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9.40 o13.3 k parker and e swinbank

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Physikos 5: K Parker and E Swinbank
eaching physics in a New Zealand conte Elizabeth Swinbank and Kerry Parker University of York UK / Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu NZIP 2011
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Teaching physics in a New Zealand context

Elizabeth Swinbank and Kerry Parker

University of York UK / Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

NZIP 2011

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NZC 2007

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The NZC – context elaborations

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Possible context elaborations-CL6.1

• Justify the best position for a mirror on a blind corner. • Investigate the maximum safe speed of a car for a given road

condition. • Investigate the physics behind whakataukī/proverbs such as 'red

sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning; red sky at night shepherd’s delight'.

• Analyse a child’s picture storybook, such as Mr Archimedes Bath or Duck in the Truck in terms of the physics concepts involved.

• Explains why New Zealand has a moderate climate compared with larger landmasses.

• Describe the science ideas behind the precautions taken to avoid electrostatic effects when pumping petrol.

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Possible context elaborations-CL6.2

• How do the parts of a torch work together? How can we optimise the torch


• The design of race cars in relation to 'good' and 'bad' friction.

• Optical illusions in relation to the behaviour of light.

• The energy transfers that occur in playground rides.

• The relationship between mechanical power and the 100m sprint.

• Do MP3 players affect hearing over time?

• Do heat pumps increase energy efficiency?

• What physics concepts are to be found in a selection of children’s toys?

How do the toys work?

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At Te Kura…

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Possible context elaborations-CL7.1

• The acoustic design of an auditorium: identify and explain elements.

• Explore ways of improving radio wave reception.

• Safety features in cars: Examine the physics behind them.

• Which is more dangerous: touching a faulty 240-volt toaster or touching a carpet that has been rubbed so that its charge is 5000 volts? Explain why.

• Methods of generating electricity: compare and contrast.

• Explain why some physics ideas (for example, 'an object will continue in constant motion unless a force acts') seem counter-intuitive.

• Thermal pools in Rotorua: What causes them to be heated?

• Why do stars twinkle and planets not?

• A segment from a film or cartoon: What physics is involved and how realistic is the portrayal?

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Possible context elaborations-CL7.2

• Earthquake detection equipment: How does it work?

• Use of radiation to sterilise foods: How effective is it?

• Electronic air cleaners: How do they work?

• Nuclear reactors: How do they produce energy?

• How do mag lev trains work ?

• The role of force and momentum as used in sports equipment;

• Riding a Segway: the physics of balance.

• UV radiation: benefits and drawbacks.

• How do combinations of muscles, bones, and ligaments in the human body produce

mechanical advantage?

• Explore the optical features of the eye and the potential sight problems.

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Salters Horners Advanced Physics (SHAP)

Context-led physics for students aged 16-19

A two-year programme (4-5 hours/week) leading to university entrance qualification

Supported by published materials

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Salters Horners Advanced Physics

Key features

Context led

Practical and IT activities

Scientific, mathematical and key skills

Developed by teachers, academics and industrialists

Materials for teachers, students and technicians

Extension and revision materials

On-going support for users

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Developing the complete SHAP programme took two years and involved:

teachersuniversity academicsphysicists and engineers working in

industrypublishersexamination organisationssponsors

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We researched a large number of contexts.

We selected 11 for further development.

Criteria for selecting contexts



physics content at right level

focus on 1-2 main areas of physics

activities for students

authentic data available

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Principles for developing complete programme

Progression in physics

Progression in maths

Variety and choice

Activities for students


Wider context

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Progression in physics

1-3 main physics areas in each chapter

Smooth progression

Links between chapters

Be selective. Do not try to cover all the physics relating to the context.

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Progression in maths

Include notes on basic maths

Develop more advanced maths where needed

Variety and choice

Offer a range of activities

Encourage teachers and students to select

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Activities for students

Use contexts are starting points

Test activities to make sure they work

Use authentic data

Include simple activities

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How do archaeologists decide where to dig?

How can specimens be examined and analysed?

Digging up the Past

An example of a context-led chapter using archaeology

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We researched several areas before deciding what to include

DatingThermoluminescenceCarbon-14Tree rings

Artefact analysisX-raysMass spectrometryMicroscopySpectroscopy

Site surveyingGeomagnetic surveyResistive surveyGround-based radar

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Context Physics Comments

Resistive survey of an archaeological site

DC electric circuitsResistivityModelling electrical properties Potential divider

Builds on the Space Technology chapter

X-rays in archaeology

Electromagnetic spectrumX-ray absorption and penetrationX-ray diffraction

Builds on the Space Technology and Music chaptersMicroscopes in

archaeologyResolving power and wavelengthElectron waves

This is what we chose to include

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Site surveying

dc circuitsresistivity

X-ray analysis of artefacts

electromagnetic spectrumdiffraction and superposition

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Microscopic analysisresolutionelectron diffraction

Archaeologists at work

detecting fakes and hoaxes

digging sensitive sites

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Exploring the site

A survey reveals areas of high and low resistivity

that may indicate buried structures

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SHAP students

review earlier work on dc circuits

measure resistance and resistivity

compare resistivity of various materials

display data on a log scale

use a simple theoretical model to explain resistivity

make and use potential divider circuits

discuss ethical issues about digging sensitive sites

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Analysing an artefact

X-radiographs can reveal hidden features

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X-ray diffraction help can identify chemical composition

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SHAP students

review earlier work on electromagnetic radiation

learn about properties of X-rays

review earlier work on waves

use ripple tanks and lasers to explore diffraction and interference

learn about X-ray power photography

use X-ray data to deduce information about an artefact

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Taking a closer look

Microscopes can provide useful information about very small artefacts such as clothing fibres

For some objects, such as pollen grains, electron microscopes are needed

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SHAP students

measure the resolving power of their own eyes

learn how diffraction limits resolving power

review earlier work on wave-particle duality (photons, waves)

explore electron diffraction

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SHAP publications

AS (1st year)

AS Student Book ISBN 978 1 4058 9602 3

AS Teacher and Technician Resource Pack ISBN 978 1 4058 9603 0

A2 (2nd year)

A2 Student BookISBN 978 1 4082 0586 0

A2 Teacher and Technician Resource PackISBN 978 1 4082 0587 7

Go to www.amazon.com and search by ISBNor call +44 800 579579

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Your teaching?

• What do you want? • What do you need?

Time? expertise? $$$$$$$$$?

• The government …….?

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Inspired by Science


A possible scenario of how science education could look different in the future:

“At  all  levels  Students are challenged to develop deep understanding through strategies that emphasise student questioning, exploration, and engaging with significant ideas and practices. There would be much greater interaction between schools and the science community and more emphasis placed on students’ active engagement in their own learning.” 

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Engaging young New Zealanders with science.

Linkages between schools and science communities

“To be effective, science-science education connections linking schools with scientists and science organisations need to be designed to play an integral part in the school learning programme and add value that could not be achieved without such a partnership.”


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Engaging young New Zealanders with science.

“Development of effective collaboration … between science and science education … that will enable contemporary contexts to be used in teaching, and ensure that teachers …keep abreast with relevant developments in science.”

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What now?

• What do you want? • What do you need?


Royal Society?

McDiarmid/Liggins and other centres of research excellence?

Thanks to Terry Devere, Steve Chrystall and Laurie Christian for their suggestions.

Science Learning Hub

