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Itfi^l® p^ CLOTHING...We can give you a No. l White Iron Bed-good woven wire springs anS good...

Date post: 04-Aug-2020
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8_ , The Plymouth Clothing House. ' \\- ..,":'•[ " .. .i- : -.~ •" Correct Fashionable "Dress Effl TOll B^TF^SBnSr fiWL JII j; ee ShoU> Wmdotvs . roffi tieaa to root. WKm. GH a n nftH n mSm uHvl B W SfIMM . ' '^•_ i"-i' i'»r- »» . from Head to root. B 1?H m'mmM Hill nßiJfriHilflLTiiMjiffl.llJm 1 Corner ***"* and JVtcollet. •^J\,*}'tV*" *??V."*?| The newest of the new and the best of the best. The M Newkote," Improved "Raglan," "Kitch- gsgHoßMSß ener" "Wilton," and "Chesterfield", Spring Overcoats, $8 to $20. I^^^^^^Y W^^mS-I Now ' you Particular' exacting men, who want the best and know it when you see it, come in.' Itfi^l® The new Spring Overcoat is such a showy, stylish, stunning garment that it will be worn late in the isisw^^^^^ffl season- %it is a 6 that is g°ing to be a stayer It gives to every man style. 1% p^ Spring CLOTHING I '- Carried from Last Season, ©Lt a . 1 Wmw \ Wholesale Sacrifice. § / , - -'^l This sale is in every respect the most complete sacrifice of values we have ever 1 / n£rH(d "held. The styles are corrector this season and the patterns particularly good. : They I / I ill were late in delivery, otherwise they would not have been carried over. > ; L^.v,^ *^& «fflJ§fek^J If you're a practical economical chap, you won't care if a Suit or Top-coat is last " V""~ \u25a0—" nmmm f season's, if it fits well, is of proper style and fine quality— and you save $5 to $10. $i4and $16 Suits *<>rs(>.so $18 to $22 Suits for $10. Fine lightweight Men's Suits carried over from last year (you would Our very Finest Lightweight Suits for Gentlemen carried over from never know it if we did not tell you, the styles are so good), must be last year. They are on large tables near the laundry counter in the quickly disposed of at a great loss. They sold for $10, $12, $14, and rear of first; floor. - , ; '.' l . ..." some for $16 a Suit. They are marked now at $6.50 for the whole Quiet, neat effects- Cassimeres, Scotches—Fancy Worsteds in suit and placed on separate tables on main floor, next the laundry small checks and —refined styles, elegant fitting, and unmatch- counter. $3 and $4 Pants from Suits are offered at $2. able values for the low price of only $10 a Suit. We have added several Winter Suits to the lot and you may take All sizes—and all tailored equal to custom work, your choice at $6.50. There is a fine variety of fabrics and colors, Our new Spring Suits are crowding our tables and more new ones comprising all sizes, 34 to regulars, slims and stouts. coming every day—hence the sacrifice of i the Suits carried over. [Boys' CLOTHING.'I [Spring HATS.' | Spring clothing. The new lightweight stylish suits and jaunty, The ew shape Soft Hat for Spring, 1901, has a low crown with a durable top coats. Many tasteful new styles—nothing loud or freak- °c Dnm- \u25a0"-,/\u25a0 ' ' \u25a0-, ish or unworthy. We are showing 27 different shapes and shades, in Knox, Stetson and Our Own ~, / \u0084,•-•, , _.., , o . o . . , makes ' The leading colors, pearl, granite and ironstone. Prices, $1.50 to 85. Clearance sale .of Boys and Children s Spring Suits carried over -.:\u25a0'-\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..- .\u25a0;••;• from last season; just as stylish as this season's goods. We have only I ___ 9 —\u25a0^\u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0mi n. w ., small lots of the different kinds, and wish to close them out in short order. | W OITIGII S COSTUMES. i At $2.9s—Here you are—Suits up to $8.00, in Vestees, Sailor, Norfolk and plain *""" - i \u25a0 hi.ii mi inn,' 1,1 *i* double breasted styles, in blues, blacks and fancy mixtures. Sizes 3to 15 years. TV,:*, ,„«..,* r«: ~C J ' n \u25a0 *.• r i - j '~, r ,'4^ 'fr" /. At 35.95-YouL'and Boys' Long Pant Suits, sizes 14 to 19 years; $£$10 . Th* WOrd 1S °f a Collection of Very handsome Cloth CoSUmeS, for and $12 Suits for $5.95. Medium and lightweight carried over from last sea- immediate wear, and tor street wear without a wrap, when the weather son, but the same as this season's styles. To close out the small lot at once, we are is pleasant. The materials are refined, made in various styles and not taking the cost in consideration, therefore you take your pick, $5.95. effectively trimmed ;; ; ;' ' ' 50—Boys' and Children's Spring Top Coats, sizes Bto 17 years; $5, $6and c- , o.' ;:;:; "- . . $8 values for $3.50. For the early buyer this is a snap; such values for so little suits ol new bpnng Cheviots, Homespuns, Broadcloths and Venetian Cloths- money. There are about 50 Overcoats in this lot. They won't last long. Special Eton styles—some with postillion back. Also the "Princess: "ivPrices range from for tomorrow, 53.50. . $12 to J*6o. :-:u?^';- : Boys' 50c All-Silk Neckwear, new Boys' star "Waist and Blouse, new General round-up of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Jackets. Prices Spring styles, 25c. . Spring styles, 50c up to $2.00. that will make quick selling. If interested, better come \u25a0 early, as at Boys' $1 Madras Negligee Shirts, pair Boys' 25c Hose, fast black, for Sat- these prices they will not last long •- V . . : v . detached cuffs, 75c. day, 15c. *..*»— tj -,t, '/\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 M ri ' ' ;'V •-\u25a0-.• At $5 £S; t « At $ c •"-^--J £*M , . mm^mmm\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—__.*\u25a0 \u25a0 -: \u25a0\u25a0 , double breasted effects, satin ''v *"* many, but what there is we ?M^r.'« *^% f\f «• *^jt^ay* <n-<i «3T^ lined, come m Cheviots, Worsteds, Chin- put in at one common price; none reserved. ;! Doil^r Gloves \ \"Z' SCARFS j Sg^aV^r Hare \u25a0*' at $12- gTCSSiTiI^S' and $12- Ages The glove question we have studied Scotch clan plaid. Imperials and V "W. J «--% A »T^smr y -_ _>_ I hard, and we believe we have got the Butterfly ties; all of excellent quality | JL/ELCXIGS 15 J\ 1% fi_^ ¥ HC f 1* I best one dollar glove in the market f, ilk-™c s^ y!e «™* IS novel and I >V%A^° ** **X* W A K*\Js3ML,. >,; . . \u25a0*\u25a0•,\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0-. -... , beautiful. On sale to-morrow at fifty SAw m^miul-ii-^_^^_^^^__L- m * to-day. We guarantee them not only cents each. A.: -—'" —-"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—i^mmm^^^m—^* i> not to rip when trying on, but we Fancy Derby 4-in-hands— nar- ".t Cr* A special lot of new spring styles. They come to us as manufacrur- are glad to give you another pair if row ones-SdL from one dollar sUks, 2JC !^ s™?%™* :c^ f Fancy Strip*, Van Dykes, Black Boot you think they do not wear as well in various desirable patterns.•* They lf -. \u25a0 . , .ana f^y lOP 5 exacted, printed and fancy embroidered patterns;.: as they should. ' are last year's patterns but this year's altogether a very choice selection of 50c hose. We advise an early call, as we have put Not many retailers care to pay the styles, or you would have to pay $1 and toe P nce tor a <luick sale at 25c a pair, ' , '"' '' " ' price we do for a glove to sell at $1.00. for some $1.50. To-morrow at 50c. Laddies' Departments, Second Floor. '"' V-i : -'. ''''\u25a0\u25a0 ' OIJ £*% IJ^ O that Will please yo\ir feet and make ' , JL A\Jp MLd>b3 yo\ir pocketbook little lighter. " - . .. -. \u25a0 t It's a Shoe buying time sure Seeour Shoes for "Little Ladies" just Misses* and Chil- Bovs'Shn P Q~ enough. Thousands Of people begm^g to wear women sizes made by dr«o v%t Boys Shoes- have run down their Winter Shoes 0n1y...'.r.!......... *3- 50 arei\ S Of\OeS— . Little Men's Lace Sh.oes,: all QO and are looking for new SPRING ; Women , s Stmo ™^ fa r Infants' 31.00 Button Shoes, s<)c soUd, for only.-..•:...•.:.... ;-^OG moa^WOßngiqrnew brxXliNLr Women's Storm Rubbers for XC^ sizes 2to 6, Saturday......... DUG v\v , W \u0084"o\u0084 *" " STYLES' ' Friday, 0n1y..... .ODC .Child's Lace Shoes, sizes 6OC Sh^&A*? *%* H'^9 We are now prepared to supply to 8, patent leather tip, for— OJC your wants from a fine patent Men's Shoes— . ChUdren's new style Lace Shoes, $| Shoe^skeS^for^ 1 .; $1- 75 leather dreSS slipper to a heavy Men's "Hartford" Lace «1 Q'V ""^- ,t9o v f? r"^"""""" vJ>,;» ci. "'• < iiV " '^- 'i;£ Street Shoe, Shoes, new styles, special..... *1 - 95 .. . w^gTSLf!* 001. ShOeS ' laCed^|^ : . 2 ,l^^!.^^^ "--!./.;.*1-25 " tV ftm a «'c Ck««r Men's new Box Calf, wax calf or vici for I" Boys' "Rex Calf, heavy sole «-*% omen S noes kid, on the new Gotham last, - $ X Misses' heavy soles, kid tip, lace, don- ' and heavy upper lace Shoes, for ** Zt See our Women's Patent Leather Street for ....:........ *J j gola kid, any size, 11^ ; $1.50 v ft ti. ,«p 'm»t ' ' '*''" / Shoes, chrometannedcoltskin, $ X See our Men's "America" line, includ- t0 "'"" ' " ''"'* i school tar, I^2 4^7 S "Plymouth Standard, "onlyf0r.... *" *J ing patent calf and all other CX qfl ov Chlldren s heavy sole, fine kid lace for '\u25a0 lOi1 ' vb|.7s See our "Nn-Idea" line Women's Lace leathers, for 0n1y..-...'.... JU Shoes, sues 8 % to 11, for $|.25 . '""" \u25a0••.*-.•-:. 3 Shoes, kid or patent leather, %*y SO M , \u0084\u0084 _, _\u0084 ' , 0I? lv •/••••••••••• ,1 Little Men's "Rex Calf," low heel for only I *£f DKJ Men Calf Shoes, stylish lasts, JM Child's sizes stoß, in same as Si Shoes > sizes to **%, $135 Women's New Spring Shoes, laced and W°n 7 ••••.. above, only for . 1" . / medium weight, for Si 98 r Men's Rubbers, new styles, AC Misses' good, clean, new Rub- X C Boys'new, good style Rub- , C f%" «*»-•--; ••••- * B f0r0n1y................... UJC bers, worth 50c, Friday only.. f ODC bers, Saturday, only ...... jUC WISCONSIN EAU CLAIRE—The republican city conven- tion nominated William Roe for mayor; Her- man Rodensleben, treasurer, and Arthur Sim- erson, clerk. LA CROSSE—At a general meeting of citi- *ens, the preliminary steps were taken to per- petuate the memory of the late- J. W. Losey. It is proposed to erect a large monument in Oak Grove cemetery, which Mr. Losey laid out and where his remains are now at rest. ALMA —The following city officers were nominated at the republican convention: Mayor, John Vollmer; clerk, Chris Fuetor; treasurer, John George Aver; assessor, J B. Ehing. WEST SUPERIOR—Schmidt Brothers have been given the contract for building the two- story block for Senator A. P. Lovejoy, of 25 Carloads of Furniture Bought for Gash s^wwwa We positively sell more furniture than all the rest oi the furniture dealers In the Northwest. WHY! SlmDlv l>e- cauee we buy ourfurniture In car loads and train loads; buy Itfor cash ana the cash is what brings us the facili- th tO»£? you prices. We can give you a No. l White Iron Bed-good woven wire springs anS good mattress - the entire combination, for which you would pay *7.f.<5 elsewhere, this we can rlr* you For «4.73 For«s 47 we can give tou a heavy white iron brasw trimmed bed, woven spring and wood soft top mattress, allgoo" qual- ity, for which you would pay any place else from ilO to 111. »5.47 buya this outfit, *nd for 86.03 we can Rive you an outtit tnat others will ask you ashiph as ilss.Wfor. We oin jri/e you for $2.87 * REED ROCKER that you would pay «5.00 for elsewhere- Don't take our word for it, or anything in the futniture line- oome and tee us. If prices are not right do not buy. Tou will buy ifyou come. Furniture Cataloyure free T. M. ROBERTS SUPPLY HOUSE, - MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. E MS^ KrHIM% M& $T j£&rtl& -^£jP\ \u25a0 ''" ' ' Ear JrH The beer that causes MB U^f^m/m jf biliousness Is "green beer" —insufficiently aged. It Oa £$!&r is hurried from the brew- Bra J^^fab MP J^ f ry to tne market before pl^ jjr m WjU^jg it is half fermented. Drink \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 IB^^lfF it and it ferments in your |||i stomach, and the result is nl jo*£2s(kL ff_ biliousness and headache. W\% j£rJ&B&r r&i*^Bi*i*^43*^ Fermentation is expen- M P^l sive. It requires immense W$3K \u25a0fj^l refrigerating rooms (ours HH Byfi hold 265,000 barrels) and an even temperature of 34 MM degrees. Fermentation is a process of months. \jQ jppl No green beer ever leaves the j^k Sfek Wrm Schlitz brewery. If you wish to T W&&3KL ffl| be certain of an aged beer, get &jSlh BPI PC/! Milwaukee famous. * %fi)^2iaHF V 5 'Phone Main 707, Schlitz, W^^P k£JJ 1209-11 Fourth St., Minneapolis. W^^ Janesville.—The delinquent roll of taxes will be about $95,000. This is about $10,000 more than the roll of last year.—The republican campaign committee has opened headauar- ters. MINNESOTA GRAND MEADOW—Mrs. K. Iverson died of consumption after an illness of nearly ten years. JORDAN—Two hundred votes were cast at the caucus last night, which nominated Henry Nicolin for mayor. STILLWATER—WiIIard H. Getts, who had been ill' with paralysis for several years, died yesterday. He was 43 years of age. SAUK CENTER—The republican caucus placed in nomination W. D. Townsend for mayor and Cashius M. Sprague for treasurer. Little opposition to this ticket is expected. HASTINGS—W. C. Jennings, of Rock Island, 111., and Miss Ella Reems, of this city, were married last evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. John O'Boyle. EAST GRAND FORKS—J. J. Gunn, who was arrested charged with the larceny of a buffalo overcoat, has been sentenced for thirty days and has been removed to Crooks- ton. ELBA—The following ia the result of the village meeting: E. Churchill, president; C. Erpelding, H. M. Bailey and C. Loppnow, trustees; J. R. Steffen, recorder; John Maner, treasurer; A. H. Roberts, Justice of the peace. ROCHESTER—In district court, James Mul- ligan pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the second degree and was sentenced to ninety days.—Mary Wicks was granted a divorce from Sanford Wicks on the grounds of de- sertion. FARIBAULT—The funeral of Matthias Zin- nen was held yesterday from St. Lawrence church. He was committed to the insane asylum, at Rochester, three weeks ago.—Mrs. Anna Kavanaugh, aged 70, died at her home north of this city. DULUTH—The White Line will have three boats, the Bon Ami, Bradshaw and Bon Voy- age, plying western Lake Superior this year. The first will make triweekly trips to Port Arthur, via Isle Royale and Houghton, and the second will make Port Arthur also, from Duluth, but on a different schedule, while the third will run regularly from Duluth to the copper country. Beats beer for woman or child—non- intoxicating Health Table Malt. Laurit- zen's. Century building. Aik for Free Sample Box. Satin-Skin Cream at stores, or write Albert F. Wood, perfumer. Detroit. Mien. SOUTH DAKOTA THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. IOWA SIBLEY—HoteI Maine is quarantined on ac- count of a case of smallpox. BLOOMFIELD—A. A. Roland, a man of S9 years, has sued for a divorce on the grounds of cruelty. TRACY—Fire destroyed the Odd Fellows 1 hall and the general store of W. A. Killman & Sons. The loss is \u25a0estimated at JIO.uOO. DES MOINES—The lowa Butter and Egg Dealers-Association passed a resolution ask- ing the Chicago produce board to stop dealing in futures. CRESTON—John Carrigan has been taken to the asylum. He ts violently insane over politics, and imagines, that W. J. Bryan is president and that he occupies th& chair of vice-president. SIOUX CITY—The name of another prom- inent Catholic /slergyman is being mentioned in connection with the bishopric of the new see for northwestern lowa. He is the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Thomas J. Gonaty. of Washington rector of the Catholic university. SHELDON—In district court, the hotly con- tested case of Royce against Royee, wherein Frank Royee. son of E. N. Royce, sought to have a guardian appointed for the old gen- tleman, the jury has decided for the plaintiff, and the temporary guardianship of Hemen- way, of Cedar Falls, waa made permanent. HURLEY—The members of the Masonic lodge have purchased the necessary ground and will erect a building to be used for lodge purposes. ABERDEEN—The city council passed a res- olution accepting the offer of Andrew Carne- gie to donate $15,000 for a public Hbrary, pro- vided the city would expend $1,500 per annum for its maintenance. HURON—Mrs. Elvira D. Barclay, wife of the late Lucian T. Barclay, died yesterday. She was born in Akron, Ohio, in IB3T, and was the daughter of Win. T. Mather, an early resident of Chicago. RAPID CITY—It is said Eugene Holcomb, one of the largest cattle owners tn this part ot the range, will thia season move his cattle into Montana, and that he will stock his Black Hiile range with about 6,000 head of sheep of the very beat breed*. Normannaheimen NORWAY STIRRED UP Preacher Makes Sensational Charges Against Persons of Rank. PRESS TAKES UP THE CRUSADE Immorality In Hl»h I-Ife I,ead« to Definite < Imiu'-s— Modern Nov- el In Part Im Blamed. Norway is eagerly discussing the re- markable attack made by Rev. Thorvald Klevenes against the upper classes for the evident increase in immorality. His brethren of the cloth have not been blind but their attacks have been in general terms whereas Mr. Klevenes made his at- tack sensational by naming certain per- sons whose conduct he found open to criticism. Especially did he call attention to the reputed relations between the Da- nish author Holger Drachmanu and Bokken Lassen the singer. As the latter's sis- ters are the wives of some of the highest personages in Norway and her family is a prominent one, the charges aroused as excitement as if a bombshell had been un- expectedly exploded in Christiania. Complaints were at once lodged with the bishop and the latter has demanded an ex- planation which he promptly received. It's contents are not divulged, however,. In general the press and the people ap- prove of the clergyman's course even if he has uncovered a scandal in high life and agree that his attack was timely and well directed. "Free love" as taught in some of the modern novels is held responsible for the loose conditions in certain quarters. A moral regeneration will doubtless follow the agitation in which the newspapers are taking a leading part. DRIMMEHS TAXED Sweden and Denmark: Collect Big Toll* From Them. Commercial travelers in Sweden and Denmark are forced to pay licenses, and in the latter country must be supplied with a sworn certificate from the "house." Consul General Guenther of Frankfort, in referring to fees for "drummers" reports as follows: The license fee for commercial travelers in Denmark is $42.88 for the first, firm and $21.44 for every additional one, good for one year. In Sweden, the regulations are less strict. The license fee, however, is higher—s26.9s for thirty days. There is no restriction as to the number of firms represented. Jn both countries import duties have to be paid on samples, but under established regulations these charges are remitted when the agent leaves the country. SVEXDSEX'S PICTURES Much Interest in His Coming Ex- hibition in Chicago. Svend Svensen, the artist, is preparing an exhibit of his own works at the Thur- ber gallery in Chicago, and will show about twenty of his recent paintings. Last year his works for the most part were enow scenes. These were likely to have rather startling effects of sunlight or of forge light, and so challenged attention. His talents were acknowledged generally, and things much better than he had done were expected. It is believed that his forthcoming exhibition will in good meas- ure justify these expectations. It will then be seen that he can paint other than snow subjects. These, in fact, it is his purpose mostly to eschew in the future. FEAR NO SPIES The Swedish Government Desire* No J.hwn Against Them. Both chambers of the Swedish riksdag have neglected the proposition for a spec- ial law against spies. , Minister Lager- heim, of the foreign department, in op- posing the measure announced that all the wild etories of Russian spies in the guise of saw filers had been.fully investigated and that the results were so ridiculously unimportant that he would not even re- fer to them. He remarked that for the present Sweden lived at peace with the whole world, and that it would be fortu- nate if existing conditions could be main- tained. Wherefor he asked that the pro- posed law and the one relating to the na- tional defenses be considered in a calm and sensible frame of mind. Some of the Stockholm papers intimate j that the minister's remarks may have | been prompted by diplomatic custom and ( international courtesy, and several his- ! torical precedents were cited to show that j similar utterances by a government did | not always mean much. I The horn spoon of our forefathers has not been wholly laid aside in Denmark for the modern metal substitute. Spoon making is , still quite an industry, especially in Nees parish, and, fortunately for the parish it is very profitable. Otherwise there would be much poverty, lor Nees is not the most pro- ductive district in Denmark. Whole fami- lies are engaged in the work during the long winter evenings, and, as there is a profit of over 100 per cent and the demand for horn spoons is greater than the supply, the peonle thrive. Haukness Domiciled in Chicago. | Lars Haukness, the Norwegian painter of i moonlights, who lately arrived in this coun- try, has settled himself in a studio in Chi- cago. Examples of his art may be seen I at Abbott's gallery. Mr. Maukness, in his student days, was encouraged and befriended ! Fritz Thaulow, the famous landscape artist. By the Great Horn Spoon. Bjornsou In Yogme. The experiment with a Bjoruson play at the Berliner theater, in Berlin, met with such hearty approval that Paul Lindau, the man- ager, has decided to produce two more, "Paul Lang and Tora Parsberg,"' and "Geography and Love." Bjornsou has revised both plays to some extent. Paul Lindau is arranging ail Austrian tour for the Berliner comnany, on which it will play nothing but Bjornson's plays. Vienna and Budapest will be in- cluded In the tour. From Far and Near. Miss Josephine Olsen, of Christiania, be- queathed 90,000 kroner to various charitable and religious purposes. The Norwegian Lutheran synod has decided to found an academy at Deerfleld. Wis. It will be known as the Preus Lutheran acad- emy. A big sangerfest will be held in Copen- hagen early in July. The famous conductor, Johan Svendsen, will be the chief musical director. The new historical museum in Christiania is estimated to cost close to a million kroner, or about 350,000 kroner more than the orig- inal estimate. The late A. Bonnier, of Stockholm, has given 150,000 kroner as a fund for the aid of Swedish authors. The fund will be managed by a committee of well known people. Johan Selmer has set to music a poem by Theodor Caspari, and it will be sung by a large chorus during the ceremonies In con- nection with the unveiling of theTordenskjold statue, in Christiania, on May 17. La grippe is disturbing everything in Stock- holm. At one time, nearly 50 per cent of the police force was unavailable on account of the sickness, and over seventy-five teach- ers were prevented from attending to their duties. Cities grow with American rapidity even in old Denmark. Thus Aarhus has gained 20,000 people since 1890. and has a population of over 52,000. Aalborg has 31,400, an in- crease of 61 per cent. Odense has 40,063, and many other cities show an Increase oi from 25 to 50 per cent. The number of barrooms in Norwegian cities is only 130, or one to every 4,fXK) in- habitants. The average consumption of al- coholic beverages is 1.8 litres in Finland, 2.2 in Norway and 4.3 in Sweden, as com- pared with 7.4 litres in Great Britain, 8.6 in German and 16 in France. Some reformers in Norway want the gov- ernment to abolish the sword in the army. It is, they claim, obsolete in warfare, and hence of still less utility in peace. The weapon is costly, and only loads the soldier with unnecessary weight. The government agreed to consider the matter. OARRETSON—CharIes Miller, a young farm hand, committed suicide last night. His body was found in an oat bin In the granary on the farm where he was employed.- Near by waa an empty bottle, which had contained carbolic acid. He formerly resided at Prim- gbar, low* ' From Minneapolis. President Hayme, of the United Norwegian Lutheran church, has issued a formal call "FACTORY GIRLS." The Graceful and Handsome Women who Work at the Loom. Any one who has lived in a factory town and has seen the tide of human life which floods the streets when the mills stop for the day, will have been struck by the number of graceful and handsome young girls among the throng. Light hearted, smiling, mirthful, it is hard to realize that they have just left a day's fatiguing work. But another sight at- tracts the onlooker. He sees groups of other women, thin of form, dull of eye, languid of movement, and he realizes that these were but a few years ago as bright and happy as their younger fel- low-workers. It is natural to ask the cause of such a physical change, which is not to be explained by the stress and strain of daily labor, because there are not a few who, in spite of years of steady work, retain the girlish attractiveness of face and figure. Perhaps the most im- portant cause of this change is to be found in the prevalence of ailments peculiarly femine, which drain the vi- tality and sap the strength. If the truth were known it would be found that these worn - out women had been working under physical conditions, which, if a man suffered them would be enough to send him to bed. With throbing head and aching back the wage earner plods on, feeling that she cannot afford either to rest or pay a physician's fees, and every day sees her grow more weary and more weak. THERE'S NO NEED TO STOP WORK or pay expensive fees in order to be cured of womanly diseases. Hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women have been made well and 9trong by the use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflamma- tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. HA few years ago I suffered severely with female weakness and had at times dreadful pains," writes Mrs. V. Brown, of Creswell, Harford Co., Maryland. "I went to my doctor, and he gave me medicine which did me good for a while, but I would get worse again. I had a 9ick headache nearly all the time ; was so weak around my waist could hardly bear anything to touch me. My feet would keep cold and I could hardly do my work. I would work a while and then lie down a while; was completely run down. Suffered from disagreeable drain and also severe pains at times. After using five bottles of Dr. Pierces for the twelfth annual conference, to be held at Bethiehem church, in this city, June 12-20, inclusive. Carl Bergvali, a merchant of Worcester, Mass., is visiting Minneapolis and vicinity this week. Harmonien Singing Society, of Hopkins, is arranging for another concert. It will take place on April 2u. A meeting was held last evening at Alex- ander's hall for the purpose of organizing a society to be known as Svea's Sons. The South Minneapolis Temperance Society holds its monthly social meeting at the Trin- ity church, to-morrow evening. Alf. Magnus, a resident of this city for several years, died at his home in Chicago last week. He was but 30 years of age. H*> had a fine tenor voice. The Daughters of Norway will celebrate their first anniversary with a fest at For- esters' hall, in North Minneapolis, to-mor- row evening. The lodge is *a vigorous one. The Minneapolis Military band, conducted by Oscar Ringwall, will give a concert at Swedish Brothers' hall, next Sunday evening. Ecpecially attractive features have been ar- ranged ' A lecture on "Bethlehem" will be given by Dr. 0. B. Mitchell, this evening, at the Swe- dish temple, Seventh street and Tenth avenue iS, for the benefit of the Crossley-Hunter mission. Apollo Singing Society has elected the fol- lowing officers: President., 0. Jorgensen; vice-president, C. Jespersen; secretary, Th. Hamanu; treasurer, A. Jensen: musical di- rector, Halward Askeland. The society will FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 22. 1901. Favorite Prescription, three of his 'Golden Medical Discovery' and one vial of Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellet*, and following the advice you gave regarding the ' Lo- tion Tablets,' I can truly say that I an cured. The doctor said it was uterine disease I had." The sick woman who begins the use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription begins the cure with the first dose she takes. Women who have suffered for long years and found no help from doc- tors or other medicines have found a perfect and lasting cure in the use of "Favorite Prescription." IT ALWAYS HEI»PS and almost always cures. This state- ment is based upon the fact that of the hundreds of thousands of women who have used "Favorite Prescription" ninety-eight per cent, have been per- fectly and permanently cured. Only two women in each hundred have failed of a complete cure, and even in these cases there has been marked relief and improve- ment; the headache is less frequent, the back- ache less severe, and household duties long laid aside are under- taken anew with com- fort and satisfaction. "I can truthfully say that Dr. Pierces Fa- vorite Prescription is a m wonderful medicine and deserves the praise given it," writes Mrs. Emma Spooner, of Lakeview, Montcalm Co., Mich., Box 288. M was sick four months and the medicine prescribed by the doctors did me no good. Finally I wrote to Dr. R. V. Pierce for his advice. He an- swered in a very kind letter, instructing me what to do. I followed his advice, and to-day am a well woman, thanks to Dr. Pierce." No woman should delay the use of * Favorite Prescription " if'she is suffer- ing from womanly disease. The longer womanly disease i's neglected the greater its effect on the general health, and the slower the cure. There is no object in experimenting with other medicines when the experience of thousands of women proves that "Favorite Prescrip- tion " is the surest and safest of put-up medicines for the cure of disease pecu- liarly womanly. THE PRIVILEGE OV SICK WOMEN. Sick and ailing women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is sacredly secret and the written confidences of women are guarded by the same strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce and his staff in personal consultations with women at the Invalids' Hotel and Surg- ical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. It is hardly possible to overestimate the value of this free consultation by letter with Dr. Pierce. In numerous cases such as Mrs. STpooner's, when local medical advice and treatment had failed to give relief, a letter to Dr. Pierce has been the means of restoring perfect health. Accept no substitute for \u25a0 Favorite Pre- scription." The substitute medicine is only the shadow instead of the sub- stance and is pressed on the customer because it pays the dealer a little more profit than is paid by a high-class standard preparation like " Favorite Pre- scription." Dr. Pierces great medical work, the Common Sense Medical Adviser, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. This work contains more than a thousand large pages of valuable medical information. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dc JL V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. FREE TO WOMEN. hold a concert at Danla hall, on April 10, its second this season. Apollo has been in existence about ten years and is a prosper- ous organization. Dr. Granrud. of the state university, will lecture on "Rome and Vicinity," before tha Historical Society of Augsburg seminary, next Wednesday evening. The lecture will ba illustrated by stereopticon views. A lodge of the Independent Order of Scan- dinavian 'Workmen, a benevolent insurance order, has been organized in East Grand Forks, with E. Arnesen as president. A large and prosperous lodge is expected in a very short, time. Germs of disease should be promptly expelled from the blood. This is a time when the system is especially susceptible to them. Get rid of all impurities in the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and thus fortify your whole body and prevent illness. The Game of Skat. An illustrated treatise on this popular German game has just been issued by the Passenger Department of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. The rules of the game revised to bring them up to date are given, and those interested in Skat will find it an instructive publication. A copy may be obtained by sending ten (10) cents in postage to F. A. Miller, Gen- eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. S. JACOBS & CO. 410 NioollGt. WdJQl*&m *W Nlcollot. Interest in our Removal Discount Sale increases with each succeeding week. People are quick to appreciate a true, genuine saving of dollars. WEDDING SILVER AND CUT GLASS. We handle the products of the best known manufacturers. Everything in Stock Is included in this sale. COME AND SEE THE CROWDS IF NOTHING WORE. AA PER CENT discount on AC PER CENT discount on on v loose and mounted diamonds. £m%39 sterling silver and ebony PER CENT discount on ~ " Toilet Sets. ~ ;,—:.;. ,i a 2,!. e8L and gents' solid gold PER CENT discount on and gold filled Watches. . :' 2lf Pearl Knives and Forks. ' AX PER CENT discount on mka% PFn OPMT : S(lftlin(; _. J^uD solid gold.Jewelry. ' Oil I PT R I CENT aiSCOUnt On 's'!f* \u25a0« «-.-.,_ 7 V <&tf. ladies' and gents' solid gold 51511 PER CENT discount on and gold filled Chains. , U3 Plated Jewelry. ;'.•.-•\u25a0\u25a0•*.' .•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -•• -\u25a0•\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0 ...—-K-.-Aji *s PER CENT discount on AB PER "CENT discount on V&^\v^^f^^^' Canes and umbrellas. \ A A PER CENT discount on IE PER CENT discount on £*\3 sterling silver hollowware. \u25a0IP Chafing Dishes and acces- AC PER CENT discount on sories- : j£U quadruple platedhollowware. AC PER CENT discount on A A PER CENT discount >on m*9 'Sash Buckles and Pins. . .; : triple plate flatware, j , : \u25a0. __ pER CENT discount on VJ X . PER CENT discount ;on ' £0 Metal and Leather Purses. . It* Egginton Cut Glass—finest _1 __, ___ ~_ M a- " * t - ' in the market. < A A PER; CENT discount on AA PER CENT discount on W Opera ? BSeS - : m*\W French and American clocks. - •AA \ PER I CENT j discount on AC PER CENT discount 'on •- Candelabra,:. : Candlesticks', §mW Bronzes and Marbles. ! and Shades. >;; - , C A PER CENT ; discount on •§ A PER CENT discount on stag «F IF Sterling Silver novelties. "v \u25a0:. I"and silver-handled carvers. All In a Nllt Shell A clever Sterling Silver Easter Novelty, Sterling ~—... .- .... .....Silver and " solid Gold Prayer Book Mark, and many novel and pretty things for Easter Souvenirs. .r' ; x v r K^ _.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;• "' ' '" ' •'" ':'";" •'- . , 410 NICOLLET AVENUE 4-10 11l
Page 1: Itfi^l® p^ CLOTHING...We can give you a No. l White Iron Bed-good woven wire springs anS good mattress the entire combination, for which you would pay *7.f.

8_, The Plymouth Clothing House. ' \\- ..,":'•[ " .. .i-:-.~ •"

Correct Fashionable "Dress EfflTOll B^TF^SBnSr fiWL JII j;ee ShoU> Wmdotvs .roffi tieaa to root. WKm. GH a n nftH n mSm uHvl B W SfIMM . ' '^•_ i"-i' i'»r- »» .from Head to root.

P» ™ B 1?H m'mmM Hill nßiJfriHilflLTiiMjiffl.llJm 1 Corner ***"*and JVtcollet.

•^J\,*}'tV*"*??V."*?| The newest of the new and the best of the best. The M Newkote," Improved "Raglan," "Kitch-gsgHoßMSß ener" "Wilton," and "Chesterfield", Spring Overcoats, $8 to $20.

I^^^^^^YW^^mS-I Now' you Particular' exacting men, who want the best and know it when you see it, come in.'

Itfi^l® The new Spring Overcoat is such a showy, stylish, stunning garment that it will be worn late in the

isisw^^^^^ffl season- %it is a 6 that is g°ing to be a stayer It gives to every man style.

1% p^ Spring CLOTHINGI '- Carried from Last Season, ©Lt a .1 Wmw \ Wholesale Sacrifice.§ / , - -'^l This sale is in every respect the most complete sacrifice of values we have ever1 / n£rH(d "held. The styles are corrector this season and the patterns particularly good. : TheyI / I ill were late in delivery, otherwise they would not have been carried over. > ;

L^.v,^*^&«fflJ§fek^J If you're a practical economical chap, you won't care if a Suit or Top-coat is last"

V""~ \u25a0—" nmmm f season's, if it fits well, is of proper style and fine quality— and you save $5 to $10.

$i4and $16 Suits *<>rs(>.so $18 to $22 Suits for $10.Fine lightweight Men's Suits carried over from last year (you would Our very Finest Lightweight Suits for Gentlemen carried over from

never know it if we did not tell you, the styles are so good), must be last year. They are on large tables near the laundry counter in thequickly disposed of at a great loss. They sold for $10, $12, $14, and rear of first; floor. - , ; '.' l . ..."some for $16 a Suit. They are marked now at $6.50 for the whole Quiet, neat effects- Cassimeres, Scotches—Fancy Worsteds insuit and placed on separate tables on main floor, next the laundry small checks and —refined styles, elegant fitting, and unmatch-counter. $3 and $4 Pants from Suits are offered at $2. able values for the low price of only $10 a Suit.

We have added several Winter Suits to the lot and you may take All sizes—and all tailored equal to custom work,your choice at $6.50. There is a fine variety of fabrics and colors, Our new Spring Suits are crowding our tables and more new onescomprising all sizes, 34 to regulars, slims and stouts. coming every day—hence the sacrifice ofi the Suits carried over.

[Boys' CLOTHING.'I [Spring HATS.' |Spring clothing. The new lightweight stylish suits and jaunty, The ew shape Soft Hat for Spring, 1901, has a low crown with a

durable top coats. Many tasteful new styles—nothing loud or freak- °c Dnm- \u25a0"-,/\u25a0 ' ' \u25a0-,

ish or unworthy. We are showing 27 different shapes and shades, in Knox, Stetson and Our Own~, / \u0084,•-•, • , _.., , o . o . . , makes ' The leading colors, pearl, granite and ironstone. Prices, $1.50 to 85.Clearance sale .of Boys and Children s Spring Suits carried over -.:\u25a0'-\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..- .\u25a0;••;•

from last season; just as stylish as this season's goods. We have only I___


—\u25a0^\u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0mi n. w .,small lots of the different kinds, and wish to close them out in short order. | WOITIGII S COSTUMES. i

At $2.9s—Here you are—Suits up to $8.00, in Vestees, Sailor, Norfolk and plain *""" - i \u25a0 hi.ii mi inn,' 1,1 *i*double breasted styles, in blues, blacks and fancy mixtures. Sizes 3to 15 years. TV,:*, ,„«..,* r«: ~C

J ' n \u25a0 *.• r i - j '~, r,'4^ 'fr" /.

At 35.95-YouL'and Boys' Long Pant Suits, sizes 14 to 19 years; $£$10 . Th* WOrd 1S °f a Collection of Very handsome Cloth CoSUmeS, forand $12 Suits for $5.95. Medium and lightweight carried over from last sea- immediate wear, and tor street wear without a wrap, when the weatherson, but the same as this season's styles. To close out the small lot at once, we are is pleasant. The materials are refined, made in various styles andnot taking the cost in consideration, therefore you take your pick, $5.95. effectively trimmed ;; ; ;' ' '

50—Boys' and Children's Spring Top Coats, sizes Bto 17 years; $5, $6and c- , o.' ;:;:; "- . .$8 values for $3.50. For the early buyer this is a snap; such values forso little suits ol new bpnng Cheviots, Homespuns, Broadcloths and Venetian Cloths-money. There are about 50 Overcoats in this lot. They won't last long. Special Eton styles—some with postillion back. Also the "Princess: "ivPrices range fromfortomorrow, 53.50. . $12 to J*6o. :-:u?^';- :

Boys' 50c All-Silk Neckwear, new Boys' star "Waist and Blouse, new General round-up of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Jackets. PricesSpring styles, 25c. . Spring styles, 50c up to $2.00. that will make quick selling. If interested, better come \u25a0 early, as at

Boys' $1 Madras Negligee Shirts, pair Boys' 25c Hose, fast black, for Sat- these prices they will not last long •- V . . :v .• detached cuffs, 75c. day, 15c. *..*»— tj-,t, '/\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0

M ri ' ' ;'V•-\u25a0-.•At $5 £S; t« At $c •"-^--J £*M, . mm^mmm\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—__.*\u25a0\u25a0 -: \u25a0\u25a0 , double breasted effects, satin ''v

*"* many, but what there is we?M^r.'« *^% f\f «• *^jt^ay*<n-<i «3T^ lined, come m Cheviots, Worsteds, Chin- put in at one common price; none reserved.

;! Doil^r Gloves \ \"Z' SCARFS j Sg^aV^r Hare \u25a0*' at $12- gTCSSiTiI^S' and $12- Ages

The glove question we have studied Scotch clan plaid. Imperials and V "W. J • • «--% A »T^smr y— -_ _>_ Ihard, and we believe we have got the Butterfly ties; all of excellent quality | JL/ELCXIGS 15 J\ 1% fi_^ ¥ HC f 1* Ibest one dollar glove in the market f, ilk-™c s^y!e

«™* IS novel and I >V%A^° ** **X*W A K*\Js3ML,. >,;. . \u25a0*\u25a0•,\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0-. -... , beautiful. On sale to-morrow at fifty SAw m^miul-ii-^_^^_^^^__L- m *to-day. We guarantee them not only cents each. A.: -—'" —-"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—i^mmm^^^m—^*i>not to rip when trying on, but we Fancy Derby 4-in-hands— nar- ".t Cr* A special lot of new spring styles. They come to us as manufacrur-are glad to give you another pair if row ones-SdL from one dollar sUks, 2JC !^ s™?%™* :c^f Fancy Strip*, Van Dykes, Black Bootyou think they do not wear as well in various desirable patterns.•* They lf -. \u25a0 . , .ana f^y lOP 5 exacted, printed and fancy embroidered patterns;.:as they should. ' are last year's patterns but this year's altogether a very choice selection of 50c hose. We advise an early call, as we have put

Not many retailers care to pay the styles, or you would have to pay $1 and toe P nce tor a <luick sale at 25c a pair, ' , '"' '' " 'price we do for a glove to sell at $1.00. for some $1.50. To-morrow at 50c. Laddies' Departments, Second Floor. '"' V-i • : -'.''''\u25a0\u25a0 '

OIJ £*% IJ^ O that Will please yo\ir feet and make ', JL A\Jp MLd>b3 yo\ir pocketbook little lighter.

" - . .. -. • \u25a0


It's a Shoe buying time sure Seeour Shoes for "Little Ladies" just Misses* and Chil- Bovs'Shn PQ~enough. Thousands Of people begm^g to wear women sizes made bydr«o v%t Boys Shoes-

have run down their Winter Shoes 0n1y...'.r.!......... *3-50 arei\ S Of\OeS— . Little Men's Lace Sh.oes,: all QOand are looking for new SPRING ;

Women,s Stmo ™^fa

r Infants' 31.00 Button Shoes, s<)c soUd, for only.-..•:...•.:.... ;-^OGmoa^WOßngiqrnew brxXliNLr Women's Storm Rubbers for XC^ sizes 2to 6, Saturday......... DUG v\v , W \u0084"o\u0084 *"

"STYLES' ' Friday, 0n1y..... .ODC .Child's Lace Shoes, sizes 6OC Sh^&A*? *%* H'^9

We are now prepared to supply • to 8, patent leather tip, for— OJCyour wants from a fine patent Men's Shoes— . ChUdren's new style Lace Shoes, $| Shoe^skeS^for^ 1

.; $1-75leather dreSS slipper to a heavy Men's "Hartford" Lace «1 Q'V ""^- ,t9o v f?r"^"""""" vJ>,;» ci. "'• < iiV"


Street Shoe, Shoes, new styles, special..... *1-95 .. . w^gTSLf!*001. ShOeS' laCed^|^ : . 2,l^^!.^^ "̂--!./.;.*1-25 "

tVftm a«'c Ck««rMen's new Box Calf, wax calf or vici for I" Boys' "Rex Calf, heavy sole «-*%omen S noes — kid, on the new Gotham last, - $ X Misses' heavy soles, kid tip, lace, don- ' and heavy upper lace Shoes, for **Zt

See our Women's Patent Leather Street for ....:........ *J jgola kid, any size, 11^ ; $1.50 vft ti. ,«p 'm»t ' ' '*''" /Shoes, chrometannedcoltskin, $X See our Men's "America" line, includ-

t0"'""' "

''"'* i school tar, I^2 4^7 S"Plymouth Standard, "onlyf0r.... *"*J ing patent calf and all other CX qfl ovChlldren s heavy sole, fine kid lace for

'\u25a0 lOi1

' vb|.7sSee our "Nn-Idea" line Women's Lace leathers, for0n1y..-...'.... JU Shoes, sues 8 % to 11, for $|.25 . '""" \u25a0••.*-.•-:. 3

Shoes, kid or patent leather, %*y SO M , \u0084\u0084_,

_\u0084' , 0I? lv •/••••••••••• ,1 • Little Men's "Rex Calf," low heel

for only I *£fDKJ Men Calf Shoes, stylish lasts, JM Child's sizes stoß, in same as Si Shoes > sizes 1° to **%, $135Women's New Spring Shoes, laced and

W°n 7 ••••.. above, only for . 1" . /medium weight, for Si 98 r

Men's Rubbers, new styles, AC Misses' good, clean, new Rub- X C Boys'new, good style Rub- , C f%"«*»-•--; ••••- *B f0r0n1y................... UJC bers, worth 50c, Friday only.. fODC bers, Saturday, only ...... jUC

WISCONSINEAU CLAIRE—The republican city conven-

tion nominated William Roe for mayor; Her-man Rodensleben, treasurer, and Arthur Sim-erson, clerk.

LA CROSSE—At a general meeting of citi-*ens, the preliminary steps were taken to per-petuate the memory of the late- J. W. Losey.It is proposed to erect a large monument in

Oak Grove cemetery, which Mr. Losey laidout and where his remains are now at rest.

ALMA—The following city officers werenominated at the republican convention:Mayor, John Vollmer; clerk, Chris Fuetor;treasurer, John George Aver; assessor, J B.Ehing.

WEST SUPERIOR—Schmidt Brothers havebeen given the contract for building the two-story block for Senator A. P. Lovejoy, of

25 Carloads of Furniture Bought for Gash s^wwwaWe positively sell more furniture than all the rest oi the furniture dealers In the Northwest. WHY! SlmDlv l>e-cauee we buy ourfurniture Incar loads and train loads; buy Itfor cash ana the cash is what brings us the facili-th tO»£? you prices. We can give you a No. l White Iron Bed-good woven wire springs anS good mattress-the entire combination, for which you would pay *7.f.<5 elsewhere, this we can rlr*you For «4.73 For«s 47wecan give tou a heavy white iron brasw trimmed bed, woven spring and wood soft top mattress, allgoo" qual-ity,for which you would pay any place else from ilO to 111. »5.47 buya this outfit, *nd for 86.03 we can Riveyou an outtit tnat others willask you ashiph as ilss.Wfor. We oin jri/e you for $2.87 * REED ROCKERthat you would pay «5.00 for elsewhere- Don't take our word for it, or anything in the futniture line- oome andtee us. Ifprices are notright do not buy. Tou willbuy ifyou come. Furniture Cataloyure free


E MS^ KrHIM% M& $T j£&rtl& -^£jP\ \u25a0 ''" ' ' Ear JrH

The beer that causes MBU^f^m/m jf biliousness Is "green beer"—insufficiently aged. It Oa

£$!&r is hurried from the brew- BraJ^^fab MP J^ fry to tne market before pl^

jjr m WjU^jg it is half fermented. Drink \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

IB^^lfF it and it ferments in your |||istomach, and the result is nl

jo*£2s(kL ff_ biliousness and headache. W\%j£rJ&B&rr&i*^Bi*i*^43*^ Fermentation is expen- M

P^l sive. It requires immense W$3K\u25a0fj^l refrigerating rooms (ours HHByfi hold 265,000 barrels) and an even temperature of 34 MM

degrees. Fermentation is a process of months. \jQjppl No green beer ever leaves the j^k SfekWrm Schlitz brewery. If you wish to T W&&3KL ffl|

be certain of an aged beer, get &jSlh BPI PC/!Milwaukee famous. * %fi)^2iaHF V5

'Phone Main 707, Schlitz, W^^P k£JJ1209-11 Fourth St., Minneapolis. W^^

Janesville.—The delinquent roll of taxes willbe about $95,000. This is about $10,000 morethan the roll of last year.—The republicancampaign committee has opened headauar-ters.


of consumption after an illness of nearly tenyears.

JORDAN—Two hundred votes were cast atthe caucus last night, which nominated HenryNicolin for mayor.

STILLWATER—WiIIard H. Getts, who hadbeen ill' with paralysis for several years,died yesterday. He was 43 years of age.

SAUK CENTER—The republican caucusplaced in nomination W. D. Townsend formayor and Cashius M. Sprague for treasurer.Little opposition to this ticket is expected.

HASTINGS—W. C. Jennings, of RockIsland, 111., and Miss Ella Reems, of thiscity, were married last evening at the homeof the bride's mother, Mrs. John O'Boyle.

EAST GRAND FORKS—J. J. Gunn, whowas arrested charged with the larceny ofa buffalo overcoat, has been sentenced forthirty days and has been removed to Crooks-ton.

ELBA—The following ia the result of thevillage meeting: E. Churchill, president; C.Erpelding, H. M. Bailey and C. Loppnow,trustees; J. R. Steffen, recorder; John Maner,treasurer; A. H. Roberts, Justice of the peace.

ROCHESTER—In district court, James Mul-ligan pleaded guilty to grand larceny in thesecond degree and was sentenced to ninetydays.—Mary Wicks was granted a divorcefrom Sanford Wicks on the grounds of de-sertion.

FARIBAULT—The funeral of Matthias Zin-nen was held yesterday from St. Lawrencechurch. He was committed to the insaneasylum, at Rochester, three weeks ago.—Mrs.Anna Kavanaugh, aged 70, died at her homenorth of this city.

DULUTH—The White Line will have threeboats, the Bon Ami, Bradshaw and Bon Voy-age, plying western Lake Superior this year.The first will make triweekly trips to PortArthur, via Isle Royale and Houghton, andthe second will make Port Arthur also, fromDuluth, but on a different schedule, while thethird will run regularly from Duluth to thecopper country.

Beats beer for woman or child—non-intoxicating Health Table Malt. Laurit-zen's. Century building.

Aik for Free Sample Box.

Satin-Skin Cream at stores, or writeAlbert F. Wood, perfumer. Detroit. Mien.



IOWASIBLEY—HoteI Maine is quarantined on ac-

count of a case of smallpox.

BLOOMFIELD—A. A. Roland, a man of S9years, has sued for a divorce on the groundsof cruelty.

TRACY—Fire destroyed the Odd Fellows 1

hall and the general store of W. A. Killman& Sons. The loss is \u25a0estimated at JIO.uOO.

DES MOINES—The lowa Butter and EggDealers-Association passed a resolution ask-ing the Chicago produce board to stop dealingin futures.

CRESTON—John Carrigan has been takento the asylum. He ts violently insane overpolitics, and imagines, that W. J. Bryan ispresident and that he occupies th& chair ofvice-president.

SIOUX CITY—The name of another prom-inent Catholic /slergyman is being mentionedin connection with the bishopric of the newsee for northwestern lowa. He is the Rt.Rev. Mgr. Thomas J. Gonaty. of Washingtonrector of the Catholic university.

SHELDON—In district court, the hotly con-tested case of Royce against Royee, whereinFrank Royee. son of E. N. Royce, soughtto have a guardian appointed for the old gen-tleman, the jury has decided for the plaintiff,and the temporary guardianship of Hemen-way, of Cedar Falls, waa made permanent.

HURLEY—The members of the Masoniclodge have purchased the necessary groundand will erect a building to be used forlodge purposes.

ABERDEEN—The city council passed a res-olution accepting the offer of Andrew Carne-gie to donate $15,000 for a public Hbrary, pro-vided the city would expend $1,500 per annumfor its maintenance.

HURON—Mrs. Elvira D. Barclay, wife ofthe late Lucian T. Barclay, died yesterday.She was born in Akron, Ohio, in IB3T, and wasthe daughter of Win. T. Mather, an earlyresident of Chicago.

RAPID CITY—It is said Eugene Holcomb,one of the largest cattle owners tn this partot the range, will thia season move his cattleinto Montana, and that he will stock hisBlack Hiile range with about 6,000 head ofsheep of the very beat breed*.

NormannaheimenNORWAY STIRRED UPPreacher Makes Sensational Charges

Against Persons of Rank.


Immorality In Hl»h I-Ife I,ead« toDefinite < Imiu'-s— Modern Nov-

el In Part Im Blamed.

Norway is eagerly discussing the re-markable attack made by Rev. ThorvaldKlevenes against the upper classes for theevident increase in immorality. Hisbrethren of the cloth have not been blindbut their attacks have been in generalterms whereas Mr. Klevenes made his at-tack sensational by naming certain per-sons whose conduct he found open tocriticism. Especially did he call attentionto the reputed relations between the Da-nish author Holger Drachmanu and BokkenLassen the singer. As the latter's sis-ters are the wives of some of the highestpersonages in Norway and her family is aprominent one, the charges aroused asexcitement as if a bombshell had been un-expectedly exploded in Christiania.Complaints were at once lodged with thebishop and the latter has demanded an ex-planation which he promptly received. It'scontents are not divulged, however,.

In general the press and the people ap-prove of the clergyman's course even if hehas uncovered a scandal in high life andagree that his attack was timely and welldirected. "Free love" as taught in someof the modern novels is held responsiblefor the loose conditions in certain quarters.A moral regeneration will doubtless followthe agitation in which the newspapers aretaking a leading part.


Sweden and Denmark: Collect BigToll* From Them.

Commercial travelers in Sweden andDenmark are forced to pay licenses, andin the latter country must be suppliedwith a sworn certificate from the "house."Consul General Guenther of Frankfort, inreferring to fees for "drummers" reportsas follows:

The license fee for commercial travelersin Denmark is $42.88 for the first, firm and$21.44 for every additional one, good for oneyear.

In Sweden, the regulations are less strict.The license fee, however, is higher—s26.9sfor thirty days. There is no restriction as tothe number of firms represented. Jn bothcountries import duties have to be paid onsamples, but under established regulationsthese charges are remitted when the agentleaves the country.


Much Interest in His Coming Ex-hibition in Chicago.

Svend Svensen, the artist, is preparingan exhibit of his own works at the Thur-ber gallery in Chicago, and will showabout twenty of his recent paintings.Last year his works for the most part wereenow scenes. These were likely to haverather startling effects of sunlight or offorge light, and so challenged attention.His talents were acknowledged generally,and things much better than he had donewere expected. It is believed that hisforthcoming exhibition will in good meas-ure justify these expectations. It willthen be seen that he can paint other thansnow subjects. These, in fact, it is hispurpose mostly to eschew in the future.


The Swedish Government Desire* NoJ.hwn Against Them.

Both chambers of the Swedish riksdaghave neglected the proposition for a spec-ial law against spies. , Minister Lager-heim, of the foreign department, in op-posing the measure announced that all thewild etories of Russian spies in the guiseof saw filers had been.fully investigatedand that the results were so ridiculouslyunimportant that he would not even re-fer to them. He remarked that for thepresent Sweden lived at peace with thewhole world, and that it would be fortu-nate if existing conditions could be main-tained. Wherefor he asked that the pro-posed law and the one relating to the na-tional defenses be considered in a calmand sensible frame of mind.

Some of the Stockholm papers intimatej that the minister's remarks may have| been prompted by diplomatic custom and( international courtesy, and several his-! torical precedents were cited to show thatjsimilar utterances by a government did| not always mean much.

I • The horn spoon of our forefathers has notbeen wholly laid aside in Denmark for themodern metal substitute. Spoon making is, still quite an industry, especially in Neesparish, and, fortunately for the parish it isvery profitable. Otherwise there would bemuch poverty, lor Nees is not the most pro-ductive district in Denmark. Whole fami-lies are engaged in the work during the longwinter evenings, and, as there is a profit ofover 100 per cent and the demand for hornspoons is greater than the supply, the peonlethrive.

Haukness Domiciled in Chicago.| Lars Haukness, the Norwegian painter ofi moonlights, who lately arrived in this coun-try, has settled himself in a studio in Chi-cago. Examples of his art may be seenI at Abbott's gallery. Mr. Maukness, in his

student days, was encouraged and befriended! Fritz Thaulow, the famous landscape artist.

By the Great Horn Spoon.

Bjornsou In Yogme.

The experiment with a Bjoruson play at theBerliner theater, in Berlin, met with suchhearty approval that Paul Lindau, the man-ager, has decided to produce two more, "PaulLang and Tora Parsberg,"' and "Geographyand Love." Bjornsou has revised both playsto some extent. Paul Lindau is arrangingail Austrian tour for the Berliner comnany,on which it will play nothing but Bjornson'splays. Vienna and Budapest will be in-cluded In the tour.

From Far and Near.Miss Josephine Olsen, of Christiania, be-

queathed 90,000 kroner to various charitableand religious purposes.

The Norwegian Lutheran synod has decidedto found an academy at Deerfleld. Wis. Itwill be known as the Preus Lutheran acad-emy.

A big sangerfest will be held in Copen-hagen early in July. The famous conductor,Johan Svendsen, will be the chief musicaldirector.

The new historical museum in Christianiais estimated to cost close to a million kroner,or about 350,000 kroner more than the orig-inal estimate.

The late A. Bonnier, of Stockholm, hasgiven 150,000 kroner as a fund for the aid ofSwedish authors. The fund will be managedby a committee of well known people.

Johan Selmer has set to music a poem byTheodor Caspari, and it will be sung by alarge chorus during the ceremonies In con-nection with the unveiling of theTordenskjoldstatue, in Christiania, on May 17.

La grippe is disturbing everything in Stock-holm. At one time, nearly 50 per cent ofthe police force was unavailable on accountof the sickness, and over seventy-five teach-ers were prevented from attending to theirduties.

Cities grow with American rapidity evenin old Denmark. Thus Aarhus has gained20,000 people since 1890. and has a populationof over 52,000. Aalborg has 31,400, an in-crease of 61 per cent. Odense has 40,063, andmany other cities show an Increase oi from25 to 50 per cent.

The number of barrooms in Norwegiancities is only 130, or one to every 4,fXK) in-habitants. The average consumption of al-coholic beverages is 1.8 litres in Finland,2.2 in Norway and 4.3 in Sweden, as com-pared with 7.4 litres in Great Britain, 8.6 inGerman and 16 in France.

Some reformers in Norway want the gov-ernment to abolish the sword in the army.It is, they claim, obsolete in warfare, andhence of still less utility in peace. Theweapon is costly, and only loads the soldierwith unnecessary weight. The governmentagreed to consider the matter.

OARRETSON—CharIes Miller, a youngfarm hand, committed suicide last night. Hisbody was found in an oat bin In the granaryon the farm where he was employed.- Nearby waa an empty bottle, which had containedcarbolic acid. He formerly resided at Prim-gbar, low* '

From Minneapolis.

President Hayme, of the United NorwegianLutheran church, has issued a formal call

"FACTORY GIRLS."The Graceful and Handsome

Women who Work atthe Loom.

Any one who has lived in a factorytown and has seen the tide ofhuman lifewhich floods the streets when the millsstop for the day, will have been struckby the number of graceful and handsomeyoung girls among the throng. Lighthearted, smiling, mirthful, it is hard torealize that they have just left a day'sfatiguing work. But another sight at-tracts the onlooker. He sees groups ofother women, thin of form, dull of eye,

languid of movement, and he realizesthat these were but a few years ago asbright and happy as their younger fel-low-workers. It is natural to ask thecause of such a physical change, whichis not to be explained by the stress andstrain of daily labor, because there arenot a few who, in spite ofyears ofsteadywork, retain the girlish attractiveness offace and figure. Perhaps the most im-portant cause of this change is to befound in the prevalence of ailmentspeculiarly femine, which drain the vi-talityand sap the strength. Ifthe truthwere known it would be found that theseworn -out women had been workingunder physical conditions, which, if aman suffered them would be enough tosend him to bed. With throbing headand aching back the wage earner plodson, feeling that she cannot afford eitherto rest or pay a physician's fees, andevery day sees her grow more weary andmore weak.

THERE'S NO NEED TO STOP WORKor pay expensive fees in order to becured of womanly diseases. Hundredsof thousands of weak and sick womenhave been made well and 9trong by theuse of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription.Itestablishes regularity, dries the drainswhich weaken women, heals inflamma-tion and ulceration and cures femaleweakness. Itmakes weak women strongand sick women well.

HA few years ago I suffered severelywith female weakness and had at timesdreadful pains," writes Mrs. V. Brown,ofCreswell, Harford Co., Maryland. "Iwent to my doctor, and he gave memedicine which did me good fora while,but I would get worse again. I had a9ick headache nearly all the time ; wasso weak around my waist could hardlybear anything to touch me. My feetwould keep cold and I could hardly domy work. I would work a while andthen lie down a while; was completelyrun down. Suffered from disagreeabledrain and also severe pains at times.After using five bottles of Dr. Pierces

for the twelfth annual conference, to be heldat Bethiehem church, in this city, June 12-20,inclusive.

Carl Bergvali, a merchant of Worcester,Mass., is visiting Minneapolis and vicinitythis week.

Harmonien Singing Society, of Hopkins, isarranging for another concert. It will takeplace on April 2u.

A meeting was held last evening at Alex-ander's hall for the purpose of organizing asociety to be known as Svea's Sons.

The South Minneapolis Temperance Societyholds its monthly social meeting at the Trin-ity church, to-morrow evening.

Alf. Magnus, a resident of this city forseveral years, died at his home in Chicagolast week. He was but 30 years of age. H*>had a fine tenor voice.

The Daughters of Norway will celebratetheir first anniversary with a fest at For-esters' hall, in North Minneapolis, to-mor-row evening. The lodge is *a vigorous one.

The Minneapolis Military band, conductedby Oscar Ringwall, will give a concert atSwedish Brothers' hall, next Sunday evening.Ecpecially attractive features have been ar-ranged '

A lecture on "Bethlehem" will be given byDr. 0. B. Mitchell, this evening, at the Swe-dish temple, Seventh street and Tenth avenue

iS, for the benefit of the Crossley-Huntermission.

Apollo Singing Society has elected the fol-lowing officers: President., 0. Jorgensen;vice-president, C. Jespersen; secretary, Th.Hamanu; treasurer, A. Jensen: musical di-rector, Halward Askeland. The society will


Favorite Prescription, three ofhis 'GoldenMedical Discovery' and one vial of Dr.Pierces Pleasant Pellet*, and followingthe advice you gave regarding the ' Lo-tion Tablets,' I can truly say that I ancured. The doctor said it was uterinedisease I had."

The sick woman who begins the useof Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescriptionbegins the cure with the first dose shetakes. Women who have suffered forlong years and found no help from doc-tors or other medicines have found aperfect and lasting cure in the use of"Favorite Prescription."

IT ALWAYS HEI»PSand almost always cures. This state-ment is based upon the fact that ofthe hundreds of thousands of womenwho have used "Favorite Prescription"ninety-eight per cent, have been per-fectly and permanently cured. Only

two women in eachhundred have failed ofa complete cure, andeven in these casesthere has been markedrelief and improve-ment; the headache isless frequent, the back-ache less severe, andhousehold duties longlaid aside are under-taken anew with com-fort and satisfaction.

"Ican truthfully saythat Dr. Pierces Fa-vorite Prescription is a

m wonderful medicine anddeserves the praise givenit," writes Mrs. EmmaSpooner, of Lakeview,Montcalm Co., Mich.,Box 288. M was sickfour months and themedicine prescribed bythe doctors did me nogood. Finally I wroteto Dr. R. V. Pierce forhis advice. He an-swered in a very kindletter, instructing mewhat to do. I followedhis advice, and to-dayam a well woman,thanks to Dr. Pierce."

No woman should delay the use of*Favorite Prescription " if'she is suffer-ing from womanly disease. The longerwomanly disease i's neglected the greaterits effect on the general health, and theslower the cure. There is no objectin experimenting with other medicineswhen the experience of thousands ofwomen proves that "Favorite Prescrip-tion " is the surest and safest of put-upmedicines for the cure of disease pecu-liarly womanly.

THE PRIVILEGE OV SICK WOMEN.Sick and ailing women are invited to

consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Allcorrespondence is sacredly secret andthe written confidences of women areguarded by the same strict professionalprivacy observed by Dr. Pierce and hisstaff in personal consultations withwomen at the Invalids' Hotel and Surg-ical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. AddressDr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

It is hardly possible to overestimatethe value of this free consultation byletter with Dr. Pierce. In numerouscases such as Mrs. STpooner's, when localmedical advice and treatment had failedto give relief, a letter to Dr. Pierce hasbeen the means of restoring perfecthealth.

Accept no substitute for \u25a0 Favorite Pre-scription." The substitute medicine isonly the shadow instead of the sub-stance and is pressed on the customerbecause it pays the dealer a little moreprofit than is paid by a high-classstandard preparation like "Favorite Pre-scription."

Dr. Pierces great medical work, theCommon Sense Medical Adviser, is sentfree on receipt of stamps to pay expenseof mailing only. This work containsmore than a thousand large pages ofvaluable medical information. Send 31one-cent stamps for the cloth-boundvolume, or only 21 stamps for the bookin paper covers. Address Dc JL VPierce, Buffalo, N. Y.


hold a concert at Danla hall, on April 10,its second this season. Apollo has been inexistence about ten years and is a prosper-ous organization.

Dr. Granrud. of the state university, willlecture on "Rome and Vicinity," before thaHistorical Society of Augsburg seminary, nextWednesday evening. The lecture will baillustrated by stereopticon views.

A lodge of the Independent Order of Scan-dinavian 'Workmen, a benevolent insuranceorder, has been organized in East GrandForks, with E. Arnesen as president. Alarge and prosperous lodge is expected in avery short, time.

Germs of disease should be promptlyexpelled from the blood. This is a timewhen the system is especially susceptibleto them. Get rid of all impurities in theblood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, andthus fortify your whole body and preventillness.

The Game of Skat.

An illustrated treatise on this popularGerman game has just been issued by thePassenger Department of the Chicago.

Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. The rules ofthe game revised to bring them up to

date are given, and those interested inSkat will find it an instructive publication.A copy may be obtained by sending ten(10) cents in postage to F. A. Miller, Gen-eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.

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