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A Brief History of Pine: Some Frequently Asked Questions

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A Brief History of Pine: Some Frequently Asked Questions Dr. Frank Dalton Pine Research Instrumentation Raleigh, North Carolina www.pineinst.com/echem

A Brief History of Pine:Some Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Frank DaltonPine Research Instrumentation

Raleigh, North Carolinawww.pineinst.com/echem

Our factory is located in Grove City PA

Where is PiPine


Electrochemical Sales andR&D Office is in Raleigh NC

Question #3AAre you guys


Dr. Frank DaltonDr. Li Sun

Question #4H did h lHow did such a rural

manufacturing company getmanufacturing company get into electrochemistry?

AnswerHi t i l A id tHistorical Accident

It Began in Russia…

Benjamin Levich

Dr. Benjamin Levich pioneered the field of Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry in the 1950’s.

H t b k ll dHe wrote a book calledPhysicochemical Hydrodynamics

which was translated into English in 1964.

The book made its way f Mfrom Moscow toMinnesotaMinnesota…

Benjamin Levich

University of Minnesota

During that same time period, D J h Alb f O f dDr. John Albery from Oxford

spent a summer in Minnesotaspent a summer in Minnesota…

Oxford University

University of Minnesota

Meeting of Minds in Minnesota

• Working in Dr. Bruckenstein’s lab were Dr. John Albery and two graduate students, Dennis Johnson & Duane Napp.

• During that time, they built Rotating Disk Electrodes and Rotating Ring Disk ElectrodesRotating Ring-Disk Electrodes.

• Dr. Albery returned to Oxford and started a strong tradition of hydrodynamic voltammetry at that institution.(continued now by Dr. Richard Compton at Oxford).Dennis and Duane befriended an entrepreneurial under• Dennis and Duane befriended an entrepreneurial under-graduate electrical engineering student named Ted Hines.

Nobody Stays Still for Very Long

Ted Hines foundedPine Instrument Company

Rotating Disk Electrode& Rotating Ring-Disk Electrodes& Rotating Ring-Disk Electrodes


Question #5Do people still use theDo people still use the

Rotating Disk Electrode?

AnswerY ( i l )Yes (amazingly)

Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals & Applications, AJ Bard & LR Faulkner, Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980

Present Day RDE Use

Publications per Year

Everybody isStudying FuelCell CatalystsCell Catalysts



RRDE: Carbon disk, Platinum ring

A platinum nanoparticle bearing film is coated on to the disk



RRDE: Carbon disk, Platinum Ring

fl fflow of dissolved


High speed rotation of the electrode drives dissolved oxygen

gas toward the electrodegas toward the electrode

fl fflow ofdissolved O2

James P. Collman, Richard A. Decréau, Chem. Commun., 2008, 5065

flow offlow of dissolved


U.A. Paulus et al. : Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 495 (2001) 134–145James P. Collman, Richard A. Decréau, Chem. Commun. (2008) 5065

Question #6D Pi M k P i ?Does Pine Make Potentiostats?

AnswerYes (we always have)

Several Generations ofBipotentiostat DesignsBipotentiostat Designs

Early 1980’s(AFRDE3 bipotentiostat)(AFRDE3 bipotentiostat)

’Late 1980’s(AFRDE4 bipotentiostat)

These Models from the 1990’sare Still Widely Used & Supportedare Still Widely Used & Supported

1991(AFRDE5 bipotentiostat)(AFRDE5 bipotentiostat)

1995(AFCBP1 bipotentiostat)( p )

Latest ModelsPortable USB PotentiostatsPortable USB Potentiostats

20082008(WaveNow Potentiostat)

2009(WaveNano Potentiostat)( )

Question #7How can you make such aHow can you make such a

small potentiostat?

AnswerSurface Mount Technology

The Old Way: Thru-Hole PCBs

The New Way: Surface Mount

Question #8Why aren’t there any buttonsWhy aren t there any buttons

on your potentiostat?y p

AnswerAnswerThese days, it’s all about the software

Choose an Electroanalytical Technique…

Enter Technique Parameters

MonitorExperimentsIn ProgressIn Progress

Queue UpQueue Up Multiple p


Analyze and Plot Results

AfterMath Data Organizer Software

• Maintain Sets of Related Data inRelated Data in Single Archive

• Works with AllWorks with AllPine Potentiostats

• Easy DataEasy Data Exchange with Excel & OtherExcel & Other Applications

Question #9How do you take the portableHow do you take the portable

potentiostat into the field?

Other Intelligent ElectrochemistsOther Intelligent Electrochemists Solved this Problema Long Time Ago…

Question #10

Can you use it in a glove box?

AnswerAnswerYes (using a wireless USB hub)

Question #11Wh t th t tWhat was that cute electrochemical cellon that earlier slide?

What’s that?What’s that?

AnswerS d V l C ll i hStudent Voltammetry Cell with

Disposable Patterned Electrodes

The Cell is a 20 mL Disposable Vial

Th P tt d El t dThe Patterned Electrodesare also Disposable

Question #7

How do you make themake the patterned electrodes?electrodes?

AnswerTh S W M k T ShiThe Same Way you Make T-Shirts

Mass Produced Electrodes

The same technology used to make college T shirts is also used to makecollege T-shirts is also used to make

electrochemical biosensors.

Screen Printingis used to produce

billions of disposable biosensor electrodes

per yearper year

Screen-Printed Electrodesfor Blood Glucose Detection

Wireless Biosensing (a live demonstration)



Wireless Biosensing (a live demonstration)F S i !Free Souvenir !
