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Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ...€¦ · Hough wasa na¬ tive of...

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^ i _ THURSDAY EVENING, FEB2UAEY i. LOCAL NEWS. Fair, colder weather is indicated for the Mid ii!e Atlantc.States to-morrow. The Storm..-The be.ivy snow storm v.liich set in early ytsterd ty morning con¬ tinued with unubattd sevesity, with only slight intermis>io: s, till a.'Oiu. noon to-day, by which time the ground >vih covered to a d»*pth ranging f.-om twelve to eighteen inches, and, inde'-d, ;.» some places. where drifts occurred, ifc me '..-tired nearly tLtte feet. The liver is n in /, n over arid covered with .-now, ptuii.-g a navi¬ gation, which, it is ieare(J, w.ii noc .soon b'j reopened. The transfer barge, moving on hoard a train of cars, and in low of the tit-* lirewerton, i:. attempting to make a trip to Sjhepheid's, was ea eight in th« -now broth which had formed in the river y;-.-t3rd/.y evening and lenmifts frozen in opposite ibw ship yard at this writing, the lug being uu- able to cxiri-ale the barge fj^ui *tno ke. The Washing! n ferry steamers iinVe been compelled io abandon their trips, and the New Y.^rk .steamer John tiib-un, which «r rived here from Washington yesterday, re¬ mains at her wliarf, being noulde to prooce;! on her route. The snow has mocked ail oi the railroads loading to ihe city, and moct of the freight trains have been ahandened. The passenger trains are uii rut.nip;:, rtw- ever, but are several hours behind litu*'. The southern mail train ri«»- A F. road, duo hem at. 10: Id .in- m ri!i:i^. had not lrft livhmond at ri'« .!;. <piebtiy no tiiails Ironi along mat ioai ;.a;i reached iiii- city at 4 o'clock. From :»Song tho Virginia Midland r.;ad it. is learntd li ar tho sr.ow exteuds Jrom this city to h&eviiie, greatly impeding the running of mJns. The trains on tho W., O. & W. road are running, and were but little delayed, no heavy drifts having occurred on that road. The trains riom the north arrived here t»>d;»y but little behind time, in comparison with those arriving from ihe South. It is said by many that this is the heaviest snow st<»rm experienced in this vicinity sinee 1807. The storm, however, was not general throughout the country, but, originating in rain in Texas, it confined itsell to the coast States, sweeping in a northeasterly direc¬ tion, and changing to snow in Southern Tennessee. I's violence w:j.s something unusual throughout Virginia a;ui .Maryland, but us it reaehed the nor hem litis ados it was gradually swept away by ih» t uunt. v- acting cold wave which swept over lue cour.- try from the northwf-I. The wave reached this section last night, and in the eour.-o of twelve hours the temperature 1V!1 from thirty-six degrees to fourteen degrees. Dur¬ ing the night ir fell as low as twelve degiCcs, but there it stopped. It was stated at the Signal Otfiee early this morning that the temperature would remain almost station¬ ary to day, followed by cU r and warmer weather to morrow. ClTl* SlTElilNTKNOKNT 01? SCHOOLS..It was announced in y*sterduy's (Jazktth that the Hoard of Education had determined to appoint Mr. Kichard L. ('ante Superintend¬ ent of Public Schools f.«r this citv. Mr. Came held the position lur many > cars t c- Tore the Slahouei.'cs got possession > t t! e Htate governmenr, a:.;? bisvccord i:i that ca¬ pacity shows his emitter.* iiines wnde the whole community will he p!ete.v;i ifuu he will have cbavg«s of the public inou ,i»ou oi the children. Mr. Came w:>s net an appli¬ cant for the position, though he hs-.d Ijeen unanimously requested to become a candi¬ date, in ra>e of a change, i»y ti:o public schooHoaell^rs. jlo whs uuwiiiing to take it again, becau-e, in order to find time for she proper performance of i!s du i -s, he would have to employ some cm* :o kvep the books, etc., at Si. Joi»n?s Academy, and would not, therefore, leally receive any sal¬ ary. It. hi ing repivs*. nicd to him, however, that his services were. de:-ired by the people .generally, he consented to accept tho cUke should it be tendered him. As an act of simple justice to Mr. W. F. (^n me, the retiring »cuperinto: dent, it can be Sh tdiut his adui'mialration of tho affairs of the bt eu vvry MViisfantory, and the dutk s fa^bfully ami ably performed. John's III *STAUi:.\nt..Col. Samuel Orr:- son, formerly t ^ Letsburg, au<; \\-.;ll known in this city, >*as lt-uscil ibe. popular "John's" restaurai.'^* corner of /lb j;nd JD streets north west, \\ashiuglon. He has remodeled, re filter! restocked the entire establishment. It. &as Jong been fa¬ mous for its excellent o>>'ers, choice t^rra- pins, fish, game, wines, liquor* and cigars. The present genial proprietor baa determin¬ ed that it shall not )o>e au'.y of its former prestige, but by furnishing trie best the mar- kot affords, villi polite and prompt atten¬ tion add new laurels io its Jatuo in the fu¬ ture. His prices are moderate, with first class appointments. He will be glad to see and entertain his manv friends in this city at his m w establishment. Suicidk...Inlaws li. iiough, of the secret service division of ;h" Treasury Depart¬ ment, committed j-uicid .' in Washington at noon yest»«rday by shootisg himself iu the head, He was foilud dead on the lloor of his room, which Mas in the back part of the third story. He l ad on pants, shirt and was in iiis locking feet. A !aige hole was louud on tha right side cf hi.s head abovo the ear, where the? hu'Ief entered. The body was !vintr in a pool of blood, and near by wrs au English bull-dog revolver with an empty chamber. The muzzle was black¬ ened by the powder, and the shell was found under the hammer. Mr. Hough was a na¬ tive of Fredericksburg, and formerly was proprietor of a large china business in Balti¬ more. Delinquent Lands..Treasurer M. B. Harlow, iu an advertisement elsewhere in the GA z BTTE, n ol i fi «»s Sta !.e t a x p ay ers t h a t h e has now iu hand a list of all lands delinquent and in arrears for State taxes from the year lSt>5 to 1SSI inclusive, aud requests all per¬ sons in arrears lor State taxes to settle the same at once, as in a short time, under the provisions of the act of the General Assem¬ bly, all lunds delinquent and in art ears for such taxt-s wiil be advertised and exposed for sale at publicauction. Heor his deputy, "5ir. J. K. Caton, will cheerfully give all in¬ formation desired on the subject. Regatta..At a meeting of the Old Do¬ minion Bout Club lass night, Mr. Francis Hufty, tb.»> president, was selected -to re;»te- i-ent the club at tho nifeiirg of the State Association of Amateur Oarsmen, lo be held at Richmond, on theol of March, for the purpose of selecting a sui'ablo pia :c for the annual regatta, on the 4?h of J->K and he was instructed to urge A!e>:-,wlr:a i-s the most suitable and el ip--.lv p,f .«¦ (he con¬ test. In tho event ti' this eity ^ chosen ic is net improbable th:.t f.<-ni fifteen to Jwenty thousand people *.»».:? 1 l.e present. Allaugr s CPERA.Houss.-Tbe Mapleson Itpliaao xrA Company closed an engage¬ ment at Alb HUrb'^ Washington, hist night, before a large aL«*ienr<\ Th*' Jwni* Win¬ ston Opera Company out th* wefk, slaving "Boccaccio" to u'ght, ' La Pericoie" Friday, "Trebizonde" Saturday matinee, aud "Boccacc'.o" Saturday nishf. Police Report..Last ni«rht was cold i.hh snow. There were two Joggers but no tirisouere at tbe station hou.s«. The Mayor thin morning disposed of the following case.-: L u Gee, ..harmed with disorderly conduct in firing explosives in the stree t, was fiu^d §3. Jack Bird, colored, brought to the station house in an exhausted condition, was Kent to jail fur treatment. Henry Smith, arrested by officer Ti<vr for being drunk on the street, was fined $1. Personal..Mr. Citorge Uhler, who has been confined to his home with a severe cold for the part few days, is out agaiu. At a meeting of the directors of tho Oid Dominion Building Association held on Tuesday night, last, Mr. J. 2i. Caton was elected attorney for thut. association. Mr. Jack Horseman, formerly of this city but now of Washington, is ill with Bight's disease a: his homo in tho latter city. Buoys orr of Place..Captain Georj,.' Young, of the Ntw York steamer John (iib- .-'On, reports that many of the buoj s in tho >iv< r are out of placo and arc liable 1.0 mis- lead pilots when navigation reopens, llo says that tha Maryland Point buoy when last roon was off Cedar Point, and that many of the othars were misplaced by the running ice of lost week. Postponed..Ou account of thealoria,the meetitg of the Thursday Dramatic (Jiub, to havo been held to night, is postponed till next Thursday, when there will bea tableau and performance. The Club is progressing m .st satisfactorily and' ics entertainments a:e greatly enjoyed by all who attend, a good deal of histrionic talent being dis¬ played. Property Balk..Messrs. E. L. and W. B. D.iing«-rlield Uavo sold to Mr. Wtu. F. Brookes, for $151)0, tho lot of ground on the west side of Washington street, between King and Prince, immediately south of the M. E. Church, South, fronting G7 feet on Washington street and running back 110 foot. It is wise to provide against emergencies that are liable to ari>o in every family. A coid may be a dangerous thing, or not, de¬ pending upon the means at hand to combat it. In sudden attacks of cold, croup, asth¬ ma, etc., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will prove the quickest and most ellcctivo curc, and your best friend. .«>-«» "Haudv to have in the house".Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tho prompt and certain remedy for croup, colds, and pulmonary af¬ fections. No cth?r medicine has won approval, at home, equal to Ayer's SarsnpariHn in Low¬ ell and vicinity. Geo. Andrew, overseer of the Low0:1 Car¬ pet Corporation, was f.«r over twenty ye-.r.-, before his removal to Lowell, j.lilic.'. d v.i.h salt rheum in its worst form. lis r::- t ions actual I ly covered more than half tkr- surface of his body and lirnhs. Ho en; iirely cured by Ayer's Sar^arari'i'a. 1 j certificate iu Ayer's Almanac foi 18SM. AMUSEMICXTS. (\ LUAuauv; cuand opera holm:. il Washington, I). C. l;ETUXIIs OF THE FAVORITES, Tlie Jeaiie Winston Ops tapj, \ Fer Throe '..'i;;;its Only r.i.d S'turduy I.. ;t«ii:¦ ¦¦. | Thnr.-disy, JSocaecio: Friday, b:i Pcriclio : ta'- uiday Matiuie, Piincesi of 'i rvlix »a.:« ; .Sr.'u.c, y evening, Coccaccio. ; Jiiis JEAN NIT. WltfSTOis, ?>ii s Loui.so >c'uirl'\ 7>'iss l{t>so LeigMon, >Ii«i :iic Meyers Miss Minnie Te J£u-.\ Walter iij sliiri1. Walter Allen, A. If. lie! 1, Yiuccut :i. Jos. Fiiy. Regular prices. Next week.Tlio l&to&t luusicil w.-uiv.hy, i y (iil! aud Jcssnp. authors of "Adonis " enth'ui .'APHRODITE STILL IN TiiE I-l.v« febl.3t HOTELS AXI) JIESTA UJt.-{XTc'. ; OiiK'-' RESTAURANT, pj> COR 7th and 1") S S., Washington, D. C. SAi.'UEL ORlilSON, of Vir«inu, I'rojui.Vior. The lurder will be supplied with ev ry cy, f»id t!ie lor storked with the Uwt«1' i.i«,u i.-\ iMcals sitv il Kt a'.! hours in the l»C5t ii~.c d at n-.;.-on:ibli: ra'.ys k-.M. E] .. .. / ¦; .¦.¦l Vanhinn t . i.i I ¦: OMf KB5£ V»r Sl,r<: Sunt. , _ .. ' 'i.l'H 8 tl«L> Ili'.T. ;. i-. ..- ul.. ;i. -u JV- f}\ «<. anyail«lr»'ss. Iti'i ft " «ra i" ''t.v lilir'-.furJ/Uli'V. ' '! ¦ \ Ml v.i.ir Ml«l I. -i i;i.T k3 *i '< iii 1'i'i- s liter . of %¦./ ' 1. C'tiC'ii »;:«! »v . j ;-utf)faci5»a ffvars3tti'ctl,ct}n<>T\i-? «. f. . j... t. t|. C-l t'i IiOi '">. ^ ; 1 . ~ . , « fcb4.w8v LOCAL BREVITIES. Good help the poor thi3 weather. It lms been a good winter for the rubber .shoe factories. J. P. llorbach has been appointed post- master at Virginia Beach. The snow is beautiful, but oh ! for a high¬ er temperature and a gentle rain. The Salvation Army members are rowing arnoi:^ themselves in Washington. The "Fire Wat dens have provided horses for ihe 1j< se carriages during the prevailing inoUuM Nt weather. A do;:, supposed to be mad, was killed nbiir (ha gas works this morning by the po¬ licy o Hi cars ou that bsat. The f-a'.o of the household effects of Mr. V/. W. liock to have taken placo to-morrow has been postponed till Wednesday next. Sir. George 15. Faunce, son of the late Capt. Jacob ]). Faunce, died in Washington yesterday morning in the 34th year of his age. IVIr. William Call, an excellent and well- ki.owu citizen cf Loudoun couuty, exper¬ ienced a partial paralysis of his right side, last Slit:day evening. Tho barn of Robert Cloe, near Guilford Station, together with its contents and 300 bushels of corn in crib, was destroyed by \vb;it. is thought to have been an incendi¬ ary fire, Monday evening. There will be two eclipses of the sun this year. One, au annular eclipse, on March 5th, visibio in the United States as a partial eclipse. The other will bo a total eclipse of tiie sun and will take place on the morning of August 29ih, visible as a partial eclipse in pf.rt of tho United States. Edward Jackson, a colored man from Cul- p?per county, was swindled out of $10 by two eoi.-fideneo men in Washington yester- day. Jit; mot a white man who employed hiuj iu drive a wagon, and then borrowed t;lU IVciu him, telling a confederate to pay Jackson the money. The two men escaped. Oa reaching the depot in this city this morning tho driver of Captain Frank Beat- tie's milk wagon found a number of chick¬ ens peiclicd on the axle trees. They had g /r.o to roost on tho wagon yesterday even¬ ing and last night they were "snowed in" and hail their feet frozau to tho axle trees. Tin y wero taken back to the Captain's farm in Fairfax county. A well known old colorod man, named Jack Rird, was taken to tho station house in an ex- bausird condition from tho cold yesterday cvfli- ing when it was thought he would dio. IFo was attended by Dr. Snowdcu and this morning, his condition having improved, ho was sout to jail by Slayer Sinoot tor treatment. The proprietors of the pool tablc3 in thi3 city will petition tho Legislature for a reduction in the !i ;::j c tf*>: oa such tables. Tin: milling would. Hi i-kai.o, N. V.. Jim. 25,1SS0. "VV. i . ''Viiiiev ti Sons, millers, of Washington, I). were lately 'boycotted' by the local coopers' union ('.>.- buying up and using :i second timo ihur i;M 'M .rre's. Tlic boycott wai considered uu- ju.:tii1:tl)le by the tabor onion." feb3-3t \ i.A i ()ii o SALL. < Mi TIJ UKSDAY, February 1-lth. 1886, at 10 a in., y.t the late residence of Mary Buck¬ ingham, iheeased, oa Princo street, between St. iifiph and J'itt. treo;=, 1 will soil, at public auc- lion, tli - HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNI- i .»; ihe .-aid Mitiy Buckingham. T< tus of Sale-Cash. JVM-H W.M. II. LAMI'.ERT. Admr. . .: L I N «.> U E N T LANDS. : ,ji ...] ! suds delinquent and in arrears fur l:;.v -.una 1 ho year to 38S4 inclu¬ sive .:<. i: v: in my ham's, and all persons in ar- r ..;s ;Vr State taxes are lieroby notilicd to settle l!.cs m at or.es, ai in a short timo, under tho piovi.,ii>;3 * the act of iho General Assembly, !. l i.d uciit and in arrears for such taxis ¦..Hi '. ...hvrtiMd anl ex posed for sale at public ifction. Those persons paying tho same, at once ..i! Jieavv charges attending publication i d tlu. M. B. HARLOW, fi-i.' t!* City Treasurer. : *,.¦ -oLii:i>, m Benzine, Dentil Floss Silk on \>f :-]» I.uliii.'s Fxtracts, Sapolio, Goose <.'. - lir. c'.'ic. Pear's Shaving Sticks and Tuiii i Stinp. *:o cea Pills and Cromo Dentifrice, f-1r ale 5>y f. :j Y.. S. LEA DP,EATER & BRO. " V DiiOP SUGAR CORN, tho best canned i i .uii America, just received by :»)\*(» G tit >. McBUBNEY & SON. "YJ TAJ'.LK EA BINS, large bunches, just _":!o -.1': GEO. McBUKNEY &. SON. \t i.v; , i i:r. Y PUUNES, just rccceived and _L* vi'iv cheap at iiov.' l " McWJRNEY & SOX'S. *i t IXKI) CHOP, CHOW-CHOW AND SWEET ifjl Mixed Pickle bv measure, at ecJ't ' McBURNTEY'S. I CAII LOAD NO. 0 SYIiUP. to arrive and for sale X jal 1 -1 \v P.v CH AS. KING, <»7 Cameron st. 7 N EST < :AN DY. in 1 -lb fancy boxes, for F.al« by t? dee'ij J. C. MILBURN. S T A T K M 10 3ST T 02'' xmu i..,i.oucu LIT* Insurance Company of New York, EICHARD £l. XcCTJULY, President. For the year ciuliny December 31st, 1SSS. ASSETS S10S.OOC.OG7.5i Insurance and .Annuity Account. No. Amount. No. Policies and Annuities in| ['.¦iii-ifs ami Annuities inj force, Jan. :st. iss;. 11 l.svr, £:r>1.-].\0ll 07 fore.', Jan. 1st. ltWi.... U:sUs Assumed 14,33-1 .I»»..'i07,i:8> 10 Iiisks Terminated lJtl.l'.'U 0-o II 120,952 8^17 Amount. $3fi8.981,441 30 -KJ,311,03s 87 129.199 $398,323,080 £i Dr. T-f.evojtno Account. Cr. To Hnlimeo from last account $97,009.!>!3 OS " Premiums M.7(!S.!HI! JKJ " Interest and licuts 5,440,052 <20 ;>r. ^>117.221.807 ?/i lJy paid t<> roliey-Holders: Endowments & Pur¬ chased Insurances. $5,570,110 3< ]»iv i. Sends and Annui¬ ties 3.511.000 00 Decease.! Lives 5,920,033 DC $14,102,010 90 Oilier Msluirscments: Commissions and t ,vv r~t) o< Commutations... «» Tares 2GG.G5C T,0 Expenses 901,954 14 2,4S7,290 4S Premium on Stocks and Bonds ]'iire!i:ised 409,882 87 Balance to new account 99,SC5,OU 11 $117,234,867 36 ".Balance Shoot. Cr. To Reserve for j*ollcies in force or ^ terminated * " Premiums receive*! in nilv&nc? Surplus at four per cent iV> r.n,iHi 7 5 UK'.0>i 7o tiy Ufi'd- ?.«*nred by Mortgages on I'eal Estate $40,228,930 10 " IVited States and other Bonds.. 39,360,101 00 '. I Ajans on Collaterals 3,856,500 00 " Real Estate 10,092,720 45 " Cosh in Banks and Trust Com- panics at interest 2.G10.M3 21 " Interest accrued 1,217,3S) S5 .. lYcmiums deferred and In tran¬ sit. 1.438.180 55 .' S".udries 189,550 29 S10S.90S.9C7 51 I lave carefully examined the foregoing state:;: :: cuvl cam? to lie correct. A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor. From the Surplus above stated a Dividend will !*.¦ apportioned as usual. Kct* Yorts. January 29,1S30. S.vMt'FL E. SrROt'lls, t :t s Kopivson, ' /. >:; .¦: i >. Bawock, Cok, K. DftVKi <". ^.i.v.MOi t; 1.. In-rr.n, Kichaku A. McCukuv, ,1A M KS C. 1 i OLDEN*. 'i-.,MANX C. von Post, EOAJRD OF TRUSTEES. George C. Ricimkdron.; (InoRr.s r. R.\i:ar, Alexander H. Rice. los. TitoMr.-o::. lr. Ratciikord Staki;, Dcdlev 0:.corT. Frederick U. Cossinv Kurt eric (' omv rit. Lewis Mav, J-t ii:\ T. O wn s, Oliver Harriman. Kor . Sr .. i ¦ Henry W. Smith, S. Van v i Cr: John H. Sherwood, C»L\:,Lr.s ivOUEKT olyphan T, I G rtoRr.F. Bliss, Rukcs W. 1'eckham, \v.m. 1'. Dixon, I. Hoiiart Herrick, RollERT A. GkaNNISS. Nicholas C. Millbk, :v.i:r. IIkniv H. Roc.ers, Jso. V.*. Auchincloss WILLIAM fl. LAMBERT. Agent, Alexandria, Virginia. 0. F. BKESEE & SONS, General Agents, Baltimore, ild. MEDICFX.4 L. ENDORSED BY THE WORLD. A DOHBLE DISTILLATION OF MANY OF TIIE BEST GERMAN IIERBS. Making llili t!io Only Rfllalil* and EfTicieat Tunic ever placed before the public fur Uie rure of DysiHsiisia, Indigestion, Los* of Appetite. General Debility. Malarial Disease*. Cnlle, Cramps, Di;irrlin>a,&c. Tlio lilKlic«=t character of tbf many testimonials awani.il Una preparation has never been e<iuale*i. Wo ufiir with i>leu6uie to the following: Sister Mary, Lady Superior iu charge Institu¬ tion of the N«itro Dame, Baltimore, says: Wo have used "Dr. Pilzold'3 German Bitters'* in this institution for a number of diseases and com¬ plaints, such as premonitory indications of Bil¬ ious Fever, Chills, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite and Goneral Dobility, aud lind it an unrivalled remedy for thuso complaints, ami a thorough tonic for those whose systems requiro a speedy building up. I take great pleasure in recommending "Dr. Pctzold's Germau Bitters" as a medicine of raro merit. William E. Jaynkh, Pastor of Wolfe St. I. M. Church, Baltimore. This great medicine is for sale by all druggists, grocers and dealers generally. Price 50c and SI per bottle. A. A. WARFIELD, Agent, Alcxa. LOUIS PETZOLD & CO., je.'J-eoly Proprietors, Bultiuiorc, Md. AUCTION SALES SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE At Public Auction. Oil WEDNESDAY, Feb. 10, 18SC. at tho resi¬ dence of tho late George W. Bock, No. 41 Duke street, I will sell at public auction all tho HOUSE¬ HOLD and KITCHEN FURNITUBE. BEDS, BEDDIKG, <&c. Sale will conimcriec at 3Oo'clock a. m. Terms.rash. feblJ-ts WM. W. EOCK. WHY "OnrNew Sontli" aiti W.H.Tenney Family Fta are Boycottei It is bccauso we do not use all new barrels. Wore we to do fo it would give employment to fivo more coopers. The diiHircuco iu tiic cost of barrel 1 to uh would he $3,000 per year. Most of our flour in barrels is shipped out of this market and brings tho same prico a^ if it were shipped in new barrels, tho homo tra lo taking more than half iho Hour sold hero in paper sacks. We em¬ ploy ;ii our business 25 men at average better wages !han received by barrel coopors. Tho boy- oottcis liavo attempted to drive out of employ¬ ment 5 iiicii, linle * we give work to 5 moro of their men. Wo did not seek this quarrel, but we had either lo submit to a secret body, unknown to the laws, quit bu lines* or fight. We chose tho hitter, believing ours a just cause, p.nd tho fre¬ quent boycotting siuce convince us wo wore right. Wo »tro c intending for a priuciplo that affects everv moeh.nt; «nd manufacturer. Our flours are >-f the best quality and made cf selected Southern wheat, and are sold at fur prices and lower than if tiny wcro paeked i:i new barrels, All who ha o used lln m aie plowed with their quality. We have confidence th :t tho public will sustain us i:t the stand we have taken. As Amer¬ ican citizen.", whether native or naturalized, aro lovers of liberty, they will not let ono man rule over twenty -ono. Our government is a republic in which tin majority rule. W. H. Tennsy & Sons, Caplt ! Mil s, West Wa?hiugton. feb:; -:'.t 3PE3SAL NOTICE r-i - TO . LADIES m flgfiTUMffl. IIliving determined to use difl'orcnt lines of line Shoes, we wiil FOR THIRTY DAYS sell any of our LAD IKS* md GENTS' 1IAND or MACHINE MADE SHOEa At Prime Cost I Ladies' Hand ftevrud Kid Ball Boofc, §.*>50,foi- meriy Jj?-1 2.1. La-lies' Hand cYwcd l'cbblo IK; .is, 'jo, formerly $3 75. Lhdii s' I land-^-wed ' as-:in-rn Fused, il 25, formerly $1. OoutV ,,-s in IUitton. Hall or Con¬ gress. 5j>5 J30, formerly $i» 50. These ji.-iuos w:ll positively only he for thirty days, after which time tboy will iio withdrawn. John A, PJai'shall, jan21-lm 110 KING STREET. N EW MUSIC BOOKS AND MUSIC' FOLIOS .at. FRENCH'S, 9i> & 05 KISfi STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA. The Piano Folio, 50,\ Bellak's Mctkol f.»r the Pianaforlc, 75n. Hun ten's Celebrated Pianoforte School, 7sic. Children's Fri o, 50c. l'iano Folio, /UV. Pearl of Sottas, .'".'I -. Bouquet of Music, 50c. Ideal "Ongs, 5!.lo. Vocal Folio, 50e. Parlor Organ l-'olio, 50c. Song Folio, 50a. The Arthur Sullivan Album, 25c. Millard's Sonus, $1. College Songs, 50c. Tfco Pia::o Souvenir, 50c. Instrumental Gems from Mikado, 25u. Vocal Gctns fiom Mikado, 2~u:. Words by W. S. Gilbert, Music ly Arthur Sulli¬ van. A now iinc of Evans' Standard5 and 10cMusic. jan21 GEO. E. FUENCH. Valentines! Valentines! . AT. FRENCH'S, 1)3 and 95 KING STREET. Jutt received the largest assortment ever offer¬ ed in the city. All styles represented, from the cheapest to the most expensive. Beautiful stylos in Satin and Plush, wholesale and retail. A new line of COMICS very cheap l>y the dozan or gross. jmi27 GEO. E FRENCH. gQ TONS COTTON SEED MEAL To arrive and for sale by jan28 CnAS. S. TAYLOR, Jr. QUT HAY! CUT HAY! 50 tons CHOICE CUT HAY in store and for salo at lowest priccs wholesale and retail by jan'28 C. S. TAYLOR, Jr. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE:.CANTON PRE¬ SERVED GINGER, in famy Green Pots, tbo finest goods and the latest style, for salo only at Tnov24] McBURNEY'S. LEIGH BASKETS, SLEIGli RUNNERS AND BELLS, for sale at 3S King, corner of Royal at low prices. dcc9 J T. CREIGHTON & SON. SLEIGH BASKETS..Sici^h Bolls&nd Runners, Ice and Roller Skates, at JAS. F. CAIILIN SONS, fjet21 Alexandria. Va. Plated spoons, knives ?.ud forks of cheap grades for eating lunues. A good arti¬ cle at a low price. J. T. CREI'III TON i >ON, ocl28 BS King street, corncr of i*oyal. R~ ED CROSS TOMATOES, purchased Lcfjrc the advauce. for sale low by f0l,l J. C. X.ii^P.LRN. ROYAL LAYER FIGS, the lincst. qoality. UOy24 GEO. McBLKNLl & SON. s O. WM. RAMSAY. TENNEY'S ODB Iff SOUTH FLOOR FOR 8ALE BY 0. WM. RAMSAY. 30 BOXES bice Florida Oranges FOB SALE BY G. WM. RAMSAY. MOCHA COFFEE FOR SALE GREEN OR ROASTED BY G. WM. RAMSAY. POTOMAC Barrol.s Halves anil Kits. G. WM. RAMSAY. F.ISCY GOODS 0. M. ADAM O. Quaker City Shirts.A com pic to line of thei.- b. »i goods always in stock L>r men and boys, sizts 12 to 17^. Eighmic Patent Bosom Shirt-* arc still moo;: With 8QCCCSS. Men's, Ladies', Misses' B-iys* ii..'; J siery. < 'on«tmtly sddin 12c to §1 50 O loves. Corsots. Towels. N.;».*. ii: - ..ud Ikl^itit- Stock of Underwear the l '.ri'o-t and the bca. quality «»f goods sold in the c:tv. J*"20 C. M. A DAMS. Sy King street. J. 0. Hutchinson. IMPORTER. GRAND MARK-DOWN SALE ODD I.OTS. cloaks and srirs. 20 PKR CENT. DISCOUNT. strictly FIRST CLASS GOODS millineky AT HALF 1'iUCL'. TRIMMED AND ustkimmed 11 \ FANCY feathkin¬ FANCY trimming MATE::I 10 PER CENT. DISCUS? T. BUTTONS, ribbons. PLUSHES AND LV - UNTIL FEBRUARY 1st. FOSTER KID gloves. 907 PENNSYLVANIA AVE jail WASHINGTON. D. C Amos B. slaymaker. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER :K Laiies',GeDts'&CIiMFersFiinf|.0f DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Wholesale and Rcts,:l. NO. 105 K I M G S T R SET. Bop25 \.?,hxanr-';;a va FANCY GOODS, SOTIOi, h. HOSIERY, gloves, handkcrchiafa, ColL.ra. and Cuff's, in groat variety. ladies'and children'S MERINO VES'JS and PANTS, all sizes and qualities. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, Gennantown Woe :3 r..vl Knitting Yarns, in all shades and fi-l< . sop29 C. C. BERRY, 7J'::;* :t I4 U'll «. / ESTABLISHES 132 JOSIAH il. D. SMOOT dkai.i:c IN Lurakr, Sliiiiffb. Lis, ' ' 0 NAILS, LIME,CEMENT,calcined PI A>T£lf, &c., &c. MASUFACTU&ek ol* FLOORING. DOORS, HASH. BLINDS. frciks. mouldings, mantels, brackets AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORK. OfDco and yard No. 21 north Unin <t. Fact ry Noa. 13 and 15 north Lte St.. A1 :.\:!iidrla, \'.i. jpfrNo charge for deliver}* in city. ' i. PERRY, SMOOT & CO. steamflooviiigicl'laiiiiigmill Manufacturers of door and WINDOW FRAMES, jroldings, Dealers in LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATH-. NAILS lim'% CALCINED plaster ami < KM ENT. AO" *;5 NORTH UNION ALEXANDRIA, VTRG! NIA. Lumber dolivercd iii the city Lee. 13 DOZ. DURKEE'SCOLD MEAT SAUCE and SALAD DRESSING just received. *1/7 geo. mciujrnky -ri S< K\\ New currants, raisins and citron, just received. oc20 geo. mcburxk'i & son. OPENING OF NEW SPRING AND SEASOIA Our resident buyer in New York is sending in bargain- in season able goods. 1,000 Yards Choice Check ftlamsooks, Tliese goods arc being offered as a bargain by leading n: .* Loum at 20e. Our price 15c. A large lot of Very Fine Ginghams and Seersuckers, never sold for less than 15c heretofore, now 12-U-. Choice Dress Ginghams at 10c. Superior Yard-wide Shirting Percales, desirable patterns, at 12Ac. A lot of Bleached Turkish Bath Towels at 17c. Examine the bargains in large-sized Monde-finish Lin<;;r Towels at 20c. Compares favorably with any sold at 25c in most houses. BARGAINS IN WHITE QUtLTS. We are prepared for cold waves with Comforts and Blankets; a'so don't forget the Special Bargains we have in Cloaks sent us on consignment. As usual, you can buy BLEACHED GOODS AND SHEETs^GS from us loss than elsewhere, and we only offer you well-known brands. #S»ONE PRICE.«5B# y ] | 011 IP-' J. E. TACKETT, NOS. 107 AND 109 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA VA
Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ...€¦ · Hough wasa na¬ tive of Fredericksburg, and formerly was proprietorofalargechina business in Balti¬ more. Delinquent




LOCAL NEWS.Fair, colder weather is indicated for the Mid

ii!e Atlantc.States to-morrow.

The Storm..-The be.ivy snow stormv.liich set in early ytsterd ty morning con¬

tinued with unubattd sevesity, with onlyslight intermis>io: s, till a.'Oiu. noon to-day,by which time the ground >vih covered to a

d»*pth ranging f.-om twelve to eighteeninches, and, inde'-d, ;.» some places. wheredrifts occurred, ifc me '..-tired nearly tLttefeet. The liver is n in /, n over aridcovered with .-now, ptuii.-g a navi¬gation, which, it is ieare(J, w.ii noc .soon b'jreopened. The transfer barge, moving on

hoard a train of cars, and in low of the tit-*

lirewerton, i:. attempting to make a trip to

Sjhepheid's, was eaeight in th« -now brothwhich had formed in the river y;-.-t3rd/.yevening and lenmifts frozen in opposite ibw

ship yard at this writing, the lug being uu-

able to cxiri-ale the barge fj^ui *tno ke.The Washing! n ferry steamers iinVe beencompelled io abandon their trips, and theNew Y.^rk .steamer John tiib-un, which «r

rived here from Washington yesterday, re¬

mains at her wliarf, being noulde to prooce;!on her route. The snow has mocked ail oithe railroads loading to ihe city, and moctof the freight trains have been ahandened.The passenger trains are uii rut.nip;:, rtw-

ever, but are several hours behind litu*'.

The southern mail train ri«»- A F.road, duo hem at. 10: Id .in- m ri!i:i^. hadnot lrft livhmond at ri'« .!;. <piebtiy no

tiiails Ironi along mat ioai ;.a;i reached iiii-city at 4 o'clock. From :»Song tho VirginiaMidland r.;ad it. is learntd li ar tho sr.ow

exteuds Jrom this city to h&eviiie, greatlyimpeding the running of mJns. Thetrains on tho W., O. & W. road are running,and were but little delayed, no heavy driftshaving occurred on that road. The trainsriom the north arrived here t»>d;»y butlittle behind time, in comparison with thosearriving from ihe South. It is said bymany that this is the heaviest snow st<»rm

experienced in this vicinity sinee 1807.The storm, however, was not generalthroughout the country, but, originating inrain in Texas, it confined itsell to the coastStates, sweeping in a northeasterly direc¬tion, and changing to snow in SouthernTennessee. I's violence w:j.s somethingunusual throughout Virginia a;ui .Maryland,but us it reaehed the nor hem litis ados itwas gradually swept away by ih» t uunt. v-

acting cold wave which swept over lue cour.-

try from the northwf-I. The wave reachedthis section last night, and in the eour.-o oftwelve hours the temperature 1V!1 fromthirty-six degrees to fourteen degrees. Dur¬ing the night ir fell as low as twelve degiCcs,but there it stopped. It was stated at theSignal Otfiee early this morning that thetemperature would remain almost station¬ary to day, followed by cU r and warmerweather to morrow.

ClTl* SlTElilNTKNOKNT 01? SCHOOLS..Itwas announced in y*sterduy's (Jazktth thatthe Hoard of Education had determined to

appoint Mr. Kichard L. ('ante Superintend¬ent of Public Schools f.«r this citv. Mr.Came held the position lur many > cars t c-

Tore the Slahouei.'cs got possession > t t! e

Htate governmenr, a:.;? bisvccord i:i that ca¬

pacity shows his emitter.* iiines wnde thewhole community will he p!ete.v;i ifuu hewill have cbavg«s of the public inou ,i»ou oithe children. Mr. Came w:>s net an appli¬cant for the position, though he hs-.d Ijeenunanimously requested to become a candi¬date, in ra>e of a change, i»y ti:o publicschooHoaell^rs. jlo whs uuwiiiing to takeit again, becau-e, in order to find time forshe proper performance of i!s du i -s, hewould have to employ some cm* :o kvep thebooks, etc., at Si. Joi»n?s Academy, andwould not, therefore, leally receive any sal¬ary. It. hi ing repivs*. nicd to him, however,that his services were. de:-ired by the people.generally, he consented to accept tho cUkeshould it be tendered him.As an act of simple justice to Mr. W. F.

(^n me, the retiring »cuperinto: dent, it can

be Sh tdiut his adui'mialration of tho affairsof the bt eu vvry MViisfantory, andthe dutk s fa^bfully ami ably performed.

John's III *STAUi:.\nt..Col. Samuel Orr:-

son, formerly t ^ Letsburg, au<; \\-.;ll knownin this city, >*as lt-uscil ibe. popular"John's" restaurai.'^* corner of /lbj;nd JD streets north west, \\ashiuglon. He

has remodeled, re filter! restocked the

entire establishment. It. &as Jong been fa¬mous for its excellent o>>'ers, choice t^rra-pins, fish, game, wines, liquor* and cigars.The present genial proprietor baa determin¬ed that it shall not )o>e au'.y of its formerprestige, but by furnishing trie best the mar-kot affords, villi polite and prompt atten¬tion add new laurels io its Jatuo in the fu¬ture. His prices are moderate, with firstclass appointments. He will be glad to see

and entertain his manv friends in this cityat his m w establishment.

Suicidk...Inlaws li. iiough, of the secretservice division of ;h" Treasury Depart¬ment, committed j-uicid .' in Washington atnoon yest»«rday by shootisg himself iu thehead, He was foilud dead on the lloor ofhis room, which Mas in the back part of thethird story. He l ad on pants, shirt andwas in iiis locking feet. A !aige hole waslouud on tha right side cf hi.s head abovothe ear, where the? hu'Ief entered. Thebody was !vintr in a pool of blood, and near

by wrs au English bull-dog revolver withan empty chamber. The muzzle was black¬ened by the powder, and the shell was foundunder the hammer. Mr. Hough was a na¬tive of Fredericksburg, and formerly was

proprietor of a large china business in Balti¬more.

Delinquent Lands..Treasurer M. B.Harlow, iu an advertisement elsewhere intheGAz BTTE, nol i fi «»sSta !.e tax payers tha t hehas now iu hand a list of all lands delinquentand in arrears for State taxes from the yearlSt>5 to 1SSI inclusive, aud requests all per¬sons in arrears lor State taxes to settle thesame at once, as in a short time, under theprovisions of the act of the General Assem¬bly, all lunds delinquent and in art ears forsuch taxt-s wiil be advertised and exposedfor sale at publicauction. Heor his deputy,"5ir. J. K. Caton, will cheerfully give all in¬formation desired on the subject.Regatta..At a meeting of the Old Do¬

minion Bout Club lass night, Mr. FrancisHufty, tb.»> president, was selected -to re;»te-i-ent the club at tho nifeiirg of the StateAssociation of Amateur Oarsmen, lo be heldat Richmond, on theol of March, for thepurpose of selecting a sui'ablo pia :c for theannual regatta, on the 4?h of J->K and hewas instructed to urge A!e>:-,wlr:a i-s themost suitable and elip--.lv p,f .«¦ (he con¬test. In tho event ti' this eity ^ chosenic is net improbable th:.t f.<-ni fifteen to

Jwenty thousand people *.»».:? 1 l.e present.

Allaugr s CPERA.Houss.-Tbe MaplesonItpliaao xrA Company closed an engage¬ment at Alb HUrb'^ Washington, hist night,before a large aL«*ienr<\ Th*' Jwni* Win¬ston Opera Company out th* wefk,slaving "Boccaccio" to u'ght, ' La Pericoie"Friday, "Trebizonde" Saturday matinee,aud "Boccacc'.o" Saturday nishf.

Police Report..Last ni«rht was coldi.hh snow. There were two Joggers but no

tirisouere at tbe station hou.s«. The Mayorthin morning disposed of the following case.-:L u Gee, ..harmed with disorderly conduct

in firing explosives in the stree t, was fiu^d§3.Jack Bird, colored, brought to the station

house in an exhausted condition, was Kentto jail fur treatment.Henry Smith, arrested by officer Ti<vr for

being drunk on the street, was fined $1.

Personal..Mr. Citorge Uhler, who hasbeen confined to his home with a severe coldfor the part few days, is out agaiu.At a meeting of the directors of tho Oid

Dominion Building Association held on

Tuesday night, last, Mr. J. 2i. Caton waselected attorney for thut. association.Mr. Jack Horseman, formerly of this city

but now of Washington, is ill with Bight'sdisease a: his homo in tho latter city.Buoys orr of Place..Captain Georj,.'

Young, of the Ntw York steamer John (iib-.-'On, reports that many of the buoj s in tho>iv< r are out of placo and arc liable 1.0 mis-lead pilots when navigation reopens, llosays that tha Maryland Point buoy whenlast roon was off Cedar Point, and that manyof the othars were misplaced by the runningice of lost week.

Postponed..Ou account of thealoria,themeetitg of the Thursday Dramatic (Jiub, tohavo been held to night, is postponed tillnext Thursday, when there will bea tableauand performance. The Club is progressingm .st satisfactorily and' ics entertainmentsa:e greatly enjoyed by all who attend, a

good deal of histrionic talent being dis¬played.Property Balk..Messrs. E. L. and W.

B. D.iing«-rlield Uavo sold to Mr. Wtu. F.Brookes, for $151)0, tho lot of ground on thewest side of Washington street, betweenKing and Prince, immediately south of theM. E. Church, South, fronting G7 feet on

Washington street and running back 110foot.

It is wise to provide against emergenciesthat are liable to ari>o in every family. Acoid may be a dangerous thing, or not, de¬pending upon the means at hand to combatit. In sudden attacks of cold, croup, asth¬ma, etc., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will provethe quickest and most ellcctivo curc, andyour best friend.


"Haudv to have in the house".Ayer'sCherry Pectoral, tho prompt and certainremedy for croup, colds, and pulmonary af¬fections.

No cth?r medicine has won approval, athome, equal to Ayer's SarsnpariHn in Low¬ell and vicinity.Geo. Andrew, overseer of the Low0:1 Car¬

pet Corporation, was f.«r over twenty ye-.r.-,before his removal to Lowell, j.lilic.'. d v.i.hsalt rheum in its worst form. lis r::-

t ions actual I ly covered more than half tkr-surface of his body and lirnhs. Ho en;iirely cured by Ayer's Sar^arari'i'a. 1 jcertificate iu Ayer's Almanac foi 18SM.


(\ LUAuauv; cuand opera holm:.il Washington, I). C.


Tlie Jeaiie Winston Ops tapj, \Fer Throe '..'i;;;its Only r.i.d S'turduy I.. ;t«ii:¦ ¦¦. |

Thnr.-disy, JSocaecio: Friday, b:i Pcriclio : ta'-uiday Matiuie, Piincesi of 'i rvlix »a.:« ; .Sr.'u.c, yevening, Coccaccio. ;

Jiiis JEAN NIT. WltfSTOis,?>ii s Loui.so >c'uirl'\ 7>'iss l{t>so LeigMon, >Ii«i:iic Meyers Miss Minnie Te J£u-.\ Walter iijsliiri1. Walter Allen, A. If. lie! 1, Yiuccut :i.

Jos. Fiiy.Regular prices.Next week.Tlio l&to&t luusicil w.-uiv.hy, i y

(iil! aud Jcssnp. authors of "Adonis " enth'ui.'APHRODITE STILL IN TiiE I-l.v«



; OiiK'-' RESTAURANT,pj> COR 7th and 1") S S.,

Washington, D. C.SAi.'UEL ORlilSON, of Vir«inu, I'rojui.Vior.The lurder will be supplied with ev ry

cy, f»id t!ie lor storked with the Uwt«1' i.i«,u i.-\

iMcals sitv il Kt a'.! hours in the l»C5t ii~.c dat n-.;.-on:ibli: ra'.ys k-.M.

E] .. ..

/ ¦; .¦.¦l Vanhinn t .i.iI ¦: OMf KB5£ V»r Sl,r<: Sunt.

, _ ..' 'i.l'H 8 tl«L> Ili'.T. ;. i-. ..- ul.. ;i. -u

JV- f}\ «<. anyail«lr»'ss. Iti'i ft " «rai" ''t.v lilir'-.furJ/Uli'V. ' '!¦

\ Mlv.i.ir Ml«l I. -i i;i.Tk3 *i '< iii 1'i'i- s liter . of %¦./

' 1. C'tiC'ii »;:«!»v . j ;-utf)faci5»a ffvars3tti'ctl,ct}n<>T\i-? «.f. . j... t. t|. C-l t'i IiOi '">. ^ ;

1 . ~ . , «


LOCAL BREVITIES.Good help the poor thi3 weather.It lms been a good winter for the rubber

.shoe factories.J. P. llorbach has been appointed post-

master at Virginia Beach.The snow is beautiful, but oh ! for a high¬

er temperature and a gentle rain.The Salvation Army members are rowing

arnoi:^ themselves in Washington.The "Fire Watdens have provided horses

for ihe 1j< se carriages during the prevailinginoUuM Nt weather.A do;:, supposed to be mad, was killed

nbiir (ha gas works this morning by the po¬licy oHicars ou that bsat.The f-a'.o of the household effects of Mr.

V/. W. liock to have taken placo to-morrowhas been postponed till Wednesday next.

Sir. George 15. Faunce, son of the lateCapt. Jacob ]). Faunce, died in Washingtonyesterday morning in the 34th year of hisage.

IVIr. William Call, an excellent and well-ki.owu citizen cf Loudoun couuty, exper¬ienced a partial paralysis of his right side,last Slit:day evening.Tho barn of Robert Cloe, near Guilford

Station, together with its contents and 300bushels of corn in crib, was destroyed by\vb;it. is thought to have been an incendi¬ary fire, Monday evening.There will be two eclipses of the sun this

year. One, au annular eclipse, on March5th, visibio in the United States as a partialeclipse. The other will bo a total eclipse oftiie sun and will take place on the morningof August 29ih, visible as a partial eclipsein pf.rt of tho United States.Edward Jackson, a colored man from Cul-

p?per county, was swindled out of $10 bytwo eoi.-fideneo men in Washington yester-day. Jit; mot a white man who employedhiuj iu drive a wagon, and then borrowedt;lU IVciu him, telling a confederate to payJackson the money. The two men escaped.Oa reaching the depot in this city this

morning tho driver of Captain Frank Beat-tie's milk wagon found a number of chick¬ens peiclicd on the axle trees. They hadg /r.o to roost on tho wagon yesterday even¬

ing and last night they were "snowed in"and hail their feet frozau to tho axle trees.Tin y wero taken back to the Captain's farmin Fairfax county.A well known old colorod man, named Jack

Rird, was taken to tho station house in an ex-bausird condition from tho cold yesterday cvfli-ing when it was thought he would dio. IFo was

attended by Dr. Snowdcu and this morning, hiscondition having improved, ho was sout to jailby Slayer Sinoot tor treatment.The proprietors of the pool tablc3 in thi3 city

will petition tho Legislature for a reduction inthe !i ;::j c tf*>: oa such tables.

Tin: milling would.Hi i-kai.o, N. V.. Jim. 25,1SS0.

"VV. i . ''Viiiiev ti Sons, millers, of Washington,I). were lately 'boycotted' by the local coopers'union ('.>.- buying up and using :i second timoihur i;M 'M .rre's. Tlic boycott wai considered uu-

ju.:tii1:tl)le by the tabor onion." feb3-3t\ i.A i ()ii o SALL.

< Mi TIJ UKSDAY, February 1-lth. 1886, at 10a in., y.t the late residence of Mary Buck¬

ingham, iheeased, oa Princo street, between St.iifiph and J'itt. treo;=, 1 will soil, at public auc-

lion, tli - HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNI-i .»; ihe .-aid Mitiy Buckingham.T< tus of Sale-Cash.JVM-H W.M. II. LAMI'.ERT. Admr.. .: L I N «.> U E N T LANDS.

: ,ji ...] ! suds delinquent and in arrears furl:;.v -.una 1 ho year to 38S4 inclu¬

sive .:<. i: v: in my ham's, and all persons in ar-

r ..;s ;Vr State taxes are lieroby notilicd to settlel!.cs m at or.es, ai in a short timo, under thopiovi.,ii>;3

* the act of iho General Assembly,!. l i.d uciit and in arrears for such taxis

¦..Hi '. ...hvrtiMd anl ex posed for sale at publicifction. Those persons paying tho same, at once

..i! Jieavv charges attending publicationi d tlu. M. B. HARLOW,fi-i.' t!* City Treasurer.

: *,.¦ -oLii:i>, m Benzine, Dentil Floss Silk on

\>f :-]» I.uliii.'s Fxtracts, Sapolio, Goose<.'. - lir. c'.'ic. Pear's Shaving Sticks andTuiii i Stinp. *:o cea Pills and Cromo Dentifrice,f-1r ale 5>y

f. :j Y.. S. LEA DP,EATER & BRO." V DiiOP SUGAR CORN, tho best cannedi i .uii America, just received by

:»)\*(» G tit >. McBUBNEY & SON.

"YJ TAJ'.LK EA BINS, large bunches, just

_":!o -.1': GEO. McBUKNEY &. SON.

\t i.v; , i i:r. Y PUUNES, just rccceived and_L* vi'iv cheap at

iiov.' l"


*i t IXKI) CHOP, CHOW-CHOW AND SWEETifjl Mixed Pickle bv measure, atecJ't


McBURNTEY'S.I CAII LOAD NO. 0 SYIiUP. to arrive and for saleX jal 1 -1 \v P.v CH AS. KING, <»7 Cameron st.

7 N EST < :AN DY. in 1 -lb fancy boxes, for F.al« byt? dee'ij J. C. MILBURN.

S T A T KM 10 3ST T02''

xmu i..,i.oucu LIT* Insurance Company of New York,EICHARD £l. XcCTJULY, President.

For the year ciuliny December 31st, 1SSS.


Insurance and .Annuity Account.

No. Amount. No.

Policies and Annuities in|['.¦iii-ifs ami Annuities injforce, Jan. :st. iss;. 11 l.svr, £:r>1.-].\0ll 07 fore.', Jan. 1st. ltWi....

U:sUs Assumed 14,33-1 .I»»..'i07,i:8> 10 Iiisks Terminated

lJtl.l'.'U 0-o II



$3fi8.981,441 30-KJ,311,03s 87

129.199 $398,323,080 £i

Dr. T-f.evojtno Account. Cr.

To Hnlimeo from last account $97,009.!>!3 OS" Premiums M.7(!S.!HI! JKJ

" Interest and licuts 5,440,052 <20


^>117.221.807 ?/i

lJy paid t<> roliey-Holders:Endowments & Pur¬chased Insurances. $5,570,110 3<

]»iv i.Sends and Annui¬ties 3.511.000 00

Decease.! Lives 5,920,033 DC$14,102,010 90

Oilier Msluirscments:Commissions and t ,vv r~t) o<

Commutations... «»

Tares 2GG.G5C T,0Expenses 901,954 14

2,4S7,290 4SPremium on Stocks and Bonds

]'iire!i:ised 409,882 87Balance to new account 99,SC5,OU 11

$117,234,867 36

".Balance Shoot. Cr.

To Reserve for j*ollcies in force or^

terminated *

" Premiums receive*! in nilv&nc?Surplus at four per cent

iV>r.n,iHi 7 5UK'.0>i 7o

tiy Ufi'd- ?.«*nred by Mortgages onI'eal Estate $40,228,930 10

" IVited States and other Bonds.. 39,360,101 00'. I Ajans on Collaterals 3,856,500 00" Real Estate 10,092,720 45" Cosh in Banks and Trust Com-

panics at interest 2.G10.M3 21" Interest accrued 1,217,3S) S5.. lYcmiums deferred and In tran¬

sit. 1.438.180 55.' S".udries 189,550 29

S10S.90S.9C7 51

I lave carefully examined the foregoing state:;: :: cuvl cam? to lie correct.A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor.

From the Surplus above stated a Dividend will !*.¦ apportioned as usual.

Kct* Yorts. January 29,1S30.

S.vMt'FL E. SrROt'lls,t :t s Kopivson,

'/. >:; .¦: i >. Bawock,

Cok,K. DftVKi <".

^.i.v.MOi t; 1.. In-rr.n,Kichaku A. McCukuv,,1A M KS C. 1 i OLDEN*.'i-.,MANX C. von Post,


George C. Ricimkdron.; (InoRr.s r. R.\i:ar,Alexander H. Rice. los. TitoMr.-o::.lr. Ratciikord Staki;, Dcdlev 0:.corT.Frederick U. Cossinv Kurt eric (' omv rit.Lewis Mav, J-t ii:\ T. O wn s,

Oliver Harriman. Kor . Sr .. i ¦

Henry W. Smith, S. Van v i Cr:John H. Sherwood, C»L\:,Lr.sivOUEKT olyphan T, I

G rtoRr.F. Bliss,Rukcs W. 1'eckham,\v.m. 1'. Dixon,I. Hoiiart Herrick,RollERT A. GkaNNISS.Nicholas C. Millbk,

:v.i:r. IIkniv H. Roc.ers,Jso. V.*. Auchincloss

WILLIAM fl. LAMBERT. Agent, Alexandria, Virginia.0. F. BKESEE & SONS, General Agents, Baltimore, ild.




Making llili t!io Only Rfllalil* and EfTicieat Tunic everplaced before the public fur Uie rure ofDysiHsiisia, Indigestion,Los* of Appetite. General Debility.Malarial Disease*. Cnlle,

Cramps, Di;irrlin>a,&c.Tlio lilKlic«=t character of tbf many testimonialsawani.il Una preparation has never been e<iuale*i. Woufiir with i>leu6uie to the following:

Sister Mary, Lady Superior iu charge Institu¬tion of the N«itro Dame, Baltimore, says: Wohave used "Dr. Pilzold'3 German Bitters'* in thisinstitution for a number of diseases and com¬plaints, such as premonitory indications of Bil¬ious Fever, Chills, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetiteand Goneral Dobility, aud lind it an unrivalledremedy for thuso complaints, ami a thoroughtonic for those whose systems requiro a speedybuilding up.

I take great pleasure in recommending "Dr.Pctzold's Germau Bitters" as a medicine of raromerit. William E. Jaynkh,

Pastor of Wolfe St. I. M. Church, Baltimore.

This great medicine is for sale by all druggists,grocers and dealers generally. Price 50c and SIper bottle.


je.'J-eoly Proprietors, Bultiuiorc, Md.



At Public Auction.Oil WEDNESDAY, Feb. 10, 18SC. at tho resi¬

dence of tho late George W. Bock, No. 41 Dukestreet, I will sell at public auction all tho HOUSE¬HOLD and KITCHEN FURNITUBE. BEDS,BEDDIKG, <&c. Sale will conimcriec at 3Oo'clocka. m. Terms.rash.

feblJ-ts WM. W. EOCK.


"OnrNew Sontli" aiti W.H.Tenney FamilyFta are Boycottei

It is bccauso we do not use all new barrels.Wore we to do fo it would give employment tofivo more coopers. The diiHircuco iu tiic cost ofbarrel 1 to uh would he $3,000 per year. Most ofour flour in barrels is shipped out of this marketand brings tho same prico a^ if it were shipped innew barrels, tho homo tra lo taking more thanhalf iho Hour sold hero in paper sacks. We em¬

ploy ;ii our business 25 men at average betterwages !han received by barrel coopors. Tho boy-oottcis liavo attempted to drive out of employ¬ment 5 iiicii, linle * we give work to 5 moro oftheir men. Wo did not seek this quarrel, but wehad either lo submit to a secret body, unknownto the laws, quit bu lines* or fight. We chose thohitter, believing ours a just cause, p.nd tho fre¬quent boycotting siuce convince us wo woreright. Wo »tro c intending for a priuciplo thataffects everv moeh.nt; «nd manufacturer. Ourflours are >-f the best quality and made cf selectedSouthern wheat, and are sold at fur prices andlower than if tiny wcro paeked i:i new barrels,All who ha o used lln m aie plowed with theirquality. We have confidence th :t tho public willsustain us i:t the stand we have taken. As Amer¬ican citizen.", whether native or naturalized, arolovers of liberty, they will not let ono man ruleover twenty -ono. Our government is a republicin which tin majority rule.

W. H. Tennsy & Sons,Caplt ! Mil s, West Wa?hiugton.

feb:; -:'.t


LADIESm flgfiTUMffl.IIliving determined to use difl'orcnt lines of line

Shoes, we wiil FOR THIRTY DAYS sell any ofour LAD IKS* md GENTS' 1IAND or MACHINEMADE SHOEa

At Prime Cost ILadies' Hand ftevrud Kid Ball Boofc, §.*>50,foi-

meriy Jj?-1 2.1.La-lies' Hand cYwcd l'cbblo IK; .is, 'jo, formerly

$3 75.Lhdii s' I land-^-wed ' as-:in-rn Fused, il 25,

formerly $1.OoutV ,,-s in IUitton. Hall or Con¬

gress. 5j>5 J30, formerly $i» 50.These ji.-iuos w:ll positively only he for thirty

days, after which time tboy will iio withdrawn.

John A, PJai'shall,jan21-lm 110 KING STREET.




The Piano Folio, 50,\Bellak's Mctkol f.»r the Pianaforlc, 75n.Hun ten's Celebrated Pianoforte School, 7sic.Children's Fri o, 50c.l'iano Folio, /UV.Pearl of Sottas, .'".'I -.

Bouquet of Music, 50c.Ideal "Ongs, 5!.lo.Vocal Folio, 50e.Parlor Organ l-'olio, 50c.Song Folio, 50a.The Arthur Sullivan Album, 25c.Millard's Sonus, $1.College Songs, 50c.Tfco Pia::o Souvenir, 50c.Instrumental Gems from Mikado, 25u.Vocal Gctns fiom Mikado, 2~u:.Words by W. S. Gilbert, Music ly Arthur Sulli¬

van.A now iinc of Evans' Standard5 and 10cMusic.jan21 GEO. E. FUENCH.

Valentines! Valentines!.AT.

FRENCH'S, 1)3 and 95 KING STREET.Jutt received the largest assortment ever offer¬

ed in the city. All styles represented, from thecheapest to the most expensive.

Beautiful stylos in Satin and Plush, wholesaleand retail.A new line of COMICS very cheap l>y the dozan

or gross.jmi27 GEO. E FRENCH.


To arrive and for sale by

jan28 CnAS. S. TAYLOR, Jr.


50 tons CHOICE CUT HAY in store and forsalo at lowest priccs wholesale and retail byjan'28 C. S. TAYLOR, Jr.


tbo finest goods and the latest style, for salo onlyatTnov24] McBURNEY'S.

LEIGH BASKETS, SLEIGli RUNNERS ANDBELLS, for sale at 3S King, corner of Royal

at low prices.dcc9 J T. CREIGHTON & SON.

SLEIGH BASKETS..Sici^h Bolls&nd Runners,Ice and Roller Skates, at

JAS. F. CAIILIN <£ SONS,fjet21 Alexandria. Va.

Plated spoons, knives ?.ud forks of

cheap grades for eating lunues. A good arti¬

cle at a low price. J. T. CREI'III TON i >ON,ocl28 BS King street, corncr of i*oyal.

R~ED CROSS TOMATOES, purchased Lcfjrcthe advauce. for sale low by

f0l,l J. C. X.ii^P.LRN.

ROYAL LAYER FIGS, the lincst. qoality.UOy24 GEO. McBLKNLl & SON.








bice Florida OrangesFOB SALE BY






Barrol.s Halves anil Kits.



0. M. ADAMO.Quaker City Shirts.A com pic to line of thei.-

b. »i goods always in stock L>r men and boys,sizts 12 to 17^.Eighmic Patent Bosom Shirt-* arc still moo;:

With 8QCCCSS.Men's, Ladies', Misses' B-iys* ii..'; J

siery. < 'on«tmtly sddin12c to §1 50O loves. Corsots. Towels. N.;».*. ii: - ..ud Ikl^itit-Stock of Underwear the l '.ri'o-t and the bca.

quality «»f goods sold in the c:tv.J*"20 C. M. A DAMS. Sy King street.

J. 0. Hutchinson.IMPORTER.


cloaks and srirs.20 PKR CENT. DISCOUNT.

strictly FIRST CLASS GOODSmillineky

AT HALF 1'iUCL'.TRIMMED AND ustkimmed 11 \

FANCY feathkin¬FANCY trimming MATE::I





Laiies',GeDts'&CIiMFersFiinf|.0fDRY GOODS AND NOTIONS.

Wholesale and Rcts,:l.NO. 105 K I M G S T R SET.

Bop25 \.?,hxanr-';;a va

FANCY GOODS, SOTIOi, h.HOSIERY, gloves, handkcrchiafa, ColL.ra.

and Cuff's, in groat variety.ladies'and children'S MERINO VES'JS

and PANTS, all sizes and qualities.ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, Gennantown Woe :3 r..vl

Knitting Yarns, in all shades and fi-l< .

sop29 C. C. BERRY, 7J'::;* :t

I4 U'll «. /


JOSIAH il. D. SMOOTdkai.i:c IN

Lurakr, Sliiiiffb. Lis,' ' 0NAILS, LIME,CEMENT,calcined PI A>T£lf,

&c., &c.MASUFACTU&ek ol*

FLOORING. DOORS, HASH. BLINDS. frciks.mouldings, mantels, brackets


OfDco and yard No. 21 north Unin <t. Fact ryNoa. 13 and 15 north Lte St.. A1 :.\:!iidrla, \'.i.

jpfrNo charge for deliver}* in city. ' i.

PERRY,SMOOT& CO.steamflooviiigicl'laiiiiigmill

Manufacturers ofdoor and WINDOW FRAMES, jroldings,



ALEXANDRIA, VTRG! NIA.Lumber dolivercd iii the city Lee.


*1/7geo. mciujrnky -ri S< K\\

New currants, raisins and citron,just received.

oc20 geo. mcburxk'i & son.


SEASOIAOur resident buyer in New York is sending in bargain- in season

able goods.

1,000 Yards Choice Check ftlamsooks,

Tliese goods arc being offered as a bargain by leading n: .* Loum

at 20e. Our price 15c. A large lot of

Very Fine Ginghams and Seersuckers,never sold for less than 15c heretofore, now 12-U-.

Choice Dress Ginghams at 10c.

Superior Yard-wide Shirting Percales,

desirable patterns, at 12Ac.

A lot of Bleached Turkish Bath Towels at 17c.

Examine the bargains in large-sized Monde-finish Lin<;;r Towels at

20c. Compares favorably with any sold at 25c in most houses.

BARGAINS IN WHITE QUtLTS.We are prepared for cold waves with Comforts and Blankets; a'so

don't forget the

Special Bargains we have in Cloaks

sent us on consignment.As usual, you can buy


from us loss than elsewhere, and we only offer you well-known brands.


y ] | 011 IP-'

