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Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]

Date post: 03-Jun-2018
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  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    [This above-the-fold announcement serves as a culmination of a -year of intense

    lobbying: theMandatory Holocaust Education Billpassed the Senate unanimously [with

    only Sen. Washington absent] and, presumably, will fly through the House and be signed

    by Corbett; common-ground was IDed via an amendment by Sen. Folmer that would

    allow for a voluntary initiative during the next two years, with a mandate imposed if

    fewer than 90% of the school districts comply. Needless to type, we are thrilled.]

    [Meanwhile, daily calls are being generated to Temple U. regarding ongoing presence of

    a Holocaust-Denier on its faculty; the initial effort will be focused upon the need for this

    anti-Semite/anti-Zionist to recant (and later to explain the origin of these ideas).]

    Needless to write, there is a certain celebratory atmosphere abounding among those who have labored

    within the TEA {Taxed Enough Already} Party Movement; captured here are the highlights of the flying

    e-mail and phone-chats that have emerged overnight. Key-concepts that must be dismissed [after the

    pundits @ FNC/MSNBC have been duly monitored] is that turnout was HIGHER than it had been in 12[despite the rain]; its possible a chaos project drew Dem-votes [recalling the concept that was coined

    by Rush during the primary with Hillary in 08], but Cantor lost everywhere [urban/suburban, including

    in his home-county] and that a harbinger had occurred [when his handpicked candidate for party-chair

    had been defeated]. Last Thursday, Id noted Cantor was forced to respond to competitive pressure

    when contrasting what occurred in Richmond with what didnt happen in PA [regarding Mike Fitzpatrick]

    and Id also noted deceit [Eric Cantor Sends Another Deceptive Anti-Amnesty Mailer]when disagreeing

    vigorously with predictions [re-stated yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, on Election Day, which

    claimed 'Immigration has been a No-Show in GOP Primaries'];thisis what I wrote in response to such

    claims [48-hours ago], noting that graph #1 is my view and graph #2 is that of Politico-Libs:

    Politically, there is no doubt that this issue has affected at least one GOP-Primary race,as Dave Brat claimed Illegal Immigrants are Pouring into USA After House Majority

    Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) betrayed his district on amnesty, Announced 'Kids Are

    Welcome,'and shares the blame for surge in illegal immigrant children flooding into the

    country. When hisHometown Paper Endorsed Cantor, it Made No Mention of Amnesty;

    perhaps, as a result, a POLL showed CANTOR'S LEAD had been CUT TO 52-39 IN

    VIRGINIA PRIMARY. Nevertheless, Cantors comment on Border Crisis

    [incomprehensively] was: Let's Work with Obama to Give 'Kids' Amnesty.

    Politico-Libs [falsely] claimed IMMIGRATION HAS HAD LITTLE IMPACT ON PRIMARIESby

    ignoring other factors affecting local races and by cherry-picking analysis of the national

    races, ignoring Cantors: Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared to put himself in political

    jeopardy when he wrote and championed an overhaul of immigration laws, but he is

    poised to lap the field in Tuesday's Republican primary in South Carolina. GOP Sen.

    Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, who also backed the bill, is in a strong position ahead of

    his primary this August. Rep. Renee Ellmers (R., N.C.) easily survived a primary challenge

    after backing liberalized laws. And Tim Donnelly, a leader in the movement to stop

    illegal immigration, lost to another Republican this month in California's open primary

    for governor. Opposition to an immigration-law overhaul remains high within the

    Republican Party, but primary season is showing that support isn't necessarily a career-

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    ending move, nor is opposition a clear path to the nomination. That could factor into

    the decision by House GOP leaders on whether to move broad immigration legislation

    this year. Boehner (R., Ohio) hasn't brought any immigration bills to the House floor,

    allowing his members to avoid taking a position. Defeats of Republicans who back new

    legislation surely would have hurt the measures' chances.

    GOP NEEDS TO FOCUS ON 'MAIN STREET OVER WALL STREET' [per Brat];Id add that this constituteda

    defeat by Main St. over BOTH Wall St. AND K St., as was noted obliquely [Lamar Alexander and Thad

    Cochran Braced for Falls After Cantor Crumbled and TN SENATE CHALLENGER claimed LAMAR

    ALEXANDER IS THE NEXT ERIC CANTOR]. Additional commentary [c/o Drudge/Breitbart] serves to

    amplify the historic nature of this event [assuming the GOP-Establishment adjusts accordingly]:

    GOP Leadership Fallout: House Of Cards Meets Game Of Thrones

    Cantor to resign as House majority leader July 31

    House Republicans up late weighing strategy in wake of Cantors shocking defeat

    Cantor loss throws Congress into disarray






    [Rush said that Amnesty is NOT-DEAD, recalling how ObamaDontCare passed after

    Scott Brown was elected Senator.]

    Exclusive: Laura Ingraham Savors Historic Brat Upset She Helped Fashion

    Cantor's Graceless 'Concession Speech'

    Eric Cantor's Election Rally Stormed by Immigration Protestors

    David Brat On His Amazing Victory: 'It's Like My Life Dream On Steroids, Right?'

    White House: Cantor Lost Because He Wasn't More Pro-AmnestyCantor loses primary to tea party challenger in a stunning upset

    GOP trying to assess impact of Cantor loss

    Jews Wrestle with Cantor Defeat

    WAPO: Loss is Bad News For Big Business

    Chaos erupts at Cantor election night headquarters

    House Majority Leader Ignored Voters' Frustrations

    New York Times: Ingraham, Levin, Breitbart Powered Brat Past GOP Establishment

    Mainstream Media on Cantor Shocker: We Should've Read Breitbart News

    WSJ Ran Dumbest Media Attack On Dave Brat, So Far

    [Epstein really piled it on by opening his piece with a non-sequitur

    connecting Brat's writing about Hitler and the fact that Cantor is Jewish.

    Epstein then quoted a perfectly reasonable, factually accurate, and

    articulate depiction of Nazism, a Nothingburgerfrom a 13-page essay

    Brat wrote in 2011. Epstein closed with a whipped-up word soup about

    "Hitler, Rise Again, Tea Party, Defeat, Jewish."]

    The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor's Defeat

    Cantor spent $168,000 on steakhouses; Brat spent $200,000 in total

    BRAT HAD RAISED ONLY $231,000; Cantor $5.7 million

    Eric Cantor Primary Loss a Referendum Against Amnesty

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    Earthquake: The Cantor Story that Caught the Political World by Surprise


    Video Montage: Stunned Cable News Hosts React to Eric Cantor's Primary Defeat

    Eric Cantor Loses to Tea Party Challenger!

    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor falls to tea party challenger in Virginia primary

    Big Upset in Primary Ousts Eric Cantor[Time Mag]

    DC ROCKED: David Downs Goliath

    Miller on Tea Party Victory in Virginia: We the People Put Establishment in Its Place


    GOP's habit of eating its own, reflecting a well-established pattern of insurgent attacks

    on the establishment. {This snarky topic by Politicocovers-up its prior erros, vide infra.}

    The GOP leadership scramble- Eric Cantor was presumed to be John Boehner's heir.

    Cantor loss kills immigration reform - Tuesdays result is likely to raise pressure on

    Obama to use executive authority on deportations. {Note suggestion that BHO would

    only be doing anything due to external pressure rather than acting on personal views.}

    Pelosi: 'Whole new ballgame' - Eric Cantor has long been the face of House

    Republicans extreme policies," she says. [Email from a Democrat close to Pelosi:"Thisis the biggest upset of all of our political careers. Republicans and Democrats of all

    stripes on K Street and especially in the tech world are shocked and ultimately

    depressed. We all know that this will only lead to more Republicans being scared of

    bipartisan issues, which will only lead to further gridlock."]

    Boehner's status now seems more secure

    For Obama, Cantor loss at a price - The expectation is that Republicans will now stay

    further away from immigration and other issues.

    Brat, the college professor, said he won because he benefited from Cantor's attack ads.

    {This is c/w my conclusion (vide infra) drawn last week, regarding Cantors deceit.}

    Cantor raised more money from the New York City area this cycle than metro Richmond

    Big Money failed to rescue Cantor - The darling of Wall Street, K Street and theRepublican establishment goes down in flames. {Note (accurate) inclusion of K St.]

    5 takeaways from Cantor shocker - What his loss means for the Virginia GOP,

    immigration reform and the tea party.

    Who is Dave Brat?[rsum]

    Poll: Immigration didn't doom Cantor- The survey says the majority of registered voters

    in his district support reform. {Once a goal is fixated, its difficult to dislodge; such abject

    intransigence is remarkable, and reminiscent of this summary of current journalism:

    Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), perhaps the most outspoken amnesty proponent in Congress,

    said the stunning defeat of Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the primary Tuesday is no

    impediment to President Obama moving forward with immigration unilaterally.


    "Dont Sweat the Details; Dont Question Authority; Remember Your Job

    Is to Advance Narratives, Not Report Facts; Quote Directly from Press

    Releases; Pick Sides (i.e., promote sympathy for one side and hostility

    for the other); Dont Describe People: Label Them; Hype the Issues You

    Personally Care about and Downplay Those You Dont; Listen to the

    Insects of the Hour; and Use Language Tricks to Obfuscate."

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    This was the WaPos pre-election posture: Responsible Virginians, even Democrats,

    may have an obligation to vote for Cantor to make sure Brats politics are rejected.

    {Rush opened his mologue with this precise point, noting that the poll didnt discuss

    Amnesty. Thus, he corroborated the manipulation Id sensed, per this analysis.}

    One commenter wrote the following:

    Cantor a political hack. Didn't care about the details of gun control, kowtowed to short

    term business interests on illegal aliens, diluting our democracy. GOA ran up the middle

    against him. The guy was spineless. Establishment hogs neglected to acknowledge or

    recognize the Republican base, which is speaking ever stronger, failed to acknowledge

    or recognize winner Brat, or to ask him to stay the Cantor course on Israel. More DC

    beltway people totally out of touch with the voters, taxpayers, citizens, moms, dads, out

    of work car won't run Americans.

    [GOA = Gun Owners of America. Long-time sleeper, now emerging as replacement for

    NRA, which is seen as an arm of GOP-Establishment [confirmed by personal experience]{I had also heard of this split, but hadnt recognized its intensity.}

    Note this commentary [Cantor loss is shocking only to those who are not paying attention]:

    Yes, yes, yes, Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA) was an important man, high up, famous,

    powerfulblah blah blah. And he lost his five-million dollar primary campaign to a grass

    roots candidate who spent a couple hundred thousand dollars.

    Hey, Republican establishment folks, are you nowpaying attention?

    Do you maybe now understand what so many of your own voters have been telling you

    for years?

    To wit: America is worth saving, and it can only be saved by breaking from the creeping

    Big Government identity of moderate Republicans. That means No on amnesty, No on

    gun control, No on universal background checks aka gun owners database, No on


    In other words, Hell Yes on freedom and liberty.

    Cantor failed on these issues, and his voters punished him for it.

    While the NRA lost out to Gun Owners of America in this race, probably no group was

    more closely identified with Cantor, and the Republican establishment around him, thanthe Republican Jewish Coalition, a nice group I have had some exposure to. Sadly, RJC

    mishandled Cantors loss in a gargantuan way that may spell the organizations descent

    or even demise. In many ways, Tuesday nights RJC is emblematic of the larger

    Republican establishment, which also seems determined to drive itself over a cliff.

    Late Tuesday night, 11:26 PM, to be exact, the RJC issued a brief lamentation about

    Cantors electoral loss and how great Cantor was and blah blahblah.

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    Did RJC acknowledge that REPUBLICAN voters had spoken? Nope. Did RJC congratulate

    the winner, economics professor David Brat? Nope. Did RJC publicly stake out hopes

    for Brat to follow closely in Cantors pro-Israel shoes? Nope.

    Instead, RJC came across as soundly rejecting the wisdom of REPUBLICAN voters in

    Cantors former district, and failing to acknowledge the Big Government issues of a) gun

    (citizen) control and b) illegal aliens, who are destroying American democracy,disenfranchising American voters, and robbing American taxpayers.

    RJC may be a small group with great intentions, but Tuesday night, they were the lost

    voice for the entire Republican Establishment. And it shows just how out of touch the

    establishment is with the American citizen. Every conservative activist who reads the

    RJC statement will wonder what the hell is in the DC Beltway water, because it sure isnt

    anything theyd want to drink.

    The folks who ran and funded Cantors campaign, who issued public statements for him,

    who stood by him when he wafted in the wind on critical issues, and who bewailed his

    loss, are incredibly out of touch with the actual voters, taxpayers, citizens, moms, dads,

    students, and out-of-work-car-wont-run Americans who are slowly, surely, awakening

    to the crisis we are in, and who are not not shocked that Cantor lost.

    But the expertsthey are shocked.

    Another individual wrote the following:

    From personal experience, in 08, I learned that there is a divide between [Jewish]

    Conservatives and the rank-and-file in DC. The Republican Jewish Coalition will give Brat

    full support as it does all GOP candidates. There are more Conservatives in the RJC than

    may be apparent; for us, this is a victory. It is also proof that term-limits are important

    to keep leaders on point rather than politically expedient.

    David Brat's support for Israel has yet to be examined. Domestically, he hit every note

    Conservatives care about. As a professor of economics he brings a refreshing,

    knowledgable voice of reason to Congress. He made himself available to constituents

    and provided a plan of action for domestic problems. He did not get big money from Tea

    Party groups despite being characterized as a Tea Party darling.

    Eric Cantor seemed more interested in DC politics than the concerns of the people in his

    district. Eric is a nice guy and a Conservative on most issues but Immigration/amnesty

    and being inaccessible cost him the primary. Unfortunately, I understand he became

    arrogant in the past 4 years.

    Based on the lightening speed response from DWS [both on TV and via an immediatefundraising letter] characterizing Brat as a Tea Party insider, he is a greater threat to the

    Dem (Obama) agenda than Cantor would have been. Amnesty is on the table for 2014.

    Pundits expect Obama will sign another executive order today on immigration based on

    election results from this contest. {Ive read that he wont do this until after mid-terms.}

    It should be noted that both of the above-authors [and myself] are Jewish, illustrating the preference

    that is shared among true-conservatives to promote key-policies @ the risk of losing a strong supporter

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    of Israel. [Subsequent colloquy among us has reinforced this viewpoint, recognizing that the RJC may be

    lamenting what we actually are praising.] Here is another personal reaction:

    David Brat ran as a REPUBLICAN, and with the support he garnered from grass-root

    REPUBLICANS he took down the bully. The tea party may have backed Mr. Brat, but its

    support [in particular in the $$$ part of the campaign] was woefully inadequate. Laura

    Ingraham and Mark Levin were piviotal; thus, the support for this candidate needs to go

    straight to this candidate [not the republican party or the tea party]. Vet your own

    candidates whom you want to support and support them; this "we did it" mantra from

    everyone saying they helped David, the only people who helped and won this campaign

    was DAVID BRAT and his intelligence, honesty and support of principles, and oh yes the

    people who voted for him to take down the bully cantor. {Plus TALK RADIO, in my view.}

    This is what NUMBERS-USA announced:


    Immigration was the key issue in what numerous national commentators are indicatingwas one of the biggest political upsets in congressional history. David Brat was

    incredibly outspent and little known, but defeated the man who most Congress

    observers expected to be the next Speaker of the House.

    Throughout Wednesday, we will be updating our news coverage of this biggest election

    story of the year that came out of Richmond, Virginia today. Check it out at:


    Chuck Todd told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC that Rep. Cantor's defeat in the Republican

    Primary today killed any chance of "immigration reform" this year.

    Many others are concluding the same. We certainly hope they are right.

    My public statement this evening was:

    "The wage-earning voters of Rep. Cantor's district apparently felt

    abandoned by his immigration positions that virtually ignored their

    anxiety about stagnant wages and high unemployment and that

    projected primary concern for unlawful foreign visitors and employers

    seeking more foreign workers.

    "Prof. Brat's insistence that immigration policies should focus on the

    needs of American workers and taxpayers provided a sharp contrast to

    the corporate-driven vision of the top echelon of the Republican Partythat Rep. Cantor exemplified.

    "Prof. Brat pledged to seek all 12 of NumbersUSA's legislative

    priorities, which essentially are the recommendations of the bi-

    partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform to cut legal

    immigration by half and to turn off the magnets for illegal


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    Brat is an economics professor who understands that even Congress can't revoke the

    law of supply and demand. He believes that if Congress floods labor markets with

    foreign workers, wages will be depressed, and that the government shouldn't do that to

    its citizens.

    Novel thoughts, right?

    View Prof. Brat's immigration survey

    Prof. Brat said he supports eliminating birthright citizenship for the births to illegal

    aliens and foreign visitors, eliminating chain migration and the lottery, and stopping

    the importation of unnecessary foreign workers.

    Rep. Cantor, on the other hand, was part of the House Republican leadership in 2011

    and 2012 who refused to allow a floor vote on an exceptionally strong E-Verify bill

    passed by the House Judiciary Committee.

    Behind the scenes all last year, Cantor sought to engineer passage of a series of bills that

    apparently would have given amnesty to at least a couple of million illegal aliens whilegreatly increasing the number of new foreign workers brought into the country. While

    Cantor was willing to require additional enforcement along with those increases, his

    influence repeatedly watered down the effectiveness of any new enforcement that was

    written into bills.

    Nonetheless, none of those bills has come to the floor -- and he never unveiled the "Kids

    Act" amnesty despite talking about it for a year and giving ammunition to those who

    sought to unseat him.

    Cantor's plummet from public approval based on the amnesty issue is even greater than

    that of Sen. Marco Rubio last year who went from being the most popular 2016 GOP

    presidential contender to an also-ran after leading the charge for the Gang of Eightamnesty.

    We tend to agree with TV commentators tonight who suggest that Cantor's loss today

    threatens to greatly unsettle the House GOP leadership in ways yet to be determined.

    Our interest, as always, will be only on how it affects immigration. Keep coming back to

    NumbersUSA.com to follow the story.

    I know you are especially appreciative of our NumbersUSA staff who have kept you

    informed about this Virginia contest over recent months.

    A friend forwarded this essay exploringThe Other Reason Eric Cantor Lost[which recalls the observation

    that he had lost a county-level GOP election approximately a month ago and also notes the problems

    (which exist also in PA) related to the endorsement process]:

    Eric Cantors defeat has finally given me cause to rejoin to share with you a smaller, yet I

    think just as important reason for Eric Cantors defeat. It boils down to one word.


  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    Starting this spring, Eric Cantor and his chief consultant Ray Allen, along with various

    other goons from his Young Guns network, invaded county and congressional district

    Republican conventions and manipulated the rules to slate off Republican activists to

    deliver congressional district chairmanships to his allies. This first happened at the

    Virginia Beach mass meeting back a few months ago. The contest was between State

    Sen. Frank Wagner and Republican activist Curtis Colgate for the chairmanship of

    Virginias second district. Wagner was the establishment pick and Colgate the

    grassroots. Wagner and his Young Gun allies slated off hundreds of activists that were

    being elected to the second district convention.

    It was petty, unfair, and ridiculous. When the 2nd CD convention met thankfully the

    slating was reversed and Colgate was elected chairman, though as of now I do believe it

    is still being contested to the State Central Committee. There was another story out of

    rural Campbell County in Virginias 5th district where Allen and Cantors Young Guns

    succeeded in slating and later on winning the 5th District chairmanship. A sitting

    Republican delegate was actually slated. The tide was turned in the 3rdDistrict, where

    2012 Ron Paul state chairman turned 20-something conservative leader Chris Stearns

    beat back slating to get reelected to his chairmanship. The real omen came a few weeksago right there in Cantors 7

    th district when incumbent chairman Linwood Cobb was

    ousted shockingly by Dave Brat-backed Fred Gruber.

    So what does all this mean?

    If it wasnt for Cantors bullying across the state, his attempt to disenfranchise

    Republican activists (and not just tea partiers), outraged Republicans across the

    state. The blogs, Facebook, and Twitter exploded in the last few months over these

    actions and it gave Brat at the very least statewide sympathy if not an army of potential

    volunteers who didnt need much motivation. Cantors district is dead center in the

    state and its not that hard to get to. Nobody would have given Dave Brat the time of

    day no matter what he attacked Cantor with if it werent for this colossal mistake rootedin Cantors vanity and dream to somehow become the Republican boss of

    Virginia. Cantor needlessly angered so many people that suddenly everyone was willing

    to give Brat a listen. He is a college professor, this is not someone who will easily be

    distorted as some sort of nut job unfit for office. He is thoughtful, smart, and

    hardworking. Cantor then went into negative overdrive, calling Brat a liberal college

    professor and pointing to a paper one of his students wrote who he was an adviser to,

    all the while insulting everyones intelligence. He is also notorious for not having very

    good constituent service.

    In short, Dave Brat is talking to the air if Eric Cantor doesnt decided to bully his way

    through the state party, slating good activists and creating enemies everywhere. Forget

    amnesty, forget asking if Democrats voted (its an open primary) Eric Cantor lost

    because he attacked his own party across local, county, and congressional district

    conventions. Around Virginia, the word slating was spat out and Cantor owned it. Let

    me tell you, the supporters of Young Guns and slating where all over social media

    laughing, bragging, and making fun of the grassroots for beating them at their own

    game, meaning conventions. It was nasty. It was only after all of that was Brat then

    able to expose Cantors record on amnesty, spending, TARP, etc etc. It was just the icing

    on the cake.

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    As further evidence of the ascendency of the Conservative message, note:

    Ken Cuccinelli, the former Attorney General of Virginia, will serve as the president of the

    Senate Conservatives Fund!

    Hes a principled fighter who is respected by the grassroots and is passionate about

    electing the next generation of conservative leaders.

    Throughout his time in public service, whether in Virginias State Senate or as Attorney

    General, Ken led the fight to defend constitutional rights, protect life, stop tax increases,

    and keep Virginia a low-regulation state.

    As Attorney General, Ken fought the federal government to reduce burdensome

    regulations from the EPA, FCC, National Labor Relations Board, and -- most famously --

    was the first to sue to stop Obamacare.

    Ken Cuccinelli is the perfect person to continue and expand on what former Senator

    Jim DeMint started with SCF.

    Watch Ken's Video Message to SCF Members

    Were confident that Ken will help the grassroots do even more to help elect principled

    conservatives to the U.S. Senate.

    And Ken could not be joining our team at a better time.

    The Washington establishment is spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat

    conservative candidates, but the grassroots are fighting back.

    Not only did Dave Brat win in Virginia last night, but thanks to your support, Ben Sasse

    won in Nebraska and Joni Ernstwon in Iowa.

    And now we're on the verge of nominating Chris McDaniel in Mississippi and T.W.

    Shannonin Oklahoma on June 24th.

    Conservatives are on the move and it's more important than ever for the grassroots to

    work together to support principled candidates.

    Please watch Ken Cuccinelli's video message to all SCF members and then send him a

    quick note welcoming him to the team.

    Ken explains why he's excited to join SCF and why it's important for Americans to stand

    up to the Washington establishment.

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    Thank you for your dedication to our nation's founding principles and thank you for

    supporting SCF. You're changing Washington one election at a time.

    Best regards,

    Matt Hoskins

    Executive Director

    Senate Conservatives Fund

    RushLimbaugh advised that America Use the 'Elian Gonzalez Doctrine' on Children Illegals,even asRYAN



    because he paid attention to the locals [and also because he has continually distinguished himself on the

    Foreign-Policy front]. Also,Senator Tim Scott Won a HUGE Victory in Primary; Left Goes on the Attack.

    Obama Popularity Hit Low [44%] in Poll After Prisoner Exchange, per Bloomberg; it isdown from his previous low of 46%, in December. Fifty-two percent see him

    unfavorably, matching the December high. And majorities disapprove of his job

    performance across a spectrum of issues. Fifty-eight percent of Americans disapprove of

    Obama's handling of health care, 4 percentage points higher than in March, even as the

    law exceeded its original signup targets. Fifty-seven percent disapprove of his

    management of the economy, with just 38 percent approving. [A WaPo-lib claimed BHO

    is trapped in a self-constructed bubble,a prisoner of groupthink.]

    Recalling how RMN was nailed via Watergate due to the cover-up and that this, in turn, was blown after

    he was forced to divulge the raw-tapes, it seems that the same could occur with Benghazi-Gate; instead

    of reading her 33-page chapter on the topic, one would think that Gowdy will want to read raw-data,

    perhaps explaining whyHillary Clinton Doesn't Want to Turn Over Her Benghazi Notes.WithHuma back

    by her side,it seemsHillary conjured [a flimsy] Benghazi Video Explanationripe for probing; herslipping

    popularitywill fall further as her dead broke quote takes hold (notwithstanding claims of a WaPo-lib

    that its only ateachable momentthat points to a hole in Hillary Clintons argument.

    Another Hillary gaffe occurred when she said Abraham Lincoln had been a senator;

    actually, he lost to Stephen A. Douglas after the Lincoln-Douglas debates {listenhere}.

    I actually write about Rahm in the book. I asked him not to read it

    before we sat and did our interview! But it was in the very first chapter,

    the chapter I rightly call Team of Rivals because thats what it was in

    the beginning. A senator from Illinois ran against a senator from NewYork just as had happened way back with a senator from Illinois named

    Lincoln and a senator from New York named Seward. And it turned out

    the same way.

    [A Dem/lib who watched most of the last half of the Sawyer interview felt Hillary's

    answers oen were not compelling; she was reluctant to take personal responsibility,

    not even of the "the buck stops here" variety.] This is precisely what Talk Radio has been

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    observing, and it suggests she will probably not want to tarnish her image by subjecting

    it to media-scrutiny [particularly noting that shell probably testify publicly to Gowdy.]

    Regarding other domestic issues,NSAclaimed it is necessary to destroy documents because its Systems

    Are Too Complex To Stop Deleting Evidence.ASecret Bergdahl-Swap Predictionwas that only one Will

    Shun Taliban and two are LIKELY TO RETURN AS HONCHOS;Obama claimed he owed no explanation to

    Congress for having Released Terrorists.Marijuanagaineds ground in the PA-Senate. Tom Ferricks last

    column forAxisPhillyfocuses onPhilly-Corruption.{Also note thata first-grader in Cobbs Creek brought

    multiple bags of heroin to school.}

    Obama is looking to Act 'Administratively and Unilaterally' on GunsbecauseObama said

    "mass shootings have become run of the mill" and the U.S. is "the only developed

    country where this happens."In contrast,BHO praised Australia's firearm confiscation.

    When expressing a preference for scrutiny over eliminatingguns, aWaPo-lib may be

    retreating. {Also,Sun News will no longer report killers' names or show photos.}

    Notingthe Anti-Zionism of J Streetand thatsynagogues are being targeted by vandals across world,it is

    not surprising that an Expert Said a European Intifada isComing; this is congruent with this spate oftopics covered yesterday byPamela Geller:

    VIDEO: Muslim Viciously Beats, Punches and Kicks his Wife in a Department StoreBeliefnet Whitewashes Quranic Anti-SemitismTaliban stage 2nd attack on Pakistans largest international airport.@BarackObamas #epicfail: Al-Qaeda seizes Iraqs third-largest city as terrified residents fleeDevout Muslim group Boko Haram kidnaps up to 40 young mothersBelgium: Jihadist Calls On Young Muslims To Follow Example Of Jewish Museum KillerMuslim cop chops off child brides noseMuslims Gas Jews Outside ParisHamas Reveals: Abbas Told Us He is Tricking the Americans

    Regarding Iran:

    Cruz: Israel Strike Against Iran 'Could Happen In Matter Of Months'

    U.S., Israel Vow "No Surprises" Policy on Iran Nuke Talks

    Congress demands Iran come clean on "possible military dimensions" as basis for verification regime,

    sets red lines against further sanctions relief

    France: Iran Needs to Give Up Centrifuges for Nuclear Talks to Succeed

    Why Iran's Nuclear Demands Could Backfire

    Inspections: The Weak Link in a Nuclear Agreement with Iran

    Worries grow of international split as Iran announced bilateral negotiations with more than half of P5+1

    Regarding Israel:

    Dangerous Unity: The Perils of the New Fatah-Hamas Government- Elliott Abrams (Weekly Standard)

    Netanyahu's bitter enemy elected as new Israeli president

    Rivlins victory, Netanyahus defeat

    Meet Israel's New President: The Noble History of the Rivlin Clan

    Meet Israel's 10th President

    Israel Seeks Return of PA Forces to Gaza, Dismantling of Hamas Military Arm

    IDF: Gaza Terrorists Have Hundreds of Rockets Aimed at Tel Aviv

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CLVIII [Holocaust-Education, Cantor-Loss, Hillary-Gaffes, Iraq-Loss]


    Hezbollah-linked groups blasted for trying to lock in presidential political vacuum, as sixth election effort


    Regarding Iraq:

    Apocalyptic Assault by Islamist Militants Underway in Mosul, Iraq

    Washington Watches As Iraq Speeds Toward Disaster

    'Mass beheadings' by al-Qaeda forces in Mosul and Tikrit

    Iraq governemt on brink of collapse

    Turkey calls for emergency NATO meeting

    Jihadis Become World's Richest Terror Outfit after Looting Bank for $429 million

    Terrified residents flee

    SPIRAL: Al-Qaeda seizes Iraq city

    Insurgents Overrun Northern Iraqi City of Tikrit

    Surprise Assault...Arms windfall for insurgents

    Terrified residents flee

    Maliki offers weapons to citizens willing to fight

    White House Struggles With Naming Foreign Policy Achievements

    Al Qaeda offshoot overran Iraq's second largest city, threatening to reshape regional balance of powerStability is deteriorating quickly in Iraq,where officials are confirming that Islamist militants have seized

    control of a second city, Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit. Officials tell the APthat the provincial

    governor based in Tikrit is missing, while theNew York Timesnotes that militants encountered precious

    little resistance and appear to be on their way to Baghdad.

    Iraq Crisis: Islamists Force 500,000 to Flee Mosul

    ISIS: The Al-Qaeda-Linked Islamists Powerful Enough to Capture a Key Iraqi City

    Jihadists Seize Areas in Iraq's Kirkuk Province

    Super-Lib,David Ignatius,noted the return of al-Qaeda by declaring And its a good time for Obama to

    explain more about how he plans to fight this menace without making the mistakes of the past.

