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A. M. Mannino, R. Barone F. M. Raimondo First record of ... · A. M. Mannino, R. Barone & F. M....

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A. M. Mannino, R. Barone & F. M. Raimondo First record of Para[e11lanea cafena(a (Rhodophyta) from Italian Peninsula Introduction Abs tr act Ma nnino. A. M.. Ba rone, R. & Raimondo. F. M.: Fi rst reco rd or Para /eli/allea catel/ala (Rhodophy/a ) (rom Italian Peninsula. - Bocconca 16(2 ): \05 3-1058. 2003. - ISSN 11 204060. During th c VI Iter Mediterranculll, hcld in Aspromonte (Soulh Ital y) in 1997, Pora/el1/af/l'Il calel/afa (Klitzi ng) Vis & Shcath, typc spccics of lhe genu s. was rccordcd fo r Ihe tirst li me rrUlll [Ialia n Peninsu i ll. Samples were collcclCd inlhc Li sti Slrea m, a noi sUl11l1l cr-dry i ng ed be l ow th c Basilico mountain al aboul 1400 In a.Ls. Lemaneajlllvialilis (LinnacLLs) C. Aga rdl! \Va s co llc ctcd together wi th Paralelll(lI1ea CC ll enala, and 1hal is thc lirst record from Calal"H'ia. Comparative obscrvation s, both morphologi cal a nd anatomical. wc n.: carricd OUI on th,lI 11 ,\1' bOlh spccies. The fam il y Lemaneaceae (Batrachospermales , Rhodophyta) is characterized by a het- eromorp hi c triphasic lif e cycle consisting of chantransia, gametophyte and carposporo- ph ytc phases. A di stinct cartilaginous, psc ud oparcnchymatous gamctophytic thallus with nodes and internodes joined like bamboo stems 3nd with internai carpos porophytes a ll ows to distinguish it from other related fami lies. Sirodot (1872), on th e basis of anatomica1 and spermatangia1 features, recognized lWO genera within this fàmily. He proposed th e genus Sacher,a to include species lacking ",ial co rti cation, leav in g the genus Lemanea Bory for those with axial cortica ti on. Ketel ( I reduced both genera to the rank of s ub genus. Later Hamel (1925) renamed sub !lc' ''''' Lemanea in Eulemanea. Recently. Silva (1959) proposed the name ParalemanclI li li' Eulemanea Hame l. Greuter & a l. (1988) cons id ered the name Sacheria a nome nel "' ''',, 1 (homoty pi c) synonim of Lemanea. At present, three gametophyte morpho1ogies exist within Lemaneaceae, which di 1 li.'!' in their internai structure (Vis & Sheath 1992). The fo rm er two morpholog ie s, orig in ; Jll y in c lu ded in the genus Lemanea by Bory (1808), had been recognized as distinct ge nera: Lemanea Bory and Paralemanea (P. C. Si lva) Vis & Sheath, using anatomical and sper- matangial features. The third structural type, Psilosiphon. was described o nl y for Australia n inland waters (Entwisle 1989).
Page 1: A. M. Mannino, R. Barone F. M. Raimondo First record of ... · A. M. Mannino, R. Barone & F. M. Raimondo First record of Para[e11lanea cafena(a (Rhodophyta) from Italian Peninsula

A. M. Mannino, R. Barone & F. M. Raimondo

First record of Para[e11lanea cafena(a (Rhodophyta) from Italian Peninsula



Mannino. A. M .. Barone, R. & Raimondo. F. M.: First record or Para/eli/allea catel/ala (Rhod ophy/a ) (rom Ital ian Peninsula. - Bocconca 16(2): \053-1058. 2003. - ISSN 11 204060.

During thc VI Iter Med iterranculll , hcld in Aspromonte (Soulh Ita ly) in 1997, Pora/el1/af/l'Il

calel/afa (Klitzi ng) Vis & Shcath, typc spcc ics of lhe genus. was rccordcd fo r Ihe tirst li me rrUlll

[Ialian Peninsu ill. Samples were collcclCd inlhc Listi Slrea m, a noi sUl11l1lcr-dry ing lorrenll o~ ' <ll ­

ed be low thc Basilico mountain al aboul 1400 In a.Ls. Lemaneajlll vialilis (LinnacLLs) C. Aga rdl! \Vas co llcctcd together wi th Paralelll(lI1ea CCllenala, and 1hal is thc lirst record from Cala l"H'ia . Comparative obscrvations, both morpho logical and anatomical. wcn.: carricd OUI on th,lI 11 ,\1' bOlh spccies.

The fam ily Lemaneaceae (Batrachospermales , Rhodophyta) is characterized by a het­eromorphic triphasic life cycle consisting of chantransia, gametophyte and carposporo­phytc phases. A distinct carti laginous, pscudoparcnchymatous gamctophytic thallus w ith nodes and internodes joined like bamboo stems 3nd with internai carposporophytes allows to distinguish it from other related fami lies.

Sirodot (1872), on the basis of anatomica1 and spermatangia1 features, recognized lWO

genera within this fàmily. He proposed the genus Sacher,a to include species lacking ",ial cortication, leaving the genus Lemanea Bory for those with axial corticati on. Ketel ( I ~i7) reduced both genera to the rank of subgenus. Later Hamel ( 1925) renamed sub !lc' '''' ' Lemanea in Eulemanea. Recently. Silva ( 1959) proposed the name ParalemanclI li li' Eulemanea Hamel. Greuter & al. ( 1988) considered the name Sacheria a nome nel "' ''',,1 (homotypic) synonim of Lemanea.

At present, three gametophyte morpho1ogies exist within Lemaneaceae, which di1 li.'!' in their internai structure (Vis & Sheath 1992). The fo rmer two morphologies, orig in;Jlly included in the genus Lemanea by Bory (1808), had been recognized as distinct genera: Lemanea Bory and Paralemanea (P. C. Si lva) Vis & Sheath, using anatomical and sper­matangial features. The third structural type, Psilosiphon. was described onl y for Australian inland waters (Entwisle 1989).

Page 2: A. M. Mannino, R. Barone F. M. Raimondo First record of ... · A. M. Mannino, R. Barone & F. M. Raimondo First record of Para[e11lanea cafena(a (Rhodophyta) from Italian Peninsula

1054 Mannino & al.: First record of Paralemanea calenala (Rhodophyla) ...

The species belonging to the genera Paralemanea and Lemanea inhabit fresh-water strearns, mostly in areas with turbulent and continuously flowing water. Although the members of the genus Lemanea require a higher current velocity compared to the mcm­bers of the genus Paralemanea, very aften the species Para/emanea catenata (Kiltz ing) Vis & Sheath and Lemaneajluvialilis (Linnaeus) C. Agardh are collected together.

During the VI Iter Mediterraneum, held in Aspromonte (South ltaly) in 1997, Paralemanea calenata, type species of the genus, was recorded for the first ti me from Italian Peninsula. Lemanea fluviatilis was collected together with Paralemanea catenata, and that is the tirst record from Calabria.

Malerials and Melhods

Algal samples were collected in June 1997 in the Listi stream (Aspromonte, South ltaly), a not summer-drying torrent located below the Basilicò mountain at about 1400 m a. l. s. (Fig. I) The station was not particularly shaded and it was characterized by a continuous, but not very swift, fl ow of water. Specimens of both taxa collected by one of the authors (F. M. Raimondo) are deposited at the Herbarium Medilerraneum (PAL). The samples were observed fresh or preserved with 4% forma ldeide solution. Permanent slides were prepared from fragments stained in fuchsine solution, dehydrated and embedded in paraf­fin. Then, sections were cut and mounted on slides using Canadian baume as a mounting medium. Comparative observations were carried out on gametophytic thalli of both species. Quantitative extemal morphological features, measured in accordance with Vis &

Fig. I. Studied area showing sampling site (A).

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Bocconea 16(2) - 2003 1055

Sheath ( 1992), and qualitative internai features were examined. The following morpho­logical features were measured on 25 specimens: length (L); internodal diameter (ID), just above the lowermost node, as measure ofwidth; nodal diameter (ND), measured using the largest node; stalk diameter (STD, just below the lowermost node, and the number of branches. The ratio ID/STD was used to indicate stalked or unstalked thalli, the ratio ND/ID shows whether the thallus is slightly undulate or distinctly protruded at the nodes.

Only intact and mature gametophytes with internai carposporophytes were considered. Internai features were examined to determine the presence ofaxial cortical filaments, the

type of ray celi and the ray celi 's relationship to the outer cortex.

Resul!s and Diseussion

Paralemanea calenata (Ktitzing) Vis & Sheath (Basionym: Lemanea calenata Ktitzing)

was the dominant species, while Lemanea f1uviatilis (Linnaeus) C. Agardh (Basionym: Confervafluviatilis Linnaeus) was less abundan!.

Comparative observations, both morphological and anatom ical, carried out on thalli ofboth species, show the gametophytic phase with carposporophytes, mostly affected by the temper­ature, as reported in literature (Thirb & Benson-Evans 1985). The thalli occur in clumps of 5-15 and exhibi! rhizoidal filaments strengthening the fixation to the substratum (Fig. 2).

The specimens of Paralemanea catena/a, dark green or violet and slightly arcuate, have a mean length of 7 cm and a mean width of 0,6 mm (Figs 3-4). Thalli are unstalked (ID/STD~I .2) and unbranched, and show a centrai axis with cortical filaments and simple

ray cells, not abutting the outer cortex (Table I, Figs 5-7). The individuals are subtended by an encrusting basai cushion of uniseriate filaments sparingly branched (chantransia phase). perennial in the genus Paralemanea.

Table I. Morphometric features of examined taX3.

Taxa stalked branched mean length (cm) mean width (mm) ND/ID

Paralernanea calenata no no

Lernanea (luviatilis yes rarely







The specimens of Lemanea fluviali/is , dark green, have a mean length of 5 cm and a

mean width of0.48 mm, and are straight (Figs 8-9). Thalli are stalked (ID/ST~1.6), rarely branched, and characterized by an internai structure of a centrai axis without cortical fila­ments and T-shaped ray cells closely applied to the outer cortex (Table I, Figs IO-Il).

The observed morphological, anatomical and ecological features of the two collected taxa, are in accordance with the data previously reported (Sirodot 1872; Atkinson 1890; Vis & Sheath 1992; Barone & al. 1995). The morphometric differences observed between the two gametophyte morphologies represent a further validation of the recent arising of them to the genus level.

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1056 Mannino & a l.: First record 01' Paralemanea catena/a (Rhodophyla) .. .


Fig. 2. Thallus of Paralemanea cotenata (Ktitzing) Vis & Sheath showing rhi zo idal filaments.

Fig. 4 . Thal 1us of Paralemanea catena/a (KUtzing) Vis & Sheath showing spermatangial so ri in rings around nodes.

Fig. 6. Para/emanea catena/a (Ktitzing) Vis & Sheath: long itudinal section showing the centrai ax is cove red by corli ca l filaments and ca r­posporophytcs (sta ined in fuchsine solution).

Fig. 3. Hab it of Paralemanea calenata (Kiltzing) Vis & Sheath.

Fig. 5. P,wolemanea calenata (Ktitzing) Vi s & Sheath: longitudinal secti on showing thc centrai ax is covercd by corti ca l fi laments and car­posporophytes.

0,26 rr:n ,---Fig. 7. Para/emane{j carenata (KUtzing) Vis & Sheath: transversa l section showing the centrai axis covered by cortica l fi laments.

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Bocconea 16(2) - 2003

Fig. 8. Thallus or Lemaneajluviali/is (Linnaeus) C. Agardh showing stalked region .

Fig. IO. Lemanea .flllviatilis (Linnaeus) C. Agardh: longitudinal section showing the naked centrai axis.



Fig. 9. Thallus of Lemaneafluviatilis (L innaeus) C. Agardh showing spennatangial sori in patches.

Fig. Il. Lemanea fll/via/ilis (Linnaeus) C. Agardh: transversal section showing the naked centrai axis.

This study has been done within a research project funded by Università degli Stud i di Palermo (ex 601%).


Alkinson, G. F. 1890: Monograph afthe Lemaneaceae of lhe Uniled States. - Annals or Botany 4:

177-229. Barone, R. , Naselli Flores, L. & Colom bo, P. 1995: Eco logical and morphological observations on

Lemaneaj!uviati/is (L.) C.A. Agardh, recorded for the first ti me in Sicil y. - G iorn. Bot. haI. 129(2): 7.

Bory De Saint-Vincent, J. B. C. M. 1808: Sllr le genre Lemanea de la lamille des Conferves. Annales du Musé llm d ' Histoire Naturelle 12: 177-190.

Bourrelly, P. 1985: Les algues d ' eau douce. 3: Les algues b1eues et rouges. - Paris.

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1058 Mannino & a l. : First record o f Para/emanea catenata (Rhodophy ta) ...

Entwisle, T. J. 1989: Psilosiphon scoparium geo. et sp. nov. (Lemaneaceae), a new red alga from south-eastern Australi an strearns. - Phycologia 28: 469-475.

Greuter, W. , Burdet, H. M. , Chaloner, W. G, Demoulin , v. , Grolle, R., Hawksworth, D. L. , N icolson, D. H. , Silva, P. C. , Staneu, F. A., Voss, E. G & McNeill , J. 1988: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature adopted by the Fourteenth Intemational Botanical Congress, Berlin, July-August 1987. - Koeltz Scientific Books, KOnigstein, Germany [Regnum Veg., 118: v­xiv + 328 pp.].

Hamel, G 1925: Floridees de France, 11 1. - Revue Algo logique 2: 39-67. Ketel, K. F. 1887: Anatomische Untersuchungen tiber die gattung Lemanea. - Greifswald. Silva, P. C. 1959: Remarks 0 0 algal nomencJature, II. - Taxon 8: 60-64. Siradot, M. S. 1872: Etude anatomique, organogenique et physioIogique sur Ies algues d 'eau douce

de la fami ll e des Lemaneacées. -Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Série 5 Botanique 16: 1-95, pls 1-8.

Thirb, H. H. & Benson-Evans, K. 1985: The effect ofwater temperature, current velocity and sus­pended solids on the distribution, growth and seasonality of Lemanea flu viatilis (C. Ag.), Rhodophyta, in the river Usk and other South Wales ri verso - Hydrobiologia 127: 63-78.

Vis, M. L. & Sheath , R. G 1992: Systematics of the freshwater red algal family Lemaneaceae in Nonh America. - Phyco logia 3 t : 164-1 79.

Addresses of the authors: Anna Maria Mannino, Rossella Barone & Francesco M. Raimondo· , Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche, via Archi rati, 38 - 90123 Palermo, Italy. (·)E~ail: raimondo@unipa. it
