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Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

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Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic Severin, J.W. DOI: 10.6100/IR395680 Published: 01/01/1993 Document Version Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Severin, J. W. (1993). Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven DOI: 10.6100/IR395680 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 18. Feb. 2018
Page 1: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on aluminaceramicSeverin, J.W.


Published: 01/01/1993

Document VersionPublisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers)

Please check the document version of this publication:

• A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differencesbetween the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact theauthor for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website.• The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review.• The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers.

Link to publication

Citation for published version (APA):Severin, J. W. (1993). Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic Eindhoven: TechnischeUniversiteit Eindhoven DOI: 10.6100/IR395680

General rightsCopyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright ownersand it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.

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Download date: 18. Feb. 2018

Page 2: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic
Page 3: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Adhesion of Electrolessly Deposited Ni(P)

on Alumina Ceramic

J .W. Severin

Page 4: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The cover shows a cross-section TEM micrograph of the alumina - Ni(P) interface

of a sample which has been heat-treated at 580 oc.

Page 5: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Adhesion of Electrolessly Deposited Ni(P)

on Alumina Ceramic


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van

de Rector Magnificus, prof. dr. J.H. van Lint,

voor een commissie aangewezen door het College

van Dekanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op

dinsdag 27 april 1993 om 16.00 uur


Jan Willem Severin

geboren te Geldrop

Page 6: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd

door de promotoren

prof. dr. G. de With


prof. dr. H.H. Brongersma.

The work described in this thesis has been carried out at the Philips Research

Laboratories Eindhoven as part of the Philips Research programme.


Page 7: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Aan Marijke, Dirk en Anne

Aan mijn ouders


Page 8: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 9: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. l.l.l. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.3. 1.4. 1.4.1. 1.4.2. 1.4.3.

Summary Concepts of adhesion

General Fields of application Adhesion theories and practical aspects

Fracture mechanics at interfaces Adhesion strength Peel test Weibull statistics

Electroless metallization Scope of this thesis

Aim Surface analytical techniques Outline of subsequent chapters

Chapter 2: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic: an assessment of the current status

2.1. 2.2. 2 3. 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.3.4. 2.4. 2.5.

Summary Introduction General procedures and overview of results Effects of process parameters on the adhesion

Etching conditions Nucleation conditions Metallization conditions Heat treatments

Comparison of Ni(P) with Ni(B) and Cu Final remarks

Chapter 3: A study on changes in surface chemistry during the initial stages of electroless Ni(P) deposition on alumina

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.4. 3.5.

Summary Introduction Experimental procedures Measurement results

SEM results XRF results Static-SIMS results TEM results

Discussion Conclusions



I 2 2 3 4 9 9 10 11 12 15 15 15 18

21 22 24 28 28 32 34 37 39 40

45 46 47 49 49 49 49 55 58 62


Page 10: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 4: Adhesion and interface characterization of electroless Ni(P) layers on alumina ceramic

4.1. 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.4. 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 4.4.3. 4.5. 4.5.1. 4.5.2. 4.5.3. 4.5.4. 4.5.5. 4.6.

Summary Introduction Theory

Adhesion strength Peel test

Experimental procedures Sample preparation Analyses

Results Mechanical properties Interface structure Chemical interface analyses

Discussion Direct pull-off test Peel test Interface microstructure and chemistry Mechanism of adhesion Relation between adhesion strength and fracture energy


Chapter 5: The influence of thermal treatments on the adhesion of electroless Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

5.1. 5.2. 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.3.4. 5.4. 5.4.1. 5.4.2. 5.5.

Summary In traduction Experimental procedures

Sample preparation Analyses

Results Adhesion measurements Interface and fracture surface structure XPS fracture surface analyses Static-SIMS measurements

Discussion Mechanical behaviour Interface chemistry


Chapter 6: The influence of substrate chemistry on the adhesion of electroless Ni(P) on metal-oxide coated ceramics

6.1. 6.2. 6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.3.2. 6.3.3. 6.4. 6.5.


Summary Introduction Experimental procedures

Sample preparation Analyses

Results Adhesion measurements Analyses of surface composition Fracture surface analyses

Discussion Final remarks

67 68 69 69 70 72 72 73 78 78 86 91 102 102 104 107 109 Ill 115

121 122 123 123 124 124 124 129 135 136 141 141 144 146

149 150 151 152 153 153 153 154 156 165 170

Page 11: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 7: The adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic using a vacuum-deposited Ti-Pd nucleation layer

7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.3.1. 7.3.2. 7.3.3. 7.3.4. 7.4. 7.4.1. 7.4.2. 7.5.

Summary Introduction Experimental procedures Results

Adhesion measurements Interface chemistry Interface structure Interface formation

Discussion Adhesion Chemical bonding


Chapter 8: Final discussion, conclusions and outlook

Summary 8.1. Aim and status of current knowledge 8.2. New insights 8.3. Suggestions for further work


Sa men va tting

List of symbols and abbreviations


Curriculum vitae

173 174 175 177 177 182 182 184 188 188 190 191

193 194 194 196







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Page 13: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


This thesis deals with a study of the adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on

alumina ceramic substrates. Electroless metallization is a simple, rapid and cheap

procedure to provide insulating surfaces with a metal layer by successive

immersion of a substrate in a number of aqueous solutions. The process is used in

the production of numerous electronic components such as liquid crystal displays,

IC packages and passive components. The major disadvantage of the electroless

metallization process is the poor adhesion of the metal deposits.

The aim of this work is to obtain insight into the adhesion mechanism, and to

improve the adhesion. Since for many applications etching or abrasion is undesired

for technological or economical reasons, it is the aim to attain strong adhesion on

smooth surfaces. This study is carried out as follows: After a literature review first

a detailed analysis is made of the interface formation. The structure and chemical

composition of the substrate surface is analysed on monolayer scale after each of

the successive process steps. Then, the adhesion is measured by direct pull-off and

peel tests. The results are analysed using fracture mechanics with the Griffith-Irwin

approach and quantitative aspects of the adhesion measurement procedures are

considered. Adhesion strength data are interpreted using Weibull statistics. The

structure and chemical composition of fracture surfaces are analysed both on

micrometer and on nanometer scale in order to determine the fracture path and

to unravel the adhesion mechanism. For the interface- and fracture surface

analyses the following techniques are used: optical microscopy, SEM/EDX,

cross-section TEM, plan-view TEM, AES, XPS, XRF, and static-SIMS.

Subsequently, three procedures are studied to improve the adhesion. Firstly, the

effect of annealing treatments is analysed by adhesion measurements and interface

and fracture surface analyses. Secondly, the composition of the oxidic substrate

surfaces is varied by using various metal-oxide coatings on top of the alumina

ceramic substrates. Thirdly, the effect of an alternative nucleation procedure is

investigated. Instead of the conventional wet-chemical nucleation procedure,

vacuum-deposited Pd was applied, with an underlying Ti base metal layer for

providing strong adhesion between the nucleation layer and the substrate. For this


Page 14: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

system the chemical bonding of the Ti base metal with the ceramic substrate is

studied in-situ in a UHV system.

Finally, an assessment is made of the progress with respect to the above described

aims. A summary of the main conclusions is presented, relations between results

obtained in the various studies are discussed, and suggestions for further research

are made.


Page 15: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 1



This introductory chapter first of all provides an introduction to the con­

cepts of adhesion. The importance of this field of materials science is il­

lustrated with a selection of application areas. The most important

phenomena which influence adhesion are highlighted with the aid of a

number of practical examples. Various types of interfacial interactions,

the occurrence of weak boundary layers, wetting, cleaning and chemical

surface modification are discussed. Subsequently, some aspects of frac­

ture mechanics at interfaces are outlined, as this approach is used as a

guideline for the interpretation of all adhesion studies in this work. The

principles of electroless metallization are also presented. The final section

provides a description of the scope of this thesis, including the aim of this

work, an introduction to the surface analytical techniques used and an

outline of the subsequent chapters. The aim of this work is to obtain in­

sight into the mechanism of adhesion between electrolessly deposited

Ni(P) and alumina ceramic, and to improve the adhesion.

Page 16: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

1.1. Concepts of adhesion

1.1.1. (;eneral

It is sometimes suggested that adhesion is a separate field of materials science and

technology. However, the cohesion within a material is essentially determined by

the same physical and chemical interactions between atoms, ions or molecules as

those which also act across an interface and determine the adhesion. In addition,

the same microstructural aspects are important for the strength of a bulk material

as for the strength of a bonded system. Adhesion should therefore be considered

as just a regular member of the family of Mechanical Properties of Materials. The

characteristic property of this member of the family is the presence of a solid-solid

interface. Very often, this interface is the weakest link in the chain and determines

the strength of the bonded system. This is the reason why investigators working

in the field of adhesion science and technology generally focus their attention on

the state of surfaces, the bonding operation and interface analyses. Nevertheless,

adhesion should not be defined as a property of the interface only. Bulk mechan­

ical properties of the adherends, e.g. the substrate and the coating, also play an

important role in adhesion. This will be illustrated in subsequent sections. There­

fore, it is important to emphasize that adhesion is a property of a bonded system,

including the interface.

For the sake of clarity a few definitions will first be given of the concepts that are

most important in this thesis.

Adhesion: The interaction which keeps macroscopic parts attached to

each other.

Adhesion strength: The force per unit area required to break apart attached

macroscopic parts.

Fracture energy: The amount of energy required to debond a unit area of the



Page 17: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

1.1.2. Fields of application

The importance and the scope of the field of adhesion science and technology can

best be illustrated with a listing of application areas which are encountered in

every-day life.

Polymer coatings are used extensively as glues, paints and inks. The major

function of glues and adhesive tapes is to bring about strong and persistent

adhesion. Paints can only meet requirements for corrosion protection and

decoration when the adhesion withstands high humidity, thermal cycling and

scratching. Similarly, inks on paper and on plastics have to withstand

scratching and friction.

Metal thin films are extensively used on polymers, semiconductors, metals

and insulators for a wide variety of applications such as decoration, resistive

and magnetic films, electrical contacts, light reflection, impermeable films

and anti-corrosion. Well-known examples are chromium on steel and on

plastics for car parts, car lamp reflectors and compact discs, aluminum on

plastic packing foil, zinc on roof gutters, silver on tableware, gold on cheap

jewelry, magnetic films for recording heads and Al, Cu or Ti/W on Si or

Si02 for metallization of integrated circuits (ICs). Proper function of all of

these coatings depends upon reliable adhesion under similar conditions as for

the polymer films. Moreover, for metal thin films additional requirements

are imposed upon the adhesion due to internal stresses which are generally

present in such films (1). The magnitude of these stresses depends upon the

deposition process and deposition parameters and the materials used.

For increasing the life time of steel cutting tools, refractory coatings are used

consisting of metal nitride, boride and carbide compounds deposited by

chemical vapour deposited (CVD) processes. Due to the high mechanical

loads on the films, it is obvious that also for such coatings strong adhesion

is a prerequisite. CVD processes are also used for the deposition of metal

oxide films, e.g. used as optical films in car lamps, on glasses and on TV

screens. Stresses are often present in films deposited at elevated temperatures


Page 18: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

due to differences in thermal expansion between layer and substrate. Strong

adhesion is required in order to avoid flaking-off during cooling (1).

The reliability of electronic components often depends on the strength of the

metal - metal joint formed by soldering. Other examples of joining techniques

resulting in metal - metal interfaces are conventional welding of steel parts

for large constructions, laser welding, e.g. in the production of electron guns

for TVs, and wire-bonding for ICs.

In vacuum devices, such as TVs and in other gas-tight products such as

lamps, numerous metal- ceramic and metal- glass joints are present e.g. as

feedthroughs and as insulating glass spacers between the grids in electron

guns of TVs, scanning electron microscopes (SEM), transmission electron

microscopes (TEM), X-ray tubes etc. These joints are always prepared at

high temperatures and, therefore, strong adhesion is essential. When cracks

are formed at the metal - oxide interface of a feed through, gas enters into the

lamp or the TV which immediately results in failure of the product.

1.1.3. Adhesion theories and practical aspects

- Adhesion strength

The adhesion strength is generally the most important quantity with respect to

adhesion. According to the Griffith-Irwin theory, the adhesion strength is deter­

mined by the fracture energy, the size of flaws (non-bonded areas), the Young's

modulus of the adherends and a geometrical factor. Since we are primarily inter­

ested in the relation between interfacial chemistry and adhesion, the fracture en­

ergy is further considered. The fracture energy depends on the intensity of

interfacial interactions, the degree of intimate contact and energy dissipation at the

crack tip due to yielding. The presence of stresses in the fJ.lm leads to a lower ap­

parent fracture energy. The quantitative relationship between these parameters

will be treated in more detail in section 1.2. A schematic representation of the as­

pects which are most important for the adhesion, is given in fJ.g. 1.


Page 19: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Interfacial flaws

Weak boundary Interface Stress layers polarization in film

Interface chemistry or Van der Waals'


1111 ---

t Added reactive


Interface morphology, toughness

Film Medium thickness


Elastic moduli and yield strength for film and substrate

Fig. 1: Schematic representation of the most important aspects for the adhe­

sion of thin films (adapted from a figure in ref. 9).

- Interfacial interactions

Interfacial interactions can be divided into two types: mechanical and non­

mechanical interactions. An example of a mechanical interaction is mechanical

interlocking which takes place when film .material penetrates in cavities under the

substrate surface. Another example is the friction which takes place when e.g. fi­

bers are pulled out of a polymer matrix when fiber composites are fractured

(2, 3).

The non-mechanical interactions have been subject of many investigations,

discussions and disputes. Firstly, various types of chemical interactions such as

Van der Waals interactions and covalent, ionic or metallic chemical bonding will

be discussed. From a thermodynamical point of view, all of these interactions

lower the free Gibbs energy of the adhering system. As described with the

Young-Dupre equation, the work of adhesion w. is defined as the difference be­

tween the sum of the surface energies of both adherends before bonding and the

interfacial energy after bonding. If debonding takes place as a reversible process,

no more than the work of adhesion has to be supplied mechanically. In subsequent

sections it will be shown that debonding is in most cases an irreversible process

and, therefore, the debonding energy is generally a manifold of the above de­

scribed interactions due to plastic deformation at the crack tip.


Page 20: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

When two surfaces are closely spaced, Van der Waals interactions inevitably occur

(4). The work of adhesion due to this type of interactions strongly depends on the

chemical composition of the outermost monolayers of both adherend surfaces and

on the spacing between them. Considerable adhesion due to Van der Waals type

interactions is only possible for spacings smaller than l nm. For adhesion between

apolar surfaces consisting of atoms with a low atomic number, such as those of

polyolefine polymers, Wa is of the order of 0.01 J/m2. This value increases with

increasing polarizability and polarity of the surfaces. It reaches a maximum of

0.5 Jjm2 when hydrogen bonds are formed across the interface. For metallic,

covalent and ionic chemical bonds, w. is between 1 and 5 Jjm2• Fawkes (5) has

presented a theory, the "acid-base theory", for quantitative calculation ofWa. This

theory is based upon the chemical nature of the surfaces of both adherends and

the most likely chemical interfacial interactions. Fawkes used a rather broad de­

finition of acids and bases in the theory, ranging from dispersive type Van der

Waals interactions to hydrogen bonds.

For all of these interactions, intimate contact between both adherends is essentiaL

This explains why so much attention is paid to wetting and wettability in all books

and reviews on adhesion. However, strong wetting does not necessarily lead to

strong adhesion. For instance, a low surface energy of a liquid polymer is of pos­

itive influence on its wetting of a substrate surface, but for strong adhes(on a high

surface energy of both adherends is more favourable.

An example where adhesion is brought about by electrostatic attraction, is plastic

packing foil, where the attraction is often perceptible at a distance of several

millimeters. In 1955 Deryaguin (6) proposed a theory in which adhesion was ex­

plained in terms of electrostatic interactions. At present, it is still uncertain

whether electrostatic interactions significantly contribute to the adhesion between

planar surfaces or not (7). For the adhesion of small particles like dust and

xerographic particles, electrostatic interactions play an important role.

-Weak boundary layers and interphase

A phenomenon which very often plays an important role in adhesion is the oc­

currence of a weak boundary layer (WBL). A WBL is an interface layer with a


Page 21: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

composition different from the composition of each of the adherends and with

weak cohesive interactions. The thicknesses of WBLs may vary from a few

monolayers up to several micrometers. WBLs can originate from unsuitable

cleaning treatments, from the presence of contaminating species during the bond­

ing or coating deposition process or from segregation of material out of the bulk

of the adherends after the bonding operation. Examples of WBLs are native oxides

on metal surfaces where a metal - metal bond should be formed such as with

soldering or electrodeposition, pump oil on surfaces which are coated with a vac­

uum deposition process and segregation of release agents and plasticizers from

plastic substrates to the interface with a coating. Some glues are designed to dis­

solve or displace contaminations by preferential adsorption on surfaces, thus in­

herently avoiding the formation of WBLs due to surface contaminations.

The WBL is a specific example of the more general phenomenon "interphase" (8).

Another frequently occuring example of the presence of an interphase is the for­

mation of a reaction zone between both adherends. Since this is generally associ­

ated with high mutual affinity of both surfaces and with intimate interfacial

contact, such a reaction zone is often found in the case of strong adhesion.

Interfacial reactions between metal layers and ceramic substrates, induced by

high-energy ion beams have been shown to considerably improve the adhesion

(9, 10). For polymer - polymer interfaces the entanglement of polymer chains

across the interface is known to greatly improve the adhesion ( 11 ). This process

is often enhanced by increasing the mobility of polymer chain segments with

thermal treatment or by swelling the polymer surfaces in a pretreatment with a

solvent. However, for some metal - metal joints the adhesion is negatively influ­

enced due to the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds and stresses as a

consequence of changes in specific volume by the interfacial reaction.

Chemical surface modification (8, 12) is a popular method for the improvement

of adhesion of polymer films on inorganic surfaces by the introduction of an

interphase. By adsorption or covalent bonding bifunctional molecules, e.g

organosilanes, are attached to the substrate surface prior to the bonding operation.

The remaining functionality of the bonding agent has a high affinity towards the

coating and may form covalent or ionic chemical bonds. In an alternative proce-


Page 22: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

dure the bonding agent is added in trace amounts to the coating material. In this

case the interphase is formed by segregation.


The cleaning treatment is one of the most important steps in a bonding operation

(13). As indicated in the above discussion, the adhesion is strongly influenced by

the composition of the interface on a monomolecular level. Each bonding or

coating deposition process has its own specific requirements for the cleaning op­

eration. Generally, by the cleaning treatment adsorbed organic contaminations

and macroscopic dirt particles have to be removed (13). Prior to· vacuum­

deposition of metal thin films on inorganic or polymer surfaces, a plasma or

sputtering treatment is often applied. Such a treatment not only removes contam­

inations, but also chemically modifies the surface. By breaking chemical bonds a

high-energy surface is created. The reactive dangling bonds are saturated with the

metal atoms which results in strong adhesion.

Some practical pitfalls which may occur with cleaning are the following:

When an organic solvent or an aqueous solution of a detergent is used, dis­

solved compounds can adsorb and remain on the surface.

When a metal or metal oxide surface is really clean, it generally has a high

surface energy. As a consequence it is completely covered with organic mol­

ecules from the ambient atmosphere after just a few seconds exposure.

Fluoride containing solutions and plasmas are found to leave behind fluorine

on the surface, lowering the surface energy.

Oxidizing plasmas or UV-ozone treatment may not only oxidize organic

contaminations, but also give rise to the formation of undesired oxide layers

on metal surfaces. Silver surfaces are black after a UV -ozone cleaning treat­

ment due to oxidation.

Oxidizing treatments of polymer surfaces often result in a WBL of low­

molecular weight polymer chain fragments on the surface.

These examples illustrate that cleaning is not only an important process step but

also a very difficult one. If reliable experience is not available, careful surface

analysis is required to assess the merits of a cleaning process.


Page 23: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

In addition to the adhesion aspects discussed above, the performance of a joint is

also strongly influenced by the geometry of the joint design and type of loading.

These aspects however, do not fall within the scope of this thesis and will, there­

fore, not be further discussed.

1.2. Fracture mechanics at interfaces

This section deals with theoretical backgrounds of the adhesion strength and

fracture energy measurements. In addition, a statistical method for interpretation

of the adhesion strength data, i.e. Weibull statistics, is discussed.

1.2.1. Adhesion strength

The adhesion strength CTr is determined, among other factors, by the fracture en­

ergy Gc and the critical flaw size acr and is usually described by the Griffith-lrwin

relation (2, 14 to 16):

2 CTr = [l]

where K is a geometric factor and E is Young's modulus.

The fracture energy Gc is formed by an intrinsic fracture energy term G; and a

contribution Gp, from plastic deformation of the material at the crack tip:


The intrinsic fracture energy is the energy required for example to overcome Van

der Waals forces and to break chemical bonds. The order of magnitude of G; is

0.01 to 0.1 J/m2 for Van der Waals interactions and 0.5 to 5 Jfm2 for chemical

bonds. During fracture, stresses are near to the theoretical strength at the crack

tip. This causes plastic deformation during fracture in the adherends near the

interface, represented by Gpl· Since the stresses at the crack tip depend on the

strength of the interfacial bonds, Gp, depends on G; and, therefore, eq. 2 can be

written as (17):


Page 24: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


in which f1 is the energy loss factor. For purely brittle fracture, such 3jS with ce­

ramics at low temperature, plastic deformation plays a minor role and f, is of the

order of 2 to 10. For metal layers on ceramics Gc values of the order of 100 Jjm2

are found (18), which means that f, is lO to 100. For polymers on rigid substrates

these values are of the order of !000 Jfm2 for Gc (19) and thus 100 to 1000 for f1 •

From eq. l it is clear that in order to evaluate the influence of interface. chemistry

on adhesion strength, the fracture energy Gc must be measured separately. This is

done by the peel test. Conditions under which the peel test can be l!lsed for a

quantitative fracture energy measurement are considered in the next section.

1.2.2. Peel test

The peel test has often been used for measuring adhesion (10, 20, 21), both of

metal films (22) and polymer films (23, 24). In the 90° peel test the peel force is I

measured as a function of displacement. The peel energy Gp is obtained by the

following expression:


in which Fp is the peel force, ~L is the peeled length, !lA is the peeled area and

W is the width of the peel strip. For this measurement the following energy balance

is valid:


During peeling energy is consumed by fracture (Gc) and possibly by bulk plastic

deformation of the film (Gct.r), while energy is supplied externally by peeling (Gr)

and internally by relaxation of residual stresses in the film (G.1). All energy terms

are per unit area. Note the difference between Gdef and Gr1 • The first tbrm stands

for bulk plastic deformation in the metal layer, whereas the second term denotes

the plastic deformation in the microscopic crack tip zone. These two terms may

become indistinguishable when the size of the plastic zone is of the order of the

layer thickness. If no energy is lost in bulk plastic deformation of the metal layer


Page 25: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

and if the residual strain energy in the layer is very small, then the peel energy

equals the fracture energy.

The residual strain energy Ge1 can either be caused by the deposition process as

built-in stresses or by a difference in thermal expansion between layer and

substrate. The amount of elastic strain energy U per unit volume V due to the

difference in thermal expansion is given by:

u leT

= E ede 0


in which a is the stress, e the strain, eT the thermal strain, E the Young's modulus

of the film, Aa the difference in thermal expansion coefficients and AT the tem­

perature difference. This can be expressed in elastic strain energy per unit area if

the volume V is equal to area A times layer thickness D

E(AaAT)2 D

2 [7]

Similarly to eq. 6, with eq. 8 the residual strain energy Gel due to built-in stresses

can be calculated if the amount of internal stress a, is known:

2 (j·



1.2.3. Weibull statistics

Weibull (25) suggested that strength data could be fitted with:

(ar au) m Pr = 1 - exp[ - ( ao ) ]



Here Pr is an estimate of the failure probability, ar is the adhesion strength, a0 is

a normalization constant, au is a threshold stress value below which no fracture

occurs, and m is a fit parameter called Weibull modulus. The parameter uu is

usually taken as zero. An estimation of Pr can be made by placing the exper-


Page 26: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

imental strength values in the order of increasing strength. The failure probability

Pr can then be estimated by (26):

Pr = N +I



Pr = 0.5

N [lOB]

in which N is the number of test specimens and i is the rank number of a particular

specimen in the series of measurements. Recent computer simulations have shown

that eq. lOB is more appropriate, i.e. yields the most accurate estimate with the

least bias (26). Initially, Weibull statistics were used for the interpretation of bulk

material strength data, but later they were also used for adhesion strengths (27).

Equation 9A can be rewritten as (uu = 0):

In (-In (I m In u0 [9B]

By plotting In (-In (1 Pr)) versus ln ur a straight line is obtained with slope m,

if a single distribution of flaw types is present. At ur = u0 , failure occurs with

63% probability. Hence the measurement results can be described by two param­

eters m and u0 in which m is a measure of scatter and u0 is a measure of location.

For a large value of m, a small variation in strength values is obtained.

1.3. Electroless metallization

The electroless metallization process was discovered and developed in 1946 by

Brenner and Riddell (28). The name "electroless deposition" refers to the more

generally known galvanic process in which an external electric current is required

for the deposition of metal on a conducting surface from a metal ion containing


Page 27: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

solution. In the electroless process such a current is not required. The metal ions

in the solution are reduced by a reducing agent which is also present in the sol­

ution. Therefore, it is possible to deposit metal layers on non-conducting

substrates simply by immersing a sample in the electroless plating solution. In this

solution apart from a metal ion and a reducing compound, one or more stabilizers

are present to prevent the occurrence of a spontaneous, homogeneous redox re­

action in the solution. Carboxylic acids and amino acids are used as complexing

agents in the case of electroless Ni. An overview of principles, deposition condi­

tions, chemical reactions and deposit properties of electroless Ni is given in a book

by Riedel (29). In the literature the metal deposit is most often termed "electroless

Ni(P)" instead of the gramatically correct expression "electrolessly deposited

Ni(P)". We use both terms throughout the text.

Thermodynamically, the reducing agent is strong enough to reduce the metal ion

but the reaction is kinetically hindered. In order to get selective deposition on a

substrate surface, this surface is provided with a catalyst (nucleation) which locally

lowers the energy barrier for the deposition reaction to take place. Once the de­

position has started, the catalyst is covered with a metal layer and the metal itself

acts as a catalyst in a continuous growth process. The catalyst can be deposited

on the substrate also by immersion in a series of aqueous solutions. Therefore, the

electroless deposition process is a relatively cheap and simple alternative for metal

deposition processes by vacuum techniques such as evaporation or sputtering.

Other advantages of this type of processes are its ability to homogeneously coat

substrates with highly irregular shapes where shadow effects occur in vacuum de­

position processes, especially in holes, and the fact that it can be done as a con­

tinuous process instead of as a batch process.

Electroless deposition also suffers from a number of disadvantages with respect to

the vacuum deposition techniques. It is not possible to deposit very thin films

homogeneously, below a thickness of about 0.2 j.lm. Moreover, there is a limited

choice in the number of metals that can be deposited in this way, i.e. Ni, Cu, Co,

Pd, Au, in the order of decreasing suitability. In contrast, by vacuum deposition

techniques almost every metal and even many multi-component alloys can be de­

posited. Process control of electroless deposition is sometimes difficult and trace


Page 28: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

amounts of compounds in the solutions may drastically affect the deposition

process and properties of the deposited materials. As described above, on non­

conducting surfaces as most ceramics, glass, and plastics, electroless deposited

layers show weak adhesion unless use is made of surface roughness (28). The work

described here focusses on the adhesion of an electroless layer on a ceramic

substrate surface.

Of the electroless deposition processes, the one for Ni is most popular. Depending

on the type of reducing agent used for the Ni deposition, borane or

hypophosphite, boron or phosphor is incorporated into the electroless Ni layer.

Consequently, the deposit is denoted by Ni(B) or Ni(P). These as-deposited metal

layers are X-ray amorphous and crystallize upon heating. The P content of the

Ni(P) material may vary between 3 and 15 wt. % (6 and 30 at. %), mainly de­

pending on the pH value of the deposition solution. The B content of Ni(B) is

between 0.5 and 5 wt. % (3 and 30 at. %) which also depends on the deposition

conditions and the type of B-containing reducing agent (29).

Although many elements are claimed in the patent literature (e.g. 30), mostly me­

tallic Pd is used as a catalyst for the electroless deposition. This metal can be de­

posited on an oxidic or plastic surface by first adsorbing Sn ions, e.g. from a

chloride solution. Pd is deposited by a redox reaction with the adsorbed Sn ions

in a subsequent immersion step. As an intermediate step between the Sn and Pd

containing solutions sometimes an Ag containing solution is used (31). One of the

advantages of this step may be that contamination of the electroless solution by

Sn is decreased. This nucleation process with Sn, Ag and Pd will be treated in more

detail in chapter 3. An alternative nucleation procedure is a single dip process in

a solution containing colloidal particles with both Sn and Pd ions (28). On metallic

surfaces Pd can also be deposited by a displacement reaction, which is a redox

reaction between Pd ions in the solution and less noble metal atoms on the

substrate surface.


Page 29: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

1.4. Scope of this thesis

1.4.1. Aim

As described m previous sections, the electroless metal deposition process is

excellently suited to provide insulating surfaces with a metal coating. In some cases

only the electrolessly deposited metal layer is used, but often a subsequent

electrodeposition step is applied. The major disadvantage of the electrolessly de­

posited metal layers on non-metallic substrates is the poor adhesion. A frequently

used solution for this problem is roughening the surface, thus creating possible

sites for mechanical interlocking. However, in many cases this is not possible e.g

due to a very hard or stable substrate material, the presence of thin films, or due

to process requirements. Therefore the aim of the work described in this thesis is

to find procedures to apply strongly adhering metal layers by electroless

metallization, without making use of surface roughness. To achieve this, first in­

sight has to be obtained into the mechanism of adhesion.

The system Ni(P) - Ab03 is considered a suitable system for this investigation,

because electroless nickel deposition is one of the most popular electroless

metallization processes and alumina is a good example of a substrate which cannot

easily be roughened. Moreover, various studies on this system have been published

in order to obtain a strongly adhering metallization of IC packages.

1.4.2. Surface analytical techniques


As a routine inspection, fracture surfaces are generally first studied with optical

microscopy (OM). Magnifications up to 600 times are possible, but in may cases

this is not sufficient. Therefore, most fracture surfaces were also inspected with

scanning electron microscopy (SEM). With SEM, surface topography is imaged

by means of a scanning electron beam. The image is formed by backscattered

electrons and electrons originating from secondary emission. Magnifications up to

50.000 times are possible and details of about 20 nm can be observed. Another

important advantage of the SEM is its high depth resolution at high magnifica­

tions, compared with optical microscopy. In order to prevent electric charging,


Page 30: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

insulating surfaces have to be covered first with a conducting layer of about 15

nm thickness. For this purpose generally gold or carbon films are deposited by

sputtering or evaporation.

The high-energy electrons of the scanning beam, with energies up to 30 keV, excite

atoms in the top 1 /liD of the material. These atoms emit characteristic X-rays. By

energy-dispersive analysis of these X-rays (EDX), semi-quantitative information

is obtained on the composition of surfaces. Combined with SEM, EDX is a quick

method for the inspection of surfaces and it provides information on structure and

composition of surfaces on micrometer scale. In special cases, where top layers

of high atom number elements are present, even layers with a thickness of a few

nanometers can be detected with EDX.


Further magnification requires the use of transmission electron microscopy

(TEM). For this type of electron microscopy very thin samples are necessary.

Electrons with an energy of about 100 keV are transmitted through a sample with

a thickness of a few hundred nanometers. The intensity pattern of the electrons is

detected on the other side of the sample. Apart from contrast due to differences

in transmittance, also diffraction patterns are generated in crystalline samples.

With TEM atomic resolution can be obtained. The sample preparation, however,

is rather laborious. For imaging a cross-section of an interface, a thin slice is sawn

from the layer - substrate assembly, perpendicular to the interface. Further

thinning is done by polishing and ultimately by ion-milling. For plan-view images

either thin membranes can be used as model substrates, or replicas can be made

by depositing a thin film on the surface to be investigated, and subsequently peel­

ing off the film or by dissolving the substrate. With the replica technique it is

sometimes difficult to achieve atomic resolution, and therefore we made use of the

membrane technique. We used silicon nitride as model substrates for these exper­

iments, see chapter 3.

- Static-SIMS

For the analysis of the surface composition on monolayer scale, extensive use has

been made of static secondary ion mass spectrometry (static-SIMS). With this


Page 31: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

technique a surface is bombarded with low-dose, low-energy primary ions, usually

Ar+. Fragments liberated from the surface are analysed by a high-resolution

time-of-flight (TOF) mass analyser. This analyser is capable of discriminating be­

tween different ions of the same nominal mass. The element fragments generally

originate from the outermost few nanometers of the surface, but the larger, mo­

lecular fragments generally only originate from the outermost monolayer of the

sample surface. Due to the high sensitivity of the TOF detector, even ppm's of a

monolayer can be analysed. The major disadvantage of this technique is that only

qualitative information can be obtained. For quantitative analyses long-winded

calibration procedures have to be carried out.

- XPS, AES and XRF

With X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) the kinetic energy is measured of

electrons which are liberated upon X-ray exposure. This kinetic energy can be

converted into binding energy of electrons in the inner shells of the surface atoms.

With this information the composition of the outermost few nanometers of a

substrate surface can be quantitatively determined. By measuring the kinetic en­

ergy within a resolution of about 0.3 eV, it is also possible to identify the chemical

bonding state of the surface species. This often gives insight into the nature of

interfacial interactions and the origin of interface compounds. By alternately

sputtering and analysing, a depth profile can be obtained, although changes due

to sputtering may disturb the analysis. With Auger electron spectroscopy (AES),

similar information can be obtained. However, the major disadvantage of AES is

that it cannot identify chemical bonding states of the surface species. Both with

AES and XPS surface mappings can be made to investigate the distribution of el­

ements over the surface. This feature has not been used in this work.

With X-ray fluorescence (XRF) the element composition of a surface is

quantitatively measured by analysing the intensity and peak position of X-ray

fluoresence lines. The analysed area is at least several square millimeters. XRF has

an analysis depth of the order of 100 pm and a detection limit of the order of 1

to 0.01 monolayer, depending on the atomic number.


Page 32: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

1.4.3. Outline of subsequent chapters

This thesis is organized as follows: In Chapter 2 a literature overview is presented

on the adhesion of electroless Ni(P) to alumina. Attention is paid to the procedures

and techniques used to study the adhesion, the adhesion strengths obtained and

the models proposed to explain the adhesion. In Chapter 3 the formation of the

interface between Ni(P) and alumina is studied. The changes in structure and

chemical composition of the substrate surface is analysed after each successive

process step. In chapter 4 the adhesion is measured with peel tests and direct

pull-off tests. Quantitative aspects of both adhesion measurement procedures are

highlighted. A fracture mechanics approach is followed for the interpretation of

the adhesion measurement results. The metal - ceramic interface and the fracture

surfaces are analysed both on micrometer and on nanometer scale in order to find

a relation between the measured adhesion and interface chemistry.

In chapter 5 the influence of thermal treatments upon the adhesion strength is in­

vestigated using a similar approach as in Chapter 4. Special attention is paid to

a distinction between changes in bulk mechanical properties in the metal film and

intrinsic adhesion. In Chapter 6 the influence of substrate surface chemistry upon

the adhesion is investigated. Thin metal oxide layers are deposited on the ceramic

surfaces used in previous chapters. These metal oxide surfaces are metallized and

the adhesion and interface chemistry are characterized. Differences in adhesion are

tentatively explained in terms of surface chemistry and microroughness. In Chap­

ter 7 a completely different procedure is followed to apply the Pd catalyst, required

to start the electroless deposition process. Pd layers are evaporated instead of the

usual wet-chemical procedure. A thin titanium layer is applied for improving the

adhesion of the Pd nucleation layer on the substrate. The adhesion and the frac­

ture path are determined and a detailed analysis is made of the bonding at the

metal - ceramic interface within the first metal monolayers. This thesis concludes

with a final discussion and conclusion in which relations between the various parts

of this work are emphasized and an overview of major results and conclusions is

presented. In this chapter also remaining questions and suggestions for further

work are indicated.


Page 33: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


1. M. Ohring, The Materials Science of Thin Films, Academic Press Inc., San

Diego, 1992, Ch. 9, p. 403.

2. A.N. Gent, Plast. Rubber Int. 6, (1981), 151.

3. A.N. Gent and C.-W. Lin, J. Adhesion 32, (1990), 113.

4. C.A. Dahlqvist in "Coatings Technology Handbook", D. Satas, ed., Marcel

Dekker, Inc., New York, 1991, Ch. 5, p. 51.

5. F.M. Fowkes, J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 1, (1987), 7.

6. B.V. Deryaguin, Research 8, (1955), 70.

7. D.A. Hays, in "Fundamentals of adhesion", L.H. Lee, ed., Plenum Press,

New York, 1991, Ch. 8, p. 249.

8. J.D. Miller and H. Ishida in "Fundamentals of adhesion", L.H. Lee, ed.,

Plenum Press, New York, 1991, Ch. 10, p. 291.

9. J.E.E. Baglin, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B65, (1992), 119.

10. J.E.E. Baglin in "Fundamentals of adhesion", L.-H. Lee, ed., Plenum Press,

New York, 1991, Ch. 13.

11. F. Brochard-Wyart in "Fundamentals of adhesion", L.H. Lee, ed., Plenum

Press, New York, 1991, Ch. 6, p. 181.

12. E.P. Pluedemann, "Silane Coupling Agents", Plenum Press, New York, 1982.

13. K.L. Mittal in "Surface Contamination, Genesis, Detection and Control",

K.L. Mittal, ed., Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New York, 1979.

14. R.J. Good in Adhesion Measurements of Thin Films, Thick films and Bulk

Coatings, K.L. Mittal (ed.), ASTM STP 640, (1978), p. 63.

15. S.J. Bennett, K.L. de Vries and M.L. Williams, lnt. J. Fracture 10, (1974),


16. S.A. Varchenya, A. Simanovskis and S.V. Stolyarova, Thin Solid Films 164,

. (1988), 147.

17. A.J. Kinloch in "Adhesion and Adhesives", Chapman and Hall, London,

1987, Ch. 3.

18. H.F. Fischmeister, G. Elssner, B. Gibbesch and W. Mader, Materials Re­

search Society International Meeting on Advanced Materials 8, (1988), 227.

19. Ref. 17, Ch. 4.

20. K.L. Mittal, J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 1, (1987), 247.


Page 34: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

21. K-S. Kim, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 119, (1988), 31.

22. J.E.E. Baglin, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 47, (1985), 3.

23. A.N. Gent and J. Schultz, J.Adhesion 3, (1972), 281.

24. G.J. Lake and A. Stevenson in "Adhesion 6", K.W. Alien ed., Applied Sci-

ence Publishers, London, 1982, p. 41.

25. W. Weibull, J. Appl. Mech. 18, (1951), 293.

26. L.J.M.G. Dortmans and G. de With, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 74, (1991), 2293.

27. J.E. Ritter, L. Rosenfeld, M.R. Lin and T.J. Lardner, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp.

Proc. 130, (1989), 237.

28. A. Brenner and G. Riddell, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. 39, (1946), 385.

29. W. Riedel in "Funktionelle Chemische Vernicklung", E.G. Leuze Verlag,

Saulgau, 1989.

30. R.L. Jackson, U.S. Patent 4.701.351, 1987.

31. C.H. de Minjer and P.F.J. v.d. Boom, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120, (1973), 16.


Page 35: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 2

Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic:

an assessment of the current status


Literature data on the adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) films on

alumina ceramic substrates are reviewed. The influences of conditions of

the successive etching, nucleation and metallization processes on the ad­

hesion are discussed as well as the effect of subsequent annealing treat­

ments. Also, a comparison is made with the adhesion of electrolessly

deposited Ni(B) and Cu layers. It is noted that in general too limited in­

formation is provided by most authors on the adhesion measurement con­

ditions and procedures. It is concluded that the etching conditions are of

more importance for adhesion than the nucleation, metallization and

annealing conditions. It is commonly believed that mechanical interlock­

ing is the dominant adhesion mechanism. However, bilayer experiments

with electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and Cu suggest that the intimacy of

interfacial contact plays an additional role. This may indicate that van

der Waals or other interfacial interactions significantly contribute to the


In order to obtain further insight into the adhesion mechanism, a fracture

mechanics characterization is suggested. Modern surface analytical tech­

niques should be applied to study the interfaces and fracture surfaces.


Page 36: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

2.1. Introduction

The metallization of alumina ceramic surfaces is widely used in the electronics in­

dustry, among other things for integrated circuit (IC) packaging, printed circuit

and sensor applications (l - 6). Alumina is inexpensive ·and offers the advantage

of a relatively high substrate thermal conductivity compared to most other insu­

lating materials (3, 7). Often, metallization is performed by applying a paste on the

ceramic surface. This paste contains a mixture of glass and metal powders and an

organic binder. After annealing in air at temperatures of 600 to 800 oc, a well­

adhering conducting glass-metal composite layer is obtained (1, 2, 4, 8). Other

frequently used techniques for the deposition of metal layers are evaporation and

sputtering, which are mostly limited to metal films with a thickness less than

1 f.J-m.

An alternative approach is the metallization by electroless deposition of Ni(P).

Since annealing steps or vacuum equipment are not required, electroless

metallization is a relatively rapid and inexpensive process. With electroless

metallization, Ni metal is formed by a chemical reaction of Ni ions with a reducing

agent. Therefore, no external electric current is required and insulating substrates

can be plated by simply immersing the substrates in a series of aqueous solutions.

In refs. (9, 10) backgrounds of the metallization process and properties of the de­

posits are described. On top of the conducting Ni(P) layer one or more metal

layers can be deposited by electrodeposition. The major drawback of this proce­

dure is that a high adhesion strength of the Ni(P) layer to the alumina ceramic

substrate is difficult to obtain and is generally considered to be too low (11).

Therefore, in the literature a number of experiments have been described in which

the conditions and procedures have been varied to improve the adhesion and to

provide a model for understanding the adhesion effects measured. In this chapter

relevant literature data on this adhesion problem are collected and discussed. In

this literature study the following questions were used as a guideline:

1. What is the adhesion strength between electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and


2. What is the influence of experimental conditions on the adhesion strength ?


Page 37: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

3. How do these conditions influence physical or chemical interactions at the


4. Which routes should be followed for further optimization of the adhesion


For electroless metallization, the substrate surface must first be made catalytically

active by a nucleation procedure. In this regard, generally two types of procedures

can be distinguished: a one-step procedure with a colloidal Pd containing solution

(12), and a two-step procedure consisting of a sensitization step with a SnCb

containing solution followed by an activation step with a PdCb containing sol­

ution (13, 14). In some cases in the latter procedure an intermediate step is also

used with an AgN03 solution (15, 16). Analogously, this is referred to here as the

three-step procedure. In order to deposit more nucleation material on the surface,

the two-step procedure may also be applied repeatedly. All of these various

nucleation procedures have been used in the adhesion studies as described in the

subsequent sections.

The metallization procedure generally consists of three stages; etching, nucleation

and the actual metallization. In the following sections first the literature data are

presented and discussed for each of these stages. Then, the effect of thermal

treatment is considered and a comparison is made with the adhesion of

electrolessly deposited Cu and Ni(B). In the last section conclusions are drawn and

some recommendations for future work are presented.

2.2. General procedures for sample preparation and adhesion

measurements and overview of results

A summary of the most relevant literature data, such as adhesion strengths and

experimental conditions, is presented in Table 1. For all of the results listed in

Table I, 96 % pure alumina was used as the substrate, unless otherwise stated.

This makes the results from different publications rather well comparable, al­

though differences in the microstructure of the ceramics used probably have oc-


Page 38: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

curred, which may also influence the adhesion strengths, in addition to the various

process conditions.

Unless stated otherwise, the results described in the following text refer to adhesion

strengths obtained by the direct pull-off (DPO) test (1 - 4, 15, 17 - 19). For this

test tin-plated copper wires were soldered to 2 to 4 ,urn thick patches of electro­

lessly deposited metal of 2 x 2 mm2 size on the sintered surface of alumina subs­

trates. This is schematically shown in fig. 1. In sections 3 to 7 these data will be

described in more detail and discussed. In most references, the number of test

samples used, standard deviations or other information on accuracy or reprodu­

cibility of the adhesion strengths were not given. Generally, the standard deviation

in the mean strength s(ar) depends on the Weibull modulus m and the number of

test samples N as given in eq. 1:


For ceramic- metal joints m is typically :::;; 5 (20). If we take N = 10 and m = 3

then the relative standard deviation in the mean strength is about 10 %. There­

fore, differences in adhesion strengths of at least 10 % are not considered to be

significant. Although mostly not indicated in the literature, it is generally assumed

that the strength values reported refer to failure at the metal- ceramic interface.

In addition to the DPO test, Honma et al. ( 4, 19) use another adhesion test in

which an L-shaped wire is soldered onto the electrolessly deposited metal patches

instead of a straight wire as for the DPO test (fig. 1). This test is referred to as a

peel test in ( 4), but as a pull-test in (19). The adhesion values obtained with this

test are expressed in force per unit area, which is at least uncommon for a peel test.

It is not made clear why in some cases this test is chosen instead of the DPO test.

The values obtained with this test cannot be compared with DPO results and can

only be used to show qualitative trends in the adhesion due to variation of process

parameters. In the following, this test is referred to as the L-pull test.


Page 39: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 1: Adhesion strength (MPa) of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and Cu on 96 % alumina as measured with the direct pull-off test.

: Experimental conditions DPO strength (MPa) Ref

Etching, (amount) Nucleation Metallizalion Ni(P) Cu

10% HF, (0.15 mg/cm2) Two- step' Ni(P) bath2, Cu batb3 26 IS )

. Pd alkali ion I . 25 14 3

. Pd colloid1 . 25 14 3

", (0.!5 5 mg/cm2) Cucolloidl h 21 12 3

5 % HF, (0.255 mg/cm2) Repeated two step1 Ni(P) and Cu baths as ref. 3 27 14 17

20 % HF, (0.175 mg/eml) Repeated two-step pH 62, as deposited at 90 'C !6 2

Repeated two-step pH 62. I b 300 'C 19 2

i H Repeated two-step pH 62, I h 500 •c 16 2

. Repeated two-step pH 92, as deposited 19 1

! ff Repeated two-step pH 92, I h 300 •c 19 2

. Repeated two-step pH 92, I h 500 'C 22 2

. Repeated two-step pH 102, as deposited 19 2

. Repeated two-step pH J02, I h 300 'C 20 2

. Repeated two-step pH J02, I h 500 •c 21 2

H Repeated two-step Cu bath3 without additive 10 2

H Repeated two-step Additive A4 12 2

. Repeated two-step Additive s4 12 2

. Repeated two-step Additive A+ B l3 2

IOOg/1 NH4F + IOOg{J NaCJ!O Two- step6 Ni(P) citrate bath9 at pH 6, 70 •c 24'5 4

: IOOg{J NH~ + IOOg/1 NaC!lO Catalystfaccelerator7 . 18 4

IOOg{J NH4F + IOOg/1 NaC[IO Activatorfaccelerator8 . 13 4

.No etching Two·step . 21 4

j 10% HF10 Two-step . 14 4

: 10 % HF + 10 % HCilO Two-step . 10 4

100 g{l N~F10 Two-step . 23 4

j IOOg{l N~ + IOOg/1 NaClto Two-step . 2915 4

IOOgfl ~ + IOOg/1 NaCtiO Two-step At 0.1 moi{J NiS04 16 4

10% HF11 Two-step or three-step Maleic acid bath12 at 90 •c 2516 IS

HCI or HNO) etchingll Two-step or three-step . 15 15

80 min I molfl NaOH'3 Activator/acceleratorl4 Citrate bath 14 at pH 4, 90 ·c 30 11


Page 40: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

1: Two-step nucleation with t g/1 SnCh, L2 g/1 HC1 and 0.1 g/1 PdCh, 0.12 g/1 HCl, both at 25

oc, l min; Pd alkali ion nucleation with Neogant 834, 40"C, 8 min and Neogant W A, 25 oc.

4 min (Schering). Pd colloid nucleation with Cataposit 44 and Accelerator 240. both 40 "C, 4

min (Shipley); Cu colloid nucleation with Ronacat catalyst M (8 min) and Ronacat stripper (1

min) (LeaRonal) both at 25 T. For the repeated two-step procedure, the two-step procedure

described above is carried out twice.

2: Ni(P) bath: 0.1 mol/! nickel sulphate, 0.15 mo!f! hypophosphite, 0.2 molj! sodium citrate, 0.5

mol/1 ammonium sulphate, pH adjusted with NaOH. In refs. 3 and 17 at pH 9 and 90 "C.

3: Cu bath: 0.04 moljl CuS04 .5H20, 0.08 mol/! EDT A.8H20, 0.05 mol/! HCHO, 20 ppm

(C5H4Nh, 50 ppm ~{Fe(CN)6}, pH 12.5, 60 •c, air bubbling.

4: Additive A: ~(Fe(CN)6) 50 mgfl. Additive B: (CsH4Nh 20 mg/1.

5: At optimum etching conditions.

6: Two-step nucleation with 0.05 g/1 SnCI2.2H20 and 0.1 g/1 PdCh both at 40 •c.

7: Precatalyst and catalyst are Cataprep 404 and Cataposit 44, both from Shipley. Acceleration

is done with NaOH 100 gfl.

8: Preactivator, activator and reducer are Neoganth B, Neoganth 834 and Neoganth W A respec­

tively, all from Schering.

9: Ni(P) bath: 0.05 molfl nickel sulphate, 0.1 mol/! sodium citrate and 0.2 mol/! sodium hypo-


10: 15 minutes etching at 60 °C.

11: 10 minutes etching, room temperature.

12: 95 % alumina substrate, 15 g/1 NiS04. 6 H20, 24 g/1 NaH2P02. 6 H20, 5 g/1

HOOCCHOHCH2COOH , 5 g/1 C4H40~a2 . 6 H20, 7 g/1 CH3COONa . 3 H 20 and 0.5 ppm

Pb stabiliser in Ni(P) bath.

13: AlN substrates with CaC2 second phase, etching at room temperature.

14: Activator and accelerator HSIOlB and ADP-101 both from Hitachi Chemical. Ni(P) bath same

as in ref. 3, pH 4 adjusted with H2S04 •

15: Different adhesion strength values reported for similar preparation conditions.

16: Fracture in ceramic substrate.


Page 41: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 1:

Fig 2:


-0 0.8 mm Tin plated copper wire

""" ~ Ni(P) film (4 mm2) ,-;r;rn-rr77:/'77 / /'/ /;

Pu 11 Strength

l-pull Strength

Schematic set-up of direct pull-off test (A) and L-pull test (B), accord­

ing to ref. (4).

t 30 ai b) c) d)

., 25 0.

2 .r: & 20 c: ~

"' c: 15 .9 en

"' .c " <t 10


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Amount etched (mg cm-2)-

DPO adhesion strength of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and Cu versus

degree of etching of the alumina substrate, for various nucleation pro­

cedures, according to ref. (3). The nucleation procedures are: two-step

(A), Pd alkali ion (B), Pd colloid (C) and Cu colloid (D), see Table 1.


Page 42: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

2.3. Effects of process parameters on the adhesion

2.3.1. Etching conditions

The alumina ceramics which were used in the investigations reported in the litera­

ture generally contain a few percent glass phase, which is used as a sintering aid

and is present at grain surfaces and grain boundaries. With etching, in principle

two effects can be distinguished. Firstly, by using alkaline or fluoride containing

aqueous solutions, the glass phase is selectively removed and gaps are created be­

tween surface ceramic grains, thus providing anchoring sites for adhesion by me­

chanical interlocking. This is referred to as low-temperature etching. Secondly, the

alumina grains themselves can be roughened. However, due to the high stability

of a-alumina, this requires severe etching conditions, and thus excludes the use of

aqueous solutions. For this type of etching the use of molten alkali salts at tem­

peratures of at least 300 oc is reported. Therefore this is referred to as high­

temperature etching. Some examples of both procedures are given below.

Osaka et al. (3) found an increase in adhesion strength of Ni(P) on the sintered

surface of 96 % alumina from 15 MPa to 26 MPa by etching with 10 % HF to a

weight loss of 0.1 mg/cm2 (15), (fig. 2). When polished 96 % alumina substrates

were used, an increase in the adhesion strength from ll MPa to 27 MPa was at­

tained after etching to 0.25 mg/cm2 with a 5 % HF solution (17). The adhesion

of the Ni(P) layer on the polished substrates before etching can be explained by

the porosity of the ceramic. The surface pores as shown in SEM micrographs (17)

may have served as anchoring sites. Honma and Mizushima (l) used a SnF2 sol­

ution for simultaneous etching and sensitization of the alumina surfaces. This led

to relatively low adhesion strengths of about 10 MPa. Kamijo and Ayuzawa {15)

found an adhesion strength of about 25 MPa on 95 % alumina when HF etching

was used and strengths of the order of 15 MPa when other acids were used for

etching. They found no positive influence of sensitization with SnF2 relative to


Also Honma and Kanemitsu (4) studied the influence of various etchants upon the

adhesion strength. Without etching, an adhesion strength of 21 MPa was found

which was reduced to 15 MPa by etching with a lO % HF solution. This is sur-


Page 43: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

prising since other authors (2, 3, 15, 17) all report adhesion improvement by

etching with HF solutions. Moreover, the adhesion strength of 21 MPa obtained

without etching is rather high. By etching with NH4F, mixed HF I NaCl and

NH4F f NaCl solutions adhesion improvements to 25 to 30 MPa were observed.

If these results are correct, they show the importance of the etching procedure.

With the same procedure for nucleation and metallization both the weakest and

the strongest adhesion (Table 1) are found, only by changing the etching proce­

dure. In a later publication (19) the adhesion improvement by etching with NH4F

was explained by the observation that cracks and pits had been formed in the glass

phase, creating additional opportunities for mechanical interlocking. This, how­

ever, can only be a satisfactory explanation if the glass phase is not removed but

only roughened by this etching procedure.

Etching generally increases the adhesion strength. In the curves of adhesion

strength versus etching time generally an optimum is found (3, 18, 19). The in­

crease in adhesion strength is ascribed to an increase in the number and size of

anchoring sites while the decrease is explained by underetching of the surface ce­

ramic grains which therefore become weakly adhering themselves (18, 19). This is

schematically shown in fig. 3. This model is supported by the analysis of the metal

fracture surface at various degrees of etching (2). Beyond the optimum adhesion

strength, an increasing amount of ceramic is found to remain on the metal fracture

surface with increasing etching time.

NaOH solutions have been used for etching AlN, resulting in increases in adhesion

strength of Ni(P) from 6 to 30 MPa (11) and from 20 to 30 MPa (7). The difference

between the initial adhesion strengths in the two studies is probably due to a dif­

ference in microstructure, resulting from small differences in the fabrication pro­

cedure for the AIN substrates (7). Similarly as for the 96 % alumina ceramics,

etching was found to occur mainly at grain boundaries (11) or at grain triple

points (7). This was explained by the selective removal of the CaO second phase,

resulting from the CaC2 sintering aid which was used for the preparation of the

AIN substrates in both studies (7). After prolonged etching a gradual decrease of

the adhesion strength was measured (7) similarly as described above for alumina.


Page 44: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The release of top grains from the substrate during prolonged etching was ex­

plained by dissolution of AlN at grain boundaries.

Fig. 3:


Schematic representation of unetched (A), etched (B) and over-etched

(C) 96 % alumina surfaces, according to ref. (19).

A comparison was made (11) between etched AlN, mechanically abraded AlN and

mechanically abraded alumina, all with the same center line average roughness (21)

of 0.59 p,m. The adhesion of Ni(P) amounted to 18, 16 and 8 MPa, respectively,

which was explained by the difference in surface morphology as observed with

SEM. A channel-like porosity was formed by etching between the AIN grains. It

is, however, questionable whether the difference in adhesion strength between the

first two samples is significant.

The effects of etching with nitric acid and HF solutions have been compared to the

effect of etching with molten NaOH on adhesion of electrolessly deposited Cu on

96 % alumina (5). The adhesion was measured by a dot-bend test. For this test a

4. 7 mm diameter brass stud is soldered over a 3.8 mm etched Cu dot and pulled


Page 45: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

at 90° angle to the stud (5). The results are expressed as fracture loads. Due to the

test geometry, the fracture loads cannot be converted into fracture stresses for

comparison with other data. A dot-bend adhesion value of ll N was found after

etching with a boiling 70.6% HN03 solution for 30 min, 14 N when no pretreat­

ment was applied, 18 N after etching for 15 minutes in a 48 % HF solution (ul­

trasonic) at 50 oc and 23 N after etching with molten NaOH at 420 oc for 15

minutes. From these data it is clear that high-temperature etching yields higher

adhesion than etching in aqueous solutions. The optimum temperature was found

to be 420 oc. However, due to the difference in the adhesion test procedure these

values cannot be compared with direct pull-off values reported in other publica­


The influence of etching with various molten alkali hydroxides on the adhesion

strength of electrolessly deposited Cu on 96 % alumina has been studied (19).

Substrates were first immersed separately in a 10 % solution of NaOH, LiOH,

KOH or combinations of these salts at room temperature. During this treatment

the grain boundary glass phase was dissolved. The optimum immersion time was

found to be 10 minutes. After this step, the samples were not rinsed but imme­

diately heated at high temperatures for 15 minutes. Water evaporated and the re­

maining alkali hydroxide melted and attacked the uncovered alumina grains. The

three alkali hydroxides gave rise to different types of roughness. With NaOH rel­

atively deep channels were etched, with LiOH shallow channels and with KOH an

irregular roughness was obtained. This resulted in a DPO strength of 30 MPa for

etching with NaOH, 20 MPa for LiOH and lO MPa for KOH. As previously de­

scribed, by low-temperature etching these values are typically 10 to 15 MPa, see

also in Table 1. The optimum etching temperature of 450 "C agrees well with the

optimum temperature reported in (5).

From the experiments described in this section, it can be concluded that adhesion

improvements of up to 50 % have been realized by optimization of the etching

procedure. This is explained in the various publications by the mechanical inter­

locking model. However, also the interfacial area increases by etching. It is difficult

to evaluate the relative contributions of mechanical interlocking and direct inter­

facial interactions from these literature data.


Page 46: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

2.3.2. Nucleation conditions

Many authors have considered the influence of the nucleation on the adhesion.

Schlesinger and Kisel (22) stated that the density of initial Ni(P) sites on the ca-i

talyzed surface determines the adhesion properties of the metal film. They influ-

enced this density by changing the chemistry of the sensitizer solution. However,

they neither gave a reference nor experimental data to support this statement re­

garding the adhesion. Also Feldstein et al. (13) considered it reasonable to spec­

ulate that the adhesion would be improved, by changing the composition of the

sensitizer solution, which led to a higher catalytic activity of the surface and a

more homogeneous coverage of initial Ni(P) nuclei. They did not give any evidence

to confirm this speculation either. The following authors varied the nucleation

conditions and measured the resulting adhesion strength.

Osaka et al. (3) measured the adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and Cu on

96 % alumina after nucleation with the two-step SnCh I PdCb procedure and after

various Pd and Cu colloidal nucleation procedures. They found that the differ­

ences in nucleation procedures did not lead to differences in the adhesion strength

for the Pd colloidal nucleation procedures. Only for the Cu colloid nucleation

procedure a weaker adhesion was found, see Table I and fig. 2. On the other hand,

Honma and Kanemitsu (4) found that the one-step Pd colloidal nucleation proce­

dures (catalyst I accelerator, and activator I accelerator) led to 25 to 50 % lower

adhesion strengths than with the two-step procedure using similar etching, nu­

cleation and metallization conditions as in (3), see Table 1. This may indicate that

nucleation procedures with colloidal solutions can result in equal or lower adhe­

sion strengths than with the two-step nucleation, depending on the type of colloi­

dal solution. The two-step nucleation in (2) was repeated twice, probably leading

to a higher amount of Sn and Pd nucleation material on the alumina surface.

When, however, the adhesion strengths are compared with those from other ref­

erences cited in Table 1, a lower rather than a higher adhesion strength results

from this repeated procedure. Since the data of different authors are not com­

pletely comparable, due to, e.g., differences in substrate microstructure, this may

imply that the amount of nucleation material is of minor importance for the ad­

hesion. This interpretation is consistent with the fact that the large differences in

Sn and Pd surface coverage due to various nucleation procedures in (1), do not


Page 47: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

correspond to large differences in adhesion. The differences in adhesion reported

in that paper are probably caused by etching effects.

De Minjer and v.d. Boom (16) introduced an intermediate immersion step with an

AgNOJ solution, in-between the sensitization and the activation step. They claimed

that more homogeneous nucleation occured with this step. This was confirmed by

TEM micrographs after initiation of the metallization, without speculating on the

resulting adhesion. Honma and Mizushima (1) compared the adhesion strength

obtained with and without the AgN03 step and found a 5 to 20 % higher adhesion

strength with the AgN03 step on 96 °/o alumina. A similar effect was observed

using lead zirconate J titanate ceramics. Kamijo and Ayuzawa (15) measured the

adhesion of Ni(P) on 95 % alumina after various etching and nucleation proce­

dures. They found that the adhesion was not significantly influenced by the intro­

duction of the AgN03 immersion step. From the above described results it can

be concluded that the Ag step has no effect, or, if any, only a small positive effect

on the adhesion strength.

Other conditions varied by Kamija and Ayuzawa (15) were the composition of

etching solutions, Sn and Pd concentrations and the use of fluoride or chloride Sn

sensitizer solutions. They found no significant influence of these variations in nu­

cleation conditions on the adhesion. The concentrations used were 1 % for SnF2,

0.1 and 0.5 % for SnCh, 0.1, 0.9 and 1.5 % for AgN03 and 0.1 and 0.5 % for

PdCh. The number of rinsing steps following the sensitization and activation steps

was found not to influence the adhesion either. The major effects they reported

originated from the composition of the etching solution, see Table 1. Also Honma

and Kanemitsu (4) found for the SnCb step that the concentration did not signif­

icantly influence the adhesion strength at concentrations between 0.05 and 1 g/l.

In contrast to the above results a lower adhesion strength was found at 5 g/1

(0.5 %), though, with such a large scatter that these results become inconclusive.

Honma and Kanemitsu (4) speculated that the increased adhesion strength which

was observed when NaCl was added to the etching solution (Table 1), can be ex­

plained by increased sensitizer adsorption by an ion-exchange mechanism. How­

ever, between the etching treatment and the sensitization step a rinsing step in


Page 48: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

deionized water was always applied and therefore it could be expected that sodium

ions were desorbed before the sensitizer step. Therefore, it is more probable that

NaCl influences the etching action of the solution, for instance by influencing the

ionic strength of the solution, or by increasing the solubility of the silicate etching


De Luca and McCormack (23) also reported the influence of an immersion step

in a halide containing solution upon electroless metallization. Incomplete Cu

coverage was observed on 90 % alumina ceramics, unless an immersion step in an

acid halide solution was applied. This was also ascribed to increased sensitizer

adsorption, again without experimental evidence. However, in this case it seems

more likely that the acid halide dip removes residue from the previous molten al­

kali salt etching step, as also reported by Ameen et al. (5).

For alternative nucleation procedures such as with evaporated Pd (24), with an

aminosilane modification replacing the sensitization step (25), or with mixed col­

loidal I sol-gel solutions (26) an influence or even a stronger adhesion is claimed,

but no data on the adhesion strength were given. Therefore these procedures are

not further considered.

From the above results it can be concluded that the two-step nucleation procedure

is suitable for obtaining strong adhesion. With this procedure, the adhesion

strength is relatively insensitive to concentrations, the use of an intermediate

AgN03 step and repetition of the nucleation procedure. In the case of one-step

nucleation with colloidal nucleation solutions the type of solution is more critical.

2.3.3. Metallization conditions

The next step generally applied is the actual metallization step. Honma and Ka­

nemitsu ( 4) and Osaka et al. (2, 17) studied the dependence of the adhesion

strength on some electroless metallization bath conditions such as pH, type of

complexing agent and Ni and hypophosphite concentrations. Similarly, the dis­

solved oxygen content of the bath was reduced (4, 27, 28). As a consequence of

these variations the deposition rate and P content or the deposit also varied.


Page 49: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Variation of the pH value of the electroless Ni(P) metallization bath between 3.5

and 6 did not lead to significant changes in the adhesion strength, as it varied

within a range of 10 to 20 % (4). This was found for baths with citrate and glycine

complexing agents. Similar results were found for a citrate bath at pH values of

6, 9 and 10 (2), see Table L

By reducing the NiS04 concentration from 0.05 molfl to 0.01 molfl, an increase in

the adhesion strength from about 3.5 MPa to about 7 MPa was measured by the

L-pull test (fig. 4) by Honma and Kanemitsu (4). With the DPO test an increase

in the adhesion strength of between 20 and 40 % was measured by lowering the

Ni concentration. The Nifhypophosphite ratio was kept at 1/4 in these exper­

iments in order to maintain an acceptable deposition rate. The L-pull test exper­

iments were carried out with various complexing agents as shown in fig. 4. Most

other studies in this publication were done with citrate baths. The hypophosphite

concentration did not appreciably influence the adhesion strength at concen­

trations between 0.03 and 0.07 mol/l.

At the above mentioned low Ni concentrations, the deposition rate dropped by a

factor of 3 to 8 to a rate of 0.5 to 1 p.m per hour, and sometimes a spotty deposit

was observed, or no deposit was formed at all. By bubbling Ar gas through the

solution the 02 content was decreased from 3.2 ppm to 0.3 ppm, and good-quality

deposits could be made at aNi concentration of 0.01 mol/l. At aNi concentration

of 0.1 mol/! a DPO strength of 16 MPa was measured without argon bubbling,

while at Ni concentrations in the range between 0.05 and 0.01 mol/1, DPO

strengths of 28 to 30 MPa were measured with argon bubbling. Since argon bub­

bling was not applied with the high-concentration Ni(P) bath, it is not clear

whether the adhesion improvement is caused by the lower oxygen content or by

the lower Ni concentration. For electroless Cu deposition Alpaugh et al. (27, 28)

described procedures in which higher adhesion was obtained by reducing the oxy­

gen content of the metallization solution. On the other hand, a low Ni concen­

tration and bubbling with Ar is not a prerequisite for obtaining strong adhesion

as has been shown by other studies (2, 3, 17).


Page 50: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 4:

Citric acid bath

Gluconic acid bath

Glycolic acid bath

Rochelle salt bath

Tartaric acid bath

Glycine bath


D Low concentration (NiS0 4 = 0.01 moi/L)

E';J High concentration (NiS04 = 0.05 moi/L)

: :

I :

: I

: I

: 2.5 5 7.5

L-pull strength (MPa)-

Influence of various complexing agents on adhesion strength as meas­

ured with the L-pull test, according to ref. (4).

As far as indicated, the electroless Ni(P) metallization baths did not contain Ph

stabilizer, except one (15), which contained 0.5 ppm Pb. In commercial electroless

Ni(P) metallization solutions generally a few ppm of Pb is present, because this

enhances the stability and thus facilitates the handling of these solutions under

practical conditions. It has been shown (29) that the Ph concentration at ppm

levels strongly influences the initiation of Ni(P) growth. In fact, it inhibits the

growth of the smallest particles in a similar way as dissolved oxygen does. There­

fore, it is possible that Ph negatively influences the adhesion strength, although the

values reported in (15) are not considerably lower, compared with other values in

Table I.

So, it can be concluded that the adhesion strength is not very sensitive to deposi­

tion conditions such as pH, temperature, hypophosphite concentration and type


Page 51: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

of complexing agent. Some data indicate a positive influence on the adhesion

strength at a low Ni concentration and a low concentration of dissolved oxygen.

2.3.4. Heat treatments

In practical applications, the deposited layers are often exposed to elevated tem­

peratures. Therefore, some authors studied the influence of temperature on the

adhesion strength. As an example, the adhesion strength as a function of anneal­

ing temperature and time is shown in fig. 5 (!). By annealing at temperatures

above 250 oc and for longer than 1 hour, considerable adhesion improvement is

achieved, from an initial value of 2.5 MPa to a maximum value of 15 MPa.

However, it should be noted that the initial adhesion strength in this experiment

is remarkably low. Later Honma and Kanemitsu (4) measured the pull strength

as a function of annealing time at 250 oc and found only a small adhesion im­

provement within the first 30 minutes from 23 MPa to 27 MPa (fig. 6). The ad­

hesion strength did not change upon longer annealing, up to 24 h. From these

results they concluded that stresses which might occur due to crystallization

shrinkage do not affect the adhesion. The initial change in adhesion strength was

ascribed to desorption of water from the interface.

Osaka et al. (2) measured the adhesion strength of Ni(P) films before and after

heat treatments for 1 hour at 300 and 500 oc. Also the hardness was measured in

order to establish the relation between bulk mechanical properties and adhesion,

which could be expected due to the mechanical interlocking model. They found

adhesion strengths in the range of 16 to 22 MPa, without a significant influence

of the thermal treatment, see Table 1. However, for the Ni(P) films the hardness

considerably increased, which, according to the authors, suggested that besides

mechanical interlocking other factors play a role in the adhesion too. They used

a vacuum atmosphere probably in order to avoid oxidation of the Ni(P) surface.

This oxidation negatively affects the solderability that is required for the adhesion


From the above observations on thermal treatments it can be concluded that for

Ni(P) films with a reasonable as-deposited adhesion strength, the effect of thermal

treatments is negligible.


Page 52: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 5:

Fig. 6:


t 15

m-a. 2 J:: 0, 10 c: ~ 1i) c: 0 ·;;; Q)

5 J:: "0 <(

R.T 100

Annealing temperature (°C)-

Influence of annealing time and temperature on the adhesion strength

of Ni(P) on alumina, starting with a relatively low adhesion strength,

according to ref. (1 ).

1 30 () ___ -- -- - -- -----~ 25 :/_... o a .o. ............. -a--ss--o ..

0, ;::

~ 20 1i} ;:: 0

·~ 15 .c "0 <(


0 2 3 24 Annealing time (h)---

Influence of annealing time at 250 "'C on the adhesion strength of Ni(P)

on alumina, starting with a relatively strong adhesion, according to

ref. (4).

Page 53: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

2.4. Comparison Ni(P) with Ni(B) and Cu

Apart from Ni(P), also electrolessly deposited Ni(B) and Cu are frequently used

with the same type of substrates. By comparing the adhesion of these metal layers

with Ni(P) more insight into the adhesion mechanism can be obtained. Kang et

al. (18) measured the adhesion of Ni(P) and Ni(B) on 90 % alumina as a function

of etching time. The adhesion strength ranged between 12 and 15 MPa and was

the same for Ni(P) and Ni(B), within a remarkably small range of a few %. For

both deposits the two-step nucleation procedure was used, after etching with

10% HF + lOO g/1 NaCI at room temperature. The optimum etching time was

2.5 min on this ceramic.

A comparison of the adhesion data summarized in Table 1 shows that the adhe­

sion strength of Ni(P) is generally almost two times higher than that of electro­

lessly deposited Cu (2, 3, 17). In the curves of adhesion strength versus degree of

etching, the difference in adhesion strength between Ni(P) and Cu remained con­

stant in ref. (3), but decreased in ref. (17), where polished 96 % alumina was used

as the substrate. With SEM it was observed that the initial Cu deposits were

rougher, and had a larger particle size than Ni(P) deposits (3, 17). The Ni(P) and

Cu morphology at the initial stage of deposition was investigated also with TEM

(30). For Cu a relatively coarse deposit was observed, with less grains and of a

more angular shape, compared to Ni(P) using identical nucleation procedures. By

using various additives the microstructure of the electrolessly deposited Cu layer

could be influenced (19). The finest structure with the smallest initial Cu particles

was obtained by adding 20 ppm BeS04AH20 to the metallization solution. An

adhesion improvement of 30 % was achieved with this additive, as measured with

the L-pull test. This finer structure of the initial electrolessly deposited Cu particles

may enable a more efficient mechanical interlocking. Similarly, the stronger adhe­

sion of the finer Ni(P) deposits can be explained by a more efficient mechanical

interlocking, relative to Cu. If, however, mechanical interlocking determines the

adhesion strength, then the bulk mechanical properties of the metal layer, such as

the tensile strength, can be expected to play an important role, due to metal-metal

fracture at interlocked sites. This was not experimentally confirmed as shown be­



Page 54: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Osaka et al. (17) first deposited a thin layer of Ni(P) and subsequently continued

metal growth by electroless deposition of Cu. Within a range of 0.05 no 2 pm, in­

dependent of the Ni(P) layer thickness, an adhesion strength of 27 MPa was found.

This is equal to the adhesion strength of pure Ni(P) deposits, while tbe adhesion

strength of electrolessly deposited copper films only on the same surfaces

amounted to 14 MPa. The bulk tensile strength of the Ni(P) film, however, was

about 10 times higher than that of Cu. Therefore, with the same degree of me­

chanical interlocking, a ten times higher adhesion strength of Ni(P) is expected,

compared to Cu. However, since the mechanical interlocking of Ni(P) is more ef­

ficient than for Cu, an even larger difference between the adhesion strengths is

expected, while experimentally a much smaller difference was found. This strongly

suggests that mechanical interlocking is not the only adhesion mechanism for these

systems and that additional, interfacial effects play a role. The fraction of the in­

terfacial area which makes intimate contact can be expected to be larger for fine­

grained deposits than for coarse deposits. A possible explanation for these

observations and considerations is the occurrence of van der Waals or chemical

interactions at the interface where intimate contact is made.

2.5. Final Remarks

For the adhesion strength of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on ,..._ 96 % alumina

substrates values ranging from 10 to 30 MPa are found, in most studies close to

about 20 MPa. The etching procedure strongly influences the adhesion strength.

The adhesion strength was relatively insensitive to variation of conditions in the

two-step nucleation, while the one-step procedure was more sensitive to processing

details. Also the metallization conditions were of a minor importance for the ad­

hesion strength, as well as the effect of thermal treatments. Most investigators

agree that mechanical interlocking is the dominant adhesion mechanism. However,

experiments with combined electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and Cu layers suggest

that the intimacy of interfacial contact plays an additional role. This may indicate

that van der Waals or other interfacial interactions significantly contribute to the



Page 55: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

In most studies the adhesion strength was measured as a function of one or more

processing parameters. Generally, the results are explained in terms of interfacial

interactions, although it is well known that strength is also strongly influenced by

the size of interfacial defects which may also vary with processing conditions.

Therefore, in order to obtain information on the influence of intrinsic mechanical

and chemical interactions, both the strength and the fracture energy or fracture

toughness should be measured as a function of processing parameters. The use

of Weibull statistics for the interpretation of adhesion strength data can provide

more insight into the influence of interfacial defects upon the adhesion. Fracture

surface and interface characterization both on micrometre and on molecular scale

with modern surface analytical techniques such as TEM, XPS and static-SIMS are

urgently needed to corroborate conclusions made on the basis of mechanical



l. H. Honma and S. Mizushima, J. Met. Finish. Soc. Jpn. 33, (1982), 380.

2. T. Osaka, E. Nakajima, Y. Tamiya and I. Koiwa, J. Met. Finish. Soc. Jpn.

40, (1989), 573.

3. T. Osaka, K. Naito, Y. Tamiya, and K. Sakaguchi, J. Jpn. Inst. Printed

Circuit 4, (1989), 285.

4. H. Honma and K. Kanemitsu, Plating Surface Finishing 74(9), (1987), 62.

5. J.G. Ameen, D.G. McBride and G.C. Phillips, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120,

(1973), 1518.

6. S.M. Sze in "VLSI Technology", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988, p. 596.

7. T. Osaka, T. Asada, E. Nakayima, and I. Koiwa, J. Electrochem. Soc. 135,

(1988), 2578.

8. W.D. Bascom, P.F. Becher, J.L. Bitner and J.S. Murday in "Adhesion Mea­

surement of Thin Films, Thick Films and Bulk Coatings", STP 640, K.L.

Mittal, ed., p. 63, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,


9. W. Riedel in "Funktionelle Chemische Vernicklung", E.G. Leuze Verlag,

Saulgau, 1989.


Page 56: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

10. W.H. Safranek in "The Properties of Electrodeposited Metals and Alloys",

Elsevier, New York, 1974, Ch. 22.

ll. T. Osaka, H. Nagata, E. Nakajima, I. Koiwa and K. Utsumi, J. Electrochem.

Soc. 133, (1986), 2345.

12. E.J.M. O'Sullivan, J. Horkans, J.R. White and J.M. Roldan, IBM J. Res.

Develop. 32, ( 1988), 591.

13. N. Feldstein, S.L. Chow and M. Schlesinger, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120,

( 1973), 875.

14. R.L. Meek, J. Electrochem. Soc. 122, (1975), 1478.

15. M. Kamijo and N. Ayuzawa, Yamanashi ken, Kogyo Gijutsu Senta

Kenkyu Hokoku 1, 86, (1987). (Research report of the Yamanashi Prefec­

tural Industrial Technology Center, adress: Yamanashi- ken, Kogyo Gijutsu

Senta 3-9-4 Satoyoshi, Kofu, Yamanashi- Ken 400 Japan).

16. C.H. de Minjer and P.F.J. v.d. Boom, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120, (1973), 1644.

17. T. Osaka, Y. Tamiya, K. Naito and K. Sakaguchi, J. Surf. Finish. Soc. Jpn.

40, (1989), 835.

18. S.G. Kang, B.S. Jeon and K.J. Park, Yongu Pogu- Kungnip Kongop Si­

homwon 39, 413, (1989) (Research Report - National Industrial Research

Laboratory, adress: National Industrial Research Institute, 2 Choongang­

Dong, Kwacheon, Kyonggi-Do, S. Korea).

19. H. Honma and Y. Kouchi, Plating Surface Finishing 77(6), 54, (1990).

20. J.T. Klomp and G. de With, accepted for publication in Mater. Manuf.

Proc. (1993).

21. H.C. Ward in "Rough Surfaces", T.R. Thomas, ed., Longman Group Limi-

ted, Harlow, U.K., 1982, Ch. 4, p. 82.

22. M. Schlesinger and J. Kisel, J. Electrochem. Soc. 136, (1989), 1658.

23. M.A. De Luca and J.F. McCormack, U.S. Patent 4,604,299, (1986).

24. T. Osaka, I. Koiwa and L.G. Svendsen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 132, (1985),


25. T. Hamaya, Y. Kumagai, N. Koshizaki and T. Kanbe, Chemistry Letters

1461, (1989).

26. S.P. Mukherjee, C.J. Sambucetti and D.P. Seraphim, Eur. Patent 0.280.918,



Page 57: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

27. W.A. Alpaugh, W.J. Amelio, V. Markovich and C.J. Sambucetti, Eur. Pat-

ent 0.156.212, (1985).

28. W.A. A1paugh and T.D. Zucconi, U.S. Patent 4,152,467, (1979).

29. A.M.T. van der Putten, J. Electrochem. Soc. (1992), in press.

30. T. Homma, K. Naito, M. Takai, T. Osaka, Y. Yamazaki and T. Namikawa,

J. Electrochem. Soc. 138, (1991), 1269.


Page 58: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 59: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 3

A study on changes in surface chemistry during the initial stages

of electroless Ni(P) deposition on alumina


The formation of the interface between electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and

an alumina substrate is investigated. Prior to metallization, the substrate

is cleaned, etched and nucleated with So, Ag, and Pd containing solutions.

With XRF and static-SIMS, changes in surface chemistry due to these

pretreatments are analysed. TEM plan-view micrographs visualize the

changes in surface structure during the pretreatments. The initial stages

of metallization are measured on ShN4 membrane model substrates.

Cross-section TEM micrographs are made of a thin Ni(P) film on the

alumina ceramic, showing a columnar Ni(P) structure, a thin interfacial

layer and an intimate interfacial contact. Possible consequences for ini­

tiation and adhesion are discussed.


Page 60: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

3.1. Introduction

The metallization of alumina ceramic surfaces with electroless Ni(P) is often used

in the electronics industry, among other things for IC packaging, pridted circuit

and sensor applications (I - 5). The use of alumina offers the advantage of a rel­

atively high substrate thermal conductivity (6) compared to other insulators,

combined with a low cost price. In order to reach the required properties of the

Ni(P) layer, besides the bulk composition and properties of the Ni(P) material, the

processes that occur at the substrate surface before deposition are also· important

(7). The cleanliness, the chemical composition of the substrate surface and the

nucleation all influence the initiation and the subsequent adhesion both during and

after deposition (1, 8 - 10).

Generally, for the pretreatments three different goals can be distinguished. Firstly,

in a cleaning step adsorbed organic contaminations and particles are removed.

Secondly, by etching the substrate, the surface roughness is increased and possible

sites for mechanical interlocking are created in order to improve adhesion. Thirdly,

by the nucleation procedure the substrate surface is made catalytic for electroless


Many aspects of nucleation on the substrate surface have been investigated. For

the nucleation procedures a one-step and a two-step process have been distin­

guished (10- 12). For the one-step nucleation, samples are immersed in a SnCh­

PdCh colloidal solution (10 - 16). By the two-step procedure, substrates are sensi­

tized by immersion in a SnCh containing solution and activated with a PdCb sol­

ution (8, 10, 17 - 19). According to Svendsen et al. (18), the one-step nucleation

procedure is not suitable for alumina substrates. This is confirmed by Honma and

Kanemitsu (1) who reported that with a two-step procedure the adhesion of Ni(P)

on alumina is 30 to 50 % stronger than with a one-step procedure, as measured

by the direct pull-ofT technique.

In the present work a two-step procedure is studied including an intermediate

immersion in an Ag-containing solution in between the Sn and Pd steps (2, 17).

Therefore this nucleation procedure is henceforth referred to as three-step


Page 61: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

nucleation. This three-step procedure on glass substrates has been investigated by

de Minjer and van de Boom (17) using transmission electron microscopy (TEM),

ellipsometry and quantitative analysis with radioactive tracers as analysis tech­

niques. They concluded that a more homogeneous nucleation is obtained with the

three-step method than with the two-step method.

In this work the changes in surface chemistry on alumina substrates by cleaning,

etching and nucleation are quantitatively analysed with X-ray fluorescence

spectrometry (XRF) (20). However, this technique does not measure organic

compounds, which may play a role as contaminations since all process steps are

conducted in air. Moreover, for the elements with a low atomic number ( < 23),

the detection limit for XRF measurements is above monolayer coverage. There­

fore, more refined additional information is to be obtained otherwise. With static

secondary ion mass spectrometry (static-SIMS) analysis even ppm's of a

monolayer can be measured, both for ion coverages as for organic molecules, al­

though static-SIMS has the disadvantage of not being a quantitative technique.

The changes in surface structure during these process steps are analysed on

nanometre scale with TEM. Since plan-view TEM micrographs cannot be made

using ceramic substrates, ShN4 membranes are considered to be the best alterna­

tives and are therefore used as model substrates. It is reasonable to expect that the

relevant properties are sufficiently similar for the purposes of this study. Cross­

sectional TEM micrographs are made of Ni(P) layers on the alumina ceramic after

deposition of 50 to lOO nm Ni(P).

3.2. Experimental procedures

Polycrystalline 96 % alumina substrates were used with 4 % glass phase, mainly

present at grain boundaries (Hoechst Rubalit 708). As shown by chemical analysis

these substrates contained 441 wt. ppm Na, 231 wt. ppm K, 1.23 wt. % Si,

0.55 wt.% Mg, ± 0.3 wt. % Ca and 0.2 wt. % Fe. The SbN4 model substrates were

prepared as given in the literature (21). Prior to metallization, the substrates were

successively cleaned, etched and nucleated in the aqueous solutions listed in

Table 1. After each step the samples were rinsed in demineralized water. All


Page 62: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

immersion times were 2 minutes except for the metallization step, where samples

were immersed for 6 and 30 seconds. The Si3N4 model substrates were not etched

because the membranes are attacked by HF solutions. A commercially available

electroless Ni(P) metallization bath (Enlyte 512 from OMI) was used. The condi­

tions under which it was operated are listed in Table l. The bath contained

NiClz, NaH2P02 and acetate and lactate complexing agents.

Table 1: Process steps in sample preparation with bath temperature and pH.

Step Function Solution T ("C) pH

l Cleaning Surfactant 1 40 6.5

2 Etching Diluted HF 20 ~I

3 Sensitization SnCll 20 < 1

4 Intermediate AgN033 I 20 ,..., 10

5 Activation PdCh2 20 < 2

6 Metallization Electroless bath 4 65 4.5

l: Amine perfluoralkylsulphonate surfactant 2: pH adjusted with HCI 3: pH adjusted with ammonia 4: Enlyte 512 from OMI

The equipment and experimental conditions for the XRF and static-SIMS analyses

are described in (20) and (22), respectively. A reflectron-type Time-of-Flight

Static-SIMS apparatus (IonTOF Munster) is used for the surface analysis of the

first monomolecular layers of the surfaces. The mass resolution of the spectra,

m/Llm at half peak bight, is that high (3000 - 5000 in the mass range from 20 to

150 amu) that peaks from the metal ions can be separated from those of the

hydrocarbon ions of the same nominal mass.

Plan-view TEM micrographs were taken on a Philips EM 300 transmission

electron microscope at an electron energy of lOO keV. Cross-section TEM micro­

graphs of the metal - ceramic interface were taken using a Philips EM 400 trans­

mission electron microscope at an electron energy of 120 keV. Samples were

prepared by grinding, polishing and ion milling as described in (23).


Page 63: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

3.3. Measurement results

3.3.1. SEM results

Before and after etching in the HF solution SEM micrographs were made from the

alumina surfaces, see figs. lA and lB. In these micrographs two effects can be seen

from the etching treatment: the first is that the grain surfaces become less smooth

and the second that gaps appear between the grains. This is caused by the removal

of the glass second phase during etching (1 - 3).

3.3.2. XRF results

With XRF, the surface composition was quantitatively measured after each sub­

sequent process step as listed in Table 1. For each step three samples were meas­

ured. The analysed surface was about 20 x 30 mm2• The results are given in

Table 2. The coverages are expressed in 1015 at/cm2 which is of the order of a

monolayer of solid material. The detection limits are 0.02 for Sn, 0.1 for Ag, 0.1

for Pd, 0.1 for Cl and I for Na, respectively. The relative accuracy is estimated to

be within 10 % (20). The surface coverage of the glass phase elements Si, K, Ca

and Na in Table 2 was obtained from the difference in the absolute amounts

measured before and after etching in HF solution. The values indicated with step

1 are therefore considered to represent the original surface coverage and in the

subsequent steps these values are taken to be zero, indicated by an asterisk.

The Sn, Ag, Pd and Cl coverages measured with XRF range from 0.5 to

2 . 1015 cm-2 using the present experimental procedures. Cl was found to be present

only after the Pd step. The coverages vary by up to 50 % of the maximum values

in the Table using identical procedures and solutions, with samples prepared im­

mediately after one another. A similar spread in coverages was also reported by

Meek (19) using high-energy ion scattering surface analysis.

3.3.3. Static-SIMS results

Static-SIMS was used to analyse the AhOJ samples, also before and after the

treatments listed in Table 1. Figs. 2A and 2B show, as typical examples, positive­

ion static-SIMS spectra of the surface before the cleaning step (fig. 2A) and after


Page 64: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 1:


SEM micrograph of alumina surface before (A, top) and after (B, bot­

tom) etching in HF solution.

Page 65: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 2: Coverage (1015 at.fcm2) of alumina substrates after various pretreatment steps for electroless metallization. When the coverage was below the detection limit this is indicated with -, the asterisk is explained in the text.

Step Sn Ag Pd Cl

~· K Na

1 - - - .5 0.5 -1 - - - 14 4.2 0.5 -1 - - - - 19 2.8 0.6 -

2 - - - - * * * * 2 - - - - * * * * 2 - - - - * * * * 3 0.66 - - - * * * *

tf 0.77 - - - * * * * 0.71 - - - * * * *

4 0.54 l.l - - * * * * 4 0.53 1.0 * * * * !

4 0.89 1.7 - - * * * * 5 0.67 1.6 0.5 IL2 * * * * 5 0.63 1.6 0.4 1.4 * * * * 5 0.71 1.9 0.6 1.7 * * I

activation step 5 with a PdCb containing solution (fig. 2B). An overview of the

most relevant static-SIMS results from both the positive and the negative-ion

spectra is given in Table 3.

Due to the high sensitivity of the ~tatic-SIMS technique, large numbers of peaks

are measured of which only the most intense ones are listed in Table 3. It should

be noted that the observed fragments may either originate directly from the sur­

face, or be formed during the ion formation process. In the following, a correlation

of the static-SIMS data with the changes in surface composition is made for each

process step.


Page 66: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 2:


t i!:' Ui c Q)

.~ Q)

> .cii Qj ([

t -,. :::l

si. ;::-iii c Q)

-~ Q)

.2': a; Qj ([

0 20

0 20


ea+ 118

Si+ ( SiOW

.( ·. ~~--------------~ 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Mass (amu) -----..

AI+ • CxH/


·/CH3CQ+ f A IOW

L?":· 10x

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Mass (amu) -----..

Positive-ion static-SIMS spectra of the alumina surface before the

cleaning step (A, top) and after the activation (Pd) step (B, bottom).

A linear intensity scale is used.

Page 67: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 3: Overview of most relevant static-SIMS analysis results

Step Function Typical fragments Surface Composition

+ -

0 Blank CH:i C;, C.H- (x=0-4). o-, 02 Hydrocarbons +

CnH:in+l/-1 (n = 2·5) HO-, HC02 , CH,C02 glass phase +

C6H,6NO+(m/z 118), CN-, CNO-, AJO-, SiOz(H)- AhO,

CJHsN+, K', Mg+ Si03(H) , CI-, At Or

CJHt, C6,7H7,9,H,n Si(H)-, C2HO·, N02

Ca+, Na+, AI+, Si+ S03, S04, HS04 !

I Cleaning Na+, AI+, Si+, K+ AIO; (x =0-2), Si02.J, O- Glass phase + AhOJ

y OH-, Si02.3H-, Si-

( x,y 2,3; 3,3; 3,4) SO;; (x 0·4), HS04

2 Etching AI+ AIO; (x = 0-2), Aiz04H- Al20, + F

F-, o-, OH-, AIFx (x=2·4)

3 Sensitization AJ+, Sn+, SnOH+ AIO; (x 0 · 2), CI- As 2 + Sn and Cl

SnOJ(H)-, Sn04, O-, HO-

4 Intermediate AI+, Ag+, Sn+, AIO; (x = 0-2), o-, Ho- As 3 + Ag

SnOH+ Ag-, Sn03(H)-, SnO.r

5 Activation AI+, Ag+ AJO;, Ag,Ciy- (x = 1,2; y = 1,2) As 4 + Pd

Pd+, Sn+, SnOH+ o-, HO-

6 Metallization Ni+, Nit,NiOH+ O-, HO-, P02, P03, 02 Oxidized Ni(P)

NiO+, NizO+, Na+ NiO-, NiOH-, Ni02

NhOH+ HC02, CH,CO:r, NiOzH-


Page 68: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The spectra of the surface of the alumina blanks show that they were covered by

various organic compounds with aliphatic, aromatic and aliphatic alkylamine

groups (m/z = 58, 86 and 118, respectively) in (sub)monolayer quantities. Inor­

ganic contaminations like sulphates were also found to be present (fig. 2A). Pos­

sible sources of such contaminations are ambient air (24) and the plastic packaging

materials in which the substrates were stored and transported.

After cleaning the substrate by immersion in a solution containing an amine

perfluoralkylsulphonate surfactant (step 1), the intensity of the peaks due to the

hydrocarbon contaminations decreased by a factor roughly between 2 and 5. In

addition, the peaks due to Mg+ and Ca+ entirely disappeared. Apparently, the

cleaning step functions very well, serving its purpose even on a (sub)monolayer

scale. Some new or more intense peaks from Na+ and sulphonic acid (see

Table 3), due to the surfactant appeared but with an intensity low enough to be

of no significance.

After etching the sample in an HF solution (step 2) the signals from both Si+ and

Na+ decreased considerably in intensity. The positive-ion spectrum was now

dominated by the signals from the Alz03 substrate, implying that by etching the

glass phase was removed at least up to a submonolayer level over a large fraction

of the surface area. In addition, this measurement shows that after etching the

outermost surface of alumina did not consist of an aluminium silicate like phase

which could be present in this type of ceramic. The relatively strong signal in the

negative-ion spectrum due to F- and the small signals from AlF; (x = 2 to 4) in­

dicate that the fluoride was not completely removed by rinsing in distilled water.

However, even small amount of fluoride may give rise to a relatively strong signal

due to its high ionization probability, which means that the coverage may be far

less than a monolayer.

After immersion of the sample in a SnCh containing solution (step 3), the presence

of Sn was revealed by Sn+, SnOH+ and Sn03, Sn03H- and SnO;r fragments. Cl­

was also detected. After the sample was immersed in the ammoniacal AgN03

solution (step 4), peaks due to Ag+ of medium intensity were observed in the

positive-ion static-SIMS spectrum. The intensity of the peaks due to Sn+ fragments


Page 69: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

relative to those of AI+ did not significantly change. This observation will be re­

ferred to later.

After activation step 5 (fig. 2B), immersion in a PdCh solution, additional signals

from Pd isotopes became visible at 104 to 110 amu. Complexes of Ag+ with Cl­

appeared in the spectra as illustrated by signals e.g. at m/z 177, 179 and 181 from

AgClr fragments. The relative intensities of the Sn and Ag peaks did not signif­

icantly change.

After deposition of about 0.1 p.m electroless Ni(P) (step 6), no signals originating

from AI, Sn, Ag or Pd were found due to the static-SIMS information depth of

about 1 to 2 nm. The strongest peaks in these spectra were those from the native

oxide on a closed Ni(P) layer (Ni+, POr and POr).

3.3.4. TEM results

Fig. 3A shows a plan-view TEM micrograph of a Si3N4 membrane after cleaning

and sensitization (step 3). A structure of chains and islands of particles of a few

nanometre in size was observed. The background shows the structure as observed

on a blank sample. A similar structure was observed after subsequent immersion

in an ammoniacal AgN03 solution. As shown in fig. 3B, also after the subsequent

activation with a PdCh solution no significant changes were observed. The larger

particles which appear in fig. 3C (after 6 s metallization) are interpreted as the first

Ni(P) nuclei. As can be seen in this figure, these nuclei started to grow from the

clusters of primary activator particles. This micrograph was made at the earliest

possible stage of growth, since at the bottom right-hand-side the growth had not

yet started. As observed in fig. 3D, larger particles were formed from the nuclei,

covering the whole surface after 30 seconds of metallization.

In fig. 4 a cross-sectional TEM micrograph is shown of a thin Ni(P) film on an

alumina substrate. Between both phases a layer of I to 2 nm thickness with an

amorphous structure is observed. Good interfacial contact is observed on all

micrographs, no voids or interface gaps are discernible within the resolution of

these micrographs (about 0.5 nm). The structure of the material close to the

interface can also be observed. On the micrographs the diffraction lines of the


Page 70: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 3:


Plan-view TEM micrographs on Si3N4 substrate surfaces, after

sensitization treatment with SnCiz solution (A, top) and after activation

treatment with PdCh solution (B, bottom).

Page 71: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 3: Plan-view TEM micrographs on Si3N4 substrate surfaces (continued),

after initiation of Ni(P) growth (6 s) (C, top) and after 30 seconds Ni(P)

growth (D, bottom).


Page 72: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 4: Cross-sectional TEM micrograph of a thin electroless Ni(P) layer on

alumina ceramic. The arrow indicates the interface layer.

crystalline alumina grains are visible. In addition, a branching structure of Ni(P)

columns indicates the coalescence of the initially formed small primary particles

to fewer, broader columns during the growth process. The Ni(P) layer thickness

of this sample was of the order of 50 to 100 nm.

3.4. Discussion

In spite of the large number of studies devoted to the nucleation of surfaces for

electroless deposition, still no consensus has been reached on the chemical proc­

esses that take place during this process (17, 25, 26, 28 - 33). This study is not

primarily aimed at providing a decisive explanation for the experimental observa­

tions in the nucleation processes. Rather, the experimental results on the alumina

surface will be discussed and compared with data found by other researchers, who

used glass or polymer substrates and employed different experimental conditions.


Page 73: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

In order to understand the changes in surface chemistry observed with the three­

step process as reported in section 3, the two-step process will first be briefly

discussed on the basis of literature data. This process has been investigated much

more extensively than the three-step process. Essentially, the two-step process

consists of the adsorption of Sn2+ ions onto the substrate, followed by deposition

of Pd ions or atoms. The Sn2+ ions may either be adsorbed as single ions or as part

of colloidal particles. De Minjer et al. (17) proposed various types of adsorbed

single Sn2+ ions with glass surface groups, for the reason that the average Sn cov­

erage is of the order of a monolayer. Pederson (26) followed this ionic adsorption

model for the interpretation of XPS spectra of sensitized surfaces. However, a real

ionic adsorption is very unlikely at a pH value as low as 2. This can be concluded

from ion adsorption data as a function of pH for various oxidic surfaces described

by Schindler and Stumm (27). For the colloidal adsorption model, however, more

evidence has been supplied in various publications.

On TEM micrographs taken after sensitization of Formvar polymer substrates a

particulate structure has been observed (9), consisting of primary particles of about

2 nm size, which are agglomerated into clumps of about 5 nm size. Similar obser­

vations were made by Sard (28) on carbon films. Cohen et al. (29, 30} studied the

chemistry of Sn in the sensitizer solution and after sensitization on substrate sur­

faces with Mossbauer spectroscopy and concluded that Sn is deposited onto the

surface by adsorption of colloidal particles which are already present in the

sensitizer solution. They expected that the results obtained on polyimide (Kapton)

surfaces would apply to other insulating surfaces as well (30). They also found that

these particles contained both Sn2+ and Sn4+, in the solution and after the

sensitization step. After the activation step the same amount of Sn was detected,

but in a 4+ state only. Similar results were obtained by Meek (19), who also re­

ported that metallic Pd is present after activation as measured with ESCA. These

data support the assumption that reaction I describes the deposition of Pd.


It is obvious that with an increasing initial Sn4+ content, the apparent efficiency

of reaction I decreases if this is measured by coverage ratio's only. By using aged


Page 74: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Sn2+ sensitiser solutions, in which part of the Sn2+ is converted into Sn4+, the effi­

ciency was found to be 25 % or less (31).

In several studies the chemical composition of the surface after the sensitization

and activation steps appeared not to be, or at least not completely to be, in

agreement with reaction I, suggesting that different or additional processes take

place (17, 18, 32). For instance, initiation of electroless metal deposition has been

observed when an aged Sn4+ sensitizer was used. This indicates that Pd can also

be adsorbed when a sensitizer is used without addition of Sn2+ (32). However, this

may be explained by the equilibrium between Sn4+ and Sn2+ (26) during aging.

For the nucleation of the substrate surface by the three-step procedure the fol­

lowing reactions 11 and Ill can be proposed as a model, in analogy to the simple

reaction I for the two-step Sn-Pd nucleation. In an XPS study for the silver mirror

process, Pederson (26) found experimental evidence that reaction II adequately

describes the deposition of Ag.



The Sn coverage on alumina after the sensitization step of about 7 . 1014 cm-·2, see

section 3.2, compares well with the Sn coverage found by de Minjer et al. on glass

slides (5. 1014 cm-2) (17). After the intermediate step, the Ag coverage is two times

the Sn coverage, within the accuracy of the XRF measurements of about 10 %.

This is again in agreement with, but of course no proof for, reaction II. After the

activation step, a higher Ag to Sn ratio is found, which may be caused by partial

dissolution of Sn ions in the acidic activation solution. The dissolution of Sn from

activated surfaces is a well-known phenomenon and sometimes causes problems

due to its poisoning effect when Sn dissolves during initiation in the electroless

bath. After activation, the Pd coverage amounts to about 5 . 1014 cm-2, which is

ten times the coverage minimally required for initiation of electroless deposition

(32). This Pd coverage amounts to about 70 % of the Sn coverage. This may imply

that, if the reaction couple II + Ill describes the Pd deposition, these reactions

have an overall efficiency of 70 % or lower, depending on the amount of Sn ions


Page 75: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

dissolved in the activator step. Since for reaction II an efficiency of 90 to 100 %

was found, this efficiency decrease must occur after the intermediate step. Proba­

bly, this is due to oxidation of Ag, deposited in reaction 11, during the intermediate

step or during rinsing. In that case less Ag0 is available for reaction Ill.

Due to the very low solubility of silver chloride, it is probable that Ag+, formed

by reaction Ill in the PdCh solution, precipitates with Cl- on the activated

substrate surface. Hence, the fact that Ag remains on the surface after activation

should not be used as an indication that Ag does not take part in the reactions II

and III as argued by de Minjer et al. (17). The same holds for remaining Sn (17,

18), which is oxidized to the 4 + state after activation as discussed above.

The species and the intensity changes measured with static-SIMS after the various

process steps correlate well with the quantitative XRF results. In a few cases, the

composition of the fragments may give an indication of surface chemical bonding.

For instance, the SnO and SnOH containing fragments correspond to the

hydrolysed polymeric structures proposed for the sensitiser colloid particles (9).

The occurrence of Ag,Cly fragments (x 1,2; y = 1,2) may support the assump­

tion that an AgCl precipitate is formed. Furthermore, it is probable that F- which

is also observed in AlFx (x = 2 to 4) fragments is bonded to AI atoms on the

substrate surface. However, due to the possibility of recombination reactions in the

static-SIMS experiment, the fragments observed should be used as an indication

rather than as a proof for the presence of these surface structures.

The TEM micrographs show that the morphology of the surface which arises

during the Sn sensitization step is maintained during the Ag and Pd activator

steps. The results from the XRF analyses indicate that after the nucleation proce­

dure about 3 . 1015 Sn, Ag, Pd and Cl cm-2 are present. From TEM measurements

it is concluded that the activator material is present as small particles, rather than

as a continuous layer. Hence, it is concluded that a large part of the surface area,

that is to say, between the clusters of activator material is not covered by Sn, Ag

or Pd. This is in agreement with the observation that the growth of Ni(P) starts

on these clusters only. The major part of the substrate surface is covered by Ni(P)

through lateral growth of nuclei starting from the activator particles. A similar


Page 76: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

observation has been made with TEM on various dielectric substrates by Marton

and Schlesinger (33) using a two-step nucleation. They found a linear relation be­

tween particle diameter and time of deposition between 15 and 120 nm particle

size. By extrapolation of this relation to the moment of initiation, they concluded

that then the active sites are smaller than 1 nm: this is the size that we found for

the primary particles after activation. The smallest distinguishable Ni(P) particles

are about 2 nm in size. It is interesting to note that Marton and Schlesinger also

observed that growth initiated as a continuous film on Ni and Pd substrates, which

yielded a strong adhesion.

The gradual increase of the particle size is also nicely demonstrated by the TEM

cross-section micrograph shown in fig. 4. The coalescence of many small columns

to fewer thicker columns agrees very well with the plan-view images in figures 3C

and 3D. The interfacial layer with a thickness of about 2 nm cannot be explained

by the presence of the activator material only. This layer may be of importance for

the adhesion between Ni(P) and alumina and will be further investigated.

Homma et al. (10) explained the superior adhesion strength of Ni(P) on alumina

relative to that of electroless Cu by the difference in the initial metal growth

mechanism in the first 30 nm, rather than by the surface nucleation procedures.

They concluded from a plan-view TEM study on carbon films that Ni(P) makes

a more intimate interfacial contact with the substrate than Cu. It is, however, dif­

ficult to obtain information on interface morphology by plan-view imaging. Nev­

ertheless, our cross-section TEM images confirm that a close interfacial contact

between Ni(P) and alumina is present on nanometre scale.

3.5. Conclusions

The cleaning treatment removes organic contaminants up to the monolayer level.

It is concluded that the subsequent surface preparation steps like etching and

nucleation do not introduce any organic or other contaminations although all

steps are carried out in laboratory air.


Page 77: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

A glass layer is removed from ceramic grains by etching in an HF solution, also

up to monolayer level. In this step fluoride is deposited onto the surface. Since this

is not completely removed in subsequent steps, it will be present at the interface,

bonded to alumina.

An amount equivalent to about 3 monolayers of activator material is deposited in

small particles of a few nanometre in size. An AgCl coverage of I to 2 . 1Ql5 cm-2

remains on the surface. The Sn, Ag, Pd and Cl coverages can be explained by

simple redox reactions. Though other possibilities cannot be definitively excluded,

for the present discussion we assume that nucleation is satisfactorily described by

these redox reactions.

The activator particles are clustered in islands and chains. Here metallization is

first observed. The structure of the activator material on the surface is determined

by the sensitization step. A large part of the surface area is not covered by acti­

vator material and becomes covered with Ni(P) by lateral growth of initial Ni(P)


The interfacial layer which is observed with cross-section TEM, cannot completely

be explained by the presence of activator material. This layer undoubtedly plays

a crucial role in adhesion for all cases where interfacial failure is observed.


l. H. Honma and K. Kanemitsu, Plating and Surface Finishing 74, (1987), 62.

2. H. Honma and S. Mizushima, Kinzoko Hyomen Gijutsu 33, (1982), 380.

3. T. Osaka, E. Nakajima, Y. Tamiya and I. Koiwa, Hyomen Gijutsu 40,

(1989), 67.

4. T. Osaka, Y. Tamiya, K. Naito, and K. Sakaguchi, 40 th ISE Meeting,

Kyoto, (1985).

5. J.G. Ameen, D.G. McBride and G.C. Phillips, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120,

(1973), 1518.


Page 78: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

6. W. Riedel in "Functionelle Chemische Vernicklung", Eugen G. Leuze Verlag,

(1989), Saulgau I Wi.irttemberg, Ch. 2, p. 17. I

7. T. Osaka, I. Koiwa and L.G. Svendsen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 132, (1985),


8. M. Schlesinger and J. Kisel, J. Electrochem. Soc. 136, (1989), 1658.

9. N. Feldstein, S.L. Chow and M. Schlesinger, J. Electrochem. Soc 120, (1973),


10. T. Homma, K. Naito, M. Takai, T. Osaka, Y. Yamazaki and T. Namikawa,

J. Electrochem. Soc. 138, (1991), 1269.

11. J. Kim, S.H. Wen, D.Y. Jung and R.W. Johnson, IBM J. Res. Develop. 28,

( 1984), 697.

12. R.L. Cohen, R.L. Meek and K.W. West, Plating and Surface Finishing

1976-5, 52.

13. E.J.M. O'Sullivan, J. Horkans, J.R. White and J.M. Roldan, IBM J. Res.

Develop. 32, (1988), 591.

14. T. Osaka, H. Takematsu and K. Nihei, J. E1ectrochem. Soc. 127, (1980),


15. T. Osaka, H. Nagasaka and F. Goto, J. Electrochem. Soc. 127, (1980), 2343.

16. R.L. Cohen and R.L. Meek, Plating and Surface Finishing 1976-6, 47.

17. C.H. de Minjer and P.F.J. v.d. Boom, J. E1ectrochem. Soc. 120, (1973), 1644.

18. L.G. Svendsen, T. Osaka and H. Sawai, J. Electrochem. Soc. 130, (1983),


19. R.L. Meek, J. Electrochem. Soc. 122, (1975), 1478.

20. D.K.G. de Boer, J.J.M. Borstrok, A.J.G. Leenaers, H.A. van Sprang and

P.N. Brouwers, submitted to X-Ray Spectrometry (1992).

21. J.W.M. Jacobs and J.F.C.M. Verhoeven, J. Microscopy 143, (1986), 103.

22. H. van der Wel, P.N.T. van Velzen, U. Jiirgens and A. Benninghoven in

"Analysis of Microelectronic Materials and Devices", M. Grasserbauer and

H.W. Werner ed., 1991, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,

23. L.C. Feldman en J.W. Mayer in "Fundamentals of surface and thin film

analysis", Elsevier science publishers, New York, 1986.

24. A.H.M. Sondag, M.C. Raas, and P.N.T. van Velzen, Chemical Physics Let­

ters 155, (1989), 503.

25. N. Feldstein, J. Weiner and G. Schnable, J. Electrochem. Soc, (1972), 1486.


Page 79: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

26. L.R. Pederson, Solar Energy Mater. 6, (1982), 221.

27. P.W. Schindler and W. Stumm in "Aquatic Surface Chemistry", W. Stumm,

ed., Wiley Interscience, New York, 1987, Ch. 4, p. 99.

28. R. Sard, J. Electrochem. Soc. 117, (1970), 864.

29. R.L. Cohen and K.W. West, J. Electrochem. Soc. 119, (1972), 433.

30. R.L. Cohen, J.F. D' Amico and K.W. West, J. Electrochem. Soc. 118, (1971),


31. N. Feldstein and J.A. Weiner, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120, (1973), 475.

32. B.K.W. Baylis, N.E. Hedgecock, M. Schlesinger and A. van Wijngaarden,

J. Electrochem. Soc. 126, (1979), 1671.

33. J.P. Marton and M. Schlesinger, J. Electrochem. Soc. 115, (1968), 16.


Page 80: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 81: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 4

Adhesion and interface characterization of electroless Ni(P)

layers on alumina ceramic


The adhesion mechanism of electroless Ni(P) on alumina ceramic substrates has

been investigated. The adhesion was measured by direct pull-off tests and by

90° peel tests, which provided information on adhesion strength and fracture

energy, respectively. The observed mechanical behaviour is rationalized using

the Griffith-Irwin theory. The interface chemistry has been analyzed by

static-SIMS, XPS and AES and the interface microstructure with TEM and

SEM. Two types of alumina substrates with a different roughness were used.

Ni(P) was deposited from two types of electroless Ni(P) solutions, one with

glycine and one with acetate as the complexing agent. Using static-SIMS,

glycine and acetate molecules were found to he present on the interfaces of the

corresponding samples. TEM cross-section micrographs showed a close contact

between the two phases on a nanometre scale for all sample types. In addition,

a 1 to 2 nm thick interfacial layer was observed, probably related to the

nucleation material. Fracture takes place along or through this layer.

The adhesion strength of the glycine-type Ni(P) was much higher and the frac­

ture energy was lower than that of the acetate-type Ni(P), for both substrate

types. This implies that the difference in adhesion strength is not caused by

differences in interfacial chemical bonding, but rather by differences in flaw

sizes. Since high adhesion strength was measured on smooth substrates, along

with low peel strength, it is concluded that strong adhesion can be obtained

without making nse of mechanical interlocking. The intrinsic adhesion is as­

cribed to van der Waals interactions. Further research should be aimed at

controlling the interfacial flaw sizes.


Page 82: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

4.1. Introduction


The metallization of alumina ceramic surfaces with electroless Ni(P) is often used

in the electronics industry, among other things for IC packaging, printed circuit

and sensor applications (I - 5). Generally, the adhesion between electroless nickel

layers and non-conducting substrates such as polymers, glass and ceramics, is

weak. Various studies have been devoted to the optimization of process parameters

with respect to the adhesion strength of Ni(P) on alumina (l - 6). The adhesion

strength is generally found to be most strongly influenced by etching conditions,

while nucleation and metallization conditions are only of secondary importance.

According to most authors, this suggests that the adhesion is determined by me­

chanical interlocking interactions (7). However, for theoretical reasons adhesion

strength data are insufficient for obtaining conclusive information on microscopic

interfacial interactions as described in section 4.2. Moreover, few or no interface

and fracture surface analyses are reported in these literature references.


In this work a different approach is followed in order to gain insight into the

backgrounds of the adhesion of both types of Ni(P) on alumina. The mechanical

characterization is supported with interface structure characterization and analysis

of the chemical composition of the interface. In order to vary the contribution of

mechanical interlocking to the adhesion, two types of substrates with different

roughnesses are used, further denoted as rough and smooth-type substrates. In

addition, two types of electroless metallization solutions are used, one with acetate

as the complexing agent and one with glycine. The corresponding deposits are de­

noted by acetate and glycine Ni(P}, respectively. Information on adhesion strength,

which is influenced by extrinsic factors such as interfacial flaws (8, 9), is combined

with information on the interfacial fracture energy, which is mainly determined

by intrinsic factors such as interface chemical bonding or mechanical interlocking.

For the adhesion strength measurements the direct pull-off (DPO) test is used

(1 - 6, 10 - 13} and for the fracture energy measurement the peel test is used.

The interface structure is analysed on micrometre and nanometre scale with a

scanning electron microscope (SEM), equipped with energy dispersive analysis of


Page 83: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

X-rays (EDX) and with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), respectively. For

the analysis of the interface chemical composition, static-SIMS (static secondary

ion mass spectrometry), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger

electron spectroscopy (AES) are used. Static-SIMS is capable of determining or­

ganic structures at a submonolayer coverage. With AES the elemental composition

of a surface can be quantitatively analysed. With XPS inorganic structures and

valencies are quantitatively measured at submonolayer coverage.


The following theoretical section deals with adhesion strength and adhesion

measurements. In the third experimental section, first the sample preparation is

described, followed by methods for the characterization of adhesion strength and

fracture energy. Subsequently, the procedures for interface structure analysis by

SEM and TEM and interface chemistry analysis by AES, XPS and by static-SIMS

are explained. In the fourth section the results of this set of analyses are reported.

The last sections deal with the discussion and conclusions. In the Appendix the

meaning of symbols and abbreviations is listed.

4.2. Theory

This section deals with theoretical backgrounds of the adhesion strength and

fracture energy measurements.

4.2.1. Adhesion strength

The adhesion strength ur is determined by, among other factors, the fracture en­

ergy Gc and the critical flaw size acr and is usually described by the Griffith-Irwin

relation (14 to 16):


where K is a geometric factor and E is Young's modulus.


Page 84: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The fracture energy Gc is formed by an intrinsic fracture energy term G; and a

contribution from plastic deformation of material at the crack tip Gp~:


The intrinsic fracture energy is the energy required for example to overcome van

der Waals forces and to break chemical bonds. The order of magnitude of Gi is

0.01 to 0.1 Jjm2 for van der Waals interactions and 0.5 to 5 Jjm2 for chemical

bonds. During fracture, stresses are near to the theoretical strength at the crack tip.

This causes plastic deformation in the metal layer during fracture, represented by

Gpt· Since the stresses at the crack tip depend on the strength of the interfacial

bonds, Gpt depends on G; and therefore eq. 2 can be written as (17):


in which f1 is the energy loss factor. For purely brittle fracture, such as with ce­

ramics at low temperature, plastic deformation does not play a role and f; is

slightly larger than unity. For metal layers on ceramics Gc values of the order of

lOO Jjm2 are found (18), which means that ft is 10 to 100. For polymers on rigid

substrates these values are of the order of 1000 for Gc (19) and thus 100 to 1000

for f1•

From this relation it is clear that in order to evaluate the influence of interface

chemistry on adhesion strength, the fracture energy must be measured separately.

This is done by the peel test. Conditions under which the peel test can be used for

a quantitative fracture energy measurement are considered.

4.2.2. Peel test

The peel test has often been used for measuring adhesion (20, 21), both of metal

films (22)..and polymer films (23, 24). In the 90° peel test the peel force is measured

as a function of displacement, as shown in fig. l. The peel energy GP is obtained

by the following expression:



Page 85: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. I:

Load cell


Schematic presentation of the peel test. The symbols W, D and RP de­

note the width of the peel strip, the layer thickness and the peel radius,


in which FP is the peel force, AL is the peeled length, AA is the peeled area and

W is the width of the peel strip. For this measurement the following energy balance

can be proposed:


During peeling energy is consumed by fracture (Gc) and possibly by bulk plastic

deformation of the film (Gder), while energy is supplied externally by peeling (Gp)

and internally by relaxation of residual stresses in the film (Get). All energy terms

are per unit area. Note the difference between Gder and Gpt . The first term stands

for bulk plastic deformation in the metal layer, whereas the second term denotes

the plastic deformation in the microscopic crack tip zone. These two terms may

become indistinguishable when the size of the plastic zone is of the order of the

layer thickness. If no energy is lost in bulk plastic deformation of the metal layer

and if the residual strain energy in the layer is very small, then the peel energy

equals the fracture energy.


Page 86: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The residual strain energy Gel can either be caused by the deposition process as

built-in stresses or by a difference in thermal expansion between layer and

substrate. The amount of elastic strain energy U per unit volume V due to the

difference in thermal expansion is given by:

u leT IBT =

0adf. =E


2 EeT

2 [6]

in which a is the stress, E is the Young's modulus of the film Aa: is the difference

in thermal expansion coefficients and AT is the temperature difference. This can

be expressed in elastic strain energy per unit area if the volume V is equal to area

A times layer thickness D:

E (AaAT)2 D

2 [7]

In a similar manner as with eq. 6, with eq. 8 the residual strain energy Gel due to

built-in stresses can be calculated if the amount of internal stress a; is known:


4.3. Experimental Procedures

In this section the experimental procedures are described for the sample prepara­

tion, adhesion measurements and interface analyses.

4.3.1. Sample preparation

For the sample preparation two types of alumina were used as substrates. The first

type was a 96 % pure alumina (Hoechst Rubalit 708) with a surface roughness

characterized by an R. value of 0.3 p,m as measured with a Tencor IX-step step

profiler with a tip radius of 2 p,m. These R. values were verified with surface pro­

files made with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), with a tip radius of ea.

50 nm. The second phase was a grain-boundary glass phase, used as a sintering


Page 87: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

aid. The grain size was of the order of 5 pm as visually estimated. The second

substrate (MRC-996) was a 99.5% pure alumina with an Ra value of 0.06 pm and

a grain size of the order of 1 to 2 pm. The additive in this material was mainly

MgO. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the substrate surfaces showed no prefer­

ential orientation of the alumina grains. An impression of the surface topography

is given by the SEM micrographs of the sintered surfaces of both substrate types

in fig. 11. Samples were prepared by first depositing an electroless Ni(P) layer of

about 0.3 pm thickness and subsequently electrodepositing a thicker Ni layer from

a low-stress sulphamate bath (27). For the adhesion strength test samples, a Ni

layer thickness of 2 to 3 pm was used and for the peel test samples this was about

7 .urn.

Prior to the electroless deposition, the alumina plates were first cleaned by

immersion in a fluorinated alkylsulphonate detergent solution, then etched in an

HF solution and subsequently activated by a standard Sn, Ag, Pd procedure as

described in ref. (28). For the 96 % alumina substrates, etching removed the

grain-boundary glass phase from the surface of the alumina grains and from re­

gions between surface grains. For the smooth substrates no effect of etching on the

surface structure has been observed. The glycine-containing electroless

metallization solution only contained three compounds: NaH2P02, NiCh. 6 H20

and HOOC- CH2 NH2 in amounts of 10, 30 and 30 g/1 respectively. The

acetate-containing solution was based on the commercially available Enlyte 512

from OMI. Ni layer thicknesses were measured using a Fisherscope X-ray

fluorescence coating thickness meter. The adhesion strength test samples were ob­

tained by breaking metallized plates into pieces of about 6 x 6 mm2• For reasons

to be explained later, for a number of these measurements the test samples were

numbered before breaking.

4.3.2. Analyses

- Adhesion measurements: Strength

The adhesion strengths were measured by the direct pull-off (DPO) test

(16, 10 - 13), as schematically depicted in fig. 2. An aluminium pull-stud (QUAD

Sebastian) was bonded with an epoxy adhesive to the metallized ceramic surface


Page 88: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 2:

Fig. 3:


Applied Force

Load cell

Sample Holder



Schematic presentation of the direct pull-off test.

A pull stud on a metallized rough-type sample.

Page 89: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 4: Optical micrograph of a cross-section of a pull-stud on a metallized

rough-type alumina sample, magnification 32 x (A, top) and magni­

fication 1600 x (B, bottom).


Page 90: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

by heating for I hour at 160 oc and the force at which fracture occurs at the metal

ceramic interface was measured using a testing machine (ELE 205) at a cross­

head speed of 0.5 mm/min in air atmosphere. All adhesion measure~ents were

performed at room temperature (21 ± 2 °C). In fig. 3 a pull-stud bond4d on a test

sample is shown. Cross-sections of such an assembly are shown in figs. 4A and

B. The diameter of the bonded area was 2.5 mm, the height of the studs was 12.5

mm and the angle between nail head and shank of the stud was 140°. The thickness

of the adhesive layer varied between 2 and l 0 11m and no interfacial voids were

observed. At the edge of the stud an adhesive spew fillet of about 0:1 mm was

formed. For each strength measurement about 40 data were fitted using Weibull

statistics (25) with a computer program of Dortmans and de With (26). An outline

of the Weibull statistics is given in Chapter I, section 1.2.3. For estimation of Pr,

eq. lOB was used, while for the strength the nominal value given by the pull-off

force divided by the bonded area under the stud was used.

- Adhesion measurements: Fracture energy

The fracture energy was measured using the 90° peel test at a test rate of 1 mm/min

in air. In fig. l the pe~l-test set-up is schematically depicted. A I N load cell was

used and the overall measuring accuracy was < 1 %. The metal strips were cut

with a razor blade to a length of about 50 mm and a width W of 15 mm. Peel radii

were measured by means of a video camera both during (Rv) and after (R' p) peel­

ing. Initially, a frictionless air bearing was used to keep the peel front exactly

below the load cell. However, in later experiments it turned out that the small de­

viation from 90° (within 5°) made by peeling from a fixed substrate, did not sig­

nificantly influence the peel energy value. In order to obtain comparable results

all peel test samples received the same thermal treatment as the DPO test samples.

- Interface structure: Cross-section TEM micrographs

Cross-section TEM micrographs of the metal - ceramic interface were made using

a Philips EM 400 transmission electron microscope at an electron energy of

120 keV. Samples were prepared by grinding, polishing and ion milling as de­

scribed in (29). Apart from TEM interface analyses of the adhesion strength test

samples, samples with a smaller Ni layer thickness were also prepared for these

TEM analyses with about 0.1 11m Ni(P) and without electrodeposited Ni layer.

Such a thinner metal layer facilitates the TEM sample preparation.


Page 91: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

- Interface chemistry: AES depth profiling

The AES spectra were obtained using a PHI 545 Scanning Auger Microscope

equipped with a cylindrical mirror analyser. The background pressure was about

I0-8 Pa. Sputtering was done using Ar+ ions. A 3 keV ion beam was rastered over

3 x 3 mm1 area, the current density being 90 pA/cm1, from which the sputtering

rate was estimated to be about 13 nm/min. The 3 keV electron beam diameter is

about 5 ,urn and this beam was not rastered. The following Auger electrons were

measured in this analysis, with the electron energy in eV (50) between brackets:

Sn MNN (430), Ag MNN (351), Pd MNN (330), Ni LMM (848), P KLL (120),

S KLL (152), AI LMM (51), 0 KLL (505), C KLL (278). The analysis depth with

this technique is 0.5 to 2 nm, mainly depending on the Auger electron energy (29).

The detection limit is ea. 0.5 atom %. For the AES measurements special samples

with a thinner Ni layer were also prepared in order to minimize the roughening

effect during sputtering. The same layer deposition procedure was followed as for

the special TEM samples.

- Interface chemistry: XPS analysis

Glycine-type Ni(P) layers were peeled from the smooth-type alumina substrates in

a glovebox filled with purified N2. The H20 and 0 2 contents in this atmosphere

were < 0.1 and 2.5 ppm, respectively, though it should be noted that the concen­

trations of these contaminants may be considerably higher in the vicinity of the

rubber gloves. From the glovebox the samples are transferred to the vacuum of the

XPS apparatus in a vacuum-tight container.

The XPS measurements were done on a PHI 5400 apparatus equipped with a

hemispherical analyser, using Mg-Ka radiation (1253.6 eV) and an emission volt­

age of 13.5 keV. The background pressure was lower than I0-9 Pa. The analyser

was positioned at an angle of 45° relative to the substrate surface. A depth profile

was made by alternatingly measuring and sputtering with 3 kV Ar+ ions with a

rate of 0. 7 nm/min. By rastering the sputter beam, a crater of 7 x 7 mm2 diameter

is formed. The information depth is 0.5 to 2 nm, which corresponds to 2 to 10

atomic layers. The spot size is ea. 2 mm2• Survey spectra, multiscan detail meas­

urements and depth profiles were made, the latter only for a Ni fracture surface.

For the depth profiles, the intensities of the following peaks were measured with


Page 92: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

binding energies in eV between brackets: Ni2p3 (855), P2p (130), Ols (532) and

Cls (285). The exact peak positions (Table 5) are measured using curve fitting. The

relative concentrations (Table 4) are calculated from the measured peak areas, as­

suming a homogeneous surface composition, both in depth and laterally. For this

calculation Perkin-Elmer software is used (ESCA series model 8503A version V4.0

Rev. B 19-02-'91). The dependence of information depth upon kinetic energy of

the measured photoelectrons is taken into account in the sensitivity factors in this


• Interface chemistry: Static-SIM...'i analysis

The chemical composition of the outermost mono layers of the nickel and alumina

fracture surfaces was analysed with static-SIMS. After fracture, the nickel and

alumina surfaces were introduced into the vacuum of the apparatus as quickly as

possible, that is within a few minutes. During the measurements, ions were gener­

ated from these materials by bombardment of the surface with a primary beam

of 10 keV Ar+ ions of low ion dose, 1012 ions/cm2 • The spot diameter of the pri­

mary ion beam was approximately 50 Jim. The secondary ions were accelerated to

2 keV and mass-separated in a Reflectron-type time-of-flight mass analyser de­

scribed elsewhere (30). Under these conditions the SIMS instrument operates

within the static limit, i.e. the probability that an ion will hit a previously bom­

barded area is negligible. The analysis depth of this technique is of the order of a

few monolayers (about l nm), its sensitivity is in the range of ppm of a monolayer.

More details of the equipment and measuring conditions are given in (30). The

ratio of the integrated signal intensity of a peak characteristic of a surface com­

pound and the signal intensity of a peak characteristic for the substrate (e.g. Ni+,

AI+, AlO-, Ni02H-), provides a relative measure of the surface coverage. These

substrate signals can be used as reference intensities for the surface coverage be­

cause they originate from the outer 0 to 5 monolayers of the surface, whereas the

organic molecules are in the first monolayer. A linear relationship between the

relative static-SIMS intensities and the absolute coverage has been established by

van der Wel et al. (51). The mass resolution, m/Am, of the spectra is that high

(3000 - 5000 in the mass range 20 to 150 amu) that peaks from the metal ions can

be separated from those of the hydrocarbon ions of the same nominal mass.


Page 93: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

4.4. Results

In this section the results of the adhesion measurements (mechanical properties),

of the interface structure analysis (SEM, TEM) and of the interface chemical

analysis (XPS, AES, static-SIMS) are reported.

4.4.1. Mechanical properties

- Adhesion strength

The results of the DPO adhesion strength measurements are given below in

Table 1. In fig. SA to D the Weibull plots of these measurement data are shown.

The Weibull modulus m and the Weibull normalization constant o-0 (at which Pr

is 63 %) are also listed in Table I.

Table I: Adhesion strength data measured by the DPO test. (Jr denotes the mean adhesion strength, sn-1 the sample standard deviation, N the number of test samples, m the Weibull modulus and (Jo the Weibull normaliza­tion constant

Ah03 Ni(P) (Jr (MPa) Sn-l (MPa) N m (Jo (MPa)

Rough Glycine 20 5.3 45 4.2 22.3 Rough Glycine 17 5.2 46 3.5 18.7 Rough Acetate 10 5.0 45 2.3 11.6

Rough Acetate 13 6.1 45 2.1 15.0 Smooth Glycine 47 12 47 3.9 52.3 Smooth Glycine 31 l3 44 2.2 35.5 Smooth Acetate 3.7 4.9 33 0.9 3.4 Smooth Acetate 6.4 7.9 35 0.7 5.3

The strongest adhesion is measured with the glycine-type Ni(P) on the smooth

substrates, whereas the weakest adhesion is found with the acetate-type Ni(P) on

the same substrates. It is remarkable that the adhesion of the glycine-type Ni(P)

on the smooth substrates is even stronger than on the rough substrates. The dif­

ferences in adhesion strength are significant and reproducible. The Weibull moduli

from the samples with glycine Ni(P) are higher than those from the corresponding

acetate-type samples. These observations will be discussed in sections 4.5.4 and



Page 94: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic









15.46 19.37 24.27 3Q.42

crt (MPa)---

~ :!- 70





1 L---------~--------~--------~--------2~7.22 2.07 3.94 7.51 14.30

crt (MPa)-

Fig. 5: Weibull plots of adhesion strength measurements.

A (top): Sample with rough-type alumina and glycine-type Ni(P).

B (bottom): Sample with rough-type alumina and acetate-type Ni(P).


Page 95: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


t l cL

Fig. 5:







1 ~--------._--------~--------~------~ 17.70 25.01 35.32 49.88 70.44








at (MPa)-


~~ X X


7.30 22.93


Weibull plots of adhesion strength measurements (continued).

C (top): Sample with smooth-type alumina and glycine-type Ni(P).

D (bottom): Sample with smooth-type alumina and acetate-type Ni(P).


Page 96: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

In order to identify the original position of the samples on the plates, the test

samples on the metallized plates are numbered before breaking. No systematics

were detected in the distribution of strong and weak samples over the plates.

Moreover, the adhesion strength was found to be independent of the layer thick­

ness, within the investigated range of 0.5 to 8 J.lm.

- Fracture energy

In figs. 6A and B two typical peel curves are shown for the acetate and the

glycine-type samples, respectively. The two layer types show a different exper­

imental behaviour in the peel test. Despite the constant displacement rate, the

acetate-type Ni(P) always peels in small, rapidly repeating steps smaller than

0.1 mm. This results in the broad line in the peel plot due to a compressed

sawtooth structure of the force-time plot. The glycine-type Ni(P) peels off more

continuously and the variation in peel force is mainly caused by buckling of the

edges of the metal strip. The physical cause of the difference in peel behaviour is

unclear. In Table 2 the results of the peel measurements are listed. In fig. 7 the

peel energy values are plotted against layer thickness with values ranging from 2

to 9 J.lm of the glycine-type Ni(P) on the smooth-type alumina substrates. The

points are mean values of three to four measurements, except for the two points

at the middle, which are both from one measurement. For standard deviations, see

Table 2.

As described in the experimental section, the adhesion measurements were done in

ambient atmosphere. When, however, dry nitrogen was passed over the peel front

of the test sample, the peel energy immediately increased by about 10 20 % for

all sample types. When the nitrogen flow is stopped, the peel force immediately

drops to the original level. A similar decrease is observed when air, saturated with

water is passed over the peel front. These results show that the peel energy de­

pends on the humidity of the ambient atmosphere. When peeling is stopped, a re­

laxation effect is observed. When, during this relaxation in normal air, humid air

is passed over the sample, the peel force drops to the corresponding level. After

switching back to normal air a small increase in peel load is observed. This latter

effect can only be explained by partial closure of the crack at the peel front since

this whole process occurs at zero peel rate.


Page 97: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 6:

t N 7.5 E 2 >-CJ)

Q; c CD

Qi 5 CD Q.


2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Displacement (mm) -

t N

30 E 2 >-~ CD c CD

Qi CD 20 Q.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Displacement (mm) -

Peel curves of (A, top) acetate-type Ni(P)-Ni layer from smooth-type

alumina and (B, bottom) glycine-type Ni(P)-Ni layer from rough-type



Page 98: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 2: Peel test results in which Gp is the peel energy per unit area, Sn-t is the sample standard deviation and N is the number of test samples.

Ah03 Ni(P) GP (J{m2) Sn-1 (J /m2) N

Rough Glycine 24.3 1.63 8

Rough Acetate 40.9 4.39 8

Smooth Glycine 6.09 0.62 8

Smooth Acetate 8.45 0.25 8

I 10


"' E + =~--+--r-:1;;

...__ :2 6 =F >-~ Q) c: 4 Q)

Qi Q) a..


0 0 2 4 6 8 10

Layer thickness (!lm) -

Fig. 7: Peel energy versus Ni(P) I Ni layer thickness for samples with glycine­

type Ni(P) and smooth-type substrates.

In Table 3 the peel radius of the metal film Rv (see also fig. 1) is listed for samples

with various layer thicknesses. This radius gives information on the relative

amount of plastic deformation of the film during peeling. In addition, the radius

of the metal film after peeling and at zero load, Rv', is listed in Table 3. Magnified

images of peel tests were recorded on video tape. The radii were measured by fit­

ting the images with circle segments on the monitor screen.

In fig. 8 the load versus time is plotted by the recorder of the peel test equipment

for a sample with acetate Ni(P) and a rough substrate. The peaks represent

loading and unloading cycles with increasing maximum load, measured at a load-


Page 99: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 3: Metal film radii during peeling (Rp) and after peeling (Rp') for samples with various layer thicknesses D.

AtzO, Ni(P) D (Jl.m) RP (mm) Rp' (mm) Gr (J/m2)

Rough Glycine 11.7 0.9 3.4 23 Rough ~cine 12.5 0.8 3.5 25 Rough etate 0.5 1.5 42

Rough Acetate 0.4 1.2 39 Smooth Glycine S! ') I 0.7 5 6.2 Smooth Glycine 7.4 0.7 4.5 6.0 Smooth Acetate 6.9 0.6 4.5 8.3 Smooth Acteate 9.4 0.5 4.5 8.6

ing and unloading rate of l mm/min. This is done up to the load at which peeling

starts (peak 15). For reasons of clarity only the peaks corresponding to the higher

loads (peaks 10 to 15) are depicted in fig. 8. The surface area under the left-hand

half of the peak is linearly proportional to the amount of energy required for

bending the layer. The right-hand half represents the amount of energy released

elastically from the system upon unloading. If both areas are equal then the system

behaves perfectly elastically.

Fig. 8:

t 15

40 14

E 13 z

'0 30 "' 12 .2 -.;

"' 0.. 20 10



Stress - strain peaks recorded in loading - unloading cycles with in­

creasing top load. Peeling starts at peak no. 15.


Page 100: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

In fig. 9 the difference between both areas (a measure of plastic deformation en­

ergy) divided by the loading area, A, is plotted versus maximum load. Within a

range of 5 to 10 % the loading energy equals the unloading energy, up to a peel

energy of about 30 Jjm2• The relative accuracy is smaller at the lower Joads due

to error in the surface area measurements. Only the last point in the plot, corre­

sponding to peak 13, shows a significant deviation, which is ascribed to initiation

of peeling at a small part of the peel front. Similar effects are observed at about

10% below the top load of peaks 14 and 15 in fig. 8. Therefore these latter peaks

are not used for the plot in fig. 9. From these measurements it can be concluded

that bulk plastic deformation of the metal film during peeling does not play an

important role up to peel energies of at least 30 Jjm2• This is discussed further in

section 4.5.2.

t 16 13 X

t 12

<1 1 8 X

2 X 10 3 X 4 x4 11

X 78 X xx 9 12

0 X

-4 6 X

5 -8 X

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36


Fig. 9: Relation between elastic and plastic deformation versus load. A is the

difference between the left-hand half of the peak areas of fig. 8, minus

the right-hand half, divided by the left-hand area.

4.4.2. Interface structure

- Cross-section TEM

The cross-section TEM micrographs of the interfaces between both types of Ni(P)

and the 96 % and 99.5 % alumina substrates are very similar. As a typical exam­

ple, the micrograph of a sample with the rough-type substrate and acetate-type

Ni(P) is shown in fig. lOA. Between both phases a layer of 1 to 2 nm thickness


Page 101: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

with an amorphous structure is observed. Good interfacial contact is observed on

all micrographs, no voids or interface gaps are observed within the resolution of

about 0.5 nm. The structure of the material close to the interface can also be ob­

served. On the micrographs the diffraction lines of the crystalline alumina grains

are visible. In addition, a branching structure of Ni(P) columns indicates the

coalescence of the initially formed small primary particles to fewer, broader col­

umns during the growth process. The micrographs show that the Ni(P) layer

thickness of these samples is of the order of 50 to 100 nm.

Fig. lOB shows a TEM micrograph for the same sample type but for a sample that

was used for the strength measurements. The same interface layer is however ob­

served. The structure of the Ni(P) material is quite different. Small crystalline

particles are formed in the amorphous Ni(P) layer. The columnar structure has

almost completely disappeared. This is probably due to the fact that this sample

has been heated for 1 hour at 160 oc for bonding the pull stud, as for all other

DPO test samples. However, according to Riedel (31), crystallization of the

amorphous Ni(P) deposit starts at about 260 oc, as analysed by X-ray diffraction.

This apparent discrepancy may be explained by the fact that with TEM smaller

crystals and thus an earlier stage of crystallization can be detected than with X-ray


- SEM fracture surface analysis

After the strength measurements for a number of samples the fracture surfaces are

analysed by SEM and EDX in order to obtain information on the crack initiation

and macroscopic (pm scale) flaws. No significant differences were observed be­

tween the fracture surfaces of the samples with acetate-type Ni(P) and with

glycine-type Ni(P). Although some irregularities are observed, no clear indications

of the presence of interfacial flaws are obtained for any of the samples. The metal

side forms an exact replica of the substrate, and no fracture patterns can be dis­

tinguished. Samples with a strong adhesion are only fractured in the area under

the stud, whereas for samples showing a weak adhesion large areas of metal film

are peeled off around the pull stud. On the rough-type substrates flat areas of

maximum 15 pm size are observed, where no mechanical interlocking is possible.


Page 102: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 10: Cross-section TEM micrographs of Ni(P)-alumina interfaces for a

sample with rough-type alumina and acetate-type Ni(P) (A, top) and for

the same sample type, after heating for I hour at 160 oc (B, bottom).


Page 103: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 11: SEM fractographs of samples with acetate-type Ni(P).

A (top) shows the alumina side of sample with rough-type alumina.

B (bottom) shows the alumina side of sample with smooth-type



Page 104: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 11: SEM fractographs of samples with acetate-type Ni(P) (continued).

C (top) shows the Ni(P) side of sample with rough-type alumina.

D (bottom) shows the Ni(P) side of sample with smooth-type alumina.


Page 105: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

In fig. ll A D the metal and ceramic fracture surfaces are shown of samples with

acetate-type Ni(P) and with both rough and smooth-type substrates.

With EDX no Ni or P is detected on the ceramic fracture surface of the smooth­

type substrates, for both the acetate-type Ni(P) and the glycine-type Ni(P). On the

rough-type substrates small amounts of Ni are detected with EDX at the grain

boundaries. No P is detected on these substrates. On the metal side of the fracture

surfaces some AI, originating from a few detached grains, is observed on layers

from rough substrates but no Al is detected by EDX for the layers which are re­

moved from smooth substrates.

4.4.3. Chemical interface analyses

- Auger Electron Spectroscopic depth profiling

The depth profiles obtained with AES from Ni(P) layers on the rough-type

substrates are very different from those obtained from metal layers on smooth-type

substrates, see the schematical representation in fig. 12. In the depth profiles made

from samples with rough substrates a gradual decrease in the intensity of signals

from the metal layer is observed along with a gradual increase in intensity of the

oxygen signal from the substrate. Due to this poor depth resolution, no signals

could be measured of elements of which it is known that they are present only at

the interface (e.g. Sn, Ag, Pd), in monolayer amounts.

From the samples with the smooth substrates the transition from layer to substrate

can be distinguished better in the depth profiles. The elements Sn, Ag and Pd

which are used in the nucleation procedure are detected in the region where the

intensity of the Ni signal decreases and that of the 0 (from the substrate oxide}

signal increases. In the same range and of a similar intensity a signal from C ap­

pears as the interface is reach~d and disappears when the interface is passed and

the substrate is measured. In the Ni(P) layer no C or 0 are detected. However, the

signals of these interface species are only slightly stronger than the noise. The first

reason for this is again the surface roughness and variation in layer thickness. The

second reason is the relatively large noise due the short measuring time of 5 min­

utes, used in these experiments. This measuring time is kept short in order to

avoid interference by carbon contamination from the vacuum equipment. In a


Page 106: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

spectrum that was recorded in 5 minutes halfway through the metal layer, no

carbon signal is observed, which means that contamination did not influence this

measurement. As far as possible under these conditions, no differences are ob­

served regarding the interfacial carbon between the Ni(P) deposited from the

acetate-containing solution and the glycine-containing solution.

t I Rough substrate

Ni 11 Smooth substrate


I I 0 I

c' 0 50 100 150

Sputter depth (nm) ___.

Fig. 12: Schematic representation of Auger depth profiles for rough- and

smooth-type alumina substrates.

- XPS fracture surface analysis

The XPS survey spectra, recorded from both fracture surfaces of a sample with

glycine-type Ni(P) and a smooth-type substrate are shown in fig. 13 A and B, re­

spectively. The peaks indicated by "ghost" are due to instrumental effects. In Table

4 the atom concentrations, calculated from the peak areas in the multiscan detail

measurements (32), are listed. Relative accuracies of the values listed in the Table


Page 107: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

are estimated to be within 10 %, except for the values which are close to the de­

tection limit, which is ea. 0.1 % for the elements reported here.

Table 4: Atom concentrations on the Ni(P) and the Ab03 fracture surfaces of a sample with glycine-type Ni(P) on a smooth-type substrate.

Surface C ls 0 Is Ni 2p

Al20l 13 52 4 0.

Ah0r2Dnm 4 59 1.3

27 23 40 0.4 9 0.5 )-20nm 8 4 79 0.1 <0.1 7 <0.1

33 19 41 7

"-20nm": after 20 nm sputtering. "box": after sputtering a subsequent transfer and stay in the glovebox for 30 minutes. "!": An additional amount of about I % N is detected at the Ni(P) surface. "-": not measured.

In Table 5 the assignment is given of exact peak positions to chemical environment

(molecules, ions or compounds) of the same sample as in Table 4. Reference data

are used from (33). These XPS measurements show that 80 % of the Ni in the

outer 2 nm (twice the information depth for the Ni 2p3 signal at 855 eV binding

energy) of the Ni(P) fracture surface is metallic or intermetallic Ni. The other 20

% is oxidized and consists of phosphate, hydroxide or oxide. As a first approxi­

mation, this would correspond to an oxidized layer with an average thickness of

0.6 nm, or two atom layers. For the calculation of the relative amounts listed here,

a homogeneous distribution of the various species over the analysis depth is as­

sumed. However, the signal intensity of outer surface atoms is higher than those

at about 2 nm below the surface. Since it is reasonable to assume that the oxide

is present in the outermost surface of the Ni(P) layer, it is probably even less than

corresponding to a layer with an average thickness of 0.6 nm, or in other words,

less than 2 monolayers. The depth profiles, which are not shown here, reveal that

most of the carbon and oxide are removed after 1.4 nm sputtering. After exposing

the sputtered surface to the same procedure as used during the sample preparation

(transfer in vessel and stay in glovebox), the same amounts of carbon and oxygen

are found again on this surface, see Table 4. This means that both the carbon and

the oxygen that are detected on the fresh fracture surface may be completely or

partly due to handling.


Page 108: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

I 10


8 !:!:! 7 w z 6 .;::- 5 "(j) c 4 Q)

E 3



0 1000 800

I 10



!:!:! 7 w z 6 .;::- 5 "(j) c 4 Q)

E 3



0 1000 800






(/) N q.


0. N (L a. ~

<f> "' c

~ ~ ~ N 9


---Binding energy (eV)

400 200 0

Binding energy (eV)

Fig. 13: XPS survey spectra of Ni(P) fracture surface (A, top) and of Ah03

fracture surface (B, bottom).


Page 109: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 5: Assignment of exact XPS peak positions to chemical environment of the same sample as measured in Table 4.

Element Position (eV) Rei. Amount(%) Environment

Ni(P) surface

c 284.8 80 -C-H

286.4 10 -C-O

288.5 lO -0-C 0

0 532.8 25

531.1 75 P04, Ni(OHh or Ni20J

Sn 486.6 100 Sn02 or SnO p 132.3 25 -P5+ (-PO.)

129.5 75 -P- (NiP)

Ni 852.2 70 Ni0 metallic Ni

853.2 10 Ni1+ (NiP)

855.2 8 Ni2+ (Ni(OH)l)

857.0 12 NP+ (NiP04)

Al20> surface

c 284.8 85 -C-H

286.5 15 -C-O

0 533.2 7 -531.0 93 Ah01

Sn 487.6 lOO Sn02 or SnO p 134.2 40 -

132.5 60 P5+, (P04)

Ni 851.7 15 Ni0 (metallic Ni)

852.6 10 Ni1+ (NiP)

I 854.9 60 NP+ (Ni(OH2))

857.7 15 Ni3+ (NiP04}

AI 76.8 100 A!zO,

The amounts of carbon remaining on the Ni(P) and alumina fracture surfaces after

20 nm sputtering (8 % and 4 % respectively) are rather high. The alumina ceramic

does certainly not contain carbon in these amounts and the previously described

AES measurements showed that the Ni(P) layer does not contain carbon either.

A possible explanation can be found in the "shadow effect11, frequently encount­

ered on rough surfaces. The sputter beam is positioned at an angle of 54" to the

surface and the analysis beam is at an angle of 40° to the sputter beam. Therefore,


Page 110: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

both beams do not apply to the same projections on a rough surface. Other phe­

nomena which can increase the apparent width of a rough interface is redeposition

of sputtered material and local variations of the sputter rate owing to the varying

angle of the rough surface with the sputter beam.

The amount of nitrogen, detected on the Ni(P) sample surface is very small, of the

order of 1 %. This corresponds to 0.1 monolayer at most (order 10 14 atoms

Nfcm 2). However, as part of an organic molecule, this small nitrogen coverage may

be due to a close packing of glycine molecules on the surface, within the large

uncertainty margin. The 0-C = 0 coverage measured on this surface is in agree­

ment with this assignment. Both species might, however, also originate from the

surface contamination. Sn from the surface nucleation is detected both on the

metal and the ceramic side of the interface. Pd is not detected on either side with

XPS, indicating that the amount present at the interface must be less than about

0.1 %. Fluorine, probably originating from the HF etching step, is present on

ceramic, and at most amounts to 5 % of a monolayer. It is not probable that the

Ni and P which are detected on the ceramic surface are present as macroscopic

particles. Firstly, after sputtering of only 20 nm, the signal intensity of both species

decreased more than threefold. Secondly, the smooth substrates used for this ex­

periment do not give rise to remaining Ni(P) particles after peeling, as confirmed

by the SEM I EDX analyses. Thirdly, the Ni ions are predominantly in the + 2

and + 3 oxidized state, in contrast to the solid Ni(P) material surface. It is there­

fore possible that this material originates from small amounts of metallization

solution which remain at the interface during metallization due to adsorption or


- Static-SIMS fracture surface analysis

In Table 6 a listing is given of the most important ions in the static-SIMS spectra

in decreasing order of signal intensity. The most intense signals originate from the

substrate material on the Ab03 side (AI+ and AIO- and from the metal layer on

the Ni(P) side (Ni+ and Ni02H- ). This probably means that no large amounts of

contaminations (less than several monolayers) are present on any of the samples.

The positive and the negative ion static-SIMS spectra of the blank surfaces of both


Page 111: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

types after cleaning and etching of the substrates (see section 4.3.1) are almost


Table 6: Listing of main ions observed in the static-SIMS experiment, in order of decreasing signal intensity. C,Hy fragments originate from aliphatic hydrocarbons with (x, y) = (I, 3), (2, 3), (2, 5), {3, 3), (3, 5), (3, 7), etc.

i Rough-type substrate - Acetate-type Ni(P)

! AlzOJ + : AI, Ni, Na, C,Hy, acetate, (K, Si, Mg) - : 0, HO, H, F, HC02, Si02, AIO, POz , CzH, P01, Cl, CH1COz (acetate}

Ni + : Ni, Na, AI, C,Hy, CH3CO (acetate) - : 0, OH, CH3C02 (acetate), HC02, PO", P03, Ni02H, N02, N03, Cl

i Smooth-type substrate - Acetate-type Ni(P) . Ab01 ! + : Na, AI, Ni, C,Hy, CH3CO (acetate), SiOH, Si . : 0, OH, H, F, P02 , PO), CH1COz, AIO, HC02 , Cl, Si02, S02, S01, NiO,H

Ni + : Ni, Na, C,Hy, 43 CH1CO, 43 C,Hr - : CH1COz (acetate), P01, P02, HCOz, 46, CzH, Oz, NiOzH, Cl, SOz, S01

Rough-type substrate - Glycine-type Ni(P)

Ab01 + :AI, Na, SiOH, CH2NH2 (glycine), Ni, CH1CO (acetate), C,Hy - : 0, OH, H, F, P02, P01, 02, HCOz, Si02, AIO, Cl, AI02, S02 , S01

Ni + : Ni, CH2NH2 (glycine), Na, C.Hy, CH1CO, C,Hr - : 0, OH, H, Cl, POz, PO), HCOz, N02 , glycine, CH1C02 (acetate), NiOH

Smooth-type substrate - Glycine type Ni(P)

Ah01 + : Na, AI, CHzNHz (glycine), C,Hy, CH1CO (acetate), Ni . : 0, OH, H, F, POz, PO), Cl, 02, AIO, HC02, SOz, SO), AI02, CH1COz

(acetate), C2H, S04, HS04

Ni + : Ni, Na, CH2NH2 (glycine), C,Hy, CH1CO , C,Hy, CHzN, C,Hy , CH1 - : 0, OH, H, Cl, POz, P01, HCOz, glycine, NOz, CH1COz (acetate)

Blank Ah01 after cleaning and etching

Rough-type substrate + : Al, C.Hy, Si, SiOH . H, 0, OH, F, C, (x 1,2), C,H (x 1 ,2), AIO, (x 0-2), SiO,H (x = 2,3)

Smooth-type substrate + : Al, Mg, C.Hy, Si, SiOH - H, 0, OH, F, C. (x = 1,2), C,H (x 1,2), AIO, (x = 0-2), SiO,H (x 2,3),

Ah04H, AhOsH Ah06H2


Page 112: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

For all metallized samples on the Ab03 side, ions are measured which originate

from the Ni(P) layer, such as Ni+, Ni02H- , P02 and P03 . For the samples with

the rough substrates, these fragments may originate from small pieces of Ni(P)

which remain on the substrate after delamination as observed with SEM. How­

ever, for the smooth substrates this explanation cannot be valid, since no Ni(P)

pieces remain on these substrates. This will be discussed further in section 4.5.3,

together with the XPS data. On the Ni(P) side of the interface no significant peaks

of fragments characteristic of the smooth-type alumina substrate are found, such

as AI+ and AIO-. The P02 and PO"r that are measured in the negative ion spectra

do not necessarily indicate that the Ni(P) is oxidized at the interface. It is to be

expected that immediately after delamination a natural oxide layer is formed on

the Ni(P) foils before they are introduced in the vacuum equipment.

Relatively strong peaks of Na+ are often found on both sides of the interface of

metallized samples. This means that Na+ from the metallization solution remains

at the interface, since it is not found on the blank samples after cleaning and

etching. In the negative ion spectra of the ceramic surfaces F- is one of the major

peaks. It is also found on the blank alumina surfaces, which are cleaned and etched

in an HF solution. The F ions are therefore assumed to originate from this step.

However, due to the high ionization probability of Na and F it cannot be con­

cluded from the relatively high intensities that Na and F are major interface con­


The activator elements Sn, Ag and Pd, are detected in small amounts (not listed

in Table 6, see fig. 15) on the Ni(P) side of the interfaces. The Ag signal is stronger

than the other ones. On the Ah03 side only a weak signal of Sn is observed. It is

therefore concluded that most of the activator material remains on the Ni side

when fracture takes place.

Fragment ions originating from acetate and glycine are found in the spectra with

considerable intensity, on both the Ni(P) and the alumina fracture surfaces. The

relative intensities of fragments of these compounds are listed in Table 7 to 10.


Page 113: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 7: Static-SIMS intensities of the negative ion spectra (relative to AJO-, x 100 %) of interface compounds on the Ah03 fracture surfaces of the test samples and blank Ah03 surfaces.

AbOJ Ni(P) CH3C02 (59) H2NCHzC02 (74)

Rough Glycine 32.1 9.6

Rough Acetate 76.8 -Rough Blank 4.3

Smooth Glycine 37.3 17.7

Smooth Acetate 192 -Smooth Blank 8.7 -

Table 8: Static-SIMS intensities of the negative ion spectra (relative to NiOzH-, x 100 %) of interface compounds on the Ni(P) fracture surfaces of the test samples.

AbOJ Ni(P) CH3C02 (59) H2NCH2C02 (74)

Rough Glycine 145 193

Rough Acetate 529 . Smooth I Acetate

210 261

Smooth 679 .

Table 9: Static-SIMS intensities of the positive ion spectra (relative to AI+, x 100 %) of interface compounds on the Ah03 fracture surfaces of the test samples and blank AbO, surfaces.

Ab03 Ni(P) CH2NHt (30) CH3CO+ (43) cm (15)

~' 6.7 2.9 1.4

te 0.1 2.5 2.1

h 0.8 1.6 1.0

Smooth Glycine 15.1 6.9 3.0

Smooth Acetate - 4.5 3.1

Smooth Blank 1.1 3.6 1.6

Table 10: Static-SIMS intensities of the positive ion spectra (relative to Ni+, x 100 %) of interface compounds on the Ni(P) fracture surfaces of the test samples.

AbOJ Ni(P) CH2NH2 (30) CH3CQ+ (43) CH:! (15)

Rough Glycine 638.0 4.0 2.8

Rough Acetate 1.0 1.8 1.6

Smooth Glycine 43.3 5.2 3.8

Smooth Acetate 0.3 9.7 7.1


Page 114: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Due to higher peaks from contaminations in the positive ion spectra (see Table 6),

the presence of acetate and glycine can be analysed more accurately from the

negative ion spectra. Peaks from glycine at the mass/charge (m/z) ratio 74

(HzNCHzCOO-) are measured only on samples that are prepared from the

glycine-containing metallization solution, on both the Ab03 and the Ni(lP) side of

the interface, see Tables 7 and 8 respectively. Both on the Ni(P) side and on the

Alz03 side most acetate (m/z 59, CH3COO-) is found for the samples that are

prepared from the acetate-containing electroless solution. On the alumina side an

increase of about 20 times is measured relative to the blank rough and smooth

alumina substrates. However, on the glycine samples an increase in acetate cover­

age is also measured, relative to the blank alumina surfaces. This can be explained

by the affinity of acetic acid present in the laboratory ambient, for the basic amino

end groups of the glycine-covered samples.

Also in the positive ion spectra, glycine (m/z 30, CH2 = NH2 ) is mainly found on

the fracture surfaces of samples prepared with the glycine-containing electroless

solution, both on the Ni(P) side and on the Ab03 side. In fact, the intensity of

mfz 30+ is negligible on the other metallized and blank samples. The interpretation

of the acetate coverage of the samples is hampered by the presence of organic

contaminations, which may give rise to the same fragments.

This influence of contaminations is confirmed in a separate experiment for the

glycine-type Ni(P) - smooth-type alumina fracture surface. In this experiment the

sample was peeled in vacuum in the mass spectrometer. On the Ni(P) and the

Ah03 sides no acetate, formiate and hydrocarbon fragments could be found.

However, after placing these fracture surfaces for a few minutes in air, static-SIMS

analyses show the same amounts of acetate, formiate and hydrocarbons as those

observed for the surfaces discussed in Table 6 - 10. In fig. 14 static-SIMS spectra

are shown from the glycine-type fracture surface before and after exposure to air.


Page 115: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

t + 58Ni+ t 58Ni+ • CxHy CH2=NH2

::; 30 ::i .:i .:i ~ >-

""' (/) "' c: c: .l!l ~ .!: Na+ (I) (I) + > 23 .2: CH~NH2 -~ (ij 30 (j) (j) a:

P0Nt a:

soNi+ NiOH;

Na+ :I:

7"''~~ +Z 23

Ill :I:

I/o . ~ / Ni2o+ lll . il .• ! r . 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

Mass(amu) ~ Mass(amu) ~

t 3scr t ::i .:i B "' P03 P02 c: .l!l .s (I)

P02 > 1ii (j) a:

o· 37cr

~H2 I


H- HO" PH2-C02

qN· r v 74

0 50 100 0 50 100

Mass(amu) ~ Mass(amu) ~

Fig. 14; Positive- and negative-ion static-SIMS spectra of glycine Ni(P) surface

after debonding in vacuum (A, top left and C, bottom left) and after

subsequent exposure to air (B, top right and D, bottom right). A linear

intensity scale is used in the static-SIMS spectra.


Page 116: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

t * sn+ isotopes

• Pd+ isotopes

107 A + 9 109Ag+


l l L ·,~ 't <I X


100 105 110





I j 1 J1 • ;






* soNi2W I . I

l t i



Fig. 15: Positive-ion static-SIMS spectrum in the mass range of the activator

elements of the Ni(P) fracture surface of the same sample type as for

fig. 14 A to D. A linear intensity scale is used in the spectrum.

4.5. Discussion

In this section first the advantages and drawbacks of the DPO and peel tests for

the adhesion measurement are discussed. By combining the various interface

analysis results, a good impression of the interface structure and chemical com­

position is obtained. The final sections deal with the mechanism of adhesion and

with the relation between adhesion strength and fracture energy.

4.5.1. DPO test

- Literature data

The strength values in the literature of Ni(P) on rough-type 96 % alumina range

from 10 to 30 MPa, but mostly values of about 20 MPa are reported (7). In this

work on similar substrates, values of about 12 and 18 MPa are found for

acetate-type Ni(P) and glycine-type Ni(P), respectively. Since in the literature


Page 117: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

fracture energies are not reported, it is difficult to explain differences from the

strength values reported here in terms of process conditions and interfacial bond­


- DPO test-sample preparation

The direct pull-off adhesion strength measurement procedure used in this work is

slightly different from the one used in the literature (1 - 6). In the procedure used

in the literature first about 2 Jtm Ni(P) is deposited, then by photolithography flat

patches of 2 x 2 mm2 size are etched and a tin-plated copper wire is soldered. This

procedure is more laborious than using the commercial, adhesive-coated pull studs.

A few other differences from the literature method are the following: In etching

there is always a risk of some degree of underetching, and the shape of a solder

dot is difficult to control. With our studs a more homogeneous stress distribution

is expected since bonding is axisymmetric. With soldering the wire must be accu­

rately centered over the Ni(P) patch, while with the pull studs this is not necessary.

Soldering causes a thermal shock to about 250 oc, while the studs are bonded at

160 °C. The amount of elastic strain energy is proportional to the difference in

temperature squared. With the epoxy adhesive on the studs, strength values up to

80 MPa have been measured, while solder is much weaker, thus limiting the max­

imum measurable strength. For soldering, The Ni(P) layer thickness must at least

be 2 t-tm because solder reacts with Ni(P). For adhesive bonding any layer thick­

ness is suitable, if the layer is closed. In spite of the differences in adhesion

strength measurement procedures, the strength values reported in the literature are

of the same order as the values reported in this chapter.

- Residual strain energy

In the DPO test, pull studs are bonded to the sample with an epoxy adhesive which

is polymerized and solidified at 160 °C. Due to differences in thermal expansion

coefficients elastic strain energy is built up in the adhesive layer during cooling as

given by eq. 7 in section 4.2.2. With an adhesive layer thickness of 10 t-tm and as­

suming purely elastic deformation (Young's modulus I GPa, ref. (34)), a worst­

case value of the order of 0.5 Jfm2 is obtained, which is small compared to peel

energies of the order of 10 J/m2• Moreover, during or after fracture the adhesive

film cannot freely expand or contract since it is restricted by the aluminium pull


Page 118: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

stud on which it remains. Therefore, it is more probable that the release of elastic

strain energy is determined by the difference in thermal expansion of the alumin­

ium pull stud and the layer- substrate combination and by the degree of relaxation

of this stress by the adhesive layer during cooling. This is, however, a rather

complicated mechanical problem which is not within the scope of this work.

Kinloch (34) states that in most practical cases stresses are relaxed by viscoelastic

deformation of the adhesive during cooling.

- Stress concentration

As described by Kinloch (34), stress concentration takes place at the edge of an

adhesive-bonded butt-joint geometry. Consequently, in such a geometry fracture

starts at the edges. In this study, due to a well-chosen nail-head-shaped pull-stud

geometry (fig. 3 and 4A), the stress at the edge is limited. For these studs the

fracture was observed to start near the middle of the bonded area. This aspect will

be further discussed in section 4.5.5. This is an indication that the stress at the

edge does not exceed the stress at the pull-stud axis. According to Kinloch, the

stress concentration is also reduced by the remaining excess adhesive at the edge,

the spew fillet which can be observed in the optical micrograph in fig. 4A. In

practice the stress is limited by viscoelastic deformation of the adhesive. An upper

boundary value is given by the yield stress. Typical values for the yield stress of

epoxy adhesives are in the range of 30 to 50 MPa (34).

4.5.2. Peel test

- Quantitative aspects

As discussed in the introduction, the peel energy Gr is equal to the fracture energy

Gc only if the contributions of residual strain energy Ge1 and energy of plastic de­

formation Gder are negligible (eq. 5). The residual strain energy in the metal layer

is proportional to the layer thickness. If this energy plays a role in the peel test, a

decreasing peel energy with increasing layer thickness should have been found.

However, as shown in fig. 7, the peel energy is found not to depend on layer

thickness. This can be understood by separately considering the contributions of

the electrodeposited Ni layer and the electrolessly deposited Ni(P) layer to the

residual strain energy. The internal stress a; in low-stress sulphamate Ni deposits


Page 119: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

ranges between 0 and 50 MPa (35). Using the upper boundary value of 50 MPa

the residual strain energy G.1 can be calculated with eq. 8 (section 4.2.2):

2 (J·


2E [8]

A residual strain energy Ge~ of 0.007 J/m2 per ttm layer thickness is obtained.

Therefore it can be concluded that the residual strain energy G.1 of the

electrodeposited Ni layer does not play a significant role. Stresses in the electroless

Ni(P) film depend on the phosphor content. For a P content of about 11 wt. %

the stress varies between about 20 MPa tensile and 20 MP a compressive (31 ). Since

both the layer thickness and the internal stress are much smaller for Ni(P) than for

electrodeposited Ni, the contribution of the Ni(P) layer to this residual strain en­

ergy Get can be neglected as well.

In order to estimate the contribution of plastic deformation of the metal layer, the

stress - strain curves were measured during loading and unloading cycles up to

various top loads, lower than the peeling load as shown in fig. 9 and as described

in section 4.4.1. Since within the experimental error, the amount of energy stored

in the system during loading was completely released upon unloading, it was con­

cluded that plastic deformation is negligible in the peel test for these samples.

Therefore, the radius R' P is caused by deformation in the plastic zone at the crack

tip (see below). This is not a secondary effect, but it forms intrinsic part of Gc, see

section 4.2.2. Therefore, it can be concluded that for this system the peel energy

Gp is equal to the fracture energy Gc.

- Crack tip plasticity

Kinloch (36) found an increasing peel energy value with increasing polymer layer

thickness up to several millimeters, with unaltered intrinsic adhesion. This is as­

cribed to the increased volume available for crack-tip plastic deformation. Owing

to the much higher yield strength of metals compared with polymers, the size of

the plastic deformation zone is smaller for metals. The height H of the plastic de­

formation zone in the metal side of the present interface (fig. 16) is given by

eq. 11 (36, 37) (plane stress):


Page 120: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

H [11]

in which ay is the yield strength of the metal phase. Using a fracture energy value

Gc of 10 J/m2, a Young's modulus of 190 GPa and a yield strength Gy of 400 MPa,

a height H of about 2 fJ.m results. In case of plane-strain condition the factor 2n

should read 6rr. In reality, a full 3-D stress situation is present, for which the

constant factor is somewhere between 2n and 6rr. Consequently, the above estimate

is a maximum estimate. It is concluded therefore, that the height of the plastic

deformation zone is not limited by the layer thickness for layer thicknesses greater

than 2 fJ.m. This is in agreement with the observation that the peel energy did not

depend on the layer thickness, between 2 and 9 fJ.m, as shown in fig. 7.

t Deformed Metal

Fig. 16: Schematic representation of plastic deformation at crack tip (ref. 37).

- Types of crack growth

The sawtooth structure that is observed in the peel curves of acetate-type samples

is characterized as unstable brittle crack propagation (36). The unstable, discrete

nature of the crack propagation can either be explained by a strong dependence

of the size of the plastic deformation zone on the crack growth rate or by a dif­

ference in intrinsic initiation and propagation fracture energies. Both phenomena

result in a relatively low fracture energy at a high crack propagation rate and a

high fracture energy at a low rate. When during peeling at a constant cross-head

speed the crack tip advances more rapidly than the peel rate, the stress is released

until fracture stops. This corresponds to a decrease in peel load. Subsequently, the

peel load increases up to the higher load, corresponding with slow fracture. These


Page 121: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

higher and lower fracture energies are interpreted as initiation and arrest fracture

energies, respectively. This mechanism does not, however, explain why a different,

more stable crack growth is found for the glycine-type Ni(P), with fracture energies

in the same range.

4.5.3. Interface microstructure and chemistry

- Fracture path

The cross-sectional TEM micrographs show that an interfacial layer of I to 2 nm

thickness is present for all Ni(P) - alumina samples investigated. In HR-TEM

micrographs of a sputtered Ti layer on the same smooth-type alumina, a sharp

transition from ceramic to metal is observed (38). This means that the interfacial

layer is not a characteristic feature of the substrate material, such as e.g. a

hydrolyzed surface layer. It must be concluded, therefore, that the interface layer

is formed by deposition of Ni(P). Apart from this interfacial layer, with TEM a

good interfacial contact was observed for all samples. With static-SIMS and XPS

it is shown that the outermost monolayers of the fracture surfaces mainly consist

of Ni(P) and alumina, respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that fracture takes

place exactly through or at this interfacial layer which may therefore be regarded

here as the weakest link in the chain. The nature, composition and origin of this

layer are thus of great importance for this investigation. An overview of the most

important information on the composition of this interfacial layer from

static-SIMS, AES and XPS is presented in Table 11. For the sake of completeness,

results of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) analyses which were not

previously described, are added.

In the following discussion, a number of possible contributions to the interfacial

layer are considered successively.

- Activator material and complexing agents

The interfacial layer partly consists of activator material. XRF measurements have

shown that the amount of activator material (Sn, Ag and Pd) before deposition

of Ni(P) is about a monolayer (of the order of 1019 metal atoms per m2) with the

present nucleation procedure (39). Also by AES depth profiling and XPS and

static-SIMS fracture surface analysis of Ni(P), these elements are detected at the


Page 122: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

interface. However, the amount of nucleation material is not enough to account

for the whole layer thickness as observed with TEM. In addition to these activator

elements with static-SIMS also aoetate or glycine, depending on the metallization

solution, is detected on the fracture surfaces. Reliable estimations of coverages

cannot be made on the basis of these static-SIMS measurements. Therefore, it can

only be concluded that the interface layer contains nucleation material and the

organic molecules mentioned above.

Table 11: Overview of most important chemical analysis data on interf~cial com­position.

I Technique


Static-SIMS glycine I acetate XPS Various C AES2 c RBS3

T': Only for glycine-type Ni(P). "2": Depth profile

Constituents Sn, Ag, Pd F N

Sn, Ag, Pd

~ Sn, Ag Sn, Ag, Pd (Sn, Ag, Pd) - -

"3": Analysed after nucleation, before Ni(P) deposition.

- Metallization solution and oxidation of Ni(P)

Cl Other

Cl 0, Ni, P02, PO,

- 0, Ni(OHh, NiP04

- -Cl - !

It is possible that also a thin layer of solution remains at the interface during

metallization. In fact, all of the compounds of the metallization solution can be

recognized in the static-SIMS spectra. The XPS measurements show that on the

alumina fracture surfaoe Ni is present which cannot be explained by the presence

of remaining Ni(P) particles, sinoe this Ni is for the greater part removed by

sputtering only 20 nm. Moreover, the ratio of oxidized Ni versus metallic or

intermetallic Ni is greater on the alumina surface, compared to the Ni signals on

the Ni(P) fracture surfaoe. It is observed that the adhesion of Ni(P) on very

smooth non-conducting substrates such as float glass, is considerably increased

after drying the sample when the first metal layer has been deposited. Even the

slightest stress leads to cracking and buckling of the Ni(P) films during deposition

and the film can be wiped off with a tissue in the wet state. Therefore an inter­

mediate drying step is often used after deposition of the first 0.1 Jl.m when using

smooth surfaces. Probably water is bonded to the oxide surfaoe more strongly

than the freshly deposited Ni(P) and capillarity or inclusion effects may play a role


Page 123: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

as well. After the water is evaporated, remaining components of the metallization

solution may contribute to the formation of an interface layer. Due to the cracking

and buckling effect described above, it is difficult to prepare samples of Ni(P)

layers on perfectly smooth substrates, although the adhesion in the dry state may

be acceptable.

- Carbon at the interface

As described in the previous section, AES depth profiles only gave relevant infor­

mation of the interface when recorded from the smooth sample types. Even on

these smooth surfaces the intensity of the interface species was just above the noise.

In a separate experiment smooth, polished alumina was used instead of the

sintered surfaces. On these polished samples the same signals were observed, at a

much higher intensity relative to the noise. This is caused by an increasing depth

resolution with decreasing roughness. Therefore, on the polished samples the ob­

servations from the sintered surfaces are confirmed.

It is very probable that the carbon detected at the interface with AES originates

from acetate or glycine detected at the interface with static-SIMS. On the glycine

Ni(P) and alumina fracture surfaces, after debonding in the vacuum of the

static-SIMS apparatus, hardly any other organic compounds (contaminations) are

measured. Therefore, it is unlikely that the carbon signal in the AES spectra at the

interface is caused by organic contaminations. In the case of glycine, N should also

have been detected by AES, which was not the case. It is, however, possible that

the N signal remained below the detection level because only 1 N atom is present

per 2 C atoms, and the signal due to C at the interface is already very weak.

4.5.4. Mechanism of adhesion

- The contribution of mechanical interlocking

The mechanism of adhesion describes the type of intrinsic interfacial (chemical or

mechanical) interactions. Most authors (1 - 6) who studied the adhesion of Ni(P)

using 96 % alumina, observed that the adhesion is strongly influenced by etching

conditions and therefore conclude that the adhesion is determined by mechanical

interlocking (7).


Page 124: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Osaka et al. (5) concluded from experiments with electroless Cu using Ni(P)

underlayers, that apart from mechanical interlocking additional, interfacial phe­

nomena also play a role in the adhesion. All these literature data are obtained by

adhesion strength measurements which, as explained in the sections 4.1 and 4.2,

are insufficient for drawing conclusions about intrinsic interfacial interactions.

The peel energy values for the rough-type substrates are about five times higher

than those for the smooth substrates, as reported in section 4.3.2. Since small

pieces of Ni or Ni(P) remain between surface grains of the rough ceramic

substrates and local deformations are observed on the metal fracture surfaces, it

is concluded that mechanical interlocking at least contributes to the intrinsic frac­

ture energy. This model is illustrated by the cross-section optical micrograph in

fig. 4B.

The influence of surface roughness on the adhesion is more complex than sug­

gested by the simple model of rupture of penetrated parts of the film which remain

in substrate pores. Oh et al. (37) illustrated nicely how the interface microstructure

influences the fracture energy with unaltered chemical interactions for

thermocompressed copper foils on glass. By deliberately introducing small

interfacial flaws, bridging ligaments were created behind the advancing crack

front. The additional energy dissipation in these ligaments is larger than the ori­

ginal fracture energy. On rough substrates, fracture may take place similarly.

- Van der Waals and other chemical interactions

For both the rough and the smooth-type substrates it is observed that the moisture

content of the atmosphere significantly influences the peel energy value. This can­

not be explained by mechanical adhesion, only by chemical adhesion, including

van der Waals interactions. Since the interfacial area increases along with the

roughness during etching, chemical interactions may increase as well as mechanical

interactions. Therefore, with the present results it can be concluded that for the

rough substrates both mechanical and chemical interactions play a role in the ad­

hesion. With the present data it is not possible to make a quantitative estimation

of each contribution. For the smooth substrates no evidence is obtained that me­

chanical interactions play a role in the adhesion, since no metal remains on the


Page 125: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

ceramic fracture surface and on the metal fracture surface no local plastic defor­

mations can be distinguished.

Since the fracture always takes place exactly along the interface, except for the

interlocking sites on the rough substrates, it must be concluded that the chemical

bonds in both the metal layer and the substrate are much stronger than at the

interface. Therefore it is probable that interfacial bonding is brought about by van

der Waals interactions. Moreover, in view of the conditions under which both

phases make contact, it is not probable that ionic or covalent bonds are formed

between layer and substrate.

Van der Waals interactions amount to 0.5 J/m2 maximally, but for the interfaces

studied here this is probably less, due to the presence of organic and probably also

inorganic molecules at the interface. Nevertheless, a peel energy of at least 7 J/m2

is measured. This difference may be explained by the plastic deformation processes

described in section 4.5.2. For the thermocompressed Ni - alumina system fracture

energies of about 150 Jfm2 were measured, while an intrinsic fracture energy of a

few J/m2 was calculated (18). This implies that for that system the energy loss

factor f1 (section 4.2.1) is of the order of 100.

4.5.5. Relation between adhesion strength and fracture energy

-Flaw size calculations

Table 12: Critical flaw size, ac, calculated from adhesion strength ar and fracture energy Gc values.

Ah03 Ni(P) IJr (MPa) Gc (J/m2) ac, (pm)

Rough Glycine 22 24.3 120

Rough Acetate 12 40.9 700

Smooth Glycine 45 6.1 6.8

Smooth Acetate 5 8.5 730

As shown by the data in Table 12 there is no proportionality between interfacial

fracture energy and adhesion strength, as might be expected, see eq. 1. Since large

differences in residual stress energy due to built-in stresses or due to differences in


Page 126: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

thermal expansion would become apparent in the peel energy (see eq. 5, section

4.2.2), these phenomena can be excluded as an explanation for the differences in

the adhesion strength. For the calculation of critical flaw sizes a K value (eq. 1)

of Ll3, appropriate for circular flaws, is used (40). Even if the peel energy GP is

not equal to but only proportional to the fracture energy Gc, the trend from

Table 12 is clear. The highest fracture energy is measured on samples with low

strength and the strongest samples have the lowest fracture energy. A wide range

of interfacial flaw sizes is calculated from these values with the Griffith-Irwin

equation. Since the flaw is in the proximity of the interface, an elastic modulus of

the order of a few GPa, typical for the adhesive, rather than a few hundred GPa,

typical for the nickel layer and the alumina substrate has to be used. For the ef­

fective elastic modulus a value of 2 GPa is chosen. This is a different value from

the Young's modulus of the epoxy adhesive which is used for the calculation of

residual strain energy in section 4.5.1 (1 GPa). This difference is related to the ge­

ometry and the loading conditions. For an adhesive layer which is thin relative to

its lateral dimensions and which is perfectly constrained by relatively rigid

substrates, the relation between the effective modulus of the adhesive E'. and the

Young's modulus E. under normal loading is given by eq. 12 (33):

E' a [12]

in which v. is Poisson's ratio. For a Poisson's ratio of 0.35, which is a typical value

for epoxy adhesives, the effective modulus may be greater than the Young's

modulus by about 50 %, or even more due to the spew fillet.

-Flaw growth during testing

Flaw sizes of about 800 p,m are calculated for the samples prepared with the

acetate-type Ni(P), whereas for the samples with the glycine type Ni(P) much

smaller flaw sizes are obtained. In principle, there are two possibilities: Either these

flaws are present at the interface after sample preparation, or they are introduced

during the strength test. By scanning acoustic microscopy no indications of the

presence of interface flaws are obtained from the metallized samples, within the

resolution of 20 p,m. Also, on the fracture surfaces no features are found which

point to the presence of interface flaws. Since it is not possible to study the for-


Page 127: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

mation of flaws at the ceramic - metal interface during the strength measurement,

polished glass plates were used as model substrates. After grinding one side was

metallized and during the DPO test the interface was observed through the glass

with a video camera. A sequence of photographs shown in fig. 17, revealed that

during the strength test a flaw appears which grows in discrete steps. At a size of

about 800 p,m, fracture suddenly takes place.

Apparently, during this flaw formation, the Griffith-lrwin energy balance remains

near to equilibrium, otherwise catastrophic failure would have taken place imme­

diately. The possibility of slow crack growth at the interface has been considered.

A peel strip with acetate type Ni(P) was loaded with various weights, correspond­

ing to 10 to 90 % of its peel load and the advance of the crack front was moni­

tored with a camera. The peel front did not move in a week's time, not even at 90

% of the peel force, within the resolution of 20 to 50 p,m. This suggests that slow

crack growth does not play an important role in these systems. Moreover, the flaw

growth that was observed during the DPO test did not take place gradually but in

discrete steps, while for slow crack growth a gradual increase in size is expected.

An alternative explanation for the flaw growth is related to the mechanical be­

haviour of the adhesive layer with which the aluminium pull stud is bonded on the

metal layer. The effective elastic modulus for a thin adhesive layer under normal

load, with a layer thickness various orders of magnitude smaller than its lateral

dimensions, is much higher than the Young's modulus, see eq. 12. Only at the

edges, where shear displacement in the adhesive is possible, does the effective

modulus approach the Young's modulus (41). In the vicinity of an interfacial flaw,

no normal load is applied and the effective elastic modulus of the adhesive is lo­

cally reduced, limiting the amount of missing elastic strain energy, which causes

catastrophic failure according to the Griffith-Irwin theory. Similar observations

of a debonded area which grows during testing have been made for acrylic

(Plexiglas) plates, bonded with a polyurethane adhesive (42). It should, however,

be stressed that in this case the effect is characteristic of some sample types, rather

than for the DPO test. It is reasonable to assume that with smaller initial flaw

sizes, this flaw growth process does not take place or takes place at higher stresses,

leading more rapidly to catastrophic failure.


Page 128: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 17: Stepwise flaw growth during adhesion strength test on a glass model



Page 129: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

- W eibull statistics

The Weibull moduli found in this work range between 0. 7 and 4.2. This is rela­

tively low compared to Weibull moduli generally found for the bulk strength of

ceramics, ranging from 5 to 20 (43). In the few data that are available in the lit­

erature on Weibull moduli of adhesion strengths, the Weibull moduli for adhesion

tend to be somewhat lower than for bulk strength (44). For the joint strength of

SbN4 / Ni-Cr systems Weibull moduli ranging from 2.3 to 6.1 were reported (45).

For both the tensile strength and the three-point bending strength of Si3N4 I AI /

Invar joints, Weibull slopes of about 6 were found (46). For the lap shear adhesion

strength of epoxy and acrylate coatings on glass a spread corresponding with a

Weibull modulus of about 2 was reported (9). By adhesion measurement with in­

dentation for the same systems Weibull moduli of about 9 were found, which was

explained by the fact that interfacial flaws do not play a role due to the small area

in the indentation tests.

Generally, the distribution of flaw sizes determines the Weibull modulus value.

Apparently, a wide distribution of flaw sizes is present at the interfaces studied in

this work. This width may be partly explained by the stable flaw growth during

testing which is described above. This growth may lead to a decreased Weibull

modulus similar to that found in the case of slow crack growth (47). This is in

agreement with the observation that the lower Weibull moduli were found for

samples with the largest calculated flaw sizes, viz. those with acetate-type Ni(P)

(Table 1). For clarity's sake it is repeated here that slow crack growth probably

does not occnr in our system.

4.6. Conclusions

This contribution clearly demonstrates the complexity of the adhesion of

electroless Ni(P) to alumina ceramics. It has been shown that a fracture mechanical

approach, along with a thorough characterization of chemistry and structure of

the interface is required for obtaining insight in the adhesion.


Page 130: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

With a direct pull-off adhesion strength measurement, sample standard deviations

of about 30 % are frequently found in these measurements, for which 20 to 30

samples are required. Furthermore, conditions are investigated under which the

90° peel test can be used as a quantitative fracture energy measurement. By using

sulphamate Ni as bulk metal layer, the influence of elastic energy stored in the

layer can be neglected. This is confirmed by the observation that the peel energy

is not in11uenced by the layer thickness. It is tentatively concluded that for the

smooth substrates, the peel energy is a good approximation of the fracture energy.

In the peel measurements with eight samples, standard deviations in the mean of

one or a few percent are obtained.

The Ni(P) - alumina interface structure, studied with cross-section TEM was very

different from that of most other metal - ceramic systems prepared by for example

vacuum-deposition of metal layers or by thermocompression of metal films on

ceramics ( 48). For such systems a sharp transition is generally observed between

metal and ceramic, while for the Ni(P) - alumina system, an interface layer with a

thickness of I to 2 nm is observed for all samples, probably due to nucleation

material and organic molecules detected at the interface with static-SIMS. Fracture

takes place at or in this layer. Apart from the interface layer, a close contact be­

tween layer and substrate is observed for all samples. Based on the fracture energy

measurements, it is concluded that differences in adhesion strength of the various

sample types cannot be accounted for by differences in interfacial structure at

nanometer level.

By static-SIMS measurements most of the components in the metallization sol­

utions are found on the corresponding fracture surfaces for both sample types.

This was also the case for the glycine and acetate complexing agents, which was

the only significant difference between the spectra of the two sample types.

Nucleation material is also found to be present on both the layer and the substrate

fracture surfaces. In addition, by XPS it was shown that the interfacial layer can­

not be completely explained by oxidation of Ni(P) at the interface during or after



Page 131: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Peel measurements show that for both the rough and the smooth-type substrates

chemical interfacial interactions contribute to the adhesion. In view of the exper­

imental conditions it is probable that the chemical interactions are limited to van

der Waals-type interactions, which is in agreement with the order of magnitude

of the measured peel energies. Only for the rough-type substrates evidence has

been obtained that mechanical interlocking contributes to the adhesion. The peel

measurements show that the difference in adhesion strength between the glycine­

type Ni(P) and the acetate-type Ni(P) cannot be accounted for by differences in

chemical or mechanical interfacial interactions or differences in residual (built-in

or thermal) stresses. It is therefore concluded that the difference in adhesion

strength is due to differences in interfacial critical flaw sizes. Since strong adhesion

was found for samples with smooth substrates and low peel energies, it can be

concluded that strong adhesion can be obtained, probably by van der Waals

interactions, without making use of mechanical interlocking. For most samples the

adhesion strength is limited by the size of interfacial flaws. The final conclusion

therefore is that further research is required to obtain insight into the origin of

these flaws.

Note added: With a deposit stress analyser (49) an internal stress of 40 MPa was found

in the sulphamate Ni electrodeposits. This confirms the literature data used in the

discussion on p. 105.


1. H. Honma and S. Mizushima, Kinzoko Hyomen Gijutsu 33, (1982), 380.

2. T. Osaka, E. Nakajima, Y. Tamiya and I. Koiwa, Kinzoko Hyomen Gijutsu

40, (1989), 67.

3. T. Osaka, Y. Tamiya, K. Naito, and K. Sakaguchi, J. Jpn. Inst. Printed

Circuit 4, (1989), 285.

4. H. Honma and K. Kanemitsu, Plating and Surface Finishing 74, (1987), 62.

5. T. Osaka, Y. Tamiya, K. Naito and K. Sakaguchi, J. Surf. Finish. Soc. Jpn.

40, (1989), 835.


Page 132: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

6. M. Kamijo and N. Aylizawa, Yamanashi - ken, Kogyo Gijutsu Senta

Kenkyu Hokoku l, (1987), p. 86. (Research report of the Yamanashi

Prefectural Industrial Technology Center).

7. J.W. Severin and G. de With, accepted for publication in J. Adhesion Sci.

Technol. (1992).

8. M.D. Thouless, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 119, (1988), 51.

9. J.E. Ritter, L. Rosenfeld, M.R. Lin and T.J. Lardner, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp.

Proc. 130, (1989), 237.

10. R. Jacobsson, Thin Solid Films 34, (1976), 191.

11. R. Jacobsson and B. Kruse, Thin Solid Films 15, (1973), 71.

12. P.C. Hopman, Transactions and Communications, 1984(7), 179.

13. A.G. Dirks and J.J. van den Broek, Thin Solid Films 96, (1982), 257.

14. R.J. Good in Adhesion Measurements of Thin Films, Thick films and Bulk

Coatings, K.L. Mittal (ed.), ASTM STP 640, (1978), p. 63.

15. S.J. Bennett, K.L. de Vries and M.L. Williams, Int. J. Fracture 10, (1974),


16. S.A. Varchenya, A. Simanovskis and S.V. Stolyarova, Thin Solid Films 164,

(1988), 147.

17. A.J. Kinloch in "Adhesion and Adhesives", Chapman and Hall, London,

1987, Ch. 3.

18. H.F. Fischmeister, G. Elssner, B. Gibbesch and W. Mader, Materials Re-

search Society International Meeting on Advanced Materials 8, (1988), 227.

19. Ref. 17, Ch. 4.

20. K.L. Mittal, J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 1, (1987), 247.

21. K-S. Kim, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 119, (1988), 31.

22. J.E.E. Baglin, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 47, (1985), 3.

23. A.N. Gent and J. Schultz, J. Adhesion 3, (1972), 281.

24. G.J. Lake and A. Stevenson in "Adhesion 6", K.W. Allen ed., Applied Sci-

ence Publishers, London, 1982, p. 41.

25. W. Weibull, J. Appl. Mech. 18, (1951), 293.

26. L.J.M.G. Dortmans and G. de With, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 74, (1991), 2293.

27. W.H. Safranek, The properties of electrodeposited metals and alloys,

Elsevier, New York, 1974, Ch. 12, p. 260.


Page 133: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

28. C.H. de Minjer and P.F.J. van der Boom, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120, (1973),


29. L.C. Feldman en J.W. Mayer in "Fundamentals of surface and thin film

analysis", Elsevier science publishers, New York, 1986.

30. H. van der We1, P.N.T. van Velzen, U. Jiirgens and A. Benninghoven in

"Analysis of Microelectronic Materials and Devices", M. Grasserbauer and

H.W. Werner, eds., 1991, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Ch. 2.10.

31. W. Riedel in "Funktionelle Chemische Vernicklung", E.G. Leuze Verlag,

Saulgau I Wiirttemberg, 1989, p. Ill.

32. Pers. Communication with F. Vreugdenhil, Philips CFT Eindhoven (1991).

33. K.S. Rajam, S.R. Rajagopalan, M.S. Hegde, B. Viswanathan, Mater. Chem.

Phys. 27, (1991), 141 and National Institute of Standards and Technology

XPS data base version 1.0, october 1989, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland,


34. Ref. 17, Ch. 6.

35. Chin-Min Lin and Ten-Chin Wen, Plating and Surface Finishing 78(9), 70.

36. Ref. 17, Ch. 7.

37. T.S. Oh, R.M. Cannon and R.O. Ritchie, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 130,

(1989), 219.

38. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel, M. Johnson and G. de With, ac­

cepted for publication in J. Electrochem. Soc., (1993).

39. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, accepted for pub-

lication in J. Electrochem. Soc., (1993).

40. G.K. Bansal, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 59, (1976), 87.

41. P.C.P. Bouten, personal communication (1992).

42. G.P. Anderson and K.L. DeVries in "Treatise on Adhesion", Vol 6, R.L.

Patrick. ed., Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, (1989), Ch. 3, p. 102.

43. R.W. Davidge in #Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramics", Cambridge Univer­

sity Press, 1979, Ch. 9, p. 136.

44. J.T. Klomp and G. de With, accepted for publication in Mater. Manuf.

Proc. (1993).

45. S.D. Peteves in "Ceramics Today - Tomorrow's Ceramics" Part B, P.

Vincenzini ed., Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, ( 1991 ), p. 1469.


Page 134: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

46. K. Suganuma, T. Okarnoto, M. Koizumi and M. Shirnada, J. Am. Cerarn.

Soc. 69, (1986), p. C-235.

47. J.D. He1finstine, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 63, (1980), 113.

48. M. Riihle and W. Mader in "Designing interfaces for technological applica­

tions", S.D. Peteves ed., Elseviers Science Publishers, London, 1989, p. 145.

49. Deposit stress analyser, Model 683 EC, Electrochemical Co. Inc., 1600

Pennsylvania Avenue, York, P A. 17404.

50. PHI Handbook of Auger electron spectroscopy by L.E. Davis, N.C.

MacDonald, P.W. Palmberg, G.E. Riach and R.E. Weber, published by

Physical Electronics division, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 6509 Flying Cloud

Drive, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55343.

51. H. van der Wel, J. Lub, P.N.T. van Velzen and A. Benninghoven,

Microchim. Acta (Wien) 1990 II, p. 3.


Page 135: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 5

The influence of thermal treatments on the adhesion of

electroless Ni(P) layers on alumina ceramic


The adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on 96 % and 99.5 %

alumina was studied as a function of annealing temperature, up to

580 °C. The adhesion was measured with the direct pull--off test and the

peel test. The interface structure was analysed with cross-section TEM.

Fracture surfaces were analysed with SEM / EDX, static-SIMS and

XPS. The optimum annealing temperature was found to be 400 oc, at

which an increase in peel energy and adhesion strength by a factor of 2

to 3 was measured, with respect to the as-deposited value. It was observed

that, upon heating, Ni(P) crystallizes and forms microcracks, mainly

perpendicular to the interface, but not along the interface. The nucleation

material disappeared, the organic molecules decomposed and the amount

of oxygen at the interface decreased, probably by diffusion into the metal

bulk. Since the fracture path remained along the interface, the improve­

ment in adhesion properties with annealing temperature can be explained

by the changes in interfacial chemistry.


Page 136: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

5.1. Introduction

Electroless metallization of oxidic surfaces is frequently used for electronic appli­

cations. The thermal behaviour of the metal-ceramic interface is of great impor­

tance for these applications. Thermal shocks occur with soldering and thermal

cycling is a standard test procedure for most electronic parts. Retention of strong

adhesion is required since differences in thermal expansion, for example between

electronic components and the printed-circuit board or between metal layers and

substrates cause mechanical stresses. Interfacial fracture may rapidly lead to elec­

tronic failure.

Generally, the adhesion strength of metal layers on oxidic substrates increases with

annealing temperature (1, 2). An annealing treatment after deposition might

therefore be a simple method to improve the adhesion of electrolessly deposited

Ni(P) layers. However, for Ni(P) on 96 % alumina diverging results on the effect

of temperature upon adhesion have been reported, as measured with the direct

pull-off (DPO) test. Honma and Mizushima (3) found an increase in adhesion

strength with annealing time and annealing temperature. The greatest effect, an

increase of a factor of 3 to 4, was found after annealing for 1 hour at 250 oc in

air. In contrast, in a later publication than ref. (3) Honma and Kanemitsu (5) did

not measure significant changes in the adhesion strength after annealing at

250 ac in air for between 0.5 and 24 hours, with respect to the as-deposited value.

In addition, Osaka et al. (4) did not find significant differences between the adhe­

sion strengths before and after annealing for 1 hour in vacuum at temperatures

of 300 and 500 °C. Since these literature data do not allow a definitive conclusion

to be drawn on the influence of thermal treatments upon the adhesion, more in­

sight into this matter is required.

On the basis of adhesion strength data only, as measured by the DPO test in the

references cited above, it is very difficult to explain changes in the adhesion. As

described in more detail in ref. (6), the adhesion strength is determined not only

by interfacial interactions on a molecular scale (intrinsic adhesion) but also by the

size of interfacial flaws due to, for example, pores or foreign particles. For that

reason not only adhesion strength measurements but also fracture energy meas-


Page 137: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

urements were performed in this study. Moreover, various interfacial analyses were

carried out in order to obtain information on changes of the intrinsic adhesion

with temperature.

In previous investigations (6, 7), cross-section transmission electron microscopy

(TEM) micrographs revealed the presence of an interfacial layer between the

alumina substrate and the Ni(P) layer for as-deposited samples. The thickness of

this interfacial layer was a few nanometres. Static secondary ion mass

spectroscopy (static-SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses

of the fracture surfaces showed that this interfacial layer mainly consisted of re­

maining components of the metallization solution and nucleation material.

Moreover, these analyses showed that fracture took place through this layer. The

cohesive interactions within this layer are therefore considered to be of decisive

influence for the fracture energy. In this chapter an analysis will be made of how

the interfacial interactions and the fracture path change for samples that have re­

ceived a heat treatment.

5.2. Experimental procedures

5.2.1. Sample preparation

For the sample preparation a rough-type 96 % alumina (Maruwa) and a smooth­

type 99.5 % alumina (MRC/Coors) were used as the substrates. These ceramic

substrates were cleaned with a detergent, etched with an HF solution and

nucleated with solutions containing Sn, Ag and Pd. By electroless metallization,

Ni(P) layers of about 0.3 Jlm thickness were deposited. Two types of electroless

metallization solutions were ust:d, one with acetate as the complexing agent and

the other one with glycine as the complexing agent. For both solutions the P con­

tent of the deposits was ea. 10 wt. %. On top of the electrolessly deposited Ni(P)

layers, galvanic Ni layers were deposited from a low-stress sulphamate bath. The

total metal layer thickness was about 2 Jlm for the DPO test samples and about

7 Jlm for the peel test samples.


Page 138: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The galvanic Ni layer was only applied in order to facilitate adhesion measure­

ments. For the peel test a metal layer with sufficient strength and stiffness is re­

quired. For the DPO test the galvanic Ni layer prevents the penetration of the

epoxy adhesive of the pull studs into cavities of the rough substrate surface during

bonding. However, as described in subsequent sections, in certain cases the

galvanic Ni layer may influence the results of adhesion measurements after thermal

treatments. Therefore, in order to eliminate this possible influence, also a number

of measurements were performed on samples without galvanic nickel. For these

samples Ni(P) layers were electrolessly deposited with a thickness of 2 to 4 pm.

Details of materials, solutions and deposition conditions are given in refs. (6) and

(7). After metal deposition, the samples were annealed at temperatures between

lOO and 600 "C. Details of the annealing conditions are given in section 5.3.1.

5.2.2. Analyses

The adhesion measurements were carried out with DPO and peel tests as described

in ref. (6). The influence of humidity upon the fracture energy was measured by

peeling after applying a drop of water at the peel front. Scanning electron

microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM I EDX), cross-section

TEM, XPS and static-SIMS analyses were carried out as described in the same

paper (6). For the static-SIMS analyses, samples were peeled in the vacuum

chamber of the apparatus in order to avoid contamination of the fresh fracture

surfaces in the air. The crystallization of the samples with an electrolessly depos­

ited Ni(P) layer only, was followed by X-ray diffraction (XRD).

5.3. Results

5.3.1. Adhesion measurements

-Peel tests

The peel test results are shown in fig. 1. The relative accuracy of the peel test re­

sults is within 10 % (6). This accuracy is mainly determined by the reproducibility

of the sample preparation. The lower line with open circle symbols represents the

peel energy versus annealing temperature for acetate-type Ni(P) on smooth-type


Page 139: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

substrates. These samples were annealed for 1 hour in vacuum. From 150 to

580 "Can increase in peel energy is observed of a factor of 2 to 3. Samples without

galvanic Ni(P), onto which electroless Ni(P) layers with a thickness of ea. 3.5 J.lm

was applied, could only be peeled after annealing at temperatures of 200 oc or

lower. For as-deposited samples and samples annealed for 1 hour at 150 and

200 oc in air, peel values of 2.8, 4.3 and 5.1 Jjm2, respectively, were recorded.

Samples annealed at higher temperatures could not be peeled because the peel strip

broke before peeling started, owing to increased brittleness of the Ni(P) material

after annealing.

Fig. 1:

t 120 []

100 N

E [] --.. ::::.


80 (.9

-V 60


-7 ~~30 5,20 .,0 40 ~~~ 20

___.a •0

0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

T(°C) ...

Peel energy Gp versus annealing temperature T of samples with

smooth-type (circle symbols) and rough-type (solid dot and square

symbols) alumina substrates and acetate-type Ni(P) for samples

annealed for l hour in vacuum. The numbers along the line with solid

dot symbols represent the cumulative annealing time (minutes) in air.


Page 140: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The line with the square symbols in fig. I represents the peel energy versus

annealing temperature for samples with rough-type substrates and acetate-type

Ni(P). These samples were heat-treated for I hour each at a different temperature

in vacuum. After an initial decrease in peel energy by about 30 % after annealing

at 150 oc, a gradual increase of up to a factor 3 is observed after annealing at

450 oc.

The line with solid dot symbols in fig. 1 represents the peel energy versus annealing

temperature in the range between room temperature and 300 oc for a sample with

the rough-type alumina substrate and with acetate-type Ni(P). In this experiment

the sample was first peeled and then alternately annealed in air and peeled further.

Annealing was done by placing the sample in a preheated furnace and taking it

out after the annealing time. Every time annealing was done for a longer time or

at a higher temperature, resulting in a cumulative thermal load of the sample. The

numbers along this line in fig. l denote the cumulative annealing time for each

temperature. Due to oxidation of the nickel layer in air, no annealing temperature

higher than 300 oc could be applied in this experiment. Similarly as for the other

measurements with samples with smooth-type and rough-type substrates, adhesion

improvement with temperature was found for this sample with the rough-type

substrate. The initial decrease in peel energy was not observed for this sample.

For fig. 2 the measurement of peel energy versus annealing temperature for sam­

ples with rough-type substrates, with square symbols in fig. I, was repeated. Fur­

thermore, the relative decrease .1Gp is shown which was found after a drop of

water had been placed at the peel front. This relative decrease is significantly

higher for samples' annealed at temperatures above 250 oc than for samples

annealed at lower temperatures. These results will be discussed in section 5.4.1.

Since plastic deformation may contribute to peel energy values, it was necessary

to estimate relative changes in the yield strength of the metal layer due to the

thermal treatments. This was done by hardness measurements using the Vickers

test. With an indentation load of 0.01 N, Vickers hardness values of 400, 130 and


Page 141: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 2:

t 110 t "' 100

"" .§_ e.. ..., 0.

0. (.? (.? 90 <





40 20

30 )· 20 10

10 -· • 0 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

T(°C) ...

Relative decrease in peel energies by placing a water drop at the peel

front for samples with rough-type substrates, heat-treated at various

temperatures T. GP denotes the peel energy measured in laboratory air

(circles) and L1Gp the relative decrease in peel energy due to water (solid


100 MPa were measured for samples annealed at 150, 250 and 450 °C, respectively.

This means that a decreasing trend in the hardness of the metal layer was observed

with increasing temperature. To eliminate the influence of changing mechanical

properties of the galvanic nickel layer, the DPO tests were performed with samples

with only electrolessly deposited nickel.


Page 142: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

- DPO tests

Since galvanic Ni had not been applied for the DPO test samples, a much thicker

electrolessly deposited Ni(P) layer was applied with a layer thickness of

2 ± 0.4 flm. The DPO strength versus annealing temperature is plotted in fig. 3 for

samples with the rough-type and the smooth-type substrates. The numbers of test

samples and the standard deviations are given in Table l. The samples were

annealed for I hour in an argon atmosphere at the top temperature indicated in

the figure. Since pull-studs were bonded with an epoxy adhesive at 150 oc for the

DPO test, DPO strength values of the as-deposited sample could not be obtained.

At temperatures of 250 oc or lower no systematic trend was observed in the ad­

hesion strength, but at 300 and 400 oc a two- to three-fold increase in the adhesion

strength was clearly seen. For both substrate types a remarkable decrease in the

DPO strength was measured after annealing at 500 °C.

1 70

<? 60 0..

6 b







Fig. 3:



~ 0 J \X ~ \ X 0 0

100 200 300 400

Direct pull-off adhesion strengths (ur) versus annealing temperature for

samples with 2 flm electroless Ni(P) only. The symbols o and x repre­

sent samples with smooth-type and rough-type substrates, respectively.

Page 143: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 1: Mean adhesion strength ar of electroless Ni(P) on rough- and smooth­type alumina ceramic as a function of annealing temperature T as measured by the DPO test. N is the number of test samples and s;; is the standard deviation in the mean.

TCC) Rough-type substrates Smooth-type substrates

N IJr (MPa) s, (MPa) N ar (MPa) s.- (MPa)

150 21 16.4 0.9 20 28.2 3.3

200 i 21 25.0 1.8 21 19.1 1.4

250 19 20.2 1.6 19 19.2 2.2

300 19 44.8 2.3 19 39.9 5.0

400 21 51.6 2.3 21 53.1 2.9

500 21 27.4 1.8 20 17.9 3.4

The XRD pattern of the DPO samples with rough-type and smooth-type

substrates annealed at temperatures lower than 400 oc only showed a broad band

due to an amorphous Ni(P) phase, apart from peaks originating from the a1umina

substrates. The samples annealed at 400 oc gave rise to an NhP diffraction pat­

tern. In addition, a small contribution from amorphous material was still ob­

served. The XRD patterns of samples annealed at 500 oc showed peaks

characteristic of NhP and Ni phases. With these samples an indication of the

presence of an amorphous phase was not visible in the XRD patterns anymore.

5.3.2. Interface and fracture surface structure


In order to explain the large difference in peel energies between the two substrate

types, cross-sections were made of the metal-ceramic interfaces. Optical micro­

graphs of these cross-sections, shown in fig. 4, show the penetration of the metal

layer into the surface pores of the rough-type substrates. This type of roughness

with narrow structures and cavities is difficult to measure with, for example, a

step-profiler. It is obvious that this roughness gives rise to a much stronger adhe­

sion due to mechanical interlocking than on the smooth-type substrate surface

shown in fig. 4B, where such interlocking structures are not present.


Page 144: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 4:


Optical micrographs of cross-sections of samples with rough-type

substrate (A, top) and smooth-type substrate (B, bottom).

Page 145: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The SEM micrographs of rough-type alumina fracture surfaces of samples

annealed at 150 and 450 oc, shown in fig. 5, reveal a larger density of remaining

metal particles on the sample annealed at the higher temperature. On the

smooth-type alumina fracture surfaces (not shown), such remaining metal particles

were not found for samples annealed at 150, 320 and 450 oc. With EDX, never­

theless, a very small Ni signal was observed for the sample annealed at 320 oc and

a stronger Ni signal for that annealed at 450 oc. When a relatively large area of

about 50 flm diameter was scanned with the electron beam, the same intensities

were found as when a small area of about 1 fim on a smooth alumina grain surface

was irradiated. This means that a very thin, Ni containing layer is present all over

the alumina fracture surfaces of smooth-type samples annealed at 320 and

450 oc. Ni was not detected with EDX on the surface of the sample annealed at

150 oc.

- Cross-section TEM

The TEM images shown in fig. 6 provide information on the material structure

both at the interface and in the bulk of the metal layers after annealing at 150 and

580 oc in vacuum. The columnar structure of the as-deposited Ni(P) material

(fig. 6A) has completely disappeared after annealing at 150 oc (fig. 6B) and

580 oc (fig. 6C). Instead, microcrystalline particles are observed and extensive

microcracking has taken place all over the Ni(P) layer and in all directions

(fig. 6C). The size of these microcrystals is too small to give rise to a crystalline­

type XRD pattern. On top of the microcrystalline Ni(P) layer, Ni crystals are vis­

ible from the galvanic Ni layer. No cracks along the metal-ceramic interface are

observed. The interfacial layer which is observed for the low-temperature sample

remains present after annealing (fig. 6D). The contrast between the interfacial layer

and the neighbouring phases is much weaker for the annealed sample than for the

as-deposited sample. This may be an indication that the density of the interfacial

layer increases upon annealing.


Page 146: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 5:


SEM micrographs of rough-type alumina fracture surfaces from sam­

ples annealed at !50 (A, top) and 450 oc (B, bottom). The sample

annealed at the higher temperature shows more remaining metal parti­

cles on the substrate surface.

Page 147: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 6: TEM cross-section images of samples with smooth-type substrate and

acetate type Ni(P) in the as-deposited state (A, top) and after annealing

at 150 oc (B, bottom).


Page 148: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 6:


TEM cross-section images of samples with smooth-type substrate and

acetate type Ni(P) (continued). C (top) and D (bottom) both of samples

after annealing at 580 oc.

Page 149: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

5.3.3. XPS fracture surface analyses

With XPS the fracture surfaces were analysed of samples with rough-type

substrates, annealed at 150 and 450 "C in vacuum. The values of the peel energies

of these samples are given in fig. 1 (square symbols). The SEM micrographs of

the alumina fracture surfaces of these samples are depicted in fig. SA and B. For

the XPS analyses fresh fracture surfaces were prepared by peeling a small part of

the film in a glove box filled with N2, with less than 0.2 ppm 02 and H20. After

peeling, the Ni(P) and alumina fracture surfaces were transferred in a vacuum-tight

vessel into the XPS apparatus. The surface compositions of the Ni(P) and alumina

fracture surfaces of both samples are listed in Table 2. The relative accuracy of

the XPS relative coverages is within 10 %. The spot area during the XPS meas­

urement was ea. 2 mm2, which means that the results are not influenced by inho­

mogeneities with the size of a few micrometer.

Table 2: Relative atom concentrations(%) measured with XPS on the Ni(P) and the Ah03 fracture surfaces of samples with acetate-type Ni(P) on rough-type substrates after annealing at 150 oc and at 450 oc.

Surface T (OC) C Is 0 Is Ni 2p Al2p p 2p Sn 3d Ag 3d Pd 3d s 2p

Ah03 150 14.6 53.1 15.6 14.9 1.9 - - - -

Ab03 450 .14.6 52.6 14.5 11.5 6.8 - - - -Ni(P) 150 14.0 41.5 40.7 - 2.6 0.2 0.2 <0.1 0.8

Ni(P) 450 15.2 31.7 43.2 - 6.6 - <0.1 0 3.4

"-": below detection limit

All surfaces show a similar coverage with C, which is probably at least partly due

to organic contaminations in the XPS apparatus or during handling. For that

reason, the coverage with this element will not be discussed further. More re­

markable is the relatively high coverage of the alumina fracture surfaces with Ni.

For both annealing temperatures the intensity of the Ni signal is in the same range

as that from AI from the substrate. After annealing at 150 oc the Ni/Al ratio is

1.05 and this changes slightly to 1.25 upon annealing at 450 °C. The P coverage

on alumina is considerably higher after annealing at the higher temperature. This

is also the case for the P coverage on the Ni(P) fracture surface after annealing at

the higher temperature. This points to enrichment of the interface with P, origi-


Page 150: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

nating from the Ni(P) bulk. The oxygen content on the alumina surface does not

differ for the two temperatures and is probably determined by the oxidic bulk.

The activator material remains almost entirely on the Ni(P) fracture surface and

the coverage is lower after annealing at the higher temperature. Apart from P, S,

too, tends to segregate to the interface at higher temperatures as observed on the

Ni(P) fracture surface. This element probably originates from an additive in the

commercial electroless metallization solution. Another interesting observation is

the significantly lower amount of 0 after annealing at 450 oc. AI was not detected

on the Ni(P) side, which means that few or no alumina grains are detached from

the substrate surface during peeling.

An assignment of the peaks of the elements listed in Table 2 to compounds, ions

or molecules with relative amounts, obtained by multiscan measurements, is listed

in Table 3. The relative coverages are given in atom %. Reference data are used

from ref. (8).

Ni and P which are present on the alumina fracture surface after peeling are en­

tirely (Ni) or for the greater part (P) in the oxidized state, for both annealing

temperatures. On the Ni(P) fracture surface Ni and P are for a greater part in the

metallic state after annealing at 450 oc than after annealing at 150 °C. At the

lower temperature the ratios Ni•+fNi0 and pn+fpo are 3.8 and 2.3 while at the higher

temperature these ratios are 1.4 and 1.5, respectively. Nickel- carbon compounds

were not formed at either temperature.

5.3.4. Static-SIMS measurements

The alumina and nickel fracture surfaces of the annealed and as-prepared samples

with smooth-type substrates were analyse.d with static-SIMS. These measurements

were carried out in the first place to see at what temperature the acetate molecules

would decompose and what the decomposition products would be. The charac­

teristic acetate peak at mass/charge ratio m/z 59- from CH3COO- did not disap­

pear, not even in the spectrum of the sample annealed at 580 oc. Since it is unlikely

that this molecule can withstand such a high temperature, it is concluded that the


Page 151: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 3: Assignment of exact XPS peak positions to the chemical environment of the same sample as measured in Table 2.

Element Position (eV) Relative amount(%) Environment

150 oc 450 oc

AhO> surface

c 284.8 90 90 -C-H

286.5 10 10 -C-O

0 531.0 lOO lOO Ab03

p 129.5 15 15 Ni(P)

132.5 85 85 P04

Ni 856.2 lOO lOO NhOJ, Ni(OH2), NiP04

AI 73.8 100 lOO AbOJ

Ni(P) surface

c 284.8 85 85 -C-H

288.5 15 15 -OcC 0

0 531.5 100 100 P04, Ni(OH)z or NizOJ

s 162.1 lOO 100 NiS

Sn 486.0 100 - Sn oxide

Ag 367.5 100 lOO Ag oxide

Pd 335.2 lOO - Pd metallic

p 133.5 70 60 -P04

129.5 30 40 NiP

Ni 852.5 21 42 metallic Ni, Ni(P)

856.2 79 58 Ni(OHh, NiP04, Nh03

59- peak originates from contaminations, despite the fact that peeling was done

in the vacuum of the apparatus. By introducing the sample, adsorbed contam­

inations on the sample such as acetic acid which is present in the air, can be in­

troduced into the vacuum chamber of the spectrometer.


Page 152: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The change in relative intensities of various inorganic fragments in the static-SIMS

spectra contained interesting information on the change in the composition of the

fracture surfaces. An overview of the most important results for the alumina

fracture surfaces is given in Table 4. The intensities are normalized to the most

intense peak from the substrate, which is AI+ for the positive-ion spectra and o~

for the negative-ion spectra. The intensity ratios listed in Table 4 are obtained

from two different positions on the fracture surfaces. For each measurement the

analysed area is about 250 pm2• The spread in results represents the spread in

surface composition. The accuracy of the relative static-SIMS intensities is of the

order of 10 %.

Table 4: Relative intensities in static-SIMS spectra from alumina fracture sur­faces as a function of annealing temperature for samples with a smooth-type substrate and acetate-type Ni(P).

Rel. Int. Temperature COC) As prep. 200 450 580

Ni+fAl+ 0.157 0.219 1.026 8.338

Ni+fAl+ 0.162 0.2802 1.2417 4.095

Na+fA1+ 0.0690 0.0626 1.014 14.389

Na+fAl+ 0.0857 0.0521 1.161 4.762

POzto~ 0.095 0.0979 0.2018 0.489

POzto~ 0.0709 0.0852 0.166 -POrto~ 0.096 0.0788 0.1736 0.592

P03/0~ 0.0775 0.0731 0.146 -

F~to~ 0.1814 0.0658 0.0406 0.035 p~to~ 0.0973 0.0568 0.0400 -c1~1o~ 0.0166 0.0172 0.0746 0.109 c1~1o~ 0.0172 0.0153 0.0546 -

The positive and negative-ion spectra of the alumina fracture surfaces of an as­

prepared sample and a sample annealed at 450 oc are shown in fig. 7. The 58Ni+ 1 Al+, POz I o~ and P03 I o~ intensity ratios in Table 4 show a strongly increasing

coverage of Ni and P containing compounds with increasing annealing temper­

ature. The nucleation elements Sn, Ag and Pd were also detected on the nickel

fracture surface but the signal intensity of these elements was too weak for signif-


Page 153: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

icant changes in relative coverag~s to be observed. The relative coverage ofF de­

creases with increasing temperature while increasing relative intensities are

observed for Cl and Na. This may be associated either with diffusion and segre­

gation or with a different fracture path, a point which will be discussed in greater

detail in section 5.4.

Fig. 7:


Na+ 450 oc

~NiOH/ Pb+ ,-A-, ,......_


I Ni2H/

K+ Ag+/

Si/ ~~~o+ 10x u+

\ e+ l po+ 100 150 200

~~ r J l. .I

0 50 100 150 200 mass (amu)---..

Static-SIMS spectra of the alumina fracture surfaces of samples with

rough-type substrates and acetate-type Ni(P) before and after

annealing. Peeling was done in the vacuum of the analyser. A linear

intensity scale is used. A (top) shows the positive-ion spectrum of an

as-prepared sample and B (bottom) the positive-ion spectrum of a

sample annealed at 450 "C.


Page 154: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 7:



~.;~:~ w /

p- I BO-I I 2 \ / po-\ /

40 60

0 20 40 60

+ SiOxHy­x AIOxHy-

25 oc

'! ,x 10x

100 120

450 oc


N;o- Ni02W

\ I 10x

80 100 120 140

80 100 120 140 mass (amu) ___..,....

Continued from last page. C (top) shows the negative-ion spectrum of

an as-prepared sample and D (bottom) the negative-ion spectrum of a

sample annealed at 450 oc.

In order to obtain more insight into the thermal behaviour of the organic com­

plexing agents present at the interface, samples were prepared with a solution

containing glycine instead of acetate. The thermal stability of glycine may differ

from that of acetate, but this compound is much more suitable for investigation

with static-SIMS because it is not present as a contaminant in air. Moreover,

better alternative techniques for such an analysis are not available. The charac­

teristic fragment of glycine is the NH2CH2C02 fragment at m/z 74- . The intensity

of this fragment relative to oxygen decreased by a factor of lO to 20 by annealing

at 300 and 400 oc, compared to the intensity ratio of an as-prepared sample. The

fact that the signal at m/z 74- did not completely disappear upon annealing for 1


Page 155: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

hour at 400 oc indicates that the. degradation had still not been completed. Frag­

ments indicative of degradation products were not found in these static-SIMS


5.4. Discussion

5.4.1. Mechanical behaviour

- Energy balance

During peeling, energy is consumed by fracture (Gc) and possibly by bulk plastic

deformation of the film (Gder), while energy is supplied externally by peeling (Gp)

and internally by relaxation of residual stresses present in the film (G.,). Therefore,

the following energy balance is valid for the peel test (6):


All energy terms are per unit area. The fracture energy term Gc is made up of an

intrinsic contribution, which represents the energy required for breaking interfacial

bonds, and a dissipation contribution which is due to crack-tip plasticity (9). The

influence of each of these terms upon the peel energy GP will be considered in the

discussion which follows.

- Residual strain energy

In a previous investigation (6) it has been shown that built-in elastic strain energy

due to the deposition process itself does not play a significant role in the energy

balance. As shown in the discussion below, the internal strain energy due to ther­

mal effects is more important. The amount of energy per unit area G.~, stored in

the metal layer at elevated temperatures owing to the difference in thermal ex­

pansion coefficients Aa between the layer and the substrate, can be estimated with

eq. 2 (6),



Page 156: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

where D is the metal layer thickness, E is the Young's modulus of the layer and

AT is the temperature difference with the deposition temperature. Ge1 is about

11 Jfm2 for the current layer thickness of 7 J.tm in the peel test with AT is 550 oc, E is 200 GPa (10) and Atx is 6. lQ-6 oc-1 (10, 11). This means that the layer on the

smooth-type sample can spontaneously debond at 580 oc because the thermal

elastic strain energy exceeds the initial fracture energy of 8.5 J/m2 (fig. 1). The fact

that this spontaneous debonding was not observed, can be explained by increased

intrinsic interfacial bonding, exceeding the build-up of thermal elastic strain en­

ergy. From eq. 2 it also follows that no residual strain energy is present in the

Ni(P) I Ni layers after annealing, owing to differences in thermal expansion be­

tween the metal layer and the substrate, since the temperature at which the peel

measurements are carried out (room temperature) is only slightly lower than the

deposition temperature of the galvanic Ni layer (50 °C). Only irreversible changes

in the metal layers such as plastic deformation due to thermal stresses during

annealing, or crystallization shrinkage of Ni(P), can cause residual stresses. The

elastic strain energy Ge., associated with such stresses is released upon debonding

and lowers the peel energy GP measured; see eq. l. Accordingly, these processes

cannot cause an increase in peel energy with annealing temperature. If such irre­

versible processes, such as the crystallization of Ni(P), have introduced additional

residual strain energy Geh then the actual fracture energy Gc has increased more

than the measured increase in peel energy GP.

- Changes in plasticity

As we see in eq. 1, various other phenomena may contribute to the increase in peel

energy with increasing annealing temperature. Firstly, the intrinsic adhesion due

to interfacial interactions may have become greater, thereby increasing Gc. Sec­

ondly, more energy may be dissipated by plastic deformation at the crack tip. This

also increases Gc . Thirdly, more energy dissipation may take place in the bulk of

the film during peeling (Gder). The hardness measurements showed a decreased

hardness of the galvanic Ni film with increasing annealing temperature so that

more plastic deformation can be expected to take place during peeling in the bulk

of the film, Gder· On the other hand, the hardness of the underlying electrolessly

deposited Ni(P) layer, relative to the as-deposited value (10) increases by a factor

of two upon annealing at 450 °C. Therefore, near the crack tip, a decreasing


Page 157: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

amount of energy can probably be dissipated with increasing temperature (Gc).

Since two counteracting effects may play a role in the contribution of plastic de­

formation to the peel energy, it is difficult to estimate the overall change in

plasticity during peeling as a consequence of thermal treatments.

Because of changes in plasticity described above, it is difficult to draw definitive

conclusions as to changes in interfacial bonding on the basis of these peel tests

only. However, the samples without galvanic Ni, on which a relatively thick

electroless Ni(P) layer was deposited, provided additional evidence for enhanced

interfacial interactions. As described in section 5.3.1, an increase in peel energy

with annealing temperature was measured for these samples in the limited tem­

perature range of 20 to 200 oc. In addition, the results of the DPO tests, for which

similar samples were used, showed the same trend as the peel test results. Conse­

quently, the increased DPO strength cannot be ascribed to increased plasticity of

the metal layer, because the Ni(P) metal layer becomes more brittle during

annealing below 500 °C. Hence, it must be concluded from the whole set of ad­

hesion measurements that the improved adhesion is brought about by stronger

interfacial interactions.

- Intrinsic adhesion

For the intrinsic adhesion, mechanical interlocking effects should be distinguished

from chemical interfacial effects. The large differences between the peel energies

on smooth- and rough-type substrates are probably caused by differences in me­

chanical interlocking. This interlocking is likely to take place in the open pores

near the surface of the rough-type substrate shown in fig. 4, but not for the

smooth-type substrate which has little porosity. However, the change in adhesion

on each substrate type due to thermal treatments cannot be explained by differ­

ences in mechanical interlocking. Ni(P) does not flow into pores upon heating and

increasing brittleness of Ni(P) would rather lead to a smaller mechanical inter­

locking contribution. It is therefore more likely that chemical interfacial inter­

actions are enhanced by annealing. The effect of water upon the peel energy

(fig. 2) is consistent with this interpretation. Water has a greater effect on the peel

energy of samples which have been annealed at the higher temperatures than that

of the samples annealed at the lower temperatures. Water may promote the


Page 158: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

breaking of interfacial chemical bonds, including Van der Waals inte~actions, but

it is not expected to influence mechanical adhesion.

5.4.2. Interface chemistry

For the samples with the rough-type substrates, the XPS analyses did not provide

evidence for a change in the fracture path. The amount of Ni detected with XPS

after fracture on the substrate surface was the same for samples annealed at high

and at low temperature. The amounts of aluminum on the substrate surface were

also constant. The XPS measurements indicated rather a change in the chemical

composition of the interface. On the metal fracture surface of the sample annealed

at the higher temperature, less oxygen and oxidized Ni and P were measured, and

the nucleation material had largely disappeared, probably by diffusion into the

metal bulk. Nevertheless, the SEM micrographs show a significantly larger cov­

erage of torn metal pieces on the alumina substrate surface for the sample annealed

at 450 oc, compared with the sample annealed at 150 oc. Since the Ni(P) cannot

flow into substrate surface pores, it must be assumed that the mechanical inter­

locking remained constant during annealing, and therefore that the higher cover­

age of nickel particles indicates a stronger intrinsic adhesion. This higher metal

particle coverage does not become apparent in a higher XPS Ni coverage of the

alumina surface of the sample annealed at 450 oc.

According to the XPS measurements, the Ni coverage of the alumina fracture

surfaces is similar to the AI coverage, although the SEM micrographs show a metal

particle coverage of only a few percent at most, as visually estimated; see fig. 5.

This confirms the assignment of the Ni and P XPS coverage to the interfacial layer

a few nanometers thick, observed with TEM. The crack proceeds through this

interfacial layer, leaving behind a Ni-containing surface layer all over the alumina

fracture surface, which layer is far too thin to be observed with SEM. Only the

small amount of P which is assigned to Ni(P) in the multiscan XPS measurements

of the alumina surface can be explained by the metal particles. Hence, the fracture

for the samples with rough-type alumina proceeds mainly through the interfacial

layer and passes through the metal only at interlocking sites. The crack does not

enter the ceramic. Because of a stronger intrinsic adhesion for the samples


Page 159: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

annealed at the higher temperature, it is more difficult to pull out metal from

interlocking sites and this may explain the higher density of metal particles.

The changes in relative coverage of Ni and P containing species with annealing

temperature, measured by static-SIMS on the alumina fracture surfaces of samples

with smooth-type substrates, do not seem to agree very well with the XPS results

obtained from the alumina fracture surfaces of rough-type substrates discussed

above. With static-SIMS an increasing Ni and P coverage was found with in­

creasing annealing temperature, whereas with XPS this coverage was constant.

To avoid possible uncertainties in the interpretation of the relative static-SIMS

intensities, the smooth-type alumina fracture surfaces were therefore also measured

with EDX and the increasing coverage was confirmed. For the samples on which

Ni was found with EDX, it proved to be present all over the smooth-type

substrates, not on interlocking sites because such sites could not be discovered on

the smooth-type substrates. A possible explanation might have been that more Ni

particles remained on the smooth-type alumina at higher annealing temperature.

Such pieces were not found with SEM up to the highest magnification of 40 000

times. It is therefore more probable that the remaining Ni and P on the smooth­

type substrates originates from the interfacial layer discussed before. This means

that an increasing fraction of the interfacial layer remains on these substrate with

increasing temperature. Because of the high surface sensitivity of the static-SIMS

technique, a Ni and P surface layer with a mean thickness of 1 or 2 nm can dom­

inate the spectrum.

The stress which caused the extensive microfracture in the Ni(P) layer which was

observed with TEM, may have arisen as a consequence of lateral shrinkage of the

Ni(P) material during crystallization. During annealing the adhesion of the Ni(P)

layer to both the substrate and to the galvanic Ni layer was apparently stronger

than the cohesion because cracks along the interface were not observed. Moreover,

the brittleness of the Ni(P) material increases during crystallization thereby pro­

moting microcracking. Additional stress is probably introduced into the Ni(P)

layer during annealing owing to thermal-expansion differences between the

galvanic Ni layer and the substrate. Despite the increased brittleness of the Ni(P)


Page 160: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

phase and despite the microcracks in this layer, the fracture is found to proceed

through the interfacial layer at the metal - ceramic interface.

5.5. Conclusions

An improvement by a factor of 2 to 3 in the adhesion of electroless Ni(P) to

alumina is observed with both peel tests and DPO tests after annealing at tem­

peratures above 250 oc. Fracture surface analyses with SEM I EDX, XPS and

static-SIMS show that, irrespective of the annealing treatment, fracture occurs

through an interfacial layer of a few nanometer thickness, observed with cross­

section TEM. It is therefore concluded that the adhesion improvement is due to

stronger cohesion within this interfacial layer. With TEM, indications were ob­

tained for densification of the interfacial layer by annealing. With static-SI MS and

XPS changes were observed in the chemical composition of the fracture surfaces.

The contribution of mechanical interlocking for the rough-type substrate cannot

be changed with heat treatment of the metallized samples. Therefore, the adhesion

improvement is entirely ascribed to a larger contribution by chemical interactions.

The same holds for the smooth-type substrates, for which evidence for mechanical

interlocking was not obtained at alL The greater effect of water on the fracture

energy of samples annealed at the higher temperatures is consistent with this ex­



l. H.F. Fischmeister, G. Elssner, B. Gibbesch and W. Mader, Materials Re­

search Society International Meeting on Advanced Materials Vol. 8, (1989),


2. T.S. Oh, R.M. Cannon and R.O. Ritchie, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 130,

(1989), 219.

3. H. Honma and S. Mizushima, J. Met. Finish. Soc. Jpn. 33, (1982), 380.


Page 161: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

4. T. Osaka, E. Nakajima, Y. Tamiya and I. Koiwa, J. Met. Finish. Soc. Jpn.

40, (1989), 573.

5. H. Honma and K. Kanemitsu, Plating and Surface Finishing 74(9), (1987),


6. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, submitted to 1.

Appl. Phys. (1992) and Chapter 4, this thesis.

7. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, accepted for pub­

lication in J. Electrochem. Soc. (1993) and Chapter 3, this thesis.

8. K.S. Rajam, S.R. Rajagopalan, M.S. Hegde, B. Viswanathan, Mater. Chem.

Phys. 27, (1991), 141, and National Institute of Standards.

9. D. Broek, Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Kluwer Academic

Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986, p. 14.

IO. W. Riedel in "Funktionelle Chemische Vemicklung", E.G. Leuze Verlag,

Sau1gau, 1989, Ch. 10.

11. E. Dorre and H. Hiibner in "Alumina, Processing, Properties and Applica­

tions", Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984.


Page 162: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 163: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 6

The influence of substrate chemistry on the adhesion of

electroless Ni(P) on metal-oxide coated ceramics


The adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) was studied using alumina

ceramic substrates which were covered with Si02, Sn02, Ti02, Ah03,

Y20 3, Zr02 and (In, Sn)O, (ITO) coatings. The adhesion was measured

with the 90° peel test. Strong adhesion of Ni(P) was found on the

substrates with the Zr02 and AhOJ coatings, weak adhesion on the

substrates with the Si02, Ti02, Sn02, Y 203 and ITO coatings.

Tbe fracture surfaces were analysed with scanning electron microscopy,

energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays and with X-ray photoelectron

spectroscopy in order to obtain information on the fracture path and the

type of interfacial bonding. For the strongly adhering samples, fracture

took place through the metal layer and along the interface. The sample

with the Sn02 substrate coating showed fracture through the Sn02 at low

peel energy. For the other weakly adhering samples only interfacial failure

was observed between the Ni(P) layer and the metal-oxide coating. The

differences in peel energy values are tentatively ascribed to differences in

micromechanical interlocking due to microporosity of the metal-oxide

substrate coatings. The coverage with nucleation material as measured

with X-ray fluorescence was significantly different for the various metal­

oxide substrate coatings, but did not show a correlation with the peel en­



Page 164: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

6.1. Introduction

In this chapter the results of an investigation into the dependence of the adhesion

of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on the chemical nature of the substrate are de­

scribed. Up to now, we investigated the adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P)

using polycrystalline alumina substrates (1 to 5). From these studies, evidence has

been obtained that the adhesion is influenced not only by mechanical interactions

but also by interface-chemical interactions ( 4, 5), in contrast to the common

opinion (2). This was reported also by Osaka et al. (16). This implies that it should

be possible to influence the adhesion not only by changing the surface roughness,

but also by changing the chemical composition of the substrate surface.

This is done by using a number of metal-oxide coatings on polycrystalline alumina

ceramic substrates. In order to keep the roughness constant as a factor which in­

fluences the adhesion, the same polycrystalline alumina ceramic substrates are used

in this study as in the previous studies. Two substrate types, with different

roughnesses are used. On these alumina substrates, various metal-oxide films are

vapour-deposited. The thickness of these films is small compared with the

roughness of the ceramic substrates. This ensures a constant mechanical contrib­

ution to the adhesion which allows conclusions to be drawn on interfacial chemical

effects. As reference measurements, also uncoated alumina substrates were

metallized and analysed.

For the adhesion measurements the 90° peel test is used, which can provide infor­

mation on the intrinsic interfacial interactions (4). Before and after the nucleation

treatment (1), the surface composition is quantitatively analysed with X-ray

fluorescence (XRF) in order to obtain information on the interface formation. The

fracture surfaces are analysed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy­

dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

in order to obtain information on the fracture path and the type of interfacial



Page 165: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

6.2. Experimental procedures

An overview of the approach followed in this study is presented in Table l. Details

on the various steps in Table I are described in the subsequent sections.

Table 1: Overview of successive procedures and analyses described in this sec­tion.

Step Procedure I analysis Remark

1 Substrate cleaning Organic solvents, glow discharge

2 Metal-oxide coating Evaporation: Si02, Zr02, Ah01, Sn02 Y203, Ti02

Sputtering: (In, Sn)Ox (ITO)

)I Annealing (A) 1 hour, 300 °C, air

4 Surface analysis XRF

5 Cleaning Detergent solution

6 Nucleation2 Sn, Ag, and Pd solutions

7 Surface analysis XRF

j8 Ni(P) electroless deposition pH 4.7, 65 oc

9 Galvanic Ni deposition Sulphamate bath, 50 oc

10 Peel test 90", rate 1 mm/min, in air

11 Annealing (B) 1 hour, 150 oc, air

12 Peel test 90°, rate 1 mm/min, in air

13 Fracture surface analyses SEM/EDX and XPS

1: From step 3 onwards also uncoated rough-type and smooth-type substrates were metallized and analysed, as reference samples.

2: For the sample with the ITO coating, step 6 was carried out twice due to slow and inhomogeneous initiation after the standard single nucleation procedure.


Page 166: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

6.2.1. Sample preparation

- Substrates and metal-oxide coatings

For the sample preparation a rough-type 96 % alumina from Maruwa (Seto,

Japan) and a smooth-type 99.5 % alumina from MRC/Coors (USA) were used

as the substrates. An impression from the surface roughnesses can be obtained

from the SEM micrographs in figs. l to 5. All metal-oxide substrate coatings were

deposited by e-beam evaporation, except the ITO coating, which was deposited

by sputtering. The coating thickness was always about 0.1 pm, for the exact

thicknesses, see Table 3. Prior to the deposition of these coatings, the substrates

were cleaned by rinsing with ethanol and hexane and by glow discharge in the

vacuum-deposition apparatus.

The evaporation process was carried out with a Balzers BA510 apparatus,

equipped with an e-gun. Oxidic starting materials were used. The process pressure

varied from I0-6 mbar, which is the background pressure, to J0-4 mbar. The de­

position rate was 30 nm/min and the substrate temperature was about 300 °C.

ITO was magnetron-sputtered using a Perkin Elmer 2400 system starting from a

In/Sn alloy (85/15 at. %). During sputtering Ar and 02 as the reactive gas were

introduced at flow rates of 120 and 30 standard cubic centimetres per minute ,

respectively. The background pressure and the process pressure were I0-6 and

7. 10-3 mbar, respectively. The deposition rate was 10 nm/min and the substrate

temperature was 300 °C. Before further processing, all coated substrates were

annealed for 1 hour at 300 oc in air in order to obtain stable, completely oxidized

coatings. This step is denoted by "Annealing (A)".

- Metallization

The two substrate types, provided with the various metal-oxide coatings, were

metallized using the following procedure: The samples were cleaned with a deter­

gent solution, and nucleated by successive immersion in solutions containing Sn,

Ag and Pd ions. By electroless metallization, Ni(P) layers of about 0.3 p.m thick­

ness were deposited. On top of the electrolessly deposited Ni(P) layers, galvanic

Ni layers were deposited from a low-stress sulphamate bath. The metal layer

thickness was about 7 pm. The galvanic Ni layer was only applied in order to fa-


Page 167: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

cilitate adhesion measurements. For the peel test, a metal layer with sufficient

strength and stiffness is required. Details and backgrounds of the conditions of

these wet-chemical processes are given in refs. (l) and (4).

6.2.2. Analyses

The adhesion measurements were carried out with 90° peel tests as described in

ref. (4). This test was carried out before and after treating the metallized samples

for 1 hour at 150 "C in air. This annealing treatment is denoted by "Annealing

(B)". SEM I EDX and XPS analyses were carried out as described in the same

paper (4). The equipment and measuring conditions for the XRF analyses are de­

scribed in ref. (17).

6.3. Results

6.3.1. Adbesion measurements

In Table 2 the results of the peel measurements are listed.

Table 2: Peel energy (Gp) values of Ni(P) I Ni bilayers on rough- and smooth­type alumina substrates, provided with various thin metal-oxide coatings. Peel tests were performed before and after annealing the metallized samples for 1 hour at 150 oc.

1 Metal oxide Rough-type substrate Smooth-type substrate

• substrate As-deposited Annealed (B) As-deposited Annealed (B)

coating Gp (J/m2) GP (Jim2) GP (J/m2) GP (J/m2)

Uncoated 22.7 15.7 3.7 2.3

· Zr02 55.9 >97.3 17.9 15.7

i Ah03 39.5 39.0 8.3 13.9

Ti02 24.1 26.3 7.9 3.1

Si02 24.1 17.2 4.8 3.1

Sn02 30.8 15.5 5.7 1.2

Y203 25.4 19.1 3.3 2.2

ITO - - - -Below detection limit of 0.5 Jjm2


Page 168: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The peel energy measurements show that:

The peel energy values on the rough-type ceramic are considerably higher

than on the smooth-type ceramic. This is in agreement with previous results

(4) that mechanical interlocking plays an important role in the adhesion on

the rough-type substrates.

For both the rough- and the smooth-type surfaces and both before and after

annealing, the highest peel energy values were measured with the Zr01

substrate coating.

The peel energy of the Ni(P) I Ni layers on samples with ITO substrate

coatings is below our detection limit of ea. 0.5 Jjm2, for both substrate types.

There is virtually no adhesion.

The peel energy of as-deposited Ni(P) I Ni on the Sn02 surface is higher than

on the uncoated alumina, for both substrate types. After annealing the peel

value strongly decreases and visual inspection shows that the (yellow col­

oured) Sn02 layer is peeled off the alumina ceramic surface.

The peel energy values of the Ni(P) f Ni layers on the other metal-oxide

surfaces are higher than on the uncoated alumina ceramic, both before and

after annealing B, for 1 hour at 150 oc, except for the samples with the ITO


In most cases the peel energy after annealing step B, for 1 hour at !50 oc, was lower than before annealing.

6.3.2. Analyses of surface composition

The chemical composition of the substrate surfaces was measured with XRF be­

fore and after the wet-chemical cleaning and nucleation treatments. The thickness

of the substrate coating and the coverage by nucleation material were determined.

The analysed area is about 20 mm2• The relative accuracy of these measurements

is estimated to be within 10 % for the lower coverages (nucleation material) and

within a few % for the higher coverages (oxidic layers). The results are presented

in Table 3.


Page 169: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 3: XRF analyses of the chemical composition of the coated and uncoated substrate surfaces before and after the wet-chemical cleaning and nucleation procedures.

Substrate Thickness (nm) Coverage (1015 atomsfcm2)

coating Sn Ag Pd Cl

Si02r.b 73 - -

Si02r.a 75 0.74 14.7 0.55

SiOz•· b 99 - - - -Si0z'·" lOO 0.90 10.1 0.73 8.0

Ti02r,b 100 - - -Ti0z'·• 98 2.6 15.6 1.9 11.0

TiOzs,b 96 - - -TiOz•·• 96 4.1 19.5 2.6 14.9

SnOzr,b 100 - I - -

Sn0z'·• 109 _I 1.6 ~ Sn02s,b 96 - - - -SnOz•·• 95 - I 4.5 0.85 4.2

! A}zQ3r,a _2 0.23 0.43 0.52 1.3

AbQ3s,a _2 0.19 0.47 0.33 1.5

Zr02r,b 74 - - -Zr02r,a 74 2.4 12.4 3.2 14.1

ZrOz•·b 65 - - - -

ZrOz•·• 66 1.9 8.2 2.5 9.9

Yz03r,b 68 - -Y203r,a <l 2.0 2.7 0.93 3.0

Y,o,,~ 67 - - -

Yz03s.a <I 1.2 1.4 0.49 1.1

• Uncoa - 1.0 2.2 0.61 2.0

ITO •·• I - 1.8 2.2 0.55 1.9

r: Rough-type substrate. s: Smooth-type substrate. b: Before wet-chemical cleaning and nucleation treatments. a: After wet-chemical cleaning and nucleation treatments. 1: Sn from nucleation cannot be distinguished from coating material. 2: Coating material cannot be distinguished from substrate material.


Page 170: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The XRF results show that:

The oxide layer is affected by the nucleation treatment only for the samples

with the Y20 3 substrate coating.

On the samples with the Ti02 and Zr02 coated substrates, high coverages of

Sn, Ag, Pd and Cl from the nucleation treatment are found, compared with

the uncoated substrate after nucleation. Especially the coverages with Ag and

Cl are very high.

On the sample with the Si02 coated substrate, very high Ag and Cl coverages

are found. For the other elements from the nucleation treatment, the cover­

ages are comparable with the uncoated alumina substrate after nucleation.

The Ag and Pd coverages on the sample with the Sn02 coated substrate, are

in the same range as those of the reference sample. This is an indication that

Sn from the oxide layer does not play an important role in the nucleation.

The same holds for sample with the ITO substrate coating, which has been

submitted to the nucleation treatment twice in order to achieve quick and

homogeneous initiation of Ni(P) deposition. The difference in the thicknesses

of the Sn02 coating before and after nucleation is. too large to be ascribed to

deposition of Sn by the nucleation treatment. It is therefore probably due to

inhomogeneiety in the as-deposited Sn02 thickness.

The Sn and Ag coverages on the sample with the Ab03 coating are a factor

of 2 or more lower than for all other samples. The Pd and Cl coverages on

these samples too, are relatively low.

The coverage of nucleation material on the uncoated alumina substrate dif­

fers less than 30 % from the values reported earlier on the same type of ce­

ramic (1).

6.3.3. Fracture surface analyses


With SEM and EDX the following observations were made on the structure and

the chemical composition of the fracture surfaces:


An irregular type of surface roughness was observed. The metal- and

substrate fracture surfaces were covered with particles. With EDX Sn

Page 171: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


was detected on both the metal and the ceramic side. Apparently,

fracture took place through the Sn02 layer.

A high coverage of the substrate surfaces with metal particles was ob­

served, both at grain boundaries and on grain surfaces. The metal

sides showed corresponding images. Zr was not detected on the metal

side. The surface structure of the metal-oxide film was visible. It was

copied into the metal fracture surface. The fracture path was along

interface and .through the metal layer (figs. 1 and 5).

Similar observations were made as for the samples with the Zr02

substrate coating.

Complete interfacial failure was observed, both by SEM and EDX.

Fracture took place along interface only (fig. 2).

Similar to the fracture surfaces of samples with ITO substrate coatings.

More remaining metal particles were observed at grain boundaries on

the substrate surfaces than for the uncovered reference substrates, but

less than for samples with the Zr02 and Ah03 coatings. Fracture took

mainly place along the interface and for a small part through the metal


Y was not detected with EDX on either side. The structures of the

fracture surfaces are very similar to those of the samples without

substrate coatings.

Uncoated: Interfacial failure was observed. In gaps between surface grains small

amounts of remaining metal was observed for samples with rough-type

substrates (fig. 4) but not for samples with smooth-type substrates

(fig. 3).

For each substrate coating a similar fracture behaviour is observed on the two

substrate types, except for a difference in mechanical interlocking which is not

observed on the smooth-type substrates. The substrate surface structure is very

similar for the coated and the uncoated substrates. Only a microroughness be­

comes apparent for some of the substrate coatings, while the uncoated alumina

grains generally expose smooth crystal faces.


Page 172: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 1: SEM micrographs of a smooth-type substrate fracture surface after

peeling-off the metal film for the sample with a Zr02 substrate coating.

- XPS fracture surface analysis

With XPS the composition and the chemical state of the Ni(P) and metal-oxide

fracture surfaces were analysed for a few samples with strong and with weak ad­

hesion. The samples investigated were those with Zr02 , Si02 and Ab03 coatings

and the one without metal-oxide coating, all with smooth-type substrates. Details

on the experimental conditions of these measurements are given in section 6.2.2.

The fracture surfaces were analysed after peeling-off in a dry nitrogen atmosphere

and after sputtering several nanometers deep, see Table 4. The sputter rate

amounted to 0.6 nm/min.


Page 173: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 2:

Fig. 3:

SEM micrograph of a smooth-type substrate fracture surface after

peeling-off the metal film for a sample with an ITO substrate coating.

SEM micrograph of a smooth-type substrate fracture surface after

peeling-off the metal film for a sample without substrate coating.


Page 174: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 4:

Fig. 5:


SEM micrograph of a rough-type substrate fracture surface after

peeling-off the metal film for a sample without substrate coating.

SEM micrograph of a rough-type substrate fracture surface after

peeling-off the metal film for a sample with a Zr02 substrate coating.

Page 175: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 4: Chemical composition m atom % of peeled metal-oxide and Ni(P) fracture surfaces measured with XPS before and after sputtering for timet.

Surface t (min) Surface composition (at. %)

C1s Ols Ni2p P2p S2p Zr3d Al2p Si2p Sn3d5 Ag3d Pd3d5 C12p

Sample with Zr02 coating

Zr02 0 29 46 9.5 4.8 - 10.5 - - 0.3 0.1 - -170 - 63 2.8 0.4 - 23 11 - - - - .

iNi(P) 0 33 23 30 10.5 - - - 0.3 2.4 0.5 0.3

30 0.7 90.2 8.3 0.4 ! - - - . . - - -

I Sample with AhOJ coating

1Ah03 0 22 47 8.2 3.8 . 1- 18 - 0.1 . - -

190 - 59 11 0.8 - - 29 - - - - -

Ni(P) 0 39 28 29 1.3 0.3 - - - 0.2 0.4 0.1 -

30 - - 92.6 7.4 - . I· - 1- - - -

Sample with Si02 coating

Si02 0 23 51 10.9 1.6 - - 0.9 13 0.07 om 1- -

190 - 67 l.8 - - - 13 18 - 0.1 - -

•Ni(P) 0 38 23 24 ll 1.0 - . 1.3 0.2 0.7 -

30 - . 93 7.4 - . - . - 0.6 . .

Sample with blanco AbOJ ceramic substrate

AhOJ 0 19 52 6 1.6 - . 21 - 0.05 1- - .

190 . 64 0.6 - . 35 . - - - -

Ni(P) 0 38 39 16 6.3 0.4 1- - . 0.6 0.3 - -

30 . 0.7 91 8.0 . - - - 0.2 - - -


Page 176: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 5: Assignment of exact XPS peak positions to chemical compounds on both fracture surfaces for the sample with the Zr02 substrate coating.

Element Position ( e V) Relative amount C%) Environment

Ni(P) I Substrate Cls 284.8 m 286.2 8 6

288.4 10 - -0-C 0 -

Ols 530.1 - 35 NiO I Zr02

531.2 78 NiO,

531.5 - 61 org. -C-H-0

532.4 22 - idem

533.6 - 4 idem

Ni2p3 852.7 lOO 48 Ni, NiP,

856.5 - 52 NiO,

P2p 129.4 29 23 Ni(P)

130.2 41 - Ni(P)

132.9 30 - P03, P04

133.4 77 P03,P04

S2p 161.8 68 - NiS

163.1 32 - org. S

Zr3d5 182.1 - 100 Zr02

Cl2p 198.3 100 -

The following remarks can be made on the XPS results:

On the metal fracture surfaces, the Ni was always in the metallic state. This

means that oxidation did not significantly take place during handling after

peeling in the glove box filled with nitrogen. Therefore, the oxidation states

measured for the other fracture surfaces represent the situation at the inter­

face (Table 5 to 8).





Page 177: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 6: Assignment of exact XPS peak positions to chemical compounds on both fracture surfaces for the sample with the Ab03 substrate coating.

Element Position ( e V) Relative amount (%) Environment

Ni(P) Substrate

Cls 284.8 86 lOO -C-H

286.4 7 - -C-O

288.7 7 - -0-C 0

Ols 531.0 61 56 Ni oxide, Ah03

532.0 39 44 -C-O

Ni2p3 852.7 lOO 8 Ni, Ni(P)

854.1 - 92 Ni oxide

P2p 129.0 - 20 Ni(P)

129.3 - Ni(P)

129.9 - 7 Ni(P)

130.2 38 - Ni(P)

130.5 - 6 Ni(P)

133.2 31 6 P03, P04

133.8 - 61 P03, P04

S2p 161.9 63 - NiS

163.3 37 - so3; so4 165.8 - 100 C-S org.

Al2p 74.5 - lOO Ab03

On all substrate fracture surfaces oxidized Ni and P were detected, indicating

that the weak boundary layer from remaining bath compounds is still present

for all sample types. Another indication for the presence of remaining bath

components is the XPS signal ascribed to an organic sulphur containing

compound, which can only originate from the electroless deposition bath

(Table 5 to 8).

On the samples with high peel energy also metallic Ni and P were detected

on the substrate side, in the case of the Zr02 substrate coating this was even

50 % of the total Ni coverage (Table 5).


Page 178: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 7: Assignment of exact XPS peak positions to chemical compounds on both fracture surfaces for the sample with the Si02 substrate coating.

Element Position ( e V) Relative amount(%) Environment

Ni(P) Substrate

C1s 284.8 86 95 -C-H

286.2 8 5 -C-O

288.1 6 - -0-C=O

Ols 531.2 77 44 Ni oxide, -C-0

532.8 23 56 Si02

Ni2p3 852.7 lOO Ni, Ni(P)

856.7 - 100 Ni oxide

P2p 129.3 31 - Ni(P)

130.1 36 - Ni(P)

132.9 33 P03, P04

133.2 lOO P03, P04

S2p 162.2 69 - NiS

163.9 31 - 1-S-C

Si2p 102.0 - 9 SP+ I

103.2 91 Si02

1: Substoichiometric silicon dioxide


For all samples Sn, Ag, Pd and Cl, originating from the nucleation treatment,

were detected. The highest coverages of these elements were found on the

metal fracture surfaces for all samples analyzed (Table 4). Generally, Sn and

Ag were found in the oxidized state and Pd in the metallic state (not listed

in the Tables).

The ratio of the Ni coverage versus the coverage of Zr, Si, or AI substrate

material varied between 1/1 and 1/3 (Table 4). It did not show a correlation

with the peel energy.

The Si02 substrate coating was not completely oxidized by the annealing

treatment at 300 oc in air (Table 7).

For the sample with the Si02 substrate coating, a small Si coverage was

found on the Ni(P) fracture surface (Table 4).

Page 179: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 8: Assignment of exact XPS peak positions to chemical compounds on both fracture surfaces for the sample with the uncoated alumina substrate.

Element Position ( e V) Relative amount(%) onment



286.2 14 1 -C-O

288.4 8 2 -0-C=O

Ols 531.4 70 80 Ni oxide, Ab03

532.8 30 20 0-C-

Ni2p3 852.4 lOO Ni, Ni(P)

856.2 100 Ni oxide

P2p 129.1 21

130.0 31

133.4 48

25 iS

75 S-C-, S03/ S04

lOO Ah03

6.4. Discussion

The influence of various processing parameters upon the adhesion of electrolessly

deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramics is reviewed in ref. (2). The conditions of the

etching treatment were found to be of much more influence on the adhesion

strength than the nucleation and metallization conditions. Therefore, it is the

general opinion of most researchers in the field that the adhesion is controlled by

mechanical interactions between the Ni(P) layer and the rough ceramic surface due

to mechanical interlocking. By etching, glass phase is removed from between sur­

face alumina grains, resulting in a surface roughness with a characteristic dimen­

sion of several micrometers. Only Osaka et al. (16) found evidence that other,

non-mechanical interfacial interactions contribute to the adhesion.

In a previous study (4) with cross-section TEM we discovered that an amorphous

layer l to 2 nm thick is present at the interface between the electroless Ni(P) layer


Page 180: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

and the alumina ceramic substrate. Fracture surface analyses with XPS,

static-SIMS and SEM I EDX showed that the fracture always took place through

this layer, except at interlocking places. The interfacial layer consisted of all com­

pounds present in the metallization solution and of nucleation material. The

cohesion of the material within this layer was therefore of decisive influence on the

adhesion of Ni(P) on smooth-type substrates where evidence for the occurrence

of mechanical interactions was not obtained. On these smooth-type substrates a

peel energy of 8.5 J/m2 was measured. On the rough-type substrates a much higher

peel energy of 44 J/m2 was measured, which is largely explained by mechanical

interactions. By annealing these samples at temperatures above 250 °C, a two- to

threefold higher peel energy was measured (5). Since the fracture path remained

through the interfacial layer, the improved adhesion was ascribed to stronger

cohesion within the layer after annealing.

By using a vacuum-deposited Pd nucleation layer, with an underlying Ti adhesion

promotor layer, excellent adhesion was found of Ni(P) on alumina ceramics.

Fracture took place cohesively in these systems (3). The strong adhesion was ex­

plained by the absence of the amorphous interfacial layer as shown by cross­

section TEM. This allowed strong interfacial metal - metal bonds to be formed.

The results from the previous investigations described above, demonstrate the im­

portance of the interfacial layer for the adhesion. We suppose that this layer is

formed by incomplete displacement of the metallization solution from the

hydrophylic substrate surface by the newly formed Ni(P) metal phase at the initial

stages of the metallization process. After evaporation of water, the dissolved bath

components remain at the interface and prevent intimate contact on atomic scale

and thus chemical interactions between the metal layer and the substrate. If the

interface is formed similarly on the substrates used in the present study, the adhe-'

sion improvement for some of the samples can only be explained in terms of me­

chanical interactions.

The oxidized Ni and P species, the nucleation material and the sulphur com­

pounds, detected with XPS on fracture surfaces of all sample types, provide indi­

cations for the presence of such an interfacial layer for all sample types, in the


Page 181: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

same way as found in the previous studies ( 4, 5). This may imply that the improved

adhesion, found for some sample types, cannot be explained by enhanced chemieal

interfacial interactions, for example due to differences in acid-base properties of

the metal oxide surfaces (8, 18, 19). Therefore, the only alternative explanation

for the improved adhesion of some of the sample types, is the occurrence of more

efficient mechanical interactions. However, all coated substrates have a very simi­

lar roughness, on a scale observable with SEM. If there are any differences, the

coated substrates are smoother rather than rougher, compared with the uncoated

substrates. Alternatively, roughness on a smaller scale than observable with SEM

may play a role.

It is well known (6, 10, 14, 20, 21) that e-beam evaporated metal-oxide films have

a porosity of 10 to 30 %, in spite of a deposition temperature of about 300 oc. The material grows in columns and open gaps remain between these columns (12).

If these gaps are wider than a few nanometres, Ni(P) is likely to penetrate and

form microscopic anchoring sites. The Ni(P) films generally follow the surface to­

pography of the substrate on this scale (1, 4, 5). If the adhesion depends on the

microstructure of the metal-oxide films, this also explains why on the rough- and

the smooth-type substrates similar influences of the metal-oxide coatings have been

observed. This type of roughness was termed microroughness by Venables (15),

who observed adhesion improvement of polymer layers on phosphoric acid

anodized aluminium due to roughness structures of 5 to 10 nm.

The porosity of the metal-oxide substrate coatings may also account for the high

coverages with nucleation material, as listed in Table 3. The coverages correspond

to up to 25 monolayers of solid material, and are much higher than observed for

nucleation of alumina ceramic surfaces, both in ref. (1) and in this work, see also

Table 3. Vapour deposited metal-oxide coatings can absorb water (11), and

therefore nucleation material can penetrate into the coating. The analysis depth

of the XRF measurement is such, that all nucleation material, present in the

substrate coating, is detected in contrast with XPS, which only measures the out­

ermost 3 nm. This can explain the fact that the amount of nucleation material

measured with XPS is of the order of 0.1 monolayer for both fracture surfaces



Page 182: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The high coverage of the nucleation elements for substrates with the Si02 , Ti02,

and Zr02 coatings can be explained by a higher effective surface area due to the

coating porosity. The deposition of the nucleation material can be described by

the same processes as reported in ref. (l) for the non-porous alumina ceramic

surface. The high coverages of Ag and Cl, relative to the other elements used in

the nucleation treatments can possibly be explained by precipitation of AgCl, as

also suggested in (1). The AgCl precipitation may be enhanced by inefficient rins­

ing due to the porosity. The valencies of Ag and Pd, determined by the XPS

multiscan measurements on the fracture surfaces, are in agreement with the pro­

posed processes during nucleation.

With EDX Y is not detected on the metal and substrate fracture surfaces of the

samples with the Y203 substrate coatings. The XRF measurements before and after

nucleation show that Y already disappears in the nucleation treatment. This may

explain the observation that these samples behave very similarly to the samples

with the uncovered substrates, concerning the coverage with nucleation material,

the peel energy values and the structure of the fracture surfaces.

The results obtained with the ITO substrate coatings are remarkable. For both

substrate types the peel energy was extremely low, see Table 2. This is an indi­

cation that both mechanical interactions and chemical interfacial interactions are

very weak. The initiation on the ITO coated substrates was slowly and the Ni(P)

coverage was incomplete after a standard single activation procedure. Therefore,

for the samples used in this study, the nucleation procedure (step 6 in Table 1) was

carried out twice and the coverages listed for ITO in Table 3 refer to this repeated

nucleation procedure. With this repeated procedure quick initiation was observed,

but still the adhesion is very poor. More detailed investigations are required be­

fore explanations or even reasonable speculations can be formulated.

It should be noted that even for the samples with high peel energy values, the

metal-oxide substrate coatings are not broken away from the alumina ceramic.

This means that the adhesion of the metal-oxide coatings on the alumina ceramic

is generally very strong. Only in the case of the SnOz substrate coating, failure was

observed in the coating. However, this was cohesive failure in the Sn02 layer and


Page 183: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

it was only observed after annealing at 150 oc. A possible explanation is that

moisture, present in the SnOz substrate coating after the wet-chemical deposition

of Ni(P), has degraded the mechanical properties of the film upon annealing

(6, 20).

The peel energy values reported in this work for the samples with the uncoated

rough-type and smooth-type substrates of 22 and 3.5 Jjm2 respectively, are con­

siderably lower than the values of 44 and 8.5 J/m2 measured using the same

substrates in previous studies (4, 5). This difference is caused by a higher internal

stress in the galvanic Ni top layer, as confirmed by a measurement with a deposit

stress analyser. This does not have consequences for the relative differences be­

tween peel energy values measured for various sample types in this study as they

are all made with the same galvanic Ni solution, and have the same internal stress

in the galvanic Ni top layer. The differences in peel energy between the various

sample types are consistent for the rough-type and smooth-type samples. More­

over, the differences in the fracture paths for samples with low peel energy and

samples with high peel energy strongly suggest that these differences are caused

by differences in intrinsic adhesion, not by differences in bulk properties of the

metal layers.

The reason for the change in peel energy upon annealing the metallized samples

at 150 oc is not clear. Similar changes have been observed in a previous study to

the influence of thermal treatments upon the adhesion of Ni(P) on uncoated

smooth-type and rough-type substrates (4). Only at temperatures above 250 ac a

rigid increase in peel energy and adhesion was measured. A possible explanation

for the decrease in peel energy can be the evaporation of water in the porous

substrate coatings or in the interfacial layer and builds up pressure under the Ni(P)

films. However, there are some arguments against this assumption: Firstly, blisters

have not been observed, secondly, the change is sometimes different for rough-type

and smooth-type substrates, thirdly, the adhesion on the non-porous uncoated

alumina substrates also decreases upon annealing and finally, debonded areas have

never been observed in TEM- and SEM cross-sections. Therefore, it must be

concluded that this question remains unclear.


Page 184: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The real widths of the interfaces between Ni(P) and metal-oxide, and between

metal-oxide and the alumina substrate is probably much smaller than found with

the XPS depth profiling measurements. The apparent width of an interface is in­

creased by several effects: Firstly, with an information depth of 3 nm, the under­

lying material is detected already when the real interface is still 3 nm deeper.

Secondly, on a rough surface the angle between the sputter beam and the surface

strongly varies with the position on the substrate. Consequently, the sputter rate

is not constant over the substrate surface (22). Thirdly, the sputter beam generally

has a different angle with the surface from the analyser. This causes shadow effects

on a rough surface. Fourthly, redeposition of sputtered material may take place

in valleys and gaps on rough surfaces. Finally, when the chemical composition of

a surface is laterally inhomogeneous, local differences in sputter rate may arise as

a consequence of preferential sputtering.

6.5. Final remarks

The peel energy of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) is strongly increased by using ea.

0.1 pm thick e-beam evaporated Zr02 and Ah03 coatings on alumina ceramics,

relative to the adhesion on uncoated alumina substrates. Other oxidic substrate

coatings such as e-beam evaporated Si02 and Ti02 do not lead to a strongly in­

creased adhesion. On a sputtered ITO coating the adhesion was very weak, with

a peel energy below our detection limit of 0.5 Jjm2• The interfacial analyses do not

allow definitive conclusions on the differences in the adhesion mechanisms on

samples with and without these various coatings. The Y20 3 coating was not stable

during wet-chemical processing and for the Sn02 coating cohesive fracture took

place in the oxidic coating at low peel energy. A correlation between the peel en­

ergy and the coverage of nucleation material or the coverage of Pd was not found.

A possible explanation for the increased peel energy for some of the substrate

coatings is the following: Micro-mechanical interlocking on the oxidic coatings

may have taken place on nanometer scale due to porosity of the substrate coatings.

However, for obtaining conclusive evidence on the mechanism of adhesion in these


Page 185: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

systems a cross-section TEM study on these interfaces is required. Preparations for

this study are in progress.


1. J.W. Severin, H. van der Wel, R. Hokke and G. de With, accepted for pub­

lication in J. Electrochem. Soc. (1992) and Chapter 3, this thesis.

2. J.W. Severin and G. de With, accepted for publication in J. Adhesion Sci.

Technol. (1992) and Chapter 2, this thesis.

3. J.W. Severin, H. van der Wel, R. Hokke, M. Johnson and G. de With, ac­

cepted for publication in J. Electrochem. Soc. (1993) and Chapter 7, this


4. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, submitted to J.

Appl. Phys. (1993) and Chapter 4, this thesis.

5. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, submitted to J.

Electrochem. Soc. (1993) and Chapter 5, this thesis.

6. G.G. Long, D.R. Black, A. Feldman, E.N. Farabaugh, R.D. Spal, D.K.

Tanaka and Z. Zhang, Thin Solid Films 217, (1992), 113.

7. K.L. Chopra, S. Major and D.K. Pandya, Thin Solid Films 102, (1983), 1.

8. G.A. Parks, Chemical Reviews 52, (1965), 177.

9. H.A. Macleod, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4, (1986), 418.

10. A.G. Dirks and H.J. Leamy, Thin Solid Films 47, (1977), 219.

11. H.A. Macleod and D. Richmond, Thin Solid Films 37, (1976), 163.

12. H.A. Macleod, Optical Thin Films, SPIE Proceedings 325, (1982), 21.

13. K.H. Guenther, Optical Thin Films, SPIE Proceedings 346, (1982), 9.

14. M. Lottiaux, C. Boulesteix, G. Nihoul, F. Varnier, F. Flory, R. Galindo and

E. Pelletier, Thin Solid Films 170, (1989), 107. ' 15. J.D. Venables, J. Mater. Sci. 19, (1984), 2431.

16. T. Osaka, Y. Tamiya, K. Naito and K. Sakaguchi, J. Surf. Finish. Soc. Jpn.

40, (1989), 835.

17. D.K.G. de Boer, J.J.M. Borstrok, A.J.G. Leenaers, H.A. van Sprang and

P.N. Brouwers, submitted to X-Ray Spectrometry (1992).

18. G.A. Parks and P.L. de Bruyn, J. Phys. Chem. 66, (1962), 967.


Page 186: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

19. F.M. Fowkes, J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 1, (1987), 7.

20. A. Feldman, X. Ying and E. Farabaugh, Applied Optics 28, (1989), 5229.

21. E. Farabaugh, A. Feldman, J. Sun and Y.N. Sun, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A

5, (1987), 1671.

22. A. Benninghoven, F.G. Riidenauer and H.W. Werner in "Secondary Ion

Mass Spectrometry", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987, p. 204.


Page 187: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 7

The adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ce­

ramic using a vacuum-deposited Ti- Pd nucleation layer.


The adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on Al20 3 ceramic substrates

using sputtered and evaporated Ti - Pd nucleation films has been studied.

The adhesion was measured using the direct pull-off test and the 90° peel

test. The morphology and the chemical composition of the fracture sur­

faces of the samples with evaporated Ti - Pd nucleation films were studied

with SEM / EDX and static-SIMS. Failure did not occur along the metal

- ceramic interface, but mainly in the alumina and therefore the strength

of the system is determined primarily by the substrate material. Cross­

sectional TEM and HR-TEM were used to study the interface structure

before failure. The oxidation state of Ti at the interface was measured

with XPS. This was carried out in the (sub)monolayer range by using a

Ti wedge deposited on alumina with a maximum thickness of 0.35 nm. It

is concluded that the strong adhesion at the metal - ceramic interface is

caused by chemical bonding of the first Ti monolayer with substrate oxy­

gen atoms.


Page 188: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

7 .1. Introduction

Generally, the adhesion between electrolessly deposited Ni layers and non­

conducting substrates is weak. Often this can be improved by increasing substrate

surface roughness, thus making use of mechanical interlocking (1). In some cases,

however, this is not possible or not sufficient. In this chapter a procedure is de­

scribed to improve the adhesion of electroless Ni(P) layers on smooth substrates.

Usually Pd, required as a catalyst for the initiation of the electroless deposition,

is deposited on the substrate surface as nuclei from aqueous solutions, e.g. by

immersion in SnCl2 and PdC12 solutions (2, 3). However, a vacuum-deposited Pd

layer can also act as a catalyst for the initiation of this process (3, 4). Unfortu­

nately, adhesion properties deteriorate with increasing nobility of the metal. The

stronger adhesion of base metals like Ti, AI and Cr, compared to semi-noble and

noble metals like Ni, Cu, Ag and Pd is ascribed to the tendency of the former

group to form chemical bonds with oxygen atoms of the substrate surface (5). For

a number of metals a proportionality relationship has been established between

oxidation potential and adhesion strength (6). The adhesion of noble metals is

often improved by alloying with base metals or by applying a thin interlayer of

such a metal (5, 7). Furthermore, the adhesion of electroless Ni is stronger on

metal substrates than on non-metallic substrates (8). A combination of these ob­

servations leads to the idea of using stacks of metal layers, for instance the stack

shown in fig. I. The relatively thick electrodeposited Ni layer was applied on top

of the electroless Ni(P) layer in order to increase the strength and the stiffness of

the metal layer which was necessary for the adhesion measurements. For the de­

position of Ti and Pd films several techniques are in use. The two common tech­

niques applied here are magnetron sputtering and evaporation.

In order to obtain information on the nature of the chemical interaction at the

metal - ceramic interface, the Ti layer has been investigated with X-ray

photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) during the initial stages of deposition. Similar

investigations to interpret adhesion phenomena have been reported for Ti on silica

and sapphire (9), AI on silica (10) and Al on polymers (11).


Page 189: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

4 Galvanic Ni (several f.Jm)

3 Electroless Ni(P) (0.3 f.Jm)

2 Pd (20 nm) 1 Ti (20 nm)

Al20 3 ceramic

Fig. 1: Stack of metal layers used in this investigation.

At first sight it may not seem useful to combine a relatively expensive vacuum­

deposition technique for the nucleation layer with the simple wet-chemical depo­

sition of the nickel layer. However, for a number of applications electroless Ni(P)

has to be used because of specific properties required, such as high strength and

hardness, good wear resistance, oxidation and corrosion stability and resistance to

various chemicals (12). In such cases, where high specifications have to be met, a

vacuum-deposition technique for the nucleation layer can be a suitable solution for

obtaining strong adhesion.

7 .2. Experimental procedures

Metal layers were deposited on two types of ceramic substrates; on relatively rough

96 % alumina (HCT, Hoechst Rubalit 708), with an R. value of 0.3 /liD and on

relatively smooth 99.5 % alumina (MRC 996), with an R, value of 0.06 J1m. The

substrates were cleaned with a fluorinated alkylsulphonate detergent solution and


Page 190: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

etched for 4 minutes in a 2.5% HF solution. The changes in chemical composition

of the surface due to these treatments is reported elsewhere (13).

The magnetron-sputtered Ti and Pd films were deposited under the following

conditions: ea. 20 nm Ti was sputtered at a rate of 0.1 nm/s for 200 s, immediately

followed by the deposition of ea. 20 nm Pd at a rate of 0.4 nm/s for 50 s. The

substrates were not heated during deposition. A background pressure of 10-5 mbar

was maintained, the process pressure being 2.5 10-2 mbar Ar. Ti and Pd films 20

nm thick were also deposited by evaporation using a similar procedure, both at a

rate of 0.5 nm/s and at room temperature. The background pressure was

2.5 10-6 mbar.

Electroless Ni(P) was deposited using a commercial Enlyte 512 bath (OMI) at a

temperature of 60 to 65 oc. For the electrodeposition of a low stress Ni layer a

sulphamate bath was used (8, 12). For the adhesion strength measurements Ni

layers of 2 to 4 fLID thickness were used, except for the evaporated Ti-Pd samples

(14-30 fLID). For the fracture energy measurements a Ni layer of 40 }liD thickness

was used in order to avoid rupture of the layer during peeling.

The adhesion was measured by a direct pull-off (DPO) adhesion strength meas­

urement (14) and by a 90° peel test which provides information concerning the

fracture energy (15, 16). For the DPO test, aluminum pull studs with an epoxy

adhesive were bonded to the Ni layer at 150 oc for 1 hour in air. This heat treat­

ment may affect adhesion, but is difficult to avoid. The samples for the peel test

received the same heat treatment before attaching the peel strip to the load cell.

The fracture surfaces of the peeled sample were analysed with scanning electron

microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDX).

Cross-section TEM micrographs were made using a Philips EM 400 transmission

electron microscope at an electron energy of 120 keV. For the high-resolution

cross-section TEM micrographs a Philips CM 30 microscope was used at an

electron energy of 300 keV. Samples were prepared by grinding, polishing and ion

milling as described in ref. (17). The equipment and measuring conditions for the

static secondary ion mass spectrometry (static-SIMS) surface analyses are de-


Page 191: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

scribed in ref. (18). A reflectron type Time-of-Flight Static-SIMS apparatus from

IonTOF GmbH was used for the surface analysis of the first monomolecular layers

of the fracture surfaces. The mass resolution of the spectra was such (3000 - 5000

in the mass range from 20 to 150 amu) that peaks from the metal ions could be

separated from those of hydrocarbon ions of the same nominal mass.

For the XPS analyses of the Ti layer at the initial stages of deposition, MRC

substrates were used which were cleaned by sputtering at elevated temperature.

Then Ti was evaporated in a VG Semicon V80M MBE chamber and the XPS

analysis was carried out in a VG Scientific ESCA!ab using Mg Ka: radiation. A

Ti wedge of about 40 mm length and a maximum average thickness of 0.32 nm

was deposited by evaporation from a resistively heated Ti filament ( > 99.9 %

pure) at a rate of the order of 0.1 monolayer/min. This wedge was prepared and

analysed in a similar manner to the Fe/Cr wedgejFe (100) sample in ref. (19). A

moving shutter was used for the wedge preparation. The background pressure was

equal to the process pressure, being 10-10 mbar. The Ti layer thickness was deter­

mined by analysis of the integrated AI 2s and Ti 2p312 XPS peak intensities. A lin­

ear increase of the Ti thickness along the wedge was confirmed, suggesting that

Ti initially grows as relatively flat patches. The absolute accuracy in determining

the layer thickness is about 10 %, however, by using the wedge geometry, the rel­

ative thicknesses are extremely well defined.

7 .3. Results

7.3.1. Adhesion measurements

- Direct pull-off tests

In Table 1 the results of the DPO adhesion strength measurements are listed for

the samples with sputtered and evaporated interlayers, prepared as shown in

fig. 1 and as described in section 7.2.


Page 192: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 1: Mean fracture strength ur (MPa), sample standard deviation sn-l (MPa) and number of samples N for samples with sputtered and evaporated Ti-Pd layers. MRC and HCT refer to the smooth and rough types of alumina respectively.

Sample type Substrate nr. Ur Sn-1 N Failure*

Sputtered MRC lA 55 8.5 33 Substrate

lB 55 6.0 32 Substrate

Evaporated HCT 2 76 4.1 6 Stud

* See text for explanation

The strength values listed for the samples with sputtered Ti-Pd (nrs. lA and B) are

lower than those with the evaporated Ti-Pd layers (nr. 2). However, this does not

mean that the adhesion strength is lower. In the case of the sputtered interlayers

(nrs. lA and B) failure took place by fracture of the substrate. Therefore it is only

possible to conclude that apparently the adhesion strength is higher than the values

measured in these tests. In order to overcome this problem, the substrates were

strengthened by bonding a thick rigid body on the back of the substrate for the

subsequent adhesion strength measurements of the samples with evaporated Ti-Pd

interlayers (nr. 2). In this case the substrate did not break, but failure always took

place in the adhesive with which the studs are bonded on the samples. Again, the

adhesion is apparently stronger than the values measured in these tests. Since this

did not provide extra information on the metal - ceramic interfacial strength, only

a few samples of this type have been measured.

-Peel tests

Three peel measurements were carried out. For practical reasons (sample size) this

test was only done with the evaporated Ti'-Pd nucleation layer. From two meas­

urements on one part of the sample a reproducible peel energy of 226 J jm2 was

measured. From a third measurement on another part of the sample a value of

306 Jjm2 is obtained. This last measurement was done near to the edge of the

substrate where the layer thickness was 30 ,urn instead of the average value of

40 ,urn. In fig. 2 the peel profile is depicted with a corresponding peel energy of

306 Jfm2•


Page 193: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

-.§ 200 z -CD

~ 100 LL

CD CD 0..

0 2 4 6 8

Displacement (mm) ...

Fig. 2: Peel profile of Ni I Ni(P) layer with evaporated Ti-Pd nucleation layer.

For reasons described above, only from the peeled samples (with evaporated

Ti-Pd) could the fracture surfaces be analysed. A variety of structures are visible

on these surfaces as shown in the SEM micrographs in figs. 3A to D. On the metal

side a large fraction of the surface is covered by individual alumina grains or by

larger ceramic pieces (fig. 3A). On the alumina side, ceramic-ceramic fracture sur­

faces are seen (fig. 3B). This means that fracture took place mainly throughout the

ceramic. On the relatively smooth surfaces of grains which remained on the

substrate, a micro-roughness becomes apparent (fig. 3C). This is, however, a rela­

tively small fraction of the whole fractured area. EDX analysis shows the presence

of Ni on these alumina grain surfaces. Ni is also detected with a stronger EDX

signal at the grain boundaries than on the grain surfaces. On the metal side

(fig. 3D), metal metal fracture is observed on sites corresponding to substrate

grain boundaries. Apparently, the amounts of Ti and Pd on these fracture surfaces

are below the EDX detection limit. In order to obtain more detailed information,

additional analyses were carried out with static-SIMS.


Page 194: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 3A: SEM fractograph of the metal side: most of the metal fracture surface

is covered by alumina grains (right hand side). On the left hand side

fracture occurred close to the metal-ceramic interface.

Fig. 3B: SEM fractograph of the alumina side: ceramic-ceramic fracture surface

at the upper part of the figure. At the lower part the top grains re­

mained on the ceramic.


Page 195: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 3C: SEM fractograph of the alumina side: By EDX it is shown that the

roughness on- the alumina grains at least partly consists of Ni. More

Ni is present at grain boundaries.

Fig. 3D: SEM fractograph of the metal side: Metal fracture at positions corre­

sponding with substrate grain boundaries.


Page 196: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

7 .3.2. Interface chemistry analysis by static-SIMS measurements

In fig. 4A the positive-ion static-SIMS spectrum of the Al20 3 side of the peeled

interface (with evaporated Ti-Pd nucleation layer) is shown. The spectrum is

dominated by the AI signal at mass I charge ratio (m/z) 27. Smaller peaks from

Ni, Ti and Pd are also observed. The relatively high intensity of the peaks from

alkaline and alkaline earth metal ions is caused by their high ionization probabil­

ity. The corresponding spectrum recorded from the metal side of the interface

(fig. 4B) is very similar to the former one, also with a dominating AI signal. This

is in agreement with the observation with SEM/EDX that fracture took mainly

place through the ceramic. The peaks that are not assigned are mostly due to alkyl

fragments, generally observed in such measurements and probably mainly origi­

nating from the laboratory atmosphere. These fragments are present in the spectra

at m/z 15, 29, 39, 41, 55 and 57. The signal at m/z 39 is due to the hydrocarbon

ions C3Hj and to K+ in a 1:1 ratio. The signal at mjz 27 is mainly due to AI+. The

peak of C2Hj at mfz 27 has an intensity which is about 10 times lower than the

intensity of AI+.

Once it had become apparent from the SEM/EDX and static-SIMS measurements

that fracture took place cohesively, it was also clear that further mechanical char­

acterization could not give any additional information on the interface. Therefore,

it was decided that TEM and XPS measurements were more appropriate to in­

vestigate the nature of the metal - ceramic interface itself.

7.3.3. Interface structure from cross-sectional TEM

Cross-sectional TEM micrographs of the samples with sputtered and with evapo­

rated nucleation films on both types of substrates have been made. In fig. 5A the

micrograph of the sample with the lough type alumina is shown. The images ob­

tained from samples with sputtered and evaporated layers are similar. In both

cases a stack of layers is seen as schematically given in fig. I. The ceramic

substrates are well covered and no interface voids are observed. Intimate contact

is also observed for the other metal-metal interfaces. At the interface between Ti

and alumina (fig. 5A) a contrast is observed which could be assigned to an

interfacial layer of less than I nm thickness. However, a clear interfacial layer


Page 197: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

could not be distinguished in the lattice image observed with HRTEM (fig. 5B)

on the same sample.

>-...... "(i.i c (1) ...... c (1) > ~ (1)


Fig. 4:

15x Mg+


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Mass (amu) ..,.

Static-SIMS positive-ion spectra of alumina (A, top) and nickel (B,

bottom) fracture surfaces. A linear intensity scale is used.


Page 198: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 5A: Cross-sectional TEM micrograph of sample with evaporated Ti-Pd

nucleation on rough type ceramic.

7 .3.4. Interface formation studied with XPS analyses

Fig. 6 shows the XPS survey spectra, recorded before (6A) and after (6B) deposi­

tion of the Ti wedge. Subsequently, detail spectra of the main Ti peaks from the

layer and the main AI and 0 peaks from the substrate were recorded at five posi­

tions on the wedge, each at a different layer thickness. In Table 2 the peak posi­

tions (± 0.3 eV) are listed for the five thicknesses. A rigid shift in the position of

the Al and 0 peaks is observed along the wedge. The mean shift values of the Al

and 0 peaks relative to the reference values (20), were used to correct the position

of the Ti peaks for the minor electric charging of the insulating sample. The elec­

tric charging decreased with increasing layer thickness, probably due to improved

conduction of the thicker Ti layer.


Page 199: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Fig. 5B: Cross-sectional HRTEM micrograph of sample with evaporated Ti-Pd

nucleation on rough type ceramic.


Page 200: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

t 012ol c:: :::~ Al(2s) .£ Al(2p) ~ C{1s) ;:: Ar(2p) '(ii

~ 0(1s) E Q)

> ·~ Q5 a:

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Binding Energy (eV) ---

Fig. 6: XPS survey spectra recorded from the alumina substrate before (A, top)

and after (B, bottom) Ti deposition.

Table 2: XPS binding energy peak positions (eV) of Al, 0 and Ti peaks at vari­ous Ti layer thicknesses T (nm).

No. 1 2 3 4 5 Ref. (20)

T (nm) 0.02 0.055 0.095 0.165 0.32 -AI 76.1 76.1 75.7 75.1 74.6 74.7 (Al20 3)

0 532.6 532H 532.3 532.0 531.6 531.6 (Al20 3)

Ti 459.9 459. 458.5 455.7 453.8 458.5 (Ti02), 453.8 (Ti)

l·u 458.8 458 457.7 455.3 453.8

* After correction for the shift in substrate signals due to electric charging.

The gradual change in the spectra of the Ti 2p312 and Ti 2p112 peaks as a function

of Ti layer thickness can be seen in fig. 7. The binding energy scale of each curve

has been corrected for electric charging as shown in Table 2. At the lowest cover­

age the spectrum is characteristic of Ti02, while the spectrum of Ti at the highest

coverage is characteristic of metallic Ti (see the reference binding energies in


Page 201: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Table 2). At intermediate coverages' the transition can be followed as a change in

relative contribution of both these spectra. For reasons of clarity of presentation

the intensity of the spectra has been normalized to the most intense peak of Ti at

all coverages. This explains the relatively large amount of noise in the spectra for

the lower coverages. Since the increase of the Ti 2p312 peak intensity in the

submonolayer regime (as determined with the AI 2s intensities) was exactly linear

with the position along the wedge as measured in the first 4 spectra (fig. 7, spectra

1, 2, 3, and 4), it is concluded that the Ti grows in a close to "layer by layer" mode.

Fig. 7:

450 455 460 465 470 475 480 Binding energy (eV) .,.

XPS detail spectra of the Ti 2p112 and 2p112 peaks recorded from 5 places

on the Ti wedge: 0.02 nm (1), 0.055 nm (2), 0.095 nm (3), 0.165 nm (4)

and 0.32 nm (5). Spectrum 5 'was recorded from place 5 after 20 hours

exposure to the vacuum environment.


Page 202: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

It has been established that oxidation of the Ti layer in the vacuum did not influ­

ence the measurements. Even after 20 hours storage in this environment, only a

small change in the shape of the Ti XPS peaks is observed, see curve 5 and 5' in

fig. 7. The peak position did not significantly shift. The other spectra shown in

figs. 6 and 7 were recorded within 1 hour after deposition of the metal. From this

observation it can also be concluded that other reactions, e.g. with the substrate,

do not play a role on this time scale.

7 .4. Discussion

7 .4.1. Adhesion

In Table 3 a comparison is made for the adhesion obtained with a wet-chemical

nucleation (21) and with the Ti-Pd nucleation. In this Table it is shown that with

the Ti-Pd nucleation fracture takes place cohesively and at higher strengths and

at higher peel energies than in the case of the wet-chemical nucleation, where ad­

hesive fracture occurred.

Table 3: Comparison of mechanical data on adhesion with Ti-Pd nucleation layer and with wet-chemical nucleation layer.

Substrate Nucleation Strength (MPa) Peel energy (J/m2) Fracture path

HCT Wet-chemical (21) 12 41 Interfacial

MRC Wet-chemical (21) 5 8.5 Interfacial

HCT Ti-Pd > 76 226 Cohesive

MRC Ti-Pd > 55 - Cohesive

In fig. 8 the fracture path through the stack of fig. 1 is schematically shown as

observed after the peel test. The dips in the ceramic represent grain boundaries.

Fracture takes mainly place through the ceramic substrate but also on some places

through the Ni(P) layer. The fracture through the ceramic takes place at a more

or less constant depth, relative to the interface. At the places where fracture takes

place near to the interface, small particles are observed on the grain surfaces. These

particles not only consist of Ti or Ti plus Pd, but also Ni and P are detected at

these places with EDX. On the grain surfaces, which are relatively smooth, the


Page 203: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

possibility of mechanical adhesion is excluded. Therefore, these areas show that the

strong adhesion must be due to chemical bonding at the interface.

Fig. 8:

Galvanic Ni

Electroless Ni (P)

Pd Ti

Schematical representation of fracture path through stack. The dips in

the ceramic surface represent grain boundaries.

For the samples prepared with wet-chemical deposition of the Pd nuclei, it has

been found that the peel energy is equal to the fracture energy (21). For those

samples, the peel energy did not depend on the layer thickness. However, for the

samples with the vacuum-deposited nucleation layer, the situation is somewhat

more complicated. Since the adhesion is stronger, peeling only starts at higher

loads. In order to avoid plastic deformation of the Ni film, a layer thickness of

about 40 p.m is chosen, instead of about 10 p.m. Still, from the difference in shape

of the onset and the end part of the peel curve it is concluded that at least some

bulk plastic deformation of the metal film has occurred. This may also explain the

dependence of peel energy on location, probably due to variation in layer thick­

ness. An additional phenomenon which may have contributed to the large peel

energy, is the formation of many small cracks (pulverization) in the brittle alumina

layer which is peeled from the substrate.


Page 204: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

7.4.2. Chemical bonding

The results from the XPS analyses on the Ti layer on the MRC ceramic at the in­

itial stages of deposition show a similar trend to that reported by Chaug et al. (9)

who used a polished single crystal sapphire as substrate. However, a notable dif­

ference seems to be present in the binding energies. Chaug et al. found a shift in

Ti binding energy relative to metallic Ti of 2.6 eV, in between the values reported

for TiO (2.1 eV) and Th03 (3.7 eV). Therefore, they concluded that the oxidation

state of Ti at the interface is between 2 + and 3 +. In this work a shift of 4. 7 eV

is found, corresponding with a 4 + oxidation state. A possible explanation can be

found in the layer thicknesses. Chaug et al. used layer thicknesses from 0.1 to

0.7 nm Ti on sapphire, whereas in the present case this was 0.02 to 0.35 nm, which

is about 5 times less on the thinnest place. At 0.095 nm the shift (fig. 6,

spectrum 2) has already decreased to 3.9 eV, relative to metallic Ti, close to the

value corresponding with Te+ and approaching the value reported in ref. (9), ob-

. tained at a similar layer thickness. A further reduction in Ti thickness to the ex­

treme submonolayer regime as reported here, is required to encounter the 4+

oxidation state.

On increasing the Ti layer thickness above about 0.02 nm, the absence of sufficient

surface 0 makes it increasingly difficult for the additional Ti atoms to achieve the

4 + oxidation state. Consequently, lower oxidation states are encountered at lower

binding energies. For the thickest layers, metallic Ti is encountered (fig. 7, spec­

trum 4, 5). At the higher binding energy side of both these Ti 2p peaks, satellite

peaks are observed the absolute intensity of which remains fairly constant with

increasing Ti layer thickness. This suggests that at all Ti thicknesses considered, a

strongly chemically bonded interface with the Ah03 is formed in the first Ti


The results of the XPS measurements also agree with the observation with

HRTEM, that no separate, structurally different interfacial reaction layer is

formed. An atomically sharp interface is present, although small lattice defor­

mations may be present within 0.5 nm from the interface. It is worth noting in

addition that these TEM images were made of samples which were several months


Page 205: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

old and which had been heated for I hour at 150 "C before the DPO test. This

means that the sharp interface is very stable under these conditions.

7 .5. Conclusions

Strong adhesion is obtained between electroless nickel layers and alumina

substrates by using vacuum-deposited Ti - Pd nucleation layers. In the peel tests,

cohesive failure takes place mainly in the alumina ceramic. Due to the high

interfacial strengths, cohesive failure occurred and with the DPO test only lower

limits of the adhesion strength could be obtained. No differences are observed in

the adhesion with sputtered and evaporated Ti - Pd nucleation films. From the

fracture surface analyses it is concluded that the strong adhesion is brought about

by interface chemical interactions.

At small coverages, XPS indicates that Ti exists in an oxidized state on the

alumina surface, most probably in the 4 + state. With increasing coverage a de­

crease in the relative amount of oxidized Ti is found. At a few monolayers thick­

ness mainly metallic Ti is measured, but most probably, the original oxidized Ti

layer is still present. The Ti layer is bonded to the alumina substrate by an inter­

action of the first monolayer of Ti atoms with oxygen in the top layer of the

alumina substrate. It is concluded that this interaction is responsible for the strong

adhesion at the metal - ceramic interface. The other interfaces are strong metal -

metal interfaces.


1. J.W. Severin and G. de With, accepted for publication in J. Adhesion Sci.

Technol. (1993).

2. C.H. de Minjer and P.F.J. v.d. Boom, J. Electrochem. Soc. 120, (1973), 1644.

3. T. Osaka, I. Koiwa and L.G. Svendsen, J. Electrochem. Soc. 132, (1985),



Page 206: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

4. L.G. Svendsen, T. Osaka and H. Sawai, J. Electrochem. Soc. 130, (1983),


5. D.M. Mattox, Thin Solid Films 18, (1973), 187.

6. J.T. Klomp in "Fundamentals of diffusion bonding", Y. Ishida ed., Elseviers

Science Publishers, (1987), p. 3.

7. K.B. Guy and D.M. Jacobson in "Designing Interfaces for Technological

applications", Peteves ed., Elsevier science publishers, England, (1988), 33.

8. E.P. Saubestre in "Modern Electroplating", F.A. Lowenheim ed., Wiley

Interscience, (1974), Ch. 28.

9. Y.S. Chaug, N.J. Chou and Y.H. Kim, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, (1987),


10. M.H. Hecht, R.P. Vasquez, F.J. Grunthaner, N. Zamani and J. Maserjian,

J. Appl. Phys. 57, (1985), 5256.

11. P. Marcus, presentation at Ecasia '91 conference in Budapest.

12. W.H. Safranek in "The properties of electrodeposited metals and alloys",

Elsevier, New York, (1974), Ch. 22, 464.

13. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, accepted for pub-

lication in J. Electrochem. Soc. (1993).

14. K.L. Mittal, Electrocomponent Science and Technology 3, (1976), 21.

15. J.E.E. Baglin, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 47, (1985), 3.

16. K.S. Kim, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 119, (1988), 31.

17. L.C. Feldman and J.W. Mayer in "Fundamentals of surface and thin film

analysis", Elsevier Science Publishers, New York (1986).

18. H. van der Wel, P.N.T. van Velzen, U. Jiirgens and A. Benninghoven in

"Analysis of Microelectronic Materials and Devicestt, M. Grasserbauer and

H.W. Werner, eds., 1991, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Ch. 2.10.

19. S.T. Purcell, W. Folkerts, N.W.E. McGee, K. Jager, J. aan de Stegge, W.B.

Zeper, W. Hoving and P. Griinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, (1991), 903.

20. Handbook of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Physical Electronics Divi­

sion, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 1979.

21. J.W. Severin, R. Hokke, H. van der Wel and G. de With, submitted to J.

Appl. Phys.


Page 207: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Chapter 8

Final discussion, conclusions and outlook


In this chapter an assessment is made of what is achieved in the work

described in the previous chapters. To this end, first the aim of the inves­

tigation is recalled and a summary is given on the current status of

knowledge in the literature. Subsequently, for the experimental chapters

the essential new findings and interpretations are presented. This progress

is compared with the original aim. Remaining unclear aspects are dis­

cussed and suggestions for further research are made.


Page 208: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

8.1. Aim and status of current knowledge

The aim of this work was to obtain insight into the mechanism of adhesion be­

tween electrolessly deposited Ni(P) and alumina, and to find procedures to im­

prove the adhesion. Since for many applications etching or abrasion is undesired

for technological or economical reasons, it is the aim to attain strong adhesion

without making use of surface roughness.

As described in the literature overview in Chapter 2, the conditions of the etching

treatment were found to be of much more influence upon the adhesion strength

than the nucleation- and metallization conditions. Therefore, it is the general

opinion of most researchers in the field that the adhesion is controlled by me­

chanical interactions between the Ni(P) layer and the rough ceramic surface, owing

to mechanical interlocking. By etching, glass phase is removed between surface

alumina grains, resulting in a surface roughness with a characteristic dimension

of several micrometres. Procedures to obtain strong adhesion on smooth non-me­

tallic substrates, without the application of an etching treatment, are not known.

Moreover, in the literature no information is available on the structure and

chemical composition of the interface and of the fracture surfaces on molecular

scale, which is of paramount importance for the adhesion. In the literature, only

adhesion strengths are measured by direct pull-off tests. These tests do not allow

definitive conclusions on intrinsic interfacial interactions such as chemical bonding

or mechanical interlocking, because the adhesion strength is governed by the size

of interfacial flaws as well.

8.2. New insights

In the study to the interface formation, described in Chapter 3, it became clear that

the nucleation material is not homogeneously distributed over the substrate sur­

face, but rather a structure of islands and chains is present after the sensitization

treatment which remains essentially unchanged by subsequent nucleation steps. It

was also shown that Ni(P) deposition starts on these islands and chains, covering

the largest part of the substrate surface by lateral growth. With cross-section TEM,

the resulting interface was analysed. It was observed that an amorphous interfacial


Page 209: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

layer of 1 to 2 nm is formed. Apart from this interfacial layer, the Ni(P) deposit

fits very closely to the irregular substrate surface, within a few nanometers.

Fracture surface analyses with XPS, static-SIMS and SEM j EDX showed that the

fracture always takes place through this layer, except at interlocking places.

Therefore, this interfacial layer can be considered as a typical example of a weak

boundary layer. The weak boundary layer consisted of all compounds present in

the metallization solution and of nucleation materiaL The cohesion of the material

within this layer was therefore of decisive influence on the adhesion of Ni(P) on

smooth-type substrates where evidence for the occurrence of mechanical inter­

actions was not obtained.

By using both adhesion strength- and fracture energy measurements, the influence

of critical flaw sizes upon the adhesion could be distinguished from the influence

of intrinsic interfacial interactions. On the smooth-type substrates a peel energy

of 8.5 J/m2 was measured. On the rough-type substrates a much higher peel energy

of 44 Jfm2 was measured, which is mainly explained by mechanical interactions.

It is shown that the adhesion strengths as measured with the DPO test are strongly

influenced by the size of interface critical flaws.

By heat-treating the above described samples, a two- to threefold higher peel en­

ergy and direct pull-off strength was measured. Since the fracture path remained

through the interfacial layer, the improved adhesion was ascribed to stronger

cohesion within the layer after annealing. Unfortunately, relatively high temper­

atures of more than 250 oc are required to obtain adhesion inprovement, which

may not be practical for a number of applications.

The results from the previous investigations described above, demonstrate the im­

portance of the interfacial layer for the adhesion. We suppose that the formation

of this layer can be described by the following model: Due to incomplete dis­

placement of the metallization solution from the hydrophylic substrate surface by

the newly formed Ni(P) metal phase at the initial stages of the metallization pro­

cess, a layer of metallization solution is present at the interface during metalliza­

tion. After evaporation of water, the dissolved bath components remain at the


Page 210: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

interface and prevent intimate contact on atomic scale and thus chemical inter­

actions between the metal layer and the substrate.

By using a vacuum-deposited Pd nucleation layer, with an underlying Ti adhesion

promotor layer, excellent adhesion was found of Ni(P) on alumina ceramics.

Fracture took place cohesively in these systems at a peel energy of 200 to

300 Jfm2• For this type of system, the amorphous interfacial layer was not present

at the interface with Ni(P), as shown by cross-section TEM. This allowed strong

interfacial metal - metal bonds to be formed. The absence of the weak boundary

layer can be explained by the higher affinity of Ni(P) for the Pd surface, compared

to the alumina surface. For this system the chemical bonding of the Ti base metal

with the ceramic substrate is studied in-situ in a UHV system. It is found that Ti

in the first monolayer forms oxidic bonds with the alumina substrate.

A strong increase of the intrinsic interfacial interactions was achieved also by the

application of Zr02 and Al20 3 substrate coatings. The interfacial analyses carried

out with these systems do not yet allow definitive conclusions on the type of in­

terfacial interactions. However, XPS fracture surface analyses provided indications

that the weak boundary layer is still present for these systems. The most probable

explanation for the adhesion improvement is the occurrence of micro-mechanical

interlocking on nanometre scale due to porosity of these vapour-deposited subs­

trate coatings.

8.3. Suggestions for further work

Due to the formation of the weak boundary layer, further efforts to improve the

adhesion on hydrophylic substrates by changing the conditions of the electroless

metal deposition process are not considered worthwhile. All further research ef­

forts for adhesion improvement should be aimed at eliminating the role of the

weak boundary layer. This insight also explains the observations reported in the

literature, that conditions of the nucleation treatment and the metallization do not

significantly influence the adhesion strength. It is obvious that the weak boundary

layer can hardly affect the mechanical interlocking.


Page 211: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

The role of micromechanical interlocking for the systems with the metal-oxide

substrate coatings should be verified. If the proposed model is valid, the influence

of wet-chemically deposited metal-oxide substrate coatings upon the adhesion

could be studied, as a simpler and cheaper alternative for the vapour-deposited

metal-oxide coatings.

Furthermore, future investigations to extend the applicability of the Ti-Pd proce­

dure to polymeric substrates will be useful. The adhesion of electrolessly deposited

Ni(P) on polymer surfaces is an even more complicated problem than for oxidic

surfaces, with an even wider range of applicability.

More insight in the DPO test would be beneficial for future adhesion studies in

general. In the literature, most attention has been paid to the stress distribution

at the interface with this test. As shown in this work, the gradual growth of critical

defects is determining for the strength in a number of cases. More insight in this

growth is required for a better interpretation of DPO test results.


Page 212: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 213: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


This thesis deals with a study of the adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on

alumina ceramic substrates. The aim of this study was to obtain insight into the

adhesion mechanism and to improve the adhesion, preferably without making use

of surface roughness. In the introductory Chapter l some general backgrounds and

principles of adhesion, fracture mechanics and electroless metallization are de­

scribed. Furthermore, the aim of this study and the approach followed are out­


In Chapter 2 a literature overview is given on the adhesion of Ni(P) on alumina.

It is generally found that the conditions of the etching pretreatment are of much

more influence than the conditions of the subsequent nucleation and metallization

treatments. Therefore, it is the common opinion of most researchers that the ad­

hesion is determined by mechanical interactions, rather than by interfacial chemi­

cal interactions.

In Chapter 3 the formation of the interface between electrolessly deposited Ni(P)

and the alumina ceramic substrate is studied. The changes in the structure and

chemical composition of the substrate surface are analysed on monolayer scale or

nanometre scale after each successive process step, using plan-view TEM, XRF

and static-SIMS. With help of literature data, a model for the interface formation

is presented. In addition, with cross-section TEM the structure of the resulting

interface is analysed. An amorphous interfacial layer of 1 to 2 nm thick is ob­


In Chapter 4 the adhesion is measured with 90° peel tests and direct pull-off tests

using two types of substrates with different roughnesses. The peel test provides

information on the fracture energy and the direct pull-off test measures the adhe­

sion strength. Quantitative aspects of the adhesion measurements are considered

and the results are interpreted using fracture mechanics with the Griffith-Irwin

approach. Weibull analysis of the adhesion strength data indicate a monomodal

distribution of critical flaw sizes. On glass model substrates it is shown that the

size of these flaws gradually increases during testing. Interface and fracture sur-


Page 214: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

face analyses show that the fracture path is through the interfacial layer described

above, which is therefore a weak boundary layer. For the rough-type lsubstrates

the adhesion is strongly influenced by mechanical interactions, whereas the adhe­

sion for the smooth-type substrates is probably most strongly influenced by inter­

facial interactions via the weak boundary layer.

In Chapters 5 to 7 procedures are investigated in order to improve the adhesion

which is obtained by the standard procedures as described in Chapter 4. In

Chapter 5 the influence of thermal treatments upon the adhesion is studied. A two­

to threefold increase in the peel energy and the direct pull-off strength is found by

annealing at temperatures above 250 oc, both for the rough-type and for the

smooth-type substrates. An analysis is made to distinguish between changes in the

plasticity of the metal layer and changes in the intrinsic adhesion. Cross-section

TEM reveals that the interfacial layer remains present upon annealing. SEM/EDX,

XPS and static-SIMS fracture surface analyses show that fracture still occurred

through this layer. Therefore, it is concluded that the improvement of the adhesion

of heat-treated samples is caused by a stronger cohesion of the material within the

weak boundary layer.

In Chapter 6 the influence on the adhesion of the chemical composition of the

substrate surface is studied. Alumina ceramic substrates are provided with various

metal-oxide coatings. The adhesion of Ni(P), deposited on these surfaces using the

standard procedures, is measured with the peel test. Strong adhesion of Ni(P) is

found for rough-type and smooth-type samples with Zr02 and Al20 3 substrate

coatings. Other coatings, such as Si02 and Ti02, do not lead to a significant ad­

hesion improvement. Since XPS analyses provide evidence that the weak boundary

layer is still present, the adhesion improvement is tentatively explained by micro­

mechanical interlocking in the small pores, present in metal-oxide coatings.

In Chapter 7 the effect of an alternative nucleation procedure is investigated. In­

stead of the conventional wet-chemical nucleation procedure, vacuum-deposited

Pd is applied, with an underlying Ti base metal layer for providing strong adhesion

between the Pd nucleation layer and the alumina substrate. Both in peel- and direct

pull-off tests fracture takes place cohesively, which means that maximum adhesion


Page 215: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

is obtained. For this system the chemical bonding of the Ti base metal with the

ceramic substrate is studied in-situ in a UHV system. It is found that Ti in the first

monolayer forms oxidic bonds with the alumina substrate. The other interfaces

in these systems are formed by strong metal-metal bonds. Cross-section TEM

showed that no interfacial layers were present like in the case of the wet-chemical


This thesis concludes with Chapter 8, in which an assessment is made of the pro­

gress with respect to the aims described above. The most important new insight is

that a weak boundary layer is formed between the metal and the substrate during

the interface formation if the conventional wet-chemical nucleation procedure is

used. This explains the large influence of surface roughness and the small influence

of nucleation- and metallization conditions upon the adhesion. Three procedures

are found for adhesion improvement: Firstly, by annealing at temperatures above

250 oc a two- to threefold increase in peel energy and DPO strength is attained.

Secondly, with the standard wet-chemical nucleation procedure, strong adhesion

is obtained by using a Zr02 vapour-deposited substrate coating. Thirdly, strong

adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) is obtained by using a vacuum-deposited

Ti-Pd nucleation layer. As a suggestion for further research, the influence of wet­

chemically applied metal-oxide substrate coatings could be studied. This can be

an interesting option for strong adhesion of Ni(P) by a simple and cheap process.

All further research efforts for adhesion improvement should be aimed at elimi­

nating the role of the weak boundary layer.


Page 216: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 217: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Dit proefschrift gaat over een onderzoek naar de hechting van stroomloos afgezet

Ni(P) op aluminiumoxyde keramiek substraten. Het doel van dit onderzoek was

het verkrijgen van inzicht in de hechting en het verbeteren van de hechting, bij

voorkeur zonder gebruik te maken van oppervlakteruwheid. In het inleidende

Hoofdstuk 1 worden een aantal algemene achtergronden en principes van

hechting, breukmechanica en stroomloos metalliseren behandeld. Daarnaast

worden hier het doel van dit onderzoek en de gevolgde aanpak beschreven.

In Hoofdstuk 2 wordt een overzicht gegeven van wat er bekend is in de literatuur

over de hechting van Ni(P) op aluminiumoxyde keramiek. Over het algemeen

wordt gevonden dat de condities van de etsprocedure veel belangrijker zijn voor

de hechting dan de condities van de bekiemings- en metallisatie procedures. De

meeste onderzoekers zijn dan ook van mening dat de hechting eerder bepaald

wordt door mechanische interacties, dan door grensvlak-chemische interacties.

In hoofdstuk 3 wordt een onderzoek naar de vorming van het grensvlak tussen

stroomloos afgezet Ni(P) en aluminiumoxyde keramiek beschreven. De veran­

deringen in de structuur en de chemische samenstelling van het substraatoppervlak

zijn geanalyseerd op nanometer- of monolaag schaal na ieder van de opeen­

volgende processtappen, daarbij gebruik makend van transmissie electronen

microscopic (TEM), Rontgen fluorescentie (XRF) en statische secundaire ionen

massa spectrometrie (statische SIMS). Met behulp van literatuurgegevens wordt

in dit hoofdstuk een model voor de grensvlakvorming gepresenteerd. Daarnaast

is met TEM een doorsnee van het gevonnde grensvlak bestudeerd. Een amorfe

laag van 1 a 2 nm dik is waargenomen, tussen de Ni(P) laag en het substraat.

In Hoofdstuk 4 worden hechtingsmetingen beschreven met 90° pelproeven en

trekproeven, gebruik makend van relatief ruwe en gladde substraten. De pelproef

geeft infonnatie over de scheurenergie en de trekproef over de hechtsterkte.

Kwantitatieve aspecten van beide hechtingsmetingen worden beschouwd en voor

een breukmechanische interpretatie van de resultaten wordt de Griffith-lrwin

theorie gebruikt. Weibull analyse van de hechtsterkteresultaten levert een


Page 218: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

monomodale verdeling van critische defectgroottes op. Met glas modelsubstraten

is aangetoond dat defecten geleidelijk groeien tijdens het belasten. Grensvlak- en

breukvlakanalyses tonen aan dat de breuk plaatsvindt door de eerder beschreven

tussenlaag van 1 a 2 nm dik, die daarom als zwakke grenslaag beschouwd kan

worden. Voor het ruwe type substraat wordt de hechting sterk be:invloed door

mechanische interacties, terwijl voor het gladde type substraat de hechting waar­

schijnlijk het sterkst wordt be'invloed door grensvlakinteracties via de zwakke


In de hoofdstukken 5 tot 7 worden procedures beschreven om een betere hechting

te verkrijgen dan met de standaard procedure die gebruikt is voor het onderzoek

beschreven in Hoofdstuk 4. In Hoofdstuk 5 wordt de invloed van temperatuurbe­

handelingen op de hechting beschreven. Een twee- tot drievoudige toename in de

pelenergie en de hechtsterkte is gevonden door monsters te verwarmen bij tempe­

raturen boven 250 oc, voor zowel het ruwe als het gladde type substraat. Een

analyse is gemaakt om na te gaan in hoeverre de hechtingsverbetering veroorzaakt

wordt door veranderingen in bulkeigenschappen van de metaallaag of door ver­

anderingen aan het grensvlak. TEM analyse van een doorsnede van het grensvlak

toont aan dat de grenslaag nog steeds aanwezig is na de temperatuurbehan­

delingen. SEM/EDX, XPS en statische-SIMS breukvlakanalyses laten zien dat de

breuk ook nog steeds plaatsvindt door de grenslaag. Daarom wordt geconcludeerd

dat de hechtingsverbetering door de temperatuurbehandelingen tot stand komt

door een sterkere cohesie van het materiaal in de zwakke grenslaag.

In Hoofdstuk 6 wordt de invloed van de oppervlakchemie van het substraat op

de hechting van stroomloos afgezet Ni(P) behandeld. De aluminiumoxyde

substraten werden eerst voorzien van diverse metaaloxyde lagen. De hechting van I

Ni(P), afgezet op deze oppervlakken met de standaard procedure werd gemeten

met de pelproef. Hoge pelenergiewaarden werden gemeten voor monsters met

Zr02 en Al20 3 lagen. Andere metaaloxyde lagen, zoals Si02 en Ti02 leidden niet

tot significante hechtingsverbetering. Omdat XPS breukvlakanalyses aanwijzingen

opleverden dat de zwakke grenslaag nog steeds aanwezig is voor deze diverse

monsters, wordt de hechtingsverbetering die voor sommige van de monsters ge-


Page 219: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

vonden voorlopig toegeschreven aan micro-mechanische verankering in kleine

porieen in de aangebrachte metaaloxyde lagen.

In Hoofdstuk 7 wordt het effect op de hechting beschreven van een heel andere

bekiemingsmethode dan de standaardmethode. In plaats van de conventionele

nat-chemische methode, wordt Pd in dit onderzoek door middel van vacuiimde­

positie aangebracht, met een onderliggende Ti laag voor sterke hechting tussen de

Pd kiemlaag en het aluminiumoxyde substraat. Zowel bij de pelproeven als bij de

trekproeven trad de breuk op in het substraat, in plaats van aan het grensvlak.

Dit betekent dat maximale hechting verkregen was. Voor dit systeem is de che­

mische binding van het Ti met het keramische substraat in-situ bestudeerd in een

utra-hoog vacui.im apparaat. Met XPS werd aangetoond dat het Ti in de eerste

monolaag oxydische bindingen vormt met het substraat. Aan de andere grens­

vlakken in dit systeem kunnen sterke metaal-m0taal bindingen worden gevormd.

Analyse van een doorsnede van het grensvlak met TEM toonde aan dat in dit

systeem geen grenslaag gevormd wordt zoals voor de monsters gemaakt met nat­

chemische bekieming.

Dit proefschrift besluit met Hoofdstuk 8, waarin wordt nagegaan wat er bereikt

is in verhouding tot de oorspronkelijke doelstelling. Het belangrijkste nieuwe in­

zicht is dat er een zwakke grenslaag gevormd wordt tussen de metaallaag en het

substraat tijdens de vorming van het grensvlak, indien de gebruikelijke nat­

chemische bekiemingsprocedure toegepast wordt. Dit verklaart de grote invloed

op de hechting van de oppervlakteruwheid en de kleine invloed van bekiemings­

en metallisatiecondities. Drie procedures zijn gevonden voor hechtingsverbetering:

In de eerste plaats, door temperatuurbehandelingen boven 250 "C wordt een twee­

tot drievoudige verhoging van de pelenergie en de treksterkte bereikt. Ten tweede

wordt met de standaard nat-chemische bekiemingsprocedures sterke hechting ver­

kregen door gebruik te maken van een Zr02 Iaag op het substraat. In de derde

plaats wordt zeer sterke hechting van stroomloos afgezet Ni(P) verkregen, met

cohesieve breuk, door gebruik te maken van vacuiimdepositie om Pd af te zetten

en door de Pd laag te laten voorafgaan door een Ti hechtlaag. Als suggestie voor

verder onderzoek zou de invloed van nat-chemisch aangebrachte metaaloxyde

lagen op de hechting onderzocht kunnen worden. Dit kan een interessante optie


Page 220: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

zijn om sterke hechting te verkrijgen van Ni(P) door een eenvoudige voorbehan­

deling van het substraat. Algemeen gesproken, zouden alle verdere onderzoeksin­

spanningen gericht moeten zijn op het verkleinen van de rol van de zwakke



Page 221: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

List of symbols

a defect size acr critical defect size ~ energy loss factor

order number in failure probability estimation (Weibull analysis) m Weibull constant sN_, sample standard deviation sx standard deviation in the mean t time

A interface area D layer thickness E Young's modulus E' effective elastic modulus FP peel force Gc fracture energy per unit area Gcter energy dissipated by bulk plastic deformation, per unit debonded area G01 elastic strain energy per unit area Gi intrinsic fracture energy per unit debonded area GP peel energy per unit debonded area GP, energy dissipated at the crack tip, per unit debonded area H height of plastically deformed metal zone K Griffith-Irwin geometrical factor L peel length N number of test samples Pr failure probability RP peel radius R' P film radius after peeling T temperature ("C) U energy V volume W peel strip width wa work of adhesion

rx linear thermal expansion coefficient e strain eT thermal strain v Poisson's ratio ri stress rir fracture stress rij internal stress ri0 Weibull normalization constant riu Weibull threshold stress riy yield stress

All units are S.l. units unless specified.


Page 222: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

List of abbreviations



Auger electron spectroscopy Atomic mass unit Arbitrary units Chemical vapour deposition Direct pull-off Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis Integrated circuit Indium tin oxide Mass to charge ratio Optical microscopy Rutherford backscattering spectrometry Scanning electron microscopy Static secondary ion mass spectrometry Scanning tunneling microscopy (High-resolution) transmission electron microscopy Time-of-flight Weak boundary layer X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray fluorescence spectrometry X-ray diffraction

Page 223: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Graag wil ik iedereen bedanken die heeft bijgedragen aan het totstand komen van

dit proefschrift. Op de eerste plaats dank ik mijn promotor prof. dr. G. de With

voor zijn stimulerende belangstelling, boeiende discussies en voor het kritisch

doorlezen en becommentarieren van manuscripten. Ook dank ik prof. Brongersma

die zich enthousiast bereid verklaarde om als tweede promotor op te treden. De

directie van het Nat.Lab. ben ik erkentelijk voor de gelegenheid die zij mij heeft

geboden om dit proefschrift te schrijven. De prettige sfeer in de groep Grensvlak­

chemie en de kundige leiding van deze groep door Ties van Maaren hebben ook

bijgedragen aan de voltooiing van dit werk.

Robin Hokke en Mark van Weert wil ik bedanken voor hun prettige samen­

werking en voor het nauwgezet uitvoeren van vele experimenten en analyses. Dank

gaat ook uit naar andere collega's binnen en buiten de groep, waarmee ik heb

samengewerkt. In het bijzonder wil ik mijn kamergenoot Hans van der Wel be­

danken voor de buitengewoon plezierige samenwerking en voor de vele

static-SIMS analyses. De collega's die mijn manuscripten in de interne rond­

zending van opbouwende kritiek hebben voorzien wil ik hiervoor danken. De vele

mensen in de diverse diensten van het Nat.Lab. dank ik voor hun bijdragen. Ook

wil ik de mensen van het CFT, PMF en Passieve Componenten bedimken voor

hun prettige samenwerking. In het bijzonder wil ik Jos Janssen bedanken voor zijn


Mijn ouders dank ik voor hun stimulerende belangstelling en mijn vader daarnaast

voor de nuttige suggesties en het kritisch doorlezen van een aantal manuscripten.

Marijke ben ik meer dan dankbaar voor haar voortdurende morele steun en voor

het feit dat zij als vanzelfsprekend gedurende enkele jaren vrijwel de volledige zorg

voor Dirk, Anne en mij op zich genomen heeft. Zonder haar steun had ik dit

proefschrift nooit kunnen schrijven.


Page 224: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Page 225: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

Curriculum vitae

Jan Severin werd op 25 december 1963 geboren in Geldrop. Hij behaalde zijn

einddiploma VWO-B aan het Hertog Jan College te Valkenswaard in 1982. In

datzelfde jaar begon hij met de studie scheikunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.

Het doctoraalexamen werd behaald in februari 1987. Het hoofdvak vaste-stof

chemie bestond uit een onderzoek naar Rontgenluminescentie van zeldzame-aard

verbindingen. De bijvakken, op het gebied van chemische technologie, volgde hij

aan de TU Delft. In 1987 begon hij een verkorte opleiding tot ingenieur aan de

TU Eindhoven. Hiervoor verrichtte hij als hoofdvak vanaf februari 1987 aan het

Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium een onderzoek naar de keramische processing

van een nieuwe klasse van supergeleidende oxides. In december 1987 behaalde hij

de graad van ingenieur aan de TU Eindhoven. In januari 1988 trad hij in dienst

van het Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium, waar hij in de groep Grensvlakche­

mie onder meer onderzoek verrichtte naar de thermostabiliteit van chemische op­

pervlakmodificaties en de hechting van stroomloos afgezet Ni(P). Dit laatste

onderwerp leidde tot dit proefschrift.


Page 226: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


behorende bij het proefschrift

Adhesion of Electrolessly Deposited Ni(P) on Alumina Ceramic


J.W. Severin

Page 227: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic

De hechting van stroomloos afgezet Ni(P) wordt in sterke mate belnvloed door

de aanwezigheid van een zwakke grenslaag. Aangezien stroomloze metaaldepositie

op niet-metalen alleen goed initieert op hydrofiele oppervlakken, is de vorming van

de zwakke grenslaag inherent aan de aard van het proces.

(Dit proefschrift)


Hechtkracht is een verkeerd begrip om inzicht in hechting te krijgen. In

rusttoestand is de netto hechtkracht altijd gelijk 0. Goede parameters om hechting

te begrijpen en te meten zijn de kracht en de energie per oppervlakte eenheid die

nodig zijn voor breuk.


Het is niet mogelijk om, zoals Fowkes stelt, op grond van inzicht in chemische

interacties aan het grensvlak voorspellingen over de hechtsterkte te doen. Andere

factoren, zoals bulk mechanische eigenschappen van de laag en het substraat en

de structuur van het grensvlak hebben ook grote invloed op de hechtsterkte.

(F.M. Fowkes, J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 1, (1987), 7)


Een goed inzicht in hechting kan pas verkregen worden wanneer, naast

mechanische karakterisering door middel van hechtingsmetingen, ook aandacht

besteed wordt aan karakterisering van de chemische samenstelling en de

microstructuur van het grensvlak, zowel op moleculaire schaal als op micrometer



De aanwezigheid van chemische bindingen tussen atomen afk:omstig van het

substraat en atomen afkonistig van organosilaan oppervlakgroepen zoals

gedetecteerd in statische SIMS metingen, vormt geen bewijs voor het werkelijk

voorkomen van die chemische bindingen aan het oppervlak van het monster.

(M. Gettings and A.J. Kinloch, J. Mater. Sci. 12, (1977), 2049)

Page 228: Adhesion of electrolessly deposited Ni(P) on alumina ceramic


Naast silanolgroepen en silaandiolgroepen kunnen ook stabiele silaantriolgroepen

op een silica oppervlak aangebracht worden. Dit is mogelijk door middel van een

reactie van SiC!4 met geisoleerde silanolgroepen, gevolgd door hydrolyse.

(J.W. Severin en J.M.J. Vankan, Philips J. Research)


De thermische stabiliteit van trialkylsilylgroepen op silica oppervlakken wordt

behalve door oxidatie of ontleding van de alkylgroepen, zoals algemeen wordt

aangenomen in de literatuur, ook in hoge mate bepaald door hydrolyse van de

binding tussen de organosilaangroep en het oppervlak.

(J.W. Severin et al., Surf. Interface Anal. 19 (1992), 133)


Bij het introduceren van nieuwe consumentenelectronica produkten liggen de

grootste technische problemen over het algemeen bij de materiaalkunde en de

procesbeheersing bij de fabricage.


In tegenstelling tot individuele mensen en dieren, leren organisaties maar weinig

van hun eigen fouten.


Het democratisch gehalte van een samenleving kan gemeten worden aan de

toename van het begrotingstekort van de overheid v66r de verkiezingen en de toename van de belastingdruk mi de verkiezingen.
