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Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services … · 2012-12-01 · 1....

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Attachment A GE Energy Executive Summary Analysis of Wind Generation on ERCOT Ancillary Services Impact Requirements Prepared for: Electric Reliability Council of Texas March 28, 2008
Page 1: Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services … · 2012-12-01 · 1. Quantitatively assess the impact of various wind development scenarios on the levels of ancillary

Attachment A

GE Energy

Executive Summary

Analysis of Wind Generationon ERCOT Ancillary Services



Prepared for:

Electric Reliability Council of Texas

March 28, 2008

Page 2: Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services … · 2012-12-01 · 1. Quantitatively assess the impact of various wind development scenarios on the levels of ancillary


This document was prepared by General Electric International, Inc. under contract to Electric

Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.

Project Manager:

Reigh A. Walling

GE EnergyOne River Road

Building 2, Room 618Schenectady, New York 12345

GE Project Team:

Venkat BanunarayananAmanvir ChahalLavelle FreemanJerry Martinez

Nicholas MillerDevin Van Zandt

Mark WallingReigh Walling

GE Energy -ii-

Page 3: Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services … · 2012-12-01 · 1. Quantitatively assess the impact of various wind development scenarios on the levels of ancillary


This report was prepared by General Electric Company (GE) as an account of work sponsoredby Electric Reliability Council of Texas. Neither Electric Reliability Council of Texas nor GE,nor any person acting on behalf of either:

1. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the useof any information contained in this report, or that the use of any information,apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the report may not infringe privatelyowned rights

2. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of or for damage resulting from theuse of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report.

GE Energy -iii-

Page 4: Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services … · 2012-12-01 · 1. Quantitatively assess the impact of various wind development scenarios on the levels of ancillary


A fundamental requirement of reliable power system operation is that the amount ofpower generation must exactly match, on a near-instantaneous basis, the amount ofcustomer load demand. A category of services, called "ancillary services", are procuredby the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) power market to facilitate theoperation and balancing of the system. ERCOT currently uses several ancillary servicesto control system frequency and ensure system reliability. In the past, this imbalancemight occur due to the variability of load, inaccuracies in the prediction of load levels, orthe unplanned loss of resources. Unlike conventional generation, the electrical output ofwind generation plants cannot be dispatched 1, but is inherently variable and impreciselypredictable. Thus, addition of wind generation resources increases the amount ofvariability and unpredictability that must be addressed in system operations. Theintegration of increasing amounts of wind generation capacity into the ERCOT systeminevitably leads to changing requirements for ancillary services procurement.

The ancillary services in the ERCOT nodal market design are:

" Regulation Service - is used to maintain the instantaneous balance between loadand generation resources.

* Responsive Reserve Service - is generation resources held in reserve to addressloss of generation resources and unexpected large changes in generationrequirements.

* Non-Spinning Reserve Service - are generation resources that can come on linewith short (presently thirty minute) notice to compensate for load forecast errors.

* Replacement Reserves - are used to commit additional capacity based onforecasted load, either for load balance or congestion.

ERCOT has commissioned GE Energy to perform an intensive study of ancillary servicesrequirements for the system to accommodate large-scale expansion of wind generationcapacity. AWS Truewind, LLC, (AWST) was a major co-contributor to the study. Theresults provide the information needed to guide ERCOT and the PUCT in evaluating thereliability implications of large-scale wind generation penetration, and to develop theprocedures and protocols for ancillary services procurement needed to strike the properbalance between system reliability and economic operation of the system.

1 Wind generation can be "turned down", or curtailed, from its potential output, but cannot be increased

beyond the power level provided by the existing wind velocity. Curtailment "spills" non-recoverableenergy., thus curtailment on a continuous basis to render a wind plant equally dispatchable as aconventional plant is not practical. Where appropriate wind plant controls are installed, wind plantturndown can potentially be used to provide regulation service in certain circumstances.

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The specific objectives of this study are to:

1. Quantitatively assess the impact of various wind development scenarios onthe levels of ancillary services required.

2. Evaluate the methodology used by ERCOT to determine the amount ofancillary services' required, and recommend improvements to thatmethodology where appropriate.

3. Estimate the impact of wind generation on the costs to procure ancillaryservices.

4. Identify changes to current procedures or new procedures required foroperations with impending severe weather conditions.

Study ApproachThe study focuses on five wind penetration scenarios that have been defined by ERCOT,ranging from zero to 15,000 MW of wind capacity. Although this 15,000 MW level ofwind generation will take several years to develop, and the present wind capacity is onthe order of 5,000 MW, these wind scenarios are applied to a system model representing2008 load levels and generation composition for consistency. The 15,000 MW of windgeneration applied to the 2008 loading results in a 23% penetration on a nameplate windgeneration capacity to peak load basis. This is equivalent in terms of wind penetration to18,456 MW of wind generation applied to the forecast 2017 system load.

The allocation of wind generation capacity by Competitive Renewable Energy Zones(CREZ) was defined by ERCOT. Table 1 lists these allocations, and Figure 1 shows thegeographic locations of the CREZs. Wind generation profiles, on a one-minuteresolution, were produced by AWST for a two-year period based on the meteorologicalconditions present in the years 2005 and 2006. Day-ahead wind generation forecasts,with hourly resolution, were also synthesized by AWST for the same period. ERCOTprovided system load history, with one-minute resolution for the same two years, as wellas day-ahead hourly load forecasts. Thus the wind and load were described by fullysynchronized data. The load and load forecast data were scaled up to reflect 2007 and2008 levels.

The study performs sequential time-series modeling of the wind and-load behaviors, aswell as the processes used to forecast both wind and load. Extensive statistical analysesare used to characterize the wind and load variability. Detailed modeling is performed ofancillary service deployments to determine both the amount of ancillary service requiredto be procured as a function of wind penetration, and to assess the suitability ofprocurement procedures. System-wide power production simulation is performed todetermine the ability of the system to provide ancillary services, as well as to estimate thecosts of these services.

The impacts of wind generation on ancillary service requirements cannot be evaluated byexamining wind generation output characteristics independently from the simultaneousbehavior of the load. Factors causing inaccuracy in wind forecasting may also affect loadforecasting (e.g., arrival time of a cold front). Operationally, the dispatchable generation

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output must conform to the characteristics of the net load, defined as the aggregatecustomer load demand minus the aggregate wind generation output. The fundamentalapproach of this study is to analyze the net load variability and the resulting impacts onancillary services requirements brought on by increasing penetrations of wind generation.

Table 1 - Wind Capacity Allocation by CREZ

Wind Development ScenarioCREZ Zone 5000 MW 10,000 MW (1) 10,000 MW (2) 15,000 MW

none 120 120 120 1202 60 1,560 1,560 2,3404 0 1,500 0 05 355 1,355 1,355 1,3556 400.5 400.5 400.5 1,278.37 65 65 65 97.59 814 1,314 1,314 1,97110 2,464.5 2,964.5 2,964.5 4,446.812 400 400 400 60014 160 160 160 24015 60 60 60 9019 101 101 101 211.524 0 0 1,500 2,250

Figure 1 - CREZ map, zones included in the study are shown in red.

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The key assumptions in this study are:

" Transmission constraints are ignored. Policy is to develop transmissionto support the wind generation additions, so today's transmissionconstraints are not necessarily relevant to the future.

" The make-up of the non-wind generation fleet in ERCOT (i.e., thepercentages comprising single cycle gas turbines, coal, nuclear, etc.) isassumed to remain the same as it is today.

Other assumptions are documented in the main report.

Net Load VariabilityWind generation in Texas has a diurnal component of variation that tends to be anti-correlated, or out-of-phase, with the daily load curve. Wind generation output tends to bethe greatest at night and least in the daytime, with wind generation tending to dropsharply in the morning when load is rising quickly, and increase sharply in the eveningwhen load is dropping. The inverse-phase relationship appears to be stronger in thesummer than during other seasons. The winter afternoon load rise tends to coincide witha general increase in wind production, but there are times when wind is also rampingdown in this period. Figure 2 illustrates the cyclic patterns of load, wind generation, andnet load for the month of April.


60000 - - -- - -'Load

50000 ------------- Net Load------


10000 - -


> >

Figure 2- Load, 15 GW of wind generation, and net load for April of study year

The variability of net load is much less than the sum of the variabilities of load and windgeneration considered in isolation. Net load variability increases linearly with windgeneration capacity. For longer time spans (more than five minutes), net load variabilityis primarily driven by the long term ramp, but in shorter time spans there is anincremental component due to stochastic variation. With the same wind generatingcapacity, the incremental variability due to wind increases as the time span becomeslonger, but appears to taper off, and appears to saturate at longer timeframes as shown inFigure 3.

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14%". 12%

10%0 8%

6% -- -

4% -s-5O000MW --

2% 1-0,-1O,0 MW _,,, 10,000 MW

0% -*--15,000 MW

1 10 100

Timespan (minutes)

Figure 3 - - Increase in variability, relative to load alone, due to wind generation capacityas a function of time span

Wind generation tends to have a greater overall impact on variability in the summer, latespring and early fall, but variations in winter and early spring tend to be moreoperationally significant due to the low net load levels. The instantaneous windgeneration penetration reaches 57% of served load during low-load periods with highwind, when the wind generation capacity reaches 15,000 MW. The minimum net load,served by the non-wind generation, is reduced by 56% during this period.

Net Load Predictability

The impact of wind on the accuracy of day-ahead prediction was studied by comparingnet load forecast error under the various wind generation scenarios with day-ahead loadforecast errors. Predictability was analyzed by time-of-year and time-of-day usingvarious statistical techniques.

The results revealed that, load and wind generation forecast errors are virtuallyindependent; they do not systematically coincide or reinforce each other. It is unlikely forthe most severe load and wind errors to occur in the same hour.

Net load forecast accuracy decreases with increasing wind penetration, as shown by theincreasing error metrics in Figure 4. The larger wind forecast errors tend to be under-forecast errors, which skew the frequency distribution of the net load in the direction ofgeneration over-commitment, as shown in Figure 5. This results in an operating costpenalty, in contrast to under-under-forecast errors which result in decreased systemsecurity.

Extreme net-load forecast errors tend to be larger in non-summer months, than summermonths. Across all seasons, during the morning load rise hours, net load tends to begenerally over-forecasted relative to load alone. With wind generation, late evening hourstend to have lower net load forecast accuracy (relative to load-alone forecast accuracy)and incrementally larger extreme net load under-forecast errors, which may lead tounder-commitment of resources. However, these are typically the hours of the day whenresource needs are low. During afternoon to early evening (peak) hours during summer

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and fall, there are incrementally larger net load under-forecast errors with windgeneration. The size of these errors, relative to load errors, are such that they maypotentially lead to under-commitment of resources during peak load times when they aremost needed.

2500 -- 15%

* MAE (MW)



2000 A %RMSE - 12%

r~ 1500 9% W0


1000 - 6%

500 ......... ..... 3%

Load L-5,000 MW L-10,000 MW L-15,000 MW

Figure 4 - Trend in net load forecast error (MAE is mean absolute error, and RMSE is root-mean-square error, which tends to accentuate large error values.

1200Under Forecast Over Forecast

1100 ------------------- --- --- ----------------------- od-ln -

10 -Load-5000MW-COOO Under- Commitment U Load-15000MW




0 600o

500 . . ....

4 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

300200 ------- ------ ---.-- -----.




F ~oo P, , ) DJý0a)o00 ) d 00000 o 000000000C, I 1 0 0 , , -o -- -

d88 8 8 o 0 ... oJ N) M W W 4 -N M

0b foecs 0o ov tes

Figure 5 - Distribution of net load forecast errors over the study year

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Impacts of Wind on System Energy ProductionEconomic simulation was performed of the ERCOT system in order to determine theoperational impact of various levels of wind generation on the balance of the systemgeneration. Production simulation, using the GE MAPS program, revealed the changesin the hourly spot prices, or marginal cost of energy, and the hourly value, or opportunitycost, of spinning reserves for each of the wind penetration scenarios. Economicsimulation was also used to examine the influence of wind generation output forecasts onoperating costs.

Results show that increased wind energy production is primarily offset by decrease intotal annual production of combined-cycle gas turbine plants (assuming constant systemload). For every 1000 MWh of wind generation, combined-cycle plant energy outputdrops approximately 800 MWh. The annual energy outputs, by generation type, areshown in Figure 6. Nuclear and hydro units are not shown as their annual outputs arevirtually unaffected.

During light load periods with high wind levels in the 15,000 MW wind generationcapacity scenario, combined cycle plant commitment and dispatch levels are reduced tonear zero during the overnight hours. Even coal plants see significant turn-downs inthese periods.

The decrease in total system energy production cost, per MWh of wind energy produced,remains nearly constant between $53/MWh and $55/MWh for the 5,000 MW through15,000 MW wind generation capacity scenarios.


U Zero Wind140,000

5 GW Wind120,000 - 010 GW Wind - Case 1

o00,000 - 10 GW Wind - Case 2C, 15 GW WindL 80,000





Figure 6 - - Generation by type.

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4 0 0D 0 - - - --.. .- - --. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. . .

350DOO300DO---- --



01 8 15 22 29 36 43 5D 57 64 71 7M M 929 106 113 12) 127 134 141 1e 155 162



Figure 7 - Dispatch for peak wind generation output week, 15 GW wind generation capacityscenario.

In general, as the wind generation penetration increases, it displaces the higher costthermal generation and reduces the overall spot price of energy. In some cases the spotprices are slightly higher due to the imperfections in the state-of-the-art forecast used.

Results of the MAPS simulations showed that the accuracy and utilization of day-aheadwind generation output forecasts has significant impact spot prices. Compared to thepresent "state-of-the-art" wind forecast accuracy, a perfect forecast would raise the pricesfor nearly all hours. If wind forecasting is totally ignored in the day-ahead unitcommitment, spot prices are decreased dramatically due to over-commitment of thermalunits.

Regulation Service Requirements

The incremental regulation requirements due to wind generation are highly correlated tothe multi-hour ramp rate of wind generation. This ramping impact is more significant toregulation than the increase in stochastic "noise". The overall tendency is for averageup- and down-regulation deployments to increase linearly with wind generation capacity,reaching 18 MW with 15,000 MW of wind. The 98.8th percentiles of deployment,however, increase 54 MW (23%) for up-regulation and 48 MW (20%) for down-regulation. Figure 8 shows the frequency distribution of changes in hourly maximumregulation deployments between the zero wind and 15,000 MW wind scenarios.

Regulation deployment changes, due to wind, vary greatly for different times of day andseasons. The impact of wind generation on up-regulation procurement is greatest in thesummer mornings and evenings all year. Between zero wind and 15,000 MW of windgeneration capacity, up-regulation in the evening (1800) increases 65%. On a percentageincrease basis, the overnight hours have a large regulation increase 52% over the smallamount required without wind. The period with the greatest regulation requirements forload alone (zero wind), mornings, has an increase of 26% when 15,000 MW of wind is

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added to the system. Down-regulation procurement requirements are increased in theevening all year, increasing 32% between the zero wind and 15,000 MW scenarios. Thevariation of regulation requirements with wind penetration, for selected critical timeperiods, are shown in Figure 9.


• 20%0

" 15%0

5 10%-5%




_ U II0% - to4 ,M - -mmm E n

D.4 0, 0 0 00000~O 0 .~CI= S .... ... ,1 741

Change in Regulation

Figure 8 - Frequency distribution of changes in hourly maximum regulation deploymentsbetween the 15,000 MW wind scenario and the zero wind scenario.

-" 600

r Soo

4 500

Uj0€x. 300



2 100


-Morning (0700 -1000)o Evening (1800)

A Mid-Day(1400)

* Night (2300)

o7 . . . .. . . .......

-.... e.......... .........






r -10020

a--200-Evening (1800)

UJ Z -30031.9%

• -400 ............. (more sever

1! -500


0 5000 10000

Wind Capacity (MW)15000 0 5000 10000

Wind Capacity (MW)


Figure 9- Up-regulation (left) and down-regulation (right) deployment (average 9 8 .8thpercentile) as a function of wind generation capacity. (Down regulation isplotted as a negative value.)

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Regulation Service Procurement

By and large, the present ERCOT regulation procurement methodology continues to beadequate with a large penetration of wind capacity in the system, from the standpoint ofprocuring sufficient regulation service. Procurements continue to cover 98.6% to 98.8%of the deployment requirements, as planned for in the methodology. There are no periodswhere the wind generation causes a significant increase in under-procurement frequency.

The average and root-mean square measures of under-procurement magnitudes, theamount of regulation required that exceeds the amount procured, increase on a MW basiswith wind capacity. However, when viewed relative to the amount of regulationprocured, the under-deployment magnitude remains the same for up-regulation anddecreases for down-regulation.

The study assessed steady-state levels of wind generation penetration. The presentregulation procurement methodology may maintain accuracy when there are large year-to-year increases in wind generation capacity. An improved approach to factor in thisgrowth has been detailed in the report.

Incorporation of day-ahead wind forecast information into the regulation procurementmethodology may also be able to reduce the amount of regulation procured, whileretaining the accuracy of procurement. These improvements require a break from thecurrent practice of procuring a constant amount of regulation service for a given hour ofday for a month. Adjustments can be made to the regulation procured based on theforecast wind generation ramp rate and forecast wind variability.

Regulation Availability and Cost

There appears to be sufficient up-regulation range available for all hours with all of thewind generation scenarios investigated. There are a limited number of hours per year, atwind generation capacities greater than 10,000 MW, when there is insufficientmaneuverability of committed generation to meet down-regulation requirements. Anexample of down-regulation inadequacy, assuming strictly economic unit commitmentand dispatch, is shown in Figure 10. There are various ways that the down-regulation canbe provided, including modification of unit commitment and dispatch for these periods.

The total regulation service procured in a year increases with wind generation capacity.However, increased wind capacity tends to reduce the per-MWh costs for non-windgenerating units to provide regulation service. The increased requirement for regulationservice is more or less offset by the decreasing per-MWh price, yielding a cost ofregulation per MWh of wind generation that is very small, ranging between -$0.18/MWhto +$0.27/MWh, depending on the wind capacity scenario and wind forecast accuracyassumptions.

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1400 -







099 106 113 120127 134 141148155 1621 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85 92


Figure 10 - Regulation ramping capacity provided, by generation unit type, for theminimum-load week in the 15,000 MW wind generation capacity scenario.

Extreme Weather Events

Geographic diversity of the wind generation limits the rate at which aggregate windgeneration output can change. Extreme changes in wind occur as rapid ramps, not asabrupt changes that occur for a conventional power plant trip. Extreme wind generationoutput changes are almost always due to predictable weather phenomena, and are morelikely to occur in the morning, and in the evening during winter.

The frequency and severity of extreme short-term (15 minute to one hour) windgeneration output changes increase at a faster than linear rate with increasing windgeneration capacity, as shown in Figure 11.


u 25


40 15

.0 10Ez 5

00 5000 10000 15000 20000

Wind Capacity (MW)

Figure 11 - Number of periods where the net load increase, over 15 and 30 minute periods,are greater than the most-severe net load increase for load alone.

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Based on meteorological analysis, the maximum 30-minute drop in wind generation ispredicted to be 2836 MW for the 15,000 MW wind generation capacity scenario, with amean recurrence of once every three to five years. Based on analysis of the modeledwind production data, a 30-minute drop of approximately 2400 MW might occur onceper year.

For the 15,000 MW wind scenario, a 30-minute change in net load, greater than themaximum 30-minute change for load alone, occurs approximately 24 times per year. Themaximum 30-minute rise in net load is 4502 MW for this wind generation capacityscenario, compared to 3101 MW for load alone.

Responsive and Non-Spin Reserve Services

Responsive Reserve Service (RRS) has been employed by ERCOT for both load changesin excess of regulation procurement, and generation contingencies. These twofundamental needs for RRS, distinct in a system of conventional loads and generation,effectively merge together when non-dispatchable wind generation is added to thesystem. Individual wind generator unit trips are insignificant to the ERCOT system.Wind generation, however, is subject to uncontrollable output decreases in the same waythat system load is subject to uncontrollable increases. Both wind generation decreaseand load increase are continuous (i.e., ramping) events, not abrupt changes likegeneration trips. Thus, wind generation extreme output drops are like a load increase,despite the fact that they constitute a generation "contingency".

Unpredicted load changes, occurring over a period longer than thirty-minutes, can beaccommodated by calling up Non-Spinning Reserve Service (NSRS) units. ERCOT doesnot presently procure NSRS for all hours, but limits this procurement to periodsidentified as "high risk". ERCOT presently defines "high risk" as periods when "hotweather, cold weather, or uncertain weather is expected, and when amounts of spinningreserve less than 4,600 MW (including that used for RRS) are projected". These criteriaare focused on the load behavior. Increased penetration of wind generation, acting as a"negative load", suggests that additional criteria for wind variability need to be includedin the high-risk period definition.

RRS RequirementsRRS requirements are driven by system reliability, and must consider the probability andseverity of events causing unanticipated changes in generation or load over a short periodof time. Because the present ERCOT RRS requirement of 2300 MW is based on loss ofthe two largest generating units, the present standard is implicitly based on the jointprobability of two such trips. Unlike large plant trips, which are discrete events, there isa continuous relationship between the magnitude and probability of unanticipated windgeneration output changes, just as there is a similar relationship for load changes.

With significant wind penetration, RRS requirements should be determined consideringthe joint probabilities of generation trips and unanticipated changes in load and windgeneration output. Because load and wind generation changes are fast ramps, theirmagnitude for determining RRS requirements are relevant only up to the power change

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that can occur within the time until other resources, such as NSRS or re-dispatch ofcommitted units, can respond.

Wind generation extreme changes are concentrated into particular times of day andseasons. Thus, RRS requirements with high wind penetration should be temporallyvariable, on an hourly and seasonal basis, to minimize system operating cost whilemaintaining reliable operation. In addition to standing patterns, the RRS procurementshould be adjusted for periods of specific risk.

Tradeoffs Between RRS and NSRS

Fast drops in wind generation output are a fast ramp event more equivalent to ananomalous load rise and RRS need only be procured to cover these events to the degreethat they cannot be covered by NSRS. The shorter the NSRS startup time, the smaller theRRS procurement required. It is possible that a change in NSRS startup timerequirements could be economically attractive. However, a change of ERCOT's NSRSstartup time requirement may be disruptive as existing units participating in the NSRSmarket are likely to have been configured assuming the present thirty minute startuptime. A possible solution is to develop an additional "quick-start non-spinning reserve"service with a shorter startup criterion. Units that are capable can participate in thismarket, and this will incent future generating unit additions or modifications that permitquick starting.

Periods of Risk

Extreme wind generation changes are generally caused by weather conditions that areforecastable. Although wind generation forecast might not predict the timing andmagnitude of events with total precision, forecasters are able to indicate periods of riskwhen weather conditions are prone to severe wind generation output changes. Therefore,RRS requirements should be adjusted based on forecast risk. ERCOT's present OperatingGuides allow RRS to be increased for periods of "extreme conditions". With high windgeneration penetration, it is important that identified periods of wind volatility should beincluded in the definition of extreme conditions.

ERCOT's ancillary services methodology calls for procurement of NSRS for definedsystem conditions related to month of year and ambient temperature conditions in thelarge load areas. Wind generation forecast uncertainty needs to. be added to this list ofconditions where NSRS is required. On a day-ahead basis, the wind forecasters shouldbe able to assess the uncertainty in their forecasts and ERCOT can procure NSRSaccordingly.

Because present commitment schedules are based on the mean (50% confidence level)forecast for system load, and both load and wind are subject to forecast error, it is notconsistent to use the mean forecast for load and a biased forecast (e.g., 80% confidencelevel) for wind generation. The system would be more efficiently operated if the mean,unbiased forecast were used for both wind generation and load, and the appropriatereserves procured according to the total uncertainty.

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General Conclusions

Uncertainty and variability are an inherent part of power system operations; powersystem infrastructure and operating practices have developed around the requirement toaccommodate variability and uncertainty. Addition of wind generation capacityincreases both, but does not greatly change their nature. The tools of operation used toaddress these attributes for load alone are expandable to address the net load resultingfrom wind generation partially offsetting connected system load.

An overall observation in this study is that through 5,000 MW of wind generationcapacity, approximately the level of wind capacity presently in ERCOT, wind generationhas limited impact on the system. Its variability barely rises above the inherentvariability caused by system loads. At 10,000 MW wind generation capacity, the impactsbecome more noticeable. By 15,000 MW, the operational issues posed by windgeneration will become a significant focus in ERCOT system operations. However, theimpacts can be addressed by existing technology and operational attention, withoutrequiring any radical alteration of operations.

While ERCOT's present regulation procurement methodology is adequate in terms ofprocuring sufficient regulation service, there are improvements that can be made whichare expected to reduce the amount of procurement while maintaining sufficiency. Mostnotable is the inclusion of wind generation forecast information. Also, adjustments areadvisable to accommodate year-to-year wind generation capacity growth.

Proper use of wind generation forecasting is of critical importance to reliable andefficient operation of the system. In addition to making efficient unit commitmentdecisions, wind forecasts allow ancillary services procurements to be adapted to actualconditions. The risks of extreme weather events are generally very predictable, andappropriate operating decisions can be made to pre-emptively reduce their impact.

High penetration of wind generation reduces loading on thermal units while increasingthe requirements for these units to provide ancillary services. Beyond ERCOT's presentlevel of wind generation capacity, there will be infrequent periods when unit dispatch andcommitment may need to be altered to provide ancillary services. Through the 15,000MW wind generation capacity scenario investigated, these events become progressivelymore frequent.

RecommendationsWind generation forecasts are essential to efficient and secure operation of powersystems with large wind power penetration. ERCOT is encouraged to obtain, andintegrate into system operations and ancillary services procurement, wind generationforecasts that not only assess the predicted wind generation for each hour, but also thedegree of uncertainty in each hour's forecast and a forecast of the expected windvariability on a sub-hourly basis. Wind generation forecast accuracy improvessignificantly as the time horizon shortens. ERCOT should consider introducing a stepbetween the day-ahead and hour-ahead commitments. The one to six hour aheadtimeframe is critical to providing better system reliability and to assure sufficient unitcommitment during those periods when the uncertainty of wind forecasts may cause

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operational problems. Many thermal units can respond to a four-hour ahead scheduleadjustment, for example, based on revised load and wind forecasts.

Wind generation has characteristics resembling load, but with a negative sense. ERCOTpresently uses a 50% confidence level load forecast in system operations. To beconsistent, 50% confidence level (unbiased) wind forecasts should be used as well tocalculate the net load forecast to which non-wind generation is committed anddispatched. There is no fundamental difference in the nature and development over timeof wind and load forecast errors; both evolve. Although wind forecast error are greaterthan load forecast errors, on a percentage basis, uncertainty in the wind forecast is moreappropriately addressed by procuring ancillary services than by distorting unitcommitment. For example, non-spin reserves could be procured to cover the differencebetween the unbiased wind production forecast and the forecast wind production at amore conservative confidence level. Using a biased forecast would force moredispatchable generation to be committed, removing the operational flexibility to addressthe wind forecast inaccuracy with less-expensive NSRS instead of what is functionally anincrease in spinning reserve.

Conservative levels of responsive and non-spinning reserves, broadly applied over alltimes, can provide a secure but inefficient system. The risks to system security fromlarge, rapid decreases in wind generation output are not uniformly distributed over time.System efficiency is improved if the procured amount of these reserves is adjustedcommensurate with risk factors. Information in this report provides a great deal ofinformation on the general temporal (seasonal and time of day) trends in this risk. Thesegeneral trends can be used to guide longer-term ancillary service procurement planning(e.g., month ahead). However, day ahead forecasts, and possibly shorter term forecasts,should be used as the basis of ancillary service procurement.

ERCOT should consider introducing a new non-spin reserve service with a startup timeof ten to fifteen minutes. This can significantly reduce the amount of responsive reservesneeded for identified periods of wind generation drop risk.

The regulation services are presently in amounts that vary over the hours of each day, butwith the pattern repeated for all days of the month. Using forecast data, with both windramping influence and wind variability (turbulence) considered, the regulation serviceprocurements should be adjusted for each hour on a day-ahead basis.

The results reported here assume that the amount and mix of conventional thermalgeneration, relative to load growth, will remain constant. It is important that the amountand character of generation capable of delivering ancillary services be tracked. Exit fromthe market of significant participants could have adverse impacts on the availability andprice of ancillary services. A consideration of market design should be providingsufficient incentives to maintain the availability of ancillary services.

The rules and definitions of ancillary services should be continuously reviewed andrefined in order to encourage and include a broad range of participants in the competitiveancillary service market. In so far as it is consistent with system reliability, alltechnologies should be given an opportunity to participate and prove their economicvalue. This could include load control with sufficient response to provide regulation,

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Page 19: Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services … · 2012-12-01 · 1. Quantitatively assess the impact of various wind development scenarios on the levels of ancillary

energy storage, and wind generation. Wind generation can be very effective in providingdown-regulation, when the value of that regulation service exceeds the opportunity valueof the wind energy not delivered.

While the pace of wind generation growth in ERCOT is rapid, there is an opportunity forERCOT to gather data, evaluate potential changes, and implement changes based on realoperational data before wind generation capacity reaches the maximum levelsinvestigated in this study. ERCOT is encouraged to collect, analyze, and act on thisevolving stream of data. Particular attention should be given to monitoring systemoperations during periods of low load combined with high wind generation output.

Particular attention should be devoted to thorough analysis of major operational eventsrelated to wind generation variability and imprecise predictability. Frequency of suchevents should be determined and compared to the projections in this study. Ameteorological root-cause analysis should be performed for each major event, andreasons for deviations between forecast and actual behavior should be ascertained. Asnecessary, ancillary services procedures should be updated as actual long-term statisticsevolve.

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