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ADBC Newsletter April 2011

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Keeping with tradition, ADBC presents its members and other stakeholders with the latest news within its sector focuses.
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NEWSLETTER APRIL 2011 Words from the Ambassador Obama's Green Ambitions Green Ambitions bring a long Green Projects Obama: Denmark “punches above its weight” Increased Danish-American anti-piracy cooperation Command visits three major companies in the American defense industry State of the US economy Pushing the Life Sciences and Healthcare Agenda Establishing a Food & Agro Network in the U.S.


Words from the Ambassador Obama's Green Ambitions

Green Ambitions bring a long Green Projects Obama: Denmark “punches above its weight”

Increased Danish-American anti-piracy cooperation Command visits three major companies in the American defense industry State of the US economy Pushing the Life Sciences and Healthcare Agenda Establishing a Food & Agro Network in the U.S.

The past two months have been very eventful. In the Middle East we have seen dramatic turmoil and

historic changes that few had foreseen, and which will have a fundamental impact on the opportuni-

ties for long-term stability, democratization, and economic development in the Middle East. We have

seen two largely peaceful revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, where long-time dictators have been re-

moved from office. The two countries now are on track with transitions we hope will produce genuine

democracies and provide economic prosperity and greater opportunity for their populations.

In stark contrast, we see the deeply worrisome situation in Libya where Colonel Gaddafi is clinging on

to power, while he is attacking his own population. Together with the United States, France, UK, and

other countries – including key Arab contributors - Denmark has taken a prominent role in the interna-

tional efforts to protect the civilian population in Libya and end the conflict, so the legitimate demands

by the Libyan population for political reforms are met.

Closer to home, here at the embassy, there has also been hectic activity, not least with the Prime Min-

ister’s visit and meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office on March 14. The pressing challenges

in the Middle East and the international efforts in Afghanistan were at the top of the agenda at the

meeting in the White House. But President Obama and Prime Minister Rasmussen also agreed to

strengthen cooperation within anti-piracy measures, and the President also showed a keen interest in

the Danish Energy Strategy 2050. You can read more about the Prime Minister’s very productive meet-

ing with the President and the collaboration on counter-piracy inside this issue.

After the meeting Obama concluded that “Denmark […] punches above its weight.” This is a clear rec-

ognition of the role that Denmark plays in internationally of the close friendship and long-term alliance

between Denmark and the U.S.

The Prime Minister’s visit provided excellent opportunities to showcase some of the Danish compara-

tive strengths in green tech, which the Prime Minister highlighted both at a meeting with the Chairman

and CEO of GreenTech Automotive Corp (GTA) Terence R. Mcauliffe and at a well-attended public

event at the esteemed think-tank the Brookings Institution on the ambitious Danish Energy Strategy

2050 charting a course for a fossil-free economy.

It is my clear ambition to build on this strong foundation for cooperation – politically and commercially

- to the benefit of the American-Danish Business Council members.

Peter Taksøe-Jensen

By Peter Taksøe Jensen, Denmark's ambassador to the United States of America.

The following article by Peter Taksøe

Jensen, Denmark's ambassador to the

United States of America was pub-

lished in the Danish newspaper

Dagbladet Børsen, March 28, 2011. For

the purpose of this newsletter the arti-

cle has been translated from Danish

into English.

U.S. President, Barack

Obama, revives his ambi-

tions for green technology.

This implies new opportu-

nities for Danish compa-


As Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmus-

sen prepares to break up in the Oval

Office during his March visit to Wash-

ington, DC, President Obama reveals

surprisingly detailed knowledge about

Denmark: “Tell us a bit more about the

new Danish energy plan.”

The interest comes from a man for

whom energy and climate has caused

many woes. Despite high ambitions at

his accession to the presidency, a re-

cent series of hard-hitting events has

sent Obama’s climate and energy pol-

icy down for the count.

First, Obama’s comprehensive climate

bill was sunk. Then the Republican

gains at the mid-term elections, com-

bined with the economic crisis, made

the conditions for a green agenda even

more difficult in the Congress. Many

Republicans and some Democrats con-

sider it a threat to the U.S. economy

and assert that it harms the coal indus-

try and the agricultural sector. For this

reason, President Obama has been

forced to downplay his green agenda.

However, much suggests that the

President is reviving his green ambi-

tions. In his recent State of the Union

address, President Obama presented a

bold target of one million electric cars

on U.S. roads by 2015. Equally promis-

ing was his budget for 2012, recom-

mending an increase in the appropria-

tions to the U.S. Department of Energy

by 12 percent. If the President gets it

his way more money will be earmarked

for research into green technology.

It may seem politically daring, consid-

ering that the issues of economic re-

covery and unemployment are ex-

pected to be top priorities of the U.S.

voters in next year’s election. Presi-

dent Obama’s insistence on a green

agenda stems partly from his commit-

ment to the climate issue and his de-

sire to fight global warming. More-

over, the President hopes to create

new jobs through several green initia-

tives. The objective is not only to

make the U.S. greener and less de-

pendent on fossil fuels, but also to

create so-called green jobs by devel-

opment of electric vehicles, batteries

and smart power grids. The IT com-

pany IBM estimated in 2009 that if

the U.S. government invested 10 bil-

lion dollars in intelligent power grids,

the 'smart grid' alone would generate

477,000 jobs.

Denmark is one of the leading nations

when it comes to intelligent solutions

within renewable energy and there-

fore new business opportunities for

Danish firms can be expected when a

big player like the U.S. shows a will-

ingness to invest. Within the develop-

ment of smart grids, Denmark has

pioneering technologies to offer. A

smart grid can distribute energy more

efficiently by shifting a proportion of

the energy consumption into night

hours when energy is cheaper. Charg-

ing of electric vehicles is a prime ex-

ample.. And while electric cars might

not sound like a big power consumer

today, they can quickly become so if

one million electric cars roll out on

U.S. roads as Obama hopes.

In May, the American epicentre on

green technology, Silicon Valley, will

be introduced to Danish ' smart grid '

companies by our innovation center

in Silicon Valley, 'Innovation Center

Denmark’. By promoting Danish ex-

pertise across the Atlantic, we hope

to facilitate an exchange of innovative

ideas and concrete business agree-

ments for Danish firms in the green

technology sector. It will be interest-

ing to follow the green technology

sector - on both sides of the Atlantic.

/Peter Taksøe Jensen

For more information, please contact Torsen

Jansen, [email protected]

Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen met during his stay in Washington with the owner of GreenTech Automotives (GTA) Terence McAuliffe.

GTA is a US-based company dedicated to developing and producing affordable, en-vironment-friendly, and energy-efficient vehicles. GTA plans to launch sub-compact cars, compact cars, midsize cars, sports coupes, and SUVs, each line including sev-eral different models. Currently, GTA has finished four prototypes, and the lab tests have proven the efficiency performance of the prototypes reaching or surpassing the future types of standards in Europe and USA.

GreenTech Automotives is in the process of planning their strategy for Europe and Denmark is in play as hub for the Euro-pean activities. As a first step in this direc-tion McAuliffe announced last year during his visit to Denmark his partnership with Bornholm in delivering electric vehicles.

“Of all European countries, Den-mark is the country that offers the best opportunities. The inter-est in electric vehicles is high for these consumers, and we believe that we have the best technol-ogy, which brings benefits for all parties” explains Terry McAuliffe.

During the one hour meeting at the Em-bassy of Denmark, The Danish Prime Min-ister and Mr. McAuliffe discussed partner-ship opportunities in Denmark as well as Denmark’s Energy Strategy 2050, which recently was launched as the world’s most ambitious clean energy strategy.

The first MyCar from GTA will be launched later this year and is expected to sell at around 11,500-15,000 USD.

For further information, please contact Josefine Urup W., [email protected]

The comment followed the 50 minutes conversation between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen in the White House, where Afghanistan, the Middle East, and the possibility of producing new jobs and technology for the future from new and alternative energy sources figured prominently on the agenda.

The Danish troops’ efforts to help sta-bilizing Afghanistan have been praised by the administration, and Denmark’s new plan to facilitate transition to Af-ghan leadership was no exception. “We have discussed how 2011 is going to be a year of transition, and under Prime Minister Rasmussen’s leadership, he has been able to build a consensus within Denmark about how that transi-tion would proceed,” Obama said in his remarks to the press after the meeting.

The Prime Minister and President Obama also had a wide-ranging discus-sion about energy. Lars Løkke Rasmus-sen explained the new Danish road map for complete reliance on clean and alternative energy by 2050. Using climate change efforts as a means to create growth and jobs is a high prior-ity in both countries.

More imminent topics also made their way to the agenda, in particular the situation in Libya. “We both share the view that Mr. Qaddafi has lost legiti-macy and he needs to leave,” Obama stated while Rasmussen stressed the importance of the international society examining all options to protect the Libyan people.

On Egypt, the discussions introduced a new American-Danish partnership on higher education, IT and job creation among young people in Egypt. Finally, the PM and President reaffirmed their good relationship on tackling piracy and counter-terrorism and agreed to continue to further strengthen the American-Danish cooperation on these issues.

In addition to the meeting in the White House, Prime Minister Rasmussen met with two prominent Congressmen; Speaker John Boehner and House Mi-nority Whip Steny Hoyer. At the think tank, Brookings, the Prime Minister gave a speech on the global energy agenda for the 21st century. Finally, his tight schedule also allowed for a work-ing dinner with Middle East experts in Blair House and a working lunch in the Ambassador’s residence with economic experts on getting through the crisis: The challenge of consolidation and growth, nationally and internationally.

This is Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s first visit to Washington as Prime Minister. Presi-dent Obama has visited Denmark and had meetings with Prime Minister Ras-mussen twice before the meeting in Washington. The first was during the International Olympics Committee meetings in September, 2009, and the second during the COP15 climate con-ference in Copenhagen in the Decem-ber, 2009. For further information, please contact Louise Mariegaard, [email protected]

“ D E N M A R K I S A C O U N T R Y T H A T , I N A M E R I C A N T E R M S , P U N C H E S A B O V E I T S

W E I G H T ” P R E S I D E N T O B A M A S A I D A F T E R H I S M E E T I N G W I T H T H E D A N I S H

P R I M E M I N I S T E R O N M A R C H 1 4 .

Both the U.S. and Danish governments have made clear the increasing need to engage the challenge of piracy on the basis of a comprehensive and ambi-tious strategy, that includes a range of economic, legal, political and military options. Denmark ranks among the world’s big-gest shipping nations. When measured by value, Danish owners and operators transport approx. 10 % of the world’s seaborne trade. The Danish embassy has already begun further discussions with the U.S. Admi-nistration on the piracy scourge and will continue to pursue solutions on the basis of strong and continuous in-ternational efforts. Director-General Andreas Nordseth meets with Danish Maritime Network in the US. Director-General of the Danish Mariti-me Authority Andreas Nordseth will discuss issues facing Danish shipping companies in the U.S. when he meets members of the Danish Mariti-me Network during his visit to Wash-ington, D.C. on 12 April 2011. In his capacity as Chairman of the Con-sultative Shipping Group of 18 mariti-me nations Mr. Nordseth will also hold talks with his counterparts in the U.S. Administration, including U.S. MARAD, U.S. Coast Guard, the FMC and other key stakeholders.

For further infor-mation, please contact Mariti-me Advisor Hen-rik Juhl Madsen, [email protected]

Following talks between U.S. President Barack Obama and Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, a strengthened cooperation within anti-piracy measures was decided.

As part of his trip to the US. Major

General Dam, along with Ambassador

Peter Taksoe-Jensen, also went to the

Pentagon to meet with Ms. Heidi

Grant, Deputy Under Secretary of the

Air Force, International Affairs, as well

as General Philip Breedlove, the Vice

Chief of Staff of the US Air Force.


As part of the Danish participation in

the Joint Strike Fighter Project, Major

General Henrik Dam, accompanied by

Ambassador Peter Taksoe-Jensen and

the Danish Defense Attaché, Brigadier

General Jørgen Jacobsen, went to the

main manufacturing site of Lockheed

Martin fighter jet production in Fort

Worth, Texas. Here they were greeted

by the General Manager of the F-35

Joint Strike Fighter Program Integra-

tion, Charles T. Burbage, who gave

them a tour of the facilities and

briefed the Danish delegation on the

F-35 project. Major General Henrik

Dam also had the chance to visit Lock-

heed Martin’s Center for Innovation –

known as the “Lighthouse”. At this

facility the Danish representatives

were introduced to some of the latest

advances in aerospace technology.

L-3 Link Simulation & Training and

Therma North America

Major General Henrik Dam also vis-

ited L-3 Link Simulation & Training, a

leading technology company within

communication and other electronic

systems. Leonard Genna, President of

L-3 Link Simulation & Training,

greeted Major General Henrik Dam

who got a chance to view the F-16

flight simulators, which the Danish Air

Force is in the process of acquiring.

Therma North America, the North

American branch of the Danish De-

fense contractor also got a visit by

Major General Henrik Dam. Here he

was welcomed by Jim Brandt, the

President and CEO. Major General

Henrik Dam was briefed on the gen-

eral products and developments in

the field of radar and communication


In February, the Commander of Tactical Air Command, Major General Henrik R.

Dam, visited Lockheed Martin, L-3 Link Simulation & Training and Therma North


FED’s projection of real GDP growth is

between 3.4 and 3.9 percent for

2011. This increase in economic activ-

ity is expected to further accelerate in

the coming years.

The projection is more positive than

earlier projections, which is explained

by better than expected numbers on

consumer spending, business invest-

ment and net export.

The Federal bank in Chicago recently

disclosed its National Activity Index

for February. The index is a weighted

average of 85 indicators that meas-

ures economic activity.

The Three-Month moving average

increased to 0.11 in February from

0.05 in January. A positive number

indicates that the economy is expand-

ing above its historical trend. The

National Activity Index is divided into

4 categories covering different as-

pects of the economy.

The only category that contributed

negatively to the index in February

was the combined housing and con-

sumer spending category, mainly due

to a housing

Fingers crossed. The US economy is back on track and is slowly moving in the right


market still struggling. This category

decreased to -0.45 down from -0.39 in


The latest figures on consumer spend-

ing from Bureau of Economic Analysis

(BEA) showed an increase in personal

consumer expenditures in the fourth

quarter of 2010. Consumer expendi-

tures increased with 4.0 % from the

preceding quarter.

One thing that is often said to affect

private consumption is consumer con-

fidence. The Conference Board’s most

recent consumer confidence survey

showed positive numbers and an in-

crease in consumer confidence of 5.6

point, rising from 64.8 (1985=100) in

January to 70.4 in February.

Overall the US economy is continuing

on a path of recovery with many indi-

cators giving rise to expectations of

sustained and accelerated growth.

Employment and housing remain

weak, however, and the need for

structural reforms becomes increas-

ingly pertinent for the long term

strength of the US economy.

For further information, please con-

tact Ida Heimann Larsen, ida-

[email protected]

Visiting the Danish Ministry of Interior

and Health, Medico Innovation, Medi-

con Valley Alliance and a number of life

sciences companies, the aim was to

identify and organize activities reflec-

ting Danish life sciences strongholds.

Focus was on innovation, investments

and export promotion, healthcare poli-

cy and framework conditions, and how

Danish organizations could collaborate

to increase their US footprint and value


Specifically Health-IT initiatives, access

to capital, regulatory issues and go-

vernment affairs was high on the agen-

da, but the ‘Sund Vaekst” (Healthy

Growth) agenda by the Ministry of In-

terior and Health and bi-national colla-

boration in key cluster was discussed,

and will be further developed on a

forthcoming visit by the Minister of

Interior and Health.

Ambassador Taksoe-Jensen concluded

the Denmark trip by addressing the

DABF Annual Meeting and conference

‘Inspiration for Success in the US’ by

offering an overview of the political

and economic framework conditions in

the US, it’s potential impact on Danish

companies doing business or entering

the market, as well as a number of case

stories of what to do and not to do

operating in the US.

To ensure continued dialogue and ac-

cess to key stakeholders, Healthcare

Counselor Joakim Steen Mikkelsen will

address US-Danish Innovation, Invest-

ment and Export initiatives at the up-

coming Health Evolution Partners Inno-

vation Network (HEPIN) Leadership

Summit 2011.

At HEPIN Denmark have the opportuni-

ty to address the US’ top health care

CEOs, Innovation and Growth Officers,

entrepreneurs, prominent private inve-

stors, policy makers and other thought


The Summit will probe the environ-

mental forces driving change, showca-

se the latest healthcare innovators,

explore the conditions for success, sha-

re success stories and consider ways

that health care executives can integra-

te innovation into every aspect of de-

veloping organizations.

Ambassador Peter Taksoe-Jensen and Healthcare Counselor Joakim Steen Mikkelsen

took a journey to Denmark to follow up on US initiatives and connect Danish

companies to the Embassy’s strong network of health care innovators, policymakers

and thought leaders.

the passage and implementation of health reform and

many other major shifts in the health care marketpla-

ce, every stakeholder needs to accelerate the rate of

experimentation, adaptation and evaluation of new

technologies and service models. Denmark will partici-

pate in discussions and debates explore major shifts in

the health care landscape and their impact on major

industry sectors as well as the 2012 Presidential elec-

tion, evolution of risk and the players who will manage

it, the health care consumer and the evolving role of

personalization and retailers, increasing globalization

of the business of health care.

For more information, please contact Joakim Steen

Mikkelsen ([email protected])

The business challenges in the food and agro sector have become obvious and made a closer dialogue necessary which is the background for promoting the Food & Agro Network. One of the driving forces behind the idea is the American-Danish Business Council (ADBC) which promotes Danish compa-nies in the US and American companies in Denmark.

ADBC is engaged in a range of activities aiming at obtaining an even more thriv-ing American-Danish market place with increased trade and investment.

With the presence in the US of so many Danish players within the area of Food & Agro, we believe that the establish-ment of a Food & Agro Network com-mittee would be of great value to par-ticipating companies and accommo-date the Embassy’s additional food re-lated activities. By using the Danish

Embassy’s contacts to American au-thorities and inroads to major partners in the market the committee will be in a unique position to enhance business opportunities and create network syn-ergies.

Already this year the Embassy is plan-ning a number of activities within the framework of ADBC focusing on food & agro promotion a.o. participation in exclusive events during the visit to the US by HM the Queen and the Prince Consort 5.-10th of June ( Washington and New York) and a Food Safety semi-nar on Maj 10th in the Embassy in con-nection with a Food Safety arrange-

ment in the World Bank. – Please

contact the Embassy if you

want to attend.

Furthermore, we will on a continuous basis make ad hoc events when possi-ble as well as promote Danish food during our annual Creative Christmas Reception in December in the resi-dence.

At the Embassy we look forward to see how the Food & Agro Network will in-volve in the future. For further infor-mation please contact Steen Steensen: [email protected]

The Embassy of Denmark in Washington has taken the initiative to establish a Food & Agro Network in the US and has contacted the more than 24 Danish companies in this sector in the US.

Economic Development Administration (EDA) is along with 7 other federal agencies and departments behind the 12 million dollar competition promot-ing clean energy innovation and eco-nomic growth.

EDA will award up to $1 million to at least one winning team in each of the agency’s six regions. The other partici-pating agencies may award an addi-tional 6.3 million dollars for innovative ideas that can drive technology com-mercialization and entrepreneurship in their region.

Clean tech is one of this Administra-tion’s top priorities. Obama recently stated in his state of the union speech:

“This is our generation's

Sputnik moment…. We’ll in-

vest in biomedical research,

information technology, and

especially clean energy tech-

nology - an investment that

will strengthen our security,

protect our planet, and cre-

ate countless new jobs for

our people."

Thus, this initiative is just one of many initiatives in the Obama administra-tion’s plan to out innovate the rest of the world and it aims not only to spur creative ideas, but also to create new tools to enhance economic and envi-ronmental sustainability.

Danish companies and their subsidiar-ies in the US already have an upper hand - clean energy and energy effi-ciency have for decades now been a top priority in Denmark. In fact today this industry accounts for almost 13 % of Danish exports.

The i6 challenge is intended to foster enduring collaborations and partner-ships between stakeholders such as universities, local government, non-profit and for-profit organizations.

The winners are expected to be an-nounced in September 2011. So get creative and innovative and you might win the big price.

If interested find more information at: http://www.eda.gov/i6

The i6 Green Challenge is an exciting competition, aiming to reward ground-breaking ideas that will generate job-creation and economic growth.

Ambassador Peter Taksøe-Jensen was pleased to welcome the delegation from Novo Nordisk, which included Novo Nordisk senior management, among others Mads Krogsgaard Thom-sen, Chief Scientific Officer, and Alan Moses, Chief Medical Officer, as well as a number of key health care specialists.

Novo Nordisk’s U.S. significance is sub-stantial and the company was recently profiled in Forbes Magazine under the title ‘Novo Nordisk’s Medical Miracle’ describing the company’s strong com-mitment to diabetes care and disease management. In the United States Novo Nordisk em-ploy more than 3,800 people. Through-out its entire group, employee growth has increased 655% since 2000. In the same time period, turnover in the U.S. has grown from $0.5 billion to more than $3.5 billion. Furthermore, Novo Nordisk made some major capital investments in 2009 by initiating the Inflammation Research Center in Seattle Washington. During 2009 the company invested ap-proximately $10M U.S. in capital ex-

penses to furnish and equip this re-search center, which will by 2011 em-ploy approx. 100 researchers. Product wise, Novo Nordisk is market leader in the US with 42% of the entire insulin market and 34% of the market for modern insulin analogs, both meas-ured by volume. Novo Nordisk has educated 70,000 health professionals through the Na-tional Changing Diabetes Program in North America. The Trade Council at the Danish Em-bassy works to promote investments and exports within health care industri-es, technology, and innovation. Click here to read more about the Trade Council at the Danish Embassy.

In the photo: Ambassador Peter Taksøe-Jensen and Chief Scientific Officer Mads Krogssgaard.

For further information, please contact Josefine Urup Wolff, [email protected]

Last week the Danish biotechnology company Novo Nordisk hosted a

Diabetes Portfolio Advisory Board meeting at the Embassy of Denmark.

The core of the school is providing Danish children born outside of Den-mark with an opportunity to keep their Danish citizenship, when they will turn 22 and otherwise risk losing it. The School gives grounds for preva-lence of the dual citizenship, thus it provides the documentation of “special bounding” to Denmark, which is needed in the application to the integration ministry.

The school is satisfying the need for Danish language instruction in the following segments:

Children with a right to Danish citizenship who have not lived in Denmark and therefore need to provide proof of a connec-tion to Denmark in order to sustain the right.

Mixed or Danish Families with children, wanting to return to Denmark

Families of Danish descent wanting to provide their children with cultural backing of their heritage

Partners or spouses to Danes

People of non-Danish origins wishing to work for a Danish

organization or company in the US

U.S. families or individuals, who wish to work, study or live in Denmark

US residents who wish to learn Danish for a variety of reasons.

The school’s objective is to assist pa-rents with the challenge of maintai-ning a connection to Danish culture and traditions while living in the U.S. The School also strengthening the student’s communication skills in un-derstanding, speaking, reading and writing the language. The curriculum has been developed by Danish resi-dent educators who conduct the clas-ses, based on guidelines from the Da-nish education systems.

The School reinforces the cultural he-ritage by putting Danish treating phi-losophy and method into practice, as well as providing the children with the opportunity to celebrate the Danish festive such as Fastelavn, Lucia, Påske and Jul as the custom is in Denmark.

Because of the size of the Danish community in the area and given th fact that well-educated Danish tea-chers

The Danish School offers students from the age of 4 years old to adulthood a three-hour Saturday program, divided into four classes, from September to May ever year.

The Danish School of Washington, DC, is currently concluding its fifth successful year of operation.

are present in the community, the school could potentially offer the qua-lifying examination in Danish (official school diploma for upper school) if paired with a well-rounded curricu-lum. Seen globally, Washington, DC, has one of the highest concentrations (in line with New York) of well-educated Danes living abroad. There-fore, it must be our realistic vision to strive to become the preeminent Da-nish school outside Europe and to expand the school offering with inten-sive language classes for children and adults.

The Danish School of Washington, D.C. is a not for profit organization (IRS 501(c)(3), sustained through tui-tion fees and donations from corpora-tions and benefactors. It is a parent membership organization with a pa-rent board of directors. We also wish to expand the children’s classes crea-ting room for students from families wishing to apply for financial support.

For further information, donations or possible collaboration, please contact the board or principal directly at [email protected] or [email protected] or visit us at www.danishschool-dc.org. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

April, date TBC: Food & Agriculture in Corporation with the World Bank

Learning from Danish Food Standards

April 11th: Danish Maritime Network Meeting

Meet with Director General of the Danish Maritime Authority

Mr. Andreas Nordseth

May 7th, 10 AM - 4PM EU Open House at the Danish Embassy

May, date TBC: Defense discusses energy with Thisted

How to Apply the Danish Model

Talks between US defense and Danish Municipalities within

Energy Efficiency

June 7-12th The Royal Danish Ballet at the Kennedy Center

June 27th: Defense and Health & Life Science

Danish US Event in connection with the Bio Conference in


The Royal Danish Ballet continues to command attention on the world stage with new pro-

ductions of Bournonville's signature and enduring masterpiece Napoli and his A Folk Tale,

both re-staged by new Artistic Director Nikolaj Hübbe.

Do not miss the unique opportunity to experience the Royal Ballet’s performances at the

Kennedy Center in June.

Tickets available at the Kennedy Center’s website: http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/index.cfm?fuseaction=showEvent&event=BLBSH Tickets: $29.00 - $99.00

Embassy of Denmark,

3200 Whitehaven St., NW


Denmark is all about cool, healthy, and sustainable living.

This year the Embassy is working with Novo Nordisk to promote healthy lifestyle and physical

activity and will host a range of fun, exciting, and educational activities that focus on people’s well-being. Visitors are also invited for an exclusive tour of the Ambassador’s residence.

Do not miss a unique opportunity to visit the Embassy and to bring your family to experience a day of fun and exciting activities.

Read more about the EU Open House at www.eurunion.org/EUinUS/




































Internationalization Means Business – and Vice Versa The American-Danish Business Council promotes Danish companies in the US, and American companies in Denmark. It is

engaged in a range of activities aiming at obtaining an even more thriving American-Danish market place with increased

trade and investment. The Council has 59 Danish and American companies as members.

A number of sector-specific committees are being formed, including on Health & Life Science, Defense, Finance, Maritime,

Food & Agriculture and Energy. By using the Danish Embassy's contacts and access to American as well as to Danish Authori-

ties, the committees work to enhance business opportunities and to create network synergies and corporation.

To read about membership benefits, please visit our homepage, www.usadk.org, or contact Josefine Urup Wolff, [email protected]
