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About Teal Swan - WordPress.com · 2017. 11. 17. · restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's...

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About Teal TTeeaall SSwwaann iiss aann iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaallllyy rreeccooggnniizzeedd ssppiirriittuuaall lleeaaddeerr aanndd ppoowweerrffuull vvooiiccee iinn tthhee fifieelldd ooff MMeettaapphhyyssiiccss..   AAss aa rreennoowwnneedd aauutthhoorr,,   ssppeeaakkeerr aanndd ssoocciiaall mmeeddiiaa ssttaarr,, sshhee ttrraavveellss tthhee wwoorrlldd tteeaacchhiinngg sseellff ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd ssppiirriittuuaall ggrroowwtthh..    TTEEAALL SSWWAANN was born with a range of extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. She is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her extrasensory gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy. Her worldwide success has earned her the nickname “The Spiritual Catalyst.” When a human being is forced to fit into a society by conforming to social ideals, their emotions are suppressed and they lose touch with their own authentic being as well as their innate knowledge of the LLOOGGIINN SSIIGGNN UUPP ! SHOP EVENTS PREMIUM About Teal Swan https://tealswan.com/about-teal 1 of 5 11/16/17, 9:43 PM
Page 1: About Teal Swan - WordPress.com · 2017. 11. 17. · restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's authenticity movement invites people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this

About TealTTeeaall SSwwaann iiss aann iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaallllyy rreeccooggnniizzeedd ssppiirriittuuaall lleeaaddeerr aanndd

ppoowweerrffuull vvooiiccee iinn tthhee fifieelldd ooff MMeettaapphhyyssiiccss..   AAss aa rreennoowwnneeddaauutthhoorr,,  ssppeeaakkeerr aanndd ssoocciiaall mmeeddiiaa ssttaarr,, sshhee ttrraavveellss tthhee wwoorrlldd tteeaacchhiinngg

sseellff ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd ssppiirriittuuaall ggrroowwtthh..     

TTEEAALL SSWWAANN  was born witha range of extrasensoryabilities, includingclairvoyance, clairsentience,and clairaudience. She is asurvivor of severe childhoodabuse. Today she uses herextrasensory gifts as well asher own harrowing lifeexperience to inspiremillions of people towardsauthenticity, freedom andjoy. Her worldwide successhas earned her thenickname “The SpiritualCatalyst.”

“When a human being is

forced to fit into a society by conforming to social ideals, their

emotions are suppressed and they lose touch with their own

authentic being as well as their innate knowledge of the



About Teal Swan https://tealswan.com/about-teal

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Page 2: About Teal Swan - WordPress.com · 2017. 11. 17. · restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's authenticity movement invites people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this

universe at large. “ 

In 2014, Teal Swan foundeda social movement basedon TTHHEE PPRRIINNCCIIPPLLEE  OOFFAAUUTTHHEENNTTIICCIITTYY.  Shebecame the first publicfigure in the field ofspirituality to tear down thecurtain between her publiclife and private life.  Shetransparently shares thedetails of her private life onher widely celebrated blog. The ideology behind herauthenticity movement isthat today's fast pacedmodern world is built onpretense instead ofauthenticity. When theworld is built on pretense,the truth of a person andthe truth of the worldcannot emerge in order tobe known. When a humanbeing is forced to fit into asociety by conforming tosocial ideals, theiremotions are suppressedand they lose touch withtheir own authentic beingas well as their innate

knowledge of the universeat large. They begin to"pretend" to be one waywhen the reality of whothey are and how they feelis quite the opposite.Sometimes this pretenseruns so deep that peopleare fooled by their ownillusion. Wars are wagedbecause people are unableto admit to and embracetheir fear and grief.Murders are committedbecause people areunwilling to face thepowerlessness they feel.People live unfulfilled livesof addiction and greedbecause they have nevergiven themselvespermission to admit towhat they want and howthey feel. We live in an ageof suppression, where thesymptoms of illness arenumbed and drugged outof our awareness. We areso busy "keeping up thefacade" that we forfeit the

About Teal Swan https://tealswan.com/about-teal

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Page 3: About Teal Swan - WordPress.com · 2017. 11. 17. · restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's authenticity movement invites people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this

opportunity for realpersonal growth. We are in

essence, living in an age of"un-enlightenment". 


“ Our divinity

and humanity must

merge to become

one. “ 

Spiritual figures havebeen promoting this"un-enlightenment"for thousands ofyears bydemonstrating afacade ofenlightenedperfection whilst in

the public eye.  They have expressed their divinity while suppressing theirhumanity.  This serves to create a split within the being.  This split is thenemulated by the spiritualpractitioners who learn fromthem.  It causes people todrift further away from selfactualization.


“The result when people

are restored to wholeness

is that the world will be

restored to wholeness. “

About Teal Swan https://tealswan.com/about-teal

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Page 4: About Teal Swan - WordPress.com · 2017. 11. 17. · restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's authenticity movement invites people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this


Integration and wholeness is the path of spiritual progression.  Ourdivinity and humanity must merge to become one.  By bravely exposingboth their humanity and divinity to the world, and teaching the world howto integrate the two by virtue of example, people must begin to unite thehumanity and divinity within themselves.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will berestored to wholeness.  Teal Swan's authenticity movement invites peopleto step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about thepositive change that we want to see in the world.


In conjunction with hervision of creating positiveworld change, Teal Swanfounded HHEEAADDWWAAYYFFOOUUNNDDAATTIIOONN, anonprofit company thatenables ideas, goals andventures that are aimed atpositive world change tobecome actualized. In theyears to come, Headway

Foundation will encompass programs, centers, companies and productsin the areas of justice reform, education, end of life care, self help,healing, parenting, integrative medicine, food industry reform andspirituality.  Headway Foundation seeks to create the changes within oursociety that will create a better life for all beings who call this earth theirhome.





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