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Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State







AUGUST, 2016


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Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State


I Mohammed Aisha Abubakar hereby declared that this project entitled:

“Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna

South Local Government of Kaduna State”. Written and undertaken by me, in

partial fulfilment of B.Sc Public Administration in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

______________________________ ______________

Mohammed Aisha Abubakar Date



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Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State


This project entitled: “Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State ” by MOHAMMED AISHA ABUBAKAR meets the regulations governing the award of B.Sc Degree in Public Administration in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and is approved for its contribution to knowledge and academic presentation.

_________________________ __________________


Project Supervisor

_________________________ __________________

Mal. Abubakar M. Goga Date

Project Coordinator

_________________________ __________________

Dr. Hamza A. Yusuf Date

Head of Department


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This project is dedicated to Almighty Allah who has seen me through my

educational pursuit in life, and to my beloved parents, for being the sources of my

inspiration, may Allah prolong your life with good health and his guidance

(Ameen), and for the moral support towards my education.


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All praise goes to Allah the Lord of the world whose mercy, favour,

blessings and guidance has helped me throughout my life.

A special thanks to my supervisor Dr. A.A Tijjani for his guidance that

helped to improve the quality of this research work. May Almighty Allah guide

and protect him.

My sincere appreciation goes to my lovely brothers and sisters, Engr.

Kabiru Sallau, Aliyu Umar Balarabe, Ahmadu Sallau, Faiza Sallau, Asma’u

Sallau, Abdullahi Sallau, Hamza Sallau, and my loving friend Hajiya Maryam

Moh’d Ketso. May Allah bless you all for your endless support (Ameen).

Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge my parent Late. Alh. Sallau

Abubakar and Hajiya Maryam Moh’d may your souls continue to reest in Jannatul

Firdausi (Ameen).

My profound gratitude goes to my darling husband Alh. Salihu Abdullahi

Bature for his endless love and support may Allah bless you abundantly


Lastly to my friends and well wishers, I pray Allah bless you all.


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This research work is geared towards the “Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State” as a tool for Rapid Socio-economic Development with a particular reference to Barnawa Business Unit. the objectives of this study include amongst others: to identify whether political interference in PHCN Barnawa Business Unit has lead to employment of unqualified personnel: To access operational problems been faced by PHCN Barnawa business unit in areas of distribution, generation, billing and bill payment; Determining measures, how resource allocation will compliment investment made by organization. Survey research method was used in the research design and data were collected using both primary and secondary sources. Simple percentage was used to get the sample of 50 from the total population from the organization that stood at 89 as at 29th May, 2015. Chi- square method was used to test the formulated hypothesis, the null hypothesis were rejected. Also relevant review of related literature was made and system theory was employed. Therefore, was recommended that autonomy should be given to PHCN as a whole so that political interference will be erased; Technical expert should be recruited such as engineer, technicians, computer genius, for this will enhance their productivity and performance in socio-economic development. Since most of their service involved field work rather than paper work.


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Title Page- - - - - - - - - - - i

Declaration - - - - - - - - - - ii

Certification - - - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - - - iv

Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - v

Abstract- - - - - - - - - - - vi



1.0 Introduction- - - - - - - - - 1

1.1 Background of the Study- - - - - - - 1

1.2 Statement of Problem - - - - - - - 3

1.3 Research Questions - - - - - - - 5

1.4 Research Hypothesis - - - - - - - 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study - - - - - 7

1.6 Significance of the Study - - - - - - 8


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1.7 Research Methodology - - - - - - - 9

1.8 Population of the Study - - - - - - - 10

1.9 Definition of Relevant Terms - - - - - - 12



2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 13

2.2 Concept of Performance -- - - - - - - 14

2.3 Theoretical Framework; - - -- - - - 37




3.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 44

3.1 Historical Background of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - 44

3.2 Organizational Structure of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - 53

3.3 Source of Fund - - - - - - - - 59


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4.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 60

4.2 Data Presentation - - - - - - - - 61

4.3 Data Analysis - - - - - - - - - 66

4.4 Major Findings of the Study- - - - - - - 84



5.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 85

5.2 Summary - - - - - - - - - 85

5.3 Conclusion - - - - - - - - - 86

5.4 Recommendation - - - - - - - - 87




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1.1 Background of the Study

Electricity is very important for both social and economic development; it is

an essential tool in the manufacturing industries by virtue of its versatility and

convenience in use. Electricity generated in the world, is used for industrial

purposes and undoubtedly has been a major factor that has contributed to the

now prosperity of most advanced countries.

The performance of electricity can be seen in the prosperous successful

economics of Asia country, such as China and South Korea that led to the

development of their infant industries through small and medium scale

enterprise. More also, South East Asia, such as Thailand and Singapore now

being followed by others such as Indonesia and Malaysia are among the world

leaders in agriculture and other agro-allied products.

The necessity and relevance of power supply to the development of all

sectors of human Endeavour in our present times makes it the starting point for

Nations to attain greatness.

Thus lack of constant supply of electricity is the major factors that have led

to closure of many industries that had in the past provided employment to

hundreds of thousands of Nigerians. Those in operation are finding it difficult to


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cope due to the high cost of running generator for their production. It also led to

inflations as providers of services; do add extra cost to consumers.

Electricity performance had in the transformed the united state economy,

bringing a revolution in their transport sector, most especially the creation of a

dynamic manufacturing sector such as iron, ore, copper, oil and coal. Also the

trans-application, railways and trains, those that ran from the east coast to the

Midwest are now modernized into electric speed trains.

Thus, Anyebe (2008) noted that “development is used to refer to the total

transformation of a system, thus when used to describe a Nation it implies a

progression from a lower and often undesirable state to a high and preferred

one”. It involves growth in the institution and structural base of the economy

especially the energy utilization which is often used as a development index.

From the above, it is obvious the that effects of electricity usage reverberate

through the economy, serving as a source of energy for industrial and

commercial outfits as well as widespread domestic use, cannot be overwoked.

Thus, electricity generation serves as an outlet for the product of other industrial,

like coal, fuel, oil, natural gas and diesel.

The electric power supply in Nigeria is indeed a critical infrastructure which

requires urgent remedy. The problem of epileptic power supply in the country has

become a nightmare to Nigerians. The intention of the provision of this

infrastructure is suppose to make comfortable and increase the standard of


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living, provide essential building blocks for the diversification of the economy and

set the economy on the part of development.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The period of 1950s and 1960s marked the determination of the government of

developing countries to ensure responsibilities for the performance of their

economy, thus, implementing key portion of their developmental plans through

state owned firms. They are powerful agents for socio-economic development

especially in the areas of provision of employment and social services (like

electricity). This explains in part why governments all over the world including

that of Nigeria, have shown diverse interests in the establishment of Power

Holding Company, ranging from formulating policies guiding their establishment

of outright ownership. A critical survey of the economy of Nigeria was undertaken

and was discovered that power holding of Nigeria are established to accelerate

national economic development under conditions of shortage of capital and

structural defects on private business organizations to provide for the prosperity

of every Nigerian so that the country is not held to ransom by a group of self-

centered, wanton and unscrupulous entrepreneurs.

The Nigerian experience with power holding company of Nigeria has been a

disappointing one, due to the performance below expectation as attested to by

criticisms and public statement leveled against them. In other words, the

performance of these enterprises according to Mbanefo is very revealing;”a


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research into 150 companies and enterprises as at the end of 1983 showed that

the returns of government, N3.211 billion investments were only 1%. Other

criticism put forward against power holding company of Nigeria ranges from

ineffectiveness, unwarranted or incomplete monopolistic nature, inefficiency to

the enigmatic issue of corruption. This argues that the performance of power

holding company of Nigeria are not viable to accelerate national economic

development and hence do not justify the amount of funds expanded on them.

Mohammed (1998) is of the view that power holding company of Nigeria are also

criticized for being “unresponsive” to the changing requirement of growing and

dynamic economy because they lack tools to translate into reality the hope of

their successful commercial operation, in achieving the objectives of providing

adequate and efficient electricity supply, the PHCN barnawa business unit has

been confronted by a myriad of problems hindering the effective performance of

its functions. These problem ranges from lack of dedication on the part of the

management and junior workers to sabotage or misuse of electricity equipment,

corruption, obsolete equipment and unwillingness by people, groups and

organizations to pay for the service provided by PHCN to enable it achieve its

objectives. These entire attendant problems are pointers to inefficiency on the

part of the management, which makes it an increasingly difficult for power

holding company of Nigeria to grow and improve in terms of socio-economic



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There were also inadequate financial control system that lead to high level

of corruption, diversion of materials(Transformers, Meters and polls) that are

meant for socio-economic development.

Political interference also contributed to the employment of unqualified

staffs that are not been able to carryout their official duty in Barnawa business

unit that lead to the hindrance of socio-economic development.

1.3 Research Questions

The following are my research questions

1. Why has Government always interfere by recruiting unqualified personnel

lacking the technical ability to handle its operations?

2. Is PHCN having adequate funds to carry out its operations, and by

extension taken care of the welfare of its staff?

3. How has resource allocation complemented investment made by PHCN

Barnawa Business Unit to improve its performance toward achieving a

good socio economic development?

1.4 Objectives Of The Study

The objectives of this study among other things is to evaluate the role and

effectiveness of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit, the low performance of

management by understanding a preliminary study of management activities

using available journals, observation, public comments and opinion in our

national dailies and magazines as source of information their come out of the


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recommendations as to how to make management of PHCN better and result


The aims and objectives of this study are:-

a. To identify whether political interference in PHCN, Barnawa

Business Unit has lead to employment of unqualified personnel.

b. To access operational problems been faced by PHCN Barnawa

Business unit in areas of distribution, generation, Billing and Bill


c. To determine measures, how resources allocation will complement

investment made by the PHCN, Barnawa Business Unit.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

This research project has the following research hypothesis formulated,

that guide the researcher in carrying out the research work.

H0: The dilapidated state of the PHCN Barnawa business unit equipments is not

responsible for their poor performance

H1: The dilapidated state of the PHCN Barnawa business unit equipments is

responsible for their poor performance.

H0: The inadequacy of funds is not responsible for the poor performance of

PHCN Barnawa business unit

H1: The inadequacy funds is responsible for their poor performance of PHCN

Barnawa business unit.


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1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research work will focus on the evaluation of the

performance of power holding company of Nigeria, Barnawa Business Unit. The

study covers the period from 2008-2015.

From the study, (interview) some of the respondents were difficult to

research on because they don’t want to dispose on open up for me to get the

needed information.

This study was to examine the evaluation of the performance of power

holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) as a tool for rapid socio economic

development. As regard this study, there was the problem of finance, the

research had the financial constraint to overcome related to the collection of

information. Collection of the needed data was not at all that easy in PHCN

Barnawa business unit, as there was reluctance on the part of PHCN officials

who behaved as though the researcher as some altered motive order than

academics. The feared that as a no one could be trusted in the present Nigeria

situation, that giving information to outsider may run their career. There was not

enough finance for sufficient materials and the time is not enough and other

resources to embark on wider coverage. Notwithstanding, the researcher was

able to collect some necessary data for this project.


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1.7 Significance of the Study

Apart from the fact that the study aids the researcher in deepening his

knowledge in the subject matter, the findings of this research add to him

scholarly and would serve as future research topic for others.

The study on the performance of PHCN, Barnawa Business Unit could aid

the practicing personnel manager and government when borrowing from

recommendation to improve their necessary equipments needed for service

delivery. This will boost the level of productivity in the locality as services

providers, residents and commercial consumers and waiting for a positive

charge. It is hoped that the findings of the study will assist managers and

management in improving the performance of PHCN Barnawa Business unit, it

hope that the study will encourage the understanding and proper utilization of

PHCN plant, structures towards better goals attainment

However, the study is an attempt to bring out and examine the common

contribution or positive impact of PHCN of socio-economic development taking

into consideration its common problem which militate against effective

performance of PHCN.

The study will also encourage the effective and proper utilization of the

power holding company plans and structure towards better goal attainment.


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1.8 Research Methodology

This study is the result of data collected from primary and secondary sources.

The primary sources here refers to original information obtained by the

researcher through personal interview, questionnaires and obtained from books,

past data, articles and documents of the organization being studies. Thus, the

researcher in course of the research work survey method was used.

1.8.1 Sources of Data Collection

The two sources of data collection that will be used are the primary and

secondary source of data.

Primary Source

The collection of data in this area is by interviewing and administering of

questionnaire to the management of PHCN barnawa business unit.

Secondary Source

Secondary source of data used, were available records, published

materials from the authority, news papers, magazines and available literature

containing material on the subject matter.

1.9 Population of the Study

The total population in Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)

Barnawa business unit is about 89 (eighty nine), made up of 7(Seven)

management staff, 21(twenty one) senior staff and 61(sixty one) junior staff.


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1.9.1 Sample and Sampling Technique

A total sample of 50(56%) were used, the 50 sample size consist of 4(four)

management staff,18(eighteen) senior staff, and 28(twenty eight) junior staff

were use respectively.

This sample size was derived using simple percentage. The solution is as


Management staffs 7(seven)Senior staffs 21(twenty one)Junior staffs 61(sixty one)Total population 89Percentage used was 56%n= Sample size unknown 56 * 89100 1

= 0.56 * 89= 49.84Approximately 50 sample size

1.9.2 Sampling Technique Used

For the purpose of this study, the researcher used a probability or random

sampling. This was done especially for the purpose of avoiding subjective bias

likely to arise from personal choice of sampling unit.

In this, questionnaire method was used to collect primary data. It is the question

presented to the respondents with the aim of obtaining certain information. It is

also designed to gather useful information from the respondent.


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1.9.3 Method of Data Analysis

In order to evaluate the performance of the Power Holding of Nigeria

(PHCN), the secondary data is gotten from the literatures like textbook,

magazines and journals.

The statistical tools used for the data collection include tables and chi-

square. The table will be use to summarize and present all the data collection,

while the data will be use for proper vivid statistical conclusion and analysis.

1.10 Definition of Relevant Terms

PHCN:-Power Holding Company of Nigeria which is responsible for electric

generation and supply.

Performance:-To mean the rate at which a worker or company produce goods

and/or services and in respect to the input injected

Electricity:-A fundamental form of kinetic or potential energy created by the free

or controlled movement of charged particles such as electrons.

Development: - A process of charging and becoming stronger, larger and

successful or advanced.

Evaluation- To judge how good, useful or successful something is a process of

carrying out a proper assessment.

Socio-Economic Development- Is a process of changing and becoming

stronger, larger, successful or advanced base on a combination of social and

economic conditions.


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Tool- Is a piece of equipment or a skill that is useful for doing your job.

Rapid- Happening or done very quickly and in a very short time.


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2.1 Introduction

In this chapter a review of related literature on performance and some influencing

factors by other researchers are made is all about determining the productivity

and output of any organization in respect of its internal and external environment.

performance is a core concept within work and organizational psychology.

During the past 10 or 15 years, researchers have made progress in clarifying and

extending the performance concept (Campbell, 1990). Moreover, advances have

been made in specifying major predictors and processes associated with

organizational performance. With the ongoing changes that we are witnessing

within organizations today, the performance concepts and performance

requirements are undergoing changes as well (Ilgen & Pulakos, 1999).

In this chapter, we summarize the major lines within performance-related

research. With this overview we want to contribute to an integration of the

scattered field of performance-related research. First, we briefly discuss the

relevance of performance to the organizations. We provide a definition of

performance and describe its multi-dimensional and dynamic nature.

Subsequently, we present three different perspectives on performance: the

individual differences perspective, the situational perspective, and the

performance relation perspective. Finally, we summarize current trends in the


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nature of work and discuss how these trends may affect the performance

concept as well as broader performance research and management.

2.2 Concept of Performance

Despite the great relevance of performance and the widespread use of job

performance as an outcome measure in empirical research, relatively little effort

has been spent on clarifying the performance concept. Still, in 1990, Campbell

described the literature on the structure and content of performance “a virtual

desert” (p. 704). However, during the past 10 to 15 years, one can witness an

increasing interest in developing a definition of performance and specifying the

performance concept.

Authors agree that when conceptualizing performance one has to differentiate

between an action (i.e., behavioral) aspect and an outcome aspect of

performance (Campbell,1990; Campbell, McCloy, Oppler, & Sager, 1993; Kanfer,

1990; Roe, 1999). The behavioral aspect refers to what an individual does in the

work situation. It encompasses behaviors such as assembling parts of a car

engine, selling personal computers, teaching basic reading skills to elementary

school children, or performing heart surgery. Not every behavior is subsumed

under the performance concept, but only behavior which is relevant for the

organizational goals: “Performance is what the organization hires one to do, and

do well” (Campbell et al., 1993, p. 40). Thus, performance is not defined by the

action itself but by judgemental and evaluative processes (cf. Ilgen & Schneider,


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1991; Motowidlo, Borman, & Schmit, 1997). Moreover, only actions which can be

scaled, i.e., measured, are considered to constitute performance (Campbell et

al., 1993).

The outcome aspect refers to the consequence or result of the individual’s

behavior. The above described behaviors may result in outcomes such as

numbers of engines assembled, pupils’ reading proficiency, sales figures, or

number of successful heart operations. In many situations, the behavioral and

outcome aspects are related empirically, but they do not overlap completely.

Outcome aspects of performance depend also on factors other than the

individual’s behavior. For example, imagine a teacher who delivers a perfect

reading lesson (behavioral aspect of performance), but one or two of his pupils

nevertheless do not improve their reading skills because of their intellectual

deficits (outcome aspect of performance). Or imagine a sales employee in the

telecommunication business who shows only mediocre performance in the direct

interaction with potential clients (behavioral aspect of performance), but

nevertheless achieves high sales figure for mobile phones (outcome aspect of

performance) because of a general high demand for mobile phone equipment.

In practice, it might be difficult to describe the action aspect of performance

without any reference to the outcome aspect. Because not any action but only

actions relevant for organizational goals constitute performance, one needs

criteria for evaluating the degree to which an individual’s performance meets the


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organizational goals. It is difficult to imagine how to conceptualize such criteria

without simultaneously considering the outcome aspect of performance at the

same time. Thus, the emphasis on performance being an action does not really

solve all the problems.

Moreover, despite the general agreement that the behavioral and the outcome

aspect of performance have to be differentiated, authors do not completely agree

about which of these two aspects should be labelled ‘performance’. In the

remainder of this chapter we follow the suggestion of Campbell et al. (1993) and

refer to the behavioral aspect when we speak about performance.

In determining the productivity and output of any organization is of great

importance to evaluate its performance in relation to the demands by the other

dependant units. Thus, the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN),

BARNAWA BUSINESS UNIT formerly the National Electric Power Authority

(NEPA) established in 1974 by federal government as an undertaking which is an

entity governing the use and supply of electricity in BARNAWA BUSINESS UNIT

can only be assessed by its performance either positive or negative to other

dependent sectors.

Poor electricity supply in BARNAWA BUSINESS UNIT is proving a major

impediment to the operation and growth of industrialization and development in

the locality. The electricity supply in BARNAWA BUSINESS UNIT from inception


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to date suffers from inefficiency, fraud, corruption to gross misconduct by public

office holders.

2.2.1 Performance as a Multi-Dimensional Concept

Performance is a multi-dimensional concept. On the most basic level, Borman

and Motowidlo (1993) distinguish between task and contextual performance.

Task performance refers to an individual’s proficiency with which he or she

performs activities which contribute to the organization’s ‘technical core’. This

contribution can be both direct (e.g., in the case of production workers), or

indirect (e.g., in the case of managers or staff personnel). Contextual

performance refers to activities which do not contribute to the technical core but

which support the organizational, social, and psychological environment in which

organizational goals are pursued. Contextual performance includes not only

behaviors such as helping coworkers or being a reliable member of the

organization, but also making suggestions about how to improve work


Three basic assumptions are associated with the differentiation between task

and contextual performance (Borman & Motowidlo, 1997; Motowidl &Schmit,


(1) Activities relevant for task performance vary between jobs whereas contextual

performance activities are relatively similar across jobs;


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(2) task performance is related to ability, whereas contextual performance is

related to personality and motivation;

(3) task performance is more prescribed and constitutes in-role behavior,

whereas contextual performance is more discretionary and extra-role.

2.2.2 Manifestation of the Poor Performance of PHCN Barnawa Business

Unit 2008-2015

The situational perspective refers to factors in the individuals’ environment which

stimulate and support or hinder performance. The core question to be answered

is: In which situations do organization perform best? The situational perspective

encompasses approaches which focus on workplace factors but also specific

motivational approaches which follow for example from expectancy theory

(Vroom, 1964) or approaches which aim at improving performance by reward

systems or by establishing perceptions of equity and fairness (Adams, 1963;

Greenberg, 1990). Most of the existing leadership research can be subsumed

under this perspective. Because of space constraints, we will concentrate on

workplace factors as major situational predictors of individual performance.

Interested readers may refer to Folger and Cropanzano (1998), Lawler (2000)

and Van Eerde and Thierry (1996) for specific motivational approaches, or to

Yukl (1998) for research within the leadership domain.

With respect to workplace factors and their relationship to individual performance

two major approaches can be differentiated: (1) those that focus on situational


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factors enhance and facilitate performance and (2) those that attend to situational

factors which impede performance.

A prominent approach within the first category is the job characteristics model

(Hackman & Oldham, 1976). In this model, Hackman and Oldham assumed that

job characteristics (i.e., skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy,

feedback) have an effect on critical psychological states (i.e., experienced

meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for work outcomes, knowledge of the

results of the work activities) which in turn have an effect on personal and work

outcomes, including job performance. Additionally, they expected an interaction

effect with employee growth need strength. In essence, the job characteristics

model is a motivational model on job performance (for an alternative

interpretation, cf. Wall & Jackson, 1995). Meta-analytic findings sug- gest that

there is a small, but positive relationship between job characteristics and job

performance (Fried, 1991; Fried & Ferris, 1987). Guzzo, Jette, and Katzell (1985)

also reported positive effects of work redesign interventions on performance. The

cross- sectional nature of many studies does not allow for a causal interpretation.

For example, it might be that individuals who show high performance get the

better jobs. However, intervention studies showed that job design suggested by a

job characteristics model has a positive effect on performance (Griffin, 1991; Wall

& Clegg, 1981).


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Socio technical systems theory (Trist & Bamforth, 1951) also falls in this first

category of job design approaches which specify workplace factors that enhance

performance. Basically, socio technical systems theory describes work systems

as composed of social and technical subsystems and suggests that performance

improvement can only follow from the joint optimization of both subsystems. In

more detail, socio technical systems theory suggests a number of job design

principles such as the compatibility between the design process and its

objectives, a minimal specification of tasks, methods, and task allocations, and

the control of problems and unforeseen events as near as to their origins as

possible (for a fuller description cf. Cherns, 1976; Clegg, 2000).

As Parker and Turner (this volume) pointed out, socio technical systems theory is

more concerned with group performance than with individual performance.

However, one can assume that work situations designed on the basis of this

approach have also positive effects on individual performance.

Approaches in the second category focus on factors that have a detrimental

effect on performance. Within role theory (Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, &

Rosenthal, 1964), role ambiguity and role conflict are conceptualized as

stressors that impede performance. However, empirical support for the assumed

negative effects of role ambiguity and role conflict is weak (Jackson & Schuler,

1985). In a recent meta-analysis Tubbs and Collins (2000) found a negative

relationship between role ambiguity and performance in professional, technical,


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and managerial jobs. Additionally, they found a negative relationship between

role ambiguity and self-ratings of performance. However, the 90% credibility

interval of all other effect sizes included zero. Similarly, neither Jackson and

Schuler (1985) nor Tubbs and Collins (2000) found a significant relationship

between role conflict and job performance.

Situational constraints include stressors such as lack of necessary information,

problems with machines and supplies as well as stressors within the work

environment. Situational constraints are assumed to impair job performance

directly. For example, when a machine breaks down one cannot continue to

accomplish the task and therefore performance will suffer immediately.

Moreover, situational constraints, as other stressors, can have an indirect effect

on performance by requiring additional regulation capacity (Greiner & Leitner,

1989). Additional regulation capacity over and above the one needed for

accomplishing the task is required for dealing with the constraints. Because

human regulatory capacity is limited, less capacity is available for accomplishing

the task and, as a consequence, performance decreases. However, empirical

support for the assumed detrimental effect of situational constraints and other

stressors on performance is mixed (Jex, 1998). Recently, Fay and Sonnentag

(2000) have shown that stressors can even have a positive effect on personal

initiative, i.e., one aspect of contextual performance. These findings suggest that

within a situational perspective, the performance- enhancing factors (e.g.,


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control at work, meaningful tasks) play a more important role than stressors.

Framed differently, the lack of positive features in the work situation such as

control at work threatens performance more than the presence of some stressors

(cf. Karasek & Theorell, 1990, for a related argument). In terms of practical

implications, the task and situational perspective suggests that individual

performance can be improved by job design interventions. For example,

empirical job design studies have shown that performance increases when

employees are given more control over the work process (Wall, Corbett, Martin,

Clegg, & Jackson, 1990; Wall, Jackson, & Davids, 1992).

The manifestation of the poor performance of the Power Holding Company

of Nigeria (PHCN) is determined by the dilapidated state of the

- Socio economic environment

- Technological environment

- Administration and service environment.

These environment which serves as the major employers of labour in the

locality are fast decaying as the main engine drive had collapsed. (i.e the power


The performance of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Barnawa

Business Unit on the socio-economic environment is seen from the combination

of external social and economic conditions that influence the operation and

performance of the socio-economic organization. Electric infrastructure is the


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basic system and structure that a country or organization need in other to work

properly. But in Barnawa Business Unit the situation is becoming a nightmare as

industries and producers are forced out of business due to insufficient electricity

to meet their productive capacity.

The term economic infrastructure signifies a group of improvements in land

areas which are typified by physical forms of capital investment in the usefulness

of land for production and habitation. Featured improvements of this type include

large scale systems of water management, transportation, communications

systems and production. Though in Barnawa Business Unit there have been little

economic infrastructural (i.e. electricity) improvement. The sustainable level of

production and development capacity of those developed nations would have

collapse. The amount of infrastructure development (electricity) required by

Barnawa Business Unit and the percentile of the total demand by the entire

sectors of the economy are variable. This amount of electricity decreases as

demand increases every day, also as population density increases. Therefore,

living less to required for advancement and development; infrastructural capacity

(socio-economic, administration, service and technological infrastructures)

demand in Kaduna of more than 4000 mega watts, only 2500mw of electricity

dose the nations Power Holding Company produces at a time that is not even

enough for Barnawa Business Unit’s consumption.


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2.2.3 Effect of PHCN Performance on Economic and Social Service

The conventional development strategy for the Third World is and has

been dominated by economic growth. In the process of its implementation,

industrialization became equated with development. To this end, industrialization

by way of capital accumulation and technology transfer from the industrial

nations to the Third World were pursued with immense interest. Decades of

massive importation of advanced technology and the implementation of large-

scale, capital-intensive production methods in Third World countries have

revealed the shortcomings of such an approach. First of all, the strategy entails

the employment of capital-intensive technology in countries that are short of

capital and endowed with surplus labor. Third World countries, by opting for

capital-intensive production technology in spite of their shortage of capital, can

only afford to create a few jobs for a small number of people due to a very high

capital/labor ratio. This implies that several Third World countries equip only a

very small proportion of their labor force with the means of increasing production.

In this case, small islands of high productivity emerge in core urban centers at

the expense or neglect of the periphery involving the more populous segment of

the economy. The result has been the creation of a dual economic structure

(consisting of a prosperous modern sector and an impoverished traditional

sector), worsening unemployment conditions, and widespread abject poverty in

many Third World countries. According to a 1976 U.S. Agency for International


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Development (USAID) proposal to the U.S. Congress, the effects of capital-

intensive technology are not limited to problems of unemployment in the Third

World. "The high capital cost of modern technology has also contributed to the

development of dual economies small, relatively well-off enclaves of high

productivity and well-paid workers side by side with relative stagnation among

the larger community" (Thormann, 1979, p. 282). There are writers who attribute

growing poverty in the Third World in part to rapid growth in the modern sector

that is sustained with the most advanced imported technology (Singer, 1985).

This growth in Third World metropolitan areas is often accompanied with little or

no spread effect to the sectors in the periphery. Commenting on this issue,

Robinson (1979) observed that "a growth strategy that takes the form of industry-

led development, using the technologies that are appropriate for Western

societies, leaves almost untouched in the rural areas increasing absolute

numbers of impoverished and underemployed workers" (p. xii). It is because this

growth has failed to create sufficient employment opportunities and the growing

disparity in progress between regions that concerns have been raised about the

conventional development strategy. The World Bank even touched on the

inevitability of getting priorities right in terms of the pattern of development that

best addresses the needs of the Third World:

The choice to be faced …is whether to invest heavily in a few workers and

in services for a few to increase their production and living standards


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substantially, leaving the rest unaffected by growth (or at best affected indirectly),

or whether to make some gain in the productivity of many people by investments

at lower per capita affecting the mass of the people in the country. (Willoughby,

1990, p. 118)

As mentioned earlier, an impact of the pattern of growth in metropolitan areas

of the Third World is the development of a dual economy. This has been blamed

for causing, among other things, a constant influx of people into the cities from

the rural sector. Not only is this rural-urban migration a threat to the economy of

the rural sector, but also to the survival of the modern sector as it struggles to

cope with an exploding urban population. The modern sector is the creation of

mostly advanced, capital-intensive technology imported from the rich

industrialized countries. Schumacher (1973) blamed this technology for creating

what he called the "process of mutual poisoning" in most of the Third World. This

is a condition in which the concentration of industrial development in Third World

cities adversely affects the economy of the traditional sector as people abandon

their traditional undertakings to move to the cities. This movement in turn affects

the cities adversely by overpopulating them and causing problems almost

impossible to manage. The relationship in this case becomes one of mutual

destruction. This manifests itself today in the Third World in the form of high rates

of unemployment, poverty, great income disparity, and declining access to basic

needs. This being the case, a major challenge today in the Third World is to


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articulate an effective approach to ensure that benefits from development are

within people's reach regardless of where they live.

Appropriate technology as a development approach is intended to address

such socioeconomic problems, especially in the rural and informal sectors.

Stewart (1985) perhaps put the need for appropriate technology in perspective in

the following statement:

The argument for appropriate technology is not that jobs should be put

before output, but that techniques can be developed which promote both.

Appropriate technology is intended to raise productivity and incomes outside the

advanced technology sector and so extend the benefits of development

throughout the population. (p. 28)

It goes without saying that using appropriate technology to stimulate

production and employment in the sectors outside the modern sector is such an

important objective that it ought to be seen as a national imperative. It is

unreasonable not to promote appropriate technology for development in the

traditional and informal sectors in view of the capital and foreign exchange

situation in many Third World societies. Development in these regions must start

with less complex and expensive techniques and move forward.

Social-economic infrastructure which is an indicator that assesses the

underlying physical, financial, and human resources needed to support modern

technology is lacking in Barnawa Business Unit. These social economic


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infrastructures ranges from the availability of street lightening, traffic signals, fiber

optic communications intelligent transportation systems, site utilities and

entertainment facilities are ill-functional due to the insufficient electricity to

enhance their smooth running.

The service sector which is the lifeline for the social-economic growth of

Kaduna contribute more to the global output and employing more people than

any other sector has reached in employment and expansion capacity. This is due

to the fact that the performance of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria,

Barnawa Business Unit has been poor towards meeting the demands of the

service sector.

The retailing, insurance and infant industries in Barnawa Business Unit are

witnessing stagnation in productivity and output. These sub-sectors are

witnessing the absence of qualified personnel and this partly account for their

failure. Indicators include the current high level of un-technological sector. Also,

the quantity and productivity of the labor force, the presence of skilled labor and

existence of innovative management practices is lacking in the locality.

Manifestation of the performance of Power Holding Company of

Nigeria Barnawa Business Unit are unemployment, underdevelopment and

commercial entities (e.g. Arewa textile) had to cut down or limit production in

other to cope with the dilapidated state of the power sector. Industries like United


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Company limited is completely out of business and employees of such

organization are forced to quit their vocational.

World bank (1994) noted that the adequacy of power infrastructures helps

determine one country’s success and another’s failure in diversifying product,

expanding trade, coping with population growth, raising industrial productivity and

widening choices. Electricity supply raises productivity and lowers production


In Barnawa Business Unit, electricity infrastructure which is supposed to

help other sectors to boost their productivity and output is inefficient. Thus, it

brought a collapse in not just the power sector but also other economic

productive sectors of the locality.

Interrupted power supply in the course of doing business, which inversely

limits the quantity and quality of service and product to be produced.

Health service sector in Kaduna is witnessing absence of technology and

health equipment needed to reduce medication; dispensing errors, improve

patient safety, chronic disease management like, diabetes, cancer and heart

failure. Most of the health centers (hospitals, clinics and dispensaries) are

operating research and test locally or manually which has high tendencies of

wrong result interpretation. These shortcomings are as a result of the insufficient

electricity supply in Barnawa Business Unit.


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Health sector in 2012 due to the poor electricity supply to enhance the

smooth operation of the facilities and equipment accounted for maternal mortality

increased from 70-80 death in 1000 births respectively.

Technological infrastructure collapse in the area which represents the

social and economic institutions that contribute directly to Barnawa Business Unit

ability to develop, produce and market new technology was due to the poor

performance of the electric sector, that produces only 200MW to Barnawa

Business unit with a demand of about 4000MW. Indicators of technological

infrastructure includes the existence of a system for the protection of intellectual

property rights, competency in high technology, manufacturing and the capability

to produce qualified equipment.

Technological infrastructure collapse in the area which represents the

social and economic institutions that contribute directly to Barnawa Business Unit

ability to develop, produce and market new technology was due to the poor

performance of the electric sector, that produces only 200MW to Barnawa

Business Unit with a demand of about 4000MW. Indicators of technological

infrastructure includes the existence of a system for the protection of intellectual

property rights, competency in high technology, manufacturing and the capability

to produce qualified equipment.

Productive capacity of the technological sector dropped rapidly over the

last decade. The insufficient power supply accounted for part of the failure.


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Table 1

Performance of PHCN, Barnawa Business Unit on Sectors as at 2008

S/NO Sectors Growth Rate Per Annual of


Planned Actual

1. Agriculture 4.00 3.4

2. Retail trade and wholesaler 10.00 -0.6

3. Household and resident 8.10 1.1

4. Communication 15.00 -3.1

5. Services 12.00 0.25

Source: National Account of Nigeria

The above table shows how poor the performance of the Power Holding

Company of Nigeria, Barnawa Business Unit on the entire locality has been with

focus on 2007 performance. Socio economic sectors and service sectors

witnessed a slight poor performance as against the planned, while those of the

economic sectors witnessed a negative achievement as against the planned

target. In those years the productivity output of these sectors dropped rapidly all

due to the ill-performance of the electric sector.

2.3.3 Performance of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit


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Agriculture sub-sector which involves the cultivation of land, raising and

rearing of animals for the production of food for man, feed for animals and raw

materials for industries, lacks the electric back-up to boost and expand its

cultivation and production. Most extracted raw materials are been exported

instead of been processed in the region by our infant industries that need the

electric back-up to function properly.

Nigeria in the early 1970’s before the discovery of oil as a major producer

and exporter of oil, was a major producer of agriculture products which

accounted for 102 percent production in the sub sector, Kano and Kaduna

accounted for groundnut exports; through electric supply which was not 100%

functional was able to adequately supply energy to the agriculture sub sector for

production purposes.

Omawule and Rogrigues (1979) noted that agriculture has been a means

of reducing dependence on certain importation; it increases employment and

foreign exchange earnings. Between 1975 to 1980, per capital contribution of

agriculture range from 102, 93, 91, 90, 86 to 88 respectively, such decline rose

as a result of the failure of the electric sector to provide efficient and sufficient

energy to the agriculture sub sector.

Agriculture in Kaduna just of recent has not been able to meet the food

demands of the region. Food production per capital has been declining; its

contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell from 61.50% in 1970 to


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14.63% in 1983 while in 2006 it was just 5.6%. These ugly trends were all due to

the ill-health of the power sector and it failure to produce the much needed

energy for agricultural production.

As a result of the neglect by government to revamp the situation, farmers

had to leave cultivation of farm products in large quantity to subsistence farming.

Those in business were forced to use generators to boost their production while

thousands of youths and unemployed men are scattered as a result of closure of

most firms and companies, such as the groundnut pyramids in Kano And the

Textile company, employees had to retreat back to their respective petty farms

for survival.

Johnson (1970) said that, “ the proportion of a Nation’s resources

especially energy (other than labor) devoted to agricultural production increase

not only the production capacity of the receiving sector (agriculture) but also

boost the contribution of the other (energy sector) to economic development.

That is to say, if power supply remains sufficient and constant, agricultural

production will be processed, manufactured and packaged ready for

consumption/or export.

Communication sub-sector of the region consisting of means of sending

and receiving messages, orders, is vital to be smooth functioning to the region.

Kaduna in the past had two main communication services, the Nigerian Postal

Service (NIPOST) responsible for postal services and secondly, the Nigerian


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Telecommunication (NITEL) responsible for telecommunication facilities as well

as technical service department.

The collapses of NIPOST AND NITEL were mainly attributed to poor

electric supply to their facilities that requires energy to transfer and transmit

information. Billions of Naira was wasted to revamp the service, but this failed

because the necessary base or engine that supports their smooth functioning

(electricity) was neglected and abandoned.

Of recent, the communications services are being imported from countries

like South Africa, China, Singapore among others just to meet the demands of

the populate. This simple act has rendered dependency on other output instead

of boosting the growth of infant industries to transmit her sole communication

service, which will not only boost its status internationally but also increase

employment opportunities.

The transportation sub-sector of the locality especially the railway tracks

and trains will soon become history as government is doing nothing to revamp

both the energy and railway sub-sectors, countries like America, China and

Japan are improving on railway transport over road and air transport due to the

backup of the electric sector to produce and constantly supply energy to their

electronic speed trains that runs faster than the cars and convey more goods and

passengers that even some planes.


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Closure of such railway industries resulted in the retrenchment of more

than a 100,000 employees in the industries. Revenue and income that the sector

generates ahead of road transport was lost as a result of the collapse of the

industry. Electricity which is a necessity to the sectors development and growth

accounted for its failure as no amount of electricity was supplied to the sector;

rather, the sector was using locomotive engine to operate.

2.3 Theoretical Framework;

For this research system theory will be employed as the empirical bases.

System Approach of Management Theory as propounded by David Easton et al

(1994). He defined system as a grouping of elements that individually establish

relationships with each other and also interacts with their environment both as

individual and as collective entities.

The classes are of the view that once the purpose of an organization is

known by the members and the activities or roles are identified as well as the

means provided; the organization will function proper and effectively. They

mainly concerned themselves with operations in an organization, structures of an

organization and management.

A system may be defined as a set of independent parts that relate in the

accomplishment of same purpose. This implies that a system is not the sum of

parts or units but every parts or units has a particular function or role to play to


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ensure the functional survival of the system. Malfunctioning or absence of one or

more of the units of the system may not only destroy the system but can lead to

malfunction of the system. None of the parts is more important than the system

on its own, all of them works together. Drawing on work from many fields,

including; sociology, psychology, biology and information theory, the system

approach view enterprises as system that procure and transform inputs which

are subsequently discharged into their external environment in the form of goods

and services. Inputs may take the form of people, materials, money or

information. For instance, PHCN transform electricity either to step-up to step-


Every system has some characteristics known with it. They are:

i. A set or objectives which the entity seeks to achieve and without which it

cannot exists.

ii. A hierarchy of inter-dependent units (sub-systems) among which the

system objectives are dividend for implementation.

iii. Importation of energy and stimulation from the environment e.g. people

and material resources.

iv. A conversion circuit where the conversion process take place.

v. Production of output in form of services or goods.

vi. Feedback mechanism that brings it information which helps it evaluates its

work or output.


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vii. An environment which is the larger society in which the system is situated.

According to Cole (1986), the boundaries of an organization are not visible for

the boundaries of a social system and are based on the relationship and not on

things. Thus, while certain factual elements, such as physical reactions do have

some impact on organization boundaries. It is the result of management

(choices) that really determine where the organization and environment begins.

With the system theory in mind, an organization is seen as one element with a

number of elements interacting independently. The flow of inputs from the

environment to output is the basic starting point in describing the organization.

The figure below illustrates the functional elements of the System Theory.


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Functional Element of the System Theory



Source: David E. et al (1994)

The system theory indicates that the organization is an open social system which

draws resources (input) from the environment. It mobilizes, utilize and produce

goods and services that are to be exported back to the environment as (output).

This process occurs in a cyclical manner. The success or failure of an

organization is measured by the Rate of Input to Output.


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People materials information and

financeProducers (goods

and service)Production of

marketing planning organization and

control mechanism research only

Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State

In the context of this research, PHCN transform electric energy either to step-up

or to step-down into services to the public. PHCN as a system is illustrated


PHCN using System Theory

Organizational inputs include skill man power, material information and finance.

These inputs are transformed through the conversion stage and finally

discharged into the environment as output; the process is thus illustrated below:

Source: Researcher’s survey 2015.

The diagram above explains the relationship and interdependence

between in input, output and environment. The input is derived from the

environment into the organization for immediate processing and conversion and

subsequent release as products (goods and service) into the environment for

consumption. The environment gives feedback to the organization in form of

communication, payment for products or rejection of output.

PHCN Barnawa Business Unit as an organization is made up of various

departments consisting of distribution, marketing, administrative, accounting,

engineering and public relations departments, all interrelated and dependent on

each other for proper functioning and goal attainment. Through on a large


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Input: electric energy, information human

and finances

Conversion: transformation of

electric energy either to step-up to step-


Outputs: supply of electricity bills and

other customer service

Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State

aspect, PHCN Barnawa Business Unit is a unit of a social system depending on

inputs from the environment and parent head. Below is an illustration of the

relationship the organization has with other dependent units;

Source: Researcher’s Survey 2015.

The diagram above illustrates the relationship and interdependence

between and among the external and internal units. The inputs above are what

go into the PHCN from the external units that is electric energy from transmission

company (TRANSYCO), information and funds from head quarter revenue from

payment of bills and services. These inputs are the most important ingredient for

the entire PHCN, Barnawa Business Unit.

The second stage is the conversion phase. Here the inputs are

transformed, the information, electric energy, human and financial resources of

becomes output. The use transformers, stabilizers and other gadgets are of high

relevance at this stage.

The output in PHCN is of great concern; it involves the dissemination of

electricity, bills and other customer services to ensure a smooth running of the

organization. Feed back and evaluation process of PHCN represents the


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payments for bill or complaints by customers in the entire process. This feedback

makes it possible for them to monitor and evaluate the system performance, and

to make changes where necessary. Their dependency is inevitable and should

not be compromised as the effect of one reverberates through the remaining sub-



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3.0 Introduction

3.1 Historical Background of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit

The Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Barnawa Business Unit

came into being as an undertaking in 1978 under district office and later as a

district in 1993.

Electricity generation in Nigeria began in 1929 in Ijora, Lagos. In 1929, the

Nigeria Electricity Supply Company (NESCO) commences operations as an

electric utility with construction of a hydro-electric power station in Kura, Jos

(NEPP, 2001).

In 1951, the Electricity Corporation of Nigeria (ECN) was established to

control the diesel and coal plants while the Niger Dan Authority (NDA) was

established in 1962 due to rapid urbanization and increasing demand that led to

the exploitation of the country’s water resources.

In 1972, NDA and ECN, which were 100% wholly government owned

public utilities were merged to form the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA).

NEPA was established by the Federal Government Decree on 24 of Efficient,

coordinated and economic system electricity supply for all part of the federation.

NEPA was mandated to carry out the business of generation,

transmission, distribution and marketing of power supply to the generally of the

country. The Electricity Act and the NEPA Act, guides NEPA’s activities and

operations and it started with four major power supply stations namely:


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i. Ijora thermal station

ii. Delta thermal station

iii. Afam thermal station

iv. Kainji hydro power station

These four major power stations serves more than two million ( 2 million)

customers Nationwide.

National Electric Power authority (NEPA) now PHCN has an installed

capacity of 6000mw and with the supplementary capacity from independent

power producers (IPP), has only been able to generate a total of 4400mw in

2004; rarely does it produce 2500mw at any given point in time. As at 2006,

PHCN has eight (8) power stations of which four (4) are hydro power stations,

there are:

- 1320mw Lagos thermal station commissioned in 1987720mw Ogorode

thermal station commissioned in 1978.

- 600mw Delta foe thermal station commissioned in 1991.

- 55mw Afam thermal station commissioned in 1962.

- 760mw Kainji hydro power station commissioned in 1968.

- 600mw Shiroro hydro power station commissioned in 1990’

- 540mw Jebba hydro power station commissioned in 1985.

- 60mw Ijora Lagos Power Station commissioned in 1956


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Considering that most of these power and thermal stations were installed

between 1960 and 1961, the then NEPA has been unable to meet the

overgrowing demand for electricity power due to the old/obsolete equipments

and neglect that has plagued the industry.

3.1.1 Present and Future Electricity Generation Infrastructure Plan in


1. Ibom power Akwa Ibom “ 190 IPP

2. Ethiope Energy Ltd “ 2800 New IPP

3. Farm electric power


“ 150 “

4. ICS Power “ 624 “

5. Supertek Ltd “ 100 “

6. Mabon Ltd “ 39 “

7. Geometric Ltd “ 140 “

8. Western Tech &

Enery Ltd

“ 1000 “

9. Anita Energy Ltd “ 136 New IPP

10. Lotus & Bressour

Nig Ltd

“ 60 “

11. First Independent

Power Co. Ltd

“ 95 IPP


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12. First Ind. Power Co.

(Trans Amadi)

“ 136 New IPP

13. First Ind. Power Co.


“ 340 “

14. Hudson Power

Station Ltd

15. Ibafo Power Station “ 640 “

16. Shell Petroleum

Dev. Co. Ltd

“ 624 IPP

17. Agbara Shoreline “ 1800 New IPP

18. Index Power

Thermal Ltd

“ 1800 “

19. Shell Dist. Co. Ltd “ 100 “

20. Olorunshogo Phase


Ogun “ 676 New IPP

21. Omotosho Phase 2 Ondo “ 451 “

22. Jebba “ “ 578 “

23. Shiroro “ “ 600 “



Taraba “ 2600 Planned


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25. Zungeru Niger “ 950 “



Total Installed Capacity of Hydro generating station 5,488

Current total of present and future Electricity generating Infrastructure

plan in Nigeria


1-41 Total Installed Capacity of Thermal Generating Station

Seeing the infrastructure plan for electricity generation in table 2, it looks like

government is taking bold steps towards confronting the epileptic electricity

challenges of the past two and a half decade. Even in August 2010, the

government drew a “Roadmap for power Sector Reform” in which target set for

increase in capacity of each sub-sector of the electricity market are represented

in table 3.

Table 3: Increase in Generation, Transmission and Distribution Capacity

Time Available Generation

Capacity (MW)

Transmission capacity (MW) Distribution

Capacity (MW)330 KV 132 KV lines

July 2010 4612 5155 6677 5758

December 2010 5379 5515 7328 6334

April, 2011 7033 5995 7328 6900



9769 6555 7488 7485

December, 11879 7866 8986 8061


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14218 8653 9885 9059

Source: Roadmap for Power Sector Reform- Presidency, August 2010

With all these plans and targets with huge investment disbursed to achieve

these, it is just right to ask

“Where are we” in this power sector reform journey?

Are we getting it right?

Is the vision 20:2020 which largely depend on the power sector reform

visible as we draw close to 2020?

These are just few needed questions to ask amongst many, and answer to them

depend on each individual paradigm view.

It is a general knowledge, based on figures that the figures in table 3 to date are

far above the achieved actual figures. The challenges currently include;

Slow growth in generation capacity.

Market deregulation process delay and interference by government.

Power lines and equipment vandalisation.

Poor maintenance of existing power system.


A. Slow Growth in generation capacity


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Since year 2000, awareness of improving the electric power sector as pivot for

economic growth in Nigeria, and consequence steps taken (such as huge

investment committed to make recovery from existing plant capacities and

increase generation through IPPs, and the birth of reform Act of 2005) to achieve

this by various government, there has been slow or no growth in generation

capacity. (Even the table 3 set up by Government confirms this). Table 4,

showing the average generation capacity over the years the awareness became

prominent is a clear indicator to show growth generation capacity.

Year Total Generation Capacity


Average Generation

Capacity (MW)

Per Capita

consumption (KW)

1999 16,089 1837 0.151

2000 14,727 1681 0.134

2001 15,463 1765 0.134

2002 21,544 2459 0.178

2003 20,183 2304 0.178

2004 24,275 2771 0.201

2005 23,539 2687 0.187

2006 23,110 2638 0.178

2007 22.978 2623 0.177

2008 21.1.10 2340 0.176

2008 21.1.10 2340 0.176

2009 21.1.10 2340 0.176


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2010 24,872 2839 0.179

2011 23,652 2700 0.167

2012 (Oct). - 4100 -

Source: World Bank (Energy information administration),


3.1.1 Incorporation of Successor Companies

On the completion of transfer of assets, liabilities and personnel, NEPA to

PHCN on 15th April, 2005, the bureau for public enterprises (BPE) move on to the

next stage of unbundling by undertaking the incorporation of the successor

companies with the assistance of the legal implementation work stream

consultants incorporated at corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). They are six

generation companies, one transmission company and eleven distribution

companies. The Kaduna electricity distribution company covers four states

Zamfara, Kebbi, Sokoto and Kaduna. In Kaduna we have eighteen business

units, one of which I was opportune to research on that’s Barnawa Business unit.

3.2 Organizational Structure of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit

Business Manager

- Public Relations

- Computers- Stores


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Source: Research Survey 2016.

3.2.1 Objectives of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit

The main objective of the Power holding Company of Nigeria, Barnawa

Business Unit is to distribute electric power throughout the locality. Others


a. Provision of steady and reliable supply of electricity.

b. Repairs and maintenance of all PHCN transmission and distribution lines.

c. Regular and accurate reading of meters.

d. Regular distribution of electricity bills and collection of all monies accruing

to the company.

e. Operation of 24 hours fault clearing section to ensure uninterrupted power

supply to all customers.

3.2.2 Functions of the Various Departments of PHCN Barnawa Business



- Operation and maintenance - Planning and construction- Planning construction and

mitering - Electrical Filters- Cable jointer- Linesmen - Distribution substation

Customer service office

- New service- Customer

care- Billing and

collection- Meter


Human Resource

s- Drivers- Security Guide- Cleaners

Account Office

- Salary & wages

- Revenue - Disbursement


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The following are the functions of the various department and offices in

PHCN Barnawa Business Unit.

a. Business Manager

This office is headed by a business manager who coordinated and is

responsible for the day to day running and also overseas the activities of the

Barnawa Business Unit office. Business Manager Unit chairs the meetings of all

heads of departments and all matters affecting the entire Barnawa Business unit

in respect of electricity supply. He also has a secretary who assists him.

b. Distribution Department

This department is headed by the distribution manager, who is been

assisted by two other assistant manager, Assistant manager maintenance and

assistant manager distribution.

The office of the distribution manager is tied down with the responsibilities

of distribution and rational sharing of power supply between the various location

in barnawa still under his office, we have the distribution and supply officer (DSO)

who as an engineer, takes his directives from the Asst. distribution Manager on

the distribution of power supply between the various areas at a particular point in


c. Fault Men, Cable Jointer and Store Keeper


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Fault men are those who detect a problem on power supply and also make

necessary repairs i.e., punctuations from the transformer or cable bridging which

lead to total distribution of power supply.

The cable pointer duty is mostly on new installation of electrification of

electrical equipments i.e. rural electrification project. The storekeeper keeps all

the equipment and facilities for the organization e.g. cable wires, fuse boxes

transformers both used and unused the store keeper also keeps the record and

whatever is kept in the store including data and type of the equipment.

d. Transport Section

The transport section consist of the senior and junior drivers each has a

responsibility to carry out his duty based on the time schedule that is Van and

Lorry drivers and the drivers of the officials.

e. Public Relations Office (P.R.O)

The public relation office is headed by a public relation officer also known

as PRO. The PRO is in charge of all information in the organization. The PRO is

also aware of all the information about staff in various offices in the organization.

He takes reports from the manager and passes it down to other departments.

Also, he receives information from other departments and passes it up to the

manager. He is the link between manager and the other department.

f. Marketing Department


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The marketing department is headed by Asst, marketing manager who has

two sub-Asst manager; Asst marketing and Asst Commercial manager


The department deals with the distribution and sales of electricity to

consumers. Bills are being prepared here while new connections/disconnection is

all made through this department.

g. Account Department

The account department is headed by the district accountant who is in

charge of all financial activities of that particular organization he takes into

account all financial transaction that takes place in the organization either as

revenue or expenditure. He records the items into the various necessary books

of account.

Asst revenue and Asst. disbursement manager are under the district

accountant who is in charge of all that accrues into the organization as revenue

and also that which is incurred by the authority as expenditure.

h. Revenue Office


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This section falls into various categories such as reconciling consumer

wrong billing or wrong payment made into wrong accounts or any form of

reconciling consumers account.

i. Inquiries Section

This office is in charge of all consumers’ complaint as pertaining to their

payment and billing and record reconnection permits for those that have been


j. Office Disbursement

The office disbursement is in charge of all consolidated accounts for the

district on the making return to all cooperate headquarters. It is directly under the

supervision of the Asst, disbursement manager.

k. Salary and Wages Section and Pay Master

This section is in charge of preparing staff salaries and other benefits or

remuneration. It is headed by the pay master who is in charge of making all

payment both contractor and staff claims, statutory payment etc on behalf of the


l. Administrative Department

The administrative department is headed by administrative manager and

has two other assistants, Asst manager personnel and Asst Manager Admin.


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The department coordinates all the entire administrative functions of the

organization such as planning, controlling and directing of staff activities of the


The Asst. manager performs the function of supervising clears and other

staff. They also feed the administrative manager with some arising matter and

deliberate on issues.

m. Office Records

This is the office where the administrative clerks in the organization keep

all the documents also files for reference.

n. Engineering Department

This department is headed by the district engineer. The department is

charge with the general engineering works on plants, vehicles, computers and

equipment. Such works are electrical, mechanical and system planning.

o. Data Entry

This office is in charge of capturing of inputs such as payments,

customers’ maintenance, record and customer account adjustment document

reading sheets.

It is a section under the engineering department that takes responsibilities

of system planning through the use of computers.


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p. Date Control and Processing

Data control function is to receive inputs from either accounts section or

meters reading e.g. payments, reading sheets, customers’ maintenance record

and customer account adjustment document reading sheets.

While the processing unit is concerned with the processing if all the inputs

that were captured in data entry sections.

3.3 Organisational Source of Fund

The electricity reforms act 2004 lays the foundation for privatization of the

sector. Prior to that sales of electricity is the main source of fund.


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4.1 Introduction

This chapter will basically deal with presentation, interpretation and

analysis of data. The information gathered for this study were carefully analyzed

and interpreted. It is based on the information gathered through the use of

questionnaire which was distributed to the PHCN Staff of Barnawa Business Unit

Kaduna State as the scope of the study. All in all fifty (50) questionnaires were

administered but only forty one (41) were fully completed and returned back to

the researcher.

Statistical tool have been used to present and analyze using chi-square.

Each category of information was comprised in order to compare, contrast and

evaluate easily so as to answer the formulated hypothesis for the research work.


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4.2 Data presentation

Table 4.1 Sex of the Respondents

Variable Frequencies Percentage %

Male 37 90.2

Female 4 9.8

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.1 above shows that 37 respondent represented by 90.2 were Male

Staff where as 4 respondents represented by 9.8% were Female Staff. This

makes it evident that most of the staffs of PHCN Barnawa Business Units are

mostly male because of the technicality nature of the organization. Due to the

tedious nature of the work e.g operating of machines, fixing and maintenance of

transformers amongst others which requires males who are physically fit to

perform the task, which is rarely perform by female staffs.


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Table 4.2 Age of the Respondent.Variables Frequencies Percentage %

18-30 years 9 21.9

31-40 years 12 29.2

41-50 years 14 34.1

51 and above 6 14.6

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.2 above shows that Nine (9) respondents represented by 21.9%

are between 18-30 years, twelve (12) respondents represented by 29.2% are

between 31-40 years; fourteen (14) respondents represented by 34.1% are

between 41-50 years while six (6) respondents represented by 14-50 years while

six (6) respondent represented by 14.6% are between 51 and above. This is due

to the nature of the activities they perform which entails the combination of

different human resources. Respondents between 18-30 years mostly handle the

technical aspect of the PHCN Barnawa Business Unit activities such as pole

combining, mounting, disconnection and reconnection. Respondent from 31-40

years are mostly involve in clerical and secretarial functions of the PHCN

Barnawa Businesses Unit such as clerk, typist, clearers and messengers.

Respondents from 41-50 years are mostly engineering and computer experts

that handle the electrical and mechanical activities of PHCN Barnawa Business

Unit. While respondents from 51 and above years are mostly managerial staff


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that handle the strategic functioning, planning, organizing, directing, budgeting

and controlling activities involves electrical and mechanical functions.

Table 4.3 Academic Qualification of Respondents

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

WASCE 3 7.3

OND/NCE 21 51.3

HND/Bsc 13 31.7

MSC/PHD 4 9.7

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.3 above shows that three (3) respondents represented by 7.3%

owned WASCE, twenty one (21) respondents represented by 51.3% owned

OND/NCE, thirteen (13) respondents represented by 31.7% possessed

HND/Bsc, and finally four (4) respondents represented by 9.7% owns Msc/PHD


It is seen that majority of the staffs of PHCN Barnawa Business Units are

OND/NCE because they perform mostly the real function of the organization,

while some of the other staffs are Bsc/HND certificate holders who are in the

middle staffs cadre and therefore have vast knowledge about the administration

of both human and material resources of the organization.


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Table 4.4 Marital Status of Respondents

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

Single 18 43.9

Married 23 56.1

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.4 above shows that eighteen (18) respondents represented by

43.9% were single and twenty three (23) respondent represented by 56.1% were

married. This shows that majority of the respondents were married.

This implies that the of PHCN Barnawa Business Units requires individual who

can contribute positively to the organizations not necessarily concern with marital


Table 4.5 How Long Have You Been Serving with this Organization

Variable Frequencies Percentage %

2-5 years 19 46.3

6-10 years 9 21-9

11 and above years 13 31.7

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.


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Table 4.5 shows that nineteen (19) respondents represented by 46.3%

served from 2-5 years, nine (9) respondents represented by 21.9% served from

6-10 years while thirteen (13) respondents represented by 31.7% served from 11

and above years. Respondents from 2-5 years indicate new recruits needed to

support and strength the existing manpower, respondents from 6-10 years

indicate employees that have acquired skill labour in the management of PHCN

affairs. This category comprises mostly engineers, computer experts and

management staff. Respondent from 11 years and above indicate employees

that are recruited for the purpose of operational aspects of PHCN, such as

drivers, security personnel and clerk.

This first category which comprises the highest population is mostly

characterizes by trainees that are new in the organization.

4.4 Data Analysis

The test of hypothesis will made from data gathered from the field. These will be

done based on data gathered on the two hypothesis stated, that is each of the

data, is related to one hypothesis, as such the hypothesis will be rested using the

data gotten from the respondent on it.

Hypothesis One

Ho: the dilapidated state of the PHCN equipment is not being responsible for

their poor performance.


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H1 the dilapidated state of the PHCN equipment is responsible for their poor


Table 4.6 Equipment in good Condition.

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 31 75.6

NO 10 24.4

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.6 shows that thirty one (31) respondent represented by 75.6 %

says that PHCN equipment is in good condition in discharging their duties while

ten (10) respondents represented by 24.5% where of the view that PHCN

equipment in not in good condition.

It is evident that most of the respondents agreed that their equipments are in

good condition, that can help them in discharging their duties very effective and



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Table 4.7 Dilapidate State of PHCN equipments Responsible for their


Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 29 70.7

NO 12 29.3

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.7 above shows that twenty nine (29) respondent represented by

70.7% agreed that dilapidated equipment of PHCN accounts for their poor

performance, while twelve (12) respondent represented by 29.3% are of the view

that dilapidated equipments are not responsible for their poor performance. Thus

the twenty nine (29) respondents believes that the organization equipments is

characterized by absolute machines that governments has neglected in terms of

service and maintenance over the years due to that the performance of PHCN

was not encouraging one toward achieving a meaningful socio economic



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Table 4.9 Organization Effective in Discharging Their Duties

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 35 85.4

NO 6 14.6

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.9 above shows that thirty five (35) respondents represented by

85.4% are of the view that PHCN Barnawa Business Units staffs discharge their

duties very effective, while six (6) of the respondents represented by 14.6% are

of the view that PHCN workers do not discharge their duties effectively.

The view held by the majority of the respondents justifies that workers of

PHCN Barnawa business unit perform their duties very effective toward

achieving the organizational objectives and goals.

Table 4.10 Organization (PHCN) Provide Supply of Electricity

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 26 64

NO 13 3.6

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.


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Table 4.10 above shows that twenty six (26) respondent represented by 64

are of the view that PHCN supply electricity constantly that the brake out is due

to the maintenance of their equipment like transformers, pool wires, while thirteen

(13) respondent represented by 3.6% says supply of electricity in Barnawa is not

constant due to shortage of technical manpower to discharge the duties of the


Table 4.14 Headquarter Interfere in Your Organization?

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

Inter department transfer 4 9.7

Funding 20 48.8

Transmission of electricity 17 41.5

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.14 above shows that four (4) respondent represented by 9.7%

agreed to staff transfer, twenty (20) respondent represented by 48.8% to funding,

while seventeen (17) respondent represented by 41.5 agreed to transmission of

electricity. The four (4) respondents attest to the fact that inter-department

transfer by the headquarter affect their performance because they pick the best

personnel to them thus leading to transfer of unskilled personnel to them, thus

leading to ineffectiveness and poor management. The twenty (20) respondents

believe that funding which is supposed to be made monthly or on annual basis is


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lacking due to unnecessary delays. While the remaining seventeen (17)

respondents believe that transmission of electricity for distribution is not timely

dine by the headquarter, thus it accounts for their poor performance.

Table 4.15 Guideline are Provided to Check the Effective Performance of


Variables Frequencies Performance

Training courses 21 52.4

Exam and interview 10 24.3

Supervisor subordinate


10 24.3

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.15 above shows that twenty one {21} respondents represented by 52.4%

are of the view that training courses enhance their performance in the

organization, while ten {10} respondents represented by 25.3% are of the view

that exam and interview are the best guidelines for staff performance while ten

{10} respondents represented by 24.3% are of the view that supervision and

subordinate supervisor is responsible for the effectiveness.

It’s evident that the majority of the respondent agreed that training courses

are the best guideless to check the effective performance of the staff of the

organization due to the technicality involve.


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Table 4.16 political interference affects your activity

Variables Frequencies Percentage%

Yes 31 75.6

No 10 24.4

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.16 above shows that thirty one {31} respondent by 75.6% are of the view

that political interference affect the organizational activity towards achieving

meaningful socio-economic development, where ten {10} respondents

represented by 24.4% says that political interference does not affect their

performance. Thus autonomy should be given to the organization to enhance it


Statistical test of hypothesis one

Here, statistical of hypothesis one would be done in order to draw statistical

inferences. The statistical tool for the testing is chi-square of goodness of fit.

Formula For Chi-Square Test

X2=∑ (O−E )2E

Where ∑= summation

O= observed frequency

E= expected frequency


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X2= chi-square

Degree of freedom (r-1) (c-1)

Formula for obtaining expected (E) frequency is as follows:

E= ∑R X ∑C ∑G

Where R is = total row

C= column total

G= grand total

Table 4.17 Observe Frequency

Responses Good




state of



of power





Yes 31 29 28 31 117

No 10 12 13 10 46

Total 41 41 41 41 164

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

4.18 Chi-Square Calculation

Fo Fe Fo-fe (fo-fe)2 ( fo−fe)2fe


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31 5.125 25.875 669.5 131

29 5.125 22.875 570 111

28 5.125 25.875 523 102

31 5.125 25.875 669.5 131

10 5.125 4.875 47.2 4.6

12 5.125 6.875 47.2 9.2

13 5.125 7.875 62 12

10 5.125 4.875 24 4.6


Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Expected frequency = total population

options = 418

Expected frequency= 5.125Degree of freedom= (r-1) (c-1)(5-1) (8-1) 4 × 7


Calculated X2=505.4

Level of significant at 5% or 0.05 = 41.337

Decision rule:


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Since the chi-square calculated value of 505.4 is greater than chi-square critical

value 41.337, we reject the null hypothesis that is Ho at level of significant 0.05. it

is therefore concluded that the dilapidated state of PHCN equipment is not being

responsible for the poor performance.

Hypothesis Two

Hypothesis two of this research work state “inadequate is responsible for poor


Table 4.15 Organization Adequately Funded

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 12 29.3

NO 29 70.7

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.8 above shows that twelve (12) respondent represented by 29.3 %

are of the view that the organization (PHCN) is adequately funded, while twenty

nine (29) respondent represented by 70.7 % believes that PHCN is not

adequately funded, thus they believe that there should be improvement in terms

of funding by the co-operate head quarters, while the twelve (12) believe



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It is evident that most of the respondents did not agree that the organization is

adequately funded, that is to say there is shortage of fund to the organization that

will enhance a meaningful socio economic development.

Table 4.16 Inadequate Funds Responsible for Poor Performance

Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 33 80.4

NO 8 19.6

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.11 above shows that thirty three (33) respondents represented by

80.4% are of the view that the organization performance lies on the amount of

grants given by the head quarters. While eight (8) respondent represented by

19.6% are of the view that inadequate funds is not responsible for their poor

performance. Thus bad working condition can lead to poor performance of the

staff since their welfare in not taking off.

It’s evident that most of the staff in PHCN Barnawa business Unit agreed

that the organization cannot function effectively when there is no adequate funds

to maintain the equipment in the organization. Equipment like transformers, utility

vehicles, cables, meters etc.

Table 4.17 Funds Meant for Your Organization Properly Utilized


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Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 14 34.1

NO 27 65.9

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.12 above shows that fourteen (14) respondent represented by

34.1% believe that the funds meant for the organization are properly utilized.

While twenty seven (27) respondents, represented by 65.9% are of the view that

funds meant for the organization (PHCN) are not properly utilized. They believe

that even with the head quarter, if the funds were properly managed within the

organization it will go along way in improving their performance towards

achieving a meaningful socio-economic development. While the fourteen (14)

respondents represented by 34.1% thinks that funds are properly utilized and will

not affect their performance toward achieving a meaningful socio-economic


It is evident that majority of the staffs in PHCN Barnawa Business Unit are of

the view that the funds meant for the organization are not properly utilized due to

the corrupt practice of the management, they do divert funds meant for the

organization to their personnel account that is why the organization has not make

any meaningful in fact in achieving a meaningful socio-economic development.


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Table 4.18 Failure to Pay Bills by the General Public Affects Your


Variables Frequencies Percentage %

YES 29 70.7

NO 12 29.3

TOTAL 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.13 above shows twenty nine (29) respondents represented by

70.7% agreed that failure to pay bills by the general public affect that

performance, while twelve (12) respondents represented by 29.3% are of the

view that failure to pay bills by the general public affect their performance.

It’s evident that majority of the view that failure to pay bills by the general

public affect their performance. i.e the general public are in fun of taking

government things for granted for their selfish interest.

Table 4.19 Resource allocation compliment investment made by PHCN

Barnawa Business Units.

Variables Frequencies Percentage%

Agreed 10 24.4


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Strongly Agreed 27 65.8

Disagrees 4 9.8

Total 41 100

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Table 4.17 above shows that Ten {10} respondent represented by 24.4% agreed

that resource allocation compliment investment made by the organization, twenty

seven {27} respondents represented by 65.8% strongly agreed that resource

allocation compliment investment made by the organization. While four {4}

respondents represented has no correction with investment made by PHCN.

It’s evident that most of the respondents strongly agreed that resources

allocation compliment investment moved by the organization because most of

the equipment are not taking to the right place needs.

Statistical test of hypothesis two

Here, statistical of hypothesis one would be done in order to draw statistical

inferences. The statistical tool for the testing is chi-square of goodness of fit.

Formula For Chi-Square Test

X2=∑ (O−E )2E

Where ∑= summation


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O= observed frequency

E= expected frequency

X2= chi-square

Degree of freedom (r-1) (c-1)

Formula for obtaining expected (E) frequency is as follows:

E= ∑R X ∑C ∑G

Where R is = total row

C= column total

G= grand total

Table 4.20 observed frequency

Responses Organization



Failure to pay

bills by the

general public




Yes 12 29 33 74

No 29 12 8 49

Total 41 41 41 123

Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

4.21 Chi- Square Calculation

Fo Fe Fo-fe (fo-fe)2 ( fo−fe)2fe


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12 6.833 5.167 26.7 3.90

29 6.833 22.167 419.37 71.9

33 6.833 26.167 684.7 100.20

29 6.833 22.167 419.37 71.9

12 6.833 5.167 26.7 3.90

8 6.833 1.167 1.36 0.199


Source: Researchers Survey, 2016.

Expected frequency = total population

options 416

= 6.833

Degree of freedom= (r-1) (c-1)

(5-1) (6-1)

4 x 5=20

Calculated x2= 251.9

Level of significant at 5% or 0.05

Critical value = 31.41Decision rule


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Since the chi-square calculated value of 251.9 is greater than chi-square critical

value 31.41 we reject the null hypothesis that is Ho at 0.05 level of significant it

is therefore “inadequate fund is not been responsible for their poor performance‘‘.

Ho: the inadequate fund is not responsible for their performance.

4.5 Major Findings of the Study

From the data presentation and analysis above the following are the


a. It shows that the majority of the respondents with eleven (11) years of

service and above made up the highest population and mostly

characterized by semi-skilled or unskilled or unskilled personnel.

b. It also shows that dilapidated equipment characterized by obsolete

machines is responsible for the poor performance towards the organization

goals and by extension hindering a meaningful socio-economic


c. It also shows that poor funding on the part of government has been

militating against the performance of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit.

d. Finally it has also showed that, there are guidelines that have been put in

place to help in the assessment of each employee’s performance toward

organizational goals. Thus achieving meaningful socio-economic



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5.1 Introduction

This chapter, the researcher presented what he has discovered during his

research work in respect of evaluation of the performance of Power Holding

Company of Nigeria ( PHCN). The researcher also recommended so many ways

in which organization can strategize to improve on their performance towards

meeting the needs and aspiration of its consumers especially in Barnawa

Business Unit.

5.2 Summary

In summary, it is deduced that the performance of PHCN Barnawa

Business unit is dependent on a variety of factors, mostly from external


The analysis of data revealed that the poor state of the equipment of

PHCN grossly accounts for its performance which has not been sufficient and

adequate over the years.

Also, that the general public behavior especially non-payment of bills and

vandalization of their equipment has hampered their performance.

Lastly, it is discovered that lack of technical expertise has also contributed

to the poor performance of the PHCN Barnawa Business Unit.


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5.3 Conclusion

An analysis has been made in this research to evaluate the performance of

PHCN Barnawa Business Unit in distributing electricity in Kaduna metropolis.

The research made analysis of data mostly in the form of questionnaire

administered to the staff of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)

Barnawa Business Unit responses to the questionnaire which have been

presented in simple tables and interpreted in percentages have validated most of

the view of the staff of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit in distributing electricity to

the locality.

The analysis revealed that PHCN Barnawa Business Unit has great impact

in determining the level of commercial activities; this is informed by the quantity

of electricity supply, the organization was able to distribute which is dependent

on their equipments performance needed to stand the pressure of the demand.

This led to the acceptance of hypothesis one which states that dilapidated PHCN

equipments has been responsible of its poor performance over the years.

It was discovered that PHCN Barnawa Business Unit, as a sub-system is

been influenced by some external factors such as funding by headquarters or

parent head. This factor to a large extent determines their level of performance.

Responses to the questionnaire also revealed that the general public acts

of vandalism and non-payment of bills thwarted the PHCN performance.


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Negative vices such as corruption to a large extent have also accounts for the

poor performance of PHCN Barnawa business Unit.

It is hoped that the analysis contained in this chapter will assist the PHCN

Barnawa Business Unit in improving on their performance, so as to effectively

and efficiently distribute electricity to meet the entire demands of the populate.

5.4 Recommendation

The researcher of this project work, having successfully analyzed and

presented the findings of this research, thereby recommend that.

1. PHCN Barnawa Business unit, should upgrade their equipments to suit the

modern technological growth and advancement; this will assist them in

meeting the demand of the general public. There should be direct link

between Transmission Company and PHCN Barnawa Business unit rather

than being dependent on headquarters supply. This will erase the

unnecessary delay and influence by the headquarters.

2. Autonomy should be given to PHCN as a whole so that political

interference will be erased. Technical experts should be recruited such as

engineers, technicians, electricians and computer genius for this will

enhance their productivity and performance since most of their service

involves field work rather than paper work.


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3. PHCN BARNAWA Business Unit, should be given some rights and powers

to source for external funds rather than depending solely on allocation from

parent head and government which is not timely adequate.

4. Even though effort has been made by the researcher to research on the

performance of PHCN Barnawa Business Unit, recommend that more

scholars and students should venture into this field so as to develop more

understanding of the operations, functions and importance of the



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Accounting Dictionary “Dictionary of Accounting terms 2005 Administration Abuja; shaereef”

Anyanwu J.C etal (1997)“The structure of the Nigeria Economy: Onitsha Yeb Ltd”

Anyebe A.A (2008)“Reading in Development”

Ariyo Adeola (2009)“PHCN, The way Forward University of Lagos”

Chaji Shehub (2009)“Still on the Ban of using generators”

Cole (1978)“Management and theory practices, Guerncy press; Channel Island: London”

Harvey Campbell (2004) “Business Dictionary”

Ladan Isah (2009)“Public Administration in Nigeria Seminar paper” Nigerian Privatilization Journal Programme March 2007

Ojo F. (1998)“Personnel management theories and issues, Lagos Allied Emart.com”


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AppendixDepartment of Public Administration, Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria,Kaduna State.

Dear Respondent,


This questionnaire is designed for a research project titled “Performance of PHCN in the Socio-Economic Development of Kaduna South Local Government of Kaduna State ”.

The research is being undertaking in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of Bachelor of Science in Public Administration, Department of

Public Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria .

Please kindly complete this questionnaire as honestly as you can by

ticking where necessary. Your opinion and information supplied will be used

purely for academic research purpose only and such information will be treated

with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Mohammed Aisha Abubakar


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Please tick [√] where it is appropriate

1. SEX?


2. AGE?

18-30YRS [ ]

31-40YRS [ ]

41-50YRS [ ]

51 and above [ ]

3. Academic

WASSE and below [ ]


HND/Bsc [ ]

M.sc/PHD [ ]

4. Marital status

Single [ ]

Divorced [ ]

Widow [ ]

Married [ ]

Separated [ ]


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Widower [ ]

5. How long have you been serving with this organization?

2 – 5yrs [ ]

6 – 10yrs [ ]

11 and above [ ]


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Hypothesis One

Ho: The Dilapidated state of the PHCN Equipment is not being responsible for

their poor performance.

H1: The Dilapidated state of the PHCN Equipment is being responsible for their

poor performance.

1. Is your equipment in good condition?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

2. Is the dilapidated state of the PHCN equipment responsible for their poor


Yes [ ]

No [ ]

3. Is your organization effective in discharging their duties?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

4. Does your organization provide supply of electricity?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

5. Does the headquarter interfere in your performance through inter

department transfer?


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Inter-department Transfer [ ]

Funding [ ]

Transmission of Electricity [ ]

6. Does political interference affect your activity?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

7. Is training courses, exams and interviews and superior subordinate

supervisor, guideline provided to check the effective performance of staff?

Training Courses [ ]

Exam and Interview [ ]

superior subordinate  supervisor [ ]

Hypothesis Two

Ho: The inadequate fund is not responsible for their poor performance

H1: The inadequate fund is responsible for their poor performance

8. Is the inadequate funds responsible for your power performance?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

9. Are the funds meant for your organization properly utilize?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

10. Does failure to pay bill of the general public affects your performance?


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Yes [ ]

No [ ]

11. Does the PHCN have sufficiency fund available?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

12. Does the resources allocation complement investment made by PHCN,


Yes [ ]

No [ ]

13. Is the current strength of PHCN stable?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

14. Is your organization adequately funded?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

