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Analysing music magazine

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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INTRODUCTION I have decided to analyze my magazine in the style of pop as this is what I want to base my magazine on. I will take things such as layout, font, pictures, conventions and types of stories and adapt these into my magazine.
Page 1: Analysing music magazine

INTRODUCTIONI have decided to analyze my magazine in the style of pop as this is what I want to base my magazine on. I will take things such as layout, font, pictures, conventions and types of stories and adapt these into my magazine.

Page 2: Analysing music magazine

The main image is Katy Perry who takes up the majority of the magazine, the image is a 3 quarter length shot. Her pose could be classed as being graceful because her body language is very soft and her face is innocent, she also comes across very mature, this could attract a different type of reader who is used to seeing how Katy is usually put across. This could attract an older audience who are drawn to the innocent look of Katy. The whole image is bright because of the colours used. The main colours on the image such as yellow are symbolic of happiness, this gives the whole magazine a warm feeling. When looking at the front image it looks very similar to Katy’s ’prism’ front cover. This would attract the target audience as they will be curious to see into the new album and Katy’s new image and more about it before songs were released.

The costume in the image is a pale pink. This light pink looks very innocent and could be symbolic of purity. This costume as well as the colours around it would attract a target audience of younger people because Katy Perry’s videos are excitable and lively, this would therefore attract younger people. An oppositional reader could see this as portraying Katy Perry in a different light as some of her outfits in her music videos could be seen as sexual and revealing.

The masthead is a small font compared to the large ‘Katy’ written in the center at the bottom of the page. I believe this has been done to draw attention to the subject of the article. Billboard is a very popular magazine and can be recognized by its font, a target audience would recognize Billboard and focus more on the topic of the magazine. I believe the colour white has been used on the masthead to show innocence and also to draw attention to the colours and the main image.

The selling lines of the magazine are important of the magazine as they show a different side of Katy Perry and will attract fans (the target audience) as they will be curious to see what has happened to Katy, it would also attract a oppositional reader to see another side to Katy compared to the younger more fun character.

Page 3: Analysing music magazine

The main image is of Rhianna, it is a mid shot but focuses mainly on her face. Her facial expressions are friendly and would attract a younger audience as she looks fun and playful. An oppositional reader could see this as out of character for Rhianna as her usual image and videos can be raunchy and sexual. Although Rhianna’s usual image could fit with the theme of the magazine which is focused on rude subjects and being naked in the one direction section.

The main colour pink on this image has been used to attract females as the whole magazine is focused on females, hence the skyline which has ‘gossip, fashion, boys’ which is aimed mainly at females.

The masthead is very large and takes up a large part of the page. It stands out and will automatically attract the target audience. This is because the word ‘pop’ stands out so will therefore attract that kind of audience.

The selling lines of the magazine are important as they give the reader a clearer indication on what’s inside the magazine. The selling lines will attract younger people (target audience) as the headlines are different and wacky. This will humor the reader and make them want to read the magazine although an oppositional reader might see the magazine as inappropriate for a younger audience. The magazine selling lines as a whole focus more on other stars than Rhianna (who is the main image). Rhianna could therefore be representing pop music as a whole rather than herself, this would work as pop music is usually seen as cheesy and excitable.

The outfit is different and bold. The colour is subtle and allows the reader to focus more on the headlines than Rhianna. The pale colour could be used to show innocence and deflect away from Rhianna’s usual image so a much younger audience will want to read it and there parents will want them reading it also. The red in Rhianna’s hair is very bold and could attract a younger audience as it is different. Although an oppositional reader could view this as looking stupid. Red could also have connotations of lust which fits in with the headlines and Rhianna’s image.

Page 4: Analysing music magazine

The masthead is bold and makes the title stand out and the reader aware of what they are reading.

The main image is the only image on the page which is unusual for a contents page although it makes the image stand out and the overall theme of the magazine clear .

The colour scheme stands out as it is all in grey and black. This makes the page stand out as it makes the reader drawn to the only colour that is on the page which is the heart. This makes the reader curious to read on and see why this is. The heart also stands out because it is being placed on him by someone else. This suggests someone has given him a heart. This makes the grey around him show that the person he loves is more important than anything around him.

Kanye’s expressions on the main image are very stern and he looks very serious. His body language matches his face. A preferred reader would like this as it shows Kanye’s personality as a rapper and suits his genre. Although a oppositional reader could see this as quite cold and would not want to read about Kanye’s life..

The page is split into 3 sections on features, fashion, and information on the main image. Having 3 sections is common for a content page and I will create my content layout very similar to this as it is recognisable as a contents. However a normal content usually has more than 1 image and also has the sections cut of to make them clearer. I think this makes this particular contents page intriguing as it is not like a normal and suggests that this magazine could be more important than a usual one. I will therefore take inspiration from this as it is unique and will attract more readers. It also focuses on one main person. A preferred reader might like this as it shows of the main topic and makes them see that as the most important although a oppositional reader might see this as one dimensional and might want to see more advertisement on other issues in the magazine.

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The masthead used is very clear and makes the reader know exactly what they are reading.

The colour scheme here is mainly red. The colour is symbolic of alert and makes the reader alert. The brightness of this colour automatically draws the reader to the red points on the page. This is effective as all of the subheadings are in red. This means they stand out more and give the reader an over view on what’s in the magazine.

The main image matches perfectly with the retro theme to the magazine. The image is the biggest on the page and is the main attraction. The pug saying ‘cover story’ is effective as it shows the reader what the image is related to.

The other images on the page are effective as they show the reader multiple subjects to come in the magazine.

The page is split in to 3 main columns. This is common for a magazine. The columns are split clearly which is helpful for a reader. An oppositional reader might see this page as confusing as the columns don’t have clear subheadings and the reader might struggle to know what the magazine is about if they are nor familiar with the artists shown.

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The main title is ‘Eminem’ with the e in red backwards. This is a trademark for Eminem and shows a preferred reader who would know who Eminem is who the article is about by first opening the page.

The main colour used is red. The only colours used here are red and black. Less colours have been used to show a serious side to Eminem's story and to give more attention to the text. The colour red is often associated with danger and links to the title ‘I almost died’. The main image is a mid shot of Eminem and the blood on him shows the hurt and pain of this. Eminem's facial expressions show hurt and suffering and shows the seriousness of the situation he has been interviewed about. The vulnerability of him in this image deflects away from how he is usually portrayed in the media and makes a reader more intrigued to read.

The background on the page is white. This means the readers main attention is on the writing and the image. The costume on Eminem is also white. The bright harsh white used creates a hospital scene in the readers mind this draws attention to the blood on him which is linked to the main story on Eminem almost dying. Therefore all of it links back to the story and once again shows the importance of it which is what the writer wanted to achieve. The bright harsh white used creates a hospital scene in the readers mind and

The text has been split into two columns in-between the main image. The font is in a clear black font which will make it easy to read. Having the columns split will make it easier for the reader to read as they can space time in-between reading. The amount of writing used is effective as it takes up a lot of the page but it is not to much writing and the reader will not get bored of reading it.

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The background of the double page spread is pale pink. This colour is very feminine and attracts the target audience to want to read it. Although a oppositional reader might not want to read this article as it is not appealing to males.

The text is split all over the page in mixed fonts and different colours (black and pink) the font is clear which will mean it is easy for a reader to read, although the mix of fonts could look confusing to a reader and put them of reading the article. When first looking over the double page it looks like there is a large amount of writing, although the image separates a large amount of the writing which is helpful and appealing to a reader as they can have time to digest the one section of information before moving onto the next section.

The main image is a mid shot of the popstar Nicki Minaj. Her costume is very bold and unique and will attract a readers attention when first opening the page. Her face seems shocked which could show she is shocked about fame although a oppositional reader might see this as Nicki thinking she is better than everyone lse judging by her ‘icon’ ring.

The title is very bold and takes up most of the page. The font used is a trade mark to Nicki Minaj. This will make a reader recognise straight away who the article is about. The pink colour used will stand out to the target audience and make them want to read on.

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