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  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1



    Module 1 - Written Communication

    Module 2Oral Communication

    StructureSection A Introduction- Section B Study

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    Written Communication

    1. The layout and style of a business letter (p. 15)

    Style of a business letterblock style

    - semi block style

    - indented style

    - British style

    - American Style

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    For a good communication

    2. Elements a business letter should contain



    clarity -



    timing -


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    For a better communication

    3. Content of a business letterp14-21

    Here's How:

    Use block style - do not indent paragraphs.

    Include address of the person you are writing to at the top of the letter, below your company address.

    After the address, double space and include date

    Double space (or as much as you need to put the body of the letter in the center) and include the salutation.Include Mr. for men or Ms for women, unless the recipient has a title such as Dr.

    State a reference reason for your letter (i.e. "With reference to our telephone conversation..." Give the reason for writing (i.e. "I am writing to you to confirm our order...")

    Make any request you may have (i.e. "I would be grateful if you could include a brochure..."

    If there is to be further contact, refer to this contact (i.e. "I look forward to meeting you at...")

    Close the letter with a thank you (i.e. "Thank you for your prompt help...")

    Finish the letter with a salutation (i.e. "Yours sincerely,")

    Include 4 spaces and type your full name and title

    sign the letter between the salutation and the typed name and title

    4. Cross cultural communicationp 22

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    What kind of letters would a business personneed to write as to communicate successfully inthe business world?

    in-company letters: reports, memos

    company to company letters: advertisement,enquiry, offer, order, complaint, credit letters; e-mails and fax facil i ties, thank-you letters,invitation and recommendation letters, letters of

    introduction. Which will be the politically correct level of

    formality in a business letter?

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    results of some research

    interpretation of data

    will include: - person/s to whom it is addressed (to)

    - sender (from)

    - date

    - title

    - introduction

    - body

    - recommendations/proposals

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    Report sample

    Date: September 1, 2000

    To:Center Interns

    From: Center Team Leader

    Subject: Writing and Designing a Report

    Introduction. This report outlines some of the format considerations for designing business reports. Report formats can bedesigned in a variety of ways. Often, the organization you are working for may have standard requirements for reportformats--be sure to follow these if they exist.

    Body of the report Reports can be as simple as the standard memo format or as complex as a formal report which might include

    title page;

    letter or memo of transmittal ;

    table of contents ;

    list of illustrations;

    executive summary or abstract;

    body text;


    appendices. Note/RecommendationRemember that you may or may not need to include all of these items, depending on the writing

    situation you are responding to.

    The kind of report format you choose should be appropriate for the communication situation. For example, this report isformatted as a memo, which is appropriate for more informal situations or for short reports. Regardless of whether the reportis formal or informal, in any report you should begin by stating the purpose of the report. The format, content, andorganization of the rest of the report depends on its purpose.

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    meant to be known by a certain person/group of personsfrom the company

    containsthe name/s of the person/s to

    whom it is addressed (to) - the name of the sending

    person (from)

    - a subject line

    - the date

    - a reference line

    - the body of the memo/ the message as such

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    Memo sample

    To: Members of the Ethics and Business Conduct Committee

    From: Susan Litzinger, Director of Ethics and Business Conduct

    Date: March 1, 20--

    Subject: Reported Ethics Cases 20--

    Reference line SL

    Enclosed is the annual Ethics and Business Conduct Report, as required by

    CGF Policy CGF-EP-01 , for your evaluation, covering the first year of our Ethics Program. This report contains a review of the ethics cases handled by CGF Ethics

    officers and managers during 20--.

    The ethics cases reported are analyzed according to two categories: (1) major

    ethics cases, or those potentially involving serious violations of company

    policy or illegal conduct, and (2) minor ethics cases, or those that do not in-

    volve serious policy violations or illegal conduct. The report also examines the

    mode of contact in all of the reported cases and the disposition of the substan-

    tiated major ethics cases.

    It is my hope that this report will provide the Committee with the information

    needed to assess the effectiveness of the first year of CGFs Ethics Program and

    to plan for the coming year. Please let me know if you have any questions

    about this report or if you need any further information. I may be reached at

    (555) 211-2121 and by email at .

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    Rules for writing business letters 1

    Write down your aim. What is the purpose of yourletter?

    Assemble all the relevant documents and information:copies of previous correspondence, reports, figures etc.

    Arrange the points in order of importance. Decide whichpoints are irrelevant and can be left out. Make roughnotes.

    Write an outline in note form. Check it considering thefollowing:

    Have you left any important points out? Can the order of presentation be made clearer?

    Have you included anything that is not relevant?

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    Rules for writing business letters 2

    Write a first draft leaving plenty of space for changes and revisions.

    Revise your first draft by considering the following:

    Does it cover all the essential points?

    Is the information relevant, correct and complete?

    Are the grammar, punctuation and spelling correct? Does it look attractive?

    Does it sound natural and sincere?

    Is it clear, concise and courteous?

    Will it give the reader the right impression?

    Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?

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    LETTERS the advertisement letter

    the inquiry letter

    the offer letter

    the order letter

    the complaint letter

    the letter of credit

    e-mail and fax facilities

    miscellaneous - thank-you letter

    - invitation to a reception

    - recommendation letter

    - letter of introduction

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    Cross cultural communication

    the peoples proficiency in informal idiomatic

    English might not be very high

    differences between different varieties of English

    (see The English Language Today- Perception,Varieties andAcquisition, Luminita Andrei, Ed.

    Universitas XXI, Iasi, 2005 p. 61-66; 80- 81; 97-


    false friends: rentabi l i ty, l ibrary, actually

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    The Advertisement Letter

    To meet the needs of your potential


    warm tone

    common sense discourse/high degree of


    well-informed about potential customers

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    The Advertisement Letter

    parts of the letter opening: We are/I am

    writing to inform you about our products

    - body: Please, visi t us, we

    are sure youwillf ind our products/servicessatisfactory

    - closing: Hoping in a prompt

    reply and future collaboration.

    Looking forward to your visit.

    Yours sincerely/ Yours faithful ly/ Truly yours

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    The inquiry letter


    We have read/seen in your advertisement/letter of.that you manufacture and

    export electronics.

    We are one of the largest importers of electronics and we found about your profile

    from one of your customers.


    We would be grateful if you could send us your catalogs/leaflets/price lists/pattern



    If the quality of your products /services comes up to our expectations, we will place

    a substantial order. We are looking forward to your prompt reply.

    Sincerely yours/ Faithfully yours

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Openings

    1. We are a wholesale importing house, having many customers throughout

    the country, both in the wholesale and retail trades.

    2. We are importers and exporters specialized in building materials.

    3. I refer to our appointment on March 9th, at your trade office, when I had

    discussions with representatives who had come from your country, on the

    occasion of the Bucharest International Fair.

    4. We are indebted for your name and address to your Commercial Agency in

    our city.

    5. We understand/ learn/ hear from Mr. Smith, one of your partners, that you

    export electronics.

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    The Inquiry Letter

    Body 1

    1. Will you please let us have a quotation/your best/rock bottom price for a lotof washing machines.

    2. We should be glad to receive your illustrated catalogs, patterns andprospectuses.

    3. Please quote on the following items/goods.

    4. We should be grateful if you would send us your catalogues/ price lists/pattern- books

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    The Inquiry Letter

    Body 2

    1. As we expect/anticipate/foresee a considerable demand for this

    line/range of goods, we should require special terms/a special discount.

    2. As we hope to attain a considerable turnover we trust you will quote usyour lowest prices.

    3. If your spare part service is prompt and efficient, we think we can

    promise you good results.

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    The Inquiry Letter


    1.We thank you in anticipation of a prompt reply.

    2. We are looking forward to your quotations.

    3. An early reply will oblige.

    4. Your prompt reply will be appreciated.

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    Inquiry sample

    Dear sirs,

    We are an import and marketing company established in the giftware industry.

    We are interested in new products and be glad to receive information on the

    products you are ready to export. We are prepared to act as sole agents or to import

    and market products directly.

    We look forward to receiving details on your goods.

    Yours faithfully,

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    Application 1

    Translate the following letter into English:


    Prin intermediul reclamei dvs. dintr-una din revistele comerciale, am aflatca sunteti exportatori de articole de sticla. Pentru informarea dvs., vrem saaratam ca suntem cumparatori pe scara mare de articole de sticla si casuntem una din cele mai vechi firme din tara noastra.

    Am dori sa primim ultimele dvs. cataloage si lista dvs de preturi.

    Va multumim anticipat,

    Cu stima,

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    Application 2

    Translate the following letter into Romanian:

    Dear sirs,

    We are one of the leading importers and distributors dealing in generalgoods as well as glass and porcelain ware.

    We trust there is a huge market potential and would kindly ask you to let ushave your catalog and price lists.

    We hope to establish a lasting business cooperation.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours truly,

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    The Offer Letter

    An answer to an inquiry letter

    Details about quality, price, delivery, payment and guarantees

    Expressing regrets that we are not able to help and suggesting

    the services of another firm

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    The Offer Letter


    Opening: Thank you for the inquiry of October 2007, in which you were asking us

    about our products/ services, pack number 87.


    1. Positive answer: You will find enclosed our catalog and price list, together

    with our discount conditions/ We can quote the following products

    2. Negative answer. We regret to inform you that we do not have the

    required goods in our stock for the moment, that is why we have passed your

    request to who might help you.

    Closing: We will be glad to receive an order from you as soon as possible/ We hopeyou will find our offer acceptable and place an order soon.

    Sincerely yours,

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Opening

    Many thanks/ We are much obliged for your inquiry of/ letter of/ interest in our


    We acknowledge receipt of your letter/ inquiry of/ dated..

    As requested by you on the telephone.

    With regard/respect to your letter dated.

    Body 1

    We are able to inform/advise you that

    We have pleasure in quoting as follows/our best quotation for

    By todays separate post/under separate cover we are sending you our best

    quotation/our latest price list/our catalog/our pattern book/samples and prices.

    We enclose herewith/please find enclosed our best quotation.

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Body 2

    The samples we sent/enclosed will no doubt convince you of the excellent qualityof our goods

    As we had an extremely fine season, we were able to produce wines of very highquality.

    The quality of our goods leaves nothing to be desired/will no doubt meet with yourapproval.

    Body 3

    We could let you have this product at $10 per ton/meter, in terms of.

    Our prices range fromper ton upwards, according to order amount/to quantity/toquality.

    We regret that due to increased costs of raw material and labour, we have noalternative but to request a higher price for this instrument than for the 2006contract.

    The above prices do not include packing charges/costs, insurance.

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphsBody 3 (continuation)

    - Payment by irrevocable, divisible and transferable letter of credit with thebankin favour of

    - Payment for an initial order would be required on proforma invoice.

    - Our prices are to be understood F.O.B./C.I.F.

    Body 4- For quantities of and over we can grant a discount of % on list prices.

    - We wish to inform you that we are ready to grant you a % introductiondiscount.

    Body 5

    - The goods/products will be ready for dispatch./We can supply the goods at

    once/in a fortnight/in three months from your order

    - Shipments can be effected a month/45 days after your firm order has beenreceived and L/C established.

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Body 6

    We hold this offer open/valid till further notice.

    Please let us have your order bysince the price concession will not apply

    after that date.

    Body 7

    We await your instructions/order by return/by first mail.

    Please advise (confirmati)/confirm by letter if you accept our quotation/our

    proposal meets your requirements.

    In your order please quote catalog no./colour required/

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Closing

    We hope/trust/are sure that these goods/our offer/our terms will meet your

    requirements/prove satisfactory/be of interest to you

    We shall be pleased to receive an order from you soon.

    Should you be interested in further details, please do not hesitate to write to us.

    We look forward to your trial order/your first order

    If there are any other products in which you are interested, kindly ask for

    further offers.

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    However, FOB, CIF, and CFRare all terms which relate to the delivery of the goods andthey will affect the price of those goods.

    FOBmeans Free On Board. This means that the goods will be deemed to be delivered to theBuyer at the point that the goods pass the ship's rail. Obviously, this will normally be as thegoods are swung in their container onto the ship.

    CIFmeans Cost, Insurance, and Freight. This means that the Seller is providing a price whichincludes the cost of the goods, the insurance of the goods for their journey to their destinationport/unloading point, and the cost of the ocean freight or whichever method of freight is beingused to transport the goods to the Buyer. Therefore, delivery of the goods when quoted CIFwill usually take place at the port of unloading.

    CFRis also sometimes termed as C&F. This means cost and freight, and is where the Seller isproviding a price which includes the cost of the goods and of the freight, but NOT insurance.Therefore it is similar to CIF but does not include insurance of the goods on their journey tothe Buyer.

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    Application 1

    Translate into English: Stimati domni,

    Va multumim pentru scrisoarea dvs. din data de

    Ne face placere sa anexam prezentei catalogul nostru, impreuna cu lista noastra depreturi pentru,,,, asa cum ne-ati solicitat. Va rugam sa ne informati ce articole va

    intereseaza, pentru a va putea furniza detaliile necesare.

    Puteti fi siguri ca vom acorda prompt atentie comenzii dvs., pe care asteptam sa o


    Cu stima,

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    Application 2

    Translate into Romanian:

    Dear Sirs,

    We thank you for your inquiry of 23-rd of January and are sending you enclosedour latest brochures, and the 2007 catalog and price booklet, as desired.

    For the beginning we can recommend you our popular eight-days tour, whichincludes flights to and from Bucharest, combines visits to the capital city and to themajestic Carpathians. The full-time English speaking guide is included in the tourprice, which has always been extremely competitive. We grant up to 40%reductions for low-season holidays.

    We look forward to receiving your first order, which, we hope, will be thebeginning of a long and fruitful cooperation between our companies.

    Yours faithfully

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    You have many offers

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    The Order Letter

    After receiving an offer letter, the potential buyer may place an


    In tabular formsused by some companies

    Order letters written as an answer in correspondence

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    The Order Letter



    We thank you for your quotation of 12 September 2007/ We acknowledgereceipt of your offer letter dated. For 20 tons of apples.and are pleasedto place an order for


    Please make sure you send items/products of first quality. Considering ourlarge order, we should like to know if you could grant us a discount. As forthe delivery, we would like to receive the goods by the end of themonth/within 15 days of receipt of this order.

    Closing We trust that this first order will be satisfactorily covered, so that we could

    place further orders with you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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    Different Ways of Writing the

    Paragraphs Opening

    We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your quotation dated 30 October 2007 forand have

    pleasure in placing with you an order for/kindly ask you to book (to our account) the

    following order.

    Many thanks for letting us have your sample/patterns ofso that we are now able to confirm

    our order for

    With reference to your offer ofwe are now placing an order with you as per order form


    Please/kindly dispose an early forwarding/shipment of

    Enclosed please find/ our order for/ an opening order for/ a trial order for

    Following our interview of we are now placing an order with you

    Body 1-quality and quantity

    Please take care that the quality should be in every respect up to the mark/up to our


    We must point out that the machinery should be according to our specification/technical


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    Different Ways of Writing the

    Paragraphs Body

    The alcohol/oil/water content must not be under 12% and our order is being placed subject to this


    Body 2prices, reductions

    We find the price satisfactory, but we should like to know if you could grant us a 3% discount for a quantity

    of over

    If your prices and terms are suitable, this trial order may lead to considerable business. We could place a large order with you if you could see your way to bringing your price down to a level

    comparable to the world market.

    Body 3alternative goods and services

    As we understand that you are out of this line for the time being, please send us a similar one you have in

    stock/let us have a suitable substitute on condition that the price is identical/does not exceed.

    Body 4delivery

    If you can deliver the first part of our order next week, by air freight in view of the urgency of our order.

    Please kindly forward the goods upon receipt of this order/within 10 days of receipt of our order.

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    Different Ways of Writing the

    Paragraphs Closing

    Please acknowledge receipt of our order and give it your best attention.

    We hope/trust tat you will carry out this order to our full satisfaction.

    If this first order is satisfactorily executed we shall place further business with you.

    Your prompt attention to our order will oblige/will be appreciated.

    Rejecting an offer

    Many thanks for your offer of Much to our regret, we have no demand for this article at themoment so we must/are compelled to turn it down.

    We thank you for your kind offer but we have already placed our order elsewhere.

    Cancelling an order

    Please cancel our order no. of 5 December, for and send us ..in exchange. Business is poor, we have therefore to cancel our order no.

    As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we cannot help cancelling the order.

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    Sample Letter of Order

    Dear Sirs,

    We have duly received your proposal for the supply of textiles together with the pattern-book

    and price lists.

    While appreciating the good quality of all your samples, we find the prices of patterns 23 and

    25 rather high for our market. We also have to point out that very good similar materials are

    now available from other sources to better prices.

    As we have in mind an order of some 5,000 yards for each sample, we would like to know if

    you could give us a slightly better price at least for the 2 above mentioned patterns,

    considering that ours is a highly competitive market and a keen price is essential.

    We trust that you will be willing to meet our terms and look forward to your prompt reply.

    Yours faithfully

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    Application 1

    How would you start your reply in these situations?

    A. A company wrote to you on the 23 September. They wanted to know if

    you sell photocopiers.

    B. You want to know if the company you are writing to organizes holidaysto Africa.

    C. You want to know the prices of some air conditioners.

    D. You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want

    further information.

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    Application 2

    Translate into English: Domnilor,

    Va multumim pentru oferta dvs. din 2 oct.anul curent. Va rugam sa ne expediatimarfa descrisa mai jos.

    Cititi instructiunile si conditiile detransport de pe verso-ul prezentei

    comenzi. Daca nu puteti executa comandain conditiile stabilite, anuntati-ne (notify)imediat.

    Rugam confirmati primirea comenzii cuprima posta ( by return).

    Nerespectarea instructiunilor (failure tocomply with instructions) din aceastacomanda va face pasibili (liable) de orice

    cheltuieli suplimentare survenite peparcurs (incurred).



    Conditii de plata

    Cu stima,

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    Application 3what kind of letter is this,

    translate it into Romanian

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    The Complaint Letter

    If there is a dissatisfied party, either the seller or the buyer, in a business


    It is unpleasant, but necessary sometimes The tone should be friendlyand the writer should express regret of being

    forced to make a complaint

    The dissatisfied party will have to clearly specify the nature of the

    complaint(quality, quantity, delivery, payment etc.)

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    The Complaint Letter



    It is with great regret that we have to /We are writing to inform you that goods delivered

    under contract number 25 of 23 April 2007, are not in accordance with the contract

    specifications/are not up to the samples/patterns.


    We were surprised to find that the supplied goods were below the agreed standards, since you

    have never disappointed us so far. We think that the best solution is for us to return the goods

    to you, at your expense and for you to replace them with the right ones in due time. We must

    also ask you to attend more carefully to our orders in future, otherwise we shall be obliged to

    fulfil our requirements/ to place our orders elsewhere.


    Please let us know what you are prepared to do in this matter.

    iff f i i

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Opening

    We would like to inform you that the quality is decidedly inferior to any other previously

    supplied/leaves much to be desired/ is far from being satisfactory;

    We are making a claim on/against you for inferior quality of the goods delivered against

    contract no.as follows

    We have to advise you that the goods supplied by you have operating defects/a faulty

    design/manufacturing defects


    We had an analysis made and specialist reports that the chemical content is 20% less than


    As results show/you can see from the test certificate we enclosed, the supplied goods fail to

    meet the quality conditions as agreed.

    Evidently some mistake was made and the goods have been wrongly delivered

    The parcel no. 8 contains several articles we have not ordered.

    Apparently, we have received goods intended for another customer of yours.

    Diff f i i h

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    Different ways of writing the

    paragraphs Closing

    The best solution would be for us to return the wrong items to you, postage and

    packing forward.

    Should you be interested, we enclose herewith: the official report/the minutes/the

    test certificate/the estimate for the necessary remedies, drawn up by a well known

    specialised firm. Although the quality of these goods is not up to that of our usual lines, we are

    prepared to accept them if you reduce the price, say by

    Please inform us what you are prepared to do in this matter

    S l L f C l i

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    Sample Letter of Complaint

    Dear Sirs,

    We have to let you know that our last consignment of tyres delivered by you is not up to your

    usual standards.

    We have always been able to rely on the high quality of your products and we are all the more

    disappointed of the present situation as we supplied these goods to a new client.

    You will find enclosed a report of domestic survey agents who carefully inspected the


    We should be grateful if you would kindly arrange to urgently ship replacements of the 200

    tyres for compensations.

    Yours truly

    A i l i t l tt

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    Answering a complaint letter

    the adjustment letter

    Dear Mr. Smith, We acknowledge with many thanks receipt of your letter dated 12-th

    November 2007, and are very glad to tell you that, after looking into

    manufacturing costs of model 4, we have reached the conclusion that we

    could lower our contract price by 15%. We hope you will find thisreduction satisfactory, considering the high quality of our products.

    We look forward to continuing our business relationship with you.

    Yours sincerely

    A li ti 1

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    Application 1

    It is now common to use .to address women in business, regardless of

    whether they are married or not.

    A. Miss

    B. Ms.

    C. Mrs.

    In all type of business correspondence you should be ..and ..

    A. clear, briefing, correct

    B. concise, short, polite

    C. clear, concise, polite

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    Application 2


    You are the secretary of ABC

    International. Your boss has left

    the letter from a customer on your

    desk, for you to answer. Write the

    two letters for this situation.Consider your customer made a


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    Application 3


    You have ordered six

    computers from a

    specialised firm. Theydelivered only two to

    you. Write the two

    letters for this situation

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  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Application 6

    Comment on the following letter:

    Tothe citizens of the United States ofAmerica From Her Sovereign Majesty Queen ElizabethI I

    In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent

    candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves,we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence,effective immediately. (You should look up "revocation" in theOxford English Dictionary.) Her Sovereign Majesty QueenElizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states,commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does notfancy). Your new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint aGovernor for America without the need for further elections.

    Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any

    of you noticed.

    To aid in the transition to a British Crown dependency, the followingrules are introduced with immediate effect:

    From Her Sovereign Majesty Queen

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    g j y Q


    1. The letter "U" will be reinstated in words such as"colour," "favour," "labour" and "neighbour." Likewise, youwill learn to spell "doughnut" without skipping half the letters,and the suffix "-ize" will be replaced by the suffix "-ise." Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary

    to acceptable levels. (Look up "vocabulary"). 2. Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with

    filler noises such as '"like" and "you know" is an unacceptableand inefficient form communication. There is no such thing asU. S. English. We will let Microsoft know on your

    behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to takeinto account the reinstated letter "u"'

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    From Her Sovereign Majesty Queen

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    g j y Q


    7. The former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have beencalling gasoline) of roughly $10/US gallon. Get used toit.

    8. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call Frenchfries are not real chips, and those things you insist on callingpotato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thickcut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup (ketchup) but with


    9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth,only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer,and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referredto as Lager. Australian beer is also acceptable, as they arepound for pound the greatest sporting nation on earth and it canonly be due to the beer. They are also part of the BritishCommonwealth - see what it did for them. American brands willbe referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's(tiny thing) Urine, so that all can besold without risk of further confusion.

    From Her Sovereign Majesty Queen

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    g j y Q


    10. Hollywood will be required occasionallyto cast English actors asgood guys. Hollywood will also be required

    to cast English actors to play Englishcharacters. Watching AndieMacDowell attempt English dialogue in Four

    Weddings and a Funeral was an experience

    akin (similar) to having one's ears removedwith a cheese grater.

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  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    From Her Sovereign Majesty Queen

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    g j y Q


    14. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from HerMajesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure theacquisition of all monies (silver coins) due (backdated to1776).

    15. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 p.m. with propercups, with saucers, and never mugs, with high quality biscuits(cookies) and cakes; plus strawberries (with cream) when inseason.

    God Save the Queen!

    PS:This is to be shared with friends who have a good senseof humour (NOT humor)!

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  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    The letter of credit

    It contains the following details:

    Name and address of the importer

    Name and address of the exporter

    Name and address of the issuing bank Name and address of the confirming bank

    Type of credit (revocable, irrevocable)

    Expiry date

    Terms of contract and shipment

    Amount of credit

    Description of the goods covered by the credit

    Shipping details

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    Possible circuit of L/C

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Sample letter of credit (L/C) - 1

    Irrevocable Letter of credit Lloyd Bank

    11 Cambridge Street

    Bristol 24WC, UK

    Beneficiary Ref. ABC 1234

    Furniture International LTD Dated 18 March 2006

    2Useful Road London 9SE Date of expiry 18 May 2006

    UK Place of expiry: UK Amount: up to 50,000

    Opening bank Applicant

    Lloyd Bank of Australia Decora International Ltd.

    7 Spring Street, Sydney 23 LW 29 Queen Avenue Sydney

    Australia 2 TW, Australia

    26 March 2006 Dear Sirs,

    This letter is available with Lloyd Bank Bristol International Branch by payment against presentation of the documents listedbelow and of your draft at sight(trate la vedere) drawn on Lloyd Bank, Bristol International Branch, for 100 per cent ofinvoice value.

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  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Sample letter of credit - 3

    Special instructions/important.

    Please check/include/do not include the details of this credit. Documents should be conform in everyrespect with the credit terms. If there are differences from the credit terms, we reserve the right to make anadditional charge.

    Unless otherwise expressly stated, this letter is subject to the Uniform customs and practice fordocumentary credits (1998 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce, Publication no. 29/Brochure no.


    Yours faithfully


    Authorised signature Authorised signature

    Different ways of writing the

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Different ways of writing the



    We are pleased to inform you that our bank

    has opened the following letter of credit in

    your favor. We shall be much obliged if thesupply will be effected within the validity

    period of the L/C.

    Different ways of writing the

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    Different ways of writing the


    The irrevocable credit

    The above mentioned issuing bank engages with you

    that all drafts drawn under and in compliance (in

    concordanta) with the terms of this credit will be duly(la timp) honored, on delivery of documents as

    specified, if presented at this office on or before the

    expiry date indicated above. This letter is solely an

    advice of credit opened by the above mentionedissuing bank and conveys no engagement by us.

    Different ways of writing the

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    Different ways of writing the


    Amendments to a L/C

    Please arrange immediately by fax for the following

    amendments to the above letter of credit: Increase by US $ 10,000

    Extend shipment date to July 2007.

    The validity of the L/C is extended to November 30.

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    Old form of L/C

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    Application 1

    Translate into English:

    Scrisoare de cerere de credit

    1 martie 2007

    Catre Wells Fargo Bank

    Va rugam sa deschideti in contul nostru un acreditiv documentar in concordanta cu detaliile mentionate maijos.

    Suntem de acord ca, exceptand situatiile formulate in mod expres, acest acreditiv sa fie conform cupracticile si uzantele uniforme pentru acreditive documentare (revizuite in 1974), din publicatia Camereiinternationale de comert no. 290.

    Tip de acreditiv: irevocabil

    Metoda de avizare: prin avion

    Numele si prenumele beneficiarului

    Suma:$ 5,000

    Valabilitate: valabil pana la..in Bucuresti pentru negociere

    Documente necesare: factura in trei copii, setul complet de conosamente, polita de asigurare Cantitate si descrierea marfii: 10 t ingrasaminte

    Conditii: CIF Londra

    Expediate din Romania la Londra.


  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Application 2

    Translate into Romanian:

    Dear Sirs,

    By order of Messrs. Green&Co, London, we request you to open an irrevocablecredit valid until 23 March 2007, in favor of Atibiotice, Iasi, for the amount of$6,000

    This credit is available for negotiation if accompanied by the following documents: Invoice in 3 copies, full set of bills of lading, insurance policy, covering shipment

    of 10 tons of fertilizers CIF London

    Partial shipments are not allowed

    Please send us 1 complete set of documents by airmail, the rest by followingairmail.

    For your payment kindly reimburse yourselves on our bank.

    Yours faithfully

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    E-mail and Fax facilities

    E-mails and fax letters are the fastest ways to get to the partnerin a written form

    Almost all types of letters may be sent in this way, when we

    need a fast reply from our partner

    A cover-sheet is necessary with the information about thesender, the receiver, the subject, the number of pages.

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Sample fax/facsimile message/letter

    1 ABC INTERNATIONAL 20 Main Street Liverpool SW

    ( + 44 788 2020)

    Fax cover Sheet

    Date: 11 April 2007

    Message to: Name: Robert Johnson Company: Medical 3

    Fax no. 44 789 4567

    Message from: Name: John Rogers

    Company: ABC International

    Fax number: 44 788 2020

    Phone: 44 788 2021

    Number of pages, including cover page: 2

    Comments: if you do not receive this transmission clearly, please call us/let us know.

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Sample fax/facsimile message/letter

    2 Dear Mr. Johnson,

    Thank you for your estimate on our medical insurance coverage for the year beginning June

    1-st 2008

    Our Board of Directors carefully considered your proposal, along with those of four other

    companies. The final decision was between you and one other company. On the combinedcost-benefit basis, we have decided to accept your proposal.

    Thank you for your complete submission and explanation in depth of the benefits under your


    Looking forward to your answer.

    Sincerely yours

    John Rogers


  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Rules to observe in writing e-mails

    Make it brief (no more than 1 page)

    Return e-mails on the same day, if possible

    Format it to be sent in plain text, rather than HTML (Hyper text markup


    Write a salutation for each new subject

    Write a subject line

    Title the document that you are attaching

    Dont forget that e-mails are public documents

    Include in your e-mails only those statements that you can openly defend


  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    E-mail sample

    From: DICOEN 2003 To: Conference participant

    Subject: DICOEN Conference final programme

    Date: NOV. 2003

    Dear participant at DICOEN 2003,

    It is a pleasure to inform you that the final programme of the SecondInternational Conference on Discourse, Communication and Enterprise isnow available at www.uvigo.es(please see Final programme).

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any information.

    Looking forward to seeing you. Fernando Ramallo

    Mi ll l

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Miscellaneous letters

    Thank you letter

    Invitation to a reception

    Recommendation letter

    Letter of introduction

    (54-59 op. cit.)

    A li i 1

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Application 1

    What would you write in these situations?

    A temporary secretary doesnt speak English. You have to write to the

    agency that sent her to you.

    Your best friends son desperately needs a job. He comes to you for help.

    You spent a good time with your colleagues from another subsidiary of

    your company. Now you are back to your office.

    A li ti 2

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Application 2

    Match the words with the abbreviations used in faxes and e-mails

    And; are; attached; attention; best regards; confirm; contract; copy; department;

    expected time of arrival; expected time of departure; hotel accommodation;

    instruction; local time; on account of; message; subject to; reference; week; unless


    Wk; n; r; uu; ref.; atc.; sub.; brgds.; msg.; cnfm.; oa.; ctr.; l.t.;cc.; instr.;

    dept.;hotac.; eta.; etd.;

    A li ti 3

  • 8/10/2019 an 3 modul 1


    Application 3

    Translate the following fax messages into English and write a cover sheetfor it.

    Stimata Doamna Ionescu,

    Va multumim pentru faxul dvs. din 19 oct. 2008. Echipa de consultanti va

    sosi la Iasi miercuri 27 oct. Seful echipei, d-nul Richards, va va contacta,

    fie in acea dupa-amiaza fie joi, pentru a stabili o ora convenabila pentru

    seminarul cu personalul ABC. SA.

    Cu respect,

    David Smith Director General
