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America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

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Have you ever wanted to follow up on a conversation you had with someone about the economy, the New World Order or the North American Union? This emailable magazine is a collection of non-mainstream news articles, books, podcasts and free documentaries featuring clickable links to programs online. You can find informative books, and websites featuring alternative news websites, storable food and other survival resources. Download and share this important emailable document with friends and family so they will take steps to participate in our government while they can make a difference. Features artwork by David Dees.
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AmericaSlipping into Fascism

















What Gives?What Gives?

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Societies do not usually lose their freedom at a blow.

They give it up bit by bit, letting themselves be tied down with an infinity of

little knots.

As rules and regulations increase, their range of actions is gradually


Their options slowly lessen.

Without noticing the change, they become wards of state. They imagine

themselves still free, but in a thousand and one ways, their choices are

limited and guided by the authorities.

And always, there are what seem to be sensible reasons for letting their

autonomy be peeled away - “safety”, “health”, “social justice”, “equal


It is easy to become

accustomed to docility.

That is why eternal

vigilance is the price of


Not because liberty is

easy to shatter, but,

because it can be

softened and

dismantled with the

acquiescence of the

very men and women

from whom it is being


Jeff Jacoby, columnist,Boston Post

Stepping stones toglobal domination

Page 3: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

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At this very moment the Federal Reserve Bank and its ownersare bringing to a conclusion the planned implosion of thefinancial economy of the United States. They areconsolidating assets and control over the nation’s financialinfrastructure as they ready the next stage of socialisttyranny.

On April 25, 2009, more than ninety-eight years after themeeting at the exclusive resort on Jekyll Island where theinternational bankers initiated their plans, there will beprotests at every Federal Reserve Bank and office in thecountry in 38 cities. Activists will demand an end to privatebanker control over the nation’s money supply and the returnto a hard, commodity backed monetary system.


APRIL 25, 2009

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April 25, 2009

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Page 8: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Last autumn, there was a military coup in Thailand. Theleaders of the coup took a number of steps, rathersystematically, as if they had a shopping list. In a sense,they did. Within a matter of days, democracy had beenclosed down: the coup leaders declared martial law, sentarmed soldiers into residential areas, took over radio andTV stations, issued restrictions on the press, tightenedsome limits on travel, and took certain activists intocustody.

They were not figuring these things out as they wentalong. If you look at history, you can see that there isessentially a blueprint for turning an open society into adictatorship. That blueprint has been used again and againin more and less bloody, more and less terrifying ways. Butit is always effective. It is very difficult and arduous tocreate and sustain a democracy - but history shows thatclosing one down is much simpler. You simply have to bewilling to take the 10 steps.

As difficult as this is to contemplate, it is clear,if you are willing to look, that each of these 10steps has already been initiated today in theUnited States by the Bush administration.

Because Americans like me were born in freedom, we have ahard time even considering that it is possible for us tobecome as unfree - domestically - as many other nations.Because we no longer learn much about our rights or oursystem of government - the task of being aware of theconstitution has been outsourced from citizens’ownership to being the domain of professionals such aslawyers and professors - we scarcely recognise the checksand balances that the founders put in place, even as theyare being systematically dismantled. Because we don’tlearn much about European history, the setting up of adepartment of “homeland” security - remember who elsewas keen on the word “homeland” - didn’t raise the alarmbells it might have.

It is my argument that, beneath our very noses, GeorgeBush and his administration are using time-tested tacticsto close down an open society. It is time for us to bewilling to think the unthinkable - as the author and politicaljournalist Joe Conason, has put it, that it can happen here.And that we are further along than we realise.

Conason eloquently warned of the danger of Americanauthoritarianism. I am arguing that we need also to look at

the lessons of European and other kinds of fascism tounderstand the potential seriousness of the events we seeunfolding in the US.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and externalenemy

After we were hit on September 11 2001, we were in a stateof national shock. Less than six weeks later, on October 262001, the USA Patriot Act was passed by a Congress thathad little chance to debate it; many said that theyscarcely had time to read it. We were told we were now ona “war footing”; we were in a “global war” against a“global caliphate” intending to “wipe out civilisation”.There have been other times of crisis in which the USaccepted limits on civil liberties, such as during the civilwar, when Lincoln declared martial law, and the secondworld war, when thousands of Japanese-American citizenswere interned. But this situation, as Bruce Fein of theAmerican Freedom Agenda notes, is unprecedented: all ourother wars had an endpoint, so the pendulum was able toswing back toward freedom; this war is defined as open-ended in time and without national boundaries in space -the globe itself is the battlefield. “This time,” Fein says,“there will be no defined end.”

Creating a terrifying threat - hydra-like, secretive, evil - isan old trick. It can, like Hitler’s invocation of a communistthreat to the nation’s security, be based on actual events(one Wisconsin academic has faced calls for his dismissalbecause he noted, among other things, that the allegedcommunist arson, the Reichstag fire of February 1933, wasswiftly followed in Nazi Germany by passage of theEnabling Act, which replaced constitutional law with anopen-ended state of emergency). Or the terrifying threatcan be based, like the National Socialist evocation of the“global conspiracy of world Jewry”, on myth.

It is not that global Islamist terrorism is not a severedanger; of course it is. I am arguing rather that thelanguage used to convey the nature of the threat isdifferent in a country such as Spain - which has alsosuffered violent terrorist attacks - than it is in America.Spanish citizens know that they face a grave securitythreat; what we as American citizens believe is that we arepotentially threatened with the end of civilisation as weknow it. Of course, this makes us more willing to acceptrestrictions on our freedoms.

Fascist America,in 10 easy steps

From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps thatany would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And,

argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking themall

Tuesday April 24, 2007The Guardian

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2. Create a gulag

Once you have got everyone scared, the next step is tocreate a prison system outside the rule of law (as Bush putit, he wanted the American detention centre atGuantánamo Bay to be situated in legal “outer space”) -where torture takes place.

At first, the people who are sent there are seen by citizensas outsiders: troublemakers, spies, “enemies of thepeople” or “criminals”. Initially, citizens tend to supportthe secret prison system; it makes them feel safer and theydo not identify with the prisoners. But soon enough, civilsociety leaders - opposition members, labour activists,clergy and journalists - are arrested and sent there as well.

This process took place in fascist shifts or anti-democracycrackdowns ranging from Italy and Germany in the 1920sand 1930s to the Latin American coups of the 1970s andbeyond. It is standard practice for closing down an opensociety or crushing a pro-democracy uprising.

With its jails in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, of course,Guantánamo in Cuba, where detainees are abused, andkept indefinitely without trial and without access to thedue process of the law, America certainly has its gulagnow. Bush and his allies in Congress recently announcedthey would issue no information about the secret CIA“black site” prisons throughout the world, which are usedto incarcerate people who have been seized off the street.

Gulags in history tend to metastasise, becoming everlarger and more secretive, ever more deadly andformalised. We know from first-hand accounts,photographs, videos and government documents thatpeople, innocent and guilty, have been tortured in the US-run prisons we are aware of and those we can’t investigateadequately.

But Americans still assume this system and detaineeabuses involve only scary brown people with whom theydon’t generally identify. It was brave of the conservativepundit William Safire to quote the anti-Nazi pastor MartinNiemöller, who had been seized as a political prisoner:“First they came for the Jews.” Most Americans don’tunderstand yet that the destruction of the rule of law atGuantánamo set a dangerous precedent for them, too.

By the way, the establishment of military tribunals thatdeny prisoners due process tends to come early on in afascist shift. Mussolini and Stalin set up such tribunals. OnApril 24 1934, the Nazis, too, set up the People’s Court,which also bypassed the judicial system: prisoners wereheld indefinitely, often in isolation, and tortured, withoutbeing charged with offences, and were subjected to showtrials. Eventually, the Special Courts became a parallelsystem that put pressure on the regular courts to abandonthe rule of law in favour of Nazi ideology when makingdecisions.

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3. Develop a thug caste

When leaders who seek what I call a “fascist shift” wantto close down an open society, they send paramilitarygroups of scary young men out to terrorise citizens. TheBlackshirts roamed the Italian countryside beating upcommunists; the Brownshirts staged violent ralliesthroughout Germany. This paramilitary force is especiallyimportant in a democracy: you need citizens to fear thugviolence and so you need thugs who are free fromprosecution.

The years following 9/11 have proved a bonanza forAmerica’s security contractors, with the Bushadministration outsourcing areas of work thattraditionally fell to the US military. In the process,contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars have beenissued for security work by mercenaries at home andabroad. In Iraq, some of these contract operatives havebeen accused of involvement in torturing prisoners,harassing journalists and firing on Iraqi civilians. UnderOrder 17, issued to regulate contractors in Iraq by the one-time US administrator in Baghdad, Paul Bremer, thesecontractors are immune from prosecution

Yes, but that is in Iraq, you could argue; however, afterHurricane Katrina, the Department of Homeland Securityhired and deployed hundreds of armed private securityguards in New Orleans. The investigative journalist JeremyScahill interviewed one unnamed guard who reportedhaving fired on unarmed civilians in the city. It was a naturaldisaster that underlay that episode - but theadministration’s endless war on terror means ongoingscope for what are in effect privately contracted armies totake on crisis and emergency management at home in UScities.

Thugs in America? Groups of angry young Republican men,dressed in identical shirts and trousers, menaced pollworkers counting the votes in Florida in 2000. If you arereading history, you can imagine that there can be a needfor “public order” on the next election day. Say there areprotests, or a threat, on the day of an election; historywould not rule out the presence of a private security firmat a polling station “to restore public order”.

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

In Mussolini’s Italy, in Nazi Germany, in communist EastGermany, in communist China - in every closed society -secret police spy on ordinary people and encourageneighbours to spy on neighbours. The Stasi needed tokeep only a minority of East Germans under surveillance toconvince a majority that they themselves were beingwatched.

In 2005 and 2006, when James Risen and Eric Lichtblauwrote in the New York Times about a secret stateprogramme to wiretap citizens’ phones, read their emailsand follow international financial transactions, it becameclear to ordinary Americans that they, too, could be understate scrutiny.

In closed societies, this surveillance is cast as being about“national security”; the true function is to keep citizensdocile and inhibit their activism and dissent.

5. Harass citizens’ groups

The fifth thing you do is related to step four - you infiltrateand harass citizens’ groups. It can be trivial: a church inPasadena, whose minister preached that Jesus was infavour of peace, found itself being investigated by theInternal Revenue Service, while churches that gotRepublicans out to vote, which is equally illegal under UStax law, have been left alone.

Other harassment is more serious: the American CivilLiberties Union reports that thousands of ordinaryAmerican anti-war, environmental and other groups havebeen infiltrated by agents: a secret Pentagon databaseincludes more than four dozen peaceful anti-war meetings,rallies or marches by American citizens in its category of1,500 “suspicious incidents”. The equally secretCounterintelligence Field Activity (Cifa) agency of theDepartment of Defense has been gathering informationabout domestic organisations engaged in peacefulpolitical activities: Cifa is supposed to track “potentialterrorist threats” as it watches ordinary US citizenactivists. A little-noticed new law has redefined activismsuch as animal rights protests as “terrorism”. So thedefinition of “terrorist” slowly expands to include theopposition.

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

This scares people. It is a kind of cat-and-mouse game.Nicholas D Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, the investigativereporters who wrote China Wakes: the Struggle for theSoul of a Rising Power, describe pro-democracy activists inChina, such as Wei Jingsheng, being arrested and releasedmany times. In a closing or closed society there is a “list”of dissidents and opposition leaders: you are targeted inthis way once you are on the list, and it is hard to get offthe list.

In 2004, America’s Transportation Security Administrationconfirmed that it had a list of passengers who weretargeted for security searches or worse if they tried to fly.People who have found themselves on the list? Twomiddle-aged women peace activists in San Francisco;liberal Senator Edward Kennedy; a member of Venezuela’sgovernment - after Venezuela’s president had criticisedBush; and thousands of ordinary US citizens.

Professor Walter F Murphy is emeritus of PrincetonUniversity; he is one of the foremost constitutionalscholars in the nation and author of the classicConstitutional Democracy. Murphy is also a decoratedformer marine, and he is not even especially politicallyliberal. But on March 1 this year, he was denied a boardingpass at Newark, “because I was on the Terrorist Watchlist”.

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Page 12: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

“Have you been in any peace marches? We ban a lot ofpeople from flying because of that,” asked the airlineemployee.

“I explained,” said Murphy, “that I had not so marched buthad, in September 2006, given a lecture at Princeton,televised and put on the web, highly critical of GeorgeBush for his many violations of the constitution.”

“That’ll do it,” the man said.

Anti-war marcher? Potential terrorist. Support theconstitution? Potential terrorist. History shows that thecategories of “enemy of the people” tend to expand everdeeper into civil life.

James Yee, a US citizen, was the Muslim chaplain atGuantánamo who was accused of mishandling classifieddocuments. He was harassed by the US military before thecharges against him were dropped. Yee has been detainedand released several times. He is still of interest.

Brandon Mayfield, a US citizen and lawyer in Oregon, wasmistakenly identified as a possible terrorist. His house wassecretly broken into and his computer seized. Though he isinnocent of the accusation against him, he is still on thelist.

It is a standard practice of fascist societies that once youare on the list, you can’t get off.

7. Target key individuals

Threaten civil servants, artists and academics with job lossif they don’t toe the line. Mussolini went after the rectorsof state universities who did not conform to the fascistline; so did Joseph Goebbels, who purged academics whowere not pro-Nazi; so did Chile’s Augusto Pinochet; sodoes the Chinese communist Politburo in punishing pro-democracy students and professors.

Academe is a tinderbox of activism, so those seeking afascist shift punish academics and students withprofessional loss if they do not “coordinate”, in Goebbels’term, ideologically. Since civil servants are the sector ofsociety most vulnerable to being fired by a given regime,they are also a group that fascists typically “coordinate”early on: the Reich Law for the Re-establishment of aProfessional Civil Service was passed on April 7 1933.

Bush supporters in state legislatures in several states putpressure on regents at state universities to penalise or fireacademics who have been critical of the administration. Asfor civil servants, the Bush administration has derailed thecareer of one military lawyer who spoke up for fair trials fordetainees, while an administration official publiclyintimidated the law firms that represent detainees probono by threatening to call for their major corporateclients to boycott them.

Elsewhere, a CIA contract worker who said in a closedblog that “waterboarding is torture” was stripped of thesecurity clearance she needed in order to do her job.

Most recently, the administration purged eight USattorneys for what looks like insufficient political loyalty.When Goebbels purged the civil service in April 1933,attorneys were “coordinated” too, a step that eased theway of the increasingly brutal laws to follow.

8. Control the press

Italy in the 1920s, Germany in the 30s, East Germany in the50s, Czechoslovakia in the 60s, the Latin Americandictatorships in the 70s, China in the 80s and 90s - alldictatorships and would-be dictators target newspapersand journalists. They threaten and harass them in moreopen societies that they are seeking to close, and theyarrest them and worse in societies that have been closedalready.

The Committee to Protect Journalists says arrests of USjournalists are at an all-time high: Josh Wolf (no relation), ablogger in San Francisco, has been put in jail for a year forrefusing to turn over video of an anti-war demonstration;Homeland Security brought a criminal complaint againstreporter Greg Palast, claiming he threatened “criticalinfrastructure” when he and a TV producer were filmingvictims of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. Palast hadwritten a bestseller critical of the Bush administration.

Other reporters and writers have been punished in otherways. Joseph C Wilson accused Bush, in a New York Timesop-ed, of leading the country to war on the basis of a falsecharge that Saddam Hussein had acquired yellowcakeuranium in Niger. His wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as aCIA spy - a form of retaliation that ended her career.

Prosecution and job loss are nothing, though, comparedwith how the US is treating journalists seeking to cover theconflict in Iraq in an unbiased way. The Committee toProtect Journalists has documented multiple accounts ofthe US military in Iraq firing upon or threatening to fireupon unembedded (meaning independent) reporters andcamera operators from organisations ranging from al-Jazeera to the BBC. While westerners may question theaccounts by al-Jazeera, they should pay attention to theaccounts of reporters such as the BBC’s Kate Adie. In somecases reporters have been wounded or killed, includingITN’s Terry Lloyd in 2003. Both CBS and the AssociatedPress in Iraq had staff members seized by the US militaryand taken to violent prisons; the news organisations wereunable to see the evidence against their staffers.

Over time in closing societies, real news is supplanted byfake news and false documents. Pinochet showed Chileancitizens falsified documents to back up his claim thatterrorists had been about to attack the nation. Theyellowcake charge, too, was based on forged papers.

You won’t have a shutdown of news in modern America - itis not possible. But you can have, as Frank Rich and Sidney

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“Television is altering the meaning of “being informed” by creatinga species of information that might properly be called

disinformation... Disinformation does not mean false information.It means misleading information - misplaced, irrelevant,

fragmented or superficial information - information that createsthe illusion of knowing something, but which in fact leads one away

from knowing.”

Neil Postman


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Blumenthal have pointed out, a steady stream of liespolluting the news well. What you already have is a WhiteHouse directing a stream of false information that is sorelentless that it is increasingly hard to sort out truth fromuntruth. In a fascist system, it’s not the lies that count butthe muddying. When citizens can’t tell real news from fake,they give up their demands for accountability bit by bit.

9. Dissent equals treason

Cast dissent as “treason” and criticism as “espionage’.Every closing society does this, just as it elaborates lawsthat increasingly criminalise certain kinds of speech andexpand the definition of “spy” and “traitor”. When BillKeller, the publisher of the New York Times, ran theLichtblau/Risen stories, Bush called the Times’ leaking ofclassified information “disgraceful”, while Republicans inCongress called for Keller to be charged with treason, andrightwing commentators and news outlets kept up the“treason” drumbeat. Some commentators, as Conasonnoted, reminded readers smugly that one penalty forviolating the Espionage Act is execution.

Conason is right to note how serious a threat that attackrepresented. It is also important to recall that the 1938Moscow show trial accused the editor of Izvestia, NikolaiBukharin, of treason; Bukharin was, in fact, executed. And itis important to remind Americans that when the 1917Espionage Act was last widely invoked, during theinfamous 1919 Palmer Raids, leftist activists were arrestedwithout warrants in sweeping roundups, kept in jail for upto five months, and “beaten, starved, suffocated, torturedand threatened with death”, according to the historianMyra MacPherson. After that, dissent was muted inAmerica for a decade.

In Stalin’s Soviet Union, dissidents were “enemies of thepeople”. National Socialists called those who supportedWeimar democracy “November traitors”.

And here is where the circle closes: most Americans do notrealise that since September of last year - when Congresswrongly, foolishly, passed the Military Commissions Act of2006 - the president has the power to call any US citizenan “enemy combatant”. He has the power to define what“enemy combatant” means. The president can alsodelegate to anyone he chooses in the executive branch theright to define “enemy combatant” any way he or shewants and then seize Americans accordingly.

Even if you or I are American citizens, even if we turn out tobe completely innocent of what he has accused us ofdoing, he has the power to have us seized as we arechanging planes at Newark tomorrow, or have us takenwith a knock on the door; ship you or me to a navy brig;and keep you or me in isolation, possibly for months, whileawaiting trial. (Prolonged isolation, as psychiatrists know,triggers psychosis in otherwise mentally healthy prisoners.That is why Stalin’s gulag had an isolation cell, likeGuantánamo’s, in every satellite prison. Camp 6, thenewest, most brutal facility at Guantánamo, is all isolationcells.)

We US citizens will get a trial eventually - for now. But legalrights activists at the Center for Constitutional Rights saythat the Bush administration is trying increasinglyaggressively to find ways to get around giving even UScitizens fair trials. “Enemy combatant” is a status offence -it is not even something you have to have done. “We haveabsolutely moved over into a preventive detention model -you look like you could do something bad, you might dosomething bad, so we’re going to hold you,” says aspokeswoman of the CCR.

Most Americans surely do not get this yet. No wonder: it ishard to believe, even though it is true. In every closingsociety, at a certain point there are some high-profilearrests - usually of opposition leaders, clergy andjournalists. Then everything goes quiet. After thosearrests, there are still newspapers, courts, TV and radio,and the facades of a civil society. There just isn’t realdissent. There just isn’t freedom. If you look at history, justbefore those arrests is where we are now.

10. Suspend the rule of law

The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 gavethe president new powers over the national guard. Thismeans that in a national emergency - which the presidentnow has enhanced powers to declare - he can sendMichigan’s militia to enforce a state of emergency that hehas declared in Oregon, over the objections of the state’sgovernor and its citizens.

Even as Americans were focused on Britney Spears’smeltdown and the question of who fathered Anna Nicole’sbaby, the New York Times editorialised about this shift: “Adisturbing recent phenomenon in Washington is that lawsthat strike to the heart of American democracy have beenpassed in the dead of night ... Beyond actual insurrection,the president may now use military troops as a domesticpolice force in response to a natural disaster, a diseaseoutbreak, terrorist attack or any ‘other condition’.”

Critics see this as a clear violation of the Posse ComitatusAct - which was meant to restrain the federal governmentfrom using the military for domestic law enforcement. TheDemocratic senator Patrick Leahy says the bill encouragesa president to declare federal martial law. It also violatesthe very reason the founders set up our system ofgovernment as they did: having seen citizens bullied by amonarch’s soldiers, the founders were terrified of exactlythis kind of concentration of militias’ power over Americanpeople in the hands of an oppressive executive or faction.

Of course, the United States is not vulnerable tothe violent, total closing-down of the system thatfollowed Mussolini’s march on Rome or Hitler’s roundup ofpolitical prisoners. Our democratic habits are too resilient,and our military and judiciary too independent, for anykind of scenario like that.

Rather, as other critics are noting, our experiment indemocracy could be closed down by a process of erosion.

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It is a mistake to think that early in a fascist shift you seethe profile of barbed wire against the sky. In the earlydays, things look normal on the surface; peasants werecelebrating harvest festivals in Calabria in 1922; peoplewere shopping and going to the movies in Berlin in 1931.Early on, as WH Auden put it, the horror is alwayselsewhere - while someone is being tortured, children areskating, ships are sailing: “dogs go on with their doggy life... How everything turns away/ Quite leisurely from thedisaster.”

As Americans turn away quite leisurely, keeping tuned tointernet shopping and American Idol, the foundations ofdemocracy are being fatally corroded. Something haschanged profoundly that weakens us unprecedentedly: ourdemocratic traditions, independent judiciary and freepress do their work today in a context in which we are “atwar” in a “long war” - a war without end, on a battlefielddescribed as the globe, in a context that gives thepresident - without US citizens realising it yet - the powerover US citizens of freedom or long solitary incarceration,on his say-so alone.

That means a hollowness has been expanding under thefoundation of all these still- free-looking institutions - andthis foundation can give way under certain kinds ofpressure. To prevent such an outcome, we have to thinkabout the “what ifs”.

What if, in a year and a half, there is another attack - say,God forbid, a dirty bomb? The executive can declare astate of emergency. History shows that any leader, of anyparty, will be tempted to maintain emergency powersafter the crisis has passed. With the gutting of traditionalchecks and balances, we are no less endangered by aPresident Hillary than by a President Giuliani - because anyexecutive will be tempted to enforce his or her will throughedict rather than the arduous, uncertain process ofdemocratic negotiation and compromise.

What if the publisher of a major US newspaper werecharged with treason or espionage, as a rightwing effortseemed to threaten Keller with last year? What if he or shegot 10 years in jail? What would the newspapers look likethe next day? Judging from history, they would not ceasepublishing; but they would suddenly be very polite.

Right now, only a handful of patriots are trying to holdback the tide of tyranny for the rest of us - staff at theCenter for Constitutional Rights, who faced death threatsfor representing the detainees yet persisted all the way tothe Supreme Court; activists at the American CivilLiberties Union; and prominent conservatives trying to rollback the corrosive new laws, under the banner of a newgroup called the American Freedom Agenda. This small,disparate collection of people needs everybody’s help,including that of Europeans and others internationally whoare willing to put pressure on the administration becausethey can see what a US unrestrained by real democracy athome can mean for the rest of the world.

10 steps to fascism…PLEASE watch this video! 45minutes

A lecture by Naomie Wolf, author of “End ofAmerica, A letter of Warning for a YoungPatriot” at the University of Washington.She has carefully studied the political andsocial environments that led to the‘installment’ of totalitarian regimes in the20th Century (Stalin, Mussollini, Polpot,Hitler and numerous other ’smaller’dictators) and concludes that there is a blueprint of 10 characteristics that each ofthese regimes has followed. All 10 of thesecharacteristics were present in the lead upto all of the totalitarian regimes, and all 10are currently present in America right now…YOU are NEEDED to save democracy inAmerica. Action needs to be takenimmediately.

WATCH IT F REE: http://thefungus.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/10-steps-to-fascism/

We need to look at historyand face the “what ifs”. For ifwe keep going down this road,the “end of America” couldcome for each of us in adifferent way, at a differentmoment; each of us mighthave a different moment whenwe feel forced to look backand think: that is how it wasbefore - and this is the way it isnow.

“The accumulation of allpowers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the samehands ... is the definition of tyranny,” wrote JamesMadison. We still have the choice to stop going down thisroad; we can stand our ground and fight for our nation,and take up the banner the founders asked us to carry.

· Naomi Wolf’s The End of America: A Letter of Warning toa Young Patriot will be published by Chelsea Green inSeptember.


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Jack Shafer over at SlateMagazine, appeared to goagainst the grain and wrotean article on the BilderbergMeeting.

With the U.S. mainstreammedia failing to cover the2008 Bilderberg Meetingthat took place this pastweekend, it has becomeobvious that they aresimply not interested in

covering real news. When hundreds of entertainers gottogether for the 2008 MTV Movie Awards, there were allsorts of articles and press coverage on this event whenin reality it has very little significance to the lives ofaverage Americans. With that said, it is incredible thatwhen over a hundred of the most powerful people inEurope and North America got together in ChantillyVirginia for the Bilderberg Meeting, we see a completemedia blackout. This was despite the fact that a pressrelease from the American Friends of Bilderberg wasmade available announcing the event. Jack Shafer over atSlate Magazine, appeared to go against the grain andwrote an article on the Bilderberg Meeting. On my radioshow, I actually gave Mr. Shafer credit for at leastproviding some sort of coverage on the BilderbergMeeting. In fact, he even referenced a previous article Iwrote on the media blackout of Bilderberg in his newspiece. However, after reading Mr. Shafer’s article in itsentirety, it becomes clear that the intent of his piece isto marginalize the significance of the annual BilderbergMeeting and to defend the mainstream media’s failure tocover it.

Slate Magazine is owned by the Washington Post whichis a newspaper currently headed up by Donald E. Grahamwho just happened to have attended the 2008Bilderberg Meeting. How can we expect Mr. Shafer’sarticle to be free of bias and spin when the man who is incharge of Slate Magazine and the Washington Posthappens to be a Bilderberg attendee?

Look at what Mr. Shafer says as he comes to the defenseof the mainstream press.

And about this, too, the Bilderberg critics are right: Themeeting of 120 prominent world figures probably constitutessome kind of news. Yet to be fair to the mainstream press, it’stough to report from a private gathering locked down tightby professional security.

How is it tough to report on the Bilderberg Meeting?Web sites like InfoWars.Com, PrisonPlanet.Com andRogueGovernment.Com managed to provide extensivecoverage on the Bilderberg Meeting without seeing whatwas going on inside the hotel. The fact that you haveover a hundred of the most powerful people in onelocation with armed security guards and spooks runningaround everywhere in of itself is news. How about thefact that there were over a hundred protesters outsideof the meeting shouting at the Bilderberg attendeesthrough bullhorns? That is also a news story. Reportersdon’t even need to attend the meeting or get specificson what’s actually happening in the meeting to write anews article. In fact, Mr. Shafer proved you don’t need tobe on the inside to write about Bilderberg with his ownarticle.

Mr. Shafer continues in his defense of the mainstreampress.

And yet the “mainstream press” can hardly be accused ofblacking out Bilderberg. The New York Times has mentionedBilderberg a couple dozen times since 1981, according toNexis, including in a 2004 piece titled “A Secret ConferenceThought To Rule the Word.” Other pieces in the WashingtonPost, Chicago Tribune, and the Boston Globe refer to thegroup. Just last month, Anne-Marie Slaughter mentioned theBilderbergers in her Post review of a new book, Superclass:The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making.

Of course, Bilderberg critics don’t want to read mentions inthe press. They want to see confirmation of their theoriesthat the group operates in a sinister, behind-the-scenesfashion to exploit the powerless and throttle liberty.

How, exactly, are reporters supposed to do that when thecritics rarely provide falsifiable evidence of Bilderbergmalevolence? Would a shadow government, should it exist,really convene annually at a hotel to hash out the world’sfate? Would it really issue a press release about its latestmeeting? Would it routinely assume the security risks ofinviting new blood in? (Couldn’t the notorious BilderbergerConrad Black negotiate his way out of prison by exposing the

No ExcuseNo ExcuseFor Lack Of Bilderberg Coverage

Lee RogersRogue Government

June 10, 2008

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group? Or is Bilderberg so powerful that it controls thefederal prison system, too?) It largely limits its attendees toNorth Americans and Europeans. Are the Japanese, Indians,Chinese, Brazilians, Australians, South Koreans, andSingaporean so timid that they stand aside and let theBilderbergers have their way with the world without makinga peep?

There certainly has been some coverage of theBilderberg Meeting by the U.S. mainstream media.Nobody is denying that. The problem with these reportsis that Bilderberg is mentioned intwo to three paragraph storiesburied in the back of a newspaper, orare mentioned in a context thatserves to demonize independentresearchers and journalists whocover this yearly meeting as kooksor conspiracy theorists. Whathappened in Chantilly Virginia was anincredibly big news story and there’sno doubt that it was intentionallycensored by the mainstream press. This is the first timethat a press release was issued by Bilderberg and not onemainstream news outlet even picked up the pressrelease. That defies comprehension considering the typeof people who were attending.

Independent researchers and journalists are merelypointing out the fact that U.S. citizens and in particularthose who hold public office are in violation of theLogan Act by attending secret meetings where policy isshaped and formed. The American people have a right toknow how policy is being steered and meetings likeBilderberg remove transparency from the process. U.S.citizens should not be participating in secret meetingswhere powerful people from foreign nations areadmittedly talking about a wide spectrum ofgeopolitical issues. Those who attend Bilderberg do nothave full control over the planet as Mr. Shafer suggests,but they are certainly some of the more powerfulindividuals in Europe and North America and have theability to shape the world by coming to a consensus oncertain issues. Does Mr. Shafer honestly believe thatsome of the most powerful people in the world gettogether just to have a friendly chat? Jim Tucker fromthe American Free Press has covered the BilderbergMeeting for decades and has made accurate predictionsabout the future based upon his sources withinBilderberg. With that said, there is little doubt thatagendas and policies are formed at this meeting.

Mr. Shafer also compares the Council on ForeignRelations which previously maintained an incredibleamount of secrecy with the Bilderberg Meeting.

Without a doubt, Bilderberg ends up stimulating speculationsthat it’s a nefarious organization. In an earlier generation,some theorists regarded the Council on Foreign Relations as asimilar shadow government for its furtive ways. But as theCFR opened up in recent decades, holding many sessions on

the record, it has become as threatening as the WorldEconomic Forum at Davos.

What Mr. Shafer doesn’t mention is that the so calledconspiracy theorists were right about the Council onForeign Relations (CFR). Instead of talking aboutglobalization and the destruction of U.S. nationalsovereignty in secret, they now talk about it openly. Thisis not a good thing even if they are open with theirdisgust for what this country is supposed to stand for.Despite its flaws, the U.S. Constitution guarantees

individual liberty. The globalistssimply do not factor in individualliberty when they write their policypapers. Even though he was not onthe official 2008 Bilderberg attendeelist, the president of the Council onForeign Relations, Richard Haass wasspotted at the recent BilderbergMeeting. The CFR has writtendocuments that have in fact becomeU.S. policy so they do operate as a

secretive policy arm for the U.S. government. Manypolicy proposals that have come from the CFR have beencrafted into legislation or are implemented by theexecutive branch. A perfect example of this is theBuilding a North American Community document whichbecame the blue print for the Security and ProsperityPartnership that was agreed upon by Canada, Mexico andthe U.S. back in 2005. Not only that, but the majority ofthe 2008 presidential candidates were either associatedor were members of the CFR regardless of party. Thevast majority of Americans simply do not agree with thevarious agendas that are pushed by the CFR. In fact mostAmericans would probably consider the CFR to be anefarious organization. There is little doubt in the viewof many considering what the CFR talks about, that theCFR is an organization run and driven by anti-Americantraitors.

In addition, Mr. Shafer needs to understand that foryears, people have been harassed and threatened in theirattempts to cover the Bilderberg Meeting. Why wouldpeople harass and threaten researchers who simply wantto know the truth about what is going on at thissupposedly friendly meeting? Obviously, somebody hassomething to hide otherwise these sort of intimidationtactics would not be directed at people who are justtrying to report the facts.

Fortunately, some foreign media outlets have picked upthe Bilderberg story. The Epoch Times did a big write upon the Bilderberg Meeting and some of the articleswritten by the alternative media have started to springup in a greater number of mainstream blogs. Theresimply is no excuse for the mainstream press notcovering an event as big as the Bilderberg Meeting. Thelack of mainstream press coverage is just more proofthat they should not be trusted to provide the full truthabout what is going in the world.

Council on Foreign Relations in the oval office.

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CHANTILLY, VA—While over a hundred of the mostinfluential people in the world are believed to gather atthe Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia, forseveral days (June 5–8) all the major media, except forthe Epoch Times, are apparently silent about it. The eventis an annual gathering of the Bilderberg Group.

Former Secretary of State Madelin Albright, Chairman ofthe Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, Henry Kissinger,Vernon Jordan, and others were seen by witnesses andsome of them were confirmed by others just outside ofthe hotel. Photos and videotapes were taken of them.(See the websites operated by Alex Jones at the bottomof this report that have posted some of the videos andphotos.)

Alex Jones, syndicated radio talk show host anddocumentary film maker, says that he invited theWashington Post, the Fairfax Times, and asked 16 millionlisteners of the Coast to Coast AM radio show to call on

Epoch Times Interview of Alex Jones at BilderbergDu Won Kang

Epoch TimesJune 10, 2008

Mainstream Media Blackouton Bilderberg Meeting

the press to cover the event. But no major media showed.

“This is a criminal group. They’re involved in very badthings,” said Alex Jones, referring to the Bilderberg Group.

He said, “They violate the Logan Act. The federal law saysthat they can’t come here and discuss policy with privateinterest in secret because we have the right to know. Theonly place they can discuss things in secret is in nationalsecurity meetings, in the Congress, or in the Capitol, andthat’s amongst themselves … This is illegal what they’redoing … That’s why we have moles inside reporting to uswhat’s happened.”

He continued, “This isn’t about the federal government.This is about private interest meeting with members ofthe government, outside of the government, violatingfederal law, and the Logan Act. We are here because this isa criminal summit … These are globalists. They want oneworld government. They want to reduce liberty.”

Alex Jones is also the producer of Endgames: Blueprint forGlobal Enslavement.

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When asked about evidence for Bilderberg Group’sinfluence over U.S. Presidential candidates, he said,“From our sources, they decide who they like best andthey put their weight behind him. These people own themedia. They own the big corporations. They’ve gottrillions of dollars together. And when you get the nodfrom the big boys, you tend to get the support … Dothey have total control over society? No. Do they havetotal control over the candidates? No. But they’resteering it. They’re massively influencing it.”

The Washington Post published an article on June 9 withheadline, “Obama Adviser Faces Scrutiny Over MortgageDeals.” It reports that James A. Johnson, former FannieMae CEO, is leading Sen. Barack Obama’s vice-presidential search process, and that Johnson is amember of the American Friends of Bilderberg.

Jim Tucker, co-founder of American Free Press (AFP), hasbeen investigating the Bilderberg Group for over aquarter of a century. His research on the BilderbergGroup was highly praised by participants of the protestsat Chantilly. He is the author of Jim Tucker’s BilderbergDiary (2005).

Jon Ronson, author of Them, describes the BilderbergGroup for CNN several years ago:

“Many members of the Bilderberg see themselves inmuch the same way as the conspiracy theorists seethem: as shadowy figures out to influence world events.They see themselves as wise globalist centrists. Many ofthe anti-Bilderberg conspiricists see themselves as twigsin a tidal wave of globalization; they see themselves asnationalists. World government is what Bilderberg areinto—the idea of a global community and a ‘one worldorder.’

by Daniel Estulin

Unravel one of the best-kept secrets inpolitical history.

Delving into a world once shrouded incomplete mystery and impenetrable

security, this investigative report provides a fascinatingaccount of the annual meetings of the world’s most powerfulpeople—the Bilderberg Group. Since its inception in 1954 atthe Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek,the Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European primeministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs ofthe world, all coming together to discuss the economic andpolitical future of humanity.

The press has never been allowed to attend, nor havestatements ever been released on the attendees’ conclusionsor discussions, which have ramifications on the citizens of theworld. Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of theCold War—and in several instances putting his own life on theline—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve:he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of theopulent hotels and has made it available to the public for thefirst time.

Daniel Estulin is an award-winning investigative journalist andhas been researching the Bilderberg Group for more than 14years. He is the host of two radio shows in Spain.

The True Story of the Bilderberg GroupBOOK-TBBG-DE-1 Sale price: $19.95

The True Story ofthe BilderbergGroup

“The Bilderberg Group sees themselves as head hunters.They’ll get an up and coming politician who they thinkmay be President or Prime Minister one day and asglobalist and industrialist leaders, they try to influencethem. Bilderberg secrecy hulks back to Henry Kissengerwho loves the idea of working in the shadows. Thesecrecy gives rise to conspiracy theories.”

The CNN interview can be seen on You Tube: CNNinterview with author Jon Ronson.

Free Press International offers some interestingresources on the Bilderberg Group.

These websites, owned and run by Alex Jones, showphotos and videos of the Chantilly event:http://infowars.nethttp://prisonplanet.com

There appears to be a wide range of opinions about theBilderberg Group. This report represents only the tip of theiceberg.

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In his conduct while President of the United States,George W. Bush, in violation of his constitutional oath tofaithfully execute the office of President of the UnitedStates and, to thebest of his ability,preserve, protect, anddefend theConstitution of theUnited States, and inviolation of hisconstitutional dutyunder Article II,Section 3 of theConstitution “to takecare that the laws befaithfully executed”,has both personallyand acting through hisagents andsubordinates,together with theVice President, failedin his Constitutionalduties to take propersteps to protect thenation prior toSeptember 11, 2001.

VIDEO: Kucinich Reads Impeachment Article#33

The White House’s top counter-terrorism adviser,Richard A. Clarke, has testified that from the beginningof George W. Bush’s presidency until September 11, 2001,Clarke attempted unsuccessfully to persuade PresidentBush to take steps to protect the nation againstterrorism. Clarke sent a memorandum to then-NationalSecurity Advisor Condoleezza Rice on January 24, 2001,“urgently” but unsuccessfully requesting “a Cabinet-level meeting to deal with the impending al Qaedaattack.”

In April 2001, Clarke was finally granted a meeting, butonly with second-in-command departmentrepresentatives, including Deputy Secretary of Defense

Paul Wolfowitz, who made light of Clarke’s concerns.

Clarke confirms that in June, July, and August, 2001, theCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) warned the presidentin daily briefings of unprecedented indications that amajor al Qaeda attack was going to happen against theUnited States somewhere in the world in the weeks andmonths ahead. Yet, Clarke was still unable to convene a

cabinet-level meetingto address the issue.

Condoleezza Rice hastestified that GeorgeTenet met with thepresident 40 times towarn him that a majoral-Qaeda attack wasgoing to take place,and that in responsethe president did notconvene any meetingsof top officials. Atsuch meetings, the FBIcould have sharedinformation onpossible terroristsenrolled at flightschools. Among themany preventive stepsthat could have beentaken, the Federal

Aviation Administration, airlines, and airports might havebeen put on full alert.

According to Condoleezza Rice, the first and onlycabinet-level meeting prior to 9/11 to discuss the threatof terrorist attacks took place on September 4, 2001,one week before the attacks in New York andWashington.

On August 6, 2001, President Bush was presented aPresident’s Daily Brief (PDB) article titled “Bin LadenDetermined to Strike in U.S.” The lead sentence of thatPDB article indicated that Bin Laden and his followerswanted to “follow the example of World Trade Centerbomber Ramzi Yousef and ‘bring the fighting toAmerica.’” The article warned: “Al-Qa’ida members—including some who are US citizens— have resided in ortraveled to the US for years, and the group apparentlymaintains a support structure that could aid attacks.”

The Kucinich 9/11-relatedArticles of Impeachment

911 Blogger | June 10, 2008Read Full Text Here

Article XXXIII

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The article cited a “more sensational threat reportingthat Bin Laden wanted to hijack a US aircraft,” butindicated that the CIA had not been able to corroboratesuch reporting. The PDB item included information fromthe FBI indicating “patterns of suspicious activity in thiscountry consistent with preparations for hijackings orother types of attacks, including recent surveillance offederal buildings in New York.” The article also notedthat the CIA and FBI were investigating “a call to ourembassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of BinLaden supporters was in the US planning attacks withexplosives.”

The president spent the rest of August 6, and almost allthe rest of August 2001 on vacation. There is noevidence that he called any meetings of his advisers todiscuss this alarming report. When the title andsubstance of this PDB article were later reported in thepress, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Ricebegan a sustained campaign to play down itssignificance, until the actual text was eventually releasedby the White House.

New York Times writer Douglas Jehl, put it this way: “In asingle 17-sentence document, the intelligence briefingdelivered to President Bush in August 2001 spells out thewho, hints at the what and points towards the where ofthe terrorist attacks on New York and Washington thatfollowed 36 days later.”

Eleanor Hill, Executive Director of the joint congressionalcommittee investigating the performance of the USintelligence community before September 11, 2001,reported in mid-September 2002 that intelligencereports a year earlier “reiterated a consistent andconstant theme: Osama bin Laden’s intent to launchterrorist attacks inside the United States.”

That joint inquiry revealed that just two months beforeSeptember 11, an intelligence briefing for “seniorgovernment officials” predicted a terrorist attack withthese words: “The attack will be spectacular anddesigned to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilitiesor interests. Attack preparations have been made.Attack will occur with little or no warning.”

Given the White House’s insistence on secrecy withregard to what intelligence was given to President Bush,the joint-inquiry report does not divulge whether hetook part in that briefing. Even if he did not, it strainscredulity to suppose that those “senior governmentofficials” would have kept its alarming substance fromthe president.

Again, there is no evidence that the president held anymeetings or took any action to deal with the threats ofsuch attacks.

In all of these actions and decisions, President George W.Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust asPresident, and subversive of constitutional government,

to the prejudice of the cause of law and justice and tothe manifest injury of the people of the United States.Wherefore, President George W. Bush, by such conduct,is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removalfrom office.


In his conduct while President of the United States,George W. Bush, in violation of his constitutional oath tofaithfully execute the office of President of the UnitedStates and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect,and defend the Constitution of the United States, and inviolation of his constitutional duty under Article II,Section 3 of the Constitution “to take care that the lawsbe faithfully executed”, has both personally and actingthrough his agents and subordinates, together with theVice President, obstructed investigations into theattacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon onSeptember 11, 2001.

VIDEO: Kucinich Reads Impeachment Article#34

Following September 11, 2001, President Bush and VicePresident Cheney took strong steps to thwart any and allproposals that the circumstances of the attack beaddressed. Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell wasforced to renege on his public promise on September 23that a “White Paper” would be issued to explain thecircumstances. Less than two weeks after that promise,Powell apologized for his “unfortunate choice of words,”and explained that Americans would have to rely on“information coming out in the press and in other ways.”

On Sept. 26, 2001, President Bush drove to CentralIntelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley,Virginia, stood with Director of Central IntelligenceGeorge Tenet and said: “My report to the nation is,we’ve got the best intelligence we can possibly havethanks to the men and women of the C.I.A.” GeorgeTenet subsequently and falsely claimed not to havevisited the president personally between the start ofBush’s long Crawford vacation and September 11, 2001.

Testifying before the 9/11 Commission on April 14, 2004,Tenet answered a question from Commission memberTimothy Roemer by referring to the president’s vacation(July 29-August 30) in Crawford and insisting that he didnot see the president at all in August 2001. “You nevertalked with him?” Roemer asked. “No,” Tenet replied,explaining that for much of August he too was “onleave.” An Agency spokesman called reporters that sameevening to say Tenet had misspoken, and that Tenet hadbriefed Bush on August 17 and 31. The spokesmanexplained that the second briefing took place after thepresident had returned to Washington, and played downthe first one, in Crawford, as uneventful.

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In his book, At the Center of the Storm, (2007) Tenet,refers to what is almost certainly his August 17 visit toCrawford as a follow-up to the “Bin Laden Determined toStrike in the US” article in the CIA prepared President’sDaily Brief of August 6. That briefing was immortalizedin a Time Magazine photo capturing Harriet Myersholding the PDB open for the president, as two CIAofficers sit by. It is the same briefing to which thepresident reportedly reacted by telling the CIA briefer,“All right, you’ve covered your ass now.” (Ron Suskind,The One-Percent Doctrine, p. 2, 2006). In At the Centerof the Storm, Tenet writes: “A few weeks after theAugust 6 PDB was delivered, I followed it to Crawford tomake sure that the president stayed current on events.”

A White House press release suggests Tenet was alsothere a week later, on August 24. According to theAugust 25, 2001, release, President Bush, addressing agroup of visitors to Crawford on August 25, told them:“George Tenet and I, yesterday, we piled in the newnominees for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the ViceChairman and their wives and went right up the canyon.”

In early February, 2002, Vice President Dick Cheneywarned then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle that ifCongress went ahead with an investigation,administration officials might not show up to testify. Aspressure grew for an investigation, the president andvice president agreed to the establishment of acongressional joint committee to conduct a “JointInquiry.” Eleanor Hill, Executive Director of the Inquiry,opened the Joint Inquiry’s final public hearing in mid-September 2002 with the following disclaimer: “I needto report that, according to the White House and theDirector of Central Intelligence, the president’sknowledge of intelligence information relevant to thisinquiry remains classified, even when the substance ofthe intelligence information has been declassified.”

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, alsoknown as the 9/11 Commission, was created onNovember 27, 2002, following the passage ofcongressional legislation signed into law by PresidentBush. The President was asked to testify before theCommission. He refused to testify except for one hourin private with only two Commission members, with nooath administered, with no recording or note taking, andwith the Vice President at his side. Commission Co-ChairLee Hamilton has written that he believes thecommission was set up to fail, was underfunded, wasrushed, and did not receive proper cooperation andaccess to information.

A December 2007 review of classified documents byformer members of the Commission found that thecommission had made repeated and detailed requests tothe CIA in 2003 and 2004 for documents and otherinformation about the interrogation of operatives of AlQaeda, and had been told falsely by a top C.I.A. officialthat the agency had “produced or made available forreview” everything that had been requested.

In all of these actions and decisions, President George W.Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust asPresident, and subversive of constitutional government,to the prejudice of the cause of law and justice and tothe manifest injury of the people of the United States.Wherefore, President George W. Bush, by such conduct,is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removalfrom office.


In his conduct while President of the United States,George W. Bush, in violation of his constitutional oath tofaithfully execute the office of President of the UnitedStates and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect,and defend the Constitution of the United States, and inviolation of his constitutional duty under Article II,Section 3 of the Constitution “to take care that the lawsbe faithfully executed”, has both personally and actingthrough his agents and subordinates, together with theVice President, recklessly endangered the health of firstresponders, residents, and workers at and near theformer location of the World Trade Center in New YorkCity.

VIDEO: Kucinich Reads Impeachment Article#35

The Inspector General of the Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) August 21, 2003, report numbered 2003-P-00012 and entitled “EPA’s Response to the World TradeCenter Collapse:

Challenges, Successes, and Areas for Improvement,”includes the following findings:

“[W]hen EPA made a September 18 announcement thatthe air was ’safe’ to breathe, it did not have sufficientdata and analyses to make such a blanket statement. Atthat time, air monitoring data was lacking for severalpollutants of concern, including particulate matter andpolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Furthermore, TheWhite House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)influenced, through the collaboration process, theinformation that EPA communicated to the publicthrough its early press releases when it convinced EPA toadd reassuring statements and delete cautionary ones.”

“As a result of the White House CEQ’s influence,guidance for cleaning indoor spaces and informationabout the potential health effects from WTC debriswere not included in EPA- issued press releases. Inaddition, based on CEQ’s influence, reassuringinformation was added to at least one press release andcautionary information was deleted from EPA’s draftversion of that press release. . . . The White House’s rolein EPA’s public communications about WTCenvironmental conditions was described in a September

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12, 2001, e-mail from the EPA Deputy Administrator’sChief of Staff to senior EPA officials:

“’All statements to the media should be cleared throughthe NSC [National Security Council] before they arereleased.’

“According to the EPA Chief of Staff, one particular CEQofficial was designated to work with EPA to ensure thatclearance was obtained through NSC. The AssociateAdministrator for the EPA Office of Communications,Education, and Media Relations (OCEMR) said that nopress release could be issued for a 3- to 4-week periodafter September 11 without approval from the CEQcontact.”

Acting EPA Administrator Marianne Horinko, who sat inon EPA meetings with the White House has said in aninterview that the White House played a coordinatingrole. The National Security Council played the key role,filtering incoming data on ground zero air and water,Horinko said: “I think that the thinking was, these areexperts in WMD (weapons of mass destruction), so theyshould have the coordinating role.”

In the cleanup of the Pentagon following September 11,2001, Occupational Safety and Health Administrationlaws were enforced, and no workers became ill. At theWorld Trade Center site, the same laws were notenforced.

In the years since the release of the EPA InspectorGeneral’s above-cited report, the Bush Administrationhas still not effected a clean-up of the indoor air inapartments and workspaces near the site.

Screenings conducted at the Mount Sinai Medical Centerand released in the September 10, 2004, Morbidity andMortality Weekly Report (MMWR) of the federalCenters For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),produced the following results:

“Both upper and lower respiratory problems and mentalhealth difficulties are widespread among rescue andrecovery workers who dug through the ruins of theWorld Trade Center in the days following its destructionin the attack of September 11, 2001.

“An analysis of the screenings of 1,138 workers andvolunteers who responded to the World Trade Centerdisaster found that nearly three-quarters of themexperienced new or worsened upper respiratoryproblems at some point while working at Ground Zero.And half of those examined had upper and/or lowerrespiratory symptoms that persisted up to the time oftheir examinations, an average of eight months aftertheir WTC efforts ended.”

A larger study released in 2006 found that roughly 70

percent of nearly 10,000 workers tested at Mount Sinaifrom 2002 to 2004 reported that they had new orsubstantially worsened respiratory problems while orafter working at ground zero. This study showed thatmany of the respiratory ailments, including sinusitis andasthma, and gastrointestinal problems related to them,initially reported by ground zero workers persisted orgrew worse over time. Most of the ground zero workersin the study who reported trouble breathing whileworking there were still having those problems two anda half years later, an indication of chronic illness unlikelyto improve over time.

In all of these actions and decisions, President George W.Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust asPresident, and subversive of constitutional government,to the prejudice of the cause of law and justice and tothe manifest injury of the people of the United States.Wherefore, President George W. Bush, by such conduct,is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removalfrom office.



WHEREAS, in his conduct while President of theUnited States, George W. Bush, in violation of hisconstitutional oath to faithfully execute theoffice of President of the United States and, tothe best of his ability, preserve, protect, anddefend the Constitution of the United States,and in violation of his constitutional duty to takecare that the laws be faithfully executed, hascommitted abuses of power.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that PresidentGeorge W. Bush has acted in a manner contraryto his trust as President and Commander inChief, and subversive of constitutionalgovernment, to the prejudice of the cause of lawand justice and to the manifest injury of thepeople of the United States and that he beimpeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.


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To order any book or DVD:

If there was ever a reason to learn moreabout the Bilderberg Group, this is it.

The Bilderberg Group recently held its yearly secret meeting in Chantilly Virginia. Thisgathering of the most powerful people in the world was held so they could make futureplans for America and the rest of the world, continue to control our government andelections, and, as they have for years, control what the mainstream news media tells you.The outcome will have a direct negative effect on our lives. There was not one storyabout this recent meeting from the mainstream media.

Here is a list of decisions made at past Bilderberg meetings over the years, in case youthink they don’t impact your life.

1973: Increase oil from $3 to $10-12.50/barrel

1981: NAFTA (section: Trade & Protectionism)

1990: Ordered Bush to raise taxes

1991: UN levy of 10c/barrel to rebuild Kuwait

1991: War in Yugoslavia/Kosovo

1992: UN standing Army, UN tax Global Programs

1996: War in Kosovo; break up of Canada

2002: War in Iraq; $100/barrel by end 2007

2005: Angel Merkel pre-selected for Chancellor

2006: Meltdown of housing market

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Seven years after the attacks ofSeptember the Eleventh, a globalawakening has taken place, the likes ofwhich the world has never seen. As thecorporate-controlled media dwindles intoextinction, a new breed of journalists andactivists has emerged.Join Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski and othersas they set out on a mission determined toexpose the ruthless global elite, and alertthe masses to the truth about 9/11.Strap inand get ready to ride along as criminaloverlords David Rockefeller, ZbigniewBrzezinski, Bill and Hillary Clinton, AlanGreenspan, John McCain, and many othersare confronted about their lies andmanipulation. Including interviews withJesse Ventura, Rosie O’Donnell, Georgecarlin, Willie Nelson and Martin Sheen, thisfilm is unlike anything you have ever seen.the only question after viewing it is, willyou become part of the Truth Rising.

Watch it free:www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-yscpNIxjI

Order a copy:http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/911ctr.html

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

DVD-911CTR-AJ-1 $19.95

Page 26: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Description: Determined to find the law that requires Americans to payincome tax, Aaron Russo (THE ROSE, TRADING PLACES) sets out on a journey.Neither left- nor right-wing, this startling examination exposes the systematicerosion of civil liberties in America.

Through interviews with US Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, formerIRS and FBI agents, tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dotsbetween money creation, federal income tax, voter fraud, the nationalidentity card (becoming law in May 2008) and the implementation of radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology to track citizens. A striking caseabout the evolving police state in America.

This is a Call to Action! Get this film today and spread the word about what isreally happening to our beloved republic. This well-crafted, eye-openingwindow into the fate of America by incredible Hollywood luminary AaronRusso is as chilling as any horror film. Get this movie and share it with yourfriends, family, co-workers - everyone you know - before its too late!

Please visit www.freedomtofascism.com to purchase your own copy of the DVD.

DVD-F2F-AR-1 $19.95

WATCH IT FOR FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173

Description: New and updated, Alex Jones has created a documentary thatwill answer your questions about 911. An additional 17 minutes of new footageand interviews has been added. Throughout history, criminal elements insidegovernments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations asa pretext to enslave them. TERRORSTORM reveals how, in the last hundredyears, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens whileposing as their saviors.

In TERRORSTORM you will discover that September 11th, the attacks of 7/7 inLondon, and many other terrorist events were self-inflicted wounds. You willwitness British Special Forces troops caught in the act of staging terrorattacks in Iraq and see official US government documents laying out plans tohijack passenger planes by remote control. You will learn how the Reichstagfire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the US-backed Iranian coup of 1953 are allinterconnected false-flag terror events.

This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashedWesterner. It delves deeply in to the systems of control which have beenscientifically-crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to therealities of the world around them.

DVD-TSSE-AJ-1 $19.95

WATCH IT FOR FREE:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8136133221213939183&pr=goog-sl

Watch these!

To order any book or DVD:

America: Freedom to Fascism -Director’s Authorized Version

1 hr 51 min - May 5, 2007

Terrorstorm Final Cut2 hr 14 min 28 sec - Jul 14, 2007

Page 27: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

All free!

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

If you were to ask ten people on the street if mankind was causingglobal warming, at least eight out of ten would say yes. After all, AlGore’s Inconvenient Truth provides incontrovertible evidence that thisis the case. Yet, contrary to what is heard in the media, there isoverwhelming evidence that the warming we are experiencing isnatural, with maybe a small amount contributed by man’s activities.Nor is there any scientific consensus.

The debate is still raging within the scientific community. SovereigntyInternational has put together interviews of climate scientists andbiologists from numerous sources who explain, step by step, why AlGore and the global warming alarmists are incorrect. In some cases,blatantly so. It also provides evidence that the global warming agendais being funded with tens of billions of dollars as a mechanism tocreate global governance. Hear from congressmen, experts and evenwell-known news broadcasters how global governance puts globalinstitutions that are not accountable to the American people incontrol of every aspect of our economy. The U.S. government is veryclose to making this a reality. Very close. Every American, every citizenof the world, needs to hear the other side of the global warming story.

Global Warming? or Global Governance?DVD-GWGG-EP-1 $14.95

Global Warming? orGlobal Governance?

WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3069943905833454241

9/11: Blueprint for TruthThe Architecture of Destruction

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to seethe new DVD from Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth.

In this stunning multimedia presentation to theUniversity of Manitoba, Canada, San Francisco BayArea architect, Richard Gage, AIA, depicts inincredible detail to a packed house the evidencewhich proves the controlled demolition usingexplosives of all 3 WTC high-rise “collapses”.

Richard Gage is the founder of Architects and Engineersfor 9/11 Truth located at www.ae911truth.org/

9/11: Blueprint for TruthDVD-911BLU-AE-1 $15.95

WATCH IT FREE:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8182697765360042032

Page 28: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

To order any book or DVD:

HACKED! High Tech Election Theft in America presents to theAmerican people the work of eleven experts on the issue of electronic votefraud, stolen elections, and best solutions to the crisis. It explains howelectronic voting has stolen our democracy; how elections in American havebeen privatized by large corporations; why the mainstream media is barelyreporting it; and how imperative it is that Americans start TODAY to reclaimtheir elections.

Editors Abbe DeLozier and Vickie Karp have a mission; To lift the veil of mediablackout on the most heinous crime ever committed against the Americanpeople: the theft of their democracy; to create the rightful indignationamongst our citizens; and to clearly show that the only solution is direct andimmediate citizen involvement geared toward a return to paper ballotelections, hand-counted at the precinct level. Action steps for citizens areincluded in this expose.

HACKED! High Tech ElectionTheft in America

• Convicted felons have been programming our election software.• Corporate voting machine vendors have ownership ties to top

politicians, defense contractors, and foreign governments! Why?• Elections can be rigged and probably have been for years with the

stroke of a keyboard. The truth about what really happened in Ohioin the 2004 presidential election.

• States are using millions of YOUR taxpayer dollars to buy unproven,faulty voting equipment, with no recounts or citizen oversightpossible.

• The shocking truth mainstream media has not covered about theelectronic voting systems used by 80% of America.

• Learn why you as an American citizen MUST REJECT electronicvoting, and insist our government go back to PAPER BALLOTS, HANDCOUNTED IN PUBLIC VIEW!

Election DeceptionAbbe Delozier and Vickie Karp ofHackedElections.com tell you more about whywe should stop HR 811 now in this You Tubevideo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjFHNfKWkCs

BK-HACK-VC-1 Sale price: $9.95

This is just a brief list of actions you can take to help stop whatis happening to elections in this country. More ideas can be found in the book.

Start an e-mail, calling and letter writing campaign amongst your friends and e-mail lists. On a regular basis, barrageyour elected officials to change election laws banning electronic voting equipment and a return to safe hand-countedpaper ballots. Visit www.congress.org for easy access to your elected officials.

� Bring video cameras to every election; ask to be at the counting and tabulation areas at your precinct and county.Become an election judge and take your video camera to trainings, elections and certification hearings at the countyand state level.� Write letters to the editors of magazines, community newslet- ters, nonprofit publications, newspapers, call in toradio shows, buy billboard space on major roads across America, create a Web site to educate people and advertiseyour Web site, pro- duce a documentary and take any action you can think of to bring attention to this matter. This isa NON-partisan problem. This issue affects everyone in America on both sides of the aisle and in any party affiliation.

� Join the national Hand Count Registry - be on the national team to be ready to hand-count ballots in November2006. To sign up for the Hand Count Registry, go to: http://www.bbvforums.org/cgi- bin/forums/board-profile.cgi?action=register.

� Use the Black Box Voting Tool Kit, a tutorial on a vast number of actions you can take. This Tool Kit is a Declarationof Independence for Citizens: http://www.blackboxvoting.org/toolkit.pdf

� Demand that your county provide you with a paper ballot with which to vote on election day; they keep these onhand for absentee and mail-in ballots. Be sure to verify in writing that your ballot will not be fed into a computerizedoptical scan counter as occurred recently in Riverside County, California.If you don’t do anything else, consider donating money to the organizations working so hard to reclaim elections forour citizens: www.blackboxvoting.org, bradblog.com, Voteraction.org, and Voterescue.org are some of the best! Yourdonation, large or small, would greatly contribute to their work.

Page 29: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

Hacking Democracy1 hr 21 min 57 sec

Description: The disturbingly shocking HBO documentary HACKINGDEMOCRACY bravely tangles with our nation’s ills at the heart of democracy. Thefilm the Diebold corporation doesn’t want you to see, this revelatory journey followstenacious Seattle grandmother Bev Harris and her band of extraordinary citizen-activists as they set out to ask one simple question: How does America count itsvotes? From Florida and California to Ohio and Washington State, filmmakers SimonArdizzone, Robert Cohen, and Russell Michaels starkly reveal a broken systemriddled with secrecy, incompetent election officials, and electronic voting machinesthat can be programmed to steal elections. Equipped only with a powerful sense ofrighteous outrage, the activists take on voting machine industry, exposing alarmingsecurity holes in America’s trusted voting machines. They even go dumpster divingat a county election official’s office in Florida, uncovering incendiary evidence ofmiscounted votes. But proving our votes can be stolen without a trace culminates ina duel between Diebold voting machines and a computer hacker from Finland - withAmerica’s democracy at stake.

HACKING DEMOCRACY takes a nonpartisan, clear-eyed look at the secrecy,cronyism, and incompetence of elections in present-day America as it captures acitizen’s movement intent on taking back elections—and democracy itself. “It is hardto imagine...a documentary this season that is more important to the civic life of thenation—let alone one that is so compelling and ultimately moving” (Baltimore Sun).

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4463776866669054201&q=Hacking+Democracy&pr=goog-sl

To purchase a copy: http://www.hackingdemocracy.com/

“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’shistory, in America, as an independent press. Thebusiness of the journalists is to destroy the truth,to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn atthe feet of mammon, and to sell his country andhis race for his daily bread. We are the tools andvassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are thejumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are allthe property of other men. We are intellectualprostitutes.”

John Swinton, Chief of Staff New York Times atNew York Press Club, 1953

New Hampshire Primary - Sham Chain of Custody Part 1

They decided NOT to put the ballots in the vault and the “Seal” does NOT seal the box. Smoke and mirrors in New Hampshire recount.

Watch it free: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKQEQ7qHvgM

New Hampshire Primary - Sham Chain of Custody Part 2Decrepit ballot box conditions explained but unspinnable; Officials assure citizens that labels secure ballot boxes, another demo of thepost-it style “seals”.

Watch it free: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlackBoxVoting

Page 30: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

The LATE GREAT USAThe Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada

In The Late Great USA, Corsi proves that the benignly-named “Security andProsperity Partnership,” created at a meeting between George W. Bush, PaulMartin and Vincente Fox, is in fact the same kind of regional integration planthat led Europe to form the EU. According to Corsi, the elites in Europe whowanted to create a European nation knew that “it would be necessary toconceal from the peoples of Europe just what was being done in their nameuntil the process was so far advanced that it had become irreversible.” Couldthe same thing be happening here? Is American sovereignty doomed?

Using dozens of documents secured through the Freedom of Information Actand his trademark hard-hitting interviews, Jerome Corsi sets out a chilling viewof America’s possible “harmonized” future — one being created covertly,without voter input or Congressional oversight. Could our government’sunfathomable position on illegal immigration be tied to the prospect of anintegrated North American Union?

The Late Great USA BK-LGUS-JC-1 Regular price: $25.95 Sale price: $19.95

Conduct your research!

To order any book or DVD:

Comprehensive Annual Financial ReportsEXPOSED2 hr 4 min - Apr 5, 2006 - Description:

Alex Jones interviews Walter Burien, Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) of 15years about the biggest game in town. There are over 85,000 Federal andregional governmental institutions: school districts, water and powerauthorities, country and city governments — and they own over 70 percent ofthe stock market. This is an absolute must-see to pull back the curtain of lieson the private takeover of our society. This tape also includes an interview withJoe Banister, former IRS Special Agent exposing how the IRS is a collectionagency for the private, run-for-profit Federal Reserve.

DVD-CAFRE-AJ-1 Regular price: $25.95 Sale price: $19.95



Page 31: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Get informed!

This is the long awaited Loose Change Final Cut DVD. The Final Cut is the lastamazing step in the evolution of the Loose Change 9/11 film. It presents over 2hours of new, undeniable evidence that will leave you speechless.

The original Loose Change and Loose Change 2nd Edition have been viewed at least50 million times over the Internet, making it one of the most watched movies inhistory, but the Final Cut goes above and beyond, making it not simply the thirdin a trilogy but a completely new film with oodles of unseen footage,commentary, interviews and eyewitness testimony.

In an effort to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation of 9/11, thefilm features new and exclusive interviews with firefighters, EMT’s, firstresponders and other officials who were all eyewitnesses to multiple secondaryexplosions in the twin towers and around the ground zero area.

Loose Change Final Cut

Loose Change Final Edition DVD DVD-LCFC-DA-1 $19.95

WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3719259008768610598

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

“Loose Change 2nd Edition” is the follow-up to the most provocative 9-11documentary on the market today. This film shows direct connection betweenthe attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States government.

Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most important,Americans who suffered through that tragic day.


Loose Change (2nd Edition) DVD-LC2E-DA-1 $19.95

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501

While supplies of these mind-blowing DVDs last, you can get the two mostincredible TRUTH DVDs in one combo pack and save $5 INSTANTLY!

Learn the truth about what really happened on 9/11 and learn how the terribleevents of that day are linked to a Globalist plan to eliminate 80% of the world’spopulation and to enslave the rest.

Don’t miss out on this great deal and these awesome savings!

ENDGAME + Loose Change Final Cut DVD ComboSP-EGLCF-1 Sale price: $34.90

Loose Change Final Cut Plus ENDGAME

Page 32: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Manipulation of the mind, emotions and physical health of people throughnew applied technologies continues to draw the attention of militaryplanners around the world. Best selling author and lecture, Dr. Nick Begichwill present the most startling advances in this area of technology forboth military and private sector uses. The presentation will provide indepth information, demonstrations, background and forecasts ofdevelopment of these areas of science as they affect our society andindividual freedom.

Enhancing human performance or controlling human outcomes will be thechallenge of the century raising serious questions on the ethics of thescience of mind control. Control of the human mind by external means isnow a reality – how we use this technology is the next challenge for thisgeneration.

Mind Control: A Brave New World or Enhancing HumanPerformanceDVD-MCBNW-NB-1 $19.95

Mind Control: A Brave New Worldor Enhancing Human Performance

911 Mysteries DemolitionsRecut2 hr - Sep 25, 2006 -

Description: 9/11 Mysteries - 90 minutes of pure demolitionevidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials.... Moving from “the myth” through “the analysis” and into “theplayers,” careful deconstruction of the official story set rightalongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politicsor nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. Howdo you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?www.911weknow.com/

DVD-911MYS-WK-1 $19.95

WATCH IT FOR FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8129564295534231536

In 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH, five of the most prominent members of the FamilySteering Committee, including interviews with three of the “Jersey Girls,” telltheir story for the first time, providing the most powerful argument yet for why9/11 still needs investigation. Adapting Paul Thompson’s definitive Complete 9/11Timeline (published by HarperCollins as The Terror Timeline), the filmmakersstitch together rare, overlooked news clips, buried stories, and governmentpress conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception, and spin.

9/11 Press for Truth DVD DVD-911PFT-DI-1 $18.95

9/11 Press for Truth

WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3865048042993700360

To order any book or DVD:

Page 33: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

ENDGAME DVD DVD-ENDG-AJ-1 $19.95 Visit www.prisonplanet.tv/

Get ENDGAME NowENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

Alex Jones chronicles the history of the global elite’s bloody rise to powerand reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiestwars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true worldempire.

• Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawaand Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witnessglobal kingpins setting the world’s agenda and instigating World War III.

• Learn about the formation of the North America transportation controlgrid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.

• Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have takencontrol of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

• View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and theformation of the North American Union.

WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

Page 34: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

What Is The North American Union?The phrase “North American Union” conjures the image of theEuropean Union, truly the prototype for what our elites haveplanned. One of the first orders of business will be a borderlessNorth America. According to “Building a North AmericanCommunity”, the playbook for the construction of the NorthAmerican Union, “Canada and the United States should considereliminating restrictions on labor mobility altogether and worktoward solutions that, in the long run, could enable the extension offull labor mobility to Mexico as well.” Full labor mobility throughoutNorth America would mean no borders between the United States,Mexico, and Canada, spelling the end of our nation’s independence.

Who is working to create this new Union?The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP),and the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

What is the SPP?

(Security and Prosperity Partnership of NorthAmerica)The SPP is an initiative by the United States, Canada, and Mexico tobring about the North American Union. It is a process, or tool, thathas been created to lead towards a specific, continent-changinggoal.

Why should I care whether the UnitedStates joins a North American Union?

If you care about national sovereignty, our cherished Americanfreedoms, the United States Constitution, American independence,retaining the American standard of living, and keeping English as the“real” language of our country, among other unique values andfeatures that adhere to the American way of life, you should carewhether we retain our unique identity, legally and in fact!

What can I do?At this point, you should let your elected representatives know ofyour concern about the progress of the North American Union andthe Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, statingunequivocally that you are against this initiative. As the activities ofthe SPP increase, there will be other actions you can take, and youcan always look here for guidance.

To continue your research and educationon the NAU and SPP…

First, and most obviously, Google both names North AmericanUnion (NAU) and Security and Prosperity Partnership ofNorth America (SPP).

Then, go to the following link, find the Search box, and type-in thefull names and abbreviations for the two orgs at issue, the SPP andthe North American Union. From the results, you’ll see why youshould be concerned. Also check out: www.jbs.org/freedom.

Download your free digital copy of this magazine:www.thenewamerican.com/files/documents/MergerInTheMaking.pdf

Our new flagmight looklike this?

More info:

Check out the North American UnionCheck out the North American Union


Page 35: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

North American UnionBush wants to transform U.S. & our currency.35 min 31 sec -Description: This video is a breif summary of a very involved topic. Most arecompletely unaware that Bush and his admin are in the process of transforming Americainto the North American Union and eliminting the U.S. dollar for the AMERO. Americansmust stop this administsration from changing everything for their agenda. Congress hasnot been involved in these decisions... & neither has the public. Wake up before it’s toolate.

WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4251614146614616887&pr=goog-sl

Page 36: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

To order any book or DVD: http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

Who Killed The Electric Car?1 hr 32 min 26 sec

Description: It was among the fastest, most efficient production carsever built. It ran on electricity, produced no emissions and catapultedAmerican technology to the forefront of the automotive industry. Thelucky few who drove it never wanted to give it up. So why did GeneralMotors crush its fleet of EV1 electric vehicles in the Arizona desert?

WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR? chronicles the life and mysteriousdeath of the GM EV1, examining its cultural and economic ripple effectsand how they reverberated through the halls of government and bigbusiness.

Watch it free:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5977085690337730430

Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth.And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won’t send it through the pipeline forU.S. citizens to use. So, is the gas crisis a crisis at all? Better watch this video.

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147&pr=goog-sl

Buy the book or DVD: https://www1070.ssldomain.com/sczyz/Store/scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=28

The Energy Non-Crisis1 hr 15 min 8 sec

John Perkins speaks at the VFP National ConventionAuthor of

69 min - By John Perkins

The first of a three part speech given to the Veterans For Peace National Convention, Seattle, WAin August 2006. Author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in the first part, Johndiscusses the reasons and background for why we are at war in the Middle East. He explains:“Instead of an empire, what we have today is a corporatocracy. This is a fairly small group of(mostly) men who run our biggest corporations. They run our government and practically everyother significant government in the world. They are in control regardless of who is in the WhiteHouse or in control of congress.”

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3968544393356669182&pr=goog-sl

Order the book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1576753018 $16.47

Page 37: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

WeAreChange Defense Fund

Posted: Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Recently WeAreChange members have been viciouslyattacked by provocateurs, security staffing, and the NYPD forexpressing their 1st amendment rights. These actions haveled to multiple legal cases and WeAreChange deems theseactions a direct assault on our organization and message. Weare currently in the process of obtaining representation witha background in aggressive constitutional law, familiar withthe corrupt courts system, able and willing to carry on tothe end. We are not ignorant of the hurdles before us and themassive resources of our enemies. Physical assaults andbattery merit aggressive legal action if only to set aprescient that WeAreChange is serious about protecting theconstitutional rights of our members in face of such heinousallegations.

Our first priority is the criminal defense of Gary Talis, nowfacing trumped up and completely libel 3rd degree assaultcharges. Additionally, those individuals and/or organizationswho willingly submit falsified testimony must be litigated incivil court for libel, slander, defamation of character, etc.Matt Lepacek is also facing charges for disorderly conductfor expressing his 1st amendment right to publicly questionLaura Bush in the last minute of the event as she walked offstage, and Sabrina Rivera has a upcoming court date with aprovocateur harasser from ground zero after being clearlycaught on video with Sabrina Rivera and Luke Rudkowski. Inthe past we have missed opportunities to defend our selvesdue to financial limitations; this is no longer an option whenfaced with public persecution by slander and the very seriousfalse assault charges pending against Gary Talis.

The legal defense will be substantial. We are working hard tofind the ideal reasonably priced attorney and as such we areestablishing a WeAreChange defense fund for costs incurredthroughout all current and future legal proceedings. Giventhese unfortunate circumstances, we also see anopportunity—there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We aredetermined to ensure these harmful provocateur attacks areproperly exposed and will seize this opportunity to exposethe media and police state corruption once again. Togetherwe can fight back against this smear campaign, pleasedonate today. Let’s make this case an example of what a smallbut determined group of people can do with truth on theirside. WeAreChange is now a target of the globalestablishment therefore it is our responsibility to respond infull force. Regardless of the corruption level in the NYC courtsystem there is much to be gained with or without victory atcivil trial, but the criminal assault trial of Gary Talis must bedefeated. If there are any NY state licensed attorneys orrecommendations of attorneys willing to take this case pro-bono or at a reduced price please [email protected]

Who Is Change?We Are Change is a citizens based grassroots peace andsocial justice movement working to reveal the truth behindthe events of September 11th as well as the lies of thegovernment and corporate elite who remain suspect in thiscrime. In addition, we are here to aid the sick and dying firstresponders through fundraising and social outreach programsin order to promote awareness of those who suffer fromphysical, emotional, and psychological traumas they receivedin the aftermath of 9-11. We also seek to meet other localcitizens who are interested in educating the public whileengaging in peaceful demonstration about the pertinentissues that are affecting our lives each and every day.Furthermore, We Are Change is a nonpartisan independentmedia organization comprised of patriot journalists workingto hold those engaging in activities that do not represent thewishes of “We the People” by asking the hard questions thatthe controlled mainstream media refuses to do.

We Are Change has arisen from the remnants of our republicto fill the vacancy left by those who swore to preserve,protect and defend The Constitution against all enemies –foreign and domestic. We seek to expose the fraud of theleft/right paradigm and reveal that the world truly functionson a top/down hierarchy that threatens to destroy freesociety as we know it. We Are Change works to educate,motivate, and activate those striving to uncover the truthbehind the private banking cartel of the military industrialcomplex that is directing the majority of U.S. policy, and thatis actively seeking to eliminate national sovereignty andreplace it with a “one world order.” We will also continue tomove in a direction that reconnects “We the People” to ournations founding principles laid out in the Constitution andthe Bill of Rights.

We Are Change also seek an uncompromising andindependent investigation into the crimes of 9-11, withsubpoena power granted to obtain a long-overdue resolutionfor the survivors and families of the deceased. We reject theofficial explanation of the events leading up to, during andafter the attacks of September 11th, 2001 as well as the fear-based politics and state mandated propaganda beingdisseminated by the Corporate Media which has facilitatedthe cover-up of 9-11.

As we establish citizens groups throughout the country andworld, we wish to inspire a community of truth-seekers andpeacemakers through creative campaigns with a commitmentof nonviolence. We Are Change is not so much a group but anidea, an idea that “We the People” are the vehicles of these“ideas” and of the freedoms, liberties, and truths we areseeking all across the globe. An idea that captures the spiritsof our forefathers who just desired freedom; that together, asresidents of this planet, we grow like a snowball of truth andjustice rolling down a mountain of tyranny growing biggerand stronger, recognizing the beauty in our differences andthe diverseness of each other, but at the same timestrengthening our cause because we learn and grow fromeach others individuality. Then as we learn to come together,that as one, you, me, him, her, us…will realize that WE ARECHANGE.


Page 38: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Some of the best minds in the country, coming from differentsectors of the political spectrum combine in this film to expose anintricate web of deceitful wickness controlling America today.

Matrix of Evil contains footage from speeches and conversationswith Alex Jones, Congressman Ron Paul, Colonel Craig Roberts,Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Frank Morales which coverand include:� How the private banks control the military-industrial complex� Expert analyses of the USA Patriot Act and the latest police statedevelopments� Globalist financial policies pushing America and the world intodepression� How the neoconservative movement controlling the Bushadministration is nothing more than a trojan horse for a biggovernment agenda of ivory tower social engineers

� The latest revelations concerning cashless society control grid, satellite tracking, cellphone tracking, DARPAsurveillance, the end of Posse Comitatus, the federalization of local police and governments and much more..� Government-sponsored terrorism, gun control, political assasinations, Sept. 11th coverupMost importantly, Matrix of Evil chock-full of solutions. All of the dynamic people interviewed for this film agreedthat there is a massive awakening taking place in America to the criminal activities of the global elite.

DVD-MOE-AJ-1 $19.95

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=969028729334963658

Matrix of Evil2 hr 9 min 25 sec

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“I wouldn’t call it fascism exactly, but a political system nominally controlled by anirresponsible, dumbed down electorate who are manipulated by dishonest, cynical,

controlled mass media that dispense the propaganda of a corrupt politicalestablishment can hardly be described as democracy either.”

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By Joan Veon” author of: Prince Charles The Sustainable Prince

Many Americans know or feel something is very wrong, but are not able to put theirfinger on the problem. This book will help them to connect the dots - politically,economically, and environmentally. Global Straitjacket will explain the HegalianDialectic, “reinventing government,” public-private partnerships and how it replacesthe Constitution “Globalization,” the move toward a world stockmarket and acashless society, an international criminal court which transcends nationalboundaries, and much more. Above all it will provide the reader with understanding ofthe governmental aspects of the United Nations and how its power transcends fromthe international to the local level all with the blessings of our federal government.

Joan Veon writes: “Jesus Christ was born into world government. The early churchcertainly understood the rules of Rome and worked around and through it withoutbecoming part of it or adding to it. In contrast the end-time church is going intoworld government without knowing or understanding its agenda, and therefore blindas to how to stand in the gap.”


The United Nations’ Global StraightjacketBOOK-UNGS-JV-1 $17.95

The United Nations’ Global Straightjacket

“Newspapers are unable, seemingly, to discriminate between a bicycleaccident and the collapse of civilization.”

George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwight and critic, 1856-1950


This documentary is the film version of “9/11: The Great Illusion,” thewidely distributed booklet by George Humphrey.

This important film will help open your friends’ and family’s eyes to thegreat illusion that the mainstream media has created around theSeptember 11th attacks. The narrative of facts reinforced by visualevidence, pognant images and original music will compel the viewer toleave the old explanation behind and move toward a greater awareness ofthe New World Order.

”This is one of the best 9/11 films I’ve ever seen. It covers the broad spectrum offacts exposing the globalists’ orchestration of 9/11.” — Alex Jones

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Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1103725146236500421

9/11: The Great Illusion

Page 40: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

If you’ve never heard the word “Bilderberg” don’t feel you are uninformed. Some ofthe best-read people have no knowledge of this organization - formally known byits leadership and members as “The Bilderberg Meetings.”

For more than 50 years, acting as a global ruling elite, Bilderberg’s very name andactivities have remained largely hidden in the shadows, despite its immense clout indirecting world affairs.

Although in 1992, Larry Pope, the executive editor of the Citizen Times newspapertold one of its readers in a letter that “to my knowledge, such an organizationdoes not exist and a media conspiracy to keep its existence a secret would beludicrous,” the evidence shows otherwise.

Now with the release of the Bilderberg Diary by veteran journalist James P. Tucker Jr.,those who’ve never known of Bilderberg will get a first-hand account of its history(and its misdeeds) from the one journalist who has doggedly tailed theBilderbergers all over the United States and Europe for the last quarter of acentury.

Although mass media in the United States - both print and broadcast - hasdeterminedly suppressed news and information about - and the very existence of -Bilderberg, Tucker has established himself as the world’s foremost authority onBilderberg, reporting on their intrigues in the pages of the D.C.-based American FreePress.

In Bilderberg Diary Jim Tucker lays out - for the first time - his entire remarkable history of covering Bilderberg, hisinfiltration of Bilderberg meetings, the procurement of their private documents, and the shining of the spotlight ofpublic scrutiny on Bilderberg’s shadowy affairs.

Tucker’s colorful prose will introduce you to the little-known arena of the Bilderberg elite, a memorable and panoramicjourney that lays bare the realities behind modern day international power politics in a way never seen before.

Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg DiaryBOOK-BBD-JT-1 $24.95

Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate! is a result of Dr. Eisenstein’s lectures on vaccinations. Dr.Eisenstein presents scientific literature both pro and con vaccine. He comes to the conclusionthat scientific studies alone will not be enough to decide the benefit vs. the risks of vaccineprograms. Therefore, he concludes that personal religious convictions, not scientific studies,are the main reasons, upon which to base your vaccination decision. Unlike most otherphysicians, he feels parents have a right to be involved in the final decision about vaccinatingtheir children. He discusses vaccine law, religious exemptions with a heavy emphasis on theIllinois law. Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate! will be the beginning of a path to educate familieswith regard to childhood vaccines.

ExcerptsThis book is not meant to convince you to vaccinate or not vaccinate your childrenbut to open your eyes to the ongoing debate.Education as defined by Webster’s CollegeDictionary:To impart knowledge to; provide with information; to educate consumersToeducate means to widen one’s horizons. I hope that this book will be educational with regardto the vaccine issues and inspire you to become more educated with regard to the risk vs.benefits of vaccine programs. I have included just a few of the many pro and con scientific

vaccine studies. Many more can be obtained by going on the internet to the multiple vaccine sites as well as to the on-line versions of some of the most prestigious medical journals (BMJ, AMA, Pediatrics, Lancet, Journal of Disease ofChildren).I hope this book leads you to do more research as well as think about your religious and spiritual convictions.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve so many families. God bless.

Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate!BOOK-VACC-ME-1 $19.95

Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate!

To order any book or DVD:

Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary

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http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell The People unleashes alarming new evidence of theElite’s monumental crimes against humanity. Noted author Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.,unravels the darkest secrets of the secret societies, documenting the hideous threatposed to mankind by Freemasonry, the Bohemian Grove, and the Order of Skull &Bones. Also unmasked: elitist groups such as the Bilderbergers, the Council onForeign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

Financially, grave dangers now confront us. The Elite project to de-industrialize theUnited States gathers steam. Shocking statistics document the devastation doneto American workers. Millions have already been thrown out of work. Withdocumented facts the author pulls the curtains back, unveiling the secretivemanipulations of the international bankers and their Federal Reserve System. Is oureconomic system now in dire jeopardy? Are the Elite about to plunge the U.S.A. intoa financial catastrophe? Here are the answers you need to assure your economicsurvival and even prosper in the dangerous days ahead. Forewarned is forearmed.

Why do bloodshed and wars continue to plague America and the world? Is war justa racket? Are wars caused by oil and financial greed? What role do Zionistambitions have in fomenting global conflict? Who’s really in charge?, Ross asks. Willthese cunning men achieve their totalitarian goals and tighten their grip on our dailylives? This book answers these most important questions.

Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., leads the way in The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell The People. Armed with the knowledge found inthis book, we can, indeed, turn back the tide of evil. We can free ourselves from the bondage planned for us by the Eliteconspirators.

It has been said that “For every 1,000 hacking at the branches of evil, one hacks at the root.” This powerful andauthoritative book hacks directly at the root of the global conspiracy. —Texe Marrs, author of the #1 bestseller, DarkSecrets of the New Age

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The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell the People

Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene? Years of extensiveresearch and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. In this624 page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts andnever before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties. Discover theamazing role these bloodlines have played—and are now wielding—in humanhistory, with family names such as Astor, DuPont, Kennedy, Onassis, Rockefeller,Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Krupp. You’ll also learn of the secretive, ChineseLi family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world. Alongthe way you’ll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly werekilled; who created the United Nations; who controls the two major U.S. politicalparties; how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel; who secretlyfounded false religions such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses; and much, much more. Aliteral encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information!

This is the third and latest edition of this book. The author has added over fortypages of information to his previous work.

By Fritz Springmeier 624 Pages Long

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Bloodlines of the Illuminati

Page 42: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Most people have heard of the voting irregularities that marred the presidentialelections of 2000 and 2004. Some even know of the resulting challenges to theelectoral votes by African- American congressional representatives.

However, because the mainstream media shies away from reporting cases ofimperiled democracy the public is left to believe these stories are at worstinsignificant rumors or at best one-off incidents that result from an overburdenedelection system. AMERICAN BLACKOUT chronicles the recurring patterns ofdisenfranchisement witnessed from 2000 to 2004 while following the story ofGeorgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who not only took an active role ininvestigating these election debacles but also found herself in the middle of oneafter publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

AMERICAN BLACKOUT gains unprecedented access to one of the most controversialand dangerous politicians in America and examines the contemporary tactics usedto control our democratic process and silence political dissent.

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5965670944815984616

American Blackout DVDDVD-AMBO-DI-1 $18.95

American Blackout

To order any book or DVD:

The Money Masters -

How International Bankers Gained Control of America3 hr 35 min 19 secwww.newstree.org

THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces theorigins of the political power structure. The modern political power structure has itsroots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money.The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to acunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently toaccumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694,the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned “central” bank was first forced uponthe backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of thethree centuries to our day. Nation after nation has fallen prey to this cabal of internationalcentral bankers.

The success of the central banking scheme developed into a far-reaching plan describedby President Clinton’s mentor, Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley, “to create a worldsystem of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of eachcountry and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in afeudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret

agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank forInternational Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central bankswhich were themselves private corporations. Each central bank....sought to dominate its government by its abilityto control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the levels of economic activity in thecountry, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

Several short-lived attempts to impose the central banking scheme on the United States were defeated by thepatriotic efforts of Presidents Madison, Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren and Lincoln. But with the passage of the FederalReserve Act of 1913, America was firmly lashed to the same yoke, so that a small number of very rich men have beenable to lay upon the masses a yoke little better than slavery itself. That yoke inevitably grows heavier with ever-compounding interest, and totals over $20 trillion of debt owed by the American people today ($80,000 perAmerican) ultimately to these bankers.

This vast accumulation of wealth concentrates immense power and despotic economic domination in the hands ofthe few central bankers “who are able to govern credit and its allotment, for this reason supplying, so to speak, thelife-blood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of the economy so thatno one dare breathe against their will.”

The Money Masters DVD DVD-TMM-PK-1 $19.95Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-515319560256183936To order a copy: http://www.themoneymasters.com/

Page 43: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviewswith more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors andexperts on the mental health industry and its abuses, this riveting documentaryblazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudoscience and the multi-billiondollar fraud that is psychiatry.

The DVD companion brochure contains over 150 photos and graphics that trackthe history of psychiatry from it’s macabre 18th century origins to today, where100,000 patients die each year in psychiatric institutions and 20 million childrenhave been put on potentially lethal, mind-altering drugs.

We think you have the right to know the cold, hard facts about psychiatry, itspractitioners and the threat they pose to our children.

Order Psychiatry: An Industry of Death documentary and companion brochure.Distribute it to others—associates, family and friends. Warn them aboutpsychiatry’s damaging treatments. When you watch the DVD you will beoutraged and will want to act to end these abuses.

One set. $15.00

To order or watch the trailer: http://www.cchr.org/index/5285/15242/

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death DocumentaryDVD with Booklet

Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller aboutIlluminati, asian opposition38 min 29 sec - Dec 2, 2007

Description: On November 13, 2007 Fulford received a tip that DavidRockefeller was on his turf, and without hesitation Fulford arranged to meetwith him to ask some questions. It is not odd for a reporter who’s career hasbeen filled with Financial News jobs, to sit down with the former head ofChase Bank, Except when its Benjamin Fulford and David Rockefeller.

Earlier this year Benjamin Fulford interviewed Heizo Takenaka, a formerfinance minister in Japan and confronted him about “having sold the Japanesefinancial system over to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.”

According to Fulford this interview made a lot of people angry. He says aprofessional assassin showed up and told him to accept a job of greatimportance or be killed. The following day Fulford claims to have beencontacted by a powerful Asian Secret Society with more than 6 millionmembers that have targeted the Illuminati. They asked Fulford to representthem, negotiate for them, and offered him protection in return. BenjaminFulford was Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine for seven years,until 2005 when he quit because of the “extensive corporate censorship andmingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine.

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3704527408635856046&pr=goog-sl

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the rightmajor crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

- David Rockefeller

Page 44: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Official Release - Full Film1 hr 56 min

Zeitgeist, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofitfilmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world froma more critical perspective and to understand that very often thingsare not what the population at large think they are. The information inZeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and thecurrent Source page on this site lists the basic sources used /referenced and the Interactive Transcript includes exact sourcereferences and further information.

Now, it’s important to point out that there is a tendency to simplydisbelieve things that are counter to our understanding, without thenecessary research performed.

For example, some information contained in Part 1 and Part 3,specifically, is not obtained by simple keyword searches on theInternet. You have to dig deeper. For instance, very often people wholook up “Horus” or “The Federal Reserve” on the Internet draw theirconclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopediasor text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the informationcontained in Zeitgeist. However, if one takes the time to read thesources provided, they will find that what is being presented is basedon documented evidence. Any corrections, clarifications & furtherpoints regarding the film are found on the Clarifications page.

That being said, It is my hope that people will not take what is said inthe film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told,it is realized.

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331

VIsit the official website: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/statement.htm

Walmart - high cost of low price(1-11)Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price takes the viewer on a deeplypersonal journey into the everyday lives of families struggling to fightgoliath. From a small business owner in the Midwest to a preacher inCalifornia, from workers in Florida to a poet in Mexico, dozens of filmcrews on three continents bring the intensely personal stories of anassault on families and American values. Directed by RobertGreenwald.

Watch it free: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED6YaRl93CE

Visit the offical website: http://www.walmartmovie.com/

To order any book or DVD:

Page 45: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

The Crash — Coming Financial Collapse of America39 min 56 secDescription: A very scary and possibly real situation that could unfold very shortly. Also, check out “History of theFederal Reserve” for other information that connects with this video.

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3702181847213988991&pr=goog-sl

History of the Federal Reserve (Money Masters)3 hr 36 min 6 sec

Description: I found this old documentary, which today is still very relevant. This is long but really opens light on whoreally are the evil and bad people of history and our time. Enjoy and pass this on to your friends and family. Take intoconsideration the closing recommendations, they may be spot on.

Watch it free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7757684583209015812&pr=goog-sl

http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html or call 888-253-3139

“A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by acentral bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are

determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank.”

Ron Paul

Page 46: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

The Protectors - DVD Price: $19.99

To order and watch the free trailer: http://www.smallpotatoesproductions.com/productions/protectors/index.php

The documentary combines heartfelt personal stories from foster parents and former fosterchildren, with critical analysis of the system by social workers, a juvenile court judge and Dr.Bruce Perry, a child psychiatrist and trauma researcher at Baylor College of Medicine.

The film spends significant time addressing the pain and emotional consequences of foster caredrift, a phenomenon in which a child bounces from home to home and fails to develop lasting,loving relationships.

Page 47: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

“ The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth ofprivate power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democraticstate itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an

individual, by a group or any controlling private power. “

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt


a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism,regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Page 48: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Why do countless American people go along with theWar on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a policestate control grid? A major component to a fullunderstanding of why this kind of governmental andcorporate corruption is to discover the modern scienceof mind control and social engineering. It’s baffling tomerely glance at the stacks of documentation that thisworld government isn’t being constructed for thegreater good of humanity. Although there are a growingnumber of people waking up the reality of our growingtransparent soft cage, there seems to be just enoughcitizens who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse yet,there are even those who were at least partially awake atone time but found it necessary to return to the slumberof dreamland.

This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. Thedrive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is aclassic art that existed before the United States did. Onecomponent to understanding and deciphering thesystems of control is to become a student of themagicians of influence and propaganda. In order todefeat our enemies (or dictators), its imperative that weunderstand how they think and what they believe in.

When people think about mind control, they usuallythink in terms of the classic “conspiracy theory” thatrefers to Project Mk-Ultra. This program is a provenexample of ‘overt mind control.’ The project had grownout of an earlier secret program, known as Bluebird thatwas officially formed to counter Soviet advances inbrainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. Anearlier aim was to study methods ‘through which controlof an individual may be attained’. The emphasis ofexperimentation was ‘narco-hypnosis’, the blending ofmind altering drugs with carefully hypnoticprogramming.

A crack CIA team was formed that could travel, at amoments notice, to anywhere in the world. Their taskwas to test the new interrogation techniques, andensure that victims would not remember being

Mass Mind Control Through NetworkTelevision: Are Your Thoughts Your Own?

Alex AnsaryAlex AnsaryAlex AnsaryAlex AnsaryAlex AnsaryInformation Liberation

April 23, 2008

interrogated and programmed. All manner of narcotics,from marijuana to LSD, heroin and sodium pentathol (theso called ‘truth drug’) were regularly used.

Despite poor initial results, CIA-sponsored mind controlprogram flourished. On 13 April 1953, the super-secretproject MK-ULTRA was born. Its scope was broader thanever before, and only those in the top echelon of the CIAwere privy to it. Official CIA documents describe MK-ULTRA as an ‘umbrella project’ with 149 ’sub-projects’.Many of these sub-projects dealt with testing illegaldrugs for potential field use. Others dealt withelectronics. One explored the possibility of activating‘the human organism by remote control’. Throughout, itremained a major goal to brainwash individuals tobecome couriers and spies without their knowledge.

When it was formed in 1947, the CIA was forbidden tohave any domestic police or internal security powers. Inshort, it was authorized only to operate ‘overseas’. Fromthe very start MK-ULTRA staff broke this Congressionalstipulation and began testing on unwitting Americancitizens.

Precisely how extensive illegal testing became will neverbe known. Richard Helms, CIA Director and chiefarchitect of the program, ordered the destruction of allMK-ULTRA records shortly before leaving office in 1973.Despite these precautions some documents weremisfiled and came to light in the late 1970’s. They laidbare the spy agency’s cynicism. Despite the widespreadknowledge of MK Ultra and the civil lawsuits thatfollowed, this form of behavior modification is not themost expansive. The real dangers are the types ofthought control that are ‘covert’ and not the subject ofseveral dozen Hollywood movies like “ClockworkOrange” and Mel Gibson’s “Conspiracy Theory.”

Our founding fathers faced enormous challenges in theformation of this country and its bill of rights. Onechallenge was laying down the groundwork or a freesociety without knowing what kind of technological

Page 49: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

advances would be made. Who would have guessed inthose times that we needed an article in the bill of rightsthat specifically prohibits the government and it’sassociates from engaged in mind control or thoughtcontrol. The closest item that promises our protectionfrom the government is the 4th Article in The Bill ofRights which states, “The right of the people to besecure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not beviolated, and nowarrants shallissue, but uponprobable cause,supported byoath oraffirmation, andparticularlydescribing theplace to besearched, and thepersons or thingsto be seized.” Likemany are nowbeginning tonote, the USConstitution andits Bill of Rightsare merely givenlip service by oursupposedlyelected officials.

One of themost commonexamples ofmind control inour so-calledfree andcivilizedsociety is theadvent and usage of the television set. Thisisn’t to say that all things on TV are gearedtowards brainwashing you. They’re not. Butmost of the programming on television todayis run and programming by the largest mediacorporations that have interests in defensecontracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), andGeneral Electric (NBC). This makes perfectsense when you see how slanted and warpedthe news is today. Examining the conflicts ofinterest is merely glancing at the issue,although to understand the multiple ways thatlies become truth, we need to examine thetechniques of brain washing that the networksare employing.

Radio isn’t any different in its ability to brainwash apopulation into submission. Sixty-seven years ago, sixmillion Americans became unwitting subjects in anexperiment in psychological warfare. It was the night

before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the MercuryRadio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles’ radioadaptation of H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds. As is nowwell known, the story was presented as if it werebreaking news, with bulletins so realistic that anestimated one million people believed the world wasactually under attack by Martians. Of that number,thousands succumbed to outright panic, not waiting tohear Welles’ explanation at the end of the program that

it had all been aHalloween prank,but fleeing intothe night toescape the alieninvaders.

According toresearcher MackWhite ( http://www.mackwhite.com/), “PsychologistHadley Cantrilconducted astudy of theeffects of thebroadcast andpublished hisfindings in a book,The Invasion fromMars: A Study inthe Psychology ofPanic. This studyexplored thepower ofbroadcast media,particularly as itrelates to thesuggestibility ofhuman beingsunder the

influence of fear. Cantril was affiliated with PrincetonUniversity’s Radio Research Project, which was funded in1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated withthe Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcastthe program. Stanton would later go on to head thenews division of CBS, and in time would becomepresident of the network, as well as chairman of theboard of the RAND Corporation, the influential thinktank which has done groundbreaking research on, amongother things, mass brainwashing. Two years later, withRockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established theOffice of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also atPrinceton. Among the studies conducted by the OPORwas an analysis of the effectiveness of “psycho-politicaloperations” (propaganda, in plain English) of the Officeof Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of theCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during WorldWar II, Cantril and Rockefeller money assisted CFR

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member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in settingup the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of whichwas to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object ofapplying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of thisproject came a new government agency, the ForeignBroadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventuallybecame the United States Information Agency (USIA),which is the propaganda arm of the National SecurityCouncil. Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basicresearch had been done and the propaganda apparatusof thenationalsecurity statehad been setup–just intime for theDawn ofTelevision.”

Experimentsconducted byresearcherHerbertKrugmanreveal thatwhen a personwatchestelevision,brain activityswitches fromthe left to therighthemisphere.The lefthemisphere isthe seat of logical thought. Here, information is brokendown into its component parts and critically analyzed.The right brain, however, treats incoming datauncritically, processing information in wholes, leading toemotional, rather than logical responses. The shift fromleft to right brain activity also causes the release ofendorphins, the body’s own natural opiates–thus, it ispossible to become physically addicted to watchingtelevision, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studieswhich have shown that very few people are able to kickthe television habit. It’s no longer an overstatement tonote that the youth today that are raised and taughtthrough network television are intellectually dead bytheir early teens.

The dumbing down of humanity is represented byanother shift which occurs in the brain when we watchtelevision. Activity in the higher brain regions (such asthe neo-cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lowerbrain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. Thelatter, commonly referred to as the reptile brain, isassociated with more primitive mental functions, suchas the “fight or flight” response. The reptile brain isunable to distinguish between reality and the simulatedreality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, itis real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is

“only a film,” on a conscious level we do not–the heartbeats faster, for instance, while we watch a suspensefulscene. Similarly, we know the commercial is trying tomanipulate us, but on an unconscious level thecommercial nonetheless succeeds in, say, making us feelinadequate until we buy whatever thing is beingadvertised–and the effect is all the more powerfulbecause it is unconscious, operating on the deepest levelof human response. The reptile brain makes it possiblefor us to survive as biological beings, but it also leaves

usvulnerableto themanipulationsof televisionprogrammers.This is wherethemanipulatorsuse our ownemotions asstrings tocontrol us.Thedistortionsanddirectionswe are beingmoved toare takingplace in thesubconscious,oftenundetected.

Propaganda techniques were first codified and applied ina scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman andpsychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud)early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippmanand Bernays were hired by then United States President,Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the CreelCommission, the mission of which was to sway popularopinion in favor of entering the war, on the side ofBritain. Edward Bernays said in his 1928 book Propagandathat, “The conscious and intelligentmanipulation of the organized habits andopinions of the masses is an important elementin democratic society. Those who manipulatethis unseen mechanism of society constitutean invisible government which is the trueruling power of our country.”

The Creel Commission provided themes for speeches by“four-minute men” at public functions, and alsoencouraged censorship of the American press. TheCommission was so unpopular that after the war,Congress closed it down without providing funding toorganize and archive its papers. The war propagandacampaign of Lippman and Bernays produced within sixmonths such an intense anti-German hysteria as topermanently impress American business (and Adolf

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Hitler, among others) with the potential of large-scalepropaganda to control public opinion. Bernays coinedthe terms “group mind” and “engineeringconsent”, important concepts in practicalpropaganda work. The current public relationsindustry is a direct outgrowth of Lippman’sand Bernays’ work and is still used extensivelyby the United States government. For the first halfof the 20th century Betrays and Lip man ran a verysuccessful public relations firm. World War II sawcontinued use of propaganda as a weapon of war, bothby Hitler’s propagandist Joseph Gobbles and the BritishPolitical Warfare Executive, as well as the United StatesOffice of War Information.

Turn on your local newscast. You have a few minutes ofblue-collar crime, hardly any white collar crime, a fewminutes of sports, misc. chit chat, random politicaljibber-jabber, and a look at the weather that no one isforecasting correctly. Is that what happened in yourtown? And we’re supposed to own the airwaves! Themainstream media openly supports the interests of theprison industrial complex. The stories focus on minoritycriminal groups, and exploit the real threat to appearmuch more dangerous than they are. Think about thegrowing per capita number of prisoners in the country.Then remember that this is happening at the same timethat our prison boom began. The police on our streetshave created criminals. The focus is to keep us in astate of fear, that way the elitists can attackany group they want to without fear ofconsequence. This is why the media iscontinuing to craft the timeless art ofdehumanization.

The techniques are increasing in their sophistication overtime as the mind scientists that serve the empirecontinue to discover scientific breakthroughs as to howthe human brain functions, learns, retains information,and behaves. The most effective brainwashingtechniques are used on the most successful propagandanetworks. Examine the music bed that lies low duringthe fright night scope of the second. It’s spooky. Iwonder if we are supposed to be thinking with our mindsor getting ready for stunt. Observe the graphics withthe music. They’re glitzy and flashing. Like the monkeythat is attracted to shiny objects, it’s our monkey handthat controls to remote often stops the search forentertainment when the proper amount of glamourcatches their attention. Most importantly, notice therepetition behind the lies that the politicians and theircorporate media groupies tell us. You see, theunimaginable fallacies are created as ‘truth’ not becauseit’s logical or provable, but because of the broken recordtechnique. No matter how ridiculous the lie, it’srepeated often enough that the brain doesn’tknow the difference between reality andnursery rhymes. This technique is underestimated in its ability to allow thepuppeteers to hypnotize millions of people.

Instead of “Fair and balanced” it’s “We say itenough times, and you believe it.”

It’s a tragic day when the state can monopolizeon the enslaving and imprisonment of apopulation. Hollywood will continue tofrighten us with films on the mafia, gangsters,and the corrupt blue collar criminal whosestupidity and greed get them caught. In theend, our minds are already pre conditioned toaccept living in a police state economy andsociety because we read it in the paper, saw itpraised on the news and talk shows, or saw itin a movie. There are several movies planned right nowthat support the official story of 911 and a few moviesthat glamorize the War on IRAQ. According to David LRobb, Author of Operation Hollywood, “Hollywood andthe Pentagon have a long history of making moviestogether. It’s a tradition that stretches back to the earlydays of silent films, and extends right up until thepresent day. It’s been a collaboration that works well forboth sides.

Hollywood producers get what they want -access to billions of dollars worth of militaryhardware and equipment - tanks, jet fighters,nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers - andthe military gets what it wants - films thatportray the military in a positive light; filmsthat help the services in their recruitingefforts. The Pentagon is not merely a passivesupporter of films, however. If the Pentagondoesn’t like a script, it will usually suggestscript changes that will allow the film toreceive the military’s support and approval.Sometimes these proposed changes are minor.But sometimes the changes are dramatic.Sometimes they change dialogue. Sometimesthey change characters. Sometimes they evenchange history.” They create something coined‘disinfotainment’. They mix disinformationwith entertainment and call itdisinfotainment.

Unadulterated Violence is now accepted onregular TV. Killing in the name of the mothergovernment is praised, that is unless theviolence is committed in self defense toprotect someone from the system. Sharpshooters, bombers, and assassin areworshipped if they are fighting for the system,are in the military, or are associated withgroups that control the masses locally, such asthe local police department. I don’t condoneviolence, however it’s hypocritical to support one formof homicide when it favors the elite, and condemnanother when it’s done to protect your land, freedom, orloved ones. This odd reality transfers itself into the shadyworld of video games that are stepped in plots and tasksto kill as much as the player can. The players are getting

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younger and younger with 7 out of 10 children playinggames with a ‘Mature’ rating. Recently I was browsingthe PC video game selection at a very large electronicsstore. I was appalled to see nearly 50 different games inwhich the setting of the game is IRAQ and the goal is tokill as many insurgents as possible and fulfill the mission.Children today are being indoctrinated through theirfavorite games and law enforcement programs to be thebutton pushes of the weapons of mass destruction fortomorrow’s world.

Is it any wonder why there are two house bills and asenate bill (with more on the way), which are giant stepsin dismantling free speechof the general public.These bills together wouldkill (PEG) cable accesscenters where the publicstill owns the airwaves. It’sthe programming createdlocally, without censorshipor commercial gain. Theirincome is derived fromfranchises within the localcities and a smallpercentage cablesubscriber frees. This is acorporate takeoverbecause this iscentralizingcommunication byremoving the locally basedprogramming and movingthe audience to the moreofficial, nationalistic, andsensational programs that promotes violence,uniformity, and slavery over peach, diversity andfreedom. Cable access features free speech andinformation with perspectives neglected by mainstreamtelevision. It also features a free flow programmingsystem with fresh programs being aired by newproducers on a rotating basis. This keeps the contentand information creative and locally based while networkTV is rigid with regular time slots and repetitiveprogramming.

The blocks of programming that are universally acceptedparallel the shift to craft our entire lives towards thefactory’s bell and the illusion of time. This is the creationof the hive mind. The hive mind is result of massivebrainwashing to the general public. Everyone shares thesame thoughts, goals, knowledge and understanding. Ahive mind society gears itself towards conformity andignores diversity while masqueraded as the road toutopia in mainstream television. Networkprogramming, weather it’s the news or drama,is geared towards artificially creating yourworld and reality. With the proper amount ofentertainment and sensationalism, we may even be livingour lives through the television set. Many anchors and

actors are beautiful and research shows thatattractive people are usually perceived astrust worthy. While the real news rolls quicklyby on the bottom of your screen, the anchor isselling you on the idea of having your very ownpolice state hell hole right here in your localjurisdiction, or how 2 sports opposing teamschased around on a court for 2 hours inattempt to score points means something toyou. No education, no information, SPIN. Todaythe media represents a tool of brainwashingand indoctrination that is utilized on behalf ofthe owners interests.

Since the 1996 Telco act,television and radiostations all across thenation were bought out bymajor international mediaoutlets. Clear Channel andInfinity are the two largestcorporations in radiotoday. This has centralizedthe distribution ofinformation and hasthreatened our freesociety ever since. Themedia drums to theheartbeat of its owners,whose interests are not ofthe general public. Insteadthey are interested in theirother financial endeavorslike defense contracting,oil business, political

parties, prison industry. The conflicts of interest aremonumental with the deregulation of the corporations.The lines are now blurred between one network’scoverage of the war and the other.

Once we come to the conclusion that themedia is intentionally deceiving us, we canapply the principles of problem-reaction-solution. This formula takes a problem by eithercreating it or allowing it to happen and presenting thatto the population. It could be terrorism, molestation,extra terrestrials. These topics create fear and no one intheir right mind would support terrorism or crime. It’stherefore OK to blast the television, the papers, andradio with ‘the problem.’ The natural reaction from thepeople is a request for more control to ensure moresafety. Most let their fear and emotional side controltheir decisions and usually translated into somethinglike, “The government needs more power over our livesto make us safer and freer from tyranny. I believe whatthe media tells me so I will support whatever decisionsthey make.” Today’s mainstream corporate newsprogram discourages dissent of the war and paintsactivists with a negative brush that hints of treason. Atthe same time, the so-called journalists are cogs in a

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much larger machine who know that if they report astory that paints the government in a dark light, is likelyto remain on ‘the wire’ and off the front page.

The most disturbing thing about spending a single hourexamining network cable news and modern Hollywoodfilms are the reoccurring themes in the backdrop. Thecentral ideas of countless “investigative reports” or“Friday night special” features are about a threat of sometype over the horizon. The end of the world as we knowit is being sold. If the news isn’t feeding it to you, thenthe History Channel or Discover Channel are eithertalking about the crusades, asteroids, UFOs,earthquakes, terrorism, or exposes about serial killers.They are crafted a message that our world is unstable,and the threat is always an invisible and dangerous onethat only our military can fix. When you record and logall the messages, you end up with a script, a screenwrite produced through the movie studios of Hollywoodhell.I am not alone in noting this observation. Local andnetwork news are designing their editorials aboutdespair and fear because the owners, producers, andeditors now understand that fear sells. The end result arethe desired ratings, delivered like expected. The mastersof modern spin understand that we like to be terrified.Just look at the success in the action/suspense/terrorgenres that have plopped onto the conveyor belt andpackaged for our glee consumption. When the editors incharge found out that simply plastering a terror alertchart didn’t scare the people the same way it used to,they began to kick up the campaign of terror a fewnotches with new and creative ways to sell the policestate.

When you get to the other side of the terror alerts of allshapes and sizes, you find another nightmaremasquerading as the savior. The ‘Ministry of Truth’ willprotect you. The mother government is here to rescueyou and squash this brown terrorist bug, this gray alien,this avian bird flu, and every other nightmare that thenightly news brought you. The finest public relationsspecialists take the science of worshipping our kingsdown to a frame by frame level. George W. Bush ispictured in numerous poises with a hallo around his head.In other pictures, he stands tall with dozens of Americanflags blowing in the wind behind him. A moreblasphemous display features him speaking in front ofthe cross of Jesus Christ. The message send couldn’t bemore clearly presented. Our current leaders are of themessiah status and only through them, will we reach thegates of safety. The lie that has been accepted by somany as truth is that this is a religious war. Numerousprime time programs are telling the story of thecrusades (without the horrors) to synch our vibrationsup to something out of the 13th Century, instead of the21st Century. If the America people accept the fact thatthe crusades are here, that George Bush reports directlyto god, and that revelations are here, then they have wonthe war for our minds.

The loudspeaker whispers, “All our problems are byaccident, never design.” Across the room the system’sminion snorts, “If you have nothing to hide, you havenothing to fear.” It’s that plot that says Middle Easternterrorists from an Afghan cave are the reason beyondour little, “War on terror.” Related messages in the scriptdemonize young minority males and suggest harshpunishments for crimes they commit. They don’t comeout overtly and state their racist agenda. They come atyou from the side by airing the same crime newsrepetitively, usually when it’s committed by the minoritygroup. The networks love the fact that the TV sets thenorms in society and today, and hence politicallyopinion. Who would imagine that in the UnitedStates of America, both candidates of bothparties in the 2004 election would bemembers of the Skull and Bones society at YaleUniversity? Out of 290 million Americans, thisis the best we could come up with?

It is the decision of the owners to influence producers,editors, and others involved to paint to brush to fit theobjective, which is the bottom line. If Sports is what thepeople want, then they get it, usually in large doses.Multi-media sports (or spectator sports) is just anescape from our own existence. It’s like gambling, ordrug addiction. It provides that buffer zone of rootingfor something with other people that we’ve been told isgood. People’s fantasies also lead them to fixating onsports. Its simulated masculinity, in an age where there’sa push to change us from men to robots. It’s humannature to resist and fight that which is suppressing us.The sociologists and psychologists in areas of influenceknow this. Spectator sports prove the outletinternationally for what has been stripped away from us.We’ve lost the right to rebel and change our governmentthrough warfare if necessary. Today the bulk of ournation’s population today doesn’t know what’s reallygoing on with the fall of the American dollar and theplans for the transfer of American wealth to othercountries. However, most can tell you who the topbasketball or football players are. A lot of fans wish theywere the stars, out there on the stage, the court, andthe drag strip. Either you’re “numero uno” in centerstage or you’re nothing. End of story.

What I never understood when I was in high school waswhy my peers and friends would act naïve or ignorant ina “Wayne’s World” or “Beavis and Butthead” kind of way.What I’ve learned since then is that the numerousprograms that are pimping themselves of as‘entertainment’ are actually demo graphed to the lowestcommon denominator. This is especially true with discjockeys in Radio today. The reason our airwaves aresaturated with jokes and content centered on fart jokes,private parts, borderline racism, and general trash talk isbecause it is selling. In the meantime, large numbers ofour children, young adults, and older audiences aremimicking what they see and hear because the current‘norm’ is selling this behavior as cool or ‘chic.’ When the

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conditioned is so intense that these forms of contentare considered the norm, anything else seems eitherbizarre or uninteresting to the average American’sattention span that is decreasing by the day.Hypothetically, if a producer on a network did get awayfrom a feature story exposing government corruption atthe highest levels, chances are the large impactnecessary wouldn’t be realized because the averageviewer’s brain has already been conditioned to seek outcertain types of disinfotainment.

The media hascreated thepicture perfectsociety that couldexist if we only didthings their way,(their interests/governmentinterest). It tells uswhat happiness isand what it is notand same for love,hate or anythingelse they canimplant into oursub consciousness.We can becomethe perfect slaveto the systemthroughindoctrinationgiven throughnetwork TV. Overtime the messagesare becomingincreasingly racist, violent, and dishonest. But theprogramming began decades ago and few have the eyesto see it for what it has become. We live in a worldwhere the populations give their minds away to theofficial version of the event, where utopia is right aroundthe corner when big brother is riding shotgun. It’s aworld where Hollywood can make you believe anything,even that you are free. It’s a world in which theprosecutor and the judge sit on the same side of thebench. The most obvious reason that our minds arebeing controlled on a massive scale psychologically, isbecome our culture has been conditionedincriminatingly to a TV, a radio, or a paper. We are giventhe world reality through a screen, some ink, or radiowaves. The truth is hiding in plain sight. Theindoctrination through these mediums warns us thatviews other than those presented by them areunimportant and too be condemned. ThisAdministration and media monopoly has a carefullycrafted dehumanization program to anyone thatdissents the official version of events.

Some people are wrong about 5% of the time. Some arewrong most of the time. I wish I was wrong all the time.

A lot of people deal with these intense realities, byasking me rhetorically, “What is the solution, smartguy?” Remember, it’s the viewers, the consumers and allthe other little votes called dollars that helped thisoligarchy system lay its concrete foundation in ourbackyards. We must recognize the truth about why thesystem is flawed and enslaving us if we wish to beat it.The most important solution to fighting thistype of brainwashing and mind control is tostart with ourselves and our own awakening in

the smaller things. Inthis case, it’sbrainwashing but afterawhile we breakOutside the Box andbegin venturingoutside the systemand into unknownterrain. Fighting withpeople and forcingthem to understand‘our truth’ is not asolution. If ourcollective freewill created thisnightmare, thanonly our collectivefree will change it.The battle beginsin the heart andmind of thebeholder, and thenextends outwardfrom there, onlyto those open tothe information.

If you choose to travel the road to the truth, then youmust be prepared for the obstacles that await you. Youmay be condemned or criticized by your family, yourfriends, your lovers, or your co-workers. This is theirprogramming that began at birth that is doing exactlywhat it’s supposed to do. You’re going to have to bestronger than that. You must realize that there is areality that exists outside of this controlled artificialsystem. Like Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade, he tookthat ‘leap of faith’ over the bridgeless canyon in anattempt to get to the other side. Like Neo in the Matrix,he took the red pill from Morpheus in his attempt tocross over to his real self. Once you wake up, it’s as if ahypnotist came along and snapped his fingers. You wakeup and say to yourself, “Oh my god. I can see it now.Why did it take me so long to wake up?!” For some ofyou it can be a major shock. Like anything else, take thisinformation and knowledge in stages. If it took a lifetimefor them to mold your reality for you, then you knowthat it may take longer than a day to fully awaken.Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with asingle step.

To order any book or DVD:

Page 55: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

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The American people know in their hearts that a problemexists in our current political structure and theirsolutions are simple, direct, and honest. Washington,You’re Fired captures the spirit and zest of an oldfashioned Boston tea party and captivatingly delivers theaudience an education into legislation that will affectthem and generations of Americans to come.

What if every email, every phone call; every time yousurfed the Internet, your private communications werebeing siphoned into a gigantic dragnet funded by aforty-five billion dollar budget and carried out incooperation with the FBI, AT&T, and Verizon?Washington, You’re Fired presents compelling first-handtestimony and whistleblower accounts, punching holesin the official “war on terrorism” excuse that has beenused to dismantle the U.S. Bill of Rights and tip thescales of executive checks and balance in this country.

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CDC Ethics Panel receives detailed formal complaintalleging CDC Oral Health Division ethics violations formisleading the public on fluoride’s risksOn August 13, 2007, the Lillie Center announced it had delivered a formal ethics complaint last week toan Ethics Subcommittee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The complaintcharged that the CDC’s Oral Health Division and CDC’s director Julie Gerberding had failed to follow theCDC’s own ethical code which it promotes around the country. According to the complaint, CDC has:

• Elected to omit vitalinformation in its communicationsto the public concerningvulnerable population groups thatare particularly susceptible toharm from fluoride;

• Chosen to ignore its own datashowing disproportionate harm bydental fluorosis in minoritypopulations and has not activelyprovided this information to thesegroups;

• Demonstrated a severe ethicallapse in failing to appropriatelydisseminate its own change inpolicy that parents of infants beaware of the risk of dentalfluorosis in their children and maywish to use unfluoridated waterto mix their babies’ powderedmilk formula;

• Justified fluoridation in terms that mislead Americans into confusing the fundamentalconcepts of concentration versus dose. This had led citizens to believe that a low concentrationof fluoride in water cannot result in a harmful dose of the chemical, regardless of volume ofwater consumed and other sources of fluoride — and in this context CDC has also failed toappropriately disclose that fluoride can accumulate harmfully in the body over time; and

• Misled the public concerning the results of studies about harm from ingested fluoride


1,793 Professionals Call for an End to Fluoridation ofDrinking Water -- Watch the videoshttp://www.fluoridealert.org/professionals.statement.html


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Time to make a stand AmericaTime to make a stand Americawww.makethestand.com/

Ed and Elaine Brown have agreed, from the beginning, to pay ALL taxes that they owe. They have swornin court that if the government simply shows them the law that requires them to pay an “Income Tax,”they would pay all owed taxes with penalties and interest. The government has yet to show the law.The government simply says, “you must pay, because we say so,” and “if you don’t pay, we will throwyou in jail and take all that you own.”

THIS IS TYRANNY!!! If a law exists that requires the everyday average American working in the privatesector in the numerous states to pay an “Income Tax,” why can’t the government show that law? Whenasked, they will never tell.


You can find out more: Visit www.makethestand.com/

Ed and Elaine ask that you let people know it’s time. Let them know about ournew project. Give them the link to this site. Get involved and MAKE THESTAND TODAY!!!

Also, please visit www.freedomtofascism.com



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The Spraying of AmericaAmerican agriculture dumps a billion pounds of pesticides on

food, producing a truly toxic harvest.by Christopher D. Cook, Earth Island Journal, Spring 2005

Perhaps the greatest - yet most elusive measure of pesticides’ long reach is their presence in the air we breathe. “Nearlyevery pesticide that has been investigated has been detected in air, rain, snow, or fog across the nation at differenttimes of year,” says the US Geological Survey. Given just a lazy breeze, toxins can migrate for miles. A seeminglyinnocuous spraying or fumigation of a rural farm field can let pesticides drift through air currents for hours, even days,ending up as residue in nearby towns, ruining organic crops downwind and further polluting waterways. Diazinon, ahighly volatile agent sprayed widely on nuts and stone fruit, actually increases its drift concentrations as time passes,the greatest amount of drift showing up two to three days after spraying. Although levels generally diminish, pesticidedrift can last for weeks, and sometimes months after application.

The epicenter for the pesticide drift problem, particularly its human effects, is California, wheredecades of suburban sprawl - and intensely consolidated agriculture - have wedged burgeoning population centers upagainst farms. Blending agriculture with suburbs would seem a fine rural-urban complement but for the rampant use anddrift of pesticides, which are exceedingly toxic, even at low levels, for children. “Pesticides in air are often invisible andodorless, but like second-hand cigarette smoke, inhaling even small amounts over time can lead to serious healthproblems, especially for children,” reports Susan Kegley, staff scientist for the Pesticide Action Network.

More than 90 percent of pesticides used in California (including non-agricultural pesticides) are likely to drift, androughly a third of those are highly toxic to humans, according to a 2003 study by Californians for Pesticide Reform.Samples of two pesticides, chiorpyrifos and metam sodium, taken near sprayed fields, produced residues that were,respectively, some 184 and 111 times the acute exposure standards set by government for a one-year-old child.

Read the entire article here: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Environment/Spraying_America.html

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This is only one of the thousands of stories that TVNews Stations have tried to cover up. What thepublic needs to understand is that FOX, ABC, CBS,CNN, MSNBC and the other established*mainstream “mass media”/news sources [*seedefinition @ http://www.wikipedia.org] areperpetratingcriminal fraud (viaomissions,distortions andoutright lies) and adeliberatecensorship of facts.

The most recentexample of blatantfraud is the cover upof Dr. Ron Paul statusas a front-runner inthe 2008Presidential race—with malice andaforethought andevil intent to controlthe 2008presidentialelections. This is anoutrage and “We thePeople” need to organize and expose this dangerousplot and TAKE ACTION by filing “class action”criminal charges and civil suits against the ownersand executives of these news sources.

This illegal censorship is not only harming Americansbecause they wield the power to control theoutcome of elections via the quantity and quality ofthe news coverage they provide the candidates; itconstitutes an anti-American criminal enterprise;not to fail to mention a violation of the firstamendment/freedom of the press.

These accused individuals—the elitist mediaexecutives—exercise monopolized and Fascist-control over media/news sources with intent to getthe candidate preferred by them elected whilesimultaneously wrongfully hiding and/or playingdown the true facts, popularity, and success of theRon Paul campaign.

FOX News Investigative ReportersFired For Telling The Truth

Watch it free: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcjzdoiL0j4

To request a free copy of the sworn affidavit and tosupport the criminal complaint, contact retired FBIDivision Chief Ted L. Gunderson immediately at http://www.tedgunderson.com

Please spread thismessage and let’s getcriminal charges and aclass action lawsuitexecuted against thisdangerous organizedcrime syndicateidentified as the presentmainstream media outletswhich are collaborating ina RICO [RacketeerInfluenced and CorruptOrganizations (RICO)Act, Title 18, UnitedStates Code, Sections1961-1968; reference:http://www.ricoact.com] conspiracy to censor Dr.Ron Paul and control theoutcome of the 2008Presidential Election.

This is definitely “RICO” if it can be shown that any ofthe accused media executives have donated money toany of the other presidential candidates, directly orindirectly! The accused individuals herein havewrongfully utilized their outrageous MONOPOLY overthe media across America to injure Dr. Ron Paul and hismillions of supporters; all Americans, in fact. Theseaccused individuals need to go to prison uponconviction. They need to be criminally prosecuted andhave their personal assets seized. They need to havetheir Federal FCC licenses revoked for participating inthis criminal conspiracy. Help us spread this felonyinformation far and wide. Let’s get these elitist outlawscriminally prosecuted and civilly sued.

Complete details here: http://daredevil92103.wordpress.com/2...

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CongressmanRon Paul hasissued a stingingaddressconcerning thefinancial crisis inwhich heoutlines how thecurrenteconomicproblems,created viamalinvestment

and shift to a debt based economy, are now beingmismanaged by private interests in secret.

What’s more he says he is not sure the Federal Reservehas any idea what to do next and that the Congress istotally oblivious to the whole sorry state of affairs - acocktail of elements he warns puts the middle class ofAmerica in serious jeopardy.

“Today we had a lot of financial fireworks in the markets,a lot of things are going on, and I think we are in themiddle of something very big.” the Congressman stated.

Speaking on the recent collapse and government bailoutof several big financial institutions he warned:

“We’re talking about big bucks, we’re not talking abouthundreds of millions or even hundreds of billions, we’retalking about trillions of dollars, the obligation isimmeasurable.”

“The interesting thing is that they (the financialinstitutions) don’t come to the Congress, I mean theFederal Reserve buys them out, they own it. We as taxpayers now own Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and knowone knows how much that will cost. They don’t come tothe Congress, we don’t have appropriations, it’s done by

Ron Paul Blasts “Secret Government”Running Economy

Congressman warns middle class in danger of being wiped out, saysCongress is oblivious and Fed has no clue

Steve WatsonInfowars.net

September 18, 2008

secret government, private individuals behind the scenesmaneuvering and manipulating and trying to patchthings up. While in the meantime, I’m sure there’s a fewpeople making a couple of bucks out of this wholething.”

The Congressman highlighted how an economystructured on debt and credit and a financial systembased on interventionism and self serving moral hazardhas led to gross devaluation of the dollar and ultimatelylies at the root of the current financial meltdown.

“Our problems come first of all from the FederalReserve. It is a monopoly and it controls interest ratesartificially low, causes people to make mistakes, that’sthe basic source. But then on top of that in the Housingmarket we had the community reinvestment act whichtold investors that they had to loan to risky borrowers,and that was a risky complication. HUD contributes tothis, FDIC contributes, it’s called moral hazard,everything that we have done over here creates moralhazard, that is we assure people or assume that we willtake care of everybody, just go out and create the risk, itis the opposite of the market place.” Paul stated.

“You can’t create money like we’re doing in order tosupport the dollar, because ultimately it hurts the dollarand everything we do in Washington today whether itson the appropriations side, whether it’s what the Fed isdoing, buying up America, it’s all putting pressure on thedollar. One of these days we’re just going to have towake up and say that we need to liquidate debt. This ismalinvestment.” he urged.

The Congressman then slammed those who have blamedthe crisis on failures of the free market:

“And then they have people come along and say ’see, thisis the failure of capitalism’, this has nothing to do withcapitalism, this is something that started off asinterventionism and us being too involved in the

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economy for the benefit of special interests. But now itis being socialized out in the open.”

“The end of this comes when people reject the dollarand I think we’re getting awfully close to this.” Paulstated echoing comments from leading investors such asJim Rogers, who predicted Monday that the dollarwould soon lose its world reserve status.

“When you see the movement in the markets that wehave today, you know that there are serious problemsout there and Congress basically are oblivious, they haveno idea what’s going on.” Paul continued.

“As a matter of fact I’m not even sure the FederalReserve has any idea what to do about this. They’vebeen manipulating and maneuvering for their ownbenefit over the years but eventually the market winsout.”

The Congressman’s comments were echoed today byreports indicating that the Congress cannot agree onany form of action and is likely to simply adjourn and“get out of the way”.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters that“no one knows what to do”.

In a stark warning, Ron Paul stressed that the longer thevalue of the dollar is allowed to depreciate, the greaterthe risk becomes for the majority of Americans:

“The reason this is so important is that if you care aboutpeople in a humanitarian sense, what you want to do isprotect the value of the money. Just think of the thirdworld nations when they have total run away inflation,the middle class gets wiped out. And what we are seeingtoday is the middle class being jeopardized by this typeof system that we have, unlimited spending, unlimiteddebt, unlimited creation of new credit.”

“So it’s time that we wake up… The answers are in thefree market, sound money and our Constitution.” Paulconcluded.

Watch the full address by the Congressman:


Ron Paul on Glenn Beck


Ron Paul Addresses Financial Crisis


“Today the path oftotal dictatorship inthe United States canbe laid by strictlylegal means, unseenand unheard by theCongress, thePresident, or thepeople. Outwardly wehave a Constitutionalgovernment. We haveoperating within ourgovernment andpolitical system,another bodyrepresenting anotherform of government -a bureaucratic elite.”Senator William Jenner, 1954

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31,072 American scientists have signed thispetition, including 9,021 with PhDs

Purpose of Petition

The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstratethat the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming“consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-causedglobal warming and consequent climatological damage iswrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. Asindicated by the petition text and signatory list, a verylarge number of American scientists reject thishypothesis.

Publicists at the United Nations, Mr. Al Gore, and theirsupporters frequently claim that only a few “skeptics”remain – skeptics who are still unconvinced about theexistence of a catastrophic human-caused globalwarming emergency.

It is evident that 31,072 Americans with universitydegrees in science – including 9,021 PhDs, are not “afew.” Moreover, from the clear and strong petitionstatement that they have signed, it is evident that these31,072 American scientists are not “skeptics.”

These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientificvalidity and that government action on the basis of thishypothesis would unnecessarily and counterproductivelydamage both human prosperity and the naturalenvironment of the Earth.


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WATCH IT FREE: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3069943905833454241

With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science,could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoaxever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it.

JAMES M. INHOFE, speech in U.S. Senate, July 28, 2003

Most meteorological research is funded by the federalgovernment. And boy, if you want to get federal funding, youbetter not come out and say human-induced global warming is ahoax because you stand the chance of not getting funded.

WILLIAM GRAY, interview, Sept. 12, 2005

“Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.”

Adolf Hitler

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Alex Jones was joined on air by weathermodification expert Ben Livingston.

Livingston discussed in detail proven evidence ofhurricane control and his research and experienceswith cloud seeding and weather weapons used inthe Vietnam war.

Prisonplanet.tv subscribers click here to listento the interview in full

Related: Ben Livingston: Cloud physicisthas eye on hurricane control

Many scoff at the possibility of weather controland simply refuse to believe it exists. Attemptingto even engage such people in conversation onthe subject is fruitless because their mind is set.Yet the reality is that weather modification hasbeen in operation and continual developmentsince the 1960s.

Livingston, now 77, has a master’s degree in cloudphysics from the Naval Weapons Center and Navy PostGraduate School in California, a degree he later used inthe battlefields.

According to a recent report “He seeded clouds anddramatically increased rainfall in his theater of war,creating impassably muddy roads, slowing down theVietnamese and Korean troops, and saving lives andentire towns from occupation.”

Livingston was even invited to the White House wherehe briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on theeffectiveness of weather control activities. Livingstonasserts that hurricane control was a national priority ofthe government in the 60s and they had the ability to doit at that time. That was 40 years ago.

He now works with scientists and pilots at WeatherModification Inc., in Fargo, N.D. His research ofhurricane control has been confirmed by the StanfordResearch Institute.

He has personally flown on 265 missions into the eyes ofhurricanes and has gone on record as “most disgusted”with Hurricane Katrina because he knows that the stormitself could have been minimized.

Former Naval Physicist: Government CanControl Hurricanes

Former Vet “Made it Rain” During Vietnam WarSteve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson | 14 Oct 2005

Livingston revealed that to reduce or redirect a category4 hurricane would not be that difficult:

“A hurricane is made up of energy sails and each of thosesails adds to the ferocity of it. It was proven in 1974 by aninternational project that these energy sails exist andthat they are the reason that hurricanes can develop andgrow move and cause damages. So there’s no reason toattack the hurricane in total but just to fly in to the rightfront quadrant primarily relative to the direction thestorm is moving in and seed those energy sails that areconverging and making the rain and wind velocityincrease in the front part of a hurricane.” Livingstonasserted.

He went on to explain exactly how to minimize andcontrol the hurricane:

“ We would be trying to destroy or at least grosslyreduce the velocity in these individual energy sails byseeding the clouds with silver iodide in the top part ofthe cloud... and those tops would then have so manysmall droplets in them that the prevailing wind justblows them away and so an energy sail would beneutralized until it can regroup which may be severalhours later.”

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The seeding process may soundcomplicated but it is not at all. Therewould be no need for more than twosmall aircraft at a time to safely flyupwards into the hurricane.

“We’re carrying more cloud seedingmaterial on one airplane now, over800% more on each plane than wehad during Project Storm Fury” (Theproject set up by the US Governmentto discover how to control hurricanesin the 60s). Livingston added.

Alex put the question to Livingston, if it is so simple todo and the government knows how to do it and has beendoing it since the 60s then why did they not attempt tominimize hurricane Katrina?

“This is a long story with a deep history. Back in the mid50s, 1954 or so, the government allotted the firstamount of money for weather modification and weathercontrol practices to the US weather Bureau to the tuneof about 30 million dollars.” Livingston said.

“Their charge was to employ the most brilliant scientistsaround the world, and meteorologists and physicists, towork out a concept for reducing damages fromhurricanes. What brought that on was that we had threetremendous hurricanes in 1953 and ’54 that affected thetwelve northeastern states... Basically The NationalOceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)was formed to take that responsibility.” He went on tosay.

Mr Livingston went on to describe how Project “StormFury” of which he was a national director was then set upin the mid 60s. Much of the research was carried out onhurricanes in the Atlantic at that time.

Project Storm Fury was shut down on the logic that thedata was not good enough to use in statistical studies.Many believe that the research then became part of ablack operation on weather modification.

Upon recently writing to verify what the national policyis on hurricane research, Livingston received thefollowing response:

“The approach of NOAA with regard to minimizing theimpact of hurricanes on US citizens is to improve ourforecast on the tracking and intensity of storms and tobetter warn those in harm’s way. It is no longer thepolicy of NOAA to support or conduct weathermodification research.”

So there is effectively no official government budget forweather modification of any kind. This would nothowever prevent the hiring of private companies such asWeather Modification, Inc. to carry out the relativelysimple work for around $25 million for the hurricaneseason. This is a small amount when considering the

billions spent on rebuilding andclearing up after hurricanes.

“The situation is as I see it that theFederal Government and NOAA havea tremendous job to do and they’redoing a tremendous job. But theirinterest is in statistical data...whereas people who are concerned abouthurricane damages are interestedmore in results or empirical data.”Livingston added.

Dr Livingston went on to read a statement from theStanford research Institute who were brought intoProject Storm Fury in the late sixties as a third party,which stated conclusively that knowledge of how tostop hurricanes had been uncovered and that they wouldbe directly liable should a hurricane hit and causeextensive damage and loss of life.

Livingston revealed that on the 18th August 1969, fiveseedings at two hour intervals on Hurricane Debbie,researchers deduced that the wind speed had decreasedfrom 115mph to 80 mph. That is a 30% reduction and a45% reduction in damages. On August 20th a secondseeding decreased the wind speed again to just under100 mph, a reduction of around 15%. Some scientistsinvolved wanted more research and to uncover clearerpatterns so they brought in Stanford as a third party,who determined that more seeding should be done fordamage reduction.

Of course, during the Vietnam war the goal forLivingston and his colleagues was to actually strengthenadverse weather, to inflate and exacerbate the monsoonseason in order that the Vietnamese get bogged down.So not only is prevention possible, but also creation ofharsh weather conditions.

Dr Livingston was assigned in 1966 from the Navalweapons research Laboratory to a marine fightersquadron in Vietnam. Instead of guns, the aircraft underLivingston’s control were fitted with cloud seedingequipment.

“My mission was to find clouds and seed them formaximum precipitation value” he commented.

Cloud seeding is the process of spreading either dry ice(or more commonly, silver iodide aerosols) into theupper part of clouds to try to stimulate theprecipitation process and form rain. Since most rainfallstarts through the growth of ice crystals from super-cooled cloud droplets (droplets colder than the freezingpoint, 32 deg. F) in the upper parts of clouds, the silveriodide particles are meant to encourage the growth ofnew ice particles.

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Check Out this local Government web page onWeather Modification. It’s Amazing how people stillbelieve that this science does not exist!

Airborne hygroscopic flares emit water-attractingparticles into cloud updrafts during a recent cloud-seeding project in Mexico.

Alex went on to ask Dr Livingston whether it wasdangerous flying into hurricanes, and whether that wasa factor that could have prevented operations goingahead.

“A good part of the time you’reout in the most beautiful VFRweather you’ve ever seen. If it’snight you can see the stars, themoon, if it’s daytime the sun orwhatever. So you can not onlysee what you’re going to seed,you can analyze it on yourradar... generally speaking its notvery hazardous flying.”Livingston answered.

Dr Livingston puts beyonddoubt the reality of weathermodification. His take onHurricane Katrina is that it wasnot prevented for politicalreasons.

To hear more from thisamazing interview, plushundreds of others, clickhere and become aPrisonplanet.tv subscriber.

Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlintoday that the United States has, for the first time in itshistory, granted rights to a Foreign Army to have ‘fullpower’ over the life and death of American Citizens intheir own country.

Though not being reported to the American people bytheir propaganda media organs, the United StatesNorthern Command Military Leader, US Air Force Gen.Gene Renuart, and his Canadian counterpart, Air ForceLt.-Gen. Marc Dumais announced this new Military Pactthis past week, and as we can read:

”U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of NorthAmerican Aerospace Defense Command and U.S.Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen.Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, havesigned a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the militaryfrom one nation to support the armed forces of theother nation during a civil emergency.

“This document is a unique, bilateral military plan toalign our respective national military plans to respondquickly to the other nation’s requests for military

support of civil authorities,”

Renuart said. “Unity of effort duringbilateral support for civil supportoperations such as floods, forestfires, hurricanes, earthquakes andeffects of a terrorist attack, in orderto save lives, prevent human sufferingand mitigate damage to property, isof the highest importance, and weneed to be able to have forces thatare flexible and adaptive to supportrapid decision- making in acollaborative environment.”

It is interesting to note, too, that theCanadian peoples, like theirAmerican neighbors to the south,were not told of these plans for theirMilitary Forces, and as we can read asreported by Canada ’s Canwest NewsService, and who say:

February 24, 2008By Reporter: Sorcha Faal

Canadian Cities As

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”Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement thatpaves the way for the militaries from either nation tosend troops across each other’s borders duringan emergency, but some are questioning why the Harpergovernment has kept silent on the deal. Neither theCanadian government nor the Canadian Forcesannounced the new agreement, which was signed Feb. 14in Texas.”

Russian Colonel Gen Vladimir Bulgakov, Commander ofRussia’s Far East Military District, points out in thesereports that it is ‘no wonder’ that neither the US orCanadian War Leaders want the masses of their citizensto know about these ‘unprecedented’ events as ‘soldiersby their inherent training are for use in war, not peace’.

These reports further note that though Canadacurrently possesses 125,000 active Military and 36,500Reserve Troops, the majority of which have been‘combat hardened’ in the US Wars in Iraq andAfghanistan, the only Canadian Troops available for any,so called, ‘civil emergency’ in the United States, aresoldiers from its Special Operations Forces Command(CANSOFCOM), and which Russian MilitaryCommanders rate as being one of the top SpecialForces Units among all of the World’s Army’s.

The more likely use of these Canadian Troops onAmerican Soil, these reports go on to say, would be forthe patrolling of US Cities during times of civilwar, internal unrest, or, most fearfully, the assisting of USPolice in the rounding up of masses of US Citizens forarrest and internment.

This assessment of the truest intentions of the UnitedStates War Leaders granting power over their owncitizens to Canadian Special Forces Troops,appears to be supported by information coming from USTroops returning from Iraq, and as we can read asreported by the Prison Planet News Service in theirreport titled “U.S. Troops Asked If They Would ShootAmerican Citizens”, and which says:

”U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups,confiscate guns and shoot American citizens, includingtheir own friends and family members, aspart of a long-standing program to prepare for thedeclaration of martial law, according to a soldier whorecently returned from Iraq.”

We received an e mail from “Scott”, a member of apipefitters union that runs an apprenticeship programcalled Helmets To Hard Hats, which according to itswebsite “Is a national program that connects NationalGuard, Reserve and transitioning active-duty militarymembers with quality career training andemployment opportunities within the constructionindustry.”

Scott writes that his company hired a soldier who hadrecently returned from Iraq, who told him that U.S.troops were being quizzed on whether or not theywould be prepared to shoot their own friends and familymembers during a national state of emergency inAmerica.

An estimated timeline in these reports states that theAmerican people could begin seeing Canadian Soldiers intheir cities as early as this summer, as manyexperts are predicting that the massive food shortagesbeing reported all around the World will begin causingfood riots in many American cities.

To how bad the Global Food Crisis is becoming we canread as reported by Australia ’s Adelaide Now NewsService, and which says:

”A WORSENING global food shortage is a problem farmore urgent than climate change, top Australianscientists have warned. The Australian Science MediaCentre briefing heard why prices for some staple foodshad risen by as much as 60 per cent in the past year, andhow dramatic price rises are expected tosweep across all staples in the near future.”

There remains no evidence to suggest, either, that theAmerican people themselves are aware of the brutalfuture being planned for them. Even more sadly, perhaps,is the evidence suggesting that they don’t even want toknow.

Troops To Patrol US Food Riots Feared

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Thursday, March 13, 2008 LAST NIGHTSSESSION WAS ONLY THE FOURTH TIME IN 176YEARS THAT CONGRESS CLOSED ITS DOORSTO THE PUBLIC: Word has begun leakingfrom last nights special, closed-doorsession of the United States House ofRepresentatives. Not only did membersdiscuss new surveillance provisions as wasthe publicly stated reason for the closeddoor session, they also discussed: theimminent collapse of the U.S. economy tooccur by September 2008, the imminentcollapse of US federal governmentfinances by February 2009, the possibilityof Civil War inside the USA as a result ofthe collapse, advance round-ups of“insurgent U.S. citizens” likely to moveagainst the government, The detention ofthose rounded-up at “REX 84” campsconstructed throughout the USA, thepossibility of retaliation against membersof Congress for the collapses.

Truth:Without a long term food solution, YOU will starve orbecome a slave. The N.W.O. scientists are geneticallymodifying seeds to make us sick. Sick people are easy tocontrol.

Your Need:You need the insurance of having thousands of pounds ofhealthy food becausethe store shelves will soon go empty and money willbecome worthless. Growing your own food willdetermine how much freedom you will have and yourlevel of suffering. Growing food is simple and easy usingmy Secret Patriot Garden System.

These are all-natural seeds, original strains of gardenfood, non-hybrid, not genetically modified. Most ofthese seeds date back 150 years. Unlike hybrid GM seedsthat are sterile and lack nutrition, heirloom offspringseeds can be saved and grown later. Important whenpeople are starving!

Varieties:See page- Seed List for photos and specifics.Sunray Tomato, Hillbilly Tomato, American Spinach,Honey Rock Melon, Forellenschuss Lettuce, SaisonsLettuce, Australian Brown Onion, Red Dragon Carrot,White Box Radish, Bloody Butcher Corn, Calypso Beanand Hidasta Red Painted Pony Bean, These will grow inany USA region, guaranteed. On occasion we will switchout 1 or 2 varieties due to supply limits.

SOLUTION:This IS a 7 year solution NOT a springtime answer!What will you eat if the economic collapse strikesbetween now and next Spring?

ALL NEW:Single person, 7 year HeirloomGarden Seed Kit for Patriots

3,000 rare heirloom seeds from 12 varieties for $65 plus$5 shipping Total $70.

This will provide you over 1,000 lbs. of health food for 6pennies a pound.

Get my Doomsday Water Filter How To DVD- $35 ValueFREE if you don’t use PAYPAL and send U.S. Postal MoneyOrder or Walmart Money Order to: LIPSCOMB, 190Carlisle, Toronto, KS 66777

BIG VALUE:Family Size, 7 year Heirloom GardenSeed Kit for PATRIOTS

My survival BULK kit contains 12,000 vegetable seedsfrom 12 different varieties. This is for survivalist andpatriots, NOT weekend gardeners. You are eitherprepared or not prepared. Just $158 plus $10 shipping,total $168 I can’t get any lower than this without losingmoney. Get my Doomsday Water Filter How To DVD-$35 Value FREE if you don’t use PAYPAL and send U.S.Postal Money Order or Walmart Money Order to:LIPSCOMB, 190 Carlisle, Toronto, KS 66777


Page 69: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

We are all called to do something. You have a role, I have arole. I was called to feed the patriots during the comingdifficult times. I grow most of my own food and harvest 20%of the seeds for resale. I package these seeds myself on mydining room table deep in the woods of southeastern Kansaswhere I have built a self-sufficient homestead. I invented thewater filter system and the gardening method that I haveadded to this kit. You must have both. Now, let me explainsomething that you will agree with, but have never thoughtabout...

Civilization will collapse in a 5 stage event just as I’veoutlined here. Although it can be put on fast track by apandemic, an impending asteroid, world war, civil war, orterrorism, what follows is what will essentially happen. Inrealizing how the collapse will happen, you will understandhow important it is to have 12,000 heirloom vegetablegarden seeds ready to plant.

STAGE 1. As long as the economy is thriving and you have freedomand are not over taxed, life can be good.Here are your most important assets today:Savings,Career,Health Insurance,Home Value,Automobile Image,Credit Rating for Debt Accumulation.

STAGE 2. The economy goes into a prolonged decine, which wehave been experiencing for the past 7 years.Here will be your most important assets:Cash,Precious Metals, which you might want to sell now,Elimination of debt,Job Stability,Health Insurance,Home Equity,Automobile with good MPG,

STAGE 3. The economy begins to collapse after a significantprolonged decline, which we are experiencing right now.Here will be your most important assets:Cash,Automobile,Job,Home,Short term food supplies,Survival know-how,Rural property,Small livestock- chicken, rabbit, fish...and a bulk supply of long-term heirloom vegetable seeds.

STAGE 4. The economy collapses and the shelves go empty in oneweek, the government suspends the Consitution and we become apolice state. This can come at any time after Stage 3. Society fallsinto chaos.

Here will be your most important assets:Guns and ammo,Survival knowledge,Short term food supplies (1 year),Rural hideaway or rural property,Trained survival dog,***Homemade water filter system***Survival gardening method know-how***Heirloom garden seeds for long-term foodYou no longer can sell gold, you can no longer buy gasolinefor your vehicle, you will be forced from your home andhealth care is no longer available, and of course your job is amemory. You will experience what it’s like to live in a thirdworld country at war.

STAGE 5. War between freedom fighters and government forcesbreak out nationwide, and starvation becomes common.Government offers food and water and shelter in exchange for chipimplantation and enslavement.

HERE’S YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSETS -1. Survival skills,2. ***My patriot gardening method so your food will never bestolen,3. ***My homemade water filter system so you will never bethirsty,4. ***My heirloom seeds for long term food and barter,5. Guns and the ability to use them,6. Survival dog,7. Willpower.

As you can see, priorities change as the world changes. Yourmost prized assets- home and good credit and car and joband health care are no longer important!!!!!



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Crisis in Food PricesThreatens Worldwide


Is it Genocide?by Richard C. Cook

Global Research, April 24, 2008

Rising worldwide food prices are resulting in shortages,riots and protests, promises by governments to expandfood aid, expressions of concern by international bodieslike the World Bank, and stress on household budgetseven in developed countries like the U.S. Did this just“happen” or is there a plan?

Plenty of commentators think they have it figured outand blame such factors as greater demand for high-endprotein menus by the increasingly upscale populations ofChina and India, weather factors relating to globalwarming such as drought in Australia , and the diversionof animal feed crops such as corn and soybeans toethanol production. L.H. Teslik of the Council on ForeignRelations speaks of “bubbling inflation and rising oilprices.”

There is also the question of whether a role is beingplayed by commodity speculation. The idea is that facedwith the global financial crisis and the collapse ofmortgage-based securities, investors are flocking toresource-based tangibles as a hedge against recessionand the decline of the U.S. dollar. Hence gold is at recordlevels with oil keeping the same pace. How else toexplain, for instance, the doubling of the price of rice inAsian markets in less than two months? StandardChartered Bank food commodities analyst Abah Ofonsays, “Fund money flowing into agriculture has boostedprices. It’s fashionable. This is the year of agriculturalcommodities.”

But the idea that speculation is at fault is disputed by noless than New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, oneof the world’s leading monetary economists, whowrites:

“My problem with the speculative stories is that they alldepend on something that holds production — or atleast potential production — off the market. The keypoint is that the spot price equalizes the demand andsupply of a commodity; speculation can drive up thefutures price, but the spot price will only follow if thehigher futures prices somehow reduce the quantityavailable for final consumers. The usual channel for this isan increase in inventories, as investors hoard the stuff inexpectation of a higher price down the road. If thisdoesn’t happen — if the spot price doesn’t follow thefutures price — then futures will presumably comedown, as it turns out that buying futures produceslosses.”

Solid data in this area is hard to come by. Probably thechief common denominator among commentators,especially those advocating a supply and demand orglobal warming perspective, is that they have so littlesolid information. Thus it is refreshing to find a studythat contains meaningful statistics such as oneappearing on the Executive Intelligence Report websiteentitled, “To Defeat Famine: Kill the WTO” by MarciaMerry Baker. One particularly telling item is that afterglobal food supplies were boosted through the GreenRevolution and related programs lasting into the 1970s,more recently, world food production has actuallydeclined.

Baker writes, “World per-capita output of grains of allkinds (rice, wheat, corn, and others) has been falling fortwenty years. Whereas in 1986 it was 338 kilograms perperson, it went down to 303 by 2006. This decline in noway has been made up for by increasing amounts ofother staple foodstuffs—tubers, legumes, or oil crops,which likewise are in insufficient supply.”

Further, “In twelve of the last twenty years, less grain hasbeen produced than utilized that year (for all purposes—direct human consumption, livestock feed, industrial andenergy uses, and reserves). Accordingly, the amount ofcarryover stocks of grain from year to year has beendeclining to extreme danger levels. The diversion of foodcrops into biofuels is the nail in the coffin. The latestestimate is that worldwide stockpiles of cereal crops ofall kinds are expected to fall to a twenty-five-year low of405 million tons in 2008. That is down twenty-onemillion tons, or five percent, from their already reducedlevel in 2007.”

Further, an increasing proportion of food crops is beingproduced by large multinational corporations whosepower and reach has ballooned under the World TradeOrganization and spin-offs like NAFTA even as smallfamily-run farms have lost the protection of paritypricing and been priced out of business. But the datasuggest that a) the output of agribusiness has failed tomatch the older, more diversified systems of farming;and b) as nations lose their ability to feed themselves,

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agricultural pricing becomes more subject tomonopolization.

The loss of agricultural self-sufficiency has beenexacerbated in much of the developing world byInternational Monetary Fund lending policies. Under the “Washington consensus,” entire nations have been forcedto give up agricultural self-sufficiency and convertfarmland to export commodities while displaced ruralpopulations migrate to the slums of large cities such asLagos , Nigeria . Today those populations are the onesmost grievously threatened with starvation.

Then what is really going on?

First of all, let’s get rid of the idea that we are seeing“impersonal market forces” at work. “Supply anddemand” is not a “law”—it’s a policy. If a seller has anarticle in demand it’s a matter of choice whether hecharges a premium when he offers it for sale. If he’s adecent, honest soul, maybe he won’t necessarily chargeall the market will bear, particularly if the item is anecessity of life, such as food. Or maybe there will be aresponsible public authority around that will prohibitprice gouging or else subsidize the purchaser, as oftenhappens in credit markets. Of course public spiritedaction like this is itself a declining commodity in a worldafflicted with the kind of market fundamentalism andrampant privatization that has been the rage since the1980s Reagan Revolution.

Second, let’s ask the question which any competentinvestigator should pose when starting out on the trailof a possible crime: “Who benefits?” Indeed we may bespeaking of a crime on the scale of genocide if theevents in question are a) avoidable; in which case thecrime is one of negligent homicide; or b) planned, wherewe obviously have a conspiracy among the contributingparties.

Those who benefit are obviously the ones who financeagricultural operations, those who are chargingmonopoly prices for the commodities in demand, thevarious middlemen who bring the products to marketafter they leave the farm, and the owners or mortgageesof the land, retail space, and other assets required toconduct the production/consumption cycle.

In other words, it’s the financial elite of the world whohave gained complete control of the most basicnecessity of life. This includes not only the internationalfinanciers who provide capitalization, including theleveraging of trading in commodity futures up to the 97percent level, but even organized crime groups whichthe U.S. Department of Justice says have penetratedworld materials markets.

And is all this part of a long-term strategy byinternational finance to starve much of the world’spopulation in order to seize their land, control theirnatural resources, and enslave the rest who fear a similarfate? Already millions of people are losing their homesto housing inflation and foreclosure. Is actual orthreatened physical starvation the next part of thescenario?

And where are the governmental authorities whose job itis to protect the public welfare both at the national andinternational levels? These authorities long ago allowed asituation to develop, including in developed nations likethe U.S. , where people in localities no longer have thesimple ability to feed themselves, even in emergencies.And not one of the candidates remaining in the U.S.presidential election—John McCain, Hillary Clinton, norBarack Obama—has addressed the food pricing issue.Indeed, all three are part of a government that has goneso far as to exclude much of the rising cost of food frommeasurements of inflation, an innovation that took placeon Bill Clinton’s watch.

It is now April. Already food has run out in some parts ofthe world. In a few months winter will come, at least inthe Northern Hemisphere. What will happen then? Areyou certain food will be on your table?

And suppose you wanted to make a contribution to yourown well-being and to that of your family andcommunity by going into farming. In most parts ofNorth America you can look around and see plenty ofunderutilized land.

But could you do it? Could you buy or lease land and paytaxes on it after the galloping inflation of the real estatebubble? Could you get bank loans for equipment andoperating expenses under today’s constrained creditconditions? Could you afford fuel for your equipmentwhen petroleum costs over $115 a barrel? Is water readilyavailable from developed supplies and is electricityavailable at regulated prices? Could you purchaseanything other than genetically-modified seed? Wouldlocal supermarkets buy your produce when your pricesare undercut by massive corporate distributorshipsimporting food from abroad? Does the system evenexist in your home town for marketing of local farmproducts?

And does anyone in power even care?

Well, whether they do or not, “We the People” shouldcare. One of the worst aspects of the consumer societyis the separation between the individual and theproducts of the earth we utilize. We always assume thatwhatever we need will be there so long as we havemoney in our bank account or the ability to charge on acredit card and pay later.

Such assumptions are losing their validity. Back in the1960s people who were starting to understand thesethings began a modest “back to the land” movement.Today it is time to start one again. Except this time weneed to do it right by demanding government policiesthat support it. This means low-cost credit, pricesupports, affordable utilities, favorable tax policies, anddecisions by government and businesses to “buy local.”Food production cannot safely be left in the hands ofagribusiness and international finance capitalism anylonger.

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Financial Bailout: America’s Own KleptocracyThe largest transformation of America’s Financial System sincethe Great Depression

by Michael Hudson

Global Research, September 20, 2008

Nobody expectedindustrialcapitalism to endup like this.Nobody even sawit evolving in thisdirection. I’mafraid this failingis not unusualamong futurists:The naturaltendency is tothink about howeconomies canbest grow andevolve, not how itcan be untracked.But an unforeseenroad alwaysseems to appear,and there goessociety goes offon a tangent.

What a twoweeks!

On Sunday,September 7, theTreasury took onthe $5.3 trillion mortgage exposure of Fannie Mae andFreddie Mac, whose heads already had been removed foraccounting fraud.

On Monday, September 15, Lehman Brothers wentbankrupt, when prospective Wall Street buyers couldn’tgain any sense of reality from its financial books. OnWednesday the Federal Reserve agreed to make good forat least $85 billion in the just-pretend “insured” winningsowed to financial gamblers who bet on computer-driventrades in junk mortgages and bought counter-partycoverage from the A.I.G. (the American InternationalGroup, whose head Maurice Greenberg already had beenremoved a few years back for accounting fraud).

But it is Friday,September 19, thatwill go down as aturning point inAmerican history.The White Housecommitted at leasthalf a trillion dollarsmore to re-inflatereal estate prices inan attempt tosupport the marketvalue junkmortgages -mortgages issuedfar beyond theability of debtors topay and far abovethe going marketprice of thecollateral beingpledged.

These billions ofdollars weredevoted to keepinga dream alive - theaccounting fictionswritten down bycompanies that had

entered an unreal world based on false accounting thatnearly everyone in the financial sector knew to be fake.But they played along with buying and selling packagedmortgage junk because that was where the money was.As Charles Prince of Citibank put it, “As long as they’replaying music, you have to get up and dance.” Even aftermarkets collapsed, fund managers who steered clearwere blamed for not playing the game while it wasgoing. I have friends on Wall Street who were fired fornot matching the returns that their compatriots weremaking. And the biggest returns were to be made intrading in the economy’s largest financial asset -mortgage debt. The mortgages packaged, owned orguaranteed by Fannie and Freddie alone exceeded the

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entire U.S. national debt - the cumulative deficits run upby the American Government since the nation won theRevolutionary War!

This gives an idea of just how large the bailout has been -and where the government’s (or at least theRepublicans’) priorities lie! Instead of waking up theeconomy to reality, the government has thrown all itsresources to promote the unreal dream that debts canbe paid - if not by the debtors themselves, then by thegovernment - “taxpayers,” as the euphemism goes.

Overnight, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve haveradically changed the character of American capitalism.It is nothing less than a coup d’Etat for the class thatFDR called “banksters.” What has happened in the pasttwo weeks threatens to change the coming century -irreversibly, if they can get away with it. This is thelargest and most inequitable transfer of wealth since theland giveaways to the railroad barons during the CivilWar era.

Even so, there seems little sign that it even may end thefree-market patter talk by financial insiders who havemanaged to avert public oversight by appointing non-regulators to the major regulatory agencies - and thuscreated the mess that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsonnow says threatens the bank deposits and jobs of allAmericans. What he really means, of course, are simplythe largest Republican campaign contributors (and to befair, also the largest contributors to Democraticcandidates on key financial committees).

A kleptocratic class has taken over the economy toreplace industrial capitalism. Franklin Roosevelt’s term“banksters” says it all in a nutshell. The economy hasbeen captured - by an alien power, but not the usualsuspects. Not socialism, workers or “big government,”nor by industrial monopolists or even by the greatbanking families. Certainly not by Freemasons andIlluminati. (It would be wonderful if there were indeedsome group operating with centuries of wisdom behindthem, so at least someone at least had a plan.) Rather,the banksters have made a compact with an alien power-not Communists, Russians, Asians or Arabs. Not humansat all. The group’s cadre is a new breed of machine. Itmay sound like the Terminator movies, butcomputerized Machines have indeed taken over theworld - at least, the White House’s world.

Here is how they did it. A.I.G. wrote insurance policies ofall sorts of that people and businesses need: home andproperty insurance, livestock insurance, even aircraftleasing. These highly profitable businesses were not theproblem. (They therefore will probably be sold off to paythe company’s bad gambles.) A.I.G.’s downfall came fromthe $450 billion - almost half a trillion - dollars it was onthe hook for as a result of guaranteeing hedge-fundcounterparty insurance. In other words, if two partiesplayed the zero-sum game of betting against each otheras to whether the dollar would rise or fall against

sterling or the euro, or if they insured a mortgageportfolio of junk mortgages to make sure that theywould get paid, they would pay a teeny tiny commissionto A.I.G. for a policy promising to pay if, say, the $11trillion U.S. mortgage market should “stumble” or iflosers placing trillions of dollars in bets on foreignexchange derivatives, stock or bond derivatives shouldsomehow find themselves in a position that so many LasVegas patrons are in, and be unable to come up with thecash to cover their losses.

A.I.G. collected billions of dollars on such policies. Andthanks to the fact that insurance companies are a MiltonFriedman paradise - not regulated by the Federal Reserveor any other nation-wide agency, and hence able to getthe proverbial free lunch without government oversight -writing such policies was done by computer printouts,and the company collected massive fees andcommissions without putting in much capital of its own.This is what is called “self-regulation.” It is how theInvisible Hand is supposed to work.

It turned out, inevitably, that some of the financialinstitutions that made billion-dollar gambles - usually inthe form of a thousand million-dollar gambles in thecourse of a few minutes or so, to be precise - couldn’tpay up. These gambles all occur in microseconds, atstrokes of a keyboard almost without humaninterference. In that sense it is not unlike alien podpeople taking over. But in this case they are robot-likemachines, hence the analogy I drew above with theTerminators.

Their sudden rise to dominance is as unforeseen as aninvasion from Mars. The nearest analogy is the invasionof the Harvard Boys, World Bank and U.S.A.I.D. to Russiaand other post-Soviet economies after the Soviet Unionwas dissolved, pressing free-market giveaways to createnational kleptocracies. It should be a worrying sign toAmericans that these kleptocrats have become theFounding Fortunes of their respective countries. Weshould bear in mind Aristotle’s observation thatdemocracy is the political stage immediately precedingoligarchy.

The financial machines that placed the trades thatbankrupted A.I.G. were programmed by financialmanagers to act with the speed of light in conductingelectronic trades often lasting only a few seconds each,millions of times a day. Only a machine could calculatemathematical probabilities factored in regarding thesquiggles up and down of interest rates, exchange ratesand stock and bonds prices - and prices for packagedmortgages. And the latter packages increasingly tookthe form of junk mortgages, pretending to be payabledebts but in reality empty flak.

The machines employed by hedge funds in particularhave given a new meaning to Casino Capitalism. Thatwas long applied to speculators playing the stock

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market. It meant making cross bets, lose some and winsome - and getting the government to bail out the non-payers. The twist in the past two weeks’ turmoil is thatthe winners cannot collect on their bets unless thegovernment pays the debts that the losers are unable tocover with their own money.

One would have thought that this requires some degreeof control over the government. The activity probablynever should have been licensed. In fact, it never waslicensed, and hence nor regulated. But there seemed tobe a good reason: Investors in hedge funds had to sign apaper saying that they were rich enough to afford tolose their money on this financial gambling. Your averagemom and pop investors were not permitted toparticipate. Despite the high rewards that millions oftiny trades generated, they were deemed too risky forthe uninitiated lacking trust funds to play with.

A hedge fund does not make money by producing goodsand services. It does not advance funds to buy realassets or even lend money. It borrows huge sums toleverage its bet with nearly free credit. Its managers arenot industrial engineers but mathematicians whoprogram computers to make cross-bets or “straddles”on which way interest rates, currency exchange rates,stock or bond prices may move - or the prices forpackaged bank mortgages. The packaged loans may besound or they may be junk. It doesn’t matter. All thatmatters is making money in a marketplace where mosttrades last only a few seconds. What creates the gains isthe price fibrillation - volatility.

This kind of transaction may make fortunes, but it is not“wealth creation” in the form that most peoplerecognize. Before the Black-Scholes mathematicalformula for calculating the value of hedge bets, this kindof put and call option was too costly to provide muchprofit to anyone except the brokerage houses. But thecombination of powerful computers and the“innovation” of almost free credit and free access to thefinancial gambling tables has made possible a freneticback-and-forth maneuvering.

So why has the Treasury found it necessary to enter thispicture at all? Why should these gamblers be bailed out,if they had enough to lose without having to becomepublic wards by going on welfare? Hedge fund tradingwas limited to the very rich, for investment banks andother institutional investors. But it became one of theeasiest ways to make money, loaning funds at interestfor people to pay out of their computer-driven cross-trades. And almost as fast as it was made, this revenuewas paid out in commissions, salaries and annual bonusesreminiscent of America’s Gilded Age in the years prior toWorld War I - years before the income tax wasintroduced in 1913. The remarkable thing about all thismoney was that its recipients didn’t even have to paynormal income tax on it. The government let them call it“capital gains,” which meant that the money was taxedat only a fraction of the rate that incomes were taxed.

The pretense, of course, is that all this frenetic tradingcreates real “capital.” It certainly does not do so in theclassical 19th-century concept of capital. The term hasbeen decoupled from producing goods and services,hiring wage labor or from financing innovation. It is asmuch “capital” as the right to conduct a lottery andcollect the winnings from the hopes of the losers. Butthen, casinos from Las Vegas to riverboats have becomea major “growth industry,” muddying the language ofcapital, growth and wealth itself.

For the gaming tables to be closed and the money paidout, the losers must be bailed out - Fannie Mae, FreddieMac, A.I.G. and who knows what to come? This is theonly way to solve the problem of how companies thatalready have paid out their revenue to their managersand stockholders instead of putting it in reserves are tocollect their winnings from insolvent debtors andinsurance companies. These losers also have paid outtheir income to their financial managers and insiders(along with the usual patriotic contributions to thepolitical candidates on the key committees in charge ofdeciding the nation’s financial structuring).

This has to be orchestrated well in advance. It isnecessary to buy politicians and give them a plausiblecover story (or at least a well-crafted set of poll-testedeuphemisms) to explain to voters just why it was in thepublic interest to bail out gamblers. Good rhetoric isneeded to explain why the government should let themgo into a casino and let them keep all their winningswhile using public funds to make good on the losses oftheir counterparties.

What happened on September 18-19 took years ofpreparation, capped by a faux ideology crafted bypublic-relations think tanks to be broadcast underemergency conditions to panic Congress - and voters -right before the presidential election. This seems to beour September election surprise. Under staged crisisconditions, Pres. Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson arenow calling for the country to come together in a Waron Defaulting Homeowners. This is said to be the onlyhope to “save the system.” (What system is this? Notindustrial capitalism, or even banking as we know it.) Thelargest transformation of America’s financial systemsince the Great Depression has been compressed intojust two weeks, starting with the doubling of America’snational debt on September 7 with the nationalizationof Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (My computer’sspellchecker will not permit me to use the euphemism“conservatorship” that Mr. Paulson applied to bailing outthe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fraudsters.)

Economic theory used to explain that profits andinterest were a return for calculated risk. But today, thename of the game is capital gains and computerizedgambling on the direction of interest rates, foreigncurrencies and stock prices - and when bad bets aremade, bailouts are the calculated economic return forcampaign contributions. But this is not supposed to be

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the time to talk of such things. “We must act now toprotect our nation’s economic health from serious risk,”intoned Pres. Bush on September 19. What he meant wasthat the White House must make the Republican Party’slargest group of campaign contributors whole - WallStreet, that is - by bailing out their bad gambles. “Therewill be ample opportunity to debate the origins of thisproblem. Now is the time to solve it.” In other words,don’t make this an election issue. “In our nation’s historythere have been moments that require us to cometogether across party lines to address major challenges.This is such a moment.” Right before the presidentialelection! The same guff was heard earlier on Fridaymorning from Sec. Paulson: “Our economic healthrequires that we work together for prompt, bipartisanaction.” The broadcasters said that half a trillion dollarswas discussed for this day’s maneuverings.

Much of the blame should go to the ClintonAdministration for leading the call to repeal Glass-Steagall in 1999, letting the banks merge with casinos.Or rather, the casinos have absorbed the banks. That iswhat has put the savings of Americans at risk.

But does this really mean that the only solution is to re-inflate the real estate market? The Paulson-Bernankeplan is to enable the banks to sell off the homes of fivemillion home mortgage debtors faced with default orforeclosure this year! Homeowners with “explodingadjustable-rate mortgages” will lose their homes, butthe Fed will pump enough credit into the mortgage-lending agencies to enable new buyers to go deeplyenough into debt to take the junk mortgages off thehands of the gamblers who presently own them. Timefor another financial and real estate bubble to bail outthe junk mortgage lenders and packagers.

America has entered into a new war - a War to SaveComputerized Derivative Traders. Like the Iraq war, it isbased largely on fictions and entered into under seemingemergency conditions - to which the solution has littlerelation to the underlying cause of the problems. Onfinancial security grounds the government is to makegood on the collateralized debt obligations packaged(CDOs) that Warren Buffett has called “weapons of massfinancial destruction.”

Hardly by surprise, this giveaway of public money isbeing handled by the same group that warned thecountry so piously about weapons of mass destructionin Iraq. Pres. Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson havepiously announced that this is no time for partisandisagreements over this shift of public policy to favorcreditors rather than debtors. There is no time to makethe biggest bailout in election history an election issue.Not an appropriate time to debate whether it is a goodthing to re-inflate housing prices to a level that willcontinue to oblige new home buyers to go so deeplyinto debt that they must pay some 40 percent of theirtake-home pay on housing.

Remember when President Bush and Alan Greenspaninformed the American people that there was no moneyleft to pay Social Security (not to mention Medicare)because at some future date (a decade from now? 20years? 40 years?) the system might run a deficit of whatnow seems to be merely a trivial trillion dollars spreadover many, many years. The moral was that if we can’tfigure out how to pay, let’s plow the program under rightnow.

Mr. Bush and Greenspan did have a helpful solution, ofcourse. The Treasury could turn Social Security andmedical insurance money over to Bear Stearns, LehmanBrothers and their brethren to invest at the “magic ofcompound interest.”

What would have happened to U.S. Social Security hadthis been done? Perhaps we should view the past twoweeks’ events as having assigned to Wall Streetgamblers all the money that has been set aside since theGreenspan Commission in 1983 shifted the tax burdenonto FICA wage withholding. It is not retirees who arebeing rescued, but the Wall Street investors who signedpapers saying that they could afford to lose their money.The Republican slogan this November should be“Gambling insurance, not health insurance.”

This is not how the much-vaunted Road to Serfdom wasmapped out to be. Frederick Hayek and his Chicago Boysinsisted that serfdom would come from governmentplanning and regulation. This view turned upside downthe classical and Progressive Era reformers who depictedgovernment as acting as society’s brain, its steeringmechanism to shape markets - and free them fromincome without playing a necessary role in production.

The theory of democracy rested on the assumption thatvoters would act in their self-interest. Market reformersmade a kindred happy assumption that consumers,savers and investors would promote economic growthby acting with full knowledge and understanding of thedynamics at work. But the Invisible Hand turned out tobe accounting fraud, junk mortgage lending, insiderdealing and a failure to relate the soaring debt overheadto the ability of debtors to pay - all of this messseemingly legitimized by computerized trading models,and now blessed by the Treasury.

Michael Hudosn is President of The Institute for the Studyof Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street FinancialAnalyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at theUniversity of Missouri, Kansas City and author of Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire(1972 and 2003) and of The Myth of Aid (1971).

Michael Hudson is a frequent contributor to Global Research.Global Research Articles by Michael Hudson


Page 76: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

In the old SovietUnion, thegovernmentcontrolled themedia. Not a wordof substance couldbe publishedwithout priorapproval from theBolshevikcommissars. Today,in the UnitedStates, thesituation is starklysimilar. But mostAmericans don’teven know it.

In the UnitedStates today, it is aselect handful ofsuper-rich familiesand tightly-knitfinancial interests—a plutocraticelite—who own the Big Media and who control thegovernment through their ownership of that media. . . .

Every single one of the major media outlets is controlledby this powerful interlocking combine.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News &World Report, The New York Times, The WashingtonPost, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune—evensuch “regional” giants as The New Orleans Times-Picayune, The Miami Herald, The San Diego Herald-Tribune. . . . The list goes on and on.

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To consolidate theirinfluence, the Mastersof the Media and theirinternationalcorporate alliesreward obedientjournalists withmembership in theCouncil on ForeignRelations or theTrilateral Com missionwhere they rubshoulders with othersin the internationalpolicy-makingnetworks. A handfulget promoted to thehigher ranks of thesecret BilderbergGroup.

The so-called“mainstream” media isvery much a “closedshop” and only those

willing to do the bidding of the global power elite needapply. Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather and Peter Jennings andother puppets are just the public faces that theAmerican people see.

Behind the scenes are the shadowy owners andcorporate power brokers who dictate what you will (orwill not) see in your daily newspaper or on the eveningnews.

The average American has no idea that super-richpredators with names like Rockefeller, Rothschild,Bronfman, Newhouse, Murdoch and Redstone are makingvast profits and achieving immense power through theirstranglehold on the American media (and, increasingly,on media around the globe.)

• These shadowy media controllers decide whichpoliticians are “in” and which politicians are “out.” (Theymade Bill Clinton overnight. They also broke RichardNixon overnight.)

The MEDIA IS THE ENEMYFind out why maverick, independent grass-roots mediavoices such as American Free Press have declared all-out waron the elite-controlled Big Media Monopoly in America andaround the globe.

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• The Masters of the Media decide which issues can—orcannot—be debated. (Imagine a public de bate over theFederal Reserve system on Ted Coppell’s Nightline. It willnever happen!)

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• The Masters of the Media decide who is the “hero” andwho is the “villain.”

If the Big Media decides you will be the patsy, then thepatsy you will be.

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For thirty years, I have been writing, speaking, imploring,and begging others to make rational, concrete plans fora time in life that would offer no quarter, give no mercy,and that would in a word be—catastrophic. We arecoming face to face with that moment. You have so littletime left to do anything that will give you a fightingchance. What are youdoing?

National Guard unitsare training andpreparing for urbancombat. The UnitedStates has justreached an agreementwith Canada’s armedforces to come in tothis country andassume combat rolesshould they be neededin American cities andtowns. The FederalReserve’s last ditcheffort to stem the“blood loss” in thesub-prime and othercurrency markets hasfailed. The dollar hasbeen abandoned forEuros. The stockmarket can’t find itsass with both handsand a Chinese made,Wal-Mart sold assfinder. Israel has demanded that all of the financial aid itreceives from Washington (that’s us) be paid for in Euros.The ultimate irony and slap in the face. Oil, dairy, wheat,wheat products, gold, silver, copper prices, the list goeson and on, are racing for the stratosphere with no end insight. An implosion has begun and it has no knownmethod of stopping or reversing until critical mass isreached. It will be followed by an explosion in theeconomy and the political realm unseen since thefounding of this nation.

The ultimate tragedy is, this was preventable. It couldhave been slowed or reversed at any time if a courageousand morally upright Congress had revealed the rootcauses for the disaster. If the socialist “generals” inCongress had been defeated or at least their programsthrown out at the time of their introduction, billions

would have beensaved. If the truth andour first president,General GeorgeWashington’s advicehad been followed,every conflict sinceWWII would have beenavoided. During thepast 60 years, 120,000American soldierswould have survived,500,000 would havebeen physicallyuninjured, and twotrillion in direct costsand the rehabilitationmoney grants toformer enemies wouldhave been saved.

The size of the federalgovernment would beless than half of whatit is today, the budgetof the US governmentwould be about 500billion as opposed to

two and one half trillion on a yearly basis and we wouldmost likely be at relative peace. Lack of foolish andunnecessary regulations, taxes, and frivolous lawsuits,would have allowed an explosion of small businesses tothrive. The lack of a Federal Reserve System would haveallowed the United States to remain a creditor nationbased on assets rather than suffering under a crushingdebt imposed by the feds dictatorial control over thepeople’s treasury. There are so many reasons why wecould have avoided all of this. Thousands of perfectlygood reasons IF employed by thousands of honest,



PREPARE WHILE YOU CANBy Greg EvensenMarch 15, 2008


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moral, representatives who simply could have done thecitizen’s business the way God and sound governmentalpractices demanded —would have, should have, andcould have made the critical difference.

Instead, we saw year after year, decade after decade,and now century after century of greed, bring ultimateruin to this marvelous nation called America. Althoughwe did not want it, we have allowed it to happen. Itresolves nothing and does not buy us a way out, but wemust accept our responsibility for this debacle and nowprepare for what is coming.

Friends, you must begin NOW if you have not done so, toprotect yourselves and your family from this pending—asthe disaster movies call it—”extinction level event” forour former way oflife. If you hesitate,you will be caught inthe maelstrom thatis the next sixmonths to five yearsof life in the US. Pickyour poison. If youlike global warmingand believe that isgoing to do you in,well then, build arefrigerated securebasement. If you likethe Planet Xscenario, thenprepare for 800mph winds andbasically a “poleshift” that will leavenothing at all. If youlive in a nucleartarget city, or worseyet (worse??) yes, ina sanctuary city,then get out andget out quickly. Hereis what you must do.

Consider geography carefully. I don’t care where you livenow, choose your “Ride & Hide” (ride it out and hidefrom the enemy—you pick ‘em) location with greatwisdom. Coasts are bad, arid regions are bad, ruralnorthern and mountainous regions are the best. Why?Fewer people mean fewer morons to deal with. Weatherconsiderations, wild game availability, timber resources,fresh water, tillable soil, survival off the utility grid isdoable, herding small numbers of livestock is possible,also grazing horses can be kept. Being at least 50 milesfrom the nearest interstate or major highway ispreferable, the same with commercial airports and nukeplants. Holing up with really close friends or family is theultimate best so that expenses, work loads and practicalskills are shared to your best advantage. Be ready toleave your city home with only one or two hours alert

time. You may not even have that. Practice gettinghome, loading, and leaving at least once. Notify onlythose in your group that would be affected. Tell no oneelse what you are doing. Keep your gas tank full and anextra 5-10 gallons.

Securing the land with a rugged structure(s) andreinforced underground shelter can be expensive,however; it is an absolute. Stocking that domicile withstores of enduring foods, food components (flour, rawsugar, yeast, salt, etc.) medicines or natural remedies(apple vinegar, honey, olive leaf extract, etc.) an electricgenerator and at least 500 gallons of diesel, 100 gallonsof kerosene for lamps, tools———you know the drill.There are many sites available to assist you in stockpilinglong term necessities right at NWV.

You will be happy toknow that yourgovernment inWashington hasassisted theseefforts to protectyour family fromANY kind of disasterby making it a felonyto harbor manyitems (as listed inthe Patriot Act II).You know, be wise,be prepared, but ifyou go more than aweek’s worth, we’llput you in one of800 non-existentHalliburton model“stay for a while,we’ll leave the lightson “ Washingtonstyle long termfamily “vacation”detention campsitesbuilt with illegal or

prison labor, right here in the good old US of A.

Moving your money freely will become even moredifficult as banks begin to restrict the amounts that canbe transferred from savings accounts and other short-term investment vehicles under their immediate control.Using personal checks outside of your own communitywill become increasingly difficult, soon. Bank drafts ormoney orders will do for a while, but many real estate,large business or supply companies will require that youjump over difficult hurdles so that they are not left tochase you down for payment.

Securing advance amounts of medical supplies,especially prescriptions and antibiotics (Tami flu,Amoxicillin, Keflexin, etc.) will be very difficult as mostinsurance companies will only reimburse for 30 days orless. If you have any serious dental issues, (abscessed

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teeth), surgeries, glasses or other necessary medicalneeds, get them done, now.

Consider transferring available 401K, IRA accounts, orother liquid plans into gold or silver before theiravailability or price are literally beyond reach. A penaltyfor withdrawal is not desirable, but highly preferable toempty or inaccessible accounts next month orwhenever.

Have GPS chips removed from your newer vehicles,laptops if possible, and prepare to leave your cell phonesin the lake 100 miles from your retreat. Leave your IDchipped pets at the humane society and any animals youraise for food consumption must be newly born and chipfree (many good patriots are telling the state andfederal USDA to, well, you know, but that won’t lastmuch longer as most states are going into complianceregardless of what the law says, the constitution says,common sense says or what God himself says. The sameis true with the REAL ID. That card is also becoming,state by state, the final nail in the coffin of personalliberty. Consider it the mark of the beast (I don’t know ifit is, but it could be). The personal ID chip is without adoubt that mark, I personally believe. I will not UNDERANY CICUMSTANCES take that chip, no matter what itultimately costs me. That is why, among many reasonslisted here, common sense and the urgency that iscoming at you like the freight train from Hell, you mustcomplete your personal retreat plans, NOW.

Are you getting the picture dear friends? Laugh at me ifyou will. Marginalize me and others who are begging youto make this effort while you can, but hear this: IF YOUARE CAUGHT IN A CITY OR WITHOUT THE MOST BASICOF NEEDS, YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE A CRISES.

That is the absolute truth and the absolute facts of life.You will be among the first victims of the event or itsimmediate aftermath. Roving gangs of real pirates andsadistic tormentors will only seal your fate in a mostcruel fashion.

Ask yourself this single question. What do you have nowthat is so worth keeping (suburb mortgaged home, SUV,boat, hockey equipment, a JOB that is killing you, etc.)over your life and that of your family? Is your morningcup of Starbucks worth this effort? For God’s sake,WAKE UP!! If you haven’t really cared who or what theFederal Reserve is, well, don’t worry about it now. Justget your money out and do something with it while youcan. If you haven’t followed the presidential debates,then don’t watch them now, either. Decide for yourselfwhat you are going to do for your family and this nationby becoming independent and “free” in spite of this andthe world government’s absolute determination to ruleyou completely and forever. Can you let go of footballand beer long enough to answer that single question?I’m ready, some of you are ready, many of you are not. Ifyou refuse to get ready, then I bid you farewell. You were

never my fellow countryman to begin with. God helpyou.

Your last consideration must be in terms of self-defense.This will draw the ire of many morons who were justwaiting for this. To you, I say, don’t ever buy a gun. Youwould only eventually supply a criminal with one moreweapon. To everyone else, think shotgun, first. A 12gauge, 20 inch rifled barrel chambered for 3" shells. Buyat least 1000 rounds of OO Buckshot for defense, 1000rounds of slugs for large game, and 1000 rounds of #6shot for small game and birds. These are all round goodloads for most situations. Professional hunters may arguea bit, but I tell you from experience hunting and in lawenforcement, this will do it. The make of the weapon isyour choice, but I would stick with Remington orMossberg as my first pick. There are others, check with areputable sporting store to assist you. A Ruger .22 rifleand a 1000 rounds will do for quieter small game. A .308and 500 rounds will do for long range whatever you needto do shooting—if you get my drift.

A Ruger Mini-14 rancher model chambering .223 withseveral 20 or 30 round clips and 1000 rounds will begood for when you are outnumbered, and a .45Government model Kimber or Springfield Armory pistolwith 10, 10 round clips and 1000 rounds will do you well.That’s roughly $4500 worth of weaponry. Cheap indefense of all that you have. A good four wheeled vehicleof any kind for off road use rounds you out. I’m prettygood at spending your money, hmm? Forget the vacationthat would have cost you that anyway. Forget the new$50,000 truck that you just couldn’t live without. Youwill LIVE if you use that money wisely. You have justweeks or a few months—MAYBE—to be positioned forany possibility. Natural or manmade. If I am wrong, sell itin a couple of years to someone who still sees the needand you’ll be free to be at risk again.

This is the article that many of you have been pleadingwith me to write for over six months. I did not want topresent it prematurely and yet it’s anybody’s guess as towhen it will be too late. There is a risk for the writer ofsuch messages. The risk is that many will still ignore it,stick their heads in a little deeper or laugh nervously asthey dismiss the content with, “he’s a typical right-wingworrier, this just can’t happen.” Well, I pray to GodAlmighty you are right and I am wrong. But then again,no matter what happens, I’m ready, my family and I havea good chance………………..are you ready, do you have anychance at all?

© 2008 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

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Daniel Estulin, author of The Bilderberg Group, exposes the men behind the curtain, the“owners” and their scribes and bureaucrats. Though Estulin importantly helps demystify theBilderbergs. Toronto Oct. 19, 2007

WATCH IT FREE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-15EjHCzds

The Alex Jones Show - Feb 21, 2008 - Daniel Estulin PT 1


Alex talks with Daniel Estulin, the Russian ex-patriot, about the Bildebergers and his latest book,The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

WATCH IT FREE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAtspDE8lnk

Unravel one of the best-kept secrets inpolitical history.

Delving into a world once shrouded in complete mystery andimpenetrable security, this investigative report provides afascinating account of the annual meetings of the world’s mostpowerful people—the Bilderberg Group. Since its inception in1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town ofOosterbeek, the Bilderberg Group has been comprised ofEuropean prime ministers, American presidents, and thewealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discussthe economic and political future of humanity.

The press has never been allowed to attend, nor havestatements ever been released on the attendees’ conclusions ordiscussions, which have ramifications on the citizens of theworld. Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the ColdWar—and in several instances putting his own life on the line—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve: helearned what was being said behind the closed doors of theopulent hotels and has made it available to the public for thefirst time.

Daniel Estulin is an award-winning investigative journalist andhas been researching the Bilderberg Group for more than 14years. He is the host of two radio shows in Spain.

The True Story of the Bilderberg GroupBK-TBBG-DE-1 Regular price: $24.95 Sale price: $19.95

Order yours:http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/trstofbigr.html

The most illuminating bookyou will ever read

The most illuminating bookyou will ever read

Page 88: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

George Alogoskoufis, Minister of Economy and Finance (Greece); Ali Babacan, Minister of Economic Af-fairs (Turkey); Edward Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK); Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Chair-man and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister (Portugal); José M. Durão Barroso, President,European Commission (Portugal/International); Franco Bernabé, Vice Chariman, Rothschild Europe(Italy); Nicolas Beytout, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (France); Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister (Sweden);Hubert Burda, Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding (Belgium); Philippe Camus, CEO, EADS(France); Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA (France); Juan LuisCebrian, Grupo PRISA media group (Spain); Kenneth Clark, Member of Parliament (UK); Timothy C.Collins, Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC (USA); Bertrand Collomb, Chairman,Lafarge (France); George A. David, Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. (USA); Kemal Dervis, Administrator,UNDP (Turkey); Anders Eldrup, President, DONG A/S (Denmark); John Elkann, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A(Italy); Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research (USA); Timothy F.Geithner, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (USA); Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Edito-rial Page, The Wall Street Journal (USA); Dermot Gleeson, Chairman, AIB Group (Ireland); Donald E.Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company (USA); Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Eco-nomics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings (the Netherlands);Jean-Pierre Hansen, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A. (Belgium); Richard N. Haass, President, Council on ForeignRelations (USA); Richard C. Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA); Jaap G. Hoop de Scheffer,Secretary General, NATO (the Netherlands/International); Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President forEconomic Policy, Director National Economic Council (USA); Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit (Ger-many); James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA); Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Senior ManagingDirector, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC (USA); Anatole Kaletsky, Editor at Large, The Times (UK); John Kerr ofKinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Netherlands); Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman,Kissinger Associates (USA); Mustafa V. Koç, Chariman, Koç Holding A.S. (Turkey); Fehmi Koru, SeniorWriter, Yeni Safek (Turkey); Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign Affairs (France); Henry R. Kravis,Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (USA); Marie-Josée Kravis, Senior Fellow, Hudson Insti-tute, Inc. (USA); Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission (the Netherlands/International); EdKronenburg, Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters (International); William J. Luti, SpecialAssistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council (USA); Jessica T.Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (USA); Frank McKenna, Ambassador tothe US, member Carlyle Group (Canada); Thierry de Montbrial, President, French Institute for Interna-tional Relations (France); Mario Monti, President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy); Craig J.Mundie, Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation (USA); EgilMyklebust, Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA (Norway); Matthias Nass, DeputyEditor, Die Zeit (Germany); Adnrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform (Poland); Jorma Ollila, Chairman,Royal Dutch Shell plc/Nokia (Finland); George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK);Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Minister of Finance (Italy); Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enter-prise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA); Heather Reisman, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & MusicInc. (Canada); David Rockefeller (USA); Matías Rodriguez Inciarte, Executive Vice Chairman, GrupoSantander Bank, (Spain); Dennis B. Ross, Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (USA); OttoSchily, Former Minister of Interior Affairs; Member of Parliament; Member of the Committee on ForeignAffairs (Germany); Jürgen E. Schrempp, Former Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChryslerAG (Germany); Tøger Seidenfaden, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken (Denmark); Peter D. Sutherland,Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International (Ireland); Giulio Tremonti, Vice Presidentof the Chamber of Deputies (Italy); Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank (France/International); John Vinocur, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune (USA); JacobWallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB (Sweden); Martin H. Wolf, Associate Editor and Economics Commenta-tor, The Financial Times (UK); James D. Wolfensohn, Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement (USA);Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State (USA); Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of Manage-ment, Deutsche Post AG (USA); Adrian D. Wooldridge, Foreign Correspondent, The Economist.

Who runs the world?

and why you need to know


Who runs the world?

and why you need to know


Page 89: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Daniel Estulinis a Madrid-based journalist and an investigative reporter who took on the daunting anddangerous task of researching the Bildeberg Group, and who offers his findings in TheTrue Story Of The Bilderberg Group, recently published by Trine Day. Equally intriguingas his harrowing tales of being followed and nearly killed on a couple of occasions whileworking on the book, is the manner in which Estulin connects the dots between theBilderberg Group, world events, notable politicians and corporate tycoons and the twoother secretive monsters of the ruling elite, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) andthe Trilateral Commission (TC). The project lasted fifteen years and was motivated byEstulin’s curiosity about how it is that the mainstream media has never covered in depththe meetings of the Bilderberg Group whose combined wealth exceeds the combinedwealth of all U.S. citizens.

What Estulin’s book makes clear is that the group, along with the CFR and TC, has becomea shadow government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty of all nation-statesand supplant them with global corporate control of their economies under thesurveillance of “an electronic global police state.” (xv)

The author emphasizes that not all members of the group are “bad” people, and heimplies that membership is structured somewhat like concentric circles in a target schemewith in inner core and various levels of relationship between that core and the outercircles of membership. Almost every famous player in politics and finance in the world is amember of one of the three organizations mentioned above, and their political affiliationsrange from liberal to conservative, for example, George W. Bush, George Soros, GeraldFord, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, all of this private club, Estulin says:

This parallel world remains unseen in the daily struggles of most of humanity, but,believe me, it is there: a cesspool of duplicity and lies and double-speak andinnuendo and blackmail and bribery. It is a surreal world of double and tripleagents, of changing loyalties, of professional psychotic assassins, brainwashedblack ops agents, soldiers of fortune and mercenaries, whose primary sources ofincome are the dirtiest and most despicable government-run subversive missions-the kind that can never be exposed. (15)

A review



Carolyn Baker.net

Monday, 01 October 2007

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This world, according to Estulin, is so perverse and evil that “it has left an indelible mark on mysoul”. (16) How not? Because the Bilderberg Group and its two other triplets, the CFR and the TChave set about to loot the entire planet. Their members run the central banks of the world and arepoised to control discount rates, money-supply, interest rates, gold prices, and which countriesreceive or do not receive loans. Membership is by invitation only, many of the earliest membersbeing handpicked, not from right-wing groups but from among none other than the FabianSocialists who ultimately supported global government.

Another chilling quote Estulin includes is from William Shannon:

The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism: when we won’t have countries, but ratherregions of the Earth surrounded by Universal values. That is to say, a global economy; one World government(selected rather than elected) and a universal religion. To assure themselves of reaching these objectives, theBilderbergers focus on a ‘greater technical approach’ and less awareness on behalf of the general public.

THE BILDERBERG BAPTISM OF BILL CLINTONIn 1991 Bill Clinton attended the Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden where Estulin asserts thathe was “anointed” to the U.S. presidency, and shortly thereafter he took an unexpected,unannounced trip to Moscow. It appears, says Estulin, that he was sent there to get his KGBstudent-era, anti-Vietnam war files “buried” before he announced his candidacy for presidentwhich happened some two-and-a-half months later. Today, Clinton is a member of all three groups:Bilderberg, CFR, and TC. Hillary Clinton is a member of the Bilderberg Group.

Estulin points out that “almost all of the presidential candidates for both parties have belongedto at least one of these organizations, many of the U.S. congressmen and senators, most majorpolicy-making positions, especially in the field of foreign relations, much of the press, most of theleadership of the CIA, FBI, IRS, and many of the remaining governmental organizations inWashington. CFR members occupy nearly all White House cabinet positions.”(80) When oneconsiders that most prominent members of mainstream media are also members of what EdithKermit Roosevelt, granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt called “this legitimate Mafia”, how canwe assert that Americans obtain their news from independent sources?

For example, The News Hour with Jim Leher is the cornerstone of PBS’s programming. Leher is aCFR member, and when one examines the funding of the news hour by: Archer Daniels Midland(ADM) whose chairman Dwayne Andreas was a member of the Trilateral Commission; Pepsico,whose CEO Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi is a Bilderberger and TC Executive Committee member;and Smith Barney which is interlocked with Citigroup, a global financial services company that is amember of the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, and the TC, what kind of “news” should one expectfrom Leher’s News Hour? Consider also that many of the journalists on the News Hour: Paul Gigot,David Gergen, William Kristol, and William Safire are members of one or more of the three groups.(153)

Likewise, when we consider the membership in one or more of these groups of almost everyAmerican president since the inception of these organizations, we can no longer pretend that anyDemocratic or Republican presidential candidate offers the American people an alternative toruling elite global hegemony.

In fact, Estulin’s research reveals that “the Council on Foreign Relations creates and deliverspsycho-political operations by manipulating people’s reality through a ‘tactic of deception’,placing Council members on both sides of an issue. The deception is complete when the public isled to believe that its own best interests are being served while the CFR policy is being carriedout.”(117)

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And what happens if the “anointed ones” become too autonomous? One chapter in thebook, “The Watergate Con-Game”, answers that question. In it Estulin suggests thatRichard Nixon was set up by the Council on Foreign Relations of which he was a memberbecause of his insubordination and unwillingness to submit to the shadow government.Presumably, Nixon’s demise was carefully crafted to demonstrate to subsequent ChiefExecutives the price they would pay for disregarding the agenda of those who anointedthem.

THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOWIn the book’s final pages, Estulin’s research waxes increasingly relevant to the present moment inhistory. He asks: “Why would David Rockefeller and other U.S. Trilateralists, Bilderbergers andthe CFR members want to dismantle the industrial might of the United States?” (184). He thenlaunches into a summary of the economic history of the twentieth century and makes one of themost powerful statements of the entire book: “What we have witnessed from this ‘cabal’ is thegradual collapsing of the U.S. economy that began in the 1980s.” (187)

In case you haven’t noticed, this “gradual collapse of the U.S. economy” is no longer gradual, andwhat Estulin is asserting confirms a great deal of the assertions made by Catherine Austin Fittsthat the current housing bubble explosion/credit crunch/mortgage meltdown has its roots in the1980s. James Howard Kunstler has also written recently in his blog entitled “Shock and Awe”that the great American yard sale has begun. In other words, as an engineered economicmeltdown drives hundreds of thousands and eventually millions of businesses and individuals intobankruptcy, key players in the Big Three ruling elite organizations can buy up the train wreck leftbehind for pennies on the dollar-a brilliant fast-track strategy for owning the world.

In the final months of 2007 we are witnessing the stupendous success of the Big Three’s strategyfor planetary economic hegemony as the cacophony of their carefully engineered globaleconomic cataclysm reverberates across America and around the world. It was never about buyerswho didn’t read the fine print when taking out liar loans. It was always about silver-tongued,ruling elite politicians and central bankers, anointed by the shadow government, who ultimatelyand skillfully stole and continue to steal governments from people and replace them withtransnational corporations.

No one could have said it better than David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, aBilderberg member and board member of the Council On Foreign Relations in his Memoirs:

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against thebest interests of the United States, characterizing my family and meas ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the worldto build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I amproud of it.

If you want to know who really runs the world and the lengths to which they will go toestablish their globalist hegemony, you must read Estulin’s well-documented The True Storyof The Bilderberg Group.

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“Americans are too broadly underinformed to digest nuggets of information thatseem to contradict what they know of the world ... Instead, news channels prefer to

feed Americans a constant stream of simplified information, all of which fits whatthey already know. That way they don’t have to devote more air time or newsprint

space to explanations or further investigations... Politicians and the media haveconspired to infantilize, to dumb down, the American public. At heart, politicians

don’t believe that Americans can handle complex truths, and the news media,especially television news, basically agrees.”

Tom Fenton, former CBS foreign correspondent


WATCH THE VIDEO:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDyDtYy2I0M

GET A FREE ELECTRONIC COPY:http://www.scribd.com/doc/4464958/The-Deliberate-Dumbing-Down-of-America


Page 93: America - Slipping into Fascism - 2009

Make a Donation to David DeesMost assume that Rense.com has me on the payroll to produce all of these political activist illustrations every week,but the truth is, no one pays me to do these. It is just that I am driven, and totally addicted to getting the messageout, and offer all of this art free to anyone who will use it to wake up their friends and family up to the attacks weall are facing. The few paying art jobs I have suffer because my attention is always on producing more political art,and fighting the New World Order, but making ends meet is really difficult. If you would like to donate to this causeand help support my form of artistic activism, then please do so, I am accepting donations through PayPal. I wouldreally appreciate anything you can do to help me pay the rent, and be sure to mention a subject or piece you wouldlike to see me illustrate, that is the least I can do, and the most important thing I can do.

Thanks so much for your support. ~David

http://www.deesillustration.com/makepmt.asp and http://www.rense.com/1.mpicons/dees1.htm

The Fed is trying to push us toward a one world government, economy and religion as powered by megalomaniacal,satanic trillionaires who have destroyed our middle class, our Constitution and our moral standards in order todrive us into their version of the ideal Platonic society where we all get to become their feudal indenturedservants and slaves.

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The businessend of HankyPanky Paulson’sbazooka isglowing red hotas it continuesto fire roundafter round ofhigh explosivemoral hazardcontains an upto 85 billiondollar, two-yearbridge loanfrom the Fed tothe world’slargest insurer,AIG, to beguaranteed bythe US taxpayervia the USTreasury.

Warrantsconvertible toup to 80% ofthe commonstock of AIGwill be pledgedas collateral tosecure the USTreasury’s loan guarantee to the Fed, with proceeds fromthe sale of AIG’s now virtually worthless assets beingsupposedly used to pay down the loan. It’s just BearStearns mixed with Fannie and Freddie. You have a loanfrom the Fed guaranteed by the US Treasury being usedto bail out AIG directly instead of being used to

facilitate theassassinationof BS by apredatorylender (i.e. JPMorganChase), andyou have whatwill beultimatetaxpayerownership ofAIG’s toxicwaste byhavingcommon stockpledged ascollateralinstead ofbeingpurchasedthrough equityinjections, aswith Fannie andFreddie.

The Treasury’spotential 80%ownershipgreatly dilutes

the value of the existing common shareholders, and theTreasury has been given the right to stop dividendpayments on both common and preferred stock of AIGshareholders, which means basically that they have bothjust been vaporized. The Fed’s Fascist Follies continue.

All Roads Lead To HyperinflationPosted: September 17 2008

Losses and bankruptcies of the major banks that we predicted, trouble forthe taxpayer who now shoulder a trillion in debt from bank failures, Whydo we have to bail out Wall Street fraud? Lehman Brothers left to expire,We are watching our Zombie economy implode, Buy-outs are justthrowing good money after bad, Toxic waste eats your equity capital, eatsyour stocks, your bonds, and eats your retirement funds. 1929 all overagain

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You, the US taxpayer, will now not only end up owningnearly worthless stock in these corporate cesspools, youhave assumed all of their liabilities up to the amount ofthe loans/capital injections. Remember, the bondholdersare still ahead of you!!! BS was $29 billion (plus), Fannieand Freddie are $300 billion just for openers, soon togrow into a loss in excess of one trillion, perhaps even asmuch as two trillion or more, and now we pour another85 billion into the pot of boiling moral hazard for AIG.As we inhale the radioactive fumes from the detonationof this latest round of DU laced moral hazard, the stockmarkets and the dollar rally, while gold and silver decline,all thanks to the manipulation of markets that are riggeddaily by the same scum who are bailing out thefraudsters. It is nothing short of surreal.

Who do these cretins running our government, the Fedand Wall Street think they are to presume that we, thetaxpayers, want to bail out these rampaging corporatefraud machines?! Who are they to saddle us with thisdebt when they have already overspent us into a nearly100 trillion dollar national debt nightmare, after futurecosts of entitlement are factored in using GAPP(generally accepted accounting principals). Haven’tthey done enough damage already? Let these moronsfail before their malevolent fraud and unprecedented andprofligate financial imbecility cause the whole worldeconomy to implode and then collapse as if blasted by aForce 5 tornado. This is a clear case of: “You can payme now, or you can pay me (a whole lot more) later.”Let’s take our medicine now before these inane, vapid,Ponzi-scheming fraudsters send us into an even biggerdebt-bubble oblivion as they continue to pump out moretoxic waste with their Fascist, Freddie, Fannie, Fraudmachine only to ask for even more bailouts! We ask, isany of this even legal? Does it pass Constitutionalmuster? Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, ourcowardly Congress and President never say “no” toanything the Illuminati ask for! Could it be because theyare all on the same team? We believe our subscribersknow the answer to that question. Vote out allincumbents, except for Ron Paul, in November.

As this transpires, Lehman Brothers has, somewhatsurprisingly, been left to expire in the financial dessert asthe Illuminist vultures circle it, waiting to pick its juiciestbones. Barclays has torn the first shred of flesh andacquired its North American banking operations andinvestment research and trading businesses, plus itsTimes Square headquarters and other real estate, for$1.75 billion.

The Illuminists, through the nefarious, dirty dealingsarranged by their privately owned Fed, their corruptTreasury and SEC bootlickers, and their Wall Streetcohorts, will now pick and choose who goes under andwho stays afloat, and will arrange for who will buy outwhom, as they fashion their next incarnation of ourcorporatist, fascist system. You just saw Bank ofAmerica eat Merrill Lynch for 50 billion after turning

down the offer to buy out Lehman Brothers. This is thesame bank that just bought a toxic waste dump knownas Countrywide in what can only be a described as asuicidal move. Now, Bank of America goes bonzai forMerrill Lynch, yet another toxic waste dump, as they tieon their red sun bandanas and get ready to go down in ablaze of glory. What are these people thinking?! Arethey that clueless that they can’t see that all the assetsin these companies are overvalued and are not marked tomarket, and that there are likely to be huge mortgagenoteholder recourse and derivative counterpartyliabilities? They should have waited and bought MerrillLynch for a song, or not bought it at all. Perhaps theirarms were twisted by the Illuminists. It is impossible toknow all the nefarious machinations that are happeningout there as our zombie economy implodes.

Watch all the options and short-sales frauds that will berunning rampant as these greedy Shylocks use all theirinside information, fed to them by the Fed andgovernment officials in attendance at these clandestinemeetings. The Illuminati will now get to play financialgods, determining who lives and who gets the axe, sowhy not use that inside information to your advantage?At the upper levels of Wall Street, all trading is donebased on inside information about breaking news andabout planned market manipulations. The Illuministscontrol the secret meetings, the fane-stream media andthe manipulation of markets through the PPT. They havea monopoly on inside information and marketmanipulation, and believe us when we tell you, they useboth of these monopolies to rape, pillage and burnanyone that is not in their fascist, Marxist club. Theyespecially like to slaughter and devour the morons whouse black boxes for investment, who they eat forbreakfast every morning as the markets open. Look atwhat just happened to gold and silver specs on theCOMEX over these past two months. We rest our case.

Note how, in all the above bailout situations, theshareholders get vaporized, and the bondholders getsaved. This is in keeping with what we told you aboutthe bond markets, namely, that they are the seat ofIlluminist power. The small investors, the municipalities,the regional banks and the pension plans who investedheavily in the stocks of these failing companies getvaporized, while the bond-holding Wall Streetfraudsters, the transnational Illuminist conglomeratesand the thieving, currency-manipulating nations whichtook undue advantage of the elitists’ free trade,globalist agenda, or which gouged us with monopolisticpricing of oil and other essential commodities, get abailout, courtesy of their victims. It is like a muggerwho steals your money, gambles it away, and then asksyou to make good on his losses. Even the mafia doesn’tgo that far!

The message is now quite clear. The sucker-dupe,equity-injection scheme, where big players like sovereignwealth funds are lured into rescuing fraudsters by

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providing capital under circumstances that aredeceitfully made to look like tempting bargains, is nowat an end. Forget about equity injections. Rescuingthese toxic waste sewer holes, which we call“fraudsters”, is the surest way to blow your money outyour derriere. Talk about throwing good money afterbad! The big players have had their fill of this fraud andwill now be content to stand aside, take flight and circlelike the vultures they are, waiting to pick the bones ofthe walking dead, zombie companies who have beenpoisoned by the toxic waste derivatives that have beenspread around the globe by the Illuminist fraudsters inthe US.

The problem, which the fraudsters now face, is not aproblem with liquidity, but with equity capital. Whenyou borrow money, you have the borrowed money as anasset, but then you have an equal, off-setting liability.You get your equity capital either through accumulatedprofits, or by the sale of equitable securities likecommon or preferred stock. Sufficient equity capitalmust be maintained, or your company becomes non-compliant with stock exchange rules, or withgovernment regulations, and usually this triggersdefaults on your debts as well, and the market loses allconfidence in your ability to stay in business. Sobasically, without sufficient equity capital, also known asnet worth, your company is toast. Losses, as from toxicwaste, eat directly into your equity capital, and youmust either sell assets and liquidate debts to meet yourmandatory debt to equity ratios or you go under and filefor bankruptcy. In the present case, the Fed is floodingthe system with liquidity, but the bank’s can’t make anyprofits by use of fractional reserve banking leveragebecause they are afraid to lend money, which is whatthey are supposed to be doing for a living. They areafraid to lend money because everyone is lying abouttheir assets, and they won’t even lend to one anothermuch less to companies outside the banking system.Without profits, there can be no new equity added toyour balance sheets unless you get an equity injectionfrom the sale of stock issues. But now, because all thebailouts have vaporized shareholders, no one is in themood to buy the stocks of companies suffering fromtoxic waste problems, especially companies like AIG thatare heavily into counterparty liability on credit defaultswaps, which are costing them billions every quarter.

Because of these problems with equity capital, theIlluminati have taken a two-pronged approach. Thevipers of fraud, greed and speculation have run amokamong many financial institutions around the world,flashing their toxic waste derivative fangs dripping withtoxic waste poison, inflicting many bites, and injectingtheir toxic waste poison into the wounds. The centralbanks have cut an “X” into the wounds, and areattempting to suck the poison back out. They have twomain suction cups.

First, the Fed and other central banks around the worldare acting as a clearing house for toxic waste. The Fed,for instance, has just extended their term securitieslending facility by allowing their 20 or so primarydealers, flagship Illuminist companies all, to exchangeany of their investment grade (BBB or better) securitiesfor treasury paper, where before they were only allowingAAA paper (even if the rating was false), and theseauctions are going to weekly instead of bi-weeklyintervals, so as to make sure the exchange of treasuriesfor toxic waste is readily available and that no oneimportant to the system is left hanging. This gives theFed a lot of power, because anyone who gets out of linedoes not get his loan of treasury paper renewed. Youplay their game, or you get taken out. The Fed is actingas a parking lot for toxic waste vehicles so that thefraudsters do not have to show the garbage on theirbalance sheets, showing treasury paper instead. Thatway, they are not forced into the fire-sale of derivativesto shore up their tanking equity capital positions as theirmortgage related derivatives go into meltdown. Suchfire-sales could bring the whole system down by forcingother suffering institutions to mark their toxic wastederivatives to market, instead of marking them tomodel. The elitists have taken a huge chance by allowingLehman Brothers to fail. Fire-sale bankruptcy liquidationsdo not good derivative prices make, and bankruptcy isbound to set off some large holdings of credit defaultswaps, and who knows where that could lead. Wesuspect that this may be one of the most protractedbankruptcies in legal history for that very reason - todelay the liquidation of Lehman’s toxic waste. Wefurther suspect that Lehman will be bought up piece bypiece in sales approved by the bankruptcy court but notmade public (i.e. a gag order will be placed on the termsof sale).

Second, the Fed is transferring liability for losses to thesheople taxpayers, by conspiring with the usual Illuministplayers to design bailouts dripping with moral hazard.For instance, trillions in toxic waste have just beentransferred to the Treasury by virtue of its authorizationand consent to inject equity in exchange for preferredstock. They will just keep creating money out of nothingto keep buying preferred stock in order to provide thefunds to make the bondholders whole, whether thebondholders are those who have loaned money to Fannieand Freddie directly, or are those who own mortgages ormortgage derivatives made or guaranteed by Fannie andFreddie. The limits will be raised as high as necessary,and already $1.3 trillion has been authorized by raisingthe national debt ceiling in anticipation of the problemsto come. Since the Fed now holds a bunch of AAA-ratedGSE toxic waste that it has exchanged for treasuries, in avery real sense, the Fannie and Freddie bailout is, in anextremely substantial way, a bailout of the privatelyowned Federal Reserve Bank itself, which we predictedwould eventually end up eating the toxic waste to savethe system.

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Further, because the sheople have just guaranteed all thisGSE paper, which previously carried a high risk of defaultdue to the poor financial condition of Fannie and Freddie,the paper no longer carries such a high risk of defaultand will now retain substantially more of its value,thereby saving large financial institutions throughout theworld from having to mark these assets down toaccount for the former elevated risk, and thus obviatingthe need for fire-sales of these assets to reduce debtand maintain equity capital levels, which would have ledto a mark to market disaster for the big players. This isalso why the Fed has now opened itself up to absorbanything BBB or above, because all the GSE paper it holdshas been guaranteed by the sheople. And remember,those dollar bills you hold are not backed by goldanymore, but are now backed by the Fed’s generalcollateral, which was diminishing rapidly as it took in thetoxic waste through it term securities lending facility.The GSE bailout thus helped to preserve a large portionof the Fed’s general collateral, and this may in partaccount for the dollar’s rally when the GSE bailout wasannounced. This is of course ridiculous, because whatthey hold is nothing but “worthless paper,” but that isnot yet the perception of investors. Otherwise, theywould be storming the gold and silver pits. The Fed maynow in fact return the GSE paper it holds back to itsoriginal owner, because it is no longer perceived to be atgreat risk, and the Fed’s treasury paper will be returnedto the Fed, where it can be used to absorb other, moretroublesome, toxic waste. The same reasoning was usedto have the taxpayers save AIG, because this preventedthe fire-sale of derivatives that would have been forcedby a bankruptcy, and prevented a meltdown in the creditdefault swaps issued by AIG and the bonds these swapsinsured, had AIG gone under. It is all about preventingmark-downs and fire-sales.

Many banks, investment banks, mortgage companiesand insurance companies like Fannie, Freddie, BearStearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and AIG aretotally insolvent and nothing can help them stay afloat,save a bailout forced down the throats of the haplesssheople taxpayers either directly or via a buyout plannedby the Illuminists and funded most likely withguaranteed financing, courtesy of the sheople. Thosecompanies that are allowed to fail, like Lehman Brothers,will be picked clean by various predatory Illuministinterests for pennies on the dollar just as we havedescribed in previous issues of the IF. Wait until athousand banks go under. The Illuminati will have a fieldday. Meanwhile, as tanking stocks, bonds and derivativestake down banks and pension plans, the sheople will getto eat the depositor losses and the losses suffered byparticipants in under-funded pension plans through thealmost broke FDIC and PBGC. These losses will also runin the trillions of dollars.

The Illuminists are setting up a feeding frenzy for thesovereign wealth funds of other nations, who will nolonger provide equity injections as discussed above.

That is why the FTC has discontinued publishingstatistics regarding foreign investment in US assets.Such investments are about to explode and the manytreasuries out there are going to come home to roost,stoking inflation to unbelievable levels. Those unluckyinstitutions that are allowed to fail will be fed to thehungry piranha, so they can dump their dollar surplusesin a more gradual fashion. The Illuminati werethreatened with a catastrophic dollar meltdown via aflood of sales of treasury paper, and they had to turn tothe OPEC nations, especially Saudi Arabia, to force oilprices down, and to sell euros for dollars, and get thedollar to rally. The dollar rally has taken pressure offexporting nations like Russia, China, Japan and Europe bymaking their exports more competitive with USconsumers, and will enable them to buy more tangibleproperty here in the US before ever-acceleratinghyperinflation erodes, and eventually destroys, thepurchasing power of their US dollar forex reserves. Suchreserves were accumulated through trade surplusesmade possible by illegal currency manipulations thatgave these nations unfair trade advantages against theirUS competitors, and this, coupled with free trade andglobalization that did away with trade tariffs, hasdevastated our domestic businesses, especially ourmanufacturing sector. Obviously, the Dickster had to goto Saudi Arabia to do some arm-twisting to “git ‘erdone.” We are certain the Saudis did not relish lower oilprices or the inflation that a stronger dollar wouldimpose through their dollar pegs, but in the end, self-preservation won out. The Saudis undoubtedly alsoassisted with the gold and silver market manipulationsthat have taken precious metals to bargain basementlevels, thus providing those who missed the previousrallies with a new, and very favorable, entry point.

As you can see, all roads lead to hyperinflation, afterwhich comes the crack-up-boom, followed by thebiggest depression in US history. If you do not own goldand silver, you will be vaporized. We can assure you thatthe Illuminati themselves are now scarping up gold andsilver like it was going out of style, adding more bullionto their already gargantuan hoards. This is there failsafeasset, being hard bullion instead of fiat paper, and it mayserve to back a new regional currency, and later a worldcurrency, to be issued by private banks free ofgovernment regulation and interference, meaning thebanks will be able to do as they please. What you maybe witnessing here is half of The Big Sting Two. Theycan’t get the stock, bond and derivative markets to rallysubstantially because of de-leveraging and dreadfulnews. So the next best thing is to drive precious metalsand other commodities as low as they can take them sothey can make the most of the proceeds of their sale ofdollar-denominated paper assets behind the backs of theUS public using dark pools of liquidity known as ProjectTurquoise and Baikal. The meltdown has begun. It is 1929all over again.


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“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and othergreat publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promisesof discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our planfor the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, theworld is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. Thesupranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to thenational auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
