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6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A

Date post: 07-Jul-2018
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  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    Synchronous GeneratorTests

    To obtain the parameters of asynchronous generator, we performthree simple tests as described below.

    The Resistance Test

    The Open-Circuit Test

    The Short-Circuit Test

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    The Resistance Test

    This test is conducted to measure-windingresistance of a synchronous generatorwhen it is at rest and the eld winding isopen.

    The resistance is measured between twolines at a time and the average of thethree resistance readings is taken to bethe measured value of the resistance, RL,from line to line. If the generator is Y-connected, the per-phase resistance is :

    R A = 0,5 R L

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    The Open-Circuit Test

    The open-circuit test, or the no-loadtest ,is performed by :1) enerator is rotated at the rated

    speed.!) "o load is connected at the

    terminals.#) $ield current is increased from % to

    ma&imum.') (ecord values of the terminal

    voltage and eld current value.

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    Circuit diagram to perform open-circuittest

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    ith the terminals open, * + %, so + / . *t is thus possible to construct a plot

    of +

    or T

    vs * $

    graph. This plot is calledopen-circuit characteristic 0 22) of agenerator. ith this characteristic, it ispossible to nd the internal generated

    voltage of the generator for any giveneld current.

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    Open-circuit characteristic (OCC of agenerator

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    The 22 follows a straight-linerelation as long as the magneticcircuit of the synchronous generatordoes not saturate.3ince, in the linear region, most ofthe applied mmf is consumed by theair-gap, the straight line isappropriately called the air-gapline.

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    The Short-Circuit Test

    The short-circuit test providesinformation about the currentcapabilities of a synchronousgenerator. *t is performed by1) enerator is rotated at rated speed.!) +d4ust eld current to %.#) 3hort circuit the terminals.') 5easure armature current or line

    current as the eld current isincreased.

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    3ince 6 3 77 ( + , the e8uation reducesto:

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    322 is essentially a straight line. To understand why this characteristic is a straight line, look at the e8uivalent circuit belowwhen the terminals are short circuited.

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    hen the terminals are short circuited, the armature current * + is:

    !rom both tests, here we can "nd the internal machine impedance (# $ from OCC, % $ from SCC :

  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


    3hort 2ircuit (atio

    Ratio of the eld current re uired for therated !oltage at open circuit to the eldcurrent re uired for rated armaturecurrent at short circuit.

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  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A


  • 8/18/2019 6. Synchronous Generator Tests-A

