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A Brief Introduction to IEEP By Pt B 4 June 2008

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[email protected] www.ieep.eu An Introduction to IEEP Patrick ten Brink Senior Fellow and Head of Brussels Office on behalf of the wider team at IEEP
Page 1: A Brief Introduction to IEEP By Pt B   4 June 2008

[email protected]


An Introduction to IEEP

Patrick ten Brink

Senior Fellow and Head of Brussels Office

on behalf of the wider team at


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IEEP is an independent, not-for-profit institute

dedicated to the analysis, understanding and promotion

of policies for a sustainable environment in Europe

IEEP funding comes from a mixture of independent,

more academic funding, consultancy type contracts,

public sector commissions and grant funding.

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On what Issues do we Work?

� Agriculture & Rural Development

� Chemicals

� Climate Change

� Fisheries & the Marine Environment

� Industrial Pollution

� Nature Conservation & Biodiversity

� Strategic EU Developments

� Environmental Governance

� Transport

� Urban Environment

� Water Management

� Waste Management

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What do we do?

� Undertake research studies

� Do, contribute to impact assessments and


� Provide advice to national governments, European

Institutions, public bodies and NGOs

� Contribute to expert working groups

� Provide briefing and policy-tracking services

� Maintain a comprehensive database of EU

environmental law and policy

eg cost of policy inaction on biodiversity loss (COPI),

Innovation and clean technologies

eg Cars and CO2, IPPC revision;

SD of SF evaluation

eg CARS 21

eg European Parliament -


fires, et al. Also on CAP

health check

JNCC & now for Brussels region

and EA in the past

the IEEP Manual

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What do we do? (cont.)

� Contribute to Consultations and their evaluations

� Organise international conferences and


� Produce newsletters

� Web pages and help desk

� Provide education and training activities

� Contribute to Advisory Boards

eg green paper on MBIs

eg ETS, CCS, SDS & the

Beyond GDP conference

eg El Anzuelo on fisheries, IEEP own newsletter

eg Natura helpdesk

eg lectures to Universities,

training for civil servants

eg European Chemicals Agency,

T&E, Triodos Bank

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Who is doing the work?

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Who do we do work with?

• The European Commission - DG Environment; DG Agriculture; DG Fisheries;

DG Regio; DG Research; DG Enterprise; DG Energy & Transport ; SecGen

• The European Parliament – Environment Committee, individual MEPs

• The European Environment Agency (EEA), JRC, IMPEL

• National Ministries - UK (Defra; DoT); NL (VROM); Denmark (DEPA); Malta

(MEPA); Belgium (Federal MoE)

• Regional authorities – Belgium (Brussels Capital Region)

• UK Statutory agencies - EA (England & Wales), JNCC, NE, CA, SNH, CCW,

ANPA, English Heritage

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Who do we do work with? (cont.)

• Commissions: Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (UK)

• Trusts and Foundations: Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Energy Saving Trust, Oak

Foundation, Goldsmith Foundation, Volvo Research Foundation

• European Environment Advisory Councils (EEAC)


• Industry - BP

• Institutes – IIED

• International bodies – OECD, UNEP `

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Key questions at the core of IEEP work:

� How far European policy is confronting the issues of the day;

� How effective existing measures have been in addressing the issues

which they were designed to tackle – including the many variations

within Europe;

� Improvements in policy that could be made;

� Where policy needs to develop in future as agendas change.

How does EU policy affect National Polices?

How can national needs and perspectives feed into EU policy?

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What are we proud of?

� Biodiversity: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)

launched by Minister Gabriel and Commissioner Stavros Dimas at COP9 in

Bonn last week. IEEP is part of the core team, and part of 3 contributing


� Transport: Contribution to the development of the passenger cars CO2

legislation – involvement in the high level CARS 21 group, as well as 5

studies for DGENV and DGENTR informing the selection of instrument.

� Agriculture: Contribution to the CAP Reform / health check – getting more

environmental measures integrated in the CAP

� Climate Change: work on carbon capture and storage (studies) & wider

contributions on ETS et al (range of contributions at EP).

� Industrial Pollution: Key contribution to IPPC review process, which led to a

Commission legislative proposal currently being considered by the EP and


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What are we proud of?

� Governance: Contributions to SDS, EAP Mid-term Review, and Budget review. OMC work. Beyond GDP and wider contribution to Better Regulation

� Evaluation and impact assessment: contributions to IA process (evaluation, commentary) and contributions to IAs themselves.

� Marine/fisheries: INDENT (indicators) work led to change of data collection regulation (support ecosystem approach to fisheries management) and wider contribution to the CFP reform

� Regional Development: evaluation of SD of SF and contribution to 2007-2013 plans

� Market based instruments (MBIs): eg led the work behind two EEA reports

� EU Enlargement and ENP work – benefits of EU legislation and energy. A range of “benefits of compliance” studies that were used in Commission dialogues with countries.

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How do we contribute to Journals?

Europe's World

IEEP Advisory Board Member

European Environment

Editorial Board

Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning

International Editorial Advisory Board


Editorial board of ENDS

Business Environment News

Clean Air and Environmental Protection

Energy Policy

Environment Information Bulletin

European Environment Journal

European Environmental Law Review

European Water Management

Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy

Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning

Joint Implementation Quarterly

Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law

Journal of International Maritime Law

Journal of Water Law

Ocean and Coastal Management

Science of the Total Environment

Sustainable Development

The Environmentalist

Recent contributions to:

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Our work also gets press attention

Unfit for Purpose: how car use fuels climate change and obesity :www.ieep.eu/publications/publications.php?pub=68392

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IEEP website: www.ieep.eu

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What are our Priorities for 2008/9?

� The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity loss & priorities for EU action.

� Biodiversity and adaptation to climate change;

� The climate and energy package of legislation;

� Contribute to the biofuels debate using our cross-field expertise in transport, energy

and agriculture;

� Ongoing contribution to the development of the Common Fisheries Policy and

supporting an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management;

� Implementation of IPPC and its reform

� CAP Health Check proposals and debate on future CAP reform;

� Coherence and development of EU waste legislation.

� Instruments for innovation.

� Governance and better regulation: enforcement of EU environmental law, SDS,

indicators and decision making, and Budget reform

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Questions ?

London Office

28 Queen Anne's Gate

London SW1H 9AB


Tel: +44 (0)207 799 2244

Fax: +44 (0)207 799 2600

Brussels Office

55 Quai au Foin/Hooikaai

B-1000 Brussels


Tel: +32 (0) 2738 7482

Fax: +32 (0) 2732 4004


and, of course,

our 23 colleagues in:

[email protected]
