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3M Traffic Safety Systems 3M High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting 3 HIP Specification Guidelines

3M Traffi c Safety Systems3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Refl ective Sheeting


HIP Specifi cationGuidelines

ContentsHIP is fi t for purpose

Specifying HIP using BS 8408

Sign labelling

Case studies - Anything and Everything (CarillionWSP and Highways Agency Area 12) - HIP HIP Hooray (Northumberland County Council Sign Shop) - Chalk and Cheese (Standard Signs and Traffi c Systems Ltd)

What more could you want? The benefi ts of HIP

BS 8408:2005

Declaration of conformity to BS 8408:2005

Declaration of conformity to EN BS 12899-1:2001

High Intensity Prismatic Refl ective Sheeting product bulletin

12 year performance guarantee and warranty statement

HIP is fi t for purposeSince its launch High Intensity Prismatic (HIP) Refl ective Sheeting has been extensively used by many specifi ers on signs used in a wide variety of road types and signing situations and has become the material of choice at Class Ref 2 performance level for many specifi ers.

Specifi ers have confi dently chosen HIP knowing that 3M had extensively tested it to ensure that it

met the performance requirements of all relevant standards,

• BS 873:part 6 Class 1 (BSI report number 247/4564727)

• BS EN 12899-1 Class Ref 2 (BSI report number 247/4619755)

• BS 8408:2005

Specifying HIP

Specifying Engineers at Local Authority and HA level have been free to write their own specifi cations

and request their own performance tables for retrorefl ective sheetings. That is how microprismatics

have been specifi ed prior to BS 8408 being published.

Local Authority specifi ers remain able to specify products they are satisfi ed are fi t for purpose

The Highways Agency (HA) is now revising the 1200 series documents to introduce BS 8408 as a

specifi cation tool. This will enable the HA to extensively use microprismatic materials such as HIP

and DG3.

In a recent communication the HA have stated:

If microprismatic material is specifi ed (in accordance with BS 8408: 2005) then the traffi c sign

shall be manufactured from microprismatic sheeting and the tests shall be in accordance with

BS 8408: 2005. In this situation, microprismatic signs have been specifi ed, so delivery of

microprismatic signs is acceptable to the HA.

This clearly shows that delivery and use of HIP signs is acceptable to the HA as long as the signface

material is specifi ed using BS8408: 2005 and the sign construction meets BS EN 12899-1: 2001.

Specifying HIP using BS 8408Specifi ers can use one or more of the BS 8408 scenario ratings below to specify a microprismatic sign sheeting that performs at the Class Ref 2 refl ectivity level:

Principal and motorway situations

D1 A1 V1 P1 LA ≥ 1.0 left hand mounted directional sign on 60 - 70 mph road - car

D1 A1 V2 P1 LA ≥ 0.4 left hand mounted directional sign on 60 - 70 mph road - truck

Primary Non-Trunk

D2 A1 V1 P1 LA ≥ 1.0 left hand mounted directional sign on 50 - 60 mph road - car

D2 A1 V1 P2 LB ≥ 1.0 right hand mounted symbolic sign on 50 - 60 mph road - car


D3 A1 V1 P2 LA ≥ 1.0 left hand mounted directional signs on 30 - 50 mph road - car

D3 A1 V1 P2 LB ≥ 1.0 left hand mounted symbolic signs on 30 - 50 mph road - car

D3 A2 V1 P1 LA ≥ 1.0 left hand mounted directional sign on 30 - 50 mph road - car

D3 A2 V1 P2 LB ≥ 1.0 right hand mounted symbolic sign on 30 - 50 mph road - car

Sign labelling All traffi c signs in the UK must be made to the construction requirements stated in the National Annex of BS EN 12899-1. Section 7.1.1 of BS EN 12899-1:2001 requires that fi nished signs bear a label which identifi es the performance class and month and year of manufacture. This has been regular practice in the UK for many years.

In the past signmakers have included microprismatic sign sheetings on these labels by using product

names (for example VIP, CG) or by using the word microprismatic on them. The preferred option is to

refer to the published British Standard for microprismatic sheetings (BS 8408) on these labels.

Anything and everythingHIP is proving to be a versatile sheeting for every situation. In Highways Agency Area 12, it’s being specifi ed for all replacement and new signing schemes, and even for temporary signing.

Area 12 of the Highways Agency covers the region from Leeds down to south of Sheffi eld, and from

the middle of the M62 out east to Hull and Grimsby. According to Andy Sturrock, a Senior Engineer

working for managing agent CarillionWSP, HIP is now the material of choice for all new signs in

the Area.

“We fi rst saw HIP very soon after its launch,” says Andy. “We were immediately impressed with

its refl ectivity and the fact that the cost so closely matched that of the existing beaded sheeting.

When you get better performance at the same price, what more do you want?”

At the time that HIP was launched, specifi cations were written against BS873, but now it’s BS 8408

that matters. “The standard lets us assess the suitability of sheeting for every situation,” says Andy.

“HIP consistently exceeds our requirements and we’re very happy to use it”.

HIP HIP hooray Making life easier for the sign shop is just one of many advantages of specifying HIP.

In the spring of 2006, Northumberland County Council Sign Shop took delivery of its fi rst

consignment of 3M High Intensity Prismatic sheeting. The difference and improvement compared

with glass bead material was immediately apparent to all those who had to work with it.

“It’s a much easier material to handle,” says Sign Shop Foreman, Geoff Steanson. “Glass bead

material is likely to crack as soon as you bend it, but the HIP is much more tolerant and resistant

to damage. HIP also has excellent trimming qualities along the edge of the sign plate.” From a

practical perspective, that makes HIP much nicer to work with. Longer term, the sign shop should

also see cost and effi ciency gains through a reduction of damage in the workshop.

And talking of longer term, there’s a 12 year guarantee with HIP, compared with a ten year guarantee

for beaded sheeting.

“Even just working with the material in the sign shop we could see that HIP is much brighter than

the beaded material,” adds Geoff, “but there’s another feature to it that means we’re much more

confi dent of producing a high quality sign when we use the HIP. The face of the material has a

straight line pattern and is beautifully smooth. That makes it much easier to align and affi x the letters

and symbols that make up the sign information. The glass bead sheet that we used to get from

another supplier was uneven and that could lead to bubbling under the vinyl. The smooth surface of

the HIP means that you get a much better fi nish and long term I’m confi dent that the signs will look

better and last longer when out on the road.”

Chalk and cheeseStandard Signs and Traffi c Systems Ltd took an instant liking to HIP and now the Newport-based company won’t use anything else.

It was about 18 months ago that Standard Signs and Traffi c Systems Ltd was invited to trial HIP.

It was a trial that brought an immediately positive response from the company’s managing director.

“Compared with the beaded materials it was so much easier to work with and gave a much better

fi nish,” says Sam Hassani. When pressed for a little more detail, “it’s the colour difference that

comes shining through”.

“The fi nished articles are like chalk and cheese,” says Sam. “We’ve used a variety of beaded

sheetings and when you put any of them against a sign made with HIP the difference is

really obvious. With beaded sheeting a white is always going to be off-white. But with HIP the

white is defi nitely white. The HIP is fresher, brighter, and given the extended guarantee, from the

customer’s perspective the HIP wins every time.”

Coupled with the fact that the HIP is priced right there with the beaded material, it’s been an

easy decision for Sam to commit to using HIP for all the Class Ref 2 signs the company supplies.

“Just before HIP came out, we’d already decided to use 3M materials exclusively,” he confesses,

“but the HIP made that decision so much easier. It’s nice to have a new product for everyday signage

that doesn’t break the bank. From the word go, the HIP has been competitively priced and we’re

now supplying it as a matter of course every time. Our customers are very happy and I can say with

absolute certainty that no-one has asked us to go back to using the beaded materials!”

What more could you want?3M™ High Intensity Prismatic (HIP) refl ective sheeting is now fi rmly established as the best all round sheeting in the market at Class Ref 2 performance. It’s been used in many signing projects and everyone can see the difference it’s making. Now, with the introduction of BS 8408 (see over), it’s even easier to specify HIP whenever Class ref 2 performance is required.

As one Senior Engineer put it, “We use HIP because it is better overall. What more do we want?”

What more indeed? The fact, HIP gives you so much more.

Compared to beaded products, HIP:

• Is brighter in daylight

• Is brighter at night in many common situations

• Has sharper colours, especially whites

• Is easier to handle

• Is resistant to cracking

• Has a smoother surface

• Is guaranteed for twelve years not ten

• Is the same price or less!

Environmental Benefi ts

HIP has been designed to minimize environmental impacts from manufacturing to disposal.

The product is constructed through lamination of layers with minimal solvent use or emissions, whilst

long service life minimizes sign replacement.

The great all-round performance of HIP means that everyone benefi ts:

• Drivers are alerted more quickly to hazards, and

have longer to make their decisions. High performance

signs using HIP can really help with accident reduction,

especially when driving conditions are dangerous.

• Signmakers have a material that’s easier to work with

and resistant to damage in the workshop. There’s less

risk of rejection, the sheet won’t crack if bent, and the

smooth surface makes it easier to apply the lettering.

As a signmaker told us, “It’s like the difference

between chalk and cheese.”

• Specifi ers provide a sign that works harder, day

and night, but costs no more than a beaded sign.

The 12 year guarantee means that investment is

protected for longer helping acheive best value

for clients.

Your choice is an easy choice

BS 8408 allows transport engineers to specify signs from

the driver’s perspective and to ensure that minimum

luminance criteria are met. It also allows specifi ers to

assess different materials to determine whether they meet

the luminance criteria or not.

Hence BS 8408 permits an engineer to specify HIP with

confi dence, knowing that best value and drivers needs are

well met.

High Intensity Prismatic Refl ective Sheeting


High Intensity Prismatic Refl ective Sheeting


BS 8408:2005The new British Standard for Microprismatic Sheeting (BS 8408:2005) is ground-breaking in that it is one of the fi rst to be written from the perspective of the driver, rather than how the products perform as they leave the factory. It’s vital that road traffi c signs are bright enough to ensure a signifi cant proportion of drivers can see and react safely to them. The standard describes this luminance need (sign brightness) and rates how well a sign sheeting satisfi es that need.

BS 8408:2005 looks at aspects of driving scenarios that can affect a drivers ability to see and

use signs

• Different types of vehicles they drive

• Different Road speeds / distances / reading times

• Different sign types

• Different sign positions and angularity

• Amount of ambient lighting

BS 8408:2005 rates retrorefl ective performance based on how bright drivers need a sign to be.

It defi nes the minimum luminance needed by drivers to recognise, read and react safely to traffi c

signs and rates how well a sign sheeting satisfi es this luminance need.

Specifi ers can use the standard either to set a specifi ed luminance performance for a sign or to

determine from the sheeting manufacturers test results whether it meets their requirements.

Taking all these factors into account, BS 8408 provides a way to rate how well a microprismatic

sheeting satisfi es the needs of drivers for many frequently occurring situations.

Using this rating system, road authorities can specify microprismatic sheeting

with confi dence.

A separate document on BS 8408:2005 is available, please visit www.3M.com/uk/traffi c and

click on the ‘BS 8408 Specifi cation Selector Toolkit’ page or call 3M Traffi c Safety Systems on

01344 857 950.

3M High Intensity Prismatic 3930 SERIES


The Product Type of Product: Bi-rotational Microprismatic Retroreflective Sheeting for Permanent Traffic Sign Faces Product Number: 3MTM High Intensity Prismatic 3930 SERIES The product is defined as all 3M imaging components used to make permanent traffic sign faces. The Manufacturer : 3M Traffic Safety Systems Display & Graphics Division UK Address: 3M Centre Cain Road Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8HT We, 3M, hereby declare under our sole responsibility that The Product, as referred to above and to which this Declaration of Conformity relates, meets the appropriate performance requirements of BS 8408:2005 as set out in section 4 of that standard. We also declare that the Product is rated using the photometric rating system detailed in section 6 of that standard. Ratings of the Product for individual road scenarios will be supplied to specifiers on request. We certify that all supporting formulation, processing and test documentation is retained in the Manufacturer’s Technical File under an appropriate quality management system. Signed for and on behalf of the Manufacturer

Signed: Name: …….Liz Newell-Hart………………………………… In the capacity of: 3M UK TSS Technical Manager……. Date: ………January 12, 2007………..

Product Bulletin 3930 March 2007

High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3930 with Pressure Sensitive Adhesive

Health and Safety Information Refer to the package label and the Material Safety Data Sheet for health, safety, and handling information on the products referenced in this bulletin. For 3M products, if necessary, you may contact our Toxicology/Product Responsibility Department on 01344 858000. Description 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting is a non-metallised microprismatic sheeting which is designed for use on permanent, static, road traffic signs and delineators that are exposed vertically in service. The sheeting is supplied with a pressure sensitive adhesive which is protected by a plastic liner.

Applied to properly prepared sign substrates, 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting provides long term reflectivity and durability.

3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting meets the requirements of:

BS EN 12899-1:2001 class ref2

BS 8408:2005

The sheeting is supplied in roll widths up to 1220mm (48 inches) in the following traffic signing colours. Colour Product Code White 3930 Yellow 3931 Red 3932 Blue 3935 Interstate Green 3937

PB3930 March 2007 Page 1 of 4

Interstate Green is only available in 610mm (24 inch) rolls

Coefficients of Retroreflection The values in Table A are minimum coefficients of retroreflection (RA) for new sheeting expressed in candelas per lux per square metre (cd/lux/m2). Measurements are made in accordance with CIE Publication 54:1982.


(RA) Obs. Colour Entrance Angles

Angle -5° 15° 40°

12’ White 360 220 120

Yellow 270 145 80

Red 65 42 16

Interstate Green 50 40 12

Blue 30 15 9

20’ White 180 160 95

Yellow 122 110 65

Red 34 32 13

Interstate Green 32 30 11

Blue 14 10 7

1.00 White 20 16 5

Yellow 12 8 3

Red 3 2 1

Interstate Green 2 2 0.8

Blue 1 1 0.5

2.00 White Yellow Red Interstate Green


5 3 1

0.5 0.2

2.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 #

1.5 0,2 0.3 0.2 #

# value greater than zero but not significant or applicable

PB3930 March 2007 Page 2 of 4

Table B 1 2 3 4 Luminance

Factor (Y) Colour x y x y x y X y MIN MAX White 0.303 0.287 0.368 0.353 0.340 0.380 0.274 0.316 27.0 Yellow 0.498 0.412 0.557 0.442 0.479 0.520 0.438 0.472 15.0 40.0 Red 0.613 0.297 0.708 0.292 0.636 0.364 0.558 0.352 2.5 11.0 Green 0.030 0.398 0.166 0.364 0.286 0.446 0.201 0.794 3.0 9.0 Blue 0.144 0.030 0.244 0.202 0.190 0.247 0.066 0.208 1.0 10.0

Colours The chromaticity and the luminance factor shall comply with the limits defined in Table B. Measurements shall be made in accordance with the provisions of CIE Publication no. 15 using CIE Standard Illuminant D65 and CIE 45/0 geometry.

Application 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3930 has a pressure-sensitive adhesive that should be applied at room temperature (18 - 28°C) or higher by any of the following methods:

1. Mechanical squeeze roll powered laminator 2. Hand squeeze roll applicator 3. Hand application Hand application is recommended for legends and copy only. Application of sheeting for backgrounds must be done with a laminator. Series 3930 sheeting should be butt joined when more than one piece of sheeting is used on one piece of substrate. The sheeting pieces should not touch each other at the join and a gap of 1 to 1.5 mm is recommended to prevent buckling as sheeting expands in extreme temperature /humidity exposure. Substrates For traffic sign use, properly prepared aluminium and British Steel HP200 are the only substrates on which this product is warranted by 3M. See Instruction Bulletin 1.5 for recommended substrate preparation.

Users are urged to carefully evaluate all other substrates for adhesion, flatness, resistance to warping and sign durability. Sign failures caused by the substrate or improper surface preparation are not the responsibility of 3M. Plastic substrates are not recommended where cold shock performance is essential. 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting is designed primarily for application to flat substrates.

Process Colours 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting with pressure sensitive adhesive may be processed into traffic signs by screen printing, before or after mounting on a sign substrate, using 3M™ Process Colour Series 880I (see Product Bulletin 880I).

Series 880I can be screen processed at 16-28°C at relative humidity of 30-60%. Use of 61T/62T screen mesh with a fill pass is recommended.

Use of other process colours is not recommended. 3M assumes no responsibility for failure of sign face legends or backgrounds that have been processed with non-3M process colours or 3M process colours other than Series 880I.

Care should be taken to avoid creasing or folding High Intensity Sheeting Series 3930 before and after screening to eliminate the possibility of cracking from improper handling techniques. Edge Sealing Edge sealing 3M High Intensity reflective sheeting is generally not required. Following outdoor exposure, dust particles may become trapped within the row of cut cells along the sheeting’s edge. This should not adversely affect the performance of the rest of the applied copy. Narrow width markings or letters should be a minimum of 18mm stroke width. Where possible screen printing or 3M ElectroCut™ Film is recommended. 3M™ ElectroCut™ Film Series 1170 As part of the 3MTM Matched Component SystemTM, ElectroCut Film can be applied over 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting using 3M TPM5 Transfer Tape. ElectroCut Film is especially suitable for small quantities of signs where screen printing may be uneconomic.

PB3930 March 2007 Page 3 of 4

Cutting and Matching

3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting may be hand cut or die cut one sheet at a time, and band sawed or guillotined in stacks. The sheeting can be hand cut from the face side with a sharp knife or other sharp hand tool. Cutting equipment such as guillotines and metal shears that use pressure plates to hold the sheeting when cutting may damage the optics. To reduce pressure on and eliminate damage to the sheets the pressure plate should be padded. Stack heights may vary with condition and type of equipment used, but should not exceed 50 sheets. NOTE: As with all reflective sheetings, when two or more pieces are used side by side on a surface they must be matched to assure uniform daytime colour and night appearance. Prespacing Use 3M™ Scotchcal™ Prespacing Tape Series SCPS-100 as a carrier for die cut letters, numerals or symbols for rapid, accurate application of legends. Cleaning Signs that require cleaning should be flushed with water, then washed with a dilute solution of mild, non-abrasive detergent and soft bristle brush or sponge. Avoid pressure that may damage the sign face. Flush with water following washing. Do not use solvents to clean signs.

Note: Signs covered with 3M Dew Resistant overlay must be flushed with clean water only. Detergents must not be used. Storage 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting should be stored in a cool, dry area, preferably at 18-28°C and 30-60% relative humidity and should be applied within one year of delivery.

Rolls should be stored horizontally in the shipping carton. Partially used rolls should be returned to the shipping carton or suspended horizontally from a rod or pipe through the core. Unprinted sheets should be stored flat. Unmounted-screened faces must be interleaved with SCW-82 slipsheet, glossy side against the sign face.

Indoor Storage of Finished Signs

Finished signs and applied blanks should be stored face to face, on edge on wooden battens. Signs must be protected with SCW-568 slipsheet paper or with the plastic liner. Place the glossy side of the protective layer against the sign face. Double-faced signs must have the glossy side of the slipsheet against each face of the sign.

Outdoor Storage of Finished Signs

If outdoor storage is necessary, remove all packaging and store face to face, on edge on wooden battens with a gap between the signfaces to allow air movement.

Signs kept in metal containers must be stored as above for outdoor storage.

Panels or finished signs must remain dry during shipment and storage. If packaged signs become wet, unpack immediately and store as for outside storage to allow signs to dry.

Avoid banding, crating, or stacking signs or faces. Package for shipment in accordance with commercially accepted standards to prevent movement and chafing.

Effective Life The effective life of 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting will depend on substrate selection and preparation, compliance with recommended application procedures, weather exposure and maintenance.

Permanent static road traffic signs incorporating 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting applied to aluminium or British Steel HP200 substrates which have been prepared according to 3M recommended procedures, have an expected performance life of 12 years when mounted vertically.

Application to sign substrates other than aluminium or British Steel HP200 or preparation of aluminium in ways other than recommended may shorten the effective life. Application to unprimed, excessively rough or non-weather resistant surfaces will shorten the effective life. The user must determine the compatibility / suitability of any other substrates for the intended use.

Under certain conditions effective life may be shorter due to sign location, climatic conditions and method of installation.

PB3930 March 2007 Page 4 of 4

Important Notice to Purchaser Technical information provided by 3M is based on experience and/or tests believed to be reliable but its accuracy is not guaranteed and the results may not be relevant to every user’s application. 3M does not accept responsibility or liability, direct or consequential, arising from reliance upon any information provided and the user should determine the suitability of the products for their intended use. Nothing in this statement will be deemed to exclude or restrict 3M’s liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence. All questions of liability relating to 3M products are governed by the seller’s terms of sale subject where applicable to the prevailing law. If any goods supplied or processed by or on behalf of 3M prove on inspection to be defective in material or workmanship 3M will (at its option) replace the same or refund to the Buyer the price of the goods or services. Except as set out above, all warranties and conditions, whether expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise are excluded to the fullest extent permissible at law. Technical Assistance For help on specific questions relating to 3M Traffic Safety Systems Division products, contact your local Technical Service Representative. Traffic Safety Systems Division 3M United Kingdom PLC 3M Centre Cain Road Bracknell Berks RG12 8HT Tel: 01344 857950 Fax: 01344 857970

3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting 12 Year Performance Guarantee

The performance guarantees and warranty statement for 3M High Intensity Prismatic retroreflective sheeting used in the construction of permanent road traffic signs as defined in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 and subsequent revisions are detailed on pages 2 and 3 respectively. 3M takes its product responsibilities seriously, and takes a global, long term view of its products’ performance. The following guarantees are based on extensive, sophisticated, accelerated ageing testing on each of the raw materials used in our products, backed up by data on the sheetings themselves from natural weathering test decks around the world. Based on our comprehensive testing and monitoring 3M can offer the minimum performance levels stated on the following page for a period of 12 years from date of manufacture.

Traffic Safety Systems 3M United Kingdom PLC Cain Road Bracknell Berks RG12 8HT Tel: 01344 857950 Fax: 01344 857970 www.3m.com/uk/traffic

3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting 12 Year Performance Guarantee

Permanent traffic signs made with 3M High Intensity Prismatic 3930 series reflective sheetings and erected vertically under the provisions of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions will automatically be provided with the following performance guarantee by 3M:

PERFORMANCE TABLES -5° entrance angle

High Intensity 3930 High Intensity 3930

Colour Minimum Performance

New 0.2°

Minimum Performance

New 0.33°

Colour Minimum Performance after 12 Years


Minimum Performance after 12 Years

0.33° White 360 180 White 250 126 Yellow 270 122 Yellow 180 85 Red 65 34 Red 45 22 Blue 30 14 Blue 20 10 Worboys Green 25 17 Worboys Green 16 12 NOTES:




Values above are for the coefficient of Retro-reflection (RA) in candelas per lux per square metre for self-coloured sheetings at the geometries stated. For red, blue and green colours achieved by silk-screen printing using 3M Process Colour inks, or achieved using 3M Electronic Cuttable Film, 70% of the red/blue/green values in the above tables are guaranteed. Performance guarantees are contingent on the sign being made in accordance with 3M recommended storage, handling, processing, application and maintenance practices as described in the Production Standards Manual and in technical memos and instruction and product bulletins by accredited Assist member companies.

3M Traffic Safety Systems UK/Ireland Region January 2006

3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting 12 Year Warranty Statement

WARRANTY 3M warrants that 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheetings when used in accordance with 3M’s directions for use for the manufacture of UK road traffic signs will remain effective for their intended purpose and will meet the stated minimum RA values in the High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Performance Guarantee for a period of 12 years. In the event of a sign surface made with 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic failing to meet the performance levels stated 3M will arrange the following: If the failure occurs in the first 9 years 3M will arrange, at its expense, to have the sign surface restored to its original effectiveness. If the failure occurs after 9 years of use, 3M will furnish the necessary amount of retroreflective sheeting to enable the sign surface to be restored to its original effectiveness.

CONDITIONS All 3M sign face materials must be processed and applied in accordance with 3M application and fabrication procedures provided in 3M's product and instruction bulletins, production standards manuals, and technical memos (which will be furnished on request). Additionally, 3M recommendations must be followed for the shipping and storage of signs prior to installation and for their maintenance thereafter. In all cases, this warranty is dependent on the exclusive use of the 3M matched component system of compatible screen printing inks and clears, electronic cuttable films, protective overlay films, and recommended application equipment. The above Warranty does not apply to failure to meet the stated performance levels as a result of outside causes such as improper fabrication, handling, storage, maintenance or installation; failure of the sign substrate; exposure to chemicals, abrasion and/or other mechanical damage from sign fasteners used to mount the sign; sign burial; collisions, vandalism or malicious mischief. 3M may require the customer, at their expense, to return the sign to 3M premises in order to establish the cause of any alleged failures. 3M reserves the right to determine the method of replacement. Replacement sheeting will carry the unexpired warranty of the sheeting it replaces. Signs must be dated as per the requirements of BS EN 12899-1; this sign date will mark the start of the warranty period. 3M Traffic Safety Systems UK/Ireland Region January 2006

© 3M 2007. All rights reserved.

3Traffi c Safety Systems3M United Kingom PLCCain RoadBracknell, Berkshire RG12 8HTTel: 01344 857950Fax: 01344 857970Email: uktraffi [email protected]/uk/traffi c
