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Aero Racer Symposium 2015

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Aero Racer for the 2015 AGM and Symposium, and Annual Prizegiving and Dinner
r o y a l a e r o c l u b r e c o r d s , r a c i n g & r a l l y a s s o c i a t i o n TEAM AIR R ACING Aero Racer Symposium 31/1/ 2015
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yal aero club

records, racing & rally associatio



Aero RacerSymposium 31/1/ 2015

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With several racers returning to compete in 2015, namely Cliff Hawk-

ins and Mark Turner, after performing their amazing handicapping du-

ties with excellence and Roderick Morton, who is ‘retiring’ from the role

as Chief Steward, the field of racers already signed up for the full race

programme would indicate a very busy and exciting season ahead. This

is excluding any new racers and ground crew that may be enticed to

join through this years GA magazine advertising and editorials.

Dave Lee then took the stand to deliver the Treasure’s report. In

summary, we made a small profit in the 2014 season and a decision

was made to invest in new infrastructure equipment, this will mean new

computers, GPS units and turn markers. It was also decided to retain

the services of our current accountant’s. Fees remain the same.

As some committee members are standing down (so they could race

again) and some committee members were at the end of their term of

office (but were willing to stand for another duration) a few nominations

and a vote took place. In conclusion, Izindi Morton is Chief Handicap-

per and Phil Marsden is Chief Steward. Neil Cooper and John Kelsall

were re elected as Pilot Representatives. And not to forget that at the

committee meeting after the day’s events, Mike Pearson was re elected

as Chairman and Cliff Hawkins as Deputy Chairman.

After lunch, Cliff Hawkins and Mark Turner presented the current

handicapping situation and indicating the areas that needed work. The

last three races were handicapped on the current basis and in general

The Symposium began, at The Hopcroft Hotel near Oxford, with

the usual re uniting of old friends over teas and coffee after the

long winter and Christmas break.

The proceedings began with Mike Pearson delivering the Chairman’s

report. The general feeling of the report expressed gratitude towards

the amazing commitment and participation of all the pilots and ground

crew and the fabulous support from the airfields that host our events.

The 2014 season was a success and the challenges for 2015 included

recruitment of new racers and ground support crew.

Mike Pearson - ChairmanWith images of the potential new company secretary,interviews continue!

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provided accurate handicap speeds and good results. It was decided

that we should continue with the current system with a mind to always

look for areas of improvement. Mark demonstrated some possible new

GPS units that were more accurate than the current models. More re-

search and development by Mark will be done before any decisions are

made. Due to the increase of data that would be downloaded from new

GPS units and the increase of racers, it was decided that the handicap-

pers required faster and up to date computers.

Martin Gosling presented the 2015 race programme. One new venue

this year is Haverfordwest. We must thank Bob Ellis for this, as a resi-

dent pilot and ex chairman of the airfield, Bob paved the way for our

race. Set in beautiful southwest Wales, with the coast a stones throw

away, this is going to be a spectacular race location and landscape. We

are returning to Enniskillen (pray for good weather) and all the other fa-

vourites are there. Popham has invited us back for a second year. Last

years inaugural race weekend at Popham was a magnificent success,

all facilitated by Gerry Smith, ‘old’ racer (his plane is being worked on).

We only had a small field of planes last year at Popham, so if you can

show your support this year and make it another good Royal Aero Club

Air Race event it would be much appreciated. I am also told that a GA

magazine is going to attend the Popham air race with the mind to take

photos and write an article on the air race scene, so please come along

and put on a good show.

David Joyce then treated us to a wonderful presentation. On the

subject of ‘Ditching at Sea’. David is a pilot and retired Doctor. Many

preconceptions and ‘old wives tails’ were proved incorrect. A fascinat-

ing talk enjoyed by all and a few points of knowledge and advice were

passed on that just may save a life!

The new range of branded Royal Aero Club Air Racing Team clothing

was on display throughout the day. A big thanks to Phil Marsden who

has sourced some top quality jackets, fleeces, shirts and caps. In all

sizes showing the logo. Pictures of all the garments will soon be on the

web site with the opportunity to purchase from there. Phil will of course

bring a few samples for sale to each race, but it would make his life

Izindi Morton,Cliff Hawkins andMark Turner.The handicappinggods.

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Martin Gandy-GoslingUnderwear model

much easier if you can order from the web site so he can make up the

garments required and post them out. Phil, not wishing to be out done

by the new range of David Gandy underwear by Marks and Spencer

produced the 3R’s Y Fronts, we see here, David Gandy’s dad (Martin

Gandy-Gosling) modelling the special order Y Fronts. I thought this was

a joke, but Phil has already taken some firm orders, even in the face of

stiff competition!

Pete Chillcott must be thanked for organising the event, the facilities

and co ordination with the hotel. Pete also put an enormous amount of

energy and creativity into the evening Annual Dinner and Awards Pres-

entation. With over sixty guests the evening drinks reception and dinner

were a great success. This was followed by the Awards Presentation

(please see pictures below),

and an inspiring After Din-

ner Talk by John Windover of

Aerobility. John explained the

work of Aerobility, which is

based at Blackbushe airfield,

and the incredible work this

organisation does to enable

disabled people to enjoy the

experience of flight. Please

go to www.aerobility.com for

more information.Pete Chilcott

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John Kelsall - ABC Home Built Trophy

Dave Moorman - Sonic Challenge Trophy Alan Turner - Mitel Sword

Awards presented by Mike Pearson and John Windover

The presentations concluded with the ‘Fun Awards’! More pictures


Based on the confirmed racers, venues and committed ground crew,

2015 is going to be an amazing season. Let’s all look forward to many

amazing weekends of sunshine, fun, seeing old friends, making new

friends and flying.

Leicester is the first race of the season on the 11th and 12th April.

See you there!

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Andrew Wallace - Outram Trophy John Kelsall & Ian Scarborough - Brian McBride Trophy

Ian Scarborough - Navigator of the Year Trophy Martin Gosling - British Air Race Champion

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John Kelsall & Ian Scarborough - European Air Race Champion Mark Turner - Pilots Salver

Judy Hanson Sandra Pearson

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Anne Chilcott Cliff Hawkins

Roderick Morton Ian Scarborough

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Will Hawkins Pete Chilcott

Roderick for Izindi Morton Dave Moorman - Drinker of The Year Award

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Dave Lee - Most Travelled Northerner Alan Turner & Rex Levy - Most Like Their Plane

Claire Carter - Going Out With Derryn Award Maggie Burridge - Hero of the Year Award

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Fun pictures from the weekend !

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Fun pictures from the weekend !

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Fun pictures from the weekend !

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Fun pictures from the weekend !

See you at Leicester Airport for the first race of the season April 11th and 12th!
