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The banner (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1846-10-21 ... · (WRITTJ5N FOR THE IiANNKR.) "The...

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(WRITTJ5N FOR THE IiANNKR.) "The FJowm (fiat Bloom by the Wild Scu Shore." The flowers that bloom by the wild sea- shore, 'Mid the splashing- spray and the breakers' roar, While the loud, wild roar of the crested wave, Singsa requiem nowof their early grave. They bloom like the maiden's cherished thoughts, Of the Love lu-r early hopes have sought, Like an angel's lace through the stormy sKy, Or the clicrislicd smile near the saddened sigh, They stand on the verge of Flora's land Like the sentries of her flowery band, The lirst approach of the blast to meet, 'j'lie first of the morning's beams to greet: No zephyred l)reezes soft and slow, Waft music o'er this rock-gilt shore, While the storm's rash fur}', wild and loud, Leaps by in its haste from cloud to cloud; But oft when the sun has gone to rest, And Heaven in her starry robe is dressed, Low zephyrs sigh wild, sweet and slow O'er the flowers that bloom by the wild sea-shore. They bloom like the touch of an angel's I vrr*. J 1 Or the strains that's raised by love's sweet fire. Oh! may I sec, may I sing once more Of the flowers that bloom by the wild sea-shore. Darti ngton. Const anc v. Mary..Who docs not love tlie common, yet beautiful name of Mary I It is from the Hebrew, and means a ,l tear-drop." What, sweet and .joyous hours of other days.what pleasing associations does not t!ie very name call up in every heart ! Who knows aught ill of Mary ? Who does not love the name? If there is anviliin»r . J gentle iind valued, and womanly, what Mary that possesses it not ? Was it not Mary who was " Last at the ' russ, and earliest at the grave V* And was not Mary the mother of I lie Savior of the world I Moitrxi.vk Store..The N. York Sun says :.Among the improvements of the times, we find in England mercer shops, in which articles of mourning are exclusively s-.l and to be consistent the. storekeeper and his clerks are all clad in the habiliments of woe. A A I t ... gruut'maii who calls 111 to enquire if he could have a pair of d irk grey gloves, was requested to step into "the mitigated niiliclion department." an inner room, where second mourning was kept. Prentice tolls the following.of course there is more fancy than fact in it:. One of ihe papers recounts .an anecdote which oerhans illn«trj»tf»« I I " "" v-,J as clearly as anything coulil do if, the amount of intelligence exercised in some parts of the country by the voters who decide great, questions at the polls. " How does your county go this year," asked a zealous p ditician of a Berks county (Pennsylvania) man. "Yell I can't tell much," replied the honest Dutchman, " de man what tells us how to vote has not been round." Smoking.." What harm,' said Mr. Pu(I'wcll, * is there in a pipe ?" " Nun, that I nose on," regular down easier, who has more of the philosopher in him than the scholar, 'scept smoking leads to drinkin', and drinkin' leads to drunken** ness. Now, perhaps drunkenness might letch on the bile, and the bile gives you the 'spepcy, and the 'spepey gives you the consump 1.1 i^un, ttuu Liie consumption letch on old death, that's all. Now Mr. WhiflTer, put all them ar things in your pipe and smoke 'em. Good humor is the sky of the soul on which every star of talent will shine more clearly, and the sun of genius encounter no vapors in >' """ "* aaa ibo jyaoot? £*:. i is uie most ex-1 quisite beauty in a fine face.a redeeming trait in a homely one. It is like the landscape harmonizing with every color, mellowing the glories of the bright and softening the hue of the dark. The Dutch proverb saith, Steal- mg never muKes a man rich ; alms never makes a man poor; and prayer never hinders a man's business." A roiNTM> Blow..An Individual svni. lor :t physician,and after de| taining liim lor soiiki time with a description of his pains, aches, <fcc., he thus summed up:. " Now, Doctor, you humbugged me long enough with your good for-nothing pills and worthless syrups, they don't touch the real difficulty. I wish you to strike the cause; of my ailment, if it is in your jiuwiu- 10 reacu 11.. 11. sunn ne done," said I he doctor, at the same time lifting his cane and dcmoli>liing a decanter of g,n that stood upon the sideboard. ELLIOTT & WRIGHT, Ware House and Commission Merchants, HAMBURG, S. C\. r. wjAnnounce to their friends mm ;i ml t hn nn\)lm tlt«i+ tU/K* t>n f associated thcinsolvcs togetlivr for the transaction °of the above business in all its branches. In offering their services to the public in the above, they pledge themselves to devote thfir undivided attention to the selling of CO TTON, FLO V11,and other Produce, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING GOODS, Buying Goods for Planters, or attend to any business usually transacted by Commission Merchants. B. Elliott. Tiios. J. Wrigiit. sept 30 31 sm4t H. L. J EFFERS, Commission Merchant and General Agrnl, hamburg, s. c. Ia always to bo found at his post, ready to devote his entire personal attention to the .nl.v Z*1 Arrn>AM T^T /MTD n A y. oui«: ui v>w x jl v-rm, i' ijuu iv, Buying Goods for Planters <$ Merchants, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING GOODS, Fren of*Dravajre, STORING OR SHIPPING COTTON, &c, &c. Having been actively engaged in busis ness in tliis pl.tco for fifteen years, with five years experience in the above branches, he slill otf-rs his services to his friends and the public, and flatters himself, that by energy and close attention to the prices of articl' s, either for sale or purciia.se, both in this and the Augusta markets, he can be useful to all those who may favor him with their custom. His charges shall be moderate in all cases. He tenders hi.-> thanks lor past favors, and respectfully solicits a renewal of the same. sept. 16 29 6t WAKE-1101 SE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, AND RECEIVING AND FORWARDING AGENCY, HAMBURG, S. C. ^ The undersigned lias J ^ <s|keen 'or tl»re« seasons, ciin r "-a"rf d in the above business, lie will coulinne to occupy the same Ware House; which, for convenience and safi'tv. is nrwnnail.il liu nnu . j » -1 " J oih»T in llambiirif. Cotton shipped tome by the River, will not incur any more expense for Dray a «_'< , thnn if con^ii/ncd to any Ware House on tlje bank of th". River. All consignments atid orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. Liberal advnhccs will ho made on Cotton, in stork, when tequired, Aug 5 23 J. F. GRIFFIN. AJ/ vi'wri1 j yjLJ Of Limited Partnership. The subscribers have formed n Limited Partnership under the firm ot J. &. A. LOMAX, for the purpose of carrying on a General Retail Business, at Abbeville C. II., S. C., in Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS, HARDWARE and CU TLERY, FAMILY GROCE1)11713 1- C<l ivtuo, ouurs anu suppers, Saddles, Bridles and Trunks, Crockery and Glass, Huts and Caps, Bonnets, &.c, Books and Stationery, FAMILY MEDICINES, PAINTS, Oils, Dy'.'stuffs and Perfumery, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C. The Partnership commenced on the first day oF January, 1846, and will terminate on the 31st dav of December, 1855. JESSE LOMAX. AUGUSTUS LOMAX. Abbeville C. H. sept 23, 1846 30 tf Notice, la hereby given to the Legatees of the Estate of the late Stnnh pn Witlo who are without the limits of this State, that the Administrator, with Will annexed, is ready to pay their respective legacies, and requests them to appear in person or by attorney, on or before the first December next, and receive the same, ns he will not be accountable for interest after thut time. M. W. COLEMAN, Adm'r Will Annexed. September 2,1846 27 m3m NOTICE Is hereby given to those concerned, that the citizens of Due West Corner, will apply for an Act of Incorporation at the next session of the Legislature. May 15, 1846 II 29' Notice, la hereby given, that a Petition will bo offered to our next Legislature, applying for an act of incorporation for Liberty Church September 2, 1846 27 3«n W. C. & J. B. MORAGNE, Attorneys at Law.Have formed a Partnershin for th» -r « a tar _..w.r^vwM. vi junvr, ill Abbeville District. 8tf j A LI ST OF L ETTte US, Now remaining in the Post Olficc at Abbeville (J. H., S. C.,Oet. 1, 1S4G. A Major J D A<lams, Henry Atkins, Daguerrian Artist, Sylvanus Adams, Washington Allen. Yi Miss Mary Jane Bowie, Andrew Bradley, Daniel Brown,Samuel Banks, W W Belcher, Uriah Barran. C Doctor Carter, Mrs E A Crowder, Jas Calhoun, Miss Sarah Ann Cason, George Campbell, G J Cannon. D Cornelius P Dupre, George Duffey. E Mathew EiUvards, Sidney Evans. F David C Felton, Alex'r P Fowler 2, Daniel Ferris, Reuben Fowler. II Robert W Haddcn 2, William Leslie Harris 2, William-Harris, William Hill, W E Haskell, D Hughey & Co, S J Hay, Gen'l Hodges, Mrs Mary Hadaway, Susan Hackct, Robert R Hous'.on. J William Junkins. L Mis Elizabeth Lipscomb, John L Lockridge, James Lockhart, Thomas Lord. JV1 Jessee Masters, Mrs Martha Masters, M iss Permelia Medley, L D Miller,Mrs Martha Maxwell, George M Morrow, John Moore 2. Or Wm Master?. Smith 1 Mann. N John D Nix, Miss Frances H E Norwood. Mc Fcalin McGce, Robert McDonald,Miss Martha McLand. P O I. 11 n l n * » -*-* * oiuuii v xaui, Airs Agnes Jii fuui. R J W Red. S Thomas Smith, William Smith, Sherrocl Smith, Harrison Scott, Hezukiah YV Smith, B W Stewart, Alex'r Stevenson. T McKinney Thomas 2, Miss Nancy R Thomson, Turnbull. W Andrew Williamson 3, Miss Mary L YVatUins, D Wardlaw, Mrs Elizabeth Walker, T J Weem.«, Miss Susan E Wilson, loma Woodbridge, Dr ABO \\ oil, Andrew Weed. N. 13.If the above letters r.re not taken out of this office previous to the first day of January, 1847, they will be returned to the General Post Office as dead letters. JOHN itfcLAREN, Oct 7 32 3t Post 3/aster. IMPORTANT SALE ! VVill bo sold, on the 11th NOVEMBER NEXT, at the luto residence of Josliua Meachum, the tract' of LAND on which he lately resided, situate ubout thirteen miles westward of the village of Abbeville, bwiiiuiiuiig unu i nousand £'our Hundred and Thirty Acres, more or less. The place is in a good state of improvement, having on it a good Dwelling HOUSE, GIN HOUSE and SCREW .THRASHING HOUSE and THRASHER, a new MILL HOUSE and MILL, and all neeessary out buildings ; three hundred acres of freshly cleared land. ALSO, Will be sold at the same time and place, uhnilt fiup t Itnnon n*l hnol...1<- "^ r'/VD V - « w uuouno Ui WIV11| 11 quantity of FODDER, about four hundred bushels ot WHEAT, about one thousand bushels ot OATS, and about fifty bushels of RYE; HORSES and MULES, CATTLE, SHEEP. HOGS. HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FUTNITURE, PLANTATION TOOLS, and many other articles. The land will be sold on a credit of one and two and three years, and the personal property on n credit of onu year, the whole to bear interest from date. JAMES MEACHUM, Ex'or of Joshua Meachum. AuguBt 26, 1846 26 lit To Physicians. Having exchanged the practice of medicine for a more congenial employment, I offer for sale my entire stock of MEDICINES, SHOP FURNITURE.'SADm.l7..RAn«S II. potto . un rAVuii' IH cuai; ou I\* GEON'S POCKET INSTUMENTS, ' &c &c &c. This stock embraces all the medicines, furniture, &c. nescessary for the young Physician to enable him to enter at once upon the practice of his profession. The above articles will be sold at a sacrifice. P«T6ons wishing to purchase will apply at the Printing Office. C. H. KINGSMORE. - Aug 19 25 tf | Valunble Town Property for Sale. ' r, me subscriber intending to move to the country, offers for JSlfll8l>1(! ^'8 and LOT in AdneSKthe Village of Abbeville, situated on the Public Square. Tne House is a comfortable and commodious one, and in f connection with it, are two LAW OFF!- < CES, which can be rented at fair prices. « All thf? out buildingrs and fencing are new, a and the Dwelling House has bnen recently c PAINTED. Any per&on wishing such c property, would do well to call and see me. 1 Dec 17 42tf J. RAMEY, *S!5S!?!5SS5a5!!H The State of South Carolina, Abbeville District. William Wilson and Wile, applicants, vs. Pliarcs Martin and Wife, James Porter and others..Real Estate, of David Porter, dec-d. It appearing to my satisfaction that David S Porter, a Distributee and Defendant in ling case, resides wit hout the limits of this State : It is therefore Ordered that he do appear and object to the division or sale of the Ileal Estate of the eaid David Porter, deceased, situate in Abbeville District, on or befon^Lhe first Monday in December next, or nis consent to th«s same will be entered on record. D. LESLY, Ord y Ordinary's Office, Sept 28, 1846 sept 40 31 lOw The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. iiV C H A N C L> it Y. Uriah O. Tate, vs. Enos Asbury Tate. .Bill for Partition. By virtue of an order from the Court of Chancery, will be sold, at Abbeville Court House, on the first Monday in November m-xt, the tract of Land described in the said bill, containing four hundred acres, more or less, situate in the Dibtrict und State aforesaid, on Shanklin's Creek, waters of Little River and Savannah, and uuumicn uy lands ot Joshua Aleachum, Jno Power, Jr, and A. Hunter? on a credit of one and two years. The costs to be paid in cas.li, and "the purchaser to give bond and security and a mortgage of the pie*. mist s to secure the purchase money, and pay lor titles. H. A. JONES, C. E. . Confrs office, Septal, 1846 30 Ct The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. Iii the Court of Common Picas. Thomas L. Whitlocli, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Abbeville District, by virtue ot" a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of McCartcr & Allen, having filed his petition, with a schedule ot his whole estate, real and personal, for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the Act of the General Assembly called u the Inrv.u» » a »» nui>' in J/I.UI.UIO XlUl. Public notice is hereby given, that the petition of ».he said Thomas L Whitlock will be heard «nd considered in the Court ol Common Pleas for Abbeville District, at Abbeville Court House, on Thursday the twmty-second day of October next, or such other day thereafter as the Court may order during the Term commencing at the place alorcsaid, on the third Monday in October next; and ail ihe creditors of the said Thomas L Whitlock are hereby summoned personally or bv their attornirs to appear then and there in the said Court to shew cause, if any they can, why the benefit of the act aforesaid should not be granted to the said Thomas L Whitlock, upon his executing the assignment required by the acts aforesaid. JNO F LIVINGSTON, C. C. P, Clerk's Office, July 18, 1846 21 3m The State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In the Common Picas. William A. Cobb, vs. James Knox.. Foreign Attachment. The Plaintiff'in the above cose haying this day filed his Declaration in my office, and the Defendant haying no wife or attorney known to be within the State, upon whom a copy thereof nn.y be served : It is Ordered that the said Defendant do appear and plead thereto within a year and. a day from this date, or judgment by default will be given against him. JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. niL-'a Offino IV! 1. TA 10.1C O -1- . 41b O v^iiik/V) Iiiaitli It) iOtU. o xy STATE OF SOUTH CAROLTN A, Abbeville District.In the Court of Common Pleas. Joseph W. W. Marshall, bearer, vs. Francis Henderson, sen'r..DccPn. in Attach11. on Prom'ry. Note. Whereas, the Plaintiff in this action did, on this day, file his Declaration agpinst the Defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of this State, as it is said, and having neither wife nor attorney known, upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, with a ruin in nlunH thr>r/»i/> on or before the Twenty-second day ol November next, otherwise, final and absolute judgment will be then given and awarded against the Defendant JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov 22, IeJ45 30 ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, m/uvviiic iyiOUltlj In the Common Picas. Agnes KingsmorCjAdm'x. } Decl'n. in v. > Foreign Francis Henderson. S Attachm't. The Plaintiff having filed his Declaration n my office, and the Defendant having no wife or Attorney, known to be within the State, on whom a copy of the same, with i rule to plead, can beservd i It is Order- n uibi me iserenuani pieaa 10 me said Declaration within a year and a day, or [ihfel and absolute judgment will be given {gainst him. J. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. « Clerk's Office, Nov J9,1845 ly To the People of Abbeville. * rha nllhpr»rihor «1I " . » cwiiwio Oil per* tons indebted to the Sheriffs Office for IJOST, Plaintiffs or Defendant's,are earn> " ;stly requested to come forward and settle, is this is my last year in office, I shall be A !ompell<>d to have all cost due me in the »f8ce settled. You will find myself or Mr raggart always in attendance April 15 7 tf J. RAMEY. candidates, For Sheriff. We are authorized to announce Mr. J. 11. TARRANT, as a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce t. P. MOSELY as a candidate lor Sheriff of Abbeville Dis. at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce W. A. COBB as a candidate for the office of Sheriff ot Abbeville District at the ensuing election. The friends of A C HAWTHORN announce him as a candidate for Sheriff for llvUv.'viuu ju/iamui at me ensuing election We are authorized to announce VA. CHAEL HUGHEY as a candidate for Sheriff, at the ensuing election. For Clerk. We are authorized to announce THOS P SPIERIN as a candidate for Clerk of Court of Abbeville District at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce J AS. S. WILSON as a candidate for Clerk of Court for Abbeville District at the ensuing Election. We are authorized to announce Dr. gt V. CAIN. nH n r>nnfliflotr. .L -r , IUI vyierti. OI the Court at the next ensuing election. For Tax Collector, The friendsoftheRev. JAS. MOORE respectfully announce him as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing election. The friends of EZEKIEL TRIBLE announce him as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing election. DR. HULL'S Vegetable Fever and Auge and anti-Fever PILLS. Among all the advertised remedies of tho day for ague and Fever, or Chill and Fes vcr, none seem to meet with such rapidity or sale and give so much general satisfaction, as Dr Hull's celebrated Pills. Wher-. ever they have been introduced, all tonics in whatever shape, all mixtures and Pills and preparations of every character, designed for this disease, have been discarded, and Dr. Hull's Ague Pdls have been received as the only permanent cure. They slop the Chills and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on tho hnwols Vmm*9 .i ... . jl vuug viuiui uii aim persons of e!! o^cs 56X6S9 auu conciitiona inay use those Pills, not only with safety, but with the certainty of success. Reader, please notice the following testimony from your own friends and neighbors : " Abbeville District, April 9, 1846. " This is t-o certify that I have sold several dozen boxes of Dr Hull's Vegetable r ever anu Ague fills within the last three year?, and have used several boxes in my own family, and I have never known them Fail curing the Chills and Fever in a single instunce. I would recommend aU those persons subject to Chills and Fever to use Dr. Hull's Pills. [signed] JOHN KELLER. Mr Lewis Covin, of Abbeville District, suys he has known the Chills and Fever ot twelve month's standing completely cured by taking only half a box of Hull's Ague and Fever Pills. Mr B Gussoway, of Anderson District, writes, in the full of 1844, 441 was severely attacked with the Chills and Fevers, which continued on me until February, 1845. I 1 rind .Qnunrnl rpmn»li*io ... . Wv*v»m« *vuiwui^ot uitu v*aa iui auiuu** lime under the treatment of a Physician, but received no lusting benefit from his prescriptions; my disease continued to increase in the frequency and severity of its attacks. I at last had recourse to Dr Hull's Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills, and in using only one box* was permanent* ly cured, and have remained in good health eviT since, i mink they are a superior remedy in Chills and Fevers, and would cheerfully recommend ihem lo all persons subject to this complaint." We might give scores of references and certificates, but we refer the render to our agents, where they miiy obtain a pamphlet (gratis) giving a full description of the medicine and its manner of use. Price, 81 per box. Dr. Hull's Cough Lozenges. Every ftirnily in the United States »h< uld keep a supply of Dr Hull's Cough Lozens ges in the house, not only as a preventive medicine against the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but as an effectual re. mcdv in all cases of Coughs and Colds. Ceder Grove,Abbeville Dis.Ap'l 9, '46 The Travelling Agent of Drs Hull and Spenccr left, us about eighteen months since what he thought a supply of Dt Hull's Cough Lozenges. Since'then we have sold them all out and could have sold as many more if we had been supplied; We have made use of them ourselves and in and in our families, and consider them ah excellent medicine for the relief of Coughs, Colds, and all Pulmonary complaints. B. & J. JORDON. Price, 25 cents per box. Dr. Hull's Worm Lozetigfes Are a preparation that never fail td move Worms from children or adulUl. Children will cry for them, and eat them is they would candy. Price, 25 cents per box.' All the abovo excellent Family Medi^A . :ines are for sale at Abbeville C. Half Drs. WARDLAW & DENfiY. " Sept 23 O0& JOfcN Ci RAKK-TM ittorney at Law, having taken an office in the rear of the Court House Mini near to the Printing Office,will pttfchptly attend to till business entrusted to his cajre. Jan^4. 46
Page 1: The banner (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1846-10-21 ... · (WRITTJ5N FOR THE IiANNKR.) "The FJowm (fiat Bloom by the Wild Scu Shore." Theflowers that bloom by the wildsea- shore,

(WRITTJ5N FOR THE IiANNKR.)"The FJowm (fiat Bloom by the Wild

Scu Shore."The flowers that bloom by the wild sea-

shore,'Mid the splashing- spray and the breakers'roar,While the loud, wild roar of the crested

wave,Singsa requiem nowof their early grave.They bloom like the maiden's cherished

thoughts,Of the Love lu-r early hopes have sought,Like an angel's lace through the stormy

sKy,Or the clicrislicd smile near the saddenedsigh,They stand on the verge of Flora's landLike the sentries of her flowery band,The lirst approach of the blast to meet,'j'lie first of the morning's beams to greet:No zephyred l)reezes soft and slow,Waft music o'er this rock-gilt shore,While the storm's rash fur}', wild and

loud,Leaps by in its haste from cloud to cloud;But oft when the sun has gone to rest,And Heaven in her starry robe is dressed,Low zephyrs sigh wild, sweet and slowO'er the flowers that bloom by the wild

sea-shore.They bloom like the touch of an angel's

I vrr*.J 1

Or the strains that's raised by love'ssweet fire.

Oh! may I sec, may I sing once moreOf the flowers that bloom by the wild

sea-shore.Dartington. Constancv.

Mary..Who docs not love tliecommon, yet beautiful name ofMary I It is from the Hebrew,and means a ,l tear-drop." What,sweet and .joyous hours of otherdays.what pleasing associationsdoes not t!ie very name call up inevery heart ! Who knows aughtill of Mary ? Who does not lovethe name? If there is anviliin»r

. J

gentle iind valued, and womanly,what Mary that possesses it not ?Was it not Mary who was " Lastat the ' russ, and earliest at thegrave V* And was not Mary themother of I lie Savior of the world I

Moitrxi.vk Store..The N. YorkSun says :.Among the improvementsof the times, we find inEngland mercer shops, in whicharticles ofmourning are exclusivelys-.l and to be consistent the.storekeeper and his clerks are allclad in the habiliments of woe. A

A I t ...

gruut'maii who calls 111 to enquireif he could have a pair of d irk greygloves, was requested to step into"the mitigated niiliclion department."an inner room, where secondmourning was kept.

Prentice tolls the following.ofcourse there is more fancy thanfact in it:.One of ihe papers recounts .an

anecdote which oerhans illn«trj»tf»«II " "" v-,J

as clearly as anything coulil do if,the amount of intelligence exercisedin some parts of the countryby the voters who decide great,questions at the polls. " Howdoes your county go this year,"asked a zealous p ditician of aBerks county (Pennsylvania) man."Yell I can't tell much," repliedthe honest Dutchman, " de manwhat tells us how to vote has notbeen round."

Smoking.." What harm,' saidMr. Pu(I'wcll, * is there in a pipe ?"" Nun, that I nose on," regulardown easier, who has more of the

philosopher in him than the scholar,'scept smoking leads to drinkin',and drinkin' leads to drunken**ness. Now, perhaps drunkennessmight letch on the bile, and thebile gives you the 'spepcy, and the'spepey gives you the consump1.1i^un, ttuu Liie consumption letch onold death, that's all. Now Mr.WhiflTer, put all them ar things inyour pipe and smoke 'em.Good humor is the sky of the

soul on which every star of talentwill shine more clearly, and thesun of genius encounter no vaporsin >' """ "*aaa ibo jyaoot? £*:. i is uie most ex-1quisite beauty in a fine face.aredeeming trait in a homely one.It is like the landscape harmonizingwith every color, mellowingthe glories of the bright and softeningthe hue of the dark.The Dutch proverb saith, Steal-

mg never muKes a man rich ; almsnever makes a man poor; andprayer never hinders a man's business."

A roiNTM> Blow..An Individualsvni. lor :t physician,and after de|taining liim lor soiiki time with a

description of his pains, aches, <fcc.,he thus summed up:.

" Now, Doctor, you humbuggedme long enough with your goodfor-nothing pills and worthlesssyrups, they don't touch the realdifficulty. I wish you to strike thecause; ofmy ailment, if it is in yourjiuwiu- 10 reacu 11.. 11. sunn ne

done," said I he doctor, at the sametime lifting his cane and dcmoli>liinga decanter of g,n that stoodupon the sideboard.

ELLIOTT & WRIGHT,Ware House and Commission Merchants,


r. wjAnnounce to their friendsmm ;i ml t hn nn\)lm tlt«i+ tU/K* t>n

f associated thcinsolvcs togetlivrfor the transaction °ofthe above business in all its branches. Inoffering their services to the public in theabove, they pledge themselves to devotethfir undivided attention to the selling ofCOTTON, FLO V11,and other Produce,RECEIVING AND FORWARDING GOODS,

Buying Goods for Planters, or attend toany business usually transacted by

Commission Merchants.B. Elliott. Tiios. J. Wrigiit.

sept 30 31 sm4t

H. L. J EFFERS,Commission Merchant and General Agrnl,

hamburg, s. c.Ia always to bo found at his post, ready todevote his entire personal attention to the.nl.v Z*1Arrn>AM T^T /MTD n A y.oui«: ui v>w x jl v-rm, i' ijuu iv,

Buying Goods for Planters <$ Merchants,RECEIVING AND FORWARDINGGOODS, Fren of*Dravajre, STORINGOR SHIPPING COTTON, &c, &c.Having been actively engaged in busis

ness in tliis pl.tco for fifteen years, withfive years experience in the above branches,he slill otf-rs his services to his friendsand the public, and flatters himself, thatby energy and close attention to the pricesof articl' s, either for sale or purciia.se,both in this and the Augusta markets, hecan be useful to all those who may favorhim with their custom. His charges shallbe moderate in all cases. He tenders hi.->thanks lor past favors, and respectfullysolicits a renewal of the same.

sept. 16 29 6t



^ The undersigned liasJ ^ <s|keen 'or tl»re« seasons, ciin

r"-a"rf d in the above business,lie will coulinne to occupythe same Ware House; which, for convenienceand safi'tv. is nrwnnail.il liu nnu

. j » -1 " Joih»T in llambiirif.Cotton shipped tome by the River, will

not incur any more expense for Draya «_'< ,thnn if con^ii/ncd to any Ware House

on tlje bank of th". River.All consignments atid orders thankfullyreceived and punctually attended to. Liberaladvnhccs will ho made on Cotton, in

stork, when tequired,Aug 5 23 J. F. GRIFFIN.

AJ/ vi'wri1j yjLJ

Of Limited Partnership.The subscribers have formed n LimitedPartnership under the firm ot J. &. A. LOMAX,for the purpose of carrying on a

General Retail Business,at Abbeville C. II., S. C., in Domestic andFancy DRY GOODS, HARDWAREand CU TLERY, FAMILY GROCE1)11713T» 1- C<l

ivtuo, ouurs anu suppers,Saddles, Bridles and Trunks,Crockery and Glass, Huts and Caps, Bonnets,&.c, Books and Stationery,FAMILY MEDICINES, PAINTS,Oils, Dy'.'stuffs and Perfumery,READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C.

The Partnership commenced on the firstday oF January, 1846, and will terminateon the 31st dav of December, 1855.


Abbeville C. H. sept 23, 1846 30 tf

Notice,la hereby given to the Legatees of the Estateof the late Stnnhpn Witlowho are without the limits of this State,that the Administrator, with Will annexed,is ready to pay their respective legacies,and requests them to appear in person orby attorney, on or before the first Decembernext, and receive the same, ns he willnot be accountable for interest after thuttime. M. W. COLEMAN,

Adm'r Will Annexed.September 2,1846 27 m3m

NOTICEIs hereby given to those concerned, thatthe citizens of Due West Corner, will applyfor an Act of Incorporation at thenext session of the Legislature.May 15, 1846 II29'

Notice,la hereby given, that a Petition will bo offeredto our next Legislature, applying foran act of incorporation for Liberty ChurchSeptember 2, 1846 27 3«n

W. C. & J. B. MORAGNE,Attorneys at Law.Have formed a Partnershinfor th» -r « a tar_..w.r^vwM. vi junvr, illAbbeville District. 8tf j

A LIST OF LETTteUS,Now remaining in the Post Olficc at

Abbeville (J. H., S. C.,Oet. 1, 1S4G.A

Major J D A<lams, Henry Atkins,Daguerrian Artist, Sylvanus Adams,Washington Allen.Yi

Miss Mary Jane Bowie, AndrewBradley, Daniel Brown,Samuel Banks,W W Belcher, Uriah Barran.

CDoctor Carter, Mrs E A Crowder, JasL» Calhoun, Miss Sarah Ann Cason,George Campbell, G J Cannon.

DCornelius P Dupre, George Duffey.

EMathew EiUvards, Sidney Evans.

FDavid C Felton, Alex'r P Fowler 2,DanielFerris, Reuben Fowler.

IIRobert W Haddcn 2, William LeslieHarris 2, William-Harris, William Hill,W E Haskell, D Hughey & Co, S JHay, Gen'l Hodges, Mrs Mary Hadaway,Susan Hackct, Robert R Hous'.on.

JWilliam Junkins.

LMis Elizabeth Lipscomb, John L Lockridge,James Lockhart, Thomas Lord.

JV1Jessee Masters, Mrs Martha Masters,M iss Permelia Medley, L D Miller,MrsMartha Maxwell, George M Morrow,John Moore 2. Or Wm Master?. Smith


John D Nix, Miss Frances H E Norwood.Mc

Fcalin McGce, Robert McDonald,MissMartha McLand.P

O I. 11 n l n * » -*-* *oiuuii v xaui, Airs Agnes Jii fuui.

RJ W Red.

SThomas Smith, William Smith, SherroclSmith, Harrison Scott, Hezukiah YVSmith, B W Stewart, Alex'r Stevenson.

TMcKinney Thomas 2, Miss Nancy RThomson, Turnbull.

WAndrew Williamson 3, Miss Mary LYVatUins, D Wardlaw, Mrs ElizabethWalker, T J Weem.«, Miss Susan EWilson, loma Woodbridge, Dr ABO\\ oil, Andrew Weed.N. 13.If the above letters r.re not takenout of this office previous to the first

day of January, 1847, they will be returnedto the General Post Office asdead letters. JOHN itfcLAREN,Oct 7 32 3t Post 3/aster.

IMPORTANT SALE !VVill bo sold, on the 11th NOVEMBERNEXT, at the luto residence of JosliuaMeachum, the tract' of LAND on whichhe lately resided, situate ubout thirteenmiles westward of the village of Abbeville,bwiiiuiiuiig unu i nousand £'our Hundredand Thirty Acres, more or less. Theplace is in a good state of improvement,having on it a good Dwelling HOUSE,GIN HOUSE and SCREW.THRASHINGHOUSE and THRASHER, a newMILL HOUSE and MILL, and all neeessaryout buildings ; three hundred acresof freshly cleared land.

ALSO,Will be sold at the same time and place,uhnilt fiup t Itnnon n*l hnol...1<- "^ r'/VD V -« w uuouno Ui WIV11| 11

quantity of FODDER, about four hundredbushels ot WHEAT, about one thousandbushels ot OATS, and about fifty bushelsof RYE; HORSES and MULES,CATTLE, SHEEP. HOGS. HOUSEHOLDand KITCHEN FUTNITURE,PLANTATION TOOLS, and manyother articles.The land will be sold on a credit of one

and two and three years, and the personalproperty on n credit of onu year, the wholeto bear interest from date.

JAMES MEACHUM,Ex'or of Joshua Meachum.

AuguBt 26, 1846 26 lit

To Physicians.Having exchanged the practice of medicinefor a more congenial employment, Ioffer for sale my entire stock of MEDICINES,SHOP FURNITURE.'SADm.l7..RAn«SII. potto

. un rAVuii' IH cuai; u» ou I\*


&c &c &c. This stock embraces all themedicines, furniture, &c. nescessary forthe young Physician to enable him to enterat once upon the practice of his profession.The above articles will be sold at asacrifice. P«T6ons wishing to purchasewill apply at the Printing Office.

C. H. KINGSMORE.- Aug 19 25 tf |Valunble Town Property for Sale. '

r, me subscriber intending tomove to the country, offers for

JSlfll8l>1(! ^'8 and LOT inAdneSKthe Village of Abbeville, situatedon the Public Square. Tne House is acomfortable and commodious one, and in fconnection with it, are two LAW OFF!- <CES, which can be rented at fair prices. «All thf? out buildingrs and fencing are new, aand the Dwelling House has bnen recently cPAINTED. Any per&on wishing such cproperty, would do well to call and see me. 1Dec 17 42tf J. RAMEY,

*S!5S!?!5SS5a5!!HThe State of South Carolina,

Abbeville District.William Wilson and Wile, applicants,

vs. Pliarcs Martin and Wife, JamesPorter and others..Real Estate, ofDavid Porter, dec-d.

It appearing to my satisfaction that DavidS Porter, a Distributee and Defendant inling case, resides wit hout the limits of thisState : It is therefore Ordered that he doappear and object to the division or sale ofthe Ileal Estate of the eaid David Porter,deceased, situate in Abbeville District, onor befon^Lhe first Monday in Decembernext, or nis consent to th«s same will beentered on record. D. LESLY, Ord yOrdinary's Office, Sept 28, 1846

sept 40 31 lOw

The State of South Carolina,ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

iiV C H A N C L> it Y.Uriah O. Tate, vs. Enos Asbury Tate..Bill for Partition.

By virtue of an order from the Court ofChancery, will be sold, at Abbeville CourtHouse, on the first Monday in Novemberm-xt, the tract of Land described in thesaid bill, containing four hundred acres,more or less, situate in the Dibtrict undState aforesaid, on Shanklin's Creek, watersof Little River and Savannah, anduuumicn uy lands ot Joshua Aleachum, JnoPower, Jr, and A. Hunter? on a credit ofone and two years. The costs to be paidin cas.li, and "the purchaser to give bondand security and a mortgage of the pie*.mist s to secure the purchase money, andpay lor titles. H. A. JONES, C. E.. Confrs office, Septal, 1846 30 Ct

The State of South Carolina,ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

Iii the Court of Common Picas.Thomas L. Whitlocli, who is in the custodyof the Sheriff of Abbeville District,by virtue ot" a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum,at the suit of McCartcr & Allen,having filed his petition, with a schedule othis whole estate, real and personal, for thepurpose of obtaining the benefit of the Actof the General Assembly called u the Inrv.u»» a »»nui>' in J/I.UI.UIO XlUl.

Public notice is hereby given, that thepetition of ».he said Thomas L Whitlockwill be heard «nd considered in the Courtol Common Pleas for Abbeville District,at Abbeville Court House, on Thursdaythe twmty-second day of October next, orsuch other day thereafter as the Courtmay order during the Term commencingat the place alorcsaid, on the third Mondayin October next; and ail ihe creditorsof the said Thomas L Whitlock are herebysummoned personally or bv their attornirsto appear then and there in the said Courtto shew cause, if any they can, why thebenefit of the act aforesaid should not begranted to the said Thomas L Whitlock,upon his executing the assignment requiredby the acts aforesaid.JNO F LIVINGSTON, C. C. P,Clerk's Office, July 18, 1846 21 3m

The State of South Carolina.ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

In the Common Picas.William A. Cobb, vs. James Knox..

Foreign Attachment.The Plaintiff'in the above cose haying thisday filed his Declaration in my office, andthe Defendant haying no wife or attorneyknown to be within the State, upon whoma copy thereof nn.y be served : It is Orderedthat the said Defendant do appearand plead thereto within a year and. a dayfrom this date, or judgment by default willbe given against him.

JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk.niL-'a Offino IV! 1. TA 10.1C O -1-. 41b O v^iiik/V) Iiiaitli It) iOtU. o xy

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLTNA,Abbeville District.In the Court ofCommon Pleas.

Joseph W. W. Marshall, bearer, vs.Francis Henderson, sen'r..DccPn. inAttach11. on Prom'ry. Note.

Whereas, the Plaintiff in this action did,on this day, file his Declaration agpinstthe Defendant, who is absent from andwithout the limits of this State, as it issaid, and having neither wife nor attorneyknown, upon whom a copy of the aboveDeclaration, with a ruin in nlunH thr>r/»i/>on or before the Twenty-second day olNovember next, otherwise, final and absolutejudgment will be then given andawarded against the Defendant

JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk.Clerk's Office, Nov 22, IeJ45 30 ly

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,m/uvviiic iyiOUltljIn the Common Picas.

Agnes KingsmorCjAdm'x. } Decl'n. inv. > ForeignFrancis Henderson. S Attachm't.

The Plaintiff having filed his Declarationn my office, and the Defendant having nowife or Attorney, known to be within theState, on whom a copy of the same, withi rule to plead, can beservd i It is Order-n uibi me iserenuani pieaa 10 me saidDeclaration within a year and a day, or[ihfel and absolute judgment will be given{gainst him.

J. F. LIVINGSTON, Clerk. «Clerk's Office, Nov J9,1845 lyTo the People of Abbeville. *

rha nllhpr»rihor «1I " .» cwiiwio Oil per*

tons indebted to the Sheriffs Office forIJOST, Plaintiffs or Defendant's,are earn>


;stly requested to come forward and settle,is this is my last year in office, I shall be A!ompell<>d to have all cost due me in the»f8ce settled. You will find myself or Mrraggart always in attendanceApril 15 7 tf J. RAMEY.

candidates,For Sheriff.

We are authorized to announceMr. J. 11. TARRANT, as a candidate forSheriff at the ensuing election.We are authorized to announce t.P. MOSELY as a candidate lor Sheriffof Abbeville Dis. at the ensuing election.We are authorized to announce W.A. COBB as a candidate for the office ofSheriff ot Abbeville District at the ensuingelection.The friends ofA C HAWTHORNannouncehim as a candidate for Sheriff for

llvUv.'viuu ju/iamui at me ensuing electionWe are authorized to announce VA.CHAEL HUGHEY as a candidate forSheriff, at the ensuing election.For Clerk.

We are authorized to announce THOSP SPIERIN as a candidate for Clerk ofCourt of Abbeville District at the ensuingelection.We are authorized to announce JAS.S. WILSON as a candidate for Clerk ofCourt for Abbeville District at the ensuingElection.We are authorized to announce Dr.gt V. CAIN. nH n r>nnfliflotr. .L -r

, IUI vyierti. OIthe Court at the next ensuing election.For Tax Collector,

The friendsoftheRev. JAS. MOORErespectfully announce him as a candidatefor the office of Tax Collector at the ensuingelection.The friends ofEZEKIEL TRIBLE

announce him as a candidate for the officeof Tax Collector at the ensuing election.

DR. HULL'SVegetable Fever and Auge and anti-Fever

PILLS.Among all the advertised remedies of thoday for ague and Fever, or Chill and Fesvcr, none seem to meet with such rapidityor sale and give so much general satisfaction,as Dr Hull's celebrated Pills. Wher-.ever they have been introduced, all tonicsin whatever shape, all mixtures and Pillsand preparations of every character, designedfor this disease, have been discarded,and Dr. Hull's Ague Pdls have beenreceived as the only permanent cure.They slop the Chills and Fever the firstday, and do not sicken the stomach or operateon tho hnwols Vmm*9.i... . jl vuug viuiui uii aim

persons of e!! o^cs 56X6S9 auu conciitionainay use those Pills, not only with safety,but with the certainty of success.

Reader, please notice the following testimonyfrom your own friends and neighbors:" Abbeville District, April 9, 1846.

" This is t-o certify that I have sold severaldozen boxes ofDr Hull's Vegetabler ever anu Ague fills within the last threeyear?, and have used several boxes in myown family, and I have never known themFail curing the Chills and Fever in a singleinstunce. I would recommend aUthose persons subject to Chills and Feverto use Dr. Hull's Pills.

[signed] JOHN KELLER.Mr Lewis Covin, of Abbeville District,

suys he has known the Chills and Feverot twelve month's standing completelycured by taking only half a box of Hull'sAgue and Fever Pills.Mr B Gussoway, of Anderson District,writes, in the full of 1844, 441 was severelyattacked with the Chills and Fevers, which

continued on me until February, 1845. I1 rind .Qnunrnl rpmn»li*io ... .

Wv*v»m« *vuiwui^ot uitu v*aa iui auiuu**lime under the treatment of a Physician,but received no lusting benefit from hisprescriptions; my disease continued toincrease in the frequency and severity ofits attacks. I at last had recourse to DrHull's Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills,and in using only one box* was permanent*ly cured, and have remained in good healtheviT since, i mink they are a superiorremedy in Chills and Fevers, and wouldcheerfully recommend ihem lo all personssubject to this complaint."We might give scores of references and

certificates, but we refer the render to ouragents, where they miiy obtain a pamphlet(gratis) giving a full description of themedicine and its manner of use.

Price, 81 per box.Dr. Hull's Cough Lozenges.Every ftirnily in the United States »h< uld

keep a supply of Dr Hull's Cough Lozensges in the house, not only as a preventivemedicine against the consumptive tendenciesof the climate, but as an effectual re.mcdv in all cases of Coughs and Colds.

Ceder Grove,Abbeville Dis.Ap'l 9, '46The Travelling Agent of Drs Hull and

Spenccr left, us about eighteen monthssince what he thought a supply of DtHull's Cough Lozenges. Since'then wehave sold them all out and could have soldas many more if we had been supplied;We have made use of them ourselves andin and in our families, and consider themah excellent medicine for the relief ofCoughs, Colds, and all Pulmonary complaints.B. & J. JORDON.

Price, 25 cents per box.Dr. Hull's Worm Lozetigfes

Are a preparation that never fail tdmove Worms from children or adulUl.Children will cry for them, and eat them

is they would candy.Price, 25 cents per box.'All the abovo excellent Family Medi^A .:ines are for sale at Abbeville C. HalfDrs. WARDLAW & DENfiY. "

Sept 23 O0&JOfcN Ci RAKK-TM

ittorney at Law, having taken an officein the rear of the Court House Mininear to the Printing Office,will pttfchptlyattend to till business entrusted tohis cajre. Jan^4. 46
