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Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

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This survey reveals how leading global cross-industry businesses plan to enhance online customer experience and drive conversions in 2010. You'll discover the rich media/merchandising, social media-based, mobile, and personalization features these leaders are using or plan to use in the coming year!
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[email protected] 1-877-SCENE7-0 www.scene7.com Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade February 2010
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1Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

[email protected] 1-877-SCENE7-0 www.scene7.com

Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

February 2010

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2Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade


Executive Summary 3Methodology and Participants 5Survey Results—Worldwide 7

Rich Media/Merchandising Features & Effectiveness 7Social Media-Based Features & Effectiveness 10Mobile Features & Effectiveness 13Personalization Features & Effectiveness 15Combined Features—Deployed, Planned & Effective 17Conversion Impact 28Deployment Time Frame 28

APPENDICES 29Survey Results—North America 29Survey Results—EMEA 36Survey Results—Asia-Pacific 43Survey Results—Retail and Manufacturing Only 49About Adobe Scene7 57About Adobe Systems Incorporated 57

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3Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Executive Summary

We are pleased to present the results of the Adobe Scene7 2010 Customer Experience in the New Decade Survey.

The objectives of this survey were to identify and analyze what businesses plan to do in 2010 to enhance online customer experience and drive conversions. Leading companies from all industries worldwide were asked what rich media/merchandising, social media-based, mobile, and personalization features they use or plan to use, along with their expected or actual effectiveness, and timeframes to deploy these features.

The Adobe Scene7 quantitative survey received 546 responses worldwide. The top six industries for respondents represent almost 60% of the total, among these are agencies (advertising/interactive), computer hardware/services/software, media, and retail. Agencies were the highest to respond worldwide, representing about 18% of total respondents. A slightly higher number of respondents from North America were from the retail sector, while EMEA was higher by 2X in retail, and Asia-Pacific had a heavy response in Transportation Services (25%) with retail only representing 2%.

A conscious effort was made this year to expand responses into Asia-Pacific. Compared with last year, participation from respondents in the Asia-Pacific region significantly increased from 4% to 31% with Japan representing 96% of these responses. Similar to last year’s survey, the annual company sales show more than half of the respondents with less than $10MM (60%) and nearly a quarter greater than $100MM (23%).

Highlights from the survey include the most popular deployed features and their effectiveness, as well as business investments planned to drive conversions and enhance user experience over the next 12 months. Analysis of how much deployed tactics have impacted respondents’ conversions is also covered.

Looking across all customer experience tactics and regions surveyed, social media-based features are the top deployed tactics going in to 2010, while both rich media/merchandising and social media-based features are the top planned for 2010. Importantly, the top most effective tactics are also in the rich media/merchandising and social aspects with multi-media viewing or product tours (combinations of videos, zoom imagery, spin or animation) ranking as the number one most effective feature followed by visual search, user ratings, search landing pages, product comparison and zoom. Mobile and personalization continue to be the least deployed tactics (less than 10% by all respondents), yet have the highest planned growth rates.

Across the different continents, North America and EMEA both share the same deployment levels of rich media/merchandising tactics; however, North America clearly leads the pack in deployed social media tactics. Asia-Pacific ranks significantly lower in both deployed and planned rich media/merchandising and social media-based tactics but is only slightly behind other countries in the areas of mobile and personalization. The specifics across category results are as follows:

• The top five features deployed across all customer experience tactics are more heavily rooted in the social media-based category compared with last year. These include, branded social community pages, e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter (33%), blogs (32%), audio (26%), RSS (25%), and dynamic displays, e.g., banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views (25%).

• The top planned features for 2010 fall into the areas of social media-based and rich media/merchandising; and similar to last year’s findings, blogs and interactive catalogs are among the top five planned features. This year, however, more personalization features top the list of planned tactics, including personalization by ZIP/Geo and personlization engines. Also, videos for merchandising, advertising, and demonstration are

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4Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

rising in importance this year, and are now in the top five planned features for 2010. Compared with last year, respondents are planning to invest more in the areas of personalization and mobile over the next 12 months.

• More than one-third of all respondents cite the most effective tactic across all features this year to be product tours or multi-media viewing which combines guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with copy (36%). The other leading most effective tactics are visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) (33%), user comments and reviews (32%), search landing pages (32%), product comparisons (28%), and zoom (28%). Compared with last year, product tours displaced zoom as the top ranked most effective feature. (Interesting to note: this result reinforces the findings in another study conducted this year entitled, “Adobe Scene7 Viewer Study: What Shoppers Want”—the first Adobe Scene7 survey addressing online shoppers’ interest in visual merchandising. This consumer-facing, quantitative study identified and analyzed eCommerce shopping features on the product page most useful for shoppers making an online purchase. The multi-media enabled viewer that incorporates all visual, rich details of the product with click-driven alternative views, interactive full-screen zoom, color options, video sets, 360-degree spin with zoom on every angle was the preferred experience across all participants.)

Other effective features remaining in the top five ranking for two years running include, user rating/rankings/comments, search landing pages, and visual filtering.

This year, respondents were asked how much deployed tactics have impacted their conversions; and interestingly, personalization features rank the highest in conversion impact at over 50%, whereas mobile features rank the highest in no conversion impact. All categories on average fall into the 11%-20% range of conversion impact, with rich media/merchandising features having the overall highest impact.

The survey results show 75% of all respondents will be conducting customer experience projects within the coming year. Compared with last year, these projects have shifted to the latter half of 2010 and beyond.

A detailed summary of these results follows, in addition to a list of the top deployed, planned, and most effective tactics by category, region, as well as specifically by retail and manufacturing industries.

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5Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Methodology and Participants

The Adobe Scene7 2010 Customer Experience in the New Decade Survey was conducted from November 9, 2009 to January 15, 2010. The key objectives of the survey were to identify and analyze what online businesses plan to do in the next year to enhance their customer experience and drive conversions. The results were compiled based on responses from 546 companies representing a broad cross-section of product categories and selling channels. The following analysis includes data for the combined worldwide response. Separate results for North America, EMEA and Asia-Pacific can be found in the appendix.

Primary IndustriesThe top six industries for respondents represent almost 60% of the total, among these are agencies (advertising/interactive), computer hardware/services/software, media, and retail. Agencies were the highest to respond worldwide, representing about 18% of total respondents. A slightly higher number of respondents from North America were from the retail sector, while EMEA was higher by 2X in retail, and Asia-Pacific had a heavy response in transportation services (25%) with retail only representing 2%.

0%  2%  4%  6%  8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20% 

)gencies 0)dver4sing5 Interac4ve9 


Computer AardBare5 Services5 SoDBare 


Fransporta4on Services 


Industrial Manufacturing 

Business Services 

Real Estate 

Consumer Products Manufacturers 



Aealth Care/Pharmaceu4cals 




Financial Services 

Felecommunica4ons EUuipment V Services 

What is your company's primary industry? 

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6Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Annual SalesSimilar to last year’s survey, the annual company sales show more than half of the respondents with less than $10MM (60%) and greater than $100MM (23%). Of note, Asia-Pacific has more representation from enterprise companies, with more than 20% citing revenues of $100MM or higher. Compared with last year, the small busi-ness responses grew slightly, representing more than three-quarters of the responses (78%), while enterprises with more than $100MM decreased to 17% (versus 22% last year).









Less than $10 


$10 million ‐ $25 


$25 million ‐ $50 


$50 million ‐ 

$100 million 

More than $100 


What are your company's annual sales? 

RegionsCompared with last year, Asia-Pacific had significantly increased participation from 4% to 31% with Japan representing 96% of these responses.











North America  Asia‐Pacific  Western 




Middle East 

and Africa 

AaBn America 

Where is your company headquartered? 

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7Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Survey Results—Worldwide

Rich Media/Merchandising Features & Effectiveness

Which rich media/merchandising features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

The survey identifies the most popular rich media and merchandising features either deployed or planned for the coming year, along with the effectiveness of each feature.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35% 

360‐degree spin 

Shop by ou8it, room or collec>on 

Mix and match 

3‐D visualiza>on 

Side by side comparisons 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product comparisons 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Product tours (combina>ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or anima>ons with copy) 

Mnterac>ve design tools 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Microsites/brand bou>Pues 

Color swatching/colorizing 

Quick looks & rollover views 


Alterna>ve images 

Videos for merchandising, adver>sing and demonstra>on 

Mnterac>ve catalogs & brochures 

Search landing pages 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 



Rich Media/Merchandising Features 



Top DeployedAbout one-quarter of all respondents have deployed a variety of top-ranking features, including audio, anima-tion, dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views), search landing pages, and interactive catalogs & brochures. These are followed closely by videos for merchandising, advertising & demos, alternative images, quick looks, zoom, and color swatching/colorizing.

Compared with last year’s survey, audio, animation, and search landing pages remain in the top five deployed features, with dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views) and interactive catalogs ranking in the top five deployed for the first time.

Top deployed ratings:• Audio: 26%• Animation: 25%• Dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views): 25%• Search landing pages: 22%• Interactive catalogs & brochures: 22%

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8Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

• Videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration: 20%• Alternative images: 20%• Quick looks & rollover views: 18%• Zoom: 18%• Color swatching/colorizing: 18%

Top Planned Almost one-third of respondents are planning to invest in the following features over the next 12 months: interactive catalogs, videos for merchandising advertising and demonstration, podcasts, product tours or multi-media viewing, 3-D visualization, 360-degree spin, animation, interactive design tools, product comparisons, and alternative imagery.

Compared with last year, videos have risen in investment importance to the number two rank from the number five rank. A quarter of respondents plan to deploy videos this year, along with product tours or multi-media viewing, which also has increased in rank to number four versus last year’s ranking at 10. 360-degree spin has fallen in priority, likely due to the more immersive product tour feature.

Top planned ratings:• Interactive catalogs & brochures: 30%• Videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration: 24%• Podcasts or live video feed: 24%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 23%• 3-D visualization: 23%• 360-degree spin: 22%• Animation: 22%• Interactive design tools: 22%• Product comparisons: 21%• Alternative images: 21%

Top EffectiveOf those respondents having deployed or planned these features, the most effective features from almost one-third of the respondents include product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with copy), visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price), search landing pages, product comparisons, zoom, videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration, interactive catalogs & brochures, podcasts or live video feed, animation, and side by side comparisons. Product tours have risen to the number one ranking (36%) from ninth place last year (at 29%).

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9Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Comparing these results with last year’s, visual filtering, search landing pages, and zoom remain in the top five most effective features.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

Shop by ou0it, room or collec9on 

360‐degree spin 

Mix and match 


Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Color swatching/colorizing 

Lnterac9ve design tools 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Alterna9ve images 

Microsites/brand bou9Rues 

3‐D visualiza9on 

Side by side comparisons 


Podcasts or live video feed 

Lnterac9ve catalogs & brochures 

Videos for merchandising, adver9sing and demonstra9on 


Product comparisons 

Search landing pages 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product tours (combina9ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or anima9ons with copy) 


Top very effective ratings:• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 36%• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 33%• Search landing pages: 31%• Product comparisons: 28%• Zoom: 28%• Videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration: 27%• Interactive catalogs & brochures: 27%• Podcasts or live video feed: 27%• Animation: 27%• Side by side comparisons: 26%

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10Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Social Media-Based Features & Effectiveness

Which social media-based features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

This year’s survey further expanded on social media-based features to identify the most popular features either deployed or planned for the coming year, along with the effectiveness of each feature.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35% 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

User‐created collec=ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouBits, furniture) 


Enterac=ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 


User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

Desktop widgets 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

Product sharing on social networks 

Collabora=ve custom product design (items, sets, ouBits, etc.) 

Syndica=ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Qaboodle, ThisSext, 

Facebook, YouTube) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User ra=ngs & rankings 

User comments and reviews 


Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, TwiXer) 

Social Media‐Based Features 



Top DeployedAlmost one-third of all respondents have deployed branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter) and blogs. This is followed by RSS feeds, user comments and reviews, user ratings & ranking, live chat, and syndicated content. Comparing these results with last year’s, the top six deployed features remain the same, except this year branded social community pages were included for the first time, which is the number one de-ployed social tactic (33%).

In North America, branded social community pages are deployed at a significantly higher rate (46%) than other social media tactics; user comments & reviews (30%) and user ratings & rankings (22%) are also more widely de-ployed than in other regions. By contrast in Asia-Pacific, these social features are significantly less deployed, i.e., branded social pages at 12%, RSS at 13%, and blogs at 22%.

Top deployed ratings:• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 33%• Blogs or micro-blogs: 32%• RSS: 25%• User comments and reviews: 23%

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11Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

• User ratings & rankings: 17%• Live chat/instant messaging: 14%• Syndicating content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube): 14%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 11%• Product sharing on social networks: 10%• URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.): 10%

Top Planned Almost one-quarter of respondents plan to add blogs, branded social pages, user comments, reviews, ratings, and rankings. Compared with last year, RSS has fallen out of the top planned features, most likely due to higher deployment last year. Also, product sharing on social sites and user-generated visual content has risen in impor-tance for this year’s planned investments.

Top planned ratings:• Blogs or micro-blogs: 26%• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 24%• User comments and reviews: 24%• User ratings & rankings: 23%• Product sharing on social networks: 20%• Desktop widgets: 18%• User-generated visual content (images, video, audio): 17%• Wikis: 17%• Live chat/instant messaging: 17%• RSS: 16%

Top EffectiveOf those respondents having deployed or planned these features, the most effective ratings are user comments & reviews, user ratings & rankings, live chat/instant messaging, collaborative custom design, and user-generated visual content. These results are consistent with the top-ranked features from last year’s survey, with the exception of collaborative custom design which has risen to the fourth-ranked most effective feature.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35% 


.nterac4ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

Desktop widgets 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

User‐created collec4ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouHits, furniture) 

Product sharing on social networks 

SKndica4ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Laboodle, MhisNext, Pacebook, QouMube) 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 


Blogs or micro‐blogs 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

Branded social communitK pages (e.g., Pacebook, MKSpace, MwiWer) 


User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

Collabora4ve custom product design (items, sets, ouHits, etc.) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User ra4ngs & rankings 

User comments and reviews 


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12Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Top very effective ratings:• User comments and reviews: 31%• User ratings & rankings: 26%• Live chat/instant messaging: 22%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 21%• User-generated visual content (images, video, audio): 20%• RSS: 19%• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 19%• URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.): 19%• Blogs or micro-blogs: 18%• Co-shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends: 17%

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13Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Mobile Features & Effectiveness

Which mobile features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

This year’s survey also expanded mobile tactics to identify the top features either deployed or planned for the coming year, along with the effectiveness of each feature.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

GPS mapping/store locator 

EdverFsingG promoFonsG bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to 

store or Web 

Check delivery status 

Eddress book integraFon Hor mobile 

Mobile Features 



Top DeployedThe adoption of top mobile features remains relatively low compared with other tactics surveyed—the most widely deployed feature is deployed by only 10%. Compared with last year, address book integration, check delivery status, and mobile advertising now rank as top deployed features. Mobile commerce penetration continues to be in the single digits (5%).

Mobile features are slightly more deployed in EMEA, e.g., check delivery status at 15%, and GPS mapping at 15%. Interestingly, deployment of these features in Asia-Pacific is comparable to worldwide ratings with mobile commerce having a slightly higher deployment than worldwide (8% in Asia-Pacific versus 5% worldwide).

Top deployed ratings:• Address book integration for mobile: 10%• Check delivery status: 10%• Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 9%• GPS mapping/store locator: 9%• Check in-store or Web product inventory: 7%• Price check—store to Web: 6%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 5%

Top Planned

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14Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

About one-fifth of respondents plan to add key mobile features this year, including mobile advertising, check delivery status, mobile commerce, check in-store, and address book integration. Mobile advertising tops the list of investment priorities for 2010. Mobile priorities worldwide are similar to last year, fairly flat as an investment priority, with mobile promotions still the highest priority.

Top planned ratings:• Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 23%• Check delivery status: 20%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 19%• Check in-store or Web product inventory: 19%• Address book integration for mobile: 19%• GPS mapping/store locator: 18%• Price check—store to Web: 16%

Top EffectiveOf those respondents having deployed or planned these features, check delivery status and inventory check were ranked as the most effective features, followed by address book integration, price check, GPS mapping, and then promotions. Interestingly, mobile commerce is rated as least effective among all mobile tactics, although it is the number one planned mobile feature in 2010.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

;dver<sing> promo<ons> bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or Web 

GPS mapping/store locator 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

;ddress book integra<on Hor mobile 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

Check delivery status 


Top very effective ratings:• Check delivery status: 27%• Check in-store or Web product inventory: 23%• Address book integration for mobile: 22%• Price check—store to Web: 22%• GPS mapping/store locator: 21%• Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 19%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 12%

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15Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Personalization Features & Effectiveness

Which personalization features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

The survey identified the top personalization features either deployed or planned for the coming year along with the effectiveness of each feature.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Predic.ve modeling 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Personaliza.on engine (=ehavioral targe.ng) 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Be=CtoCPrint solu.ons for custom print products and 


Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, 


Personaliza.on =y JKP codeLgeoCtargeted sites  




Top DeployedThe adoption of personalization features remains low, 10% or less deployed, similar to last year. The top three features used are personalization by ZIP/Geo, personalized stores, and visual product configurators.

Top deployed ratings:• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 10%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 8%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 7%• Visual product configurators (custom products): 6%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 5%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 4%• Predictive modeling: 3%

Top Planned Approximately one-quarter of respondents plan to add personalization by ZIP and personalization engines. This is followed by personalized stores, web-to-print solutions, and visual product configurators. Compared with last year, in Asia-Pacific personalization priorities have risen slightly, but planned investment in personalization is lower overall compared with the rest of the world (e.g., personalization by ZIP is 18%).

Top deployed ratings:

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16Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 25%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 24%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 21%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 19%• Visual product configurators (custom products): 16%• Predictive modeling: 16%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 13%

Top EffectiveOf those respondents having deployed or planned these features, Web-to-Print ranks as the most effective feature (23%), followed by personalization by ZIP/Geo, personalization engines, personalized stores, and visual configurators with effective ratings around 20%.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Predic9ve modeling 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites)  

Personaliza9on engine (Fehavioral targe9ng) 

Personaliza9on Fy GHP codeIgeoJtargeted sites  

KeFJtoJPrint solu9ons for custom print products and materials 


Top very effective ratings:• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 23%• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 23%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 22%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 22%• Visual product configurators (custom products): 18%• Predictive modeling: 12%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 10%

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17Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Combined Features—Deployed, Planned & Effective

The following charts illustrate the top deployed, planned, and very effective features across all four areas ana-lyzed: rich media/merchandising, social media-based, mobile, and personalization. Interestingly, social media-based features have moved up significantly across all questions with respect to deployed, planned, and effective-ness.

Top Deployed

The top five features deployed across all customer experience tactics are rooted heavily in the social media-based category compared with last year. These include:• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 33%• Blogs or micro-blogs: 32%• Audio: 26%• RSS: 25%• Dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views): 25%

Compared with last year, the tactics showing the largest change in deployment are:• Address book integration for mobile: +121%• Co-shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends: +88%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): +55%• Mix and match: +45%• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: +41%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): +14%

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18Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

The list below shows how other deployed features rank.

0%  10%  20%  30%  40% 

Predic.ve modeling User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  User‐created collec.ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., 

ouDits, furniture) 

Personaliza.on engine (behavioral targe.ng) Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

Mobile ‐ Price check ‐ store to Web Mashups 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  Mnterac.ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, 

dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

Web‐to‐Print solu.ons for custom print products and 


360‐degree spin Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or 


Mobile ‐ Check in‐store or Web product inventory Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, 


Shop by ouDit, room or collec.on Wikis 

Mobile ‐ GPS mapping/store locator Mix and match 

Mobile ‐ Adver.sing, promo.ons, bar‐coded coupons 

‐ drive to store or Web 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 3‐D visualiza.on Desktop widgets 

Personaliza.on by ZMP code/geo‐targeted sites  Side by side comparisons 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other 

sites, blogs, etc.) 

Mobile ‐ Check delivery status Product sharing on social networks 

Address book integra.on for mobile Collabora.ve custom product design (items, sets, 

ouDits, etc.) 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product 

features (size, color, price) 

Product comparisons Podcasts or live video feed 

Product tours (combina.ons guided spin, zoom 

imagery, videos or anima.ons with copy) 

Syndica.ng content to social and social shopping 

sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube) 

Mnterac.ve design tools Live chat/instant messaging 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) Microsites/brand bou._ues 

User ra.ngs & rankings Color swatching/colorizing 

Quick looks & rollover views Zoom 

Alterna.ve images Videos for merchandising, adver.sing and 


Mnterac.ve catalogs & brochures Search landing pages 

User comments and reviews Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  


Anima.on RSS 

Audio Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, 

MySpace, Twiber) 

Combined Features: Deployed 

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19Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Deployed• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 33%• Blogs or micro-blogs: 32%• Audio: 26%• RSS: 25%• Dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views): 25%• Animation: 25%• User comments and reviews: 23%• Search landing pages: 22%• Interactive catalogs & brochures: 22%• Videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration: 20%• Alternative images: 20%• Quick looks & rollover views: 18%• Zoom: 18%• Color swatching/colorizing: 18%• User ratings & rankings: 17%• Microsites/brand boutiques: 17%• Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model): 15%• Interactive design tools: 14%• Live chat/instant messaging: 14%• Syndicating content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube): 14%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy):13%• Podcasts or live video feed: 12%• Product comparisons: 12%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 11%• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 11%• Address book integration for mobile: 10%• Product sharing on social networks: 10%• URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.): 10%• Mobile—Check delivery status: 10%• Desktop widgets: 10%• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 10%• Side by side comparisons: 10%• Mobile—Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 9%• User-generated visual content (images, video, audio): 9%• 3-D visualization: 9%• Mix and match: 9%• Mobile—GPS mapping/store locator: 9%• Wikis: 9%• Shop by outfit, room or collection: 8%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 8%• 360-degree spin: 7%• Co-shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends: 7%• Mobile—Check in-store or Web product inventory: 7%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 7%• Interactive in-store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.): 6%• Mashups: 6%

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20Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

• Visual product configurators (custom products): 6%• Mobile—Price check—store to Web: 6%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 5%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 5%• User-created collections for sharing & purchase (e.g., outfits, furniture): 5%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 4%• User-designed merchandise available for purchase: 3%• Predictive modeling: 3%

Growth Change of Deployed (versus 2009)• Address book integration for mobile: 121%• Co-shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends: 88%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 55%• Mix and match: 45%• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 41%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 14%• Desktop widgets: 13%• Blogs: 12%• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 11%• 3-D visualization: 11%• Wikis: 10%• User ratings & rankings: 9%• RSS: 8%• Mobile—GPS mapping/store locator: 6%• Live chat/Instant Messaging: 6%• User comments and reviews: 5%• Podcasts or live video feed: 2%• Interactive design tools: 1%• Side by side comparisons: 0% Top Planned

Overall, the top five features for 2010 fall into the areas of social media-based and rich media/merchandising; and similar to last year’s findings, blogs and interactive catalogs are among the top five planned features. This year, however, more personalization features top the list of planned tactics, including personalization by ZIP/Geo and personlization engines. Also, videos for merchandising, advertising, and demonstration have risen in importance this year, and are now in the top five planned features for 2010.

Compared with last year, the tactics with the biggest change in planned features focus on personalization and mobile areas, including:• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: +50%• Address book integration for mobile: +50%• Mobile/Price check/Store to Web: +29%• Mobile/GPS mapping/Store locator: +16%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): +14%• Mobile commerce/Shop & buy on mobile device: +14%

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21Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

0%  10%  20%  30%  40% 

Mashups Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

User‐created collec>ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., 

ouCits, furniture) 

Enterac>ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, 

dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or 


User‐designed merchandise available for purchase Collabora>ve custom product design (items, sets, 

ouCits, etc.) 

Mix and match Syndica>ng content to social and social shopping 

sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube) 

Predic>ve modeling Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Shop by ouCit, room or collec>on Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other 

sites, blogs, etc.) 

Mobile ‐ Price check ‐ store to Web RSS 

Live chat/instant messaging Wikis 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product 

features (size, color, price) 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) Search landing pages 

Mobile ‐ GPS mapping/store locator Color swatching/colorizing 

Zoom Desktop widgets 

Side by side comparisons Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  


Address book integra>on for mobile Quick looks & rollover views 

Mobile ‐ Check in‐store or Web product inventory Web‐to‐Print solu>ons for custom print products and 


Audio Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

Product sharing on social networks Mobile ‐ Check delivery status 

Microsites/brand bou>_ues Alterna>ve images 

Product comparisons Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, 


Enterac>ve design tools Anima>on 

360‐degree spin Mobile ‐ Adver>sing, promo>ons, bar‐coded coupons 

‐ drive to store or Web 

User ra>ngs & rankings 3‐D visualiza>on 

Product tours (combina>ons guided spin, zoom 

imagery, videos or anima>ons with copy) 

User comments and reviews Podcasts or live video feed 

Personaliza>on engine (behavioral targe>ng) Videos for merchandising, adver>sing and 


Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, 

MySpace, Twiber) 

Personaliza>on by ZEP code/geo‐targeted sites  Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Enterac>ve catalogs & brochures 

Combined Features: Planned 

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22Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Planned• Interactive catalogs & brochures: 30%• Blogs or micro-blogs: 26%• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 25%• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 24%• Videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration: 24%• User comments and reviews: 24%• Podcasts or live video feed: 24%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 24%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 23%• User ratings & rankings: 23%• 3-D visualization: 23%• Mobile—Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 23%• Animation: 22%• 360-degree spin: 22%• Interactive design tools: 22%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 21%• Product comparisons: 21%• Alternative images: 21%• Microsites/brand boutiques: 21%• Product sharing on social networks: 20%• Mobile—Check delivery status: 20%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 19%• Audio: 19%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 19%• Mobile—Check in-store or Web product inventory: 19%• Quick looks & rollover views: 19%• Dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views): 19%• Address book integration for mobile: 19%• Side by side comparisons: 19%• Desktop widgets: 18%• Zoom: 18%• Search landing pages: 18%• Color swatching/colorizing: 18%• Mobile—GPS mapping/store locator: 18%• User-generated visual content (images, video, audio): 17%• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 17%• Wikis: 17%• Live chat/instant messaging: 17%• RSS: 16%• URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.): 16%• Mobile—Price check—store to Web: 16%• Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model): 16%• Shop by outfit, room or collection: 16%• Visual product configurators (custom products): 16%• Predictive modeling: 16%• Syndicating content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube): 16%

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23Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

• Mix and match: 15%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 14%• User-designed merchandise available for purchase: 13%• Co-shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends: 13%• Interactive in-store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.): 13%• User-created collections for sharing & purchase (e.g., outfits, furniture): 13%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 13%• Mashups: 12%

Growth Change of Planned (versus 2009)• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 50% • Address book integration for mobile: 50%• Mobile—Price check—store to Web: 29%• Mobile—GPS mapping/store locator: 16%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 14%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 14%• User ratings & rankings: 12%• Mobile—Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 11%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 10%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 6%• Catalogs & circulars: 6%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 4%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 4%• Wikis: 4%• Interactive design tools: 0%

Top Very Effective

Survey respondents who have either deployed or plan to deploy the following features gave them the highest ratings for “very effective.” The most effective tactics across all features this year—rated very effective by approximately one-third of all respondents—are:• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 36%• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 33%• User comments and reviews: 32%• Search landing pages: 32%• Product comparisons: 28%• Zoom: 28%

Compared with last year, product tours displaced zoom as the top ranked most effective feature. (Interesting to note: this result reinforces the findings in another study conducted this year entitled, “Adobe Scene7 Viewer Study: What Shoppers Want”—the first Adobe Scene7 survey addressing online shoppers’ interest in visual merchandising. This consumer-facing, quantitative study identified and analyzed eCommerce shopping features on the product page most useful for shoppers making an online purchase. The multi-media enabled viewer that incorporated all visual, rich details of the product with click-driven alternative views, interactive full-screen zoom, color options, video sets, 360-degree spin with zoom on every angle was the preferred experience across all participants.)

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24Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Other effective features remaining in the top five ranking for two years running include, user rating/rankings/comments, search landing pages, and visual filtering.

Compared with last year, the tactics with the biggest change in the most effective features, include:• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: +71%• Wikis: +54%• Side by side comparisons:+47%• Address book integration for mobile: +35%• 360-degree spin: +27%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): +25%

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25Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

Mashups Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

;nterac=ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) Predic=ve modeling 

Desktop widgets Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase Shop by ouNit, room or collec=on 

User‐created collec=ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouNits, furniture) 360‐degree spin 

Mix and match Product sharing on social networks 

Syndica=ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Qaboodle, 

ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube) 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends Wikis Audio 

Blogs or micro‐blogs Visual product configurators (custom products)  

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twi]er) 

RSS Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Mobile ‐ Adver=sing, promo=ons, bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or 


User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) Color swatching/colorizing 

Mobile ‐ GPS mapping/store locator ;nterac=ve design tools 

Collabora=ve custom product design (items, sets, ouNits, etc.) Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites) 

Mobile ‐ Price check ‐ store to Web Live chat/instant messaging 

Personaliza=on engine (behavioral targe=ng) Quick looks & rollover views 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) Address book integra=on for mobile 

Mobile ‐ Check in‐store or Web product inventory Personaliza=on by Z;P code/geo‐targeted sites  

Web‐to‐Print solu=ons for custom print products and materials Alterna=ve images 

Microsites/brand bou=cues 3‐D visualiza=on 

User ra=ngs & rankings Side by side comparisons 

Anima=on Podcasts or live video feed 

;nterac=ve catalogs & brochures Videos for merchandising, adver=sing and demonstra=on 

Mobile ‐ Check delivery status Zoom 

Product comparisons Search landing pages 

User comments and reviews Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product tours (combina=ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or 

anima=ons with copy) 


Very Effective• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 36%• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 33%• User comments and reviews: 32%• Search landing pages: 32%• Product comparisons: 28%• Zoom: 28%• Mobile—Check delivery status: 28%

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26Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

• Videos for merchandising, advertising and demonstration: 27%• Interactive catalogs & brochures: 27%• Podcasts or live video feed: 27%• Animation: 27%• Side by side comparisons: 26%• User ratings & rankings: 26%• 3-D visualization: 25%• Microsites/brand boutiques: 25%• Alternative images: 24%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 23%• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 23%• Mobile—Check in-store or Web product inventory: 23%• Address book integration for mobile: 22%• Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model): 22%• Quick looks & rollover views: 22%• Personalization engine (behavioral targeting): 22%• Live chat/instant messaging: 22%• Mobile—Price check—store to Web: 22%• Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites): 22%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 21%• Interactive design tools: 21%• Mobile—GPS mapping/store locator: 21%• Color swatching/colorizing:20%• User-generated visual content (images, video, audio): 20%• Mobile—Advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web: 20%• Dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views): 19%• RSS: 19%• Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter): 19%• URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.): 19%• Visual product configurators (custom products): 18%• Blogs or micro-blogs: 18%• Audio: 18%• Wikis: 17%• Co-shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends: 17%• Syndicating content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube): 17%• Product sharing on social networks: 16%• Mix and match: 16%• 360-degree spin: 16%• User-created collections for sharing & purchase (e.g., outfits, furniture): 16%• Shop by outfit, room or collection: 15%• User-designed merchandise available for purchase: 14%• Mobile commerce—shop & buy on mobile device: 12%• Desktop widgets: 12%• Predictive modeling: 12%• Interactive in-store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.): 11%• Visual monogramming & engraving tools: 10%• Mashups:10%

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27Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Growth Change of Very Effective (versus 2009)

Compared with last year’s survey, the areas that have seen significant increases in their overall effectiveness to drive conversions/sales include:• Personalization by ZIP code/geo-targeted sites: 71%• Wikis: 54%• Side by side comparisons: 47%• Address book integration for mobile: 35%• 360-degree spin: 27%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 25%• Animation: 23%• Podcasts or live video feed: 18%• Catalogs & circulars: 9%• Product comparisons: 8%• Collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.): 5%• Web-to-Print solutions for custom print products and materials: 3%

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28Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

If you have deployed any of these enhancements, how have they impacted conversions?

Personalization features rank the highest in conversion impact at over 50%, whereas mobile features rank the highest in no conversion impact. All categories on average fall into the 11%-20% range of conversion impact, with rich media/merchandising features having the overall highest impact.










Rich media/merchandising features  Social media‐based features  Mobile features  @ersonaliAaBon features 

Conversion Impact 






50% +  

No conversion impact 

Not applicable 

Within what time frame do you plan to deploy additional features to enhance customer experience?

The survey results show 75% of all respondents will be conducting customer experience projects within the coming year. Compared with last year, these projects have shifted to the latter half of 2010 and beyond.










3 months  6 months  9 months  12 months  Other 

Deployment Time Frame 

• 12 months: 36%• Other: 24%• 6 months: 18%• 3 months: 12%• 9 months: 9%

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29Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade


Survey Results—North America

Methodology and Participants

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

'(encies .'dver2sin(3 4nterac2ve7 


9:;<uter >ard?are3 Services3 S:A?are 

Business Services 


Financial Services 

>ealtF 9areGHFar;aceu2cals 

Real Estate 

Jelec:;;unica2:ns EKui<;ent L Services 

What is your company's primary industry? (North America) 










Less than $10 million  $10 million ‐ $25 million $25 million ‐ $50 million  $50 million ‐ $100 


More than $100 million 

What are your company's annual sales? (North America)  

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30Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which rich media/merchandising features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

360‐degree spin 

3‐D visualiza9on 

Mix and match 

Shop by ouDit, room or collec9on 

Side by side comparisons 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product tours (combina9ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or 

anima9ons with copy) 

Product comparisons 

Nnterac9ve design tools 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 


Microsites/brand bou9Rues 

Alterna9ve images 

Color swatching/colorizing 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Videos for merchandising, adver9sing and demonstra9on 

Nnterac9ve catalogs & brochures 


Search landing pages 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 


Rich Media/Merchandising Features (North America)  



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31Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45% 

360‐degree spin 

Mix and match 

Shop by ou?it, room or collecBon 

3‐D visualizaBon 


Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

KnteracBve catalogs & brochures 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

KnteracBve design tools 

Color swatching/colorizing 

AlternaBve images 


Product comparisons 

Microsites/brand bouBQues 

Side by side comparisons 


Videos for merchandising, adverBsing and demonstraBon 

Search landing pages 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Product tours (combinaBons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animaBons with copy) 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

!ich &e(ia*&ercha,(i-i,. /0ec12e,e-- (Act6a7 or /9:ecte()< =er> /0ec12e  

(North America)  

Page 32: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

32Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which social media-based features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45%  50% 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

User‐created collecBons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouFits, furniture) 


InteracBve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

Desktop widgets 

CollaboraBve custom product design (items, sets, ouFits, etc.) 


URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

Product sharing on social networks 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

SyndicaBng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Saboodle, 

ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube) 

User raBngs & rankings 


User comments and reviews 

Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, TwiYer) 

Social Media‐Based Features (North America)  



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

Desktop widgets 

4nterac9ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 


User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 


Collabora9ve custom product design (items, sets, ouLits, etc.) 

User‐created collec9ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouLits, furniture) 

Branded social communitN pages (e.g., Facebook, MNSpace, TwiRer) 

Product sharing on social networks 

Blogs or micro‐blogs 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

SNndica9ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Vaboodle, ThisWext, 

Facebook, YouTube) 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 


User ra9ngs & rankings 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User comments and reviews 


Page 33: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

33Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which mobile features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

Check delivery status 

AdverBsingD promoBonsD bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to 

store or Web 

GPS mapping/store locator 

Address book integraBon Hor mobile 

Mobile Features (North America)  



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35% 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

;dver<sing> promo<ons> bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or Web 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

;ddress book integra<on For mobile 

Check delivery status 

GPS mapping/store locator 

!o#i%e ()ec+,e-e.. (Act2a% or (56ecte7)9 :er; ()ec+,e   

(North America)  

Page 34: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

34Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which personalization features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  10%  20%  30%  40% 

Predic.ve modeling 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Personaliza.on engine (=ehavioral targe.ng) 

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, 


Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Personaliza.on =y HIP codeJgeoKtargeted sites  

Le=KtoKPrint solu.ons for custom print products 

and materials 




0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Predic;ve modeling 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites)  

Personaliza;on engine (Hehavioral targe;ng) 

Personaliza;on Hy IJP codeKgeoLtargeted sites  

MeHLtoLPrint solu;ons for custom print products and materials 

!er$o&a(i*a+o& -.ec+0e&e$$ (Act4a( or -56ecte7)9 :er; -.ec+0e 

(North America)  

Page 35: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

35Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

If you have deployed any of these enhancements, how have they impacted conversions?










Rich media/merchandising features  Social media‐based features  Mobile features  @ersonaliAaBon features 

Conversion Impact (North America)  






50% +  

No conversion impact 

Not applicable 

Within what time frame do you plan to deploy additional features to enhance customer experience?









3 months  6 months  9 months  12 months  Other 

Deployment Time Frame (North America)  

Page 36: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

36Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Survey Results—EMEA

Methodology and Participants

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 


,gencies 2,dver5sing6 Interac5ve9 


Computer AardBare6 Services6 SoDBare 


Business Services 


Industrial Manufacturing 

Aealth Care/Pharmaceu5cals 



Consumer Products Manufacturers 


Real Estate 

Pransporta5on Services 

Pelecommunica5ons EQuipment R Services 

Financial Services 


What is your company's primary industry? (EMEA) 









Less than $10 million  $10 million ‐ $25 million  $25 million ‐ $50 million  $50 million ‐ $100 million  More than $100 million 

What are your company's annual sales? (EMEA) 

Page 37: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

37Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which rich media/merchandising features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

Mix and match 

Shop by ou9it, room or collec>on 

360‐degree spin 

Side by side comparisons 

Product comparisons 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Hnterac>ve design tools 

3‐D visualiza>on 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Product tours (combina>ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or anima>ons 

with copy) 

Color swatching/colorizing 

Videos for merchandising, adver>sing and demonstra>on 

Microsites/brand bou>Rues 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Hnterac>ve catalogs & brochures 


Alterna>ve images 

Search landing pages 



Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Rich Media/Merchandising Features (EMEA) 



Page 38: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

38Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

0%  10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60% 


Mix and match 

Color swatching/colorizing 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

360‐degree spin 

LnteracMve design tools 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Videos for merchandising, adverMsing and demonstraMon 

Shop by ouRit, room or collecMon 


LnteracMve catalogs & brochures 

AlternaMve images 

Microsites/brand bouMSues 

Podcasts or live video feed 

3‐D visualizaMon 


Search landing pages 

Side by side comparisons 

Product comparisons 

Product tours (combinaMons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animaMons with 


Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

!"#$ M'(")*M'+#$),("-",. E0'#12','-- (A#56)7 8+ E9:'#5'()< ='+> '0'#12' 


Page 39: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

39Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which social media-based features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  10%  20%  30%  40%  50% 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

User‐created collec>ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouCits, furniture) 


Fnterac>ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 


User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

Desktop widgets 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

Product sharing on social networks 

Collabora>ve custom product design (items, sets, ouCits, etc.) 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 

Syndica>ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Raboodle, 

ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube) 

User ra>ngs & rankings 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User comments and reviews 


Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, TwiYer) 

Social Media‐Based Features (EMEA) 



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45%  50% 


Product sharing on social networks 

<nterac=ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 


Live chat/instant messaging 

Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 


Desktop widgets 

SRndica=ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Saboodle, ThisUext, 

Facebook, YouTube) 

User‐created collec=ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouXits, furniture) 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

User ra=ngs & rankings 

Branded social communitR pages (e.g., Facebook, MRSpace, TwiYer) 

User comments and reviews 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

Collabora=ve custom product design (items, sets, ouXits, etc.) 

!"#$%& M)*$%+,%-)* E/)#01)2)-- (A#56%& "7 E89)#5)*); <)7= E/)#01) 


Page 40: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

40Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which mobile features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

@dverAsingC promoAonsC bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to 

store or Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

@ddress book integraAon For mobile 

GPS mapping/store locator 

Check delivery status 

Mobile Features (EMEA) 



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

)dver.sing3 promo.ons3 bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or Web 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

)ddress book integra.on Eor mobile 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

Check delivery status 

GPS mapping/store locator 

M"#$%& E)&*+,&-&.. (A*123% "4 E56&*1&7)9 :&4; E)&*+,& 


Page 41: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

41Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which personalization features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  10%  20%  30%  40% 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Predic:ve modeling 

;e<=to=Print solu:ons for custom print products and 


Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Personaliza:on engine (<ehavioral targe:ng) 

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, 


Personaliza:on <y JKP codeLgeo=targeted sites  




0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45% 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Predic;ve modeling 

Personaliza;on =y ?@P codeAgeoBtargeted sites  

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Ge=BtoBPrint solu;ons for custom print products and materials 

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites)  

Personaliza;on engine (=ehavioral targe;ng) 

!"#$%&'()*'+%& E."/+0"&"$$ (A/34'( %# E56"/3"7)9 :"#; E."/+0" 


Page 42: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

42Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

If you have deployed any of these enhancements, how have they impacted conversions?










Rich media/merchandising features  Social media‐based features  Mobile features  @ersonaliAaBon features 

Conversion Impact (EMEA) 






50% +  

No conversion impact 

Not applicable 

Within what time frame do you plan to deploy additional features to enhance customer experience?












3 months  6 months  9 months  12 months  Other 

Deployment Time Frame (EMEA) 

Page 43: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

43Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Survey Results—Asia-Pacific

Methodology and Participants

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Financial Services 




Aelecommunica6ons EBuipment D Services 


Fealth Care/Pharmaceu6cals 




Business Services 


Consumer Products Manufacturers 

Egencies PEdver6singQ Interac6veS 

Industrial Manufacturing 

Real Estate 

Computer FardTareQ ServicesQ SoUTare 

Aransporta6on Services 

What is your company's primary industry? (Asia‐Pacific) 












Less than $10 million  $10 million ‐ $25 million  $25 million ‐ $50 million  $50 million ‐ $100 million  More than $100 million 

What are your company's annual sales? (Asia‐Pacific) 

Page 44: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

44Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which rich media/merchandising features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Microsites/brand bou9:ues 

360‐degree spin 

3‐D visualiza9on 

Shop by ouEit, room or collec9on 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Mix and match 

Side by side comparisons 

Product comparisons 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Alterna9ve images 

Color swatching/colorizing 

Search landing pages 


Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Product tours (combina9ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or 

anima9ons with copy) 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Unterac9ve design tools 

Unterac9ve catalogs & brochures 


Videos for merchandising, adver9sing and demonstra9on 


Rich Media/Merchandising Features (Asia‐Pacific) 



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Shop by ou/it, room or collec8on 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Alterna8ve images 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Microsites/brand bou8Kues 

360‐degree spin 


Onterac8ve design tools 

Color swatching/colorizing 


Mix and match 

3‐D visualiza8on 

Side by side comparisons 

Search landing pages 

Videos for merchandising, adver8sing and demonstra8on 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 


Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product comparisons 

Onterac8ve catalogs & brochures 

Product tours (combina8ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or anima8ons with copy) 

!ic$ &'(ia*&'+c$a,(isi,. /0'c12','ss (Ac56a7 8+ /9:'c5'()< ='+> /0'c12' 


Page 45: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

45Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which social media-based features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

'nterac.ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, 


Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 


User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 


User‐created collec.ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouKits, 


Desktop widgets 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

Syndica.ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Paboodle, 

ThisNext, Facebook, YouTube) 

Product sharing on social networks 

Collabora.ve custom product design (items, sets, ouKits, etc.) 

User ra.ngs & rankings 

User comments and reviews 

Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, TwiWer) 


Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Social Media‐Based Features (Asia‐Pacific) 



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

Desktop widgets 

2nterac7ve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 


URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

SJndica7ng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Kaboodle, ThisMext, 

Facebook, YouTube) 

Collabora7ve custom product design (items, sets, ouRits, etc.) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

User‐created collec7ons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouRits, furniture) 

Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Branded social communitJ pages (e.g., Facebook, MJSpace, TwiVer) 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 

Product sharing on social networks 



User ra7ngs & rankings 

User comments and reviews 

!"cia& ()*ia‐,as)* ./)c01)2)ss (Ac56a& "7 .89)c5)*); <)7= ./)c01) 


Page 46: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

46Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which mobile features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

GPS mapping/store locator 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

Bddress book integraCon Dor mobile 

Check delivery status 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

BdverCsingH promoConsH bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or Web 

Mobile Features (Asia‐Pacific) 



0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

GPS mapping/store locator 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

Eddress book integraFon Gor mobile 

EdverFsingH promoFonsH bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or Web 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check delivery status 

!"#i%& ()&c+,&-&ss (Ac12a% "4 (56&c1&7)9 :&4; ()&c+,&  


Page 47: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

47Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which personalization features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

0%  5%  10%  15%  20% 

Predic-ve modeling 

4e56to6Print solu-ons for custom print products and 


Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Personaliza-on engine (5ehavioral targe-ng) 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites)  

Personaliza-on 5y IJP codeKgeo6targeted sites  




0%  2%  4%  6%  8%  10% 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Personaliza:on engine (<ehavioral targe:ng) 

Predic:ve modeling 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Ce<DtoDPrint solu:ons for custom print products and materials 

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites)  

Personaliza:on <y KLP codeMgeoDtargeted sites  

P"#s%&a(i*a+%& -."c+0"&"ss (Ac34a( %# -56"c3"7)9 :"#; -."c+0" 


Page 48: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

48Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

If you have deployed any of these enhancements, how have they impacted conversions?










Rich media/merchandising features  Social media‐based features  Mobile features  @ersonaliAaBon features 

Conversion Impact (Asia‐Pacific) 






50% +  

No conversion impact 

Not applicable 

Within what time frame do you plan to deploy additional features to enhance customer experience?








3 months  6 months  9 months  12 months  Other 

Deployment Time Frame (Asia‐Pacific) 

Page 49: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

49Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Survey Results—Retail and Manufacturing Only

Methodology and Participants

A specific industry analysis was done for total retail and manufacturing that includes 175 respondents spanning high-tech to automotive companies.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35% 

Com+uter 0ard3are4 5er6ices4 5o:3are 


Industrial Manufacturing 

Consumer Products Manufacturers 

0ealtC CareDPCarmaceuEcals 


What is your company's primary industry? (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

There was higher enterprise representation with 28% of companies having more than $100 MM in sales, versus 17% in the overall worldwide survey.











Less than $10 million  $10 million ‐ $25 million  $25 million ‐ $50 million  $50 million ‐ $100 million  More than $100 million 

What are your company's annual sales? (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

Page 50: Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

50Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

The Asia-Pacific region had the highest representation (35%), versus overall global survey where North America was the top ranking region at almost 40%.










Asia‐Pacific  North America  Western Europe  Eastern Europe  Middle East and Africa  AaBn America 

Where is your company headquartered? (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

Which rich media/merchandising features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

The five top deployed features are search landing pages, interactive catalogs, dynamic displays (banner, carousel, etc.), alternative images and zoom, implying a higher need for visual merchandising features versus other features (e.g., audio).

Contrasting with the full industry survey in which the top deployed features are audio, animation, dynamic displays (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid views), search landing pages, and interactive catalogs & brochures.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

360‐degree spin 

3‐D visualiza8on 

Podcasts or live video feed 

Shop by ouBit, room or collec8on 

Mix and match 

Side by side comparisons 

Gnterac8ve design tools 

Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product tours (combina8ons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or 

anima8ons with copy) 

Product comparisons 

Microsites/brand bou8Oues 

Quick looks & rollover views 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Color swatching/colorizing 



Videos for merchandising, adver8sing and demonstra8on 


Alterna8ve images 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Gnterac8ve catalogs & brochures 

Search landing pages 

Rich Media/Merchandising Features (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 



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51Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

The most effective features for retail and manufacturing companies are simliar to the global results with product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with copy), visual filtering being the top two most effective features. However, within this segment, zoom ranks more effective than alternative images and search landing pages.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 


Mix and match 

360‐degree spin 

Dynamic displays  (banner, carousel, tabbed, grid  views) 

Shop by ouGit, room or collecHon 

Quick looks & rollover views 


Microsites/brand bouHMues 

Side by side comparisons 

Podcasts or live video feed 

PnteracHve design tools 

Videos for merchandising, adverHsing and demonstraHon 

Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model) 

Product comparisons 

Color swatching/colorizing 

PnteracHve catalogs & brochures 

3‐D visualizaHon 

Search landing pages 

AlternaHve images 


Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price) 

Product tours (combinaHons guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animaHons with copy) 

Ric$ Me(ia/Merc$an(i-ing /0ec12ene-- (4ctual 8r /9:ecte()< =ery /0ec12e 

(Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

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52Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which social media-based features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

The top deployed social features for retail and manufacturing companies are branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter), blogs or micro-blogs, RSS, user comments and reviews, and user ratings & rankings.

These are the identical rankings for all industries surveyed.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 


Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 

FnteracGve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

User‐created collecGons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouJits, furniture) 

Desktop widgets 

Product sharing on social networks 


URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

CollaboraGve custom product design (items, sets, ouJits, etc.) 

SyndicaGng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Raboodle, ThisText, 

Facebook, YouTube) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User raGngs & rankings 

User comments and reviews 


Blogs or micro‐blogs 

Branded social community pages (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, TwiYer) 

Social Media‐Based Features (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 



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53Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Most effective social features for driving conversions for retail and manufacturing companies are user comments and reviews, user ratings & rankings, user-created collections for sharing, collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.), and wikis.

The top five most effective features for all industries also include user comments and reviews, user ratings & rankings, collaborative custom product design (items, sets, outfits, etc.), in addition to live chat/instant messaging and user-generated visual content (images, video, audio).

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40% 


Desktop widgets 

URL & Web widget viral sharing (embed on other sites, blogs, etc.) 

HnteracIve in‐store tools (e.g., kiosks, signage, dressing room mirrors, etc.) 

Blogs or micro‐blogs 

User‐designed merchandise available for purchase 

Co‐shopping & browsing online with an expert or friends 

Product sharing on social networks 

SQndicaIng content to social and social shopping sites (e.g., Raboodle, ShisText, Uacebook, VouSube) 


Branded social communitQ pages (e.g., Uacebook, MQSpace, SwiWer) 

Live chat/instant messaging 

User‐generated visual content (images, video, audio) 


CollaboraIve custom product design (items, sets, ouYits, etc.) 

User‐created collecIons for sharing & purchase (e.g., ouYits, furniture) 

User raIngs & rankings 

User comments and reviews 

!"cial Me*ia+,a-e* ./ec01ene-- (4ctual "r .89ecte*); <ery ./ec01e 

(Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

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54Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which mobile features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

The top five deployed for retail and manufacturing companies include check delivery status, check in-store or web product inventory, GPS mapping/store locator, address book integration for mobile, advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons and drive to store or Web.

The top deployed for all industries are the same except ranking order varies slightly: address book integration for mobile, check delivery status, advertising, promotions, bar-coded coupons—drive to store or Web, GPS mapping/store locator, and check in-store or Web product inventory.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25% 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

?dver@singB promo@onsB bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to 

store or Web 

GPS mapping/store locator 

?ddress book integra@on Gor mobile 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

Check delivery status 

Mobile Features (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 



Most effective mobile tactics for retail and manufacturing companies include check delivery status, advertising, promotion to drive to store/Web, check in store or web inventory, price check, and address book integration.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35% 

Mobile commerce – shop & buy on mobile device 

GPS mapping/store locator 

Bddress book integraDon Eor mobile 

Price check ‐ store to Web 

Check in‐store or Web product inventory 

BdverDsingI promoDonsI bar‐coded coupons ‐ drive to store or Web 

Check delivery status 

M"#ile ()ec+,ene.. (0ctual "r (56ecte7)9 :ery ()ec+,e 

(Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

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55Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Which personalization features do you currently use or plan to offer over the next year? What is the actual or expected effectiveness?

Personalization results for retail and manufacturing are similar to global findings except that web-to-print solutions fall from number three to number five deployed.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Predic.ve modeling 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

;e<=to=Print solu.ons for custom print products 

and materials 

Personaliza.on engine (<ehavioral targe.ng) 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, 


Personaliza.on <y JKP codeLgeo=targeted sites  




Personalization engines/recommendations and personalized stores top the rankings on most effective tactics, followed by visualization for custom print and products.

0%  5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30% 

Visual monogramming & engraving tools  

Personaliza9on :y <=P code@geoAtargeted sites  

Predic9ve modeling 

Visual product configurators (custom products)  

Fe:AtoAPrint solu9ons for custom print products and materials 

Personalized stores (with My Account, profile, favorites)  

Personaliza9on engine (:ehavioral targe9ng) 

!er$%nali*a+%n -.ec+0ene$$ (2ctual %r -56ecte7)9 :ery -.ec+0e 

(Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

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56Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

When combining all customer experience tactics for retail and manufacturing, the top most effective features emphasize rich media visual merchandising tactics, with higher ratings for visual filtering, zoom and alternative images.

Most effective features across all areas:• Visual filtering & advanced search on product features (size, color, price): 42%• Product tours or multi-media viewing (combinations guided spin, zoom imagery, videos or animations with

copy): 37%• 3-D visualization: 36%• Alternative images: 36%• Zoom: 35%• User comments and reviews: 33%• User-created collections for sharing & purchase (e.g., outfits, furniture): 32%• Search landing pages: 29%• Price check—store to Web: 28%• Lifestyle imagery (in room, on model): 27%

If you have deployed any of these enhancements, how have they impacted conversions?

Personalization features rank the highest in conversion impact at over 50%, whereas mobile features rank the highest in no conversion impact. All categories on average fall into the 11%-20% range of conversion impact, with personalization features having the average highest impact, followed by mobile features, rich media/mer-chandising features, and social media-based features.









)ersonali2a3on features  Mobile features  Rich media/merchandising features  Social media‐based features 

Conversion Impact (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 






50% +  

No conversion impact 

Not applicable 

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57Adobe Scene7 2010 Survey: Customer Experience in the New Decade

Within what time frame do you plan to deploy additional features to enhance customer experience?

Seventy-six percent of all retailers and manufacturers will deploy features to enhance customer experience in less than 12 months.











3 months  6 months  9 months  12 months  Other 

Deployment Time Frame (Retail/Manufacturing Only) 

About Adobe Scene7Adobe Scene7 is the leading on-demand cross-media platform that enables companies to grow revenues, enhance customer experience, and cut production costs. There is no other SaaS platform more comprehensive and powerful for automating the production and delivery of high-impact cross-media. With Scene7, businesses can improve the entire selling and marketing cycle from attracting customers, to guiding them to the right products and services, to successfully converting them into loyal buyers. Scene7 cross-media solutions are built on a robust, integrated technology platform for unrivaled breadth, depth, scalability, and ease of on-going cross-media use. Solutions include Dynamic Imaging, eCatalogs, eVideos, Visual Configurators, Targeted Email & Print, Media Portal and Web-to-Print. Leading companies worldwide have selected Scene7, including QVC, Harrods, Macy’s, Amazon, Office Depot, Polo Ralph Lauren, La-Z-Boy, Lands’ End, Blockbuster, Williams-Sonoma, and Levi Strauss & Co.

About Adobe Systems IncorporatedAdobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and information—anytime, anywhere, and through any medium. For more information, visit www.adobe.com.

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe, the Adobe logo, and Scene7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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