei ' s we re included. W o n ' t it be u bless­ing if tha t lorr ihio scourge has been l icked?

« 'J « * *

But no l only polio cr ipples . Just one t r ip t h r o u g h liie Newing lon Crippled Chi ldren ' s I lospl lnl would nittkc you t l l g down deep to imy E a s i e r seals . S u r e , l l ' s nnoll icr dona i ion — hul w h a t a cause ! '

Annual Service Of Holy Communion

Al Old Slpne Church Thurs. Evening "The a n n u a l service of Holy C o m ­

munion and the rccepl lon of n e w m e m b e r s will he conduelcd ne.\l T h u r s d a y evening In the Old S tone Churcji ni 8 o'clock, A special p r o ­g r a m of rel igious music will he presented by t he t h r e e clioir.s.

F r i d a y even ing a l 8:15 Ihe Pn.s-sion Play by t he D r a m a Guild will open al t h e High Sciiool. T i cke l s a r c avai lable In Ihe church office. S a t u r d a y ' s p rescn ln l lnn will also be nl 8:15. T h e Ihird nnd linnl pe r ­formance will be given Riinday af ternoon nl 4 o'clnck.

S a t u r d a y af ternoon a t 1:30 Ihe P ioneer and Pi lgr im Fel lowship menihcrs will work on Ihe ouUlonr chnpel 01 t h e r e a r of the chu rch .

S u n d a y Is Pnliii Sunday n r d Ihe nev . J a m e s D. Glas.se, Inlerhii pas­tor, will conduct Ihe Dr-IS a 'ui H o'clock c h u r c h worsh ip services. 1'he Senior Choi r will sing nl Ihe firsL service nnd will ho Joined hy the .Junior and I n l e r m e d l a l e Clioirs at the second.

At 4 o'clock S u n d a y r .r iernoon m e m b e r s of ihe Pioneer and Pil­g r im Fe l lowships will n l l end Ihe Passion Play . Fol lowing will bo n spnghol l i ..jupper In llic Pnri.sh

House for which a small cha rge

w'lll he m a d e . Wninen 's Council

Monday the W o m e n ' s Council will meet in t he church par lors al 7-30 Mrs . Donald Chidsey will p re­side. Impor lnn t business is lo be handled nnd all m e m b e r s a r e urg­ed lo be present .

On Tucsdny Ihe r e g u l a r month­ly mee t ing of Ihe s t and ing com-mi l i ee will l a k e place nl 7:.in George I l a r r i ck will j i reslde.

On' W e d n e s d a y Ihc Adul t Bible Class will m e e t in Ihe cluircli par­lor nl l l ' n . n i .

At 2 p.m. Wednesday liie P r o ­gress ive F r i ends will m e e t In t he church parlor . Tlioro vAW be a r e ­veal ing of Sec re t P a i s and the as­s igning of new ones . Hostesses a r e Mrs . George Nash and Mrs . Snl-lie Lnwson.

Al 7 p.m. t h e Even ing Bible Clnss will mee t In Ihe Educnllonnl Building, At 8 o'clock the .lunlor W o m e n ' s League will m'eel in llie chu rch par lor wilii Mrs . Carl Blake presiding. Hostesses will bo Mrs. Mar jor le Brneke , Mrs. Sherwood Chaml jer la in \" i id Mr.s. Uoherl

1 C r e a m e r .

Bill Pile Scls

Biddy Record

Loiigolmrdi, col lector , ' . a n n o u n c e s On S n i u r d a y s Apill 'J-Q-IO lh( of-

, , . i f l t e \lilll he open fiom nine a m Add 10 t h a t IhP cost of plan two ,

- ^ . !««,. nil f o u l I ' """" , , Jim, n. n ,»- - r - , which double ^owlons uU ' o u t I ' lades of thq |ilgll ndiPPl, »"""•>' cost r25,0OO 01 0 7a mllli. tP ' l y ™ I even ing brunch o f t i u s will lie op I 'd a yea i ly cost of $108 070 nnd | _ _ , ,' , , „ , , „ , , „ , i „ , T , „ J „ , a inx t a l e of 3 0 8 mil ls

T h e 19-room school on Ihe ncv;

So r ry to lea rn of t h e d e a t h of Mrs. J o h n I lo rbs l , n u a t of Mrs . Celest lne B y r n e s of Ilusso Ave. Had a brief visi t with J a c k and Win HerliBl, lit frorn St. , ,Louis, on S u n d a y , h i g h t . _ ,' '

J a i j k r b r h i n j s c c d n ' l i t t l e , about , • • • ; • : , . • , ! ' . " " : , ' ' , ; ' -, i , ,'., : l'.hi.s''dayB ris, ah a l t a r boy se rv ing ,!^<'?*.l',f:T^9«<l?y'•?"'''• Wt idncsday .Uvl th , J ' t t the r ' . 'Gr iggs- .a t . 'C l«r 'Lady , ™ . „ - Ki„,v„v. '„f«KH.'.,„iii =K„ „ « . l or' P o m p e i i C h u r c i t ; , F a t h e r - . G r i g s s

F o r t he benefit of oiir Foxon f r iends w h o toll us t hey ' r e confus­ed by Ihe school s i tunl lon , liils Is our personal i n l e r p r c l n l i o n ;

A. T h e r e a r e going to ' be too m a n y chi ldren for t h e space we 've got lo p u t I h e m ; nnd eve ry day Ihu t passes w e ' r e g e l l i n g m o r e of Ihe first, and less of t h e second.

B. To pul o u r y o u n g s t e r s on a p a r wi th , systems la s u r r o u n d i n g towns , t h e Bd. of Ed. e.sllmales 11 will cost over %2 mill ion dol lars lo liulld a Jr . iiigli and aildli ional cla-s,sroom,s in Foxon and Ihe Mo-m a u g u i n a rea , '

O u r y o u n g people have an un­ce r t a in enougii fuliirC; alioad of t i i c m . ; S o e m s as t h o u g h . Ihe ioiisl we! can d o - i s . t o p r o v i d e . n ; good .educalidn for theni . . , .We th ink a nVaiceshift.. eilucalion, . c rea tes m a k e s h i l l cl l izens. Emi of se rmon.


site would he n ' 'calcl i-nl l ' foi any g rades ihb Boaid wonlcd lo «s-

A one-page commi l l ee s u m m a „ , ,„ -,-L t h r e e n l i e n m l l v e plnns t o r ^^,^^r F igured on Ihe.p.ei'Miupll bns-Z m n r t ^ n g Eusl l i avcn pupils ,», the lucrense^wmil^ oMly;;njaico.« . ^ ^ ^ y ^ , , - , . t ^ , , , ( ^ n 1 l e n o " " Q W yea r s is like "n difference of n , U m! Is 10 mM"-- >!<e'l „:,„•,„•. n.ii./.biifvli; doUia^Bo •con'-

m o n ic acU-ln-lhe-box. • •Ibcal cost .3.8 .n t l l l s . i tVlu . i .^ t ^ l ^ o p e n , I h y lid to peer y B t l t w e h a y ^ . t o . t d - H n ^ t q h ^ " ^

i i ism- It 's InnocJhl-l 'ooklng becaur* high VlrtVll«nn^;«l.a«.s^p.',^s ••(^" "

r e n m r k a b i c qacd In Iho Highland and FoVoh I m u s t h a v e heen u SLIIOOK at a l ime lo ho announced | m a n

B d j i d i n g Iho lion in his d e n ' Vis|loi,s t o th) ro^vn. l l a l l ^ l i a s e - I ,„,,v,..v» . , , - - . -

n t h c i e Wil l iam i W l l b l n g t o t i U p y m i „ „ pigi, i w e i e foiced lo Mai y Mai l ip , who has been l each - i i ,ey did this w e e k , wc inlcd o u t t h a t It tlouW be coni- L ^ a d e throuf ;h n pool of wute i Ibid ing •.econd g i a d e al that school (^^,^1^ j ^ ^ „( c o l u m n ' l i s U a q d w i t h "pvef-^Ue ' t"l>n^'*l \V(ii,iied over irtlo t h e downs ta i r s but sbli inl l ted h e r lesiBnulion i c j ^ , j^ j , nnd M i s I Io« i id 1

r i . , w . I i in ln i h l H l sChOOl USC I „ , , | | i „ , U m , II o .nilircr' W n S n l r ^ n l l V T h e \ v e a l a l l a r o u n d I,-„v<i. n m l nnrl M i nnd \1

,, , llighlunc) Sclibni • tnacl iers got I t o g e t h e r t i l ls .week to - hoiior . Mr.s,

n e m i h d e r , to the , P len ipoor Wdinnri 's C l u b — the Eo,sler Bun­ny will be w a i l i n g for you . and yoiir offspring this Snt i i rdny, ..



hotween tho e j e s Thcsp iiro the iji'lin n l l c r a n l h e s

liLfoie Ihe fJonid of E d u c a l l m And no w o n d e r t h a t Ihe board w a n t s ih f , public,, Itself, lo nialti I 111 c i i i t la l d c i l i l o n '

Tfui AlleriiiillVcs Ciilm n l t L \ n p | l \ e iiuniboi ony

lliilUl u 10-1 onm Junioi lilgii school lilus 15 addll lonal t l i l u i n l a i y tins'!-rooms .

Gr im u l tun ia t lve number t w o Ilulld 'ii oliissrooms and double MsMon t h e High School

Grliu n l lu raa t lv i ' ' ' h i lmber t h r e e J u s t s l iufde the ddcit' and ' double b s,sion t h o ^ v h o l e ^ ^ s l e m ,11 need IJI!. i so ino people a re even prcdlc l -Ing uli) le sesslonb') ^

I he Hcbcuich ConUnltloe, whicli compiled Iho icpor t nnd which Is lii!a<ie(l by Mrs. J o h n Sul l ivan, c s -i imuted ihut t he cpbt of a Junloi high sehool would he $1G7S,000

Tills, and iiulhing suid ubuul t h e cost o[ evunliinlly adding ITy leuch-••rs u l on osllinnled y t u r l y cost of 'lll'l,50OI 'Ilils cost nonody c a n dodge '

Alll lUulCDst $|iig,U',!0 Over u 20-yenr peHod, Ihe un-

nuiil cost would bo $83,750 for n-inoitUiUlon, plus '$3.{,500 Intcrcbt, p lus $12,070 foi addltlunni opc ra -l ionai cost', to ta l $lSA,320; Deduct Iho $'J2,500 slttle const ruct ion g r an t at t h e pipsont r a t e of $130 per liupll brliigi. 1)10 tota l down to •1.116,820, o r nn giddltlon lo the Ins u u e of J pi mills .

S h o u l d ' p b l U now In the Gcnernl Assembly pass lo increase Ihe p i i pupil const rui't Ion g r a m from $150

feels (ha t llij clcil iqli lary loijms would have Ip be (luill, 11 l o o m s n t Deei Uun nnd four In Hie Soul l i Lnd Th i s would cpsi SMOOOO, b roken do \ ln i p ?1O0O0 on nn io i l l -/u l lon , In l t i e s t "!;ia,0(10 addl l lonal ope ia l lonnl co»l, lil'1,'?!i(), less S n i " g i a n t of t n s O hi lng 'mg the net cost 16 SlbllOO, 01 ) 2n pilllv

To ta l cost foi iiinn one is $2 27") 000, yea r ly cost, $181S2Q, or lioid

polnlcd oi i t t h a t It CouW be eoni-st iUetqd w i t h "pvef - JUe ' i n o m s foi tuu i tq , IV ' lo i high sbliop,! yse In olhci Vpiili}, t irih g;iadBi3 could u s e enVi^imcri; which ' 'vnuld still be useful foi nn o lghpi g rade la t ­e r It would piobijlily r equ i re a l o u n m c e t l n p lo use t h e p rope r ly for nil) t h i n g o ther ( h a p n Junloi high school, $.liice Us p u r c h a s e w a s \ o t o d foi t h a t jiole pu rpose

Plie)i l l i t ^ c P l ap t h r e e v,as abvious ly design­

ed foi lliQsc dlo-linids \V1)Q would­n't wpiit lo build a n y m o r e school

i iudl loi lum l i s sourfp w n s n l a p p a r e n t hut' ' Ihfc' deepes t " pool scfmecl lo luive a c c u m u l a t e d In front of Charily B i n u s o l e i l s U i -de>velopmonl office'

Space Is shoi l this week I t y o u r clilb news Item did not -ip-p e i r wc iinvc saved il for next week W c ' i e \ e r v soi u

000, yea r ly cost. $181320. or hold K^^^j^ll^^^ p^il^^l j ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^

y o u r hots , foUtii a IBK i.ilc of j , ; u | ^^^^^^.^^ . sobslonlng n n j w b c i e nnd ever} w h e r e c lass iooms oveiilow

to,!si7pOt Hio a n n u a l re>duclioiv\s ouki l)e''$37,'5B6.1fi'sti!niV'.of'. $22,500. Thrif l,s, If t h e r e ' w e r e n ' t a joker In t he deck; t he Innocuous Utile c lause t h a t rends " o r one - il'.lrri of ' l ie cost of the school, whichever

mil ls pel j e n r o \e i i 20-yi i i pe­

riod I t was pointed ou t t h a t th i s does

no t t a k e ln(o consldeiut lon tho year ly COM pf a\i\ p resen l school p l an t s O p e r a t i n g D e e r Run and Overhrook Schools on a y c a i - l o n g bas i s Is no smal l piuposl t ion

N o n e of Ihe plans ' prusentert by t h e I tesea ich C o m m i l l e e lists t he costs of llic l each ing staff. Some Boa id m c m b c i s a i g u c d t h a t I his wasn ' t necessoi-y t o thq r e p o r t since wha tove i plan is adopted , ' t h e t e a c h e r s are- going to lie needed a n j w a y l u s t the -.amo If "15 lottchers w e r e added a t Iho base pay nt .fS.lOO apiece , Ihe yea r ly cost would Incrcaae by $130,li00, ni about "1.4 mills m o r e

I ' laii I wij

Now we come to plan 2 A little less compllcalod t h e (Ortli would build 19 c lass rooms on t he Norl l i High Si site (which lias b e c n " p u i - _ ^^^ chased toi a Junloi high school) ^ ^ ^pl."^!],) ond 5 looms In Ihe Soulh end ' T h e s e 21 l o o m s would cost $1 mil­l ion diillnrs. T a k e $30,000 for nmoi -lUnl lon p lus $20 000 for in t e r e s t and $23'570 foi addi t ional op f r a ­t ional cosl.,and deduc t $10 500 foi S t a t e g f a n t (you receive a round $100 per pupil loss on c lomcnlnry cons l ruc l lon g ran t s ) nnd you gel a to ta l a n n u a l cosl of :f8;!.070 o r

Reservations Taken For National Meeting Of Republican Women

T h e an imal . Na t iona l Spr ing Conference of Republ ican women, sponsored l>y the w o m e n ' s division

c6pt|y.. •' They. Svepl • a l l ; a round Ro;bln, Hood 's Bnfn-lO.'jj^ve h e r a good t i m e ! ' (T.K.'—^ ,wev'ea't you a l l l l l e ou tnumbc i rod? ) , :

. ; ' 1^ p *t'p %~\- ,". •

T h e Foxon P T A m e t in Ihc now ,niidito,riuin o t Doer • h u a - School M o n d a y ' n igh t . Don' t 'k j iow which they enjoyed mos t—; . b r e a k i n g in Ihc hall , o r the i r niarvelqiui speak­er . D r . M a r U n i lnlnluirger . '

T h e p r o g r a m foal urod ii" film "Chi ld ren ' s E m o l i n n s ; " i s a ' l llial Ihe one we ' re wnlch ing op TV on T h u r s d a y s ? • i .. •

If! liiiblqs k e e p a r r iv ing the w(iy • " ' ' we ' l l , run

. . . . . . . ^ . . - , - , . __._...,.- - . ^ u Boy for 'Mr." iin'ii Mrs . Upward l l c r r of Fo.xo'n R o a d itnd Mr. ond. Mrs. Ed-wdrd' ' l<i lburn of Maplvea le Rd...

Baby Girls have come to" live wi th M r . and Mi's. J o h n Orano of Damqh ' /Dr . and Mr. a n d Mrs . Benjaiuin, k i i r r a of I le l l s l rom Rd. CiingraluiaLlous ail a round .

sponsored b y ' t h e w o m e n ' s division "^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^.^ Fit74iimmons of t h r o u g h Mrs . Mil ler w h o ina:y bo of i h c . l lepubl lcan Na t iona l Com- 'L^ , . aecordlnK ..f:>; a n a n - L e a c h e d by le iephone , HO 7-2021.

T h e comml l toe fe\t so hopeless o \o i tills one Hint Ihoy d idn ' t b s t b -ei f i g u i l n g o u t any qosls or mill', pel yeai By the t lmq you added all the t eache r s ' a n d custodians ' sa la i ics , p lus e x t r a ndmln l s t ra l ivc iiclp plus costs ot opcri i l loa plus doubled t r anspo r t a t i on

No m a t t e i which plan Is adopt ­ed, t he )ilgli schopj will go on double scsslonv, i tccoullng to ilie> uu tho i l t l c s

I h e P T A Council lias p i e p i r c d val id a r g u m e n t ? for accept ing t h e added c o s t of the Junloi high plan, a l l hough Ihoy pro tes t t ha t only 35 I ooms tu e needed Even )f 11 migh t — ^ c ioss a few b o u n d a r y lines lo do ' I he r :asl Haven P- i i en l s Music so, they th ink all Ihc chlUlien c i n Assoplalion will meet Tuesday

Rummage Sale April 21 A runmmge. snio will In?; con-1'

due led by.lliL- EasI l l ayon W o m r ' en ' s , Republican Club on Tluirs t day, Apri l -21, a t D p. -m: in parl.V h e a d q u a r t e r s al 10 High Si . :

• " - — , - Mrs, Charles- Mi l l e r -wi l l ' b o n d Miss Lil l ian Levvimdoski of 3-11 l l ie c o m m i l l e e ' i n c h a r g e . Donii-

N o r l h High St, bos become en - i io„s for i he sa le m a y be m a d e

ml l leo vvlii be held in W a s h i n g -lon, -p. C. on May D. 10 a n d 11

A n u m b e r oC m e m b e r s of the. Eas t l l o v e n Women s Repub l i can Club a r e p lann ing to a t t end , Oi l i -prs: des i r ing to at le i id a r e -asked lo call M i s Alvtn Ihompsoi i HO 7-20G0 lomor iow (FinUiy)

Chesh i re according ,.lOj a n n o u n c e m e n l b y 'her p a r e n t s ,

E. H. Parents Music Association To Hold

a l l hough they pro tes t Itial only 351 _ . Q C h a i r T u e S . I o o m s t u e needed Even )f 11 migh t I n l a w i n g U n o i i u i i ^ "'='>•

1 , f-. TT n. n.,./.!!!.. Mils

be house<l wi thout a n y d6uble ses sions

Could you bn inore qontused? (Now, was It In FJoiidif t)iat m a n said I h e t c w|is such an q t u a c t l e e

evening a t 7:30 In Room -107 of 1 Iho I l igh School A d r a w i n g o ' ] chances sold for a c u s t o m - h u l l t c h a i r will l a k e p l ace at th is m e c l -ing.,:aild :tlie w i n n e r wi l l be an hounced,

M i s Ralph l l u i d e i will presidi at tiie inee t ing



APRIL 10th


Momauguiji ^cliool Gets G r i f t O f R e c o r d e r Man does nol i h e long enouKh

A Callfone l eco rdc r was p resen t - to lie benef i t ted hy his f a " l f i . b-; ed recent ly . l o . l l i q M o m a u g u i n . l v commi t t i ng ' ' , ' " ' " „ / ' " ' ' ' " 5 , , ,,. Sciiool P a r e n t s C l u b . - T h o r eco rd - whole , course of his " • ; • ° ' ° J ' ; or, for genera l qko In i l i e .school, as , m u c h as he ' ™ " " " ' . ; ' ' , " : was r e c e i v e d ' l > y ; , M r s . Doro thy m a n y e r r o r s , be dies nt last im Moore, schqol pr inc ipa l . . j proved.

Bill P i l e , ' s c o r i n g s t a r of Ihc Polni ier i Fond lenm, se t a Biddy Ba.sliclball I .onguo record .Saiur-dny w h e n he inssed In 40 points for Iho P a c k e r s in a shooi lng sp ree .

Tlie P a c k e r s won hand i ly over t h e Chapp ie ' s All S t a r s by a score of - Gl to .'14 and riMamod lop place in llie East MayiMi Lions Biddy Baskolbnli Lcngeio.

F o r t h e All S lurs , Bill Cluip-Uovilch did n handsome J'd) of shool lng Willi a lop of Hi pniiils for his l enm. i l i ' was fiillowed by Erirley and Melltlo wllh c,-ii;iil a'lil six pnitils.

r it:. It 11 - lli'ui'lilii'iiil III , 'I'he V Si R Moloi-nien sUippi-d Iho Beacblieiid higli scorers, cold and breezed lo a 44 - Ifl win, lluis keeping close behind Ihe Paci icrs in ilcadliii; Ihe Biddy League .

Bern ie Snnrski lajiied Hi polnls foi- t h e Mechu'nlc.s' lo lend t he scoring and w a s closely followed by Bob Cidentnno wl lh 12 polnls . iiiid D o n K e r u l r i c k wllii Ion.

Miilealf 's 31 - Corner Sliu-i. .'CI It happened before and il lin|)-

pened aga in ; C o r n e r - S t o r e moved lo - a comforlal i le lond over i ts opponen t s . only to be- edged , oul by fiiinl ' l ime, 'I'hls t ime II w a s Melcnif 's Drug Sloi-e. Tho Grocers enjoyed a 21 - lli edge I.iy half t ime.

l l owover , in rliie -second period J o e C a n a v a n and Jiicicie Cnr r t eamed uii to put the Drugjiisls over llie top. Canavan lillaied 18 polnls and .Car r nine, willi Bill rtellly, u s teady player, following Willi eiglil more .

'I 'iiiari •» High HidKO :!l I High Ridge led Ihe Tinni l EU.(.-

Ir icians 0 lo IS a l the end of a ;slow flrsl half nnd the-n -/.i-ioinnd 'uljoad lo a '21 -- 11 leail of Uic Olid of liio thi rd pe'rioil, •,

Bui the Elqelr lclans camo hfick wltli a liang in Ihe final i iua r ie r Willi a Id -poh i t scor ing allai:U and a defense , t ha i iimilod Ihe Builders lu th roe addll lonal polnls.

Under Iho Inipacr of this come­back the Builders w e r e power less and t he Elocti-icians walkoil away wllh a 27 - 24 victory.

. Ssilnrday's Giiines 10 a.m. Corner S to re vs, Pnimior i

Foods. P & R Motors vs. High Ridge,

11 a .m, .Melcai t ' s v.s. Beachl iead. • All S ta r s v.s. T i n a i i l!lcc-

I rlc.

l::.scepllonaily iilgb winds and low tides ove r llie weekend liriinght in ninny rliinis ntui niussrds oh sliore.

A 'I'een Ago Dance will lie s|ion-sm-od by Ihe Brnriford Manor D r u m Corps .Sniurdny, April 10, . from 8 to 11 p.m. In llie flro-liouse. E l m e r l i r a lna rd ' s orciiestra will furnish t h e music, Rofresh-m o n l s will lie served. Invi ta t ions nre iieing sent to oil ier niomliers of d rum (Mirjis througlioii l Uie s la te . Tile eonuni l leo ' includos 13i'i.-lli Siillivnn, Louis Morlli, Diui-ald Grnssn, J u a n l lonry and Kay Lawdfir.

A ni iscei laneous siiower was held S a t u r d a y evening in Iho firo-hnusG for Mi^is Est l ier Ruotolo. Miss Ruotolo -will ho murrled lo Char los Muliei*. .ir., of Oregon Aveiuu-. ill Apr ih

Happiness is the only .sanction nf life; where haiqilness fails, exis­tence r ema ins a mad and Innicli-l ab ie experi\ iu ' i i l .

Happy h i r l l iday lo Nntallo VVliiU! of S l o v e n s . SIrbel , who had a bi r thday T u e s d a y .

A cnlfe sale Is ijeliig |ilnniied by llie Mom.iiiguih Parents Ciitii April 13 and l-l. T h e .sale will be lield at li.'W April 13 in Ihe Mo-ninugitin Sehool iiiul April 14 from 12 10 I a t Iho Soulh Sobnol. .

'I'lie eomni i l l oe In charge In­cludes Mrs, Wil l iam Brown, Jr, , ehalr i i ian; Mrs . William Dovine, Mrs. H o w a r d Aldrich,' Mrs. Fred l l awl ln , Mrs. Leonard Jackson, Jr. , Mrs. .in.seiih i^lalto, Mrs. Doslie, Mrs . T h o m a s GagUai-di, Mr.s. 'I'iiomas Denipscy, Mr.s. .George Stillivnii, Mrs. l^corgo Owens and Mrs. Alfred Melillo.

Bradford Manor Auxil iary Will liidcl lis April iiiectiiig Monday niglit ill iliu fii'f.'lioiis.^ pi-onipliy at S o'clock. Mr.s. Clifford Downer , Sr:, will preside nl the hu.slness session. T h e lioslcsses for tile ovoning wdll be Mrs, Fret! Ca r l ­son, Mrs . Char les Sehelzel- nnd Mrs. .Ii'ihii Bogaer t . .

I'ho Cancer Drive for fulids will liOKin this week in our a rea . Mrs . Alvin 'I'boniiison is idialrman and would welcome nny volun teer win-kers to canvass tills dlslrli ' l . Cull 110 7-2(llil).

iMiss Molly Sulllvnil, riaURlller of Mr. and Mrs . J o h n J . Sull ivan of George St r ee l ce lebra ted lier nth b i r thday yes te rday Willi a liarty. i i e r gues ts were Miss Coor-gaiui Close, Mary J a n e Pelru ' /u lo , Helen Mnriiian. Sand ra Leary, ,iiidy 'I'osie and Val iu ie l lus ted .

w\ m UI UI UI uruim ui ui ui ui ui ui ui

Jloini'iiibor 1 host' ynu luvo, 1)11 ihU l inponi ini occtisuiu \viili


ALTAR FLOWERS ,Wi? soiul r^iLsior Fliiwi-M's-hy-Wirc AnywluTf

Lawrence Flower Shop 119 We=il M»i" St. . Bfd. - T e l . HU 8-2314

Choose Your Sprino Slit) • Covers

A/ojo...:/"()»' the EdHlcr lloUdauf


Draperiesj custom

made. Uftlest fab­

rics shown at your


Call HU 8.2305

Afiler 4 p.m. -

Mrs. EUz. Cleason

Sh&re Line Decorators

y o u i

Gordon Ny-Flex S tock ings

TO A ^ e ^ ^ e C ^ M \ ;

430 wonilerfuV, y o u v o n ' t ue l i eve i l ieni u n i i l yo i i

t r y l l iem o n . G o r i l o n l ^ y - F l e x s - t - r - e - t - c - U to

our exact fool unci I t j sise — f o r per fec t fit, s k n l -

t m o o t l i Ua t lepy . S t a i m s l a y J i r a i j u t , l oe i H a y

c o m f o r t a U e , N o j l i p p i n j l i e e l j . N o - w r i n k l e i .

A n J n o j a i U r «lrain — so txitr^ \>a'\t wiars longitl

M t i J e of "Cl i a Jo lon Y a r u ' . . •". , .

n'95.p.;i. ' ^ — ^

c// ////nu9,9t5,io iCaordonj / ^ C ' fit' 10.loji, 11,11);

HORWITZ DEPT. STORE 228 Main St. Tel. HU 8-2549 Open Friday Until 9 pm Free Parking in Rear

\Vr. W E I X O M K CILi\nC.F. ACC01INT.S

YottJasi Knowli ' s ELECTRIC • 'ou set it ami forj^cl . . . for food to ho rcndy al jusi iltu timu )'"" wish. If you are yet to try iiulninatic electric cooking, .start this wtelc. Viiiir ilealer has the range you need, ami he'll arrange budget terms to suit , . . And if you must have a range circuic insfalled, put adequate wiring in your home at the same lir.ie. You can arrange hudget terms on the wiring, too.

T H E U N I T E D I L L U M I N A T I N G = = = = = ^ ^ C O M P A N Y


PINE ORCHARD :\lrs. Atntis 1-'. UiiriU's

I 'bnno ,1.3715

Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. Rny Mnclj?nn have r e t u r n e d to Ibe i r home n i t e r spending niiisl or the w i n t e r in lioiiioslend. Pin.

A daiij ibter was horn on Mareli *,M lo Mr. and Mis, Gordon Cbnlil-liers ot WondlnidBo. Mrs. Cliniii-IH'I-S is Ilio foriiior Maricui L l l t l e -

joiin. dnuplilei- or Mr. nnd Mrs . S. L, Liule.iiibn nf Park P lnoe .

On Wednesday, Margl W h i t e eeiolrt'ftted he r sixlli b i r t h d a y with n (lai-ly at bor bnmo on Wli i l l i i s F o r m Road,

A n o i b p r b i r thday will b e ob­served tomorrow (F r iday ) w h e n Gnry .tono.s, son of Mr, nnd Mrs, Robnid .tones ol l i n n I ' inee , will be five.

Miss PegRy McNeill, d n u g h l e r of M r . nnd Mrs. Vlrijll MoNelll , Ims r e u i r n o d home from Siiiltli CoiloRe ' t o r tlio SlirlnR vaea l ion .

Sinn ,L S t a r i e c of CUib P n r k -wny, golf p r o nl t h e Pino Orchard Club, hos been visi t ing In F lor ida and Michigan tor severa l weeUs.

Cnrlc lon S. F rnne l s U t , of Mil­ton Academy, nnd Ids cousin, Ne­ville An thony P o w e r s from Gra -ton School, vlsllod the i r g rand­mother , Mr.s. Edwin P . Gollnudot

I ln,sl week . Mrs. Oftllnvidol's nc -I lihow, .lolin EdRcr lon o t Mlnnenp-' Otis, w a s nl.so n weekend uuesl .

f ' l O W V O U M A V ' G E T A ,.^'; ». All "mplov'f ™^"

• • ~ l l J ' - a A . - ^ - . i t o i — ^ , / ' ~ 7 H 1; cash here to poylJ"". '


Of cul monthly puy .iionl.v . . . nnd piissi-bly iiiive one smaller monih ly i iny tnen i . Loan bond • toilorPd 10 )-our needs. Phone f,,r loon on first visit, .v.iip or ronip in.

loom $1S to tSOO

BRANFORD BISIieiEie^ S U m i E S 287 MAIN ST. (Ncxl lo P.O.) IIU 8-2518

k huH ul \ m lOitv UO.iO «h».i itiomml, ttyuiii in I?

of H«w Huvtn

109 CHURCH ST., 2n(J Fl., Woolworlh BIdg., NEW HAVEN Plioiie: STotc 7-1181 • Ask to r t h e VES IMANoter

OPEN 1HUR5DAY IV tN tNCS l lUHt S P.M. moilt lo Kkldtiilt bt oil lutiuundiiiq toviiil

Rememter E A S T E R

Is Aeiril m\\ N:. o i l ier isltl sn.vs "He M.v t ;ns ler" more iii'rfeolly — lliiili duos n i^ifl of fresh flowers. Cllnose your l^.nsler Itlfl nurn i s , lodny!

Vv'e have a wide assorl-ir.eiil of Easier plants -

$3.00 i i i i

Visil our Big Flower Show al our showroom '

Glee C.hihs' \muirtl Conccrl Scl Friday At 11. S. Aiuliloriiim

T h e nnnunl conccrl of Iho Bron-ford Senior nnd . lunlor l l l eh School Glee Clubs Is s lated for l o m o r n i w even ing (F r iday ) nl 8:15 n t t he high .school nudltorUini. Mls.s l lul l i Fr isol ikorn of the tnoiilty la ngnln cllreetlnK llie prnip'ani and has n r -riinRod for ii vnr le ly of seleoiloiis to he pfesenled.

AmonR ibe soloists lo bo heard a r e Loocadia l .ocnriio. Inn Ash-wor th , Jocelyn IFoaly, Nancy Wil ­l iams, Bonnie Davis , M a r y Lou .Sparleo, Lenora Novak nnd . lames Rnndazlse, Miss VVIlllnms nnd N a n py T a y l o r will s e rve ns aecoli irnn Isis,

Oil iers work ing to m a k e t h e eoneorl a suecpss a re Miss Mao

' Murphy, ushers ; Mrs . M a t l h e w llai,'liind, floral deom-alions; Mrs. Wlliiani 'Mnloney, j ioslers; Miss Ann i^rllsas, Miss Yvonne Modi, Miss .Innleo Smi th , George Ml.sch-ler anil Hleliard T r u e , fneully as -slsuinls .

Dooleys Have A Son Mr, ami Mrs , Lnwrence , M.

rinol. 'y nf llill .SI., r . rai i l to Bay, announoe llio blrll i of the i r th i rd eliild, n son, on Mnroli 23 a t Gruco-New Haven Comnuin l ly I lospllnl . T h e eliiid has been named Vlneoiit .Iiide,

Mr.s, I3nnley Is Iho former Miss Mercedes ,1o\'a of Newburgh , N.Y, Mr. Dooley Is n prac l le lnc n l lorney In BranfonI ,

6,1S2 Boxes Of Cookies Wow! Bronfon t Olrl S e o u t s ami

a n d IJrownles •wild ii to ta l ot 0,1(18 boxes of cnoltles durlni t llie TpcnnUy-twndncited nnminl cook-In sale . T h o lenders ami Semits h a v e rxtendort the i r aii|ireolivtloii to townsppoiilo whoso suiniort mnile t b r snip a n ai i ls tnmllne sue-ccss. Proceeds from t h e snle RO luwnn i tlio litiUeeii nnd mnlntoi i-nnoe of (tlrl Seuiit en,mps.

Mrs . F.dwsrd llrelsliiK was elmlrmoji ' (iir t he sale and was

• lUlKlsled by Mrs . Knbort Nllos, Miss Doro thy Hole, Mrs . Uiiy r i a n i , J r . , nml Mrs . MneKroKur Kl lpa t r l ek .

l l rnnford o a ii tnke e x t r e m e pr ide III Iho liirni (l lrl Srniit nnd l l rownlo movenioii ts luitl In Ihti niilslntidlnit .work and RUldnnoe liolnjt cftndiieted by voliiiili'i 'r tendem.

Thura., Mntch 31. 1 OS5. Branford ReviewEa.t H»vtn Ne»K S

Ifjf eeping }fi iUows R E S T A U R A N T

Lnurel Street • East Haven - Tel. HO 7-5578'

Scrvinp Complcle Dhtiiers 5:30 P. M.*o9:30P. M.

livery Day Kxcept Mondays Special Sunday Dinners 12 Noon lo 8:30


Dancing Every Snl. Nile — Frankie Durazio't Orch. JERRY LA MONICA. Vocalitl


Btirkharl Named Elks Ruler Of Chap. 1939 I

Harold Bi i rkhnrI was elected Ex­al ted Killer of Urnnford Elks Clinp-l«r No. 1939 at a reeent nieetlnB of the o rgan l l a l lon . O t h e r now offic­e r s nnmod Include Sl l inr l Clancy, L c a d l n s Knlffhl; Rny Evnns , Royal K n l g h l ; E r n o s l Koberls , Lec tu r ing Kn igh t ; P r n n k Kinney, ,lr., secre­t a r y ; W a l t e r .1. Lynch, t r e a s u r e r ; Marshal l Woolson, t i le r ; and Ed­ward Ki igormnn, fivo-yonr t rus t ee .

Inslnl la l lon ceremonies lor the newly-elecled officers will be con­ducted on April 1.1 111 tho cUib-rooms, tollowliig a d inner tor mom-hoi's.



MEFFERT LUMBER North Main St., Branford

Tel. HU 8-3484

P,iiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiia»''i»»*««i«ii™«i»"i! Mimiiiw

.»»»»»»»*»^»^%%»»\»»%»»»»V»»»%»\»V»N»\»»V»\»V%»»»%»\»»%»»»»*»»\»%V%\*\»»* i»»»»»»»^%%»%V%»»%»»^\»*»|g s

'l''.'.t .Main St., Kiisl I lnvon l i i d e r s o n A i i l o A c c e s s o r i e s

nii.iH. no 7-oiitin

i L LO Dodge Ave., East Haven

Free J'ress FublicaUons Want Ada Gel Results la A Hurry

s ss syrs t

You'll save at First National Stores at suraly Q« . you'll soe your first robin or t'no (irst green blade of grass pooping through the soil I That's becau** First National pricos are |ust as low at poMlbU on ovory item, every day, every tedsoni

comes to Eas

and tailor doing higlj c|oa!ity 8n to serve yoe on

ANDY ACARl , fninniis omicerl , radio, TV

Aoeiirdlonist " t o u r


Sun., May 22, HAMDEN HIGH


LO 2-1486

Smoked Tongues « 4 5 ' Well Trimmed and ^Aoaly Well inmmoa tmu (.ma..

Smoked! Butts LB63< Tender, Mealy and Woll Trinii.icd • 4-6 Lb Avg 0 ( c a n SpfOy i,XSRhett^ SaUCC

Fresh Picnics '•''Ji?« M'Nriiotrrix'' 2 CA°S 37c ,,..,, 7 RIB CUT • Fiom Fioasl Quality Young Pork ^ ^ • K t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E i R ' J . i i i j t -

Plump, Meolii OVEN READY

LB 53

Pork Roast Sugor Cured Plallor Slyle

Finast Bacon

SkinSess FranWarls tc

LB - ^ Link Saiisage 3 J ' Ham Loaf

LB •;«.,.

\^ 35«


JIM BO—Itia mail tentationil invention In tha hlitory 0I riiliin^—Ihe atlilicja) minnow tint iwlmi. No moro live bait to buy l l i l i l i ttie lure tDniition o(lh«2Ulli century. IT iWIWft-'no sptings, usei no fuel; It iwlms i t long c: you leave it in Ins walet Swims tiy unique p(oc«ts ot balance and s'Bvily Ril) any dnited depth—in like, slieatn, lult, bay Any Tisti thi l will tttike a minnow will itriKe Jll^ BO, iMi It no gad' set Looks and twimi like a live minnow. Iliit IS ttie lure ol ell luret—beautiful illver leaf plaitic. Buy one tor your Iriendt llto. Salislaclion Kuaianleed Send )1.00 only, lor each lute. Send check nr cait). We pay poitase. Sold by malt only. J, & R. TACKLE CO, P.O. Boi 711. Lar£o, Fil-

WLj Pa.J War.?

Marvo Vogoloblo Shorlonmg

29 . 77c



m\\ be heauUfuSly cleaned and! pressed FREE OF GHARSS^ when

brought m vvilh any SUIT, GOAT or DRESS, at our Regular Prices.

II" lli( (jiKilily <si our work and service is nol as line as any yon have

l.ad, rcj anil<',ss ol' price, YOLIDONT PAY! You l.c the, jiidgc.

F R E E e i r r s !



S T A R K I 5 T

Egg Noodle and

Tuna Dinner !.en(en Oinn

25 iconomkal Lenten Dinner

15.0Z CAN i ! L 1 C

2 i^.ih \ • • . . . ' ^ •

4apzcAN 2 5 * !

320Z ITL 3 2 * I

1 6 - O l C A N 51c I

r i N A S T

Purple Plums

A Wondeijul Canned Fruit Vatoe

7901 CAN i X '^

BIG "JUST REDUCED" VALUES | CLOVERDALE • Fino Qualily • X Hi lOiis 3ff<

Margarine Q" ^^"'"" DOLE'S • Howaiion

PineappSe Juice SUNSWEET


Pink Salmon CUT-RITE

Wax Paper MIRABEL • Puro

Strawberry Preserve riNAST • Freslily Mada

Mayonnaise Wosliing Macliino DelergenI

All Detergent FINAST - Concord

Grape Juice

*% i j s r ROLLS 4 7 < \

3 ^ s 1 . 0 0 l QT JAR 4 9 <

24-OZ PKG 3 3 *

24-OZBTL 2 7 '

Inc. AI.TEIJATIONS. ICi;l'Alli,S — SI ' I 'XIAMZINfJ IN I t R P A r l i l N d AND R I « T O I l , r N 0 ' /U 'PKRS


Telephone HObart 7-7200

The Welcome Wagon

Hostess Will Knock on Your DoOi

with Gifts & Greetingi irom Friendly Busineii

Neighbor! and Your Civic and Social Welfare Lew'eri

On the occasion ol,' The Birth of a Baby EngagemcntAnnounccmeii{£ i Change of residence I Arrivals of Nev.'coinerg to

Branfoid Phbue HU 8.^)334

(No eait. cr Qbtl{attoii}


lOOro WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Roflular i'rico 21c

Old Faihioned Slono Mill«d


Regular Prk. 29«: SPECIAL

Jelly Donuts PKGOF6 25C RoguW Pric. 31c SPECIAL

Apple Sauce Cake * " 22e Regular PrIc. 6 U SPECIAL

Blueberry Pie '^"'^ 53c

SPRING FRESH PRODUCI CALIFORNIA - Fresh and T«nd«r • Fin* Ealing '

BROCCOLI BCH25< Froili Tender ' Garden Gre«n

Asparagus ^* 39c f lORIDA • U S. Fancy • Freiii and lendar

Sweet Corn 4EA^33< WESTERN Fresli, Cruncliy, l^ulnl ioui

C a r r o t s conoPkg i ^ w s l ^ c FLORIDA • RED BUSS • lull ol Energy

Potatoes 4 L>S 2 9 C FLORIDA • Rich in Heallh

ORANGES 5LBBAa39, High Qualily - Wonderful Flavorlul BETTY ALDEN - Sliced Ennchod III High yuai i iy - vYonuanij. r.o.w..w,

WHITE BREAD > oz LOAF I5c | Ca lavo Pears 2 F O R 2 9 «



Page 4: 5-4 ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa · In all, the Ensiles won nine out of ,3K "team" places cho.sen by a conference of conches In New Haven Friday. Mike Brerelon, clinmplon New I'lngland diver,

ThuT8.,.March 31 , 1955. Bmnford R«vi«w-EJut Haven tftvn




it is by no means too late (o en i t r Ih.: i.....^ ti/iil win oiu: i,l lli.i l>i(;iit'!il uiid best [nizcB to be awanled sis weeirs from Fridsy, May 13th. Gel your HJiun; of thusc! ii|)ecial \>ti/MA loo!




Cos t s Nothin.g To: .,- T r y ,




y i iY FIRST WEE C) V '«* Jlnvict •

Slieclal Cosh Prizes, in uddlllpn lo rcKular 20 vev cmt weekly comiiilbsloii tliecUs, will be awarded "euily starters" sligwirig siirilclent interest Ic colled ii niinlniuni oi $100 In subscriptions (eitlier new or renewals) during tirsi, week of contest, lermlnatlng Saturday niglil.. JUST THINK OF IT, BY COLLECTING $100 IN SUBSCRIPTIONS DURING FIRfiT WEEK OF



L E T ' S



E v e r y b o d y



WAI!D i l O





HAMDEN, eONN. 19§5 FORD FAIRLANE "Ghsli Sedan" V=8 • VsiHcd All Toplher At 12490.00

PLUS T H R i E I § 0 0 G & S H - S E C 0 11 B 8 R fl N B PRIZES

laixiury items tnclude: WliUe Bidewaii

(iresi heater, bignaj Hght», oil filter and

other aiildittoiial features. This beauty

v;:il be finlslLedt with two tone paint

job. The winner will be able to drive

away without delay Friday, Ma.y ISth.







= ^ f •-Bar.t;-a| . - caaic


ID ftiJditlOD t» re^iilar "Wtckl^ Fafroll" citiecliLS, winner of third plac«wUI recelv« extra "bonus" ciiccli fet ev% ft U» »t but total nr&iap sdd»4, ,


la addition to regular "We«Wy Pajcoll' checks, Kiancr of (ourtli place will receive eitra "bonus"'.check for SiVi% ot hi» OP her total caialogs addeo.


f i fth f^^^pW^lj^Winner lu/addilionto regular "Weekly Psj,roH" checks, t?lnner of fifth place Kill receive eitra "boaus" checii for iS% ol bis or ber totil eamingi added. .

UMIJ 111 . \l

§iX^tfi lan^r

In addition to regiiltir "Weefcly PayroU" checks, wlaaer of sislh place "iii receive extra "bonus"' check for lo-To ot tiis on her total earning added..

•,' V » JHBi *•• !"•» » * f * arvxTnmv^parv

$1000 Has liBPii set BtdilB li> bo dlBtrllmted In tlw fiiriii of cuinmisBlons unionii non-prite »inn»f5 on a twenty porcent liasU. Any active (iiirUeli>aiit who fiills to wlii one of Hi., priiea or bonns clucirh offered will Slmfe In this cuinitdssloii feature. . . . I'lms assuring conipeiisatton x^l all partici­pants, and iriratiii tliore wi l lbe no losers In llie race! For intorniation, call or writs. "E-.crybodj-Wins" Contest Dcpt. ' .

' t W B R c i B ^ ^ o j i SBSVICB




LOST; PAS.SBOOK No. 16807, If founil return to Binnford Savings Bank.

FOUND: YELLOW AND WHITE AI.TERED MALE CAT, with col­lar and bell, Call Sherwood ICat-tery. HU 8-409C.


CEMETERY LOT WITH MONU-JIENTAL SPACE AT BEAVER-DALE. - Memorial. Pour graves. Sells at $480. Price ,S300. Chronicle Box No. 12.


1951 HENRY J. A-1 CONDITION throughout. CH 8-5103.




TUTORING IN JUNIOR OK .SEN­IOR m a i l SCHOOL S U B . I E C T S by C(dlpgp paduate and experi­enced teacher. Call IIU 8-2770.

•MOH'fOAOE MllNtlY K—i

FIRST MORTGAGES Hr jOHT AND HOLD. Loans. Kefin»tic Ing. New Loan.s LonKbothatn' 207 Orange St. Tsl. LO Z-4815.



(European Training - Speclahzed experience with children). Studio near Branford Green and

in New Haven. SP 7-2887 ~ FU 7-723.T

DOGS, CATS, l>ET4 U - 1

FRENETTE'S LAWN .MOWER SHOP. 2704 Dlxwell Avenue. H it cuts grass, we sell and service

'It. Tel, CHe.stnut 8-5214.

HAMDEN RUBBISH REMOVAL. Try our special service J8.00 per year.' Good service, rain or shine. Hamden and North Haven only.

, • S. A. MARCD-lTE CH 8-lP<15


CAHt=ENTRY SERVICES—cabin-its,.,., bookcases, storage wialls, piayrpoms, attics finished, and general building, Free estimates. Call Bill Wilson CH 8-6470,


flower beds this spring. Complete l^iidscaping .service. Summer maln-

'tenance. Call AT 8-4378 for prompt and money saving osti-

', mates.


WifisHING ' MACHINE .REPAmS . Washing Machineii

.t/ryers — Ironws ^ ; ,. Disposals

' Guaranteed Service ffe huve parts to fit any washing Tiachine.

•American Appiian^'e Co. K)16 Whitney Ave. CH-8-4444

CATS — SIAMESE - PERSIAN. Champion and imported studs. Spring kittens. Boarding-Dally and monthly rates. Shenvood Kat-tery. North Bianlord. HU 8-'10!»o


TWO SEE-SAWS. HALF PRICE. Call iti morning. Ml. Carmel Llbr-aiy, 3011 Whitney Ave. CH 8-6152.

SILVER FOX CAPE STOLE $25.00. Black Seal hip ionglh coal, size 14. Bolir excellent coiidilion and reasonably priced. Also an­tique picture frames. and gold leaf mirror. HU 8-4331.

Co., East. River. CEDAR, rough or pinned for Boat Work. The DcForesl & llotchklss So., East River,

PRIVATE SALE. WURLITZER SPINET PIANO. Model 031. Ma­hogany finish, matching slool. Full factory guai.-anlee. Call CH 8-48i)7.

BATHTUB AND SINK WITH FITTINGS. Also two burner space heater and single burner heater. Good condition. $20.00.- Phone HU 8-9876.


yiibtographers Portraits -C—81

MOTHKR-'S DAY PHOTOGRAPHS • CA 8-2925 or CH 8-1896



DON.'T JUST WISH YOU HAD EXTRA MONEY! Earn It in your spare- time as an Avon Represer)-tative. .Pleasant work near home. Call LO 2-6809.

WANTED • - RELIABLE WOMAN TO DO HOUSEWORK four or five hours.ionce 'a week. Call CH 8-6550 after 6:00 P. M.

MOVIE CAMERAS. SAVINGS UP TO 40%.- TAPE HECORDERS up W 35». BINOCULARS up to ^Qiii; SPECIAL ON COLOR FUM. 125 used cameras. 'Make offer. 331 Washington Ave. West Haven. Wenj: days •to 8:00 p. M.


MARIONI'S • .<ellcious ice Cream Cakes

Mousses and i'uadings , Fftncy Individual Forms ii'or All

Ocf:ast3n.s Telephone STate 7-4969

"Hie Home Ot Fancy Ice Cream 840 Dlxweii Ave. Hamden, Conn.



^4t^£S ROOM,.. 0/m ROOM{ \\\\% tv/o-ccr door climinotei a cenlerpost and gives plenty

of room to the driver. Choose a quality door




SYcamore, 9-2336


Classified Ail Rates 25 o T S 3 PAPERS $1.00 Additional words 4c per word. Display Classified Ads $1.25 per inch.

All Classified Ads appear iu



• THE HAMDEN CHRONICLE To get your ad into more than 6,000 homes, call CH 8-1281 or AT 81661 and ask for Ad Taker.

er. Can use up ID .seven. Will pay as much as $3.00 per .shade. Write Free Pre.ss Publications, Box No. 7, or call Madison, Circle 5-9078.

WILL PAY ALL CASH for a goad house, farm or small btj.ilness. P. O. Box 819, New Haven, Conn.


COTTAGE WANTED TO RENT IN Branford area. Private bench, by quiet adults. '• Entire season. Conveniences. 2 bedrooms. Call, MAirt 4-0443 or SPruce ,6-4913 after 6. •

Legal DISTRICT OF BRANFORD. .ss. ProbateCoUrt, March 10, i955.


in said district, deceased. . Tile Executors having exhibited

their adrninislrailon liceount. vyith said estate to this Court for allow­ance, it is ^ ; .; . '

Ordered: That the 28th day of March A. D. 19ii5 .at 2 O'clock in the afternoon, ot the Prohati! Of­fice in.BriiViford.'be aJid'the'.same is assigned for a hearlhg oii the allowiince of said administration account with said estate, and this Cqurt directs Flora K, Coldsmith to cite all per.ijons Ihterested there­in to appeal- at said t imej 'and place, by publishing this order' in some newspaper published:ini,Nen-Haven County and havipg;.a.'c!rcu-latlon in said district,'''and'by'ppst-Ing a copy on the pvblic;slgn-jjdst in the Town of BrnnlofS' • where the deceased last dwelt. ,•. : '

By the Court: • ' . , : ' ' • Flora K. Goldslnl'tli, E'i.erii. .

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, Probate Court, March 11, 1955.

-Estate of ' , ' , . . . . . ; ' HOMER B. BLAre,: ••

in said district, deceased.". '• ' ' The Executor havlhg. exhibited

Its administration account with said estate to this Court for'allow-ance, it is - - . - ' , . '

Ordered: That the 28th day of March A. D. 1955 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Prohafe Of. fic^;in Branford, be and the same is:;as.signed f0£ a j-hearing ,on the allowjinne of,, paid: - admlnistrjitlon .account' wfth-snlij-estate, and'"this Court dlreiSrs Flora K...Goldsnilth (o cite all persoiis interested there­in lo appeal' at sold time and place, by publishing this order In some newspaper published in New Haven County and having a circu­lation In said distilct, and By post­ing a copy on the public sign-post In the Town of Branford where the deceased last dwelt.

By the Court: Flora K. Goldsmith, Clerk,

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. Probate Court, March 22, 1955.

Estate ot • . ANNIE E. SOANLON.

the OASI

Friday for Its 31st Season

, April let W e are thankful for the generous response from oW and new patrons every year. W e again extend a cordial 'welcome to our friends to enjoy our fine food at moderate prices.

For Reservations Call H U 8-3970 Recommended by Duncan Hines

Post Rd. B r a n f o r d

late of Branford In said District, deceased. ' , - i

Upon the application of Louis B. Zacher praying that an instru­ment in writing purporting to ho the last will and testament, of sitid deceased, may be proved, approved, allowed,'and admitted to ; probate and that letters testamentary niay be granted on said estate, as per appllcntoin on file more fully.ap­pears; il Is • • Ordered; That Said oppllcatibri he i heard : aitd • d.et«rmlned at a Co'urf, of Piobnte to be ' he ld at Branford,,In said Dls'tflct^ on, the dtli ddy ;of. Api'll A', .D.',1U55, al 2 o'clock in, the lilternooni and that public n6llce,'of the pendency -.of saldi appllcatidn, aind. of tlie time and plane of ' the: heiu-ing tliereoli, be given to ;ilil'parties Intcresjed In said esiate,.,by^piibUshing this brder ' two tltnes In-a; n'cvvspaper having a circulation In said' Dis-trlijt, and by .po.stlng a copy tllere-of on- the.publlS -slisn-tost in the Town of Branford, in said District,

By the'.tou'rt; ; . , . , . . . .,- , ;„• .'Flpfa-te Goidsmith,':ClBrk. .'

DlB'fHICT^ 0P..;BRANF6to, STATE, OF,'GIDNiilECTiCUTss. Probate Court March 14, 1955.i


a'k/n F. SMITH intp ot Brnnford, in snid District, (lpceo.':c(l.

in pursnfince of an order of Hon. Mncgregol- Kilpnl.iick, ..ludge of the C^ourt of Proiinte fiir the Lils-tvli'l of Branfonl, notice Is hereby given thni said Courl hnlh llmllert and appointed six months from the date hereof for the creditors of the said deceased to bring In their cinlins aitainst said r.Mnle. Tho?e who neglect to exhibit their claims within said time will be debarred.

AH persons indebted to snid Es­tate are requested to make Immed­iate payment to '

Helen M. Smilit, Adniintstrator,

130 Montjjwese St,, Branford, Conn.

DISTRICT OF B R A N F O R D T ^ STATE OF CONNECTICUT 5S. Pi;obate Cowrt March 14, 1955.

iilstate of WINrFRED It- nOLAN

lalB of Branford, m said District, deceased.

In pursuance of «n order of Hon. Mocgregor Kllpntrick, .ludge of the Court, of Probnto for the Dis­trict of Branford, notice Is liereby gilvpn llial snld Courl hath llmtteil and appoltttiHl six months from the dole iiereof for the creditors of the said deceased to bring In their claims againsv said estate. Those who neglect to exhibit liielr claims within said time will be debarred.

All persons indebted to snld Es­tate are requested to make immed­iate payment to

Hiciiard .1. Dnlan, Administrator,

84 Cedar SI., Branford, Coiui,

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. Probate Court, March 22, 1955.


In. said district, deceased. T h e , Adhiinislrotbr having ex­

hibited his udmlnislralion nccoiinl with said estate lo this Court fol' allowance, it Is "Ordered; That itio 4th day of

April- A, D, 1955 nt 11 o'clock In the foranoon, at tlie Probate Office In Branfot-d, be and the same is assigned for a hearing on the allowance of said adminlstra-tiol) account, with said estate, and this CourJ, dli'ects Flora ic. Gold­smith to cite'all- persons interested

Ilicrein lo ;tpiicar nt said time and lilnce, iiy puhli.i hlnd this order in some newspaper published in New Iin\'i'n Ocnint.v and hnvlni; « circu­lation in said dIsU'ict, atui l)y post-hiR a ropy on Ihe pulillc slgn-iiost in the 'I'own of Hranford where Ihe (hM'onspil last dwelt.

By Ihe Court; Flora K. Goldsmith, Clerk.

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, (S, Probate Court_ March 22, 1955,

E.stnie ot I)A^'1I) B. IMKRCKB

In said disti'icl, deceased. T,he Executors having ekhlblted

their ndhilnistration account with said estate lo this Court tor al­lowance, 11 is •

Ordered: That the 4th day ot April A. D. 1955 ul 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Proiiate Office In Brnnford, bo and tlic same is asslgnpd tor a hearing on the nllownncp of .said adnilnlst ra­tion accounl with -said estate, and tills Court, directs Flora K. Oold-sniltli to cite all persons Inioresled tlioreln to oppear «1 said llnie and place, by piiblishlng Ihl.i order in some newspn|)iM' publlslipd In New Haven County nml linvlng a clrcu-lallun In said district, and by post­ing a coi)y on the public .slgn'posl in I lie Town of Binnford where tlm deceased last dwelt, -

By the Coui'ti Flora K, Goidsinllh, Clerk.

DISTRICT OP BRANFORD. • STATE OP CONNECTICUir, ss. Probate Court, March 7th; 1955.

Estate of - , ' , ,IAME8 I.. , | 6 N K S i

late .of Branford, In said District; deceased. ' ' ,

In pursuance of an ordijr of IfonI Macgregor ICilpatrlcit, ,Tudga of the Court 01 Probate' ror tiro District of Brantdrd, nolico is iiprehy glyen that said, Court hath limited and appointed six nibntlis troni' the date hereof for I ho'creditors of said deceased lo bring in , Ihelr claims against said estate, ll'hosa who neglect to BShibit; their claims witiiln said time will be debarred.

All persons Indebledlo .said Es­tate are I'eiinested to Iniaice im­mediate paytnenl. to "r' ;' ' • .

Cbal'lesE, Jones, 2 .Bryaii Road,'; Brahf bi<d, Conni


; Thurs, , Mnrchi 3 1 , 1955, BranFord Revicw-Eaat Haven New« t

day ot April, A. i), 1955, at 3 o'clock In the afternoon and that public notice of the |)Chdetlt:y ot said ap­plication, and of the time and place of. Ihe heilring thereon, be given to nil parlies interested In said es­tate, by publishing this order one time In a newspaper having a cir­culation In said District, and ijy posting a co|)y thereof on tii« pub­lic sign-post In the Town of Stan­ford, In said District.

By the Court; Flora K. Goldsmith, Clerk,

DlSTRIC'r OF BRAlilFOHD, lis. Pi'Obate Court, March 25, 1955. . Estate o t . . .

i IHENB nr. ROGI^R S Inle of Brnnford, In said District, deceased.

T^iitAilmlnlstratrlK having made itppUcailOn for, an order authoriz­ing and einpowerlng horito sell and convey certain real .est i te belong­ing, to said estate, as. p^r appllcB-tlon on me more fully appears, it I s . , : ; i , • .

Ordeieil: Tli4t said application hk heard and deterhilried at the Broljate Office in Branford, In said District, on the 4tli day ot April 1955, at 10:30 in the forenoon, and this Court dlrec«s Flora K. Gold­smith to give public notice to all persona Interested In said estate to appear If they sec , cause to be heard thereon, by publishing this order one time In some newspaper having a cIreulHlion In suld Dls-irlcl, and by pcsllng a copy:ili'ereof on the public sign-post In the Town of Brnnford, In said District, and return mnlie to this Court ijf the notice given.

By the Court: Flora K. Goldsmllii, Clerk.

DISTaiCT OF BRANFOhD' lis. Probate Court, Mifoh 29, 1955! I Estate of

I RlOIIAUD CiOA'ER'J' ',•• in said district, deceased. '

Tl\e Executor having exhibited his admlhlsti-ation account- with said eslute to. this Court for al­lowance, It. Is , ' ' • . . . ' Ordided; Thiit the l l th day of April, A. D. 1955 it;, 2;00'o'clock In tho nfternoiin, at th'S'. Probate Office in Branford; be. i)na the same-Is assigned'for a li'tiai')hg on Ihe nllowianco of siild admlnistra-llon accounl with, aald; esiat?; and IhlB Courl directs Flora K. diild-sinlth to :clte all persons Interested therein to appear at said tliiii ' ind place, by'pubiishlng this oi'dtr in some ni>w.i|iaper publishfid In New Haven County and having a clrcii-lalion In said distrlcl,.And ijy^posi-Ing a copy oil the 'pabllo"'slg.n^pJSt In tlib;Ttjwn of,,:Branford-^where tHe.deceascdi'lisl dwelt'.' ' ; ! ! ! ; . .

By the court: .'

•Flora K. Goldsiiiltli, Clerlt. *

1955, Estate ot


late of Brnnford, in sold District, deceased.

The UNION AND NEW HAV­EN TRUST COMPANY, Trustees under tlie will of George Freder­ick WIepert, having exhibited Its Administration account wi th aiild estate lo this Courl for allowance, it is

ORDERED, Tlint the Uth ilny of April 1955 nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon, nt a Courl of Probate lo bo held at Brnnford, in snld Dia-trict, be nppolnlPd foi; a hearing on the nllownnee of sitid nccount and liiat notice of Ihe, time and place ot said hearing be given by piiblishlng'a copy of this order In sonie newspaper linvhig a circula­tion In said Dlstrlfct,

By the Court! Flora K, Cioliismlth Clerk.

DliTRtCT OF fiRANFOFlbi STATIC OP CONNECTICUT, «s. Probate Courl, March l6, 1955,

Estate ot LOllJSA a Al^DERSON

late of Branford, in said bistrlct, dfecensed. . • '

In pursuance of an order ol Hon. ^iaegregor Kllpatrlck, .liidge of the Court of Probate for Ihe Dis' trici ot Branford, notice Is hereby given that said Court hath limited and appointed six months from the dale hereof for I lie, creditors bf the said deceased to iirlng in llieir claims ngnlnst; snld eslnle. Tlipse who neglect lo oxhibll thtilr claims within said llnic ivlil be debarred.

All persons indobtaii to snld Es-tiilo are requested to tiialte Ini-mediate paymiinl,to

. Allred.d. Andeison, Adinltiistratdr,

c/o Frederick.R. Iloudii. Altoi'ney At Law 260 .Main Stroof \ . . , Brnnford, Conn. . : - ' , '

DISTRICT ,0F . B I U N F O R D ; «S. ProbiitcC9uit, Miiroir25,195ti.

: Estate of' , • ' , ' ' " lMAnV-;S.?MoKINNiill.", -,'

Idle or.'Brantiird.ln ':snid''Dl8triet, dec(>nsed. "'• •'{} ',. i' -:; i:. ,

iUpdn the-'ai)plleail6n of Alira-ham' P, ivIcKiiinCl,prnyliigi itiht{an insthiniBiit In .writing ••pui'port.lng to 1)1),the last will and Ipsiumoni ot said dece'n'sed, may be. pi'bved; dpprbyecl, 'allowed, and admitted tp-lirblihie and that :ieltilrs tcsta-tihentiiry'may ,be'- "granted on snld e'slnte, M per application; on , file rriore fully ajipearji it Is, - . -' Orcieved,.'l;hnt said cippllriitlon be' heard ind delei-hiliied; a l ' a 'Cobrt of Probate to be held at Brad­ford; In said Dlstrliit, on the 4th


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« 3 ^

Page 5: 5-4 ©k lEast Hawn Nftoa · In all, the Ensiles won nine out of ,3K "team" places cho.sen by a conference of conches In New Haven Friday. Mike Brerelon, clinmplon New I'lngland diver,

, - ^ » »-^•p' * »»-C 'T» i~ .V# .

Subscription — (Cniitlniit'il r r nm I'nirn Oiin)

Mny laih. • -If .ynu lIUo'.llils Idnft, cninr on

In MA Imvc Die aisiurnnce Ihtit II win ciist. yqii nolhlng. to l.ry wiml 111 nil; prolinlilUly may. In! Uio hpsi sI'Mi you liflvp iiinili' In your llfi'. Speeliil orfoin ni'P mnilc> to llip I'lirly RlnrtPra, Ion.

TlilnUI ' Tlirtii ninUo up your iiiliul In will—.s(>l iioilnn to yoni' (li'liM'inlimllnii iinil RI.-I In. I.cl 'n Iioiirll, n rPcHpl lioolf, jiliis HIP will lo win, loml ydii I'lijlil. Iiiln llii' (Irlvpr's »<>ril of lliiil wnnili'r-fiil ronl .

'Pills Is luitiwn ns Mnlcy \V"f'lt.

Next week, when Hie Ilr.sl ."ilnnd-Ing of conlestanW Is publlfihcd, mlirks tho roa\ Vieglnnlng of •wtiol pi'oinl.sea to bo a ino.sl cxdllni; nnil Interesting race,,; • • Tlioso who Jump rlisiit. In, tiilto full'nrtvontdBo of Ihp spoclnl (»r-toi's In volofl, will innkn a'cnoil .ilinwliii; til llie flrsl vote iiiliiilH' Hon.' In Iniili, yon cmilil lio Ijiii icmlPr, "WIIIPII, in ihi^nry ot Iniiil nilKlil mran 'oni> font o n the riinnliiB hnnril.' Hut lime lis liii-porllintl Plonso do not dplny iiny Inniror.

Won Is iiKI wlinn ho lionlns In hidi; lil«; niif; wnninil, Whon «lii" lifRliis 10 loll hers.

pick your favorite

lock watcher ' „ ..„ I 'liii, f'liiiiKTni!

musical L

f lashbacks / lam.imopm HITI, r/I.l<.STIIC I I ; "-..okdiiyH

to|) 20 club Kl) OAl'tlTO

b r e a k f a s t | p l a t t e r s


high time rnn. riiKi.sTnc

Christ Church Prepares For Holy Week Ohscrvance

On 1'nlm Sundny ilio Kprvlcc nf Holy Communion will 1» oli-.•iiM'vi-d lit N II.In. In CIII'IHI Clmriih. At t.ho Ol.tO funilly Hcrvlco Iho Ri'v. Alfred Cliirli, rcclnr, will prpnch Iho sormon "liohold Ynur KIni!!" 'I'lK- iinlhcin "Thi> I'alnw" hy l'"niiri? will he .sung by Ihc .lunlor Choir.

Al Jl u.ni. tho ROrvliiP of Holy Communion will ho hidd, Tho lloc-lor'H sorinon will bo on "Who IB Ihls?" Tho Sonlor niid .lunlor Cliolr.i will Hint!.

Al V p.m. Iho YoiiiiK Ponplo's KolloWKhlp will moot In the rcc-1017 for II huslncs.s mootlni; und II "Hlhlo forum,"

On Mohdny the .Junior Choir iinri S I . MnrU'K Choir will lo-lionrno nt 7 p.m. In- Iho church,

On Tupudiiy, tho Itov. Cnnnn S.

Wolcott Ijinsloy will bo |;uost pronchor nt iho 7:4.5 evening prayer. Tho .Senior Choir will hold rohenrsnl nfler the service nnd the Men's Club will hold n bus-inps.s meoling in the church hnll.

On Wednosdny nl ^:Xn n.m. the Holy Communion nnd IleiilinB Service will bo hold.

On Mnundyi Thui-.'idny, Iho cdiii-di'on'.s ehuirh will ho ill ,');,1P In the nflornoon, The Iteclnr will iiddross the 'chllrtron with ii .wr-mnn on "A \Vordlps.(j IJook." Al. 7:'iri tho I.enien Sorvlco nnd Holy Communion will bo hold with un nddro.ss hy the floctor on "Tin* Nighl of Iho Inslllullnn."'

On Clood Friday a throo-linur .sorvloo will he lield from noon to .1 it.in. Tile Upclor will ho ns.sistoil by the Itov. Cniion I..lnsloy nnd by I'rof. E. W. Muolil, llnheil. P(U-1{ and Tlionms I . Cnrl.

St. Mnrli'H At .St. MiirU'K Pnim Siindny will

h(? oixHOrvod wilh mornlntj prnyor nt fl:.^n a.m. with the seitnon by Mr. rnrk, Church wdionl will bo nl lOMO.


' A good car duulcr rany not .Bidl you tbc! clicapout cor but lie will iniiUo mire you Bot both qmilitu and Bervtce.

.Similarly, your loiinl Inde-. pf-mlenl Insurance • agent In

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Branforil- Tlienlre BulldlnE l iy 8->l(i'l — IIU B-"i.n27

,iAMr,s i'..KAVAi>)Atir.ir • AOKNCV

M lyy pi root, Brnntord

• • ' • ill) a'nor..T

.i'Ai,Mr,u-ri.A-N'r, iTsci, . '• Main. Sireel., Branford

111! «-i72il ~- Jill ii-0;!2i; MonililU'>) of Oiinncellc.ut

Assiii'lallnn »t Insurnni'fl Agonls

IVIomaiigiiiii School (Iliildreii To Hold K'jislcr Kgg ritiiil

Children In thn first and second griulofi at the IWomauRUin .School will talip pnrt in an Enstor F.t^ti Jlunl noxt Thur.sday afternoon fr<im two o'clock lo 2:'ir).

They will lie tho guests of chil­dren In Iho .sevonlh grade laught by lOrnPst Mnrzullo, The older children are conducting pi'epai'a-tions for'the hunt - providing tho eggs and lilding tliem.

iciglit prizoR will lie awarded to hoys and girls finding • Iho niosi egg-s.

Teiichor.s of the pnrliclpatlne grado.s will suporvl.so,the liiinl.

Momaiigiiiii Lodge 138 Holding Communication

The regular stated communica­tion of IMomnuguin I^ndge No. 1,'iS, AF & AM, will :bo held In l.lio lodge ronm.s on Mondny, April d, in.'i.l, nt 7:;iO p.m., ' al which lime I he IVIuster Miison Degree will he conferred on a'class of i?andidntes. All Master Masons lire Invhed lo attend nnd refreshments will bo .served in the bainiuel hall after llie dt»greo work,

B u y Eiister Seals

Group Joins Drive To Build Giant Cross

The Ensi Haven Woman's Club is Joining more ihnn ii.nOO.OOO other members of Ihe General FMlei'niion of Women'.* Clubs in a drive lo.inlse three million del-liii'R lo build a ,non-foni cro.ss aioji Bald Knoll niounlnln in southern llllnoi.s.

Mrs. Vincent .1, I-'ftsuno, pres­ident of the locnl group, .said Ihni information on the drive will be nvnilnblc from her nl her homo, 2(1 Taylor Ave., 110 7-,'l.17n.

'Iho cross, v,'iiich will be visible over n Ti'inO snunro-mtle area, is a projocl of Ihe Bald Knob Chris-lian Foundalinn, Inc., a non-de­nominational, non-profit, .slale-chni'tered group thai has held Piaster sunrise sioivices on Iho mountain annunlly. .for. Ilio past two (h'oftdes.

'I'iie drive was Inunehed earlier Ibi.s nionlh in Wnshington, D. C. where Mrs. Theodore S. Chapman, presbleni of the Women's J-'oder-alion, appealed to hori-members lo send I heir contrlbullon directly to '"I'llIC cnOSS, Cairn, Illinois."

Tlio cnnslrnctlon will contain a eenlrul chapel and mediuillon rooms (or nil denoinlnnl.lon.s. Al its t0|i will be a Forest Service looitnuf slatioii nnd oliseivallon lower.

'J'lie 187-aere tract on which It will lie creeled is owned by llip foundation. I3ald Knob is located in the Shnwnoe t^ational Forosl. When erected. Hie ern.ss will, when lUunilnnled, he visible In u fniir-slnle area, •

|{c.so,rvaliori,s Taken For Womjin'.s C!liih Spring Dance

Ilesorvatlons are now being made with Mr.s. David Peck, chair­man, and' Mrs, Anthony DeMayo fur the Spring liance, April 2;i, at Uestlniid Farms, sponsored by I hi' East lliL'i'en 'Wonian's Club.

Oilier meniborK incliidod on the cominitleo are'Mrs. Thomos Web-.ster, Mrs, ,Iohn .Scohie, Mrs. Ed­ward Pile, Mrs, Gordon Dono­van, Mrs. Aiilhony DoMayo, Mrs. l''ranl( Macnonnld, Mrs. Carlton I'ral'zuer and Mrs. Willis Ilond-rlL-ks.


SALE Clean, Reconditicned IHsed Cars Guaranteed

1954 Ford Tudor 1395 195« Nash Fordor 1495 1953 Ford Tsidor 1145 1953 Chev. Tudor 1145 1953 Willys Sh Wag. (4 wh. dr.) 1295 1951 Pontiac Tudor 645 1951 StMdcbaker 545 1950 Chev. Carry-all 595 1949 Nash 295 1947 Ford Tudor 195


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Frontage — (Contlnutvl From I'ncR Onr)

letler his aclion on rnch of the Bricvnnces.

A) If the gripvanoe committee Is not sntlsfled, the matter or niot-ters will be token up nt n mcet-IhK of the Bonrrt of'F'uhlic SntPty.

Siipdniiimrrury Tny The union riologntlon nsUed Hit*

Board nf Public Safety foi- nn In­crease ill supei'numorao' pny from .0 minimum of $5 for four hours (0 $8 find a niLse from $1.50 in $2 for each Iherenftor. Tho re­quest was inbk'd In the abJ^enco of iwo members nf the boartl.

The deleRftllon- requested, nnrl obtained, permission to have po­lice rules mlmcoflrophed and lils-irlbiited to all members of ihe Itolieo do|)arlnienl. whether incni-' hers of HH'' union or nnl.

iTlnirs., March 31 , 1955. Branfofd Review-Ensl Haven News 8

Also B IQ Savings on NORCQE Washers & Dryers

Sign Up Now for Home Trial Plan



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Authorized Ford Dealer

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Piiqne H U 8-0810

(Next lo A ^VT)


OpponcnLs Silent — (Conlliiiin/l From Vn\rf, One)

tloris of tho i.own cnminiU.ces In | mukiiiB iippolnlmenls In Ihi'Boni'rt nf- Finnnco.

Mr. Anaslnsio rcvluwerl lirlL'fly (he proposed elimiKOS rotiuiriiu? nollcc of public honrini! ami open iicariiigs hy Ihc Boarri. lie said he nceeplort the sulislilutc lilll siih-mltleil liy Town Counsel Rellly.

,7utl|;e Vlnceni Fasano, one of those who hulpctl tliafi the hill, st,eppo(l tm-wanl Ui urge ii ehanije In Iho hill wonliiiB lo prevent ex­clusion of ihn public Irom Ihe heiirinKs on dopartnicntnl budiiels and to Insure llie public n volpe in the hcarlnt's.

However, a commltloo tnomlipr pointed out that a change in the treniM'ai statutes uFfecl.inf; all Imorils of finance was being made Id i;iiiirantG(! public al tendance and pnrllclputlon al budget lioar-iiiES.

OnrlbiiMl I'^avors Bill .Tamos Oarllaiid, Democratic

Town Chairman, rose to spoait also in favor of the bill. ''We fool," he .said, spealtioR of the two town commit tecs, "that tho bill will benefit tho Town of East Haven."

In apparent reference In a pro­vision maidng someone other than the town clerk clerk of the board, Gartland sold tliat the clinnge was I'ocommended so because "board records sboutcl be kept hy per.'ions whoso solo respohsibllily it i.s to keep them." 'I'he roi'ords .should bo available In more than one place, he said, •

lie said that a"majo)'ity of tho Doniocralic Town Committee fa­vor I his bill rlKbt down tho lino."

l^ieinncratic officials who dis­agreed with Mr. Gartland said aTlerwards Hint bis suppDrtine tito bill made It awkward for I bom to s]ii*ak out against it.

At Ilcariui; Also in attendance at- tho hear­

ing wore Leslie Redfield, Fred Wolfe. .Ir., and John Muiliern, meinl)ei-s of the Botu'd of Finnnco; Alfred Ilolcombe; Walter Kano and As.ses.sor George Miller; all opponents of the bill; and Charles Copeiand, .Tohn Sinioni, Prosecut­ing Attorney Roljert M. Taylor, .Ir., Mr.s. CliarlottCMiller, in suii-porl of tile bill.

Tlui commitlee in charge of tiie bearing seonied to bo impressed liy testimony of hiparlisan agree­ment on local hills. In hearing out several bills from the Town of Plaliiville, the conimilt.ee chnir-rann asked pointedly several times, "And this bill has tlie approval of l)otb the'Democrats and Uepuli-licans?*'


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IMioiic lis — CAM, LATER

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c a t c h thev:i;i:;~C bouquGia? ^ S , )



'OU... n Vour Intornt^il WvdcJInQ

Partralift. . .o< oouraei

Adiiiiratioii for ilie inuids, oompliniciits lor tlie wed­ding . . . Tha i ' s wlial yoiril hear lor ihe woiulerl'ul, in­formal photographs we will make of every detail of J our weddino.

Vea, it will he beautiful . . . j u s t came in, or phoiie for yoiir appointment.

Stephen P. Syrotink, Jr. PIlOTOGRAPmC STUDIO

2C5 Main Street llObart 7-3039

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On Signature Only If a loan of ,$50 lo $500 will be of assist­

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Here's ail you have lo do —

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Tim scliediilo above I<i based on pranipt inoiilbly repaynienUi and iiietiiiles all cosls. Other sclieil-ule.s to fit yam- liinlget.


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EAST HAVEN Business Directory




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Central Cleaners Dyers Home of Distinctive Cleaning We Operate Our Own Plant

4-Hcur Cleaning Service Call For and Dcliever

a.12 .Main St. riione 110 7-11070

Augie's Auto Repair General Repairing Tires — Batteries

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GEN'S LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANINa Oni)i|>let« I.ttiindry Servlee

FIIRE nKMVERY! Ifil Milln St. n o 7-7488

RALPH P. GASTELLON 0>inent! rniuraiuie

ON ?oiin ijinio—vonu iKmrr voim AD'i'o




CAt.I. FOR PiiOMI'T .siKRVK^K riiiine no !i-ii:ii:i

IHI Main .SI. Dusl Haven


m Lll
