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AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)

Date post: 04-Jun-2018
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  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Modelling Luyben's Chemical Processes with

    Ross Taylor, Harry Kooijman and Brett al!er

    Clar!son "ni#ersity, Potsdam, $ew %or!

    &aser #an Baten

    (msterCH)M, Las Ro*as, +ain

    AIChE Meeting October 18, 2011 (paper 215d) Distillation onors !ession "illia# $%&ben


  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Luyben's lowsheets

    -ntroduction to C.C.

    hat is C(P)/.P)$0

    )1amle 2lowsheets

    Lessons learned


  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    3445 3446 3474 3477

    Luyben's lowsheets

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Luyben's lowsheets

    Class 89 8istillation .nly

    Columns, heat exchangers, recycle

    NO (separate) reactors

    Class C9 Comlicated lowsheets

    Columns, heat exchangers, recycle

    Chemical reactors

    Other unit operations

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Luyben's lowsheets

    Class 89 8istillation .nly

    Pressure Swing Azeotropic Distillation

    Extractive Distillation

    Heterogeneous Binary/ernary Azeotropes

    !eactive Distillation

    Class C9 Comlicated lowsheets

    Cumene Process

    Butyl Acetate Process

    Ethanol " #ater with mem$rane unit

    Luyben's lowsheets

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)



    +teady +tate 8esign


    Process 8ynamics


    Luyben's lowsheets :with (sen +imulation;

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)



    +teady +tate 8esign


    Process 8ynamics


    Luyben's lowsheets with C.C.

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    C.)9 C(P)/.P)$ lowsheeting )n#ironment

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    -ntroduction to C.C.9

    Simulation environment %C&'E(

    hermo)ynamic property pac*age %EA(

    Collection o+ unit operations %C&SC&S(

    !eaction pac*age %C&!-(

    Downloa) C&C&. http.//wwwcocosimulatororg/

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    'lowsheeting engines

    Dynamic Stea)y state

    'lowsheeting engines

    E0uation $ase) 1o)ular

    Se0uential -on2se0uential

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    C.)9 C(P)/.P)$ lowsheeting )n#ironment

    Brea*ing recycles $y automatic tearing

    Solving recycles $y hy$ri) -ewton / #egstein

    approach, using reparameterization

    Support +or multiple material types, with selection +or

    thermo an) su$2set o+ compoun)s

    1aterial, energy an) in+ormation streams

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    rorietary sub

    modelsrorietary sub


    sub models

    user sub models

    :non C(P)/.P)$;user sub models

    :non C(P)/.P)$;

    user sub models

    :non C(P)/.P)$;

    =rdarty sub

    models :C(P)/.P)$;

    =rdarty sub

    models :C(P)/




    arty submodels


    +imulation en#ironment rocess sace

    o#erall rocess model

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    C."+C."+9 +imle unit oerations

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    C.R$9 C(P)/.P)$ Reaction Pac!age

    3Create reaction ac!age

    8e2ine or imort comounds

    8e2ine reactions with stoichiometry

    8e2ine reaction rates :or use i*ard; or e@uilibrium constant

    8e2ine reaction hase

    3-nsert reaction ac!age into simulation

    3(ssign reaction ac!age to reactor unit oeration

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    hoAhat is C(P)/.P)$0

    CP- +o2tware #endors(cademic institutions .ther members

    he CAPE2&PE- stan)ar) is the )e +acto stan)ar) +or inter+acing

    process mo)elling so+tware components +or use in the )esign an)operation o+ chemical processes 4t is $ase) on universally recognise)

    so+tware technologies, such as C&1 an) C&!BA he C& stan)ar) is

    open, multi2plat+orm, uni+orm an) availa$le +ree o+ charge

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Pressure +wing 8istillation o2 (cetone Methanol

    Butanol A ater +earation

    TH A ater +earation with Heat -ntegration

    Cumene Process

    Column A Per#aoration Membrane Process :)thanol A ater;

    Methanol 2rom +yngasButyl (cetate

    BT 8i#ided/all Column

    Luyben's lowsheets

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Pressure +wing 8istillation o2 (cetone/MethanolInd' Eng' Che#' es' (5667( DEpp 5898"5:6:

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Butanol A ater +earationDesign and Control of Distillation Systems for Separating Azeotropes (2010) / Energy Fuels(2008) 22pp. 4249-4258

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    TH A ater +earation with Heat -ntegrationDesign and Control of Distillation Systems for Separating Azeotropes /Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.(2008) 47pp. 2681-2695

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Cumene ProcessInd' Eng' Che#' es' (56;6( DFpp :;9":

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    ColumnAPer#aoration Process 2or +earating )thanolAaterInd. Eng. Chem. Res.(2009) 48pp. 34843495

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    Methanol 2rom +yngasInd' Eng' Che#' es'%56;6( DFpp 8;>6"8;8>(

    8imethylether :Distillation Design and Control %sing Aspen !i#%lation;

    )1tracti#e 8istillation

    Heterogeneous Ternary 8istillation :Alcohol2#ater2Entrainer;

    Reacti#e 8istillation o2 ( > B G C > 8

    TAMEAir Separation Unit

    Ethylene Oxide

    Light Ends Unit

    More lowsheets

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)



    +teady +tate 8esign


    Process 8ynamics


    Luyben's lowsheets with C.C.

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    +ome Lessons Learned

    ?uy$en@s chemical processes can $e mo)ele) in stea)y state using C&C&

    Some o+ ?uy$en@s )esign specs nee) to $e altere)

    !esults may )i++er " largely )ue to %slightly( )i++erent thermo

    se o+ ma*e2up mixer ma*es +lowsheets much more ro$ust to solve

    se +ixe) conversion reactor $e+ore incorporating reaction *inetics

    o $e use+ul in teaching )esign C&C&/ChemSep nee)e) a )ata$an* with

    more compoun)s Che#!ep *+' databan- e.tended to /2+ co#po%nds

    no it is possible to %se %p to /0 co#po%nds in a col%#n si#%lation

    C&C& no more )i++icult to learn to use than -4S41 Design %D(

    C&C& use+ul in mass an) energy $alances class where simple component

    splitter mo)els an) conversion reactors are typical

  • 8/13/2019 AIChEM2011 Luyben Processes With COCO+ChemSep(1)


    3473 A 347= 0

    Luyben's lowsheets9 Can we lease ha#e some more0

    .L"M) 3
