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Chicken’s Fruitless Adventures By: Guadalupe Chavez , Dani Cordoba, Leslie Muniz, Osvaldo Esquivel ,Marta Krakowski, Demetrius Weathers
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Chicken’s Fruitless Adventures

By: Guadalupe Chavez , Dani Cordoba, Leslie Muniz, Osvaldo Esquivel ,Marta Krakowski, Demetrius Weathers

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Chicken had just hatched a month ago and pondered on what his talent is .Seeing the famous skillful player, Chicken decided to try sports.

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“Maybe a vigorous swim” said Chicken. Sadly he scratched that out when a fish tried to eat him.

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He thought about skateboarding . Sadly the skateboard detested him and Coach Rex was starting to get annoyed.

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Chicken was going for baseball he thought it was going to be ideal. The glove was too big .Bluntly, chicken told the coach baseball stinks; the coach felt bad that he couldn’t teach him how to play.

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Then he tried out for weight lifting he thought it was riveting ; Chicken was ignorant when Coach Rex tossed a big rock to him. The rock was to big so it fell on him Rex knew he could do it but he couldn’t .

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Chicken tried out for basketball he bluntly told his coach Rex that “ I want to be the new Michael Jordan.” Even though the ball was the world to him.

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Chicken tried track because he couldn’t resist it; so he didn’t do it. He ran in circles instead of doing it right.

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When chicken tried to do soccer coach Rex got tired of pressuring chicken. Then the ball was to big for him.

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Being Chicken’s eighth sport tryout ,he had faith that this was his skill.

“Give it all you got!", roared Coach Rex as Chicken obtained the bowling ball; Coach Rex was losing hope in him. Chicken hoped for a big BAM ,but the ball barely touched the pin.

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Golf wasn’t that bad because it didn’t include being fatigue at the end of the game. Chicken's optimism didn’t last because didn’t even hit It 3 inches far.

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“Maybe football” thought chicken. So chicken thought it was dangerous when he got squished by it.

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Chicken thought big: he attempted parachuting. Unfortunately , he came crashing into a tree. Parachuting was off the list.

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Something captivating caught Chickens eyes: wrestling. He thought he was going up oppose someone his size, but went against 4 times his size.

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Hope was running out , melancholy was coming over him, time was running out! Chicken tried to pursue gymnastics but the was tremendously too high to reach.

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“Why not tennis” thought Chicken. But of course all the balls resented him and did give Chicken a chance to react. “ He is a pain to my reputation.” thought Coach Rex.

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Since tennis was too vigorous Chicken pondered if he could try table tennis; but Chicken little mind wasn’t exactly right. He thought table tennis Chicken thought it was mini tennis. But at the moment the ball was served, Chicken hesitated and fell in the net. OOOF! Life was hard.

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Chicken gave up, it was useless . He tried music. He went to a packed One Direction concert. Finally his heart released his desire for music .

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The End
