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AKD FaultCard - Kollmorgen...illegalstate. Feedbacksignalswere detectedinanillegal combination....

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AKD ® Fault Card Edition: S, November 2018 Valid for Hardware Revision E Part Number 903-200002-00 Keep all manuals as a product component during the life span of the product. Pass all manuals to future users/owners of the product.
Page 1: AKD FaultCard - Kollmorgen...illegalstate. Feedbacksignalswere detectedinanillegal combination. CheckX9connection. Disable power stage F135 n135 FaultonFB2ispre-ventingremotecom-mutationforFB1.


Fault Card

Edition: S, November 2018Valid for Hardware Revision E

Part Number 903-200002-00Keep allmanuals asa product component during the life span of the product.Passallmanuals to future users/ownersof the product.

Page 2: AKD FaultCard - Kollmorgen...illegalstate. Feedbacksignalswere detectedinanillegal combination. CheckX9connection. Disable power stage F135 n135 FaultonFB2ispre-ventingremotecom-mutationforFB1.

AKD Fault Card |

Record of Document Revisions:

Revision Remarks

... For complete table of revision history see Record of Document Revisions (➜ p. 28).

N, 09/2016 F403 remedy improved.

P, 03/2017 Added F120, F124, n179, n180, F471, n495, F631, F706. n107 and n108 updated.

R, 10/2017 Added F314.

S, 11/2018 Added F587.


l AKD is a registered trademark of Kollmorgen Corporationl SynqNet is a registered trademark of Motion Engineering Inc.l EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbHl EtherCAT is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbHl Ethernet/IP is a registered trademark of ODVA, Inc.l Ethernet/IP Communication Stack: copyright (c) 2009, Rockwell Automationl sercos® is a registered trademark of sercos® international e.V.l HIPERFACE is a registered trademark of Max StegmannGmbHl PROFINET is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI)l SIMATIC is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AGl Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation

Current patents

l US Patent 8,154,228 (Dynamic Braking For Electric Motors)l US Patent 8,214,063 (Auto-tune of a Control System Based on Frequency Response)

Patents referring to fieldbus functions are listed in thematching fieldbus manual.

Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice.Printed in the United States of AmericaThis document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be repro-duced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or dis-tributed by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen.

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1 Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents 32 Fault and Warning Messages 43 Additional fault messages AKD-T 264 Record of Document Revisions 28

AKD Fault Card | 1   Table of Contents

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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

2 Fault and Warning MessagesWhen a fault occurs, the drive fault relay is opened, the output stage is switched off (motor loses all torque),or the load is dynamically braked. The specific drive behavior depends on the type of fault. The LED displayon the front panel of the drive shows the number of the fault that occurred. If a warning is issued prior to thefault, the warning is shown on the LED and has the same number as the associated fault. Warnings do not tripthe power stage of the drive or fault relay output.

The left side of the LED displays F for a fault or n for a warning. The right side displays the fault or warningnumber as follows: 1-0-1-[break]. The highest priority fault is displayed on the LED. Multiple faults may bepresent when a fault condition is occurring. Check theAKDWorkBench Fault Screen or read the status ofDRV.FAULTS through the controller or HMI for the entire list of faults.

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

.. 1. 24V ControlPower inputvoltage dip.

2. Auxillary encoder5V (X9-9) shor-ted.

1. Insure adequate24V supply currentcapacity for the sys-tem.

2. Check and fix X9wiring.

3. Check additionalcapacity for releas-ing themotor brake.An increased cur-rent consumption isexpected whichneeds to beprovided by thepower supply.


F0 Reserved. N/A N/A

F101 Firmware incompatible. Installed firmware is notcompatible with thedrive hardware.

Load compatible firmwareinto the drive.


n101 The FPGA is a lab FPGA. The FPGA is a lab ver-sion FPGA.

Load the released FPGAversion that is compatiblewith the operational firm-ware.


F102 Resident Firmware failed. Software failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


n102 Operational FPGA is nota default FPGA.

The FPGA minor ver-sion is larger than theoperational firmwaredefault FPGA minor ver-sion

Load the released FPGAversion that is compatiblewith the operational firm-ware.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F103 Resident FPGA failed. Software failure detec-ted. Load residentFPGA failure occurred(several cases accord-ing to flowchart, includ-ing incompatible imageto FPGA type and field-bus type).

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F104 Operational FPGA failed. Software failure detec-ted. Load operationalFPGA failure occurred(several cases accord-ing to flowchart).

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F105 NV Memory Stamp. Non-volatile memorystamp is corrupted orinvalid.

Reset the drive to defaultmemory values using Para-meter Load inWorkBench.


F106 NV Memory Data (mightoccur when downloadingfirmware).

Non-volatile memorydata is corrupted orinvalid. When this faultoccurs after a firmwaredownload, it is not anindication of a problem(clear the fault and per-form a “save” to thedrive).

Reset the drive to defaultmemory values using Para-meter Load inWorkBench.


n107 Positive limit switchtriggered.

Either a digital input isconfigured as positivelimit switch ( DINx.MODE18) and itsstate is “off” OR a pos-itive software positionlimit is configured(SWLS.EN ) and theactual position PL.FB isgreater than the con-figured limit (see alsoSWLS.LIMIT0 /SWLS.LIMIT1 ).

Move the load away fromthe limits.


AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

n108 Negative limit switchtriggered.

Either a digital input isconfigured as negativelimit switch ( DINx.MODE 19) and itsstate is “off” OR a neg-ative software positionlimit is configured(SWLS.EN ) and theactual position PL.FB isless than the configuredlimit (see alsoSWLS.LIMIT0 /SWLS.LIMIT1 ).

Move the load away fromthe limits.


F120 Failed to default para-meters.

Drive parameters couldnot be reset to defaultbecause the drive wasenabled or, on AKD-C, aconnected AKD-N wasenabled.

Disable the drive or all con-nected AKD-N drives andtry resetting again.


F121 Homing Error. Drive did not finish hom-ing sequence.

Check homing sensor,homingmode, and homingconfiguration.



Invalid motion task. Invalid motion task. Check motion task settingsand parameters to makesure that the valuesentered will produce a validmotion task.


F124 Cogging compensationnon volatile memory dataerror (CRC).

The cogging com-pensation table saved innon-volatile memory iscorrupted.

Configure and save yourcogging compensationtable again. If the fault per-sists, send the drive forrepair.



Fieldbus Sync frameslost.

The fieldbus lost syn-chronization.

Check fieldbus connection(X5 and X6 if you are usingEtherCAT; X12 and X13 ifyou are using CANopen) orthe settings of your Ether-CAT or CANopenmaster.



Bode plot toomuchmove-ment.

Toomuchmovementwas created during aBode plot. Motor isunstable and is not fol-lowing drive instruc-tions.

Check that the system isclosed loop stable. Refer tothe system tuning guide.


F127 Incomplete EmergencyProcedure.

Incomplete emergencystop procedure (problemwith the emergencystopmotion task).

Disconnect power fromdrive and check emergencystop procedure.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F128 Mpoles / Fpoles notinteger.

Ratio of motor poles tofeedback poles must bea whole number.

Change to a compatiblefeedback device.


F129 Fieldbus Heartbeat lost. Heartbeat lost. Check CANopen cabling.Reduce bus load orincrease the heartbeatupdate time.


F130 Secondary feedback sup-ply over current.

5V power supply wasshorted out on X9.

Check X9 connection. Disablepowerstage

F131 Secondary feedback A/Bline break.

Problem in secondaryfeedback detected.

Check secondary feedback(X9 connection).


F132 Secondary feedback Zline break.

Problem in secondaryfeedback detected.

Check secondary feedback(X9 connection).


F133 Fault number changed toto F138. See F138 fordetails.


F134 Secondary feedbackillegal state.

Feedback signals weredetected in an illegalcombination.

Check X9 connection. Disablepowerstage


Fault on FB2 is pre-venting remote com-mutation for FB1.

Attempt to issuemotiontask before the axis ishomed. Axis must behomed beforemotiontask can start.

Change opmode or homeaxis.


F136 Firmware and FPGA ver-sions are not compatible.

The FPGA version doesnot match the firmwareFPGA version con-stants.

Load the FPGA versionthat is compatible with thefirmware.


n137 Homing and feedbackmismatch

The configured homingmode is not supportedby themotor feedbacktype used.

Change homingmode. None

AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F138 Instability during auto-tune.

Drive current (IL.CMD)or velocity feedback(VL.FB) exceeds allow-able limit(BODE.IFLIMIT orBODE.VFLIMIT). Thisfault only occurs inBODE.MODE 5. Thisfault often occurs whencomplex mechanics,belts, and compliantloads are present.

Change BODE.MODE ifappropriate. IfBODE.MODE 5 is appro-priate and the fault occursat the end of an Autotuning,then themotor is notrobustly stable. You canmanually adjust Autotunersettings. Manual tuningmay be required tomakethemotor stable.


F139 Target position was over-shot due to invalid motiontask activation.

The drive cannot decel-erate from its currentspeed to reach the endpoint of the secondmotion task withoutmoving past it. Increasethe deceleration rate inthemove or trigger themove earlier.

ChangeMotion task profileand clear fault withDRV.CLRFAULTS. Orchange the value ofFAULT139.ACTION = 1 toignore this condition.


n140(deprec-ated in1.10.2.00-0)

VBUS.HALFVOLT haschanged. Save the para-meters and reboot thedrive.

The user has changedthe numerical value ofVBUS.HALFVOLT.This change only takeseffect after aDRV.NVSAVE com-mand and after reboot-ing the AKD.

Save the parameters in thenon-volatile memory via aDRV.NVSAVE commandand turn off/on the 24[V]power supply in order toreboot the drive or restorethe original stetting ofVBUS.HALFVOLT.


n151 Not enough distance tomove; motion exception.

For trapezoidal and cus-tomer table motiontasks: The target velo-city specified in themotion task cannot bereached via using theselected accelerationand deceleration sincethe distance to travel isnot sufficient.

For a 1:1 profile: Theselected accelerationand deceleration will beextended since there istoomuch distance totravel and themotiontask would exceed itsmaximum allowed velo-city.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning. Checkmotion task settings andparameters to make surethat the values entered willproduce a valid motiontask.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

n152 Not enough distance tomove; followingmotionexception.

A new motion task activ-ated, when onemotiontask is already activeand the target positionspecified in themotiontask parameters cannotbe reached with spe-cified target velocity,acceleration and decel-eration parameters. Themotion task will directlydecelerate to into the tar-get position or rampsdown to velocity 0 andstart another move toreach target position ofthe next motion task.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning. Checkmotion task settings andparameters to make surethat the values entered willproduce a valid motiontask.


n153 Velocity limit violation,exceedingmax limit.

A new target velocitycalculated internally dueto an exception, and isbeing limited due to uservelocity limit.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning. Checkmotion task target velocitysettings and parameters tomake sure that the valuesentered will not exceed theVL.LIMITP and VL.LIMITNsetting.


n154 Followingmotion failed;check motion para-meters.

Activation of the fol-lowingmotion taskfailed due to incom-patible parameters, ormotion task does notexist.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning. Checkfollowingmotion task set-tings and parameters tomake sure that the valuesentered will produce a validmotion task.


n156 Target position crosseddue to stop command.

Themotion taskcrosses the target pos-ition after triggering aDRV.STOP command.This situation can hap-pen when processing achange-on-the-flymotion task and trig-gering a DRV.STOPcommand close to thetarget position of the cur-rently runningmotiontask.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

n157 Homing index pulse notfound.

A homingmode withindex detection is activ-ated, and index pulse isnot detected while mov-ing across the rangedetermined by the hard-ware limit switches.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n158 Homing reference switchnot found.

A homingmode with ref-erence switch detectionis activated and the ref-erence switch is notdetected while movingacross the range determ-ined by the hardwarelimit switches.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n159 Failed to set motion taskparameters

Invalid motion task para-meters assignment.This warning can appearupon anMT.SET com-mand.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning. Checkmotion task settings andparameters.


n160 Motion task activationfailed.

Activation of themotiontask failed due to incom-patible parameters, ormotion task does notexist. This warning canappear upon anMT.MOVE command.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning. Checkmotion task settings andparameters to make surethat the values entered willproduce a valid motiontask.


n161 Homing procedure failed. Homing error observedduring the operation ofhoming procedure.

Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n163 MT.NUM exceeds limit. This warning appearswith n160. This warningis triggered when you tryto trigger amotion task> 128 (such asMT.MOVE 130).

Trigger only motion tasksbetween 0 and 128. Activ-ation of any new motion orusing ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n164 Motion task is not ini-tialized.

This warning appearswith n160. This warningis triggered when you tryto trigger a non-ini-tializedmotion task.

Initialize themotion taskfirst before starting thetask. Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

n165 Motion task target pos-ition is out.

This warning appearswith n160. This warningis triggered when you tryto trigger amotion taskwith an absolute targetposition outside of theselectedmodulo range(see alsoMT.CNTL).

Move the absolute targetposition of themotion taskwithin themodulorange.Activation of anynew motion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n168 Invalid bit combination inthemotion task controlword.

This warning appearswith n160. This warningis triggered when you tryto trigger amotion taskwith an invalid bit com-bination in themotiontask control word (seealsoMT.CNTL).

Correct theMT.CNTL set-ting for the specific motiontask. Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n169 1:1 profile cannot betriggered on the fly.

This warning appearswith n160. This warningis triggered when you tryto trigger a 1:1 profiletable motion task whileanother motion task iscurrently running.

1:1 profile table motiontasks should be startedfrom velocity 0. Activationof any new motion or usingof DRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n170 Customer profile table isnot initialized.

This warning appearswith n160. This warningis triggered when you tryto trigger amotion taskthat uses a customerprofile table for gen-erating the velocity pro-file and when theselected profile table isempty (seeMT.CNTLandMT.TNUM.

Change theMT.TNUMparameter for this specificmotion task in order to usean initialized profile table.Activation of any newmotion or using ofDRV.CLRFAULTS willclear the warning.


n179 Teaching of Cogging com-pensation stopped beforefinishing.

The cogging com-pensation teachmovecould not be completed.Some common causesare limit switches,mechanical blockage orthe drive being disableddue to a fault.

Make sure your motor isable tomove the distancerequired by the coggingcompensation teachmoveand start themove again.


n180 Cogging compensationnot active. Axis needs tobe homed first.

Using a non-absolutefeedback a homing pro-cedure is needed beforecogging compensationcan be applied.

Execute a homing pro-cedure or deactivate cog-ging compensation.


AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F201 Internal RAM failed. Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F202 External RAM failed. Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F203 Code Integrity failed. Software failure detec-ted. FPGA registeraccess failure occurred.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F204 - F232

EEPROM failure detec-ted

EEPROM failure detec-ted

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, exchange drive.


F234 - F237n234 - n237

Temperature sensor high. High temperature limitreached.

Check cabinet ventilationsystem.


F240 - F243n240 - n243

Temperature sensor low. Low temperature limitreached.

Check cabinet ventilationsystem.


F245 External Fault. This fault is user gen-erated and is caused byuser settings.

Users can configure adigital input to trigger thisfault (DINx.MODE = 10).The fault occurs accordingto this input setting. Clearthe input to clear the fault.


F247 Vbus read is out ofthresholds.

Hardware problem inbus measurement.

Troubleshoot and repairhardware problem.


F248 Option board EEPROMcorrupted.

EEPROM failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, exchange drive.


F249 Option board downstreamchecksum.

Communications withthe I/O on the optionboard failed.

DRV.CLRFAULTS. Ifissue persists If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F250 Option board upstreamchecksum.

Communications withthe I/O on the optionboard failed.

DRV.CLRFAULTS. Ifissue persists If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F251 Option board watchdog. Communications withthe I/O on the optionboard failed.

DRV.CLRFAULTS. Ifissue persists If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F252 Firmware and optionboard FPGA types arenot compatible.

The option board FPGAis not compatible withthis hardware.

Download the correct firm-ware file for this drive.


F253 Firmware and optionboard FPGA versions arenot compatible.

The version of theoption board FPGA isnot compatible with thisfirmware.

Download the correct firm-ware file for this drive.


F256 Analog Input over voltage The analog input valueis above theAIN.OVFTHRESHlevel.

Check the analog input sig-nal or change theAIN.OVFTHRESH value.


F257 Analog Input undervoltage

The analog input valueis below theAIN.UVFTHRESHlevel.

Check the analog input sig-nal or change theAIN.UVFTHRESH value.


n256 Warning: Analog Inputover voltage

The analog input valueis above theAIN.OVWTHRESHlevel.

Check the analog input sig-nal or change theAIN.OVWTHRESH value.


n257 Warning: Analog Inputunder voltage

The analog input valueis below theAIN.UVWTHRESHlevel.

Check the analog input sig-nal or change theAIN.UVWTHRESH value.



Motor overheated. Motor overheated. Check ambient tem-perature. Check motormounting heat sink cap-ability


F302 Over speed. Motor exceededVL.THRESH value.

Increase VL.THRESH orlower velocity command.


F303 Run away. Motor did not followcommand values.

Current command to themotor is too high for toolong. Reduce servo gains,or reduce command tra-jectory aggressiveness.



Motor Foldback. Maximummotor powerhas been exceeded; thepower has been limitedto protect themotor

Motion is requiring toomuch power. Changemoveprofile to reduce load onmotor. Check for load jam-ming or sticking. Checkthat current limits are setcorrectly.


AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F305 Brake open circuit. Motor brake open cir-cuit. Fault threshold is200mA.

Check cabling and generalfunctionality. For speciallow current brake applic-ations, the F305 fault canbe bypassed using the set-tingmotor.brake = 100.


F306 Brake short circuit. Motor brake short cir-cuit.

Check cabling and generalfunctionality. Check thatMOTOR.TBRAKERLSandMOTOR.TBRAKEAPPare configured.


F307 Brake applied duringEnable-State.

Motor brake closedunexpectedly.

Check cabling and generalfunctionality.


F308 Voltage exceeds motorsrating.

Drive bus voltageexceeds themotor’sdefined voltage rating.

Make sure that themotorfits the driving rating.


n309 Motor I2t load. reduceload

Motor I2t load (IL.MI2T)has exceeded the warn-ing thresholdIL.MI2TWTHRESH. Th-is warning can only begenerated in the casethat themotor protectionmode IL.MIMODE hasbeen set to 1.

Reduce the load of thedrive by adjusting loweracceleration / decelerationramps.


F312 Brake released when itshould be applied.

Brake disengaged unex-pectedly.

Check cabling and generalfunctionality.


F314 Motor phase loss detec-ted.

One or multiple motorlines are not properlyconnected.

Check themotor con-nector/wiring on the AKD.


F401 Failed to set feedbacktype.

Feedback is not con-nected or wrong feed-back type selected

Check primary feedback(X10 connection).


F402 Analog signal amplitudefault.

Analog signal amplitudeis too low or too high.Applicable to all feed-back types with sin/coslines (includingResolver, Endat 2.1,pure Sin/Cos ect.).

Check primary feedback(X10 connection), resolverand sine/cos encoder only.


F403 EnDat communicationfault.

General communicationproblem with feedback.

Check primary feedback(X10 connection), EnDatonly. If feedback is linear,check calibration.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F404 Illegal Hall state (111,000).

Hall sensor returnsinvalid Hall state (111,000); either all Hallsensors are on or off.Legal Hall states are001, 011, 010, 110, 100,and 101. This fault canbe caused by a brokenconnection in any one ofthe Hall signals.

Check the feedback wiring;check all feedback con-nectors to ensure all pinsare positioned correctly.


F405 BiSS watchdog fault. Bad communicationwith the feedbackdevice.  

Check primary feedback(X10 connection), Bissonly.


F406 BiSS multi cycle fault.

F407 BiSS sensor fault.

F408 - F416

SFD feedback fault. Bad communicationwith the SFD device.

Check primary feedback(X10 connection).If faultpersists, internal feedbackfailure. Return toman-ufacturer for repair.


F417 Broken wire in primaryfeedback.

In primary feedback, abroken wire was detec-ted (incrementalencoder signal amp-litude).

Check feedback cable con-tinuity.


F418 Primary feedback powersupply.

Power supply fault forprimary feedback.

Check primary feedback(X10 connection).


F419 Encoder init procedurefailed.

Phase find proceduredid not complete suc-cessfully.

Check encoder wiring,reduce/balancemotor loadprior to phase finding.


F420 FB3 Endat com-munication fault.

A communication errorwas detected with theEnDat 2.2 device con-nected to the X9 con-nector.

Check pinout and FB3 con-figuration and reconnectfeedback. If problems per-sist, contact customer sup-port.


F421 SFD resolver sensorfault.

Sensor or sensor wiringfailure insidemotor.

Try resetting the fault. If itreappears returnmotor forrepair.


F423 NV Failure – ExtendedMultiturn.

The position saved inmemory is corrupted.

Home axis or disable exten-dedmultiturn. If the faultpersists, send the drive forrepair.



Deviation from predictedtrajectory fault.

Motor did not followcommand values. Motorexceededmaximumallowed position fol-lowing error (numeric).

Check for increased load,jamming or sticking. Is pos-ition error set too low?


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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault


Following error magnitudefault.

Motor did not followcommand values. Motorexceededmaximumallowed position fol-lowing error (user).

Check feedback com-mutation setup and tuningparameters.


F450 Following error present-ation.

Motor did not followcommand values. Motorexceededmaximumallowed position fol-lowing error (present-ation).

Check feedback com-mutation setup and tuningparameters.



Feedback battery fault. The external batteryvoltage is too low. TheF451 fault is generatedif the AKD is notpowered. The n451warning is generated ifthe AKD is powered.This fault can be inhib-ited withFAULT451.ACTION.

Check or replace theexternal battery.


F452 ExtendedMultiturn notsupported with this feed-back.

Non-multiturn feedbackis connected whileFB1.PMTSAVEEN isactive.

Connect multiturn feed-back to the drive or disableextendedmultiturn.


F453 Tamagawa com-munication fault(timeout).

Bad communicationwith the feedbackdevice. Cabling orshielding fault, orinternal feedback fail-ure.

Check the cabling to thedrive and if the problem per-sists then return the feed-back to themanufacturerfor repair.


F454 Tamagawa com-munication fault (transferincomplete).

F456 Tamagawa com-munication fault (CRC).

F457 Tamagawa com-munication fault (starttimeout).

F458 Tamagawa com-munication fault (UARTOverrun).

F459 Tamagawa com-munication fault (UARTFraming).

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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F460 Tamagawa encoder fault(over speed).

This fault is generatedwhen the shaft isrotated above amax-imum speed that can bemaintained while theexternal battery ispowered and the drive ispowered off.

Reset the fault on the drivewith DRV.CLRFAULTS.


F461 Tamagawa encoder fault(counting Error).

When the feedback ispowered on the position(within one revolution)was incorrect becauseof a problem with thefeedback device.

Reset the fault on the drivewith DRV.CLRFAULTS, ifthe problem persists thenclean the feedback codeplate.


F462 Tamagawa encoder fault(counting overflow).

Multi-turn counter hasoverflowed.

Reset the fault on the drivewith DRV.CLRFAULTS.


F463 Feedback overheat fault. The temperature of theencoder substrateexceeds overheatingdetection temperatureduringmain power-on.

Reset the fault on the drivewith DRV.CLRFAULTSafter temperature ofencoder is lowered.


F464 Tamagawa encoder fault(multi-turn error).

Any bit-jump occurs inthemulti-turn signal dur-ingmain power-on.

Return to the origin. Resetthe fault on the drive withDRV.CLRFAULTS.


F465 Excessive shock detec-ted by feedback device.

1. Excessive shockfrom an impact or vibra-tion has caused an errorin the feddback device.or2. Internal error in thefeedback devicemech-anism, resulted in badposition data.

1. Reduce external impactsto themotor housing andshaft. Tune the controlloops filters. Reduce gains,particularly feed forwardgains. Reducemaximumcommanded acceleration.or2. Replace the feedbackdevice.


F467 Feedback fault on feed-back 1 (SeeFB1.FAULTS for details).

The feedback devicemalfunctioned.

Check FB1.FAULTS fordetailed fault information. Ifusing a BiSS feedbackdevice, fault 467 indicatesa communications faultwith the BiSS feedbackdevice. No additionalinformation is available viaFB1.FAULTS for this faultwhen using a BiSS feed-back device.


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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F469 FB1.ENCRES is notpower of two, RemoteCommutation not pos-sible.

Feedback Type 43requires that the feed-back resolution be apower of two. FeedbackType 43 is not sup-ported for all feedbackresolutions.

If the remote feedbackdevice's resolution is apower of two, enter thatvalue in FB1.ENCRES.Otherwise, choose a feed-back device with a sup-ported resolution (power oftwo) and enter that value inFB1.ENCRES.


F470 Feedback fault on feed-back 3.

Feedback is not con-nected or general com-munication problem.

Check tertiary feedback(X9 connection)


F471 Operation in PositionMode with Halls Onlyfeedback not allowed.

Operation in PositionMode with Halls Onlyfeedback not allowed.

Set your drive’s mode ofoperation to velocity ortorque when using a HallsOnly feedback.


F473 Wake and Shake - Insuf-ficient movement

There was less move-ment than defined byWS.DISTMIN.

IncreaseWS.IMAX and/orWS.T. Or try usingWS.MODE 1 or 2.


F475 Wake and Shake -Excess movement

WS.DISTMAX hasbeen exceeded inWS.MODE 0. Ormorethan 360 degrees wastraveled inWS.MODE 2.

IncreaseWS.DISTMAXvalue or reduceWS.IMAXorWS.T. Wake and Shakeis not suported for ver-tical/overhung loads.


F476 Wake and Shake - Fine-Coarse delta too large.

The angle differencebetween the coarse andfine calculation was lar-ger than 72 deg.

Modify WS.IMAX orWS.Tand try again.



Wake and Shake - Overspeed

WS.VTHRESH wasexceeded.

IncreaseWS.VTHRESHvalue or reduceWS.IMAXorWS.T.



Wake and Shake - Loopangle delta too large.

The angle between com-plete loops was largerthan 72 deg.

Modify WS.IMAX orWS.Tand try again.


F480 Field bus command velo-city too high.

Fieldbus command velo-city exceedsVL.LIMITP.

Lower fieldbus commandtrajectory, or increase thevalue of VL.LIMITP.


F481 Field bus command velo-city too low.

Fieldbus command velo-city exceedsVL.LIMITN.

Increase fieldbus com-mand trajectory, ordecrease the value ofVL.LIMITN.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F482 Wake and Shake - Com-mutation not initialized.

Themotor requires thecommutation ini-tialization (there are noencoder commutationtracks, Hall sensors,etc.) and no successfulWake and Shakesequence has been per-formed

Clear any faults, activatetheWake and Shake pro-cedure (WS.ARM) andenable the drive.


F483 Wake and Shake - MotorU phasemissing.

No current was detec-ted in themotor's Uphase duringWake andShake initialization(Mode 0 only).

Check themotor con-nections andWS.IMAX(very low current may pro-duce this error).


F484 Wake and Shake - MotorV phasemissing.

No current was detec-ted in themotor's Vphase duringWake andShake initialization(Mode 0 only).

Check themotor con-nections andWS.IMAX(very low current may pro-duce this error).


F485 Wake and Shake - MotorW phasemissing.

No current was detec-ted in themotor's Wphase duringWake andShake initialization(Mode 0 only).

Check themotor con-nections andWS.IMAX(very low current may pro-duce this error).


F486 Input change rateexceeds maximum speedof emulated encoder.

Motor velocity exceedsthemaximum speed theemulated encoder out-put can generate.



F487 Wake and Shake - Val-idating PositiveMove-ment Failed.

After applying a positivecurrent, motor moved inthe wrong direction.

Check motor phase wiringandmotor encoder wiring iscorrect.


F489 Wake and Shake - Val-idating NegativeMove-ment Failed.

After applying a neg-ative current, motormoved in the wrong dir-ection.

Check motor phase wiringandmotor encoder wiring iscorrect.


F490 Wake and Shake - Val-idating Comm. angletimed out.

During one of theW&Svalidation stages, thedrive stopped respond-ing to commands.

Contact customer support. Disablepowerstage

F491 Wake and Shake - Val-idating Comm. anglemoved too far - BadComm Angle.

After applying a current,themotor moved too far(>15 electrical degrees).

This indicates a poor motorphase angle was found byWake and Shake. ReviseWake and Shake para-meters, and re-runWakeand Shake.


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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F492 Wake and Shake - Val-idating Comm. anglerequiredmore thanMOTOR.ICONT

A current larger thanMOTOR.ICONT wasused to excite themotor.

This indicates one of the fol-lowing:

l Phase angle is incor-rect due to a badwake and shake.

l Motor has very highfriction requiringhigh current to breakfree.

l Motor power cableis disconnected orimproperly wired.


F493 Invalid commutationdetected - motor accel-erating in the wrong dir-ection. Motor phasemaybe incorrect.

The velocity of themotor exceededWS.CHECKV and thesign of the current wasnot equal to the sign ofmotor acceleration orthe sign of motor velo-city for a period of timelarger thanWS.CHECKT.

1. Check motor phase wir-ing 2. Re-configure wakeand shake (if Mode 0 or 1 isused) 3. Re-run wake andshake to determine correctcommutation angle


n495 Failed to processrecorder cogging com-pensation table.

The drive was unable toretrieve or process thedata gathered during thecogging compensationteachmove.

Try starting another cog-ging compensation teachmove. Should the warningcontinue to appear, contactcustomer support.



Bus over voltage. Bus voltage too high.Usually, this problem isload related.

Reduce load or changemotion profile. Check sys-tem regen capacity; addcapacity if needed. Checkmains voltage.


F502 Bus under voltage. Warn-ing issued prior to fault.

Bus voltage belowthreshold value.

Check mains voltage. Controlledstop

F503 Bus capacitor over-loaded.

Single phase AC inputon a drive only rated forthree-phase input orexcessive single-phasepower load.

Check mains voltage. Controlledstop

F504 - F518

Internal supply voltagefault

Internal supply voltagefault detected

Check wiring for elec-tromagnetic compatibility(EMC). If issue persistsexchange drive.

F519 Regen short circuit. Regen resistor short cir-cuit.

Regen IGBT short circuit.Contact technical support.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault


Regen over power. Toomuch power storedin regen resistor.

Either get larger regen res-istor or use DC bus sharingto dissipate power.


F523 Bus over voltage FPGA. Bus over voltage hardfault.

Check mains voltage andcheck system brake capa-city.



Drive Foldback. Maximum drive powerhas been exceeded.The power has been lim-ited to protect the drive.

Motion requires toomuchpower. Change profile toreduce load .


F525 Output over current. Current exceeds drivepeak.

Check for short or feed-back faults.


F526 Current sensor short cir-cuit.

1. Current sensor shortcircuit. 2. Motor cableplugged in upside down

1. Restart drive. If issuepersists, contact technicalsupport. 2. Plug in cableright-side up.


F527 Iu current AD converterstuck.

Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F528 Iv current AD converterstuck.

Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F529 Iu current offset limitexceeded.

Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F530 Iv current offset limitexceeded.

Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, contact technicalsupport.


F531 Power stage fault. Hardware failure detec-ted.

Restart drive. If issue per-sists, replace drive.


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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F532 Drivemotor parameterssetup incomplete.

Before amotor can beenabled, youmust con-figure aminimum set ofparameters. These para-meters have not beenconfigured.

Issue the commandDRV.SETUPREQLIST todisplay the list of the para-meters that youmust con-figure. Configure theseparameters either manuallyor automatically. You canmanually configure theseparameters in three ways:(1) set each parameter indi-vidually; (2) use the setupwizard to select themotor;or (3) select themotor typefrom themotor data base intheMotor window(MOTOR.AUTOSETmustbe set to 0 (off)). If you usetheMotor window, youmust first select the feed-back type. If themotor hasBiss Analog, Endat, orSFD feedback (feedbackwith memory), then theseparameters are set auto-matically whenMOTOR.AUTOSET is setto 1 (on).


F534 Failed to readmotor para-meters from feedbackdevice.

Motor either does nothavemotor feedbackmemory, or themotorfeedback memory is notprogrammed properly sothe parameters cannotbe read.

Try to read parametersagain by clicking theDis-able andClear Faults but-ton, or by issuing theDRV.CLRFAULTS com-mand. If this attempt is notsuccessful, then setMOTOR.AUTOSET to 0(off) and program the para-meters using the setup wiz-ard or manually set up theparameters. If themotorhas motor memory (BissAnalog, Endat, and SFDmotors havemotormemory), return themotorto have thememory pro-grammed.


F535 Power-board over-tem-perature fault.

The power-board tem-perature sensor indic-ates more than 85 °C.

Reduce the load of thedrive or ensure better cool-ing.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F536 Standby power supplyfault.

Standby voltage circuitoverloaded.

Check total 24 V powerload of AKD-N in thestrings (sum of drive andmotor brake supply). TheAKD-C must be power-cycled to recover from thisfault.


F537 Precharge fault. Precharge processcould not be performedin a reasonable amountof time.

Look for a shortcut in thestring (cable) or exchangehardware



AC input phase 1miss-ing.

Mains supply failuredetected, phase L1missed on AKD-C.

Check power connectorand power source.



AC input phase 2miss-ing.

Mains supply failuredetected, phase L2missed on AKD-C.

Check power connectorand power source.



AC input phase 3miss-ing.

Mains supply failuredetected, phase L3missed on AKD-C.

Check power connectorand power source.


F545 String current over peaklimit

String current is higherthan AKD-C RatedPeak Current.

Lower AKD-N current limitsto prevent overdrawingAKD-C current


F546 String current over con-tinuous limit

String current is higherthan AKD-C RatedContinuous Current(I²T).

Lower AKD-N current limitsto prevent overdrawingAKD-C current


F560 Regen near capacity,could not prevent overvoltage.

An F501 Bus OverVoltage has occuredwhile the Regen Res-istor was at or above75% of its dissipationcapacity.

Increase the size of regenresistor to be able to dis-sipatemore power.


F561 More than 8 AKD-Ns con-nected at string2

Toomany drives onstring 2.

Reduce NSDs on String 2to 8 or less


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AKD Fault Card | 2   Fault andWarningMessages

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

F562 More than 8 AKD-Ns con-nected at string1

Toomany drives onstring 1.

Reduce NSDs on String 1to 8 or less


F564 Number of connectednodes on string 1 hasdecreased.

Drive has been removedfrom string 1.

Investigate AKD-N Eth-ercat communication,determine where networkconnection failed.


F565 Number of connectednodes on string 2 hasdecreased.

Drive has been removedfrom string 2.

Investigate AKD-N Eth-ercat communication,determine where networkconnection failed.



Phase loss. Phase loss detected onHV48.

Check mains powervoltage. Fault action con-figurable byFAULT570.ACTION.


n582 Velocity has been limitedcommutation speed toless than 600Hz tomeetECCN 3A225 require-ments.

Motor Velocity hasexceeded the allowedcommutation speed(599Hz).

Refer to ECCN 3A225 Lim-itations for InductionMotors.

Velocitycommandwill beclampedat ECCN3A225 reg-ulation.

F587 Loss of all AC inputphases.

Mains supply failuredetected.

Check power connectorand power source.


n601 Modbus data rate is toohigh.

Modbus controller datarate is too high.

Reduce data rate. Disablepowerstage

F602 Safe torque off. Safe torque off functionhas been triggered.

Reapply supply voltage toSTO if safe to do so.


n603 OPMODE incompatiblewith CMDSOURCE

This warning is gen-erated when the drive isenabled and the gearingcommand source isselected at the sametime as torque or velo-city op-mode.

Select a differentDRV.OPMODEandDRV.CMDSOURCEcombination.


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Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy DriveRespons-e to Fault

n604 EMUEMODE incompatib-le withDRV.HANDWHEELSR-C.

Emulated encodemodeis incompatible with theselected handwheelsource.

Select a compatible emu-lated encodemode orchange handwheel source.


F621 Control Board CRC fault. Communications withthe Power Board Failed

DRV.CLRFAULTS. Ifissue persists, contacttechnical support.

DisablepowerstageF623 Power Board CRC fault.

F624 Power BoardWatchdogfault.

F625 Power Board Com-munication fault.

F626 Power Board FPGA notconfigured.

F627 Control BoardWatchdogfault.

F628 AKD-C Front door packetnot received on String 1.

A data packet has notbeen received by theAKD-N or AKD-C(String 1)

Check cables and clear thefault.


F629 AKD-C Front door packetnot received on String 2.

A data packet has notbeen received by theAKD-C (String 2)

Check cables and clear thefault.


F630 FPGA cyclic read fault. FPGA-to-firmware dataaccess error.

DRV.CLRFAULTS. Ifissue persists, contacttechnical support.


F631 Issue command timedout.

Processing a commandtook longer than thecommand timeout (10-60 sec depending on thecommand).

Try reducing the CPU loadof the drive by deactivatingunused features or chan-ging the fieldbus cycletime.


F701 Fieldbus Runtime. Runtime com-munication fault.

Check fieldbus con-nections (X11), settings,and control unit.



Fieldbus Communicationlost.

All fieldbus com-munication was lost.

Check fieldbus con-nections (X11), settings,and control unit.


F703 Emergency timeoutoccurred.

Motor did not stop in thetimeout defined.

Change timeout value,change stop parameters,improve tuning.



Fieldbus cyclic setpointsmissing.

Fieldbus master hasstop sending setpointswithin a certain timeoutvalues.

Check the fieldbus con-nection and wiring.


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AKD Fault Card | 3   Additional fault messages AKD-T

3 Additional fault messages AKD-TAKD BASIC runtime faults are displayed in the two-digits 7-segment display of the drive:

The two digits LED displayindicates the fault code.

The additional runtime fault messages for AKD-T are coded with numbers starting from F801.Remedy for all errors: clear error, fix user program, recompile, download and attempt to run the program again.

Eliminate errors and faults in compliance with work safety rules. Troubleshooting only byqualified and trained staff.More information about error messages, causes, remedy and clearing errors can befound in theWorkBench online help and inKDN.

Error DescriptionF801 Divide by zero.

F802 Stack Overflow.

F803 Insufficient Memory.

F804 No interrupt handler defined.

F805 Interrupt error.

F806 Max string length exceeded.

F807 String overflow.

F808 Array out of bounds.

F809 Feature not supported.

F810 Internal firmware/hardware error.

F812 Parameter not supported.

F813 Parameter access error.

F814 Data not found.

F815 Data invalid.

F816 Data too high.

F817 Data too low.

F818 Param type out of range.

F819 Data not divisible by 2.

F820 Invalid positionmodulo setting. 

F821 Cannot read from command.

F823 Enable Drive first.

F824 DRV.OPMODE must be 2 (position).

F825 DRV.CMDSOURCE must be 5 (program).

F826 Cannot execute during amove.

F827 Writing to read-only parameter.

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Error DescriptionF828 Disable Drive first.

F829 Opcode not supported - upgrade firmware.

F830 No negative values allowed.

F831 BASIC program is invalid. May need firmware upgrade.

F832 BASIC program is missing.

F901 Toomany cams.

AKD Fault Card | 3   Additional fault messages AKD-T

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AKD Fault Card | 4   Record of Document Revisions

4 Record of Document RevisionsRevision Remarks

C, 03/2012 Faults added for 1.6, AKD BASIC, and I/O option card.

D, 08/2012 Tamagawa faults added.

E, 11/2012 Faults added for 1.8.

F, 05/2013 Added F467 and F560.

G, 09/2013 Added F127, F468, F469, F623 to F627, F829 to F832, and F901.

H, 12/2013 Added warnings. Added AKD-C and AKD-N faults.

J, 05/2014 Added F465, F468, and F630.

K, 12/2014 Added F470, F570, and n582.

L, 04/2015 Hardware revision updated from D to E.

M, 12/2015 Added F256, n256, F256, n257.

N, 09/2016 F403 remedy improved.

P, 03/2017 Added F120, F124, n179, n180, F471, n495, F631, F706. n107 and n108 updated.

R, 10/2017 Added F314.

S, 11/2018 Added F587.

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