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ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY · 2019-09-19 · ria de sacerdotes Persianos con el poder especial...

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© Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM Courtesy of Trinity Stores, www.trinitystores.com 800.699.4482 PARISH STAFF William Oliver Pastor Gary Hilbig Deacon Rodolfo Cerda Deacon Juan F. Pareja Deacon Joseph Blanco Hispanic Minister David V. Dwigans Business/Facilities Mgr Michele Rooney Bookkeeper Dan Schwieterman DRE Adriana Guzman Youth Minister. Irene Chavez RE Admin Assistant John Guzman Pastoral Assistant Mary Gahr Director of Music Gonzalo Ramos Spanish Choir Lupe Padilla Parish Secretary Dalia Mendoza Receptionist Maria Crouch Housekeeper Baldemar Gonzales Custodian MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM (English) Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English) 12:30 PM (Spanish) Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Friday of the month after Morning Mass. BAPTISM Classes offered five times a year. MARRIAGE Allow six months for preparation. Call church office for appointment. INSTRUCTIONS for ADULTS First Holy Com- munion & Confirmation - Call the church office. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 215 East Tenth Street Houston, Texas 77008-7025 Parish Office 713 864-2653 Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site: allsaintsheights.com

© Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM

Courtesy of Trinity Stores, www.trinitystores.com 800.699.4482


William Oliver Pastor

Gary Hilbig Deacon Rodolfo Cerda Deacon

Juan F. Pareja Deacon

Joseph Blanco Hispanic Minister David V. Dwigans Business/Facilities Mgr

Michele Rooney Bookkeeper

Dan Schwieterman DRE Adriana Guzman Youth Minister.

Irene Chavez RE Admin Assistant

John Guzman Pastoral Assistant Mary Gahr Director of Music

Gonzalo Ramos Spanish Choir

Lupe Padilla Parish Secretary Dalia Mendoza Receptionist

Maria Crouch Housekeeper

Baldemar Gonzales Custodian

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM (English) Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English) 12:30 PM (Spanish) Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM


Wednesday 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION

Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment

ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Friday of the month after Morning Mass.

BAPTISM Classes offered five times a year.

MARRIAGE Allow six months for preparation. Call church office for appointment.

INSTRUCTIONS for ADULTS First Holy Com-munion & Confirmation - Call the church office.

ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

215 East Tenth Street • Houston, Texas 77008-7025 Parish Office 713 864-2653 Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site: allsaintsheights.com

La Epifanía del Señor

3 de enero 2016

Levántate, brilla , Jeru-

salén ! Su luz ha llegado , la

gloria del Señor brilla sobre


- Isaías 60 : 1

The Epiphany of the Lord

January 3, 2016

Rise up in splendor, Jerusa-

lem! Your light has come,

the glory of the Lord shines

upon you.

— Isaiah 60:1

Sunday, January 3


8:30 AM Mass (English)

10:30 AM Mass (English)

12:30 PM Mass (Spanish

Monday, January 4

8:00 AM Mass (English)

Tuesday, January 5

8:00 AM Mass (English)

Wednesday, January 6

Eucharistic Adoration from

8:30 AM until 7:00 PM

8:00 AM Mass (English)

Thursday, January 7

8:00 AM Mass (English)

Friday, January 8

8:00 AM Mass (English)

6:30 PM Volunteer Dinner (Parish Hall)

Saturday, January 9

5:30 PM Mass (English)

Sunday, January 10

8:30 AM Mass (English)

9:15 AM CCE (English)

9:45 AM Adult Bible Study

10:30 AM Mass (English)

11:15 AM CCE (Español)

Join us next week as we reveal the brand new

All Saints Bulletin!

It is loaded with new content, and

has everything for all ages!

Make sure you pick yours up after Mass.

Reunanse la siguiente semana cuando revelemos el

Nuevo boletin de la Iglesia de Todos los Santos.

¡Estara lleno de nuevo contenido, y tendra algo

para todas edades!

Aseguren que se lleve el suyo consigo despues de la

Santa Misa.

Make sure you Like us on Facebook to see what is

going on in our community!

Pastor’s Chronicle

The emphasis of today’s feast the Epiphany of the

Lord is on the people St. Matthew identifies as “magi from

the east.” The term magi originally referred to a caste of Per-

sian priests with special claims to interpret dreams. In Mat-

thew’s story they appear as astrologers who looked at the

movement of the stars as a guide to major events. During the

1300’s these astrologers came to be depicted as three kings,

and given names: Casper, Melchior and Balthasar. And they

were depicted as being one of each of the three known races

at the time---black, brown, whites. This was to show that

Jesus came to save all the peoples of the earth.

It is the same message today God has and is being

revealed, and that God desires the salvation of all peoples of

every race and nation. The Church teaches that God did not

stop revealing himself when the last book of the Bible was

completed, but rather He continues to reveal himself through

the teaching of Jesus Christ and further through the living

Tradition of the Church. Basically we believe that God con-

tinues to be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit active in

the Church and the world.

Two important teachings are revealed in the Epipha-

ny story 1) not all who hear the message of Jesus will re-

spond to it, accept it and live it; such persons are represented

by King Herod, who upon learning of Jesus, only sought to

kill him. 2) God desires the salvation of all, not only specific

people or a particular culture or race.

In the end it is our mission to be revealers of Jesus to

others. The glitz, glamour, and charm of the Christmas sea-

son is over. In the days ahead we are to continue to remind

people of the good news that the risen and saving Christ in

our midst to complete God’s saving plan. A small kindness, a

generous act of help for a person we know or even a com-

plete stranger, a visit to a sick parent or friend, all these can

be to others a light of revelation, like the star that led the Ma-

gi to Bethlehem. And that is what Epiphany is about: the

light of Christ made visible for all to see in our good deeds.

Fr Bill

Crónica del Pastor El enfásis de la Fiesta de hoy de la Epifanía del Señor

es en la gente que San Mateo identifica como los “Magos del

oriente.” El termino mago originalmente se referia a una catego-

ria de sacerdotes Persianos con el poder especial de interpretar

sueños. En el cuento de Mateo ellos aparecen como astrologos

quienes buscaban en el movimiento de las estrellas una guía

sobre acontecimientos grandes. Durante los 1300s estos as-

trologos llegaron a ser presentados como tres reyes, y nombra-

dos: Gaspar, Melchor y Baltazar. Y fueron presentados como de

cada raza conocida en ese tiempo—negro, café y blanco. Esto

fue para demostrar que Jesus vino a salvar a todo pueblo de la


Es el mismo mensaje de hoy que Dios ha sido y sigue

siendo revelado y que Dios desea la salvacion para todo pueblo

de cada raza y nación. La Iglesia enseña que Dios no paró de

revelarse a sí mismo en cuanto el último libro de la biblia fue

terminado, sino que El continua revelándose por medio de las

enseñanzas de Jesucristo y mas alla de eso por medio de la

tradición viviente de la Iglesia. Fundamentalmente, creemos que

Dios continua revelandose a nosotros por medio del Espíritu

Santo que actua en la Iglesia y en el mundo.

Dos importantes enseñanzas se revelan en el cuento de

la Epifanía 1) no todos quienes oyen el mensaje de Jesus le re-

sponderan, lo aceptaran y lo viviran; tales personas son repre-

sentadas por el rey Herodes, quien al saber de Jesus, solo

buscaba matarlo. 2) Dios desea la salvacion para todos, no solo

selectas personas o un grupo o raza en particular.

En fin, es nuestra mision ser reveladores de Jesus a

otros. El brillo, el hechizo, y la carisma de la estación Navideña

se ha terminado. En los próximos dias nos toca continuar re-

cordandole a la gente de la Buenas Nuevas que el Cristo resucit-

ado y salvador esta en medio de nosotros para completar el Plan

Salvificante de Dios. Un acto de bondad, un generoso hecho de

ayuda para una persona que conocemos o aun un extranjero, una

visita a un padre o amigo enfermo, todo esto puede ser para ot-

ros una luz de revelacion, igual como la estrella que guio a los

Magos a Belen. Y eso es de lo que se trata la Epifania: la luz de

Cristo hecha visible para que todos podamos verlo en nuestras

buenas obras.

Padre Bill

“Together in Holiness” Catholic Marriage Conference

April 2, 2016 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Come to the 2nd annual Together in Holiness Catholic marriage conference!

The theme for the day is “Family as a School of Love”. The one-day event

includes inspiring presentations, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and Reconcili-

ation. Speakers are Den. Harold Burke-Sivers, known around the world as

the “Dynamic Deacon”’ Emily Stimpson, a popular author; Denise Hunnell,

Fellow of Human Life International; and Arland Nichols, President of the

John Paul II Foundation. Cost: $45/individual, $5/childcare. Learn more

and register at www.TogetherInHoliness.org.

Grocery Request for January

The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at

All Saints Church

requests donations of the following items

for the month of August:


Thank you for your continued support.

The Food Pantry is open Monday through Thursday

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

and the first Saturday of each month

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

All Saints Celebration of Confirmation

All Saints Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirma-

tion will be Sunday January 24th 2016at 5:30pm

Our Celebrant will be Eminence Daniel Cardinal Di-

Nardo. All are invited to the mass followed by a re-

ception in the Parish Hall.

Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors will have a

retreat Saturday January 23, 2016 from 9:00am to

2pm. Please pray for our candidates. We will meet in

the Church.

For more information please contact Adriana at 713-

864-2653 ext. 219 or Adria-

[email protected]

Celebrando El Sacramento de Confirmación el 24 de

Enero 2016

El Sacramento de Confirmación se dará acabo el Do-

mingo, 24 de Enero del 2016 a las 5:30pm. El Emi-

nencia Daniel Cardinal DiNardo será el celebrante.

Todos están invitados después de misa habrá una re-

cepción en el Salón Parroquial.

Los Candidatos de Confirmación y sus Padrinos

asistirán a un Retiro Domingo Enero 23 de 9am a

2pm. Nos reunimos en la iglesia. Favor sigan orando

por nuestros candidatos.

Para mas información favor de

llamar a Adriana 713-864-2653

ext. 219 o

[email protected]


Jane Botello

Lupe Baci

Rosemary Adamo

Claire T. Conners

Betty Williams

M. Rachel Soza

Patricia A. Vargas


James Hewlett

Terri A. (Cheryl)


Rose Watts

Pearly Nelson

Dora, Ginel & Grace


Harry J. Kubeazka

Gloria Alicia Rivera

In Memory of

Jose & Cardera Garcia

Gil Family

Pillittere Family & Adamo


Rita & Joe Conners, Fames


Castillo & Sosa Families

Pauline Z Vargas


Benjamin & Angeline Pi-

lotti & Jack & Betty


Cleveland & Moleski Fam-


Cecilia Garcia

We would like these fellow parishioners for

donating a Poinsettia in honor of a loved

one. All of the Poinsettias will be on the



Please keep the following persons in your prayers.

Alexie Alcoser, Altagracia Flores, Dubelza C. Garcia, Sylvia

G. Reyes, Blanche Perez, Refaela DeLeon, Jaclyn Aguirre,

Mike Komkov, Janie Alcoser, Jonah Robert Reda, Terry Lee

Smith, Laura LuLu Reyes, Joyce Waire, Dudley Richard,

Yvonne Davila, Leo Munguia, Louis Freeh, Corina Pizzini,

Ellie Perez, Sandra Martinez, Lorenzo Diaz, Virginia Zamarri-

pa, Roberto Varela, Angela Perkins, Barbara Alban, Bettye

Martinez, Joe B. Cortez, Mary Louise Flores, Griselda

Ramirez, Lydia G. Moreno, Rosie Peradre, Martin Engquist,

Josie Cobb, Albert Lee Cobb Sr., Katrina Cobb, Anthony Amy,

Albert Reyes, Diana Underwood, Fabiola Cagibal, Sandra

Gilliam, Hayzel Leonard., Armando Hinojosa, Mary Molina.,

Julio Anguiano, Connie Villarreal, June Carroll, Frank Girton,

Nicholas Rowell, Arthur Lejia, Dee Hymel , Bernardo Peru-

gache, J. D. Raburm, Marcia Reed, Mike Lester, Lorine Doby,

Deacon Eddie, Dalia Leal Garza, Stephen Kelty, Sean Lucas,

Edward Flores, Archie & Isabel Pizzini, David McGaffin,

Amelia Jaramillo, Sharon Scott, David Stratton, Bill Rhea,

Rosemary Adamo, Don Burke, Sherri Gallardo, Karen Honey,

Petra Angeles, Santos Teodoro, Sadie Morales, Rebecca M.

Pena, William J. Venable, Edwin Tintron, Alicia Parra, Juan

Parra, Romeo Mancilla, Pauline Kubeczka, Mike Cegielski ,

Ann P. Fischer, Lori Beth Mejias


Sunday: Epiphany of the Lord;

National Migration Week

Monday: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Tuesday: St. John Neumann

Wednesday: St. André Bessette

Thursday: St. Raymond of Penyafort;

Monday: January 4

Communion Service

Tuesday: January 5

8:00 AM: Fr. Anton Glumac O.F.M †

Wednesday: January 6

8:00 AM: Rev. Richard M. Patrick †

Thursday: January 7

8:00 AM: Carlos Perugache

Friday: January 8

8:00 AM: For the People Saturday: January 9

5:30 PM: Mariano Salazar †

Sunday: January 10

8:30 AM: For the People 10:30 AM Adelina Grino & Fr. Estanleslao †

12:30 AM: For the People


Many parishioners have family or friends who are active in

the military. Join us in supporting their families as we

pray for their safe return: Robert Padilla, Michael Rodriguez, Randy Boyorquez, Harry & Rocio

Slone, Adrian Rodriquez, Francisco G. Martinez, Mark Lubinski,

Brett A. West, Christian Flores, John Mark Hamm, Jillian Dougherty,

Dianne Keister, Major Michael Huerta, Michael Jones, Michael Kat-

koski, Luis Espinoza, Andrew Munoz, Leo (Leo Getz) Richardson,

Eric Michael Wilganowski, Patrick Ryan Alban, Anthony Brian Gar-

cia, Lt Colonel Christopher Goodyear, Anthony B. Garcia, Andrew

Jackson Ortiz, Cody Anderson, Britney Mehl, Jordan Mehl, Esteban

Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;

Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13;

Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc,

17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b;

Jn 3:22-30

Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7

Mass Intenions/

Intenciones de las Misas

Readings for the Week/

Lecturas de la Semana

If you have a family member, friend or neighbor who is homebound and

would like to receive Holy Communion and in need of prayer, let the church

know by either calling the parish office or emailing

[email protected].


If you are interested in ELECTRONIC GIFT GIVING

(Automatic Bank Withdrawal), please complete the “Agreement for

Preauthorized Payments”. Forms are located in the rear of the

church or on our website allsaintsheights.com.

All you need to do is fill out the form in full and attach a “Voided” check. You can mail the form to the church, attention of

the Bookkeeper, or bring it by the Administration Building. Use the mail slot if after hours.

Please DO NOT drop the form in the weekly collection basket

as it contains your CONFIDENTIAL bank information.

The Light of God’s Word Leads Us “Be Merciful as your Father is Merciful” Make this jubilee year a new beginning.

Renewal opportunities, Winter 2016

Here are a couple of events that can help you

start the new year right!

English Bible Study Parish Conference Room

Beginning January 10 Sundays 9:45 – 10:30 AM

Estudio Bíblico (en Español) Salón Parroquial, enero 10 - 31

Domingo 11:30 – 12:20 PM

Introduction to the Bible DVD & Discussion - English TALC #4, Jan. 20 – March 9 Wednesdays, 7 to 8:15 PM

Spanish subtitles.

Catolicismo con Robert Barron DVD y discusión (S)

Salón Parroquial, feb – abril Domingo 11:30 to 12:20 PM

Rediscovering Jesus Redescubriendo a Jesús

Book Give-away Ash Wednesday (Feb 10)

Movie Night Dorothy Day

Friday, January 30, 7 PM Third Age Learning Center #5

For additional information go to: www.allsaintsheights.com, the weekly bulletins, or contact Dan Schwieterman 713-864-2653.

PASTORAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers leigharon Rodgers / Marisela Villarreal

Altar Society Liz Lester

Art & Environment Barry Connor / Anita Longoria / Chuck Shoults

Eucharistic Ministers Isaac Tapia / Richard Malinowski / Elisa Jimenez

Homebound Ministry Jo Kelley Parish / Joseph Blanco

Knights of Columbus Joel Syzdek

Lectors Jimmy Phillips / Juanita Sanchez

RCIA Kelly Hawkins

Sacristans Maggie Tyerina / Wendy Nugent

St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry Jeanenne Hagerman

Third Age Learning Center Jo Kelley Parrish

Ushers Richard Kercho / John Ortiz

PASTORAL COUNCIL Charles Adams Chairperson [email protected]

Duane Bradley [email protected]

Esteban Caro [email protected]

Christopher Cola [email protected]

Charla Macicek [email protected]

Trevor Pinkerton [email protected]

Stephanie Sullivan [email protected]

Paul Taverna [email protected]

Mike Towns [email protected]

STAFF E-MAILS Bill Oliver, Pastor [email protected]

Gary Hilbig, Deacon [email protected]

Joseph Blanco, Hispanic Minister [email protected]

David V. Dwigans, Business/Facilities Mgr [email protected]

Lupe Padilla, Parish Secretary [email protected]

Dalia Mendoza, Receptionist [email protected]

Mary Gahr, Music Director and English Mass Choir Director

[email protected]

Gonzalo Ramos, Spanish Choir [email protected]

Jeanenne Hagerman, Bookkeeper [email protected]

Dan Schwieterman, DRE [email protected]

Adriana Guzman, Youth Ministry [email protected]

Irene Chavez, RE Admininstrative Assistant [email protected]

John Guzman, Pastoral Assistant [email protected]

BULLETIN INQUIRIES: [email protected]

Go To www.allsaintsheights.com and get

information about Our Mass Times, Ministries,

Check Out Our Website!
