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Discovery of Small Molecules A Planning Strategy for Diversity-Oriented Synthesis Martin D. Burke and Stuart L. Schreiber* Angewandte Chemie Keywords: diversity-oriented synthesis · drug design · retro reactions · small molecules · synthesis design S. L. Schreiber and M. D. Burke Reviews 46 # 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/anie.200300626 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 46 – 58
Page 1: Agew.Chem.Int.Ed.2004.43.46

Discovery of Small Molecules

A Planning Strategy for Diversity-Oriented SynthesisMartin D. Burke and Stuart L. Schreiber*


Keywords:diversity-oriented synthesis · drugdesign · retro reactions · smallmolecules · synthesis design

S. L. Schreiber and M. D. BurkeReviews

46 � 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/anie.200300626 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 46 – 58

Page 2: Agew.Chem.Int.Ed.2004.43.46

1. Introduction

Small-molecules can exert powerful effects on the func-tions of macromolecules that comprise living systems. Thisremarkable ability makes them useful, both as research toolsfor understanding life processes and as pharmacologic agentsfor promoting and restoring health. Synthetic organic chem-ists aim to gain access to these compounds using three generalapproaches.

The first approach uses target-oriented synthesis (TOS)and relies primarily on nature to discover small-moleculeswith useful, macromolecule-perturbing properties. Naturalcompounds can be identified in screens of extract mixtures,isolated, and then structurally characterized by using a varietyof spectroscopic techniques. Once such a structure has beenidentified, it can become a target for chemical synthesis. Theaim of the synthesis effort in TOS is to access a precise regionof chemical space,[1] which is often defined by a complexnatural product known to have a useful function (Figure 1A).

The second approach uses either medicinal chemistry orcombinatorial chemistry and aims to explore a dense region ofchemistry space in proximity to a precise region known tohave useful properties (Figure 1B). The source of the startingor lead compounds can vary and may include a naturalproduct, a known drug, or a rationally designed structuredeveloped from a mechanistic hypothesis and/or a crystalstructure of a macromolecule of interest.

Synthetic chemists' ability to access precise or denseregions of chemistry space defined by natural products orknown drugs have led to major advances in the chemical and

life sciences. Nevertheless, the following question remainsunanswered: Are the regions of chemistry space defined bynatural products and known drugs, which have been sointensely scrutinized to date, the best or most fertile regionsfor discovering small-molecules that modulate macromolec-ular function in useful ways? Given the extraordinarypotential for such small molecules to promote the under-standing and betterment of human health, it is urgent thatorganic chemists begin to answer this basic question. One aimof diversity-oriented synthesis[2] (DOS) is to meet thischallenge.

The synthesis effort in DOS aims to create a broaddistribution of compounds in chemistry space, includingcurrently poorly populated (or even vacuous) space, and inthe future, in space found empirically to correlate best withdesired properties (Figure 1C). The first step toward achiev-ing this aim is to recognize that the problem of accessingbroad regions of chemistry space is different than the problemof accessing precise or dense regions. These problems aredifferent and, therefore, present distinct challenges andrequire distinct solutions.

In contrast to target-oriented synthesis (TOS) and medicinal orcombinatorial chemistry, which aim to access precise or denseregions of chemistry space, diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS)populates chemical space broadly with small-molecules havingdiverse structures. The goals of DOS include the development ofpathways leading to the efficient (three- to five-step) synthesis ofcollections of small molecules having skeletal and stereochemicaldiversity with defined coordinates in chemical space. Ideally,these pathways also yield compounds having the potential toattach appendages site- and stereoselectively to a variety ofattachment sites during a post-screening, maturation stage. Thediverse skeletons and stereochemistries ensure that the appen-dages can be positioned in multiple orientations about the surfaceof the molecules. TOS as well as medicinal and combinatorialchemistries have been advanced by the development of retro-synthetic analysis. Although the distinct goals of DOS do notpermit the application of retrosynthetic concepts and thinking,these foundations are being built on, by using parallel logic, todevelop a complementary procedure known as forward-syntheticanalysis. This analysis facilitates synthetic planning, communi-cation, and teaching in this evolving discipline.

From the Contents

1. Introduction 47

2. Retrosynthetic Analysis and Forward-Synthetic Analysis 48

3. Complexity-Generating Reactions andtheir Use in DOS To GenerateComplex Products Efficiently(Simple!Complex) 49

4. Diversity-Generating Processes andtheir Use in DOS To Generate DiverseProducts Efficiently (Similar!Diverse) 50

5. Integrated Forward-Synthetic Analysisfor Generating Both Complexity andDiversity (Simple and Similar!Complex and Diverse) 55

6. A Challenge for Synthesis in theFuture. 55

7. Summary 57

[*] Dr. M. D. Burke, Prof. S. L. SchreiberDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical BiologyHoward Hughes Medical InstituteICCB, Harvard University12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (USA)Fax: (+1)617-495-0751E-mail: [email protected]

Discovery of Small MoleculesAngewandte


47Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 46 – 58 DOI: 10.1002/anie.200300626 � 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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TOS as well as medicinal and combinatorial chemistrieshave been advanced by the development (beginning over40 years ago) of a general planning strategy known asretrosynthetic analysis,[3] in which a complex target is trans-formed into a sequence of progressively simpler structures byformally performing chemical reactions in the reverse-syn-thetic direction. Prior to this, strategic solutions to theproblems of synthesizing different target structures weredeveloped on a case-by-case basis. The introduction of ageneral planning strategy had a revolutionizing impact onthese fields in at least three ways: by assisting chemists inplanning efficient synthesis pathways that access complextarget structures, by creating a language and defining conceptsto facilitate communication between colleagues, and byproviding a framework for teaching this field to newgenerations of organic chemistry students.

Retrosynthetic concepts and thinking depend on theexistence of a defined target structure. Retrosynthetic anal-ysis cannot be effectively applied in DOS because there is nosingle target structure. However, the foundations of retro-synthetic analysis are being used (by applying parallel logic)

to develop a complementary strategy to facilitate syntheticplanning, communication, and teaching within the realm ofDOS.

2. Retrosynthetic Analysis and Forward-SyntheticAnalysis

Synthesis pathways in TOS are linear and convergent, andthey are planned in the reverse-synthetic direction by usingretrosynthetic planning, which aims to move in the directionof complex!simple. In contrast, in DOS, where the structuralcomplexity of the individual compounds and the structuraldiversity of the overall collection are maximized, synthesispathways are branched and divergent, and they are planned inthe forward-synthetic direction[4] by using forward-syntheticanalysis. Forward-synthetic planning aims to move in thedirection of simple and similar!complex and diverse. (Max-imizing diversity and correlating structure with activity areinherently computational challenges. This article will notfocus on these elements of DOS despite their critical nature;

Stuart L. Schreiber was born in Virginia,USA in 1956. He received his BA at theUniversity of Virginia in 1977, completed hisPhD at Harvard University under the super-vision of R. B. Woodward and Y. Kishi, andjoined the faculty at Yale University in 1981.In 1988 he returned to Harvard and is nowan Investigator at the Howard Hughes Med-ical Institute, and Morris Loeb Professor andChair of the Department of Chemistry andChemical Biology. His research interestsfocus on developing systematic ways toexplore biology and medicine using smallmolecules.

Martin D. Burke was born in 1976 in Mary-land, USA. He graduated in chemistry fromJohns Hopkins University in 1998 andrecently completed his PhD thesis in syn-thetic organic chemistry under the supervi-sion of Prof. Schreiber at Harvard University.

Figure 1. Comparison of TOS (A), medicinal and combinatorial chemistry (B), and DOS (C). Each three-dimensional plot is meant to representthe chemical product or collection of products derived from a single synthesis pathway. Each axis plots a calculable or measurable property of asmall molecule (for example, molecular weight, solubility). A) The aim in TOS is to synthesize a single target structure having known or predictedproperties (red sphere). B) The goal in medicinal and combinatorial chemistry is to synthesize a collection of analogues (blue spheres) of a targetstructure having known or predicted properties (red sphere). C) The aim in DOS is to populate chemistry space broadly with complex and diversestructures having unknown properties (blue spheres) as a first step in the small molecule discovery process. In some ways, these threeapproaches to synthesizing small-molecules represent points along a continuum.

S. L. Schreiber and M. D. BurkeReviews

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here we simply note the recent launching of ChemBank onthe Internet[5] as a first step towards providing the requisitetools to the chemical community.)

The basic subunit of retrosynthetic planning is the trans-form, that is, the theoretical transformation of a product into asubstrate by formally performing a chemical reaction in thereverse-synthetic direction. To make use of a transform inretrosynthetic analysis one must first identify the correspond-ing “retron”, that is, the enabling structural subunit (“keyingelement”) that permits its application, in the chemical target.In contrast, the basic subunit of forward-synthetic planning isthe process, namely, the transformation of a collection ofsubstrates into a collection of products by performing anumber of chemical reactions together in the forward-synthetic direction. The key element for implementing aprocess is common reactivity, that is, the inherent chemicalreactivity common to a collection of compounds that makesthem all potential substrates for the same reaction(s). To planefficient DOS pathways containing iterative processes, it iscritical to identify products-equals-substrates relationships,such that the products of one process have some commoninherent chemical reactivity that makes them all potentialsubstrates for another process.

TOS and DOS share the aim of accessing complexstructures efficiently. Structurally simplifying transforms arecritical in TOS when devising a retrosynthesis for a complextarget structure, and iterative application of these transformscan lead to a plan for an efficient synthesis.[6] In contrast,when planning a diversity-oriented synthesis in the forwarddirection, complexity-generating reactions are most valuablefor accessing complexity in an efficient manner. Moreover,identification of pairwise relationships, where the product ofone complexity-generating reaction is the substrate foranother, can lead to highly complex products with just a fewsynthetic steps.

TOS does not share the aim of accessing diversity. The aimin medicinal and combinatorial chemistry is to access diversityto some degree, and usually involves synthesizing analoguesof a given target structure. This can be accomplishedefficiently using solid-phase synthesis[7] to append differentsets of building blocks to a common molecular skeleton.[8]

Retrosynthetic planning is used in this context to devisepathways to a target structure that permit the addition ofdiverse sets of building blocks during the actual synthesis. Ifthis common skeleton contains multiple reactive sites withpotential for orthogonal functionalization, the powerfultechnique of split-pool synthesis[9] can be used to access allpossible combinations of building blocks (namely, the com-plete matrix) efficiently. In DOS, where there is no one targetstructure, the problem of diversity is subdivided into threediversity elements: appendages (for example, building blocksand “s elements”; see below), stereochemistry, and molecularskeletons. Forward-synthetic planning aimed at accessingthese diversity elements relies on the use of diversity-generating processes, which is defined as the transformationof a collection of relatively similar substrates into a collectionof more diverse products. In an ideal DOS pathway all of theproducts of one diversity-generating process are substratesfor another, thus making it possible to use split-pool synthesis

to access combinatorially matrices of building blocks, stereo-chemical isomers, and even molecular skeletons.

3. Complexity-Generating Reactions and their Usein DOS To Generate Complex Products Efficiently(Simple!Complex)

The structures and functions of natural products suggestthat structural complexity may be positively correlated withmacromolecule-perturbing function and specificity of action.This correlation is particularly striking in small moleculesknown to disrupt protein–protein interactions. Therefore, it isa goal of DOS to access small molecules with complexmolecular skeletons,[10] and forward-synthetic planning aimsto proceed in the direction of simple!complex. Moreover, incontrast to the relatively flat molecular skeletons often usedin medicinal and combinatorial chemistry that tend to projectappendages outward along the perimeter of a circle, the aimin DOS is to access more globular or spherical molecularskeletons to which substituents can be potentially appendedalong the surface of a sphere during a post-screening,optimization stage.

To maximize efficiency and, in the case of researchersaffiliated with ICCB,[11] to be compatible with one-bead/one-stock solution technology platforms, synthesis pathways inDOS should be no more than three to five steps (which leavesno room for protective-group manipulations). Therefore, toachieve skeletal complexity in DOS it is critical to identifyand to implement complexity-generating reactions thatrapidly assemble complex molecular skeletons. Moreover,the identification in the forward direction of pairwiserelationships, where the product of one complexity-generat-ing reaction is the substrate for another,[12] can lead to highlevels of molecular complexity in a very efficient manner.

For example, as shown in Scheme 1, the Ugi four-component coupling reaction[13] can be used to assemble acomplex product from simple starting materials in a singlestep. If those simple starting materials are selected to includeboth a diene and a dienophile, then the product of this firstcomplexity-generating reaction 2 is a substrate for another,namely an intramolecular Diels–Alder reaction.[14] The iden-tification of this pairwise relationship made it possible togenerate complex molecular skeleton 3 from simple startingmaterials in a single synthetic step. Moreover, it wasrecognized that the product 3 is almost a substrate for anadditional complexity-generating reaction, namely a ring-opening/ring-closing metathesis,[15] and can be transformedinto such a substrate (4) by bisallylation with KHMDS andallyl bromide. (This type of forward-synthetic planning isanalogous to the identification of partial retrons and the useof functional-group manipulations to make the application ofstructurally simplifying transforms possible in retrosyntheticanalysis.) Treatment of 4 with the Grubbs catalyst[16] resultedin a complexity-generating ring-opening/ring-closing meta-thesis reaction to generate product 5, which has a highlycomplex 7-5-5-7 polycyclic molecular skeleton.

Discovery of Small MoleculesAngewandte


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4. Diversity-Generating Processes and their Use inDOS To Generate Diverse Products Efficiently(Similar!Diverse)

DOS pathways aim to proceed in the direction of similarstructures!diverse structures to gain access to broad regionsof chemistry space efficiently. To achieve this requiresplanning (in the forward direction) a series of products-equals-substrates relationships, that is, the products of onediversity-generating process should share some commoninherent chemical reactivity. This common reactivity servesas a keying element that makes the products collectivesubstrates for a subsequent diversity-generating process. Thegoal of achieving diversity can be simplified by consideringthree distinct diversity elements: appendages, stereochemis-try, and skeletons.

4.1. Appendage Diversity

The simplest diversity-generating process is the centralfeature of combinatorial chemistry and involves the use ofcoupling reactions to attach different appendages to acommon molecular skeleton. In forward-synthetic analysisthese are referred to as appending processes. If a molecularskeleton has multiple reactive sites with potential fororthogonal functionalization, then the technique of split-pool synthesis can be used to harness the power of combina-torics (a multiplicative increase in the number of productswith an additive increase in the number of reaction con-ditions), and thereby generate all possible combinations ofappendages (that is, the complete matrix) efficiently.

The origins of DOS were combinatorial chemistry effortsthat simply used increasingly sophisticated organic trans-formations. These efforts began with a complexity-generating

reaction to yield a single, complex molecular skeleton havingseveral attachment points followed by a series of diversity-generating appending processes (potentially in split-poolformat) to attach all possible combinations of buildingblocks to this common skeleton. This one-synthesis/one-skeleton approach has proven to be highly general andcapable of generating hundreds, thousands, or even millionsof distinct small molecules in just three to five steps.[8,17,18]

For example, a complexity-generating, consecutive trans-esterification–cycloaddition reaction was used to generate, inone step, the tetracyclic skeleton 7 with potential forfunctionalization through a series of diversity-generatingappending processes (Scheme 2A).[17] A Sonogashira cou-pling reaction was first used to append a diverse collection ofalkyne building blocks (BB1) to the iodoaryl moiety of 7 andthereby to generate the collection of more diverse products 8.Although these products differ in the identity of BB1, they allhave a common electrophilic lactone moiety. This commonreactivity makes this collection of products 8 of the firstdiversity-generating appending process a collection of poten-tial substrates for another appending process, namely, anamine-mediated lactone-opening reaction that generated acollection of new products 9. Similarly, while members of thisnew collection of products 9 differ in the identity of both BB1and BB2, they all share a common nucleophilic secondaryhydroxy group, thus making them all substrates for a thirdappending process that resulted in their coupling with acollection of carboxylic acid building blocks (BB3). This seriesof products-equals-substrates relationships made it possibleto carry out this four-step synthetic pathway by using split-pool synthesis and thereby generate the complete matrix ofbuilding blocks 10 in a highly efficient manner.

A second example that vividly illustrates the power of acomplexity-generating reaction is shown in Scheme 2B. Inthis case, a biomimetic, complexity-generating oxidative

Scheme 1. Three-step synthesis of a complex 7-5-5-7 polycyclic ring system using complexity-generating reactions having the product-equals-sub-strate relationship. KHMDS=potassium 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexamethyldisilazine, Mes=2,4,6-trimethylphenyl, Cy=cyclohexyl.

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cyclization reaction was used to transform acyclic precursor11 into the rigid skeleton 12, which has four sites of potentialreactivity (two nucleophilic and two electrophilic) that caneach be orthogonally functionalized by a series of diversity-generating appending processes.[18] In the first of theseappending process, a Mitsunobu reaction was used to couplea diverse collection of building blocks derived from primaryalcohols to the phenolic alcohol of 12. The products 13 of thisprocess share a common cyclic enone functionality, which wasselectively functionalized by the conjugate addition of acollection of thiols (BB2). While the products of this secondappending process differ in terms of the identities of BB1 andBB2, they all share a common nucleophilic secondary amine,which makes them all substrates for a third appending processinvolving coupling to a diverse collection of aldehyde, acidchloride, and isocyanate building blocks (BB3, only the

aldehydes are shown). The resultingcollection of products 15 representsall possible combinations of a three-dimensional matrix of buildingblocks, yet they all share a commonelectrophilic ketone. This commonmoiety imparts common reactivityto all the members of this collection,and made it possible to carry out afinal appending process with adiverse collection of hydrazine andhydroxylamine building blocks(BB4). In this example a consecutiveseries of four products-equals-sub-strates relationships enabled theefficient generation of a four-dimen-sional, combinatorial matrix ofbuilding block diversity elementsappended to a complex molecularskeleton 16.

This one-synthesis/one-skeletonapproach has proven to be generaland highly efficient;[8] however, itsimpact in the academic and pharma-ceutical realms has thus far beenlimited.[19] This may be becausecompounds having a commonmolecular skeleton display chemicalinformation similarly in three-dimensional space, thus limiting thepool of potential binding partners toonly those macromolecules with acomplementary three-dimensionalbinding surface. Thus, an important(and intellectually challenging) aimin DOS is to develop efficient syn-thesis pathways that yield productsthat represent many diverse displaysof chemical information in three-dimensional space. To achieve thisgoal it is necessary to gain efficientaccess to stereochemical and skele-tal diversity.

4.2. Stereochemical Diversity

Stereochemical diversity increases the number of relativeorientations of potential macromolecule-interacting elementsin small molecules. It can best be achieved by using stereo-specific reactions that proceed with enantio- or diastereose-lectivity. The corresponding transforms for these types ofprocesses are well-known in the context of retrosyntheticplanning. Since diversity-generating processes involve thetransformation of a collection of substrates into a collection ofproducts, it is critical that the processes used to generate newstereogenic centers are both selective and general.[20] Thecollective transformation of chiral substrates into productshaving increased stereochemical diversity (namely, diaster-

Scheme 2. Building-block diversity generated combinatorially. See text for details. A) Split-pool syn-thesis of compounds derived from Shikimic acid. The encircled “t” represents a solid support oftentagel. The diamond-filled arrow is used to represent an appending process carried out in split-pool format. B) Diversity-oriented synthesis of galanthamine-related compounds. PyBroP=bromo-tris(pyrrolidino)phosphonium hexafluorophosphate, DIPEA=N,N-diisopropylethylamine,DMAP=4-dimethylaminopyridine, DIPC=diisopropylcarbodiimide, DIAD=diisopropylazodicarbox-ylate.

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eoselective diversity-generating processes) requires powerfulreagents that can override substrate bias and deliver diaster-eomeric products with very high selectivity.[21]

For example, a diastereoselective intermolecular Diels–Alder reaction was used to transform the chiral dialkenylbor-onic acid 17 into the cycloadduct 18, with the selectiveformation of three new stereogenic centers (Scheme 3).[22]

This reaction and its relatives represent a promising develop-ment for application to DOS pathways. It also illustrates thedouble-edged sword of highly stereoselective reactions. Sincethe diastereoselectivity of this transformation is under apowerful substrate control (steric interactions with the TIPS-protected hydroxymethyl group direct cycloaddition to theless sterically hindered face of thediene) it may prove challenging togenerate the opposite diastereomericproduct 19.

Clues for progress come fromadvances made in double (more gen-erally, multiple) diastereoselectionreactions.[23] For example, Jacobsenand co-workers have demonstratedthe use of chiral catalyst 23, which canoverride the stereochemical bias of achiral substrate and generate diaster-eomeric products with high selectiv-ity.[24, 25] Since transformations withsuch a catalyst are reagent-controlled,it is possible to use both enantiomers of

23 in a diastereoselective stereochemical diversity-generatingprocess and thereby transform a common, chiral substrateinto a collection of products having increased stereochemicaldiversity. For example, (1S,2R)-23 was used to transformchiral enal 20 into dihydropyran 21 through a catalyst-controlled inverse-electron-demand diastereoselectivehetero-Diels–Alder reaction.[25] Alternatively, it was possibleto override the stereochemical bias of the chiral substrate andgenerate the diastereomeric dihydropyran 22 using theenantiomer of this catalyst, (1R,2S)-23. The discovery ofthese types of powerful reagents is critical to achievingstereochemical diversity in DOS. While catalysts such as 23are capable of controlling the face selectivity of one couplingpartner (in this case the chiral enal substrate), the develop-ment of double-diastereoselective reagents that can overridethe face selectivity of both coupling partners, for example, toachieve exo versus endo selectivity in the Diels–Alderreaction, would be highly valuable. For example, chemistshave succeeded in discovering highly effective catalysts toyield the endo-Diels–Alder product of cyclopentadiene andacrolein enantioselectively. It remains as a formidable chal-lenge, however, to develop an effective catalyst for the samereaction that yields the exo product enantioselectively.

While certain types of stereochemical flexibility (forexample, the ability to achieve both exo and endo relativeface selectivity in a Diels–Alder reaction process) are some-times difficult to achieve in intermolecular reactions, thereare a number of examples of this type of stereochemicalcontrol in intramolecular transformations. In the Diels–Alderexample, Alder's “endo rule” is often not obeyed when thereaction is performed in the intramolecular mode.[26] In thiscase, subtle changes in the structure of substrates can exertpowerful effects on the stereochemical outcome of intra-molecular reactions that produce new stereogenic cen-ters.[26–28] Such controlling elements may prove to be valuablefor achieving stereochemical diversity in DOS.

For example, Roush and co-workers found that theposition of the activating carbonyl group of the dienophilein substrates such as 24 and 26 can control exo versus endoselectivity for intramolecular Diels–Alder reactions (Sche-me 4A).[26] Substrate 24, with an activating aldehyde group onthe internal position of the dienophile, yields predominantlythe cis-fused perhydroindan ring system (exo product). Alter-

Scheme 3. The use (top) of substrate control to create one stereo-isomer selectively and (bottom) of a chiral reagent 23 to override thestereochemical bias of a chiral substrate—a possible solution to thechallenge of stereochemical diversity in DOS. TIPS= triisopropylsilyl,Bn=benzyl.

Scheme 4. Subtle changes in substrate structure can dictate distinct stereochemical outcomesfor intramolecular reactions that generate new stereogenic centers. Bz=benzoyl, Tol= tolyl,Piv= trimethylacetyl.

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natively, the terminally activated substrate 26 undergoes anintramolecular Diels–Alder reaction to yield the trans-fused(endo) cycloadduct as the major product. Sulikowski and co-workers reported that intramolecular Diels–Alder cycloaddi-tion with vinyl ketone 28 and alkynone 30 led to cycloadditionadducts with opposite diastereoselectivity (Scheme 4B).[28] Itis conceivable that these types of stereochemical diversity-generating transformations could be carried out with spatiallysegregated, pooled substrates under common reaction con-ditions.

Forward-synthetic planning that incorporates multiplestereochemical diversity-generating processes into a singlepathway should also make it possible to generate stereo-chemical diversity in a combinatorial fashion, analogous tothe ability of appending processes to generate building-blockdiversity in a combinatorial manner. An early example of thisis shown in the DOS pathway in Scheme 5, in which bothstereospecific and enantioselective stereochemical diversity-generating processes were used to generate a combinatorialmatrix of four stereoisomeric products.[29]

4.3. Skeletal Diversity

DOS pathways that yield collections of products withmany distinct molecular skeletons are particularly effective atachieving a diverse display of chemical functionality in three-dimensional space. There are, at present, two differentstrategies for planning DOS pathways that generate skeletaldiversity.

The first strategy involves using different reagents totransform a common substrate with the potential for diverse

reactivity into a collection of products having distinctmolecular skeletons (Figure 2A).[2,30] This approach is anal-ogous to the natural process of cell differentiation in which a

pluripotent stem cell is transformed into different cell typeson exposure to distinct differentiation factors. These reagent-based skeletal diversity-generating transformations are,

therefore, also referred to as differentiatingprocesses. For example, the unsaturated, cyclicdialkenylboronic ester 41 has potential fordiverse reactivity, and thus, different reagentscan be used to transform this common, pluri-potent substrate into different products(Scheme 6; two are shown), each having adistinct molecular skeleton.[31] Treatment of 41with hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxideeffects an oxidation which leads to enone 42.Alternatively, treatment of the same substratewith 1,3,5-trioxane effects transformation intothe trisubstituted allene 43.

Another example of this reagent-basedapproach for generating skeletal diversity isshown in Scheme 7. It was determined that theFallis-type[32] triene 44 is another pluripotentsubstrate that can be transformed into acollection of products with distinct molecularskeletons by the actions of differentreagents.[33] For example, treatment of 44with highly reactive, cyclic disubstituted dien-ophiles such as ethyl maleimide led to doublecycloaddition reactions and yielded unsatu-rated decalin skeletons functionalized withmaleimide-derived building blocks (for exam-ple, 45). Treatment of the same substrate 44with a different reagent, specifically a substi-tuted triazol-3,5-dione, produced an unsatu-rated tetraazadecalin skeleton 46 through a

hetero-Diels–Alder reaction. Treatment of 44 with less-reactive tri- and tetrasubstituted dienophiles resulted insingle cycloaddition reactions and yielded functionalizedcyclohexene derivatives such as 47. Alternatively, treatmentof 44 with halogenated quinones resulted in cycloadditionfollowed by spontaneous dehydrohalogenation and aromati-zation to yield benzene derivatives such as 48.

In contrast to appending processes, these differentiatingprocesses have not (as of yet) been used to generate skeletal

Scheme 5. Combinatorial stereochemical diversity: both stereospecific and enantioselec-tive stereochemical diversity-generating processes were used to generate a combinato-rial matrix of four stereoisomeric products. Tf= trifluoromethanesulfonyl.

Figure 2. Two general approaches for planning synthesis pathways thatgenerate skeletal diversity. See text for details.

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diversity combinatorially. Doing so will require theidentification of differentiating processes having theproducts-equals-substrates relationship, that is, all ofthe skeletally distinct products of one differentiatingprocess must share a common chemical reactivity thatmakes them all potential substrates for another differ-entiating process. This type of forward-synthetic planning

is challenging, and will require nonmutually exclusiveapproaches to the two, potentially conflicting, goals ofmaximizing structural diversity and maintaining commonreactivity.

An alternative synthesis strategy circumvents this poten-tial conflict. In this case, diverse skeletons of small moleculescan be accessed combinatorially by transforming a collectionof substrates having different appendages that pre-encodeskeletal information (called s elements) into a collection ofproducts having distinct molecular skeletons using commonreaction conditions (Figure 2B).[34] This strategy is analogousto the natural process of protein folding,[35] in which differentstructural information pre-encoded in primary amino acidsequences is transformed into structurally diverse macro-molecules using a common folding buffer. Thus, thesesubstrate-based skeletal diversity-generating transformationsare referred to as folding processes in forward-syntheticanalysis. An advantage of this approach is that sets ofs elements can be identified that act in combination, that is,a matrix of s elements can pre-encode all combinations ofdistinct skeletal outcomes.

These folding processes can be planned by first identifyinga relatively unreactive core structure that can be transformedinto a more reactive intermediate upon treatment with mildreagents. Distinct skeletal outcomes can then be pre-encodedinto a collection of substrates by attaching to this commoncore different appendages (s elements) having complemen-tary reactivity with the latent, reactive intermediate. Mildconditions can then be used to liberate the reactive inter-mediate and to realize the pre-encoded, complementaryreactivity, thus resulting in the formation of different skel-etons.

The aromatic furan ring, for example, is a relativelyunreactive core structure that, upon treatment with a mildoxidant, can be transformed into a more reactive, electro-philic cis-enedione intermediate.[36] As shown in Scheme 8, byappending three distinct two-carbon side chains containing

Scheme 6. A differentiating process: the use of different reagents totransform a common, pluripotent substrate into a collection of prod-ucts having distinct molecular skeletons.

Scheme 8. A skeletal diversity-generating folding process: the transforma-tion of substrates having different s elements (that is, appendages that pre-encode skeletal information) into products having different skeletons undera common set of reaction conditions.

Scheme 7. The transformation of a common, pluripotent substrateinto products having distinct skeletons by the actions of differentreagents.

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two, one, or zero nucleophilic hydroxy groups to a commonfuran core, it was possible to transform three structurallysimilar substrates into three products having distinct molec-ular skeletons through a common set of oxidative and acidicreaction conditions (NBS and PPTS, respectively). Furanderivative 49, with a side chain containing two nucleophilichydroxy groups, underwent NBS-mediated oxidative ringexpansion and subsequent ketalization[37] to yield the[3.2.1]bicyclic ketal 52.Alternatively, the Evans aldol product50, with a single hydroxy group on its side chain, underwentoxidative ring expansion and acid-catalyzed dehydration toyield the alkylidene pyran-3-one 53. Finally, treatment offuran derivative 51, with no nucleophilic hydroxy groups onits two-carbon side chain, under the same reaction conditionsresulted in oxidative opening of the furan ring followed byolefin isomerization[38] to yield the trans-enedione 54.

The use of this substrate-based approach to generateskeletal diversity combinatorially (namely, achieving a multi-plicative increase in skeletons with an additive increase inappendages) requires at least two sets of s elements that canbe appended at different sites and function in combination topre-encode a matrix of distinct skeletal outcomes. Forexample, it was determined that different appendages at the4-position of the furan core can also pre-encode distinctmolecular skeletons. Moreover, a combinatorial matrix ofthese two different s elements (H, Br, or aryl at the 4-positionof furan combined with OH or OAc on the a carbon atom; a3 H 2 matrix) can pre-encode a complete, combinatorialmatrix of six distinct skeletal outcomes that were realized ina one-pot reaction under common conditions (Scheme 9).

In contrast to the one-synthesis/one-skeleton approach(which typically involves forming a single molecular skeletonearly in a synthesis), a folding process can be used to generatenew skeletons at the end of a synthesis pathway. Thisapproach facilitates the generation of functionalized skele-tons that might otherwise be difficult to access, such as thosehaving building blocks coupled through carbon–carbon bondsat stereogenic quaternary carbon centers (for example, 59)and/or potentially unstable structural elements (for example,enediones 54 and 62). Additionally, s elements can beattached to a common molecular skeleton by using appendingprocesses (similar to the way building blocks are appended in

the one-synthesis/one-skeleton approach). The maintenanceof structural similarity and, therefore, common reactivity untillate in the synthesis pathway facilitates the realization of thisapproach using the split-pool technique. These potentialadvantages were realized in the context of a five-step, fullyencoded, split-pool synthesis which yielded a collection ofproducts representing overlapping, combinatorial matrices ofmolecular skeletons and appended building blocks in bothenantiomeric and diastereomeric forms (Scheme 10).

5. Integrated Forward-Synthetic Analysis for Gener-ating Both Complexity and Diversity (Simple andSimilar!Complex and Diverse)

As described in the previous sections, two goals of DOS(namely, generating structural complexity and structuraldiversity in an efficient manner) can be considered independ-ently, and different strategies have been developed to addresseach of these distinct challenges. However, achieving highlevels of both complexity and diversity in the context of asingle DOS pathway will require integrated forward-syntheticplanning. One logical approach is to incorporate complexity-generating reactions into stereochemical and skeletal diver-sity-generating processes. This is another challenging fron-tier—however, some recent progress suggests that thisapproach can be effective (Scheme 11).[39]

6. A Challenge for Synthesis in the Future.

DOS, as it has evolved in 2004, entails the development ofpathways leading to the efficient (3–5 step) synthesis ofcollections of small molecules having rich skeletal andstereochemical diversity and, we propose here, the potentialto attach appendages (during a post-screening, maturationstage) site- and stereoselectively to several attachment sites(Scheme 12). In contrast to earlier efforts in DOS, as well asto past and present efforts in medicinal and combinatorialchemistry, we suggest that appending processes involvingbuilding blocks (as distinct from s elements) should be of lessimportance in the original synthesis. Incorporating untapped

Scheme 9. Combinatorial skeletal diversity: the transformation of a collection of substrates having a combinatorial matrix of s elements appendedto a common molecular skeleton into a collection of products that represents a complete, combinatorial matrix of distinct skeletal possibilities.NBS=N-bromosuccinimide, PPTS=pyridinium p-toluenesulfonate.

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appending potential into products of DOS pathways ensuresthe possibility for facile, post-screening appending processesthat can ease the optimization of properties not examined inprimary, “discovery” screens. In this way, synthetic planninganticipates the likely need for optimization and provides aunique and general solution for it—something not yetaddressed, to our knowledge, in other applications of

synthetic chemistry. By including this consider-ation into future DOS pathways, the possibilityfor an overall discovery process illustrated inScheme 12 is made possible, one that createssynergistic links between the strengths of DOSand combinatorial chemistry. Finally, subsetsare selected from the large collection of poten-tial products from any given DOS pathway forsynthesis with guidance from computations ofmolecular descriptors, analyses of these descrip-tors relative to reference small-molecules pre-viously annotated, and the application of filtersto minimize undesired properties, especiallypoor solubility.

Scheme 10. Split-pool synthesis of a collection of compounds representing allpossible combinations of building block, stereochemical, and skeletal diversityelements. 9-BBN=9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, dppf=1,1’-bis(diphenylphospha-nyl)ferrocene.

Scheme 11. The generation of both skeletal complexity and skeletaldiversity through the incorporation of complexity-generating reactionsinto a skeletal diversity-generating folding process. It was determinedthat a single stereocenter in otherwise similar substrates 69 pre-enco-des the formation of highly complex products 70 and 71, which havevery different molecular skeletons, under a common set of reactionconditions. This example also illustrates the potential of using foldingprocesses to link stereochemical diversity to skeletal diversity.

Scheme 12. A potentially general approach for discovering small molecules with useful properties that begins with the efficient synthesis of collec-tions of small molecules having structural complexity, stereochemical and skeletal diversity, and untapped appending potential.

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7. Summary

Achieving the goals of DOS requires new advances instrategic thinking. Although the logic of diversity-orientedsynthesis is still evolving, some guiding principles haveemerged that provide the basis for a forward-syntheticanalysis. Structural complexity can be most efficientlyaccessed using complexity-generating reactions, ideally inseries, where the product of one complexity-generatingreaction is the substrate for another. Structural diversity canbe accessed using diversity-generating processes, and plan-ning efficient DOS pathways depends on the identification ofsuch processes where the products of one diversity-generatingprocess are the substrates for another. It is necessary to gainefficient access to both stereochemical and skeletal diversityto achieve a diverse display of chemical information in three-dimensional space. Stereochemical diversity can be generatedby using stereospecific and stereoselective diversity-generat-ing processes, with the latter relying heavily on the develop-ment of powerful reagents that can override substrate bias togenerate, ideally, all possible diastereomeric products with ahigh degree of selectivity. Skeletal diversity can be achievedby using both reagent-based (differentiating) and substrate-based (folding) strategies, with the latter having a demon-strated potential for generating skeletal diversity combinato-rially. Achieving both complexity and diversity in an efficientmanner requires integrated forward-synthetic planning, forexample, the incorporation of complexity-generating reac-tions into stereochemical and skeletal diversity-generatingprocesses.

The answer to the question: “Are the regions of chemistryspace defined by natural products and known drugs, whichhave been so intensely scrutinized to date, the best or mostfertile regions for discovering small-molecules that modulatemacromolecular function in useful ways?” is not known.However, we believe that the answer to this question is likelyto be “no”, that is, the vast, previously unexplored regions ofchemistry space likely contain small molecules having extra-ordinary properties that can contribute in unprecedentedways to the understanding and betterment of human health.Fortunately, this hypothesis can be tested with experiment,although doing so will require synthetic organic chemists togain broad access to these as-of-yet unexplored regions ofchemistry space in a highly efficient manner,[40] and therebybring these extraordinary small molecules into existence.DOS aims to achieve this objective, and, although thechallenge is daunting, synthetic organic chemists have ahistory of rising to such challenges.

Glossary of terms

Chemical space: n-dimensional space defined by the value ofn descriptors; these descriptors can be of a chemical orbiological nature and are either computed or measured.

Molecular skeleton: the combination of rigidifying elements(covalent bonds, non-covalent bonds, and non-bonding inter-actions) that define a molecule's overall three-dimensional

shape; a complex molecular skeleton is one that is defined bya large number and/or variety of rigidifying elements.

Target-oriented synthesisRetrosynthetic analysis: A problem-solving technique fortransforming the structure of a synthetic target molecule to asequence of progressively simpler structures along a pathwaywhich ultimately leads to simple or commercially availablestarting materials for a chemical synthesis.Transform: The exact reverse of a synthetic reaction.Retron: The enabling structural subunit that permits theapplication of a transform.

Diversity-oriented synthesisForward-synthetic analysis: A problem-solving technique fortransforming a collection of simple and similar startingmaterials into a collection of more complex and diverseproducts.Process: The transformation of a collection of substrates intoa collection of products.

Colleagues at Harvard University's Department of Chemistryand Chemical Biology and ICCB, especially M. D. Shair, E. J.Corey, D. Brittain, and G. Lalic are gratefully acknowledgedfor helpful discussions. M.D.B. is an HHMI predoctoral fellow.We thank Eric Keller for creating the frontispice for thisReview.

Received: August 19, 2003 [A626]

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