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A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System

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  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    A Multichannel, Wireless Telemetric Microsystemfor Small Animal Studies

    Chung-Chiun Liu, Edward OConnor, and Kingman P. Strohl

    AbstractConventional means of collecting biophysiological pa-rameters in small animals often involve cumbersome direct wiringand/or restraint of the animal. At present, there is no system forvery small animals that can provide multichannel monitoring ofbiopotentials without restraining the animal or small enough insize or light enough in weight for studies with smaller animals. Forlarger animals, such as monkeys or larger rodents, systems havebeen proposed where the transmitter of the system has dimensionssuch as 2 5 2 5 1 3 cm3 and the weight is 9 g; this is fartoo high for smaller animals. Also, the battery life of that systemis relatively short ( 10 h). In this study, a multichannel wirelesstelemetric microsystem for biopotential monitoring in small ani-

    mals, such as mice or rats, has been designed, fabricated, and eval-uated. This microsystem has four input channels with one calibra-tion channel. There are 8 channels on the chip, of which five, thefour electroencephalogram (EEG)/electromyogram (EMG) chan-nels, and the calibration channel, are now in use. The system canalso be expanded to more than eight input channels, if desired. Inthat case, a larger ASIC chip and larger circuit substrate might berequired, depending on the type of biopotentials being measured.The amount of ASIC and circuit substrate space consumption islarger for biopotentials such as EEG or EMG than for others suchas temperature or pressure. However, the same clocking-demod-ulation system could be retained up to 128 channels. The mul-tichannel telemetric chip for the present embodiment is approxi-mately 2 2 mm, and the overall size of the microsystem is ap-proximately 1 0 1 0 5 mm, including the enclosure package

    and battery, with a total weight of 1 g. The power consumed bythis four-channel version, where two channels are EEG and twoare EMG, is 0.41 mW, and the fabrication process is AMI_ABN.There is a magnetic on/off provision. The microsystem has beenused to monitor EEG, Theta activity, and nuchal EMG in mice withexcellent results. This wireless telemetric microsystem can be ef-fectively used to record multiple biopotentials from freely movingsmall animals. This platform microsystem can be extended to in-clude other physiological parameters, such as temperature, pres-sure, and biological parameters.

    Index TermsBiopotentials, electroencephalogram (EEG),electromyogram (EMG), multichannel, small animals, wirelesstelemetry.


    PHYSIOLOGICAL investigation of various biological is-

    sues usually requires the collection of biophysical and

    biochemical parameters in animal studies. It is often that small

    Manuscript received June 29, 2004; revised August 3, 2005. The associateeditor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publicationwas Prof. Ralph Etienne-Cummings.

    C.-C. Liuand E. OConnor arewith theDepartment of ChemicalEngineeringand the Electronics Design Center, CaseWestern Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio 44106 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

    K. P. Strohl is with the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve Univer-sity and the Louis Stokes VA Hospital, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2005.860358

    animals, such as a mouse or rat, are used. Regardless of the

    sensing elements employed for the biophysical and biochem-

    ical parameters, conventional techniques to transmit the sensor

    outputs to the external environment involve wire connections

    and restraint tethering which limit the animal movement and

    the recording conditions. It will be desirable if the transmis-

    sion interface can be accomplished using a wireless telemetric

    approach. This allows the monitoring of various biological

    functions of an unrestrained small animal.

    One multichannel telemetry system used a sequential conver-

    sion of the input signals to a current to control a current-con-trolled oscillator based upon a monolithic chip [2], [3]. This

    chip (3 3 mm) was complementary bipolar (BJT), and con-

    tained a single set of amplifiers, reference circuits and a current

    controlled oscillator (CCO). It lacked clocking provisions and

    required the addition of commercial CMOS chips. Other limi-

    tations included an inability for providing proper preamplifica-

    tion, filtering, or input impedance for weak biological signals,

    such as EEG or EMG. The overall package size (not including

    the battery) was large, cm, precluding its use in

    small animals.

    Fryer et al. [4] described a multichannel telemetry system

    using a time-sharing sequential multiplexing. However, the size

    of the system, cm not including the battery, was largeand designed for signals such as strain gauges or electrocar-

    diogram (EKG) rather than far more difficult to detect signals

    such as EEG and EMG. Input impedance was 150 K for EKG.

    Input-referred noise was 20 uV p-p at 50-Hz bandwidth. The

    current drain was 2.5 mA using two 1.35-V mercury cells.

    The frequency deviation of the FM transmitter was required to

    be trimmed to match the discriminator of a system FM receiver.

    No in vivo EKG recordings were shown.

    Ruedin et al. [5] described a miniaturized EEG transmitter

    with two asymmetric channels that was anchored to the skull of

    a small animal with screws. The size was large,

    cm. The input impedance was stated to be 2 10e6 ; forEEG and EMG recordings, this was internally shunted to 6.8

    10e4 (68 K) . Other versions of EEG transmitters [6], [7] have

    four single-ended rather than differential channels and had the

    same construction and size disadvantages as that by Ruedin et

    al. [5]. A system reported by Borbely et al. [8] had only a single


    An intraperitoneal telemetry device that transmits EEG is

    commercially available. However, this unit has only one EEG

    channel and is large, cm in size. The single EEG

    channel unit employs a pair of built-in silicone-insulated double

    helix stainless steel EEG leads [9], and users cannot connect

    their own electrodes.

    1530-437X/$20.00 2005 IEEE

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  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System




    Commercial implantable transmitters to monitor preterm

    labor by measuring pressure changes are available [10]. A

    biotelemetry system for EMG and tendon force measurement

    in rats has been proposed [11], as are implantable biotelemetry

    transmitters for mice, sensing temperature and pressure, and

    incorporating ion-selective microelectrodes and biosensors

    [12]. However, the existing units in this type of devices are

    fairly large (20 8 mm diameter).

    A 128-channel EEG monitoring system was described using

    time multiplexing with a clock rate of, e.g., 25.6 KHz [13]. This

    system utilized large commercial integrated circuit packages

    and discrete parts, and operated via a cable rather than telemetry.

    However, in such applications, a larger chip using the system

    described herein could accommodate more channels and enable

    such EEG monitoring to be accomplished by telemetry rather

    than cable.

    Irazoqui-Pastor et al. [14] described a miniaturized neural or

    EEG device, operating at an r.f. carrier frequency of 3.2 GHzusing analog FM. It was inductively powered and a 100-W Ham

    radio transmitter driving a large external coil with a passive

    impedance matching circuit was required. It was approximately

    cm and required a 2.5-cm monopole transmitting

    antenna. The power consumption was approximately 5.8 mW.

    It appeared to be single channel. The input-referred noise of the

    OTA portion of the design was 8 uV, but the crest factor ([15,

    p. 299]) was not stated.

    Mohseni et et al. [16] described a wireless neural mi-

    crosystem with three signal channels and a marker channel

    operating with FM in the 88108 FM band. The marker

    channel was used for sequencing the channels in the systemsdemultiplexer. The size of the microsystem was 1.8 1.3 cm

    without the two 1.5-V batteries. The power consumption was

    2.44 mW. The input-referred noise was 7.5-uV RMS but

    the crest factor was not stated. The device had not been tested

    in vivo. The dc offset of the input signals was over a range of

    0.25 V. The ASIC used the AMI ABN process but required

    laser trimming, both to set clocking rate and to control the

    amount of frequency modulation.

    Takeuchi et al. [17] described a hybrid neural device which

    used commercial parts. It was a single channel and operated

    with an 8090 MHz FM r.f. carrier. It was tested with a 500-uV

    test signal. The dimensions were relatively large, 1.5 0.8 cm,

    not including any powering system. The power consumptionof this device was 10 mW. It operated for only 30 min with a

    silver-oxide battery. It was mounted with an adhesive material

    directly on the back of an insect.

    DeMichele et al. [18] described a 16-channel inductively-

    powered system for neural or EEG signals using an ASIC

    of .46 .46 cm, fabricated in the AMI ABN process. The

    overall package size with an enclosure or encapsulation was not

    specified. It drew 3.8 mA at 4.75 V with a power consumption

    of 18 mW. It required gain adjustment. The range of the

    transmitter was about 3 ft at 385 MHz, with a 1 antenna

    connected to the transmitter. The r.f. bandwidth was specified

    as 15 MHz and the device was tested with a signal consisting of

    a 100-uV 6-Hz square wave, but it was not tested in vivo. The

    stated amplifier input-referred noise was high, e.g., 121-uV

    RMS. Switching noise injected by the scanning process was

    found to be a significant problem. The amplifiers demonstrated

    an operating point shift in the presence of r.f. interference

    including the VCO.

    Harrison et al. [19] described a neural amplifier built in a1.5- m CMOS process (AMI_ABN), with six amplifiers on a

    2.2 2.2 mm chip. The amplifier was designed with MOSFETs

    and on-chip capacitors. The supply voltage was 5-V split-supply

    and it had a frequency range for use with neural electrodes

    from millihertz to 7 KHz. The measured input-referred noise

    was 14-uV p-p. The RMS was 2.2 uV; this would lead to a

    crest factor of 3.8 [15, p. 299]. The neural amplifier was re-

    designed for low-frequency biosignal applications such as EEG

    or brain-surface electrodes, to exhibit a bandwidth of below 1 to

    30 Hz. It was stated that the input-referred noise voltage for the

    EEG version was 1.6-uV RMS. There was a neural waveform

    recording but there was no in vivo EEG recording presented inthis study.

    Table I summarizes the results of our telemetry system and

    those offive others referenced in this paper. The input-referred

    noise, power dissipation, detectable signal, and transmission

    range, as well as the parameters of telemetry link frequency,

    number of data channels, power supply, system clock frequency,

    communication scheme, number of external components, total

    weight, and package dimensions are presented. Our system

    shows the lowest input-referred noise, and our system has the

    lowest power dissipation of a complete telemetry system. By

    comparison, our system has a small footprint. The telemetry link

    frequency of our system is higher than those of [ 16] and [17],

    but lower than those of [14] and [18]. Our system has more datachannels with the exception of [18]; in that system, a much larger

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Downloaded on June 16, 2009 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    ASIC chip is used. Table I also provides information on the total

    weight (where provided by the investigators) and the power

    requirements of the systems cited, and our system compared

    favorably in these aspects. The communication scheme of our

    system is amplitude-modulation-based (onoff keying) while

    those of the other complete telemetry systems are FM-based;

    this use of an FM-based system is apparently associated withhigher power dissipation. The power supply voltage of our

    system also compares well with other systems.

    The advance in microfabrication techniques as well as micro-

    electronics in recent years provides an opportunity to develop

    microsize, wireless telemetric interface suitable for small an-

    imal monitoring. Sensors for physiological parameters include

    those for common parameters such as EEG, EMG, EKG, pres-

    sure, temperature, and also for various chemical and biochem-

    ical parameters. Thus, a wireless telemetric interface needs to

    be capable of transmitting these types of sensor outputs.

    EEG refers to recording graphically the electric activity of

    the brain, particularly the cerebral cortex, by means of exter-

    nally placed electrodes. The frequency range is 0.5100 Hz.

    Theta EEG refers to a recording from the temporal region,

    having a frequency range of 47 Hz. Problems associated

    with recording EEG are low signal levels and high 5060 Hz

    power line interference. EMG refers to recording the electrical

    impulses that pass through a muscle as it contracts and relaxes.

    EKG refers to recording electrical impulses as they vary during

    the cardiac (heart) cycle.

    In this study, we had developed a multichannel (four channels

    with a calibration channel) wireless telemetric microsystem for

    EEG and EMG monitoring for small animals. Specifically, this

    microsystem was used for the study of sleep disorders using

    mice as the animal model. From the physiological viewpoint,sleep apnea is initiated and sustained by instability in the

    respiratory control system [20]. Short-term potentiation of

    ventilation (STP), also called ventilatory after-discharge,

    is evoked by brief hypoxia, promotes ventilatory stability,

    and protects against dysrhythmic breathing or posthypoxic

    frequency and ventilatory decline [21]. An absence of STP

    promotes the appearance of repetitive apneas, as supported by

    studies on patients with obstructive sleep hypo-apnea syndrome

    (OSAHS) [22] or congestive heart failure (CHF) patients

    with Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR) [23]. Hence, ventilatory

    instability and periodicity are common to CSR, OSAHS, and

    the appearance of periodic breathing at altitude [24]. Centraland obstructive apneas may occur in the same patient over a

    night [25]. These studies indicated that posthypoxic behavior

    and periodicity are fundamental features in the pathophysiology

    of sleep apnea syndromes.

    The complexity of understanding the pathophysiology of

    sleep disorder would require the investigation of certain organs

    such as the brain involved in both central chemosensory and

    coordination of chemical and nonchemical reflexes. Such inves-

    tigation would need to monitor the EEG and EMG developed

    from a small animal model. It would be important that the

    animal is not restrained during this study. Thus, it is mean-

    ingful to have a multichannel wireless microsystem capable

    of monitoring EEG and EMG that can be used in studies withunrestrained small animals.

    Fig. 1. Transmitter package (ca.1 2 1 2 0 : 5



    INTERFACE MICROSYSTEMIn our laboratory, a low-power 2 2 mm integrated circuit

    signal processor chip was developed and applied to a transmitter

    package as shown in Fig. 1, that could be anchored to the head

    of a small animal such as a rat or mouse. The dimensions of

    the transmitter including the enclosure package and battery are

    approximately cm. The vertical spacefor the circuitry

    in the circuit compartment of the package is about 1.1 mm.

    The input signals of the bipolar (differential) EEG or EMG

    channels modulated the period of a sub-carrier oscillator and

    the time-multiplexed sub-carrier oscillator output was converted

    to pulses, which gated a wireless transmitter on and off. The

    wireless transmitter was an r.f. oscillator with a tank coil as thetransmitting antenna. The pulsed RF output from the tank coil

    or other antenna structure was then picked up by a radio re-

    ceiver, which drove a demodulator to reconstruct the individual

    input signals and output them to a PC with waveform acquisi-

    tion software.

    The digital clocking on the chip provided for up to eight mul-

    tiplexed channels; four signal channels plus a fifth on-chip cal-

    ibration channel. The purpose of the calibration channel was to

    produce a reference output the amplitude of which corresponded

    to an EEG or EMG input level of 50-uV p-p. It also served as

    an error detector in that it indicated by its frequency, waveshape

    and output channel that the signal was properly received by the

    radio receiver and processed by the demodulator.For animal study chronically implanted brain or muscle elec-

    trodes were connected to the transmitter and used to record

    spontaneous or evoked brain potentials (EEG) and neck muscle

    activity (EMG). The package itself could be anchored to the

    skull with cranioplastic cement or fitted with pins for insertion

    into a small socket mounted on the animals head.

    The details of this multichannel wireless telemetric mi-

    crosystem are given in the following sections.

    A. Technology

    A 1.5- 2-metal 2-poly CMOS process with an NPN op-

    tion, which can operate at 3 V, was used to implement an in-tegrated circuit chip providing the main part of the circuitry for

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Downloaded on June 16, 2009 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    Fig. 2. Block diagram of the ASIC.

    the telemetry transmitter package. This fabrication process al-

    lows p-channel and n-channel enhancement mode MOSFETs,

    bipolar NPNs and other electronic structures such as resistors,

    capacitors and diodes to be integrated. This process, AMI ABN

    [16], [18], [19], and [26], is applicable to low-noise analog de-

    signs or mixed-signal designs.

    B. Process Characteristics

    Resistors can be fabricated from n-wells in this process. Poly1and poly2 can be used to form on-chip capacitors. Diodes may

    be laid out for the bonding pads for ESD protection. Guard

    rings may be laid out for signal isolation between circuit blocks

    and for latch up prevention. An NPN option can be used for

    BiCMOS digital speed-up purposes and was used for analog

    purposes in this application.

    C. Circuit Considerations

    This CMOS process having an NPN option [26] was used so

    that along with the digital clocking circuitry, the bipolar devices

    could be used to provide a higher transconductance, a better

    matching, lower offsets and lower flicker noise for the analogEEG and EMG amplifiers that were needed for the application.

    A block diagram of the ASIC chip is shown in Fig. 2. The cir-

    cuit was designed with 4 input differential preamplifiers, four

    selectable second-stage amplifiers that could activate sequen-

    tially from pulse inputs from the clocking circuitry, and a cur-

    rent-controlled subcarrier oscillator. The gain of each selectable

    second-stage amplifier was a function of the pulse current of the

    select pulse for that channel. The gain of each input differential

    preamplifier stage was fixed. Between each input differential

    preamplifier stage and the associated selectable second-stage

    amplifier was a pair of capacitors (indicated between dashed

    lines), of which one coupled the signal and the other provided

    roll-off to the band of signal frequencies. As previously indi-cated there was a calibration circuit for producing a reference

    signal. There was also CMOS clocking circuitry, a block of

    monostable multivibrators with outputs combined by gating to

    provide output pulses and synchronization pulses, and a power

    toggle-on/toggle-off switch circuit.

    The power switch was toggled by an external magnetic sensor

    such as a Hall-effect sensor or a reed switch turning the trans-

    mitter on and off with a magnet. The Hall-effect sensor was

    an SMT having a footprint of mm and was incorpo-

    rated onto the circuit substrate of the hybrid package along withthe ASIC and the bare-die BJT r.f. oscillator/transmitter chip.

    A reed switch selected from currently-available types would

    have required a slightly larger overall package. The Hall-effect

    sensor, a pole-independent device with a latched digital output,

    worked by producing an output which went high to low as a

    small magnet was brought near and went low to high again when

    it was withdrawn, thus toggling the chip supply voltage via the

    on-ASIC power switch circuit mentioned above. The onoff cir-

    cuitry of the ASIC does not have significant static power con-

    sumption; the Hall-effect sensor, an Allegro A3212 ELHLT, has

    a static power consumption of 15 uW. The manufacturers data

    sheet is numbered as Allegro Microsystems 27 622.61G.

    The set of four selectable amplifier stages converted the input

    EEG or EMG signals into linearly proportional output currents,

    which, along with a reference current from the calibration cir-

    cuit, were fed into the current controlled subcarrier oscillator.

    These currents were fed in sequence so that the channels were

    time-division multiplexed. A diagram describing the encoding

    scheme is shown in Fig. 3. Each channel was turned on for two

    complete cycles of the subcarrier oscillator; a half-cycle on each

    end of this period served to provide setup time, and one sub-

    carrier oscillator cycle was used for the data measurement of

    an input channel or for the calibration signal. Each channels

    value was encoded in the duration between RF pulses, i.e., the

    subcarrier oscillators period was modulated by the channelsvalue. An increase in input current to the subcarrier oscillator

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Downloaded on June 16, 2009 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    Fig. 3. Encoding scheme diagram.

    Fig. 4. Timing and reference/calibration signals diagram.

    resulted in a shortening of the period. If the subcarrier oscil-

    lator is operated at 1015 kHz it will produce a minimum sam-

    pling frequency per channel of 625 Hz and a Nyquist frequency

    of 312 Hz, which exceeds the 100-Hz bandwidth which is re-

    quired for the EEG and EMG signals in this application. The

    CMOS timing circuit was a chain of toggle-connected master-

    slave D-type flip-flops, some of which drove a 1-of-8 logic de-

    coder block. Three more input channels could have been used

    with the 1-of-8 decoder arrangement, but the physical space was

    not available on the 2 2 mm chip to accommodate the input

    amplifiers for the three extra channels. Additional toggle-con-

    nected D flip-flops divided down the clock signal from the sub-

    carrier oscillator to about 6 Hz, which was used to drive thecalibration circuit and inject a square wave as a reference signal

    onto one of the multiplexed channels. A timing and reference

    signals diagram is shown in Fig. 4.

    Simulated waveforms at circuit nodes are shown in Figs. 57.

    Fig. 5 simulates the output of an input channel amplifier-pream-

    plifier pair, having an input signal of 70 Hz at 5 000-uV p-p am-

    plitude. The second amplifier is gated on and off by the select

    pulse input for that channel. In this simulation, the select pulse

    is actually a SPICE pulse rather than an SCO clock pulse; the

    period of the SCO clock would actually be varying. The output

    current is 70 uA p-p. Fig. 6 simulates the select pulse (with pe-

    riod held constant for simplification purposes) for the channel.

    The amplitude is 3 V, the on time is 162 uS and the frame time is

    1296 uS. Fig. 7 simulates the frequency response of the channelfor a differential signal input level of 50 uV p-p.

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Downloaded on June 16, 2009 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    Fig. 5. Simulation of output of signal channel stage.

    Fig. 6. Simulation of channel amplifier select pulse.

    Fig. 7. Simulation of channel amplifier frequency response.

    Separate parts of the block diagram are shown in Figs. 811.

    They are the input preamplifier, Fig. 8, the subcarrier oscillator

    (SCO), Fig. 9, the divide-by-128 section (DFFs 511), Fig. 10,and the monostable multivibrators block, Fig. 11. In the SCO,

    the magnitudes of the current sources are controlled by an ex-

    ternal current, e.g., the current from a signal channel amplifier

    or from the calibration section. A latching circuit is formed fromtwo 2-input CMOS NAND gates. The positive feedback around

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Downloaded on June 16, 2009 at 13:30 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    Fig. 8. Signal channel input preamplifier stage diagram.

    Fig. 9. SCO block diagram.

    Fig. 10. DFFs 511 (divide-by-128) block diagram.

    the loop is used to ensure that only one of the MOS transis-

    tors is on at a time. The switching points of the comparators

    combined with the current source determine the oscillator fre-

    quency of the SCO. Two 22-pF timing capacitors were required

    for the SCO and they were implemented by very small 0402 or

    0201 external chip capacitors, which were mm or

    smaller. The divide-by-128 chain of toggle-connected CMOS

    DFFs 511 provides a low frequency for the calibration signal.

    In the Monostable Multivibrators block, each one-shot consists

    of a 2-input CMOS NOR gate, a CMOS inverter, an on-chip ca-

    pacitor, and an on-chip resistor. The trigger input of a one-shot

    can be longer than the output pulse width.

    The power for the chip and transmitter unit was suppliedfrom a CR1025 3-V watch cell which was located in the bat-

    tery compartment of the enclosure package, above the circuit

    compartment. The battery was located inside of the wireless

    transmitter coil, which was wound around the outside of the

    enclosure package of the transmitter unit.

    The battery was an Li/MnO2 watch cell with a nominal

    voltage of 3 V and an average capacity of 30 mAh to 2.0 V.

    The volume of the battery is 0.2 cm . It is speci fied by the

    manufacturer that if the load is such that the current drain is

    64 uA and the operation is 24/7 the time to cutoff voltage (2.0

    V) is 467 h. The wireless transmitter drew 40 uA and the Hall

    sensor drew 12 uA; the ASIC drew 93 uA. The current drain

    of the telemetry hybrid transmitter including ASIC, wireless

    transmitter and Hall-effect sensor was 145 uA, and, thus, thissystem could operate for 168 h (7 days, 24/7) or longer. It was

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  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    Fig. 11. Monostable multivibrators block.

    found by measurement that the CR1025 dropped below 3 to

    2.9 V within a few hours; it then gradually reached 2.83 V

    and remained at this level during most of its lifetime. When

    it reached the end of its lifetime it then dropped within a few

    hours, to 2.0 V. The effective supply voltage of the ASIC andhybrid transmitter was, thus, approximately 2.83 V.

    The power consumption of the entire hybrid transmitter was

    0.41 mW. This was considerably less than that of other multi-

    plexed or wireless designs referred to above.

    This device, like most battery-operated devices, was subject

    to the effects of battery drop and parameters were expected to

    change somewhat during operational life of the battery as a re-

    sult. Such changes, as,e.g., changes in channel gains, were small

    due to the use of on-chip voltage regulators and the use of cur-

    rent mirrors tending to act as current regulators. However, it was

    found that the change in signal amplitude was tracked by the

    change in calibration waveform amplitude over the range of 3.2to 2.7 V. The amplitude change for both signal output wave-

    form and calibration channel output square-wave amplitude was

    2.0% per 0.1-V change in battery voltage over the range of 3.0

    to 2.7 V. Thus, the amplitude change throughout the operational

    life of the battery was small but would be correctible by refer-

    encing the demodulators signal-channel gain to the calibration

    square-wave amplitude.

    The conductive substrate in epi wafers can have currents in-

    duced into it by the magnetic field of a (spiral) on-chip inductor,

    and this inductor-induced noise through the substrate can affect

    other circuits on the same chip [27]. Although our device did not

    utilize an on-chip inductor, the integrated circuit chip used was

    within the field of an inductor. No degradation of performancewas observed in the miniaturized unit in comparison to larger

    prototypes with the coil remote from the chip.

    D. Circuit Implementation

    The ASIC constituted the processor section of the complete

    telemetry link. The only requirements to complete the imple-

    mentation of the telemetry function of the transmitter were a

    single external bare-die BJT chip, a resistor and a capacitor on

    the hybrid substrate, plus a tank circuit. The resistor could have

    been included on the ASIC but it was put instead on the cir-

    cuit substrate so that it would be physically closer to the wire-

    less oscillator section and, thus, tend to better decouple RF fromthe ASIC. The transistor and capacitor were not laid out on the

    Fig. 12. Microphoto of ASIC chip (ca. 2.22

    2.2 mm).

    ASIC because of considerations of space and flexibility in re-

    gard to the wireless link, as well as to avoid any problems which

    might arise from having an RF generating circuit directly on

    the ASIC in close proximity to analog circuitry which was pro-

    cessing low-level signals such as EEG and EMG. A micropho-

    tograph of the ASIC processor chip of the telemetry system is

    shown in Fig. 12.

    The block diagram of the ASIC chip was shown previously in

    Fig. 2. The input stages utilized dc blocking capacitors of very

    small physical size (0402 and 0603) on the hybrid substrate insuch a way that capacitive dc blocking, a standard precaution

    with EEG amplifiers, was implemented.

    The input impedance of the input preamplifier stages was re-

    lated to circuit parameters and represented a tradeoff between

    stage current drain, electronic flicker noise and chip size. The

    measured input impedance was 670 K and was found to be

    adequate for the EEG and EMG signals of the application; how-

    ever, in future versions, this impedance may be increased to

    3.8 M as indicated below. The in vivo electrode-tissue inter-

    face impedances of the animal electrodes used in the in vivo

    system testing were relatively low. Information about the an-

    imal electrodes used is given later in this paper.

    In a test, the result of loading (reducing the input impedance)of standard Grass EEG amplifiers was examined for in vivo

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    mouse EMG and EEG at 300 K resistive shunt impedance.

    In vivo EMG signals were not influenced by the 300-K shunt

    across the input terminals of the Grass amplifier. The in vivo

    EEG signals were not significantly attenuated (less than 3 dB

    below 5 Hz) by the 300-K shunt. The higher frequency

    components were not noticeably attenuated. The equivalent

    electrode impedance appeared to increase as the frequencydecreases; however, the signals appeared entirely usable even

    at 300 K.

    It is of interest that earlier, transistorized commercial and re-

    search EEG equipment utilized lower input impedances than the

    value mentioned above; in [5], cited above, the input impedance

    was stated to be approximately 2 10e6 ; however, for EEG

    and EMG recordings, this was stated by the authors to be inter-

    nally shunted to only 6.8 10e4 (68 K) .

    Noise is considered to be a dominant factor in EEG equip-

    ment, particularly in CMOS input amplifiers [14], [16], [18],

    and [19] where the electronic (circuit-generated) noise, such as

    flicker noise, is often too high. In EEGequipment, both the RMS

    and the crest factor [15, p. 299] should be stated in equipmentspecifications but frequently are not.

    In this development, BJTs were used for input stages of the

    EEG/EMG telemeter because the flicker noise of MOSFETs is

    known to be as much as 10 to 1000 times larger [15, p. 123]

    unless space-and-power-consuming techniques are used.

    In a BJT, the total equivalent input noise is


    where ;

    ; ;


    ' ;



    : :

    . The above equation for Eni^2 [15,pp. 142143] is valid for a 1-Hz bandwidth at the frequency f.

    Increasing the transistor quiescent collector current increases

    the 1/f noise [15, p. 126]. As the collector current drops, elec-

    tronic 1/f noise of the stage may be expected to decrease, while

    small-signal input impedance rises. The CMRR of long-tailed

    pair Q1, Q2 in Fig. 8 increases as emitter resistor R7 is in-

    creased. Thus, because collector current drops but CMRR in-

    creases as R7 increases, R7 was made as large as space on the

    chip permitted. Because R1 and R2 shunt the input impedance

    of the stage, they were also both made as large as space per-

    mitted. The resulting input impedance was 670 K but simula-

    tion showed that the unshunted input impedance was 4 M .

    R1 and R2 may, thus, be replaced in future versions by currentsources to increase the channel input impedance. R7 may also

    be replaced by a current source to further increase the CMRR

    in future versions. The output node of the input preamplifier

    stage EXT1, drove filter capacitors C1 and C2, connected to

    nodes EXT2 and EXT3 of the following stage. The purpose of

    C1 and C2 was to set the high and low frequency roll-offs as

    narrow as possible, to pass only the spectrum required, since

    the greater the amplifier bandwidth the greater the output noiseand input-referred noise [15, p. 125]. Essentially, C1 of Fig. 8

    may be regarded as coupling the signal to the associated se-

    lectable second-stage amplifier (not shown in Fig. 8 but indi-

    cated in Fig. 2) while C2 may be regarded as providing roll-off

    to the band of signal frequencies. These capacitors, indicated

    in Fig. 8 as being separated from the amplifier circuitry by a

    dashed line, are also indicated (between a pair of dashed lines)

    in Fig. 2, and separated from the input differential preamplifier

    stage by the first of the dashed lines.

    The input-referred noise of the EEG channels, from trans-

    mitter channel input to system demodulator output, was found

    by measurements and calculation [15, p. 275] to be 0.69 uV

    RMS with a crest factor [15, p. 299] of 3.84 at 100-Hz BW,and 0.36-uV RMS with a crest factor of 3.69 at 30-Hz BW.

    The input-referred noise of the EMG channels was found to be

    0.63-uV RMS with a crest factor of 3.84 at 100-Hz BW.

    Thus, the EEG signal processing in this system exhibited less

    noise than the systems using CMOS circuitry for signal pream-

    plification [14], [16], [18], and [19].

    E. Wireless Transmitter

    The train of output pulses from the ASIC, which processed

    the input EEG and EMG signals and converted the signals to

    a pulse format, was applied to the input resistor R1 of an r.f.

    oscillator used as a wireless transmitter, as shown in Fig. 13.It was an Armstrong oscillator in which the collector winding

    coil L1 and the tank circuit winding coil L2 of the transformer

    were combined into an autotransformer single tapped tank coil

    L, serving as the transmitting antenna of the telemetry system

    and having a tuning capacitor C1 across it. Coupling capacitor

    C2 provided feedback to the base of Q1. Capacitor C3 placed the

    tap point at r.f. ground. Resistor R1 provided base current and

    set the forward bias on Q1 when the output pulses of the ASIC

    were present, thereby causing a burst of r.f. oscillation during

    each ASIC output pulse. The circuit operated class C during

    the intervals when it was gated on by the output pulses of the

    ASIC. Because of the flow of r.f. current in L, an r.f. electromag-

    netic field was generated by the coil; this r.f. field then served to

    propagate the wireless signal. The use of crystal control was not

    found necessary. Because the transistor and coupling capacitor

    were not incorporated on the ASIC, any r.f generating circuit

    which can be onoff keyed, using any carrier frequency or any

    antenna type, of sufficiently small footprint, might be substi-

    tuted in this system.

    F. Demodulator

    The train of transmitter pulses from the output of the radio

    receiver was applied to the input of the demodulator of the

    system, a block diagram of which is shown in Fig. 14. An

    LED was turned on by a pulse-sensing circuit to indicate signalreception from the transmitter. These pulses were applied to

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    Fig. 13. Wireless transmitter circuit diagram.

    a pulse separator circuit which separated the active interval,

    or signal channel pulses, from the synchronization, or marker

    pulses which were also sent by the transmitter, so that the

    demodulator was able to sequence the channels. When the

    marker and signal interval pulses were separated, the signal

    interval pulses were applied to the clock input of a flip-flop;

    a pulse at the beginning of a signal channel interval set the

    flip-flop output high and the pulse at the end of the channel

    interval reset the flip-flop output low. Thus, a series of pulses

    were generated at the output of the flip-flop, whose high levels

    corresponded in duration to the signal channel intervals. These

    high levels were then used to gate a clock input of a counter

    in such a way that when the flip-flop output pulses were high

    the counter up-counted, and when the flip-flop pulses went

    low, the up-counter stopped counting. At the end of each signal

    channel interval of the transmitter, a binary (digital) output was,

    thus, generated. This digital output was applied to a D-to-Aconverter, which converted the digital to an analog voltage,

    corresponding to the EEG or EMG signal sample, and held this

    sample until the next frame of signal channel intervals. The

    up-counter was then reset and at the start of the next signal

    channel interval the process started again. There were eight

    D-to-As, corresponding to eight channels, of which four were

    used for signals, one was used for the calibration signal and

    three of which were reserved for future ASIC versions. At the

    end of each frame of eight channels, the flip-flop mentioned

    above was reset by the marker pulses from the pulse-separation

    circuit mentioned previously. The output of each D/A was

    then passed through a dc amplifier/filter to eliminate the D/Aincrement-noise and calibrate the signal level so that 1 V p-p

    output from the demodulator corresponded to 50-uV p-p input

    to the transmitter. The output of each amplifier/filter was then

    passed through an additional low-pass filter to limit channel

    bandwidth to 100 Hz, for the purpose of reducing electronic

    flicker noise [15, pp. 19-20]. The amplified and filtered signal

    was then passed through a dc block and a buffer to eliminate

    dc offset. In addition, because the subcarrier oscillator of the

    transmitter was current-to-frequency-modulated, a 1/f converter

    was added between the low-pass filter and the dc blocking filter

    in the four signal channels. Although eight channels were

    sent from the transmitter, only four signal channels and one

    calibration channel were used, so that there were five outputamplifier/filter/buffer circuits in the demodulator. Any channel

    mismatch on the chip was trimmed out in the demodulator as

    the system was calibrated channel-by-channel with a 50-uV

    p-p signal being applied to the channel input of the hybrid

    transmitter containing the particular ASIC and the channel was

    trimmed for a 1.0-V p-p output signal from the corresponding

    output of the demodulator unit being calibrated for that specific

    transmitter. In the future, the use of a different BiCMOS typeof process in which p-n-ps as well as n-p-ns are available

    may allow closer on-chip matching between channels, by

    using BJTs to replace less-well-matched MOSFETs in analog

    circuitry, thus allowing for less need for trimming.

    G. Radio Receiver

    The output of the systems oscillator/transmitter was sensed

    using a small antenna such as a half-dipole or loop, which fed a

    single-conversion receiver, a block diagram of which is shown

    in Fig. 15. The receiver incorporated a front end, an i.f. section

    and a second detector. A commercial front end having a tuning

    range of 50810 MHz in four bands was used in this receiver.

    An internal switch was used to select the correct band for re-

    ceiving the transmitter. The i.f. bandwidth of this receiver was

    adjusted to correspond to the spectral content of the transmitter

    pulses while rejecting external interference; the i.f. circuitry was

    broadly-tuned and the bandwidth was in the range of 2 MHz.

    The receiver gain was limited by the adjustment of the front-end

    and IF gains, to suppress interference of extraneous signals and

    noise with the transmitter pulses. The second detector circuit in

    this receiver produced a pulse output, which corresponded to

    the pulse output of the transmitters ASIC chip, which onoff

    keyed the transmitter units wireless transmitter circuit. The re-

    ceiver second detectors pulse output was fed to the demodu-

    lator unit, to be processed in order to recover the transmitterchannel interval and marker signals, and subsequently the EEG

    or EMG input signal information. The systems receiver also in-

    corporated an audio section, which produced an audible signal

    to facilitate tuning the receiver to the transmitter signal. The RF

    receiver is not a commercial one and it, therefore, has no manu-

    facturer information or data sheet reference; however, the front

    end is a Zenith 175-00 014 CATV tuner made by Zenith Elec-

    tronics Corporation, Glenview, IL.

    H. Miniature Enclosure for Telemetry Transmitter

    The miniature enclosure for the telemetry transmitter was

    a micromachined box that could be made of alumina ceramicor macor ceramic. A microphotograph of the box is shown in

    Fig. 1. A cover slid in low-friction micromachined grooves, and

    served to clamp the battery against the internal battery contacts

    as well as to hold the battery. The battery shelf also acted as

    the top of the circuitry compartment, which was only 1.1 mm

    in height. The enclosure box was set on the circuit substrate,

    which carried the ASIC chip, a SMT Hall-effect sensor, an R.F.

    oscillator chip BJT, and the various chip capacitors and a chip

    resistor; the .22- and .001-uF chip capacitors and the chip re-

    sistor were 0402 or 0201 size and some of the remaining chip

    capacitors were 0603 size. The ASIC chip and the chip BJT were

    connected to the circuit substrate with wire bonds. Flip-chip at-

    tachment could also have been used. A photograph of the com-plete multichannel wireless telemetry circuitry on the alumina

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    Fig. 14. System demodulator block diagram.

    Fig. 15. System radio receiver block diagram.

    Fig. 16. Microphoto of transmitter hybrid substrate (ca. 12

    1 cm).

    substrate is shown in Fig. 16. The size of this circuit substrate

    was cm and was smaller than the footprint of a U.S.

    dime. It may be assembled manually or by automated methods.A transmitting coil of a few turns of wire of approximately #40


    gauge was wound around the top of the enclosure, leaving clear-

    ance for the sliding cover. The assembly was held together by

    a cement. Leads from the electrodes implanted in the animal,

    or from a connector on which the box might be mounted, were

    brought to the side or bottom terminals. The replacement of

    the battery was relatively simple by sliding the top cover of the

    miniature enclosure to access the battery.

    A list of the off-chip components of the hybrid substrateand enclosure package is shown in Table II. These off-chip

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    Fig. 17. B6 Mouse recording (active) made with ASIC system.

    Fig. 18. B6 Mouse recording (slow wave) made with ASIC system.

    components are annotated as to the components shown in the

    schematics included in this paper.


    After the ASIC chip was fabricated and the hybrid trans-

    mitter was built, the in vivo performance of this system wasassessed by recording the EEG and EMG waveforms of small

    mice. Two C57BL/6J and two A/J mice (Jackson Laboratory,

    Bar Harbor, ME) were implanted with stainless steel electrodes

    for the recording of the cortical and theta EEGs and of the EMGs

    of the nuchal (neck) muscles. A midline incision was made to

    expose the skull and neck muscles posterior to the skull. Two

    pairs of stainless steel wires 0.21 mm in diameter and stripped

    for 0.5 mm at the ends were surgically placed to contact the durafor bipolar theta and cortical EEG recordings. Two other pairs of

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    Fig. 19. AJ Mouse recording (REM) made with ASIC system.

    Fig. 20. B6 Mouse recording (slow arousal) made with ASIC system.

    stainless steel electrodes made by knotting stainless steel wires

    and stripping the knotted portion were sutured into the surface

    of the neck muscle for bipolar EMG recordings.

    The electrodes were connected to the telemetry transmitter

    and the animal was placed in a Lucite chamber (10 cm in di-

    ameter and 6 cm high) with bedding and food and water. Eachanimal was studied for three days.

    A data analysis program was used to view the demodulated

    EEG and EMG data via an analog conditioning filter/amplifier

    (CWE, Inc.) and a 12-bit Data Acquisition System (National In-

    struments PCI-MIO-16E) or 16-bit PCI-6033E DAQ. The Data

    Acquisition System (DAS) was used in a LabView environment

    on a P-III desktop computer. The resultant data was sampledat 512 Hz and stored on a hard disk. Records were scored for

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    sleep stage, i.e., assignment was made of the kind of waveform

    as, e.g., Waking, Slow-Wave, or REM.

    For each mouse, several segments of data, each about 5 h

    long, were recorded. The data was then analyzed. Example

    waveforms telemetered by the telemetry system are shown.

    Each recording has visible at the left the labels EEG, Theta,

    EMG1, EMG2, CAL. Each recording also has vertical bars

    in the center that are labeled to show the signal level corre-

    sponding to the height of the bar.

    Fig. 17 shows cortical EEG, Theta activity and nuchal EMG

    from a B6 mouse in active wakefulness. Fig. 18 shows the EEG,

    Theta and EMG from a B6 mouse in slow wave sleep. Fig. 19

    shows a set of waveforms from a B6 mouse in slow wave sleep

    with arousal from sleep. Fig. 20 shows signals from an AJ

    mouse in REM sleep. The calibration signal, a square wave of

    56 Hz, is shown on the bottom channel of each recording.

    The bandwidth used for the cortical EEG and the EMG was

    100 Hz. The bandwidth used for the theta EEG was reduced

    by the recording instrumentation to improve the display of the

    characteristics of this waveform parameter.

    By referring to the waveform recordings, which represented

    the entire system as well as the ASIC and hybrid transmitter, itcould be seen that system CMRR was sufficient so that the effect

    of 5060 Hz power line interference, often a problem with EEG

    systems, was not observed. The system channel crosstalk effects

    were visually absent, since clearly evidence of the calibration

    square wave was not seen in the signal channels, or vice versa,

    and evidence of the EEG waveforms was not seen in the EMG

    or calibration channels, or vice versa.

    The calibration signal served an important purpose in therecordings in that it indicated at all times during the recordings,

    by continuously providing a waveform of known wave-shape,

    frequency, and amplitude, that the system was working and that

    r.f. transmission and reception were being properly achieved. It

    indicated also that demodulation was properly accomplished,

    and all channels including signal channels were being displayed

    in their proper positions on the recording. In other systems

    there has often been no indicator to assure that transmission

    was being adequately accomplished or that channels were

    being properly demodulated or output in proper sequence,

    so that, for example, what might have seemed to be EEG

    might have been not a true EEG waveform but possibly only

    a system artifact. The calibration channel, thus, served thepurpose of an error detector in the recordings as well as an

    amplitude reference.

    In the recorded waveforms, the noise levels represented

    the resultant of all noise sources, including digital, 5060 Hz

    power line interference, and ambient r.f. interference as well as

    electronic system noise such as flicker, shot and thermal. There

    was good signal integrity as compared with, e.g., recordings

    made directly with Grass amplifiers, despite these noise sources

    and despite changes in light and temperature as well during

    the in vivo recording experiment. The measured EEG channel

    electronic noise parameters at 30-Hz BW have been previously

    stated in this paper to be 0.36-uV RMS with a crest factorof 3.69, and at 100-Hz BW to be 0.69 uV with a crest factor

    of 3.84. This was the overall system noise from the channel

    input of the hybrid transmitter to the channel output of the

    system demodulator. It is evident that this noise is considerably

    less than that of the amplifier alone at 30-Hz BW in [18]

    above, which is an all-CMOS design in the same process [26].

    In the future, however, the use of another BiCMOS type of

    chip process where both polarities of BJTs are available, may

    allow still further reduction in noise to be achieved, by using

    BJTs to replace noisier MOSFETs in the analog circuitry.

    Specifications of the system are indicated in Table III. A com-

    parison of this wireless microsystem with other wireless mi-

    crosystems is shown in Table I, above. In Table III, the parameter

    RF BW is measured on the bench by tuning a calibrated com-

    mercial telemetry receiver between the points where the signal

    reception from the telemetry transmitter drops off. The commer-

    cial receiver has switchable bandpass filters with bandwidths

    suitable for television testing purposes, e.g., several megahertz.


    We have designed and tested a multichannel wireless

    telemetry system for up to four biopotential signals plus a

    calibration channel for use in the monitoring of small animals

    (mouse or rat). It is expandable to more channels. The systemhas a package size of approximately cm (including

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  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    the enclosure package and the battery power source) appropriate

    for monitoring small animals (mouse or rat). The footprint of

    the complete package including ASIC, BJT transmitter chip,

    Hall-effect SMT, and all other parts including enclosure, is

    smaller than that of a small coin, such as a U.S. dime. To

    achieve specifications of such small size, a monolithic I.C.

    chip, i.e., ASIC, was fabricated. The I.C. chip is a low-powersignal processor chip, only 2 2 mm in size. This signal

    processor chip amplifies, filters and time division multiplexes

    the signals that are in turn transmitted via an RF link, i.e.,

    BJT chip and associated parts as described above, contained

    within the package, to an external radio receiver. The receiver

    drives a demodulator to reconstruct the individual signals for

    display or analysis by waveform acquisition software. Finally,

    the system incorporates a Hall-effect sensor, i.e., an SMT also

    in the package, as mentioned above, providing magnetic onoff

    capability, initially for conservation of power, but which also

    could be used for interactive procedures.

    This development demonstrates the feasibility of recording

    of multiple biopotentials using the miniature telemetric systemfor a freely moving small animal. The ASIC chip design used

    in the telemetry system is flexible and can accommodate more

    channels and both unipolar and bipolar signals, as well as other

    physical and biochemical sensor outputs. This forms the tech-

    nical foundation for future research in this wireless telemetric

    microsystem for small animal study.


    This study was approved by the IACUC of Louis Stokes, VA,

    Research Center, Cleveland, OH, and complied with the Na-tional Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Lab-

    oratory Animals.


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    Chung-Chiun Liu is the Wallace R. Persons Pro-fessor of Sensor Technology and Control and aProfessor of chemical engineering at Case WesternReserve University, Cleveland, OH, where he isalso the Director of the Center for Micro and NanoProcessing. His research areas include chemical andbiological sensors and sensor arrays, applicationsof microfabrication to the development of chemicaland biological microsystems, wireless telemetric

    interface technology, and microelectrochemical en-ergy sources, including microfuel cells and printablebatteries. He has authored 190 journal publications and holds 12 U.S. patents.

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  • 8/8/2019 A Multi Channel, Wireless Telemetric Micro System



    Edward OConnor is a Technical Specialist in elec-tronics at the Center for Micro and Nano Processing,Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, apost which he has held for the past 31 years. He hasbeen working in the areas of biomedical electronicsand radio frequency telemetry. He has attendedthe Case Institute of Technology where he studiedelectrical engineering and has published his work in

    biotelemetry. He holds four U.S. patents.

    Kingman P. Strohl received the B.S. in anthro-pology from Yale University, New Haven, CT, in1970, the M.D. degree from Northwestern Uni-versity, Evanston, IL, in 1974, and he completedhis training in internal medicine at the Universityof Kentucky, Lexington, in 1977, and a researchfellowship in respiratory physiology and pulmonarymedicine at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Harvard

    School of Health, Cambridge, MA, in 1980.Since 1980, he has been with Case Western Re-serve University, Cleveland, OH, and is now a Pro-

    fessor of medicine, anatomy, and oncology at the School of Medicine. Thethemes advanced in funded research over this period of time include the me-chanical properties of the upper airway (1981 to 1988), biomarkers of hypoxia(1988 to 1997), and generic features of breathing and sleep (1997 to present),all relevant to clinical disorders of sleep apnea.
