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6. Indigenous Peoples and EIA - Hnin Wut Yee

Date post: 28-Jan-2018
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The Myanmar law on Protection of the Rights of National Races current status Involvement of Ethnic Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar in EIA Hnin Wut Yee Workshop for EIA Consultants Environmental Impact Assessment in Myanmar: Lessons Learned and Recommended practices 17 November, 2017

The Myanmar law on Protection of the Rights of National Races – current status

Involvement of Ethnic Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar in EIAHnin Wut YeeWorkshop for EIA ConsultantsEnvironmental Impact Assessment in Myanmar: Lessons Learned and Recommended practices17 November, 2017



Definition (Ethnic/Indigenous)

The Myanmar law and Draft bye-law on Protection of the Rights of National Races – current status

Involvement of Ethnic Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar in EIA

Key Points


Definition (Ethnic/Indigenous) အဓပၸါယ ဖြငဆခ

ဌာေ နငင ငငးာင ႏ င ပ ခင း၍မ အဓပၸါယဖြင ဆခးသငးျာငး ေးငပါ။ ILO Convention No.169 နြငး၍မ ေအာပါအနငငဖြငဆဆာငပါးး။း ာနြင ဤ ာခပ းျး းာႏငင ပါ၀င း နေ ငဆငဆာငးျငငး ေးငပါ။

() ႏငင န ၏ အးျာင ၍မးခင းခာငႏ င းန၍မးသေးာ ၍မးႈေ ငး၊ ယေခငးႈႏ င သငပြာငေ င အေ အဆာင

ဓေ ဆ င းခာင ာ းးန႕ ၍မအဖြြ႕အ းငအနြငင ယငငယပင ဓေ ဆ င းခာင းးဟန းသငးျာငးျပဌာ ငဆာငေးာပေဒ းင းခငးခာငအ န နနေဒးးးဟန အၿပးအ၀ သး ႕ြြးျငင။

() ႏငင န း၊ ပဆ၀သေဒးန နြင း၍မ သငပင အေးျခေ ဆငေ းျငငေးာ းငောငငး၊အးျာငႏငင န ၏ သအးျဖ းြပးြငငးျငငး းသပင အေးျခေ ဆင းျငငေ ာင းငောငငး၊ ႏငင

ယ းနးခာင းးနး နးသပင အေးျခေ ဆင ြးျငငးျဖ ၿပသင ယအခ နြင းင းးန႕ေ ဆငးး ႏငင ၏ပေဒးနး န ခးခာင းးး႕ပင ေ ား၍မ းးန႕၏ ယပင ၍မးႈေ ငး၊ သငပြာငေ ငး၊ ယေခငးႈႏ င ၍မးႈဖြြ႕ းငပ န႕ဆ ခငး ငေ ေးာ ၍မ႕အးအ၀ ငးခာင။

Definition (Ethnic/Indigenous)

Definition of ILO Convention 169

(a) tribal peoples whose social, cultural and economic conditions distinguish them from othersections of the national community, and whose status is regulated wholly or partially by their owncustoms or traditions or by special laws or regulations;

(b) peoples who are regarded as indigenous on account of their descent from the populationswhich inhabited the country, or a geographical region to which the country belongs, at the time ofconquest or colonisation or the establishment of present state boundaries and who, irrespective oftheir legal status, retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions


Definition (Ethnic/Indigenous) အဓပၸါယ ဖြငဆခ

IFC, International Finance Corporation ပင ငေဆာင ြ းႈ းနး နခ အး န (၇)နြငဌာေ နငင ငငးာင ဟ၍မေးာအခႏ င ပ ခင းး နခးခာငး ာ-

းးနယနင ဤးသငးျာငနး ေးာ ဌာေ နငင ငငးာငအပ နြင ပါ၀ငေ ာငငဆနေဖာေးျပာ ာင းား ပန၀ င ခင းင းျငင။

သး င ယာအနြငင ခေ ာေးားသငးျာငနး ေးာ ယေးျးးခာငး၊ ဘငဘြာင အ အဆေ ဆငြေးာ ယေးျးးခာင ယငငေဒး ယေးျးးခာငး ဆြ ေးာ းယ ဇာနးခာငႏ င ေပါငငပနးဆႏြယးႈ းျငင။

ပငး ၍မးခင (း) ယေခငးႈ းခာငႏ င းန၍မးသေးာ င ာဓေ ဆ ငဓးင ာယေခငးႈးခာငး၊ သငပြာငေ ငး၊ ၍မးႈေ ငႏ ငႏငင ေ ငဖြြ႕ းငးႈပ းခာင းျငင။

ႏငင နြငင အးခာငအး ငးျပေးာဘားာ ာငႏ င းန၍မေးာ းသငးျာငဘားာ ာင းျငင။ 5


နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင၏ အြငအေ ငးခာင ာ ြယးး ပေဒ (၂၀၁၅)

Definition (Ethnic/Indigenous) အဓပၸါယ ဖြငဆခ

ပဒး (၅)နြင ဌာေ နငင ငငးာငးခာင ဟ ဆးးြငင း င ြြဆာငေးာ းင အဓပၸါယဖြငဆခ အ င(၁) နြင းပါ ပါ။ ဤ ာင င ေ ာပငင နေနား နငးြငငးး အါး းာ းျဖး ြြးးဟ း ပါးး။

“နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင၏ ေဒးအနြငင ဖြ ၿဖငနငနေ င ပင ငးခာငး၊ သး င သငးခာငး၊ သငပြာငေ င ပင ငးခာငးဘာဝး ယ ဇာန ဆနယ၍မး င ြြးျငင ပင ငးခာင အောငအဆးေဖာေဆာင ြးးဆပါ သး ငအေ ာငငအ ားခာင းဆင ာ ဌာေ နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင အာင းျပး နခ ြာ နငခးျပ အးေပင း ႏႈငငေဆာင ြ းး။” (Controversy on Local vs. Indigenous)

Definition (Ethnic/Indigenous) အဓပၸါယ ဖြငဆခ

းျး းာႏငင ၏ းဘာ၀ပါန၀ ငခငဆးႈ ဆ င းျငင အ သ င ာ ေ ငးာငးျပ ေ ငဆင ာ ပဆ င ပ းငးခာင ပါးး းငပေဒ (2015 ႏ ဒသဇငဘာ) နြငးဘာဝပနဝ ငခငႏ င ၍မးႈဘဝအေပၚ းေ ားႈးခာငႏ င ဌာေ နငင ငငးာငႏ င ပ ခငေးာ အဓပၸါယဖြငဆ ခးခာငပါ ပါးး။ (းျး းာ နငင ငငးာင းခငႏြယ ဟ ဆဆာငပါးး။)

၂ (ဗ) နငင ငငးာငးခငႏြယ ဆးးး ာ ပငး ၍မအဖြြအ းငႏ င ၍မးႈေ င (းးဟန) ယေခငးႈဆင ာ ၡဏားခာင ြြးျပာငးျာင ာငးႈ ၿပသင ဖြ ၿဖငးႈ ပင င းခာငး းျဖ ေပၚ ာေးာ ဆငခငးခာငေ ာင ယငငန၏ အခင သငပြာင ဆ ြယေ းး နငင ငငးာင းျပးး၍မးခာင ဆးး

2015 Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures Chapter 1: Title and Definition2. (v) Indigenous People means people with a social or cultural identity distinct from the dominant or mainstream society, which makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the processes of development.


Voting Slides


The Myanmar legal framework on protection of ethnic rights


2015 Law

Draft Bye-Law under discussion

Article 61 of the 2017 Myanmar Investment Rules

2015 Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure-Article 7

Draft Guideline on Public Participation in Myanmar’s EIA Processes

2015 Ethnic Rights Protection Law၂၀၁၅ ႏ နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင၏ အ ြငအေ င ာ ြယေ ာငေ ားး ပေဒ

“နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင၏ ေဒးအနြငင ဖြ ၿဖငနငနေ င ပင ငးခာငး၊ သး င သငးခာငး၊ သငပြာငေ င ပင ငးခာင းဘာဝး ယ ဇာန ဆနယ၍မး င ြြးျငင ပင ငးခာငအောငအဆးေဖာေဆာင ြ းးဆပါ သး ငအေ ာငငအ ားခာင းဆင ာဌာေ နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင အာင းျပး နခ ြာ နငခးျပ အးေပင း ႏႈငငေဆာင ြ းး။” (ပဒး ၅)

2017 Myanmar Investment Rules“The Commission will consult with other Authorities as necessary or desirable in the conduct of the assessment of a Proposal, and all such Authorities shall be required to make relevant personnel and other resources available. Where the Investment may be subject to the Law on the Rights of Protection of Ethnic Nationalities 2015, the Commission will consider any specific consultations that may be required with the relevant State or Regional Government or other stakeholders as part of the assessment process or in connection with any conditions to be included in the Permit” (Article 61)ေား ငးး အဆးျပခ ာနြင အပပါ အ င ဌာ း၊ အ င အဖြြ႕အ းင းခာငႏ င ေဆြငေႏြငနငပငႏငၿပသငအ င ဌာ း၊ အ င အဖြြ႕အ းငးခာငးး ၍မပဂ းးဟန အးျာင အပေးာ အ ငငအးျး းခာင ေား ငးပ ပငေပင းး။ ငငႏ သင း ပႏ းႈ ပင ငးး နငင ငငးာင ၍မးခငးခာင၏ အြငအေ ငာြယေ ာငေ ားး ပေဒႏ ငအခ ငဝငးဆင ေ ပါ ေား ငးး ေ င ပင င ၏ အ နအပငငန ပအးျဖ းငောငင းးဟနြငးျပး နြင ပါဝင းး အးျာင အေးျအေ းခာငအးျဖ ဆးးြငင င ာင ာနြင းငောငင းဆင ာ နငငေဒး သငးးဟန းျပး ယအ င းခာင းးဟန ပါဝငပနးနး၍မးခာင င းသငးျာငေဆြငေႏြငနငပင း၊ းေဘာဆာင ယ၍မ အပးျငင း၊ း ဆးးြငင င ာငႏငးး။

(ပဒမ ၆၁၊ းျး းာႏငင ငငႏ သငးျးပႏ းႈ းငဥပေဒ)11

2015 Ethnic Rights Protection Draft Law

The need for further precision in the regulation/bye-laws as follows:

Definition of hta-nay tain-yin-tha (a definition was not included in Article 1 of the Law) and certain other terms will need definition

Scope of ‘business activities’ subject to this process Procedure to be followed by all parties (In accordance with article 61 of the

2017 Investment Rules and 2015 EIA Procedure and Draft Public Participation Guideline in EIA Procedure)


2015 Ethnic Rights Protection Draft Law

Procedure to be followed by all parties (In accordance with article 61 of the 2017 Investment Rules and 2015 EIA Procedure and Draft Public Participation Guideline in EIA Procedure)

Consultation even prior to EIA process

Consultation as part of the EIA Procedure


2015 Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure

Projects that involve Involuntary Resettlement or which may potentially have an Adverse Impact on Indigenous People shallcomply with specific procedures separately issued by the responsible ministries. Prior to the issuance of any such specificprocedures, all such Projects shall adhere to international good practice (as accepted by international financial institutionsincluding the World Bank Group and Asian Development Bank) on Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples. (Article7)

းျး းာႏငင ၏ းဘာ၀ပါန၀ င ခငဆ းႈ ဆ င းျငင အ သ င ာေ ငးာငးျပ ေ ငဆင ာ ပဆ င ပ းငးခာင ပါးး းငပေဒ (2015 ႏ December)

ပဆ င ပ းငပဒး (၇) နြငဆ အး ာေးျပာငငေ ႕ေ ဆင းႈ းးဟန နငင ငငးာငးခငႏြယ းခာင အေပၚဆငခငးေ ားႈ ႏငေးာ သး ငးခာငဆင ာ းသငး ၥးခာငႏ င ပ ခင ၀ သငဌာ းသငးျာင ပဆ င ပ းငဆနးျပ းျငငးးျပးသ အး ာေးျပာငငေ ႕ းႈ းးဟန နငင ငငးာငးခငႏြယ းခာငအေပၚ ဆႏငးႈ ႏငးး သး ငးခာငးးးဆင ာ၀ သငဌာ းခာင းသငးျာငဆနးျပ းး ပဆ င ပ းငးခာင ာေဆာင ြ းး။ ယငငး ပဆ င ပ းငးခာငး ခင ယငင သး ငအာင ငးး ဆႏၵးပါေးာ ေ ာေးျပာငငေ းႈႏ င နငင ငငးာငးခငႏြယ းခာငႏ င းဆငေးာအးျပးးျပးဆင ာ အေ အ ခငောငငးခာင (ႏငင နာ ဘ႑ေ ငဆင ာအဖြြအ းငးခာငးျဖ ေးာ းၻာဘဏဖြြအ းင ႏ ငအာ ဖြ းျဖငနငနေ ငဘဏ နး ဆာငေးာ) ာေဆာင ြ းးဟ ဆ ေဖားျပ ဆာငပါးး။ 14

International good practice on protecting the rights of Indigenous People from impact of businesses

International Finance Corporation IFC Performance Standard 7

အးျပးးျပးဆင ာ ဘ႑ာေ င ောပေ င ငင (IFC) အဖြြ႕၏ ပေဆာငးႈ ႏႈ င (၇)



IFC Performance 7 and Free, Prior Informed Consent, FPIC

IFC PS 7 – when FPIC applies:IFC PS 7 ဘယအခ း ာ FPIC (လြတလပ ြြာ ၾကတငအသေပး ေဆြးေ ြးတငပင ရယသည႔ သေဘြာတညမႈ) းေ ားႈ းး ြ

IPs who are land-connected, even if they have lost their land through expropriation by the government for private sector projects or armed conflict

ေးျးယာႏ င ဆႏြယးႈ ေးာ IP းခာငး၊ း၍မန ၏ေးျးယားခာင းၼဏသ သး ငးခာငေ ာင အ င းးငဆးင ေးာ းငောငငး၊ ပဋပ ၡေ ာင းငောငင ဆ င ႈင ေ ားႈ အခ င၀ငးး။

Land subject to traditional ownership under customary arrangements ဓေ ဆ ငနးငအ သအး းခာငအ င ာအ ပငဆငးႈ ေးာေးျး

Significant impacts on critical cultural heritage အေ င သငေးာ ယေခငးႈ အေးြအႏ းခာင အေပၚးးာဆင ာင ြားေ ားႈ

Customary Land Rights; Communal Land Rights; Shifting Cultivation ဓေ ဆ ငနးင ာေးျးပငဆငးႈ အြငအေ ငး၊ ေဒး းခာင ေပါငငပငေးာ ေးျးယာပငဆငးႈ အြငအေ ငး၊ ေ ႕ေးျပာငင

ေနာငယာ ပခငးျငင16


Involvement of Ethnic Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar in EIA

What does the Draft Public Participation Guideline of EIA Procedure say about Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minority?


Specific Session on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities


Chapter 1: Draft Guideline on Public Participation in Myanmar’s EIA Processes, 31 May 2017

1.3. a) (vi) Indigenous People means people with a social or cultural identity distinct from the dominant or mainstream society, which makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the processes of development. (EIA Procedure, Article 2(v))

a) (viii) Vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and group means any group of persons,and the individuals within those groups, who are disadvantaged in social, economic, cultural,religious, or political arenas, such that they are blocked from or denied full access to variousrights, opportunities, or resources that are normally available to others and are therebyprevented from participating fully in the economic, social, and political life of the society inwhich they live (including, but not limited to, ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, women,people with disabilities, children, and the elderly). It also includes ……….


ParticipationChapter 1: Draft Guideline on Public Participation in Myanmar’s EIA Processes, 31 May 2017

1.4. Meaningful public participation for the purposes of this Guideline

1.4.5 Information requirementsb) Similarly, for an EIA process to be a useful decision-support tool, the Project Proponent and decision-makers also need to base their analyses on all relevant and up-to-date information. This includes local and indigenous knowledge, which is often obtained through meaningful public participation.

k) Project Proposals that will impact indigenous peoples or other vulnerable groups will usually require the utilization of additional methods for information disclosure to ensure they have the opportunity for full and meaningful participation.


Specific Session on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities

2.8.2. Specific Attention for indigenous peoples and ethnic groups General

a) Requires specific consideration to ensure that concerns and views of indigenouscommunities are fully considered and responded to

b) The Guideline provides guidance on implementing Article 5 of 2015 Ethnic RightsProtection Law

c) Consequences for both the substance of decisions on the project and the process ofpublic participation

d) More vulnerable to adverse impacts from Project Proposals than non-indigenouscommunities (loss of identity, culture, natural resource-based livelihoods and exposureto impoverishment and diseases.)

e) Address potential adverse impacts (culture, beliefs, cultural heritage; customary landuse and natural resources; resource based livelihoods)


Specific Session on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities

2.8.2. Specific Attention for indigenous peoples and ethnic groups Stakeholder identificationa) Identification of PAP and other stakeholders including indigenous peopleb) Consult with the Ethnic Affairs Minister and expertsc) Stakeholder mapping process to identify those people who self-identify as indigenousd) Self-identification as a fundamental criterion for determining the groupse) Definition of ILO Convention 169


Specific Session on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities

2.8.2. Specific Attention for indigenous peoples and ethnic groups Application of FPIC

a) (i) The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognizes specific rights of IP including throughthe application of the FPIC principles(ii) self-determination over their lives including decisions on development projects that might affect them(iii) FPIC process(v) Indigenous PAP raise voice via FPIC in the EIA process

b) The application of FPIC (the project to be developed natural resources on, lands traditionally owned by, or under thecustomary use of IP; relocation of IPs or restriction of their natural resources; impacts on the cultural heritage)

c) Application of the IFC Performance Standard 1 on Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks andImpacts and PS 7 on Indigenous Peoples

d) Good Faith negotiation

e) ECD to take any agreements or lack of agreement into account when reviewing the IEE or EIA Report, if the Project Proposalis approved, attaching conditions to the ECC.


Specific Session on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities

2.8.2. Specific Attention for indigenous peoples and ethnic groups Resettlement

a) Serious consequences for IP

a) Inform ECD and the Union Minister for Ethnic Affairs at the earliest possible stage; Comply with IFC PS 7 and PS 5 on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement; Consider feasible alternatives; if no, obtain FPIC for the resettlement

b) ECD to take into consideration of agreements and non-agreements

c) If IP consent to the proposed resettlement, agree on a Resettlement Action Plan and Livelihood Restoration Plan with ECD and the indigenous peoples involved

d) Public Participation plan allocate sufficient time and resources

e) ECD to make compliance with, and successful completion of, the Resettlement Action Plan and Livelihood Restoration Plan a condition of the ECC for any approved Project Proposals


Specific Session on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities2.8.2. Specific Attention for indigenous peoples and ethnic groups Approach to public participation processes

a) Many barriers to effective participation (language, remote locations, lack of familiarity with the EIAprocess, the need to explain scientific and technical issues using indigenous languages, lack ofknowledge by Project Proponents and EIA consultants in engaging with IPs)

b) Recognize and respect for (culture and beliefs; traditional practices and perspectives on land andnatural resources; communication approaches; and decision making processes)

c) Public participation processes and the Plan must ensure-(i)culturally appropriate manner(ii) understandable to the IPs (to employ more proactive measures)(iii) Involve indigenous peoples’ representative bodies and organizations and other members ofaffected IP communities (women, youth etc.)(iv) provide sufficient time for IP’s decision-making processes


Key Points on Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities


Identify potentially affected Indigenous peoples/ethnic minorities; consequences for both the substance of decisions on the project and the process of public participation, consult with the Ethnic Affairs Ministry and expert anthropologists)

Meaningful consultation with IPs (respect language, culture, traditions, decision making processes…, sufficient time and multiple meetings)

Application of international good practices (IFC PS 7, FPIC process)

Ethnic Regions affected by conflict (to discuss on next session ……..)

Thank You for Paying Attention!

Questions? Comments?

