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Advanced Private Equity, Leverage Buy-Outs and Advanced ... · Advanced Private Equity, ......

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The Banking and Corporate Finance Training Specialist Advanced Private Equity, Leverage Buy-Outs and Advanced LBO Modelling Masterclass A 5-day Master-Class A comprehensive examination of PE – reviewing the 5 stages from PE, lender, advisors, management and investor’s perspective This course is presented in London on: 12-16 November 2018, 11-15 February 2019, 24-28 June 2019, 4-8 November 2019

The Banking and Corporate Finance Training Specialist

Advanced Private Equity,

Leverage Buy-Outs and Advanced

LBO Modelling Masterclass

A 5-day Master-Class

A comprehensive examination of PE – reviewing the 5 stages from PE, lender,

advisors, management and investor’s perspective

This course is presented in London on:

12-16 November 2018, 11-15 February 2019, 24-28 June 2019,

4-8 November 2019

This course can also be presented in-house for your company

or via live on-line webinar

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

Course Overview

Participants will: Be introduced to the PE value creation model and PE fund structures Get an overview of the acquisition: adding value and reducing the risk at entry

Have explained to them how to select the right investment with the 5 critical issues to sponsors

Master how to negotiate the deal with the management team Gain an understanding of the key issues for sponsors and management

Learn about the financing options for private equity houses Be appraised of the key issues for senior debt Be taught about how to negotiate the optimum debt package (including lender and

borrower approaches) Have an overview on the different debt instruments – mezzanine, unitranche, second

lien, PIK loans and high yield notes Understand the LBO process and how to value the target Be taught about assessing debt capacity for LBO financing and assessing value

creation in LBO transactions (APV analysis) Get to grips with LBO modelling issues

The trainer is a consultant, public speaker and author. He provides training programmes

globally to a blue-chip client base on private equity, debt finance, loan documentation and restructuring. He is a senior consultant with Debt Xplained, with Grant Thornton UK (Debt Advisory) and is also a Senior Advisor to KPMG Finland.

He has spoken at conferences in the UK, Europe, Australasia & South Africa. He provides

training to a wide range of clients on a bespoke in-house basis & publicly through Redcliffe Training Associates. Additionally, he is the Programme Director for the infrastructure/project finance module for the MBA programme at the Cass Business

School in London.

Day 1 - Advanced Private Equity & Leveraged Buy-Outs

Introduction to Private Equity: The PE value creation model; PE fund structures Introduction & background

Overview of the PE market Venture capital

PE / leveraged deals The three stages of the deal

Entry, operations & exit The traditional PE value creation model – the 3 key value drivers Techniques for enhancing returns

Capital structure’s impact on value Using soft exits recaps / refinancings

Equity bridges Leveraging the fund

Course Objectives

Course Content

Background of the Trainer

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

Structuring issues & structuring parameters Structuring issues

Taking security / collateral generally

Security contrasted: UK vs Europe vs USA Financial assistance

Ranking & priority of senior vs junior debt & pari passu loan/bond structures Tax issues - group tax relief & thin cap

Squeeze-outs Spectrum of financing instruments in LBOs - overview Structuring parameters - creating an appropriate financial structure (overview)

Percentage senior, junior and equity in debt capital structure EBITDA multiples

Target returns for Private Equity & mezzanine funds Deriving the funding structure

Funding uses

Funding sources

Structure and key terms and trends for Private Equity funds Review of typical (Luxco) fund structure Key terms & conditions

Investment period (how long) Preferred return (rate, calculation)

Carry (European vs US approach) How Private Equity fund structures optimise value Hot topics for LPs & GPs

Generating and originating deal flow Why proprietary origination matters

Deal sourcing strategies What makes a good originator What motivates intermediaries

What motivates target’s / sellers How the “right type” of specialisation can boost returns

Three ways to use networks Identifying “exit signals” from various sources

Why & how social media matters Case Study: Calculating the entry and exit value, the funding sources, the basic

approach to deriving the equity split between PE and management on entry and exit and introduction to estimating the correct capital structure

The Acquisition: adding value & reducing risk at entry

The Acquisition - offer structure Offer structure – cash free, debt free with normalised working capital/net asset value

etc Risk matrix - analysis of the five key value drivers / areas for due diligence

Cash & trapped cash

Debt – what’s included? Working capital (key to the deal?)

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484


EBITDA (the good news & bad) Establishing the run rate

Value matrix – techniques for mitigating the risks and identifying value

SPA structuring - Locked box vs Completion accounts Pros & cons of each

How it can affect value Risk in Locked box

Day 2 - Advanced Private Equity & Leveraged Buy-Outs

Case Study: Identifying problematic items in reconciling equity value to enterprise value and the correct approach to calculating the correct level of

working capital

Adding value during the operational stage

Selecting the right investment - the 5 critical issues to sponsors

Portfolio fit The business model Management - what PEs approach

Approach to generating value/returns Exits – hard vs. soft

How to avoid the value trap

Case Study: Calculate the exit value and discuss how structuring the PE equity can affect the returns of management

Adding value: operating partner models The new value-creation model – 4 key areas

Operational improvements – 6 aspects 7 Methods PE can add value via teaming up with executives

The operating partner model (3 approaches) The operating partner model in practice – “typical” role

Liquidity events Hard exits vs soft exits

Exit strategies – using dual or triple track to enhance value IPOs

The key ingredients for IPO

What about the management – problem areas Sale of equity – partial vs complete sale

Problem areas – trade vs secondary PE deals Soft exits – a useful way of enhancing returns

Refinancings & recaps

Other ways of extracting value Management and other fees

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

Case Study: Discuss the pros and cons of a dual/triple track exit strategy and the key issues to both the PE and management

Negotiating the deal with management team:

Key issues for Sponsors Structuring the equity

Structure - loans, preference shares Typical returns

Structuring the payment waterfall

Issues for management Differences in primary and secondary deals

Equity ratchets Rationale, structure Pros and cons of positive vs. negative, stepped vs. linear

Key issues for Management

Multifaceted role and duties of management Issues vis-à-vis role as director, employee, shareholder, warrantor

Key documents & terms

Shareholders’ agreement vs articles/ statues (pros & cons) Critical issues in the investment agreement

Good vs. bad leaver Management warranties Equity – valuation issues pre exit (why “fair value” is dangerous)

Transfer issues – drag, tag-along rights Critical issues in the service agreement

Restraints Termination

Financing options for PEs

Introduction & overview of the funding spectrum The spectrum of financing options for borrowers

Review of typical debt structures in the market for all deals sizes Senior only Senior/ junior structures

Pari loan bond structures Loans vs Bonds – whats the difference (maintenance vs incurrence covenants)

Senior loans: key facilities & issues “Typical” terms

The main facilities RCFs – why they matter & typical pitfalls

Capex facilities Margin ratchets

Mezzanine key terms Is there still a market for mezzanine

Pros and cons

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

Use an application Rationale of warranted vs. warrant-less “Typical” terms

Unitranche / direct lending financing

Review of the various market structures “Typical” terms Pros and cons

Use and application – where they work and where they don't

Second lien loans “Typical” terms Pros and cons

Use and application

PIK loans (making a comeback) “Typical” terms Why has the PIK market spring to life

Pros and cons for sponsors Use and application

Day 3 - Advanced Private Equity & Leveraged Buy-Outs

High Yield Notes Spectrum of instruments

Pros & cons of high yield and why they appeal to borrowers Use and application

Loans vs bonds compared Loans’ maintenance covenants vs Bonds’ Incurrence covenants

Case Study: Reviewing a capital structure and how different instruments can be used to optimise the capital structure, provide more head room and handle


Negotiating the optimum debt package - Lender’s vs Borrowers

Negotiating the debt package - The lender’s approach

The Lender’s approach to credit decision measuring debt capacity

security over assets exit routes

Different types of lenders: Banks vs Alternative lenders

Whats the difference How and where it matters

Overview of loan documentation and impact on deal Loan as a radar system Typical structure

Key parties (obligors, borrowers and guarantors)

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

Case Study: Review a detailed term sheet for a senior loan, identify the key commercial aspects and how and where it should be amended to make it borrower / lender friendly

Negotiating the debt package - The borrower’s approach

The four deal scenarios and the role of due diligence The key financial ratios / covenants

Cash flow cover

Leverage Interest cover

Capex Selecting the appropriate covenant for the deal; borrowers v lenders

Do covenants really matter - if so how, when & where

Step 1: How to identify the borrower’s objective Step 2: Identifying the key requirements for the borrower

Step 3: Deciding on which type of debt & lender is most appropriate Loans v bonds When and where to use junior debt

Step 4: Strategies for negotiating with lenders Step 5: Getting what you paid for

Inter-creditor issues – review of key issues

Case Study: Calculate the exit value and discuss how structuring the PE equity can affect the returns of management

Days 4 & 5 - Advanced LBO Modelling

Leverage Overview Background to the LBO market Introductory theory - The effect of leverage on firm value

Valuing the target Sourcing information – Historic and forecast data

Analysing equity research Key attributes of broker analysis

Pluses and minuses of equity research Building a DCF valuation using equity research Modelling the stand alone valuation

DCF valuation Use of multiples in valuation (EV/EBIT, EV/EBITDA)

Case Study I: Participants model the stand alone valuation of the target using historic data and equity research

LBO Modelling Overview

Key elements of an LBO model Comparing and contrasting DCF and LBO models Sources and uses of funds

Key drivers in an LBO model From stand alone valuation to LBO analysis

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

Case Study II: Participants use the stand alone valuation of the target to complete an LBO model

Assessing debt capacity for LBO financing Financial interdependencies Financing growth

Sustainable debt Target debt capacity assumed in a WACC calculation, debt capacity and interest cover

Debt capacity in LBOs Debt capacity multiples in practice and credit analysis

Case Study III: Modelling the debt capacity of the target using multiple and credit analysis

Capital providers and their typical characteristics Institutional and management equity

Traditional/new lenders Senior tranche profiles

A, B, C, RCF Subordinated tranche profiles

Second lien

Mezzanine (with/without warrants) PIK

High yield bonds More complex issues – warrants and options Typical LBO transaction sensitivity analysis, management, base and payout cases

Case Study IV: Modelling a more complex capital structure with various

scenarios calculating exit value and IRR for each of the capital providers

Assessing value creation in LBO transactions – APV analysis

Key components of an APV valuation Unlevered value

Value of the tax shield Direct and indirect cost of leverage

APV valuation and DCF valuation APV valuation in a steady state Calculating AP in a steady growth environment

Incorporating APV analysis in an LBO transaction analysis Case Study V: Where has value been created, modelling APV analysis for an LBO


http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

The programme will review the impact of the draft ECB guidance on leveraged transactions.

This programme provides participants with a comprehensive view of private equity,

particularly the various types of buy-outs (e.g. LBOs, MBOS). The programme takes participants through all the major stages of the deal; from entry, through the operational phase to exit (liquidity events). In doing this the course provides insight into how the PE

firm can add value to the process at each of the three major stages. To do this it approaches PE from the respective perspective of all the main protagonists; Private

equity professionals, lenders and other providers of debt financing; the various professional advisers (lawyers, accountants in due diligence or audit), corporate finance advisors and management teams looking to enter or exit the market. It will also appeal

to investors who may wish to invest directly (co-invest) or indirectly (via funds) in different parts of the debt or equity capital structure, such as pension funds, insurance

companies, private family offices and corporates who are trying to understand the radically different business model of their PE competitors

Whilst simple in theory private equity, the highly competitive nature of the PE market means that adding value can no longer be achieved by leverage and reliance on rising

markets. The course covers the three key stages of PE value creation. Stage 1; the acquisition, where it is vital to structure the transaction in the optimal fashion in terms of

both the Offer to minimize risk. Disastrous mistakes can be made ab initio by failing to understand the main risk areas of the equity bridge (i.e. the value traps from enterprise value to equity value) or in the completion method (e.g. locked box rather than

completion accounts). Developing the optimal capital structure is a critical as it is essential to use both the correct level of debt for and the most appropriate type of debt

that will allow the company to achieve its business plan (e.g. organic growth or buy and build).

The second stage requires the PE firm to add value during the operational phase and here there is much the PE firm can do in terms focusing on operation improvements. These do

not occur in a vacuum and require the best management team. Top quartile PE firms have large in-house teams to assist them in the process but smaller firms can achieve the same results through different “operating partner” models. In the current seller friendly

environment, deal origination is another key point of differentiation between top quartile teams and the course reviews various ways of approaching this issue

The third and final stage relates to liquidity events however PEs have the luxury in the current market of opting for soft as well as hard exits to generate value for LPs.

The programme adopts a pan-European approach to the topic but the presenter has

experience of PE in other jurisdictions including, USA, Asia Pacific and Africa. Reference will be made to current trends and data in the markets across Europe.

Participants will be provided with numerous case studies to reinforce the various aspects and will also be provided with an LBO model which will be used to structure a transaction.

Post the course participants will receive a number of other PE related models (e.g. how to calculate warrants and ratchets) as well as current review of debt trends in the debt market.

Course Summary

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

The fourth and fifth day of the course will cover key elements of modelling in an LBO analysis. Participants will value the target business using historic data and available

equity research. The valuation process will incorporate absolute and relative valuation techniques. Once the target business has been valued, participants will be introduced to

LBO analysis and construct an LBO model. The LBO modelling analysis will be developed by assessing the debt capacity of the business to determine the range of capital

structures available for the transaction and how credit analysis is used in the LBO modelling process.

The participants will then cover more complex LBO instruments such as warrants and PIKs, how they can be incorporated into an LBO structure and how to calculate returns to

each of the equity and debt providers. Participants will model a more complex capital structure and calculate exit values and the IRRs generated by each investor. Using the integrated model participants will then analyse various scenarios (management case,

base case, payout case) to derive the optimum financing structure taking into account the financial constraints of each investor.

The participants will then undertake an adjusted present value (“APV”) analysis to determine where value has been created in the LBO transaction using an APV model and

finally look at a recovery analysis for a failed LBO transaction.

Case Study: The participants will use a variety of case studies and exercises during the two days, based on publically quoted and generic companies.

Participants will be required to bring a laptop and a calculator to the course

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484

What Redcliffe’s clients are saying about the course:

“Practical approached combined with a great Trainer”

-- Senior Associate, KPMG

“Case studies and build-up of the models were good” -- Associate Director, Barings

“Highlighting theory as well as practice was good” -- Investment Associate, Bridgepoint

Great presentation! Very Good!” -- Head of European Portfolio Operations, The Blackstone Group

http://redcliffetraining.com [email protected]

+44 (0)20 7387 4484



Standard Price: £3000 +VAT Membership Price: £2400 + VAT

In-House Training

Delivering this course in-house for a number of participants could be very cost effective.

The venue and timing can be agreed to suit the client, as well as the selection of the trainer and the

precise contents of the seminar.

Tailored Learning

All of our training courses can be tailored to suit your company’s exact training needs.

We will work closely with you to help develop a training programme with content that is unique for your organisation.

Please email us on [email protected] for more information

E-Learning This course can also be presented as a bespoke e-learning programme created by you to fit your exact

