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Anatomy of Anterior abdominal muscles

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Page 1: Anatomy of Anterior abdominal muscles
Page 2: Anatomy of Anterior abdominal muscles


Anterior Abdominal Muscles

Professor Emeritus Moira O’Brien


Trinity College


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Anterior Abdominal Wall

• The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall play a major role in movements of the trunk

• Protecting the abdominal organs• Increase the intra-abdominal

pressure, aid in expiration and all straining activities such as micturition, coughing and vomiting

• Supplied by lower five intercostal and subcostal nerves


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Anterior Abdominal Muscles

• Strong abdominals are important in helping to stabilise the trunk

• Support the spine• They flex and rotate the trunk • Acting with the adductors and

abductors of the hip• They help to stabilise the pelvis

during walking and running


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• Superficial fatty layer• Membranous layer of

superficial fascia• Below umbilicus• Continuous with Colles’

fascia in the perineum

Anterior Abdominal Wall MOB TCD

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• Lower five intercostal nerves• Subcostal nerve T12• 10th intercostal nerve is at the

level of the umbilicus• Iliohypogastric nerve L1• Ilioinguinal nerve L1

Skin of Anterior Abdominal Wall MOB TCD

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Blood Supply and Lymphatics

• Intercostal vessels• Skin above umbilicus

superficial veins and lymphatics drain to axilla

• Skin below umbilicus superficial veins and lymphatics drain to long saphenous vein

• Superficial inguinal glands


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Inguinal Glands

• Proximal group parallel to inguinal ligament

• Enlarged tender inguinal glands

• Part of a generalised lymphadenopathy

• Secondaries


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• Proximal group• Lesions in local structures• Skin of lower anterior

abdominal wall• Gluteal region • Skin of scrotum or labia

Distal superficial glands• Skin of leg area drained by

long saphenous vein• All drain to deep inguinal

glands along femoral vein

Inguinal Glands MOB TCD

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Abdominal Muscles

• External oblique• Internal oblique• Transversus• Rectus abdominus• Pyramidalis• Nerves and vessels • Lie between internal oblique and




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External Oblique

• Origin • Outer surfaces lower

borders lower eight ribs• Interdigitating with serratus

anterior and latissimus dorsi• Fibres pass medially and



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External Oblique Insertion

• Inserted into anterior half of anterior two thirds outer lip of iliac crest

• Aponeurosis in the inguinal region passes anterior to rectus muscle

• Forms the inguinal ligament• Lacunar ligament• Reflected portion of inguinal



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Inguinal and Lacunar Ligaments

• Inguinal ligament aponeurosis is folded back from anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle to form inguinal ligament

• Lacunar ligament triangular, attached to pectineal line. lateral free border medial margin of femoral ring


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Insertion External Oblique

• Pubic crest• Gap for superficial

inguinal ring• Pubic bone • Linea alba • Anterior wall of the

rectus sheath• Zyphoid process


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External Oblique• Acting separately• The external oblique flexes the

vertebral column laterally and rotates it to the opposite side

• If the thorax is fixed by contracting both external obliques, you can tilt the symphysis pubis superiorly and flex the trunk, posterior pelvic tilt

• Movement of the iliac crests determines the direction of the tilt


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Internal Oblique

• Muscular origin lateral two thirds of inguinal ligament

• Anterior two thirds intermediate lip of iliac crest

• Lumbar fascia• Muscular fibres arch over

contents of inguinal canal anterior to rectus muscle

• Fibres pass medially and superiorly


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Insertion Internal Oblique

• Into coastal margin, upper three as fleshy fibres

• Next three as aponeurotic• Inserted into linea alba• Between zyphoid and half way

between umbilicus and pubic symphysis aponeurosis splits

• Anterior layer fuses with external oblique

• Posterior layer fuses with transversus


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Internal Oblique Conjoint Tendon

• Half way between umbilicus and pubic symphysis

• Aponeurosis of the internal oblique and transversus fuse to form conjoint tendon

• Anterior portion of rectus sheath

• Inserted into pectineal line behind superficial inguinal ring


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Internal Oblique

• The right side of the muscle twists to the right and the left side twists to the left

• The lower six intercostals nerve• Subcostal nerve• Iliohypogastric nerves


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Transversus Abdominus

• Origin• Lateral one third of inguinal

ligament• Anterior two thirds of inner lip of

iliac crest• Lumbar fascia• Lower border and inner

surfaces lower six ribs interdigitating with diaphragm


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Insertion Transversus Abdominus

• Into zyphoid, linea alba• Half way between umbilicus

and pubic symphysis• Fuses with posterior lamella of

internal oblique • Below forms conjoint tendon• Inserted into pectineal line

behind superficial inguinal ring


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Transversus Abdominus

• The transversus abdominus helps to support the abdominal viscera

• Maintain intra-abdominal pressure

• Stabilises the lumbar spine• It is supplied by the lower six

intercostals nerves• Subcostal nerves• Iliohypogastric nerves


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Rectus Abdominus

• Segmental muscle• Two heads• Anterior pubic symphysis• Pubic crest• Inserted anterior aspect of 5, 6, 7th

costal cartilages • Adhesions anterior surface• Segmental blood and nerve

supply from Intercostals• The rectus abdominus flexes the trunk


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Rectus Abdominus

• The rectus muscles (recti) are the most powerful flexors of the vertebral column

• When raising the head from a supine position

• A movement often used to strengthen the abdominals

• It is the recti that contract first • When the shoulders start to rise upwards, the

obliques start to contract


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Rectus Sheath

• Above zyphoid• Anterior wall is the external

oblique• Posterior, costal cartilages• From ziphoid and half way

between umbilicus and pubic symphysis

• Anterior is external oblique and anterior lamella of internal oblique

• Posterior lamella internal oblique and transversus


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• Below half way between umbilicus and pubic symphysis

• The aponeurosis of the external oblique, internal oblique and transversus (conjoint tendon) pass anterior to the rectus

• Posterior lies the transversalis fascia

Rectus Sheath MOB TCD

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• Contents• Rectus muscle • Pyramidalis• Superior and inferior epigastric

vessels• Lower five intercostal vessels and


Rectus Sheath MOB TCD

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Transversalis Fascia

• Lines deep aspect of transversus abdominus

• Fuses with inguinal ligament• Continuous with iliac fascia• Except in the region of the

femoral vessels• Forms anterior wall of

femoral sheath


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Extraperitoneal Tissue

• Extraperitoneal connective tissue

• If fatty, it separates the

transversalis fascia from

the peritoneum• If thin, they are in close

contact with one another


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Peritoneal Pouches

• Peritoneal pouches are found in the region of the deep inguinal ring

• Medial portion of the posterior wall

Posterior aspect anterior abdominal wall


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Inguinal Canal

• Intra muscular canal• Lower portion of anterior

abdominal wall

From • Deep inguinal ring• Superficial inguinal ring• Transmits spermatic cord

in male • Round ligament in female


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Superficial Inguinal Ring

• Triangular opening in aponeurosis of external oblique

• Base, pubic crest• Superior crus attached to

the pubic crest• Inferior attached to pubic

tubercle• External spermatic fascia

arises from its margins


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Deep Inguinal Ring

• Oval opening 2.5 cm• Above the middle of inguinal

ligament• Inferior epigastric artery

passes medial to the deep ring


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Interfoveolar Ligament

• The interfoveolar ligament is an inconstant band

• Medial to deep inguinal ring• Anterior to inferior epigastric

vessels• From lower margin of

transversus abdominus • To pectineal lineMcVay & Anson, 1949


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Inguinal Canal

• Anterior Wall• External oblique forms• Whole anterior wall• Internal oblique forms• Lateral half only


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• Posterior Wall• Transversalis fascia• Whole of wall• Medial half conjoint tendon• Medial quarter reflected

portion of inguinal ligament

Inguinal Canal MOB TCD

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• Roof• Arching fibres of internal oblique • Transversus as they both arise

from the inguinal ligament

Roof of Inguinal Canal MOB TCD

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• Floor• Inguinal ligament

forms whole of floor• Medial half by the

lacunar ligament• Reflected part of

inguinal ligament forms medial quarter

Floor of Inguinal Canal MOB TCD

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Passing Through Deep Ring Male

• Vas Deferens• Testicular artery• Pampiniform plexus of veins• Remains of processus vaginalis• Genital branch of genitofemoral

nerve• Lymphatics from testes• Cremaster artery


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Passing through Superficial Ring Male

• Everything that went through deep ring

• Plus• Ilioinguinal nerve• Internal spermatic fascia from

margins of the deep ring• Cremaster muscle and fascia


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Passing through Deep Ring Female

• Round ligament of uterus• Remains of processus vaginalis• Genital branch of genitofemoral

nerve• Lymphatics from uterus, region

of cornu


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Passing through Superficial Ring Female

• Everything that went through deep ring

• Plus ilioinguinal nerve


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Inguinal Canal

• Contraction of the abdominal muscles increases the obliquity of the inguinal canal

• Protecting the two ringsLytle, 1945


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Increase in Intra-Abdominal Pressure

• Pain aggravated by an increase in intra- abdominal pressure

• Hernia• Inguinal or femoral hernia• Entrapment of the

ilioinguinal nerve


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• Chronic pain in the groin in an athlete may be due to a hernia or a potential hernia


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Inguinal Hernia

• Sudden severe pain in lower abdomen

• Associated with lifting a heavy object

• Common history of a direct inguinal hernia


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• Passes through• Deep inguinal ring• May extend to pass

through the superficial ring into the scrotum

• Congenital or acquired • Congenital inside the

tunica vaginalis (serous membrane, covers part of testes)

• Acquired outside

Indirect Inguinal Hernia MOB TCD

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• Enters through posterior wall of the inguinal canal

• Leaves through superficial inguinal ring

• Above and medial to the pubic tubercle

Direct Inguinal Hernia MOB TCD

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Inguinal Hernia MOB TCD

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Inguinal Versus Femoral Hernia

• Inguinal hernia above and medial to pubic tubercle

• Femoral hernia below and lateral to the tubercle

• More common in females and more likely to strangulate


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Femoral Ring MOB TCD

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Femoral Hernia

• Enters through femoral ring• Enters femoral canal• Medial compartment of femoral

sheath• More common in women


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Femoral Hernia MOB TCD

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Saphenous Varix

• Swelling is soft and diffuse

• Empties on minimal pressure

• Refills on release• Cough impulse is



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Gilmore’s Groin

• Common cause of chronic groin pain in field sports

• Particularly soccer players• Pain on any sudden change

of movement, sneezing, coughing


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• Trying to sprint• Will increase the pain • Pain is worse getting out of

bed• The day after a match or a

training session

Gilmore’s Groin MOB TCD

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• Pain is increased by external rotation

• Or hyperextension of hip• Pain is localised to lower

anterior abdominal wall• Adductor or perineal


Gilmore’s Groin MOB TCD

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• Torn external oblique aponeurosis

• Torn conjoint tendon• A dehiscence between

conjoint tendon and the inguinal ligament

• The absence of a hernial sac• Superficial inguinal ring on the

affected side is dilated and tender

• Cough impulse

Gilmore’s Groin MOB TCD

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• Treatment is surgical • 90% return to sport• Strengthen lower

abdominal muscles

1. Plication of the transversalis fascia in “Shouldice hernia repair”

2. Repair of torn conjoint tendon

Gilmore’s Groin Surgery MOB TCD

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3. Approximation of conjoint tendon to the inguinal ligament

4. Repair of the external oblique

5. Reconstitution of the superficial inguinal ring

Gilmore’s Groin Surgery MOB TCD

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