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Abbeville press (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1861...

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Prooafldings x>t n Meeting nt Donaldsyille. At n meeting lit, tt lew of tlie cit.ir.Mis ul the Um>«r B*»u!i<n oOHlic UulttCU Regiment of Ab- beville District, tit UoiiBldtiTiJIe on Friilnv, the- 7th June, ISO 1: <s On motion* Rtr. I. I. Roiiuit \vn« cnllcrf the clinir, nut] A. C. Hawthorn won r.-queotrii to net as Secretory. Mroomier on Inking the chmr exj>!ainet) the -viijrwiriTviiu^KVUt g in » «ew iiju'i i>|>riu,« if ' nmrke. i Tito IIot». J. F. Marshall being present, on inoiion of J. II. Wilton. Co!. Marfclmll was calleA who mndfr. ohe of'lvs characteristic appeals, tirjfinjj the ntcfwty oforglmitinj; two additional companies in AbbeTilU Dintrict( for immediate service. On motion of K. Uaror. * committee of »even wni appointed to prepare buaiueas for the meet- j ing. The I'liuir appointed the following committee, K. Ka«or, (jhnirmnn. Dr. W. T. Jones. Col. S. j Donald, Col. W. Cliiikscak's, lie v. J. N. Young, J. R. Wilson and Thou. Crawford. This Committee were allowed to retire, and. » after consultation, thry presented the following report; lV/i<r<«», South Carolina, in common with other Southern Stale*, is, now engaged in a war for the preservation of our liberties, and the protection of our richts; and "Wherrnti, the war IH likely to be n protracted one, in whieti the wholt. country may be involved, endangering. it nay be, our domestic tranquility ; and WJtrrtns, tho "Southern Guards," a company composed . of our immediate neighbor* und friends have . taken up arms, und have gone to fi^ht our bat- ties. Therefore, Retolztd, that the cause of tlio South in our cause, an<l wo will aland by it, eren to the " bit- ter e nil." . j Rrtolvrd, thntthe prompt action of Ihe "South- ern Guards," in offering themselves fin*t to o:sr own CArolinn, and then in enteriit|v the sprvice of the Confederate Slates for the defence of Vir- * pinid, meets our hearty upproval, and we wish thein C3od-n|>eed. Reto/ved, That the families of our soldier* " who lia»e gone, or may go to the war, nre for the time our families, and we will *ee thai they tuffer no lack from the absence of their naturnl , proicctora. Ren h-ed. That we will rni** a Soldier'* Fum .ily Fuad, which shall Im expended in the euppnrt of arch. families if our soldiers ns m»y tieqtl aid. % fiuolvrtt, That we hold every citizen who iuia no.ann in the army, bound to rmit'ihnte to tn I 'Soldier's Fund," ns ererr citizen has interest at stake in the penning struggle. nnd that we will take no deninl; nnd that we will regard Vorv one who in not. fur im oirfiinoi «>- Jieaolvfd, That tire sense of this m*etinc if, (hat each Tax Payer, in furthance of the above resolutions, for the support of tlie families of those who have volunteered, or may volunteer in defence of this Slate or the Confederate States, should pay at least ten jger cent, upon his goner*! and District lax, semi-annually, (tb wit, in the months of July and .Tannery,) during thfc con- tinuance of the war. * '* 7 ' Rctolvcd, That John R. DVillson he, and is hereby appointed to go over this Battalion and collect, in money or note, from each and ewy tax payer, tlTe said ten per cent., and to rscrive all other voluntary contributions in furtherance of the above object, and that lie make n return to the clerk of the court of the names of all and every person who mar contribute, und itlso that li« report the minio or names of any, if they eIiouIJ bo one found, whose love of country, »»f right, and of liberty, and all that is worth living for, is so small that he cannot, or will n^t pive» we with to know him that he mny be liehl \i|i and looke.l npon with acorn nnd contempt. Resolved, That we approve of the organiza- tion of 'ho soldier's aid Mciety, recommended at i a meeting at Abbeville Court Houhp Inst s.ile /lay, and we do hereby recommend and appoint Copt. Samuel Agnew, T. Y. Martin and M«r- fcall Sharp suh committee for the Mulberry beat. For Cnpt. Bigby'a compay, Cnpt. G M, Ma'.ti- son. Stephen l.ntirrn" mid <3 t.txi- For Capt, Hroakp'c<>mp*nyi Col. William Clink »calee, Basil Callnham and Hugh Robinwin.-. Capt. RndclifiTa company. Thomas Crawford, William J. Stevenson, dnd Wiliium.£5or<lon. This report wao unanimously adopted. The following resolutions wcr« tlieu submitted and adopted. jietoivcct, i lmt Jolm Tt. Willson be requested | to ascertain tlio amouut required to pny tl«e hallance for tlie Uniform of the Southern G uard?. t nndlthsl while collecting for the Soldier'# FuDd, < he solicit r6n»rihn»!<">- * * ..wmnvms iu pay said amount. Jietolved, That we form companiesJo be called Ilome Guard* at convenient places, *nd ihnt all, especially over the age of forty-fire, and between the age of twelve and eighteen, be requested to connect themselves with said companies forth- with. Retoleed, That atl citizens be nnd nre hereby requested to provide ihaftinelve* wi'h fir* arms for all the members of ^9^ families rnpnblg "of y>rnii ana mat tliey keep ft all time* a I supply of ammunition, to be used in snap of an emergency. . * Jtuolved, That tlie Jhanb* of* < It is jTieeting is hereby tendered to John II. Willson, for liis vol nntary and dirintereFtei^ proposal to collect the Soldier's Family Fund in this Battalion. Ritolvfd, That although he*aeks n-itlier Tee or regard for collecting as aforesaid/fae he paid at least the compensation pf a tnx collector. R*+T«. J . ...» mo proceedings of tl;»s ing be published in the TjueAVest Telttcope;i\\& Abbeville Preu aud Banner. . J. I. BQN-XER, Ch'mn. A. C.Hawtuoin, Seo'y. v HccwisB<VoLUNt*j;R*^.From the afthjofhed clipped from the Augusta ChrontHe 4f.Sa< ur- day. it would appear that the President of the Confederatefttntea will accept armed rolunteeiiif J from State without applicatiAi tt> the (Jtwr-r- esnor of Ut« Stjt«r , "A"ldi»paUjli was redoive*hi% this -lf» '* d|^s }nee, for a gentlemen in eoqnty, fronv iwnmlxr tof* thVC + mibv me uoTernro»Wi would accept » volunteers who offer lh«i*V je**iOMdjftef '^.V Pre*Weht, provided tfcey *re arfned, exen%» comipo*. fhot gun# and rifle*, buvifirrifr#tj .t? leave the Stite with -Ifctt-agpia .Goxtrt»?* orttT^ Tha the rein of Uke-OoVerfer t<r«bntrbl whWi beltfA# a'-jUu' >r, from infor^atiQ^J|»^WPPi «i»Ui mI, Hi . -i gsrdt tlna following fcet* » fixed : + - ® JH. Th«M*#.*w,«orun»iy *»***#*&* *«\f otir ... Mm#.- v- *"?y, aa. -rut u^fg fryt- | . U fvo^yy. w- j Jjlic ft()b£bille . ; r A bb p;* jCo. W. A^I^EE.EBITOB: * Friday Morning, June 21. 1861. EST W o arc nuthortied to «ni>ouno« MATIIEW Mc-DONALD nt cundi.l.ite for re- eloation in Clerk of lh« Court for Abbeville Dislriff- nf tlio n/i»l May 22.1, 1SGI. pjj" Tlie friends of \\ ILL1AM C. MOORE, respectfully nDif«unc« him a candidnta for Clerk of ilie Court of Common Picas, at tlie ensuing election. &jT Tlie friend# of WILLIAM nI. T, are desirous to retain him n* Ordinnry, mid tliey respectfully nominate liim for re election. OCR CORRESrOKDENT. Wo regret Hint the letter of <>ur Virginia correspondent of the VtIt inst., was received j too late fof pnlilication incur Ins! week's is- sue. Tlie letters ore us very interesting, and furnish the most satisfactory details from j tlie pent of war. We commend them to tlie careful perusal of our readers. CONGAREE HOUSE. We had the pleasure during n recent visit to Columbia, of partaking "f the hospitality of mine host of the Congnree House, Mr. J. C. .Iajxt, whose merits in hisown department nte [so well known to the travelling public. Mr. -IaNf.y is indeed the Napoleon uf the Hotel Keepers, and needs hut. to lie known to he np- precinted. His House is always furnished with the hcst that the market affords, anil its hospi- tality is dispensed willi a cordiality, ntid n kin.l and considerate attention to the comforla of liis guests which are ahove nil praise. It would Inlior lost to say anything more.» word to tl;e wise is sufficient. CA?T. THOMAS K. JACKSON. The Iriuii'ls of this uctive and efficient yoo'ip fficer were very much irrnii(i«-d by his recent visit tiijliis place ilurimj the past week. Til- ling lately been stationed at Fort Blips, on the Frontier of Tessa. o(\d immediately upon hear- ing of the secession of his native Stnte. resign- ed his commission in the Unitt-il Slnti.« a I Returning to Montgomery, he rfcO«-iv«d n Cur- tain's commission in the Confederate service, and was appointed to a position in the Com- missary's Department, and gtatioued at At- lanta, Ga. Capt. Jackson is ji graduate of \Wst P«>int, and -for come time held tiie responsible posi- tion of Inst ruetor in Tact ics. at that Institu- tion. He is one of the most promising }-oimg officer* in the service. lie has heen recently ordered to Virginia, and will no douht make his mnrk wherever the occasion rany offer. j Military Election. At a nK-eline on Paiwtlny lu«t o" th» voltin- j teer Company recently raised in this District, j for the war,' the following jj-utleiner, were elected : Jajiu M. Pr.Rftl*. Ccplniti. John G. Edwahiis, 1st Lirnirnnnt. W'm C. Davis, 2d Lit-iil#nniit. Towns Uobkrtson, 3.1 Ltriitenant. The following arc tiic appointments of non- commissioued ofiiccra: Jamts S. Cothras. IkI Sergeant. F. II. Wabiilaw. 2il Sergeant. Robt. J. White, 8d Scrgonnt. C. M. C EES WELL, 4th Scrgennt, L. A. Wabdlaw, iii'i Scrgciint. J>. L. McI.auciii.in, Isl Corporal. A. E. Lebly, 2d (Virpfral. Thos. McCaslan, ScTCTrpornl. G. M. Jordan, 4th Corpornl. - J. T. McKbllak, 5tli Corporal. D. R. Penny, Cih Corporal. Tliia company design nttucliing itaelf lo Col. una Rrgiinrut of RiflaF, now almost com- plied. : THE EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. t This Religious B«>'dy assembled in this plucu on Wednesday last, tli«> 19ih inst. The Ilishop of llie Diocree, tlie III, llev. Thomas F. Davis whs present, and oJso a very fair representa- tion of the Clergy and Laity. ..On Tuesday evening the annual meeting of '.lie Advancement Society was held, and va- lious resolutions adopted, urging thu necesai- it-6 of the Society, and it* claims to the cor- cu-u|>erauon 01 iue various congregations*' | >f the State. f The Annual .Sermon before tlie Convention v !fas preachod on Wednesday hy the Itev. \Yrm. Dehon, of St. Philip's Church. Charleston, and (. Iio morning service whs read by the Ruv. ;< Messrs. fllcnnie and Shand. , p After a short recess, Ibe ConventioifKv^s #r- e 'anized; various matters of business were r ranxncled, and the bis hope Address was rend >y the Rrv. C. Gadsden.' The Hddre.->$, imnng other suggwRons, recommended the ap- loiptmeni of delegates to a Convention of the i southern Diocetcs. The present f>tat« of the ountr\-, and the relations of the Churches south and North were referred to Hppropi iate committees. * Thft^ermon liefore the Advancement Society vas pre-ched to * large congregation on Vednescfay night l»v the Rev. Bdwsrd^teed. Tlie necessity yof putting oar paper tq pre*s kt, nn early hdftr. will preveut our giving an£ uitlior account of the proceedings of the Cod- ontion in our presont fssffe. COTTqjf 8UJ6CEIP1I0H8. "Tlie Georgiaon appear to Wave entered heart- Iv intotlie nelieme of contributing trt tliefnhds J the > Confi&djrat* "Ot.veriilnj*ntt*y euliscri- iing tikilio load in dotton cnll 01 her proilnptu V^obiervein the '4ugo»U OmnAt*iu/ioasfi*t a SMl or appointments \jy lion. 3v. IttjSlfc*, for til* >grp<w»^fr « Jlresiing the ieopl» u$»on^i^e *ubj#cL , -/ ,Th« plnri»«r» of Bibb ^juniy h»V?<*!>r«3y ubwmW »« tfti. wiiy WfrT.000 It» Ttygraph *j* tj*f *ill irfiree'ip ^^h r thousand. Col.^I^Uoy $,»P'*r -'"hIC ijl ^ftittrjil' oop*etition of thaplso * ' itnt<s ftcalled'en the Mh "of it Umob, ^iMm' ration tjpon investing 00 THE ?Iq NIC AT WALHALLA .BY THE j -y.V.. JUNIOR. J Wu'liad tlm ^ptfiv-urc "f attending? the Nio Waihalla on Friiiay lost. Riven upon the completion of the Blue Ridge ltuilrond to tliat pofut. Leavlne Abbeville on Thursday last for An- derson yillnpo we safely readied there in due time, neither seeing nor hearing anything of special importance, exccpt na to the" present AVhent and 0*t crops. All agrerd in saying that as abundant a ti#rve»t hud never been i known before throughout the country*. On Friday morning we. in comtmnv wit.1i tlm loveliest of ,the fair, startet^for llie depot from a half lo three quartern of an hour before tl\c train w«» to leave Anderson for Wqthalla, with J the i-xpectntion of gelling good seats, choice of cars. «fcc.; Ac. When wo arrived at the Depot wo found already tlure, a larire number of la dies and gMiitletneu occupying ser.ts placed on pialfoitn earn for our accommodation. No pns- setigor cars were there. Of course we had tlic choice of the seats and cars vet unoccupied, and we cheerfully went aboard to the tunc of j "I>ixie Lind," which the Negro Band of An- j del son were p'nying for our benefit? As lotifi as we romnincd ai the K.epot sjorej continued to come till the time for leaving arrived, when four or five hundred were on the train iinpa- tieut for the "Iron Horse," to try hi* speed j and strength in the direction of W.'hIIiiiUa. Along the road «;t a nnmher o.C places the the nccominodatini! conductor stopped his train to ail>l other® to onr already larjre crowd.. At Six and-Twenty Creek Trestle we look on board quite a number of ladies ami gentlemen, and we were resylved lo '-stand our ground," and so wo did. A bouncing young la<lv with beauty einniuh took the liber- tv of occupying a porlioii.of the seat we were 011. Immediately after, the cars began "to roll «ind were on the high trestle across Kixand- j Twenty. whieli is one litmdrtd and twenty fix feet high.rather high f«>r one to he from terra firm* on a train of open platform car*. In crosMi:|; she involuntarily Fpoke of the lieigli!,li :»f the trestle. We then presumed to tell her our name and whore we were from, to which sin; promptly responded, "Miss C , from the Noith/* We bowing nn assent said, "Ah, Northern lady with Southern principles t" "1 have 11 veil South two y*ars, and I expect to mtilto it my hoine in the future,** wnsj her re- ply. Reader, fur half nn hour we h<d n pleasant tiiue, hut unything further is n»u« of your business. When we arrived at Pendleton a ijreaj'.erowd i»f the beauty ami intelligence of Pendleton were assembled ct. the Depo.t anxiously wait- ing to he off to V\ allmlfh. but owing to thp ii\\mber nlre.idy nlionnl we passed on, leaving .v> imiu in i ii*- rcir. inn liitlDl ignin played "Dixie Land." From Pendleton to Wall.nil.. we t.iado. jjood time, never etop- [ i'.iT except orca«ionnlly to lake aboard tlie passengers tlint \yere standing «»n the roadside. Ae soon as we were in niirlit of the place of our Jest'nation we raw a perfect s«'a of head*, aiid »s we neared the Depot tlic number wan in- :rensf(l 'en fold. Our Band not forget ting to piny '-Dixie" onec more. Tlie immense crowd there numbering from four to five thousand now Riovcd towards the speaker's si and, a i-liort distance from tlic De pot in a shady grove. This vafjt conoourae 'ented. the President of the Day then intru- [ juceu Col. Or.R. who made an appropriate address a the soul-stirring manner tlmt lie is known to ae eapabln uf. * lie first complimented tho root] people of Pickens upyii the completion of .heir Rail Rood to Wttlluilln, and then lie ap- pealed to the young nien for the aid of their iloiit hearts i.n«l strong arms, to defend the ights of the South, and ur^ed them to l>e ever niiidfiil of the honor and glory of their he- oved District. lie then called on thesn who *ere not in the ranks f the army to lend their »id to the cnusc of freedom and liberty of the jotilh V>y giving freely of their money to sup ; j >ort the fnmiJir-8 of those who nre now in jhc krmy, as well as to tlio families of tho*e who hereafter join the ranks in dcfencc of our ommou couiifljf. The soldier, he an id, would j ight a hc-itelvhAiiio, win « 'naro gloriouj 'ictory if he l;n<-w ihut Jii» country sm- »lv providing for the noetEjltjes of his depend- nt family while in the service. Hon. J. P. Rrcn then addressed the nudi- nee fur hnlf on hour in his well known hu- noroua and eflVctivfc stylo. H«* paid a high rihute to the patriotism of the Germpna in ormer limes, and aaid that he knew ttint they cere yet. aa gallant and biave their fathers «d heen in th? days of the Resolution lit urn in n {juiwinK manner apoke 01 'lie patriot iin of the good ladies of »61 uml paid that the ntriotiem of our mothers in '70 could not, he qutil tp the patriotism of t|»e women of the resent time, and concluded liy a&yine that !)e now it would he wfilh lli* men in Pickens us i wm in Anderson, tiiat the question would e. "Who will stay nt hornet" ond n-1 he. Who will go to the defence of »h« country- t" Gen. IlABaia-'f next intide n speech which flR tn w'ltKwmnrlro/t * . »en who are not now tpnWit'ci^nd wliosisy at oine and tuke nq part in the' bntlles of the oqlh wonld fl#d it difficult to obtain ft wife » all, #nd tliHt'ft young man could do tenfold lore 10 gaiff the f4vocof his lady-love hy wri- ng to her front Virginia, than l>y pressing liis Iftjjia to herjp pet-eon nt home. Oi)l. J. Whiter Mat^jau. .ifow araje orpi<K re«r»ppUti?e and crieit of "Hurrah for a sol ier irom ^Mexico," nnd "Ilufrali for M-nr- 1*11,'' Ac.# <fcc., uM^fee)iv«rcd speeches* iiieli ns li»ien«-d wilh profound l«uce )»y »<# be" xcd on aDd loud »d long did»ftRw<WfliO<P^»Hll6 dfHvering it 1-tAftot^ 'ttonking >rdfel rt | Kim, >*V."'gnid fiyinup vnu ^,-J.hey hud extends one® r»d the WtUfflfru of Mexico '- > ' * res^i^ wiOjaut .a ^Tbt.BP blv gri6rf» fl.g '«T #th© Btirirfi" ne* fn « fur JKi tightqp ewwiftjy /or. lid lii«" fireside, imj} ;yer suffer lliiib jacud teeati%yotfr\\y0t Wm0i* re-JWly*; finnw^unoyt£ gg|Jl, Off notmcedthat tlie Pic Nio Pinner was on the tables In an udj^enlgroVe, whuti tho «U'Henca>^ inimxd ately retired to'* the spot wher^ vi nils of nil Jiinds were to be fonn«l in abundance.-.. The reader iwiy re»t uasurejj^iliat the audience paid their ret-perts (o the eatables with all the gusto of n hungry crnvd, Tlia dinner dispensed with, the audience enjoyed themselves to tho best of their nlulity Fn "converse sweet," with these for whom (*_ kindly feeling wps heing cherished. \\n ol> tnined u cnrrTngo of accommodating dimensions and in cun.pnny with a timid nnd interesting cousin and others beautiful and fair. drove. to , the pU-noapt ntuh beautiful Village of Wal^nlla, About oiio nnd it-half miles distant from the Depot. While op the way \\u-re had a magnificent view of the mountain* not fur dia tnnt, and 'twas then that we realized the fact that, " 'Tid distance lends enchantment to the v iew. And cloih«-a the mountain in its lizure hue." Walhalln is a place ivlwre considerable business will be d«ue (jopie day not fur dia tant. Its papulation is principally Dutch. ; it! i inci) vooippntue i«U te t>c*ht coompn. nic." and of course we were once iti the* best V company of the ' I'nrniKjUjJof E»rtli." On our arrival at the Depot from !!» Village of Walhiilln we again jr«*t aboard the curs to th«? tnne of '^ftixie Land." to wait the lime for moving toward* Anderson. Just before start- ingthe Band concluded to ohango their |-ro- Cr/\mino and played '-C"tnc out of tlio Wilder- ness " Prewntly we were off. and right well' did we travel, nnd All safe and soundly. We were soon in An«'erson.the Band not forgetting Dixie Lnnd." The inner lonn cured for, we w^re sootv in ottr room calling hn<-4.to our mind's eye in pnnornniic view the many pleas- ant recollections of the day. E'joying the honor and privilege of the society of tlu-ae iif the gentler sex ?o whom we do hninni;«\ nnd th«- [deasant manner in which everything pulsed ufT during the day, these are certainly sufficient to make us ever turn with feelings cf pleasure to, unr trip to Walhalla. We Irave yet lo epcnk of the soliriely and rvrder of tlx* crowd generally. and we con scarcely know what to say. and how lo imv it To sny tbnt we »uw io this large croud no tquahhli^ig, no dvi^kuig, ami h>-ard no l«ud lulk <riff, no swearing, and no vulgarity 01* ohm-en- i-t.y would not do thi-se r.oble pe-ple Imlf jtis- tuve, for never hefort* in our life have we seen half (>o orderly n crowd. Aid when a chance (van given to thore desirous of Volunteering number* responded in a manner tlint <1 ill the trood old District oi I'ickeii} po M\auie, ami ivouM lift ve arhled fref«!i Iaui«l6 to the brows of lie bravest »f the brave. Ten thousand cheers for old Pickens! YEARLY CO&T OF SUBJUGATING THE SOUTH.' The New York Journal of Commerce is on Iflgeil in "counting I In-cost*' ol the war per fear. It nastitncg th-it tlierc will he, while the tear lust<>, in the pay of the United States over ind above ita regular army p,iul nuvy e*t.ah- lishmerit.*, no len> Minn '215.0DO snhliera nml IB,- lyft sailor*. Willi lliese ilnta as a hni>i* of eal- ulation, it figures out the pr«x'unate Yearly rort of the campaign a* follows. Omitting; from otir estimate tlie prul'alile :ost of mediciiieft ui.il hospital atten lutice, am >uianc<'8 Imggng..wagons. aiiiiii'iiiiiiou for cun on nn<] rifli-6.n lartje it:-in.mid all the oilier neidcntal expenJCf, which enn only lie c;ir*«- -.1 fit, we foot u|> the } early tot:iIs as follow*: 'aj of i! 15,000 soldiers . . . $4'),71)0.000 Do. 18.0»IO eailo,-s 2.59£AiHiit ioldiers' clot Whig 6.1 iojKK) Soldiers' arms for tlic war . "l. . 3.8fiO,OOii tat ions for soldiers anil sailors . 15.730.000 I ronspi'itolion, and ixtra pnvul f»:r- viae for blockade 12,000,000 terns omitted or contingent, inclu- ding pickings and QVealjngs, com- mission*, «$c., 4!Cm <fci\, . . . 50,000 000 - Total $131.032.111)0 Then nd.l $50,000,000 for the ordinary ex- lenses of Government, nnd we Imve total of ?1 81.032.1)1/0 Her annum f'nll !t Hiw nnn iiah tiid we fllioll piohnhly he pretty near the mnrk. f ,'iiit id moje than linlf n million n dnv. Some | inve estimated our totul expenses at a million { ; 1>|jt l-Jj'". inclined to thi:ik, is an . xnggeiution. n Yet large as the pr< pent outlay mvtsl fieee3- h urily h«*, it ig more likelj- to he inereased than I liminished, from 3'eitr to j'ear, bo long as the c rar lusts. Then* will noon lie a large body of a Ten unavailahle; such »i tlift disabled, the I iik and the liizy, who must hn provided lor nt li cost quite equal to thut required fo? troops hi n onr active "service. In the present condi- o ion ot tlie revenue, the neouwity seems )>> vi table of creating a'lxrge public debt, to be isi'liargeJ by the UfXl or (Ui-cepding gpnera- ion»-' Nor is tlie Government expenditure tbe only uracn wnieti the people must henr during the ontiiiuiiuce of the wor. Private subscriptions onutions and contributions, in one forn) or an- ther, fppp no incoiifideruhlp item in thp cost f fitting out (he a|-tny and taking cure of the milies of these who liuve enlisted in th«s3l>l- nteer force. These subscriptions ^already mount to many millions of dollars, perhaps io II the >>'ortb«:rn States to-nearly fifty mijtiuna, iclqding Statec appropriations, and they must untiiiue until the occasion for exiraordinHry>> Kpcnditnrea shall have pAMed or the resources f the.country boconie go much exhausted tlint le people will nfl'longer be able to dear this itraordiaary tax upon^e'ir generous patriot; ' W AH OTHER BATTLE. "r Rtpa^oNi), June i8.r-Ufp«rt^d ^ baltla aa%» pry iiunieroa*; Itijt only 4ha,- following [ r«* ship : Passengers report a skifmjelj between >e federal and Con fetlqrate troops on yiennar nd Luudon and Hampshire railroad, (V* ,j ri« morrting. Serenfed«»r*1i«ta were killed. Snfederaia tipop«^uriJ#jurtd. v - ^ V w>»n|ws*av. June]8..J'lie War tfepart- <>r^;^ tU^boiidio^ tfjfo Uarjyrt {fry^ri^ge.. - I^jvf-atonu paeppieiXceib<trg."feotidoD Cofen- l/Vrrginla,' Secretary CliaM eo nsql ti nj^ ein in%p» i^tt rvUtifjt to IU« ret*jia« »mb«*f(M#rnent. it^liavea fhitt a rtjtrisiurt of lb« t ariff-.-n«. loinfc'iSba duties a'nd ^pending th# fr« liat Joe relbmiVicnd'qd to C»i National Inullifaeri iye» «wi«tA*c« from N«r l" iqntt.be <ft«coni imied. fate df lh# »: ' ; VIBOI^IA. CORRXflPOHQEHCE. tl^uiuroAfJK) ,jj * ^ . P**'* J 1 Mw^EnitORt.Onr ««mp -ha* pr<'*«nt»<1 »noli A monotonous of Inlmr 1411^ ilrill f<»r Uie lust w«-k. that we Imve noiUin^.of l|i> din of Imttle mkI clnili of nrm* ta jiredifiit to jour iviiiU't-s iu tlii* iMa**! In tliis tlivisi>>r» of Vii>- giimi uuiii uei lujer* til* nre lyiit(f upon I lieir onrn. at h very r^pectful di*lanuu apart, in caecr anticipation of 111#' eomlnir fi'ivy.reach parly ranguinrly expecting nn.l preparing for nl'ack, {lightly sleeping npQii thoir arm* in an- ticipation of tlint vili), lenrful cry, "to arms. tl» arm'." which tin-ill* the .-<ol\)ier'* lioaom with such miiiiflcl «>ni«'ti«>n* of itfprchennion »nd iiidtjHurinblc Our riiemy nre mnkint; **v«-ry preparation for defence on the #uSiirl>n of Alexandria. and we aro embracing the same measures. and throwing np the Minn fortifica- tions at Hull's Run and Manassas. Just hero we may mention that Hull's It n and Camp Renur«-gnrd nre one and the same place.the former ihe lui-nl name, the latter Appellation is the camp name iriven hy our Col. in honor^ ui nit- <11*1 in^niKiKMi tmnmnaiU'r 01 (inspection of Vireiiua. This state of.qui«;lud« an.] peaci* liii3 cautioned i>(> loni: that the Carolinians \iavc n)in(ii<t abandoned a!l hope of soon meet- ing ' ho as lln-r socm to linvc rrdinfiuish- oil all iilrn of advancing in this direction, tlwiiiuli ^ciitl nucci-pila by strategy and may pounce upon us, wlie.n least expecting it His uenoraUhip. consist in decoying liis fo« l>y his niovfini-ntt* and tlior. "iriking them in some unguarded moment when ho has every advan- tage of position, number and lime. His must bitter foe must accede to him the elem.-nts of n Ureal general; fortunate is it. for us, that he has not the subordinate officers lo put in exe- cution the brilliant plain of his military i»eni- Us, lie doubtless can accomplish as much with us little loss of life as »ny general tliat- ever led an nrmy to a battle field ; as an in- stance of l»i* regard for a soldiers life during the Mc.-yii-ati Campaign, he is Faid to have matched fifteen milr* over the worst and most mountainous road in Mexico, to avoid passing o siisijle Imtterv. In liis dotage his pl;»n«, cer- tnmly will often lie cxtrnvng;»nt, though if he liml the officers troops nnd supplies to execute Iiih plan, it. would cost tlie South mnny n hard hjow before the recognition of her indepen- dence. Tlie laiil tidir.trs from YVndiintiton 1 io.ate n movement of lurire numbers of Northern ttonps in ino iiirt»ruo» ot llarpft's I'Vrrjr. Should the}* uttuck us it is prolinlitv tliBt our forces lit Mnuat^nft will niU'fiiie« towards Alr*.iudria «M(1 drive the enemy across tlie P«i toman, Scott, is lifgiiuiinir 'o realize llu< fit« lij.tt lm cnn not collect a t>uf}ici«nt numbers « » f.iops before the mooting of Conjjrow In tnneri i|niii Norfolk, Maii»f>°as a ml Harper** Feii'« i nul- tar.pou.-lv. And it isjiowcurrently b«;|ie 'ed hy i!i.' powers ir. authority ilint. tlie hitter |iluc.* will Mini he attacked.the place ie c»n-i.|"ivi| iiniirc^iiaMt* nn.l ita hy<t. defences are the bravc hearts of its noble defenders. as they are imliilC'l with the invincible determination of L*i)iiii1as at the pa#? of Tlicrmnpvloo. The Inst weeks peaceful attit' le in this nee- ! lion of Virginia has not been m throughout tin* til ir«' -Sl.it->. It is true thai. the lesson *.ni)i;lit he United Mntf$ IV"K"o»s by tin* Wiirrfiiton Uiflt-nien liu« not lieen forgottt-n, aii.l the fair- J ice recollect* willi loo milch profit ber reeep- ion at Aqni* Creek, !.o repeat tint vi^if.. rio.ugli near PhiUippi, in North Western Vir- ;iiiin. ii regiment of Virginians lias been driven 'rum its position 1»3* nil overwhelming force mt with great, proportional loss to the . ne- 113-. Minor fights have occurred near Newa Mirt New?. On Saturday evening n company >f Norllt Carolinians encoMntered n plunder- up party of Ij.o Vonkeye. nhogt double tjieir nyn number. in ^-hicl.t »kirtuish_t}^e hr.^ye sons if I lie Old N011I1 State gallantly battled (or iouil^rn Independence, repulsing the enemy rithmit loss lo theineelves. The fight occur- ed at Iie'liel Church, on the line between Elizabeth City riM York counties, and was cm-wed on Monday nv»r«ing between about ,8tMi Confederate troops and 3,500 FejJpriil* 'lie hitter were .again def.-at.ed and put to light. According to the rrport brought lo iond-qn»rters to-dny our loss was about six. Itc enemy lost in the first skirmish ahout 15, ti il.e !hhL 200. These vanguard ckinnisly-ij iay bo the Alpha nf this wnr, whilf the Omc- « lies far in the mta of thefu ure.they* mav e tlie small rivulets of human gore, when ompnred with lli« oceans of lilood yet tit | lied. though they ought to he sufficient to each the Lincoln Scott administration the vaf >r and unerring marksmanship of Southern nldiera.it ojgltt toteaeh them that the trend f a Norlhern army stakes np teiror to the outhern heart. The Noitliern papers express the eager desire f their troops to come in collision with the !arol;na soldiers.this wish is especially eher-* 'lied by llie Massachusetts regiments but., ttange to Biy, they afe ia,Lfifteen -miles march f fifteen hundred Carolinians, jdUre not arcli upon them, yet boast *fh«t they rill crush us t ut. like so mfeny sfokly pond rceda. Brave people! Imve thoy given to oh- ivion the memory of the Carolinian*, whose ones ItloAeh qpun Noitlieru soil of r«volqti»n- ry buiiquity f Hay 6 tjiey so <rtnn fo|-gpiten ow the 1'almetttf Regiment savpd the honor of :it> American flair in Mexico. And as for brave . m. tvlm minlil I.jm ilwmtkt efaglilivrs wishing to combat with Carolinians Iyer i lie nietnnrah!* fi* ammand her >mc, tljfly mjjy. uy tnfely itnlicipi he poiyl-wc'cilS ill M&ale thr id before thay aJ e vigilant. Ie» one} imtrcb n TJie ijjg Cnroly^ regjjrjjcntr ar^till"fli ,ik» line rlnu&<1.-?igiiHf'l in »ny Iflit letler. 9tic«» ilie^trhiva) iff ihrX oth^r^fgiriKnl-: at 1ohm(rii<t." lhow of Col*. C«»h. Bacon. W<i J*!!- inft (hodl^K- "»?«' *««n not .'»«c>?rWlii whctli^ i«y will lie »ent to «or ew«c<>ur,«>r oiwTer(f4 to ip»*, p t|»ty jyof! iijgii) j .* TJie iiivt-and eoMd r^ijaM-nUi flre »pffc>t* fijchi * bid4^n(J(i«^n for hjiUlc. Our ^ . f ^ '..?vfg We have fkdj one detiUwjfi thqjttijimeiil.none -of- our .yotn pHtjv^ir# (faj^roi^. ; We ha v«p ^ceiv.od thrre adfce«>ion? to <>i# puny recently, Mejjar*. Appletoo and Uro'l of At'lMfvilli-, AndU- Mr. iWleofc bhjther.^ gallant S^llevk *$io rAised the flrjt Aiif_v>jj_ flag upon Gun hi dt> Behn... In justice lo your printer its well as to m3°srlf we must state that many.of the errors olwvrvoliI* in these letter*, resnliufrom |lie illegible peuumatiship of tlie author. Your*, il. COMJIUNICATKl). "THAT STRANGE DISEASE." Mr Eiiitou: An rumor is rampnnt hii<1 "Jehu 1ik<>, drives furiously, we have deter- mined for tlie sgitcrnl lieurfit of our coinmar. einl intere**.# and lh<> social and intellectual <!- uutugt-a u iiiuii unve tor me lime been cut off by ibu nluive nainelcfs intru.lei'ami to n cer- ium extent impoater to fi-rr«*t out, rtrip him «»f Ills uifefk, niu) give him pitch naiin-, ami pliicc such di'tiiiciive mnrka upon him tliut lio may always be known hereafter not only by tlie ki>ii(lit. of tliu eye but even lh<» bcnrii'g of the c.i"'. This Tnoiift»*r unil eneniv lo itc'-Iv ami female beauty irrn^.tu have oriijinntrd farSouth of Magna iiikI Ilixou'd line.n point Iron) which we pre tItc tiiost vulnerable, nti<] from which we little expected such a peaceful onslaught on trrrtce 11 vi* 1 heanty. Mo» it please your honor I ho sleek ebon faces of our iY&tkie* were not proof against tli«? shafts of tins wily foe. The fir*t cheat Hint he perpetrated on our faculty of this place wnslhnthe vyss tru y. ewntmlly and to all intentb and purposes Chick- *n Pot. Well, if he had confined hi« rnvngcs to children in their minority we cnuld'liave submitted to and borne our misfortunes with some grtco. liut lie intruded himself into the sanctums uf maidens j'Ht Mushiug into full grown womifhood. Hp with unparallelled daring laid his defacing hand upon and dis- poiled oiany of their matronly Wanly, just ns if lie had a rii»l»t. to u«<; up their fair fnccs with pick axes and shovels.intimating to the li.r«'a of urcntion Mint, their* fortunes being made, !' Ill'it defortuity and unsightly faces were a rich and beautiful reward. Dut the rfmor#pli-M scamn assailed the tn-»r.f --1 rendered them disuustinrr to their grandlings hy covering tlieir faces wit.h uusigUtly splotch- es ah<1 lilotAhb". No', corilcyt be cuangeil his name n lil'le ntiJ w.js c.al!e<yby «lie faculiy of our place,--ami hy the hy Mr. Editor, \ye hnv« got. a wonderful faculty for i.nmcf.I shy It was cnllerl by the faculty of our pliice Vtiiiscl- lar or Vari* sellar. By faculty we <lo not by any means al'mle to the faculty of the Masonic. tVinnlv College, not to tlu> faculty of the Meth- odist. Conference Sclipnl, hut we menu tini ^iiiv oc.illy the I)octor faculiy. Well, when the Doc- tors give it. such underground names ns Vnri- sell.ir or Variosejlnr we did not w on o'er that. Ihey nor any other living or il«ad faculty should not. know the namo or nalnre of the disease, *o we tho'iglit. them utility smirt. men who could find out S'leh names. Snyoti se** we did not require I hem to know tile <liseK->es' nt nl', afier we heard what hnril names they 11 it * I to make to induce pvojde to believe that they could smash diseases all. i,c pieces with an iiieomprehe.iisihle name That is net. all. why should our Doctor faculty he ciaiipelled to ........ iimiifit imii 11icy m»i miv faculty could not possibly know. \V»*11 I ili^k. il li.nl ;..iotl,.r nuine Variollelt or Vnr:n b»!to». \V< (inlicil nil Webiter but lie trnw iij» no ligUi im 1 luifi* onrklv tn\ sti-rioiis nnnif*. A^niu fnnir 0111* -»i'\ n whs sii;i'1 pox in l'iiri«. just, up if iinnill |iD.\ bore bail jmy h-jtm blnncdto small pox in Paris. Why, Mr. Ivlitor, mniill |>ox here resembles sinnll pox in 1'ariit ii.lO'it as nmcli na a Into ami cbiok*!i8 r- Hcm- blt: an clephvit. Thtt. i# not. all ; if Ibis is hid :i 11 pox ili.it. i^iVfrs out* nil oyer mid leaves liiin full of liolcs nn-1 Hollows, we »v<Milil like t«> know what our learned faculty would qull large pox. Well, well, after we bnd hf.ird all ilie hard intitieii mid soft names iid>1 the doetors had examined and cross. -jm mined thom selves. \Vf i]o not in^an t<» imply th'at they eont.rudi cted themselves ; but tlmt they ]c/>rii- e'l lik<; ii* they are used very different words on different dnj-^ of the week. Tliey are a iittle like the prccnlinr*, if they do like the s*iiii> lext it. doad mil imply that they preach the same sermon ujiv more tlian it doe* that they preaeh H new sermon when they take a new text. Well t»l>out the end of seven day* or seven w»-eks we *ve not sure which it wa« thought best to vail it small j jinx vorv small pox, ns it. was found impossible H «uir faculty to give ifc ft new name unle*i< they were perniiitld t'Vcflninge the days of tlx? week to'i^ore than seven. Mr. Editor, when it was averted thnt we had small pox in the place you will be aston- ished to learji thai. it wm flatly denied hui] stoutly contended that : here hail not been a ca^e in ilie place. "The gift to gie u*." To our knowledge we know that tliere was one case which whs sftid by our faculty to be the ttnine as llit; others. Well, it waiii>et at pntight and a perron not of our Doctor fxculiy *ya» called in to establish the fact that our D.octora did not know the disease -when they saw it. We did learn his decision or what lie call ed the case; but if he did not know the dis- easo when lie saw it, no man in town h.id nfo re rijj|it tb knotf it, for'if itdid not give his fam- ily h cloce raking we, do not know what he woul4 call a full dorfi of it. We venture at all hnzardrf (o say that lie called it the name diaease. Tliftt is not nil, if oar Doctor* «r* not a llirewd literary *nd'scientific set of. men it is a pity I hat no one hna e**r found it *ont y«l. < So long a*our learned Doctor fnuulty ^aiwedii the au>>ject nr called i^y«ri*cHfir or Varei»«el- j hkr why every body pried tint, sninll PO»I small | pox ! 13ut so syon as onr fac^tyVentured 10 | whisper, the-Etiplionons sonrrd^ sm»ll 'jjtfx, it j prna denied that' a ch*e had b««ry iMEf. :Ws , felt hound t«r wrila lima ipuoli to inform the ri ps&ple that there has n«t been -a single case jjtL s tlji* "{trango disease," or small j> -x. or vari < iMlaWr varioletle, fwonder our dSeljKgff had \ iioi logmnifa «n me ursrasf wim meii^ a-a-^M hoi fell-n«oi<*! flnfaf ot!»yr region wjuld iliqy ;| l).ive come from ?) ja the Iftit four .Or i ^<wkci. .. ^ ... ^ ,1 80 tfW.jlUwljo wiaTT c»o coroe sniT hnj. | goodo or*Jli««V cnn vitit em-inHy or !h'\ kind trittn < J»w»li«rp up j 3»^ D/um, . Mt. HA- loetffi jtiftjh00^* rfne «fT*.»-trtrtrvf«l h>»toryi^f tfii*. jrwmhjys ilrHfl n >' i v.iTTi-'A' - ' . I, *iiu Iiiw^irangf I * w ta ntVtlio j»«ppl"^f Cvkmhurv wrote $ and l{ tb», people of (JoVesbury call on you teij^now ahout'it, why, all you will baVw to that nil llie fftvu'it-y wrote |t. ,.'yuu may c<>rttfnd« tittle further for my escape. and My C-lhtt collective bodies are like corporate boriiet, that is, they hare no conscience,. And* wlierfi Vlicrt is no conscience there is no responsibility, ami where there is no responsibility there fc» no niM'Oiiiilnbility So you sec I will eeenpe merited chastisement. both from people and from f.tcnl'y. That ia not all, I think dootors and people ought to forgive me n* I bnv«.here- by informed not only the faculty and citizen* that email pox and chicken pox and vnre«eI7ar 01 varenicellnr have l«»fi our place not only for the preMHit but IJiop.) foroller. Having dii- sha rged ii duly to my country and villaec I shall rtmain unknown till a tike occurrence cnlls mo iniw '-xiBifttiPo. Cokcaliury. GONE. NOT GOING. | " .A. CtlXlSrOE ! TO GET IN THE PICTURE. I propose to be onrof Seventy-Fir* Man to arm'uu selve* ami gay our own expenses for i>ix months. to go to Wgini:t to help clear the Old Di'tninioo of LincolnV Pirates. I will furnish every man with a Canteen And Cup fri«s Atiy p.-rson wiping a chance will <id4re^«iue j nt Abbeville C- II. U. \y. LA\V30>*. THE WAH. Richmond. June 10..A hutch of New York papers have just been receive.I. They aro very »ni:ry over the defeat at Ri-thel. The Tint'', ?nj i Butler has no prudence ; Pierce ha* no courage: and the sooner these JIHaunchn*et. buirijter* ore dismissed to their pleadings tho better: am] adds, that the lives of soldiers are too valuable to he i«qunndered ta convert these political hacks into heroes. The Timet aire, soys that ll»e. war tgvtf be J stopped' hml the Southern Confederacy'recog- iiiz«d, if ihc Line-oil} troops cannot do better | and culls for two hundred thousand incn to push through Texas; then, if defeated, to.su* lor pence. Th>* lift aid condemns the grand mistake by which the fed" ' t'-oopa fired into end) oilier, rii'1 if ' » ' .ie officers ought to be c<i- utiien-'" n* York paper#. however. L'entTH' , retly near Lite tr»itl>, nn«I ac- knowlfiijje tbeir defeat. The effect on the S^rlli is evidently a bad one. nnd I he people are beginuihg to tinii out theil- 11 list like." - The articles in tlie new papers are full of on- trealien urging Ihc Lincoln Government to. get !»«-*:.-r nfjcers and more mer\. When the result of the fight at Bethel wit known to Duller, he declined his intention to. W'lip I he rebels in 24 hour*. Parties who have arrived here atnte thil the port* of (he evacuation of Iliirpet'a Ferry nmy ye coji!»ider--d reliable. It e.aid tha' the. I'l-itvisional Government approves the eyacua ti-in .Courier. THE CONFEMRTfjE PIRINCJ. 1 Thi- Haltinmre Sim. in it." '-la'esr. accoanl" of- «* « thii-i, in us oon-espomlciutt from Forii-fiw Mt'nrii*1, lins ilie followinc ! "In form lit ion wii® reeci.tly deri.ved, from a. pnsjenger on !h> Adlaidc I fiat tho. slaughter i»f I'^e federal troops wh/s fenrfuJ. The Con- federates Lad a >titall batter)' of five gnna in, froot. of the heavy battery of rifled cannon, mi l tlmt was supposed to lie nit they hatt. 'I'ln* fittmll one was attacked l>y the Zuu»vo who fought bravely ; Imt Confederate forces, hut few in number, yielded without i$ttch t^istafli-e, and retired to the heavy h*tr- t«-ry ; thus drawing the who) federal column within range of their de.-trjictive fire. 'The number of killed nnd wounded wn» eati- itiHtei] lit F"t tress M<>nr£fe at. one thousand At least. Up to the time the Ady'axd« Irlt, 9. 'clock oil Monday night, two hundred nnd, eight)- wounded luiil been hrouglit to the hos- pital. and still there were more left. "Tin* lire of tho Confederates was extraordi- narily fatal, and tli^'were sa well behind their works ihnt nothing was eecttqj miv «f them until after tho fcdernl column be- gun their retreat, when some of them mounted on the top of their vroiks; 4 ^ "Who was in cotnipmid of the Confederate* was not nacertaii'iiflj'liitt It was thought that Col. M ;gruder was there. The guns are said to have been served with great rapidity ami unerring niin, not ono having missed its mark.*' Evacuation- of IlAEi'^rj Fersv..Rumors have been rife fur secern] dnya of iniili » mc. live us to nlmo4t almost. curry certainty with them of*tlie evueunti n of Ilnrpe^'s Fefry by the Sonlherfl trooos ami their march into v«r- ginia. At this distance from the sent of wnr, such m move items niosl t-uicidal. nnd a calcula- ted to l-ai-e » »r/s»er ff«*ot npon both t}»« Southern and Northern armies Minn the .evacu- ation of Alexandria, causing mistrust in one and r.-joicing in lbs oth*r. The most plaq-dbft feasor, which can be ad- vanced for the evacuation^.is the fr«Pof having our forues stationed ther# out .off by a fl.mk movement from the Westora^fritrt »f Virginia by McClelland'* troops, nnd eeparat« them front the remainder of onr forces lying farther 3o>nlu r. But i#-thuisth» course, it w«r« fog better to intercopt this advancing column* by one in anperior numoera, 4n<l contest their* *p- ' proacl) to Harper** Ferry, nod, at tha urao Lime, to reinforce the force* at Uiot ttathm;- cud place ,r»»irv<rt i»t opptopriata point* tattrMn aiem and' tW main body of thA army. "ftjri» joint liris'beeiwnnde almost irnpregoabta by latoVe, and our brave sold^prfc r* beeO-lab0?*^ ngfcr weeks to add alHl/tqaf* to ]t» »ee«rityt ihosen fir a 'ar better to* blplSSNlN^MW fsatneseft ot ilarperV Ferry than t£jBorren<l« it without a How. TU« tinw ha* eoraa^when oara rrwrtt be V* - -> « « .1* J-=- « R«r'Wrfar JfpoVl«rin)Of»' farry Imd o Imte confirmatjoaigt tbelrwk VweHto&VJW- noj,or:Hy. foV evet>Mion '-^ifill greallj pi>«ti>«iftgnti)t o.ifI'Mtitiftiw iJfM| »f Mond«yJ*1^i^¥om jfTUe En»t jfcnnvuee auction «n Ml rmto&#tylttpof

Prooafldings x>t n Meeting nt Donaldsyille.At n meeting lit, tt lew of tlie cit.ir.Mis ul the

Um>«r B*»u!i<n oOHlic UulttCU Regiment of Ab-beville District, tit UoiiBldtiTiJIe on Friilnv, the-7th June, ISO 1 : <sOn motion* Rtr. I. I. Roiiuit \vn« cnllcrf t»

the clinir, nut] A. C. Hawthorn won r.-queotriito net as Secretory.Mroomier on Inking the chmr exj>!ainet) the

-viijrwiriTviiu^KVUt g in » «ew iiju'i i>|>riu,« if' nmrke. i

Tito IIot». J. F. Marshall being present, on

inoiion of J. II. Wilton. Co!. Marfclmll was calleAwho mndfr. ohe of'lvs characteristic appeals,tirjfinjj the ntcfwty oforglmitinj; two additionalcompanies in AbbeTilU Dintrict( for immediateservice.On motion of K. Uaror. * committee of »even

wni appointed to prepare buaiueas for the meet- jing.The I'liuir appointed the following committee,

K. Ka«or, (jhnirmnn. Dr. W. T. Jones. Col. S. jDonald, Col. W. Cliiikscak's, liev. J. N. Young,J. R. Wilson and Thou. Crawford.

This Committee were allowed to retire, and.» after consultation, thry presented the following

report;lV/i<r<«», South Carolina, in common with

other Southern Stale*, is, now engaged in a warfor the preservation of our liberties, and theprotection of our richts; and "Wherrnti, the warIH likely to be n protracted one, in whieti thewholt. country may be involved, endangering. itnay be, our domestic tranquility ; and WJtrrtns,tho "Southern Guards," a company composed

. of our immediate neighbor* und friends have. taken up arms, und have gone to fi^ht our bat-ties. Therefore,

Retolztd, that the cause of tlio South in ourcause, an<l wo will aland by it, eren to the " bit-ter e nil."

. jRrtolvrd, thntthe prompt action of Ihe "South-ern Guards," in offering themselves fin*t to o:srown CArolinn, and then in enteriit|v the sprviceof the Confederate Slates for the defence of Vir-

* pinid, meets our hearty upproval, and we wishthein C3od-n|>eed.

Reto/ved, That the families of our soldier*" who lia»e gone, or may go to the war, nre forthe time our families, and we will *ee thai theytuffer no lack from the absence of their naturnl

, proicctora.Ren h-ed. That we will rni** a Soldier'* Fum

.ily Fuad, which shall Im expended in the euppnrtof arch. families if our soldiers ns m»y tieqtlaid.


fiuolvrtt, That we hold every citizen whoiuia no.ann in the army, bound to rmit'ihnte totn I 'Soldier's Fund," ns ererr citizen has interestat stake in the penning struggle. nnd that wewill take no deninl; nnd that we will regardVorv one who in not. fur im n« oirfiinoi «>-

Jieaolvfd, That tire sense of this m*etinc if,(hat each Tax Payer, in furthance of the aboveresolutions, for the support of tlie families ofthose who have volunteered, or may volunteerin defence of this Slate or the Confederate States,should pay at least ten jger cent, upon his goner*!and District lax, semi-annually, (tb wit, in themonths of July and .Tannery,) during thfc con-tinuance of the war. * '* 7


Rctolvcd, That John R. DVillson he, and ishereby appointed to go over this Battalion andcollect, in money or note, from each and ewytax payer, tlTe said ten per cent., and to rscriveall other voluntary contributions in furtheranceof the above object, and that lie make n returnto the clerk of the court of the names of all andevery person who mar contribute, und itlso thatli« report the minio or names of any, if theyeIiouIJ bo one found, whose love of country, »»fright, and of liberty, and all that is worth livingfor, is so small that he cannot, or will n^t pive»we with to know him that he mny be liehl \i|iand looke.l npon with acorn nnd contempt.Resolved, That we approve of the organiza-tion of 'ho soldier's aid Mciety, recommended at ia meeting at Abbeville Court Houhp Inst s.ile/lay, and we do hereby recommend and appointCopt. Samuel Agnew, T. Y. Martin and M«r-fcall Sharp suh committee for the Mulberry beat.For Cnpt. Bigby'a compay, Cnpt. G M, Ma'.ti-son. Stephen l.ntirrn" mid <3 t.txi-

For Capt, Hroakp'c<>mp*nyi Col. William Clink»calee, Basil Callnham and Hugh Robinwin.-.Capt. RndclifiTa company. Thomas Crawford,William J. Stevenson, dnd Wiliium.£5or<lon.This report wao unanimously adopted. Thefollowing resolutions wcr« tlieu submitted andadopted.

jietoivcct, i lmt Jolm Tt. Willson be requested |to ascertain tlio amouut required to pny tl«ehallance for tlie Uniform of the Southern G uard?. tnndlthsl while collecting for the Soldier'# FuDd, <he solicit r6n»rihn»!<">- * *

..wmnvms iu pay said amount.Jietolved, That we form companiesJo be calledIlome Guard* at convenient places, *nd ihnt all,especially over the age of forty-fire, and betweenthe age of twelve and eighteen, be requested to

connect themselves with said companies forth-with.Retoleed, That atl citizens be nnd nre herebyrequested to provide ihaftinelve* wi'h fir* armsfor all the members of ^9^ families rnpnblg "of

y>rnii ana mat tliey keep ft all time* a Isupply of ammunition, to be used in snap of anemergency..*

Jtuolved, That tlie Jhanb* of* < It is jTieeting ishereby tendered to John II. Willson, for liis volnntary and dirintereFtei^ proposal to collect theSoldier's Family Fund in this Battalion.Ritolvfd, That although he*aeks n-itlier Teeor regard for collecting as aforesaid/fae he paidat least the compensation pf a tnx collector.R*+T«. J. ...» mo proceedings of tl;»sing be published in the TjueAVest Telttcope;i\\&Abbeville Preu aud Banner.


J. I. BQN-XER, Ch'mn.A. C.Hawtuoin, Seo'y. v

HccwisB<VoLUNt*j;R*^.From the afthjofhedclipped from the Augusta ChrontHe 4f.Sa< ur-day. it would appear that the President of theConfederatefttntea will accept armed rolunteeiiif Jfrom State without applicatiAi tt> the (Jtwr-r-esnor of Ut« Stjt«r ,

"A"ldi»paUjli was redoive*hi% this -lf» '*d|^s }nee, for a gentlemen ineoqnty, fronv iwnmlxr tof* thVC+ mibv me uoTernro»Wi would accept »volunteers who offer lh«i*Vje**iOMdjftef '^.VPre*Weht, provided tfcey *re arfned, exen%»

comipo*. fhot gun# and rifle*, buvifirrifr#tj.t? leave the Stite with -Ifctt-agpia.Goxtrt»?* orttT^ Thathe rein of Uke-OoVerfer t<r«bntrblwhWi beltfA# a'-jUu'

>r, from infor^atiQ^J|»^WPPi «i»Ui mI, Hi . -igsrdt tlna following fcet* » fixed : + - ®JH.Th«M*#.*w,«orun»iy *»***#*&**«\f otir ...Mm#.- v- *"?y,aa. -rut u^fgfryt- |. U fvo^yy. w- j

Jjlic ft()b£bille . ; rAbbp;* jCo.


Friday Morning, June 21. 1861.

EST W o arc nuthortied to «ni>ouno«MATIIEW Mc-DONALD nt cundi.l.ite for re-eloation in Clerk of lh« Court for AbbevilleDislriff- nf tlio n/i»l

May 22.1, 1SGI.

pjj" Tlie friends of \\ ILL1AM C. MOORE,respectfully nDif«unc« him a candidnta forClerk of ilie Court of Common Picas, at tlieensuing election.

&jT Tlie friend# of WILLIAM nI. T, aredesirous to retain him n* Ordinnry, mid tlieyrespectfully nominate liim for re election.

OCR CORRESrOKDENT.Wo regret Hint the letter of <>ur Virginia

correspondent of the VtIt inst., was received jtoo late fof pnlilication incur Ins! week's is-sue. Tlie letters ore us very interesting,and furnish the most satisfactory details from jtlie pent of war. We commend them to tliecareful perusal of our readers.

CONGAREE HOUSE.We had the pleasure during n recent visit to

Columbia, of partaking "f the hospitality ofmine host of the Congnree House, Mr. J. C..Iajxt, whose merits in hisown department nte

[so well known to the travelling public. Mr.-IaNf.y is indeed the Napoleon uf the HotelKeepers, and needs hut. to lie known to he np-precinted. His House is always furnished withthe hcst that the market affords, anil its hospi-tality is dispensed willi a cordiality, ntid n kin.land considerate attention to the comforla of liisguests which are ahove nil praise. It wouldInlior lost to say anything more.» word to tl;ewise is sufficient.

CA?T. THOMAS K. JACKSON.The Iriuii'ls of this uctive and efficient yoo'ipfficer were very much irrnii(i«-d by his recent

visit tiijliis place ilurimj the past week. Til-ling lately been stationed at Fort Blips, on theFrontier of Tessa. o(\d immediately upon hear-ing of the secession of his native Stnte. resign-ed his commission in the Unitt-il Slnti.« a IReturning to Montgomery, he rfcO«-iv«d n Cur-tain's commission in the Confederate service,and was appointed to a position in the Com-missary's Department, and gtatioued at At-lanta, Ga.

Capt. Jackson is ji graduate of \Wst P«>int,and -for come time held tiie responsible posi-tion of Inst ruetor in Tact ics. at that Institu-tion. He is one of the most promising }-oimgofficer* in the service. lie has heen recentlyordered to Virginia, and will no douht makehis mnrk wherever the occasion rany offer. j

Military Election.At a nK-eline on Paiwtlny lu«t o" th» voltin- j

teer Company recently raised in this District, jfor the war,' the following jj-utleiner, wereelected :

Jajiu M. Pr.Rftl*. Ccplniti.John G. Edwahiis, 1st Lirnirnnnt.W'm C. Davis, 2d Lit-iil#nniit.

Towns Uobkrtson, 3.1 Ltriitenant.The following arc tiic appointments of non-

commissioued ofiiccra:Jamts S. Cothras. IkI Sergeant.F. II. Wabiilaw. 2il Sergeant.Robt. J. White, 8d Scrgonnt.C. M. CEESWELL, 4th Scrgennt,L. A. Wabdlaw, iii'i Scrgciint.J>. L. McI.auciii.in, Isl Corporal.A. E. Lebly, 2d (Virpfral.Thos. McCaslan, ScTCTrpornl.G. M. Jordan, 4th Corpornl. -

J. T. McKbllak, 5tli Corporal.D. R. Penny, Cih Corporal.

Tliia company design nttucliing itaelf lo Col.una Rrgiinrut of RiflaF, now almost com-


THE EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. tThis Religious B«>'dy assembled in this plucu

on Wednesday last, tli«> 19ih inst. The Ilishopof llie Diocree, tlie III, llev. Thomas F. Daviswhs present, and oJso a very fair representa-tion of the Clergy and Laity...On Tuesday evening the annual meeting of

'.lie Advancement Society was held, and va-lious resolutions adopted, urging thu necesai-it-6 of the Society, and it* claims to the cor-

cu-u|>erauon 01 iue various congregations*' |>f the State. fThe Annual .Sermon before tlie Convention v!fas preachod on Wednesday hy the Itev. \Yrm.Dehon, of St. Philip's Church. Charleston, and (.Iio morning service whs read by the Ruv. ;<Messrs. fllcnnie and Shand. ,pAfter a short recess, Ibe ConventioifKv^s #r- e'anized; various matters of business were rranxncled, and the bishope Address was rend>y the Rrv. C. Gadsden.' The Hddre.->$,imnng other suggwRons, recommended the ap-loiptmeni of delegates to a Convention of the isouthern Diocetcs. The present f>tat« of theountr\-, and the relations of the Churchessouth and North were referred to Hppropi iatecommittees. *

Thft^ermon liefore the Advancement Societyvas pre-ched to * large congregation on

Vednescfay night l»v the Rev. Bdwsrd^teed.Tlie necessity yof putting oar paper tq pre*skt, nn early hdftr. will preveut our giving an£uitlior account of the proceedings of the Cod-ontion in our presont fssffe.

COTTqjf 8UJ6CEIP1I0H8."Tlie Georgiaon appear to Wave entered heart-Iv intotlie nelieme of contributing trt tliefnhdsJ the > Confi&djrat* "Ot.veriilnj*ntt*y euliscri-iing tikilio load in dotton cnll 01 her proilnptuV^obiervein the '4ugo»U OmnAt*iu/ioasfi*t aSMl or appointments \jy lion. 3v. H»IttjSlfc*, for til* >grp<w»^fr «Jlresiing theieopl» u$»on^i^e *ubj#cL , j£ -/,Th« plnri»«r» of Bibb ^juniy h»V?<*!>r«3yubwmW »« tfti. wiiy WfrT.000

It» Ttygraph *j* tj*f *ill irfiree'ip^^hr thousand. Col.^I^Uoy $,»P'*r -'"hIC

ijl ^ftittrjil' oop*etition of thaplso* '

itnt<s ftcalled'en the Mh "ofit Umob, ^iMm' ration tjpon investing00


Wu'liad tlm ^ptfiv-urc "f attending? theNio Waihalla on Friiiay lost. Riven upon thecompletion of the Blue Ridge ltuilrond to tliatpofut.Leavlne Abbeville on Thursday last for An-

derson yillnpo we safely readied there in duetime, neither seeing nor hearing anything ofspecial importance, exccpt na to the" presentAVhent and 0*t crops. All agrerd in sayingthat as abundant a ti#rve»t hud never been iknown before throughout the country*.On Friday morning we. in comtmnv wit.1i tlm

loveliest of ,the fair, startet^for llie depot froma half lo three quartern of an hour before tl\ctrain w«» to leave Anderson for Wqthalla, with Jthe i-xpectntion of gelling good seats, choice ofcars. «fcc.; Ac. When wo arrived at the Depotwo found already tlure, a larire number of ladies and gMiitletneu occupying ser.ts placed on

pialfoitn earn for our accommodation. No pns-setigor cars were there. Of course we had tlicchoice of the seats and cars vet unoccupied,and we cheerfully went aboard to the tunc of j"I>ixie Lind," which the Negro Band of An- jdel son were p'nying for our benefit? As lotifias we romnincd ai the K.epot sjorej continuedto come till the time for leaving arrived, whenfour or five hundred were on the train iinpa-tieut for the "Iron Horse," to try hi* speed jand strength in the direction of W.'hIIiiiUa.Along the road «;t a nnmher o.C places the

the nccominodatini! conductor stopped his trainto ail>l other® to onr already larjre crowd..At Six and-Twenty Creek Trestle we lookon board quite a number of ladies amigentlemen, and we were resylved lo '-standour ground," and so wo did. A bouncingyoung la<lv with beauty einniuh took the liber-tv of occupying a porlioii.of the seat we were011. Immediately after, the cars began "to roll«ind were on the high trestle across Kixand- jTwenty. whieli is one litmdrtd and twenty fixfeet high.rather high f«>r one to he from terrafirm* on a train of open platform car*. IncrosMi:|; she involuntarily Fpoke of the lieigli!,li:»f the trestle. We then presumed to tell herour name and whore we were from, to whichsin; promptly responded, "Miss C , from theNoith/* We bowing nn assent said, "Ah,Northern lady with Southern principles t""1 have 11 veil South two y*ars, and I expect tomtilto it my hoine in the future,** wnsj her re-

ply. Reader, fur half nn hour we h<d n

pleasant tiiue, hut unything further is n»u« ofyour business.When we arrived at Pendleton a ijreaj'.erowd

i»f the beauty ami intelligence of Pendletonwere assembled ct. the Depo.t anxiously wait-ing to he off to V\ allmlfh. but owing to thpii\\mber nlre.idy nlionnl we passed on, leaving

.v> imiu in i ii*- rcir. inn liitlDlignin played "Dixie Land." From Pendletonto Wall.nil.. we t.iado. jjood time, never etop-[ i'.iT except orca«ionnlly to lake aboard tliepassengers tlint \yere standing «»n the roadside.Ae soon as we were in niirlit of the place of ourJest'nation we raw a perfect s«'a of head*, aiid»s we neared the Depot tlic number wan in-:rensf(l 'en fold. Our Band not forget ting topiny '-Dixie" onec more.

Tlie immense crowd there numbering fromfour to five thousand now Riovcd towards thespeaker's si and, a i-liort distance from tlic Depot in a shady grove. This vafjt conoourae'ented. the President of the Day then intru- [juceu

Col. Or.R. who made an appropriate addressa the soul-stirring manner tlmt lie is known toae eapabln uf. * lie first complimented thoroot] people of Pickens upyii the completion of.heir Rail Rood to Wttlluilln, and then lie ap-pealed to the young nien for the aid of theiriloiit hearts i.n«l strong arms, to defend theights of the South, and ur^ed them to l>e everniiidfiil of the honor and glory of their he-oved District. lie then called on thesn who*ere not in the ranks f the army to lend their»id to the cnusc of freedom and liberty of thejotilh V>y giving freely of their money to sup ; j>ort the fnmiJir-8 of those who nre now in jhckrmy, as well as to tlio families of tho*e who

hereafter join the ranks in dcfencc of our

ommou couiifljf. The soldier, he an id, would jight a hc-itelvhAiiio, win « 'naro gloriouj'ictory if he l;n<-w ihut Jii» country sm-»lv providing for the noetEjltjes of his depend-nt family while in the service.Hon. J. P. Rrcn then addressed the nudi-

nee fur hnlf on hour in his well known hu-noroua and eflVctivfc stylo. H«* paid a highrihute to the patriotism of the Germpna inormer limes, and aaid that he knew ttint theycere yet. aa gallant and biave n« their fathers«d heen in th? days of the Resolution liturn in n {juiwinK manner apoke 01 'lie patriotiin of the good ladies of »61 uml paid that thentriotiem of our mothers in '70 could not, hequtil tp the patriotism of t|»e women of theresent time, and concluded liy a&yine that !)enow it would he wfilh lli* men in Pickens usi wm in Anderson, tiiat the question woulde. "Who will stay nt hornet" ond n-1 he.Who will go to the defence of »h« country- t"Gen. IlABaia-'f next intide n speech whichflR tn w'ltKwmnrlro/t * .

»en who are not now tpnWit'ci^nd wliosisy atoine and tuke nq part in the' bntlles of theoqlh wonld fl#d it difficult to obtain ft wife» all, #nd tliHt'ft young man could do tenfoldlore 10 gaiff the f4vocof his lady-love hy wri-ng to her front Virginia, than l>y pressing liisIftjjia to herjp pet-eon nt home.Oi)l. J. Whiter Mat^jau. .ifow araje orpi<Kre«r»ppUti?e and crieit of "Hurrah for a solier irom ^Mexico," nnd "Ilufrali for M-nr-1*11,'' Ac.# <fcc., uM^fee)iv«rcd speeches* iiielins li»ien«-d wilh profoundl«uce )»y »<# be"xcd on aDd loud»d long did»ftRw<WfliO<P^»Hll6 dfHvering

it 1-tAftot^ 'ttonking>rdfel rt| Kim, >*V."'gnid

'« fiyinup vnu

^,-J.hey hud extendsone®

r»d the WtUfflfru of Mexico '- > ' *

res^i^ wiOjaut .a ^Tbt.BP blv

gri6rf» fl.g '«T #th© Btirirfi"ne* fn « fur JKitightqp ewwiftjy /or.lid lii«" fireside, imj};yer suffer lliiib jacud

teeati%yotfr\\y0tWm0i* re-JWly*;finnw^unoyt£


notmcedthat tlie Pic Nio Pinner was on thetables In an udj^enlgroVe, whuti tho «U'Henca>^inimxd ately retired to'* the spot wher^ vi nilsof nil Jiinds were to be fonn«l in abundance.-..The reader iwiy re»t uasurejj^iliat the audiencepaid their ret-perts (o the eatables with all thegusto of n hungry crnvd,

Tlia dinner dispensed with, the audienceenjoyed themselves to tho best of their nlulityFn "converse sweet," with these for whom (*_kindly feeling wps heing cherished. \\n ol>tnined u cnrrTngo of accommodating dimensionsand in cun.pnny with a timid nnd interestingcousin and others beautiful and fair. drove. to ,

the pU-noapt ntuh beautiful Village of Wal^nlla,About oiio nnd it-half miles distant from theDepot. While op the way \\u-re w« had a

magnificent view of the mountain* not fur diatnnt, and 'twas then that we realized the factthat," 'Tid distance lends enchantment to the v iew.And cloih«-a the mountain in its lizure hue."Walhalln is a place ivlwre considerable

business will be d«ue (jopie day not fur diatant. Its papulation is principally Dutch. ;

it! i inci) vooippntue i«U te t>c*ht coompn.nic." and of course we were once iti the* bestVcompany of the ' I'nrniKjUjJof E»rtli."On our arrival at the Depot from !!» Village

of Walhiilln we again jr«*t aboard the curs toth«? tnne of '^ftixie Land." to wait the lime formoving toward* Anderson. Just before start-ingthe Band concluded to ohango their |-ro-Cr/\mino and played '-C"tnc out of tlio Wilder-ness "

Prewntly we were off. and right well' didwe travel, nnd All safe and soundly. We weresoon in An«'erson.the Band not forgettingDixie Lnnd." The inner lonn cured for, we

w^re sootv in ottr room calling hn<-4.to ourmind's eye in pnnornniic view the many pleas-ant recollections of the day. E'joying thehonor and privilege of the society of tlu-ae iifthe gentler sex ?o whom we do hninni;«\ nnd th«-[deasant manner in which everything pulsedufT during the day, these are certainly sufficientto make us ever turn with feelings cf pleasure to,unr trip to Walhalla.We Irave yet lo epcnk of the soliriely and

rvrder of tlx* crowd generally. and we con

scarcely know what to say. and how lo imv itTo sny tbnt we »uw io this large croud no

tquahhli^ig, no dvi^kuig, ami h>-ard no l«ud lulk<riff, no swearing, and no vulgarity 01* ohm-en-i-t.y would not do thi-se r.oble pe-ple Imlf jtis-tuve, for never hefort* in our life have we seenhalf (>o orderly n crowd. Aid when a chance(van given to thore desirous of Volunteeringnumber* responded in a manner tlint <1 ill thetrood old District oi I'ickeii} po M\auie, amiivouM lift ve arhled fref«!i Iaui«l6 to the brows oflie bravest »f the brave. Ten thousand cheersfor old Pickens!


The New York Journal of Commerce is on

Iflgeil in "counting I In-cost*' ol the war perfear. It nastitncg th-it tlierc will he, while thetear lust<>, in the pay of the United States overind above ita regular army p,iul nuvy e*t.ah-lishmerit.*, no len> Minn '215.0DO snhliera nml IB,-lyft sailor*. Willi lliese ilnta as a hni>i* of eal-ulation, it figures out the pr«x'unate Yearlyrort of the campaign a* follows.Omitting; from otir estimate tlie prul'alile

:ost of mediciiieft ui.il hospital atten lutice, am>uianc<'8 Imggng..wagons. aiiiiii'iiiiiiou for cunon nn<] rifli-6.n lartje it:-in.mid all the oilierneidcntal expenJCf, which enn only lie c;ir*«--.1 fit, we foot u|> the } early tot:iIs as follow*:'aj of i! 15,000 soldiers . . . $4'),71)0.000Do. 18.0»IO eailo,-s 2.59£AiHiitioldiers' clot Whig 6.1 iojKK)

Soldiers' arms for tlic war . "l. . 3.8fiO,OOiitat ions for soldiers anil sailors . 15.730.000I ronspi'itolion, and ixtra pnvul f»:r-viae for blockade 12,000,000

terns omitted or contingent, inclu-ding pickings and QVealjngs, com-mission*, «$c., 4!Cm <fci\, . . . 50,000 000

- Total $131.032.111)0Then nd.l $50,000,000 for the ordinary ex-

lenses of Government, nnd we Imve total of?1 81.032.1)1/0 Her annum f'nll !t Hiw nnn iiah

tiid we fllioll piohnhly he pretty near the mnrk. f,'iiit id moje than linlf n million n dnv. Some |inve estimated our totul expenses at a million {

; 1>|jt l-Jj'". inclined to thi:ik, is an .

xnggeiution. nYet large as the pr< pent outlay mvtsl fieee3- h

urily h«*, it ig more likelj- to he inereased than Iliminished, from 3'eitr to j'ear, bo long as the crar lusts. Then* will noon lie a large body of aTen unavailahle; such »i tlift disabled, the Iiik and the liizy, who must hn provided lor nt licost quite equal to thut required fo? troops hi

n onr active "service. In the present condi- oion ot tlie revenue, the neouwity seems )>>vi table of creating a'lxrge public debt, to beisi'liargeJ by the UfXl or (Ui-cepding gpnera-ion»-'Nor is tlie Government expenditure tbe onlyuracn wnieti the people must henr during theontiiiuiiuce of the wor. Private subscriptionsonutions and contributions, in one forn) or an-ther, fppp no incoiifideruhlp item in thp costf fitting out (he a|-tny and taking cure of themilies of these who liuve enlisted in th«s3l>l-nteer force. These subscriptions ^alreadymount to many millions of dollars, perhaps ioII the >>'ortb«:rn States to-nearly fifty mijtiuna,iclqding Statec appropriations, and they mustuntiiiue until the occasion for exiraordinHry>>Kpcnditnrea shall have pAMed or the resourcesf the.country boconie go much exhausted tlintle people will nfl'longer be able to dear thisitraordiaary tax upon^e'ir generous patriot;'W AHOTHER BATTLE. "r

Rtpa^oNi), June i8.r-Ufp«rt^d ^ baltla aa%»pry iiunieroa*; Itijt only 4ha,- following [ r«*ship : Passengers report a skifmjelj between>e federal and Con fetlqrate troops on yiennarnd Luudon and Hampshire railroad, (V* ,jri« morrting. Serenfed«»r*1i«ta were killed.Snfederaia tipop«^uriJ#jurtd.v - ^ Vw>»n|ws*av. June]8..J'lie War tfepart-

<>r^;^ tU^boiidio^ tfjfo Uarjyrt{fry^ri^ge.. -

I^jvf-atonu paeppieiXceib<trg."feotidoD Cofen-l/Vrrginla,'Secretary CliaM i» eonsql tinj^einin%p»i^tt rvUtifjt to IU« ret*jia« »mb«*f(M#rnent.it^liavea fhitt a rtjtrisiurt of lb« t ariff-.-n«.loinfc'iSba duties a'nd ^pending th# fr« liat

Joe relbmiVicnd'qd to C»iNational Inullifaeriiye» «wi«tA*c« from N«rl" iqntt.be <ft«coni imied.

fate df lh#

»: ' *» ;VIBOI^IA. CORRXflPOHQEHCE.tl^uiuroAfJK) ,jj

* ^ . P**'* J 1Mw^EnitORt.Onr ««mp -ha* pr<'*«nt»<1 »noli

A monotonous of Inlmr 1411^ ilrill f<»rUie lust w«-k. that we Imve noiUin^.of l|i> dinof Imttle mkI clnili of nrm* ta jiredifiit to jouriviiiU't-s iu tlii* iMa**! In tliis tlivisi>>r» of Vii>-giimi uuiii uei lujer* til* nre lyiit(f upon I lieironrn. at h very r^pectful di*lanuu apart, incaecr anticipation of 111#' eomlnir fi'ivy.reachparly ranguinrly expecting nn.l preparing fornl'ack, {lightly sleeping npQii thoir arm* in an-

ticipation of tlint vili), lenrful cry, "to arms.tl» arm'." which tin-ill* the .-<ol\)ier'* lioaom withsuch miiiiflcl «>ni«'ti«>n* of itfprchennion »ndiiidtjHurinblc Our riiemy nre mnkint;**v«-ry preparation for defence on the #uSiirl>nof Alexandria. and we aro embracing the samemeasures. and throwing np the Minn fortifica-tions at Hull's Run and Manassas. Just herowe may mention that Hull's It n and CampRenur«-gnrd nre one and the same place.theformer ihe lui-nl name, the latter Appellationis the camp name iriven hy our Col. in honor^ui nit- <11*1 in^niKiKMi tmnmnaiU'r 01 (inspectionof Vireiiua. This state of.qui«;lud« an.] peaci*liii3 cautioned i>(> loni: that the Carolinians\iavc n)in(ii<t abandoned a!l hope of soon meet-ing ' ho as lln-r socm to linvc rrdinfiuish-oil all iilrn of advancing in this direction,tlwiiiuli ^ciitl nucci-pila by strategy and maypounce upon us, wlie.n least expecting it HisuenoraUhip. consist in decoying liis fo« l>y hisniovfini-ntt* and tlior. "iriking them in some

unguarded moment when ho has every advan-tage of position, number and lime. His must

bitter foe must accede to him the elem.-nts of n

Ureal general; fortunate is it. for us, that hehas not the subordinate officers lo put in exe-cution the brilliant plain of his military i»eni-Us, lie doubtless can accomplish as muchwith us little loss of life as »ny general tliat-ever led an nrmy to a battle field ; as an in-stance of l»i* regard for a soldiers life duringthe Mc.-yii-ati Campaign, he is Faid to havematched fifteen milr* over the worst and most

mountainous road in Mexico, to avoid passingo siisijle Imtterv. In liis dotage his pl;»n«, cer-

tnmly will often lie cxtrnvng;»nt, though if heliml the officers troops nnd supplies to executeIiih plan, it. would cost tlie South mnny n hardhjow before the recognition of her indepen-dence.

Tlie laiil tidir.trs from YVndiintiton 1 io.ate nmovement of lurire numbers of Northern ttonpsin ino iiirt»ruo» ot llarpft's I'Vrrjr. Should the}*uttuck us it is prolinlitv tliBt our forceslit Mnuat^nft will niU'fiiie« towards Alr*.iudria«M(1 drive the enemy across tlie P«itoman, n«

Scott, is lifgiiuiinir 'o realize llu< fit« lij.tt lmcnn not collect a t>uf}ici«nt numbers « » f.iopsbefore the mooting of Conjjrow In tnneri i|niiiNorfolk, Maii»f>°as a ml Harper** Feii'« i nul-tar.pou.-lv. And it isjiowcurrently b«;|ie 'ed hyi!i.' powers ir. authority ilint. tlie hitter |iluc.*will Mini he attacked.the place ie c»n-i.|"ivi|iiniirc^iiaMt* nn.l ita hy<t. defences are thebravc hearts of its noble defenders. as they are

imliilC'l with the invincible determination ofL*i)iiii1as at the pa#? of Tlicrmnpvloo.The Inst weeks peaceful attit' le in this nee- !

lion of Virginia has not been m throughout tin*til ir«' -Sl.it->. It is true thai. the lesson *.ni)i;lithe United Mntf$ IV"K"o»s by tin* WiirrfiitonUiflt-nien liu« not lieen forgottt-n, aii.l the fair- Jice recollect* willi loo milch profit ber reeep-ion at Aqni* Creek, !.o repeat tint vi^if..rio.ugli near PhiUippi, in North Western Vir-;iiiin. ii regiment of Virginians lias been driven'rum its position 1»3* nil overwhelming forcemt with great, proportional loss to the . ne-

113-. Minor fights have occurred near NewaMirt New?. On Saturday evening n company>f Norllt Carolinians encoMntered n plunder-up party of Ij.o Vonkeye. nhogt double tjieirnyn number. in ^-hicl.t »kirtuish_t}^e hr.^ye sonsif I lie Old N011I1 State gallantly battled (oriouil^rn Independence, repulsing the enemyrithmit loss lo theineelves. The fight occur-ed at Iie'liel Church, on the line betweenElizabeth City riM York counties, and wascm-wed on Monday nv»r«ing between about,8tMi Confederate troops and 3,500 FejJpriil*'lie hitter were .again def.-at.ed and put tolight. According to the rrport brought loiond-qn»rters to-dny our loss was about six.Itc enemy lost in the first skirmish ahout 15,ti il.e !hhL 200. These vanguard ckinnisly-ijiay bo the Alpha nf this wnr, whilf the Omc-« lies far in the mta of thefu ure.they* mave tlie small rivulets of human gore, whenompnred with lli« oceans of lilood yet tit |lied. though they ought to he sufficient toeach the Lincoln Scott administration the vaf>r and unerring marksmanship of Southernnldiera.it ojgltt toteaeh them that the trendf a Norlhern army stakes np teiror to theouthern heart.The Noitliern papers express the eager desire

f their troops to come in collision with the!arol;na soldiers.this wish is especially eher-*'lied by llie Massachusetts regiments but.,ttange to Biy, they afe ia,Lfifteen -miles marchf fifteen hundred Carolinians, jdUre notarcli upon them, yet boast *fh«t they

rill crush us t ut. like so mfeny sfokly pondrceda. Brave people! Imve thoy given to oh-ivion the memory of the Carolinian*, whoseones ItloAeh qpun Noitlieru soil of r«volqti»n-ry buiiquity f Hay6 tjiey so <rtnn fo|-gpitenow the 1'almetttf Regiment savpd the honor of:it> American flair in Mexico. And as for brave .

m. tvlm minlil I.jm ilwmtkt

efaglilivrs wishing to combat with CaroliniansIyer i lie nietnnrah!* fi*ammand her>mc, tljfly mjjy.uy tnfely itnlicipihe poiyl-wc'cilSill M&ale thrid before thay aJe vigilant.Ie» one} imtrcb n

TJie ijjg Cnroly^ regjjrjjcntr ar^till"fli ,ik»line rlnu&<1.-?igiiHf'l in »ny Iflit letler. W»9tic«» ilie^trhiva) iff ihrX oth^r^fgiriKnl-: at1ohm(rii<t." lhow of Col*. C«»h. Bacon. W<i J*!!-inft (hodl^K- "»?«' *««n not .'»«c>?rWlii whctli^i«y will lie »ent to «or ew«c<>ur,«>r oiwTer(f4 toip»*,pt|»ty jyof! iijgii) j .* TJie iiivt-andeoMd r^ijaM-nUi flre »pffc>t* fijchi

* bid4^n(J(i«^n for hjiUlc. Our ^

. f^ '..?vfgWe have fkdj one detiUwjfi thqjttijimeiil.none-of- our .yotnpHtjv^ir# (faj^roi^. ; We hav«p^ceiv.od thrre adfce«>ion? to <>i#

puny recently, Mejjar*. Appletoo and Uro'lof At'lMfvilli-, AndU- Mr. iWleofc bhjther.^gallant S^llevk *$io rAised the flrjt Aiif_v>jj_flag upon Gun hi dt> Behn... In justice lo yourprinter its well as to m3°srlf we must state thatmany.of the errors olwvrvoliI* in these letter*,resnliufrom |lie illegible peuumatiship of tlieauthor. Your*, il.


Mr Eiiitou: An rumor is rampnnt hii<1"Jehu 1ik<>, drives furiously, we have deter-mined for tlie sgitcrnl lieurfit of our coinmar.einl intere**.# and lh<> social and intellectual <!-uutugt-a u iiiuii unve tor me lime been cut off

by ibu nluive nainelcfs intru.lei'ami to n cer-ium extent impoater to fi-rr«*t out, rtrip him «»fIlls uifefk, niu) give him pitch naiin-, ami pliiccsuch di'tiiiciive mnrka upon him tliut lio mayalways be known hereafter not only by tlie

ki>ii(lit. of tliu eye but even lh<» bcnrii'g of thec.i"'. This Tnoiift»*r unil eneniv lo itc'-Ivami female beauty irrn^.tu have oriijinntrdfarSouth of Magna iiikI Ilixou'd line.n pointIron) which we pre tItc tiiost vulnerable, nti<]from which we little expected such a peacefulonslaught on trrrtce 11 vi* 1 heanty. Mo» it pleaseyour honor Iho sleek ebon faces of our iY&tkie*were not proof against tli«? shafts of tins wilyfoe. The fir*t cheat Hint he perpetrated onour faculty of this place wnslhnthe vyss tru y.ewntmlly and to all intentb and purposes Chick-*n Pot. Well, if he had confined hi« rnvngcsto children in their minority we cnuld'liavesubmitted to and borne our misfortunes withsome grtco. liut lie intruded himself into thesanctums uf maidens j'Ht Mushiug into fullgrown womifhood. Hp with unparallelleddaring laid his defacing hand upon and dis-poiled oiany of their matronly Wanly, just nsif lie had a rii»l»t. to u«<; up their fair fnccs withpick axes and shovels.intimating to the li.r«'aof urcntion Mint, their* fortunes being made,!' Ill'it defortuity and unsightly faces were a richand beautiful reward. Dut the rfmor#pli-Mscamn assailed the tn-»r.f --1

rendered them disuustinrr to their grandlingshy covering tlieir faces wit.h uusigUtly splotch-es ah<1 lilotAhb". No', corilcyt be cuangeil hisname n lil'le ntiJ w.js c.al!e<yby «lie faculiy ofour place,--ami hy the hy Mr. Editor, \ye hnv«got. a wonderful faculty for i.nmcf.I shy Itwas cnllerl by the faculty of our pliice Vtiiiscl-lar or Vari* sellar. By faculty we <lo not byany means al'mle to the faculty of the Masonic.tVinnlv College, not to tlu> faculty of the Meth-odist. Conference Sclipnl, hut we menu tini ^iiivoc.illy the I)octor faculiy. Well, when the Doc-tors give it. such underground names ns Vnri-sell.ir or Variosejlnr we did not w on o'er that.Ihey nor any other living or il«ad facultyshould not. know the namo or nalnre of thedisease, *o we tho'iglit. them utility smirt.men who could find out S'leh names. Snyoti se**we did not require I hem to know tile <liseK->es'nt nl', afier we heard what hnril names they11 it * I to make to induce pvojde to believe thatthey could smash diseases all. i,c pieces with an

iiieomprehe.iisihle name That is net. all. whyshould our Doctor faculty he ciaiipelled to........iimiifit imii 11icy m»i

miv faculty could not possibly know. \V»*11 Iili^k. il li.nl ;..iotl,.r nuine Variollelt or Vnr:nb»!to». \V< (inlicil nil Webiter but lie trnw iij»no ligUi im 1 luifi* onrklv tn\ sti-rioiis nnnif*.A^niu fnnir 0111* -»i'\ n whs sii;i'1 pox inl'iiri«. just, up if iinnill |iD.\ bore bail jmy h-jtmblnncdto small pox in Paris. Why, Mr. Ivlitor,mniill |>ox here resembles sinnll pox in 1'ariitii.lO'it as nmcli na a Into ami cbiok*!i8 r- Hcm-blt: an clephvit. Thtt. i# not. all ; if Ibis ishid :i 11 pox ili.it. i^iVfrs out* nil oyer mid leavesliiin full of liolcs nn-1 Hollows, we »v<Milil liket«> know what our learned faculty would qulllarge pox. Well, well, after we bnd hf.ird allilie hard intitieii mid soft names iid>1 the doetorshad examined and cross. -jm mined thomselves. \Vf i]o not in^an t<» imply th'at theyeont.rudi cted themselves ; but tlmt they ]c/>rii-e'l lik<; ii* they are used very different wordson different dnj-^ of the week.Tliey are a iittle like the prccnlinr*, if they

do like the s*iiii> lext it. doad mil imply thatthey preach the same sermon ujiv more tlianit doe* that they preaeh H new sermon whenthey take a new text. Well t»l>out the end ofseven day* or seven w»-eks we *ve not surewhich it wa« thought best to vail it small jjinx vorv small pox, ns it. was found impossibleH «uir faculty to give ifc ft new name unle*i<they were perniiitld t'Vcflninge the days of tlx?week to'i^ore than seven.Mr. Editor, when it was averted thnt we

had small pox in the place you will be aston-ished to learji thai. it wm flatly denied hui]stoutly contended that : here hail not been a

ca^e in ilie place. "The gift to gie u*." Toour knowledge we know that tliere was onecase which whs sftid by our faculty to be thettnine as llit; others. Well, it waiii>et at pntightand a perron not of our Doctor fxculiy *ya»called in to establish the fact that our D.octoradid not know the disease -when they saw it.We did learn his decision or what lie called the case; but if he did not know the dis-easo when lie saw it, no man in town h.id nfo rerijj|it tb knotf it, for'if itdid not give his fam-ily h cloce raking we, do not know what hewoul4 call a full dorfi of it. We venture atall hnzardrf (o say that lie called it the namediaease.

Tliftt is not nil, if oar Doctor* «r* not allirewd literary *nd'scientific set of. men it isa pity Ihat no one hna e**r found it *ont y«l. <

So long a*our learned Doctor fnuulty ^aiwediithe au>>ject nr called i^y«ri*cHfir or Varei»«el- jhkr why every body pried tint, sninll PO»I small |pox ! 13ut so syon as onr fac^tyVentured 10 |whisper, the-Etiplionons sonrrd^ sm»ll 'jjtfx, it jprna denied that' a ch*e had b««ry iMEf. :Ws ,

felt hound t«r wrila lima ipuoli to inform the rips&ple that there has n«t been -a single case jjtL s

tlji* "{trango disease," or small j> -x. or vari <iMlaWr varioletle, fwonder our dSeljKgffhad \iioi logmnifa «n me ursrasf wim meii^ a-a-^Mhoi fell-n«oi<*! flnfaf ot!»yr region wjuld iliqy ;|l).ive come from ?) ja the Iftit four .Or i^<wkci. .. ^ ... ^,180 tfW.jlUwljo wiaTT c»o coroe sniT hnj. |goodo or*Jli««V cnn vitit em-inHy or !h'\

kind trittn < J»w»li«rp up j3»^ D/um, . Mt. HA-loetffi jtiftjh00^* rfne

«fT*.»-trtrtrvf«l h>»toryi^f tfii*.jrwmhjysilrHfl n >' i v.iTTi-'A' -



I, *iiu Iiiw^irangf

I *


ta ntVtlio j»«ppl"^f Cvkmhurv wrote$ and l{ tb», people of (JoVesbury call on youteij^now ahout'it, why, all you will baVw to

that nil llie fftvu'it-y wrote |t. ,.'yuu mayc<>rttfnd« tittle further for my escape. and MyC-lhtt collective bodies are like corporate boriiet,that is, they hare no conscience,. And* wlierfiVlicrt is no conscience there is no responsibility,ami where there is no responsibility there fc»no niM'Oiiiilnbility So you sec I will eeenpemerited chastisement. both from people andfrom f.tcnl'y. That ia not all, I think dootorsand people ought to forgive me n* I bnv«.here-by informed not only the faculty and citizen*that email pox and chicken pox and vnre«eI7ar01 varenicellnr have l«»fi our place not only forthe preMHit but IJiop.) foroller. Having dii-sha rged ii duly to my country and villaec I shallrtmain unknown till a tike occurrence cnlls moiniw '-xiBifttiPo.

Cokcaliury.GONE. NOT GOING.


I propose to be onrof Seventy-Fir* Man toarm'uu selve* ami gay our own expenses for i>ixmonths. to go to Wgini:t to help clear the OldDi'tninioo of LincolnV Pirates.

I will furnish every man with a Canteen AndCup fri«s

Atiy p.-rson wiping a chance will <id4re^«iuej nt Abbeville C- II.U. \y. LA\V30>*.

THE WAH.Richmond. June 10..A hutch of New York

papers have just been receive.I. They aro very»ni:ry over the defeat at Ri-thel.The Tint'', ?nj i Butler has no prudence ;Pierce ha* no courage: and the sooner theseJIHaunchn*et. buirijter* ore dismissed to theirpleadings tho better: am] adds, that the livesof soldiers are too valuable to he i«qunndered ta

convert these political hacks into heroes.The Timet aire, soys that ll»e. war tgvtf beJ stopped' hml the Southern Confederacy'recog-iiiz«d, if ihc Line-oil} troops cannot do better| and culls for two hundred thousand incn to

push through Texas; then, if defeated, to.su*lor pence.

Th>* lift aid condemns the grand mistake bywhich the fed" ' t'-oopa fired into end) oilier,rii'1 if ' » ' .ie officers ought to be c<i-utiien-'" n* York paper#. however.L'entTH'

, retly near Lite tr»itl>, nn«I ac-knowlfiijje tbeir defeat.The effect on the S^rlli is evidently a bad

one. nnd I he people are beginuihg to tinii outtheil- 11 listlike." -

The articles in tlie new papers are full of on-trealien urging Ihc Lincoln Government to. get!»«-*:.-r nfjcers and more mer\.When the result of the fight at Bethel witknown to Duller, he declined his intention to.W'lip I he rebels in 24 hour*.Parties who have arrived here atnte thil theport* of (he evacuation of Iliirpet'a Ferrynmy ye coji!»ider--d reliable. It i« e.aid tha' the.I'l-itvisional Government approves the eyacuati-in .Courier.

THE CONFEMRTfjE PIRINCJ. 1Thi- Haltinmre Sim. in it." '-la'esr. accoanl" of-

«* « thii-i, in us oon-espomlciutt fromForii-fiw Mt'nrii*1, lins ilie followinc !

"In form lit ion wii® reeci.tly deri.ved, from a.pnsjenger on !h> Adlaidc I fiat tho. slaughteri»f I'^e federal troops wh/s fenrfuJ. The Con-federates Lad a >titall batter)' of five gnna in,froot. of the heavy battery of rifled cannon,mi l tlmt was supposed to lie nit they hatt.

'I'ln* fittmll one was attacked l>y the Zuu»vowho fought bravely ; Imt Confederateforces, hut few in number, yielded withouti$ttch t^istafli-e, and retired to the heavy h*tr-t«-ry ; thus drawing the who) federal columnwithin range of their de.-trjictive fire.

'The number of killed nnd wounded wn» eati-itiHtei] lit F"t tress M<>nr£fe at. one thousand Atleast. Up to the time the Ady'axd« Irlt, 9.'clock oil Monday night, two hundred nnd,

eight)- wounded luiil been hrouglit to the hos-pital. and still there were more left.

"Tin* lire of tho Confederates was extraordi-narily fatal, and tli^'were sa wellbehind their works ihnt nothing was eecttqjmiv «f them until after tho fcdernl column be-gun their retreat, when some of them mountedon the top of their vroiks; 4

^"Who was in cotnipmid of the Confederate*was not nacertaii'iiflj'liitt It was thought thatCol. M ;gruder was there. The guns are saidto have been served with great rapidity amiunerring niin, not ono having missed its mark.*'

Evacuation- of IlAEi'^rj Fersv..Rumorshave been rife fur secern] dnya of iniili » mc.live us to nlmo4t almost. curry certainty withthem of*tlie evueunti n of Ilnrpe^'s Fefry bythe Sonlherfl trooos ami their march into v«r-

ginia. At this distance from the sent of wnr,such m move items niosl t-uicidal. nnd a calcula-ted to l-ai-e » »r/s»er ff«*ot npon both t}»«Southern and Northern armies Minn the .evacu-ation of Alexandria, causing mistrust in oneand r.-joicing in lbs oth*r.The most plaq-dbft feasor, which can be ad-

vanced for the evacuation^.is the fr«Pof havingour forues stationed ther# out .off by a fl.mkmovement from the Westora^fritrt »f Virginiaby McClelland'* troops, nnd eeparat« themfront the remainder of onr forces lying farther3o>nlu r. But i#-thuisth» course, it w«r« fogbetter to intercopt this advancing column* byone in anperior numoera, 4n<l contest their* *p-


proacl) to Harper** Ferry, nod, at tha uraoLime, to reinforce the force* at Uiot ttathm;- cudplace ,r»»irv<rt i»t opptopriata point* tattrMnaiem and' tWmain body of thA army. "ftjri»joint liris'beeiwnnde almost irnpregoabta bylatoVe, and our brave sold^prfc r* beeO-lab0?*^ngfcr weeks to add alHl/tqaf* to ]t» »ee«ritytihosen fir a'ar better to*blplSSNlN^MW fsatneseft otilarperV Ferry than t£jBorren<l« it without aHow. TU« tinw ha* eoraa^when oara rrwrtt beV* - -> « « .1* J-=-

« R«r'WrfarJfpoVl«rin)Of»'farry Imdo Imte confirmatjoaigt tbelrwkVweHto&VJW-

noj,or:Hy. foV evet>Mion '-^ifill grealljpi>«ti>«iftgnti)t o.ifI'Mtitiftiw iJfM|»f Mond«yJ*1^i^¥omjfTUe En»t jfcnnvuee auction «n Mlrmto&#tylttpof
