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The independent press (Abbeville C.H., S.C.).(Abbeville ... · ATaukeo in a Cot;cm Mill. A raw,...

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A Taukeo in a Cot;cm Mill. A raw, 6tia\v-haMcd, saudy-wiat-kcrtn . six-footer.one of tlio purely V'niniuaUr:uue in yesterday from*(3i«mu» with a K>ji of wood for (lie Factory (Viupanv. llnvin piled his wood to J lie sat ^lotion of tl overseer, lie lmtt-J hi* loam with n. him.! of green grasfc, brought alt the way t'l vi borne for tlint J>u>l»o*ov #i>U, tbeu lnvtng ii vetted h portion of bU wood prve^osN M root-boor and giMjgvftuv.v.t :U lino \ I started tosco the 'vav,,--fi!!>ii^ bis. coyut unite* rnpi'llyc v>it,b bread, and1 ebewit#^ rapidly be wont. Uo ivyiowod t,!)«. irvU foundry a.vd uj c-lu'Mv *bvj\ iW*J. mill Mtvlifo W&ftg'W*# i)i"feo»v^n ner. *Wh rviijg iu, a* on tWlvr^-®i|P?W^iiijxv . and Jotialhati, ui ^^s^^gprnrd Up -..i.-li an «baw buliiiuls, !<. |!<. <.! .'lift gxa'l >!.!>. ott tb« ntaiis and si liii-.J isi "tvsw vvb.it, t!i trouble was." The elatte'ing ukkIihioiv and the iiiovt nuMits of the operative:* bewildered bini t'e the moment ; but bein^ot'an inquiring Uir of in in J, and seeing imieh tliat was caleul: ted to perplex v«no wbose observation in ni< ciianics had been mostly confined to tines! ing machines and corn shellers, lie began I push vigorous iin|nines in all direction1 In this way lie made himself accpiniutc successively witli the external and intern; cconomy of various machines throng which cotton-warp progresses in the coins of its manufacture.the "picker," "beater, ' lap-winder," "dotibler," and "speeder,". and finally reached the "breakers''and '"fin ishers," just as the card-stripper was j*oin< through theopcrati.in, technically t* riuct "stripping the fiats." In doing this, th large cylinder of the card is exposed t view, and is seen revolving with a very pret ty buzz. Not content with contemplating he "poetry of motion," at a safe distance * - our nero must needs introduce himself he twoen the cards, to got a nearer view. Tlii movement brought his nether hahiliiticm in dangerous proximity to tlie gearing of th next card, and "thereby hangs a tale." "You.1 say ! She goes pootv.don't sh< boss?" said Jonathan inrjuiringly. "She don't do anything else," responde the stripper ; "hut you must be very carefi how you move around amongst this hard ware. 'Twas only last week, sir, that promising young man from Miuof, a stu dent at the Academy here, was drawn ii to that very card, sir, and before ativ assisi anee could roach him, lie was run thiougl and manufactured into No. 10 'super-extn cotton waip yarn." "I s-s-swwow ! I believe you are joking! stuttered Jonathan. "Fact, sir," continued stripper, "and h disconsolate mother came down two dav ago and got five hunches of that sameyar as melancholy relics." "By the migtity ! that can t he true!" "Fact, sir, tact! and each of his fello' students purchased a skein apiece, to best in lockets, and worn in rerm-mbrance of di parted worth." .1.-. .1 1 » . m meti, cuts ircinii now f Was Le rail kcerded, spun, and sot in lockets?" - A sense of personal danger here sin across our hero's mind, and he began to r treat precipitately without waiting for a answer. There was not much room t spare betwixt himself and the gearing tho card behind him. Another step bacl ward completed the ceremony of introdm tion. Ilis unwhisperables being of lar«j calibre, tho process of snarling them up ii to a hard knot was no ways slow. Jon; than gave tongue instanter, and by tli twentieth gyration of the embodiment tli music was melodious. Gen. Scott, hi nisei could not. have protested more forcibl against an "attack upon his rear." ^"O-h ! M-u-r-d-er! Let go.ycou h-u-rBljistyqur picturs.let go. Aint ye ashan pri f - filf ftAllf L.'Toln* 1v *' vuuvi-' xnlllk JJUUIV. J^iUIialKJ seize ye, let alone on me, can't yew, dew The gearing by this time had wound hii lip so that he was obliged to stand 011 ti| toe.^JUs hands were revolving vigorousl behind him though he dared not ventui v' them too near the "seat of war." The car * stripper-threw off the bell, but the momen $um cylinder kept revolving, and the gree v 'uh supposing it in frill operation, burst oi n. anew : . '"Ohstopher! Stop-her,-won'tye? Sto ' lier, dew ]. I' aibt -*"01, and " I orter be 1 liojne. Father want* the steers, and mod ; ' oiVgoing to bako. Stop the tnrnnl mashee . can't ye? Dew! Oh dear, I'll be kear< " Ctf and fiinun. and rcti infnui Inot-Wo t F , ' r sa-1t;m, how I wish I was tew hum !" £ .The card was Btopped at last: but Jons (hanVciolhes were so entangled in tl gearing", lb at it was no small task to extr caVe him. Like Otbelloj Ho "was not'easii y 'lr^jed,n i^d^it was only by cutting out tl whole of thy invested territory, that he w< ^^^i^Hjr,releri»ed: are you about here," inquired th et^ring. ... '> K \-:v> ^|b^gp:orily<9 'stripping flats,'" ar ' J<j^tK^ip n^ot- t<fVcsiijrnci^-. bj» \pu '«*«*O&rl EnjcytpeuU iu Atlvoisity. U\ Mlts, SHIOl' UNK V, lU \'l hnvo lust u>v whole fortune," sni<l f\ vl nimhaiit, 4S !.» u tunied ono evening to ig | li.u home ; " wo nu» ih> longer keep our u carrtHge. Wo iuu*t leave ilii-. largo limine. «v? Tlw vhiMivti ohii iu> lonirer i'o to »'\i>i'iisivi> "" « tn schvk'l.h. \V.su-i<la> I whs a rioh nitui; to-day u- t!ic»v is nothing loan call my own." in Vn husband," said tho wifo, " wo nro iv st-il! rivli in vaoh other »iul our children v- Money may pass away, but tJod lias givit, - vn us a better treasure in tlieso active hands ;iihI Iwing hearts." i "iHar fcuUer," said tho childreUj"' do not i>, | look, so will help vou to got a liv x v - ri.ii fKi) yi»» uo poor uimjj's! ' saicl lie. "\\»u shall «r ! you sliall see!" answered js several voiees. '"It is a pity if wo have been !. school for nothing. I low can the latIter V * t. of eight children be poor? Wo shall work ami make you J ich again." , "l shall help," sail I tlio younger girl 1(. haidly tour years old ; "I will not have any new things bought,and I shall sell my great doll/ , The heart of the husband ami father, ( which ha 1 sunk within his bosom like a stone, was lilted up,. The sweet enthusis asm ol the scene choired him, and his j i nightly prayer was like the song uf . I praise. |( They left their stately house. The s< r^ vauts were dismissed, Pictures ami plate, j. rich carpets and furniture, wero sold, and I she w ho had been the mistress of the mansion shed n<> tears." . "I'ay every deht," said she ; ''let no one I suOVr through us, and we may he happy." lie rented a neat cottasru ami a small <-3 | i ( piece ol ground a taw' linlrs hull) llio city Willi the aid of his sons, he cultivated vegf ctahles for the market. lie viewed withde- liirlit and astonishment tlie oconomy <>f his wife, nurtured, as sin; had b'.'en, in wealth and the < fih-ieney wliieli his daughters soon s " ^ acquired under her training. The eldest one instiucted the vounirer t? i . jo children ; beside*, they executed various works which they had learned ns accom- { >!i.-.hii)ciits hut which they found could he j disposed ofto advantage. They umhroid. cred with tasto somo of the ornamental il narts Icmnln :inn:irol. which were remliiv ! ^ sold to ;i merchant in the city. They cultivated flowers, sent bouquets * to market in the cart that conveyed the wg- et aides ; they plaited straw, they painted ^ maps, they executed plain needlework. \ Kverv one was at her post busy and eliccrj fill. The little cottage was like :i heed live. "I never enjoyed such.health before,"said the lather. "And I was never so happy before," said the mother. s ! n ! "\Ve never knew how many tilings we I could do, wheu we lived in the great house," said the children, "and we love each other a great deal better here. You call us your w ! little bees." "Yes/' said the father, "and you make just Mich honey as my heart likes to feed on." y Economy, as well as industry, was strictly observed ; nothing was wasted ; nothing unnecessary was purchased. The eldest L>" daughter bccamc assistant teacher in a disn tingniahed female seminary, and the second 0 took her place as instructress to the family "We are now thriving and prosperous," c" said he; ".shall we return to the city 1" "Oh, no !" was the unanimous reply." c' "Let us remain," said the wife, where we '* have fuund health and contentment." l~ "Father," said the youngest, "all we chill(i dren hope you are not going to be rich ,c n«ain ; tor then she added, "we little ones If ' were shut up in the nursery, and did not ) see much of you or mother. Now we ail live together, and sister, who ' loves us teaches us, and we learn to be in1" dustrious and useful. We were none of us 'n happy when we were rich and did not I" i* work. So, father, plcuso not be a rich man 11 any more." y Decay of the Asiatic Hacks..The e Friend of India, by far the ablest of the pad pers in India, some months since had a t- very able and eloquent examination of the n hitherto dominant races throughout the it whole continent of Asia. It showed that all were sinking away, from inherent and p circumstantial reasons. Since then the »t Bengal mutiny, which must end in giving i- British India completely into the hands of . « + ti 1 » uuiicjuurorf, serves io connrin me loiiow-| 1- ing conclusions of the article referred to : i- "All history shows that indigenous Asiatic races require the direction of a domi » nant class. Industrious, hardy, and with le many of the qualities essential to the develi- opinent of civilization, they seem to lack 'soiy eial force. India was, in the days of Au>o rungzebe, what she was iu the days of Ram. is China is now what she was a thousSod.years ago. The Greek rayahs of Turkey are ie what the Greek peasants were in the days of Gantacuzeer'. Their numbers do not maiv,.teriafly change. They do not. advance. apd need the directing force of a progrest- site race. It remains but to speculate on ir the races to whom this high function must* d be assigned., The'y must be Europeans; j* for Europeans alone*have acquired the ne»; .cessaay. superiority iq arm|. Of Eiiropere ans, the English and Russians alone display ^ capacity for the.'permanent administration of subject? peopled It is to their hands that ;Vf'telieve AsiaJ»» to be entrusted.* The" r fjjvancifof ftuwia wiil £e checked bynoh'u* mnnitf-artH < iLt rj: ,rii»y, but she obey# tjjfli <)rre»UubJe impose \S' tlif more thorbhgJjfjt fprAber ocCftRioT>«} re. «£ tbVa ^ "Wo livo in hope" is n cheerful t>ort of rhymo for tl.i* time : f Wo livo i«i hope that hotter times Arc tjuiekly drawing neur,. Ami thinly the next glud Christinas chimes WillJjring a happier year , Aii»1 though thut one ho fraught with care, Wo hii ilil our trus* upon ; Yet with the next n smile we'll wear, And still keeping hoping on. j ' Wo live ill hope; though cloud* appear, They linger but n day ; me sun to ns « gilt ko denr, Will scatter llietu away ; Tims life in 1 nit uii A]>ril shower, An>l troubles are but ruin ; And liopo, tlianun, that in nn hour- Will-bring rs joy again. Jealousy. IIV MAKGAUKT VKItXB. Yt*s. llarrv is jealous, I sure of it. I am . writing l»y tin: taolo, and of course cannot sec any tiling that is going on around inc. ] Vol this tiling 1 am sure of, I lint Ilariv and Minnie liave been quarreling; that Minnie has tapped her little foot on the hearth rug examined the rosy nails of each blender hand attentively, and that llarry has whist led Yankee Doodle with all his might, looking out from under his long brown lashes, to see how his indillercncc ollerted Minnie. Now Minnie takes a book and turns uver tile leaves carelessly, stopping to hum ;i tune that one of Harry's rivals is exceed- in«_jly lbn«l\»r. Harry yawns. Minnie kcept on hummini; the air without looking up, ami now goes for her writing de>k. Opens ii, takes out a huge while envelope, supersciI < «_! in a bold, beautiful liaixl.blushes :i little, and take-Jtiain>lhat|IIairy sece. Kverv nerve in hi* body is awake; lie glares his ureal hrown eyes at Minnie ; ho looks as ihoti^h he would devour her. Minnie takes ja-t the daintiest sheet of paper out of her desk, and commences writing.0, so neatly ami so nicely. She nev-r took so much pains when she wrote to Harry . never, not she: and she hones liar- ry will understand it. lie docs understand it, bites lii-i lip*' strokes 1»is moustache, and <ets his teeth lotj ?tl»er. Xmv lie hitches ibotit in liis chair; put. his feet on an ottoman ; now kicks the ottoman over and gets tip out of his chair altogether. Minnie smiles ; 11 arty goes to the window. Why don't he sit down, and not uinke a .1 unco of himself? Why don't he take it joolly, set before the lir? and lead his news- j papers, in t.-ad of pleasing the little coquete of a Minnie by his uneasiness? Wha Tools men are J lt'1 live, he is half-lookim? over lier shoulder tliis minute ! Sit dn»vn you ape, ami not make a wliiilv\ ind of yourself. Minnie draws herself up like a littlo <juocn as Harry glances at her writing.arches her neck, and curls her red lips as though he had insulted her, and he writhes into his chair again. Minnie writes fabler than ever, and Harry watches her. Now she had finished, and is fumbling about in her desk after souieimng. l os, ;i pair ot scissors.what can she want of tlieiu ? Clip, and off goes one of her brown curls, llarry stmts upon his lounge; sits down again, and again kicks over the ottoman. "Would you like to lead my letter, Maggie ?" I read it. "Whata nice letter it is," [ exclaimed, giving it hack to her. 1 wish 1 could say something to comfort Harry. 1 might, if.if.I wasn't a woman, just like Minnie. "lie understands French, then ? I say to Minnie. "O, yes he is a fine French scholar,"she answers, placing her brown curl within the f 11- -f .1-- 1 " iuiws ui iiiu icucr. llarry heps up again, and sits down as quickly. Minnie commences putting her desk in order. Wipes her pen, shut down the cover of her inkstand, replaces her scissors, pnper and envelopes. Harry sighs; gracious, what a sight! for all the world like the puff of a steam engine. Minnie takes up her writing and a lamp bends down her red lips for a kiss, and says: "Good night, Maggie." Now she is gone. Harry sighs, long loud and deep, glances at me. I hope I don't smile, though it would be just me to. Now l,. -U..:- « UU 13 will, ui uio tuilir again, IU1U COIlllllg towards me. .. "Maggie, toll me, in the name of misery, tell me who Minnie wrote that letter to !" "What are you thinking about? I betray Minnie's confidence ? Vou are insane!" "But Maggie, tell me, if yon have any-'regard for ffc I Was it Frank Warren?" "No." "CUarles Stetson ?". "No." urv._f i trr t . .***' £ -lmviu v> eosier (" i>. "No." '"^bat miserable French teacher?" "No, no." , "Who was it, then ?" "I have a great mind to tell y.ou.no, no I musn't." < . ' "Yes do let me know. Minnio shall never bear 6f if" *, ,.*Well, it was.put your ear close to my innnik ' * "">« ' ' .1/ "UO ' «. ; "Who ?" * v; "It Was.don't burry ine.it was.was" ' Who?" pleasa'llarry.:: "It.it.« "Who?" he fairly groan».J *. ,11* *4Ifwa«--*y,es,.it wafr*-" / V j wWhor.;he thunder*. , J si It was.her sister !" **! ; 'The deuce it was 1" ' . J>»d J»aI ho! hd'J.ho.l'V-.j* y I am alonfry n»y ear* ~ara, ringing with. to jjir tliQ1whole l;fu?et and yurfi^%a^pii -a tbe6idewa|k with *,T\vo Wavsto Tku. a Siouy..Klizu!»'ili l.arrett relates llio following episode in Iiot history : First time lie kissed tin-, l»ul ln> only kissed Tin- lingers of this hand wln-rcwit li I write; Ami ever since il grew more l«siir and \vliit. ; Slow.to world greeting.ipiiek Willi it. "(.Ill, list." When the Angel* speak. A ring "f nnivtliyvt 1 could not wear plainer to liiv sight Than that I'll»st kiss. Oh! beyond deed ! That wits the erysm of love, which love's one crown With Fluidifying sweelnc?# <li'l pi ed£, The.third upon my lips was folded down, In perfect purple Ktalc ! 1 have hreii |>rouil, and said "il v love.mv own!"' :;-v * i «.." Atcii a kai.xYa' Cr itKKNrv..Captain Shrill cross, of tito Mississippi steamer Prytona, is oiui of the crack captains of lite river. ICvoi vImkIj- knows hint an<l lie knows evcrvlio'lv. and therefore we must, tell a little story about liitn. One «l:iy the I'eytotia was steaming down, past 11 its cotton wood*, towards New Orleans, when she was hailed l»y another boat j^«»in*jf up. -llallo! Captain Shallcruss !" "Hallo!" was the answer. "(Jot any Atehalalaya money V "Yes plenty." "Well, pay it out; the bank's busted or a tjwine to." "Ay4 av." said Cap). Sliallcross. "Clerk, have you got much of that money ?" "About a thousand dollars, I reckon, sir,'' said the clerk of the I'eytotia. "W ell, stop at the first wood boat.', And the Peytotia putted on until a wood boat wax s< i;ii moored to the shore, with piles <>i con] wood around, and a small man, witii his trousers rolled tip, and his hands in his pockets, shiverinjj on the bank beside tlie boat, in theohill December weather. "\\ ood boat alloy," sati<j out (.'apt. Shall cro-s. Shall man in the distance, ' Hallo!*' "Want to sell that wood ?" Small man in the distance, "Yes," "Take Atchafalaya money ?" Small man in the di.-tare, "Yes." "Hound to, pilot," said Capt. Shall* ross. 'l'hc; boats bound down stream always have to come around, with their bows pointed up stream, to resist the current ot the \f: . . .»jij'jm , miiiici iiiius 11icy oiK ounior ;i big eddy and have to take: a swoop of some miles before reaching I bo landing place. "So you'll take Atchafalaya money for wood, w ill yon?'' paid the captain, as the boat approached the shore. "V i s," said the small man. "How will vnii take it ?" said Capt. Shallcross, (meaning at what rate.) "Take il even," said small man. ' Whatdo you mean by even ?" "Cord for eoiil. Captain." ''Tnt her lonnd a^ain, pilot," said Captain Shallsross," and wood iijl at the next wharf boat ; 1 reckon ihis fellow has been posted by somebody on Atchafalaya." Oiiv. "Wiso, of Virginia, it is-aid. is about to uddivp* ;i l. tl. r In llif> .if ilt.it *"'f I "" "* * V III vindiention of his position on tlx* Kminu! qiicslion, as<].'tinc<l in the celebrated letter to the Tammany 1 inil Sachems. In Xi-w Haven, Conn, on last Tuesday morning, William IhIiiikoii, an Kn<r|i»h boy 10 years old \vn> arrested f«»r burglary, and said li<' committed die. act in order that he misrht be provided with a "homo." SOUTH CAROLINA, AI1DKVII.LK DI.sritlCT..IN OUDIXAKV. Andrew Dunn, App'l, ) vs. | John Ihinn, et. al. Deft.'s. ) IT appearing to rny satisfaction. tlint Jackson Kiehlev and wife I'ollv < »!.!-> eiiPo, reside without I hit limits of this State.. It. i* therefore ordered that thoy Jo appear ami object,to the Sale of the Real Estate of William Dunn. ilccM, on or licfore the twelfth dnv of February next, or t heir eouscnt to the same will he entered of reeot .1. WJ 1.1.1 AM HILL, 0. A. 1). Nov. 1.1, 18.77. ."<> 8tn. Tl»o State of §»;illi .Carolina, Abbeville District.In the C'oinman Pleus. V. W. Da via, ) i'*. > Attaclimenl. Henry Jones. ) HICREAS, tlie "Pliiintiff did, on the twen- . . .j ruMIIMI UIIV "I .HIVeillllCT, !{*.>(, 11 JO his declaration against the Defendant, who, (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits >( this State, and line neither wife or attorney known within the pa me, upon whom a eopv of tlie* eaid declaration might he served. It. is therefore ordered, tlmt the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the twenty-eight day of November, which will be in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight, otherwise final and absolute Judgment will then be given and awarded against, him. ifATI IEW McDOXALD, c. c. r Vivin o yilliCC, 1>UV. ZYf 18Df. ai ly SOUTH CAROLINA, ABDKvlLLR DISTRICT..IX ORDINARY. Isaac Carlisle, Partiton vs. * | In tlie matter of the Wpi. Carlisle, Agness V Real Estate of James Keiftu'dy, et. al, I Carlisle dee'd. DiTru. , J IT appearing to my satisfaction that tho cfiildreu of JamesCarlisle, names not known; the children of Sam'l Carlisle, names not known; the children of Martha Newall, names not/kiiuwu ; the children of Mnrgafet Shackleford, names not known; and tho children of Francis Carlisle, names not known,'heirs and distributees of James Carlisle, dee'd, reside beyond the limits of this Str.to..It is therefore npilr»i»Ofl A** * *' v.^v.^ mcy !«> u]>|>c'Hr, ana oujcet lo the sale of the Real Estate of tlio said James Carlisle, on or beforo the sfitli (lay of January, A. D. 1868, or their consent to" the same will be entered of record. '.< ** WILLIAM HILL, 0. A. D. Oct. 6. 1867 23 ? 3m . II on He Itnilding. riMIE UniJersig^pd it now prepared to do all X work entrusted to his care, in the Build ing Line to Draw Plaits and oraot all dose-riptions of Buildings from a'ona^stbry house to a CourCHouse. *' -Having received instrnotion# from, the best Architects in theUnipri, lid flatter* himself (hat he can have Work dona inn style equal to and aiLcbeap as can be done, in JS'nw York. %ek«bekckv.K'Pg « Keljnm,-''Architect*,' Brooklyn, NowiYoft; Wra, Gainer, Architect, of Now York GWj P«r'ryra6n 4r Waller. Jjew Market; Jofin P.'Barratt, Bai^tUvil^ ; o^..a;.Oct.;fo. D D ftDrDTfcftii AC ' The friends of C«j»t. (}. M. MATT I.SOX ro* speetfnlly aunoiiitcc liiiu n CAiididuto for Tnx Collector at llio ucxt election. The friends of JAMI'iS A. MuCOKD respectfully aiinouneo liini nn n Candidate for Tax Collector at the n<-xt election. The frli'iuln of I >r. J. F. Hli'COM It r^spectf.illy nniiotiiice liiiu as a Candidate for Tax Collector at the next election. 23?" The "friends of MATTHEW McI>ONALI> respectfully announce liini a Candidate for re-election as Clerk of tlio Court -o^Gen. cral Sessions and Coinjpon Pl< ns, for Abbeville District, nt tlie iioxtjSleOiioii. A few of the Long Cnne friends of W. G. N l'.KL, would rofprclfiilly announce hiin as a Candidate for Sli.'i-ill* ill iliu next election. The friends of JAMKS If. UOliB rcsj Iful lv s<itnotihim as a Candidate for Shi-rill' at tins next election. t^'-The friend* of .IOSKPI! T. MOOltK respectfully announce him a t'aiidi'latc for Sheriff at the ensuing; election. The friends ofT. 11. Ml I.J.I't >!!!> res|> >i*lfullv announce him as a Candidate'for Tax Collccloi of Abbeville Ili.-trict at tin- next flection. Tl.n f|.i t ! 1.'/ f»/ 1* W DI/ tltT I »v ...v..-.-- ... IVI. nil nr.i respi-H fully announce liim <> Oan<li<late for Slu-riU' of Abbeville District at tlic next I elcetioii. } ZV The friends of MATTHEW 11. COCII1 KAN rv-| tnilly announce liim a catwli<1atc f>ir Slu-rilf of Abbeville Dislriot, at tbu next election. Z'^" ''lie numerous frii tuls of Col. T. .1. .| UOJiKItTS re-peclfully announce liim a (':mi <li<late for Sheriff at the ensuing election. pjy Thefriemlsof I). \\. HAWTIIOltX re «|»<-< !miiv aitiioinuM: linn a c:iii<li<latc Tor Mifcrilf of Alilu'vilU: 1 ri«.-t at tin; m-xt election. MAN V FIUKNDS. £?g~ Timfri<;ii<l* of NIMKOD McCOIlD rci s|»-.-t fully announce liim n* a Caiid'nlate for Shvrifl' at tluM-nsuiiiar ehetion. ) 13$" Tliv frion 1* «>f S. <i. W. 1MI/L rcspi'iit| fully (uuioiiii<:<> Itiin a Ciiiululutu for Sliuritl*, al j t he M'.vi-t ion. r%$" Tit. fri.-mls of \V. \V. ORIFKIX ros|..'ot| fully anuoini'M' him a cnuJidat.e for ti/irrijf' :>t tlu> disuiuc i-li'ftion. [^nJ* 1855 j ""MARSHALL, LEE & DgBRUHlTrrilK iiti<]eivi«;wil have nsso<'iute<l with thrin, I in tlx- 1'rafl.ice of tli«» Law, STKI'IIKN !/ I »..1»l> I I I Ml 1..-! . wr.iMiuiii/, iui inisuifs!* em riis>ie*l i<» llieir euro will r«cc»ivi* prompt att« n1 ion. | .1*. FosTKK M.MISIIALL, - \V. A. LKK. January 12, 1S.">7. M7 -t f "FlJXcXcBft'S" HAT KSTAIiUSIIM !!XT. | ^31-:i!S()N*S visr.inir tlie CAlM'J'oI. wmiM il" JL v/i-ll to call at l'l'liLKK'S airl « ! »niti mi Oitlfil in t.'ie shape <«f si new anil PurliioiiaM" j Head I'ieee. ]{t:iH<inljrr, you trill not rcjrtt a call «/ j " rri.i.KR-s. May 15, 1857 i! lv suu.nc; OUT. Dltl GOODS. JiliOOM & N.)!IIiKLL, AUGUSTA, GA., Will ofFc»-their ntire £tock of Kx>3e_^Svr «sfi3 <ac»*i® in»55«s^ i For the remainder of the Season at very t r\ w; i> i> 1 / > 1.' <- JJ v 11 J II I V I'J iT . r|",Ill".IIl Stock is lurufc nu«l well assorted, I. ami ott'er rare attractions to buyer*.. We arc now c*nirii£<.'i1 in the enlargement of our Store, anil will have to give npa portion ot it to the workmen soon, ami would like to reiluee the Stock as low as possible before the move. All in want of CHEAP DRV GOODS, Are re*peotfull\' invited to i»ive us a call. Jlie lit, 1857. 7 tf EDWARD H. BRITT0N7 (Late Jul!tor und J'rojiri't>>r of the Carolina Time*,) UULLtU IING AGENT, COU'MBIA, .s. c., OI'l'FJJS his services t" the public as a Ool1 eel or am! ^cnernl business Agent. He will reci-i ve for collection Kotes or Accounts for any scction of the State, lit the usual commissions. Otiice over the Carolina Times l'rinting oftiec. Columbia, S. C. References will be given if rcauired. j»iy ss Attention Citizens! HP.IISF ANin CIIRMITIIBC D AIMTIM/2 mvuwi. iiiiu i uiiiii i uiil mn i inu I^XKl'UTEU in tlif neatest ami :n«»st. Fnsh J innnhle Styles, Imitating choice Colors, Wood an<l MartJe. Orders from the country will he promptly attended to. By T. M. ART), Oct. 17, *5t>. [24-Cro] Abbeville C. II. NOTICE. JOHN WIXCEY, Esq., will be hnppy to attend to OVER HAULING OF ENGINES or Mill Wol-ks, in the Vicinity of Abboville and the surrounding cotuitry. Applicants will pleiwe apply to John En- right, Abbeville, or Win. Lobby, Charleston, S/ C. JOHN WINCEY. Oct. 31, 1856. 2(5-13'. GRAPE VINES. ABKfcVILLK MODEL VINEYARD! DU. TOCWO offers for Solo Vinb Cut-, , tikos and Hootkd Vikes, at the following rates: #.t. ' Per Hundred Vine Cuttings, For Catawba? and other Sorted American Varieties, *', *,*. " For Sorted European Varieties, 10 00 Hooted American Varieties,-£'<icA, - 60 Rooted Eucopenu Varieties, " - 1 00 Hooted Scufuierno.ng," 1 00 Montevino, Dec.' 1856. 36-tf j*. 13. viowprunewai reasonable rates. < firtck masonry . and Plastering. r|',llE undersigned having formed ft. Co-park i JL nership in tlieliliovG business, are prepared to do all work entrusted to theni in the nest ahdraosV substantial manner. ^Hi^ying it long practical cxpericncc in the.husiness, they flatter ilicrnscU's f hat they.can pleise, the: moat fastidious All work will bo warranted. ; JOUK COUMBR, " ; ' \ A.X WOODIllTkST. R^fehrncr..H. A. Jonas, S. £> Calhoun and Dr. J. W. "Heftrst^pf Abhevillc. -- AMi«il1n lA. 1«R«> OlLltr ' "" * > ^jpHE. Sobscnber "L|i.his old SCHLDi; Hj E. OF GREENVILLE AND COJLTJjpii H 99 D . K.«.«CJ»^BL3U»« On and after 23d November*- 1857. J Arr. JL"uvc| Q STATTpya,. !, Tr g A? m7| ColutjiMk, ,t * 7.tto Frost's 7.5G 8.00 Littleton, ' 8.112 8.:i5 'Alston, jt.10 <1.15 Hope's <i.'>8 0.30 I'otiiiirin, <l.:t8 H.40 IVopporitv, In. 12 10.15 .M.III. II S i. v., 10.27 10 27 Ni-wiifiiy, .M5 li'liim. 10.50 lo.fiS Million* lank. 11.08 11.10 Silver Stiv.-i, 11.20 1!.2!{ I {"iiziidi n s, H I 5 11.17 «II s. l2 u0 , o ():< v"IC'xi S'f' 1-i -iO rSfU .Market, l.o^ I oY * J IVfll U'noiL | io l "vi \S ( Okl-slllll V. 4#.U7 M |.> \ "I ] <'okoslmry, . *" \ \ AMieville, 2.fi7 liiiriiKin-V, 2.:5o 2 !$2 I)<iini;ililV, > |.{ H.or» it'o8 it i .>iiu: i. u., 15.2.1 J..25 licit oil, S.IJvi H.I.") ^-r j ij«.-iii>!i, 3.t& ( £5 i Aii'l«;l->on, .1.10 \v illiatiiKton, 4.07 4.10 (iiiMeii irovo, 4.»»7 1.10 (SreuMvilk', . 3.15 10.05 X3jE> <5t *> ^ e S Arr. JLcnvcg fsl'ATlQXS. | jA.M.J (in-oitvilU', ft.OO (}..i.!cn (Srovc, r».:;o r».:t2 Williiinistou, C.lo «.l;s ^ rr | Ali'lcison, 5.3o l -E. \ Doliun, r,.:'.7 U.lt.M. »;.:;7 r...ri3 111 Mili»T.O., T.ort 7.i»»> Motion l'atli, 7.'J7 7.U" ItniirinM's, 7 ".(i vj Bariiioiv's, 8.0-1 S.oB ^ -f ^ AMicville, <j 2.ri I tE. \ f'nkesbiiry, fi.02 t'ok.^Kury, " 8.30 s'' MileT. <»., K. |.r, M.r> <irrotiwinii], 8 .r>7 lUMi New Market, it.1*2 Ninety Six, IMVi rii;i|"-n's, 1 <>. 1 :t ]i».is U'ii\ziimii'->, lft.H0 Silver Street, ]O..V2 ln.54 Burton's Tank, 11.05 11.10 Helena, n o,) 11 *25 New l.erry, 11.2s 1 f.xs MaflVtiV T. O., 1 mh 11.43 l'KMj.fiity, 11. r.5 11.57 J*. M. Pninnria, 12.25 12.28 I 11] 'J. l'l 12.-12 Alston, lj.r.c, i.i Ht Littleton, 1.87 Ki-ostV .Mill, 2.09 Columbia, ! BL^K^W SBv: VIIOM ABBEVILLE TO WASHINGTON. VFOLU HOUSE <STACK loaves ABBEVILLE on Mod.lay, Wednesday and Friday at il o'clock. A. >1. Loaves Washington, On., on Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday morniiiirs. A 1 »aily Train leave.* Washington at GA o'clock I'. M.. for Atlanta and Augusta. OFFICE at the PO.ST OFFICE. IOI1N McBUYDE, A?n,t. Abbeville C. IT., April 15. 18.r»7. 4S iy DISSOLUTION. Into Law Firm of McCOWKN A !»K«HIN it* Dissolved by mutual consent.. All business commenced up to this date will lit' conducted and finished by us together under tin* name »f the old Firm, aa if no Dissolution had taken place. <S. McOOWEN, J AS. M. l'HURIN. January 1, 1§57. 35.tf TO THE LADIES. More New Mantillas I CHAMBERS & MARSHALL HAVE received this week direct, from New York, a beautiful assortment, of lil.A VK VIIA A'rA'LL Y LA CE, itmci; ."iik ami Jiiaek Moire Antique handsomely Trimmed White it Colored iwK7m.iwrrMT,atMiJ*r^ No. 1 Grnuito Ratine. Abbeville C. II., S. (J., April 17 [50tf BYTHEWOOD & COWAN, GENKRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 204 Exohanok Iiow, COLUMBIA, S. C., 17OR the Sale of REAL ESTATE, NEGROES, ? aImi COTTON, WHEAT, BACON,' Lard, Whiskey, Sugnr, Coffee, MolnPiUv.jFlour, Butter, Corn, liny and Produce generally^ Strict personal attention paid "to ilio sale of any of the above.liberal advances mudo and prompt returns. "* Matiikw W. liytiiewood, " James M. Cowan. Any. 10, 1657 17y tf iVIorc Hooks and Drugs! rI^IIE Subscribers have just received their 1 Stock of Medicines, Books and Fancy articles, and are prppared to sell at short profits. We are Agents for -the sale of a series of STANDARD WO ItICS, now in tho couiho of publication, by the Appletons of New York.. Ainonc these arc inclooed The Debates in Congress from 1789 to-1856. Benton's Thirty years* View: Morses General Atlns of the World, from the latest authorities, to 1856. * Cyclopedia of American Eloquence, with Portraits. ~ J The New American Cyclopedia. The Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor, Edited by Wm,-E. Burton. , , ' ' 1 Specimen Copies of the above^rorks may be seen at our Stbi^ together with" many other new and elegant Books. Wo are also agents for the sale of Orovef** A Baker'sSEWING MACIIIN E, acl^nowledged to' be the best now in tise, and the least liable to get out of order. This Machine w»H be warranted and sold here at New York'.prieesf Prices varying from $100 to ^126. BRANCH it ALLEN. oepw7v,ibB7. .. .tr , A Iff B R O T Yf E f. G. KENiil)^ " T> ESPECTFUtjjjY ipforriw the Publio that JLl» he < r*>rinrtnently " located "at ' 'V* '*. rfl-+ / « f - - u -i-y. »", ^Jiere^h^^ ^ E N^'s TO M A N UFAUTU.UER8, PLANTERS,AND PLIVATE FAMILIES. In Purchasing such an article as a V SEWING MACHINE, the true policy is to buy the best. r M. MKGKIl «t CO.'S G A5CICTTB, abeauti 1 Tul pictorial paper, contains full and reliable information about SKWINO MACHINES,* and answer all ipiosfions t.lint can be asked oa tin- subject. All who read this paper will learn bow tu purchase a Sewing Machine with which'1 *1,000 a y< ar. clear profit*can .be made, and will be protected from being imposed upon by some of t ho' huinburg Machines now before the . public. Singer it t'o.'s Machine is-arranged to t .lo coarse and firm work of every diicription. The Gazette may l>« obtained urates on appli- / fill i*mi in. any «»i o»ni;«;r a vjt). A WIIICC*. / Mnoliiin-s «iii (-xliiliition mul for sale and in-' I striM-lion* given, by \VM. 0. MOORE, Agent in' f Al>l>eville. Siiuxor tfc Cu.'e Clmrleulon Office, &'24 King-' <' street. Principal <>fllce Broiwlway, New York. July 2:i. ls.->7_ 12 ly To Mechanics, Inventors, and Mann * facturers. IN ANNOUNCING Hie THIRTEENTH Anir.ml Volume of the SCI 15NTIKIC AMERICAN, the Publishers respectfully inform the jiudik' unit inoMerto Increase am) stimulate the formation of ehih*, they propose lo offer Otir 'fh'iux'iitil Fin1 f/iimlrnl iJot/arn in Caxh J'rctmums tor the fitii »:n largest lists of eubserihers wnt in l>y tin- 1st of January, 1858 ; said premiums to be distributed as follows:. For tlit; lniyxt. list., ft:tn<) ; 2d, $251) ; 3d, .*"2011 ; 4lit, ¥ 1 r>« : 5th, ftlol) ; filli, $90; Ttil, ft.Su ; Ktli. -i'70; fttli, ftfin; l<lth, $50; 11th ft 10 ; lath, $:$5; 1 iltli, >»30 ; 15th, $25; 15th, s-jit. Names of mihserihrrs oan he sent in at differi i)i t ini»-s ami from different Post Ofliocs. Tho easli will he ]>aiil to the orders of the euccessfnl competitors, immediately after the lat of January 1858. Hout fieri). Western, and Canada money will he tHk»*n for subscriptions. Canadian stihacrihers will please to remit Twenty-six ecnts ex~ Cra on eaeh years' subscription to pre-pay postal;®. Irrtii* <>f SithxcripflQn..Two Dollars a Year,. or Oti<> Dollar for Six Months. f'litfi lOtt'x..Five Copies, for Six Months, , * f \ ; Five Copie-" for Twelve Months, $8 ; Ten Copies, for Six Months, $8 ; Ten Copies for Twelve Montli.*, 15; Twenty Copies, forTwelve Months, $28. i For .ill Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription isonlv $1,411. ' ti... r...:;n ». c-- ..iv mil uc |U 1IIICU UJIUIl line p.iper with in-w typs, The g»jp»-rfil character of the Soies'TIKio Amp.iikmn i;» w'.-ll known, and as heretofore, it '* will In; chiefly devoted to promulgation of in- ' v formation r*-ln(in/ to the various Mechanical ami Arts, Maunj'nrtitre*, Agriculture\ fair/it*, frivfittioHx. Kujfitt/xriwg, MilI Work, and all int*resj<« which the liirlit of Practical Srimcc it* calculated to advance. It is issued v weekly, in form for binding ; it contain* annually from 500 to con finely executed Engraving!*, and Njutices of American and European Improvement*', together with an Official List <>t American I'aUrt t.'lniin* published weekly .' in advance of all other papers. It is the aim of the Editors of the Scientific Amkukwn to present all subject* discussed in ita columns in n practical and popular form. Tliey will h\m> endeavor to maintain n candid feorin combating and exposing false theories and practice* in Scientific and Mechauil*nl Milliters mill tlnu IIPJ«1.1.1.|| f I... thi' ^cir.vruiu Amkhican as a reliable Encycl«>f I'soImI mill Entertaining Knowledge. , Specimen copies will be *eut gratia to any part of tin* covin try. MITN.N «t CO., Publishers and Patent Agento, * Nn. 1^8 Fulton Htreet, New York. . '5'lie of Soiilli Carolina, AhhirWr J)i*tri>:t..In the Common Pleao. William Wilson, ) vh. i- Foreign Attachment. Tns. A. Liddell. ) Thomson it Fair Attorneys. Wherein the Plaintiff did, on the eleventh f lay of April, eighteen hnndred mid fifty seven, ti'i; Siih declaration against the De- A feisdiiiit, who, it paid, is absent from and ;4, without the limits of thi* State, and has neith- ..fc er wife nVi/ attorney known wittih the some, 'f Hi inn U'luini n t\f ani<l /?t»Alnt»nt!rtn .'- t* ». : : iv - ...v. might l>«; .-vrved. * - V. < It, is th.-i'efore ordered, that the said Defendant appearand plead to thesaid declaration, on or before tlie twelfth day of April, eighteen hundred- and fifty-eight, otherwise filial and olnolnle judgement will then begiv- * en and qgtvtirdt d nuninst him. MATTHEW McDONALD,c.o. p. >T'? Clerk's Ctfiee, April 11, 1857 61.ly ' / The State of South Carolina. A liliK I 'ILLE DISTRICT. Office Court of Common Plena and GeiCI Sessions. James T. Unskin, Attachment. 'M ' James A. Liddle. (£«»«". P1'tflr'3 Attorney. - \ IIEREAS the Plaintiff »lid, ou the ; V teonth day of October, eighteen bundred and fifty-six, file his ilecluration against. >t<v tho Defendant, who, (it is s»nid,) is absent from; and without the limits of this State and lias £. neither wife nor attorney known within the-.same, upon jvhotn a copy of said declaration.» .* ) 'A' might be served: It ih therefore ordered,'.that the said Defendant do appear and plead!-.' to the said declaration, on or before the nine- j teenth "day of October, eighteen hundred and V " fifty-seven, otherwise final and absolute judg-^:'',? ruont will then be given epd awarded against. , «.*' ^ him. - t.-' MATTHEW McDON'ALD, C. CJ', f Clerk's Office, Oct 18, 1856 ; 26-ly.; X NEW GOODS! ^EW-iClOOD8f:>^: " M. STRAUSS, \C OJCESBUJt Y. TO SUPPLY the wants of my jCnstoawn and Friends ! laid in a. large and" e^ten-C^,- $ nive Stock in all the articles kept in ray store,. and determine^ to offerinducements to purchaseta, both in price and quality. / - i,1 therefore call and examine and you will bo convinced. M. STRAUSS. ' Elegant and Cheap; ' % GENTS, BOY<S AN1) YVVTI&: ^ TIIE LARGEST AHD MOST BEAOTJplfl^' V , «*."W ; j iir/»tr . a W/Wr/iv\»rt » v-V ;-ScV f1 ^ 0' ^
Page 1: The independent press (Abbeville C.H., S.C.).(Abbeville ... · ATaukeo in a Cot;cm Mill. A raw, 6tia\v-haMcd, saudy-wiat-kcrtn. six-footer.oneof tlio purely V'niniuaUr:uue in yesterday

A Taukeo in a Cot;cm Mill.A raw, 6tia\v-haMcd, saudy-wiat-kcrtn

. six-footer.one of tlio purely V'niniuaUr:uuein yesterday from*(3i«mu» with a K>jiofwood for (lie Factory (Viupanv. llnvinpiled his wood to J lie sat ^lotion of tloverseer, lie lmtt-J hi* loam with n. him.!of green grasfc, brought alt the way t'l viborne for tlint J>u>l»o*ov #i>U, tbeu lnvtng iivetted h portion of bU wood prve^osN

M root-boor and giMjgvftuv.v.t :U lino\ Istarted tosco the 'vav,,--fi!!>ii^ bis. coyutunite* rnpi'llyc v>it,b bread, and1 ebewit#^rapidly a» be wont.Uo ivyiowod t,!)«. irvU foundry a.vd uj

c-lu'Mv *bvj\ iW*J.mill Mtvlifo W&ftg'W*# i)i"feo»v^n

ner.*Wh rviijg iu, a* on

tWlvr^-®i|P?W^iiijxv. and Jotialhati, ui

^^s^^gprnrd Up -..i.-li an «bawbuliiiuls, !<.|!<. <.! .'lift gxa'l >!.!>.

ott tb« ntaiis and si liii-.J isi "tvsw vvb.it, t!itrouble was."The elatte'ing ukkIihioiv and the iiiovt

nuMits of the operative:* bewildered bini t'ethe moment ; but bein^ot'an inquiring Uirof in inJ, and seeing imieh tliat was caleul:ted to perplex v«no wbose observation in ni<

ciianics had been mostly confined to tines!ing machines and corn shellers, lie began I

push vigorous iin|nines in all direction1In this way lie made himself accpiniutcsuccessively witli the external and intern;cconomy of various machines throngwhich cotton-warp progresses in the coinsof its manufacture.the "picker," "beater,' lap-winder," "dotibler," and "speeder,".and finally reached the "breakers''and '"finishers," just as the card-stripper was j*oin<through theopcrati.in, technically t* riuct

"stripping the fiats." In doing this, thlarge cylinder of the card is exposed tview, and is seen revolving with a very pretty buzz. Not content with contemplatinghe "poetry of motion," at a safe distance

* -

our nero must needs introduce himself hetwoen the cards, to got a nearer view. Tliimovement brought his nether hahiliiticmin dangerous proximity to tlie gearing of thnext card, and "thereby hangs a tale.""You.1 say ! She goes pootv.don't sh<

boss?" said Jonathan inrjuiringly."She don't do anything else," responde

the stripper ; "hut you must be very carefihow you move around amongst this hardware. 'Twas only last week, sir, thatpromising young man from Miuof, a student at the Academy here, was drawn iito that very card, sir, and before ativ assisianee could roach him, lie was run thiougland manufactured into No. 10 'super-extncotton waip yarn."

"I s-s-swwow ! I believe you are joking!stuttered Jonathan.

"Fact, sir," continued stripper, "and hdisconsolate mother came down two davago and got five hunches of that sameyaras melancholy relics.""By the migtity ! that can t he true!""Fact, sir, tact! and each of his fello'

students purchased a skein apiece, to bestin lockets, and worn in rerm-mbrance of diparted worth."

.1.-. .1 1 ».m meti, cuts ircinii now f Was Le rail

kcerded, spun, and sot in lockets?"- A sense of personal danger here sin

across our hero's mind, and he began to rtreat precipitately without waiting for a

answer. There was not much room t

spare betwixt himself and the gearingtho card behind him. Another step baclward completed the ceremony of introdmtion. Ilis unwhisperables being of lar«jcalibre, tho process of snarling them up iito a hard knot was no ways slow. Jon;than gave tongue instanter, and by tlitwentieth gyration of the embodiment tlimusic was melodious. Gen. Scott, hi niseicould not. have protested more forciblagainst an "attack upon his rear."^"O-h ! M-u-r-d-er! Let go.ycou h-u-rBljistyqurpicturs.let go. Aint ye ashan

pri f - filf ftAllf L.'Toln*1 v *'vuuvi-' xnlllk JJUUIV. J^iUIialKJ

seize ye, let alone on me, can't yew, dewThe gearing by this time had wound hii

lip so that he was obliged to stand 011 ti|toe.^JUs hands were revolving vigorouslbehind him though he dared not ventui

v' them too near the "seat of war." The car*

stripper-threw off the bell, but the momen$um cylinder kept revolving, and the gree

v 'uh supposing it in frill operation, burst oin. anew :


'"Ohstopher! Stop-her,-won'tye? Sto' lier, dew ]. I' aibt -*"01, and " I orter be 1

liojne. Father want* the steers, and mod; ' oiVgoing to bako. Stop the tnrnnl mashee

.can't ye? Dew! Oh dear, I'll be kear<" Ctf and fiinun. and rcti infnui Inot-Wo t T«

F , '

r sa-1t;m, how I wish I was tew hum !"£ .The card was Btopped at last: but Jons

(hanVciolhes were so entangled in tlgearing", lb at it was no small task to extrcaVe him. Like Otbelloj Ho "was not'easii

y 'lr^jed,n i^d^it was only by cutting out tlwhole of thy invested territory, that he w<^^^i^Hjr,releri»ed:

are you about here," inquired thet^ring. ... '>

K \-:v> ^|b^gp:orily<9 'stripping flats,'" ar

' J<j^tK^ip n^ot- t<fVcsiijrnci^-. bj»\pu


EnjcytpeuU iu Atlvoisity.U\ Mlts, SHIOl' UNK V,

lU \'l hnvo lust u>v whole fortune," sni<l f\vl nimhaiit, 4S !.» u tunied ono evening toig | li.u home ; " wo nu» ih> longer keep our

u carrtHge. Wo iuu*t leave ilii-. largo limine.«v? Tlw vhiMivti ohii iu> lonirer i'o to »'\i>i'iisivi>

"" «tn schvk'l.h. \V.su-i<la> I whs a rioh nitui; to-dayu- t!ic»v is nothing loan call my own."in Vn husband," said tho wifo, " wo nroiv st-il! rivli in vaoh other »iul our childrenv- Money may pass away, but tJod lias givit,- vn us a better treasure in tlieso active hands

;iihI Iwing hearts."i "iHar fcuUer," said tho childreUj"' do noti>, | look, so will help vou to got a liv


v - ri.ii fKi) yi»» uo poor uimjj's! ' saicl lie."\\»u shall «r ! you sliall see!" answered

js several voiees. '"It is a pity if wo have been!. U» school for nothing. I low can the latIterV *

t. of eight children be poor? Wo shall workami make you J ich again."

, "l shall help," sail I tlio younger girl1(. haidly tour years old ; "I will not have any

new things bought,and I shall sell my greatdoll/

, The heart of the husband ami father,( which ha 1 sunk within his bosom like a

stone, was lilted up,. The sweet enthusisasm ol the scene choired him, and his

j i nightly prayer was like the song uf. I praise.

|( They left their stately house. The s< r^

vauts were dismissed, Pictures ami plate,j. rich carpets and furniture, wero sold, and

I she w ho had been the mistress of the mansionshed n<> tears.". "I'ay every deht," said she ; ''let no one

I suOVr through us, and we may he happy."lie rented a neat cottasru ami a small<-3 | i

( piece ol ground a taw' linlrs hull) llio cityWilli the aid of his sons, he cultivated vegfctahles for the market. lie viewed withde-liirlit and astonishment tlie oconomy <>f hiswife, nurtured, as sin; had b'.'en, in wealthand the < fih-ieney wliieli his daughters soon

s "

^ acquired under her training.The eldest one instiucted the vounirer

t?i .


children ; beside*, they executed variousworks which they had learned ns accom-

{ >!i.-.hii)ciits hut which they found could he

j disposed ofto advantage. They umhroid.cred with tasto somo of the ornamentalilnarts Icmnln :inn:irol. which were remliiv

!^sold to ;i merchant in the city.

They cultivated flowers, sent bouquets *

to market in the cart that conveyed the wg-et aides ; they plaited straw, they painted

^ maps, they executed plain needlework.\ Kverv one was at her post busy and eliccrj

fill. The little cottage was like :i heed live."I never enjoyed such.health before,"said

the lather."And I was never so happy before," said

the mother.s !n

! "\Ve never knew how many tilings weI could do, wheu we lived in the great house,"said the children, "and we love each othera great deal better here. You call us yourw ! little bees."

"Yes/' said the father, "and you makejust Mich honey as my heart likes to feedon."

y Economy, as well as industry, was strictlyobserved ; nothing was wasted ; nothingunnecessary was purchased. The eldest

L>" daughter bccamc assistant teacher in a disntingniahed female seminary, and the second0 took her place as instructress to the family

"We are now thriving and prosperous,"c" said he; ".shall we return to the city 1"

"Oh, no !" was the unanimous reply."c' "Let us remain," said the wife, where we'* have fuund health and contentment."l~ "Father," said the youngest, "all we chill(idren hope you are not going to be rich,c n«ain ; tor then she added, "we little onesIf

' were shut up in the nursery, and did not) see much of you or mother.

Now we ail live together, and sister, who' loves us teaches us, and we learn to be in1"dustrious and useful. We were none of us'n happy when we were rich and did notI" i*work. So, father, plcuso not be a rich man11

any more."

y Decay of the Asiatic Hacks..Thee Friend of India, by far the ablest of the padpers in India, some months since had at- very able and eloquent examination of then hitherto dominant races throughout theit whole continent of Asia. It showed that

all were sinking away, from inherent andp circumstantial reasons. Since then the»t Bengal mutiny, which must end in givingi- British India completely into the hands of. « + ti 1

» u» uuiicjuurorf, serves io connrin me loiiow-|1- ing conclusions of the article referred to :i- "All history shows that indigenous Asiaticraces require the direction of a domi» nant class. Industrious, hardy, and withle many of the qualities essential to the develi-opinent of civilization, they seem to lack 'soiyeial force. India was, in the days of Au>orungzebe, what she was iu the days of Ram.is China is now what she was a thousSod.years

ago. The Greek rayahs of Turkey areie what the Greek peasants were in the days

of Gantacuzeer'. Their numbers do not maiv,.teriaflychange. They do not. advance.apd need the directing force of a progrest-site race. It remains but to speculate on

ir the races to whom this high function must*d be assigned., The'y must be Europeans;j* for Europeans alone*have acquired the ne»;.cessaay. superiority iq arm|. Of Eiiropereans, the English and Russians alone display^ capacity for the.'permanent administration

of subject? peopled It is to their hands that;Vf'telieve AsiaJ»» to be entrusted.* The"r fjjvancifof ftuwia wiil £e checked bynoh'u*mnnitf-artH < iLtrj: ,rii»y, but she obey# tjjfli <)rre»UubJe impose\S' tlif more thorbhgJjfjt fprAber ocCftRioT>«} re.

«£ tbVa ^

"Wo livo in hope" is n cheerful t>ort of rhymofor tl.i* time :


Wo livo i«i hope that hotter timesArc tjuiekly drawing neur,.

Ami thinly the next glud Christinas chimesWillJjring a happier year ,

Aii»1 though thut one ho fraught with care,Wo hii ilil our trus* upon ;

Yet with the next n smile we'll wear,And still keeping hoping on. j '

Wo live ill hope; though cloud* appear,They linger but n day ;

me sun to ns « gilt ko denr,Will scatter llietu away ;

Tims life in 1 nit uii A]>ril shower,An>l troubles are but ruin ;

And liopo, tlianun, that in nn hour-Will-bring rs joy again.


Yt*s. llarrv is jealous, I sure of it. I am.writing l»y tin: taolo, and of course cannot

sec any tiling that is going on around inc. ]Vol this tiling 1 am sure of, I lint Ilariv andMinnie liave been quarreling; that Minniehas tapped her little foot on the hearth rugexamined the rosy nails of each blenderhand attentively, and that llarry has whistled Yankee Doodle with all his might, lookingout from under his long brown lashes,to see how his indillercncc ollerted Minnie.Now Minnie takes a book and turns

uver tile leaves carelessly, stopping to hum;i tune that one of Harry's rivals is exceed-in«_jly lbn«l\»r. Harry yawns. Minnie kcepton hummini; the air without looking up, aminow goes for her writing de>k. Opens ii,takes out a huge while envelope, supersciI < «_!in a bold, beautiful liaixl.blushes :i

little, and take-Jtiain>lhat|IIairy sece. Kvervnerve in hi* body is awake; lie glares hisureal hrown eyes at Minnie ; ho looks as

ihoti^h he would devour her.Minnie takes ja-t the daintiest sheet of

paper out of her desk, and commences writing.0,so neatly ami so nicely. She nev-rtook so much pains when she wrote toHarry. never, not she: and she hones liar-ry will understand it. lie docs understandit, bites lii-i lip*' strokes 1»is moustache, and<ets his teeth lotj ?tl»er. Xmv lie hitchesibotit in liis chair; put. his feet on an ottoman; now kicks the ottoman over and getstip out of his chair altogether.

Minnie smiles ; 11 arty goes to the window.Why don't he sit down, and not uinke a

.1 unco of himself? Why don't he take itjoolly, set before the lir? and lead his news- jpapers, in t.-ad of pleasing the little coqueteof a Minnie by his uneasiness? WhaTools men are J lt'1 live, he is half-lookim?over lier shoulder tliis minute ! Sit dn»vnyou ape, ami not make a wliiilv\ ind ofyourself.

Minnie draws herself up like a littlo <juocnas Harry glances at her writing.arches herneck, and curls her red lips as though hehad insulted her, and he writhes into hischair again.

Minnie writes fabler than ever, and Harrywatches her. Now she had finished,and is fumbling about in her desk aftersouieimng. l os, ;i pair ot scissors.whatcan she want of tlieiu ? Clip, and off goesone of her brown curls, llarry stmts uponhis lounge; sits down again, and againkicks over the ottoman."Would you like to lead my letter, Maggie?"I read it."Whata nice letter it is," [ exclaimed,

giving it hack to her.1 wish 1 could say something to comfort

Harry. 1 might, if.if.I wasn't a woman,just like Minnie.

"lie understands French, then ? I say toMinnie.

"O, yes he is a fine French scholar,"sheanswers, placing her brown curl within thef 11- -f .1-- 1 "iuiws ui iiiu icucr.

llarry heps up again, and sits down as

quickly.Minnie commences putting her desk in

order. Wipes her pen, shut down the coverof her inkstand, replaces her scissors, pnperand envelopes. Harry sighs; gracious,what a sight! for all the world like the puffof a steam engine.

Minnie takes up her writing and a lampbends down her red lips for a kiss, and says:"Good night, Maggie."Now she is gone. Harry sighs, long loud

and deep, glances at me. I hope I don'tsmile, though it would be just me to. Nowl,. -U..:- «UU 13 will, ui uio tuilir again, IU1U COIlllllgtowards me. ..

"Maggie, toll me, in the name of misery,tell me who Minnie wrote that letter to !""What are you thinking about? I betrayMinnie's confidence ? Vou are insane!""But Maggie, tell me, if yon have any-'regardfor ffc I Was it Frank Warren?""No.""CUarles Stetson ?"."No."urv._f i trr t . .***' £-lmviu v> eosier ("

i>. "No."'"^bat miserable French teacher?""No, no." ,

"Who was it, then ?""I have a great mind to tell y.ou.no, no

I musn't." < . '

"Yes do let me know. Minnio shall neverbear 6f if" *,,.*Well, it was.put your ear close to myinnnik ' * "">« ' '

.1/ "UO '«.;"Who ?" * v;"It Was.don't burry ine.it was.was"' Who?" pleasa'llarry.::"It.it.«

"Who?" he fairly groan».J *. ,11**4Ifwa«--*y,es,.it wafr*-" / VjwWhor.;he thunder*.,J siIt was.her sister !" **!

; 'The deuce it was 1"'

.J>»d J»aI ho! hd'J.ho.l'V-.j*y I am alonfry n»y ear* ~ara, ringing with.

to jjir tliQ1whole l;fu?et and yurfi^%a^pii -atbe6idewa|k with

*,T\vo Wavsto Tku. a Siouy..Klizu!»'ilil.arrett relates llio following episodein Iiot history :

First time lie kissed tin-, l»ul ln> only kissedTin- lingers of this hand wln-rcwit li I write;Ami ever since il grew more l«siir and \vliit. ;Slow.to world greeting.ipiiek Willi it. "(.Ill,

list."When the Angel* speak. A ring "f nnivtliyvt1 could not wear plainer to liiv sightThan that I'll»st kiss. Oh! beyond deed !That wits the erysm of love, which love's one

crownWith Fluidifying sweelnc?# <li'l pi ed£,The.third upon my lips was folded down,In perfect purple Ktalc !1 have hreii |>rouil, and said "il v love.mv

own!"' :;-v* i «.."

Atcii a kai.xYa' Cr itKKNrv..CaptainShrillcross, of tito Mississippi steamer Prytona,is oiui of the crack captains of lite river.ICvoi vImkIj- knows hint an<l lie knowsevcrvlio'lv. and therefore we must, tell a

little story about liitn. One «l:iy the I'eytotiawas steaming down, past 11 its cotton

wood*, towards New Orleans, when she was

hailed l»y another boat j^«»in*jf up.-llallo! Captain Shallcruss !""Hallo!" was the answer.

"(Jot any Atehalalaya money V"Yes plenty.""Well, pay it out; the bank's busted or a

tjwine to.""Ay4 av." said Cap). Sliallcross. "Clerk,

have you got much of that money ?""About a thousand dollars, I reckon, sir,''

said the clerk of the I'eytotia."W ell, stop at the first wood boat.', And

the Peytotia putted on until a wood boatwax s< i;ii moored to the shore, with piles <>icon] wood around, and a small man, witiihis trousers rolled tip, and his hands in hispockets, shiverinjj on the bank beside tlieboat, in theohill December weather.

"\\ ood boat alloy," sati<j out (.'apt. Shallcro-s.

Shall man in the distance, ' Hallo!*'"Want to sell that wood ?"

Small man in the distance, "Yes,""Take Atchafalaya money ?"

Small man in the di.-tare, "Yes.""Hound to, pilot," said Capt. Shall* ross.'l'hc; boats bound down stream always

have to come around, with their bows pointedup stream, to resist the current ot the\f: . .

.»jij'jm , miiiici iiiius 11icy oiK ounior ;i

big eddy and have to take: a swoop of somemiles before reaching I bo landing place.

"So you'll take Atchafalaya money forwood, w ill yon?'' paid the captain, as theboat approached the shore.

"V i s," said the small man."How will vnii take it ?" said Capt. Shallcross,(meaning at what rate.)"Take il even," said small man.' Whatdo you mean by even ?""Cord for eoiil. Captain."''Tnt her lonnd a^ain, pilot," said CaptainShallsross," and wood iijl at the next

wharf boat ; 1 reckon ihis fellow has beenposted by somebody on Atchafalaya."

Oiiv. "Wiso, of Virginia, it is-aid. is about touddivp* ;i l. tl. r In llif> .if ilt.it

*"'f I "" "* * V III

vindiention of his position on tlx* Kminu! qiicslion,as<].'tinc<l in the celebrated letter to theTammany 1 inil Sachems.

In Xi-w Haven, Conn, on last Tuesdaymorning, William IhIiiikoii, an Kn<r|i»h boy10 years old \vn> arrested f«»r burglary, andsaid li<' committed die. act in order that hemisrht be provided with a "homo."


vs. |John Ihinn, et. al. Deft.'s. )IT appearing to rny satisfaction. tlint Jackson

Kiehlev and wife I'ollv < ;» »!.!->eiiPo, reside without I hit limits of this State..It. i* therefore ordered that thoy Jo appearami object,to the Sale of the Real Estate ofWilliam Dunn. ilccM, on or licfore the twelfthdnv of February next, or t heir eouscnt to thesame will he entered of reeot .1.

WJ 1.1.1 AM HILL, 0. A. 1).Nov. 1.1, 18.77. ."<>8tn.

Tl»o State of §»;illi .Carolina,Abbeville District.In the C'oinman Pleus.V. W. Da via, )i'*.> Attaclimenl.

Henry Jones. )HICREAS, tlie "Pliiintiff did, on the twen-

. . .j ruMIIMI UIIV "I .HIVeillllCT, !{*.>(, 11 JOhis declaration against the Defendant, who, (asit is said) is absent from and without the limits>( this State, and line neither wife or attorneyknown within the pame, upon whom a eopvof tlie* eaid declaration might he served. It. istherefore ordered, tlmt the said Defendant doappear and plead to the said declaration, on orbefore the twenty-eight day of November,which will be in the year of our Lord EighteenHundred and Fifty-eight, otherwise final andabsolute Judgment will then be given andawarded against, him.

ifATIIEW McDOXALD, c. c. rVivin o yilliCC, 1>UV. ZYf 18Df. ai ly


Isaac Carlisle, Partitonvs. * | In tlie matter of theWpi. Carlisle, Agness V Real Estate of JamesKeiftu'dy, et. al, I Carlisle dee'd.DiTru. , JIT appearing to my satisfaction that tho cfiildreuof JamesCarlisle, names not known;the children of Sam'l Carlisle, names notknown; the children of Martha Newall, namesnot/kiiuwu ; the children of Mnrgafet Shackleford,names not known; and tho children ofFrancis Carlisle, names not known,'heirs anddistributees of James Carlisle, dee'd, reside beyondthe limits of this Str.to..It is thereforenpilr»i»Ofl A*** * '

v.^v.^ mcy !«> u]>|>c'Hr, ana oujcet lo thesale of the Real Estate of tlio said James Carlisle,on or beforo the sfitli (lay of January, A.D. 1868, or their consent to" the same will beentered of record. '.< **WILLIAM HILL, 0. A. D.Oct. 6. 1867 23 ? 3m .

IIonHe Itnilding.riMIE UniJersig^pd it now prepared to do allX work entrusted to his care, in the Building Line to Draw Plaits and oraot all dose-riptionsof Buildings from a'ona^stbry house to aCourCHouse.*'-Having received instrnotion# from, the bestArchitects in theUnipri, lid flatter* himself (hathe can have Work dona inn style equal to andaiLcbeap as can be done, in JS'nw York.%ek«bekckv.K'Pg « Keljnm,-''Architect*,'Brooklyn, NowiYoft; Wra, Gainer, Architect,of Now York GWj P«r'ryra6n 4r Waller. JjewMarket; D£ Jofin P.'Barratt, Bai^tUvil^; o^..a;.Oct.;fo.

D D ftDrDTfcftii AC '

The friends of C«j»t. (}. M. MATTI.SOX ro*

speetfnlly aunoiiitcc liiiu n» n CAiididuto forTnx Collector at llio ucxt election.The friends of JAMI'iS A. MuCOKD respectfullyaiinouneo liini nn n Candidate for Tax

Collector at the n<-xt election.

The frli'iuln of I >r. J. F. Hli'COM It r^spectf.illynniiotiiice liiiu as a Candidate for TaxCollector at the next election.

23?" The "friends of MATTHEW McI>ONALI>respectfully announce liini a Candidatefor re-election as Clerk of tlio Court -o^Gen.cral Sessions and Coinjpon Pl< ns, for AbbevilleDistrict, nt tlie iioxtjSleOiioii.A few of the Long Cnne friends of W. G.

N l'.KL, would rofprclfiilly announce hiin as a

Candidate for Sli.'i-ill* ill iliu next election.

The friends of JAMKS If. UOliB rcsj Ifullv s<itnotihim as a Candidate for Shi-rill' attins next election.

t^'-The friend* of .IOSKPI! T. MOOltK respectfullyannounce him a t'aiidi'latc for Sheriffat the ensuing; election.

The friends ofT. 11. Ml I.J.I't >!!!> res|> >i*lfullvannounce him as a Candidate'for Tax Collccloiof Abbeville Ili.-trict at tin- next flection.

Tl.n f|.i t ! 1.'/ f»/ 1* W DI/ tltT

I »v ...v..-.-- ... IVI. nil nr.i

respi-H fully announce liim <> Oan<li<late forSlu-riU' of Abbeville District at tlic next

I elcetioii.

} ZV The friends of MATTHEW 11. COCII1KAN rv-| tnilly announce liim a catwli<1atcf>ir Slu-rilf of Abbeville Dislriot, at tbu nextelection.

Z'^" ''lie numerous frii tuls of Col. T. .1..| UOJiKItTS re-peclfully announce liim a (':mi<li<late for Sheriff at the ensuing election.

pjy Thefriemlsof I). \\. HAWTIIOltX re

«|»<-< !miiv aitiioinuM: linn a c:iii<li<latc Tor Mifcrilfof Alilu'vilU: 1 ri«.-t at tin; m-xt election.


£?g~ Timfri<;ii<l* of NIMKOD McCOIlD rcis|»-.-t fully announce liim n* a Caiid'nlate forShvrifl' at tluM-nsuiiiar ehetion.

)13$" Tliv frion 1* «>f S. <i. W. 1MI/L rcspi'iit|fully (uuioiiii<:<> Itiin a Ciiiululutu for Sliuritl*, al

j t he M'.vi-t ion.

r%$" Tit. fri.-mls of \V. \V. ORIFKIX ros|..'ot|fully anuoini'M' him a cnuJidat.e for ti/irrijf' :>ttlu> disuiuc i-li'ftion. [^nJ* 1855

j ""MARSHALL, LEE & DgBRUHlTrrilKiiti<]eivi«;wil have nsso<'iute<l with thrin,I in tlx- 1'rafl.ice of tli«» Law, STKI'IIKN!/ I »..1»l> I I I Ml 1..-!.wr.iMiuiii/, iui inisuifs!* em riis>ie*l i<»

llieir euro will r«cc»ivi* prompt att« n1 ion.| .1*. FosTKK M.MISIIALL,

- \V. A. LKK.January 12, 1S.">7. M7 -t f


| ^31-:i!S()N*S visr.inir tlie CAlM'J'oI. wmiM il"JL v/i-ll to call at l'l'liLKK'S airl « ! »niti miOitlfil in t.'ie shape <«f si new anil PurliioiiaM"

j Head I'ieee.]{t:iH<inljrr, you trill not rcjrtt a call «/

j "

rri.i.KR-s.May 15, 1857 i!lv

suu.nc; OUT. Dltl GOODS.JiliOOM & N.)!IIiKLL,

AUGUSTA, GA.,Will ofFc»-their ntire £tock of

Kx>3e_^Svr «sfi3 <ac»*i® in»55«s^i For the remainder of the Season at very

t r\ w; i> i> 1 / > 1.' <-JJ v 11 J II I V I'J iT .

r|",Ill".IIl Stock is lurufc nu«l well assorted,I. ami ott'er rare attractions to buyer*..We arc now c*nirii£<.'i1 in the enlargement ofour Store, anil will have to give npa portionot it to the workmen soon, ami would like toreiluee the Stock as low as possible before themove. All in want of

CHEAP DRV GOODS,Are re*peotfull\' invited to i»ive us a call.

Jlie lit, 1857. 7 tf

EDWARD H. BRITT0N7(Late Jul!tor und J'rojiri't>>r of the Carolina


OI'l'FJJS his services t" the public as a Ool1eel or am! ^cnernl business Agent. Hewill reci-ive for collection Kotes or Accountsfor any scction of the State, lit the usual commissions.

Otiice over the Carolina Times l'rinting oftiec.Columbia, S. C.References will be given if rcauired.

j»iy ss

Attention Citizens!HP.IISF ANin CIIRMITIIBC D AIMTIM/2mvuwi. iiiiu i uiiiii i uiil mn i inu

I^XKl'UTEU in tlif neatest ami :n«»st. FnshJ innnhle Styles, Imitating choice Colors,

Wood an<l MartJe.Orders from the country will he promptlyattended to.

By T. M. ART),Oct. 17, *5t>. [24-Cro] Abbeville C. II.

NOTICE.JOHN WIXCEY, Esq., will be hnppy to

attend to

OVER HAULING OF ENGINESor Mill Wol-ks, in the Vicinity of Abbovilleand the surrounding cotuitry.Applicants will pleiwe apply to John En-right, Abbeville, or Win. Lobby, Charleston,S/C. JOHN WINCEY.

Oct. 31, 1856. 2(5-13'.GRAPE VINES.

ABKfcVILLK MODEL VINEYARD!DU. TOCWO offers for Solo Vinb Cut-,

, tikos and Hootkd Vikes, at the followingrates: #.t.'

Per Hundred Vine Cuttings,For Catawba? and other Sorted AmericanVarieties, *', *,*. "

For Sorted European Varieties, 10 00Hooted American Varieties,-£'<icA, - 60Rooted Eucopenu Varieties, "

- 1 00Hooted Scufuierno.ng," 1 00Montevino, Dec.' 1856. 36-tfj*. 13. viowprunewai reasonable rates. <

firtckmasonry . and Plastering.r|',llE undersigned having formed ft. Co-parki JL nership in tlieliliovG business, are preparedto do all work entrusted to theni in the nestahdraosV substantial manner. ^Hi^ying it longpractical cxpericncc in the.husiness, they flatterilicrnscU's f hat they.can pleise, the: moat fastidiousAll work will bo warranted.


; ' \ A.X WOODIllTkST.R^fehrncr..H. A. Jonas, S. £> Calhoun and

Dr. J. W. "Heftrst^pf Abhevillc. --

AMi«il1n lA. 1«R«> OlLltr '

"" * >

^jpHE. Sobscnber"L|i.his old


H 99 D . K.«.«CJ»^BL3U»«On and after 23d November*- 1857.

J Arr. JL"uvc|Q STATTpya,. !, Tr g A? m7|ColutjiMk, ,t

*7.ttoFrost's 7.5G 8.00Littleton, '

8.112 8.:i5'Alston,jt.10 <1.15Hope's <i.'>8 0.30

I'otiiiirin, <l.:t8 H.40IVopporitv, In. 12 10.15.M.III. II S i. v., 10.27 10 27Ni-wiifiiy, .M5li'liim. 10.50 lo.fiSMillion* lank. 11.08 11.10Silver Stiv.-i, 11.20 1!.2!{I {"iiziidi n s, H I 5 11.17

«II s. l2 u0 , o ():<v"IC'xi S'f' 1-i -iOrSfU .Market, l.o^ I oY* J IVfll U'noiL | io l "vi \S( Okl-slllll V. 4#.U7 M |.>\ "I ] <'okoslmry, .


\ \ AMieville, 2.fi7liiiriiKin-V,2.:5o 2 !$2I)<iini;ililV, > |.{

H.or» it'o8it i .>iiu: i. u., 15.2.1J..25

licit oil,S.IJvi H.I.")^-r j ij«.-iii>!i, 3.t&

( £5 i Aii'l«;l->on, .1.10\v illiatiiKton, 4.07 4.10(iiiMeii irovo, 4.»»71.10(SreuMvilk', . 3.15 10.05

X3jE> <5t *> ^ e

S Arr. JLcnvcgfsl'ATlQXS. | jA.M.J(in-oitvilU', ft.OO(}..i.!cn (Srovc, r».:;o r».:t2Williiinistou, C.lo «.l;s^ rr | Ali'lcison, 5.3o

l -E. \ Doliun, r,.:'.7U.lt.M.»;.:;7 r...ri3

111 Mili»T.O., T.ort 7.i»»>Motion l'atli, 7.'J77.U"ItniirinM's,7 ".(i vj

Bariiioiv's, 8.0-1 S.oB^ -f ^ AMicville,<j 2.ri

I tE. \ f'nkesbiiry, fi.02t'ok.^Kury,


8.30s'' MileT. <»., K. |.r,M.r><irrotiwinii], 8 .r>7lUMiNew Market, it.1*2Ninety Six, IMVirii;i|"-n's, 1 <>. 1 :t ]i».isU'ii\ziimii'->, lft.H0Silver Street, ]O..V2 ln.54Burton's Tank, 11.05 11.10Helena, n o,) 11 *25New l.erry, 11.2s 1 f.xsMaflVtiV T. O., 1 mh 11.43l'KMj.fiity, 11. r.5 11.57

J*. M.Pninnria, 12.25 12.28

I 11] 'J. l'l 12.-12Alston, lj.r.c, i.i Ht

Littleton, 1.87Ki-ostV .Mill, 2.09Columbia,

! BL^K^W SBv:



VFOLU HOUSE <STACK loaves ABBEVILLEon Mod.lay, Wednesday andFriday at il o'clock. A. >1.

Loaves Washington, On., on Tuesday, Thursdayand .Saturday morniiiirs.A 1 »aily Train leave.* Washington at GA o'clock

I'. M.. for Atlanta and Augusta.OFFICE at the PO.ST OFFICE.

IOI1N McBUYDE, A?n,t.Abbeville C. IT., April 15. 18.r»7. 4S iyDISSOLUTION.

Into Law Firm of McCOWKN A !»K«HINit* Dissolved by mutual consent..All business commenced up to this date will lit'conducted and finished by us together undertin* name »f the old Firm, aa if no Dissolutionhad taken place.


January 1, 1§57. 35.tf

TO THE LADIES.More New Mantillas I

CHAMBERS & MARSHALLHAVE received this week direct, from New

York, a beautiful assortment, oflil.AVK VIIA A'rA'LL Y LA CE,

itmci; ."iik ami Jiiaek Moire Antique handsomelyTrimmed White it ColorediwK7m.iwrrMT,atMiJ*r^

No. 1 Grnuito Ratine.Abbeville C. II., S. (J., April 17 [50tf


No. 204 Exohanok Iiow,COLUMBIA, S. C.,

17OR the Sale of REAL ESTATE, NEGROES,? aImi COTTON, WHEAT, BACON,' Lard,Whiskey, Sugnr, Coffee, MolnPiUv.jFlour, Butter,Corn, liny and Produce generally^

Strict personal attention paid "to ilio sale ofany of the above.liberal advances mudo andprompt returns. "*

Matiikw W. liytiiewood, " James M. Cowan.Any. 10, 1657 17ytf

iVIorc Hooks and Drugs!rI^IIE Subscribers have just received their1 Stock of Medicines, Books and Fancy

articles, and are prppared to sell at shortprofits.We are Agents for -the sale of a series of

STANDARD WOItICS, now in tho couiho ofpublication, by the Appletons of New York..Ainonc these arc inclooedThe Debates in Congress from 1789 to-1856.Benton's Thirty years* View:Morses General Atlns of the World, from the

latest authorities, to 1856. *

Cyclopedia of American Eloquence, withPortraits. ~ JThe New American Cyclopedia.The Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor, Edited

by Wm,-E. Burton. , ,' ' 1

Specimen Copies of the above^rorks may beseen at our Stbi^ together with" many othernew and elegant Books.Wo are also agents for the sale of Orovef**

A Baker'sSEWING MACIIIN E, acl^nowledgedto' be the best now in tise, and the least liableto get out of order. This Machine w»H bewarranted and sold here at New York'.prieesfPrices varying from $100 to ^126.

BRANCH it ALLEN.oepw7v,ibB7. .. .tr

,A Iff B ROTYfEf. G. KENiil)^ "

T>ESPECTFUtjjjY ipforriw the Publio thatJLl» he < J» r*>rinrtnently " located "at ' 'V* '*.rfl-+ / « f -


u -i-y. »",


E N^'s


policy is to buy the best.r M. MKGKIl «t CO.'S G A5CICTTB, abeauti1 Tul pictorial paper, contains full and reliableinformation about SKWINO MACHINES,*and answer all ipiosfions t.lint can be asked oatin- subject. All who read this paper will learnbow tu purchase a Sewing Machine with which'1*1,000 a y< ar. clear profit*can .be made, andwill be protected from being imposed upon bysome of t ho' huinburg Machines now before the .public. Singer it t'o.'s Machine is-arranged to t.lo coarse and firm work of every diicription.The Gazette may l>« obtained urates on appli- /fill i*mi in. any «»i o»ni;«;r a vjt). A WIIICC*. /Mnoliiin-s «iii (-xliiliition mul for sale and in-'IstriM-lion* given, by \VM. 0. MOORE, Agent in' fAl>l>eville.

Siiuxor tfc Cu.'e Clmrleulon Office, &'24 King-' <'street.Principal <>fllce Broiwlway, New York.July 2:i. ls.->7_ 12ly

To Mechanics, Inventors, and Mann *

facturers.IN ANNOUNCING Hie THIRTEENTH Anir.mlVolume of the SCI 15NTIKIC AMERICAN,the Publishers respectfully inform the

jiudik' unit inoMerto Increase am) stimulatethe formation of ehih*, they propose lo offerOtir 'fh'iux'iitil Fin1 f/iimlrnl iJot/arn in CaxhJ'rctmums tor the fitii »:n largest lists of eubseriherswnt in l>y tin- 1st of January, 1858 ;said premiums to be distributed as follows:.For tlit; lniyxt. list., ft:tn<) ; 2d, $251) ; 3d,.*"2011 ; 4lit, ¥ 1 r>« : 5th, ftlol) ; filli, $90; Ttil,ft.Su ; Ktli. -i'70; fttli, ftfin; l<lth, $50; 11thft 10 ; lath, $:$5; 1 iltli, >»30 ; 15th, $25; 15th,s-jit.Names of mihserihrrs oan he sent in at differii)i t ini»-s ami from different Post Ofliocs. Thoeasli will he ]>aiil to the orders of the euccessfnlcompetitors, immediately after the lat of

January 1858.Hout fieri). Western, and Canada money will

he tHk»*n for subscriptions. Canadian stihacriherswill please to remit Twenty-six ecnts ex~Cra on eaeh years' subscription to pre-pay postal;®.

Irrtii* <>f SithxcripflQn..Two Dollars a Year,.or Oti<> Dollar for Six Months.

f'litfi lOtt'x..Five Copies, for Six Months, ,*

f \ ; Five Copie-" for Twelve Months, $8 ; TenCopies, for Six Months, $8 ; Ten Copies forTwelve Montli.*, 15; Twenty Copies, forTwelveMonths, $28. i

For .ill Clubs ofTwenty and over, the yearlysubscription isonlv $1,411.'

ti... r...:;n ».c--..iv mil uc |U 1IIICU UJIUIl line

p.iper with in-w typs,The g»jp»-rfil character of the Soies'TIKio Amp.iikmni;» w'.-ll known, and as heretofore, it '*

will In; chiefly devoted to promulgation of in- ' v

formation r*-ln(in/ to the various MechanicalamiArts, Maunj'nrtitre*, Agriculture\fair/it*, frivfittioHx. Kujfitt/xriwg, MilI Work,and all int*resj<« which the liirlit of Practical

Srimcc it* calculated to advance. It is issued v

weekly, in form for binding ; it contain* annuallyfrom 500 to con finely executed Engraving!*,and Njutices of American and EuropeanImprovement*', together with an Official List<>t American I'aUrt t.'lniin* published weekly .'in advance of all other papers.It is the aim of the Editors of the ScientificAmkukwn to present all subject* discussed in itacolumns in n practical and popular form. Tlieywill h\m> endeavor to maintain n candid feorincombating and exposing false theoriesand practice* in Scientific and Mechauil*nlMilliters mill tlnu IIPJ«1.1.1.|| f I...

thi' ^cir.vruiu Amkhican as a reliable Encycl«>fI'soImI mill Entertaining Knowledge. ,

Specimen copies will be *eut gratia toany part of tin* covin try.MITN.N «t CO., Publishers and Patent Agento, *

Nn. 1^8 Fulton Htreet, New York. .

'5'lie of Soiilli Carolina,AhhirWr J)i*tri>:t..In the Common Pleao.

William Wilson, )vh. i- Foreign Attachment.

Tns. A. Liddell. ) Thomson it Fair Attorneys.Wherein the Plaintiff did, on the eleventh f

lay of April, eighteen hnndred mid fiftyseven, ti'i; Siih declaration against the De- Afeisdiiiit, who, it i» paid, is absent from and ;4,without the limits of thi* State, and has neith- ..fcer wife nVi/ attorney known wittih the some, 'fHi inn U'luini n t\f ani<l /?t»Alnt»nt!rtn .'- t*

». : : iv - ...v.

might l>«; .-vrved. * - V. <

It, is th.-i'efore ordered, that the said Defendantd« appearand plead to thesaid declaration,on or before tlie twelfth day of April,eighteen hundred- and fifty-eight, otherwisefilial and olnolnle judgement will then begiv- *

en and qgtvtirdt d nuninst him.MATTHEW McDONALD,c.o. p. >T'?

Clerk's Ctfiee, April 11, 1857 61.ly ' /

The State of South Carolina.A liliK I 'ILLE DISTRICT.

Office Court of Common Plena and GeiCI Sessions.James T. Unskin, Attachment. 'M '

James A. Liddle. (£«»«". P1'tflr'3 Attorney. -

\ IIEREAS the Plaintiff »lid, ou the ;V teonth day of October, eighteen bundredand fifty-six, file his ilecluration against. >t<v

tho Defendant, who, (it is s»nid,) is absent from;and without the limits of this State and lias £.neither wife nor attorney known within the-.same,upon jvhotn a copy of said declaration.» .* ) 'A'might be served: It ih therefore ordered,'.thatthe said Defendant do appear and plead!-.'to the said declaration, on or before the nine- jteenth "day of October, eighteen hundred and V "

fifty-seven, otherwise final and absolute judg-^:'',?ruont will then be given epd awarded against. , «.*' ^him. - t.-'MATTHEW McDON'ALD, C. CJ', f

Clerk's Office, Oct 18, 1856 ; 26-ly.; X



TO SUPPLY the wants of my jCnstoawnand Friends ! laid in a. large and" e^ten-C^,- $nive Stock in all the articles kept in ray store,.and determine^ to offerinducements to purchaseta,both in price and quality. / - i,1therefore call and examine and you will boconvinced. M. STRAUSS.

' Elegant and Cheap; ' %


«*."W ;j iir/»tr . a W/Wr/iv\»rt » v-V ;-ScV f1

^ 0' ^
