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Agile Software Development Techniques for Small Scale ... · Agile Software Development Techniques...

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Agile Software Development Techniques for Small Scale Research Projects “how to not go down the rabbit hole” Henriette Koning Senior Manager Software Delivery
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Henriette KoningSeniorManagerSoftwareDelivery

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• Henriette Koning (me)• Wewilltalkabout– Successthroughprocess&approach– FocusedonIT/softwareprojects– Rightsized

• Butnot– Devtechnologyortools– Architecture– People/Skills

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• Savestime• Savesfrustration• Avoidspanic• Createsclarity• MVP–MinimumViableProduct–MinimumViableProcess

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• Astarting bit– introducingthecastandtheplot

• Amiddle bit– alltheexcitement

• Anend bit– happilyeverafter

• Andagoodstartiscritical.Putseverythinginplaceforthehappyending


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• Onceuponatime…• WehadaBrilliantidea• AndaTalentedteam• And…• “Ohdear!Ohdear!Ishallbetoo late!”

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Theadversaries&pitfalls• Unknowntarget– hopewe’llfigure

itoutalongtheway• Bringingittogether– Sumofthreebrilliantpartsmaynotmakeonediamond

• Gettingto100%– Howfaralongarewe andhowdoweknowwhenwe’redone?

• Leavingthebestforlast– Thelast10%cantakeforever

• Wecreatedit– buthowdoweseeifitisgood?• Howdowemakedecisionsalongtheway• WebuiltitandOMGnowthey’recoming

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• Ourprojectusuallyhas– Intendedoutcome(“deliverables”)orgoal– Start– Finish

– Schedule– Budget

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• Howwillweknowwhenwe’re‘done’• Whatdoessuccesslooklike• Andhowwillwemeasureorvalidate‘done’


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• Especiallyforalgorithms–Whatdatawillyouneed– Howcanyoupredictoutcomebyanothermeans–Whatshouldstayconstant– Howmanyscenarios,etc.

• Errorconditions

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Oncetheprojectisdone,whatwillhappento• Data• Documents• Software• Users• Team

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Thinkingabouthowthesoftwarewillbeused• Wherewillitlive• Useraccess• Sustainment• Funding• Security

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Inthebeginning...AgreeonGovernance &decisionmaking• Whichtypesofdecisions• Whomakesthem• Howwillwemakethem• Whatdataisneededtomakethem

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• Scope– inbighugeterms,what’sin,what’sout

• Schedule– howlongdowehave• Budget– howmuchmoneydowehave(andforwhichpart)

• Process:– howwillweruntheproject– whatdoweneedtoreport/trackprogress(fundingagencies?)

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Considertheinfrastructure• DEV– QA– PROD• WhatworksonyourDEVstation– doesitworksomewhereelse?• WhatworksstandaloneonyourDEVstations– doesitworkwith

theotherteammember’scode?• Versioncontrol– todealwith“itworkedyesterday”• Beawareofdependencies

– Filesystemstructure– Dataordatastructure– Libraries– OS– Tools– Etc.

• AseparateQAenvironmenthelpsproveanddemo• AseparatePRODformoresecureandstableenvironment

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Project Charter (or Terms of Reference)

• Clarity• Agreement• SortingthisoutatthestartsavesSOmuchtimelater

• Canbeafewpages,butisvital

• Therearetemplates

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Runninga project

• Methodology–Waterfall– Agile=>seeitasatoolbox,pick&choose,andmuchofitiscommonsense

• Progresstracking– Createsclarity– Allowsdecisions

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Waterfall• Traditionally,ITprojectswerebasedonanengineeringapproach– Largecostofchange– Abilitytospecifyoutcome– Languageforspecification

• Everythingdesignedanddefinedatthebeginningoftheproject

• Changeiscontrolled,scheduleiscommittedto• AndforsomeITprojects,thisistherightapproach!

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• Earlyvalidation• Lotsofadjustment

• MVPapproach• Smallteams

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• Backlogofsmallpieces(features)– decomposition

• Prioritization(“grooming”)• DeliverandDemo• Reviewandadjust– nextiteration• Done• RinseandRepeat– Danger:don’tkeepreworkingthefirstbitandnevergettotheendbit

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• ScaledAgile

• Scrum

• Kanban



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Largeprojects– ScaledAgile

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• Prioritizedbacklog– Features– Acceptancecriteria

• Fixedtime(typically2weeks)– “Sprint”• DefinitionofDone• Teamcommitstoselectingdoableprioritiesandgettingthemtodone

• Somethingalmostdoneisnotdoneandmovestothenextsprint

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Othertypicalaspectsofagile• Collaboration– selforganizedteams• Colocation• Frequentquickgroupmeets(dailystand-ups,5-10mins)

• Roles– Productmanager->productfocus– Team(dev&test)->deliveryfocus– Scrummaster->processfocus

• Crossfunctional• Plan&retrospective– continuousimprovement

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• Workmanagementapproach• Workispulledwhencapacitybecomesavailable

• Fromprioritizedlist(“backlog”)• Progress(nextbit)shownonkanban board

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• Helpscommunicationintheteam• Usesscheduleandbudgetresponsibly• Allowsforadjustment• GreatforPR

• DoesNOThavetotakealotoftime!

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• Gettingto100%done(or0%left)• Howfaralongarewe?• Areweontrack?• Totalitemstobedone,curvethatwouldgeteverythingdoneattheendofproject,andteam’sprogressbyperiod

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• Progress• Readiness• Helpsdiscussionanddecision

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Kanban board

• Publicpresentation• Toolorstickies

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• Roadmap/backlog• Review&Adjustfrequentandearly• Spikes• Nextsprintmaybeafullredo• Prototypeorconceptcanbe“done”• Proveoutsmallpieces• Demoallowsforteamreviewandcritique

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• “Done”meansbuiltandtested• “Done”meansDemo’d andaccepted• Infrastructureenvironment– DEV-QA-PROD– Avoiddependencies


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• DefinitionofDone• Dashboarding andprogresstracking• Standups• Reprioritizewhenthingschange

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• Thelast10%cantakeforever

• Prioritizeyourbacklog– Prerequisitesfirst– Complexfirst–Musthavesfirst

• You’llhavealotofthingsthataredone(ratherthanalotthatisalmostdone)

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• Demo’s• Validation,testing,qualityassurance– (evenbetterifyoucandefineafeaturetoautomatethis!)

• Acceptancecriteria

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• Backloggrooming• Governance(charter)• Peoplechange,people’smindschange–processhelps

• Presetyourdecisions– Acceptancecriteria–Methodology– Cadence

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Oncetheprojectisdone,whatwillhappento• Data• Documents• Software• Users• Team• Sustainment• Security

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• Lessonslearned• Publishmethod• Storestuff• HandovertoasustainmentorOpsteam

• So… tosumup

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• Startwiththeendespecially– DefinitionofDONE– Validation–Whatdoesyourhappilyeverafterlooklike

• Createyourbacklog• WhatisyourMVP– prioritize• Try,review,improve,tryagain• Inafixedtime(scrum)orpurelyprioritized(kanban)

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• Writeacharter• Decideyourprocess &tools&environments

• Ifscrum,thendefineyoursprintlength

• Decidehowyoutrackprogressandwhentodostandups

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• Thinkingabouthowthesoftwarewillbeused– Useraccess– Sustainment– Security– Datamanagement

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• TrustthatitISfasterandlesswastefulthanjustgoingatit

• Whenyouhear“Ohdear!Ohdear!Ishallbetoo late!”

• Don’tfollowthewhiterabbitintotherabbithole

• Plan

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