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A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

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Wales, 'JVIass.


BOSTON, MASS.:J. E.- Far-well & Co., Printers, 45 Pearl St.

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J. E. Farwell & Co., Printers, 45 Pearl St.

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Page 13: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...


To the living descendants of Robert Greene,* who lived

in Wales, Mass., in the early settlement of that town, we

offer this imperfect sketch of his posterity.

We have prepared it, not for publication, but to gather

and preserve for the benefit of the family, the perishing

fragments that remain to tell us of a worthy and honored


It is meet that we who are now reaping a rich harvest of

benefits from the life-long trials of our ancestors, should

not only manifest a grateful recognition of their toils and

struggles, but endeavor to make a record of such facts,

that shall go down to posterity.

It is to be hoped that this feeble effort will bring together

a circle of relatives and friends whom time and distance

has estranged, if not rendered ignorant of each other’s ex-

istence. To further this purpose, we call upon all interest-

ed parties to collect and communicate any information which

will enable us to supply defects, fill vacancies, and there-

by render as complete as possible, a work which, at best, is

scarcely begun.

*Note— 1The use of the final E in spelling the name Greene, was used in therecords, and as 'it is in conformity with the ancient orthography we thinkit correct; but it seems to have been used or omitted in this country to suitthe taste of the individual.

Page 14: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

4 Introduction.

In searching the records and studying the history of the

early settlement of this country, we find that there were

several families by the name of Greene, who came to this

country from England between the years 1628 and 1645.

What relation these families sustained to each other, we

have not been able to ascertain, but their descendants have

become numerous, and may be found in ever}7 State of the

Union, and in almost every quarter of the globe.

Bartholomew Greene came with his wife and children to

America in 1630, and settled in Cambridge. Rev. Henry

Greene was the first minister of Reading, Mass., being or-

dained Nov. 5, 1645. He was very energetic and did so

much for the parish, that he is spoken of in history as the

“ Father of Reading.”

John Greene removed from Salem, Mass., to Providence,

R. I., in 1636. He was the ancestor of Gen. Nathaniel

Greene of Revolutionary fame.

John Greene, a ruling elder of the church in Charlestown,

came to this country in 1632.

Nathaniel Greene lived in Cambridge in 1645.

Percival Greene and his wife came to this country in 1635,

and settled in Cambridge, Mass.

Henry Greene and Thomas Greene lived in Ipswich, Mass.,

in 1648.

Another Thomas Greene lived in Roxbury in 1648, and

is undoubtedly the person who by the record embarked in

the “ Hopewell 99for New England, April 2, 1635. The

name of his mother “Widow Greene ” appears upon the

Roxbury church records.

A Thomas Greene came from London, England, in the

“ Pauli,:” Leonard Betts, master, bound for Virginia, July

6, 1635.

Page 15: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Introduction . b

Another Thomas Greene came from London, England, in

the ship “ Speedwell,” Joseph Cliapell, master.

William Greene, born in Devonshire. England, Oct. 16,

1591, came to this country and settled in Woburn, Mass.

There were two by the name of Thomas Greene living in

Malden at the same time. One of them left a will dated

February 25, 1673, approved June 16 following; a record

of which is found in Middlesex Probate, book 4, folio 110.

In this will his wife and several children are mentioned.

The second and third generations of these families settled

quite extensively in the vicinity of Boston and central Massa-

chusetts, especially in the towns of Worcester, Leicester

and Brimfield.

The records of those times were not as full and perfect

as are the records of the present day. It is easy to see the

difficulties that may arise when the records are imperfect,

and when an entire generation is omitted, it is extremely

difficult to trace the connection, and keep distinct the mem-bers of each family.

The records of the town of Wales show that the Greenes

were quite numerous and conspicuous in the settlement

and early history of the town;that Thomas Greene, son of

Thomas Greene of Brimfield, came to Wales in 1737, and

that Robert Greene, the subject of this history, supposed to

be brother of Thomas, settled in Wales in 1743;but the

record does not give the name or place of residence of his

ancestors, and we have not as yet been able to supply the

missing link.

Therefore in this history we shall designate Robert

Greene as the first generation, and the figure following any

name will indicate the number of generations such person is

removed from the said Robert Greene.


34 Temple Place, Boston, Mass., 1885.

Page 16: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

6 Family of Robert Greene .


Robert Greene located Id Wales, Mass., in 1743.

Wales was then a part of Brimfield. The original bounda-

ries of Brimfield embraced what is now known as Holland,

Wales, Monson, and part of Palmer and Warren.

In our introductory remarks we noticed several families

by the name of Greene who came from England in the time

of the early settlement of this country, but we have not

been able to connect with any degree of certainty this, our

paternal grandfather, with any of them.

We supposed that Robert Greene was a brother of ThomasGreene, who removed from Brimfield to Wales in 1737, but

we do not find such proof upon the records.

Dr. Thomas Greene was one of the early settlers of Brim-

field. Thomas Greene, jr., of Brimfield, married Eliza-

beth Greene, of Stafford, Ct., March 29, 1744. It has been*

supposed by some that Robert Greene was a brother of

Elizabeth, but her descendants, now quite numerous in

Stafford and the adjoining towns, do not know of such rela-


Thus far we have failed to find any authentic account of

Robert Greene previous to his settling in Wales in 1743.

He must therefore be considered the first in ancestral line

in our branch of the Greene family of which we have any

definite knowledge.

The records show that Robert Greene came to Wales in

1743, that he married Sarah Rogers (sister to Ichabod and

Dea. Joel Rogers), Oct. 11, 1744, that he established his

home in the west part of Wales, that here he had three chil-

dren born. For several years after this we find no account

of him in Wales. But in the town of Tolland, Ct., we find

recorded the death of a child of Robert and Sarah Greene,

Page 17: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

First Generation . 7

and of the birth of four more children. Subsequently wefind upon the records of Wales the birth of two more chil-

dren of Robert and Sarah Greene. We must therefore ac-

cept the conclusion that Robert Greene, after marrying and

residing in Wales for a time, removed to Tolland, Ct., where

he remained for several years, and then returned to his old

homestead in Wales, where he had two other children born,

and where he finally died.

A few years ago, we visited the localit}^ of this old home-

stead in company with Daniel Gardner Greene, of Monson,

from whom we obtained much valuable information. The

farm was partly in Monson and partly in Wales, the line

running through the house, and it is said that at one time

there w^as a lively contest to decide in which of the towns

the family lived. The old house disappeared long ago, but

there remains abundant evidence of its location.

The children of Robert and Sarah were :

Ruth, born in Wales, Mass., Feb. 14, 1745.

Joel, born in Wales, Mass., May 5, 1748.

Lydia, born in Wales, Mass., March 6, 1750;


in Tolland, Ct., July 5, 1851.

Lydia, born in Tolland, Ct., July 28, 1751.

Amos, born in Tolland, Ct., June 22, 1753.

Nathan, born in Tolland, Ct., March 28, 1755.

Eunice, horn in Tolland, Ct., Feb. 14, 1757 ;died in

Wales, 1822.

Solmon, born in Wales, Mass., March 12, 1766.

Reuben, born in Wales, Mass., May 24, 1769.


Nathan Greene2, son of Robert Greene, was born in

Tolland, Ct., March 28, 1755. A few years after his birth

Page 18: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

8 Family of Robert Greene .

his parents removed with him to the old homestead in

Wales, Mass.

Sarah Shields was born Nov. 24, 1758. Her father died

when she was very young, and she lived with Rev. Mr.

Stebbins of Monson.

Nathan and Sarah married May 10, 1780, and removed

to Whitingham,* Vermont. They were obliged to travel

with their entire outfit, on foot, or on horseback, from

Greenfield, Mass., a distance of twenty miles, guided only

by blazed trees. This must have been a romantic wedding

tour for a bride even in that early day, and contrasts very

strongly with the custom of our time. We do not knowhow much preparation Mr. Greene had previously made for

the reception and comfort of his bride in their new home,

but he must have been one of the pioneers in the settlement

of the town.

He had selected a favorable location about one mile

southwest from the centre of the town. Here he had built

his log cabin, cleared and cultivated a patch of land, and it

*Note.—The town of Whitingham, Yt., where Nathan Greene, one branchof the Greene family settled, lies in the southwest corner of Windham county,

adjoining the State of Massachusetts on the south, and Bennington countyon the west.

The town was chartered March 1, 1770, to Nathaniel Whitingham and his

nine associates by the commissioners of King George III.

The surface of the territory is uneven, but not as hilly as other towns in

the vicinity, having level tracts well cultivated. The soil is rich, giving goodreturns for the labor bestowed upon it.

The Sadawga Pond, which still bears its Indian name, lies near the central

part of the town, and is a very picturesque sheet of water. The village near

the pond bore the same name as the pond, until the old centre on the hill be-

came nearly depopulated, when it was changed by the government at Wash-ington to Whitingham, and the post-office at the old centre discontinued.

The outlet of Sadawga Pond flows through this thriving village, affording

water-power for a gristmill, several sawmills and other manufacturing in-

dustries. This beautiful stream of water makes a rapid descent for about

two miles, where it joins the Deerfield river which flows through the westpart of this town.

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Second Generation. 9

is fair to presume that he had prepared as well as he could

for the comfort of his permanent home.

At the time of his arrival with his bride in 1780, except

the little improvement he had made, his cabin stood in the

midst of an unbroken wilderness. There were several

other families who settled in different parts of the town

about this time, or a little later, among whom were Eliphlet

Gaston, John Nelson, Burnijah Lampher, James Angel,

Robert Bratten, Nathaniel Davis, and Leonard Pike. The

hardships of those early settlers were very great, but these

pioneers were men of strong constitutions, determined wills

and brave hearts.

Mr. Pike settled about two miles west of the centre of

the town. He had twenty-eight children, all living to be-

come men and women. They had a very hard struggle to

sustain themselves in this new country. They could not

procure shoes or proper clothing, and it is related that the

boys used to split from the trees large flat pieces of wood,

heat them by the fire, and stand upon them with their bare

feet while doing their out-door work. We well remember

some of these hardy sons as they frequently called at our

father’s house while on their way to the centre of the town.

We remember with what wonder and delight we listened

to our grandmother while she related to us facts and inci-

dents of her early life in the wilderness. According to her

description, their first cabin was very crude, having neither

windows nor doors. For several years the howling of the

wolf was heard about their humble dwelling, and in the

night these ferocious animals often x^ame so near that she

could see the glare of their eyeballs reflected by the light of

the fire, which was continually kept burning, and which

was perhaps the best protection, for wild animals are always

afraid of fire.

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10 Family of Robert Greene .

She would also relate stories about the Indians, who were

frequently seen about the Sadawga Pond, which still bears

its Indian name, and upon whose southern border lies the

farm where their cabin was first built and where they lived

and died.

Nathan Greene was a man of great physical strength

and intellectual development, energetic and ambitious, al-

ways ready with a joke, yet of great will power and deci-

sion of character, which attributes appear characteristic of

the Greene family.

He was quite an extensive land-owner. The records of

the town show that he sold in 1785 and during the follow-

ing years, tracts of land or farms to nine different persons.

March 20, 1822, having become old and somewhat infirm,

he sold his homestead to David Hosley, jr. (his son-in-law)


taking back a life lease of the premises.

Their children were :

Hannah, born Jan. 31, 1781;married Lincoln Hall,

and removed to Pennsylvania.

Alfred, born in Whitingham, Nov. 21, 1783.

Rhoda, born in Whitingham, July 12, 1785.

Lydia, born in Whitingham, April 17, 1787.

Polly, born in Whitingham, June 22, 1789.

Anna, born in Whitingham, Oct. 21, 1791.

Nathan, jr., born in Whitingham, Dec. 3, 1793.

Twins, bom in Whitingham, March 17, 1795.

Daniel, born in Whitingham, Dec. 18, 1796.

Sally, born in Whitingham, March 3, 1799.

Nathan Greene died Sunday, May 6, 1838.

Sarah (Shields) Greene died May, 1843.

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Third Generation 11


Alfred Greene3 (son of Nathan2, son of Robert 1

) was

born in Whitingliam, Vt., Nov. 21, 1783. He was the

oldest son of Nathan Greene, one of the first settlers

of the town, and was said to have been the first male child

born in the town. He purchased of his father the south-

west part of the old homestead, and also the Du nnel farm

adjoining, where he established his home, and where he

lived and died.

He learned the carpenter’s trade early in life, and al-

though but seventeen years old, was one of the workmen

upon the old meeting-house,* which was erected in the sum-

mer and autumn of 1799. He soon became a master-car-

penter and builder, and erected most of the principal builcl-

*Note.—Tliis grand old meeting-house was built upon the Common, uponland deeded to the town by Amos Greene, also one of the first settlers, andbrother of Robert Greene. The building was not completed till the year 1800.But the town records show that on the 18th day of March, 1799, the townvoted to build a meeting-house, and it was to ne completed outside, the floorslaid and doors hung so that it could he occupied by the first day of Decemberfollowing.This house was a wonderful structure for the time and place. It was a large

and imposing edifice, with wide galleries upon three sides, with an octagonpulpit raised to a level with the galleries, and was capable of seating abouttwo thousand people. It was built by the town, and was occupied by differ-ent religious denominations.After the business left the centre of the town, the old house became neg-

lected and gradually denuded of its finish and beauty, and for twenty-fiveyears remained in a dilapidated condition, though occupied much of thetime for town meetings.The centennial celebration of the settlement of the town was held August

18, 1880. For this grand occasion, the covering was removed from the eastside of this old church, and seats extended to a great distance outside thebuilding.

It was estimated that there were present at this celebration more than fivethousand people, many of them natives of the town, who had gathered fromvarious parts of the country to do honor to the place of their birth, and thehome of their childhood.At this celebration it was remarked that the inhabitants of the town who

have permitted the mutilation of its walls and allowed it to be shorn of its

inward beauty—its unique pulpit, its square pews, its extensive galleries, sotastefully decorated, emblematic of New England life two hundred years ago—ought to be indicted for the desecration of the altar of their fathers.This time-honoi ed landmark is gone, the building having been taken down

in 1883 by citizens residing in the vicinity.

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12 Family of Robert Greene .

ings in the town for the next forty years. He was a manof great force of character, and unusual strength and power

of endurance, was always active, and even in old age took

a lively interest in business and in the care of his farm. The

day before he was taken sick, he walked six miles in the

morning to transact business, and worked most of the day

in the hay-held with almost the vigor of youth. In the

afternoon a sudden shower came upon him, and he was wet

before he could reach his house. The shock was too great

for one of his age, and typhoid dysentery setting in, he lived

but ten days.

March 26, 1810, Alfred Greene married Clarissa Smith,

daughter of Asa and Submit (Severance) Smith, born Feb.

26, 1788.

Their children, all born in Whitingham, were :

Eli, born Oct. 9, 1812;died Aug. 21, 1854.

Alfred, jr., born Aug. 7, 1814;died Aug. 28, 1864.

Reuben, born Feb. 18, 1817.

Polly, born Feb. 2, 1819.

Asa, born Oct 6, 1821;died Oct. 1, 1866.

Miranda, born Nov. 11, 1824.

Clarissa, born Dec. 18, 1833.

Alfred Greene died July 19, 1873, aged 90.

Clarissa (Smith) Greene died June 21, 1868, aged 80.


Eli Greene4 (Alfred3, Nathan2


) was born

in Whitingham, Vt., Oct. 9, 1812; he was the oldest

son of Alfred Greene, and always lived with his father

upon the old homestead. He was a man greatly* respected

by all;he held various offices, and for several years repre-

sented the town in the Vermont Legislature.

Page 23: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation . 13

He was a great business man, — kept a country store,

owned large tracts of timber land, had a sawmill and dealt

largely in lumber. He was the contractor and builder of

the South Meeting-house in 1840.*

He lived a very active life, and employed a great number

of men. In 1847, at the age of 35, his health began to fail,

and for several years he had occasional profuse hemorrhage

from the lungs which produced complete prostration, but

from the effects of which he would so far recover as to be

about and oversee his business, which he did till near the

time of his death in 1854.

Eli Greene married Elvira Dix, Nov. 5, 1835.

Their children, all born in Whitingham, were :

Elvira Melissa, born Aug. 13, 1838.

Eli Theophelas, born April 13, 1840;died June 22, 1875.

Newton Keuben, born Nov. 8, 1842;died Oct. 28, 1871.

Harriet Agusta, born Jan. 6, 1845;died Dec. 29, 1847.

Mary Ellen, born Feb. 4, 1847 ;died April 11, 1848.

'Frank Ashton, born Jan. 15, 1849, unmarried, and now

living in St. Joseph, Mo.Eli Greene died Aug. 21, 1854.


This meeting-house was dedicated Sept. 24, 1840; its location wasabout one mile southwest from the old meeting-house at the centre of thetown, and near where Dr. Waters Gillett now lives, and within six rods of thespot where Nathan Greene (2), our grandfather, built his first log cabin in

the early settlement of the town. This meeting-house was contracted for,

jointly by the Universalists and the Methodists, a strange combination ofreligious principles, which may perhaps have worked to some “ mysterioususe,” but as far as the building was concerned it certainly did not prove avery substantial or profitable investment, for after a few years it was aban-doned as a place of public worship. For want of proper care the buildingsoon showed signs of decay and was taken down in 1867 by Dr. Waters Gillett,

and the material used in the construction of a barn. This may seem a little

sacrilegious, but. when the building ceased to be used as a place of public wor-ship bv the terms of the deed, the land reverted to the former owner. Thusin a period of less than thirty years, a new meeting-house which we sawerected and dedicated to public worship, has had its day and perished fromthe face of the earth.Although this unique church, and the grand old church in the centre of the

town have disappeared, there are at this date (1885) in the town of Whiting-ham four churches, two at Sadawga, one Baptist and one Methodist; two at

Jacksonville, one Methodist and one Universalist.

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14 Family of Robert Greene .

Alfred Greene, jr. 4 (Alfred3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born

in Whitingham, Vt., Aug. 7. 1814. He received his educa-

tion in the schools of his native town. Nov. 22, 1837,

he purchased of David Hosley, jr., the old homestead,

agreeing to carry out the conditions of the life-lease held

by Nathan Greene.

Grandfather Greene died May 12, 1838. Grandmother

was, after a time, induced to relinquish her right in the

homestead and live with Alfred Greene her oldest son. The

incumbrance on the premises was thereby removed, and the

farm was sold to Dr. Waters Gillett, May 13, 1840, and

Alfred Greene, jr., went to live with Rufus Carley, his father-

in-law, where he remained about two years, assisting on the

farm when not otherwise employed. In the summer of

1840 he assisted his brother Eli in building the South


March 24, 1842, he purchased the gristmill at Jackson-

ville and removed to that flourishing village. In this newenterprise he succeeded in building up a good trade in the

mill, and adding a planing-mill and other important works. 1

This mill was burned Aug. 13, 1847, with all its con-

tents Instead of being disheartened at seeing the result of

so many years of hard labor reduced to ashes in an hour,

with an energv characteristic of the Greene family, he im-

mediately commenced to rebuild on a more extensive scale,

and in less than six months the mill was again in success-

ful operation.

In 1853 he sold the mill and removed to Cambridge,

Mass., and engaged in the milk business, where he estab-

lished a large and extensive traffic. After remaining in

Cambridge five yerirs he moved to 13 Sullivan street,

Charlestown, now a part of Boston, where he remained

until his death Aug. 18, 1864.

Page 25: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation. 15

Alfred Greene, jr., married Gratia Carley, Aug. 27,


Their children were :

Sally Luana, born Oct. 29, 1838 ; died July 22, 1864.

Merritt Sanford, born June 18, 1841;died May 30,


Gratia M., born May 24, 1843, died Aug. 23, 1843.

Gratia (Carley) Greene died July 14, 1843, aged 30.

Alfred Greene, jr., married Clerinda Murdock, Jan. 16,


Their children were :

Benjamin E., born July 7, 1846;died Jan. 15, 1848.

Eller}^ B., born Feb. 11, 1848; died Oct. 14, 1850.

Forrest Derrell, born in Whitingham, Vt., May 1,


Eli Gilmore, born in Cambridge, Mass., July 11, 1854.

Alfred Greene, jr., died Oct. 18, 1864.

Reuben Greene, third son of Alfred Greene, was born in

Whitingham, Vt., Feb. 18, 1817. The following extract in

regard to him is copied from one of the literary journals .of

Boston :

“ Dr. Reuben Greene, the subject of this sketch, comes

from a long line of good New England stock, his grand-

father being among the first settlers of Whitingham, Yt.

His father designed him for a literary career and directed

his education to that end. But the early aspirations of the

young man were towards a professional life. Choosing

medicine as the field of his future usefulness, after gradu-

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16 Family of Robert Greene .

ating, he spent several years in travels, and the investiga-

tion of the various systems of medical practice, and finally

located in West Acton, Mass., where he remained five

years, enjoying a large and extensive practice. He was

held in such high esteem by his fellow townsmen, that he

was appointed postmaster and also justice of the peace.

But he soon resigned all public offices and devoted his en-

tire energies to the development of his profession. Thetendency of the practice of medicine was towards special-

ties, and becoming convinced that the field of medical prac-

tice was too vast to be thoroughly comprehended and devel-

oped by any one mind, he decided to confine himself to the

study and treatment of chronic diseases, and in order to

have a wider scope for his energies and a broader field for

his investigations, he removed to Boston in 1850, and es-

tablished a medical office and laboratories in the heart of

the city. Here for more than thirty years he has maintained

a reputation as an eminent physician and skilful surgeon,

with a wide-spread practice throughout New England.u During the intervals of relaxation from the arduous

duties of his profession, he published several medical and

literary works upon diseases and their treatment, intemper-

ance, the use of alcoholic stimulants as medicines, etc., but

his best known work is the h Problem of Health,’ pub-

lished in 1876.

“ Dr. Greene is still active and efficient in practice, does

much for the benefit of society, is a prominent member of

the Methodist church, and an active worker in the cause of

temperance and the various benevolent enterprises of the


January 1, 1884, at the age of 67, Dr. R. Greene retired

from active practice, leaving his extensive business to his

two sons, F. E. and J. A. Greene.

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Fourth Generation . 17

Reuben Greene4 (Alfred3, Nathan2

,Robert 1


born in Whitingham, Vt., Feb. 18, 1817;married Lydia

Waste, Oct. 30, 1842.

Their children were :

Charles R., born in Fowler, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1843.

Jareb A., born in Whitingham, Vt., Nov. 5, 1845.

Wm. Albert, born in West Acton, Mass., Aug. 20,

1849;died Nov. 25, 1850.

Emma C., born in West Acton, Mass., Feb. 24, 1852;

died July 3, 1853.

Frank Eugene, born in Waltham, Mass., July 30, 1854.

Ella Mary, born in Boston, Nov. 16, 1856.

Flora Estelle, born in Boston, Jan. 4, 1859.

Robert A., born in Boston, April 30, 1861.

Lydia (Waste) Greene died June 14, 1868.

Reuben Greene married Rebecca L. Tilton, July 6, 1869.

Polly Greene4 (Alfred3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

)was born

in Whitingham, Vt., Feb. 2, 1819. Jonathan Carley,

born April 21, 1816. Polly and Jonathan married Sept.

5, 1837.

Their children were


Alfred, born Dec. 13, 1838;died March 24, 1840.

Rufus W., born July 26, 1840.

Hattie Aurora, born Feb. 28, 1842.

Alfred G., born Jan. 14, 1847.

Herbert H., born Feb. 18, 1850 ;married Callie S.

Bolles, May 31, 1874; died Jan. 8, 1879. Callie

(Bolles) Carley died Dec. 14, 1882. They leave one


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18 Family of Robert Greene .

son Herbert Barney, born at Blue Mound, 111 ,Jan. 10,


Clara Amanda, born Dec. 4, 1858;married David

Shepardson, Nov. 28, 1872.

Eli Winthrop, born May 24, 1857.

Jonathan Carley died Jan. 17, 1857.

Polly married Luther Gale, May 25, 1862.

Luther Gale died Oct. 27, 1877.

Asa Greene4 (Alfred3, Nathan2

,Robert 1

) was born

in Whitingham, Vt., Oct. 6, 1821;married Julana Wheeler,

April 19, 1849.

Their children, all born in Whitingham, Vt., were :

Nathan A., born April 4, 1850; married Stella M.Kingsley, July 18, 1882. Son, Clarence Nathan,

born in Wilmington, Vt., Sept. 25, 1884.

Mary J., born Dec. 20, 1851;married Schuyler

Murdock, March 9, 1875.

Alfred C., born Sept. 20, 1858 ;died July 31, 1873.

Menzo W., born Oct. 9, 1855; married Cora A.

Lynde, Nov. 12, 1878;died Sept. 11, 1880.

Nellie C., born Oct. 3, 1857 : married Norman F.

T&inter, April 18, 1878.

Asa Greene died Oct. 1, 1866.

Miranda Greene4 (Alfred3,

Nathan 2 Robert 1

) born

in Whitingham, Vt., Nov. 11, 1824. Shepard D. Faulk-

ner, born March 9, 1818. Miranda and Shepard married

Nov. 11, 1845.

Page 29: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fifth Generation . 19

Their children, all bom in Whitingham, Vt., were :

Wm. A., born Sept. 14, 1848;married Alice Starr,

Sept. 21, 1877.

Emma M., born Oct. 19, 1854; married Henry H.

Holbrook, May 4, 1873.

Their children were :

Ina A., born Aug. G, 1875 ; died March 27, 1877.

Claria M., born March 24, 1877.

Roy S., born Dec. 1, 1881;died Feb. 16, 1884.

Emma (Faulkner) Holbrook died Dec. 16, 1882.

Clarissa Greene4 (Alfred3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born

Dec. 18, 1833. David B. Flint, born June 18, 1827. Clarissa

and David married Jan. 12, 1853.

Their children, all born in Orange, Mass., were :

Arthur Eugene, born May 15, 1855;

died Feb. 8,


Clara Gertrude, born Dec. 2, 1856 ; died March 9, 1867.

Arria Emogene, born Jan. 7, 1866.

Perley Greene, born June 16, 1872.


Elvira Melissa Greene5 (Eli4, Alfred3



Robert 1), born in Whitingham, Vt., Aug. 13, 1838 ;


George W. Chase, April 30, 1859.

Their children were :

Ernest Eli, born in Whitingham, Vt., Feb. 17, 1861.

David Arthur, born in Shelburn Falls, Mass.,

Dec. 27, 1869;

lived but two hours.

Page 30: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

20 Family of Robert Greene .

Clara Christine, born in St. Joseph, Mo., June 17,


' Madeline Melissa, born in St. Joseph, Mo., June

25, 1879.

Eli Theophelus Greene5 (Eli4,



Robert1), born in Whitingham, Vt., April 13, 1840


Mary E. Blanchard, Dec. 25, 1864.

Their children were :

Rose Mary, born June 21, 1868;died July 26, 1868.

Annie May, born Oct. 13, 1871.

Eli Theophelus Greene died June 22, 1875.

Newton Reuben Greene5 (Eli4,



Robert 1), born Nov. 8, 1842; married Emma R. Hull,

June 14, 1865. No children.

Newton R. Greene died Oct. 28, 1871.

Emma R. (Hull) Greene died June 23, 1878.

Forrest Derrell Greene5 (Alfred, jr. 4,


than2,Robert 1

), born in Whitingham, Vt., May 1, 1852.

Ida J. Castle, born in Mendota, 111., April 9, 1862.

Forrest and Ida married Sept. 18, 1883.

Charles Reuben Greene5 (Reuben4,



than2,Roberti), born in Fowler, O., Aug. 5, 1843.

Caroline Eva Wayler, born in Louisville, Ky., Feb. 7,


Charles and Caroline married at St. Louis, Mo., March

17, 1867.

Page 31: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fifth Generation. 21

Their children were :

Flora Eva, born in St. Louis, Mo., June 27, 1879.

Clarence Reuben, born in St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1880;

died May 17, 1882.

Jareb Alonzo Greene5,

M. D. (Reuben4,


Nathan2,Robert 1

), born in Whitingham, Vt., Nov. 5, 1845.

Lucretia B. Drew, born in Medford, Mass., Oct. 15,


Jareb and Lucretia married Oct. 4, 1867.

Their children were


Frank Alonzo, born in Toledo, O., Feb. 6, 1869.

Frank Eugene Greene5,M. D. (Reuben4



Nathan2,Reuben 1

), born in Waltham, Mass., July 30,


Mary A. Greene, born in Monson, Mass, Sept. 28,


Frank and Mary married Nov. 8, 1876.

Their children were :

Florence Hattie, born in Boston, Jan. 24, 1878;

died March 7, 1881.

Gardner Frank, born in Boston, Nov. 10, 1884.

Ella Mary Greene5 (Reuben4,



Robert1), born in Boston, Nov. 16, 1856.

Albert J. Marston, M. D., born in Bridgewater, N. H.,

March 19, 1852.

Ella and Albert married June 8, 1877.

Page 32: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

22 Family of Robert Greene .

Their children were :

Grace Eleanor, born in Boston, May 22, 1878.

Ida Louise, born in Plymouth, N. H., March 22,


George Albert, born in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 7,


Flora. Estelle Greene5 (Reuben4,Alfred3



Robert 1

), born in Boston, Jan. 4, 1859.

George W. Armstrong, bom in Boston, Aug. 11, 1836.

Flora and George married Dec. 12, 1882.

Their children were :

Ethel, born in Brookline, Mass., June 7, 1884.

Rufus W. Carley5 (Polly4,Alfred3




born July 26, 1840;married Rosebella Merrill of Shelburn

Falls, Mass., Jan. 6, 1868.

Their children were :

R. Nettie, born June 5, 1869.

Ira Merrill, born May 9, 18/0.

Neale Severance, born Feb. 18, 1879.

Hattie Aurora Carley5 (Polly4,



Robert 1), born in Whitingham, Vt., Feb. 28, 1842.

Charles D. Hendrickson, M. D., born in Portsmouth, O.,

Nov. 12, 1844.

Hattie and Charles married March 14, 1868.

Page 33: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fifth Generation. 23

Their children were :

Gertrude, born in Olathe, Kansas, Dec. 31, 1869.

Grace, born in St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 9, 1872 ;died

Dec. 21, 1875.

Alfred Greene Carley5 (Polly4,Alfred3



Robert 1), born Jan. 14, 1847

;married M. Augusta Steven-

son, Jan. 14, 1875.

Their children were :

Alfred S., born July 23, 1879; died March 15, 1881.

Herbert S., born March 8, 1882.

Rhoda Greene3 (Nathan2,Robert 1

), born in Whiting-

ham, Vt., July 12, 1785; married David Hosley, jr., Dec.

4, 1805.

Rhoda (Greene) Hosley died July 26, 1806;no children.

David Hosley, jr., then married Lydia Greene, April

14, 1807.

Their children, all born in Whitingham, were :

Susan, born April 8, 1809;

married Horace Al-

lord, April 3, 1828.

Alexis C., born Oct. 13, 1810; married Eliza Rob-

ertson, Feb. 24, 1834.

Alonzo D., born March 13, 1813;died July 26, 1815.

Rhoda, born Oct. 16. 1814; died in 1872.

Fernando C., born June 4, 1816; married * * died

in 1863.

Joel Greene, born Oct. 30, 1820;died Jan. 1, 1837.

Matilda, born Sept. 2, 1824 ;died March 27, 1846.

Calista, born June 25, 1830 ;died in 1860.

Page 34: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

24 Family of Robert Greene .

David Hosley*, born April 24, 1780; died Nov. 13,


Lydia (Greene) Hosley, born April 17, 1787 ;died Dec.

3, 1834.

Anna Greene3 (Nathan2,Robert 1

), born Oct. 21, 1791 ;

married Abner Kingsbury in 1811.

Their children were :

Lucetta, born April 13, 1813;married Joel May in


George, born Feb. 9, 1815;married Mary Ann

Hammond in 1841;died Dec. 15, 1866.

Hannah, born Dec. 14, 1818;died Aug. 19, 1854,


Nathan G., born March 20, 1820; married Syrena

Bruce in 1842; died Jan. 16, 1866.

Uriah, born May 12, 1822;married Mirrilla Smith,

Sept., 1849;died April 15, 1880.

Elliot, born 4"eb. 18, 1824;married Eunice Haynes,

March 21, 1848;died March 3, 1877.

Abner Kingsbury died in Illinois, Aug., 1850.

Anna (Greene) Kingsbury died June 10, 1847.

Nathan Greene, jr. 3 (Nathan2,

Robert 1), born in

Whitingham, Dec. 3, 1793;married Lydia Lesure, June

20, 1816. He purchased land of his father and built a house

about one hundred rods south of the old homestead;he was

a brick-maker as well as farmer.

Note.— David Hosley, jr., purchased land of Nathan Greene (his father-in-law), and took charge of the homestead till May 20, 1822, when Nathan Greenedeeded to him the old homestead, taking hack a life lease of the premises.Nov. 15, 1837, David Hosley, jr

,sold his interest in the farm to Alfred Greene,

jr., and removed to Charlemont, Mass.

Page 35: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generatian. 25

Their children were


Son, born June 10, 1820.

Jane, born Dec. 31, 1821.

Linus, born June 9, 1825.

George, born March 27, 1827.

Susan, born March 22, 1829.

Nathan Greene, jr.,died Nov. 30, 1837, aged 44,

Lydia (Lesure) Greene died Feb. 24, 1863, aged 75.


Jane Greene4 (Nathan jr. 3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born

in Whitingham, Vt., Dec. 31, 1821;married John P. Dix,

March 14, 1839.

Their children were :

Lucy Jane, born June 18, 1841.

Lydia C., born Jan. 2, 1844;married J. V. Kentfield.

John Winslow.


Jane (Greene) Dix died April 12, 1850.

Linus Greene4 (Nathan, jr. 3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born

in Whitingham, Vt., June 9, 1825; married Martha Ray-

mond, Feb. 3, 1863.

Their children were :

Alto O., born Dec. 10, 1863.

George M., born July 12, 1866.

Mattie R., born Sept. 28, 1868.

Page 36: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

26 Family of Robert Greene .

George Greene4 (Nathan, jr. 3,Nathan2

, Robert1), born

in Whitingham, Vt., March 27, 1827.

Mary P. Bowen, born Sept. 18, 1887.

George and Mary married Jan. 25, 1854.

Their children were :

Herbert W., born in Heath, Mass., July 6, 1856.

Ernest N., born in Heath, Mass., Oct, 10, 1858;

died July 19, 1859.

Walter G., born in Heath, Mass., Aug. 5, 1860.

Mary Gertrude, born in Charlestown, Mass., May 21,


Susan Greene4 (Nathan, jr. 3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born

in Whitingham, Vt., March 22, 1829.

Bradford L. Bowen, born May 24, 1830.

Susan and Bradford married Jan. 23, 1853.

Their children were :

Grace A., born in Whitingham, Vt., Feb. 2, 1855.

Florence C., born in Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 23,

1857;married C. P. Morse, Nov. 16, 1883.

Nellie J., born in Charlestown, Sept. 21, 1860;mar-

ried C. F. Pierce, Dec. 29, 1881.

Forrest L., born in Charlestown, May 31, 1863 ;died

in infanc}T.

Bradford L., jr., born in Charlestown, Feb. 8, 1874.

Herbert W. Greene5 (George4,Nathan, jr. 3



Robert 1

), born in Heath, Mass., July 6, 1856; married

Josie C. Brown of Everett, Mass,May 10, 1876.

Page 37: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Third Generation . 27

Their children were :

George Wm., born in Everett, Mass., May 15, 1877.

Josie C. (Brown) Greene died May 19, 1877.

Herbert W. Greene married Abbie R. Woodwardof Colerain, Mass., Nov. 25, 1878.

Daniel Greene3 (Nathan2,Robert1

), born Dec. 18,

1796; married Mary Parker, Jan. 18, 1820. He settled

upon a small farm about one-eighth of a mile east of

the old homestead. January 8, 1834, he sold his estate to

Rev. Hosea F. Ballou, and in September following removed

with his family to Brownhelm, Lorain Co., Ohio.

Their children were :

Mary Ann, born in Whitingham, March 4, 1821;

died in Brownhelm, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1835.

Freeman, born in Whitingham, April 26, 1822.

Sophrona, born in Whitingham, April 3, 1828.

Albert D., born in Whitingham, Sept. 25, 1829;

died Aug. 24, 1831


Fannie S., born in Whitingham, May 29, 1831;died

May 2. 1832.

Rosetta L., born in Brownhelm, Ohio, May 2, 1836;

died in Greenfield, Mass., May 22, 1868.

Diantha E., born in Brownhelm, Ohio, May 21, 1837.

Sarah A., born in Brownhelm, Ohio, May 2, 1839.

Daniel Greene died Oct. 9, 1849.

Mary (Parker) Greene died May 17, 1862.i

Freeman Greene4 (Daniel3,Nathan 2

,Robert 1

), born in

Whitingham, Vt., April 26, 1822; married Lucy M.Bristle, of Henrietta, Ohio, May 2, 1843.

Page 38: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

28 Family of Robert Greene .

Their children were :*

Calista M., born Nov. 18, 1844; married Francis

James, of Clarksfield, Ohio, Oct. 23, 1865.

Fannie S., born Oct. 2, 1847;married Walter B.

Todd, Brighton, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1871.

Henrietta A., born Aug. 23, 1849;married DeWitt

Hill, of Brighton, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1872.

Charles F.,born Sept. 28, 1857 ;

married Addie

Husted, April 18, 1880.

Mary E., born May 4, 1860; married Elbert Ward,

March 31, 1881


Geo. W., born June 10, 1862; married Minnie

Wood, March 18, 1884.

Arthur U., born April 22, 1866;died Jan. 4, 1879.

Sophrona Greene4 (Daniel3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born in

Whitingham, Vt., Aug. 3, 1828; married Horace Peasley,

of Brownhelm, Ohio, April 3, 1848.

Their children were


Agusta, born April 30, 1850 ;married Will Bar-

nard, of Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 24, 1874.

Louisa, born Feb. 28, 1852 ;married Frank D.

Foster, of Hillsdale, Mich., May 1, 1870.

Charles II., born June 1854;died 1858.

Hattie, born Oct. 4, 1856;married Omer Whitney,

Oberlin, Ohio, July 4, 1878.

Sophrona (Greene) Peasley died May 31, 1864.

Diantha E. Greene4 (Daniel3,Nathan2

,Robert 1

), born

in Brownhelm, Lorain Co., Ohio, May 21, 1837;married

John F. Christopher, Brownhelm, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1862.

Page 39: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation. 29

Their children were


John F., born in Akron, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1862.

Henry Adolphus, born in Malvern, la., Nov. 30, 1877.

Sarah A. Greene4 (Daniel3,Nathan2

,Robert*), born

in Brownhelm, Ohio, May 2, 1839;

married S. Life, of

Oberlin, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1862.

Their children were


Mary Ella, born in Oberlin, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1866.

Lottie Emilie, born in Oberlin, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1868.

Georgie Grant, born in Oberlin, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1872.

Sally Greene3 (Nathan2,Robert1

), born in Whitingham,

Vt., March 3, 1799; married Enoch R. Bowen, Nov. 18,


Their children were


Alfred, born Oct. 14, 1820;died Dec 18, 1877.

Dardana, born April 30, 1822.

Diantha L., born Feb. 8, 1824.

Diana, born Jan. 24, 1826;died in Nov., 1826.

Sarah Diana, born March 16, 1827.

Mercy L., born April 14, 1830;died July 1, 1867.

Geo. W., born Feb. 25, 1832;died March 19, 1834.

Henry A., born May 15, 1835.

Fanny Menerva, born June 4, 1840.

Sally (Greene) Bowen died Jan. 20, 1870, aged 71.

Enoch R. Bowen died Oct. 28, 1878, aged 82.

Amos Greene2 (Robert 1

) married Mary Nelson.

Children of Amos and Mary :

Sally, born

Page 40: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

30 Family of Robert Greene .

Fanny, born;died in Wales, Mass., March

27, 1869.

Eli, born Feb. 24, 1784.

Ira, bom Nov. 9, 1785.

Mary Nelson Greene died

Amos Greene2 (Robert 1

) married Lucy Rogers.

Lucy Rogers Greene died March 21, 1828, aged 71.

Amos Greene2 (Robert 1

) married Mrs. Mehitable Moul-

ton, Sept. 1 1 ,1828.

Amos Greene, son of Robert and Sarah, was born in

Tolland, Conn., June 22, 1753 But a few years after his

birth he with his parents removed to South Brimfield, Mass,

(now Wales), their former home. Here he remained until

his marriage, when he removed to Whitingham, Yt. Hewas among the first settlers of that town. His name ap-

pears upon the first list for taxation in the town, and the

records show that he received grants of land directly from

the State of Vermont. He was conspicuous in public affairs,

and was town clerk from 1785 to 1794.

He deeded to the town of Whitingham about ten acres

of land in the centre of the town for a public common, and

one-half acre about one- half mile north of the centre for

a public burying-ground. He sold land at various times

to new settlers, and his name appears often upon the town


After fourteen years’ residence in this new country, he

returned to South Brimfield (now Wales), Mass., where he

remained till his death.

Ruth Greene2 (Robert 1

) married Comfort Ward.

No children.

Page 41: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Second Generation. 31

Joel Greene2 (Robert 1), bom May 4, 1748, S. Brimfield


married Abigail Nelson, April 7, 1774.

Children of Joel and Abigail


Robert, born 1775;died Ji)ly 2, 1847.

Betsey, born

Asenath, born

Chloe, born

Jonas, born Dec. 21, 1784: died Nov. L, 1845.

Huldah, born 1788; died July 28, 1808.

Joel, born 1792; died Sept. 6, 1847.

The children of Joel Greene2 were all born in South Brim-

field, now the present town of Wales, and all lived and died

here except one daughter Asenath. The three sons were

all tillers of the soil, and made their homes on lands wdiich

their grandfather Robert reclaimed from a wilderness, or

lands adjoining. Joel the youngest occupied the paternal

homestead, and the other brothers’ homes were not a mile


Solomon Greene2 (Robert 1

)married Lucy Chaffe, Dec.

15, 1785.

Children of Solomon and Lucy :

Solomon Greene after his marriage resided in Monson,

Mass., for a few years, but he removed from there and we

are unable to say where he settled, or to give a record of

his family or any account of any descendants of his except

one grandson, Chauncey Greene, who died in Brimfield.

Reuben Greene2 (Robert1)married Rachel Squier, Dec.

14, 1786.

Page 42: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

32 Family of Robert Greene.

Children of Reuben and Rachel :

James, born April 10, 1787 ;died May 20, 1837.

Olive, born March 22, 1789;died Nov. 21, 1844.

Lovel, born Oct. 25, 1793 ;died Feb. 20,

Ruth, born May, 2, 1796.

Laura, born July, 14, 1798.

Schyler, born Oct. 10, 1800;died March 30, 1864.

Reuben, born Aug. 5, 1804.

John S., born Sept. 27, 1806; died Dec. 1881.

Eli, born May 19, 1809;died

Reuben Greene2 died Sept. 21, 1816, aged 47.

Rachel Greene died

Reuben Greene occupied the homestead of his father

Robert. The house was situated in Wales near the

boundary line between Monson and Wales,

Robert3 (Joel2,

Robert 1) married Hannah Gardner,

March 12, 1794.

Children of Robert and Hannah :

Betsey, born May 24, 1795;died in infancy.

Azubah, born March 4, 1797; died Oct. 18, 1835.

Amanda, born May 26, 1799.

Asher, born July 18, 1801;died in childhood.

Abigail, born March 27, 1803;died Sept. 13, 1867.

Roxey, born April 24, 1805.

Asenath, born March 27, 1807;died

Caroline, born Jan. 12, 1809;died in infancy.

Caroline, born Dec. 11, 1811;died March 8, 1841.

Adeline, born June 22, 1814;died June 29, 1844.

Page 43: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Third Generation. 33

Robert Greene3 died July 2, 1847, aged 73.

Hannah Greene died May 28, 1855, aged 82.

Robert Greene, son of Joel and Abigail, spent most of his

life in his native town (Wales), on a sterile farm, and died

there about a mile from where he was born. ,

Chloe Greene3 (Joel2,Robert 1

) married Robert Staun-


Chloe Greene Staunton died a few months after her

marriage with that fatal disease consumption, of which her

sisters and many descendants of the Green family have

since died.

Asenath Greene3 (Joel2,Robert 1

) married Obediah


Children of Asenath and Obediah :



Asenath Greene, daughter of Joel and Abigail, soon after

her marriage went to the State of ’New York (then the u far

West” to the New Englander), and there with her husband

made them a home. They had three or four children born

there, but of them or their descendants can give no record

or account. Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins have long been dead

and if any child survives could not give their address.

Jonas Green3 (Joel2,Robert1

)married Sophia Gardner,

Sept. 4, 1816.

Page 44: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

34 Family of Robert Greene .

Children of Jonas and Sophia


Daniel G. ,born Oct. 17, 1817

;died July 31, 1884.

Horace, born Jan. 14, 1819;died Sept. 13, 1851.

Eli M., born Jan. 18, 1821 ;died Sept. 24, 1845.

Sarah A., born April 26, 1822;died Oct. 20, 1881.

Joel, born April 5, 1825 ;died Oct. 9, 1827.

Jonas, born May 15, 1826 ;died Aug. 18, 1854.

Asenath A., born Feb. 4, 1831;died Feb. 26, 1833.

Asenath S., born July 25, 1837.

Jonas Green3 died Nov. 1, 1845, aged 60.

Sophia Green died May 10, 1865, aged 73.

The children of Jonas and Sophia Green were all born

in Wales, and made their homes there or in towns adjoin-

ing. Only one survives.

Joel Green3 (Joel2,Robert 1

)married Tamar Moulton,


Children of Joel and Tamar :

Fidilla, born June 8, 1817.

Pearly G., born Dec. 25, 1818.

Asher, born July 17, 1822.

Amanda, born died in childhood.

Abigail, born April 26, 1826;died March 16, 1860.

Nathan, born Feb, 23, 1829.

Samuel W., born;died Sept. 14, 1837.

Charlotte, born Jan. 23, 1832.

Lucinda E., born June 16, 1838.

George M., born Aug. 25, 1840: died Oct., 1863.

Edgar, born;died Oct.


Page 45: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Th ird Generation . 35

Joel Green3 died Sept. 6, 1847, aged 55.

Tamar Green died Ang. 2, 1849, aged 51.

Joel Green, jr., remained and died upon the paternal

homestead in the northwest part of Wales. His children

were all born there, and his son Asher still remains in the

old home of his father and grandfather.

Ira Green3 (Amos2, Robert 1

) married Betsey Stewart

Nelson, July,1815.

Children of Ira and Betsey :

Eli N., born July 15, 1816.

Whitman M., born Aug. 14, 1820;died Sept. 7, 1871.

Ira Green died Sept. 30, 1857, age 72.

Betsey Green died July 15, 1865, age 75.

Ira Green3, born in Whitingham, Vt., came to Wales,

Mass., the town of his father’s nativity, and spent the most

of his life here. His father, after a sojourn of fourteen

years in the “ Green Mountain State,” returned to Wales

and settled in the southwest part of the town. Ira, his

son, after his death, remained upon the old homestead, and

died there.

Fanny Green3 (Amos2,

Robert1)was unmarried and

died at an advanced age in Wales.

James Green 3 (Reuben2,

Robert 1

)married Hannah

Staunton, March 26, 1812.

Children of James and Hannah :

William Harrison, born July 4, 1813; died March

14, 1876.

Page 46: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

36 Family of Robert Greene.

Alfred Ely, born Dec. 8, 1814; died June,1869.

Levi Merrick, born Nov. 12, 1816; died Dec. 11,


James, born Dec. 13, 1819.

James Green3 died May 20, 1837, age 50.

Hannah Green died March 9, 1838, age 53.

James Green3,son of Reuben and Rachel, was a farmer,

and his farm was in the northeast part of Monson adjoin-

ing his father’s. His four sons were all born there, but a

few years after his death the three oldest emigrated to Wis-

consin, where they made themselves new homes in the then

wild territory. A few years later the younger brother joined

them and made there his home, but they have passed away,

and he is the only surviving one. They left families, and

their descendants are all residents of Wisconsin and other

Western States. There is not a descendant of James

Greene now a resident of his native State.

Olive Green3 (Reuben2,Robert 1

) married Levi Under-

wood, Nov. 21,1820.

Children of Olive and Levi


Harriet, born Oct. 14, 1821.

Levi, born Nov. 8, 1824;died in childhood.

Levi Underwood died Nov. 17, 1826, age 38.

Olive Green Underwood married James Stewart, Oct. 20,


No children.

James Stewart died

Olive Stewart died Nov. 21, 1844, age 55.

Page 47: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Third Generation . 37

Olive Green, daughter of Reuben and Rachel, remained

in Wales after her marriage to Mr. Underwood, but upon

her second marriage she removed to Stafford, Conn., and

lived and died there.

Lovel Green3 (Reuben2, Robert 1

) married Amilla

Shearer, Sept. 23, 1817.

Children of Lovel and Amilla :

Directly after his marriage he left Wales, but am unable

to say where he located or give any account of his family;

but his home was somewhere in the State of Ohio. He has

been dead several years.

John S. Green3 (Reuben2, Robert 1

) married Arminda


John S. Green lived in Palmer, Mass., for many years,

and died there in the year 1880 or 1881 ;but of his family

am unable to report.

Ruth Green3 (Reuben2,Robert 1

)married Asa Under-

wood, May 30, 1815.

Children of Ruth and Asa


Louisa, born Oct. 17, 1815.

Lavina, born May 28, 1817.

Reuben G., born April 29, 1819.

Alpheus, born May 18, 1821.

Porter, born June 18, 1823.

William E., born April 9, 1825.

Asenath, born July 1, 1828.

Lyman, born

Francis, born

Page 48: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

38 Family of Robert Greene .

We are unable to give any further record of the children

or descendants of Ruth Green Underwood. She left Wales

about 1828, removing to Monson.

Eli Green3 (Reuben^, Roberti),married Sarah J. Smith.

Eli Green, son of Reuben and Rachel, left his native town

and State, and went West when quite young. He settled

in Jonesboro, Union Co., 111. He has been dead some years,

but do not know as he had any children.

Laura Green (Reuben2,

Robert 1

) married Justin


Children of Laura and Justin :

Justin B., born

Marcius U., born

Erancis, born;died in childhood.

Justin Underwood died

Lama Green Underwood married

Scuyler Green 3 (Reuben, 2 Robert 1

)married Susan

Bugbee, May, 1823.

Children of Schyler and Susan :

Susan, born May 3, 1824;died in infancy.

Lyman P., born March 9, 1826.

Gilbert S., born June 19, 1829 ;died Aug. 16, 1838.

Susan L., born Aug. 25, 1832;died July 24, 1882.

Harrison W., born May 30, 1836.

Violet A., born Oct. 30, 1838.

Emeline M., born Sept. 20, 1841.

Gilbert S., born Dec. 27, 1844.

Page 49: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Third Generation . 39

Schyler Green died March 30, 18G4.

Schyler Green succeeded his father in the occupancy of

the old Green homestead, and there lived many years. His

children were born in the house that was situated on the

boundary line, but whether I shall say they were born in

Wales or Monson I know not, but think he was reckoned

an inhabitant of Monson. The old house became so dilapi-

dated that he left it some twenty years previous to his

death and removed to Warren.

Reuben Green,

3 jr. (Reuben2, Robert 1

), married Emily


Reuben Green has no children, and is now living in

Belchertown where he has spent much of his life since mar-


Azubah Green4 (Robert3,


Robert 1) married

Charles Squier, May, 1816.

Children of Azubah and Charles :

Caroline, born July 26, 1817.

Elvira C., born Sept. 27, 1818.

William C., born July 6, 1820 ;died Sept. 7, 1822.

Mary Ann, born May 8, 1822.

Asher G., born Aug. 7, 1824.

Luna P., born Aug. 8, 1826.

Charles C., born June 30, 1831.

Azubah Green Squier died Oct. 17, 1835.

Charles Squier died March 5, 1857.

Azubah Green married Charles Squier, of Monson,

Mass., and a short time after marriage removed to the

Page 50: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

40 Family of Robert Oreene ,

State of New York and settled in that State where their

children were born;but after living there a number of years

they removed to Illinois, and both died in that State, Mrs.

Squier in Gilead, Calhoun County, Illinois, and Mr. Squier

in Hardin, Calhoun County. Their children and descen-

dants are scattered through that State and other parts of

the Western States.

Amanda Green4 (Robert3,


Robert 1


Timothy Gardner, Sept. 10, 1821.

Timothy Gardner died Sept. 19, 1828.

Amanda Green Gardner4 (Robert3,

Joel2,Robert 1


married Asa Houghton, April 5, 1830.

Children of Amanda and Asa


Timothy G., born April 8, 1831;died March 19, 1878.

Caroline, born April 4, 1833.

Asa B., born July 8, 1836;died Sept. 23, 1837.

Mary, born June 26, 1839.

Asa Houghton died April 23, 1855, age 61.

Amanda Green4, daughter of Robert3 and Hannah dur-

ing her first marriage, lived in the State of New York, but

after her husband’s death she returned to Wales, where she

married again and where she still lives at the advanced age

of fourscore and six (Jan 1, 1885).

Caroline Green4 (Robert3,

Joel2 ,Robert 1

) married

George Shaw, May, 1834.

Page 51: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation . 41

Children of Caroline and George


John, born Sept. 16, 1836;died June 25, 1866.

Francis W.,born March 8, 1835;died March 22, 1835.

George Shaw died July 5, 1840, aged 33.

Caroline Shaw died March 8, 1841, aged 29.

Abigail Green and her sister Caroline married brothers,

and both couple lived and died in Brimlield, Mass.

Abigail Green 4 (Robert3,Joel2

,Robert 1

)married Joshua

Shaw, Dec., 1821.

Children of Abigail and Joshua


Asenath C., born April 16, 1831 ;died Oct. 8, 1833.

Eliza A., born Feb. 9, 1835;died Sept. 10, 1851.

Joshua Shaw died March 17, 1867, aged 72.

Abigail Shaw died Sept. 18, 1867, aged 64.

Roxy Green4 (Robert3,Joel2

,Robert 1

)married Daniel

Shaw, June 8, 1825.

Children of Roxy and Daniel


Josephine A., born June 3, 1827.

Gardner B., born Nov. 5, 1829.

Sarah A., born Sept. 29, 1831.

Martha A., born July 4, 1834 ;died Dec., 1834.

Roxy Green Shaw at the time of writing, Jan. 5, 1885,

is a resident of Wales, Mass., and is smart and active. Her

children were all born in Wales.

Page 52: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

42 Family of Robert Greene .

Adeline Green4 (Robert3,Joel2

,Robert 1

) married Orrin

King, April, 1837.

Children of Adeline and Orrin :

Orrin, born died Sept. 3. 1838.

Adeline Green King4 (Robert3,Joel2

,Robert 1


Asa Fosket, Sept. 1, 1842.

Children of Adeline and Asa


Charles, born died Nov., 1846.

Orrin King died 1837.

Adeline Fosket died June 29, 1844, aged 30.

Asa Fosket died Nov. 5, 1846, aged 37.

Daniel G. Green4 (Jonas, 3 Joel, 2 Robert1)


Harriet Parker, Dec. 5, 1839.

Children of Daniel G. and Harriet


Frances P., born July 25, 1840;died Sept., 1840.

Harriet (Parker) Green died July 25, 1840, aged 20.

Daniel G. Green4 (Jonas, 3 Joel, 2 Robert1)


Azuba L. King, Aug. 31, 1841.

Children of Daniel and Azuba :

Hattie S., born June 10, 1842;died April 20, 1876.

Mary A., born Sept. 28, 1851.

Addie A., born Jan. 21, 1854;died March 15, 1881


Azuba (King) Green died Oct. 30, 1872, aged 53.

Page 53: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation. 4 3

Daniel G. Green4 (Jonas, 3 Joel, 2 Robert 1

) married

Emily J. Fay, Nov. 4, 1874.

Daniel G. Green died July 31, 1884, aged 66.

Daniel G. Green for the last forty years of his life was a

resident of Monson, Mass., and all of his children were born

in that town.

The following Obituary Notice is taken from the Palmer

Journal of Aug. i, 1884


In the death of Mr. Daniel G. Green, which occurred

yesterday, Monson loses another citizen who has been

prominent in her business and public affairs for the past

forty years. Mr. Green was born in Wales, Oct. 17, 1817.

One of a large family, on a rocky, sterile farm, he was early

obliged to strike out for himself—first as schoolmaster win-

ters, working for a neighbor summers—then longing for a

wider field, he engaged in stock and horse driving, and gen-

eral trafficking in stock-farm and lumber, which he has fol-

lowed until the present time.

With the growth of Monson Mr. Green has been es-

pecially identified;

purchasing the land and laying out

Green street, named after him, and now one of our most

important thoroughfares;purchasing the old church and

converting it into a hall and stores;buying the old hotel,

rebuilding and enlarging it, thus making one of the hand-

somest of country hotels. He also built several tenements

for rent. Mr. Green was an old-line war Democrat, al-

ways esteemed and honored by his party—often their candi-

date, always polling a vote in excess of his party. He was

sent by them to the Legislature in 1875, and was their can-

didate for State senator two }~ears ago. He has also held

Page 54: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

44 Family of Robert Greene.

the office of selectman, as well as several minor offices in


As a business man, Mr. Green was a bold operator, cool,

accurate and far-seeing in judgment; one whose opinion

carried weight and who was much sought after in town and

out on appraisal of property. He has filled a large place in

this community, and his familiar face will be missed in this

and adjoining towns.

Sarah A. Green 4 (Jonas, 3 Joel,2 Robert 1


Jonathan P. Webber, Nov. 9, 1841.

Children of Sarah and Jonathan :

Frank G., born Aug. 23, 1842.

Eunice M., born March 8, 1844.

Charles M., born Dec. 29, 1845.

Chloe C., born Jan.— , 1847;died Sept. 18, 1848.

Fred M., born Dec. 16, 1848.

Sarah M., born Feb. 5, 1850.

Horace G., born Nov. 25, 1854.

Jonas G., born Aug. 10, 1856;died March 20, 1865.

Senie J., born Nov. 5, 1858.

Hattie S., born July 8, 1861.

Sarah (Green) Webber died Oct. 20, 1881, aged 59.

The children of Sarah (Green) Webber were all born in

Wales, Mass., except Frank G., who was born in Holland,

and Hattie S., in Brimfield. The last twenty years of her

life were spent in Brimfield where she died.

Horace Green 4 (Jonas, 3 Joel, 2 Robert 1

)married Ma-

tilda C. Fay, June 3, 1847.

No children.

Page 55: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation. 45

Matilda Fay Green died Sept. 22, 1848, aged 21.

Horace Green died Sept. 13, 1851, aged 32.

Jonas Green, jr .4 (Jonas, 3 Joel, 2 Robert 1

), was un-


Fidilla Green4 (Joel, 3 Joel, 2 Robert1)married Austin

Pratt, Nov. 27, 1839.

Children of Fidilla and Austin :

Austin G., born July 3, 1841;died Nov. 27, 1863.

Ann Janette, born Jan. 9, 1844; died Oct. 17, 1861.

Abigail A., born Dec. 28, 1845.

Lemuel A., born April 7, 1856;died Feb. 25, 1884.

Austin Pratt died from wounds received at the battle of

Winchester, Va., Sept 20, 1864.

Austin G. Pratt was killed in the battle at Orange Grove,

Va., Nov. 27, 1863.

Pearly G. Green4 (Joel, 3 Joel, 2 Robert 1

) married Eliza

A. Roberts, April 18, 1843.

Children of Pearly and Eliza :

Emma E., born June 1, 1845;died 1884.

Ellen A., born July 26, 1847;died Aug. 11, 1876.

Charlotte I., born Sept. 16, 1849.

John F., born Feb. 15, 1852.

Charles S., born June 29, 1855.

Mary E., born Nov. 5, 1857.

Pearly G. Green died March 29, 1882, aged 63.

Pearly G. Green, son of Joel, jr., and Tamar, spent much

Page 56: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

46 Family of Robert Greene .

of his life in Wales, but the last few years were spent in

Holland, an adjoining town. He left three daughters and

two sons. His sons are the only male descendants of Joel2 ,

sen., in tlie fourth generation who bore the name Greene.

Abigail Green 4 (Joel, 3 Joel2,Robert 1

)married John-

son W. Stacy in 1850.

Children of Abigail and Johnson :

Frances A., born July, 1852 ;died Oct. 5, 1852.

Lola I., born Oct. 23, 1853;died March 5, 1858.

Lottie M., born March 28, 1858.

Abigail (Green) Stacy died March 16, 1860, aged 33.

Charlotte Green4 (Joel, 3 Joel, 2 Robert 1


Johnson W. Stacy.

Children of Charlotte and Johnson :

Cora E., born Oct. 7, 1863.

Maud C., born Sept. 20, 1870.

Asher Green 4 (Joel, 3 Joel,2 Robert1) married Mary

Sutcliff, Dec. 3, 1849.

Children of Asher and Mary :

Ada J., born Nov. 25, 1852. ) ^pw |nsIda A., born Nov. 25, 1852. J

Nathan Green 4 (Joel,3 Joel,2 Robert 1

)married Lucy

J. Baker, March, 1855.

Page 57: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation. 47

Children of Nathan and Lucy :

Dora L. Rhodes, born Jan. 24, 1859.

Asher and Nathan, sons of Joel Green, jr., have ever or

for most of their lives remained in their native town, Wales.

George M., a younger son, unmarried, was a soldier in our

late civil war, was a member of the 36th Regiment Mass.

Yols., and died in the service.

# Lucinda E. Green4 (Joel,3 Joel, 2 Robert 1


William H. Roundy, Aug. 29, 1879.

Mr. Roundy is a business man in Boston, and resides in

West-boro’, Mass. They have no children.

Whitman M. Green4 (Ira3,Amos2

,Robert 1

) married

Maria Wal bridge.

Maria Walbridge Green died Jan., 1847, aged 26.

Whitman M. Green4 (Ira3,Amos2

,Robert 1

) married

Rachel Austin.

Rachel Austin Green died

Whitman M. Green4 (Ira3,Amos2

,Robert 1

) married

Mary E. Long, April 5, 1850.

Children of Whitman and Mary :

Florence E., born Dec. 29, 1850.

Carlos E., born July 10, 1853.

Mary G., born May 27, 1855.

Charles M., born April 21, 1857.

Clara J., born June 7, 1859.

Lizzie C., born Aug. 22, 1861.

Frank, born Oct. 30, 1863.

Page 58: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

48 Family of Robert Greene.

The children of Whitman were all born in Wales and

most of them still remain here.

Eli N. Green4 (Ira3,Amos2

,Robert 1

) married HannahChilds.

Children of Eli and Hannah


Charles M., born

Hannah Green died

Eli N. Green, son of Ira3,is now a resident of Canandai-

gua, N. Y.

Chajjncey Green, jr. 4 (Chauncey3,Solmon2

,Robert 1


married Marcia Bugbee, Nov. 21, 1837.

Children of Chauncey and Marcia :

Sophronia, born Nov. 5, 1838.

Nancy L., born July 5, 1840.

Emeline L., born June 20, 1842.

Hattie N., born June 2, 1845.

Charles C., born Feb. 12, 1849.

Etta C., born May 15, 1861.

Chauncey Green died Dec. 21, 1871, aged 60.

Marcia Green died Jan. 7, 1882, aged 64.

Alfred Ely Green4 (James3,Reuben2

,Robert 1


Sarah B. Nichols, May 16, 1839.

Children of Alfred and Sarah :

Daughter, born 1840;died Nov. 14, 1843, aged 3.

Sarah Nichols Green died May 28, 1842, aged 24.

Page 59: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation. 49

Alfred Ely Green4 (James3,Reuben 2

,Robert 1


Mary H. Rogers, April 28, 1844.

Children of Alfred and Mary :

Levi M., born 1845;died in infancy.

Alfred E., born 1849;died in infancy.

Clinton R., born 1851.

Rev. Alfred Ely Green was born in Monson, Mass.,

Dec. 8, 1814, and died in Wisconsin, June, 1869;where

he spent the last twenty-five years of his life. Hewas a Baptist minister. Only one child survives him


youngest, who is a physician.

William H. Greene4 (James3,Reuben2

,Robert 1


ried Eliza Grout, Nov. 18, 1840.

Children of William and Eliza


Marilda, born Aug. 27, 1842;died Jan. 3, 1844.

* James M., born March 23, 1845.

Levi M., born June 10, 1848;died March 20, 1854.

Henry M., born Aug. 30, 1851.

William M., born April 11, 1856; died Aug. 5, 1858.

William M., born May 21, 1861.

Levi M. Greene4 (James3,Reuben2

, Robert1)


Eliza A. Webster, Jan., 1850.

Children of Levi and Eliza :

Charlott M., born Aug. 30, 1852 ;died

William H., born

Winfield S., born

Levi M. Greene died Dec. 11, 1863, age 47.


Page 60: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

50 Family of Robert Greene .

Levi M. Greene was a soldier in our late civil war and

died in the service of his country.

James Greene4 (James3,Reuben2

,Robert 1

) married

Adeline Benson, April 1G, 1844.

Children of James and Adeline :

Ellen M., born March 16, 1845.

Joseph A., born April 9, 1862.

James Greene is a resident of Lowell, Wis.

Harrison W. Greene4 (Schyler3,Reuben2

,Robert 1



married Laura E. Young, Nov. 10, 1862.

Children of Harrison and Laura :

Addie L., born Oct. 28, 1863.

Emma M., born March 28, 1865.

Clara L., born Nov. 18, 1866.

Julia V., born June 23, 1870.

Ida M., born March 30, 1875.

Lyman P. Greene4 (Schyler3,Reuben2

,Robert 1

) married

Matilda Sherman, Nov. 24, 1853.

No children in 1884.

Harrison W. Greene, son of Schyler and Susan, is a

farmer and resides in Brim field. Lyman P. Green, his

brother, is also a farmer but resides in Warren.

Gilbert S. Greene4 (Schyler3,Reuben2

,Robert 1

) married

Martha Crosby, Nov. 29, 1865.

Page 61: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fourth Generation . . 51

Children of Gilbert S. and Martha


Jessie A., born June 30, 1866,

Cora I., born April 20, 1875;died Dec. 28, 1876.

Flora I., born Feb. 12, 1881.

Gilbert Greene, son of Schyler and Susan, is a farmer

and a resident of Warren.

Susan L. Greene4 (Schyler3,Reuben2

,Robert 1

) married

John Allen, Sept. 20, 1852.

Children of Susan and John


Jane S., born Nov. 24, 1858.

Mary M., born Oct. 24, 1860 ;died Jan. 4, 1875.

Harrison G., born Sept. 10, 1865;died Oct. 19, 1866.

Lydia A., born Sept. 3, 1874.

Susan Greene Allen died July 24, 1882.

Emeline M. Greene4 (Schyler3,


Robert 1


married Harrison Daman, Jan. 12, 1865.

No children, 1884.

Violet A. Greene4 (Schyler3, Reuben2,Robert 1

) mar-

ried Silas Drake, June 27, 1861.

Children of Violet and Silas :

George S., born July, 9, 1864 : died Aug. 5, 1864.

Violet A. Drake4 (Schyler3,Reuben2

,Roberti) married

Lewis Rogers, July 25, 1877.

No children, 1884.

Page 62: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

52 Family of Robert Greene .

Violet Greene Rogers, daughter of Schyler, is a resident

of Monson. Her mother, much advanced in years, resides

with her.

Caroline Squier5 (Azubah4,Robert3


,Robert 1


married Francis F. Belt in 1841.

Children of Caroline and Francis :



Francis F. Belt, by a steamboat explosion, 1852, was in-

stantly killed. He left three sons, but we are unable to

give the family record.

Elvira C. Squier5 (Azubah4,Robert3




married John W. Ingersoll, Oct. 8, 1833.

Children of Elvira and John :

C. W., born Aug. 1, 1831;died Aug. 30, 1866.

Perry, born July 5, 1838;died March 2, 1847.

JohnE., born Jan. 22, 1841;died Feb. 6, 1845.

Mary A., born April 14, 1843 ;died Feb. 12, 1845.

John W. Ingersoll died Feb. 8, 1845.

Elvira C. Ingersoll5 (Azubah4,Robert3 Joel2

,Robert 1


married Chesley W. Twichell, Oct. 8, 1845.

Children of Elvira and Chesley :

Ardelia, born June 17, 1847;died July 2, 1847.

Cordelia, born June 17, 1847;died July 3, 1847.

Chesley W., born April 12, 1849;died June 10, 1851.

Carlton A., born May 23, 1852.

Oscar S., born Aug. 15, 1856.

Page 63: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fifth Generation . 53

Chesley W. Twichell died April 6, 1880.

Mary A. Squier5 (Azubah4,

Robert3,Joel2 ,



married Joseph Twichell, Dec. 19, 1841.

Children of Mary and Joseph :

Elvira C., born Nov. 14, 1842.

Eliza J., born June 4, 1844 ;died June 9, 1844.

Harrison, born Jan. 24, 1847;died June 10, 1851.

Asher G., born June 24, 1849;died Dec. 8, 1849.

Mary Squier Twichell5 (Azubah4,Robert3

,Joel2 ,

Robert1)married Jefferson Crull, Oct. 22, 1852.

Children of Mary and Jefferson :

Laura A., born March 29, 1854.

Charles J., born May 22, 1858;died Sept. 18, 1859.

Mary M., born Feb. 4, 1862.

Asher G. Squier5 (Azubah4,Robert3


,Robert 1


married Fannie M. Gilman, Oct. 8, 1846.

Children of Asher and Fannie :

John A., born Feb. 8, 1848;died Aug. 7, 1851.

Mary E., born March 25, 1850;

died July 19, 1851.

Charles W.,born Dec. 22, 1851.

Sarilla, born Jan. 1, 1854;died Jan. 3, 1854.

James M., born Jan. 1, 1855;died March 4, 1856.

Haney A., born March 16, 1857.

Fannie Gilman Squier died March 16, 1859.

Asher G. Squier died Jan. 27, 1883.

Page 64: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

54 Family of Robert Greene.

Asher G. Squier5 (Azubak4, Robert3


,Robert 1


married Sarah H. Brown, Dec. 8, 1859.

Children of Asher and Sarah :

Alice E., born Oct. 31, 1860.

Ruby A., born Sept- 27, 1862;died Nov. 4, 1884.

Henry A., born Oct. 4, 1864;died May 31, 1877.

Chauncey, born Dec. 6, 1866 ;died Aug. 23, 1867.

Clarence E., born June 22, 1868;

died Aug. 23, 1879.

MaudB., born Sept. 8, 1878.

Asher G. Squier was born in the State of New York, but

removed from there with his parents to Illinois. His chil-

dren were born in Illinois, some in Hardin, Calhoun County,


Luna P. Squier5 (Azubah4,Robert3


,Robert 1


ried John Nairn, Oct. 20, 1844.

Children of Luna and John :

Joseph, born Aug. 6, 1845;died Sept. 26, 1864.

Charles W., born July 27, 1847.

Azubah V., born Nov. 30, 1849.

James, born Dec. 24, 1851 ; died

John A., born Feb. 28, 1855.

Lilly C., born Dec. 12, 1856.

Flora A., born Jan. 24, 1859.

Elvy G., born July 2, 1861.

Elvira C., born Dec 21, 1863.

Perry C., born March 17, 1866.

John Nairn died Nov. 10, 1874.

Charles C. Squier5 (Azubah4,Robert3


,Robert 1


married Jane Martland, Nov. 9, 1854.

Page 65: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fifth Generation . 55

Children of Charles and Jane :

Mary J., born Oct. 8, 1855,

George W., born Oct 1, 1857 ;died Sept. 1, 1859.

John A., born July 7, 1860.

Ella E., born Sept. 10, 1862.

Charles L., born Feb. 5, 1865.

Azubah, born Dec 14, 1866.

Cora A., born July 25, 1869.

Timothy G. Houghton5 (Amanda4,



Robert1)married L. Oakly Stebbins, Oct. 28, 1857.

Children of Timothy and Oakly :

Nellie M., born Oct. 28, 1859.

Eddie S., born May 15, 1870; died Dec. 25, 1875,

Wilbraham, Mass.

Timothy Gr. Houghton died March 19, 1878, aged 46.

Wilbraham, Mass.

Mary Houghton5 (Amanda4,Robert3


,Robert 1


married Herbert McFarland, Jan 21f1868.

No children.

Mary Houghton McFarland and Caroline her sister,

daughters of Amanda and Asa, are residents of Wales,


Josephine A. Shaw 5 (Roxy 4, Robert3


,Robert 1


married James S. Church, Oct., 1844.

Children of Josephine and James :

BradfordS., born Dec. 6, 1845; died Nov. 12, 1846.

Hollis G., born May 29, 1847.

Adela J., born Sept. 3, 1849.

Francena, born June 28, 1854; died Aug. 18, 1854.

Page 66: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

56 Family of Robert Greene.

James S. Church died Feb. 7, 1855, aged 85.

William A. Webber died March 13, 1881.

Josephine Shaw Church5 (Roxy4,


Joel2 ,

Robert 1

)married William A. Webber, Nov. 30, 1870.

John Shaw5 (Caroline4,Robert3


,Robert 1


Ellen W. Paige, April 30, 1861.

Children of John and Ellen :

Caroline M., born March 26, 1862.

John Shaw died June 25, 1866, age 29.

Ellen W. Shaw died Dec. 8, 1871, age 28.

John Shaw was bom in Brimfield, but at an early age

was left an orphan. He was adopted into the home of his

uncle, Joshua Shaw, with whom he remained until a short

time before his death. He was consumption’s victim, and

died in his native town.

Gardner B. Shaw5 (Roxy4,Robert3




ried Amanda N. Moulton, Jan. 1, 1855.

Children of Gardner and Amanda


Charles G., born Nov. 21, 1855.

Willie A., born Oct. 30, 1867.

Albert L., born Sept. 23, 1870.

Gardner B. Shaw is a resident of Wales, Mass.

Hattie S. Greene5 (Daniel4,Jonas3


,Robert 1

) mar-

ried George E. Fuller, Dec. 25, 1865.

Children of Hattie and George :

Alice G., born Sept. 17, 1866.

Gardner G., born Nov. 11, 1870 ; died Sept. 14, 1871.

Henry J., born March 23, 1876;died March 24, 1876.

Page 67: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

Fifth Generation . 57

Hattie S. Greene Fuller died April 20, 1876, age 83.

Mary A. Greene5 (Daniel4,Jonas3

,Joels, Robert 1


ried Frank E. Greene, Nov. 8, 1876.

Children of Mary and Frank :

Florence H., born Jan 24, 1878; died March 7, 1881.

Frank G., born Nov. 10, 1884.

Addie A. Greene5 (Daniel4,Jonas3




ried Rufus Flynt, Sept. 14, 1876.

Children of Addie and Rufus :

Harold G., born Nov. 21, 1877 ;died Nov. 7, 1878.

Hattie G., born March 16, 1879.

Addie A. Greene Flynt died March 15, 1881, age 27.

Frank G. Webber5 (Sarah4,Jonas3, Joel2

,Roberti) mar-

ried Isabel Fuller, Jan. 4, 1866.

Children of Frank G. and Isabel


Clarence W., born April 7, 1867.

Charles M. Webber5 (Sarah4, Jonas3, Joel2

,Robert 1


married Jane L. King, Oct 10, 1872.

No children, Nov., 1884.

Fred M. Webber5 (Sarah4, Jonas3, Joel2


) mar-

ried Ella Fenton, Oct. 28, 1874.

No children, Nov., 1884.

Horace G. Webber5 (Sarah4,Jonas3, Joel2



married Mabel Moulton, Oct. 21, 1884.

Frank G., Charles M., and Fred M. Webber are residents

of Monson, Mass. Horace G. Webber was a graduate of

Page 68: A genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene ...

58 Family of Robert Greene .

the University of New York, Class of 1880, and is a prac-

tising physician in Wilbraham, Mass.

Eunice M. Webber5 (Sarah4,Jonas3


,Robert 1


married George W. Olds, July 11, 1866.

Children of Eunice and George


Fred J., born July 18, 1867.

Clinton W., born Jan. 10, 1869 ;died March 8, 1870.

Eunice Webber Olds5 (Sarah4, Jonas3



married Alfred B. Miller, Dec. 21, 1872.

Children of Eunice and Alfred :

Lester A., born Aug. 81, 1876.

Eliza F., born Jan. 15, 1874;died May 5, 1877.

Sadie F., born Nov. 5, 1880.

Abigail A. Pratt5 (Fidilla4,Joel3


,Robert 1


ried Merritt A. Town, March 18, 1867.

Children of Abigail and Merritt


Austin P., born March 14, 1869.

Abigail Pratt Town5 (Fidilla4,Joel3

,Joel2 ,

Robert 1


married Minor G. Needham, Aug. 11, 1876.

Children of Abigail and Minor


Fayette O., born Nov. 14, 1878.

Lemuel A. Pratt5 (Fidilla4,Joel3


,Robert 1

) mar-

ried Lydia Lilley, Sept. 7, 1881.

No children.

Lemuel A. Pratt died Feb. 25, 1884, aged 27.

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Fifth Generation . 59

Emma E. Greene 5 (Pearly4,Joel3


,Robert 1


ried Gilbert Fosket, Oct. 25, 1869.

No children.

Emma Greene Fosket died Jan., 1884.

Ellen A. Greene5 (Pearly4, Joel


,Robert 1


ried Francis M. Needham, Dec. 16, 1867.

Children of Ellen and Francis :

Francis C., born Jane 7, 1868.

Ellen Greene Needham died Aug. 11, 1876, age 29.

Charlotte I. Greene5 (Pearly 4,Joel3

, Joel2,Robert 1


married Francis C. Sizer.

Children of Charlotte and Francis :

Edith E., born Aug. 13, 1875.

Robert C., born April 26, 1877.

John F. Greene5 (Pearly4,Joel3

,Joel2 ,



Maldenett Lock.

Children of John and Maldenett :*

Edwine F., born Oct., 1875.

Ida A. Greene5 (Asher4, Joel3 ,



Ansel H. Shaw, Aug. 24, 1870.

Children of Ida and Ansel


Ansel E., born April 25, 1873.

Ethel F., born Aug. 19, 1878.

Ada J. Greene5 (Asher4,Joel3




Horatio L. Parker, May 3, 1871.

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60 Family of Robert Greene .

Children of Ada and Horatio


Eleanor P., born Feb. 14, 1872.

Charles A., born Nov. 5, 1875.

Grade M., born July 80, 1877;died May 17, 1878.

Fred G., born Ang. 9, 1880.

Charles S. Greene5 (Pearly4,Joel3


,Robert 1


ried Mary Selleg in 1883.

Lizzie C. Greene5 (Whitman4,Ira3


,Robert 1


married Benjamin A. Sawtell, June 24, 1880.

Children of Lizzie and Benjamin :

Vesta F., born Dec. 4, 1882 ;died Oct. 8, 1884.

Florence E. Greene5 (Whitman4,Ira3




married James A. Swift, Jan. 24, 1872.

Children of Florence F., and James :

Edgar H., born June 27, 1873.

Nettie S., born Aug. 16, 1875.

Clara J. Greene5 (Whitman4,


,Robert 1


married George A. Sutton, Aug. 6, 1881.

Children of Clara and George :

Jessie L., born Nov. 10, 1884.

Mary G. Gkeene5 (Whitman4,Ira3


,Robert 1


married Willard F. Dimmick, May 4, 1871.

Children of Mary and Willard


Nellie, born June 18, 1875.

Charles M. Greene5 (Whitman4, Ira3

, Amos2,Robert 1


married Persis N. Needham, Nov. 15, 1879.

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Fifth Generation . 61

Children of Charles and Persis :

Blanch V., born Aug. 30, 1882.

Carlos E. Greene5 (Whitman4,Ira3


,Robert 1


married Mary E. Thompson, Sept. 1, 1880.

Children of Carlos and Mary


George A., born Feb. 11, 1883.

Mary Thompson Greene died Feb. 20, 1883, aged 24.

Sophronia Greene5 (Chauncey4,Chauncey3



Robert1)married Desmond G. Ashly, Jan. 28, 1868.

Children of Sophronia and Desmond :

Ella S., born Nov. 30, 1869.

Frank P., born Dec. 24, 1871.

Wilber F., born May 9, 1874.

Clara L., born Feb. 9, 1877 ; died Aug. 4, 1877.

Bertha E., born Oct. 9, 1879.

Nancy S. Greene5 (Chauncey4,Chauncey3



Robert 1

)married George Blanchard, Nov. 8, 1860.

Children of Nancy and George :

Frank L., born Nov. 23, 1861.

Hattie E., born Nov. 29, 1864.

Hattie N. Greene5 (Chauncey4,Chauncey3



Robert 1) married James C. Waters, Oct. 24, 1864.

Children of Hattie and James.

Annie S., born Nov. 17, 1867.

Leon I., born March 11, 1870.

Lillian M., born Sept. 28, 1877.

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62 Family of Robert Greene .

Charles C. Greene5 (Chauncey4,Chauncey3, Solmon2,

Robert 1)married Nellie Downer, Oct. 3, 1873.

Emeline Greene5 (Chauncey4,



Robert 1

) married Russell Moffatt.

Children of Emeline and Russell


Freddie R.

Arthur T.

Effie M.Clara E.

James M. Greene5 (William H. 4,James3



Robert 1

) married Ella M. Cramer, Aug. 21, 1873.

Children of James M. and Ella M.


William H., born May 15, 1874.

Alma E., born Nov. 4, 1875;died Feb. 13, 1876.

Clarence M., born June 7, 1878; died July 18, 1882.

Henry M. Greene5 (William H. 4,



Robert 1

) married Ida M. Cramer, July 22, 1882.

Children of Henry and Ida :

Ada E., born Oct. 29, 1883.

William M. Greene5 (William H. 4,James3



Robert 1

) married Louisa M. Hubner, Sept. 14, 1882.

Children of William and Louisa :

Lillie L,born Nov. 15, 1883.

James M., Henry M., William M., were sons of William

II. Greene, and were born in Wisconsin and reside there.

Addie L. Greene5 (Harrison4,



Robert 1

) married William Taylor, March 28, 1883.

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Fifth Generation



Jane S. Allen5 (Susan4,


,Robert 1


married Herbert Plympton, Nov. 4, 1882.

Alice E. Squier6 (Asher5,Azubah4




Robert 1

)married M. Kuhn, June 7, 1883, Bloomington,

111 .

Ruby A. Squier6 (Asher5,Azubah4




Robert 1

) married Clarence E. Brady, June 7, 1883.

Children of Ruby and Clarence :

Clarence E., born 1884.

Ruby A. Squier Brady died Nov. 4, 1884.

Charles W. Squier6 (Asher5,Azubah4




Robert 1

) married Elizabeth S. Joslin, Nov. 22, 1873.

Hancy A. Squier6 (Asher5,Azubah4

, Robert3,


Robert 1

)married George F. Wiegand, April 6, 1877.

Nellie M. Houghton6 (Timothy 5,Amanda4


Joel2,Robert 1

)married Frederic W. Buffington, Oct. 9,


Hollis G. Church6 (Josephine5,Roxy4


,Joel2 ,

Robert 1) married Susie P. Varney, May 2, 1872.

Susie P Church died Aug. 23, 1872.

Hollis G. Church6 (Josephine5,Roxy4




Robert1) married Mary M. Webber, Jan. 22, 1877.

Children of Hollis and Mary :

Josephine, born June 14, 1881.

Elsie A., born Dec. 11, 1883.

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64 Family of Robert Greene.

Adela J. Church6 (Josephine5,Roxy4


,Joel2 ,

Robert 1

)married Henry E. Shaw, Nov. 18, 1869.

No children, 1884.

Charles G, Shaw6 (Gardner5,Roxy4

,Roberts, Joel2 ,

Robert 1

) married Mary Harris, Sept. 1, 1878.

Children of Ch arles and Mary :

Willie A., born June 1, 1879.

Hattie Blanchard6 (Nancy5,Chauncey4



Solmon2,Robert 1

)married Fisk Rogers, Feb. 22, 1882.

Children of Hattie and Fisk


Freddie G., born Sept. 13, 1883.

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