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7 habits of highly effective people final presentation

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04/27/12 1 7 Habits of Highly Effective People By Stephen Covey Presented by Karim Meghani Objectives To understand the meaning of ‘Paradigms’ & experience the ‘Paradigm Shifting’ To understand the process of continuum maturity To be aware of the basic foundational ideas of 7 habits To learn different techniques to help us make the 7 habits work To learn how to be effective in our lives
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7 Habits of Highly Effective People By Stephen Covey

Presented by

Karim Meghani


• To understand the meaning of ‘Paradigms’ & experience the ‘Paradigm Shifting’

• To understand the process of continuum maturity

• To be aware of the basic foundational ideas of 7 habits

• To learn different techniques to help us make the 7 habits work

• To learn how to be effective in our lives

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How to understand the material?

• Not a quick fix program

• You have to internalize the material – Learn it (work with your mind in a sustained way)

– Teach it (with in 24 to 48 hrs, you will learn better, and make commitment with the material, cultivate your habits, change your role as a student to a teacher) • Making a statement socially

– Do it

(Apply it to your life)

Change Your Role

• In your mind you have a different role or picture of your self or for your character.

• If you want to change people behavior significantly change people picture of their roles

• Term “Paradigm” the way you see the world or the universe, the way you see your role

• “Paradigm Shift” – – e.g. of Subway with a Man with Kids

• Learn to get a better Paradigm

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What is a Habit?

• Internalize your Principles is a Habit • Habit is overlapping of

– Knowledge (What to do) – Skills (How to do) – Attitude (Want to do or Why to do)

• For e.g. – Customer service in any institution – Youth issues

• 7 Habit of highly effective people will make your growth, it is not a quick fix, it is a continuum maturity process

Dependence to Independence to Interdependence

• Dependence – Character of you, blaming you always – Need people to do every thing for them selves

• Independent – I can do it, self reliance – Can get what they want through your own efforts

• Interdependency – We can do it, we cooperate – They require combine efforts – All the nature and society is interdependency For .e.g. of Ecology We can achieve Interdependence but we have to be independent

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Continuum Maturity

How the personality ethics differentiate from character ethics

• First three habits are basically character habits

• Next habits are the personality habits (natural outgrowth of character)

• Character Ethics contains the basic principles of effective living

• Experience true happiness after learn and integrate these principles in your basic character

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Personality Ethics

Character Ethics

Iceberg of Human Life

Habit 1- Be Proactive

• Be Proactive

• Taking responsibility of your own life

• Response- ability (Ability to choose your response)

• Effective people are proactive

• Behavior is a product of their own decisions based on values rather then be a product of their own condition based on feelings

E.g. Picnic in a storm

• Proactive people tend not blame to anybody or circumstances

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Be Proactive

• Being proactive is really true to your human nature

• Your basic nature is to act and not be acted upon

In past human nature explain by;

• Determinism (don’t choose any thing, choices are nothing then automatic responses to outside conditions or stimuli)

Determinism • Genetic determinism (genetics)

– Grand parents did with you, ancestors did with me

• Psychic determinism (upbringing) – Parents did with you, for e.g. comparison with some body

• Environmental determinism (environment) – Your boss did with you or your spouse or economical

situation, national policy

• Opposite of Proactive people is reactive – Language of reactive people is that I cant do this that is in

my nature because I been raised like this, I am not responsible, increasing feel victimized, not in charge of their own life

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Be Proactive

• Proactive person don’t deny that genetics, upbringing and environment make a difference but they see them as an influence only

• Proactive person exercise his free will, freedom to chose your responses which best applies to your own values, in this case you have a control of your own circumstances rather to be control by them

• How you respond to any situation like a traffic jam, like a disobedient child, problem with family etc

• For e.g. “Man Search for meaning” Victor Frankl (A prisoner in World War II)

Be Proactive

Where is the industry going?

I don’t have time to exercise.

How much money can I expect to make if I do X?

I’ll try it and see what happens.

I’m too tired.

Nothing really inspires me.

What is the meaning of life?

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Be Proactive

Where is the industry going? Where shall I go next, and how will I get there?

I don’t have time to exercise. How shall I make time to exercise?

How much money can I expect to make if I do X?

How much money do I want to make, and what will I do to earn it?

I’ll try it and see what happens.

I'll do it.

I’m too tired. What can I do to increase my energy?

Nothing really inspires me. What would I tackle if I knew I couldn't fail?

What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning I wish to give to my life?

Habit 2- Begin with the End in Mind

• That literary means Image of your end of your life as a frame of reference, as the criteria by which you examine every thing in your life

• Visualization exercise – Attending a funeral of your dear one, imaging your self in

this situation, suppose that this is your funeral and imagine your life 3 years from now. Four people have to deliver a speech about you one from your family, one from your friend, one from your work and one from your community. What the people say about you as a friend, your character, your contribution or about your achievements (think carefully and write in a piece of paper)

• Habit 2 is the clear understanding of your destination

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• Begin with the end in mind • Decide what your own value system is ? • Write your own philosophy, own mission

statement, own believe system, own creed-write in your mind and heart by using your imagination and emotions, don’t tie yourself to your history, tie your self with your potential, also you can use your conscious which can tell you what is right and wrong

• You can also called this habit as the Leadership habit

What is the difference between Leadership & Management

• Leadership

– Deals with direction

• Management

– Deals with speed, coordination, logistic and going on that direction

For e.g. of the Jungle and machete

E.g. of the Managing director of Seattle

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Leadership & Management

What is leadership, and what is the difference between leadership and management?

• In a nutshell, the difference between leadership and management is:

• Leadership is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow, i.e.: a leader is the spearhead for that new direction

• Management controls or directs people/resources in a group according to principles or values that have already been established.

The difference between leadership and management can be illustrated by considering what happens when you have one without the other.

• Leadership without management – ...sets a direction or vision that others follow, without

considering too much how the new direction is going to be achieved. Other people then have to work hard in the trail that is left behind, picking up the pieces and making it work. Eg: in Lord of the Rings, at the council of Elrond, Frodo Baggins rescues the council from conflict by taking responsibility for the quest of destroying the ring - but most of the management of the group comes from others.

• Management without leadership – ...controls resources to maintain the status quo or ensure things

happen according to already-established plans. Eg: a referee manages a sports game, but does not usually provide "leadership" because there is no new change, no new direction - the referee is controlling resources to ensure that the laws of the game are followed and status quo is maintained

For reference : http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/leadership-basics.html

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Subject Leader Manager

Essence Change Stability

Focus Leading people Managing work

Have Followers Subordinates

Horizon Long-term Short-term

Seeks Vision Objectives

Approach Sets direction Plans detail

Decision Facilitates Makes

Power Personal charisma Formal authority

Appeal to Heart Head

Energy Passion Control

Dynamic Proactive Reactive

Persuasion Sell Tell

Style Transformational Transactional

Exchange Excitement for work Money for work

Likes Striving Action

Wants Achievement Results

Risk Takes Minimizes

Rules Breaks Makes

Conflict Uses Avoids

Direction New roads Existing roads

Truth Seeks Establishes

Concern What is right Being right

Credit Gives Takes

Blame Takes Blames


Put First Things First – habit 3

• Management Habit

• Time Management

– Challenge is not to actually to manage the time but to manage yourself (to gain control of time and events in your life by seeing them how they relate to your mission)

– Two dimension importance and urgency create categories of time demands

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• Important – It attaches to habit two, your mission, your roles

and goals. That is important, You to decide your direction

• Urgent – Pressing things upon you, things which give you a

sense of urgency, you must act upon it (for e.g. like ringing phone that phone is ringing may be it is total waste of your time not attached to your mission and goals but it need to be answered)

What first thing first will do?

• Help you focus your priorities, it will help you pay attention to how you spend your time as you act upon you priorities day in day out moment by moment

• Dr. Covey comes up with four division of time that all combination of two term i.e. important & urgent

• Imagine your time in a square box and divide this box with four small squares (time management matrix)

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Time Management Matrix

Q1 Urgent & Important

(Problems, crisis, important meeting with urgent agenda)

Q2 Not Urgent & Important

(it attach your mission and goals but there is no urgency)

Q3 Urgent & Not Important

(its pressing, its that ringing phone , un answered mail, may

be they are urgent but not connecting with your mission &

goals, important to other people)

Q4 Not Urgent & Not Important

(time wasting activities, excessive TV, unnecessary

meeting )


• Think one activity which you did or you want to do which will give your marvelous result – Personal Life – Education life – Work life

• What quadrant this activity fit in? – It will be definitely in Q2 because most of our important

activities are not urgent

• Activity results of each quadrant – Q1 – Management by crisis – Q2 – crisis will become smaller and smaller – Q3- essential but important for other people, learn to say No – Q4- worthless quadrant

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Quadrant 2 Important not urgent

• Saying No to Q3,Q4 you are saying yes to Q2 and reducing our Q1 activities

– For e.g.

• Deep relationship building

• Planning & organizing

• Reading, Exercise, Education

• Reorganizing your life according your vision and mission statement


• First Habit – Habit of personal vision

– Be Proactive

• Second Habit – Habit of personal leadership

– Begin with the end in mind

• Third Habit – Habit of personal management

– First things first

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• Think win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-win means everyone wins because agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying - all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan.

Habit 4 – Think win-win

Habit 4 – Think win-win

• Win-Win Re-scripting - believe in the third alternative. Most of us have scripts that are ineffective (win-lose conditioning) However, we can re-script, or learn new ways of behavior, by improvement through win-win thinking (on the interdependent level).

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Habit 4 – Think win-win

Re-scripting is a three step process:

1. Developing self-awareness

2. Writing new scripts

3. Developing new scripts

Habit 4 – Think win-win

• Win-win relationships come from believing in the third alternative and from willingly abandoning selfish positions to look for it. People who don’t trust each other do not create win-win agreements. Trust comes from the repeated deposits in the emotional bank account. When trust is high, win-win agreements naturally follow. Win-win relationships develop as deposits are made in the Emotional bank account. On the other hand, relationships are destroyed through withdrawals from the emotional bank account.

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Habit 4 – Think win-win

• Integrity. People of integrity are true to their feelings, values and commitments.

• Abundance Mentality. People with Abundance Mentality believe there is plenty for everyone.

• Maturity. Mature people express their ideas and feelings with courage and with consideration for the ideas and feelings of others.

Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Diagnose before you prescribe • It’s easy to immediately diagnose another's situation or

problem and offer advice based on your own paradigm.

• When we overcome the natural tendency to hastily diagnose, jump to conclusions, defend ourselves and push our opinions on other people, our interpersonal communications become more effective.

• It is then, that we can stop reading our own autobiographies into other peoples lives.(4 autobiographical responses are as follows: advising, probing, interpreting and evaluating)

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Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Listening with eyes, ears and heart will help us understand feeling, meaning & content

• Nonverbal expressions are vitally important when we are trying to understand another person. Words only account for 7% of communication.

Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Empathic listening takes practice

• The basic skill of empathic listening is helping the speaker feel understood: reflect feelings, rephrase content OR be able to discern when empathic listening is not appropriate

• Empathic listening give speaker psychological room to think and explore their feelings

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Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

The second half of the skill of creating understanding is seeking to be understood.

• Once we understand, we seek to be understood. Others will be able to understand us if we present our own ideas clearly, specifically, visually, and in the context of a deep understanding of their paradigms and concerns. Like win-win this habit balances courage and consideration. While understanding another person takes consideration, getting another person to understand us takes courage

Habit 6: Synergize

• An Underlying Principle:

– The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

• Key Paradigms:

– ‘I value the differences in others and seek the Third Alternative’

• Valuing the Differences

• Creating the Third Alternative

• The whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts

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Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

• An Underlying Principle:

– Production (results) requires development of Production Capability (resources)

• Key Paradigms:

– ‘I will increase my effectiveness through personal renewal in each of the four dimensions of my life’

– ‘I will continuously improve’

• Four dimensions of Renewal

• The Upward Spiral

• Principal-Cantered Living

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

• Sharpen the saw means maintaining and improving the things that help us accomplish our work and other desires.

• Woodsman story

4 dimensions of renewal

• Physical

• Mental

• Spiritual

• Social/emotional

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Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Make gradual changes every day

• The only constant in life is change. People cannot live with change if they don’t have a changeless core inside them. Whatever is at the center of their lives will be the source of their security, guidance, wisdom and power.

• Security - sense of worth

• Guidance - source of direction

• Wisdom - perspective in life

• Power - capacity to act

Next Steps

• Work from the inside out

– Starting with why and why we are naturally wired to start from the inside out in every successful task we complete.

– Be a light tower

– Consciously work to change habits

– Focus on the Circle of influence

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Circle of influence

