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7 Step Programme

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The 7-step programme helps us to experience just-a-minute as an exploration, a journey to uncover the true power of our minds through accurate understanding of who we are.
7 Step Programme How to use the 7 steps The 7-step programme helps us to experience just-a-minute as an exploration, a journey to uncover the true power of our minds through accurate understanding of who we are. How?... Using the one-minute meditations, in each step, we can experience the true feelings behind such words as ‘relaxation’ and ‘meditation’. The power of just-a-minute gently cultivates self-understanding and with easy daily practice, one minute at a time, we can bring fresh inspiration and enthusiasm for life. Then there is the greater leap!… Consider connecting with the eternal source of fabulous feeling…..with this move we can really experience a natural ever-present power in our lives…..’ “It’s all about enlivened thinking” How to use the 7 steps Step 1 - Relaxation - Relaxation is about letting go of tension and stress and bringing the mind and body to ... Step 2 - Concentration - Concentration allows me to use my time productively. Having relaxed ... Step 3 - Visualisation - Visualisation is using our thoughts to imagine something or ... Step 4 - Meditation - Meditation is reflecting deeply on who we really are and then ... Step 5 - Silence - Silence is not simply the absence of sound; it is ... Step 6 - Sharing - Sharing is to have something valuable and to give it with ... Step 7 - Connecting - Connecting is reviving our eternal relationship with ... It takes just a minute to transform your world:
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7 Step Programme

How to use the 7 steps

The 7-step programme helps us to experience just-a-minute as an

exploration, a journey to uncover the true power of our minds through

accurate understanding of who we are.

How?... Using the one-minute meditations, in each step, we can experience

the true feelings behind such words as ‘relaxation’ and ‘meditation’. The

power of just-a-minute gently cultivates self-understanding and with easy

daily practice, one minute at a time, we can bring fresh inspiration and

enthusiasm for life.

Then there is the greater leap!… Consider connecting with the eternal

source of fabulous feeling…..with this move we can really experience a

natural ever-present power in our lives…..’

“It’s all about enlivened thinking”

How to use the 7 steps

Step 1 - Relaxation - Relaxation is about letting go of tension and stress and bringing the mind

and body to ...

Step 2 - Concentration - Concentration allows me to use my time productively. Having relaxed


Step 3 - Visualisation - Visualisation is using our thoughts to imagine something or ...

Step 4 - Meditation - Meditation is reflecting deeply on who we really are and then ...

Step 5 - Silence - Silence is not simply the absence of sound; it is ...

Step 6 - Sharing - Sharing is to have something valuable and to give it with ...

Step 7 - Connecting - Connecting is reviving our eternal relationship with ...

It takes just a minute to transform your world:

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1. Relaxation

Sit back and relax...

Disengage with activities and decisions for a moment. Let go of tension and

stress, to bring the mind and body into a state of calm and peace. Take the

foot off the accelerator...slow down the relentless pace of life, and ease into

a natural rhythm. The journey starts here!

What am I relaxing?

It’s great to go for a walk, have a bubble bath or take a yoga class. Taking

deep breaths and relaxing the muscles can remove tension in the body. Yet

the most powerful way to feel calm inside is to learn to relax the mind.

What is going on?

Food nourishes the body yet the mind drives it. The body does as the mind

tells it. Without a filter, our senses are on overdrive and our mind becomes

dominated by what is happening around us. Continuous stimulation from

sight, smell, sound, taste and touch tends to result in a speedy mind and

contributes to physical exhaustion. We need to create relaxing thoughts, as

used in these one minute meditations, to consciously free the mind from

the noise of the outer world. Thus, we are strengthened, the body relaxed

and the senses cooled. My mind is quiet.

Practice: Windows to relax

Take a break to relax regularly, especially at the beginning and end of the

day; before a potentially tricky encounter and after periods of hard work.

When we catch ourselves thinking, “I can’t stop now – too much to

do!”...this is just the moment to stop and practise j-a-m.

Benefits of relaxation

A natural antidote to stress

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Can help restful sleep

Can aid faster recovery from illness

Puts us back in the driving seat

1 Space for Quietness

Taking just a minute

I sit comfortably,

quiet and still.

In the quietness

I watch my mind,

I feel my senses

gently I speak to them:

"for a moment stop,

just stop,

relax and be calm;

become free of hearing, seeing, doing.

Just stop".

Now I am in peace;

I am serene,

I am quiet.

2 Relaxing my Mind

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I sit comfortably relaxed …

Inviting my senses to relax …

Meeting them as friends …

Appreciating the work they do, I now choose to give them a break …

I imagine closing the motorways of my senses …

My thoughts begin to slow down… my mind becomes clear…

For a few moments, nothing is moving …

My mind is free… resting …

I now return with clarity.

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3 Relaxing

Taking just a minute

I sit comfortably,

gently my breath slows down;

I relax my body.

I let go of speed,

of the rush and push of thoughts.

Relaxing, letting go of these thoughts

I become still;

I become peaceful

Peace flows through my mind

through my body.

I am peaceful, calm, relaxed.

4 Mental Oxygen

Taking just a minute

I stop,

relaxing my body completely,

I breathe slowly.

In this moment

with one thought,

I refresh my tired mind.

With the thought

"I am peaceful

I am tranquil,


my mind receives a new breath.

My mind relaxes, is refreshed

and I remain

in this deep breath

of fresh thought,

peaceful, tranquil, serene

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5 Breathing Calm

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I take a few moments to focus on my breathing…

As I breathe in, I imagine gathering all my tense or anxious thoughts…

And as I breathe out, I blow all those thoughts away…

Now, as I breathe in – I draw down calm and tranquil thoughts from my mind…

And as I breathe out, I spread these thoughts through my body…

The body relaxes and my mind becomes free

6 Being Relaxed

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I sit comfortably and allow my body to relax…

Gently releasing any areas of tension …

Focusing my attention on the centre of my forehead, I take a moment to look at the screen of

my mind …

The speed of my thoughts begins to slow down …

Until my mind is quiet and still …………….

My body and mind relaxed I once again become aware of my surroundings.

2. Concentration

The Story of Two Wolves

A Grandfather from the Cherokee Nation was talking with his grandson. "A

fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is

between two wolves." "One wolf is evil and ugly: He is anger, envy, war,

greed, self-pity, sorrow, regret, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,

superiority, selfishness and arrogance." "The other wolf is beautiful and

good: He is friendly, full of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,

kindness, benevolence, justice, fairness, empathy, generosity, truth,

compassion, gratitude, and deep vision." "This same fight is going on inside

you and inside every other human as well." The grandson paused in deep

reflection because of what his grandfather had just said. Then he finally

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cried out; "Oyee! Grandfather, which wolf will win?" The elder Cherokee

replied, "The one I feed."

Thoughtful Choice

It’s important to choose which thoughts we give our time and attention to. A

thought leads to a feeling, which leads to an awareness and that leads to

our experience of life. When we tune into our true, natural self the

experience of happiness bubbles up.

Having relaxed and freed ourselves from the noise of the outer world, we

are ready to look into our inner world of thoughts and feelings and begin to

nourish “the good wolf”. This works like magic! A mind well nourished

becomes our friend.

Strengthening the mind

By focusing on our beautiful thoughts and feelings we develop natural

concentration. Using the one minute meditations regularly strengthen this.

It is then easy to keep an appreciative outlook, hold interest and use time


Train a wandering mind

What to do when the mind still wanders? We can step back and observe

our own negative or unhelpful thoughts, as if they are clouds passing by,

without getting caught up in them. Then we gently focus our mind on

positive empowering thoughts. With practice our natural habit of

concentrating on the positive returns and our mind wanders less.

j-a-m practice: keeping focus

Taking regular moments to check-in with the mind throughout the day,

increases the power of concentration, so we can see clearly and make

great choices with confidence.

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Benefits of concentration

Easy decision-making

Most efficient use of time and energy

Longer attention span

Clear memory

Retaining information

7 Transformative Focus

Taking just a minute

I sit quietly.....still.

I begin to see

how the habit

of getting stuck

in negativity

has derailed my mind

into fear and anger.


in this moment of quiet concentration

I decide to transform

every negativity

into a positive opportunity

to create betterment.

In this quietness of mind

I feel free...


I become confident.

Now I step out into my day,

observing and interacting

with new clarity

and positivity.

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8 Slow Food

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I become fully aware and focus on what I am eating…

Seeing it completely, tasting it fully and eating slowly…

Fully mindful of the energy and vitamins nourishing my body…

I taste more acutely, adding joy to what I eat…

My body thanking me for the physical and mental sustenance it has received

9 Positive Focus

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I reflect on how I can turn what seems to be negative into something positive…

I let go of any negative thoughts, lightening the load in my mind…

Feeling light inside ...

I focus my mind on the positive …….

Visualising the problem…choosing to see it as a challenge…

Visualising any mistakes… seeing them as opportunities to learn…

Tuning my mind into a more positive outlook … my day begins to change

10 Plugging In

Taking just a minute, I decide to unplug from the necessary and the unnecessary

things constantly bustling around me. With one concentrated thought I turn inside,

connecting with my positive source of wellbeing. Keeping my thought gently focussed I begin

to feel a current of positivity recharging and refreshing me. This current of wellbeing remains

switched on throughout the day.

11 Focusing my Thoughts

Taking Just-a-Minute…

Sitting quietly I become aware of my surroundings…

I focus on an object in front of me, allowing it to fill my awareness…

Letting go of any distractions; I hold only the object in my awareness…

Even if I am distracted, I gently return my focus to the object…

I identify one quality of that object….

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I focus my attention on this …

I hold that one thought …

12 Focusing Thought

Taking just a minute

I step back from

the noise, and


and become quiet.

Letting go of every other thought

I focus on one thought:

"I am a being of peace,

I am a being of peace."

Holding this thought

in deep concentration

I feel the peace

released into every corner of my being.

This concentrated thought,

this point of focussed energy,

refreshes my mind

and my day.

3. Visualisation

Who hasn’t day-dreamed about a beautiful world...imagine!

Visualisation is using our thoughts creatively so our mind flourishes and our

concentration deepens. When we see ourselves happy, we touch

happiness within the self; this creates the experience and hence the reality.

The more we explore our inner goodness, with the power of visualisation,

the more we become it. Life flows with well-being and success.

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Make your mind work for you

The mind generates energy in the form of thoughts. The images and

thoughts we create at each moment directly influence our emotional and

physical well-being. Visualise yourself eating a mango and you will

experience the sweetness. So, imagine what the effect would be on our

thoughts and feelings, if we learnt to emerge peaceful and benevolent

images at will! Visualising scenes in which we use a positive quality, such

as patience or kindness, will make that quality more easily available when

we need it.

Are we distracted?

When we let people grab our attention and influence the images on the

screen of our mind, we allow ourselves to be led by their thoughts and

feelings. We allow others to push our buttons of negative reaction. This

explains why sometimes we are unable to relax when we want to. With

visualisation we can choose what images we hold in our mind - taking back

the remote control! This restores our ability to focus our attention where we

wish and so become the master of our mind in the moment.

j-a-m in practice - seeing ourselves content

Taking one minute breaks to see ourselves at our best and stable

throughout our day, strengthens the ability we have to use our original

humane values. This rekindles our self-respect and our appreciation of

others, regardless of the situations and challenges we face. When we use

visualisation in this way rather than for material gain, we experience

happiness tapping into a richer and deeper reality.

Benefits of visualisation

Helps us respond to a difficult situation or problem by understanding

the need, creating a solution

Brings positivity to life by experiencing ourselves in a way that

benefits both ourselves and those around us

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Stimulates and energises our inner strength, enthusiasm, courage,

determination and decisiveness. This helps us live a life aligned with

values we cherish

Allows us to tap into our own inner wisdom

Restores our innate creative capacity

13 Unlimited Possibilities

Taking just a minute,

I see

in my mind

what I can be.

I can be an ocean,

whose waves soothe and refresh

my depths offer silence

my blue face

sparkles "welcome",

jump in and cool off.

I can be a lighthouse,

tall and stable

seen and trusted by all;

I can be an angel

whose hand offers friendship,

whose touch heals the heart,

whose wings embrace difference,

whose light creates hope.

I can be all this and more!

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14 The Kaleidoscope of Life

Taking just a minute

With a thought

I peacefully step back

and see pieces

of ideas, people and words

scattered this way and that,

in anger, ego and argument.

With a thought

I calmly observe,

with patience and faith;

gradually I see

pieces upon pieces

quietly integrate.

In this moment

I am given Perspective,

The Kaleidoscope of Life,

where every piece

has its part,

I no longer insist

that any one piece

is the only reality.

I realise

nothing's that bad

or impossible to change.

15 Rising Above

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I imagine stepping into a hot air balloon…

The balloon slowly lifting up into the blue sky…

Looking down I see the picture of my life… any problems seem so small…

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I take this moment to enjoy silence…peace and to rest my mind

As the balloon gently descends,

I return to my day with a quiet and peaceful mind.

16 The Forest

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I imagine walking down a country lane …that leads me into a forest …

I see the tall trees …

The ferns on the forest floor …

Filled with shades of green …

I feel the still atmosphere around me

As I look up I see the rays of the sun …

Shining through the trees …

I feel their penetrating warmth ….

I allow myself to be re-energised

17 Letting Go

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I imagine myself standing on the bank of a river

Watching the water flow …

I notice the fishes among the water-lilies

And a small boat close by …

The boat is not tied down and is about to drift …

I decide to place all worries, fears and anxieties in the boat

And gently push it away …

Watching the boat drift into the distance

I feel light and at ease …

Free and relaxed…

18 Freedom

Taking just a minute

I imagine myself

like a bird taking flight

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totally free.

I am free

from the past,

from complaint, blame,

and desire for revenge.

Gliding high above,

I create space,

to gain new perspective,

an opportunity to learn

from whatever has happened.

Seeing clearly,

I can let go of all fear,

I can trust who I am

I can trust Life

I am free,

Only the true me remains,


flying high.

4. Meditation

It is not what we think it is...

Meditation is focusing our concentration and remembering deeply our

eternal identity and re-awakening a wonderful state of well-being.

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So who is thinking and feeling?

Our name? Our body?

It is the soul, I the soul, who is a tiny, subtle point of pure, living energy,

spark like, that uses the body to express itself. We are seated in the pilot

seat, behind the eyes, in the centre of the forehead – distinct from the

brain. Experience the self in this way and emerge an incredible feeling of


Why do we identify with who we know? Our position at work? How much

money we earn? Where we live? And so on.... because we are in a state of

amnesia! We have confused the actor with the role. So who is the actor?

The soul.

Our soul reality

As we shift our awareness away from such an ordinary identity, we wake

up to the dignity of who we truly are. Tapping into the goodness within, we

experience our life energy of peace, love, joy, and wisdom. We are what

we are looking for. Our beauty lies within this eternal identity. Try these

just-a-minute meditations to feel it. Practise and touch this soul reality, and

see fears and sorrow melt away.

j-a-m practice: Being myself

Release the grip of the past, relationships, influences and expectations –

they will always be present. Instead give energy to strengthening the

relationship with the real me. How? Get going one minute at a time. Keep

breaking free and allow self-trust and dignity to blossom.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation can help improve every area of our life and work. There is now a

considerable body of scientific research that demonstrates the beneficial

effects of meditation on both our mental and physical state.

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Benefits of meditation:

Nourishes the innate goodness within.

Immunises against negative influence.

Emerges confidence and faith in the self

Allows us to appreciate and love the self

Energises the self

Enables us to regain a deep state of inner peace and well-being

Brings a new vision of others ...we are all souls

Gives a sense of connection

19 The True Self

Taking just a minute

in calm silence,

I observe

that I am energy,

a point of immortality,

different from the energies

of time, sound and matter

I begin to realise that

I am an actor

within this costume, my body

playing my part

on the stage of Life.

Remembering my point-like reality

I feel the strength

of peace and love

empower and free me from

everything hurtful.

Now I have the strength

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to master the external world

of relationships and situations.

20 Self-Esteem

Taking just a minute,

quietly I remember

my original goodness,

my original identity.

Going deeper inside

to that sacred point

of self-awareness

I re-link

with my spiritual self.

I remember,

I know who I am.

This spiritual recognition

empowers me

with dignity

and assurance.

I rediscover





from this point of reference,

I can interact

within my social and material reality

with empathy and enthusiasm.

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21 Remembering

Taking just-a-minute

I sit quietly

and reflect on

who I am,

who I really am.

I begin to remember,

begin to feel

the Original Goodness,

an intrinsic positivity

that somehow had been forgotten.

In the quietness


this original,

spiritual selfhood,

peace and respect

begin to flow.

Feeling restored,


I return


to the outer world

of sound and action.

22 Point of Focus

Taking Just-a-Minute…

Gently I bring my energy …away from the external…

I bring all my attention up through my body to a point in the middle of my forehead just above

and behind the eyes…

Towards a single point of focus inside I now look through my eyes as if they are windows…

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I am a still point of awareness looking through the eyes to the world ‘out there’…

I am this still point …..

Silent and powerful…

23 Feeling Safe

Taking Just-a-Minute…

Like a tortoise

I move into the safety of my inner world

and experience a world free from distractions…

I feel secure, protected ……….

Knowing that I am true to myself

I experience my true value ...

Independent of the influence of others …..

I now gently step back into my surroundings..

24 A Clear Mind

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I turn my attention inwards….

I silently observe my thoughts, each thought a ripple on the surface of a lake …

I gently remind myself ….. I am like that deep, tranquil lake …

As my mind touches tranquillity

I allow calmness to wash over me

Clearing the mind … returning me to my true peaceful nature

I allow peace to flow into my actions

5. Silence

So now pause with yourself...

Meditating on the self as a soul , we start to experience the power of true

silence, which is sweet, peaceful, rich and powerful. It is the ‘language of

the soul’, being able to feel supremely comfortable and stable. When we

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are touching the ‘heart’ of our selves we are light and vibrant...we are


Vital silence

Silence is the fertile space for natural expression of our inner goodness as

well as the space where new and powerful ideas can emerge. It lies deeper

than our every day thinking; the complexities of everyday life and the

accumulated clutter.

The Real and the Eternal

Living our life without pressing the pause button is like playing music

without any silence between the notes. If we deny ourselves silence for fear

of the dissonance of our own thoughts, we deprive ourselves of life’s

greatest treasure, our eternal truth and beauty.

j-a-m practice: The Power of Pause

In the silent pause we are putting a brake on the doing , the thinking and

the speaking, we are giving ourselves space and time to be attentive, to

observe the traffic of our daily life. We then re-enter the day with clarity and

perspective. Taking just-a-minute regularly, we can keep in-tune with the

self...free from inner noise.

Benefits of silence

Release the experience of the sweetness of the soul

Allows space to welcome inspiration and powerful ideas

Nourishes creativity

Deepens inner stability

Renews our perspective

Brings clarity to make timely decisions

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25 The Mirror

Taking just a minute

I become silent;

second by second

this silence increases.

and becomes a mirror

that reflects

my every thought,

feeling and attitude.

In this mirror of silence

I see my day:

each sadness,

each joy,

As I swim deeper

I discover Original Goodness,

Original Wisdom,

Pure Love.

I feel this is the Reality;

I realise

I must dive into the silence

and look into the mirror

many times

during my day.

26 The Art of Silence

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I stop and observe the space between my thoughts…

I move into that space with my awareness…and it begins to expand…

I feel the power that lies between and behind my thoughts…

It is the power of who I am…

It is the strength within ……..

I begin to see the potential of my life

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27 Inner Light

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I relax my body and become aware of my inner light

I visualise each one of my thoughts ….weaving itself into this light

I draw form my heart the power of inner peace

………and the light of love

My thoughts are filled with compassion and forgiveness……

Patience and tolerance

28 Creating Inner Space

Taking just a minute

I move away from the bustle

and chatter of my mind,

and with a determined thought

I create a space for silence within.

I create and hold

a feeling of harmony,

a feeling of peace

within this space.

Each second,

each thought,

drop by drop

gradually expands

till this inner space

becomes a reservoir

of tranquillity.

Now, whenever I wish

with a thought,

drop by drop,

I can create

this tranquil pool

and find release

from every tension.

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29 Brake for a Brake

Taking just a minute I stop, I take a break Just to be still, and to fill my life with quietness, is

all I need in this moment. A brake on the doing, the thinking and the speaking, gives me

space and time to be attentive, to observe the traffic of my daily life. In the silence break I

realign myself, and with clarityre-enter my day, effectively coping with the jams, the shouts,

the busyness. Now, several times during the day I take this brake for silence.

30 Being Myself

Taking Just-a-Minute ...

I imagine that I am an actor - the scenes of the day have ended ...

the curtains have been drawn

I see myself stepping off the stage ...

I have played many roles ... ... ...

Filled with many expectations ... ... ...

It’s time to return to my true self ...

The inner being ... ...

I become still and silent inside ... ...

I resonate with the silence, and the total stillness within

6. Sharing

What we think is what we share

We all know how the mood of one person can create an atmosphere that

affects the whole room. When we are experiencing our goodness, we share

it with those we live, work and interact with; this is logical. This also allows

others to be just the way they are.

Nourishing abundance

By learning to meditate we are developing a beautiful relationship with

ourselves. Having good wishes for the self insilence, we build our self love .

Authenticity and kindness flow. Love for, and friendship with ourselves,

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brings a natural love and friendship with others – even those I may not like

so much!

Natural friendship

Isn’t an easy friendship more valuable than a diamond? When there is

empathy, trust and care we naturally give and with this enjoy and

appreciate relationships. Taking just-a-minute we can tap into our natural

generosity which brings an abundance of goodness into our lives.

Jam practice: An act of kindness

Wherever we are and whatever we’re doing, taking just-a-minute to

remember the best in ourselves and see the best in those around me

naturally creates an peaceful and generous atmosphere. Acceptance,

mutual respect, cooperation and contentment grow and see how kindness

flourishes in every area of life!

Benefits of Sharing

attracts easy cooperation

cultivates friendliness

nourishes the joy of giving

creates abundance within the self

initiates cycles of generosity

31 Positive Influence

Taking Just-a-Minute…

Like an incense stick, I release the aroma of calm thoughts and pure feelings …

The fragrance curls through the air, circling, dreamily rising …

Permeating the atmosphere and influencing the mood in the room …

Creating an environment of ease and comfort …

Offering wellbeing …

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32 Moments of Peace

Taking Just-a-Minute…

As peace becomes my friend …

I recognise its power …

Drop by drop…

I create moments of peace …

Sprinkling them onto the world…

Touching hearts…

Reigniting hope…

I am at one with the world

Sharing moments of peace…

33 Generosity

Taking just a minute

I reflect on

the beauty of generosity.

I remember

the silent Majesty

of a Tree.

Its branches,

a haven for the birds,

its shade so welcome

in the summer sun,

its fruit so refreshing,

its seeds provide for future generations.

It always stands silent;

its roots, invisible,

gather nourishment

for its gifts to Humanity.

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My roots,

of thoughts, attitudes and feelings,

when selfless,

offer priceless gifts to others.

34 Catalyst

Taking just a minute

I quietly watch

the amber sunlight,

awaken the eyes from sleep,

emerge the flower from its seed,

blanket the earth with warmth.

According to time and need,

it does what it has to do

with care,

in quietness,


sharing all of itself

to allow others to be.

When I am true to myself,

when I have that completeness,

that contentment within,

I can be like sunlight

sharing and giving

without wanting or taking.

35.Bringing Light

Taking Just-a-Minute…

Turning inwards…

I visualise myself as a lighthouse…

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Strong … firm … stable …

Spreading light in all directions, illuminating the way for others…

I spread the light of love … peace ….and joy…

Empowering others on their journey…

36 Availability

Taking just a minute I ponder on how to share. I listen to the flute player harmonising

notes into a melody. The flute, an instrument in the hands of the wise musician is always

available, accessible, never says: I'm too tired; not now; its too much work, At times, I need

to stop, and just be still,available for The Divine Musician to play a melody of

kindness though me to anyone. at anytime.

7. Connecting


Imagine having free and continual access to a powerhouse! Imagine being

able to plug into and experience a pristine source of pure and benevolent

energy. Imagine feeling loved, cared for and nourished fully whenever we

need. Imagine a friend that never leaves you. Imagine feeling completely

accepted. Imagine someone who has total faith in you. Is this possible?

The Perfect One

When we look for the perfect relationship, we are really searching for

something we have lost. Each of us has deep, perhaps unconscious

memories of a divine relationship with the One who is perfect. This non-

physical Being has been given many names through the ages but is always

remembered as radiant light.

Understanding the self as a soul, an eternal being of light, we move

into ‘soul reality’. Stable in this identity we can connect with the One Soul

who has never forgotten who they are nor ever lost their power...who

shines brightly constantly. This is the Supreme Soul, the Supreme Source

of positive energy.

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Connecting soul-to-Soul

Whenever we wish, we can return to this exquisite relationship which will

always enrich and empower us. Gradually as we connect and take this

companionship into our everyday life, our conscience is enlivened and

heart restored a little at a time.

j-a-m in practice: the eternal Relationship

Let’s not wait until we are in real trouble to remember the One who is

available to us at every moment. By taking regular minutes throughout the

day we can enjoy and experience the power of this relationship and what it

then allows us to do and be. Become free from all that bothers us and

experience the lightness of being...wellbeing.

Benefits of connecting

Taps into an unlimited power flow

Welcomes the most beautiful influence into our lives

Empowers ‘soul reality’

Comforts the heart

Allows us to let go of negativity easily

Develops trust in the eternal self, beyond the senses

Supports the flowering of our goodness

Nurtures feelings of security and safety

Strengthens the will power to overcome old habits

37 The Power of Love

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I gently invoke the power of love … by opening my heart to the One…

Experiencing my eternal connection with God …

The One who comforts all hearts…

Feeling God’s love…the love of acceptance… I learn to accept myself …

My heart is comforted by unconditional love …

And begins to fill with compassion …

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I remain open and patient…

Ready to share love unconditionally ………..

38 The Original Relationship

Taking just a minute,

I come to my Home.

I see the Supreme Soul,

a radiant point of energy.

I am His child, His Friend

He calls,

I come closer.

I feel nurtured,


I feel safe,


The One who is Pure Love

accepts me as I am,

all fears

and disappointments melt.

He whispers through a thought:

"With every breath,

through every storm

just take my Hand

and hold on,

use my strength

and move on".

This sacred Friendship

embraces me

through all eternity.

39 Source of Peace

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I turn my mind towards the Source of peace …

The rays of peace reach out and embrace me …….

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my mind is enveloped in peace ……

Peace, nourishing my inner self …

Healing … soothing …my entire being …

My original nature of peace is nurtured …

40 Recharging

Taking just a minute

to recharge

I disconnect

from sound and action


my true nature,

a pure point of energy

my attention travels

upwards to my original home

of peace and tranquillity

In front of me

a shining star

the loving power

of the Supreme Soul

envelops me

Filling me

with strength

and optimism

I am empowered,


Now, stepping out

into the flow of Life,

I am strong, fresh,


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41 Re-energise

Taking Just-a-Minute…

I still my mind…

I remember the peace and power of my inner being ……..

In my mind’s eye, I see a point of radiant golden light ………

I connect …

pure energy flows into my mind …

I recharge and re-energise …

I feel that light, that power to be my own …

I become whole once again …

42 Home, Sweet Home

Taking just a minute I connect with myself, to that point of eternal existence. With a

thought, I, the actor, detach from the drama of life and travel to my original Home, a world of

eternal peace, of warm, golden light, of complete silence,absolute stillness. I realise this is

God s Home my Home the original Home of all Humanity Here we are all equal,peaceful,

united. Here, beyond the drama I am in absolute stillness, at rest, with God, my eternal


8. Kids Meditation

43 The Quiet Cave

Close your eyes, be very still and imagine you are sitting all alone in a quite cave

Looking out into a sandy beach where peaceful children are collecting shells

You can hear the sounds of the waves lapping against the shore

Listen to the seagulls calling as they fly around in the clear blue sky

If you listen very carefully you might be able to hear the crabs scuttling lightly

Across the sand. Can you hear them

As you stay here in the quiet cave

You feel completely safe and very peaceful

Let these lovely feelings of peace wash all over you

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Repeat to yourself in your mind

I am safe, I am safe, I am safe

44 The Floating Balloon

Close your eyes and be very still

And imagine you are holding a big balloon

It is very light

This balloon is so light it starts to float up into the air

Hold on tight and feel the balloon gently rising into the sky

The big balloon is pulling you further and further into the air

Take a deep breath in and then breathe out slowly

Breathe in deeply, breathe out slowly

Each time you breathe in and out

you gently glide further and further into the warm sky

Breathe in, breathe out Breathe in, breathe out Breathe in, breathe out

45 Soaking in Sunshine

Close your eyes, be very still and imagine you are lying down outside in the sunshine

Your body feels totally relaxed

As you lie comfortably in the soft grass

The rays of sun are soaking into your muscles

Warming and relaxing your whole body

Feel the warmth of the sun on your legs and let them relaxed

Let the muscles around your tummy relaxed

Feel the sun’s rays on your shoulders and arms as you relax into the spongy grass

Now feel the warm sun on your face

As the sun touches it your whole face relaxes

Relax your forehead, your cheeks, your eyes and your mouth


46 Peaceful River

Close your eyes be very still and imagine you are in a small boat

Drifting down the river

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Lie back and allow the soft breeze and river currents to move you gently along

As you lie there let your whole body be completely still

You can feel the softness of the sunshine on your skin

You hear the birds singing quietly and the water rippling gently

You feel totally content and serene

As you lie there, let all the muscles in your body relaxed

Breathe in and out and feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation

47 Light as a Feather

Close your eyes, be very still

And imagine your whole body becoming as light as a feather

Wriggle your toes and imagine them becoming so light

They start to float into the air

Let them drift upwards

And now feel as if your legs are turning into feathers

Can you feel them starting to drift upwards

Now feel your tummy becoming soft and light

Let your tummy become soft and relaxed

Feel your chest becoming soft and light like a feather

Enjoy this feeling as your body slowly gets lighter and lighter

Feel your arms becoming light

Let your fingers gently relaxed and float upwards

And finally let your head be light

Feel all the tension melt away as your head becomes soft and light

Keep repeating to yourself

I am as light as a feather

I am light, I am light, I am light, I am light

48 Feeling Safe

Close your eyes, be very still and imagine you are a tortoise

Lying in the warm grass

Whenever you feel like becoming really peaceful

You can curl up inside your strong protective shell

It feels so safe in your shell

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It is like being in a very safe home

As you breathe in and out you are filling your shell with warm air

Making it feel very cosy inside

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out

Keep repeating to yourself I am still, I am still, I am still

How long can you stay still in this relaxed position.

49 Bubbles of Peace

Close your eyes and be very still

And imagine you are holding a huge bottle of bubble liquid

You are going to blow some bubbles

These are special peace bubbles that would drift through the world

Spreading peace everywhere

First become very peaceful

Now take your bubble wand breathe in peace

And as you blow out blow out as many bubbles as you can

Imagine you are filling each bubble with peace

Breathe in peace again and blow out peace into the bubbles

Now watch the bubbles drift upwards into the sky and move along

Where in the world would you like to send your peace bubbles to

50 Being Relaxed

Close your eyes and be very still

Now just imagine your body is so relaxed

That you feel as if you are slowly sinking into the ground

Let your feet become heavy and relaxed

And feel them slowly sinking downwards

Now let your legs become heavy and sink downwards

Let your back become soft and sink down deeper and deeper

Your arms become heavy and are sinking

Your head is heavy and relaxes deeply

Stay into this wonderful deep relaxation

As long as you wish
