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Abbeville press (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1861 ...S, McGOWAN. July30, 18(51 14 21...

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Til* New Yohk Hotels..-The splendid mar- ble hotels of New York, which have been ao much supported by the resort and travel of Southerners, are doing little or nothing. It was the wealth of the South that made and kept them up. The New York Journal of Com- mtree says: "The hotel business in New York is exceed- ingly dull, Compared with last year at this time, almost nothing is doing. The property- owners, in some instauces, have been offered the choice ef closing up the premises, or ac- cepting a nominal rent.landlords and tenants dividing the losses." luey have also got the "blockade up nt Saratoga, where Southerners liavo heretofore' flocked to spend their money. The receipts of one of the leaning hotels on the 4th of July were |87, against $1,400 last year. Not a ho- tel in the place begins to pay expenses. Last week there was but a single name on any ho- tel register from any Southern State. Lincoln's Cabinet..The followiug is from tbe New York Herald. It would not surprise us much if the people of the "whole North" 3 yet got to fighting amongst themselves, and t thus fulfilTJohn Cochrane'a prophecy in his j Richmond speech last winter: "The indignation of the whole North is roused against the Cabinet of President Lin- coln, and it* removal is demauded on grounds so imperative that they will be insisted upon, uutil the incompetent and untrustworthy per- sons who surround the executive «ha'l have f $een deprived of the responsible positions they occupy. Every day develops some new cor- ruption or instance of favoritism or misrule. It is alleged, with grounds of credcnce tlmt cannot be disputed, that the motives for leav- ing our regiments so badly commanded have been in a great measure personal. This should 11 be made to cease nt once, and a new regime j should commence which will put the efficient ,*rmy officers now languishing in inactivity in ( the places which are theirs by right." , a"c!bd. Ciiauleston, 1st August, 1861. To the Officers of the Is/ Regiment S. C. V. in South Carolina. jt.jias pieasea «jou 10 remove our leiiow-soi- dier, CHARLES H. AXSON, from amongst us. As a testimony of respects (o his memory, I would ask that the usual badge of mourning be worn for tlie period of thirty days. I feel that I do him no more than justice, when I say that he was one of the best Officers j in the Regiment.always ready, strict and punctilious in tlie discharge of every duty. His onofciUy -bearing and genial spirit had en- deared hinmuech to u:?, and from his place Hi our ;Tfk<ik« we shall misa imn. Had il fceeu Inflate to fall in batttle, we could have given him up to his country with cheerfulness ; but to be cut down in the pride of manhood by the assassin's hand, comes ujjou us a heavy Borrow. I am, gentlemen, very i OBpeeifully, D. II. IIAMJLT.O^ j Lient-Colonel let Regiments. C. V. 1 Pinnrrviiva ru Unsnvrit T? r^nuiwn August 4..The following is a list of live South Carolinians At the Hospital at Charlottesville, vit: L. "W. White, Tt.li reg., comp. E., died 3uly 24 ; W. J. Falcor.berg, 2d reg., Flat Rock Guard*, July 28; J. N. Carson, 2d reg., Butler Guards, July 29; Thomas Estill, 8th reg., July 28; Wm. Eth'&idge, 7th reg , comp. E, July 29; Wm. Hearvey, 7 th reg., Union, July 30"; J. B. Mc-V-ey, 7th reg-, comp. F, July 30 ; Madison Powell, 6th reg., oomp. A, J. P.ercy, Reuben Ransom, L. J. Wood.all Augftst 2- 8. c. v: Confirmation of McCulloci/s Victoky.. Nashville, August 3..Reliable information hai been received here, stating that Gen. Mu- Oulloch, with 12,000 Confederate troops, at- tacked the federalist forccs, under Seigle, at Springfield, Missouri, ou Fridaj-, the 261b ulti- mo, killing 600 and taking an corral number of prisoner*. The Oiyfcdeyate loss wo* veej- trif ling. The victory was complefe. OBITITAHY. VINTON C. 3d eon of John C. and Elvira Carter, wns born the 27th Marc'1, 1MT, and 4ied of Typhoid fever, in the house of Mm, Kerkmon, Culpepper Court Ilouie, Virginia, July 11th;.1861. The deceased was a native of our District, from the neighborhood of Ookesburj-, and a young man of fine qualities. Laet fall he pro- fessed'religion and joined the Methodist church in. bis eoajrauaity, and up to hls death was a 4Oii0iat«nt member. In Jununrj when a call was made fur volunteer* through tiie State he was among the first bo hear and obey that ^all^forthe defence of his native Stato. Af- ter the attack upon Fort Samter had besn made, ad the volunteers were called upon to rally ftttd hasten to Uic eca bonrd. in a few days he *M at liis post and with his company on tlicir yapid journey to the neat pf danger. But, af- ter tempter had been successfully bombarded »nd tn<ide to yield to Southern bravery and skill; **nd the troops were no longer needed to ^efettd thatpoint, and Virginia about (a «e- 'ceednnd threatened with invasion, he unhesi- tatingly rervolunteered for the service of the (ftafederacy, and was soon landed at Richmond, the 'Capital of Virginia. Afler Alexandria had beenv taken by the vandal*, and it be- eitne neeessary to block up their onward move to BioluhoncL his regiment was sent up to Ma- nassas Xonouon, and there taking the measles, from exposure lits disease ended in Typhoid -0rer and death. One of his commanding offi- cer* Mid of bim, 'he was a good soldier, alwaja rapdy and willing.' Th« young friend who pihvrdli itn writing to hw father said 'grieve not, for your leas iahia eternal gain O think, ha litjl Vohristian, So we trust oar young friends hps gone from the land of stranger* and lb*t;fifebl« uervtyaof Jb i? country to the more ftntoediat* presence and service of his Heav- enly Father. "A J. P. fl 11 WM. DfaPABTEI) tbia lift, July 2d, 1861, at Col. K.O.mbfi^FlM.e.eiori, co.. fla.. of TnilMfd P«T«r, Mrs. CHRISTIANA L. HAM XOHDi Wifr 8«qhtl-L Haayaood. The. de- STsm r&'V&ftS: ltra. HVroraond with her haabaod and mother ( VbiUe (d tinJill of ISfiSu Site leaver* boeband aAthqjFftttfe children.t\ro da»ght«T» tea JH-any*'for her. ' i: W . /. k. oo W«to«<t«y (Aii- Regiment. Whoever ifae,Wi' roemiar of **» « at AbWflle C. II., Adjutant and Inspector General's Office CENSES OF THE MILITIA. Charleston, S. C., Augusts, 1661. VEhERAM ORDERS, NO 10S. ALL COLONELS OF REGIMENTS through >ut the State, not including those in tlid city >f Charleston, are hereby ordered to causa a sensus to be taken of the several beat oornpan :s under their cunm»nd, classifying all persons .herein, to wit: thoio between 16 and 18 fears of age, and those between 18 and 45, »nd those between 46 and CO. Tliey will re- port fcuch census forthwith to this office. By order of the Governor. CIIARLES. H. SIMONTON, Acting Adjutant and Inspector General. ro THE CAPTAINS OF BEAT COMPANIES. IN Pursuance to the above Order. The Cap- tains of Beat Companies in the Eighth ilogimcnt S. C. M., will forthwith take or :ause to he taken a CENSUS of their respec- ive Beat*, and report to me at Abbeville 2ourt House. JOHN T. OWEN, Lieut. Col. Commanding. August 8th, 1801,16, tf IKOl\ ! IRON ! JUST RECEIVED AT 1GNEW, M'DONALD & GO. a LARGE LOT OF Genuine swedes iron, 10 BuuJlcs Charcoal Horse Shoo Iron. ATc;o Oval, Round, Strap, Band, Nail Rod Iron. August 7, 1861, 15, Gt JUST RECEIVED. FIVE Hilda NT. O. Sugar. 10 Hbla. [C] Yellow Fine Sugar. 5 " Crushed Sugar 10 " N. O. MolHsacs, And 10 Sacks Extra Fine Rio Coffee. For ealc FOR CASH. AG NEW, McDONALD <fc CO. Aug. 7, 1861, 16, Ct ATTENTION ! ABBEVILLE TROOP! THE twmber? of the ABBEVILLE TROOI are h'-reby ordered to appear at thii place on SATURDAY next, itiilhout fail, as tli< Company is now nnder marching orders. By order of CAP?! 0#EN. Chew*, Orderly. Abbeville C. II. S. C., August 7, 1861. TO THE PUBLIC. TI1E subscriber announces to his pafroni and the public, that the mercantile part ner-ship of CLARK A DuPRE, was dissolvec ity me rxiaung war ; air. ujarK oeing' ft citizei of New Jersey. The subscriber will sell merchandise at thi old stand, on his own account, and liope lo re- ceive, as he will try to merit* thq. patronage o the public. JOLUS F. C. DUPREB, Lowndegville, Abbeville District, B. 0 August 1, 1861 15 2t TO THE COMMITTEE OF SAFETY. \ A8PECIAL MEETING of thia Committei will be held at Abbeville Court Houw on TUESDAY, IStb inat., at 10 o'clock, A. M Business of great importance requires the meet ing, Mid every member should he present. ARMI8TEAD HURT, Chairman. August *1, 1861 16 It NOTICE. jfefetB-to th« idfww in TIN I urn com Bro to make some obaugea in m ftidm. My Prio* for HLoaFura Will be $17.00 a Square, in steadof $10.00. Common Size GTOTERS, 92 0b. a joot, instead of 14 6u 81 b* UCfeafttovy P*s«gi stock ktebuiatod. ZL IjsBLE?* *o &®ra » pou*d for ol PEWtEki _ S«Jr81, * *$<* * VOLUNTEERS I NEARLY 100 GUNS TAKEN FROM THE ENEMY ! Soldiess are Needed to Man Them! LL nersont desirous of joining an Ar- X JL wiaicrjr vuiii |>i*ujr( IVI viae |>ui tivoo vi ing into service immediately, can do bo by up- plying to the undersigned. A. J. LVTMGOE. Jnly 31. 1861 14 tf TO ARMS! TO ARMS!! 1AM desirous of forming » Regiment for ser- vice, during tlie war. Companies and in- dividuals willing to u(lite wi'.li me in tliis un- dertaking arc requested to give immedinte in- formation to me. at Abbeville Court House, or to Col. W. D. SIMPSON, Laurens Court Iiouse. S, McGOWAN. July 30, 18(51 14 21 53T"The Laurensville Ileruld Spartanburg, Columbia, Edgfiold and Newbery papers please copy twice, and forward bills to me, at Abbeville C. H. S. McGOWAN. A CALL FOR *t /\ * *t *t m n n t* fi VUL UN 1 BIS HS. All stout able-bodied men who arc willing to fight for their ountry pre invited to send their names to Hie subocrfbe at Cokesbury, and to co operate in raising a Com- pany in response to the late call of Governor 1'ickeus. * J. K. YANCE. July 31, 1881 14 tf THE WAR. T^HE subscriber has left for the Sent of "War in Virginia, where he will spend a few monthn in nursing the sick and wounded, lie leaves his professional business in the lianda of Dr. PARKER. If any person desires to pay him money, Dr. PARKER or \Y. T. PENNY, at at. the Drug Store, will reoeive it. As lie is go- ing without pay, and is bearing his own ex- penses. he earnestly solicits payment in port, from those who owe him. ISAAC BRANCH. July 31, 1861 14 It PRIVATE rf^IIE CLASS of the subscriber will resume JL their scholastic Exercises on the first Monday in August. Application for admission will be entertained, if made early. B. JOHNSON. Episcopnl Parsonage, Abbeville C. H. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THE STATE THOS.C. PERRIN" ESQ., WILL ACT AS MY AGENT. I again cnll upon those who owe me to pay at least n part of this indebtedness. If this call is not heeded 1 leave instruction* that will make it felt. JAMES M. PERRIN. July 1A, 1861 18 2m NOTICE. m « » » MS. BUST HAVING kindly offered to taka charge of so much of our btiainesA as may require attention during our abaence, our clients will please call upon him.; Those indebted to^lia should consider our no- cessities and pay up. PEERtN «fc COTHRAN, Attorneys at Law. July 24, 1861 14.3t the STATE of south carolina ITEADQUARTERS, July 10, 1861y MY PROCLAMATION, dated July 17th, called for three tbou»and men, to form encampmenjsi^lte received in companies, "fur the war." ' _ Now, this is bo give notice, tHat ill raising these three thousaud men, I will receive ten companies to form n regiment, and they may immediately elect their Field Officers, or they may do so after they assemble at the encamp- ment The rolls of the companies signidg dis- tinctly "for the war," and th« certificate* as to mt elections 01 company omcera, must Brat be returned to the Adjutant General's office. The first thirty companies offered, according to the requirements of said Proclamation, will be re- ceived. One Artillery company and two full {£^alry compao ies, to each-encampment, will s b'4 received. But these will be attached, at any regiment or regiments that the pubHe ser- vice may require, ** P. W. PldRPNS. July 26, 1861 4t A CARD. SINCE Publishing a call for 100 Trooper* arrongemen ta have been made for the con tinuance of the )sV Regiment. S. C.. Vols. Jn; scrvicc, for this.reason, I beg, leave to wi^b- - draw my eard, and In* doinavo will anprfea my f thanks to th<*e whdhafe Itftfmited their aid ou bebalf of Uie project. AUG. M. SMITH. Joly 16,1861,, > |jOr Papain whioh publlabed the Call will please to pabKsb th* above. A. M. 8. ' r in "f ii v MWi ingttUr, Uw (tin Ufb«« next Ordioary'rj b* holdfaat Abl i:n»tr»iion should not To Tax payers I WILL meet the Tax Payers in t.lje Vioioity of -Smilbville. at tl>$ resilience of C&pt. WILLIAM SMITH, on FRIDAY, the 26th K. S. COBB. July 15, 18C I. 2t THE STATE OFSOUTH CATvOLIXA A BBF.VILLE DISTRICT a t% JLyyu*it/» Thoraaa S. Arthur', Y va. > Bill for Injunction, Ac. J. T. Moore. } 1|)URSUANT taordfer of Court I-will ee'l at Abbeville C. II., at public outcry, ou SALE IXA.Y IN AUGUST NEXT, (5th,) AN UNCO&JONLY LIKELY FAMILY OF NEGROS. CONSISTING OF HUSBAND AND WIFE AND SIX CHILDREN. TERMS: A credit of 1 and 2 years, with interest from day of sale. Purchaser to give Bond, with two good sureties, and mortgage, to secure the purchase monev. «nd pay the oosta in cash. WM. II. rARKER, c. k. a. v. Commlssioner'e Office, / July 10, 18Ck J 12 3t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. HEADQUARTERS, July 15, 1801. By the Governor of South Carolina. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. THE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERI- CA hnB made a requisition upon the State of South Carolina fur three thousand men, that be- ing the quota of the State in the additional force now heing called out ; and whereas, it is required that the Volunteer? ofJ>rinsr for this service shall be received '"for and during the continuance of the war;" and whereas, it is right and proper that such requisition should be promptly complied with. Tncrcfore, I, F. W. PICKENS. Governor and Commander in-Chief in and over tho State of South Carolina, by virtue of authority ves- ted in me by law, do hereby proclaim that Vol- unteers for this sorv ice are desired and will be accepted, in companies, "for and during the co'itinuance of the war," to the number of th« three thousand men ; each company to be com posed of one Captain, one Lieutenant, two Second Lieutenants, four Sergeant*, tour Cor- porals, two musicians, and not less than sixtj- four, nor more than one hundred privates ; tlie o flic ft? a to bo elected by the companies respec- tively. No men will be received, except those of proper age and health. And for the purpose of organization and in- struction, I do hereby designate "Liglitwood Knot Springs," near Columbia, and some pro- per place at or near Aiken, as points for the establishment of camps ^ and each company, after a full and accurate roll of its members nnd certificates of the elections of its ofQccrs, shall have been returned to the Adjutant Gene- ral of the State, will repair to the enmp near- est to it, there to be mustered into service, and to be organized into Battalions or Regi- ments. It will not be a pre-requisite in the acceptance of these companies, that they shall he armed, although it is hoped that many of them will be. And I do further proclaim, that all the men or companies who volnnteered under tlie Act of 1860, and who declined, for divers reasons, mustering into Confederate service, and whose BegimeDta have gone to Virginia, may now voluuteer into this service, and in certain cases wher<* cavalry companies have been disorgan- ii,.;. .. -i-- .».* »- «uc«> IHCUIUQIO UIBU iuny TUlUUbCUr QB in* fan try under this requisition. And I do further proclaim, that no other Companies, Bottalioos or Regimpnt* v\U be received untill this fqrce of three thousand men be raised. Two additional Regiments "for the war" are alto called for immediately; and I have design nated the RegimentnoW raised by Colonel Orr "for the watV'.aa one, and- have offered the other to Colonel Gregg. Given under my hand, as-Governo!* and Co'm- maVidtr-iirCliief, t*nd ondei'ttie seal of the State, at Columbia, this; the filteenth'day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-ntrfth'y«ar of the Independence ol Sdnth Caroliha. F. W. PICKENS. W All papHrt in tlitJ Statue #ill publish thia for the next four weelta. July 19, 1861 12 ri&UUliAJII^LTJLUN. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ' " July:6»18Bl. A CCORDINO fo «m Act of the Confederal Xjb-CoDgreeB, entHkd an "Act to put into'Ope- ration' the Government under the Permanent Constitution of the Coa/erterate'8t'f*|rtof A*<terL c»," it is reqnired that each State ehall tote, on the FIRST WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, for Presldehtand VioePrfealdet of thl Confederate States, which officers are torbe.io< augarated on the twenty sccond of Febratrj * buwji uvmvtMfyifu mj wv i*«ir latnre; And wherea# the i,egisl»i\i$e of this State prDi not ke in regular se.bokit -the' timt prescribed by'-the afar went 6fWeeO^*Sw Therelbre, tb«% *. Carolina, ,by'Virtue of tbe*P<r*{r tfaSllSi Sn'nrt by thi Oen«tit^aion, |ftrChorliiw)g thd'Q&rettiar, m extraordinary oecftsions, to wif«s« thl General Assembly, do ta^s>:tW*llN£- proobim* tlop, callirtg:apon and, :^ftHtj«jf^# Sen»t«n ' | DE Subscriber line in success ul opcrnliodx Jl aftnulicd "warrentcd to cut 10.000 feet li The superior workmanship of then* Engines, gree all the essential elements of strength, spec thdn ennhe ohlnined aIsawIi»i'» His Mill is located about four miles south-went lowing rates: lat quality, all heart, cut according to < 2d quality, half lieurt, . 3d quality, refused. . He will also furnish Lumber pinned or dreese All order's rtiufct be aecuin) miied with j»o>"l lors address the subscriber at Chnppell's, G. d July 12, 1861 11 3m THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. abdeyille district. In the Common Picas. HIR\M T. TUSTEN Vt,.. it, j' Custody of the Sltcriff of Ab- '- Jiistvi.t by virtue of a Writ of capiat «:ii saliifaci-Hiluiii issued from the Court of Cotuitn :»l the :.d of Enoch Neleon, hnving filed in n;y office getlter with a schedule on ontli of hia euLnto and effects, Ills Petition to the Court of Com- mon ^leae, prnyltig that he may bfe udmitted to tlie benefit of t!ie Acts of the General As- sembly made for the relief of Insolvent Debt- OIB. It ie ordered tliat tho said Enoch Kelson, tl# Plaintiff, nnd all other creditors to whom the »aid IliraniT. Tusten is in any wise indebted, he and they ate hereby summoned and have notice to appear before tho suid Court nt Abbe- ville Court House on the first Monday in Oc- tober next to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not be granted. MATHBW McDONALD, c. o. p. Clerk's Office. Court of Common Pleao; ) 2Cth June, 18G1. y NO TARIFF. I AM ST11«L- selling'my stock of Goods at the old price for cash Those that are io need of any DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, . C APS, BOOTS AN D SHOES, 'will do woll to call soon. The best of Calicoes at 12 1-2 Gents at M. ISRAEL'S' July 1,' 1861 10 If THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ABBEVILLE DISTRICT: Rachel Knox applicant, against Jchn Knox, Nathaniel Knox, et. al. defendants. IT APPEAllNG to ray satisfaction thatJamei Knox, Joseph Knox, Samuel Knox, unc Rpbt. Knox, some of the Defendants, resido be yond the limits of Jhis State, It in tlierefon ordiered tlTattheydo appear and object to tlx Sale of the Real Estate of William KnoX dec'd uciwictuc 6«/ui orpbciuuer inui, ur vnvii conaeut to the same will be entered of record ' * WILLIAM HILL, o. a; d. Julj 2, 1801 10 Ora SOUTHERN INDEPENDENDE. THE SUBSCRIBERS offer to the public a GREAT VARIETY of OO^PTlON' AND Woolen Goods, Of their own' Mftritifaeture, All of whiQfi tjjpy warrant U> be^SUPERIOI QUALITY. and »fc' RATES. Their eslablicment lias been completed a great expense, and" they furnish eoiploymen and support to five hundred pcrion*, many o wlioin other wiw, would be at ax mid UoriliQri Iff the State. Tliey earnestly appeal to th< file of the 8<mth for their patron a#*, jiK:dy themsolvesto givesatisfacllou. They fiirn OBHABTJBG8 YARH8, STEIPES AHI A great variety of t ^7* - - COLOEEp GOODS," ... COTTON J0D WOOLEN, (fa? : ffr/ f . . fa* - allft, a grea . vapetyof Akd piow^s es. COfrtW efWOOL ^ bi* ta&n ft ex efcarige forg#fx3»at Hljl ntM, Ib order to m«av th* viifiM of m*nv AllitA tbl wc'dMpa »Tl KinfcrUtt'.ieept w< " >r common Plains , \t BQpnnjpo TwHM M> IfrAMUPAOTUBl f .rnislilBi nc of HOADLBY'S SUPBUIOR 20 HORSK nrd pine in ten hour*." and t!>« cxlrnordimiry force and pnwrr 'with wl 1 and durability, will enable tbc subscriber to fit t ol Boazman'a T. O., G. «fc C.. II. vrliere he cng^i iontract, . . . d ready forme, at Im.fc little additional cost to I r»*ferenc>-8. A liberal iliara of tlie public patror i 0. K. n., s. c. NOTICE. ! BLACK & FRANKLIN ABE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SPRING STOCK OF DftUGS, AXD' MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, KEROSINE OIL, A' No. 1: article.- PINE HAIR AND TOOTH BIlTJSUBa, Toilet Powders and Soaps, WINES AND LIQUORS, For Modicioal Purposes Only, FINE TOBACCO, Snuff, Meershaum Pipes> - PDTCXJ JC XlJudJtX GARDEN SEEDS, PATENT MEDICINES, The Great Headache Remedy, A fit! t k \in rrnuni wrrr XX JL' U MJMJ ililJLf 1;U1U| UL4 1 JLi STOCK Of FAMILY ANli FAUCI GROCERIES, COSISTING IN PART OF Rio, Java Coffees, and Crushed Sugars Cheese, Molasses, Bacon, Mackerel. BAGGING AND ROPE, Pickles, Preserves, Jellies, Ale, Porter Brandy Peach$*,and Champagne, 1,(1 nay, jua</eut nations, Al- mond*, Brazil and Pican Watt, Candles, Starch, English Muaiard, BLdc and Green Teas, Bnrdlnts, Salnaood Oysters, and. > Crackers, Nails, dfo. * -All of tli* above aro off«re3Ho frojhpt bny< era at prreeif tfttalt the time*.. ? ~ ! , w J. B. BLACK, ' v ; ^ TIIOS. Cokeabury.8. C., March 8th, 1801. 45, it A CALJLi. J. B BLAQKi" takes this ocaasion to fifitifj hia friends '.hit they moat coiqe forward ant Mi tie, as he must b#ve mopey, and have bjl business wound. Up. If yon oannov.pay tn< money, rome an'Jyttfjby ppU. JOST RECEIVED. . -IMA I 'frn . fS "v' r. wm *r**M«».'* tt, " , *$£§ *&«* j mm PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, with Fiomo iich tliey operate, eomhioinj iij tbo highest de- 1 all orders with i.<ore promptness aud dispatch ges to deliver Lumber for shipment At the fol- $12.00 per Thousand. $11.75 " . $7.00 " « he purchaser. mgc iat earnestly solicited. For further particu* -INI- G- COTHRAN, I COKESBUKY DRUG STORE. W.R.NORWOOD, Druggist & Chemist, Has on Hand, and are. Month- ly Receiving* Fresh Supplies Of the Purest Selected BRUGfS A-2C& PAINTS OILS, Tfc'f'tl* (dim-mri-r PATENT MEDICINES, KEEOsnnj LAMFa and Fixtures. FINE TOBACCO, Havana and Ifotifo ciaARi^ LITHOGRAPHS, S &)irge assortment, QILT pkhfbbb mmMt OIL COLORS, PiDiT. BAffi, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, AVERY lnrpe variety of SOAPS, P-EJl' FUMERX, HAIR OILS, COLOGNE, from SeveiUy-five Cents' to Two Dollars pef Quart. Choice Medial BRANDIES AND WINES, BLANK BOOKS, CONFECTION] Of all kijids, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisona, Citron. Prunes-. Abvles. Al- mondt, Cocoa Huts, JVutk-o/ all kinds, Sardines, PiclcU' Tapioca, Sago, Arrow Root, and a thou- sand other articles in our line. Call and See for Yourselves We boy for QASH, and sell mostly for and can'coooequeatly afford to ull CHEAP FOR CASH. v Maroh 1®, 1881, 48 ! V »lh r < >' jmm. y^v. ^ v 1 rip*tf DiS A VWjS. V' - ' y. v *v- ** - T ^ «- * *. »
Page 1: Abbeville press (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1861 ...S, McGOWAN. July30, 18(51 14 21 53T"TheLaurensville Ileruld Spartanburg, Columbia, Edgfiold and Newbery papers please copy

Til* New Yohk Hotels..-The splendid mar-ble hotels of New York, which have been aomuch supported by the resort and travel ofSoutherners, are doing little or nothing. Itwas the wealth of the South that made andkept them up. The New York Journal of Com-mtree says:

"The hotel business in New York is exceed-ingly dull, Compared with last year at thistime, almost nothing is doing. The property-owners, in some instauces, have been offeredthe choice ef closing up the premises, or ac-

cepting a nominal rent.landlords and tenantsdividing the losses."

luey have also got the "blockade up ntSaratoga, where Southerners liavo heretofore'flocked to spend their money. The receipts ofone of the leaning hotels on the 4th of Julywere |87, against $1,400 last year. Not a ho-tel in the place begins to pay expenses. Lastweek there was but a single name on any ho-tel register from any Southern State.

Lincoln's Cabinet..The followiug is fromtbe New York Herald. It would not surpriseus much if the people of the "whole North" 3yet got to fighting amongst themselves, and t

thus fulfilTJohn Cochrane'a prophecy in his jRichmond speech last winter:"The indignation of the whole North is

roused against the Cabinet of President Lin-coln, and it* removal is demauded on groundsso imperative that they will be insisted upon,uutil the incompetent and untrustworthy per-sons who surround the executive «ha'l have f$een deprived of the responsible positions theyoccupy. Every day develops some new cor-

ruption or instance of favoritism or misrule.It is alleged, with grounds of credcnce tlmtcannot be disputed, that the motives for leav-ing our regiments so badly commanded havebeen in a great measure personal. This should

11 be made to cease nt once, and a new regime jshould commence which will put the efficient,*rmy officers now languishing in inactivity in (the places which are theirs by right." ,

a"c!bd.Ciiauleston, 1st August, 1861.

To the Officers of the Is/ Regiment S. C. V.in South Carolina.

jt.jias pieasea «jou 10 remove our leiiow-soi-

dier, CHARLES H. AXSON, from amongstus. As a testimony of respects (o his memory,I would ask that the usual badge of mourningbe worn for tlie period of thirty days.

I feel that I do him no more than justice,when I say that he was one of the best Officers jin the Regiment.always ready, strict andpunctilious in tlie discharge of every duty.His onofciUy -bearing and genial spirit had en-

deared hinmuech to u:?, and from his placeHi our ;Tfk<ik« we shall misa imn. Had ilfceeu Inflate to fall in batttle, we could havegiven him up to his country with cheerfulness ;but to be cut down in the pride of manhoodby the assassin's hand, comes ujjou us a heavyBorrow.

I am, gentlemen, very i OBpeeifully,D. II. IIAMJLT.O^ jLient-Colonel let Regiments. C. V. 1

Pinnrrviiva ru Unsnvrit T? r^nuiwn

August 4..The following is a list of live SouthCarolinians At the Hospital at Charlottesville,vit: L. "W. White, Tt.li reg., comp. E., died3uly 24 ; W. J. Falcor.berg, 2d reg., Flat RockGuard*, July 28; J. N. Carson, 2d reg., ButlerGuards, July 29; Thomas Estill, 8th reg., July28; Wm. Eth'&idge, 7th reg , comp. E, July29; Wm. Hearvey, 7 th reg., Union, July 30";J. B. Mc-V-ey, 7th reg-, comp. F, July 30 ;Madison Powell, 6th reg., oomp. A, J. P.ercy,Reuben Ransom, L. J. Wood.all Augftst 2-8. c. v:

Confirmation of McCulloci/s Victoky..Nashville, August 3..Reliable information

hai been received here, stating that Gen. Mu-Oulloch, with 12,000 Confederate troops, at-tacked the federalist forccs, under Seigle, at

Springfield, Missouri, ou Fridaj-, the 261b ulti-mo, killing 600 and taking an corral number ofprisoner*. The Oiyfcdeyate loss wo* veej- trifling. The victory was complefe.


VINTON C. 3d eon of John C. and ElviraCarter, wns born the 27th Marc'1, 1MT, and4ied of Typhoid fever, in the house of Mm,Kerkmon, Culpepper Court Ilouie, Virginia,July 11th;.1861.The deceased was a native of our District,

from the neighborhood of Ookesburj-, and a

young man of fine qualities. Laet fall he pro-fessed'religion and joined the Methodist churchin. bis eoajrauaity, and up to hls death was a

4Oii0iat«nt member. In Jununrj when a callwas made fur volunteer* through tiie State hewas among the first bo hear and obey that^all^forthe defence of his native Stato. Af-ter the attack upon Fort Samter had besn made,ad the volunteers were called upon to rally

ftttd hasten to Uic eca bonrd. in a few days he*M at liis post and with his company on tliciryapid journey to the neat pf danger. But, af-tertempter had been successfully bombarded»nd tn<ide to yield to Southern bravery andskill; **nd the troops were no longer neededto ^efettd thatpoint, and Virginia about (a «e-

'ceednnd threatened with invasion, he unhesi-tatingly rervolunteered for the service of the(ftafederacy, and was soon landed at Richmond,the 'Capital of Virginia. Afler Alexandriahad beenv taken by the vandal*, and it be-eitne neeessary to block up their onward moveto BioluhoncL his regiment was sent up to Ma-nassas Xonouon, and there taking the measles,from exposure lits disease ended in Typhoid-0rer and death. One of his commanding offi-cer* Mid of bim, 'he was a good soldier, alwajarapdy and willing.' Th« young friend whopihvrdliitn writing to hw father said 'grievenot, for your leas iahia eternal gain O think,ha litjl Vohristian, So we trust oar youngfriends hps gone from the land of stranger* andlb*t;fifebl« uervtyaof Jb i? country to the moreftntoediat* presence and service of his Heav-enly Father. "A

J. P. fl 11WM.

DfaPABTEI) tbia lift, July 2d, 1861, at Col.K.O.mbfi^FlM.e.eiori, co.. fla.. ofTnilMfd P«T«r, Mrs. CHRISTIANA L. HAMXOHDi Wifr 8«qhtl-L Haayaood. The. de-

STsm r&'V&ftS:ltra. HVroraond with her haabaod and mother( VbiUe (d tinJill of ISfiSu Site

leaver* boeband aAthqjFftttfe children.t\roda»ght«T» tea JH-any*'for her. '

i: W . /. k.

!» oo W«to«<t«y (Aii-Regiment. Whoeverifae,Wi' roemiar of**»« at AbWflle C. II.,

Adjutant and Inspector General's Office


Charleston, S. C., Augusts, 1661.


ALL COLONELS OF REGIMENTS through>ut the State, not including those in tlid city>f Charleston, are hereby ordered to causa a

sensus to be taken of the several beat oornpan:s under their cunm»nd, classifying all persons.herein, to wit: thoio between 16 and 18fears of age, and those between 18 and 45,»nd those between 46 and CO. Tliey will re-

port fcuch census forthwith to this office.By order of the Governor.

CIIARLES. H. SIMONTON,Acting Adjutant and Inspector General.


IN Pursuance to the above Order. The Cap-tains of Beat Companies in the Eighth

ilogimcnt S. C. M., will forthwith take or

:ause to he taken a CENSUS of their respec-ive Beat*, and report to me at Abbeville2ourt House.

JOHN T. OWEN,Lieut. Col. Commanding.

August 8th, 1801,16, tf



Genuine swedes iron,10 BuuJlcs Charcoal Horse Shoo Iron.


Oval, Round, Strap, Band, Nail Rod Iron.

August 7, 1861, 15, Gt


FIVE Hilda NT. O. Sugar.10 Hbla. [C] Yellow Fine Sugar.5 " Crushed Sugar10 " N. O. MolHsacs,

And10 Sacks Extra Fine Rio Coffee.


Aug. 7, 1861, 16, Ct



are h'-reby ordered to appear at thiiplace on SATURDAY next, itiilhout fail, as tli<Company is now nnder marching orders.

By order ofCAP?! 0#EN.

Chew*, Orderly.Abbeville C. II. S. C., August 7, 1861.

TO THE PUBLIC.TI1E subscriber announces to his pafroniand the public, that the mercantile partner-ship of CLARK A DuPRE, was dissolvecity me rxiaung war ; air. ujarK oeing' ft citizeiof New Jersey.The subscriber will sell merchandise at thi

old stand, on his own account, and liope lo re-ceive, as he will try to merit* thq. patronage othe public.

JOLUS F. C. DUPREB,Lowndegville, Abbeville District, B. 0August 1, 1861 15 2t




A8PECIAL MEETING of thia Committeiwill be held at Abbeville Court Houw

on TUESDAY, IStb inat., at 10 o'clock, A. MBusiness of great importance requires the meeting, Mid every member should he present.


August *1, 1861 16 It

NOTICE.jfefetB-to th« idfww in TIN I urn comBro to make some obaugea in mftidm. My Prio* for

HLoaFuraWill be $17.00 a Square, in

steadof $10.00.Common Size GTOTERS,

92 0b. a joot, instead of14 6u

81 b* UCfeafttovy P*s«gistock ktebuiatod. ZL

IjsBLE?* *o &®ra » pou*d for olPEWtEki_

S«Jr81, * *$<**


TAKEN FROM THE ENEMY !Soldiess are Needed to Man Them!

LL nersont desirous of joining an Ar-X JL wiaicrjr vuiii |>i*ujr( IVI viae |>ui tivoo vi

ing into service immediately, can do bo by up-plying to the undersigned.

A. J. LVTMGOE.Jnly 31. 1861 14 tf

TO ARMS! TO ARMS!!1AM desirous of forming » Regiment for ser-

vice, during tlie war. Companies and in-dividuals willing to u(lite wi'.li me in tliis un-

dertaking arc requested to give immedinte in-formation to me. at Abbeville Court House, or

to Col. W. D. SIMPSON, Laurens Court Iiouse.S, McGOWAN.

July 30, 18(51 14 2153T"The Laurensville Ileruld Spartanburg,

Columbia, Edgfiold and Newbery papersplease copy twice, and forward bills to me, atAbbeville C. H.



*t /\ * *t *t m n n t* fi


All stout able-bodied men whoarc willing to fight for their ountry pre

invited to send their names to Hie subocrfbe atCokesbury, and to co operate in raising a Com-pany in response to the late call of Governor1'ickeus. *

J. K. YANCE.July 31, 1881 14 tf

THE WAR.T^HE subscriber has left for the Sent of "War

in Virginia, where he will spend a fewmonthn in nursing the sick and wounded, lieleaves his professional business in the lianda ofDr. PARKER. If any person desires to payhim money, Dr. PARKER or \Y. T. PENNY, atat. the Drug Store, will reoeive it. As lie is go-ing without pay, and is bearing his own ex-

penses. he earnestly solicits payment in port,from those who owe him.

ISAAC BRANCH.July 31, 1861 14 It


rf^IIE CLASS of the subscriber will resumeJL their scholastic Exercises on the firstMonday in August. Application for admissionwill be entertained, if made early.

B. JOHNSON.Episcopnl Parsonage, Abbeville C. H.



I again cnll upon those who owe me to payat least n part of this indebtedness. If

this call is not heeded 1 leave instruction* thatwill make it felt.

JAMES M. PERRIN.July 1A, 1861 18 2m

NOTICE.m « » »

MS. BUSTHAVING kindly offered to taka charge of

so much of our btiainesA as may requireattention during our abaence, our clients willplease call upon him.;Those indebted to^lia should consider our no-

cessities and pay up.PEERtN «fc COTHRAN,Attorneys at Law.

July 24, 1861 14.3t

the STATE of south carolina

ITEADQUARTERS, July 10, 1861y

MY PROCLAMATION, dated July 17th,called for three tbou»and men, to form

encampmenjsi^lte received in companies, "furthe war." '


Now, this is bo give notice, tHat ill raisingthese three thousaud men, I will receive tencompanies to form n regiment, and they mayimmediately elect their Field Officers, or theymay do so after they assemble at the encamp-ment The rolls of the companies signidg dis-tinctly "for the war," and th« certificate* as tomt elections 01 company omcera, must Brat bereturned to the Adjutant General's office. Thefirst thirty companies offered, according to therequirements of said Proclamation, will be re-ceived. One Artillery company and two full{£^alry compao ies, to each-encampment, will

s b'4 received. But these will be attached, atany regiment or regiments that the pubHe ser-vice may require, **

P. W. PldRPNS.July 26, 1861 4t

A CARD.SINCE Publishing a call for 100 Trooper*

arrongemen ta have been made for the continuance of the )sV Regiment. S. C.. Vols. Jn;scrvicc, for this.reason, I beg, leave to wi^b-

- draw my eard, and In* doinavo will anprfea myf thanks to th<*e whdhafe Itftfmited their aid

ou bebalf of Uie project.AUG. M. SMITH.

Joly 16,1861,, >|jOr Papain whioh publlabed the Call willplease to pabKsb th* above. A. M. 8.


r in "f ii

v MWiingttUr, Uw (tinUfb««next Ordioary'rjb* holdfaat Abl

i:n»tr»iion should not

To Tax payersIWILL meet the Tax Payers in t.lje Vioioity of

-Smilbville. at tl>$ resilience of C&pt.WILLIAM SMITH, on FRIDAY, the 26th

K. S. COBB.July 15, 18C I. 2t


a t% JLyyu*it/»

Thoraaa S. Arthur', Yva. > Bill for Injunction, Ac.

J. T. Moore. }

1|)URSUANT taordfer of Court I-will ee'lat Abbeville C. II., at public outcry, ou






A credit of 1 and 2 years, with interest fromday of sale. Purchaser to give Bond, withtwo good sureties, and mortgage, to secure thepurchase monev. «nd pay the oosta in cash.

WM. II. rARKER, c. k. a. v.Commlssioner'e Office, /

July 10, 18Ck J 12 3t


HEADQUARTERS, July 15, 1801.

By the Governor of South Carolina.A PROCLAMATION.


CA hnB made a requisition upon the State ofSouth Carolina fur three thousand men, that be-ing the quota of the State in the additionalforce now heing called out ; and whereas, it isrequired that the Volunteer? ofJ>rinsr for thisservice shall be received '"for and during thecontinuance of the war;" and whereas, it isright and proper that such requisition shouldbe promptly complied with.

Tncrcfore, I, F. W. PICKENS. Governorand Commander in-Chief in and over tho Stateof South Carolina, by virtue of authority ves-ted in me by law, do hereby proclaim that Vol-unteers for this sorv ice are desired and will beaccepted, in companies, "for and during theco'itinuance of the war," to the number of th«three thousand men ; each company to be com

posed of one Captain, one Lieutenant, twoSecond Lieutenants, four Sergeant*, tour Cor-porals, two musicians, and not less than sixtj-four, nor more than one hundred privates ; tlieo flic ft? a to bo elected by the companies respec-tively. No men will be received, except thoseof proper age and health.And for the purpose of organization and in-

struction, I do hereby designate "LiglitwoodKnot Springs," near Columbia, and some pro-per place at or near Aiken, as points for theestablishment of camps ^ and each company,after a full and accurate roll of its membersnnd certificates of the elections of its ofQccrs,shall have been returned to the Adjutant Gene-ral of the State, will repair to the enmp near-est to it, there to be mustered into service,and to be organized into Battalions or Regi-ments. It will not be a pre-requisite in theacceptance of these companies, that they shallhe armed, although it is hoped that many ofthem will be.And I do further proclaim, that all the men

or companies who volnnteered under tlie Act of1860, and who declined, for divers reasons,mustering into Confederate service, and whoseBegimeDta have gone to Virginia, may nowvoluuteer into this service, and in certain caseswher<* cavalry companies have been disorgan-ii,.;. .. -i-- .».* »-

«uc«> IHCUIUQIO UIBU iuny TUlUUbCUr QB in*fan try under this requisition.And I do further proclaim, that no otherCompanies, Bottalioos or Regimpnt* v\U bereceived untill this fqrce of three thousand menbe raised.Two additional Regiments "for the war" are

alto called for immediately; and I have designnated the RegimentnoW raised by Colonel Orr"for the watV'.aa one, and- have offered theother to Colonel Gregg.Given under my hand, as-Governo!* and Co'm-

maVidtr-iirCliief, t*nd ondei'ttie seal of theState, at Columbia, this; the filteenth'day ofJuly, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and inthe eighty-ntrfth'y«ar of the Independence olSdnth Caroliha. F. W. PICKENS.W All papHrt in tlitJ Statue #ill publish thia

for the next four weelta.July 19, 1861 12


' " July:6»18Bl.A CCORDINO fo «m Act of the ConfederalXjb-CoDgreeB, entHkd an "Act to put into'Ope-ration' the Government under the PermanentConstitution of the Coa/erterate'8t'f*|rtof A*<terLc»," it is reqnired that each State ehall tote,on the FIRST WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBERNEXT, for Presldehtand VioePrfealdet of thlConfederate States, which officers are torbe.io<augarated on the twenty sccond of Febratrj

* buwji uvmvtMfyifu mj wv i*«irlatnre; And wherea# the i,egisl»i\i$e of thisState prDi not ke in regular se.bokit -the' timtprescribed by'-the afarwent 6fWeeO^*Sw

Therelbre, tb«% *.Carolina, ,by'Virtue of tbe*P<r*{r tfaSllSi Sn'nrtby thi Oen«tit^aion, |ftrChorliiw)g thd'Q&rettiar,m extraordinary oecftsions, to wif«s« thlGeneral Assembly, do ta^s>:tW*llN£- proobim*tlop, callirtg:apon and, :^ftHtj«jf^# Sen»t«n

' | DE Subscriber line in success ul opcrnliodxJl aftnulicd "warrentcd to cut 10.000 feet liThe superior workmanship of then* Engines,

gree all the essential elements of strength, specthdn ennhe ohlnined aIsawIi»i'»His Mill is located about four miles south-went

lowing rates:lat quality, all heart, cut according to <2d quality, half lieurt, .

3d quality, refused. .

He will also furnish Lumber pinned or dreeseAll order's rtiufct be aecuin) miied with j»o>"llors address the subscriber at Chnppell's, G. d

July 12, 1861 11 3m

THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.abdeyille district.In the Common Picas.

HIR\M T. TUSTEN Vt,.. i» it, j' Custodyof the Sltcriff of Ab- '- Jiistvi.t byvirtue of a Writ of capiat «:ii saliifaci-Hiluiiiissued from the Court of Cotuitn :»l the :.dof Enoch Neleon, hnving filed in n;y office i«getlter with a schedule on ontli of hia euLntoand effects, Ills Petition to the Court of Com-mon ^leae, prnyltig that he may bfe udmittedto tlie benefit of t!ie Acts of the General As-sembly made for the relief of Insolvent Debt-OIB.

It ie ordered tliat tho said Enoch Kelson, tl#Plaintiff, nnd all other creditors to whom the»aid IliraniT. Tusten is in any wise indebted,he and they ate hereby summoned and havenotice to appear before tho suid Court nt Abbe-ville Court House on the first Monday in Oc-tober next to show cause, if any they can,why the prayer of the Petitioner should not begranted.

MATHBW McDONALD, c. o. p.Clerk's Office. Court of Common Pleao; )

2Cth June, 18G1. y

NO TARIFF.I AM ST11«L- selling'my stock of Goods at

the old price for cash Those that are ioneed of any


. C APS, BOOTS AND SHOES,'will do woll to call soon.

The best of Calicoes at 12 1-2Gents at

M. ISRAEL'S'July 1,' 1861 10 If


Rachel Knox applicant, againstJchn Knox, Nathaniel Knox,

et. al. defendants.IT APPEAllNG to ray satisfaction thatJamei

Knox, Joseph Knox, Samuel Knox, uncRpbt. Knox, some of the Defendants, resido beyond the limits of Jhis State, It in tlierefonordiered tlTattheydo appear and object to tlxSale of the Real Estate of William KnoX dec'dw» uciwictuc 6«/ui orpbciuuer inui, ur vnviiconaeut to the same will be entered of record


WILLIAM HILL, o. a; d.

Julj 2, 1801 10 Ora


THE SUBSCRIBERS offer to the public aGREAT VARIETY of


Woolen Goods,Of their own' Mftritifaeture,

All of whiQfi tjjpy warrant U> be^SUPERIOIQUALITY. and »fc'

RATES.Their eslablicment lias been completed a

great expense, and" they furnish eoiploymenand support to five hundred pcrion*, many owlioin other wiw, would be atax mid UoriliQriIff the State. Tliey earnestly appeal to th<file of the 8<mth for their patron a#*, jiK:dythemsolvesto givesatisfacllou. They fiirn


t ^7* - -

COLOEEp GOODS,"... COTTON J0D WOOLEN,(fa? : ffr/ f

..fa* - allft, a grea

. vapetyof

Akd piow^ses.COfrtW efWOOL ^ bi* ta&n ft ex

efcarige forg#fx3»at Hljl ntM,Ib order to m«av th* viifiM of m*nv AllitA

tblwc'dMpa»Tl KinfcrUtt'.ieept w<"

>r common Plains ,

\t BQpnnjpo TwHM

M> IfrAMUPAOTUBlf .rnislilBi

nc of HOADLBY'S SUPBUIOR 20 HORSKnrd pine in ten hour*."and t!>« cxlrnordimiry force and pnwrr 'with wl

1 and durability, will enable tbc subscriber to fit

t ol Boazman'a T. O., G. «fc C.. II. vrliere he cng^iiontract, . ..

d ready forme, at Im.fc little additional cost to Ir»*ferenc>-8. A liberal iliara of tlie public patrori 0. K. n., s. c.








A' No. 1: article.-


Toilet Powders and Soaps,WINES AND LIQUORS,

For Modicioal Purposes Only,

FINE TOBACCO,Snuff, Meershaum Pipes>



The Great Headache Remedy,A fit! t k \in rrnuni wrrrXX JL' U MJMJ ililJLf 1;U1U| UL4 1 JLi



Rio, Java Coffees, and Crushed SugarsCheese, Molasses, Bacon, Mackerel.

BAGGING AND ROPE,Pickles, Preserves, Jellies, Ale, Porter

Brandy Peach$*,and Champagne,1,(1nay, jua</eut nations, Al-

mond*, Brazil and Pican

Watt, Candles, Starch,English Muaiard, BLdc and Green Teas,

Bnrdlnts, Salnaood Oysters, and. >Crackers, Nails, dfo. *

-All of tli* above aro off«re3Ho frojhpt bny<era at prreeif tfttalt the time*.. ? ~ !

,w J. B. BLACK, '

v ; ^TIIOS.

Cokeabury.8. C., March 8th, 1801. 45, it

A CALJLi.J. B BLAQKi" takes this ocaasion to fifitifjhia friends '.hit they moat coiqe forward ant

Mitie, as he must b#ve mopey, and have bjlbusiness wound. Up. If yon oannov.pay tn<money, rome an'Jyttfjby ppU.


'frn. fS"v'


*r**M«».'* tt,"

, *$£§

*&«* jmm

PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, with Fiomoiich tliey operate, eomhioinj iij tbo highest de-1 all orders with i.<ore promptness aud dispatchges to deliver Lumber for shipment At the fol-

$12.00 per Thousand.$11.75 "

. $7.00 " «

he purchaser.mgc iat earnestly solicited. For further particu*



Druggist & Chemist,Has on Hand, and are. Month-

ly Receiving*

Fresh SuppliesOf the Purest Selected


PAINTS OILS,Tfc'f'tl* (dim-mri-r


and Fixtures.

FINE TOBACCO,Havana and IfotifociaARi^

LITHOGRAPHS,S &)irge assortment,QILT

pkhfbbb mmMtOIL COLORS,


AVERY lnrpe variety of SOAPS, P-EJl'FUMERX, HAIR OILS, COLOGNE,from SeveiUy-five Cents' to Two Dollars pefQuart. Choice Medial



Of all kijids, Oranges, Lemons, Figs,Raisona, Citron. Prunes-. Abvles. Al-mondt, Cocoa Huts, JVutk-o/ all

kinds, Sardines, PiclcU'Tapioca, Sago, Arrow '»

Root, and a thou-sand other

articles in our line.

Call and See for YourselvesWe boy for QASH, and sell mostly forand can'coooequeatly afford to ull


Maroh 1®, 1881, 48

! V »lh r < >' jmm.y^v. ^ v

1 rip*tf DiS A VWjS. V' -

' y. v *v- **- T

«̂- * *. »
