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Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions A Theory of Minimalist Democracy Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi 1 January 2014 1 SFU; UBC and CIFAR; UBC, CIFAR and NBER; respectively Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi1

January 2014

1SFU; UBC and CIFAR; UBC, CIFAR and NBER; respectivelyChris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy


Consolidated democracies are characterized by universal suffrage,free fair competitive elections, freedom of political participationorganization, civil political rights, freedom of the media.

A long list of complementary attributes that many scholars feelnecessary for effective democratic representation of the populace.Dahl (1971) Polyarchy.

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

The majority of democracies worldwide are less than consolidated:

Diamond (2002): A “political gray zone...between full-fledgeddemocracy and outright dictatorship”.

In 2012 Polity IV of the 115 countries that had a Polity2 score above0, only 51 had a score above 8 (i.e. above Paraguay, Philippines,Ghana or Indonesia).

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

The Importance of Hybrid Regimes

“the trend toward democracy has been accompanied by aneven more dramatic trend toward pseudodemocracy. Onlyabout half a dozen regimes in 1974 (less than 5 percent) wouldhave met Schedler’s criteria of electoral authoritarianism:undemocratic but with multiparty elections and some degree ofpolitical pluralism. [...] Today, at least 45 and perhaps as manyas 60 are electoral authoritarian – roughly between 1/4 and 1/3of all states. In proportional terms, authoritarian forms ofmultiparty electoral competition have increased during the thirdwave much more rapidly than democratic ones.” Diamond(2002)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions






1800 1850 1900 1950 2000Year

Share of Countries with Polity2 > 0Share of Consolidated Democracies (Polity2 > 8)

Democracies: Consolidated vs. Gray Zone

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Minimalist Democracy

Most of these proto/psuedo-democracies meet only the electoral criterionfor being called democracies. i.e., the “minimalist” stance of Schumpeter(1942) as summarized by Przeworski (1999):

“A system in which rulers are selected by competitiveelections...Governments are elected by the toss of a, notnecessarily fair, coin....citizens have no electoral sanction andincumbents have no electoral incentives to behave well.”Przeworski (1999)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Example: African Democratizations

Bratton and van de Walle (1997)


Sub-Saharan Africa elections were “largely non-competitive affairs inwhich, by forgone conclusion, a dominant ruling party won allavailable seats.”1985-89: 9 countries out of 47 with competitive electionsOnly 1 Sub-Saharan Africa incumbent ruler (Ramgoolam, Mauritius)replaced through elections.


38 countries out of 47 with competitive elections.11 Sub-Saharan Africa incumbent rulers replaced through elections.Yet over the same period 37 of the 47 countries were notdemocracies according to Polity IV comprehensive scores.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Is this a purely procedural approach without bite?

Glaeser, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes and Shleifer (2004) criticize theuse of Polity IV as institutional measure because it “provides arapidly moving assessment of electoral outcomes over time, not ameasure of actual political constraints on government.”

Many countries only meet such minimal criteria. Is there value inthe minimalist approach?

How relevant are competitive elections per se in the process ofdemocratization of an autocratic regime?

Are political liberalizations (in this minimal sense) andeconomic/civil reforms friends or foes?

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

We characterize the problem of leadership survival for an autocraticleader facing coup threats from regime insiders. The autocrat canassuage competitors to his leadership through patronagedisbursements.

What happens if resources are insufficient?

A minimalist conception of democracy, i.e. the introduction ofcompetitive elections that allow for some probability of replacementof the leadership without bloodshed, becomes important .

A minimalist democracy can be a sufficiently attractive institutionalsetting to be endogenously selected by autocrats exposed to coupattempts. The autocrat may even decide to introduce reform toabate patronage-extraction capital in order to have a shot at aconsolidated (i.e. coup-free) democracy.

Nothing hinges on democracy being redistributive or representative.These are features that may arise later in the polity history, but arenon essential to the political transition.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Caveat: Massive literature(s), naturally incomplete list.

Causes of Democratizations/Democratic Transitions: Lipset, 1959(Modernization Hypothesis); Huntington, 1991; Przeworski, Alvarez,Cheibub, 1996; Barro, 1999; Boix, 2003; Geddes, 2003; Brucknerand Ciccone (Rain/Opportunity, 2011); Acemoglu and Robinson(2001,2006); Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson and Yared (2008);Murtin and Wacziarg, 2013; etc.

Socio-economic Consequences of Democratizations: Acemoglu,Naidu, Restrepo, and Robinson, 2013; Acemoglu and Robinson(2001; 2006); Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, Limongi, 2000; Buenode Mesquita, Smith, Siverson, Morrow, 2003; Persson and Tabellini(Democratic Capital, 2009); Rodrik and Wacziarg, 2005; etc.

Democracies Conflict: Maoz and Russett, 1992 (Democraticpeace); Russett, 1994; Enterline and Greig 2005; Baliga, Lucca,Sjostrom, 2011; etc.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Model Preliminaries

The Model

An infinite horizon, discrete time economy,

Per period probability of death, ε.

Leader obtains a per period return to office F whilst leader.

Non-divisible – ego rents, prestige, status, power

Death leads to per period returns of zero.

U denotes maximal patronage value of posts

Allocated by leader (can keep all)Divisible – graft, cash, resources, patronage

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

“The distinctive institutional hallmark of African regimes isneopatrimonialism. In neopatrimonial regimes, the chiefexecutive maintains authority through personal patronage,...The essence of neopatrimonialism is the award by publicofficials of personal favors, both within the state (notably publicsector jobs) and in society (for instance licenses, contracts andprojects). ....it is the core feature of politics in Africa....Theinteraction between the big man and his extended retinuedefines African politics from the highest reaches of thepresidential palace to....” Bratton and Van de Walle (1994)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

The Players

N elite

At time zero, a single elite is the country’s leader, the other elite arehis insidersIf an elite dies, replaced by another one next period

Voters – more on these later

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Each period one (and only one) member of elite has the opportunityto mount a coup.

This opportunity is drawn randomly each period, is timeindependent, and is identical across all insiders.

The identity of this individual is private information.

If coup undertaken:

Coup leader’s patronage foregoneCoup succeeds with probability γ < 1.Successful coup deposes current leader, who receives zero (death) inperpetuity, and replaced with coup leaderUnsuccessful coup maintains current leader, coup leader receives zerofrom then on.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Civil Reform

Only leader can choose reforms

Reforms reduce/increase (up to U) available graft

Resources controlled by the state are removed from graft (notavailable for leader’s patronage)

Procedures put in place to stop pilfering: accounting, oversightHiring based on merit, procurement based on quality, etc.Perhaps tied up in private/public goods and services for citizens

Extent of reforms a choice variable for the leader

Leader can attempt to set post-reform level of graft to anyu ∈ [0,U].

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Reforms cont.

Reforms uncertain

Changing graft succeeds with probability φ in any periodIf attempting to change u(t) to u′(t + 1) with u′ 6= u:

with probability φ graft becomes u′(t + 1),with probability (1 − φ) graft remains u(t + 1).

Reform attempts and outcomes are observable

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Governance: Autocracy

No Elections

Leader obtains F .Determines the allocation of u(t).Leaders stays in power until deposed (via coup) or dead.

Obtains zero in either case.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Governance: Democracy

Minimalist Democracy:

1 Election held at end of period to determine leader next period

2 Election technology a lottery: π ∈ [0, 1] probability of incumbentwinning

π =

0 if previously

1. Did not hold an election;2. Refused to leave after losing an election;3. Came to power via a coup;

p ∈ [0, 1] Otherwise.

Voters do not vote for a politician having held (or taken) powernon-democratically

3 Incumbent losing election leaves.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


1 Start period t with leader from previous period and u(t)

2 Leader moves:

Allocates u(t),Undertakes reforms, u(t + 1) 6= u(t), or notChooses democracy/autocracy (elections or not)

3 Insiders move:

Coup Decision Taken

4 Coup, reform, election outcomes realized

5 Leader moves:

Respect election or not

6 Exogenous terminations occur (next period’s leader determined)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


From hereon only consider set of Markov perfect equilibria

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Autocracy/Democracy choice variables of the leader – not states

Two dimensional state space:

Amount of patronage available to leader; u(t) ≤ U.Second dimension binary. π = p, or π = 0.

State transitions:

Every new (non-violent) leader comes to power with π = pLeader preserves π = p if and only if: holding election, respectingoutcome

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Patronage Allocations in Autocracy

First consider a world where Autocracy is only form of governance

No election technologyNo reforms possible

For exposition N = 2 from hereon

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Markov Strategies

Leader:x ∈ [0,U] (1)

Insider:σ : [0,U]→ [0, 1] (2)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

V LA = F + U − x + (1− ε) ∗ (1− c ∗ γ) ∗ V L

A , (3)

where c ≡ σ(x) is the probability of a coup occuring

If loyal insider:

V NA = x + (1− ε) ∗ V N

A (4)

If taking a coup:

γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ V LA (5)


V NA ≥ γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ V L

A , for c = 0

V NA ≤ γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ V L

A , for c = 1

V NA = γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ V L

A , for 0 < c < 1.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Outcomes: Autocracy Only Case


1. For U ≥ γF ∗ (1− ε), the unique Markov perfect equilibrium is secureautocracy: Leaders allocate patronagex = (F + U)γ ∗ (1− ε)/(1 + γ ∗ (1− ε)) to every insider, each period,and coups do not occur.2. For Fγ(1− ε)ε/(γ(1− ε)2 + ε) ≤ U < γF ∗ (1− ε), in the uniqueMarkov perfect equilibrium leaders allocate all patronage to insiders,x = U and coups occur with probability < 1, and3. For Fγ(1− ε)ε/(γ(1− ε)2 + ε) > U, x = 0; leaders allocate nopatronage to insiders and coups occur every period.

Cut-off strategies...

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

For interior (and sufficiently low) probability of coups always betterto transfer graft to outsiders than keep it for own use

Transfers lower coup occurenceCoups are surplus destroyingMarginal dollar of patronage best used as a transfer

For probability of coup one (or high enough) even with transfers,keep all patronage and concede coups

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Graft and Autocratic Values


Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Van de Walle (1994) argues that

“ Cameroon’s “patrimonial orientation” was due to itspolitical leaders’ management of oil wealth and that thiswealth, along with foreign aid, allowed the authoritarian regimeto endure.”

From Fjelde 2009:

“The conversion of public funds into private payoffs hasprolonged poverty and bred economic inequality in manyoil-wealthy states, but it has also helped foster powerfulalliances with a stake in the continuation of the prevailing rule(Smith, 2004). Countries such as Gabon, Libya and SaudiArabia illustrate how oil-based rent- seeking can strengthenregimes, by extending their clientelist networks and thusplacating restive groups.”

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Now allow Democracy – (still no reforms).Markov Strategies:Leader:

σL : {0, p} → [0,U]x{Elections,No Elections}


σ : {0, p}x[0,U]x{Elections,No Elections} → [0, 1]

Leader:σL : {0, p}x{Win, Lose}x...→ {Stay , Leave}

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Value Functions – Democracy

For any equilibrium in which Democracy works, need leader to leaveoffice when losing election. That is:

V ND ≥ V L


This implies:V ND > γV L


So democratic value functions are:

V LD = F + U − x + (1− ε) ∗ (p ∗ V L

D + (1− p) ∗ V ND )

V ND = x + (1− ε) ∗ (p ∗ V N

D + (1− p) ∗ V LD)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Autocratic values (changed to reflect follower being part of transition todemocracy because leader dies in office):

V LA = F + U − x + (1− ε) ∗ (1− c ∗ γ) ∗ V L


V NA = x + (1− ε) ∗ ((1− ε) ∗ V N

A + ε ∗ V ND )

c determined as before

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

We determined x in autocracies already. And:


In any Markov perfect equilibrium where democracy is credible,necessarily leaders in democracy transfer x = 0, and there are no coups.

Binding constraint in (credible) democracy is losing leader leaving

Coup constraint does not bind

Transfers (help coup constraint) do not effect leaving decision

E.g. Lehoucq and Perez-Linan (2009), 18 Latin American countries, 20thCentury:

“Our main finding is robust to multiple specifications: theestablishment of a credible commitment among political elitesto accept democratic outcomes ends the coup trap. ”

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Democratization (if credible) can help solve the non-divisibilityproblem

If coups occur in autocracies then democratization can be used tomitigate coup threat

Offering an avenue to power for insiders stops them using the(costly) coup technology

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Credibility of Democratization

Since no commitment power in elections, leader must be willing toleave office for democratization to be credible

If remaining in office, must remain as an autocrat


If U ≤ F (1−p)γ(1−ε)2−γ−p(2−γ)(1−ε)−ε) , then in the unique Markov perfect


Any leader with π = p holds elections each period and respectsoutcomes.Any leader with π = 0 rules as an autocrat and faces coups.If a leader with π = 0 experiences an ε transition (e.g., dies in office),next leader democratizes and democracy persists from then on.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Parameter range limited by credibility of democracy not preferencefor it by leader.

Credibility requires V ND ≥ V L


But then V LD > V N

D implies democracy strictly preferred by leader

Equilibrium Play...

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Democratic Credibility

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

“ The prebendal network on which African leaders havebuilt their power have been undermined in recent years byeconomic austerity and market reforms. In turn, this made theregimes more vulnerable to unrest and less able to buy supportand coopt opposition. .....leaders in richer countries like Zaire,Gabon and Cameroon, enjoyed a steady flow of revenues fromoil and mineral exports and may have calculated that they couldstill dominate the political game...’ Bratton and Van De Walle1997

“..most African resource-dependent countries wereauthoritarian governments and struggled with democraticconsolidation after the “third wave” of democratization. Theseresource-dependent countries include Algeria, Nigeria, Libya,Gabon, Cameroon, and the former Zaire. Besides South Africa,the transition to democracy has been successful only inresource-poor countries such as Benin, Mali, Senegal, andMadagascar.”Jensen and Wantchekon 2004

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Civil Reforms

When would a leader attempt civil reforms (reduce graft)?

Autocrats – planning to remain autocrats – would never choose toreduce graft below U.

Perhaps to help make democracy credible?

Democratization may be preferred even when not credible.

Tying up graft in civil reforms may make ruling as an autocratuntenable – help increase credibility of democratization

But tying up graft lowers consumption value of office

Intuition: transfer value of graft in autocracies (reducing coups) ishigher than consumption value

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Civil Reforms

When would a leader attempt civil reforms (reduce graft)?

Autocrats – planning to remain autocrats – would never choose toreduce graft below U.

Perhaps to help make democracy credible?

Democratization may be preferred even when not credible.

Tying up graft in civil reforms may make ruling as an autocratuntenable – help increase credibility of democratization

But tying up graft lowers consumption value of office

Intuition: transfer value of graft in autocracies (reducing coups) ishigher than consumption value

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Reforms and Democratic Credibility

Imagine a reform target u∗ < U.

Clearly worse for a leader to rule with u∗ < U – worse under bothdemocracy and autocracy

But worse still under autocracy (when transfers are used to procureregime security).

A reformed state with u∗ < U generally expands range of valuesunder which democracy is credible

Value Functions u∗ reform...

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Reforming graft can make leader election commitment in ademocracy credible.

But (unlike elections) reforms not instantaneously chosen – must beattempted; may not work

Do leaders want to attempt civil reforms leading to democratization?

What is timing of reforms?

Would a democratic leader attempt to implement such reforms?Would an autocratic leader attempt to implement such reforms andthen democratize?

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Democracy and Civil Reforms

A further benefit of reforms: lower coup frequency even beforesucceeding

“Honey Moon” PeriodWhile attempting reform insiders hold-off coups to observe outcome

Attempted reform promises insiders chance of democracyAlso makes prize from coup (in expectation) smaller

If reforms would succeed in making democracy credible, then thefact of attempts being made today may lead outsiders to eschewcoup opportunities.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Would leaders attempt to reform rather than rule as an autocrat?

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Check: 1. Insiders do not undertake coups given that leader isattempting reform.

Check: 2. Leader would prefer to attempt reform (with insiders notattempting coups) rather than rule as autocrat.


Consider the range of insecure autocracies and suppose a leader in goodstanding would prefer to lead in a democracy but cannot credibly committo democratic reforms. There exists a critical level of p, denoted p∗ suchthat, for any p ≤ p∗ a Markov perfect equilibrium is for this leader tosimultaneously attempt reform (i.e., set u < U) and schedule elections.

If reforms succeed, permanent democracy ensues

If reforms fail and the leader is re-elected, the leader attemptsreform next period

If reforms fail and the leader loses election, the leader becomes anautocrat.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Reform to Democracy

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Direct to Democracy

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions



Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Why not reform then democratize?

Leader reforming but not holding elections, not in good standingwith voters

Never re-elected in free and fair elections

Given this, even if reform succeeds, insiders know leader will not leaveReforms do not dissuade coups, reforms can never benefit leader

Why not democratize then reform?

Without reform, elections will always be violated

Coup threat persists unabated.

By attempting reform and holding elections simultaneously:

Direct benefit since coups stop while reforms attempted

Secondly if reforms succeed and:

Leader re-elected, democracy is credible, and no more coupsLeader loses, leader leaves, but can transition back to power withoutcoup

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions



11 coups up to 1984 (successful and unsuccessful). Progressivedemocratization with Jerry Rawlings retirement from office peacefultransition in 2001.

Set of corruption reforms (John Kuffour’s “Zero Tolerance forCorruption” in inaugural presidential speech in 2001), a movementto regular elections with coups effectively disappearing.

Control of corruption WB indexes improving from 39.8 in 1996 to59.5 in 2009.

Close to consolidated democracy today

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


Since independence in 1960 endemic corruption, brief stint of civiliancontrol of the state (1978-83).

In 1986 Structural Adjustment Program by IMF and WB, abatedpatronage favored economic liberalizations, but failed:

“In mid-l990, however, economic management was quicklyrelaxed, leading to the virtual abandonment of public financialoversight. The precipitating event in the deterioration of thereform programme was the Persian Gulf crisis, which caused alarge shock in global oil markets. The ‘miniboom’ offered aninfusion of new resources to a regime beset by politicalturmoil....permitting the dissemination of patronage to thepolitical class.” Peter M. Lewis (1994, African Affairs p.338)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Repeated attempts at Civil Service Reforms and anti-corruptionwaves between 1989-1999, mostly failed

Recently more of the same

“In oil-rich Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation,where watchdog groups say efforts to combat corruptionare backsliding, Nuhu Ribadu, who built a well-trained staffof investigators at the Economic and Financial CrimesCommission, said he fled his homeland into self-imposedexile in England in December. From NYT “Battle to HaltGraft Scourge in Africa Ebbs” 6/9/2009

Transparency International Corruption Score in 1998 1.9 and in 20132.5.

PolityIV score 2010 4.

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions


A theory of minimalist democracy

Contested leadership as response to regime insecurityTriggered by reduced patronage availabilitySecure(from coups) when credibleA range where civil reforms are key:

Intuition: Who wants to move from a democratic regime when thealternative is to end up in an autocratic mess with coups everyperiod?.

Such reforms are assumed to be probabilistic in the model(parameter φ) but they can be thought of as a step function.

Final thoughts on Minimalist to Maximalist democratic transitions

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Cut-Off Strategies

If sufficient U (secure range):

For leader: allocate (F + U)γ ∗ (1− ε)/(1 + γ ∗ (1− ε)).For insider: coup iff x < (F + U)γ ∗ (1− ε)/(1 + γ ∗ (1− ε)).

If insufficient U middle range, (occasional coups):

Leader: allocate all U to insidersInsider: coup with probability c if allocated U, otherwise coup forcertainc solves V N

A = γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ V LA .

If insufficient U low range, (perpetual coups):

Leader: allocate 0 to insidersInsider: coup with probability 1 alwaysV N

A < γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ V LA .

Back to Autocracy Only...

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Equilibrium Play Leader:

If p = 0: x = 0; no elections

If p > 0: x = 0; elections.

If p > 0, lose election: leave.

Equilibrium Play Insider

If p = 0: Coup irrespective of x and elections

If p > 0: No coup irrespective of x .

Back to Democracy...

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Value Functions Under Reform

Recall φ denotes the probability of a reform working

Consider a civil reform target (u∗) such that autocrat under u∗ facescertain coup:

vLA = F + (1− ε) ∗ (1− γ) ∗ ((1− φ) ∗ vL

A + φ ∗ V LA )

vNA = u∗ + (1− ε) ∗ ((1− φ) ∗ ((1− ε) ∗ vN

A + ε ∗ vND ) + φ ∗ (V N

A ))

vNA = γ ∗ (1− ε) ∗ vL


Where vND solves:

vLD = F + u∗ + (1− ε) ∗ (p ∗ vL

D + (1− p) ∗ vND (u∗))

vND (u∗) = (1− ε) ∗ (p ∗ vN

D (u∗) + (1− p) ∗ vLD)

Define vLA(u∗):

vLA(u∗) = F + u∗ + (1− ε) ∗ (1− γ) ∗ ((1− φ) ∗ vL

A + φ ∗ V LA ) (6)

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy

Introduction The Model Analysis Examples Conclusions

Defines set of values such that democracy is credible under u∗ reform,i.e.:

vND (u∗) ≥ vL

A(u∗) (7)

Back to Reforms...

Chris Bidner, Patrick Francois and Francesco Trebbi

A Theory of Minimalist Democracy
