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aioatian fecffc, GAZETTE...Tie Fwt S&BSt Csffee Sateen HAVING JCSTBEES OPKNED in the--. eiramwat...

Date post: 25-Jan-2021
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I aioatian fecffc, irtsKUssr&B 1 i RATES OF ADVERTISINGS w . ii H r- ! GAZETTE Spate Htasaml la .Nonpar.!! Tyj. W. in. am. I la. SUnw-Vjl- och J 1 1 OOjl J &Sf 4 v WtJlOCO 12 Line Hack.... 1 KM 1 DOt 4 COl S DU S CSt 13 00 54 Ui- n- iecfeM. 00 tool oc r sol 10 oof 1 00 MUut-- 3 t artel. S 00 5 oa T M lo aj 14 OB IS 09 49 Lino 4 lotliM. 4 cn oil 10 (W 14 o3 u em a oo &e e- - Pos OiSoe BtftM- - Quarter of Obltma. 00 lo oof it oo) is 00 3D 001 40 CO Tklrdcf Column 1 CO UMUUIS IlttfofOlnraa 11 TO) 1 34 Off 30 MUM'jn One Column .. . . i oot an 4ioai T WEDNESDAY, DEC. JS71. M i Ha,tnM Cunls, wben jrpvi .At eat year, are atkiw HONOLUL U, 6, $6.00 PER YEAR. :TOL. YHm 47.! el a dfocouat from !oee ratav k ara lor tnuutoat adver menu, ab.a paM oc charged qiirt,r!y. misiyEss notices. aaamor at' iak ealev SsJTaWee ax Cigtrs, sj WIm Hi m1 fle jaZJB4aa. Mai Taaa atlfiaata. ixptt5lk. ) 3ILI.tUAAl. i Mralaai fcr ta. cnaaralaa?. a. aaat a- - Maai aai f alaaar tla' aawmMuiMk MM"""t Obrc- - Hr...Mc: u-- ; i rreat Etrjt. crrer ef 3r. Sis TniKO to. farwr, eie, a. tf W. fiHIKCB A: CO., l rial antiT, Yrtri-t- i Tfcn mil" t - ' arv ' bit. aWeaau. 1 li iQl. HISHOP A: CO notrit hawxixa man. ta.lM4ii .Scvjtet. H. T .Wilis. atak Oa ". tLX3 CnU5rSX 2Q2CHAXr, "in mil ill i Xinii't si 6csfI Arcst. m fiiaari. ai a'Taai ' . jOSSTLE & 000EE, i Xfttiuata, Tl afl-- a tiiil Win iiTi Tl - T" T- -- It CC AllaT. .AflVIaamU -- V: ALiacv. JJerchmls, III M - - " - I TT ftaatav aamaataaaaav I ? Ii tlialitiw, "'" ' HaaaM -- Sjii.ln. OMama' II Cav.aa , E. P. ADAMS, Pa CL P. MCltOLS. JI. yMss. tbaapar SUr.) aaaaaataatal ta iaaai'iiaaaita-- . all Ala- - taa aat Xaaaaa Sa-a- av ifi jl. i'. j i;ii. xs mmsazjts at ia. , TM ' tniros. c Tiniuji-j- i Coaler)- - and News Depot Crooaans Library, i 4U&T ICA aXICAK.ISOA. VS IX 57S. SKES aaaaaaaFaa-aSaam1- 1" "' " " h" '" ""' 1 ":!! J01L II- - I'.VTV. . m. , DILLLAGILUl A: CO. ira Trrar.Tc js SAH3VTAZX. n C i4l Taarti aa. Kla. -- a ! Khattanat It. jllACKFKL.r V X).. mSBRESajL XISEIX ABXNIS-- ; aaaaa aawav P lamaala. at I TtT 33L 3K3SCEI-a3G- K & 00 QMBaafBE AX MEXISSaX XZSftrTXIS. 43 aaaaaaau vWaa. HI. T?T XZI'DOD. C IIBCCK. AXS mXXMX 2CE2CSAXT. p. A. J.Oltva.KrilK .V C- O- lapooers ird Commls4on Merchants ajaav J- - s. aaoEfi UUVI1K .V DICKSOX. 1 rx icacrxs. ada & CEIIXIKGVrOS.TH. KXVTAIHJL.K. HAWAII. aellX T. tY.i.TUUHOlB. axs sea: TTITMlYaTtTF""1 TTVrrrS. AXS SalaSaalrfS; 'jf jii" ?mr," Z Ship sad Sign Painter, iJkCaJ . "Parer- - dccoixitkv jt --Joirjvsox. MERCHANT TAILORS, Jraeatmaaaaaayacaaaae 1 C. Saaaka. 1ft; : "-- .. Wr ae- - Araawa iw.a a. aa aMtaaa)s aa kaaa. as rii Cm: . JOT TOOTPSOrt. . 'sc Scree. Eeuafcii. 11 nowaia 11 in H i - " J' BUSINESS NOTICES. mu rata. . . ti c. immv.in A:,co.. SKTPPIN6 AXD G0H2HSSI0K" MEROHAirrS, AtlEYTS Of lire lto,on Ilcmaluln, Packet Lint. AUKSTS ror tlie -- Mat re, "VTallulru ami Hana Plantaltnnt. j A68"1 Ftor Xh- - Pnrrnaae ant Sle t tli i Prodnrr. lj j GENERAL CMQOSSIOX AGENT AXD 5S0EES, Mw li jaaaT 1 It UKOTKURS. ntPSBTxas xxv "WHOLES AIX BEAIXES 1 1M1 nmhi, Htte. . IMK. 5- -. u t r urn i iiin . s" A. I. BOlTEK. SH(?,-S1E- I!. C1RKUSE S GBSISE8TAL FittTER, SutaM JJWS. at tr OLT TAINT SHOT iiriMr U1 &llvr. IE . ' i uvni:4 ltt C00FEB AND GAUGES, A f Mi ai an Mi at iU0aMiatiaMradt . Alse, Shop oa tie Esplanade, aear tie atatarHa lo lanani t. w a llta. a if Ik r. ii- - iiAinti, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Master in Chancery, Cafccaa4c Baiafeaf. f a ?Ot4. fir .UX.G .t AClirCIi. l?tn, "3nJl? iat Bsltn Is AaOoCMdi. la aWnrrcvaCaMn Xaaaa? StrrK. awaw U Uc Bai. voiiCAsro souss.j Crater of Kllauea, Hawaii. .... l tl aKaalateaat a acv aaaa ta- - aW r- - jS Litii, at Tsslsar. la. Ttean. W mt !S S H lair a. Saaaac naata-tat- k raa. a rm HB 1IOL.L.KS .V CO.. Slap.rTt-aC- T 0esa Krrri-ti- - mVHCaw aat IPwrfiH I ti Ciatal In laa.Mi m SCr Bjawacta. Baaaoaa Ukoaav Z- - Ajaaat I.T ta. Ki aail il r X aal Kataaka ak Warla. CIL.I.U.V3inL. A CO.. AXB BZA1E6S IX U'iXKS, SatrlU. Alfa, it . So.. A. S. CL.I1GIIOK.X. IN i tSra.aa.ava faratr iyti sura p.TrtTmTVT! LaJiaina. Haul. aaaTMa.iua. aaraaaaat la SaaJ at aWBKtaaa- - la; aH. Man. r5" jr. s. CKt.iBAC2r co UC?STESS AXS VEflUSAlX SEALESS Sana ki MafcK'a Katk. QaatK fawK. H L KHT.KRS Jc CO.. 3ST AXB 6EXZSAL SXBCHAX3UE. C. S. BAKTOIV. AU CTIO NEER, aa Oarga n-- L aa awa-itu- Eaaaaaa--R lr-i- H0N0LTJLTJ IRON VOEKS CO. STEAM ENGINES. S"Car JIlUs BaUrrv Cnkn. Im. araai aa laai CaaVlap. Mchinery cf Every Description, XS-X- laOrasr "VI Parties? iTSJitias ?aa ts Shiyt r Ike WMW a JOILT Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith, atear Macani.i' traaaraa: ka kt n ai. Cai. Aceat 1- - ta. CkyaVaM FlOkESOt nW MiCKIVE;. alfmifc. Mil ilia M 1 .r M. T. DtlWKLU CASIXEX vnrr?- - AND pfEK5T7T.TR II. KK.AFIIIL.U, Wagon and Carriage Builder, Ttaaatf Kta n C1EXIM. anu 1 llepalrlnc r VefcJrle of KTirj-DtripU- a rat uariak', scs aa I ranaia. CterlapeTl laa 11 anil aiae ae " XS- - ontan awa. ak fart k Ha anaapdr eaecaUa. Cm SDGKI.IiEX i Co.. TUT. ZTSC A3T3 C0PPSH. SH2TH5, ASD IT ESS "u""eEZS. jTirz Street, ieta-ee- : XftvAtst asi Qzcc fc .a l.Ti .mi wi W , rii aa m at aai i aa a, ama be SctkaW kHairauaaelaaa.aaig. aaaaaekr laeauaMWiU)aiBvanT. - 2 II. TOSS, ' Jia.SXamai n Kaaiikiai -- MViBaw. rTtaiaii Ufeaeit. 4jaaiaMoial i a lilaai fnaTgaraaiS,4 a. ay C. YT. CKEY A: CO., i HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, . At LeiiC.'KtrzfccKriri iii "assies ' Is iM iSob at" 5z. Seef. Mstkam. - Qu Tart Seec. aricii-a-S- a Teeciree as pramrmr ixtrs&ei ka. PHfr S. H. HTXCHCOCE. XOTAKT PmLIC, J BK "SUaaa. 1 ' SOLE & SADDLE 1EATEZE, t !fanned Goat and Sheep Skins, ptONS-TiXTL- OS TttTTP ufl for Sale, TVAXKKA TiJSEKV, C. 30TLET, Praprr ; I- - T. UUW. SXALEES JX rHT- -; t'lSakfa Te??kSre ' ifta-l- . illinium - T-- - Oraraa,tb. FOHKIO' NOTICES. FLDTT, PEABODY & Co., SHIPPING & COKfiUSSlOK MERCHANTS, t etrs or TitiSc Surei iacr; CpsT, iRnK4taM KM aJ KIMja. SMsKSfc aav mVmS u.it. mmi wMUfr wHmOiilMwH' i Urfcr to M. HmMN X . -- - I" OFFICE, X.l!i Calirornl Slr-rt- , Sn FVMCl. a ly t. 1 cxt. "in rmfin .i V KonnMiOUi, ) (. futka.0. CORBITT & MACLEAY, Importers. WhoJesale Croccrs and COJLMISSIOX JIKRCHAXTS, ShipDers and Dealers in Oregon Proacee. j sxs vnxscisco t 0S 105 CtHr;i Sew. PORTLAND, ORECOX t IS r 15 Press, ssilO & 12 FirtlSrwt T.C B4ao,B,Sakaf OdOaraku fwlnaiw Caaa. aaw B, rVi iliiat S. T X F.fatvOa.Saa maciM ri.OlOi faal.aclnp , LM 1 1a, aaakan PorOaa. Onataa Ki MtM ftl.aia.1. MM. Vmt L. 0rfna I O IVarlaaa. hsaa ; 0t. naSac iCa FurOaaa. tam Jtann Bht A d, Baatrfs CouI;nniTtt ofltlaud PrtKlarr Solicited. , 1a j books & stationery; The Basis of Our Business. ( To JInurartir. all a 8aU aa 5a- - ITURVT. as m W aaatlwrug WTBa,alallmi,Ma taw? aaiq.r Voatt ar CDrtlawtT ana al. ECOM)T tiny and Srll Itoaa, mt 5utia : tKaw-- T t.teaUl U a.. .iawarfa.hn aaa ctaiiam-- ti t.'"car wm yifciiafi to xraiMl iA - Hf mi aht.mi i aa4 iatrwt nrr, l!iatltt f M- - : taM-rt- . ca.TTlac laia U4 raaar. hiaTa ai Satal , Bfarf jt aanatatui. lafa. aT.Ttr. MaatbnataTfJta Slack- - A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 1S4J jaa fraat v Cat. E. W. SETESAXCE & CO General Shipping &: Gommission IVrnaa. . S. T. Cat 2TGBAZ2X. fi: C0.,- - PSBWiH3nC6 AX3 C0HHISSI0X3IEEGEAXTS, Partlauctf Urrj;on. Bariac tara anna la aar i nwl lat a, fcr iati aTlTTTTraraatlllayWcaaataiaraii f aaTarfa aal- - a far. ?.na. Xxr.Palv Oafm. r . aiimatap,. fuw.mli ajicaajr t aOneaaaT,t aa au.J iiaiawraanaa. aaaaaattacaa. .Mmaia aata iiMaiiia. !(MVkaii. J v jlarffli 4 Oa... FralVr. Baa-sr- ata Haifa Patrajk a O.. . . ai . i TBTTSc TI313 BEST STRAHLE &. CO.'S Delaney's Patent Wire Cushions. Fatestai XanaaVw IS. Iff, a; tac Caa4 Sum. Is Fnaee aaa Brciaa. ia Xarea. ItTt. We keep tic :Vr LARGEST STOCK OF BILUARD G0QTS aa the l.i(t. ard SELL LO IT- - a EX tkaa aay Eaalrra isdriary Voais f alliiiis. JHr- - Oram aaEtatei rs tke Iriaudj fr Table,, , Cas&iaaf c 3iiUrial i JACOB STRAHLE dt CO., tes. 43 31 arkefi S:x. "Saa Frafevea. BARTLETT SALOON, "IVI IHCHKS. Corner ef Hold and Fort trtrt. CHOICEST AND BEST OF ALES. "STINKS riE Soi5Maja-Bj- s r.r ae 'acd at tie Bar. TOBACCO AND CIGARS! HENRY I. NOLTE HAS JTSI BECXTTEO BY THE "H C. Wyiie" airf oiiserLate Aim-als- , , A Lsrgt Assimext of Choice Havana, Cerman, and Manila CICARSi; THE BEST SMOKI.1G A5D CHE1VING ( TOBACCO, j AXS A SPLEXDH) LOT OF MEERSHAUM PIPES I iif Bes? erer lifeei ir liif Xiriet, j Ceistastly oa iaac. tie Cele orated ; Green Seal and Diamond Head SMOK1NC TOBACCO ! Par Sait at tbe Caawe Saiaac. earaert Xax- - Tie Fwt S&BSt Csffee Sateen JCSTBEES OPKNED in the- - . HAVING eiramwat iiuJiu. laiaMJlj ayf ; C. C. Biaaitt at a acas aefat. w3l W Itfi ia seat aai Sm lata fjie- - Cakl Lescb. yrrkii t crere zy fraa 11 a. 12. ta j-- sk Asv ataaV m tke Tabaae as4 CTar Sae ems be k4 ake l? n as at ar Ue ea, tlaeaz 5tM- -. ?r CaSk, are ll aa TaVr. srfirawal-- r W-- a H- - BOLmkSX. For Kohala, Hawaii, k Schr. Active, PETBR J. SEU.ISH. . Xuttr, WSl era u a iir (taelet ta tke skare fm. Far tnariit ' r pavi aft la "STALKSE t AIXEX. Acea-- - Rsgar Psctetjof KrieteL EXLX.XSXEE, ..... Muter, "53 rax: ai a. raalar Jietot betMea ilatiiaiilii a2 "Ht4tt-- i testCEET iX Xeai ll ikli UE Pmbm. . . - BTITSi ar jsnxmgs ap; a. mxx iann kad r as 3. 'XEXrEX;aS7. Sna Cacl r. Ca e. ts--; do. 3; GEXXTNX "aTasasarf . BarSaiek? 30LLES i CO. SCGAIl & MOLASSES 1I1LO, II. I- - Sugar and Molasses, NOW CO.MINC? IX", anil lor snlc CROP to 5Jit puittuK!. ky U, Y.LKKK i ALLKX. ApfH. SATJFAXUEA PLAKTATIOIf . OL'K.VK XOW COM1XB IX and for ale t tO is aaaatiiivf to fail ureifrr tr ai-i- T Aroytf a AcnccK. i ONOHEA PLANTATION. I Sujnr nud JIolnicfc Crop 1 ST I I rtOMlXG IX. for sale IX qpaxtities I I4 WALKER .1 ALLEN". ActaH. PBiyCEYILIE PLANTATION, Susnr nnil 3Ilai.tf Crop I.""T 1 IS. FOR SALE IS QUANTITIES COXIXO Mrcaatar;, ky 1 Ja VTALKK A ALLKX, Aptutt. SLAKEE PLANTATION. j r Yom ?rop oT Jtucfiir fc 3IoIti!.ca yoK COMING IN. AND TOR SALE IS QCAS i tinet t? rait parsktr, fcr ln C. BRBWKR i CO.. AotIi. WALLUKF PLANTATION. TEW CROr NOW COMING IX. FOR SALE V is asactitMS to snH rtrraiMrj. by C. BRSWSR A CO.. Ajwst! " IXSUKAXCE NOTICES. THfe EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE X7nite3. r m i o.- - I j ' DONE .MOltn IUSIXKSS durinc HAS r-- ;tr itx asj vtbtr Life Iaiararitc Caaspasj in tae TJcitpi Sutu. I Had an income in 1SI0 of. . ..S7.500.000 Its Assets amount to $15,000,000 ' INSURES OK THE ALL CSSH PRINCIPLE . os 'THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS! - Prmiaaa, unbi, Oaar:crtr. ar Aaaaalljr. It e tbe naly CBMay Vaviap a resaftat Dirtar a tVr-- r IUaa. His EloeJk-oc- j 5. H. Pall-Ur- tae AttanMf 4BraI k.riar We tar aur jtut a Direetar af the CaampaaT. - Xa Life nuanace Oauut dart aafra,; atarr Uhn-a- thaa tUa. ami aaae if aian raliaUe ( tm aU aealtar- - lac wraM. , Far tall puficalarf aapljr ta 31. ItAPr.SIR. 11 Arret Car taa Biaaiiac r. a. sciiAuriiiE, 4. GEXT r Ilrrmtu Uoxnl or tTnilrrvrrltr, jk. Jtaaat af Tnjaia tVi-- ra af Caan .ril?, Xfimt rf VaaM Skara T raaraTT. af OW aaora r6f af fiaVi i iln. aill kTatstani. tai S. ly Ifcf afcT yptalla omAf tM aUa. r,.l U1PCRIAL FISE IXSURAJCE C03IPAXT Of Lea-l2J- tirti IE03. CASH CAPITA!., Iu COLD. rMBIG-- m JwfIri U faCkarrea THE Bub' .auk sr mtfeeat tht atarafr oa) aa FKaUaaai BaiMsaxi ui JiaeaaMrr. FrirMe rTaaare. fndhie 11 t"- - i Fare I-- - oa tae awet CaaraUe teratf. Ci'iM LsfJtf Aijsstei asi Pali far here.". i Tar aaraoahn asaCv at Ik Ukc i I waXSEE ATirv, aa-l- t-- ra. Baaanaa I.Salt. : JlEUCII.OTl'ij' 31I7TCAL j 2LASINB INSrjKANCE COMPANY I Or San FrancUeo. THE UNDERSIGNED liirln? teen ar- - Axeau fx tke akDre Canaaar, ale arrfaiea nreT " S Tlitl V iT. j GALIFOUAU HfSUEASCE C0.3rP.&2fY. j THE r.VDERSIG.VED, IGEXTS of the wpr. tat MtihoriU ta rMj ' m Cargo, Prtlctit ud Trt-aur- fcy Coaster frotx HtmetoiK lv tli frt vt bc HAtrmaaui Grttf. irm -- w : HI HACK kLB i OP. iiA3iiti:in;ii-iJitinii:.- "v PIRE Ii'SUSASCE C02IPA5Y. milK rXDEItSIGSED UtId: btca an- - oa tauraerteki n-t- . Stoaeaaa Brick. Build- - I in?, aa Hercbandi,e svni tkewam. a tke csot feeenkle Ueau. To- jajtarakv- - I alj Mtkeagiceat ; -- ir r. jl. cHAEiiiK a oq i Insurance Jtotice. HE AGENT FOIt THE BBITISn Vo- r- eaa Xarrae Iararaace Caaaaar; (Tiwallitl. ka r- - tke Zaaxai Bakt. aim a taaami . naafia as TrairkS aer liaillif be ztuxj. au Ktllfb A9rmi fr Jtr Hi Ok. IlimtU. CALIFOHrvTA UrSUSANCE COMPANY. of tor HE UNDERSIGNED ACESTs OP THK T tCwaiT. aie eeea a,. Ji u LLat ta laaee nmj ' Caj-co- , FrtlbtAaf Trfvarc, &aa Paaalttili taaaart aftae avrle. aacrbx Tcra. If-l- B mKFTIJ t OO of Furnished Rooms TO I.KT. at Mrs. T. Tbrni' Ni. IS K r reet. I T J.' T. CHAYTER, j tor GSIt E2 AL BLACKS3IITH, ! At lis Qiz to c lis zjtiz thi Czs- - ; t tss K-.- h?, Hsscfclt, H-- 3U j Ike ; i wit ir. fact u Carriage, Drsr asd Wa-- un aad Merk. aCf-- bip act! Xlcta-- Tork. He aJtm races 1ai nr-- HuT-aa- r mi rr a.jr M etiiw frsjnmw ThakaiBat.TVr. he Wt j leelaaa to kaiiam sent a cvatocacu af tte vatiscire sates be art emjejri. Tax-Collecto- r's Notice. ITtllE Tas-Pay- er i a the District of Uono-- X IrlE, liHi ef Orkr. htnfj sakaiea that fcc J Mtr 1?T1. al tif S fca Xxr&e Screet.af-jei- u tit Haxainan Irca VtAt,; ea Xszijr 7th af Qjiotiu a- -e Asa" la eesafessty wita Solko Sit af thearii C4-- . xl penes! BiHe to laxuaw fc liii SifBxt xrtiini5"re3reitake kfed!iic ixyett of tke)BL. OCcr- - ftx every Xeir. eixeaaer, xd ?itrr-A,- r, 0a9JL JLto GEO. H-- LCCZ. ffr-Tr- Tn-C6ft- 0a. Get. ti. lin. 3-- -f FIJI. In taoory (and according to tha wording of the Coostitotioii) thete is no difference, as to political rigfcu, twliu Fipan sebjecU of any color naUve bora or foraisn born. But tlwre has hilherto ben a cJrarly anJerstood distinction in practice. The intert-it- s of tho white man and of the native bave ben discasjtHl as if they were politically distinct. When the Constitution itself waj ooder considerattoa, and il was found that jb' nalive chiefs were in th habit of voting iu a body, it was coolly proposed to deprive lhem of the power to vota at jll. This proposition was soaght to be jMi&d by treating the risht of the Fijian chiefs to bare any voice iu the framing of a Constitution for their coaatrv as romethine which tbe bite settlers bad given," ami could take awar. la the same spirit, there were many who did not simple to dispute tha right of King ThaVoetban to assume, even with the full consent of all tlh! Fijian chiefs awl people, the position and fractions of a Constitutional Sovcreigu in and over the Archipeiaco. They were disposed to insist that La should remain, in perpetuity, the arbitrary and irresponsibre chief of tbe native tribos, leaving the wbites to divide and conquer" sach tribss as opportunity might off-r- ; whila nt the same time, and until this desirable end of division ami conquest should have been fully at tained, be skouU take care to keep his subjects well in check as regarded the whites, allowins the latter to do pretty ranch as they pleased. The few who thus reasoned for although titer had ihe most to say, there were bat few of lhem forgot that the shite settlers were, according to well settled principles of international lw, bat foieagners commorant in tbe hind." owing, for the time being, local alkgiance or obedience to its rater or raters, in ret era for protection ; and having not the shadow of a right to interfere in tbe framing of a Constitution or laws for sneh load, unless sach rsWr or raters pleased to confer tbatricht. The settlers and their renresentatives bad, do doubt, for the ptsrpores of this work, as fall powers as tbe cbbtTs, bat only because their ooperation bad been invoked with a view to tbe establishment of one government for both race sach a goveromeat as woold meet tbe wants of an advanced and advancing; community, and might hope to be internationally respected nod sastained. A coatproa-U- e was made by the UllilUK .if Ik. aIhaTj Kmm Rol.t In oium... ,hd B"5ar M lU bly of white delegates were to be discussed, and -- saggested." This sP"tiou of the chiefs from the elected delegates was foaod.as. 10 tbe'teatter then in band, to work well eooagfa, and it has been perpetuated in the Coastitattea. There is to be an elected "Legist htite Assembly," which It is evidently taken for granted is lo consist wholly of whites, save and except a single representative of the The high chiefs are to form a Privy Ooencil," which is enpowered to saggest auteadneau, &c; bat the Legislative power of tbe State is ex- pressly declared to be " vested in tbe King and Iha TawMttira ...-...-.. ..j. A cumMr These chiefs, there-- ilbre. in Privy Council assembled, can do no oore advise aad recoaiBieod. and tbeir advice and rccMmramlitw3 will oolr comannd sach atteo-tio- o s the elected representalires please to accord. Tbe Ministers most have seats in the AsmMy. and will, eooseqaeatly, have lo be iMfeeo from among tbe members of that body ; bat as sach Ministers are also ue members of the Privy Council, they will oSemllj represent the high chiefs ia tbe LegisfctUve Cham- - Irer. If, as tfcas anticipated, the Legislative Assearbly be, with the except ion of the stogie batf-cast- e member, composed wholly of white men. wkile Ike Privy Co&ocil is corapod almost wboBr ol satire chiefs, what is more probable or j natoral than that there may be diSereoees of opioioo, and eooseqaeotly laeartbsroiags between tbe bodies, which amy be spread abroad and create jealoasies and ffl ieefiogs tetweeo tbe two races peonle. who win be rather disposed to imagine shsbls, aod attempts to take adtantage of tbea. when there has really bees nothing- - of tbe kiad, than to pass over with perfect contentment aod equanimity any sctaal disregard of what they may cooceive to be tbeir best interests. A?aio-- t the creation in this way of hostile feeGegs be-- 1 tween tbe two races, those who may be at tbe bead of aaairs ia Fiji wOi hare to be ooa-Unt- iy the watch. And ibis risk wifl be cootiaooos nui tae peooK eom races saail te maoe to oderslaad xa to feel that tber are It-a- of one - aauoa. 4ey mast bo. ooiy oe is toeory bat asst b? coaviBced that tbey are in het on a iegai aad Bolttieai eqaofity. The sative3 will be very good eitizeas when so convinced. Wben aoie wbo are aov yooag children shall bare -r- v-B up in oaaB - ee there will, (ioebtless. ibaad aaoac; tbeaa many who wilt take aa I for so ' ariddle age aifl sjatply obey iLe Goverasaeot the time being, whatever may be its form, aod however it be oompoflod, withoat troaMiag So its or potiey, pro- vided that sack GoveraarMt has tbe eooideoce the aoi of tk&--6 of tbe whites oa ) ' whose trisdoaa aad probity the Batrves are aeeos- - locoed to rety. There will be ao aeed for aay j pecatmr eiSarU to seeare the ekctioa to tbe j Lesisbtare of sea, for the aalives wiii. a toeg uaae uo oaavs, in move fnepMa ; toretarr a while ssaa as re I 10 eieft one f theaaseiTes. The met that ioHawss rijeas nave bo pseanar nees ; fjj-- Iriefc any ffral iHI be cecemrj, , BattecitHy umfBfr the task of governing- - i kteiatsie the soctt! esahiauoa of the two Bat tfcere arm be rreat asd cosstaat De- - fecsmeBt thai is to say, of gnrfcracseat by Ministries dcyeodtat for their tesare osiee sog the cownftgad of parfaracatarj morities rtU a tsatmsg' bfeek is the way of Ffma progress: ; a crruie cacse, aooser or liter, of made aaserser. tatschievoss teadeseeis of ; ibii systess of garenaaeat ia a-- country so as- - CausBtaaced zs Fiji may cat in tbe first instasce be aaae asamest, for a cscsiierxme szajority of these who are at prsseat Kktlj to take part ia tie wars: of el scarcely be daspssed to a&eSk for tkeaeelref, or ta aid ia bringing abcat troabiciosa? rir-ag-t-i ef Muatrlris Bat tfere w3 ere losg be protetrioaai pofitkiaai, ever os t&e iook-oc- t fcr a share of tie fbsre3 and sam wa eaJt. caa reiy fciriac tteir Wane' (ei cessitr. aevcrlh :fcis. for rigihaee tad castkm. aerl x'tjade ta kv ax cipersiaeca aarkaas. j,. a aae shore &BWesj at pteper times-Sic- k cr Lame Horses Doctored. Tb- - af the rxiecieie rescoaseUe eov- - to are tte 1 Sshcs ; and there will be partisan struegtes for place and pay, such as so often disgraco Austra- lian Legislatures. nativo Fijians, whoi as Regards the residents of foreign birth, number over sixty to one, will not be able to comprehend tho nature of these party fights, and will only regard them aa personal quarrels arising out or soma kind of misconduct They wilt not only soon be made to believe that those who havo as- sumed representative functions are rather seekers of personal agsraudbeuient or profit than of the public but they will not ba wrong in that belief, and an g breach between those who aspiro to govern and those who am governed, as well as between natives and foreigners in gen- eral, will thus be created. Among tha whites ttiemsetves a comparatively very small com- munity where everybody knows ovcrybody, and where the time of most people is fully occupied, or ought to be, in some kind ot industry immedi- ately productive of material wealth Parliament- ary quibbles will be a fruitful source of discord. 1 should hara small hope for tha success of Fijian Constitutional Government, if I thought that such party struggles as we have from time to time In season and out of season in tha Aus- tralia, were lo be at Levuka. Hut I ami believe that tha danger of this part of the scheme will be perceived iu time, and that as the ConMilation-m.iker- s Fiji luvo followed so very cwiely tha model of the ITntaiun Islands, they will adopt the system of govern- ment which has, in tboso Islands, proved so suc- cessful. Tha Constitutional Government tktre ii worked from above, and not from below. The ministerial appointments not dependent upon Parframentory majorities, tho debutes never assume the aspect ol party struggles, but are consultations for tbe public good, in which the opinions of the gentlemen who constitute 44 tbo Government" have, by common consent, tho most weight, as being the opinions of thoso have had the greatest experience, and have been able to alTonl the most time and consideration to matters affecting tbe public weal. Ministers thus situated are mora truly nnd fully responsible than those who are placed and sustained in office by their ability to command a working Parlia- mentary majority, and to stave off votes of "want of confidence." There are many ways in which these things can be managed, but it would be im- possible lor a really incompetent or obnoxious Minister to retain office long. To say nothing of the pressure of public opinion, there would bo always at band the remedy by " impeachment on political grounds." provided for By tbe Fijian Con- stitution, when even the pardon of " the Ring in Council " could not keep tbe offender in office. Or there might, as is also provided by the same Constitution in reference to Judges, &c, be a - removal from office on a resolution passed by two-thir- of the Legislative Assembly after due notice to the accused, and having heard his de- fense. for gobd canse shown to the satisfaction of the King." The difference would be that, as in any sach case there would ba no change of Ministry, bat only the removal of a single func- tionary whose snecessor would have to be. ap- pointed by the King, it would be only when a Minister was really deserving of displacement that such displacement would be sought for. The work of providing and regulating tabor for the plantations of Fiji is onewbich the Fijian Governoent will bare to undertake. It is ona of the most difficult of the tasks which thesa gentlemen have before them. I speak here of toe Government in its widest sense not of the Mioistrr oflly, bat of both Ministers and legis- lators. There have hilherto been three sources from which tabor bas been supplied Fijian la- borers hired in tbe ordinary way or through their chiefs ; men imported from the other islands; and Fijians sentenced to labor on a plantation by way ol punishment, the planters paying the Gov- ernment for tbeir services. Fijian3 work pretty well when isolated, although not when near home, bat foreign labor is generally preferred when it can be bad. It may, I tbink.be for granted that what may be termed tbe home supply of tha labor market wbe,ber by hired men or convicted criciiaals will always be very far short of the demand. Without just at present entering upon any statements or discussions as to whether the imported laborers ara but slaves under another naiRe, I may fairly assume that tbe supply of labor from this source must soon cease, or nearly so. The " trade" bas been tried and con- demned by those who have the power of giving eOect to tbejr verdict. Tbe authorities bare nut only evinced a determination to watch for aad puoisb with severity every infraction of tbe law as it stands, but an Act is about to be pused by tbe Imperial Parliament, which will render the law itself much more stringent. Every Iiritisb ssbject who shall be knowingly connected, directly or indirectly, with tbe removal of any istaoder from bis borne in any other manner than fekmy, and made punishable accordingly, fivery imagiaable species of direct or indirect partieipa-Uo- a will be carefully set out aod declared in cases of real guilt it will be scarcely potaiote to eecape coovklioa. Tbe tales of mas- - sacre aad laSeriog which bare been of late so lireoaeot, show last there are other and greater dangers which asyooe going ona " cruise" sboaid caleeUte upoo encoaoterisg. With so macy risks of various kinds, aod with no great enrauny, aiir; bji, oi recnnne a gooa cargo, wu siripowaeri aad marine r2 will gradaafly become sby of this trade, aad wiH scarcely upon it sMess l trey can materially increase tceir cnances of profit by a corresponding increase in their charges for passage money. Even tbea, with the compeUties of Queensland to contend against, the Fan pSactera wiM probably have a greatly oaatuiibed asd still farther diminishing supply of while at the same time they will have lo pay more for it- - Vessels tiifieg undar lie flags of other oationj may, it is tree, be employed, and the nzoroca laws of Great Britain, in reference to this trade, may for a short time ba evaded, but acy aatioss whose Sags may-b- e thts oied, will toea be eoastrained to adopt equally repressive meaasres. Sooner or later, then, it wiH be oeces- - tary to look ia Other directions lor a steady ssppiy of labor. Tbo Gorernaeat wHl bare to Hp this : for by tte Goremtsect -- alose 'can it be effectually dose. I am strongly to the cptsion ttat it is to China that aitimate recourse will have to be There ca be co dosbt that a constant and abundant sspply cf I'Jaot could be obtained from that coca try; aod ajtbcsgh Chisasen would have active pan is the owes of citKefehip ; bat very upon a distinctly understood contract, a de-fe- w will be aVsjuos of doia? tow. The meo finite term of service, will be held gnittr of a aay ibeasseiTes discass mea-er- es dkief- - white n of be j j Tte tegjlutiai ofiee a j of aoosUoo of Tha good, hope of bciog who taken labor British labor venture labor, bad. to be better fed and bettrr paid than Ffjlana or Tanna-me- they would ho infinitely more ser- viceable moch cheaper too, I think, upon the whole. The duty of regulating the introdnettsa of labor is one trblcb ia infinitely mora preMkg. Unless the Government turns its attention almost Immediately to tha performance of this duty, it will coairoathi but littln respect or cetHMeato abroad, and will be thought rather weak at home. Thoro will bo a keen watchfulness in a great many quarters, of alt that it may do or fail to do in thi matter; and by its course of aetien hi con- nection therewith, many very good asd iaQuen-ti- n) people jndgo of it3 ability and tmiUwerthl-nea- s. At present thoro is no governmental or legislative protection of " labor." Tbe planter may compel his men to keep iMr eoetraet, bat cannot bo compelled to fulfill hit oon. Tha labor- ers are, as a general rale, well treated, and the stipulations inado at the time of their engage- ment faithfully carried out, is due partly to the fact that roost of the planters are honorable men, and partly to the influences of general opinion and tho advantagn of having a good character among tha laborers themselves. The British Consul is very careful In his examination of im- ported Islanders, and bas promulgated lomo ex- cellent regulations as to their treatment; but ha ha.4 no power to enforce these regulations. It is necessary then, that without the slightest avoid- able delay this subject should bo dealt with in a practical and comprehensive way, with a trua regurd to the interests of botbrplanters and labor- ers; and that there should ba such preoattw by way of governmental inspection or otherntto as will ensuro obedience to tbe law. The framing and carrying out of an e&eknt system of jurisprudence will probably-b- o found tha most difficult of all the tasks which the PrjUa Government has upon its hands. It il, no doubt, a work which cannot bo completed at once, but It is one which most be at once commenced. And, as tho character and stability of a b&oM are mainly dependent upon the nature of its foun- dation, so will tha future of Fiji its peace, its attractiveness, its commercial prosperity awl tho social harmony of iu people be mainly depend- ent npon the fundamental principles whleb may be laid down at the outset, as thoso by which tbo Fijian Government will be guided in the perform- ance of this great duty. It has tbe iaestitnaWo advantage of a clear field. There are no camber- - some statutes to be repealed, no conSiclingjarls- - dictions to bo reconciled, no professional "vested Interests to be struggled against, no complications to be unraveled or technicalities to be swept away. If then, tha Frjfan Gorerewwt and ihe Legislature cannot, under such favorable circumstances, agree upon tbe basis of a code of taws, and upon the principles whereby tbo adata-istratio- n of such laws is to be governed, all that bas yet been accomplished will have been In vain. What Is necessary to be done and what, or0 Pip can fairly demand international reeognitioB, mast be done is that there should be not only hwa and legal machinery for the protection of pefsoM and property, the preservation of order and the effective punishment of but for tlx prompt recovery of jast debts asd claims; that such Iaw3 shall ba clear and simple so tbatasy one may understand them ; that there efcaH be an equal simplicity in the mode of their iHlmiaiitK-tio- n, and that justice shall be so cheap as to be within the reach of all. In short, that avoiding j those legal mystifications and technicalities, which in the hands of professional men ao oftea land ' j'istice astray, there shall bo no wrong without a prompt and effective remedy. AViut .Mex Have Diko for. Colonel Sfent-gome- ry was shot in a dnel about a dog ; CoiOflei Bamsey in one abunt a servant ; Mr. Feather- - atone iu one about a recruit ; Sterne's father in one about a goose ; and another gentleman In oaa about an acre of anchovies. One officer was efcil-Ieng- far merely asking bis oppooeot to aejty tbe second goblet ; aod another was com petted to fight about a pinch of snuff ; General Barry was challenged by a Captain 'Smith for decKfag wine at a dinner oa a steamboat, although the general bad pleaded as an excuse that wine invariably made him sick; and Lieutenant Cowther lost his life in a duel because ha was refused adraittaecs to a club of pigeon shooters. In 1777, a duel occurred ia New York City, between Lieutenant Featherstonebangb, of the 75th, and Captain of tbe 42nd British regiment, in regard to tbe manner of eating an ear of corn, one that the best eating was from tha oob, and tha other that tbe grain should ba cot off from tbe cob before eating. Lieutenant Feather-stouehan- lost his right arm, the ball from hU antagonist's pistol shattering tha limb dreadfully ; so much so that it bad to ba amputated. Gra- ham, Major Xoah'a assistant editor on the nat- ional Advocate, lost hn Ufa ia 1827, at tbe duel- ling ground at Uoboken, with Barton, tba of Edward Livingston, In a- simple dUpato about " what was tramps " ia a game of cards. Hkjcizh or the Bbihai, Van. Xear tha Bridal Veil Falls, in Tosemite, is the grave of a little girl. She was tbe first natural death of a white person that occurred there, though two or i three had been slain by Indians in tbe first settler meat. It is a strange place for the Angel of death to pursue bis conquests, and is a lonesomn ! one for a child to be buried in in her Jittla grave i on the banks of tbo Merced, - tba river of Merey," almost under the icy spray of the eternal Fobono, who poors his mighty baptism nine hundred feet npon tbe nncbangable rock. No child of our race reposes in a sepulchre so majestic, so awful in its surroundings, with tbe Bridal Veil wavie; abora her, and with tbe great waters thundering down like volleys of supernatural artillery. Bat so sublime is the Christian faith which requires us to believe that wben her sleep is over) tha good angel of the res erection wiii oot forget her, even there, but willcomo asd uplift her tenderly and seed her heavenward, like a saow-Ssti- ;, ' to the dondj--M- e Donald. . The French journals say that tha Parisiaas'ara jubilant over the late discovery of Pr. Beresie fir the relief of red nose. By raeaas er tfectncity be has restored a. lady of rank to happSaeaa, asd changed her nose, s blooming rose,into ' 3 deScafa ' lily. . Ihte tte revolutionary troubles aad the re- port of planters and speculators lo tbe canlrxrj tbccsgsr crop of Caba this eeasea preralsea to.bs a 17 one. LatMrnaseejnpUalyluaHUiedejart-jcta- t eieept tie west, where ValBUXtda went to arrange matter geoeriBy. aod It Is estimated lbs, iron IS to a pa era!, mors acreage J eader cans IBis year tbaa last.
  • I

    aioatian fecffc,irtsKUssr&B 1


    w . i i H r- ! GAZETTE Spate Htasaml la.Nonpar.!! Tyj. W. in. am. I la.SUnw-Vjl- och J 1 1 OOjl J &Sf 4 v WtJlOCO12 Line Hack.... 1 KM 1 DOt 4 COl S DU S CSt 13 0054 Ui-n- iecfeM. 00 tool oc r sol 10 oof 1 00MUut--3 tartel. S 00 5 oa T M lo aj 14 OB IS 0949 Lino 4 lotliM. 4 cn oil 10 (W 14 o3 u em a oo&e e- - Pos OiSoe BtftM- - Quarter of Obltma. 00 lo oof it oo) is 00 3D 001 40 COTklrdcf Column 1 CO UMUUISIlttfofOlnraa 11 TO) 1 34 Off 30 MUM'jnOne Column .. . . i oot an 4ioai T

    WEDNESDAY, DEC. JS71. M i Ha,tnM Cunls, wben jrpvi .At eat year, are atkiwHONOLUL U, 6, $6.00 PER YEAR.:TOL. YHm 47.! el a dfocouat from !oee ratav k ara lor tnuutoat advermenu, ab.a paM oc charged qiirt,r!y.misiyEss notices.

    aaamor at' iak ealev SsJTaWee ax Cigtrs,sj WIm Hi m 1 fle

    jaZJB4aa. Mai Taaa atlfiaata. ixptt5lk. ) 3ILI.tUAAl. iMralaai fcr ta. cnaaralaa?. a. aaata-- Maai aai f alaaar tla' aawmMuiMkMM"""t Obrc- - Hr...Mc: u-- ; i rreat Etrjt. crrer ef 3r. Sis TniKO

    to. farwr, eie, a.

    tf W. fiHIKCB A: CO.,

    l rial antiT, Yrtri-t- iTfcn mil" t - ' arv' bit. aWeaau. 1 li iQl.


    notrit hawxixa man.

    ta.lM4ii .Scvjtet.

    H. T .Wilis.atak Oa ".

    tLX3 CnU5rSX 2Q2CHAXr,

    "in mil ill i Xinii't si 6csfI Arcst.m fiiaari. ai a'Taai '

    . jOSSTLE & 000EE, i

    Xfttiuata,Tl afl-- a tiiil Win iiTi Tl - T" T- -- It

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    III M- - " -I TT ftaatavaamaataaaaav I ? Ii tlialitiw,"'" 'HaaaM -- Sjii.ln.

    OMama' II Cav.aa ,

    E. P. ADAMS,


    CL P. MCltOLS. JI.yMss.

    tbaapar SUr.)aaaaaataatal ta iaaai'iiaaaita-- . all Ala- -

    taa aat Xaaaaa Sa-a- av ifijl. i'. j i;ii.xs mmsazjts at ia. ,

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    33L 3K3SCEI-a3G- K & 00QMBaafBE AX MEXISSaX XZSftrTXIS.

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    SalaSaalrfS;'jf jii" ?mr," ZShip sad Sign Painter,

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    dccoixitkv jt --Joirjvsox.MERCHANT TAILORS,

    Jraeatmaaaaaayacaaaae 1 C. Saaaka. 1ft;

    : "-- .. Wr

    ae-- Araawa iw.a a. aaaMtaaa)s aa kaaa. asrii Cm:

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    'sc Scree. Eeuafcii.11 nowaia 11 in H i - " J'


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    Mw li jaaaT 1 ItUKOTKURS.

    ntPSBTxas xxv "WHOLES AIX BEAIXES1 1M1 nmhi, Htte. . IMK. 5- -. ut r urn i iiin . s"


    SutaM JJWS. at tr OLT TAINT SHOTiiriMr U1 &llvr. IE . ' i uvni:4 ltt


    A f Mi ai an Mi atiU0aMiatiaMradt .Alse, Shop oa tie Esplanade, aear tie

    atatarHa lo lanani t. w a llta.a if Ik

    r. ii- - iiAinti,Attorney at Law, Notary Public and

    Master in Chancery,Cafccaa4c Baiafeaf. f a ?Ot4. fir

    .UX.G .t AClirCIi.l?tn, "3nJl? iat Bsltn Is

    AaOoCMdi. la aWnrrcvaCaMn Xaaaa? StrrK.awaw U Uc Bai.

    voiiCAsro souss.jCrater of Kllauea, Hawaii.

    .... l tl aKaalateaat a acv aaaa ta-- aW r- - jSLitii, at Tsslsar. la. Ttean. W mt !SS H lair a. Saaaac naata-tat- k raa. a rm HB

    1IOL.L.KS .V CO..Slap.rTt-aC- T 0esa Krrri-ti- -

    mVHCaw aat IPwrfiH I ti Ciatal In laa.Mi m SCrBjawacta. Baaaoaa Ukoaav

    Z- - Ajaaat I.T ta. Ki aail il r X aal Kataakaak Warla.


    SatrlU. Alfa, it . So..

    A. S. CL.I1GIIOK.X.IN i

    tSra.aa.ava faratr

    iyti sura p.TrtTmTVT!LaJiaina. Haul.

    aaaTMa.iua. aaraaaaat la SaaJ at aWBKtaaa- -la; aH. Man. r5"


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    II. KK.AFIIIL.U,Wagon and Carriage Builder,

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    C. YT. CKEY A: CO.,i

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    Is iM iSob at" 5z. Seef. Mstkam. - QuTart Seec. aricii-a-S- a Teeciree

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    31. ItAPr.SIR.11 Arret Car taa Biaaiiac

    r. a. sciiAuriiiE,4. GEXT r Ilrrmtu Uoxnl or tTnilrrvrrltr,jk. Jtaaat af Tnjaia tVi-- ra af Caan .ril?,

    Xfimt rf VaaM Skara T raaraTT.af OW aaora r6f af fiaVi i iln. aill kTatstani.tai S. ly Ifcf afcT yptalla omAf tM aUa. r,.l



    rMBIG-- m JwfIri U faCkarreaTHE Bub' .auk sr mtfeeat tht atarafr oa) aaFKaUaaai BaiMsaxi ui JiaeaaMrr. FrirMe rTaaare.fndhie 11 t"- - iFare I-- - oa tae awet CaaraUe teratf.

    Ci'iM LsfJtf Aijsstei asi Pali far here.". iTar aaraoahn asaCv at Ik Ukc i IwaXSEE ATirv,

    aa-l- t-- ra. Baaanaa I.Salt. :

    JlEUCII.OTl'ij' 31I7TCAL j


    THE UNDERSIGNED liirln? teen ar--Axeau fx tke akDre Canaaar, ale arrfaieanreT " S Tlitl V iT. j


    THE r.VDERSIG.VED, IGEXTS of thewpr. tat MtihoriU ta rMj 'm Cargo, Prtlctit ud Trt-aur- fcy Coasterfrotx HtmetoiK lv tli frt vt bc HAtrmaaui Grttf. irm --w :

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    PIRE Ii'SUSASCE C02IPA5Y.milK rXDEItSIGSED UtId: btca an-- oatauraerteki n-t- . Stoaeaaa Brick. Build- - Iin?, aa Hercbandi,e svni tkewam. a tkecsot feeenkle Ueau. To- jajtarakv- - I alj Mtkeagiceat ;

    --ir r. jl. cHAEiiiK a oq iInsurance Jtotice.

    HE AGENT FOIt THE BBITISn Vo-r-eaa Xarrae Iararaace Caaaaar; (Tiwallitl. ka r- -

    tke Zaaxai Bakt. aim a taaami .naafia as TrairkS aer liaillif beztuxj. au Ktllfb

    A9rmi fr Jtr Hi Ok. IlimtU.CALIFOHrvTA

    UrSUSANCE COMPANY. oftorHE UNDERSIGNED ACESTs OP THKT tCwaiT. aie eeea a,. Ji u LLat ta laaee nmj '

    Caj-co- , FrtlbtAaf Trfvarc, &aa Paaalttilitaaaart aftae avrle. aacrbx Tcra.If-l- B mKFTIJ t OO

    ofFurnished Rooms

    TO I.KT. at Mrs. T. Tbrni'Ni. IS K r reet. I T

    J.' T. CHAYTER,j tor

    GSIt E2 AL BLACKS3IITH, !At lis Qiz to c lis zjtiz thi Czs-- ; t

    tss K-.- h?, Hsscfclt, H-- 3U j Ike;

    i witir. fact u Carriage, Drsr asd Wa-- un aad

    Merk. aCf-- bip act! Xlcta-- Tork. He aJtm races1ai nr-- HuT-aa-r mi rr a.jr M etiiw frsjnmw

    ThakaiBat.TVr. he Wt j leelaaa tokaiiam sent a cvatocacu af tte vatisciresates be art emjejri.

    Tax-Collecto- r's Notice.ITtllE Tas-Pay-er ia the District ofUono-- X

    IrlE, liHi ef Orkr. htnfj sakaiea that

    fcc J Mtr 1?T1. al tif S fca Xxr&e Screet.af-jei- utit Haxainan Irca VtAt,; ea Xszijr 7thaf Qjiotiu a- -e

    Asa" la eesafessty wita Solko Sit af theariiC4--. xl penes! BiHe to laxuaw fc liii SifBxtxrtiini5"re3reitake kfed!iic ixyett oftke)BL.

    OCcr-- ftx every Xeir. eixeaaer, xd ?itrr-A,- r,0a9JL JLtoGEO. H-- LCCZ.


    Tn-C6ft- 0a. Get. ti. lin. 3-- -f

    FIJI.In taoory (and according to tha wording of the

    Coostitotioii) thete is no difference, as to politicalrigfcu, twliu Fipan sebjecU of any colornaUve bora or foraisn born. But tlwre hashilherto ben a cJrarly anJerstood distinction inpractice. The intert-it-s of tho white man andof the native bave ben discasjtHl as if they werepolitically distinct. When the Constitution itselfwaj ooder considerattoa, and il was found thatjb' nalive chiefs were in th habit of voting iu abody, it was coolly proposed to deprive lhem ofthe power to vota at jll. This proposition wassoaght to be jMi&d by treating the risht of theFijian chiefs to bare any voice iu the framing ofa Constitution for their coaatrv as romethinewhich tbe bite settlers bad given," ami couldtake awar. la the same spirit, there were manywho did not simple to dispute tha right of KingThaVoetban to assume, even with the full consentof all tlh! Fijian chiefs awl people, the positionand fractions of a Constitutional Sovcreigu inand over the Archipeiaco. They were disposedto insist that La should remain, in perpetuity,the arbitrary and irresponsibre chief of tbe nativetribos, leaving the wbites to divide and conquer"sach tribss as opportunity might off-r- ; whila ntthe same time, and until this desirable end ofdivision ami conquest should have been fully attained, be skouU take care to keep his subjectswell in check as regarded the whites, allowinsthe latter to do pretty ranch as they pleased. Thefew who thus reasoned for although titer hadihe most to say, there were bat few of lhemforgot that the shite settlers were, according towell settled principles of international lw, bat

    foieagners commorant in tbe hind." owing, forthe time being, local alkgiance or obedience toits rater or raters, in ret era for protection ; andhaving not the shadow of a right to interfere intbe framing of a Constitution or laws for snehload, unless sach rsWr or raters pleased to confertbatricht. The settlers and their renresentativesbad, do doubt, for the ptsrpores of this work, asfall powers as tbe cbbtTs, bat only because theirooperation bad been invoked with a view to tbeestablishment of one government for both race

    sach a goveromeat as woold meet tbe wantsof an advanced and advancing; community, andmight hope to be internationally respected nodsastained. A coatproa-U- e was made by theUllilUK .if Ik. aIhaTj Kmm Rol.t In oium...

    ,hd B"5ar M lUbly of white delegates were to be discussed, and

    -- saggested." This

    sP"tiou of the chiefs from the elected delegateswas foaod.as. 10 tbe'teatter then in band, to workwell eooagfa, and it has been perpetuated in theCoastitattea. There is to be an elected "Legisthtite Assembly," which It is evidently taken forgranted is lo consist wholly of whites, save andexcept a single representative of theThe high chiefs are to form a Privy Ooencil,"which is enpowered to saggest auteadneau, &c;bat the Legislative power of tbe State is ex-pressly declared to be " vested in tbe King andIha TawMttira...-...-.. ..j.A cumMr These chiefs, there--

    ilbre.in Privy Council assembled, can do no ooreadvise aad recoaiBieod. and tbeir advice and

    rccMmramlitw3 will oolr comannd sach atteo-tio- os the elected representalires please to

    accord. Tbe Ministers most have seats in theAsmMy. and will, eooseqaeatly, have lo beiMfeeo from among tbe members of that body ;

    bat as sach Ministers are also uemembers of the Privy Council, they will oSemlljrepresent the high chiefs ia tbe LegisfctUve Cham- -Irer. If, as tfcas anticipated, the LegislativeAssearbly be, with the except ion of the stogiebatf-cast- e member, composed wholly of whitemen. wkile Ike Privy Co&ocil is corapod almostwboBr ol satire chiefs, what is more probable or jnatoral than that there may be diSereoees ofopioioo, and eooseqaeotly laeartbsroiags betweentbe bodies, which amy be spread abroad andcreate jealoasies and ffl ieefiogs tetweeo tbe tworaces

    peonle. who win be rather disposed to imagineshsbls, aod attempts to take adtantage of tbea.when there has really bees nothing- - of tbe kiad,than to pass over with perfect contentment aodequanimity any sctaal disregard of what theymay cooceive to be tbeir best interests. A?aio-- tthe creation in this way of hostile feeGegs be-- 1tween tbe two races, those who may be at tbebead of aaairs ia Fiji wOi hare to be ooa-Unt- iy

    the watch. And ibis risk wifl be cootiaooosnui tae peooK eom races saail te maoe tooderslaad xa to feel that tber are It-a- of one-

    aauoa. 4ey mast bo. ooiy oe is toeory batasst b? coaviBced that tbey are in het on aiegai aad Bolttieai eqaofity. The sative3 will bevery good eitizeas when so convinced. Wbenaoie wbo are aov yooag children shall bare

    -r- v-B up in oaaB - ee there will, (ioebtless.ibaad aaoac; tbeaa many who wilt take aa

    I forso '

    ariddle age aifl sjatply obey iLe Goverasaeotthe time being, whatever may be its form, aod

    however it be oompoflod, withoat troaMiagSo its or potiey, pro-

    vided that sack GoveraarMt has tbe eooideocethe aoi of tk&--6 of tbe whites oa )

    'whose trisdoaa aad probity the Batrves are aeeos- -locoed to rety. There will be ao aeed for aay jpecatmr eiSarU to seeare the ekctioa to tbe jLesisbtare of sea, for the aalives wiii.

    a toeg uaae uo oaavs, in move fnepMa ;toretarr a while ssaa as re I

    10 eieft one f theaaseiTes. The met thatioHawss rijeas nave bo pseanar nees ;

    fjj-- Iriefc any ffral iHI be cecemrj, ,BattecitHy umfBfr the task of governing- - i

    kteiatsie the soctt! esahiauoa of the twoBat tfcere arm be rreat asd cosstaat De- -

    fecsmeBt thai is to say, of gnrfcracseat byMinistries dcyeodtat for their tesare osieesog the cownftgad of parfaracatarj moritiesrtU a tsatmsg' bfeek is the way of Ffmaprogress: ; a crruie cacse, aooser or liter, ofmade aaserser. tatschievoss teadeseeis of ;ibii systess of garenaaeat ia a-- country so as--CausBtaaced zs Fiji may cat in tbe first instascebe aaae asamest, for a cscsiierxme szajority ofthese who are at prsseat Kktlj to take part iatie wars: of el scarcely be daspssedto a&eSk for tkeaeelref, or ta aid ia bringingabcat troabiciosa? rir-ag-t-i ef Muatrlris Battfere w3 ere losg be protetrioaai pofitkiaai,ever os t&e iook-oc- t fcr a share of tie fbsre3 and

    sam wa eaJt. caa reiy fciriac tteir Wane' (ei cessitr. aevcrlh :fcis. for rigihaee tad castkm.aerl x'tjade ta kv ax cipersiaeca aarkaas. j,. a aae shore &BWesj at pteper times-Sic-k

    cr Lame Horses Doctored. Tb- - af the rxiecieie rescoaseUe eov- -





    Sshcs ; and there will be partisan struegtes forplace and pay, such as so often disgraco Austra-lian Legislatures. nativo Fijians, whoi as

    Regards the residents of foreign birth, numberover sixty to one, will not be able to comprehendtho nature of these party fights, and will onlyregard them aa personal quarrels arising out orsoma kind of misconduct They wilt not onlysoon be made to believe that those who havo as-sumed representative functions are rather seekersof personal agsraudbeuient or profit than of thepublic but they will not ba wrong in thatbelief, and an g breach between thosewho aspiro to govern and those who am governed,as well as between natives and foreigners in gen-eral, will thus be created. Among tha whitesttiemsetves a comparatively very small com-munity where everybody knows ovcrybody, andwhere the time of most people is fully occupied,or ought to be, in some kind ot industry immedi-ately productive of material wealth Parliament-ary quibbles will be a fruitful source of discord.1 should hara small hope for tha success of FijianConstitutional Government, if I thought thatsuch party struggles as we have from time totime In season and out of season in tha Aus-tralia, were lo be at Levuka. Hut I

    ami believe that tha danger of this part ofthe scheme will be perceived iu time, and thatas the ConMilation-m.iker- s Fiji luvo followedso very cwiely tha model of the ITntaiunIslands, they will adopt the system of govern-ment which has, in tboso Islands, proved so suc-cessful. Tha Constitutional Government tktreii worked from above, and not from below. Theministerial appointments not dependentupon Parframentory majorities, tho debutes neverassume the aspect ol party struggles, but areconsultations for tbe public good, in which theopinions of the gentlemen who constitute 44 tboGovernment" have, by common consent, thomost weight, as being the opinions of thosohave had the greatest experience, and have beenable to alTonl the most time and consideration tomatters affecting tbe public weal. Ministersthus situated are mora truly nnd fully responsiblethan those who are placed and sustained in officeby their ability to command a working Parlia-mentary majority, and to stave off votes of "wantof confidence." There are many ways in whichthese things can be managed, but it would be im-possible lor a really incompetent or obnoxiousMinister to retain office long. To say nothing ofthe pressure of public opinion, there would boalways at band the remedy by " impeachment onpolitical grounds." provided for By tbe Fijian Con-stitution, when even the pardon of " the Ring inCouncil " could not keep tbe offender in office.Or there might, as is also provided by the sameConstitution in reference to Judges, &c, be a- removal from office on a resolution passed bytwo-thir- of the Legislative Assembly after duenotice to the accused, and having heard his de-fense. for gobd canse shown to the satisfactionof the King." The difference would be that, asin any sach case there would ba no change ofMinistry, bat only the removal of a single func-tionary whose snecessor would have to be. ap-pointed by the King, it would be only when aMinister was really deserving of displacementthat such displacement would be sought for.

    The work of providing and regulating taborfor the plantations of Fiji is onewbich the FijianGovernoent will bare to undertake. It is onaof the most difficult of the tasks which thesagentlemen have before them. I speak here oftoe Government in its widest sense not of theMioistrr oflly, bat of both Ministers and legis-lators. There have hilherto been three sourcesfrom which tabor bas been supplied Fijian la-borers hired in tbe ordinary way or through theirchiefs ; men imported from the other islands;and Fijians sentenced to labor on a plantation byway ol punishment, the planters paying the Gov-ernment for tbeir services. Fijian3 work prettywell when isolated, although not when near home,bat foreign labor is generally preferred when itcan be bad. It may, I tbink.be for grantedthat what may be termed tbe home supply of thalabor market wbe,ber by hired men or convictedcriciiaals will always be very far short of thedemand. Without just at present entering uponany statements or discussions as to whether theimported laborers ara but slaves under anothernaiRe, I may fairly assume that tbe supply oflabor from this source must soon cease, or nearlyso. The " trade" bas been tried and con-demned by those who have the power of givingeOect to tbejr verdict. Tbe authoritiesbare nut only evinced a determination to watchfor aad puoisb with severity every infraction oftbe law as it stands, but an Act is about to bepused by tbe Imperial Parliament, which willrender the law itself much more stringent. EveryIiritisb ssbject who shall be knowingly connected,directly or indirectly, with tbe removal of anyistaoder from bis borne in any other manner than

    fekmy, and made punishable accordingly, fiveryimagiaable species of direct or indirect partieipa-Uo- a

    will be carefully set out aod declaredin cases of real guilt it will be scarcely

    potaiote to eecape coovklioa. Tbe tales of mas--sacre aad laSeriog which bare been of late solireoaeot, show last there are other and greaterdangers which asyooe going ona " cruise"sboaid caleeUte upoo encoaoterisg. With somacy risks of various kinds, aod with no greatenrauny, aiir; bji, oi recnnne a gooa cargo, wusiripowaeri aad marine r2 will gradaafly becomesby of this trade, aad wiH scarcely uponit sMess l trey can materially increase tceir cnancesof profit by a corresponding increase in theircharges for passage money. Even tbea, with thecompeUties of Queensland to contend against,the Fan pSactera wiM probably have a greatlyoaatuiibed asd still farther diminishing supply of

    while at the same time they will have lopay more for it-- Vessels tiifieg undar lie flagsof other oationj may, it is tree, be employed, andthe nzoroca laws of Great Britain, in referenceto this trade, may for a short time ba evaded, butacy aatioss whose Sags may-b- e thts oied, willtoea be eoastrained to adopt equally repressivemeaasres. Sooner or later, then, it wiH be oeces- -tary to look ia Other directions lor a steadyssppiy of labor. Tbo Gorernaeat wHl bare toHp this : for by tte Goremtsect -- alose 'canit be effectually dose. I am strongly

    to the cptsion ttat it is to China thataitimate recourse will have to be Thereca be co dosbt that a constant and abundantsspply cf I'Jaot could be obtained from thatcocatry; aod ajtbcsgh Chisasen would have

    active pan is the owes of citKefehip ; bat very upon a distinctly understood contract, a de-fe- wwill be aVsjuos of doia? tow. The meo finite term of service, will be held gnittr of a

    aayibeasseiTes discass mea-er- es

    dkief- -




    be jj



    aj of

    aoosUoo of














    to be better fed and bettrr paid than Ffjlanaor Tanna-me- they would ho infinitely more ser-viceable moch cheaper too, I think, upon thewhole. The duty of regulating the introdnettsaof labor is one trblcb ia infinitely mora preMkg.Unless the Government turns its attention almostImmediately to tha performance of this duty, itwill coairoathi but littln respect or cetHMeatoabroad, and will be thought rather weak at home.Thoro will bo a keen watchfulness in a greatmany quarters, of alt that it may do or fail to doin thi matter; and by its course of aetien hi con-nection therewith, many very good asd iaQuen-ti- n)

    people jndgo of it3 ability and tmiUwerthl-nea- s.

    At present thoro is no governmental orlegislative protection of " labor." Tbe plantermay compel his men to keep iMr eoetraet, batcannot bo compelled to fulfill hit oon. Tha labor-ers are, as a general rale, well treated, and thestipulations inado at the time of their engage-ment faithfully carried out, is due partly to thefact that roost of the planters are honorable men,and partly to the influences of general opinionand tho advantagn of having a good characteramong tha laborers themselves. The BritishConsul is very careful In his examination of im-ported Islanders, and bas promulgated lomo ex-cellent regulations as to their treatment; but haha.4 no power to enforce these regulations. It isnecessary then, that without the slightest avoid-able delay this subject should bo dealt with ina practical and comprehensive way, with a truaregurd to the interests of botbrplanters and labor-ers; and that there should ba such preoattwby way of governmental inspection or otherntto

    as will ensuro obedience to tbe law.The framing and carrying out of an e&eknt

    system of jurisprudence will probably-b- o foundtha most difficult of all the tasks which the PrjUaGovernment has upon its hands. It il, no doubt,a work which cannot bo completed at once, butIt is one which most be at once commenced.And, as tho character and stability of a b&oMare mainly dependent upon the nature of its foun-dation, so will tha future of Fiji its peace, itsattractiveness, its commercial prosperity awl thosocial harmony of iu people be mainly depend-ent npon the fundamental principles whleb maybe laid down at the outset, as thoso by which tboFijian Government will be guided in the perform-ance of this great duty. It has tbe iaestitnaWoadvantage of a clear field. There are no camber- -some statutes to be repealed, no conSiclingjarls- -dictions to bo reconciled, no professional "vestedInterests to be struggled against, nocomplications to be unraveled or technicalities tobe swept away. If then, tha Frjfan Gorerewwtand ihe Legislature cannot, under such favorablecircumstances, agree upon tbe basis of a code oftaws, and upon the principles whereby tbo adata-istratio- n

    of such laws is to be governed, all thatbas yet been accomplished will have been In vain.What Is necessary to be done and what, or0 Pipcan fairly demand international reeognitioB, mastbe done is that there should be not only hwaand legal machinery for the protection of pefsoMand property, the preservation of order and theeffective punishment of but for tlxprompt recovery of jast debts asd claims; thatsuch Iaw3 shall ba clear and simple so tbatasyone may understand them ; that there efcaH be anequal simplicity in the mode of their iHlmiaiitK-tio- n,

    and that justice shall be so cheap as to bewithin the reach of all. In short, that avoiding

    j those legal mystifications and technicalities, whichin the hands of professional men ao oftea land

    ' j'istice astray, there shall bo no wrong without aprompt and effective remedy.

    AViut .Mex Have Diko for. Colonel Sfent-gome- rywas shot in a dnel about a dog ; CoiOflei

    Bamsey in one abunt a servant ; Mr. Feather- -atone iu one about a recruit ; Sterne's father inone about a goose ; and another gentleman In oaaabout an acre of anchovies. One officer was efcil-Ieng-

    far merely asking bis oppooeot to aejtytbe second goblet ; aod another was com petted tofight about a pinch of snuff ; General Barry waschallenged by a Captain 'Smith for decKfag wineat a dinner oa a steamboat, although the generalbad pleaded as an excuse that wine invariablymade him sick; and Lieutenant Cowther lost hislife in a duel because ha was refused adraittaecsto a club of pigeon shooters. In 1777, a dueloccurred ia New York City, between LieutenantFeatherstonebangb, of the 75th, and Captain

    of tbe 42nd British regiment, in regardto tbe manner of eating an ear of corn, one

    that the best eating was from tha oob,and tha other that tbe grain should ba cot offfrom tbe cob before eating. Lieutenant Feather-stouehan-

    lost his right arm, the ball from hUantagonist's pistol shattering tha limb dreadfully ;so much so that it bad to ba amputated. Gra-ham, Major Xoah'a assistant editor on the nat-ional Advocate, lost hn Ufa ia 1827, at tbe duel-ling ground at Uoboken, with Barton, tba

    of Edward Livingston, In a- simple dUpatoabout " what was tramps " ia a game of cards.

    Hkjcizh or the Bbihai, Van. Xear thaBridal Veil Falls, in Tosemite, is the grave of alittle girl. She was tbe first natural death of awhite person that occurred there, though two or

    i three had been slain by Indians in tbe first settlermeat. It is a strange place for the Angel ofdeath to pursue bis conquests, and is a lonesomn

    ! one for a child to be buried in in her Jittla gravei on the banks of tbo Merced, - tba river of Merey,"

    almost under the icy spray of the eternal Fobono,who poors his mighty baptism nine hundred feetnpon tbe nncbangable rock. No child of ourrace reposes in a sepulchre so majestic, so awfulin its surroundings, with tbe Bridal Veil wavie;abora her, and with tbe great waters thunderingdown like volleys of supernatural artillery. Batso sublime is the Christian faith which requiresus to believe that wben her sleep is over) thagood angel of the res erection wiii oot forget her,even there, but willcomo asd uplift her tenderlyand seed her heavenward, like a saow-Ssti- ;, 'to the dondj--M- e Donald. .

    The French journals say that tha Parisiaas'arajubilant over the late discovery of Pr. Beresie firthe relief of red nose. By raeaas er tfectncitybe has restored a. lady of rank to happSaeaa, asdchanged her nose, s blooming rose,into

    '3 deScafa

    'lily. .

    Ihte tte revolutionary troubles aad the re-port of planters and speculators lo tbe canlrxrjtbccsgsr crop of Caba this eeasea preralsea to.bs a17 one. LatMrnaseejnpUalyluaHUiedejart-jcta- t

    eieept tie west, where ValBUXtda went toarrange matter geoeriBy. aod It Is estimated lbs,iron IS to a pa era!, mors acreage J eader cansIBis year tbaa last.


    IM". "RAPT.EE.MMynWATTUr nnrrPVUrVT PTrint. UUl i,IX..U.Al litfc


    bv --ltrriioxtixY.

    HhMrtte lift of DetraW. Wis; tar Mrth dayTJe UuiHT the Klt . be observed at a

    . Ail fmnl &ee will be caoiid.Fm W. Ilcrcaissn,.OetSttk. 1S7I.

    af taw vcnarst Bsc- -



    serve Id Inof

    tecoaot ovf

    til sotresided





    HfcrSMi h Bamnaatit i prpofe of establishingTii1IiiT alawitfc fsmisx. eaeMaenahf; sinm lturn here,

    9f'i'fMa' ' 1K sand, seems tneT. Jas, Skit, fecrtterr.

    . TS71.

    The Txc.


    of views of any one really to do""Sal msstioeai tiW ho, defiroos of fault;

    law CoBfrtor for this in myfeh, aoeh sec tvbeth-- fahajV jfmc. tanrt wilt the objec'ioos bare arisen in mind

    d$iai tW of tins month. AVe : payiog may be

    can scarcely be toseek future years Iodhs, iaas-i-r

    this into

    i da the Tx--i veis kave beenI atMMaMS d tbe. 1)V

    eke UOtettor, vbof in pwrais

    ,i wSaaa twfcwess,

    - or ottocr- -pw to tfce TRX-jwre- rs to

    i at HMBts or settle- -iE AaCalattrirC J

    It hs Imm daacw former rearsjarc eaacc dac St-e-t in

    owbarbw, saai ooateqKMt ls(l uponoaiat Car tn4o jaw1 tbe ptvaeat of theUas, ia tlw ftfl MHtMiis, an ibcoiivc--

    at Mast, It ROC 9 HBBOoessary

    If we liU flat ttv force of tbepuix in. the f?t, tr may at regret

    yH.Bl ofltt-phta- d. No necessity ofiCTtbin prescribed S w ifbod

    dae lawv. v,-- m opee to similar olijoc- -''

    fcua lur imiaiiuiliurJ tint tbs. list nf tW tl"f !

    ilawr Wfrs. tbe qsaKtkationsxefanred by tb StaMte, is tbe .

    ktf thei aa ejection, with- -'

    ia the prefcribed bv- - law,' and theCoOatnr fc named to make oat tbe Listof Vosoes or before tbe last dav of ;

    Hi n li la He to tbe iBsiee- -

    tr f BbjctiBn. "Ve remeniber tbat onthe IM hiv of lf tbe Col-- !

    "Rf ja IB Used iri-J- t Tax- - .payers wbo 4e?ird to bsve tbeir liaises11 1'iii poa tbe list, bat wbo bad

    neglected lo eail at tbeir convenience, aad j

    ptf sap at aa irly day.every oa coasts pofi last j

    or day-- as do, to make tbeirpapaxiit&. tbere eaa be no avoidance of arrowi, aod onKeqaent irritation over !Hfmap wait tinve. of twoor tanree aaauaaeeessnu cans to ii meCBeetor at liberty receive tbe money.

    Tbe treaty or days inlerveniinraw to-d-ai aad oa vhicb tbe

    Colhwaor doo$ bk aSbrds jtMae jar all to Make tbeir call upon tbe

    irMfe otace. aceoiqiag to 'sotare. wiM be open ererv dar uurinbarwiear boars. j


    tbepablkbed TTTll

    tbe indicated LeTtslatnrcfor AastcaBaa New- -

    senrjoe. tbe ami lorciOh?ner w places "of

    rWbiect beJore tbe nablie. demandssa4 satlMatin. Tbe disrassion f

    sMSttoa$ tbe .spirit which onrdtscssses this, is always



    Oa .Maiaiiry, SStb ah., a ofguirtainoR country boasetbe Govaraac Oaba, at Waikiki, for

    patrse f uaerataiaUBg oarCopt. John

    Aieek hih BishttetbHfe Jlaievtv IZnz honored tbe ooca- - J

    - , vT T i --r i -- i Isaoei mfr tarew?c sx suieigaWot bad been for presenta-tion, span vbicb was fol- -

    it. nn.carXAts aorce


    Catt. : A of jeer friends haveaweabted at tbis pleasant spot y for

    ;ZL .. .J,r,y.r;rJ,leave to pretest to yen, ia tbe nameSlaetT tbe aad centlesiea preaect.abssbeaatitd &8rer Goblet, doagntulitlng yoa at, hiub 1 r i!lMBnr,t in fnlf hfraltb

    their frieBdihlp, and received many cU of kindness' from tbera.

    In coWinston, hope yon may U ar--rive at old age that I have, toomty do a tbe eatac regular habits.

    ' TO'"! J and prosperity, andtowhatrtute

    already said. TMsbeautirel silver cap I shallas a valuable meraeoto finally remem-

    brance irfyour apprrttiem oor friendship; valu-able chleSy on the giver. To Be it isan orwrpeeted token, and I eaanot fn fiber express

    pa e. It is a small thlnr, pentlcnK,lo have so kms in tbis oumraasily and stillpreserve Ibe oniotriTupted respect of those rrbofepoi esatBien I most desire namely, tbat ol my

    The Slraniklilp Subiilj-- .

    Mr BsrrnG. I am unused thepebBc in any rainser. bat tbe which

    I see bv your paper was roteriarnerl by tbe Min-isters and by them placet! the Privy Coun-cil, to pay to Mr. Webb tbe sam of money placet

    I at tbe dWBOSsi of tbe Government bv the last

    I T am in nflUMSAMU Ml- - MmnH1HH- -l tint fn

    vvjor Ministers are supporting thet preposttioti ; bat bare that confidence in tltetnj to thai they trant the candid expression

    or P for lBodious io payK; .u

    Ia lfce 6rst P"fe-SG- lt"1 il P?3

    people, ana on remmqg 10 ine iieai ia ine appro---

    j--- ri .v. ,nlWi,,. r,.r mvift i

    ob tfaat tbc. ;am i3 ,0 be bv a kon.

    w extend from Ifetcre for the aibe fast j jj Australia and New Zeo-C,-

    to vcorthv f reiection. Perhaps

    j the solicitousIt c be good. aM finding and I

    of te rlbuwt trmU. be very pki tofats tools lie w which ray

    a?""1 tins raowy. or may not

    Xow it proposed to continueraise seoas in by

    j cch as uoaM l deliberately to ran

    bvttatv tbe

    Aanshc of

    L Ok

    fclfcTitfce prompt ooedoabU tbe keep- -Uar tmt, tbe tine bv sp inter eomsiamcatioa by steam,


    y r fronlOae of

    of telirsot 'Taxes year


    111 liefavArwi

    elevfioa of

    If tbe weeklast jaatrr


    obbsed to for or j

    tot More

    tbatbooks, ample

    lontectar. ms

    bv tbedie

    bis viewtbo

    pmbBc in


    oftbe venera-Ueaa- d

    resfeeted towasmacanaiversarv.


    engraved the












    debt, year by year, for an object, the material re--:taras for which are not obvious comperedwith those which lite sums of money woohi re- -tarn when devoted to permanent strnctnres andieapraveaetus within on a boundaries. Andit sMas to ate. therefore, as if ravin? oat SO larre

    forces, aore pnrticoUrly if it is to be eoatinoed,which I have said I did not suppose to be con- -

    aBd sooeessfnl sad profitable trips of tbe Ki- -laoes, and inconvenience resulting from heroeoa5iotal disasters. woqW seem to point to the

    . , - , .

    that service-- The necessity of extending thewharves as thev are at present beioj: extended, isBo3oabteJ. Tbe advisability of pelting tbe pnb- -

    oSms te battdiogs belonging to tbe pvotic

    sot hired as they are at present more safe andworthy of the poblic service, is apparreot to all.ke- aod lbio5s Khidl 1 mhl

    -e-oUocmoslcoVt money aod add very materiallyL.. - - Jt. "V . r.

    Mr. Kditor, who bare a well sroeoded objectionto incurring any debt at The objects whichI have mentioned are real and tangible pronertv

    propertr whkh represents in rake the moaerwinch been, or win have been expended fortbeau Bat can the sama be said of subsidiespaid to foreign ships !

    is that we are interested in the travers- -iag of the ocean br the means ol steam, and do

    will more f.Ur admit the importance of itthan the writer of this- - lint on the presumptiontbat the ssta oa the appropriation bill willsot bo voted from year to year, bat is a sara nowto be paid, oace and forever, it is obvious tbat tbeson teas to be paid will not seeare to as tbe stop-- !ping of those ships unless oor position io theocoan is of para mount coosideraiioo; and if ourposition is of such eoasideralioa that wouldbsoome tbe interest of any steamship fine ronmcgtbe roate to stop for the bosioess which is addedto them by us. where is the necessity of oar pav- - jiac tbis of money ? I

    Nor can it be said that this community is not'

    doing wbat they can to foster the business. Jfj



    portioa to sise.Arain : Certaialy, Xew Zkoi is miking a

    most streoBoss eSbrt to sapport the line, ande. if she alone, and the service should be

    foaad to be of material benefit to us, would"d r sympathy and to the ei-- ';

    teat ol oar means. And, inasmeefa as the UnitedStates already pey S75.090 a year far the porpossef CMiaUaaia steam coracaasicatioa betweenStat Franejseo and here, shoald the Legislatureof that country manifest a desire to cootinae theserriee to Australia aad Zealand br award-ing material aid, then it might appear reasonablethat we shvald ai:t Ua the extent of onr means.But I sobait tbat so long as the United States .does not aid carrying forward line, and theAastralha Governments take euefa actioa aswoaid spnear inteaded to binder rather than ,

    ,facifitate this besisesi action onder which it,

    P J basineshoaU be done jdoes it Dot become vbtv questioaable sbotherHis Majesty Government are justified, from abssiaess point of vie a--, tn iacarriag tbis addedliability? Ixquibee.

    Late Foreign Mews.A?ri:::iCAX.

    States Island, Nv. 12. The Rasstan dipper

    Abrcek was boarded tbe United States cutterNortberman at 7 o'clock this morning.


    New Toes, Nor. 12. Cbarka O'Connor said resterdaythatTeed is tsktaff all the prerUnlnary stepswhich take wben they seek to elede justicn ISight to a fareiga land. Tbe poHee would not be 'very active in arrctic blm eves bow, if the Com- -mittee of Seventy costd give tbe power, aad they

    j they buhl wharres at large expense and give theTTe caX to tbe letter our ' cse of theas ; fill op land at large expense and

    " iMtatircr.' re-a-rd to tbe & lfce use of it for storage ; boild a cosUyeaibsidv to VTebb line of! ,el w,lbo,it the hope of receiving anything like a

    Moec, ia toav's ,or. ' 'T'7 . , i of other sbkH (bat inAfcbab wedoaot "laqa.reragree j aresa,e.j wWch n!ed, cortait)Ir thUia Ik M-aa-mfts a--ast jiayi-B- Ibe line SBuS hare done its share in cro- -


    aad Zealandterse




    mtt at ibe of





    Tbe poVfet was presented to Capt. ' Abreck, Opt- - Scantx, thirty two days from Ma- -34eet on bebalf of IDs ilaitetv ami the ,B tte tower b,vI,!t Bbkl--" J Schaatz saya that be parted company with the Ad- -

    enOeisen by A. J. Oartwn-h- t,preseat, j rfrl, lbo! tweBttrtn Alyi J?0. 18d that theirEs Trbo raade tbe foHovring remarks: ! trrim miv be expected at any moment. Tbe

    Keex taasytbe pur- -

    i-of His


    Ibe line











    It trae






    stoodde- -


    in the


    men by


    ! wouId cot hdP U,ea b--r inforain ltaa of ,,istbe Jvesaioa of all Ttmr tacaltka, lo this O'Connor bdleve. that Tweed winrkKoMagc It Is tbe cant hope of aU that roa 'long axe t. drink from tbH cap long life and : '.'J" a"T,l f ,aHe did be be Ue--.ritv to H XiWty asd tbe lUwaiim Kleg 1 T-- ocly prom-- -Inert criralcal that would quit tbe country, but

    ' wbeitver ttey go la Europe they wHl find that tbtyCapt. ileek replied as follows : not ,HpBnUj bnt wosU fo,.

    Xocx Xajxctt xxz StscTLrvES: lowed wberevcr the law can follow.Toe arc all ireS aware-.tba- t spcech-nrikin- g never ' Washington, Nov. 12. Few claims tare as yet

    usi xay forte; bet oa this cceuSoa, when I hare j been red red for presentation lo the United Stateslore keen so ld&Sy eocralclatca by my friends, I and British Commission, which will laI fed .It my duty io roarer to joo, la the same j tbis city on Tuesday. Jlr. Howard, tbe BritishtajBtHtTC Banner, oy sincere tharki for the honor Aget, bas-bee- a instructed by bis Goveraraect cot4eae, oolHs aySKt tartb-ay- . ; to pref ect to tbe Commission the claims of persons

    nercm so elsial I ac arrived ax agrees old I heretofore British rnbjccit wbo bare become mlc-sg- t,to Phkfcis tie privihc cfbutTtryrcw o--a to , raEzed citizens or tbe United States.

    aJtafc; tad the srester part of ay life, I tare pats- - New Toex, Not. IS. It Is ofSdaHy annonceedxl tfcrse pleasant Islaids. I tavesee-ts- d known ' that tbe German steamer Franklin, at quarantine,

    aS the King, from Kamehaaebalstto bis present , baa forty cases of cholera oa board. Tbere were 23Xatesry. God grxat that there raay be oo neccsfity dealt ca the voyage. NeariyeTerybcyonboardistat iat to tec asy other. I lave been Locored by ' more or leu affected : most of the cases arc serious.

    Fortber deaths are probable. A rigid quarantinewill be enforced, and .every effort made to alleviatetbe sufferers, but care must be taken to prevent thespread of the contagion.

    The follow in; is the correct account of the choleraship at qnirantlnc: The steamsbtp FtankUn, of theXew Baltic Lloyd's Line, arrived on Saturday night,with a number of cases of cholera. She sailed fromStettin Oct. 10!b, toncblog at Copenhegen on theletli, and later at Chrlstiansand. At the Utter portsbe received 23 cabin aod Clt steerage passengers,and a crew of 67 two. Ten days out the first caseof cholera made Its appearance among tbe steeragepassengers, aod wben tbe steamer put Into Halifaxto obtain coal, sbe bad nearly one hundred cases ofcholera and choleric diarrhea, of which forty haveproved fatal since leavlnc Halifax. One death hasoccurred since, and twelve patients sntlerln;rromeholera were sent lo West Bank Hospital Thehealthy passengers were transferred to the UnitedStates steamer Delaware, lately fitted up as a re-ceiving ship by the quarantine authorities. TheFranklin, after the transfer of passengers, was or-dered to tbe lower Quarantine, where be nill bet boron poly disinfected and detained until it Istbosght safe to allow ber np to the city.

    New Toek, Xov. 11. It has been determined tomake the Apollo Hall Democratic Reform organiza-tion, under whose auspices tbe lest campaign wasprincipally conducted, a leading Institution of theDemocracy of Sew York. In the new organiratton,all political dements of Democracy will be

    Those who have'beeo prominent In con-- !nectlon with Tammany, however, will be excludedfrom membership. Since tbe election, honest meuare bet leaving tbe Tammany party, whose powerseems to be completely overthrown. It is under-stood that Samncl G. Courtney will be Chairman oftbe OotaraUttre of the nen organization. Tbe Re-form leaders are receiving hundreds of commnlca-tioo- s

    from prominent Democrats In the West and inj tbe Inlerlor.of tbe State, urcing tbe formation of a

    new organization upon a reform basis, and rrjoiclcgia tbe downfall of currcpt Tammany.

    Tbe Health Board feels no noeasine about tbecholera, hot professes some in relation to the small-pox, though only elrbt new cases have occurred intbe whole city since Saturday.

    PaiLinELniu, Xov. 14. The Board of Healthreport sbons that Ibe number of cases of small-po-last week was 491, snowing a falling off from thepreviews week of leases.

    I WasHtsorox, Nov. It It is officially stated tintrecommend tbe necessan- - legislation for tbe paymentIn Europe of tbe Interest on so much of the loan asis or may hereafter be placed abroad. Tbis, it Isclaimed, n ill greatly extend the market in Europefor United Slatt seeorities.

    Chicago, Nov. 14. The weather reports receivedfrom tbe United States Sis nl Stations

    show that very high ninds are prevailing at Cleve-land. Toledo, and Detroit, and a heavy storm atNew York. Tbe of tbe wind at the latter

    j "nr. to WaMbe ra,VoTm, aa Xhe wealher icre Is thecoldest of tbe season, but it is clear and pleasant, i

    Salt Lake, Xov. 14. Nothing of interest occur- -red in Court Tbe Grand Jary convened ataa early boar, and retired for business In charge ofthe Marshal.

    It is said tbat a number of citizens,p lygalsts, are making arrasements to send awsy itbeir plural wives,.sboold tbe decisions in the forth- -

    I comlog trials for lasclvioasness and cohabitation go jagainst the defendants. Nobody believes tb.it auy iof the well-to-d- Mormons think of abandoningtbeir present homes and their property because of '

    tbe enforcement of the law against, polygamy. TheMormons daim earnestly to believe tbat tbeir pluralwife doctrine is or God, but many of them ber in toexpress grave doubts as to tbe expediency of con-tinuing its practice, in violitbn of the law.

    Etrrtors.YX'.Londos, November ISth. United States Minister

    Curtin telegrsphs from St. Petersburg to tbe Lon-don Agency that there is a dreadful state of sus-pense regarding Grand Dake Alexis. This will berelieved by tbe news of arrival of one of the fleetat New York.

    Pants, November ISth. Ramora continue Inregard to aa approaching departure of tbe Popefrom Rome. Tbe Pntmee states distinctlytbat tbe Pope has intimated to Thiers that it is hisintention to establish a residence in France, andtbat Thiers has made a strong effort to dissuade tbeHoly Father from his purpose, without ssecess,andhas finally placed at bis disposal the Caslle of Pan.

    London, November 13th. A fearful explosion ofgas occarred y at Leeds. Oae or two personswere killed, aod several were badly Injured.

    The ship Escort, of New York, toot fire and wasdestroyed at Antwerp yesterday.

    The Queen's physician announces Her Majesty'shealth Improving.

    Commodore Ashbsry. owner of the Urania,arrived yesterday. lie renounces all Intention ofcontending again for tbe Qoeen's Cup in Americanwaters. He says be Is going to India next year.

    A formidable plot of Booapariisrs, beaded byFieury, lo arrest Thiers and proclaim tbe Empire,has been discovered. The plotters' papers are intbe possession of Thiers, who Is confident of thefailure of tbe conspiracy.

    Gam betta is completely recovered from bis seriousIllness and will soon visit Marseilles, Bordeaux andLyons.

    Geneva, November 13th. The fire which brokeoat this morning continues without abate-ment. The Kne Rhone, on which tbe flamesoriginated, is a scene of min, and a large numberof buildings are destroyed.

    London, November 13th. The Are at Genevay destroyed two blocks of bouses. Tbe Hotel

    Coaroone was destroyed. Tremendous cocsterna-- jtkn prevailed, bat the military preserved order.

    Tbe sutemeat tbat the Pope requested a residenceIn France is untrue.

    Scott Rassdl writes to tbe papers rivinga history of the social movement. He ;says if Prince Albert had been living, be wonld have ,been its leader, ine movement orrclnatec in a proposal for a union between tie Prtrs and tbe work-- 11 semen. He denies most positively that Its objects,nr rsfvditMl wm nolltlral nr rrnln!tonarr. He.,w ,r.n r ,h i

    linterest of social progress aod reform

    a.--- -. : ?77 .'!irom return, ao jbiici occiai &iazc mat idc peopletbere are more emaciated thin crrr. At least 2,500 j tobesiege Ibe Eoflsh rrttdeucj for food evtry more- - jin- -, and ia their rasb aetoally crashed two womenIs death. Infants and young children are lying aabout tbe streets, scarcely recognizable as humanbeings.

    London', November 14th. Letters from Constan-tinople represent tbe cholera is sprradlng in thatdtr, and tbe naraber of deaths increase dairy.

    Tbe British Government has granted a pension of to300 to tbe children of Dr. Livingstone, the African

    explorer. Dr. Liriegstoar, when last heard from,was slowly making bis way to tbe coast.

    Constaxtisofle, Jfov. 14. A firman has beenissued by IbeSabiime Porte, directing the Minister tof Works to inangarate a comprehensive svsUm of

    . . r . . , , orrailways projected by foreign capitalists In tbe Otto- - jman comtotons, tae earDors are to oe rmproveo, trierivers to be raade navigable, sew roads built, oldones repaired, and every effort made to establishHoes, io connection with tbe new railways from allparts of tbe country.

    Still Later B"ews.By the Bark Guacho from San Francisco ar-

    rived yesterday, we bave dates from that port tothe 20th, aBd telecraras from the East and Europeto the 17th nit, We are indebted to Bis Ex-cellency, the Attorney General, and to E. 11.Whitney Esq for late papers. We give belowtbe important telegrams.

    EUIiOPEAX'.The Newchwlng correspondent of the Xorth

    CUea A'aiT, writes with, reference to tbe great flood,that over 1,000 people were then drowned, and tbat atthe distress caused among the remainder has been beTery great. Some S3W were collected-I- n Newch-wac- g

    ar-- distributed asone the sufferers, and thistimely charily teems to hare created a favorable

    j Impression toward foreigners among tbe natives.! Losdos, November IS Disraeli bas been electedi Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow orer Pro--'

    fetsor John Buskin, wbo waa alio nominated.

    BcitLnr, November 15 The JiwriMeial Conrtpond- -cpc (seml-ofBda- In Its Issne y says tbat theretirement Of Count Beust from the Chancellorshipof the Austrian Empire and Ministry of ForeignAffairs ha no effect upon the relations betweenPrussia and Austria, the friendless of which Is unImps red.

    The German Parliament will conclude tta laborson the 25th Instant, and the session of the PrussianDiet will open on the 2Ttb.

    Sr. PcTErtSBCito, November IS Tbe MoscowGastlle, in an editorial article, counsels Russia to demand the neutralization of Denmark and the ccsslon of Schlcswlg to the latter as a means to counttract the power of Prussia on the Baltic.

    London, Nov. IT. Strikes have been commence'In virions parte of Spain, In obedience to ordersfrom abroad.

    Pahis, Nov. 17. The announcement that Gambetta will make a speech at SL Qaentln on puhilcadalrs ia creatine ninch.iotcrest.

    A dispatch from Rome states that the Pope consents to the consecration of the Church of St. Lnine,which he had hitherto rtfnsed, because the chnrchwas the private property of Victor Emanuel.

    ami:kicax.MataJioius, November, 10 The telegraph line

    to tbe Rio Grande has been completed. A courierarrived yesterday fibm Monterey and brings datesto the 4th Inst. .At that date SCO cavalry sallied fromSaltlllo on a foraging expedition. The encounteredtbe rebel forces, and the Government troops weredriven back 'with a loss of one half their number.The rebels are exultant. Two regiments ofGovcrnmcnt cavalry have arrived at Saltlllo. Trcpena hasbeen carefully fortified. Uclose Mnreta.1 is commanding the road between Monterey and Saltlllo,beading off the arrival of reinforcements. Firln;his begun and preparations are making fortbeattack.Escobcdohas placed at the disposal of the Governmcnt all the San Luis forces. His cavalry are nowat Ekarhi, on the border. The Government forcesfrom Tamatpias, under Catiua, advances Into Navario, but again fell back to Monterey. Catina Is uowat Cumalos, bavin? advanced twenty leagues fromMonterey. It Is M that Carvajil w ill head the re-volution in Tamalpias.

    The Sun states that the negotiations are nearlyconcluded for the sale of the Atlantic Telegraph cable to the British Government.

    New Tonic, November 15tb. Last night's stormIn this city was tbe severest known for year.Large numbers of trees, anrningsandchimucys wereblown down, causlui: much damage throughout tbecity and Brooklyn, On the Jersi-- y side of the river,the flits and roads between Jersey City and Ilubokenwere covered to a dspth of two or three feet by aheavy flow tide, compelling the cessation of tradefor several hours. The lower jart of Brooklyn, at

    "Gowan's, was overflowed, bnt did nn great damase.It is feared tbat many tv:ecks will be heard from.

    Damage by !ct nijht'a storm Is reported In theEast In Boston, some basement cellars in tbevicinity of tbe wharf were flooded. The gales InNew Ilsmpsbire were also very vioreot. At LonjrBranch, New Jersey, tbe roof and part of the plazaof the United States Hotel was carried away. TheblafTwas washed away, and much damage was doneto the beach.

    New Yobs, Nov. 17. A special dUpaclh fromScranton, Pa., reports that the cavlns In of the mineat Hyde Park created great excitement. ' The firstshock was felt about SVcloek on the morning olthe lGth. wben the people fled terror-stricke- fromtbeir dwellings. Tbe caving of the ground, whichoccurred over the Oxford mine, caused a settling Inthe buildings overhead of some two feet. The areaof ground caved io is about twenty awes, and thedamace to property over fSO.OOO. Immense fissures

    'are made in the principal avenues and streets, andmany houses will have to be pulled down. The Post'oEee has sunk some eighteen Inches, and still con-tinues settling. The whole town Is In danger, astbe ground Is settling. The mines are deserted. AtScranton, the various streets are crowded by peoplediscussing the situation. The vein which caved isknown as the Diamond Vein, and is 210 feet belowthe surface. It was worked out leu years ao, pre-vious to Its purchase by tbe Delaware, Lackawannaand Western Company.

    Jay Gould has withdrawn from Tweed's ballbotes. His withdrawal Is due to bis unwillingnessto be examined, as to bis sufficiency, by tbe counselfor the prosecution which was to have been de-manded. It was their intention to prove tbat thelegal claims against Gould would probably be overbalanced by the amount for which he was pledged.Three friends of Tweed's are substituted for Gonld.They are, Jacob Vaaderpool (no occupation,) Cbas.G. Cornell, (Registrar,) aod Charles Dcvclln, (Con-tractor.

    The counsel of Tweed have served on CharlesO'Conor" a demurrer that the plaintiffs have not tbelegal capacity to sue in the action; tbat the com-plaint does not stale sufficient facts to base cause ofaction ; tbat the complaint is defective, by not

    the Mayor, Aldermen, Supervisors, andCommonalty of the city as defendants. The pointraised is that there is no legal right of the peoplemaintained in such an action.

    The Trigone, editorially, says that the choice oflocalities for holding the National Republican Con-vention for 1S72 s narrowed down to Cincinnatiand New Turk. The Executive Committee wiltmake a selection by tbe 11th of January next.

    I.XDUNArOLls, Nov. 17. The three negro murder-ers of the Park family, near HenryvIHe, Ind., weretaken from the jail at Charlestown, at 2 o'clock thismornimr, by a moV of fifty persons disguises, andbang half a mile from tbe town.

    Tbe cholera excitement here is about snbslded.There are now four cholera cases in the Hospital atthe West Bank, all doing well.

    Washinoton, Nv. 37. A Raleigh, N. C, dispatchsays fitty-tbre- e mea were brought' there yesterdayfrom Rutherford and Cleveland, on charge of KuKluxInsU.S.ComalssIouerSeogsIns, who recentlyshot a prisoner for talking Impudently to blm.

    It is probable that Mr. Dick, a lawj er of this city.will be appointed successor to Cleb Cusbleg, asCouoscl for the Uaifed States before the American- -Spanish Commiicioa.

    THE HAWAIIAN!A N ASSOCIATION OF GENTLEMEN, residents3 of tbto IiUaJs, propose to ae, oa .Jlon- -

    lift 1 J (lllUUUI Utt OIf IU5 I1UMI1A MONTHLY JOURNAL !

    be knein as THE HAWAIIAN. The tone of thejoarnil will I literary, aad more particularly derot- -

    bif torj and science. 2u lift of eon tribe tort tab raceslarge shire of Ibe talent of Ibe Islands, and the

    projectors of the enterprise feel confident that theywill be able to urmsn looa mr pleasant ineogai aswell as amusement, each ffi&ttb.

    A column will be devoted to theloverf of chess, andthe editor will te happy to ree'eive eonuaacieatkms onsubjects of interest frftra any whs may feel dupeied

    contribute. ofTess Fr a single copy to any inter-Ulaa- d ad-

    dress, SI-5- 5 per aennm ; foreign, SI.00, per annum,both payable in advance. Subscribers in the UnitedStates can remit two-ee- U. S. postage stampi inpayment of sabfreriptivm.

    aCoraraunieauons ana luDscnpiiocs rcceuea 11 ice... . . .- r TIT 1" V I T'T T!oa! " e "f,o0uf,""; fP. O. box 4.-- .1,r , A CASD

    'fT IS with PLEASURE!that the nnjenirne-- l bear tetimony to the superiori-ty of Mr. Jlacanley' Pianoforte Tuning,and as an artist in this line we have never, in oar ex-perience, seen him surpassed either in Earor e or theCnited states. We are therefore greatly indebted forthe xeal and spirit with which ho has persevered iaregelating and tuning onr Pianos daring our stay intbis eity. aad we therefore commend him to the pub-lic aa possessing a superiority orer all others of simi-lar


    pretemioei.Signed A. BECACCIANTI,

    Masager .Madame States' Opera Co.Signed CAE. P. GIORZA.

    41 Jlolkal Director.

    rfOTICE. In theA3II.VISTIlA.TOU'S Timothy Lyons. Allcreditors of tie tali estate are hereby notifiedu pre-sent their claial, daly authenticated and with the Innecessary Toaehtrs if any exist, to the undersigned

    Haax, Island of Xaoi, withta six mautbs from theday of publication of this notice, otherwise they will

    farerer tarred. toA. UNNA, Administrator.

    Han. Not. . lE71.t7- -t to

    XJOTICE. Ma. SAMUEL O. WILDER hasLl been adraiued a parraer ia onr house from and

    after this data.D0WSETT CO.


    Honolulu, Nor. 11th, 1871 15-l-


    Itfotio Im-lII- WOL.I.O'WIXC! DOCTJMEXTS ARKJL roUUStJ Iit direction of the Bigal lion. Et Oru- -

    Tille, Her Britannic aiajesiy secretary oi state iorriijAStlrs, arnl all Britlsli surKii wno Dire neeorot nitnniiiruwithin the Dulled States and who may owlro to reume theirAlleStaoce Britlli , ar hereby notlfitvi to makothe Declaration Bie, In tbo Form prescribe!, bforo tholShof My.lsTi

    It li to be observed that, althoutb tha Suppleraentalof the Sd of rebruary last only rerulr that Amer-

    ican ailaroi wto bie been oaturallitd a BrttUb SotjcvtiahouU make the DedsralKHi of Rennnctatton. berjre anUnited States Otmrt or Justice, or PlrUnnitl: or ConsularOfficer of the rnllrd State, H will 1 ueeesssry. la order tomeet the requirement of tbo Brlttfh Act of Parliament, thatthe PrcUratton shcuM lo be md bcf.m one of tho ItrltishJodkiKl. ptjilomatic, or CunmUr Oacera mtntiouvl lo tbo3rd See lion.

    Xo Tee will be Isrled for reeelTlo(t theJeclaratlons.JXMKS II. WODEHOUSE,

    IL B. M. Commlsilontr and CoosuMJtneral.17. II. M.'ft LglhMi ft&J OcmtaUto Ocncral,

    Honolulu, Nor. 13. 1S71.

    I.icttsru 1 fMrrxrtt orfirr llrr X'jjtslji nnd tie UnitrdStjtis Umtric. SnrpkmnJ.ini t Ua OmmtitH a X'jjr13. ISTH TOjxrtfuo AafuraWMKM. Sifnn! St iraAI-fa-

    lUrurj A 1STI. iKttiiKtittt eiztotytd at4, 1:71.)

    WaraiAS. by Ihe Second At llcle ef lb Oonrrotl.-- n betirsenHer Midrsty lln Qan of tbo Caltol KlnRJom mrMlBritain and Irvbind. tti tbe United States oT Aiveric. Torreeuhtlnr tbe titlieothlp of suljects and citlieni of the

    rallies lo haro emix-rtr- J may hoIm!o fromtb dominions of lh one to IhoM f lbs other (arty, tiarxdat London. n lbs I3lh cf SHy. ISTO, ltw;. stlrnlaled thatthe manner in wbkh th ronaociAtloa by ncb ahct andritbwns of thoir nilorallKlIon. and the reon.ptlon of Ihelrnatite sllfgUnce, may I made and puWiely dlard, thmMlm agreed br tbe Oiivornoloats ef Ihe rf"fctlte conn-trt-

    Her Majtotr Ihe Queon of tha Culled Kingdom cfGrrat Riitalnand irrliwl. and tho I'rrshlenl or tbo. CoiledStales cf America, frr Ihe purje of eSrctlnj: ueh t,

    bare rrsolted to onclude a Suilfmental Onnrestlon,and bate nawed as tbeir Plenipotentiaries, that la to say:Iter llslealv tho Osemi of lh Vollrd KincdAin o( Greatitrltaln and Irrland, Sir Edoard Tbcrnluu, Knlaht Com- -tuander f tho mot Honorable Order ol lue luiu, ana iterKnroy Evtraordmiry and Jllnlsier l"iliotentlry lo toot nir..l Sti of Anirrlea: and tho Presldenl of Ibe UnlleilSlate of Ameriea, Hamilton lith, secretary of State, wboharo BiTTeed a- - fjllovs:

    .Uitcu I. Any perwn belne orhrlnally a dtitenof thoUnilod States who bad, previously to May 13. 1570, been

    oa a TSrillah sabjoeC. roar at any time baloro Auplftto, 1!C4 and auy BriliOi snhject ith". at thoaateflnlaioroaild,ha 1 boea naturalised asaciUxsa wilrun tho United States,mar. at anT tiaw lr. Slav li IStt noMlely "Srclato hisrenuacialion of such nituraliiMiou by snbriwns to au

    In wrillaa. lubstaatlally in lbs htm hereunto ap- -ponovu, ana uestenaioa as Anuox

    Sodi renonetatlon br an oriaioal citizen cf tbe UnitedStatu of British oatlinallt shall, within Ihe territories andjurilic!i.in of the Culled Statm, U made lu duplicate. In thepresence or any tjun antnonzeu oy law it tue nine oriocto admit aliens to naturallaatlon, or bekro tU Clerk or

    of anr socb Court : ir tho declarant o beyond Iboterritories of tho Unltetl Stales, It shall t roais la

    before auy I i rloma He or Consular OSotr cf IheUoltad States. One of such duplicate shall remain of recordIn tho cmtody of tho Court or orScrr in wbo preseoce It waamade ; the other shall be, without delay, trausaillted to tboDepartment of Sute.

    Such renunciation. If declared by an orlxlnil British ub.Jed, cf his acquired nationality aa a citiaen of tha unitedelates snail. It litoaeerarani oe in lit unnea tiiofuom otOreot Dritalu and Ireland, be nitdo In daplkate. In tbo pre,eunrfa Jutlecf the peace: if elewhrrln Her BritannicUajastr's dominion, in triplicate. In tha pre ace vfanyJodfe of clrll or criuttnal jurtdlctlon, of any Justice of tbepoaco, or orany other ocicer rir the time oelog aaluoiued bylaw. in too placo in wntcn tbo aeclarnni ts. loaomiouter antaith for any Jwltrh! or other leya I purpose: If out of HerMajesty's dominion, in triplicate. In She presence of anyofficer In tho Diplomatic or Coosular service of Her Majesty.

    AartCLG II. Tbe Contracting Parties bereby eofaaawcmtIi lo tbo other, front time to time, lffi cf per-so-o

    who, within their reopeciiro domlninu and territotlei,or before tbeir Diplomatic and Consular orfkers, haveucclaredtheir renunciation of naturalisation, with tbe date andplaces cf making such doclaralion, and such iuforoMtioa atotbeabodoof the declarants, and Ibo time and places oftheir naturalisation, as they may bare furulahed.

    AllKLSllI. The present Contention shall b ratified byHer IJrltannlc and by tho President of Ihe Unlle.1States by and with the adrice and content cf the Senatetherecf, and the ratiacatlons thail be exebanfed at tVashiDSton as soon as may te coDTe&iout

    Ia wtlnv? wherovf too Pleuipoteutlarfeabavestaaed tbe same, and bare affixed thereto their reipectlvosaals.

    Done at 'Waibiopton, the twenty-thir- d day or February, fnthe year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred aadiereaiy- -oae.


    Ax! lA.V I. A. n.. efYtnserf aborfcl beiwc orlcinsllr aclllien of the Cuiteil Stalea of Araeriu, (er a SritiA tulgtct,)and barinc become natur'alUod wlthiu toa douifoiuos of Her!rt tannic tajety a a nriti--h snhject. (or as a ctffrrn icfUinth Cnittd Statu f Amtrieo,) do hereby reoounre toyas a Drftlsb suty-ct-, (or ctlirm of lac Cwtfed'tatt$: and declare that il Is mv desire to resume for national

    ity as a citizeo of tbo Cortea States (or British litfyrt.)

    Made and sulMcribed befiwome. In (intert ctmntrvor otter JuWiruioff, aaef htfc, iVort'nce, Cbloity, JLtauiien orimiujicj this aay or , is, .

    (signed; . it t:Justin of to react, (or bthtr title.)


    Iscxcsrai 2. Contention leitsttn Uer Xijtityand the VniltdztaUMOf .inrrtos rtsanre to aloralteotton. Isaacs atXsuilssa; Jfayia. 1570. iJtrttJlcutlons excmangal at London,-- tlattwf 10, 1:70.)Her Maioslr the Queen of the Cnited Kincdom of Great

    Britain aad Ireland, and Ibo President of the Called Statescl America, beiar; deiroas to regulate tbe citiaonsbip ufBritish snljecta wbo Lata etuirate.1 i r who may emigratefrom the British itoHifofous to the United states cf America,aod of citizen f tbe Uaited States of America who hareesnigrated or wbo mas eoiirml a from tbo Uoitod States cfAmerica to tho British domiototts, bare rrsolted to euoctndea Conventicu for that purpose, aad bare uameii as their Plen- -Ipotectiane- -, that is to say :

    Her Msjesly the Qocencfthe United Kingdon of GreatBritain and Ireland, tbo Rtrht Ilonorablo (lejrro WilllaiaFrederick. Karl of Clsrtod jW, Daron Hyda of If iooWn, a PeerOf tbe Umteal Kingdom, a Member Her BritaDDtr Majestr'aMot Honorable Friry Conucll, Koight of the Most .VobieOrder of tbo Garter. Ktogtt Untod Crus of tbe Most Ilonor-abt- v

    Order cf the Bath. Her Britannic Majesty's PrincipalSecretary crsiale r.r Foretsn Aflirs;

    And the lresideot if the United states of America. JohnLotbrop Jlotler, Esquire. Eniur Extraordinary and Mlabttrllrnipoteullary cf tbe United stales cf America to Her Brit-annic Majesty;

    Who, alter having communicated to each other theirfall powers, fouod lo be in good and due form, bare

    agreed upon and concluded the fallowing Articles :AaTlCLcI. British subjects who hare become, or shall be-

    come, naluraliceti aeccrdieg to law within tbe United stateof America a eitiiens thereof, shall, subject to tbo prorfstooscf Arrlde If. be held by Great Britain tu bo in all reopetrtsand for all purpo? cf tizeoa cf tbo United States, and sballbe rrented as tech by Great Britain.

    Iteclprocally, citizens uf tbo United State of America wbohare become, or shall become, and aro italnralized arcordlne;in law within Ihe Erilhh douzlblons as llrltbh enbjerte, .ball,sobjrct tn the provisions of Article II, bo held by ILo UnitedSutes to be in all rexpecls and for all purposes British sub-jects, and shall be treated as snch by the United States.

    Aatlctx IL Socb IfHtlfb subject aa atoreeaid wboharoteconve a&d are uaturalized as citizens within the UnitedSUtes. shall be at libertr to renounce their naturalizationand to tbeir nritOh rsatioaaifty, lovred tbat snchrenunciation be publicly declared within two years after thetwelfth day of Mar, 1S70.

    Snch citizens of the United States as aforesaid who harebecome and are carnalized within tbe dominions of Her Brit-annic Msjosty as British suljects, sball be at liberty to re-nounce their natoralizatioo. And to resume tbeir nationalityas citizens cf tbe United Stater, provided tbat such rennnci-atlu- a

    be pnbltcly declared a ilbia two years after the exchangocf the ratiocatios of Ike present ConTentiwu.

    The manuLr in which this renunciatkHi may be made andpsrbllciy declared, sball be agreed upon by the Governmentcf the respective countries.

    Afcxicia HI. If any such British subject aa aforevald, natu-ralized In the United States, showed reoewmsrMsaetsee withinthe dotofnioas cf Her Britannic Majesty, llrr Majesty's Gov-ernment may, ou bis own application, aod oo snch condllioaas that Gorernmeat may think fit to impure, readmit blm tothe character aad prilileirei cf a British subject, and thoUnited States shall not, In tbat ease, claim him a citizen oftbe Uaited slatesexi acconnt cf bta former naturalization.

    In ihe same manner. If any such citizen cf tbe CnitedSute aforesaid, uarnralized within tbe dotnioions of HerBritannic Majesty, should renew his residence m the ColledStates, the United State.' Government may. on his own

    and on eoeh conditions aa tbat Government maythink fit t impose, readmit bam to the character and prtvi-Iz- e

    cf a citizen of ibe United Statro. aud Great Britain shallnot, in that cae, claim htm as a British subject on acovuutoftie former naturaiizstioo.

    Aancxx IV. The present Convention shall be ratified byner Britaaate Majesty and by tbe President of tbe UnitedStates, by aad wilb tbe adrtre and oonnt of tbe SenatetherecC aod the ralracaliotu shall be rich tared at Loutonassoon as mar bo vritbin twelve mouths from tbe date hereof.

    In witftc whereof Ihe respective MeBiiiotentlarief haveeiancd the same, aad have affiled tbereto their respectiveseals.

    Done at London, tbe thirteenth day of May, lu tbe year ofOur Lord one tlzottsand ofgbt bothered aad seventy.


    Iarxotctz Z Order in Council.At Ibe Court at Windsor, the Kth day of Aurust, 1574.

    Preeent, tbe Queen's Most Excellent Majesty lo Council.WllzatAs by -- The NtcraHitkn Act. 1570," It la enacted

    that, where Iter Majesty baa entered iato a ConreftlkKi withany Foreign Sute, to the effect that tbe subjects or citizens

    that Stale who bave beeB naturalized a British subject,raay divest themselves of tbeir itatas as swell leljeeli, itsball be Uwfot tor Iter Slajesty. by Order Io Council; to de-clare that such Convention has been entered Into by HerMajesty; and from aod after tbe data of each Order la Coun-cil, any person being originally a subject or citizen tf theStale referred to fo such Order, who bas been natnralized aa

    British subject, may, within aucb umu of time as may boprovided in the Ccnreatlon, male a declaration cf aHeasge;aod from and after the date of bta so making sexb declaration,such eaon shall to regarded as an alien, aad a labfeet&f theState lo which he orfgiaally blgc4 aa aforesaid. Andwheres. on or about Ibe thirteenth day of May last pest, aCeovenliot. between Her Majesty aod tbe President of theUnited SUtes ct America waa duly signed at ImUm. the

    whereof w;e duly exchanged at fatsdon tbe tenthday of A uguet isstaat. wttcreby tbe sol Jects or estixese cf tbeCnited rule cf America wbo have been nilurltized aa Brit-ish sabjertl are at liberty to renotse their UUortlfzalltn,and direst themselves of their state, as each British subjects,prrrrMed that Serb lenaaciation be peMieiy deelarel withintwo years after lb exchange of tbe ratlScatioa of tbe saidConvention- - 'Son', tiacrvfjre. Her Majesty, by aad with tbeadvice of Her Privy Council, doth hereby dedare that HerMajesty bat entered Into a Contest ioa with the said UnitedStalea of America, to the effect that the oubjects or citizens

    those SUtee wbo have been oatarallzed aa Britiah subjectsmay divest tleeeueivea cf their status aa such subject.

    IiaMrzz A. Action 3 a 33 net tap. H.S. trbero Her Msjesry has entered i&to a Coo test Ion with

    any furetga Stale to tbe eSect thai the fuHecta or otlzena cfthat cute who have been uaXaraiize-- 1 as British sotjects maythvest thenueives ef their statu as nsch exljects. It shall belawfal for Her Majesty, by Order ef CoutcfL to declare thatsadi Cooveation baa been entered into by Her Majesty; andfrom aod after the date cf torfi Order to Cvuacil, any peraoabetnz ovirraaUj a .object or cHlzes cf the Sute retcrred to

    such Order, who baa been ztalurirized a a British ntject,may, within such Ifmil of line as my bo provided is thCooTeatioct. make a declazatiaa cf aBeaage, and from aadafter lb date cf bis so taaklag such declaration aucb personshall be regarded as an sjlrs, aad as the subject of tho u to

    which be snigiaaHr betouged as aromaid.A declaration of alienage ioey be made aa Mlosrs : that isnr. If tie declarant be in the United Klcrrom, in the

    zreveuee of aay Jcstlc of the Peace; if eieewhrnl tn HerMsjeaty'a docarnstmr. fo the pretence of any Jade of anyCuct cf civil or eiiaifaal jmtaoxtiosi, of any Justice .,f :uePeace, or cf aay ether Oficer br the tine bezug authorizedbylaw in tbe Ure fa which tba deriaraztt Is to adaiiahter

    oath far aay JodJcfa! or other legal pzirpote. If oat cfII trMjcstyi dccciltoif, fa tba presence cf any oarer ta the

    or Cocsslar scrrics cf Hir Mtjesty.

    i3k iill 'iki sSr,



    OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING. MERCHANT ST.,Jsrxx ortor axx3. Uoalor in


    Pordiblc Wrhing Desks. Commcrciui & Law Blanks,


    And every Article of utility anil fnncy connected with tho lino, adapted to tboCounting' House ami Office, and for Artists, Teachers, Professional Gentle-

    men, Travelers, etc., on as reasonable terms as coil Ito badhero or in San Francisco, among which are the

    following Staple Articles:tvniTiso f?rPEns.

    English and French Letter Papers, satin surfae andextra, nno, plain ana gut euges

    no. ilillet ami Note. do. do. do.Do. Letter and Note linvelopol. tn match the aboveMourning Noto Paper and l.nvelopcs an aisort-men- t

    eonstaotlr un bandAmerican papers, from the leit makers, of almoit

    every descriptionEnamelled surface ami pearl surfaca CardsEmbossed nnd friendship Cords'Perforated Hoards, for Cbtnello workTissue and d Papers,Morocco and Euiboneil Paper,Gold and SilverPlaid and Crayon, "Bronze "Papeleri Boxes of various patternsBest London Quills aad Quilt PensSteel Pent, from the belt makersEnglish Bed and eulorcd Wafers

    Notarial "" "Transparent

    Initial, Cameo and Motto "English Scaling Wax, red and fancyKidder's A Parson's Indelible InkBlue, black and red Writing InlcHafr. Cloth. Tooth, Nail and Shaving BrnihesThermometers. Tooth-pick-Maps of Hawaiian Islands.Portable Writing Desks, from 12 to II Inches.

    Mahogany and Rosewood, adapted fsr ladles'and gentlemen's use

    Brsss-boun- d and mounted Desks, made very strong,particularly adapte--i for seafarine gentlemen andfor traveling purposes : some with the DressingCase combined, comprising ihe most completeand extensive assortment to be had In tho city

    Constantly on hind. School Booki or all kinda Ingeneral use

    Family and Pocket Bibles. TestamcntJ, etc.Standard English and American BooksPaper-cov- BooksSeng and Music Books " ,Juvenile and Toy Books of every description ,English Drawing Paper, all sizes, from demy to

    double elephantBristol BoirJvof every size and thicknessTracing Papers and Tracing CambriaNewman's Water Colors, in boxesBest Sable and Camel's Hair BrushesPabcr's superior Drawing reucilsColored PencilsCreta lcris do.Mathematical, or Drawing Instruments, in cases,

    from SI to $10 esehTapo Measures. Pocket do.Chess Men, Wood and IvoryBackgammon and Chess BoardsIntellectual Card OamesDominoes of various patternsGold and Silver Pencil CasesOold Pens, with OoM Cases ,

    ' " with Silver Cares and diamond points.from SI SO to $3 50 each

    Rogers' ee'ebrjted fine Silver Sleel Penknives, 1 to4 blades, of pearl, shell, ivory, buek and. buiTalnhandles, of rich and beautiful patterns, importedexpressly to order

    Ivory Tablets. Paper Cuttersreto.Porcelain Slates and Drawlng&latesAlphabet BIccksPhotograph AlbumsMusical do. do.Elantlo Bands and Kings

    N.B.-A- 11 New. Articles of FANCY STATI0NEEY received theearliest arrivals from London York,

    ACCOUNT BOOKS, for Banks, InsurancvCrGmpnies, Railroadto with despatch. PRHVTI1N Bill-hand- Cfretolars,

    Cards, executed at Lowest Rates.


    SSr" Country Merchant and Dealers ttiBHonolulu, 1st, 1871.


    COURT OF TIIK IIA1VAIIANSUPIIKJIE Oahu, ss. October Term, A. D. 1571. AllUN, Libeitact fir Dlrorce. vs. DOlrATlIKA M. ACHIL

    lu tbo above eotltled for IHvorce, it Is Dow ordered,that a decree of dlvwree front the bond of matrimony be en-tered In favor of the said Ah Uo, of Ibe cause of adultery cfthe said D. M. Achfi, to be made absolute after the expttatloaof six mouths from the date of this decree uponwith the terms thereof, sufficient cause shall apcear totha cootrary.

    And tbe Libellant Is ordered to pnblisb an attested copy oftbis Order fa the Government Gizmt and Kc AeOxoi, forsix sneressfre weeks; the first publication be within onmonth from lb dato of tbis order; that all persons interestedmay, within six mouths, show cause wby said decree shouldnot beabsidute. ,

    By the Court- - Witrxa R. Szal, Clerk.I hereby certify the I wegoiog to be a true and correct copy

    of the original Order fa tb above entitled cause, now on thafifes cf tbis Court.

    Witne my hand and Ihe Seal ef the Supremo Court,IL.S.J tots .110 Gay 01 uctober, A. 1. ISII.41 et Warns R. Slit, Clerk.

    SUPIIE3IC COCItT In Admiralty. ICeatreSchooner Keen! Ana.IVberfia a Libel or bta tieeu filed tn th Su

    preme Court, silling a Coarl cf Admiralty, by Eeaw andKabnl PlalatlSs acaiast tbe Hawaiian Schoooer er vessel called the Keoni Ana, her tackle, apparel and furniture, andalaoagainst all pent,as lawfally toe their saM interesuin the said schooner or vesL All cerftons having any righttitle or Interest In tbe said schooner her apparel orfsrniture are hereby notified te be and appear to answer thesaid libel before tbe Hon. luha II. Allen. Chief Justice ofthe Supreme Court, sitting as a Court of at hichambers In tbe Court riouse lu Honolulu, on WEDNESDAY,the 2MB day of December, A. D. 1S7I, at 10 A. a. andloere to answer aaau lioel ana soew eanse 11 any toey aare,why tbe prayer cf the said libel should not be granted.

    tr. C. PABKE, Martha!.Ilesraorn, ovcmber 27, 1 71. 4S-- U

    CyVTraJD.Orncn LvsuKAjice CoxrAari'l

    San Frauciseo, Oct. 21, 1S7I. jTa tie Patron of tie Pacific fnnrmet Competoy:

    Onr Iocs at the late great Chicngo Are,were at first reported and believed by as to be withinSI.MO.OOO, upon whkh was based the action referredto in our circular of tbe 11th In it.

    Later information placed our losses at such aa ex-aggerated figure tbat it was deemed prudent andhonest to discontinue tbe Liinaneo of policies for afew days, awaiting more definite aadeoniiiteot atata-dent- s,

    which hare lioee been received. Tbe latestinformation proves more encouraging, and was thesubject of consideration at a fall meeting of theBoard of Directors, and many other prominent Stock-holders, heldyeiterday. Their deliberations rem I tedin an alleliment upon the stock ef $710,000, payableimmediately, which enables the Company, pursuantto tbe unanimous decision of the Board of Directors,to continue its regular business.

    Tours respectfully, A.J. It ALSTON,ai-t- f

    Having decided oa remainingIn this city, the undersigned ocers

    his ierrices to tho residents of Honolulu ai a Teacherof inelpding thorough Bass ; also of German,French and Spanith. Engagements made fur

    Parties, Ac, on reasonable terms. Pianostuned and repaired.

    order left at Thos. 0. Thrum1- - bookstore wHlbe promptly attended to.

    Professor W. MULLBP.,Late of San Franeieo. California.

    Piano for Sale !

    RECEIVED Pern.C. Wrliefrom Bremen,One Superior Cottage Piano, 7 octaves , of W. Sas--lennon-- s manufacture. Per particulars anolr to

    lUn F. SCIIAEFEB t CO.

    Cash and Deed BoxesCheck Cutlers and CaneoHerCroquet SetaSchool SatchelsInkstands, In great TirUtyPen Wipers and ftaeltsRulers, Slates and PencilsAll kinds of tin gsndtlltsek Walnnt Book HacksChildren's Sell TcnpfBS

    Drawing CardsCopying Presses, OH Sheets aad BrushesCrayons, white and eroreIDeek Folios, Pads and Weights. .Ivory DiceDrawing Books, Drafts and Nalee.2W.W0 Envelopes--f aH Mies af varietyEyelets and Kvelet MaeaMaejHerbariums and Scrap BooksInitial Paper and Rnvelefes

    r.KATMER 170005..A largo and more csmptate aerltnt Saras can

    bo found at aay etherestalsHsbtsecl, sieS Vrpftu Wrlttog Desks

    Rall-n- p Writing CaseCard and Minlalur CasesPorlfottos, Kith aad without ksefrom SI K $0

    eachtMemerandum Books, Peslag Slampss Altums

    Ivory and Porcelain TaMelaBankers' Coses, Tourists oaioBill or Money IlooksNot and BUI BooksPertmonales. Autograph Books.Poekot Books and Wallet

    BLANK HOOKS. .A very fall and ointment oCnfottnr

    quality, comprWDg every Tarfciy f rra and stale.

    byand New

    CtapaBte!, ate.,made order TG of

    ' etc., the

    1EYV 31V














    adaptca ta alt kinds e' tvastaess, aaaaty.LedgersJournalDay BooksCash "SalesWaste "Invelea BooksNoteNote and BUI BooksLetter Books, eta., etc.

    AUo. stsali Aoeeo'nt Books for arlrile trt iferarandom Books, with piper ad learherpocket-boo-k form , eta. eto. -

    Writing Books, of alt tho various reJto-gT,- . sVgand broad, quart AnaQuarto Aeeoaot BooksBlank Drawing "Serai and Itetbarhra BookAlbums, variety of ejleanat styleHue Keeord Book,, fcrSooleriej, Chit,

    Wab BookBathelor's "Workmen's Time BoastsFamily Ripens. Bca.berBt; shorts at! jr rattle,!

    of keeping aa ecarlrea4ualraavar el rosesMANIFOLD LBTTBR WRIrBK Hr laHssg

    duplloate and triJeale aalyloj of nnaajrtaifm(, fttho most eseotire mode new a u. aaal Mtajslv'reeomrModod by nercimBt aod yaroflslloaal reattfa-m- cn

    who hare made ate of it.

    find il for their interest to ensY ami atgmfas.- ISOa

    FiTrolissinge. dbc--TIIi: UNDKUSIGMID, from uni afterdate, will iesao BUIs of Ez ehanga auJXa Uten of Credit onSAN FRANCISCO. NKW YORK.

    LONDON, HAMBURG and BaBMEN,ia sums ts sett It lowest rates.

    Best CommereiAl Paper dieanted,aad Matesi oa Moitgaga oa tho inoot bvarahto ?erss.

    Cash advances made on oossigameaU at IstandlyrtKiuee at tn rata I y eenU Istorost ser at

    II. IIACeTPRLfl AIlsnolola. Nor. t. U7l ta-t- f

    Dissolution of Copartnership,COPARTNERSHIP bereloforeerx-Istio- c

    between the under tgneet Is tho BUri.smithing basiaeo. under Ihe arm aad latM of M.Lewis A Co.. It IhU day dislvtt y SHlaaiesettt.Tho llaWHtie of th Srm wfH be paid by erlhrr Of theundersigned, and ail peraons ar retsurittd taiiorrlethoir accounts promptly.

    M. LEWIS,wm. b. wRion-r- .

    Ilouoluln, 2for. 29, 1S7I. (i-I-

    Copartnership Notice.THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS dara eavparlniribip a deusral Btaetsalthtand Hon S boors, nnder tbe aataa aad Srm of Watrhtand Wilson, at th eld stand of M. Lewi aad tV aKir.E Street, and reapeetfolly sefieit a share of Itpublic patronage.

    WM. B. WRItTKT.CIIAS. 3. WIL9f.lTonolulg. Nov. 2. 18TI. m

    Dissolution of Copartnership.

    THE COPARTNERSHIP heretoforebetween Chan Pink aad Alee, of the areaof Ale and Co., Is tbti day dkivffJ ay rauraal esfa,sent-- All persons having zrwustj wrth the rate zWzaare requested ta settle tha sam with erthar r 12partners of Cba Laa aad Co.

    ALBK,ciiA.v roor.

    nonolula, Ner. IS, 1871. li-lr-a

    Dissolution of Copartnership.fltllE C0PAB.TNEB3IHP heretotor ezirrisg boJL tweea Cba Laa and Wong KwaU of two trsk fCba Lan and B rather, h this day dtstolred by watualconsent, AH persons hivin
