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Volume 4, Issue 3 May 2015 The Friendly Flyer Ackermanville United Methodist Church INSIDE: VBS 2 Community Org. 2 Anniversaries 3 Birthdays 3 Commandment 3 Ushers 3 Calendar 4 Bus Trip 5 Prayer Chain 6 Acolyte 8 Junior Church 8 Liturgists 8 Upper Rooms 8 From the Pastor’s Desk ~ In Christ’s love and work, Pastor Alice Ann “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven….” These words are some of my favorite in all of scripture. They are the words that start chapter three in the book Ecclesiastes. They are particularly helpful when the circumstances of my life feel overwhelming or out of control. They become the gentle reminder that no particular circumstance will last forever. These words are particularly appropriate for this time of year. Spring appears to be finally springing up around us. I’ve seen violets in yards and the birds are singing morning, noon and night. Spring is, for the most part, my favorite time of year. I say for the most part because there are things in all of the seasons that I find wondrous and awe inspiring. But Spring is such a time of new life that it touches me in ways that the other seasons don’t. It’s during this season that the Church celebrates new life as we remember and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. That these two events happen at the same time seems very appropriate. As things are moving forward in nature, so too are they moving forward in our congregation. In the weeks ahead you will be hearing and seeing more about our upcoming Vacation Bible School program. Please be prepared to volunteer and help in any of the ways that you are able and there is a need. Wesley UMC in Belfast will be joining with us and it is my prayer that in working together we will be able to reach many more children (and perhaps parents) with the love of Jesus. It might come as a surprise to some, but it is during the upcoming weeks that planning for the Fall begins. I have some ideas for additional adult Sunday school classes, short and long term bible studies and preaching topics. As I plan, I would like your input into these activities. Please let me know if you would like a sermon or series of sermons on a particular topic or if there is a particular bible study in which you’d like to participate. At the same time, if you feel God is calling you to start a group for any reason, please let me know. It is not possible for me to lead all of the activities that are possible in the church. I pray that God blesses you with a sense of new life and renewal during these weeks of the Spring season. May God also bless this congregation with a renewed sense of life and purpose.

Volume 4, Issue 3 May 2015

The Friendly Flyer Ac k e r m a n v i l l e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h



Community Org. 2

Anniversaries 3

Birthdays 3

Commandment 3

Ushers 3

Calendar 4

Bus Trip 5

Prayer Chain 6

Acolyte 8

Junior Church 8

Liturgists 8

Upper Rooms 8

From the Pastor’s Desk ~

In Christ’s love and work,

Pastor Alice Ann

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven….” These

words are some of my favorite in all of scripture. They are the words that start chapter three in

the book Ecclesiastes. They are particularly helpful when the circumstances of my life feel

overwhelming or out of control. They become the gentle reminder that no particular circumstance

will last forever.

These words are particularly appropriate for this time of year. Spring appears to be finally

springing up around us. I’ve seen violets in yards and the birds are singing morning, noon and

night. Spring is, for the most part, my favorite time of year. I say for the most part because there

are things in all of the seasons that I find wondrous and awe inspiring. But Spring is such a time

of new life that it touches me in ways that the other seasons don’t. It’s during this season that the

Church celebrates new life as we remember and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. That these two

events happen at the same time seems very appropriate.

As things are moving forward in nature, so too are they moving forward in our

congregation. In the weeks ahead you will be hearing and seeing more about our upcoming

Vacation Bible School program. Please be prepared to volunteer and help in any of the ways

that you are able and there is a need. Wesley UMC in Belfast will be joining with us and it is my

prayer that in working together we will be able to reach many more children (and perhaps

parents) with the love of Jesus.

It might come as a surprise to some, but it is during the upcoming weeks that planning for

the Fall begins. I have some ideas for additional adult Sunday school classes, short and long

term bible studies and preaching topics. As I plan, I would like your input into these activities.

Please let me know if you would like a sermon or series of sermons on a

particular topic or if there is a particular bible study in which you’d like to

participate. At the same time, if you feel God is calling you to start a group

for any reason, please let me know. It is not possible for me to lead all of the

activities that are possible in the church.

I pray that God blesses you with a sense of new life and renewal

during these weeks of the Spring season. May God also bless this

congregation with a renewed sense of life and purpose.

Page 2 The Friendly Flyer

Summer Camp

You know summer

camp is a special place for

children and youth to

connect with God's creation and deepen their

relationship with Jesus

Christ. We now have summer camp brochures

for all those who are

interested. Brochures will

be in the narthex. Please help yourself!

Sermon Topic Help Pastor Alice Ann is looking for your help. If you have ever wondered about something in the Bible or in

the United Methodist denomination, please let her know. This is the time to start planning things for the fall

and your thoughts may be helpful. No topic or idea is out of bounds but not all topics are appropriate for every


Fill out the form below and place it in the offering plate or give it to Pastor Alice Ann.

NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________

SERMON TOPIC___________________________________________________________________

STUDY TOPIC_____________________________________________________________________

Please include your name so that if there are questions you can be contacted for clarification.

Pentecost Pentecost Sunday represents an ending as well as a

beginning: the end of the “Great Fifty Days” of the Easter

Season (Pentecost means “the 50th day” in Greek) and the

beginning of the commemorations of the early church.

Pentecost also gives us an opportunity to ask ourselves the

question, “What is our community ‘on fire’ about?”

For the early church, Pentecost was the second most

important part of the Christian year after Pascha or Easter.

Originally, it commemorated both the Ascension of Jesus and

the descending of the Holy Spirit, but became two distinct

celebrations by the end of the fourth century. (As Christianity

became legal, there was no reason not to have as many

celebrations as possible.) Pentecost also became a favorite time for baptisms with its focus on the work of the Holy Spirit

within the church and within our lives. The holy day continues

to be a wonderful celebrative time for rites of passage

including baptism, confirmation and the reception of new


Although “tongues of fire” is the most commonly used

image, metaphors for the work of the Holy Spirit are many—

water, wind and doves.

May the Holy Spirit work in surprising ways in the church this





Some of you may have heard that Pennsylvania

has made some significant changes to the laws

regarding child protection in light of the Jerry Sandusky

case. This is indeed true. At this year’s Annual

Conference the Conference’s Safe Sanctuary Policy

will be changed to reflect the changes in the laws.

Following Annual Conference each local congregation

will have to change its Safe Sanctuary Policy.

The most significant change is the law regarding

mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse. All

volunteers are now required to report suspected abuse

to the authorities as well as to the pastor. There is also

a change in the criminal and child abuse clearance

process. For most people there will be no changes. For

employees and volunteers who have not lived in

Pennsylvania for the last 10 years, and FBI

fingerprinting has been added. As before each

volunteer is still required to have a State Police

Criminal Background check and a Child Abuse

Clearance. Each of these cost $10.00. If the $20.00

cost is a burden, please speak with Pastor Alice Ann or

SPR Chair Brittany D’Alessio. Financial assistance is


The Slate Belt Methodist ConneXion will be holding

a training for church members in the near future. It was

decided to wait until after Annual Conference so that all

of the pertinent information would be available.

Information about this training will be provided once

everything has been arranged. In the meantime SPR is

beginning to ponder the changes that are being made

and how it will affect members of the congregation. If

you have any questions, please speak with Pastor

Alice Ann.

The Friendly Flyer Page 3

Postage Stamps

Birthday cards to be sent out

1 Jennifer Nikituk

2 Darla Pritchard

Dave Tarr

4 Linda Yetter

7 Sherry Ott

Emma Rambo

8 Nicole Ott

9 Mia Herman

10 Tracy Steele

Maureen Sandt

11 Leoda Moosch

12 Elaina DeAngelis

17 Danielle Rambo

18 Madison Impeciati

Abigail Impeciati

20 Lucille Pagotto

22 Kay Beck

23 Vincent Forino

28 Carol Berger

May Birthdays

10 Maureen & Jim Sandt

16 Barbara & Kermit LaBar

17 Tiffany & Jeremy Lutz

21 Danielle & Kevin Rambo

27 Megan & Tighe Lane

28 Trisha & Chad Roberts

Look for this the next 8 months?!?

E-Mail Change: [email protected]

Phone: 610-588-8235

Publicity If you have an event that

you would like publicized,

please contact Holly


May Anniversaries

Keep Them Coming Ink Cartridges

Weis Receipts

Campbells Soup Labels

Box Tops for Education

Old Prescription Glasses

Greeters & Ushers May 3 Linda & Bill Zellner May 10 Maci Herman & Kay Young May 17 Dora Greenleaf & Bernice Bettini May 24 Janice & Del Roberts May 31 Viola & John Davies

The Commandment Corner No. 2

Thou shalt smile. You only have to do so for

about an hour. Guests feel welcome when

they see smiling people. You can resume

your somber expressions when you get


"Let's Start Sponsoring Flowers and Bulletins Again"

2015 Flower and Bulletin sponsorship charts are now in the narthex. Sponsoring altar flowers is a simple way to glorify

God and beautify the altar. They can be placed in honor of

someone, in memory of someone, in celebration of a

birthday, anniversary, or other milestone, or just to give

thanks for God's blessings. Your sponsorship and dedication

will be printed in the bulletin for that Sunday. The same

goes for sponsoring bulletins.

The cost for sponsoring altar flowers is $40 (quoted

recently by Albanese Florist) and the cost for sponsoring

bulletins is $10. Please consider signing up. First, write

your name and dedication on the chart. Second, if

sponsoring flowers, call Albanese Florist (610-588-0441) or J.C. Bloom Designs (610-588-3855) and place an order with

them under the Ackermanville UMC account. Third, place

the cost of flowers (or bulletins) in the offering plate on

Sunday in a separate envelope, designating that it is for the

cost of the flowers or bulletins. Thank you.

May Counters

May 3 Jeff Sandercock & Terri Brescancine

May 10 Jeff Sandercock & Sherry Ott

May 17 Jeff Sandercock & Nadine Hughes

May 24 Jeff Sandercock & Joan Mutton

May 31 Jeff Sandercock & Joan Mutton

"SAVED BY THE ROOF" This winter our Young Hall porch remained dry and

free of ice and snow because of our new porch roof.

Thanks be to God!

29 Denise & Donald Butz

29 Heather & John Dugey



2 Men’s Breakfast at TK’s 7:00 am

3 Sunday School 9:00 Worship 10:00 Last Sunday for Choir to Sing

4 Office Hours

9 am-Noon


6 Office Hours 9 am-noon

7 Office Hours


Disciple Bible Study



9 Ladies Tea

3:00 pm

10 Sunday School 9:00 Worship 10:00 Mother’s Day Blast 6 pm.

11 Office Hours

9 am-Noon

Council on Ministries 7:30 pm


Ad Board 7 pm

13 Office Hours 9am-Noon

14 Office Hours 9:00 am-Noon

Crafty Crew

2-4 pm



17 Sunday School 9:00 Last Day for Sunday Schoo l until Fall Worship 10:00 Community Meal 4 pm

18 Office Hours 9 am-Noon

Newsletter Articles Due


20 Office Hours


21 Office Hours 9am-Noon



24 Worship 10:00


35 Office Hours

9 am-Noon

26 27 Office Hours


28 Office Hours 9am-Noon

29 30

Page 4 The Friendly Flyer

May 2015

Office Hours - Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings 9am – noon unless I am taken out of the office by meetings or emergencies.

Please note that Friday is Pastor Alice Ann’s Sabbath day. She will return all non-urgent contacts on the next business day.

For an emergency on Friday, please call the parsonage phone number 610-452-2699 and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

Deadline for “Friendly Flyer” is May 15, 2015 Please submit all articles and news to Joan at

[email protected] or by handwriting them and placing them in the office mail bin.

LIKE US on Facebook!

Crafty Crew News

The Crafty Crew will meet the second Thursday of

May, in Young Hall from 2 pm to 4 pm.

Please come and join us for crafts and conversation.

Bring your favorite project or idea to work on and join the



31 Worship 10:00 Volunteer

Appreciation Dinner

Ladies’ Tea

A Black and White Tea Party will be held in Young Hall on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 3:00 in the Afternoon.

We will serve high tea featuring scones, finger sandwiches, dainty desserts, and of course several varieties of tea.

A limited number of tickets will be available for a donation of $12.00 per person.

To reserve your tickets or for more information,

please see Cindy Doll or call (610) 588-6111.

… Remember to

Bring Your Teacup!

The Friendly Flyer Page 5


ASCENSION SERVICE The annual Slate Belt Ministerium Ascension Service will

be held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 404 Broadway, Bangor, on Sunday, May 17, at 6:00 pm. This is an ecumenical event, with many local clergy participating. Refreshments will be provided after the service.


Prayer Worship

Christians, Muslims, and Jews united in prayer and

praise celebrating the National Day of Prayer:

Thursday, May 7, 2015, 7:00 pm

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

1422 Church Road, Pen Argyl, PA 18072

Peace with Justice Sunday May 31st is "Peace with Justice Sunday". Together, we

spread the gospel of peace and encourage cooperation

locally, in the United States, and globally. In Arizona border

towns, communities facing social challenges are dramatically

divided. In Liberian villages, citizens’ human rights are

being violated. In local U.S. communities, women and girls

are being bought and sold against their will.

Moved by Christ’s love to pursue reconciliation and peace,

honoring the dignity of every individual made in God’s

image, The United Methodist Church is unwilling to turn a

blind eye to injustice.

Although you, and possibly even your congregation, may

lack the resources alone to effect change in a broken world, your giving is vital for the UMC to continue its global

ministries of reconciliation. Because of the Peace with

Justice Sunday offering, the people of The United Methodist

Church are able to make a difference together by sowing

seeds—and yielding fruit!—of peace. Watch for special

offering envelopes in the May 31st bulletin.

Ackermanville United Methodist Church presents


DECEMBER 12, 2015

Your Day Includes: Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation

Lunch at Plain & Fancy Restaurant

Bag Dinner and Drinks Provided

Reserved Show Seating All Taxes & Gratuities

Driver Gratuity

Itinerary: 8:00 am Depart the Church

10:00 am Arrive Lancaster

10:30 am Show Time

1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm “Jacob’s Choice”

4:30 pm Depart for Home

6:30 pm Arrival Home

Prices: Adults $110.00 pp Children (12 & under) $80.00pp Payments: Deposit: $25.00 pp to hold a reservation

Final Payment Due: November 15, 2015

Reservations Contact: Dave or Cindy Doll

(610) 588-6111

Reservations and deposit money WILL NOT be taken at this time. Dave will have further information regarding when to make reservations and pay deposit, soon Watch for updates in your weekly bulletin inserts. Thank you.

Page 6 The Friendly Flyer

Prayer Chain We are blessed here at AUMC with a prayer chain. You can submit prayer requests through Pastor Alice Ann and receive prayer requests through email or phone. If you are not a part of the prayer chain and would like

to be, please contact Pastor Alice Ann for the email portion and Janice Roberts for the phone portion.

Prayer List Please help us keep the prayer list, printed in the

bulletin, up to date. If you would like someone to go on the prayer list, or

removed from it, please use a prayer request card found in the pews or email the church at [email protected].

Thank You

Writer’s Wanted!! The newsletter is always looking for article

contributions. Please consider writing an article or articles

about anything church-related. Perhaps there's someone you

think should be thanked. Perhaps you'd like to write

something about an event we just had or an event coming up

in the near future. Have you read a good Christian book or

seen a good Christian movie lately? Write a summary or a

review. Maybe you have fond memories of your church

when you were growing up, especially if they are of

Ackermanville Church. Write them down and submit

them! Perhaps you have a vision for the future of our

church. Write an article about it. Perhaps many people have

asked you for a certain recipe? If there's anything else you'd like to share, go ahead and write it down and submit it. We

can all be contributors and editors of the

newsletter!! Submissions may be handed to Pastor Alice

Ann or Lauranette Grubb; or you can email them to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

**All articles/submissions are subject to pastoral approval**

Thank You!

Methodist Northeast District

June 18, 2015 at 7:05 pm

Join us for a night of

baseball, fun and fellowship!

Ackermanville United Methodist Church Ackermanville Road, Bangor, PA

Tickets are $11 each

($10 ticket price plus $1 for District Mission

Project, Pocono Plateau) Each ticket includes $2 towards food at Coca Cola Park

For tickets contact Sharon Herman


email: [email protected]

Last day to purchase tickets was April 26, 2015

A Mother’s Hands… reach out to bless her children and

reach up to praise the Lord.

They’re always loving, often praying, and

ever giving more than she keeps for herself.

A mother’s hands may tire,

but they never expire in their efforts

to do good for those she loves.

A mother’s hands may age,

but her influence lasts forever.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary

and praise the LORD.

Psalm 134:2 (NIVI1984)

Memories of Cantatas

I (as well as many others) have been part of every Cantata we have ever done at Ackermanville UMC. We have been doing this so long, my memories are, at times, somewhat foggy! However, I do remember that ever since Jack Davies approached the choir with an Easter Cantata called “Alive!” it seems we have done an Easter Cantata practically every year, and sometimes, a very occasional Christmas Cantata. From “Alive!” (early 1980’s) where all the songs seemed so fast at our first rehearsal, to a Christmas Cantata called “An Old Fashioned Christmas” (1987) where I still sang a solo, even though I had the flu, to last year’s more contemporary “Love Is Alive” (do we dare do something so contemporary?!), and finally, to this year--repeating a beautiful cantata we did originally in 2010-- “Come, Touch the Robe”. Over the years, our “Cantata Choir” has ranged in size from 17 to 35 people. Ackermanville UMC is so fortunate to have so much musical talent and participation, these many years. We also joined with Salem UMC in Bangor (now defunct) to repeat the cantata “Alive” many years ago. There have been trios, duets and many many solos; and many singers have come and gone, while others have remained and maintained the base core of the choir. Many pastors have narrated and/or sung these numerous cantatas.

I hope that this annual tradition means as much to the congregation as it does to the choir. I myself, look forward to the cantata and regard it as the highlight of the “choir year” (Christmas candlelight service being a close second). It takes a whole church to make this tradition a success. Thank you all. I hope these cantatas touch at least some, if not all of the congregation, with Christ’s sacrifice and love for us all.

Singing His Praises, Lauranette


at the

The Friendly Flyer Page 7

Planning is in the works for this year’s


“Group’s EVEREST ”.

The theme is “EVEREST VBS

Expedition” where we will

conquer challenges with God’s

Mighty Power.

It is scheduled this year for July 26 through July 30.

Please put this on your schedule and consider helping

out. Thank You

A Special Thank You -

Dear AUMC Congregation,

For the kindness you've shown. Thank you so much for

your cards and prayers. It meant so very much to me.

God Bless Walter Hopstetter

Thanks to Shirt and Jane Williams for their donation of postage stamps to the church office.

Thanks to all who have donated special occasion cards, and note cards. Birthday and Anniversary cards especially, are always needed.

Thanks to Meagan Ackerman for "stepping up" and volunteering as the VBS leader this year.

Thanks to Del Roberts and the choir for the beautiful presentation of the Easter Cantata "Come Touch the Robe."

Thanks to Holly Sussick and Sharon Herman for their efforts in publicizing the cantata.

Thanks to Pete Nell for narration and Bill Bright for filming of the cantata. We appreciate all who donated their time and talent to make the cantata a success.

Thanks to our tireless treasurer Pete Nell and the whole Finance Committee for ALL they do to keep the church going.

Thanks to everyone who make our monthly Community Meal possible (and delicious!)

Thanks to the many, many volunteers who helped out with the Hilltop Auction.

Dear friends,

I would like to thank everyone for all the cards and


Thanks to all.

Carl Moosch

Dear Friends at Ackermanville United Methodist Church,

Please accept my apology for the lateness of this

letter. We greatly appreciated the donation of afghans,

pillows and other hand crafted items in November

2014. The families are so appreciative especially for the warm and beautiful afghans.

We appreciate your community spirit and wish you the

best for 2015.


Bridget Pruett

Executive Director of the

Slater Family Network Foundation, Inc

From PUMP (Portland/Upper Mt. Bethel Food Pantry) Dear Ackermanville United Methodist Church, Thank you to your youth group BLAST for the generous donation. We will use it to feed the 375+ families that visit the food pantry monthly. These families are from the Slate Belt. The need is great in the Slate Belt and we are privileged to serve them. We would not be able to help as many as we do, if it were not for your generosity. Again, thank you. Sincerely, Sherma Godshalk, Executive Director

(Sherma Godshalk has since lost her battle

with cancer, on April 15th)


Following is a Copy of the letter that was sent to the

Washington Township Volunteer Fire

The Community Care Ministry of the Ackermanville United Methodist Church wishes to invite you to join us at 10 A.M. on Sunday May 31, 2015, for a Special Service and Luncheon to follow. The purpose of the service is to honor all Public Servants and Volunteers serving the Washington Township Community.

This invitation is extended to the Washington Township Supervisors, Township Employees, Washington Township Police Department, Washington Township Volunteer Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary, and their immediate Families.

We also invite you to send us the names of individuals of which your organization would like to pay tribute. The names will be listed on a memorial insert to our Bulletin and a special part of the service will honor and memorialize them.

The picnic style Luncheon will start at approximately 11:30 A.M.

All those who are unable to attend the Memorial Service are invited to please join us for a time of food and fellowship. In order to prepare properly for this Special Event, we ask that R.S.V.P.’s be returned by Saturday May 16, 2015.

We at A.U.M.C. look forward to making this service a joyful experience as we thank the individuals now serving our Community to make it a safe and beautiful place in which to live and honor those who served in the past.

We will be looking for volunteers to help with all

aspects of the day at a later date.

Barry S. Young, Lay Leader

Join us on the web at: www.ackermanvilleumc.org

Ackermanville United Methodist Church 1410 Ackermanville Road Bangor PA 18013

The Rev. Alice Ann Bonham

Church Phone: 610-588-7818

Parsonage Phone: 610-452-2699

[email protected]


Page 8 The Friendly Flyer

Acolytes Junior Church Liturgists

May 3 Aubrey Tarr Angela Colino / Maci Sandy Collins

May 10 Khloe Overfield Tonia Overfield / Aubrey Bill Ruggiero

May 17 Kolin Overfield Suzanne Hawes / Sarah Brittany D’Alessio

May 24 Porter Sussick Amy White / Hailey Donna Bright

May 31 Maci Herman Holly Sussick / Grace Lauranette Grubb

Please let Pastor Alice Ann know if you or a loved one is in the hospital. She would love to support you and your family with a visit. She depends on you to share the information of which hospital the loved one is in. Please also let Pastor Alice Ann

know of any other pastoral needs. She is available in the Church Office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9am-noon. The church phone number is 610-588-7818. You can reach her by email: [email protected]. The parsonage number is 610-452-2699 for pastoral emergencies. If you do not reach her, please leave a message. Thank you!

Bulletin Information

Weekly announcements for the worship bulletin can be sent to Lauranette at [email protected].

Thank You!!!!

Please don’t forget those in need

of our prayers.

We will have an updated list in

the bulletins each Sunday.

Remember our members in Nursing Homes or

Assisted Living Facilities

Ernest Bartholomew, Rm 135, 4100 Freemansburg Ave., Easton, PA 18045

Bernice Bettini

Walden III, Unit 122, 325 N. Broadway, Wind Gap, PA 18091

Elsie Houck

Gracedale 2 Gracedale Avenue, Nazareth, PA 18064

Evelyn Jennings Apt. 414B

175 W. North Street, Nazareth, PA 18064 Marilyn Osborne

c/o Whitehall Manor 1177 N. 6th Street, Whitehall, PA 18052

Clara Schweitzer

Gracedale 2 Gracedale Avenue, Nazareth, PA 18064

Slate Belt Nursing and Rehabilitation On the first Sunday of the month, we offer worship at

Slate Belt Nursing and Rehabilitation at 2:15pm. We

have been blessed by getting to know folks and develop

relationships with them. Consider joining us to share

the love of Christ with the folks at Slate Belt.

During worship, we have BLAST bags available for children in the sanctuary. These bags are changed regularly and coordinate with the sermon series. Please help your children see the connections!

“The May/June Upper Rooms are now available

in the narthex. There are also large print Upper

Rooms available.”

PLEASE NOTE: As of May 1, Pastor Alice Ann’s Verizon email ([email protected]) will no longer be in use.

Please use [email protected] instead. Thank you.
