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A FIRST ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERDEPENDENCY OF MESH … · 2020. 10. 17. · Griet Decorte, Geert...

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Waves-Structure Interaction A first Assessment of the Interdependency of Mesh Motion and Free Surface Models in Open- FOAM Regarding Wave-Structure Interaction G. Decorte, G. Lombaert and J. Monbaliu VIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering MARINE 2019 R. Bensow and J. Ringsberg (Eds) A FIRST ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERDEPENDENCY OF MESH MOTION AND FREE SURFACE MODELS IN OPENFOAM REGARDING WAVE-STRUCTURE INTERACTION GRIET DECORTE, GEERT LOMBAERT AND JAAK MONBALIU KU Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 40, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium e-mail: [email protected], web page: http://bwk.kuleuven.be/hydr Key words: OpenFOAM, wave-structure interaction, mesh motion, free surface models Summary. Mesh motion is of key importance in assuring adequate CFD modelling of wave- structure interaction problems, such as wave impact on floating offshore wind turbines and seakeeping of ships. Wave forcing often leads to large displacements of floating structures. As a consequence, the fluid domain boundaries need to move in order to accommodate for these wave-induced displacements. The mesh quality needs to be preserved at all times to guarantee accurate and stable results for the rigid body displacements as well as for the fluid variables. Mesh deformation techniques, in particular algebraic mesh motion methods, have been widely used within the OpenFOAM framework during the last decade. Unfortunately, stability is easily jeopardized in case of large displacements. Large mesh deformation gives rise to computation- ally demanding and unstable results. Sliding meshes have been used to address this issue, but they are cumbersome for multi-degree of freedom motion. Therefore, overset methods have been implemented in recent versions of OpenFOAM. Especially, the newly implemented overset meth- ods in the OpenFOAM branch foam-extend, have shown to give good results for an acceptable runtime. Simultaneously, considerable progress has been made on the development of alternatives for alge- braic volume-of-fluid methods for free surface modelling, which notoriously suffer from smearing effects. Although it seems reasonable to expect that the choice in free surface model combined with a certain mesh motion technique will have an influence on the overal result, the interde- pendency between mesh motion techniques and free surface modelling has not been studied yet. This paper aims at taking the first steps towards a better understanding of this mesh motion-free surface interdependency and, as such, facilitate an informed choice. 1 INTRODUCTION Currently, the design of floating offshore structures strongly relies on the well-established experience from the oil and gas industry. In order to model the hydrodynamic behaviour of oil and gas rigs and related structures, the use of a potential flow approach combined with a 1 795
Page 1: A FIRST ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERDEPENDENCY OF MESH … · 2020. 10. 17. · Griet Decorte, Geert Lombaert and Jaak Monbaliu The algebraic mesh motion techniques adopt an Arbitrary

Waves-Structure Interaction A first Assessment of the Interdependency of Mesh Motion and Free Surface Models in Open-FOAM Regarding Wave-Structure InteractionG. Decorte, G. Lombaert and J. Monbaliu

VIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine EngineeringMARINE 2019

R. Bensow and J. Ringsberg (Eds)




KU Leuven, Department of Civil EngineeringKasteelpark Arenberg 40, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

e-mail: [email protected], web page: http://bwk.kuleuven.be/hydr

Key words: OpenFOAM, wave-structure interaction, mesh motion, free surface models

Summary. Mesh motion is of key importance in assuring adequate CFD modelling of wave-structure interaction problems, such as wave impact on floating offshore wind turbines andseakeeping of ships. Wave forcing often leads to large displacements of floating structures. Asa consequence, the fluid domain boundaries need to move in order to accommodate for thesewave-induced displacements. The mesh quality needs to be preserved at all times to guaranteeaccurate and stable results for the rigid body displacements as well as for the fluid variables.Mesh deformation techniques, in particular algebraic mesh motion methods, have been widelyused within the OpenFOAM framework during the last decade. Unfortunately, stability is easilyjeopardized in case of large displacements. Large mesh deformation gives rise to computation-ally demanding and unstable results. Sliding meshes have been used to address this issue, butthey are cumbersome for multi-degree of freedom motion. Therefore, overset methods have beenimplemented in recent versions of OpenFOAM. Especially, the newly implemented overset meth-ods in the OpenFOAM branch foam-extend, have shown to give good results for an acceptableruntime.Simultaneously, considerable progress has been made on the development of alternatives for alge-braic volume-of-fluid methods for free surface modelling, which notoriously suffer from smearingeffects. Although it seems reasonable to expect that the choice in free surface model combinedwith a certain mesh motion technique will have an influence on the overal result, the interde-pendency between mesh motion techniques and free surface modelling has not been studied yet.This paper aims at taking the first steps towards a better understanding of this mesh motion-freesurface interdependency and, as such, facilitate an informed choice.


Currently, the design of floating offshore structures strongly relies on the well-establishedexperience from the oil and gas industry. In order to model the hydrodynamic behaviour ofoil and gas rigs and related structures, the use of a potential flow approach combined with a



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Griet Decorte, Geert Lombaert and Jaak Monbaliu

boundary element method is common practice in modelling flow and wave loads. Well-knownexamples of such hydrodynamics software packages are WAMIT and Ansys AQWA.In the light of the world-wide energy crisis and the ocean’s great renewable energy potential,the behaviour of innovative floating structures, such as floating offshore wind turbines and waveenergy converters, needs to be thoroughly assessed. Due to their specific design, smaller sub-merged volumes and slender members, effects due to viscosity and higher-order wave loads needto be considered. Potential flow-based models are not able to include higher-order nonlinearities,generally not above second-order, and viscosity is only taken along empirically.As computational power grows, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, which solvesthe Navier-Stokes equations, presents a promising alternative for the previously mentioned po-tential flow-based packages. Because these codes account for both viscosity and higher-ordernonlinear wave loads, they overcome the main shortcomings of the potential flow approach. Oneof the most promising of them is the open-source code OpenFOAM to which research groupsworldwide contribute and of which different branches exist as shown in Figure 1 [1, 2]. In addi-tion to the foam-extend branch, an extension package, Naval Hydro Pack, has been developed.Naval Hydro Pack is especially suited for simulating the viscous, two-phase, large-scale flowswhich naval structures frequently encounter, and the interactions involved [3].

Figure 1: OpenFOAM branches.

In order for OpenFOAM to model wave-structure interaction, two strongly grid dependentchallenges have to be overcome. On the one hand, the desired wave conditions can only beobtained if the free surface is accurately described. On the other hand, the resulting floatermotion needs to be adequately accommodated for by the mesh guaranteeing a stable and reli-able outcome. Recent research has made considerable progress on both aspects compared to theoriginal two-phase fluid solver interFOAM [1, 4, 5].Concerning the free surface modelling, two main categories of volume-of-fluid (VOF) methodsare traditionally used. Within the original interFOAM solver, an algebraic VOF solver, MULES,is implemented. The algebraic VOF solver describes the fluid interface by computing the waterfraction in each cell. The free surface is therefore smeared over several cells. The MULES solvertries to limit this smearing by adopting a (non-physical) compression term. Due to this smear-ing effect, an accurate solution for the algebraic VOF solver can only be found through smallspatial and temporal resolutions, rendering computations costly [1, 6]. In a bid to overcome thecomputational limits posed by the algebraic VOF method and to arrive at a sharper surface, thegeometric VOF method, isoAdvector, has been proposed [5]. Notwithstanding the improved



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water surface modelling, this method appears not to honour its original promise in allowingaccurate results at higher Courant numbers (Co) and, hence, in reducing computational cost.This is attributed to the coupling of isoAdvector with the pressure-velocity coupling step (PISOloop) in the interFOAM solver [7].As wave forcing often leads to large displacements of floating structures, the fluid domain bound-aries need to accommodate for these wave-induced displacements. Moreover, the mesh qualityneeds to be preserved at all times to guarantee accurate and stable results for the solid bodydisplacements as well as the fluid variables. The fluid domain mesh thus needs to adapt to itsdeforming boundaries. Because these displacements of the fluid-structure interfaces are, espe-cially in the case of six-degrees-of-freedom (6-DOF) rigid body motion, a priori unknown andas such the result of the solution itself, this mesh motion is ideally done automatically.Although several of the currently available automatic mesh motion techniques have shown to doto a proper job for a variety of naval applications [8, 9], the interdependency between these meshmotion techniques and the free surface description adopted has not been formally identified. Thispaper wants to take the first steps towards a better understanding of this interdependency ofmesh motion technique and free surface description, and their combined effects on the overallmodel result, to facilitate an informed choice.The paper is structured as follows. First, an overview of the mesh motion techniques imple-mented in OpenFOAM is given. Next, the research method is explained and, subsequently, theresults are presented and discussed. Finally, conclusions concerning performance and furtherwork are drawn.


In the literature, an exhaustive body of knowledge concerning (automatic) mesh handlingtechniques already exists. Because this paper attempts to merely assess the performance of onlytwo of these, the algebraic mesh motion and the overset method, we will only give a brief overviewof the methods currently implemented within the OpenFOAM framework. In OpenFOAM, themesh motion techniques can be roughly divided into four main categories; algebraic mesh motiontechniques, topological changes, immersed boundary methods and overset methods. An overviewis shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Overview of mesh motion techniques in OpenFOAM.



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The algebraic mesh motion techniques adopt an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formof the conservation equations combined with a Space Conservation Law which prevents fromcreating an extra source term and thus from generating large errors [10, 11]. ALE necessitatesthat an automatic mesh displacement prescription algorithm be supplied to adapt the (fluid)grid velocities to the problem under consideration. Ideally, this is done through potential typeequations or interpolations. Often, a Laplacian is solved with a certain diffusivity, allowing todistribute the mesh deformation over a certain distance from the moving boundary. Because ofits high accuracy and its discretisation error being comparable to static meshes, this method isthe preferred option for small displacements. Unfortunately, in case of large boundary deforma-tion, the mesh deteriorates, giving rise to stability problems and loss of accuracy [12]. Two of themost promising ways to tackle this are the radial basis function technique (RBF) which allowsfor larger displacements but ultimately leads to distorted meshes as well [13], and topologicalchanges.Topological changes are used to change the mesh resolution and connectivity, using sliding in-terfaces, cell layering and similar techniques. They involve data mapping, which gives rise todistribution and conservation errors [12]. Ideally these operations are bundled. Examples oftopological changes can be found in [9, 14]. Because applying topological changes for 6-DOFrigid body motion becomes quite tedious, the immersed boundary method and the overset meth-ods might be a more viable candidates to accommodate the large displacements.In the immersed boundary methods, a Dirac delta function is introduced as a body force in theconservation equations. This body force only differs from one at the fluid-structure interface.Because the immersed boundary method does not allow for mesh refinement close to the struc-ture and, thus, does not allow for accurate boundary layer simulation, it is often not well-suitedfor the naval applications and will therefore be disregarded in the following [15]. However, it isworth to note that this method has been included in the Naval Hydro Pack [4].Overset methods are by far the most versatile and computationally efficient techniques whenconfronted with large mesh motion. In this method, two meshes are created initially. A fixedmesh is used for the background, while the overset mesh which is allowed to move relativelyto the background mesh, is connected to the moving object. Two fundamentally different im-plementations of overset are currently available within the OpenFOAM framework. One inthe OpenFOAM-dev line, from version v1706 on, and another one in the foam-extend branch,starting from version 4.1. The main differences between both implementations are related totheir position and role within the PIMPLE algorithm, which solves the momentum equationswhile accommodating for mass conservation in the pressure-velocity coupling step (PISO), andthe amount of interpolations involved. Before reading on, the reader not familiar with theinterFoam solver lay-out is referred to Figure 8 in Appendix A.In OpenFOAM-v1712, at the beginning of each iteration, the motion of the structure is deter-mined based on the pressure field computed on the overset mesh in the previous iteration.Subsequently, the overset mesh is moved accordingly and the hole cells, which are the back-ground cells overlapped by the moving object which are excluded from the computations, theinterpolated cells, which are the cells of the background overlapped by the overset mesh, andthe calculated cells, which are the remaining background cells, are determined (see Figure 3a).Next, the water fraction and the velocity field are computed on both meshes and the velocityfield is interpolated onto the border of the overset mesh. Finally, the velocity field is corrected



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for both meshes in the PISO loop and the resulting pressure field is computed, before startinga new round of fluid-structure interaction computations in the next iteration [1]. Althoughthis implementation has certainly merits, the interpolation is not well parallelized and thereforehighly time-consuming. Inadequate interpolation may introduce large mapping errors into thecomputations necessitating high spatial resolution and therefore an even larger computationalcost.

(a) OpenFOAM-v1712,

(b) foam-extend-4.1

Figure 3: Donor-acceptor assembly for OpenFOAM-v1712 and foam-extend-4.1.

Contrary to the OpenFOAM-v1712 implementation, foam-extend-4.1 adopts a two-way cou-pling between the background and the overset mesh as shown in Figure 3b. At the beginningof each PIMPLE iteration, the motion of the structure is updated based on the pressure fieldcomputed during the previous iteration. Next, the fringe layers, i.e. donor-acceptor pairs, arecreated, either manually or through adaptive overlap, and the hole cells are determined. Sub-sequently, the water fraction is calculated and interpolated in the fringe layers, and a velocityestimate is computed. In the PISO loop, the interpolated velocity field is then used as “bound-ary condition” to correct the velocity fields and compute the pressure field on both meshes.The velocity field as well as the pressure field is interpolated and the next iteration starts[8]. This two-way coupling presents the main difference between the OpenFOAM-v1712 and thefoam-extend-4.1 implementation. In addition, the overset method in foam-extend-4.1 is wellparallelized, which means substantial computational time can be saved.


Because the choice of a mesh motion technique for a specific application depends to some ex-tent on the chosen free surface model, the consequences of such combinations need to be known.Therefore, in the following, the two most commonly used mesh motion techniques, algebraicmesh motion and overset, will be both combined with the traditional algebraic VOF method,MULES, and the innovative geometric VOF method, isoAdvector. For each combination, visualassessment will be done through comparison with a reference case, the freely heaving cylindercase documented by Ito (1977). In these experimental tests, a rigid horizontal cylinder with adiameter of 0.1524m (0.5 ft.) is released from an initial height of 0.0254m (1 in.) above a calmwater surface and left to freely decay its heave motion. The depth of the wave flume is 1.22m(4 ft.) and its original length is 27m (90 ft.)[16].As algebraic mesh motion eliminates the influence of any inadequate coupling between meshes,it is used to assess grid convergence and is therefore treated first. A set-up with MULES and



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isoAdvector is run for three mesh sizes each chosen relative to the cylinder diameter D, no-tably D/10, D/20 and D/40. As the interDyMFoam solver, an interFoam solver allowing fordynamic mesh motion, is quite similar in OpenFOAM-v1712 and foam-extend-4.1/Naval Hydro

Pack and isoAdvector has already been added to the interDyMFoam solver in Naval Hydro

Pack, navalFoam, a loosely coupled 6-DOF rigid body motion solver in navalFoam is adopted.Even though OpenFOAM-v1712 and foam-extend-4.1 both offer a lot of freedom through theavailability of different solvers for solving the motion equations of the floater, only the extensionpackage for foam-extend-4.1 offers anything besides loosely coupled fluid-structure interaction,for instance Aitken relaxation and multiple loops enabling strongly coupled fluid-structure com-putations [4]. In the following, only Aitken relaxation is used. As both free surface modellingapproaches have shown to give best results for Co smaller than 0.1, an adaptive time step basedon a maximum Co of 0.1 is used [6, 7].Next, the reference case presented above is computed for the overset approach. Due to the signifi-cantly different implementation of the overset methods in OpenFOAM-v1712 and foam-extend-4.1/Naval Hydro Pack, the interdependency between the two free surface models and the oversetapproach are studied for both branches. As the 6-DOF rigid body motion is currently not imple-mented in the overset solver of the publicly released foam-extend-4.1, the navalOversetFoamsolver in Naval Hydro Pack is used for the foam-extend-4.1 case and compared to its coun-terpart, overInterDyMFoam, in OpenFOAM-v1712. Both cases are run with inverseDistance

interpolation for the donor-acceptor pairs. For navalOversetFoam, implicit overset is usedto guarantee strong coupling between the meshes and prevent using many corrector loops toreach a sufficiently strong coupling as would be the case if explicit overset mesh had been cho-sen. For a thorough overview of the overset mesh coupling and interpolations strategies infoam-extend-4.1/Naval Hydro Pack, the reader is referred to the existing literature [4, 8]. Inchoosing time and spatial resolution, a trade-off needs to be made between accuracy and com-putational cost. This is done based on the algebraic mesh motion cases.Although in the Naval Hydro Pack isoAdvector has been added to the navalFoam solver,which allows algebraic mesh motion to be applied in combination with isoAdvector, none ofthis has been done yet in OpenFOAM-v1712, nor for the navalOversetFoam solver in Naval

Hydro Pack. Therefore, we have extended the overset solvers in OpenFOAM-v1712 and Naval

Hydro Pack to allow for isoAdvector free surface modelling. However, it has to be noted thatthis coupling was only done as a first assessment. As will be shown in the next section, in mostcases, enhancements should be made in order to arrive at a robust solver.


To provide a first assessment of the interdependency between the two most commonly usedmesh motion techniques, algebraic mesh motion and overset, and the free surface model, eachmesh motion technique has been run with both the MULES approach and the isoAdvector

method. In the following, first, the interdependency between the algebraic mesh motion and thefree surface model, is discussed. Next, the same is done for the overset approach.



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4.1 Algebraic mesh motion

As shown in Figure 4a, the MULES approach models the free decay well. The solution convergesand, even for coarse meshes, the results collide well with the reference solution by Ito(1977).However, when isoAdvector is used to model the free surface, only the first time steps aremodelled well. As can be seen in Figure 4b, the floating cylinder performs an oscillation with afrequency close to its eigenfrequency, but it does not execute a regular decay.

(a) MULES,

(b) isoAdvector

Figure 4: Non-dimensional free decay heave motion η/η0, with η the absolute heave and η0 theinitial displacement from rest, vs. non-dimensional time τ = t

g/(D/2), with g the gravita-tional acceleration, for algebraic mesh motion combined with (a) MULES and (b) isoAdvectorfree surface modelling for three grid resolutions.

When analysing the water phase of the isoAdvector solution in Figure 5, it becomes clearthat the free surface modelling may be at the origin of the unsatisfactory free decay simulation.Small volumes of low water fraction appear (Figure 5a), which subsequently lead to non-physicalair bubbles in the water volume. Due to their lower density, these bubbles rise to disturb thefree surface and as such the free decay motion (Figure 5b). The reason for this most probablylies in the way isoAdvector is currently implemented within the navalFoam solver.

Starting from the first time step, the mesh is deformed and subsequently the mass fluxand the velocity fields are updated. However, although the volume and the shape of the cellshave changed, the water fraction scalar field remains the one calculated in the previous PIMPLEiteration. In calculating the water fraction field in the isoAdvector, first, the change in volumeover each cell-to-cell face is determined. To do so, the updated fluxes are multiplied by thewater fraction field from the previous iteration. As the cell volumes have now changed due tothe mesh deformation, the resulting change in volume over each cell-to-cell face is incorrect. Foreach fully immersed cell, the new water fraction is subsequently determined by subtracting fromthe water fraction, from the previous iteration, the total change in volume integrated over its



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(a) τ = 4.5,

(b) τ = 11.3

Figure 5: Water fractions for the algebraic mesh motion with isoAdvector at non-dimensionalized times τ = 4.5 (left) and τ = 11.3 (right).

faces and divided by the new volume of that cell. This introduces an additional error into theresulting water fraction. When progressing further in time, this error will accumulate and, atsome point, the erroneously computed water fractions of the fully immersed cells will reach thethreshold for isoAdvector to consider them as partly filled with air. This leads then to theformation of non-physical air bubbles, which is clearly seen in Figure 5. For full details on theisoAdvector algorithm, the reader is kindly referred to the literature [5].It has to be noted that MULES suffers slightly from this issue as well. In the water volume wherethe mesh deforms, smaller water fractions could also be observed. However, this was easilyresolved by increasing the iterations over the MULES computation. The same reasoning was usedin trying to eliminate the air bubbles for the isoAdvector algorithm. Although, their severitydiminished, it did not seem possible to fully resolve the air bubbles by increasing the number ofiterations, i.e. the correctors, in the PIMPLE loop.

4.2 Overset mesh motion

Based on the results for the algebraic mesh motion in Figure 4, a trade-off was made betweenaccuracy and computational cost to determine time and spatial resolutions for the overset mod-els. A grid resolution of D/20 and an adaptive time step according to a Co of 0.2 was chosen.In the following, first, the overset method in OpenFOAM-v1712 is discussed and, next, its versionin foam-extend.

As can be noticed in Figure 7, MULES aligns reasonably well with the experimental result.On the contrary, the isoAdvector solution decays, but at a frequency smaller than its eigenfre-quency. In addition, when released from rest, the cylinder starts its decay, but does not reachthe expected depth. This can most probably be attributed to one of the main shortcomings ofthe current overset implementation in OpenFOAM-v1712 and seems as such not to be related tothe overset mesh coupling.

OpenFOAM-v1712 computes its water fraction (and pressure) for the hole cells, i.e. the cells



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(a) OpenFOAM-v1712 (b) Naval Hydro Pack

Figure 6: Non-dimensional free decay heave motion η/η0, with η the absolute heave and η0the initial displacement from rest, vs. non-dimensional time τ = t

g/(D/2), with g the grav-itational acceleration, for the overset method combined with MULES and isoAdvector for (a)OpenFOAM-v1712 and (b) Naval Hydro Pack (foam-extend-4.1).

covered by the cylinder on the background grid, and assumes as such that there is water wherethere is in fact not. Due to the diffusive nature of MULES, no real air phase is formed in the holeas shown in Figure 7a, which lead to moderate negative pressures on the inside of the cylinderand can explain the relatively small error at first. However, in the case where isoAdvector isused in Figure 7b, a separate air phase and water phase arise inside the cylinder. This reducesthe buoyancy and as such the eigenfrequency in heave. Additionally, as the air phase is enclosedunder the water, suction seems to arise as the cylinder moves down. This results in a higherupward force on the cylinder, which might be the reason for the reduced depth.On the opposite, as can be noticed in 6b, the navalOverFoam solver seems to perform equally wellfor both the MULES and the isoAdvector approach. When setting up a case in foam-extend-4.1/NavalHydro Pack, the initial field values for the hole are set to zero and the hole cells are fully ex-cluded from further computations. This effectively prevents the separate water volume fromarising in the cylinder.


The aim of this paper was to take the first steps towards a better understanding of the inter-dependency of mesh motion methods and free surface models and, as such, facilitate an informedchoice. Therefore, the two most commonly used mesh motion techniques, algebraic mesh motionand overset, were both combined with the traditional algebraic VOF method, MULES, and theinnovative geometric VOF method, isoAdvector. For each combination, a visual assessmentwas done through comparison with a freely heaving cylinder reference case.Concerning algebraic mesh motion, the solution for MULES converged towards the reference solu-tion, while, in case of isoAdvector, the cylinder heaves in an unorganized way. The air bubbles



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(a) MULES,

(b) isoAdvector

Figure 7: Water fractions for the overset method in OpenFOAM-v1712 at τ = 3 (up) and τ = 14(down). Left: MULES. Right: isoAdvector.

arising in the water volume and eventually disturbing the free surface are the most probableculprits. They arise due to the fact that isoAdvector uses the water fraction from the previousiteration, i.e. before the mesh was deformed. In order to overcome this issue, two ways forwardseem practical. On the one hand, the water fraction could be corrected after mesh deformation.On the other hand, a conditional statement could be used to prevent these air bubbles fromarising in the water volume.Furthermore, the overset method in foam-extend-4.1/Naval Hydro Pack appeared to per-form well for both the MULES and isoAdvector simulation. On the contrary, no similar ob-servations could be made for the OpenFOAM-v1712 implementation. Although the overset inOpenFOAM-v1712 seemed to perform reasonably well for the MULES case, this appears not to beso for the isoAdvector simulation. This may have been caused by the lingering issue of thehole cells being included in most of the OpenFOAM-v1712 overset solver’s fluid computations.Future releases of OpenFOAM need to tackle this issue in order to allow for robust overset meshsimulations.Overall, all mesh motion solvers perform well with MULES. In addition, the overset methods showthe most potential when combined with isoAdvector, while significant adaptions are needed tothe algebraic mesh motion solvers in order for them to be combined with the isoAdvector freesurface modelling.



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The first author is Ph.D. fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium (Ph.D.fellowship 11A1217N). Furthermore, the authors gratefully acknowledge the collaboration withthe research group of prof. Hrvoje Jasak at UniZagreb and the chance to use their extensionpackage for foam-extend-4.1, Naval Hydro Pack, in their research.

A General overview of the interDyMFoam and overInterDyMFoam solvers in Open-FOAM.

Figure 8: The program structure of the two-phase fluid-structure motion solvers, interDyMFoam(includes algebraic mesh motion and topological changes) and overInterDyMFoam (includesoverset mesh motion).


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