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7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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7 Habits of Highly Effective People 1

7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Learning Outcomes

The session is aimed to help students attain a solid foundation of essential personal & professional management competencies. Using the 7 Habits as a framework, enable participants develop the skills to solve the management challenges they face every day, including:

Improving resourcefulness and encouraging associates to take initiative. Defining and making a contribution. Prioritizing work around the most important goals. Managing performance through Win-Win Performance Agreements Giving constructive feedback. Surfacing best ideas and solutions. Developing teams and managing change.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, is a self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. It has sold over 20 million copies in 39 languages since first publication, which was marked by the release of a 20th anniversary edition in 2009. The book lists seven principles that, if established as habits, are supposed to help a person achieve true interdependent effectiveness.



Habits can be learned and unlearned.Habits are defined as the intersection of

Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm, the what to do and the why.

Skill is how to do. And Desire is the motivation , the want to


In order to make something a habit in our lives, we have to have all three.


The Seven Habits move us through the following stages

Dependence: the paradigm under which we are born, relying upon others to take care of us. the paradigm of “you” Dependent people need others to get what they want.

Independence: the paradigm under which we can make our own decisions and take care of ourselves. the paradigm of “I” Independent people can get what they want through their own efforts.

Interdependence: the paradigm under which we cooperate to achieve something that cannot be achieved independently. the paradigm of “we” Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve success






Habit 1: Be Proactive: Principles of Personal Vision/Choice

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind: Principles of Personal Leadership

Habit 3: Put First Things First: Principles of Personal Management (Integrity & Execution)

Habit 4: Think Win/Win: Principles of Mutual Benefit

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood: Principles of Mutual Understanding

Habit 6: Synergize: Principles of Creative Cooperation

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw: Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal


Principles of Personal Vision & Choice

The word proactive means that we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or social conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling. Proactive people are still influenced by external stimuli but their response, conscious or unconscious, is a value based choice or response.

Be Proactive


Circle of Concern

Circle of influence

We have a wide range of concerns, but not all of

them fall into our circle of influence


“Proactive people focus their efforts in their circle of influence, causing the circle of influence to increase

Reactive people focus their effort in the circle of concern. The negative

energy generated by that focus causes the circle of influence to

shrink” 13

Habit 1: “Be Proact ive”

Highly effective people take the initiative. They are proactive.

They do not impose limits on themselves that prevent them from going ahead.

They recognize that they have the freedom to determine the kind of character they will have.

They may not be able to control their circumstances, but they can decide how to make the best use of those circumstances.


Principles of Personal Leadership

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. Begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference of the criterion by which everything is examined. Each part of your life—today’s behavior, tomorrow’s behavior, next week’s behavior, next month’s behavior—can be examined in the context of the whole, of what really matters most to you.

Begin with the end in mind


Alternative “Centers”

Spouse centered Family centered Money centered Possession centered Work Centered

Pleasure centered Friend/Enemy centered Church centered Self centered

Principle Centered

Write a Personal Mission Statement


Mission Statement"My mission is to develop PEOPLE to grow personally, professionally, emotionally and spiritually by using my compassion, my unique perspective, and my belief in others inherent goodness, integrity, and enormous potential."


Principles of Personal Management

Habit 1 says that you are the programmer. Habit 2 says to write the program. Habit 3 says to run the program. Living it is primarily a function of our independent will, our self-discipline, our integrity, and commitment—not to short-term goals and schedules or to the impulse of the moment, but to the correct principles and our own deepest values, which give meaning and context to our goals, our schedules, and our lives. Organize and execute around priorities.

Put First Things First


The Time Management Matrix

Not UrgentNot UrgentUrgentUrgent


t Im













ant •Exam tomorrow

•Friend gets injured•Pressing problems•Deadline driven Projects, Crises

•Exam tomorrow•Friend gets injured•Pressing problems•Deadline driven Projects, Crises

Planning, goal setting Prevention •Paper due in a month•Exercise & relaxation•Relationship building

Planning, goal setting Prevention •Paper due in a month•Exercise & relaxation•Relationship building

•Unimportant phone calls•Interruptions•Some emails, trivial issues•Peer pressure

•Unimportant phone calls•Interruptions•Some emails, trivial issues•Peer pressure

•Too much TV•Endless phone calls•Excessive computer games•Other time wasters• Excessive chatting

•Too much TV•Endless phone calls•Excessive computer games•Other time wasters• Excessive chatting


The key to time management is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your



Habit 3: “Put First Things First”

We should never let our most important priorities fall victim to the least important.

We spend our time reacting to urgent circumstances and emergencies, and never invest the necessary effort to develop the ability to prevent emergencies in the first place.

We confuse the important with the urgent. The urgent is easy to see. The important is harder to discern.

We must spend more time on planning, avoiding pitfalls, developing relationships, cultivating opportunities and recharging ourselves.

We must focus on “important but not urgent” activities.21

Public Victory – The art of influencing

H5. Seek 1st to Understand and

then to be understood

H5. Seek 1st to Understand and

then to be understoodH4. Win/WinH4. Win/Win

H6. SynergyH6. Synergy


Principles of Interpersonal/Mutual Benefit.

Win/Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win/Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying. With a Win/Win solution all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan. Win/Win is a belief in a Third Alternative. It’s not your way or my way; it’s a better way. And if a solution can’t be found to benefit both parties they agree to disagree agreeably—No Deal.

Think Win/Win


“Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things … I am tempted to think

… there are no little things”

Bruce Barton


Habit 4: “Think Win/Win”

Highly effective people strive for win/win transactions.

They try to ensure that all the parties are better off in the end.

They know that any other kind of transaction is destructive, because it produces losers and, therefore, enemies and bad feelings, such as animosity, defeat and hostility.

A Win-Win mindset can help us multiply our allies.


Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Principles of Mutual Understanding & Empathic Communication

Listening with the intent to understand is called empathic listening. Empathic listening gets inside another person’s frame of reference. You look out through it, you see the world the way they see the world, you understand their paradigm, you understand how they feel. Empathy is not sympathy. Empathic listening involves much more than registering, reflecting, or even understanding the words that are said. You aren’t just listening with your ears, but also with you eyes and your heart. Empathic listening is so powerful because it gives you accurate data to work with.


Habit 5: “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”

To develop win/win relationships, we must find out what the other parties want, and what winning means to them.

We must always try to understand what the other people want and need before we begin to outline our own objectives.

We must not object, argue or oppose what we hear.

We must listen carefully, and think about it. We must try to put ourselves in the other party’s



Principles of Creative Cooperation

Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership. It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people. Simply defined, it meant that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Without doubt, you have to leave the comfort zone of base camp and confront an entirely new and unknown wilderness. You become a pathfinder. You open new possibilities, new territories, new continents, so that others can follow. The essence of synergy is to value differences—to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses.



Habit 6: “Synergize”

Effective synergy depends on communication.

We often don’t listen, reflect and respond but, instead, we hear and react reflexively.

Our reactions may be defensive, authoritarian or passive.

We may oppose or go along — but we do not actively cooperate.

Cooperation and communication are the two legs of a synergistic relationship.



Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal

Habit 7 is preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have—you. It’s renewing the four dimensions of your nature—physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional. Express all 4 motivations. Exercise all four dimensions of our nature regularly and consistently in wise and balanced ways. This is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life—the investment in ourselves. We are the instruments of our own performance, we need to recognize the importance of taking time to regularly sharpen the saw in all four ways.

Exercise, nutrition,

stress management

Value clarification, commitment, meditation,

study, perspective

Reading, visualizing, planning, writing,


Service, empathy, synergy, intrinsic

security, be a good friend






Sharpen the Saw


PhysicalExercise, NutritionStress Management

Social/EmotionalService, Empathy

Synergy, Intrinsic Security

MentalReading, Visualizing

Planning, Writing

SpiritualValue Clarification

& Commitment, Study & Meditation




To Learn To Love

To Live

To Leave a Legacy

Habit 7


Habit 7: “Sharpen the Saw”

We must take care of our bodies with a program of exercise that combines endurance, flexibility and strength.

We must nourish our souls with prayer, meditation, or perhaps by reading great literature or listening to great music.

Mental repair may mean changing bad habits, such as the habit of watching extensive television.

We must work to develop our heart, our emotional connections and our engagement with other people.


Aristotle says

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit".

Our character, basically, is composite of our habits Sow a thought, Reap an action, Sow an action, Reap a habit, Sow a habit, And reap a character".



