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Amorc Folder 8

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  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



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  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso, Texas

    Friday, January 6,1956

    Page 21- Second Section

    College Receives 

    Rosicrucian BooksTexts Western College has re

    ceived Rosicrucian book*. RayOakes, member ol   the • organization, announced.

    The books include: “RosicrucianQuestions and Answers,** "Sanctuary at   Sell/' and the monthlyKosicrusian Digest.

    More books will be presented tothe library. The Rosicrucian ritualdates to the era of the Egyptiankings in the days of building ofthe pyrainidi.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



    Mansfiel, Ohio

    Saturday, February 4, 1956

    Page2- Churches Section

    T H E Q U E S T F O R H I G H E R T R U T H SDo The Present Day Dogmas 

    Satisfy You?

    The Rosicrucian Order is mace up of intelligent

    people, men and women, the world over who arc ever

    searching for new truths concerning this wonderfulCosmos. For the most part, these men and women have

    been satisfied wzth the dogmas perpetuated in our

    the answers which are sou! satisfying.

    The Rosicrucian Order is a repository for the ancient

    truths of bygone ages and new truths which arc ever

    being revealed to mankind by Masters who in close

    attunement with God.

    If the dogmas which you were brought up to believe

    In do not strike a responsive chord in your soul, perhaps

    your soul development has reached the stage where itis now ready to receive the higher truths. If this is so,

    the Rosicrucians stand ready to assist you in your quest

    for the higher truths Give them a chance.

    For more information about the Order, write for the

    free book. “The Mastery of Life” which will be mailed

    without obligation.

    R O S I C R U C I A N O R D E R  P. Q, 3ox 442 Mansfield, Ohio

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    Mansfiel, Ohio

    Saturday, March 10,1956

    Page2- Churches Section

    Have You Read 

    T H E S E A R C H F O R B R I D E Y M U R P H YIf you have and you would like to have more information

    on the facts of reincarnation, The Rosicrucian Supply Bu-

    rea u, Rosicrucian Park, San Jos e, C ali for ni a has two f ine

    books:MANSIONS OF THE SOUL $3.00

    Gives details as to the theories of reincarnation.

    A THOUSAND YEARS OF YESTERDAYS, $1.90Reveals the experiences of one personality over a period ofcenturies through many incarnations.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel-News

    Santa Cruz, California

    Sunday, March 11,1956

    Page 14

    Several small paintings byAhgupuk, Eskimo artist, were ondisplay for members to see. Announcement was made of his freecolor and sound film, “AlaskaHoliday” today at 3 p.m. in theRosicrucian Egyptian museum,

    Naglec avenue, near Park avenuein San Jose.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Independent

    Long Beach, Californ ia

    Tuesday, March 13, 1956

    Page 19

      osicrucian Lodge Will Install Officers

    Abd.el Lodge, Rosicrucian Or

    der, A.M.O.R.C., will install newofficers March 21  in cerenrionicsin Norway Hall, Redondo at7th St. %

    Luis A. Martino-La ily will succeed Aleck N. Edwards as master

    cf the lodfce. Other officers tobe installed are Marie G. Drake,secretary; Joseph A. Hender-

    shott, c h a p l a i n ; Sam Wolfe,

    guardian; Ruby Carson, i n ne rguardian; and Morris A. Carson,c h a i r m a n of the board oftrustees. -

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Wednesday, March 14,1956

    Page 4

    R o s i c r u s i a n s t o   

    A s s e m b l e H e r e  

    The re-enactment oC the ancient

    Egyptian new year's rites will be

    hdc at a Rosicrjcian conclave

    [Thursday night at the Masonic

    •temple. Tilton and Ellsworth ave

    nues, San Mateo.The Rosicrucian order, a philo

    sophical fraternity, maintains, its

    traditional origin occurred in 1350B.C. and commemorates this an-cicnl new year ben inning with accremony.

    Egyptians of that period cell**

    brated the new vcar on the vernal

    I equinox, which, has now become

    March 21.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, March 16,1956

    Page 4

      osicrucian s to Fete 

    New Year on Su nday

    New Year’s celebration of thelocal lodge. The RosicrucianOrder, will be held at 3 p.m.Sunday in Norway Hall at 7thSt. ard Redondo Ave.

    T h e Rcsicruclans cclebratcNew Year's Day at the beginning

    of spring which -.he group considers symbolic cZ   the beginningof new lifo.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel-News

    Santa Cruz, California

    Thursday, March 22, 1956

    Page 22 *

    Rostcruclans Plan New Year Rites Monday

    The re enactment of a ceremonythat began in ancient Egypt over40 centuries ago w ill be the h ighlight of a local Rosicrucian meet*ing next Monday night at 8

    o ’clock.According to E. J. Walters,

    master of the Rosicrucian SantaCruz pronaov the ancient Egyp«tians, from the time of Memphisto the Ptolemaic period, begantheir New ^ a r on or about thetime of the vernal equinox whenthe sun, on its journey, crossosthe celestial equator and enters

    the zodiacal Mgn of Aries, whichalways occurs on or about March21* This was considered the beginning of the new year and wassymbolic of new life.

    The occasion of the new yearis celebrated, said Walters, bya symbolic feast in which theparticipants partake of simplefoods corresponding to certainbasic elements of nature, such

    as salt, corn and unfermentedgrape juice.

    As the R o s i c r u c i a n orde

    AM ORC. a non religious but phosophical fraternity, maintainthat its traditional or igin occurreduring the reign of AmenhoteIV, in 1350 RC, the order commemorates this ancient new’ yebeginning with a ceremonthough nonreligious, that ebraces the allegorical significancof the ace-old Egyptian rite.

    March 21 is also the beginnin

    of the fiscal period of all Roicrucian lodges, chapters anpronaoi throughout the worland the date is marked by tinstallation of new ritualistic anadministrative officers.

    New officers of the local Roicrucian organization who wbe installed are: Mrs. Nora Delomaster; William Wilcox, sec

    tary, and J. B. Corless, guardiaThe ceremony and conclave

    to be in the Palomar hotel. Viting members from San JosWatsonville, Fort Ord. FeltoBen Lomond and other surrouning cities are expected to atten

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Amarillo Globe-Times

    Amarillo, Texas

    Friday, March 23, 1956

    Page 5

    R o s i c r u c i a n s T o !I n s t a l l O f fic e r s j

    ' Ins talla tion of officer* w ill he  

    held in a Rosicrucian conclave

    . Sunday in connection with the re

    t  enactmen t of a ceremony That

    began in ancient Egypt more

    than 40 centuries ago. j

    ! The ceremony and conclave w ill jbe held at the Federated C lub

    Rooms, 2001 WolRin Circle. Visit-!

    in£ members over the area are


    Officers to be installer! are J .

    j C. lteese, M aste r; Mrs. Lorena

    ^Triplett, secretary, and Mrs. Mur-1

    iel Lindsey, Guardian. j

    The ancient Egyptians, from the!time of Memphis to the Ptolern.qicj

    Period, besan their New Year on,

    or about the time of tfa* verna l I

    i equinox, which occurs on or about!

    March 21. This was considcrpd the

    beginning of the New Year and

    was symbolic of new ]ife.

    The order commemorates this!

    ancient New Year beginning \^rh'

    a ceremony, though nor.religious. i

    that embrace* the significance o f :

    the age-old Efcypf’-an rite . M arc h

    21 also is the hcs^nnins: of t

    fiscal period of all Rosicruci

    lodges, chapters, and prona

    throughout the world, and r

    date is marked by the install

    tion of new ritualistic and admi

    istrative officcs.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Mansfield News-Journal

    Mansfield, Ohio

    Saturday, March 24, 1956

    Page 3 - Churches Section

    Have You Read 

    T H E S E A R C H F O R B R I D E Y M U R P H Yt 

    If you have and you would Mo to Have more informationon the facts of reincarnation, Tho Rosicrucian Supply

    Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, Cal ifornia has two

    fine books.

    MANSIONS OF THE SOUL S3.00( l i xr v ilrl.i ll.s ,iv to tlu* th«*oiH*> of I em r .u tu it ion

    A THOUSAND YEARS OF YESTERDAYS. $1.90T\i’ \«*il.s lin* c\|m i uMii’i' s of mu* pci sonuht.Y uvei  j   pci iod ofco n(u i h s llu ou^ h m.iuN uu .11 !i«iti'»n&

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Oregon Statesman

    Salem, Oregon

    Tuesday, March 27, 1956

    Page 2 (Section 1)

    trithr* t f f lt n : Gcorf* KisWr. I master; Edvard McCloud. nm >  tary, u d M u N. G ram , guard*U .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Del Rio News-Herald

    Del Rio, Texas

    Sunday, June 17,1956

    Page 7

    ROStCRUCIAN Secret Teachinglire offered to those who seek

    to* use them solely for the per

    fection of their Inner faculties,

    and in the mastering of dally

    obstacles of life. The Inter

    national rtoslcrucian Order,

    AM.O.R.C. will be happy to

    receive the requests of those

    who believe that worthiness

    and sincerity determine the

    right for one to have such wis

    dom. A copy of The Master j   of

    Life, a fascinating book, will

    be given free. Let this book

    guJde you to the conservative• plan whereby you may widen

    your scope, of personal power.Address your letter to ScribeS. E. C.f AMO EC Temple,

    Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,Calif.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Oxnard Press-Courier

    Oxnard, California

    Wednesday, June 20,1956

    Page 10

    Rosicrucian Order Organizes in Oxnard

    A chapter of the Hoslernc-ion Order, AMOIiC, lws het*r. organized in the Oxnard area.

    Newly appointed IocjiI  officers arc Mrs. Kvrlyn Snlmo:i,master, Mrs. Oro Montgomery,secretary, and Richard Everett,guardian.

    Meetings will bo hole] at MicOxnard Community Center cn(the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of(th* month at 8 p.m.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Thursday, June 28, 1956

    Page 3


    A.M.O.R.C.Chapter Organization


    Thursday, June 28 8:00 P.M. 

    Knights Pythias Hall239   East Holt Avenuo

    P O M O N A  

    Members : This Is


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Daily Messenger

    Canandaigua, New York

    Tuesday, July 24,1956

    Page 3

    J ^ o c a ) R o s i c r u c i a n

    A p p o i n t m e n t M a d e

    'Ihp RosieruH.in OnlOr (A.MOP.C

    u 'ill •fipicsriilcd in (his co:ii-m uni I y in Us extension a c tiv ityr>> L(•i philosophy. :t is neither comnh:-r:.V nor reli£*nux. )lx work Is wor'dwid? and each country has it* various ’ eclioniil Jodies ehaple/s,ard exienslon commissioners. Theinier* nation a! conventions.* : * h e ld a n n u a l ly a t S a n J o .s e, a r e  

    a t te n d e d b y h u n d r e d s o f a tu d c a U  

    fi-orr. different nation*.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Mansfield News-Journal

    Mansfield, Ohio

    Saturday, August 11, 1956

    Page 2 -Churches Section

    A N D Y E S H A L L K N O W T H E T R U T H  A N D T H E T R U T H S H A L L  

    H A K E Y O U F R E E ( J o h n 8 : 3 2 )

    Mankind is beset by its anxieties, worries, and fearsmany of which could be laid aside if only more of theWorld’s truths were universally known.

    Much amxety is expressed over such questions as:Do wc have im mor ta l life? Of what does it consist?

    • Just exactly who goes to “ Heaven’’ and 'Oio doesn’t?Under what conditions will we see our loved ones again,if at all? Will church members fare better than nonchurch members in the hereafter? Has any particularchurch denomination a monopoly on “Heaven” ?

    The truth concerning these questions and manymore is here on Earth now. If your mind is not shutagainst truths you have never heard or been taught,

    , you can learn the truth and the truth shall make you


    The Rosicrucian Order has been in existence for330 years and has acted as a repository for the World’s

    f;reat truths gathered from the World’s great religiouseaders, thinkers, and philosophers. For example, whats now being found in the Dead Sea Scrolls conccrn-

    • ing the Cssenes has been knov.n to the Rosicruciansfrom the time of Christ.

    You are invited to invcsiigatc the Rosicrucian Order

    by writing for their free booklet, ‘THE MASTERY OFL IF E ” which outlines what they have to offer the sin

    cere seekers after truth.

    ROSICRUCIAN ORDER. P. O. Box 441 Mastfleld, Ohio

    —   -------------  ---------------------------   - -

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Thursday, September 13,1956

    Page 25

    Rosicrucians Plan Pryamid 

    Building RitesAn outdoor ritualistic core

    morn celebrating the building oitlu* moat pyramid ot ( hoops willhi* conducted by the local orderot Rosicrucians Sunday at 1:30

    p. m. at the J. B. Corless residence on Kmpirc grade.

    Mrs. Edward J. Walters saidthat the mailing address of themooting place i> Box 284A, BonnyDoon. and a sign where to turnoff will be posted opposite themail box.

    The Rosicrucian* throughoutthe jurisdiction of the philosophicorder will gather for this annual

    ceremony, relates Mrs. JosephDelon, master of the local AMORCRosicrucian Pronaos.

    The public is invited to witness the ritual and moot thelocal Rosicrucians and thou* families at a pot luck picnic lunch.People attending the event arerequested to bring their own tableservice.

    The pyramid of Chepos was

    started about 40(H) R rtre la tedMrs. lKlon on the fall equinox.I ’nlike the other pyramids constructed during the pyramid ageof Kuypt. it was not intended a«a burial place tor a pharnah whor!c>ired a monument for his reignbut as a temple of learning.

    The construction of the greatpyramid, explained Mrs. Delon,required a knowledge of all theknown sciences of that period.

    Since the Rosicrucians tracetheir traditional origin back tothe year 1350 B.C., according toMrs. Delon, when Amenhotepwas pharoah of Kgypt and historically known as the first greatpersonality in history, they commemorate their ancient originby the ritualistic construction ofa miniature pyramid.

    The laying of each stone represents to them the cultural accomplishments of the order during each year of its existence. Theapex will be placed upon a miniature pyramid at a future timewhen the ideals of the Rosicruiailmovement have boon realized.

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    The Oregon Statesman

    Salem, Oregon

    Sunday, September 23, 1956

    Page 5

    K o M c r i i c i a i i N

    P l a n C e r e m o n y  %

    Salem area Rosicrucians willcommemorate the “ building of theGreat Pyramid.“ in honor of theapproach *of autumn with on outdoor fete and ceremony Tuesdaynichl at the former We*»t Salemcily haII Innldinn

    Open to the public the R o'clockceremony will .symbolically m en.iet the bmMine of the p\ramid of

    , Cheops in Kgypt in 4000 B.C.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

    Fair bank, Alaska

    Monday, October 8, 1956

    Page 13

    Griffin Offers 17-Point Program 

    As a Candidate4   4

    Ernest W. Griifin, 23, is an independent candidate for the ter

    ritorial House of Representatives.

    Griffin, who has held no previous

    public office, is co-owner cf the

    Fairbanks Recreation Center.Bern in Belzonia, Miss.. ,the

    candidate has teen in Alaskafor five vears and is a member ofthe A.M.O.R.C. He lists as -isqualifications for the post of representative: citizen, veteran, hlgnschool education and six years

    1self- employed. v! Griffin gives as his reason for1seeking office: "I have chosen to**un as an independent candidate

    (for the territorial House of it-rescntatives because I feel thereis a dire need of representation i

    in government :or Negroes aswell 3s other minority groups inthe territory.

    "I thir.k the man that works

    by the hour to earn h:s livingas well as the small businessman

    (Independent, House)

    has no real representation in gov

    ernment in tbe territory. Al-j though they pay the major part ofthe tax bill, they seldom realizedirectly any of the benefits of thetax dollar.

    "1 propose, as a member of theterritorial House o£ Representative:, to lobby for: (1) adequatelow cost housing units with fieldhouses and sufficient playgroundsfor children throughout the territory, (2) an adequate health andsanition program, i3j  governmentaid for the development of Alas

    kan resources, (4) full and equaljob opportunities zor all minorities; (5) enforcement of theF.E.P.C. and all other anti-discrimination laws, (6J abolishmentof all discriminatory laws, federal and Jocal, and (7) an adequategovernment works program based \ on a 40-hour w«*ek with pay rates1in lice with cost of living." I

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Fresno Bee

    Fresno, Californ ia

    Sunday, October 28, 1956

    Page 3-B

    Grand Master Will Address 200 

    RosicruciansRodman R. Clay son of San,

    Jose, the grand master of

    Ihe Rosicrucians O r d e r of I

    AMORC, willbe the featured

    ^ speaker whenan c x p e c ted200 tnpmbcrsof the order

    convene today',In the Ponder*:osa MasonicTemple for aC entral Cali*fornia rally.

    The day longsession w i l l ;gel under wayi

    R. R. at ft A,\l withCinysou a convocation!

    1o be followed by a scion-!tfic demonstration, an appclla-itlon rite and the showinp, of

    r motion picture. !iollowlng Clayson’s lalU

    T. R. Souza and Mrs. EdilhDo.j>»Jas$, bolh of Fresno, willspsak. . |

    Roland Conklin of Porterville. Tulare County, will conduct an open forum. The pane!isls will be Paul T. Dodgsonnf Fresno, Wilhelmina Semple,of Stockton, Charles Walls of!Bakersfield a n d Catherine!Middleton of San Jose.

    Josephine Wnrnken anl Joel

    D:sher. both of San Jose andbrth officials of the order, arcevpccted to be present.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Bristol Daily Courier

    Bristol, Pennsylvania

    Saturday, December 1,1956

    Page 13

    d is t r ic t H e a d

    I s Ap p o i n t e dA I^evittown man has been ap

    pointed District Commissioner ofthe Rosicrucian Order. AM ROC.

    Albert Conn, 32 Island road, In

    dian Creek, received a certificateof appointment from the Grand

    Lodge in San Jose. Calif.The Rosicrucian Order is a fra

    ternity devt/.ed to the dissemination of knowledge of the naturallaws ot life and the teachings ofa philosophy It is neither com

    mercial or religious. It’s work is

    world wide and each country has

    various sectional lodges, chapter", and extension commission

    ers.An international convention is

    held annually a*: San Jose.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Tuesday, December 4, 1956

    Page 16

    Rosicrucians To Hear Lecture By !

    Edith Douglas IThe Roscrucian pronaos of

    Santa Crut vill hoar a lecture b>

    Miss Edith Douglas ot Apfos at

    it* next social convocation. Mon

    day at 8 p.m. at the Palomar hotel.jMUw Douglas formerly was

    master of the Fre*no chapter andspoke at iU rally m   Octobcr inFresno.

    The convocation is open to all

    active members ol the AMORC j

    in this area.The Santa Crux pronaos will

    have its Christmas parly December 17. a week early, a* the second

    regular meeting would be December 24. There will he an exchangeof inexpensive gifts* among thosewho attend, the usual businessmeeting and refreshments.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Mansfield News-Journal

    Mansfield, Ohio

    Saturday, December 15, 1956

    Page 2 - Churches Section

    Why Are We Here?Are We Here For a Definite Duty?

    Many a time have younot p a u s e d to wonder,“Why?”

    Why you are as you are,and others are doctors, lawyers, b a n k e r s , clerks,housewives, and so forth?

    Why some are prosperousand healthy, others in direneed? Why we are calledequal, when such inequalities exist?

    Why are we permitted tom a k e the mistakes forwhich we must suffer penalties? Why does God, Divinity, or our C r e a t o r ,whichever term you are

    familiar with, permit us tomake such errors? Whymust we learn through suffering for a mistake? Whyare we not shown how toprevent the mistake?

    Why do God and naturemathematically a n d systematically decree the existence and manifestationof everything here on thisplane, and still we our

    selves apparently do notknow why we are here onthis earth plane?

    Why, if we are here for adefinite purpose or act, dowe not return again to beable to complete our dutyand purpose on this plane?Perhaps we do.

    These q u e s t i o n s the

    churches, universities, andscience in general, attemptto answer: but still thereis much about these questions that causes the average person to ponder, andapparently he is left without adequate information.Certainly someone m u s tknow the answer and reason.

    AMORC, the international

    Rosicrucian Order, is composed of men and womeninterested in questions ofthis nature, in self-evolution, and in securing thelogical answers to thesequestions. Therefore, theycan show you how, to yoursatisfaction, you may secure the knowledge thatlies behind the veil.

    The free book, “The Mas

    tery of Life ,” w ill be mailed to inquirers without obligation.

    ROSICRUCIAN ORDER 1  P. O. Box 442 Mansfield, Q2tio

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    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Monday, December 24, 1956

    Page 8


    Officers SeatedBy Peninsula'sAMO.RC Chapter

    IriFtffJaHon of officers oi li e Pen*|in>ula chapter of AMORC was held• on Thursday evening with Rodmanj H. Ciaysnn, grand master of tnei Rosicrucian orcier. conducing rhc!i ceremony. The group, formerlykr.ewn a= ths Sen Mateo Pronaas,;attained chapter status this month, j

    Officers of the new chapter arc: 1Chester W. Swienton. master, c f;Palo Alto: Mrs. Osborne C. Doane, Irr.atrc. Athe:ton: Miss Janet Me-•Clellsn. secretary. Belmont: ChrisCabaUir.n, chanter. San Mateo;

    j Mrs. J. C. Schultz, chantress. Red-vvoml City; Howard \V. Peelp. .n-

    I ncr tfiii.rdian, San Bruno; and Al*

    ' bert Bcmis. outer £unrdta?i. Bur-tlingame. B^ard members sre Kor-jm ar A. Jer.ne, Niles: Mrs. Margaret. Peters. San Mateo: and J.C. Sc I nil12  Uadwocd City.

    Following tlic installation Mr.Jcnnc, past mrs’.cr, ar.d Mr. Swjcn-ton spok? tn t ie group. Refresh-;:ierts were served by the hc^p'tlnl-

    jily committee.AJ] members of the Rosicrucian

    Order ;nc invited ‘.o attend chap

    ter meetings on the first and thin*Thursdays of encvi ir.onlh at LineHal! i t . Belmont. i|

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



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    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Tuesday, January 1,1957

    Page 14

    |Library Displays  |Rosicrucian Lore : Atlditicnul volumes on llus'icrv-ciar* literature Have heen donatedlu the Burlfjigair.i? public library,Joseph 1*1. T» r.re c .C 7" I I.aurdavenue. Eurlii:g.ime, ar.nuuncedtt;day.

    i All of l!ie order's publications


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Tuesday, January 22,1957

    Page 6

    Cub Pack VisitsRosicrucianPlanetarium

    Carrying out their theme forthis month, “Eves in the Sky,” 20h\>

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    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Tuesday, January 29,1957

    Page 10


    14312 Prior Street, Von Nuys


    "OVERCOMING THE LIMITATIONS OF UEE”Wednesday, January 30, 1957— 8:00 P.M. .

    SPEAKER: Mr. Fred Owens PRESIDING MASTER Richord L. Mac Donald

    No Ch«rs«— Rofrothmonti— No Chart*

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso. TexasThursday, January 31, 1957

    Page 17-Second Section

    Rosicrucian Leader

    Plans £. P. Visit! • • ' I

    Ralph M. Lewis, impcrator andpresident of the international Rosr*

    crucian Order will address men-,bexs of the El Paso Pronaos onTuesday evening. He is on a Spc-|dal tour of lodges and chapters of!the Rosicrucian Order in the West.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Bernardino Sun -Telegram

    San Bernardino, California

    Sunday, March 17, 1957

    Page 17

    R O S I C R U C I A N S T O I N S T A L LN E W O F F I C E R S I N P O M O N A

    POMONA—New officers of the Aries, which always occurs on or

    Rosicrucian Order. Pomona Chap- about March 21. This was consid-

    ter, serving Northeast Los Angel- ^ beginning of the Newes county, San Bernardino and . .

    Riverside counties, will be i n s t a l - b e c a u s e spnng u symbolicled in Pomona. They are Frances of new Me. emphasized by the

    R. Holland, Pomona-, Master; reawakening of Nature from theFrances Kuttler, Pomona, Sec- dormant period of winter, theretary; John Dana, Pomona, bursting forth of blossoms and the

    Chaplain; Marian McLean, San growth ot   living things.'The oc-Bernardino, Inner Guardian; O. casion of the New Year will beA. Orth, La Verne, Outer Guwrd- celebrated, states Mrs. Holland,ian; Russell B. Ellis. Cucamonga, by a symbolic feast in which theChairman of the Board of Trust- participants receive simple foods,

    ees. corresponding to certain basic

    The ceremony and conclave is elements of nature, such as salt,to be held at knights of Pythias com. an d unfermented grapeHall, 239 E. Holt Ave., Pomona, juices.March 20, with many visiting -------- ♦---- ----   -members from the surrounding 'cities in attendance. Deputy Grand

    Master for the Southern Calif.District, Dr. J. C. Guidero, fromLos Angeles, wili serve as instal

    ling officer.According to Mrs. Holland,

    Master ol the Rosicrucian Pomona Chapter, the ancient Egyptians, from the time of Memphis

    to the Ptolemaic Period, begantheir New Year always on or

    about the time of the vernal equi

    nox, when the sun on its journeycrosses the celestial equator endenters the Zodiacal Sign of

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Independent Press-Telegram

    Long Beach, California

    Sunday, March 17, 1957

    Page A-3

    Alxllcl Lode*, nosicruclftn Order, AMORC,will conduce a ipecial convocation At A p. m.WfdnfPdny at 2*155 Atlantic Ave, In honor ofMn. II, Spcnctr Lewii* .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Tuesday, March 19, 1957

    Page 5

    Rosicrucians j To Install New Officers Monday

    The re-enactment of a cere?mony that began in ancient Egyptmore than 40 centuries ago willbe the highlight of a Rosicrucianconclave to be in Santa Cruz Monday night at 8 o'clock.

    According to Mrs. Joe Delon,master of the Rosicrucian SantaCruz pi onaos, the ancient Egyptians, from the time of Memphisto the Ptolemaic period, begantheir New Year on or about thetime of the vernal equinox whenthe sun, on its journey, crossesthe celestial equator and entersthe zodiacal sign of Aries, which,always occurs on or about March21. This was considered the beginning of the New Year and wassymbolic of new life.

    The occasion of the New Yearis celebrated, said Mrs. Delon, bya symbolic feast in which the participants partake of simple foodscorresponding to certain basic elements of nature, such as: salt,corn, and unfcrmentcd grapejuice.

    As the Rosicrucian order, AM-OKC, a non-religious but philosophical fraternity maintains thatits traditional origin occurred during the reign of Amenhotep IV in1350 Bt\ the order commemoratesthis ancient New Year beginningwith a ceremony, though nonreligious, that embraces the allegoricalsignificance of the age-old Egyptian rite.

    March 21 is also ihe beginningof the fiscal period of all Kose-crucian lodges, chapters and pro-naoi throughout the world: andthe date is marked by the installation of the new ritualistic and administrative officers. The new officers to he installed in the Santa

    Cruz Pronaos are: J. B. Corless,master; Mrs. Paul Veatch, secretary. and Harry K. Held, guardian.

    The ceremony and conclave isto be in the Palomar hotel. Manyvisiting members from the surrounding cities are expected toattend.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



    Long beach, California

    Tuesday, March 19,1957

    Page B-5

    i S E W S  .  I N » B R I E F 

    Rosicrucian Order. Plans Installation ,

    . • #

    Now officer* of he local lodge. XoiknicU n Order* will

     ln»1M)cd lit 8 pro. Friday at 2435 Atlantic Avc. during l he


    celebration of the group** new year rile.

    Officers nclude Joseph A. llendmho tt, .'n»«1er; Alir* . yp, ilciHily mailer; Dow* d Luntf. chaplain; Rnjm Humrm*, outer guardian; Cecelia C«*lr, nner guarding and t. Conhoy,

    lMi,ird of tnnlces. .__The t>hllo»ophlcal group bellpvet 1he ancient Etyptl«n tr 

    dlllon that the new ye«r mam with the venial cjjti no* M 21 and la aym talkrd with the annual *pring rfblrtn n nature.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Wednesday, March 20,1957

    Page 24

    RosicruciansNew Year SetRoS:cn:cj£n5 m ibis area will'

    celebrate the ancient New Year'rite on Thursday. March 21, at'Lind hall in Belmont. Followingthe ceremony. PajI Van Zand:, ofBrisbane, will be installed as dcp*

    Juty master.! According to Chesler W. Swien-

    i  ton. master of the Peninsula chapiter oC AMOBC. the ancient Egyp

    tians. from the time of Memphisto the Ptolemaic- period, begantheir New Year on or about the

    time of the vernal equinox.

    . As the Rasic rucia :i order, aphiloFophical fraternity, maintainsthat its traditional origin occ:irred

    ♦dur ing the reigr. of Amenhotep IV ,

    in 1350 B.C., the order commemorates this ancient New Year witha ceremony that embraces the allegorical significance ot the age

    ! old Kgyptian rite;

    The celebration includes 'a symbolic feast in which the participants rcccive simp'ic foods corresponding to tc£rtain basic ele*meats of nature. March 21 is a>sothe beginning of the fiscal periodof ail Rosicrucian lodges and chapters throughout the world.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, March 21,1957

    Page 15-B

    R o s i c r u c i a n s W i l l C e l e b r a t e 

    N e w Y e a r R i t e o n M a r c h 2 1New officers of Van Nuvs inner guardian, and George I

    chapter of the Rosic-ucian Or*:(icr (AMORC) who will he m*istalled are Raymond Si rock,

    master; Walter Neubauer, deputy master; Mrs. Viola Meyer,jchapter secretary; Mrs. Chris-'tina Walsh secretary of t h eboard; David Williams, treasurer of the board; Jack Sousa ,chaplain; Mrs. Anna Mazzarelli.

    Hartzel. outer guardian.Ceremony ana conclave is to

    be held at »orwa> Hall, 14312

    Friar St., Van Nuys. with manyvisiting member* from the surrounding cities in attendance.

    According to Richard MacDonald. master of the Rosicru*eian Van Nuys chapter, the ancient Egyptians, from the timeof Memphis to the Ptolemaic'Period, began their New Yearalways on or about the time'of ihe vernal equinox, when;

    the sun on its journey crosses,the celestial equator and enters the Zodiacal Sign of Aries,which a l w a y s occurs on orabout March 21.

    This was considered the beginning of the New Year, because s p r i n g is symbolic ofnew life—emphasized by the reawakening of Nature from thedormant period of winter, the

    bursting forth of blossoms, andthe growth of living things.Occasion of the New Year

    will be celebrated, states Mac !DonaH. by a symbolic feast inwhich the participants receive ■simple foods, corresponding to[

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, March 21, 1957

    Page 15-B

    certain ba^ic elements of na-'lure, such as sail, corn, ami unfermented grape juices.

    Ac the RoMcrucian O rde r .AMORC. a non-religious hutphilosophical fraternity, maintains that its traditional originoccurred during the reign ofAmenhotep IV, 'in 1330 B.C.,the Order commemorate* thisancient New Year beginningwith a ceremony, though nonreligious, that embraces the allegorical significance of th eage-old Egyptian rite.

    March 1 also is the beginningof the fiscal period of all Rosi-crucian lodges and ch a p t e r sthroughout the world, and thedate is marked by the installation of new ritualistic and administrative officers.

    The Van Nuys chapter of the

    Rosicrucian Or d e r however,will hold its New Year feastand installation of officers onSunday, March 24, at 7 p.m.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Raleigh RegisterBe c k l e y , West Virginia

    Thursday, March 21, 1957

    Page 17

    A r e a W o m a n A p p o i n t e d  T o R o s i c r u c i a n P o s t

    An area woman has been commissioned to represent the Rosi-crucian Order (AMORC) in thislocality by the Grand Lodge inSan Jose Calif. ; • r

    Melba Staton, Ghent, recently

    received a ‘certificate to net asdistrict commissioner to Conductextensive activities for the Order.

    The Rosicnician Order is afraternity devoted to the dissemination of knowledge of the naturallaws of life and teachings of aphilosophy. It is neither commercial nor religious. It Is world-A ideand each country has its varioussectional lodges and chapters v.ith

    annual conventions being held inSan Jo y . , (

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Amarillo Globe-Times

    Amarillo, Texas

    Friday, March 22, 1957

    Page 3 R o s i c r u c i a n s  S e t C e r e m o n y

    The reenactment at   a ctrn-mony that began In ancient Eyypr

    more lhan 40 centuries ago will

    hitfMlfcht a Koslcnician Amarillo

    Pronaos enclave at 3 p.m, Sun

    day at the YWCA, 1006 Jackson.

    From the tim* nf   Memt>hL* tothe Ptolemaic Prriod. ancient

    Egyptians bpgan their new year

    on or about the time of the vemni

    equinox, which occurs on or

    about *March 21, according to

    Jere C. fteesc* master of the

    Amarillo lUwlcrucians.

    1 tic new year is   celebrated.

    Ree.se said, with a symbolic feastin which the participant part&te

    of simple* foods «>rrespoitdmsr to i

    certain basic elements of nature, (

    such as salt, corn and unferment

    ed j?rapo juicft.

    The Rosicniclan Order, AMORC,

    a nori-roligioiis philosophical

    fraternity, maintains fhat its tra

    ditional • origin occurred during

    the reign of Amenhotep IV.* in1350 B.C. The new year ceremony

    embraces the allegorical sig

    nificance of the ageolci Egyptian

    rite, Rcesr said.

    New officers of *he Rosicnr-

    cian, svho will be Installed at theceremonies, are J \V. Triplett,

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Friday, March 29, 1957

    Page 14

    AMORC Appoints Commissioners For Santa Cruz

    Mr. and Mrs. M. F, Hare, of2120 North Pacific avenue willrepresent the community in Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) extension activities. They recently received certificates of appointmentas district commissioners, fromthe Grand Lodge of San Jose.

    Duties of the commissioner arevaried and his services are without compensation. Among otherthings, he is required to placepaid advertisements in localnewspapers, in conjunction withthe advertising campaign of theorder, the activities of which areinternational.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Wellsboro Agitator

    Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

    Thursday, April 11, 1957

    Page 2-Section 2

    “Digest” Presented to

    Public Library ______   »

    Readers in Wellsboro will now :have access Mo the monthly maga- !

    zinc known as the “Rosicrucian (Digest." Willis Campbell of Con*way Street, a local member of

    the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC). I■has recently received notification Jfrom the Grand Lodge in SanJose. California, that this maga*

    , zine will be made available each: month in the local library.*„ The “Rosicrucian Digest” is the !monthly periodical issued by the JRosicrucian Order (AMORC). !which is an educational, philoso- 1phical. nonrcligious fraternity i

    : and -deals with discussions of jf many philosophical and scientific s• subjects.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, April 11, 1957

    Page 22-C

    M r s . P a t r i c i a H o l e r A p p o i n t e d to P o s tThe Rosicrucian Order will

    be represented in this area inits extension activities hv Mrs.Patricia M. Moler of 17939 In-gomar St., Reseda.

    She recently received a certificate of appointment as dis

    trict commissioner from theGrand Lodge in San Jose. C-al.

    Her duties will be varieda n d without compensation.Mrs. Moler said. They includeplacing advertisements in conjunction with the national advertising campaign of theOrder, the activities of whichare international. She also will

    analyze the Rosicrucian radioprograms on local stations.

    The Rosicrucian Order is afraternity devoted to the dis*,semination of knowledge of thenatural laws: of life and the jteachings of a philosophy. It *

    is neither commercial nor re-!ligious. Its work is world-wide:and each country has its var-!ious sectional lodges, chapters jand extension commissioners.*

    International conven t i o n swhich are held annual at SanJose are attended by hundredsof students from different nations.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso, Texas

    Saturday, May 4 1957

    Page 3

    Do You Laugh 

    Your Greatest 

    Powers Away?



     You bave heard the phm e, "Laugh,

    down, laugh." Weil, that fin me per

    fectly. I'd free, worry «nd try co rtisoa 

    my way out of difficulties — all to noavail; then I'd  ha w a hu-cb, a something

     within that would tell me to do a certain

    thing. I'd Uxgh ic o. f with a shrug. I  knew

    too much, I thought, to heed these im

    pressions. V eil, it's, different now— Tve

    learned to use this mow power and I no

    longer make the mistimes I did, because

    I do the right thing at the right time.

    This FREE BOOK  

    Will Prove What 

    Your Mind Can Dol

    Here is how I to t started right. I had

    heard about hypr.csis revealing pur lives.

    I began to think there must be some inner

    inrd/igence with which we were born. In

    fact,  I   often beard it said there was; bur

     bow could  I  use ic, how could  I  mafce ic

     wcrk for me daily? That was my prob

    lem. / wanted to leam to direct this inner

     voice, master it if I ccutd. Finally, I wrote

    to the Rosicrucians, * world-wide frater

    nity of progressive men and women, who

    offered to send me, without obligation, t  

    free bnok entitled Tht MasUrj I f Lift.

    That book opened a sew world to me.

    I advise jjw to wtite today anc ask for your

    copy.  It w ill pn u tt ytu what your mind

    can demonstrate. Don't go through life

    laughing your mental powers away. Use

    the coupon below or write: Scribe A.N.Y.

    ------------ USI THIS Gi rt COUPO N-------------

    SCRfBt A-V' Y-

    The Jtaicuoint (AMO'RQS»oJ ok , Giifotti.

    B o * K « i f r « cepj Tit Murifytf Lift. which 2 ihiK t» 4  u i ttcttJ.

    C ry ------------  _

    The ROSICRUCIANS  (AMORC) San  Jose , Calif. (Not a religious organization)

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    SCHS Girl's Painting Wins Mention

    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California  

    Tuesday, May 14,1957

    Page 2

    Tlionu* t*. LrliktoB, a pa«lprrsldeal of the So c i et y ofWe*ter« Artuu. alUrhei anhonorable mention tag an a repreae ntallonal water color of lb*

    Kanta C m municipal wliarf

    which wai Hone hv Arlrnr Frel-la*. 17, of l i t  Seabrlght a»rnue.Ailene, a troior al Santa C’rn*high krhool, rnterrd (he paintIn* In the II. Spencer U « li ai l

    O O O 

    award contort at the Rotknac-lan art MUrry in San Jo*r.The palntlnt will be eiblbiledfrom Thursday to June It. Ar»Irne la a ittident of MU* Jennie

    A. Moore at the high achoftl.

    Arlene Freitas Earns Mention For Painting

    A water color painting of theSanta Cruz municipal wharf byArlene Freitas, 17, of 320 Sea-bright avenue, will be oil displayat the San Jose Rosicrucian artgallery from Thursday to June 12.

    The painting won honorablemention in the representationaldivision of the first annual H.Spencer Lewis art award contestsponsored by the art gallery. Opento high school students throughout California, the contest pro

    vided first and second prizes ineach of three divisions, as well ashonorable mention awards in eachof the classes._______   ____________

    Judging entries were Thomas C.Leighton, a past president of theSociety of Western Artists, JohnGarth, art critic of Argonautmagazine and art commissionerfor San Francisco, and MauriceLogan, associate of the NationalAcademy of Design.

    The H. Spencer Lewis artaward is a recognition of talentin youths of high school age.

    Arlene, a senior at the SantaCruz hitfh school, said “I hope tobe an illustrator for children’sbooks and magazines when 1finish studying.’*

    She has applied for entry intothe College of Arts and Crafts inOakland. Last year her paintingswere awarded two gold keys in aregional high school art exhibition in the Emporium in SanFrancisco. The exhibit was alsoshown in Pittsburgh, Pa.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Tuesday, May 14,1957

    Page 11

    Carlmont High StudentsIIonoredTwo Carlmont High ichori sty.

    dents, Jeanette Dulrs, Belmont,and Peter Plamcndon. San Carles,r e c e i v e d honorable mentionawards for paintings on exhibitthis week In the Rosicrucian ArtGallery in San Jose.

    Miss Dulis, awarded for an abstract entry, and Plnrrjondon,whose honorable mention was inthe humorous division, w e r eamong numerous California highschool exhibitors Hi :he first annual H. Spencer Lewis Art Awardcontest sponsored by the San JoseGallery,

    The two students, among thirteen to receive honorable mention,both study under CarJrnont Highschool art instructor Karl Bauer.Judging the contcsv were ThomasC. Leighton, past president, Society of Western Artisis, JohnGarth, art critic of ArgonautMagazine and Maurice Logan, as-

    snciate of the National Academyof Design.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Eureka Humboldt Standard

    Eureka, California

    Friday, May 17, 1957

    Page 8

    s sMISS DARLENE YATES.  daujjlilcr uf ■’

    Mr. and Mrs%Roy Yales of 32H4 Albce .strcel, rcccived honomblc menliun lot*her painting in the reprcseplalinnai di

    vision arc exhibits sponsored by the Ros-icriicinn Art Gallery in San Jose. Open .i only lo hiflh school Isudcnu in Califor- ‘

    nia, the cu:ilest provided first and second prizes ir. oj>ch of three divisions and13 honorable mention awards in eachc!a«s. The CL*ca&ion was the first annual

    K. Sjicnccr Lewis nr I award. Miss Yalesis shown with her painting.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Wednesday, June 5, 1957

    Page 13

    KEY TO PEACEEditor: I just came across a

    paragraph in an article from_ apast issue of the "Rosicrucian Digest.” which I believe to be exceptionally timely, and of greatvalue to every citizen. It strikesme as being the real key to peace:

    “The first   step if for all thosecountries whose ideals purport tobe democratic, to strive for theabolition of nationalism and theintegration of physical and economical resources. If we are sincere in desiring to attain worldpeace, the sacrifice of nationalism will be made. If national

    ism, local history, and customsare more efficacious in influencing us, then we are doomed toworld catastrophe- The axiom:“Pride goeth before destructionand a haughty spirit before afall.” is ever true."

    Let’s hope this axiom is heededbefore it’s too late!

    Mrs. M. F. Hare2120 North Pacificavenue.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Oshkosh Daily Northwestern

    Oshkosh, Wisconsin

    Friday, July 12,1957

    Page 2

    Who Are

    The Rosicrucians?

    The Rosicrucians are men and women who have been  

    motivated by the eternal quest for truth. Being brought 

    together by a common purpose, they—centuries ago 

    —instituted the Rosicrucian Order. It is a nonsecfarisn  

    fraternal body, devoted to the investigation, study,  

    and practical application of natural and spiritual laws. 

    The purpose of the organization is to enable all to live  

    in harmony with the creative, constructive cosmic forces  for the attainment of health, happiness, and peace.

    The Order is internationally known as "AMORC*  

    (an abbreviation) and the AMORC in America and all  

    other lands constitutes the only form of Rosicrucian  

    activities united in one body. The AMORC does not  

    sell its teachings. It gives them freely, with many other 

    privileges, to affiliate members. .

    Thoughts about our Cosmic origin and the desire  

    to awaken and utilize fully our latent powers and 

    talents are not limited to any race or class of people.  

    Consequently, Rosicrucians are to be found in every  

    walk of life and in every civilized land.

    The Rosicrucians invite you to learn something mori 

    about their worldwide activities and their advantages 

    to you. The Rosicrucian teachings have a practical  

    application   to the daily affairs of living. There is no 

    attempt to place the minds of the members under 

    bondage to any authoritative dogma.

    The romantic history of the Rosicrucians, as an or* 

    ganizaiion centuries-old, and wha! they can do for you  

    as a free thinker   in a modern world is fascinatingly set 

    forth in the free book. The   Mastery of life.  Merely fill 

    out the coupon  b e lo w and mail it to the address shown  

    for a cop y. I> will oe sent you without obligation.


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Oshkosh Daily Northwestern

    Oshkosh, Wisconsin

    Friday, July 12,1957

    Page 2



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Wednesday, July 17, 1957

    Page 23

    10 Santa Cruzans Attend Conclave

    Ten Santa Cruzans were amongthe approximately 100 persons attending the recently concluded33rd* annual international Rosi-crucian convention in San Jose.

    Members of the Santa CruzPronaos, they were Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Delon, Mr. and Mrs. PaulVeatch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walters,Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Maxwell, Mrs.Margaret Goodman and Mrs. Ai*leen Benkert,

    One of the chief speakers wasJames R. Morgan, high-rankingmetallurgist associa ted writhAmerica’s first atomic power project. *

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Friday, July 19, 1957

    Page 16

    Tri-County Group Slatesits Birthday CelebrationPOMONA—The Pomona Chap- An honored guest and speaker will

    ter of the Rosicrucian Ord«>n to commrm* dona. Lr>s Angeles and Lon? Bt*achorate its first birthday Sunday, will also participate .Visitinpmem-July 28, 7:^0 pm . at Knights nf brrs from tht se areas will alsoPythias Hall, K. Holt Ave., hr in attendance.Pomona. I All Grand Lodge members from

    Master of ceremonies for this this vicinity are invited to attend,special event uill l>r the deputy A social hour, complete with hirth-Grand master for Southern Calif., day cak*\ will conclude the evcn-Dr. J. C.  Guidero of I>n«c Angrlcs. ing’s ceremonies

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Lincoln Evening Journa l

    Lincoln, Nebraska

    Tuesday, July 30, 1957

    Page 7

    Lalsch Krltirn**

    Robert D. Latsch, Lincoln busi-

    nessman. has returned from Cali 

    j forma where he attended the 33rd 

    annual Rosicrucian convention at 

    San Jose, Calif.

    Saa Jose is headquarters for the 

    Rosicrucian Order, a nonsectar 

    t ian fraternity devoted to study and «


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Rhinelander Daily News

    Rhinelander, Wisconsin

    Saturday, August 3, 1957

    Page 2

    S a r a f h M e e t s w i t h 

    R o s i c r u c i a n sJohn Sarath, Rte. 2, has re

    turned from San Jose. Calif., wherehe attended the 33rd annual Rosi-crucian Convention. Rosicruciansfrom many parts of the world at

    tended the session, which featureda Science Symposium in which theprincipal speaker, James R. Morgan, reported that “ the pushbuttonera is coming by leaps and bounds.One man, sitting in front of thegigantic instrument panel of amodern atomic reactor, controlsmany millions of watts of powerand through ihem the destinies ofthousands of people/'

    Improvement in the abundanceand economy of atomic power contrasted with the increasing scarcity and rising cost of fossil fuelwill inevitably lend to almost universal electrification, Morgan, ametallurgist, said, and “ all this isscarcely an introduction to thereally big things to come! Fusion,or ‘hydrogen,’ power will no doubtreplace atomic power even beforethe atomic industry has reached

    maturity as an industry."

    The Rosicrucian InternationalConvention, held annually at thisphilosophical organization’s headquarters in San Jose, boasts oneof the most international audi

    ences. Its program consists of dramas, demonstrations in art, science, and mysticism, of films, lectures, forums, and rituals. Feature events this year, in additionto Morgan, included a talk on thuDead Sea Scrolls by Dr. AvrahamBiran, lsraelian Consul for WesternUnited States, and a unique exhibit of canine intelligence presentedby the West’s training center ofGuide Dogs for the Blind.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso, Texas

    Saturday, August 3,1957

    Page 3

    Peaceof Mind

    H ave  you fck thu inoer yw/ojOg for Peace?—

    i  fclrjje r'ron the ooisy grind of a fflidtice-

    asdc cirjiorior.? Are you coosactJy reminded

    cf a tnsbliiuU oi work ia » tacic ceaditica of

     year life? Hive you sought the tneansog befcird

    tbe reil of awdern false reality? If you h m *uf*

    fired-this it far you.

    The oorrpfaceat senile of a  Buddhist   aicot or

    mewi*h suggest* oo u&ug voofosss ftoa the

     world oe uaptrruituihtLity to it»iuSe*ing. [t radiates jrjsteaci the consolation aad cca£dence expe

    rienced by one who cao ezrisioa a tomorrow

     when yet burdened with today. It jubtiy cor.vey*

    a feeling cf hope aud it surround ings of despjir.

    It portray* ooe wbo has put in order his own

    mind in i found therein Pcm* Profound,

    Hew to Obtain Inner Ptoo*

    A f'f* beak will  feeseocto jw gf*'i*g the  m w  of Peace Profound in ywt poctial liting. Tbe

    Rosicruciins (not a religion), a worid-w;de piwy

     jopSicaf and ay weal morenjeoc for peace, fjttit*

     you to investigate, with no obligation Send the

    attached ctr-ipoa for the  fn t  book, The Mtsttry ef Lift, which expUitu further or addrew your

    inquiry to: Scribe C. IJ .W .


    Sac Jose, California

    jsike C.V.W,

    Tbt RoUcrnciaal (AMORC)S*a Ic***, Cali/ornu

    I an nnnerelf iwritittd io i ■•try primcai tedoirvficil iretboi of prate ia mr lift. Pieue teii me ihe />« bocfc, T*4 M*ttrry ot Lilt, which r«S*jn»

    I'M**-  ,

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Kansas City Times

    Kansas City, Missouri

    Saturday, September 7, 1957

    Page 48

    Rosicrucian.iKBBie'KUCTAN ia MARCi.  Veteran* Bid* .

    Unwood 6 Paseo 8 p m , 2nd A 4th Tues.OVERCOME YOUR rJMITATIONS. 

    Discover your mental self. Learn the tremendous possibilities of vour mind. Explorethat mvfftenous **orld within you. The

    free book. “Masterv of IJfe," explains howvou can master the everv-dav problems oilife, find happiness. Address Scribe III.ROSICRI’CIAN Ordpr (AMORCI. RoKicrucian Park s*n Jo*#* Calif.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo California

    Wednesday, September 11. 1957

    Page 18

     Rosicrucian Order  Installs Leaders

    Miss Margaret Gwynn. d.iuf.h-ter o£ Mr. and Mrs. FrederickGwynn of Palo Alto, has beeninstalled as Colcmbe of Peninsula Chapter, AMOEC. The ceremony was conducted a*. Lluti Hallin Belmont. In addition to herstudies in the Rosicrucian Order,Margaret is a student at V/ilborJunior High acbool. a communicant of St. Mark’s Episcopal

    church, and a pupil at Rose Ann’sDance studio.

    Officers who participated in theceremony were: C h e s t e r TV.SwientOD, master, and Miss Eis-ricde Waltzoerg, alternate Col*ombe, of Palo Alto; Mrs. OsborneDoane, Atlierion; Mrs. CurfcSchultz, Red*,rood City; DonaldDalberg, Santa Clara;  Chris Cr.ba*luna. Snn Mateo; and HowardPcclle of San Bruno. •

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    • Rosicrucians to 

    Enact Building 

    Of Great Pyramidy 

    BELMONT — A unique ceremony and ritual will be enactedtonight at $ p.m. at Lind hall inBelmooL •

    Tnc ceremony will he a Hcsi-crucian enactment of the building

    o£ the Great Pyramid of Cheops.The: exact'date will be September23 throughout • the Rosicrucianworld but Thursday night h a s

    *. been the date selected for the  local enactment. It symbo'Lzes the

    • date when the sun on its ecliptic• cal Journey crosses the celestialequator for the autumnal e^uincx.

    The public is invited.*• Chester W. Swicmon, master ofPeninsula chapter, AMORC, statesthat Rosicrucians throughout thejurisdiction of the order wfll sym

    bolically re-enact the building ofthe Great Pyramid of Cheops.This pyramid was begur. a b o u t4000 BC at Gizeh, on the occasion of the fall equinox.

    Unlike the other pyramids, it  was not intended as the burialplace cf a vam phnrnoh. but as a

    •temple * of learning.

    • “Since the Rosicrucians irac*’1their traditionrd origin   back, to !I Amenhotep IV, pharaah of Egypt j• in 1350 BC, they commemorate •'  their ancient origin by the ritual-!

    ; is tic construction of a miniaturepyramid.*’ Svicnton said. The lay-,ing of each stone represents to '

    . them the cultural accomplish* j

    • men's of the crder durbj? each.• year of its existence. j

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Thursday, October 24,1957

    Page 14

    Color Slides To Be Shown Monday 

    To RosicruciansRosicrucians m the Santa Cruz

    area will ho taken on a lour oftorvign countries by color slide*and a travel talk A  a meeting

    Monday at K pm in the Palo marhotel.

    Mr and Mrs Kdward Waltersof Soqtiel. who won a prize atthe county fair tor their colorslide photographs, will presentthe program. Mrs. Walters hascorresponded with Rosicruciansall over the world for the lastse\eral years and has obtainedslides on many foreign countries.

    The mooting Ls open to all ac

    tive Rosicrucians. Membershipcards are requested.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Sunday, October 27, 1957

    Page 2 9-A

    AFTER HYPNOTISM - WHAT?Is the subject of free public lecture sponsored by Von Nuys Chapter of the Rosicrucion Order AMORC. Speaker, Mr.  Fred Owens, high degree member of The Order Come and hear of the vista that lies be* fore man in the vast unexplored areas of his mind. Question and answer period. Refreshments Friday, Nov. 1# 1957, 8.00 P M. 14312 Friar St., Von Nuys. Free admission.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Sunday, October 29,1957

    Page 15

    R O S I C R U C I A N U N I T 

    1 0 S P O N S O R T A L K  A B O U T H Y P N O T IS M

    Van Nuys chapter of TheRosicrucian O r d e r AMORCwill sponsor a free publiclecture, “After Hypnotism—What?” by Fred Owens on

    Friday, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m. at14312 Friar S t

    Owens, a high degree member of the Rosicrucian Order,using the present interest inihypnotism as a focal point,will trace hypnotism's pastand project it into the future.

    Following the lecture therewill be a question and answerperiod and free refreshments.

    Owens said the RosicrucianOrder AMORC “has for hundreds of years aided thosewho desire knowledge ”

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Mansfield News-Journal

    Mansfield, Ohio

    Saturday, November 23, 1957

    Page 2 -Churches Section


    Life :s a series fleeting moments, each all absorbingand important The future is e\er THE NOW. Every Imomert of which we are conscious has its attendantC T C u m stances. The man or woman who has 'earned tos*»Mve the problems of dai3v affairs has not the futureto fear because he or she has mastered the present

    Can yru conquer your circumstances, your problems and !d.fficu'.t.es o’: today0 Are you perfcct’v satisfied witn t\our position m life0 Do obstacles prevent you fromattaining the heights, freedom from worry ar.d strife,the enjoyment of personal health and happiness? Ifthey do, men you are not mastering your life and youare not using the powers within you The Rosicrucians,a brotherhood of learning, can show you in simplelanguage and in simple methods how you can change I  the course of your life without interference with your tpresent social, business or religious practices. You can i  take the tried and tested methods of the Rosicrucian s. ;and in the privacy of your own home set them into ;action, bringing the most outstanding and satisfying re- «suits. Lot us show you the wav. A oeautifu! book, telling 5vou the whole story, revealing the simple system andhow you may adopt it. will be gladly sent to you withoutobligation. Ask for *'The Mastery of Life.*’

    ROSICRUCIAN ORDER P. 0. Box 2011 Mansfield, Ohio

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, December 5, 1957

    Page 5 Ros i c ruc i an s P l an 1

    Mu s i c -C o l o r Show 

    T om or row N i g h tVan Nuys Chapter of the,

    Rosicrucian Order. AMORC.will present a demonstrationof music and color tomorrow!at 8 p.m. at the Chapter Hal!.114312 Friar St. i

    The demonstration Is under!the direction of a representative of the laboratories of the’Auroratone Foundation ofi

    America.Auroratone. k n o w n as

    “painting with music." is a« U .s * «\-. I — » • s* « • ^ v

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, December 5, 1957

    Page 14

    COLOR AND SOUNDcm play on important part in your tifa« They may form a 

    key to what you have been seeking. Von Nuys Chapter, 

    Rosicrucian Older, AMORC, sponsors a free demonstration of 

    such 4  key. Program presented by a representative of Aurora 

    fane Laboratories includes colortonol presentations of the vorce 

    of Bin) Crosby. Friday/ Dec. 6, 1957, £ :00 P.M., 14312 

    Friar St. Refreshments. Public invited. N? charge or collections.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Blue Island Sun Standard

    Blue Island, Illinois

    Thursday, December 12, 1957

    Page 10

     Atom Power A Necessity, Says Rosicrucian

    1 ho pushbutton o r a  h\ Uaps mil bound*silting in tiont of thi vji^antu inst iunicnt panel ol a modi i nitomit i t utm controls m a inm illion s ol walls ol powi r an I

    through Hum thi tUs limos Hthousands of oph 1hat is pailof I ho pu t tr i ol lOMOUROWuiv in h\ lain* s l< M oig in *it Ih*S iu n u S\m|M>siim of thi iton ih lom ludtd Mid intui i l 4  tin

     \< niio n in sm J »*o ( i l ifo in iiit cord in .. to M s Anna Das oust1* *5  Hroadw n

    I n l u s t a f» w s h o i I m H'* 

    a t o m i c DO W 4 1   w i l l h e a n m i  

    o r e M n t f K l o i h i o u r oa

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso, Texas

    Saturday, Janu ary 25, 1958

    Page 3

    ... but the Egyptiansknew it ages ago!

    POWERS to overonro* stclsoessf M « t i to

    e«c*pe poverty! Knowledge 10 bring happiness ind of mtnd! SViSI and genius IOc;eatc a fivi /.mdon which slid copy nidi )! These arc only lnm« of li t accomplish-*ecnt» ©( the ancicr! Egyptians.

    Abo%c and bcvor.d these physical achieve-menu «ri> the secret wisdom pciicsscd bythe Egyptian ir.ystcry schools. Ia thc*« centers Of learning nsen and women were taughtthe laws of life acd how to mast Cf them. Withthis master) they were able to sbape theirdestinies as they wished them ro be. It takeseo greater rneucal clTod iaacbitvtrti>ilu wbtn

    you know bow. Sueee tsful Living is the oldestart io the world. It coMistt of developingusi'imh'h, ftr tujkl  and the ability to combineexperiences iato new and workable ideas.

    These laws operate as u't /j. iingly af (he

    laws which govern the sue, moon aod planets. They were duco*c:cd centuries ago by

    certain wi*e nsen of Egypt, and preserveddown through the ages by the Rosicrucians.

    Time his since crumbled Egypt's wall*,

    but it couldn't denroy tbit formula for tbe

    control of Ii(t. la  you bands, thit Isow W sicould jJrer tbe entire course of you * affairs.

    The Rosicrucians offct to you—if you havetbe cootagc to btc»k away from limned fotuMof thinking-.these same simply expressedtruths of life which have led thousands to ajoyous method of better l>ring.

    L*t This FREE Book Holp YouLears how you may shat* tbe private io-

    siruaionj of The Rosicrueiaos, a ooo-prohtfraternity of men and wotneo whose inOu-tncr  er.esuit iato every (and. Let this be tbeturning point in  yu tt  life! Fat  your copy of"Tie Matltry  »/ Lift"  «s* the coupon belowor wme to Scribe L M.

    T h e R o s i c r u c i a t uI a m o r C!


    ! SairwI.FAI r.tX«sla-x*f

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, January 30,1958

    Page 8-C

    V a l l e y O r d e r S e t s L e c t u r e o n A s t r o n o m yVan Nuys chapter of the

    Rosicrucian O r d e r AMORCwill present a free public lec*tunre Friday, Feh. 7. at S p.m.by Dr. Fredrick Leonard, professor of astronomy at iheUniversity of California.

    The lecture is*tltled “Met*

    Raymond L. Strock. masterof the Van Nuys chapter of;AMOKC, said, "the Koslcrucljan Order has always sought to!help in the uplifting of man-,kind through the scientific aswell as the spiritual becausethe Order believes that the

    ©rite*; Captives From Outer wore men know of themselvesSpace" and it will he delivered and the universe In which*at chapter headquarters. Norway Hall. 14312 Friar St.

    Dr. Leonard, a noted authority on this subject, will iltus|trate his lecture by showingI samples of actual meteoritesand projecting slides.| He also will conduct a short•question and answer periodaoiiowtng me leviuie.

    they live, the greater and

    richer will be their lives.'*

    He ad d e d , “As men's

    thoughts turn to the space

    surrounding our earth, theVan Nuys chapter gives thisfree lecture to the public asone of Its contributions to thecommunity.”

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Sunday, February 2, 1958

    Page 20-A

    METEORITES:i t the t it l e o f o Uc tu r e to be spo ns o r ed by the Vo n N uy i C ho p ter  R o s i c r uc r o n Or der AM Of tC . i peo fc ec Dr . F r eder i c k Leo na r d , P r o f . o f   A s t r o n o m y U C L A . S li d ?* e n d m e t e o r it e m m p ie s p lu s q u e s t i o n o n d  

    a n s w er peri o d “ In ques t o f o ute r s po r e , men l ea r ns mo r e o f h i m s e l f   

    for he, too , it   a U m r e rs e "

    14312 FRIAR STR U T— VAN HUTS 

    FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1956— 8;00 P.M.

    Refreshment* # Public fn*ited O No Charge

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Antonio Express and News

    San Antonio, Texas

    Sunday, February 9,1958

    Page 8-B

    Uos icmcian

    Un it F o rm ed

    .ton:e.s  A. Sck ru rcn,  111 BonneHDr., lias appointed master r:a n«*w»y r.uhoi ized San Ar.lcnioi

    • cliuplcr ol llio International i?usi-fcrucian Order.

    Ollifr nfficrrs tire Mrs. Nnrmn

    Jean Moeller. Kccrclarv, nnrl Armando Gi’anlia. pua’ dJan. Mcct-jiniis will be M:1 nl 7:13 p m the

    and th»ril .S-Urdsvy o l• each. rvin'li in the Inlci i:olional Bldg.,1‘filS W. ]{■». Jton SI.

    Ilic order is a pliiloj-^l-.irnlnnvcmc'it devoted io I lie study afHie sc.cicc^ and laws of mi.iro. |

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso. Texas

    Saturday, February 15, 1958

    Page 3




  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Independent

    Pasadena, California

    Wednesday, March 12, 1958

    Page 4

    F R A T E R N A I SThe Rosicrucian Order

    YAMORC) will be ^presentedin this community In its extension activities by Ellon Dickinson Walts; 86 S.‘ Allen Ave.,

    who recently received a ccrtf.jficste of appointment as District Commissioner from theGrand Lodge in San Jose, Calif,

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Sunday, March 16, 1958

    Page 8

    Rosicrucians To »Install March 24

    New officers of the Santa CruzPronaos of the Kosicrucian OrderAMORC will he installed at aconclave at the Palomar hotelMarch 24. To be installed areMrs. E. J. Walters, master; Mrs. |Joseph Delon, secretary; and Paul

    J. Veatch, guardian.According to Mrs. Walters, the,ancient Egyptians, from the timeof Memphis to the Ptolmaic period, began their New Year alwayson or about the time of the vernal equinox, when the sun enters the Sight of Aries, which always occurs on or about March 21.

    A symbolic feast — in whichthe participants receive simplefoods corresponding to certain

    basic elements of nature, such assalt, com and unfermented grapejuice — will be staged by theRosicrucians in celebration on theNew Year.

    Mrs. Walters said the Rosicru*cian lodges and chapters throughout the world, all begin their fiscal periods at the time of the vernal equinox.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Star News

    Pasadena. California

    March 22, 1958

    Page 3

    Lodge Master Named by Order

    Albert Half was recently In

    stalled as master of Pasadena

    Akhnaton Lodge, Rosicrucian

    Order AMORC lor the comingyear. Serving with him will be

    Moliie Gray* secretary; Bill

    Schaefer, chaplain; John Wclkert, guardian, and Thor Fitz

    gerald, chairman of the board.

    Mrs. L. R Spencer Lewis,

    FRC member, board of direc

    tors of the Supreme Grand

    Lodge of AMORC. was a recent visitor and presided at a

    Jodge meeting Widow of Dr.Harvey Spencer Lewi:?, found

    er of the new cycle of theRosicrucian Brotherhood in,

    America, she is the mother *fRalph Lewis, the present Im-


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



    Long Beach, California

    Tuesday, June 10, 1958

    Page A 10


    The TRUTH About

    “ C O N Q U E R I N G S P A C E ”by

    Luis A. Martine-Lally, LL.B.

     Members ot the audicnc e wfit actually experience tbe  "Isofation-lnierprctation Problems" of the 

    space  traveler. *

    Distinguished (puesfiOrt and Answer Panel Rev. Rex Barr, B.D. — Lcmual Foot, F.R.C. —  

    Virginia Scomrron, R.N.

    R e f r e s h m e n t s


    Approx. 1 Block Sourh of Willow on Atlantic




  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Van Nuys News

    Van Nuys, California

    Sunday, July 20,1958

    Page 2-B

    Van Nuys Group 

    Sends 14 to Meet 

    of RosicruciansFourteen members of the

    V.in Nuys Chapter, Amorc,Rosicrucian Order, attendedan international convention of;the order in San Jose, WalterXeubauer, master, has reported.

    Two members of the delegation, V i o l a Meyers andK a t h e r i n e Dutcher, spentthree weeks in study up northhrfore the convention began,Xeubauer said.

    He quoted Dr. Oscar Junek,;the anthropologist, as tellingi he convention that “evenwithout war, radioactive fallout i~ becoming a serious

    threat.”Junek called for a review

    of “human needs as differentiated from human wants,” Ncu-bauor said.

    The delegate*? saw demonstrations in art, science andmysticism, dramas and filmsand heard a variety of lectures, according to Xeubauer.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Van Nuys News

    Van Nuys, Californ ia

    Thursday, July 31,1958

    Page 10-C

    R o b e r t D . ( . e l a n d 

    G e l s R o s i c r u c i a n j H u m a n is t A w a r d !* Robert D. LeluncJ. principal

    Los Angeles’ John MuirjJunior 1*1inh Scliool. has received a 1TvS Humanist Award!from the Rosicrucian Order,!

    Amorc.. For many years the Orderh a s presented HumanistAwards to non-members inifianv parts of the world whomeet certain qualifications.

    *These are that the recipientbe of exceptional character,that he v2*w humanity as one.that he unselfishly s e r v eOth^’>. and that this service

    be nf ?.n exceptional nature toHunnni'y above and beyondthe cdll of duty.

    £ L^l;:n«I *\ irnrd hi= awar d for 

    "oir-t.1n«iincr work in >ihol;is* tic endr.ivur. character build- 

    iiU?. and (M al il is hi ns a i 

    winch sained worldwide  

    int^’c-i anions' p;irrn:s, siu*  

    ftem •* and i%ihira1or.*.*’

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



    I n t ’ l R o s i c r u c i a n S p e a k e r 

    C i t e s B a s i c H u m a n N e e d sThe 1958 International Rosi-}sam» whether men live under

    Jcrucian Convention held injthe Aurora Borealis or the(Sen Jo?e, Ca!., was attenflerl,tropic sen. Because the?e,'by George Hilts of Si 16 Gar-'needs are common to all menrlen Grove Ave., Reseda. who at all times and in all parts ofhas now returned home wiihllhe world. they indicate alsothis statement: I man’s real kinship with other!

    " It gives me an inner feel !men.ing of joy to be able to attendan International Conventionlo talk and mingle with people from all points of theworld.

    "Gathered here at convention time are all races, colors,

    creeds, and various religionswho find a unity of brotherhood and common interest.

    S*m Serious Threat"One Just doesn't read about

    it but is actually part of thisexperience and he or she has

    I the opportunity of tak ing apart, and thus knows.”

    The convention, themed onBasic Human Needs, was reported by Hilts as follows;

    Radioactive fallout is todaya subject which causes deepconcern on the part of scien

    tists and laymen alike. Evenwithout war, fallout is becoming a serious threat, accordingto Dr. Oscar Junek, a famedanthropologist.

    At the 1938 InternationalRosicrucian Convention. Oxford-trained Dr. .Junek spokeon what man's real needs consist of in the face of this andother recent developments.

    "When nowadays our attention is drawn to scientificachievements such as the splitting of an atom, intercontinen

    tal balletic missiles, spacetravel. Sputniks, it is right and

    At a time when uncertain Iworld conditions together withthe specter of atomic warfare!have placed a question markon the continuance of civilization. it is refreshing to talk toa man with great faith in its

    survival value.Junek’s thesis, like most

    significant ideas, is simple.Democracy will prevail because it respects man as an individual. And man is basicallydecent. If he has the chanceto think. Democracy gives himthis chance and encourages it.

    Born a Czech. Dr. Junekstudied at Prague, the University of Chicago, Oxford University and the University ofParis and, until recently,taught anthropology at New

    York University. A worldtraveler, his curiosity has ledhim to Africa, Labrador andto isolated communities inEurope and this country,

    l.ist Special Kent ureaDr. Junek's warmth, wis

    dom and enormous scientificerudition have won him acclaim on lecture platforms!throughout the L'nited States.!His lifetime of woik in teach-!ing the foreign-born and studying the traits of the human;race has produced in him a

    deep and abiding faith in bothGod and man.

    mas. demonstrations in art.jscience, and mysticism, of,films. Icctures, forums, and

    rituals.Special features this year in

    cluded Dr. Junek 's appearance,a displav of the famed Leonardo Da Vinci models, scientific demonstrations of biological phenomena, and leqture?by a high-ranking scientist andState Department official.

    The Van Nuys News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, August 14, 1958

    Page 20-C

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Antonio Express and News

    San Antonio, Texas

    Saturday, August 23,1958

    Page 12-A


    AND THE HUMAN AURAWhy do some indfvirluala see in to electrify everyone by llifiir prcwcnm? Why nro von seeminglydrawn in some persons — ;

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Van Nuys News

    Van Nuys, California

    Thursday, September 18,1958

    Page 23-A

    L o c a l R o s i c r u c i a n s t o E n a c t B u i l d i n g o f G r e a t P y r a mWhen the sun on its eclipti-

    Ml Journey crosses the celestial equator for the autumnalequinox, on Wednesday Sept.21, it will commemorate for

    way Hall, 14312 Kriar St.. at5 p.m. The public is Invitedto witness the ritual and par*ticipate in the fete.

    According to Rosicrucian:the Rosicrucians throughout*tradition, states Owens, thethe world the building of the,pyramid of Cheops, at Gizeh,

    period. Its building entaileda mastery of mathematics,physics, and a considerableunderstanding of those fundamentals of astronomy recognized todav.

    Great Pyramid.Krcrl A. Owens, master of

    the local AMORC. Rosicrucian Van Nuys Chapter, slated

    was begun about -1000 B.C..on the occasion of the fallequinox. •

    Unlike the other pyramid*Rosicrucians throughout thejhuilt during the pyramid age

    jurisdiction of the philosophic! of Egypt. It was not intendedOrder will gather for a rere- as a burial place of a vainmony on Sunday at whichtime they will symbolicallyreenact the building of theGreat Pyramid of Cheops.

    Begun in 4OM0 BCThe outdoor fete and cere

    mony will be enacted at Nor

    Pharaoh who desired a monument of his reign, but as atemple of learning.

    The construction of theGreat Pyramid, it is said, required a knowledge of all ofthe known sciences of the

    Since the Rosicruciasaid, trace their traorigin hack to AmenhoPharaoh of Eqvpt in 13and historically knownfirst great personahistory, they commetheir ancient origin ritualistic constructiominiature pyramid.

    Mones layMThe laying of each

    represents to them ttural accomplishmentsOrder during each yeaexistence. The apex placed upon a miniaturmid at a future timethe Ideals of the Rosmovement have beeized. *

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    Hood County News-Tablet

    Granbury, Texas

    Thursday, September 18,1958

    Page 8

    Rosicrucians Commemorate Build. Pyramid

    On September 23. when t h c

    sun on its ecliptical journey

    crossi s ih** celeMial equator f(*r

    thi* autumnal equinox. Rosi-

    erucian throughout the world

    will e»*mt> emorate the building

    of the Great. Pyranncfc

    I I t f>'\:\  CiahfrSr. fPTS fcr ST

    the Koit Worth AMORC Uosi-

    erueian Pronaos, state* that

    R»»sicrueiaus thiough»*ut the* ju risdiction of the philosophic.

    Older will gather for a cere

    mony on September 21. atwhieh time thev will symboli

    cally* re-enact th e build ing of

    the* Great Pvramid of Cheops.

    According to Rosicrucian tra

    ditions. states M rs Crabtreetin* pyramid of Cheops at Giza

    was begun about 400fl B. C.. onthi* occasion of tin* fall equinox,

    t’nlike the other pyramids builtduring the Pyramid Age of

    Egypt ,it was not intended as

    a burial place for a vain Pha

    raoh who desired a monument

    of his reign, but as a temple

    of learning. The construction of

    the Great Pyramid, it is said,

    required a knowledge of all theknown sciences of that periodIts building entailed a mastery

    of mathematics and physics,

    and a considerable understanding of those* fundamentals of

    astronomer reengnized todayThe F*>»t Worth rcrcmony

    Garden Center, beginning at

    6:00 p. m. The public is cordi-

    ' ally invited to witness the r i

    tual and participate jn the

    picnic supper whit I. follows.Members of t h i Rosicrucian

    Order attend the Fort Worth

    Pronao. from Granbury, Alva" rrrdo; (>bnrnf*r and iTfhor 'Com-

    fmuhities within it jurisdiction

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Desert Sentinel

    Desert Hot Springs, California

    Thursday, September 18,1958

    Page 2



    Mystical Convocation and  

    Pyramid Ceremony

    Convocation at 3:00 P.M. Pyramid Ceremony 

    at 3:45 P.M.

    Sunday, September 21, 1958

     mprovement Association Hall 8th St. and Cactus Avenue

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Monday, September 22, 1958

    Page B-4

    R o s i c r u c i a n s S e t 

    C e r e m o n y M a r k i n g  B u i l d i n g P y r a m i d

    When the sun on its eliptical

    journey crosses the celestial

    equator for the autumnal equinox

    Sept. 1!4, it will commemorate forRosicrucians throughout t h e

    world the building of the greatpyramid of Cheops.

    James A. McClain, master of

    the local AMORC, states that Ro-

    sicrucians of the local chapter

    and throughout the jurisdiction of

    the philosophic order will gather

    today to symbolically reenact the

    building of the great pyramid atGizeh.

    The outdoor fete and ceremony

    will be locally enacted at Gar

    field Park. 800 E. Holt Ave., Pom

    ona at 5 p.m . The public isinvited.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Desert Sentinel

    Desert Hot Springs, California

    Thursday, October 23, 1958

    Page 2


    The * Desert. Pronaos, AMORCNwill hold its regular convocationat 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26 at theImprovement Assn. Hall, 8thStreet and Cactus Avenue, Desert Hot Springs. The deputygrand master Dr. J. C. Guideroof the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC,

    will be with the local group andaround 4 p.m. the meeting willbe open to the public.

    Dr. Guidero will show coloredslides of the 1958 Rosicrucianconvention held at RosicrucianPark, San Jose, and also slidesof the Laguna Art Festival. Re.freshments will be served.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Desert Sentinel

    Desert Hot Springs, California

    Thursday, October 23, 1958

    Page 10




    Sunday, October

     26,  1958

    Guest Speaker, Deputy GrandMaster, Dr. J. C. Guidero

    Improvement AssociationHall

     8th Street and Cactus Avenue

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Daily (ileancr

    Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

    Wednesday, November 19,1958

    Page 7



     At Hann*«on» Sport* Club Tonight at 8.00 pan.

    You just h a v e to be at this wonderful pre-holiday danco toenjoy yourself. Proceeds in aid of Charitable Christmas

    Treat. ADMISSION: 3/- Single; 5/- Couple.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Desert Sentinel

    Desert Hot Springs, California

    Thursday, December 4,1958

    Page 2

    Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C. MYST CAL CONVOCAT ON  


    December 7, 1958 

    Guest Speaker - Past MasterJohn Schissler -

     mprovement Association Hail 

    8th Street and Cactus Avenue

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Thursday, January 1,1959

    Page 23 (Suburbia Today Section)

    Benjamin Franklin(A RotlcnariiB)

    W H Y was this mangreat? How does

    anyone—man or woman—achieve

    greatness? Is it not by mastery of thepowers within ourselves?

    Know the mysterious world withinyou! Attune yourself co the wisdom

    oi rhc ages! Grasp the inner powerof your mind! Learn the secrets of afull and jx^ccful life!

    benjamin Frankiin—likeminy other learned and£rcat men and women—was a Rosicrucim. The

    Kosictuciant (N O T a1religious organization)firtr came to America in16y4. Today, headquarters of i he KoiKruuanssend over seven millionpieces o(  mill annually co all ratis of theworld. Write for YOUR FREE COPY of"'I lie M an et) of Life “-T ODA Y. Noohlipaiioit. No salesmen. A non-proficorgnnijjfion. Address: Scribe C .A Z.

    THM ftOOK 



    SAN JOS*. » (AMUKC) • C A L IF O R N IA

    J t N O t i m e O UFO^N__________

    S en b e C A 2 .


    S«« Joae, CaliforniaPlfisc ir.nJ me rhe/rrr book. TAr Mdit t ry   */ »t j f t ,  » Jiich ckpltiflS l.ciw 1may lorrt lo u%t ' my faiufuc» ind power* of m«nJ. |



    City_________________________   J





  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Corpus Christi Times

    Corpus Christi, Texas

    Tuesday, January 6,1959

    Page 7


    Chapter Formed 

    By Local GroupTh? first

    mrctinz  of the neufyorganised Corpus Christi Rnsieruc-:an chapter was held in the Ros-iertirian temple at 5740 leopardrecently.

    E. I>. Cot Ls  master. Mr*. John.Ma) berry is secretary "and Robert Hyde i* cuaniian. j

    The chapter was organizedabout mx \'Cc’ks n~o under theauthorisation o! lh e Supreme*Grand I/xl^c of the International;nosicrurian Order, AMORC, ofSan Jose. Calif.

    Cox prcsMed al the initial merlin;:. Mrs* Helen Kiel!. master of

    the BeeviJle ehapier. read the disown rse. The !rm;rte dedicatoryscrvicc was conducted by CampKzell of J>eviik. *ho is zrar.dcouncilor ol the onler for theSouthwestern States.

    Meetings will he held on the,first and third Saturday nicht*at 7:30 o'clock.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8



    Long Beach, California

    Saturday, January 31, 1959

    Page A-6




    . Public Invited

    I>,p ucrld-vlde Scsicr^ ian C'ftV jlr.3*n as AMCRC. r.virti \i.  to *ie«‘"v of di>'.ojr :ev cn np*ipHv&ici , 

    pKi’cicpty. prf*'l»cpl piycMf cy.InilrurKv* — rot a

    UrJur#*—a If** dftti oi p-fvr.nal K**n.5'inq ycur frierds.

    -EVERY TUESDAY AT 3 ?. V. 

    Siarh Feb. 3rd

    MOR&AN HALL. 825 Locust

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Friday, February 6, 1959

    Page B-3

    Rosicrucians Invited 

    To Lecture Sunday

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Friday, February 20, 1959

    Page B-3

    Rosicrucian Event Set

    POMONA — RWith* rs»*f thf* m< inns ar** invite toI a'kc* part in on

    visible of reinr^rfifi*tion at T pm Sumt*\ a* t h ^Kmehf; of Puhias Hall. 239 EHolt An e   Pomona P o m o n a

    ChaplfT ANI^RC, 'sponsoringtho f*vrnf

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 8


    The Desert Sentinel

    Desert Hot Springs, Californ ia

    Thursday, March 12
